Download - Self Concept

  • 7/21/2019 Self Concept


    Self-Concept and LifestyleSelf-Concept and Lifestyle

    Sanjeev VarshneySanjeev Varshney

  • 7/21/2019 Self Concept


    What is a Self-concept?What is a Self-concept?


    pt:the totality of thethe totality of the

    individuals thoughts and feelingsindividuals thoughts and feelings

    having reference to him-or herself ashaving reference to him-or herself as

    an objectan object

    Self-concept can be divided into fourSelf-concept can be divided into fourbasic partsbasic parts

  • 7/21/2019 Self Concept


    imensions of a Consumers Self-imensions of a Consumers Self-


  • 7/21/2019 Self Concept



    #o$ does a tattoo#o$ does a tattoo

    affect ones self-conceaffect ones self-conce

    pt and become part ofpt and become part of

    ones e"tended self?ones e"tended self?Will one or multipleWill one or multiple

    visible tattoos becomevisible tattoos become

    the norm for younger cthe norm for younger c

    onsumers over the ne"onsumers over the ne"

    t %& years?t %& years?

  • 7/21/2019 Self Concept


    !"ercise!"ercise Can you describe theCan you describe thepersonality of thesepersonality of these

    t$o girlst$o girls
  • 7/21/2019 Self Concept


    !"tended Self!"tended Self

    Self ' (ossessionsSelf ' (ossessions

    )hin* of products that e"plain your self+)hin* of products that e"plain your self+

    ,dentify one single product in your,dentify one single product in your

    possession $hich you feel contribute topossession $hich you feel contribute toyours self concept and has become part ofyours self concept and has become part of

    your e"tended self+your e"tended self+

  • 7/21/2019 Self Concept


    ,nteraction of Self-Concept,nteraction of Self-Conceptand rand ,mageand rand ,mage

  • 7/21/2019 Self Concept


    .easurement of Self Concept.easurement of Self Concept

    /ate your o$n actual self concept 012/ate your o$n actual self concept 012

    /ate your desired self concept 02/ate your desired self concept 02

    /ate the rand concept of 3arnier .ens/ate the rand concept of 3arnier .ens


    /ate the person concept of 4ohn 1braham/ate the person concept of 4ohn 1braham

    1ssess the consistency of these four1ssess the consistency of these four


  • 7/21/2019 Self Concept


    Life StyleLife Style

    #o$ a (erson Lives or ho$ one enacts#o$ a (erson Lives or ho$ one enacts

    his or her self concepthis or her self concept

    etermined by5etermined by5 (ast e"periences(ast e"periences

    ,nnate e"periences,nnate e"periences

    Current situationCurrent situation

  • 7/21/2019 Self Concept


    Lifestyle and the ConsumptionLifestyle and the Consumption


  • 7/21/2019 Self Concept


    .easurement of Lifestyle.easurement of Lifestyle

    Lifestyle StudiesLifestyle Studies 1ttitudes1ttitudes

    ValuesValues 1ctivities and ,nterests1ctivities and ,nterests emographicsemographics .edia (atterns.edia (atterns

    6sage /ates6sage /ates

    Can be used as a general

    measure, but most

    commonly used to measure

    a specific product or activity.

    General lifestyles can be

    used to discover new

    product opportunities.

    Specific lifestyle analysismay help reposition existing


  • 7/21/2019 Self Concept


    Cosmetic Life Style Segments ofCosmetic Life Style Segments of

    67 $omen67 $omen

  • 7/21/2019 Self Concept


    )he Vals System)he Vals System

    S/, Consulting usiness ,ntelligenceS/, Consulting usiness ,ntelligence

    89 statements of agreement89 statements of agreement

    Classifies individuals using t$o dimensionsClassifies individuals using t$o dimensions Self :rientationSelf :rientation

    (rinciple oriented(rinciple oriented

    Status orientedStatus oriented

    1ction oriented1ction oriented /esources/esources

    ,ndividuals are placed in one of ; general,ndividuals are placed in one of ; generalpsychographic segmentspsychographic segments

  • 7/21/2019 Self Concept




  • 7/21/2019 Self Concept


    emographics of the V1LSemographics of the V1LS


    Actualizer Fulfilled Believer Achiever Striver Experiencer Maker Struggler Total

  • 7/21/2019 Self Concept


    V1LS Segment :$nership andV1LS Segment :$nership and


    Total Actualizer Fulfilled Believer Achiever Striver Experiencer Maker Struggler

  • 7/21/2019 Self Concept


    (roduct (ossession 1nalysis

  • 7/21/2019 Self Concept


    =an*elovichs .:>,):/ .indase=an*elovichs .:>,):/ .indase

    Considers the individuals position on a set of coreConsiders the individuals position on a set of corevalues $ith his or her life cycle stagevalues $ith his or her life cycle stage

    Values identified include5Values identified include5 .aterialism.aterialism

    )echnology orientation)echnology orientation amily valuesamily values ConservatismConservatism Cynicism versus optimismCynicism versus optimism

    Social ,nteractionSocial ,nteraction 1ctivity level1ctivity level

    3rouped into ; high-level segments3rouped into ; high-level segments

  • 7/21/2019 Self Concept


    Consumption ifferences acrossConsumption ifferences across

    .indase Segments.indase Segments

  • 7/21/2019 Self Concept


    3eo-emographic 1nalysis3eo-emographic 1nalysis


    ased on the premise that lifestyleAased on the premise that lifestyleA

    and thus consumptionA is largelyand thus consumptionA is largely

    driven by demographic factorsdriven by demographic factors1nalyBes geographic regions1nalyBes geographic regions

    !very neighborhood in the 6+S+ can!very neighborhood in the 6+S+ can

    be profiledbe profiled)otal of 9 lifestyle clusters)otal of 9 lifestyle clusters

  • 7/21/2019 Self Concept


    ,nternational Lifestyles5 3L:1L,nternational Lifestyles5 3L:1L


    3L:1L SC1>3L:1L SC1>

  • 7/21/2019 Self Concept


    3L:1L SC1>3L:1L SC1>Segment SiBes across CountriesSegment SiBes across Countries

  • 7/21/2019 Self Concept



    !ach group should carry out ,ntervie$ $ith!ach group should carry out ,ntervie$ $ithminimum of D-%& young consumers 01ge %8-9D2minimum of D-%& young consumers 01ge %8-9D2

    and identify Lifestyle patternsand identify Lifestyle patterns

    Share these findings $ith the batch by %Eth 4ulyShare these findings $ith the batch by %Eth 4uly


    Lets identify consumer segments based onLets identify consumer segments based on

    these findings+ !ach group should do this basedthese findings+ !ach group should do this based

    on information provided by all the groupson information provided by all the groups!ach group should mail their findings to me %8!ach group should mail their findings to me %8 thth


    We $ill have discussion on this in ne"t classWe $ill have discussion on this in ne"t class

  • 7/21/2019 Self Concept


    #o$ to Carry out life style analysis#o$ to Carry out life style analysis

    (rofile the customer on 1ctivitiesA ,nterestsA #obbiesA media(rofile the customer on 1ctivitiesA ,nterestsA #obbiesA mediahabitsA value system etc+habitsA value system etc+

    :nce done clean data 0drop respondents $ith insufficient data2:nce done clean data 0drop respondents $ith insufficient data2


    !ither use ans$er tree or identify the factor dividing consumers!ither use ans$er tree or identify the factor dividing consumersinto t$o large groupsinto t$o large groups

    >o$ loo* for second variable $hich can divide the consumers>o$ loo* for second variable $hich can divide the consumers

    into further groupsinto further groups

    Continue this e"ercise till you reach a stage $here furtherContinue this e"ercise till you reach a stage $here further

    division $ill not add value and the group becomes smalldivision $ill not add value and the group becomes smallenough to be distinctly recogniBed+enough to be distinctly recogniBed+

    >o$ define each group>o$ define each group