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B Y , N E E M A S E M S A R

Air Pollution

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Interesting Facts

Air pollution is when oil or gases mixes with the air

Carbon dioxide is a green house and warming the earth but it is the main pollutant also vehicles'

Air pollution is effecting the ozone layer

Air pollution makes acid rain and it contaminates the water

Air pollution is making holes in the ozone layer

Finally air pollution people have disease and makes people die

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Lesson Learned

The lesson I learned is to not liter. The reason why is because it pollutes the air . Plus if you walk or bike Not drive it helps the air . Also if you see trash you should recycle it . So from know on I will do those things . So that’s what I learned .

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Spreading the Word

I will be spreading the word by telling my parents

I will also put a sign that says Stop Polluting the air

Finally I will tell people in my neighborhood

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My Pledge

I pledge to start riding my bike more because if I use the car less I won’t be polluting the air . Also if I start being more green I will also be helping the environment . Finally my last pledge is to make less waste by finishing my food .

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Final thoughts

Prevent this from happing .

Make this happen .