Download - Sell Larger Amounts of Your More Expensive products or services

Page 1: Sell Larger Amounts of Your More Expensive products or services

Sell Larger Amounts of Your More Expensive Products or Services

Page 2: Sell Larger Amounts of Your More Expensive products or services

• I just want to start out by letting you know that my goal with this blog is to give you the top, best, and easiest yet massively profitable strategies to grow your business.

That said....

Sell Larger Amounts of Your More Expensive Products or Services

Page 3: Sell Larger Amounts of Your More Expensive products or services

• About a month ago I was working with one of our business owners and looking at all the ways to make their marketing more profitable. At the time, we were focusing on their A B offer or a 2-part precious medal product offer.

Sell Larger Amounts of Your More Expensive Products or Services

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Two Part Offers for Business Profit Explained

What that means is they had version of the same product one basic version with a basic price and another version that provided an extra value for a higher price. In this case, it was longer customer support and a few more perks that made the customer experience higher end.

Sell Larger Amounts of Your More Expensive Products or Services

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• And even though the higher priced offer provided many more times the value of the lower end product, the customers still were not buying nearly as much of the higher end version as the business-owner we are working with was hoping.

Sell Larger Amounts of Your More Expensive Products or Services

Page 6: Sell Larger Amounts of Your More Expensive products or services

• Usually when one of my "done-for-you" marketing clients wants a jump in their profit, I look at their marketing to see if their is any low-hanging fruit or opportunities that I can just slightly change that would create a significantly higher result in the return on our clients marketing, no matter if its business-to-business or business-to-customer.

Sell Larger Amounts of Your More Expensive Products or Services

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• To describe this better:With a specific business owner (and friend of mine) what we did was instead of working on attracting more leads, or the scripts of the sales people, we just added another extra higher-end offer to the A B offer they already had. Which makes it now an A, B, C offer.

Sell Larger Amounts of Your More Expensive Products or Services

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• Let me explain...

If you only have a single offer and all the other bases are covered and your prospect decides to buy from you, then they only have one choice so of course its perfectly logical that they are only going to buy the product offer available.

Sell Larger Amounts of Your More Expensive Products or Services

Page 9: Sell Larger Amounts of Your More Expensive products or services

• If you have two offers in today's market, we find a larger percentage of people will choose the lower-end option.

Why? Because the average customers wants to make a balanced decision that is a compromise between what their lowest needs are and what they can afford.

Sell Larger Amounts of Your More Expensive Products or Services

Page 10: Sell Larger Amounts of Your More Expensive products or services

• When you ad a 3rd more expensive option, what we find is that most of the people buying will purchase the middle priced -option which was your more expensive option before you added the 3rd option.

Make sense?

Sell Larger Amounts of Your More Expensive Products or Services

Page 11: Sell Larger Amounts of Your More Expensive products or services

• What this means to you is that even if no one ever buys your NEW most expensive package or product or service (which someone probably will sooner or later if you know how to present the value of it) that simply by having the more expensive 3rd offer there at the right time in your buying cycle, you significantly increase the numbers of people that will buy what use to be your most expensive option.

Sell Larger Amounts of Your More Expensive Products or Services

Page 12: Sell Larger Amounts of Your More Expensive products or services

• Now, I know it isn't just true when business owners work with me to make their businesses more profitable because in the book "Yes" Robert Cialdini talks about why this works in chapter 7 that is worth visiting.

Sell Larger Amounts of Your More Expensive Products or Services

Page 13: Sell Larger Amounts of Your More Expensive products or services

• We are not going to go into why it works here because I have promised you small pieces of information that give you large results when you put them to work in your business and so that's all I am going to do here...most of what I know comes from just testing until a pattern is found.

Sell Larger Amounts of Your More Expensive Products or Services

Page 14: Sell Larger Amounts of Your More Expensive products or services

• (Increase your Business Profit and re-think your Marketing)

So if you ignored everything else on the Marketing Blog and just put this idea about how to get your customers to buy your most expensive products to work in your business, then I reached my goal with this marketing blog article and made a significant difference in your profitability.

Sell Larger Amounts of Your More Expensive Products or Services

Page 15: Sell Larger Amounts of Your More Expensive products or services

• Remember my goal with this blog is to give you the top, best, and easiest yet massively profitable strategies to grow your business. Saying that....

Did you find this helpful? And, how do you think this could be applied to your business to increase your business profit?

Sell Larger Amounts of Your More Expensive Products or Services

Page 16: Sell Larger Amounts of Your More Expensive products or services

Sell Larger Amounts of Your More Expensive Products or Services