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  • 7/28/2019 Select color in a particular point.docx


    How to Select by Color in Adobe Photoshop


    o 1Click on the "Select" menu at the top of your Photoshop screen.

    o 2Choose "Color Range." A dialogue window will pop up. Within this window, you

    will see a likeness of the image. Check that "selection" is chosen under the image.

    o 3Grab one of the eyedropper tools and click on part of the image. The display alters

    to correspond with what you sampled.

    o 4Hold down the Shift key to add more color to your selection.

    o 5Hit "OK" when you have finished the selection. Locate your selection on the mainimage.

    o 6Make any adjustments you wish to your selection.

    Read more:How to Select by Color in Adobe Photoshop |
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  • 7/28/2019 Select color in a particular point.docx


    Matching Colors Of Objects Between Photos

    With Photoshop

    Here I have an image, taken from a catalog, of a model whos obviously quite happy with howwell the color of her new top matches the outdoor setting she finds herself in:

    The original image.

    As with most items of clothing, that same top is also available in other colors. For example, lets

    say its also available in the same color as the top the model is wearing in this photo:

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    A model displaying a purple top.

    The client would like you to change the color of the womans top in the first photo so that itmatches the color of the top in the second photo, like so:

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    The color of the womans top in the original photo has been matched to the color of the top fromthe second photo.

    Personally, I like the green color better, but hey, whatever the client wants, right?

    Photoshops Match Color command was created specifically for this type of task, although itdoes have plenty of other uses as well which well look at in other tutorials. However, depending

    on the images youre using, Match Color doesnt always work perfectly on its own. Sometimes it

    does, sometimes it doesnt. Sometimes, it needs a little help, and as well see in a moment, this is

    one of those times. Lets get started!

    Step 1: Duplicate The Background Layer In The Original Image

    The first thing we always want to do when working on an image in Photoshop is duplicate the

    Background layer. The Background layer contains our original image information and we dont

    want to lose it in case we need to fall back on it. Currently, my Layers palette is showing that myBackground layer is the only layer I have:

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    Use the selection tool of your choice to select around the object that needs a color change.

    Step 3: Select A Large Area Inside The Object In The Second Image

    Switch over to your second image at this point and again using your favorite selection tool (the

    Lasso Tool will work fine for this), select a large area inside the object that contains the coloryou need. In my case, Im going to select a large section of the purple top the woman is wearing.

    Theres no need to make a precise selection around the object, but what you want to do is make a

    large enough selection so that youre grabbing as many shades of the color (light and dark areas)

    as possible. Photoshop needs as many shades of the color as you can give it so it can accuratelyapply the color to the object in the original image (the buttons on her shirt may or may not cause

    some problems so I held down my Shift key and dragged around them with the Lasso Tool to

    subtract them from my selection, just to be safe):

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    Selecting a large area of the shirt to include as many shades of the color as possible.

    Step 4: Switch Back To The Original Image

    Now that weve selected the object in the first photo and selected a large area of color inside the

    object in the second photo, we can head over to the Match Color command. Before we dothough, we need to make sure that our original photo is the one that Photoshop is currently

    looking at (the technical term would be to bring the original photo into "focus"), so click

    anywhere inside the document window of the original image to select it. The Match Color

    command is going to refer to this original image as the Destination Image, as if the colors fromthe second image will be taking a trip over to this one, while the second image (the one

    containing the color we need) will become the Source Image. For now, just make sure the

    original image is the one currently selected (in focus).

    Step 5: Open The Match Color Command

    With your original image selected, go up to the Image menu at the top of the screen, choose

    Adjustments, and then choose Match Color:

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    Go to Image > Adjustments > Match Color.

    This brings up Photoshops rather large Match Color dialog box. Now, I love Photoshop. I think

    its the greatest thing since crayons. But quite honestly, between you and me, something justisnt right about the Match Color dialog box. Its confusing, and it shouldnt be. I wish Adobe

    would redesign it but so far, as of Photoshop CS3, they havent, so well just have to cut through

    the confusion to get to the simplicity underneath.

    The Match Color dialog box is divided into two main sectionsDestination Image on top, and

    Image Statistics (say what?) on the bottom. See, you were thinking the bottom section would be

    called "Source Image", right? I mean, that would make sense. But nope, its called "ImageStatistics". Lets just leave the bottom section alone for now and look at the top section,

    "Destination Image".

    The Destination Image is the image containing the colors you want to change. Theres no way to

    actually set the Destination Image in the dialog box. Photoshop simply assigns whichever imageyou had selected when you chose the Match Color command from the Image Menu as your

    Destination Image, which is why I had you select your original image first. My original image is

    named "green.jpg", and we can see its name listed beside the word "Target" at the top of the

    dialog box:

    The Match Color dialog box showing my green.jpg photo as the Destination Image.

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    Below the Destination Images name is the Image Options section, containing options such as

    Luminance, Color Intensity, Fade, and Neutralize. Common sense might have you believing that

    since these options are clearly grouped in with the Destination Image section at the top, theyhave something to do with the Destination Image, but common sense would be wrong. They

    control the Source Image at the bottom, which you assign down in the Image Statistics section.

    See what I mean? This dialog box needs some work.

    Fortunately, even though the dialog box itself is confusing, what were trying to do with it is not.

    We already have our Destination Image chosen, so now we need to select our Source Image.

    Step 6: Select Your Second Image As The Source

    Down in the Image Statistics section at the bottom of the dialog box, youll see an option named

    Source with a drop-down box beside it. Click on the small arrow to the right of the drop-down

    box and choose your second image from the list to set it as your Source image:

    Select your second image from the Source option drop-down list.

    If your Source image contains multiple layers, youll need to select the appropriate layer from

    the Layer option below the Source option. In my case, my second image contains only one layer,the original Background layer, so its automatically selected for me.

    Step 7: Tell Photoshop To Use The Selections Youve Made In The Images

    Directly above the Source option are two options with checkboxes beside themUse Selection

    in Source to Calculate Colors and Use Selection in Target to Calculate Adjustment. The first

    option tells Photoshop that we want it to use only the colors inside our selection in the Sourceimage when matching the colors to the Destination image. In other words, in my case, I want

    Photoshop to use only the purple colors Ive selected inside the womans top. If I didnt make

    that clear to Photoshop, it would ignore my selection and use colors from the entire photo, whichisnt what we want, so make sure you click inside the checkbox for this option to select it.

    The second option says that we want Photoshop to concern itself only with the specific object we

    selected in our original image when figuring out how to match the colors. In my case, that means

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    Im telling Photoshop that I only want it to look at the colors that make up the green top the

    woman is wearing. If I didnt specify this, Photoshop would take all the colors from the entire

    photo into consideration and the result wouldnt be as accurate, so make sure this option is alsoselected:

    Select both the Use Selection in Source to Calculate Colors and Use Selection in Target toCalculate Adjustment options to tell Photoshop to use only the selected areas in the images

    when matching the colors.

    Click OK when youre done to exit out of the dialog box and have Photoshop try to match the

    colors in the Destination image with those from the Source image. In many cases, this works

    beautifully and no further work is needed. Depending on the images youre using though, thatmay not be the case. Sometimes Photoshop doesnt get it quite right. For me, this is one of those

    times. Heres what my original image now looks like (the selection is still visible and active):

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    The original image after applying the Match Color command.

    Photoshop was able to get the basic color right, but theres definitely something wrong with theoverall effect. The problem is that theres no longer any contrast in the womans top. The darkshadow areas are much too light, and any subtle highlight areas have disappeared. Basically, it

    looks fake. This is one of those times when Match Color needs a little help. I could have tried

    adjusting the brightness by dragging the Luminance slider in the Image Options section of theMatch Color dialog box, but all that would have done is made the entire top lighter or darker. I

    need to be able to adjust the highlights and shadows independently. Fortunately, its easy to do,

    as well see next!

    Step 8: Add A Levels Adjustment Layer

    Im going to use a simple Levels adjustment layer to darken the shadows and brighten the

    highlights of her top. To do that, click on the New Adjustment Layer icon at the bottom of the

    Layers palette:

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    Click on the New Adjustment Layer icon at the bottom of the Layers palette.

    Then select Levels from the list of adjustment layers that appears:

    Choose Levels from the list.

    Step 9: Drag The Black And White Point Sliders In Towards The Center

    When the Levels dialog box appears, youll see a large black Histogram (looks like a mountain)

    in the middle of the dialog box, along with three little sliders below ita black slider on the farleft, a white slider on the far right, and a gray slider in the middle. To darken the shadow areas,

    simply click on the black slider and drag it towards the right until its at the point where the left

    side of the Histogram begins. Keep an eye on your image as you drag the slider so you can see

    whats happening to the shadows and adjust the slider as needed. Then, when youve correctedthe shadow areas, click on the white slider on the far right and drag it towards the left until its at

    the point where the right side of the Histogram begins. Again, keep an eye on your image as you

    drag the slider to see whats happening with your highlights. Photoshop may be a computerprogram but that doesnt mean you and I need to think like one. Use the Histogram as a guide but

    trust your own eyes above all else:

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    Drag the black and white sliders in towards the Histogram to improve the shadow and highlight

    areas inside your selection.

    Click OK when youre done to exit out of the Levels dialog box. Your shadows and highlights

    should now look much better, but chances are youve just created a different problem. In my

    case, the womans top now has a much more realistic level of cont rast to it, but the overall colorhas been changed:

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    The contrast in the womans top has been improved, but the color is now different.

    Step 10: Change The Levels Adjustment Layers Blend Mode To Luminosity

    The reason for the color shift is that by default, the Levels command makes changes not only to

    the luminosity (brightness) values of the image but also to the colors. We need to tell Photoshop

    that we want our Levels adjustment layer to affect only the luminosity values of the object and

    leave the colors alone. How do we do that? Easy. We simply change the adjustment layers blendmode. Go up to the Blend Mode option in the top left corner of the Layers palette. It currently

    says Normal, which is the default blend mode. Click on the small, down-pointing arrow to the

    right of the word Normal and select Luminosity from way down at the very bottom of the list:

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    Change the blend mode of the Levels adjustment layer from Normal to Luminosity.

    Step 11: Deselect Your Selection

    Press Ctrl+D (Win) / Command+D (Mac) at this point to remove your selection from around the

    object, and youre done!

    Here, after changing the blend mode of the Levels adjustment layer to Luminosity, is my finalresult:

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    The final result..

    Use Photoshop to Quickly Change the Color of Objects in

    Your Photos

    Photoshop is a powerful tool that can be used to do pretty much anything in a picture. Photoshophas is the power tochange the color of objectsin a photograph without harming the natural

    texture. Today, I will teach you how to easily change the color of part of your image while

    retaining the existing colors on the rest of it.

    First let me give you some quick keys that will help you:

    1: Q enables the quick mask mode. You paint the red with the brush tool and when you are

    done hit Q again to turn the mode off

    2: To make a straight line from one point to the other, hold the shift key down and click the point

    you want to end with. Photoshop will create a straight line from the initial point to the last point.

    This is very useful when using the lasso tool.
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    3: Hold the space-bar to move the image around.

    Lets get started:

    I have a picture that is unedited but the bride asked if the car could be another color.
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    With the image loaded, I first duplicate the layer. With the duplicate layer selected, press theQkey to enable the Quick Mask Mode. Using the brush tool paint the item you want to

    change. You dont have to be perfect because we are going to refine it later.

    After you paint the part you want to change, hit the Q key to exit quick mask mode and the

    OUTSIDE of the area is now selected.
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    Next, Click Select>Inverse orclick key Shift + CTRL + I: PC or Shift+ Command + I: Mac, to

    reverse your selection. Now the truck is selected.
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    Since the car is now selected we want to establish this as a mask. Before we do this we want allthe color changing in its own group. Select the New Group Icon in the layer window then click

    the Mask icon in the same bar. This creates a group that only edits the car.
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    And watch the car change colors.
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    Once you have found the color you want and are satisfied, click on thelayer mask box and paint

    on or offareas as needed. This will take some finessing to change the small details.
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    Once satisfied, I save the image as a PSD file then flatten the layers and applymy favorite MCP

    actionsto edit it further.
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    You can use this technique to accomplish many new looks. You will find that the Photostalkers will be trying to find the purple wall and it doesnt exist. Use this info to your

    advantage marketing wise. Set yourself apart with your own rendition of the same locations that

    others have.
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    This color changing technique also works well to take out some yellow in teeth. Do all of the

    above but instead of adding color, use the saturation and take color out. It will not make a pearlyset of Choppers but the yellow and coffee stains will go away and it is more visually

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    *Yes I will admit that the yellow toothed fine looking fellow is myself. To my defense I drink

    Russian Tea in the morning and this shoot was at 9am. As for my 5 oclock shadow, it actually is

    a 9 oclock am. Rich Reierson, the photographer and author of this post can be found on


    Photoshop 7 Selection Tools

    Action Windows Mac

    Draw straight lines


    with Lasso



    k with Lasso


    Add to selection outline Shift+drag Shift+drag

    Deselect specific area Alt+drag Option+drag

    Deselect all but intersected areaShift+Alt+




    Deselect entire image Ctrl+D


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    Reselect last selectionCtrl+Shift+D



    Select everything Ctrl+A


    Commandkey +A

    Hide extras Ctrl+H


    Commandkey +H

    Move selection outline only

    Drag or

    press an

    arrow key

    Drag or

    press an

    arrow key

    Fill selection with foreground colorAlt+Backspace


    Fill selection with background colorCtrl+Backspace


    key +Delete

    Display Fill dialog boxShift+Back


    Cut selection Ctrl+X


    Commandkey +X

    Copy selection Ctrl+C



    key +C

    Paste image last cut or copied Ctrl+V



    key +V

    Reapply last filter Ctrl+FAppleCommand

    key +F

    Adjust levels Ctrl+L


    Commandkey +L

    Free Transform Ctrl+T


    Commandkey +T

    Transform AgainCtrl+Shift+






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    Photoshop Color Replacement

    Tool TutorialWritten by Steve Patterson. In a previous tutorial, we looked at the

    Background Eraserand why its one of the best tools in Photoshop

    for removing unwanted areas of an image. In this tutorial, well learnall about the Color Replacement Tool and how it enables us to change

    the color of an object in a photo without a lot of fuss or hassle.

    You may be wondering what on earth a tool for erasing backgroundshas to do with a tool for changing colors, and the answer is, a lot! Both

    of these tools use the exact same technology for detecting the pixels in

    the image that need to be changed. The only difference is that one ofthem deletes pixels entirely, the other simply changes their color. In

    fact, theyre so similar that if youve already read through the

    Background Eraser tutorial and understand how its various options

    work, learning about the Color Replacement Tool will seem a lot likedj vu.

    The Color Replacement Tool is not the most professional way to

    change colors in an image and wont always give you the results you

    need, but it usually works well for simple tasks and its such an easy

    tool to use that its worth giving it a try before moving on to more

    advanced and time consuming methods.

    Download our tutorials as print-ready PDFs! Learning Photoshop has never

    been easier!

    Selecting The Color Replacement Tool

    The Color Replacement Tool was first introduced in Photoshop CS,and if youre using Photoshop CS or CS2, youll find the Color

    Replacement Tool nested under the Healing Brush in the Tools palette.

    To access it, click and hold your mouse button down on the Healing

    Brush until a fly-out menu appears, then select the Color ReplacementTool from the menu.

    In Photoshop CS3, Adobe changed things around a bit and moved the

    Color Replacement Tool in with the regular Brush Tool, so if youre

    using Photoshop CS3 orCS4 (which is what Im using here), click andhold your mouse button down on the Brush Tool, then select the Color
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    Replacement Tool from the fly-out menu:

    In Photoshop CS3 and CS4, the Color Replacement Tool is nested under the

    Brush Tool. In CS and CS2, its under the Healing Brush.

    With the Color Replacement Tool selected, your mouse cursor willchange into a circle with a small target symbol in the center of it. As I

    mentioned, if youre familiar with the Background Eraser, this willlook very familiar to you since both tools use the exact same cursor:

    The Color Replacement Tools cursor is made up of a simple circle with a

    target symbol in the middle, just like the Background Eraser.

    You can adjust the size of the circle directly from your keyboard usingthe bracket keys, which are found to the right of the letter P on mostkeyboards. Press the left bracket key ( [ ) to make the circle smaller or

    the right bracket key ( ] ) to make it larger. To change the hardness of

    the brush edges, just add the Shift key. Press Shift+left bracket ( [ ) tomake the edges softer orShift+right bracket ( ] ) to make them


    How The Color Replacement Tool Works

    As you drag the Color Replacement Tool over your image, Photoshopcontinuously samples the color thats directly under the target symbol

    in the center of the tools cursor. This is the color that will be replaced,

    and it will be replaced with your current Foreground color. Anypixels that fall within the larger circle surrounding the target symbol

    that match the color being replaced will have their color changed. For

    example, if you pass the target symbol over an area of blue in your

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    photo and your Foreground color is set to red, any blue pixels that thelarger circle passes over will be changed to red. Theres some optionswe can set in the Options Bar to alter the behavior of the tool (which

    well look at shortly), but essentially, thats how it works.

    You can see what your Foreground color is currently set to by lookingat the Foreground color swatch near the bottom of the Tools palette.

    By default, its set to black:

    Black is the default Foreground color, but its probably not the color youllwant to use.

    To change the Foreground color, simply click directly on the colorswatch, then choose a new color from the Color Picker. Ill choose a

    green color, just for fun. Click OK to close out of the Color Picker

    when youre done:

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    Use the Color Picker to choose a new Foreground color.

    If I look again in my Tools palette, I see that the Foreground colorswatch has changed to the new color. If I paint on an image with the

    Color Replacement Tool at this point, whichever color I drag the target

    symbol over will be replaced with green:

    The newly chosen color appears in the color swatch.

    As an example, heres aphoto of a young girl holding a balloon:

    The girl looks happy, but the balloon looks blue.

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    She may look happy with her blue balloon, but what she really wantedwas agreen balloon. As luck would have it, I just happen to have myForeground color currently set to green, so lets see what we can do for

    her. With the Color Replacement Tool selected, Ill move the target

    symbol over the blue balloon in the image and click my mouse button.

    As soon as I click, two things happen. First, Photoshop samples theblue color under the target symbol so it knows which color to replace.

    Then, any blue pixels that fall within the larger circle surrounding the

    target symbol immediately change to green, since green is now myForeground color:

    Photoshop samples the blue color and replaces all blue pixels within the

    circle with green.

    To change the rest of the balloon to green, I just need to keep mymouse button held down and continue dragging the Color Replacement

    Tool over the remaining blue areas. As long as I keep the target symbol

    over the blue balloon and dont stray off into other areas of the image,

    which would cause Photoshop to sample a different color, only the

    blue color will be replaced with green:

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    Keeping the target symbol over the blue area as I paint.

    If I accidentally move the target symbol outside of the balloon and overthe yellow wall behind it, Photoshop samples the color of the wall andbegins changing it to green as well:

    By moving the target symbol outside of the balloon, Photoshop starts

    replacing other colors with green.

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    If this happens, simply undo the last step by pressing Ctrl+Z (Win) /Command+Z (Mac), or undo multiple steps by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Z(Win) / Command+Option+Z (Mac) as many times as needed, then

    continue on.


    Everything seems to be going smoothly as I paint over the balloon untilI get to the edges. If you look closely, you can see some faint blue

    fringing that the Color Replacement Tool is having trouble with:

    Some of the original blue color remains along the edges of the balloon.

    I mentioned a few moments ago that there are several options available

    to us in the Options Bar for altering the behavior of the Color

    Replacement Tool, and one of these options is Tolerance. TheTolerance setting determines how different a color can be from the

    sampled color for Photoshop to replace it with the Foreground color.

    The default value is 30%, which is a good starting point.

    Unfortunately, its not quite high enough in this case for Photoshop tobe able to include the shade of blue right along the edges of the


    Ill increase my Tolerance value to 50%, which will allow the Color

    Replacement Tool to affect a wider range of colors:

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    Increasing the Tolerance setting in the Options Bar.

    With a higher Tolerance value entered, Ill undo my last step and tryagain. This time, as I move along the edge of the balloon, the Color

    Replacement Tool is able to remove the blue fringing:

    The blue along the edge of the balloon has been successfully changed to


    Ill finish painting over the remaining areas as our once blue balloon ismagically transformed into green thanks to the Color Replacement

    Tool and a little boost in the Tolerance value:

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    The Color Replacement Tool was able to change the balloons color with

    little effort.

    Sampling Colors From The ImageIn the above example, I randomly chose a new color for the balloon

    from Photoshops Color Picker, but I could just as easily have selected

    a color directly from the photo itself. To do that, with the Color

    Replacement Tool active, hold down yourAlt (Win) / Option (Mac)key, which will temporarily switch you to the Eyedropper Tool

    (youll see your cursor change into an eyedropper). Click on an area of

    the photo that contains the color you want to use. Photoshop will

    sample that color and make it your Foreground color. Ill click on thepinkish-red top shes wearing:

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    Hold down Alt (Win) / Option (Mac) and click on an area of the photo to

    sample a color.

    If I look at the Foreground color swatch in the Tools palette, I see that

    the color I clicked on has become my Foreground color:

    The sampled color appears in the Foreground color swatch.

    With the color sampled directly from the image, I can paint over theballoon once again with the Color Replacement Tool to change itscolor:

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    The green balloon, originally blue, is now red.

    Notice that even though weve essentially painted a color over top ofthe balloon, it retained its shiny, reflective appearance. If we had

    simply grabbed the regular Brush Tool and painted over it, the balloon

    would look like nothing more than a flat surface with no life to it. Sohow was the Color Replacement Tool able to keep the balloons

    texture and reflections? For the answer to that, we need to look at more

    of the options in the Options Bar, which well do next!

    The Blend Modes

    The reason the Color Replacement Tool is able to paint a new color

    over an object or an area of a photo without losing the texture detail isbecause it uses blend modes to blend the new color in with the image.Theres four blend modes to choose from (Hue, Saturation, Color, and

    Luminosity), all of which can be selected from the Mode option in the

    Options Bar. The default blend mode is Color:

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    The Mode option allows us to change the blend mode for the Color

    Replacement Tool.

    If youve ever taken a Color Theory 101 class, you probably know thatwhat most of us think of as the color of an object is really a

    combination of three thingshue, saturation and brightness. Each of

    the four blend modes we can select for the Color Replacement Toolwill change which of these three aspects of the original color will be


    Hue: The Hue blend mode will change only the basic color itself. Itwill not change the saturation or brightness of the original color. This

    mode is useful for images where the colors are not very intense andwill usually produce very subtle changes.

    Saturation: The Saturation blend mode changes only the saturation of

    the original color. The hue and brightness are not affected. This isuseful for reducing the intensity of a color, or even removing color


    Color: Color is the default blend mode and will change both the hue

    and saturation. The brightness will remain unchanged. This is the blend

    mode youll use most often.

    Luminosity: Finally, the Luminosity blend mode will simply match

    the brightness of the original color to the brightness of the new color.Hue and saturation are unaffected.

    In this photo below, an orange balloon seems ready to split from thegroup and fly off on its own adventure into the sky:

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    The original image.

    One way to make the balloon stand out even more from the others inthe image might be to reduce the color saturation of some of the other

    balloons below it. I dont want to change the actual color of the

    balloons, just the intensity of them. To do that, with the ColorReplacement Tool selected, Ill change my blend mode option in the

    Options Bar to Saturation:

    Changing the blend mode to Saturation.

    If I wanted to completely desaturate the balloons, removing their colorentirely, Id set my Foreground color to either black, white or anyshade of gray, but since I want a more subtle effect, Ill just sample one

    of the less saturated colors in the image by holding down my Alt (Win)

    / Option (Mac) key to temporarily switch to the Eyedropper Tool,then Ill click on the color I want. Ill choose a less saturated yellow.

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    The color itself makes no difference since the Saturation blend modewont change any of the original colors. It will only affect thesaturation:

    Sampling one of the less saturated colors in the image.

    With a less saturated color now set as my Foreground color and my

    blend mode set to Saturation, Ill simply paint over any balloons thatneed their saturation level reduced, adjusting my brush size with theleft and right bracket keys on the keyboard and changing the Tolerance

    value in the Options Bar as needed. Here, we can see the difference incolor saturation as I paint over one of the other orange balloons:

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    Reducing the color saturation of one of the balloons by painting over it in

    Saturation mode.

    Ill continue painting over any other balloons that need their color

    saturation reduced. Heres the completed result:

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    The orange balloon floating above the others now stands out even more

    thanks to its higher color saturation.

    The Brightness Problem

    Theres one situation, unfortunately, where the Color Replacement

    Tool tends to fail miserably, and thats when theres a big difference inbrightness between the original color in the image and the color you

    want to replace it with. Lets say I wanted to replace the orange in that

    one balloon weve been focusing on with the dark purple color fromone of the other balloons. From everything weve seen so far, it should

    be simple enough, right?

    First, Ill set the colors in the image back to what they were originallyby going up to the File menu at the top of the screen and choosing the

    Revert command. Then, with the Color Replacement Tool selected,

    Ill hold down my Alt (Win) / Option (Mac) key and click on one ofthe purple balloons to sample the color:

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    Sampling a purple color to set as my Foreground color.

    Ill set my blend mode in the Options Bar back to Color, the defaultsetting. Then, Ill paint over the orange balloon to change its color to

    dark purple. Heres the result:

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    Somethings not quite right.

    Hmm. Its definitely purple, but it doesnt quite look like the otherpurple balloons, does it? The problem is that its much lighter than the

    other purple balloons, and thats because the original color of the

    balloon was much lighter than the dark purple color I sampled. TheColor blend mode had no effect on the brightness. In fact, the only

    blend mode that does change the brightness is Luminosity, so lets try

    that one. Ill change my blend mode in the Options Bar to Luminosity:

    The Luminosity blend mode matches the brightness of the original color to

    the brightness of the new color.

    Ill undo my steps to change the balloon back to its original orangecolor, and then, with my blend mode set to Luminosity this time, Illtry replacing the orange with dark purple:

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    Suddenly the light purple didnt look so bad.

    I think its safe to say that things did not go well. The Luminosityblend mode definitely made the balloon darker, but its still orange,

    and now most of the texture detail is gone! It barely looks like a

    balloon at all at this point, and this is the problem we face with theColor Replacement Tool. It works great for simple tasks where you

    only need to change the hue and/or saturation of a color, but if theres

    too much of a difference in brightness values between the original

    color and the new color, youll probably want to try something else.

    Sampling Options

    Directly to the right of the blend mode option in the Options Bar is arow of three small icons. Each of these icons represents a different

    sampling option for the Color Replacement Tool, and they work

    exactly the same here as they do for PhotoshopsBackground Eraser.

    From left to right, we have Continuous (the default setting), Once and

    Background Swatch. Simply click on the icons to switch betweenthem as needed:
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    From left to right the Continuous, Once and Background Swatch sampling


    These sampling options control how Photoshop samples colors in theimage as you move the target symbol over them, or if it samples them

    at all. With Continuous selected, Photoshop continually looks for new

    colors to replace as you drag the Color Replacement Tool around. Any

    new color the target symbol passes over becomes the new color toreplace. This is the setting youll use most often and works best when

    theres a lot of variation in the color of the object.

    With Once selected, Photoshop will only sample the color you initially

    click on regardless of how many other colors you drag over (as long as

    you keep your mouse button held down). This option works best ifyoure replacing a large area of solid color. You can also try the Once

    option if you find that Continuous is causing the Color Replacement

    Tool to bleed into other nearby areas and the Tolerance option doesntseem to help.

    Finally, you wont use it very often (if ever), but the Background

    Swatch setting will replace whatever color is currently set as your

    Background color. This option may prove useful if neither of the other

    two sampling options is working for you. Click on the Background

    color swatch in the Tools palette and select a color from the ColorPicker that matches, as close as possible, the color in the image you

    want to replace. Try adjusting the Tolerance value if the color you

    chose wasnt quite close enough.

    The Background Swatch sampling option will replace the Background color

    with the Foreground color.


    Another option that works exactly the same with the Color

    Replacement Tool as it does with the Background Eraser is Limits,

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    which controls where Photoshop can look for colors to replace. Thethree choices are Contiguous, Discontiguous and Find Edges. Of thethree, youll really only ever use the first two:

    The Limits option.

    The default setting for the Limits option is Contiguous, which meansthat the Color Replacement Tool can only change the color of pixels in

    the area the target symbol in the center of the cursor is touching. It

    wont affect pixels that match the sampled color but are separated from

    the target symbol by an area of a different color unless you physicallymove the target symbol into the new area. The opposite of this is

    Discontiguous, which allows the Color Replacement Tool to replacethe color of any pixels that match the sampled color and fall within theboundaries of the cursor, whether those pixels are in the same area as

    the target symbol or not.


    The final option for the Color Replacement Tool is Anti-alias, which

    is selected by default:

    The Anti-alias option.

    Keep this option selected to smooth out the edges around the areas theColor Replacement Tool is affecting.

    And there we have it!

    Download our tutorials as print-ready PDFs! Over 300 tutorials! Learning

    Photoshop has never been easier!

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    Using the Replace Color Command in

    Photoshop Elements 9

    ByBarbara ObermeierandTed PadovafromPhotoshop Elements 9 For Dummies

    With the Replace Color command in Photoshop Elements, you can replace designated colors inyour image with other colors. You first select the colors you want to replace by creating amask,

    which is a selection made by designating white (selected), black (unselected), and gray (partiallyselected) areas. You can then adjust the hue and/or saturation of those selected colors.


    In Edit Full or Edit Quick mode, choose EnhanceAdjust

    ColorReplace Color.The Replace Color dialog box appears. Make sure to select the Preview check box.



    Choose either Selection or Image.

    Selection shows the mask in the Preview area. The deselected areas are black, partially selected

    areas are gray, and selected areas are white.Image shows the actual image in the Preview area.


    Click the colors you want to select.

    Select the colors in either the image or the Preview area.

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    Shift-click or to add more colors.

    You also can use the plus sign (+) Eyedropper tool.


    Press the Alt (Option on the Mac) key to delete colors.

    You also can use the minus sign (-) Eyedropper tool.


    To add colors similar to the ones you select, use the

    Fuzziness slider to fine-tune your selection.

    If you cant quite get the selection you want with the Fuzziness slider, try selecting the Localized

    Color Clusters option. This option enables you to select multiple areas of color and can assist ingetting a cleaner, more precise selection, especially when trying to select more than one color.


    Move the Hue and/or Saturation sliders to change the color

    or color richness. Move the Lightness slider to lighten or

    darken the image.

    Be careful to use a light hand (no pun intended) with the Lightness slider. You can reduce the

    tonal range too much and end up with a mess.



    When youre satisfied with the results, click OK to apply the settings and close the dialog box.
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    The adjacent figure shows that you can use Replace Color to change the color of tulips from

    orange to yellow.

    Accurate White Balance Adjustments inPhotoshop

    ByRobert Thomas, May 15, 2011

    Before and after white balance adjustments

    Sometimes the white balance in your images is right on, and other times its miles offdontworry, it happens to all of us, and its easy to fix in Photoshop!

    Before we dig in to this tutorial, let me first say that its always best to try to get your whitebalance correct in-camera. This results in less post-processing time, and it gives your images a

    head-start in the event you do need to make some white balance adjustments in post-processing.

    These days, virtually all digital cameras have white balance settings. If youre shooting outside

    on a sunny day, you would set your cameras white balance setting to sun, and if youre
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    shooting outdoors on a cloudy day, you would set your digital cameras white balance setting to

    cloudy, etc.

    A lot of the higher-end digital camera also allow you to manually set custom white balance

    values. To take advantage of this option, you could use one of several devices such as a simple

    gray card, anExpoDisc, or X-Rite PhotosColorChecker Passport.

    This tutorial is for those special times when you either forgot to set the white balance setting

    on your camera, and/or you forgot to pack your ColorChecker Passport or other white balancetool in your camera bag before you left for the shoot. Like I said earlier, dont be to hard on

    yourselfit happens to all of us, and the white balance can still be easily fixed in Photoshop.

    To fix the white balance in Photoshop well be locating and setting the black point, white point

    and gray point in an image. Each of the color point settings will reside on their own Curves

    adjustment layer, so youll be able to adjust the opacity of each individual layer separately foradditional tweaking.

    Watch the video

    The steps

    To begin, well locate the black point in the sample image shown below. Feel free to use thisimage, or use one of your own to follow along with this tutorial.
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    Original Unmodified Image

    Locate and set the black point

    Open the image in Photoshop, and set the Image Mode to 16 bits by selecting Image | Mode | 16

    Bits / Channel. Setting your image to 16 bits is optional, but I always work in 16 bit mode tominimize information loss.

    Click on the Create a new fill or adjustment layer icon, and select Threshold.

    Selecting the Threshold Option

    In the Threshold dialog box, move the adjustment slider all the way to the left. Next, slowly drag

    the adjustment slider back to the right until black areas begin to appear in the image.
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    Threshold Dialog Box and Adjustment Slider

    When some people apply this effect, they drag this slider to the right until just a few black dotsappear on the screenthis is incorrect because these small black spots typically dont contain

    any color information. For example, these black spots are equivalent to RGB 0,0,0they arent

    actual blacks, they are just void of color, and as such, they are also lacking the color

    contamination that we are attempting to remove. For this reason, its important that you move the

    Threshold adjustment slider until you can see actual blacks.

    So how can you tell when the actual blacks are showing? You cant be 100% certain, but movingthe adjustment slider to the right until you begin to see some form in the image is a good start.

    You can also temporarily turn off the visibility of the Threshold layer by clicking on the eyeball

    iconthis will reveal the original image, which should give you a good idea of where the blacksare in the image (be sure to turn the layers visibility back before you make further adjustments

    to the Threshold).
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    The Layer Visibility Icon

    Once youve identified some blacks in the image, select the Color Sampler Tool. If you dont seethis tool, click and hold on the Eyedropper Tool, and in the resulting sub-menu, select the Color

    Sampler Tool. Using the Color Sampler Tool, click once in the area that youve determined to be

    black to set the Color Sampler point. If you happen to miss the spot you were trying to click on,

    you can drag the point you placed to the correct location by clicking and holding your mouse

    button down on the point while you drag.
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    Selecting the Color Sampler Tool

    It may be helpful to use the Zoom Tool to zoom in on the image to get a better idea of whereyoure clicking. The easiest way to zoom in, is to press and hold the Z key while you click on

    the image with your mouse. To zoom out, press both the Z key and the Option key (PC: Alt)

    while you click.

    The next step is to create a Curves layer that will contain this black point. Click on the Curves

    icon in the Adjustments panel, or use the main menu and select Layer | New Adjustment Layer

    | Curves.

    Clicking on the Curves Adjustment Layer Icon

    Once the Curves adjustment layer has been added to the layer stack, delete the Threshold layeryou created in the previous step by clicking once on the layer to highlight it, and hit the Delete

    key (PC: Backspace). Dont omit this important step! Immediately after creating each of our 3

    Curves layers, we will need to delete the Threshold layer created in the previous step.

    After deleting the Threshold layer, make the upper layer active again by clicking once on it (theCurves layer).
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    In the Curves dialog box, you will see 3 eyedropper icons. From top to bottom, they represent the

    black point, the gray point, and the white point.

    White Balance Sampling Eyedroppers

    Because we are setting the black point in this step, click once on the black point eyedropper iconto select it. Next locate the Color Sampler point we created earlier and click once directly on it to

    set the black point. When you do this, youll probably notice that the curve shown in the Curvesdialog box has changed to reflect the black point change.

    It may be helpful to use the more accurate version of the selection tool when trying to precisely

    click on the Color Sampler point. To use this alternative version of the selection tool, simply turnon the Caps Lockkey and youll see your cursor change. Note that this handy trick works with

    nearly all of the Photoshop selection tools.

    Locate and set the white point

    Click on the Create a new fill or adjustment layer icon, and select Threshold.

    In the Threshold dialog box, move the adjustment slider all the way to the right, then slowly drag

    the slider back to the left until some white areas begin to appear.

    Just like when we set the black point, its important that you have true whites appear on the

    screen. You dont want the whites from a bright window in the background that may have thewhites blown-outthese types of whites arent actual whites, and they wont contain the color
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    contamination that we are trying to remove. The same logic applies to specular highlights found

    in the catch-lights of eyes or the reflection in glasswarethese arent true whites.

    To help you find a location in the image that may have whites, you can reveal the original image

    by turning off the layer visibility of all layers except for the background layer. The easiest way to

    do this is to hold the Option key down (PC: Alt) while you click on the layer visibility eyeball onthe background layer. When youre ready to make further adjustments to the Threshold layer,

    Option+click (PC: Alt+Click) on the backgrounds eyeball again to make all layers visible again.

    Once youve identified some whites in the image, use the Color Sampler Tool again to set

    another Color Sampler point. To add this Color Sampler point, click once in the area that youve

    determined to be white.

    Next create a new Curves Layer by clicking on the Curves icon in the Adjustments panel, or use

    the main menu and select Layer | New Adjustment Layer | Curves. Once this new CurvesLayer has been created, delete the Threshold layer you created in the previous step by clicking

    on the layer once to highlight it, and hit the Delete key (PC: Backspace).

    After deleting the Threshold layer, make the upper layer active again by clicking once on it (the

    Curves layer).

    Because we are setting the white point in this step, click once on the white point eyedropper icon

    in the Curves dialog box to select it. Next locate the white Color Sampler point we created earlier

    and click once directly on it to set the white point.

    Locate and set the Gray point

    Setting the gray point is similar to setting the black and white points as we did earlier, but theresa couple of intermediate steps we need to make. Start by creating a new layer by either clicking

    on the new layer icon, or using the keyboard shortcut Shift+Cmd+N (PC: Shift+Ctrl+N).

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    Clicking the Create a new layer icon

    Next open the fill dialog box by using the keyboard shortcut Shift+Delete (PC:Shift+Backspace), and select the option to fill this layer with 50% Gray and click on OK.

    The Fill Dialog Box
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    Once this new layer is filled with 50% gray, change the blend mode to Difference.

    Selecting the Blend Mode option
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    Selecting the Difference Blend Mode

    Add a new Threshold adjustment layer by clicking on the Create a new fill or adjustment layericon, and selecting Threshold.

    In the Threshold dialog box, move the adjustment slider all the way to the left. Next slowly drag

    the adjustment slider back to the right until gray areas begin to appear. Theres no need to becareful that you select actual graysbecause the underlying layer is filled with 50% gray, and its

    blend mode is set to Difference, the only colors that will appear on the screen will be gray.

    Because of this, you can stop dragging the adjustment slider when just a few small gray spots


    Because the layer is filled with 50% gray, and the Difference blend mode is applied to this layer,

    only grays will appear when the Threshold slider is adjusted. You can verify this yourself bycreating a new Photoshop document. Fill the background layer with black, and then add a new

    layer filled with 50% gray, and set this layers blend mode to Difference. When you do this, the

    only color you will see will be gray. For more information on Blend Modes and theirmathematical formulas, read my article Photoshop Blend Modes Explained.

    Once again use the Color Sampler Tool to set a Color Sampler point on the area that youvedecided to use as your gray point.
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    Next create a new Curves Layer by clicking on the Curves icon in the Adjustments panel, or use

    the main menu and select Layer | New Adjustment Layer | Curves.

    Once this new Curves Layer has been created, delete both the Threshold layer and the layer with

    the 50% fill that you created in the previous step by clicking once on the layers, and hitting the

    Delete key (PC: Backspace).

    After deleting the Threshold and Fill layers, make the upper layer active again by clicking once

    on it (the Curves layer).

    Because we are setting the gray point in this step, click once on the gray point eyedropper icon inthe Curves dialog box to select it. Next locate the gray Color Sampler point we created earlier

    and click once directly on it to set the gray point.

    Below is an example of what the layer stack in Photoshop should look like. There should be 3separate Curves layers, one for each of the white balance color points we set. If you want to

    make any further adjustments to the image, you have the option of adjusting the Opacity for anyof the 3 Curves layers. I should also probably mention that it could be considered a bestpractice to name your layers for easy identification. While I do typically name my layers when

    working on more complex projects, its not really necessary for this procedure. After youve

    done this a few times, and you always apply the color sampler points in the same order, you justknow which layer is which.

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    Example of the Final Photoshop Layer Stack

    Thats it! Youve just successfully corrected the white balance for your image!

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    Original Unmodified Image

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    Final Image with White Balance Adjusted


    35 Basic Tutorials to Get You Started with PhotoshopJan 5 2009 by Jacob Gube |57 Comments

    advertise here

    Adobe Photoshop is a very powerful and versatile image editing/graphics creation application

    that is theindustry standard in its category. Though Photoshops interface is intuitive enough foran absolute beginner to learn basic image editing tasks such as cropping and resizing, to be able

    to fully master and utilize all of its tools takes a considerable amount of time.

    If youre interested in honing your Photoshop skills to create spectacular compositions, this is for

    you. In this article, youll find 35 basic Photoshop tutorials for getting started with Photoshop.

    General tutorials,12,win&r=0.4577744238396887&link=
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    1.Getting Started with Photoshop

    If youve never had any experience with Photoshop, this tutorial from SitePoint will get you upto speed with Photoshops basic features.

    2.Adobe Photoshop Interface Tutorial

    This tutorial outlines Photoshop CS2s interface. Even if you use an earlier or later version of

    Photoshop, this tutorial is still helpful in familiarizing yourself with how Photoshopin general

    is laid out.

    3.You Suck at Photoshop(series)
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    This wildly popular and humorous screencast on Photoshop techniques by (probably) fictional

    character Donnie Hoyle is an excellent Photoshop series to follow if you like laughing and

    learning at the same time!

    4.Photoshops Toolbox

    This tutorial goes over the anatomy of Photoshops Toolbox.

    Photoshop tools and features

    5.Retouch and Healing Tools
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    Photoshop has a host of tools and options for retouching and correcting images. This tutorial

    goes over the tools at your disposal and what situations each tool excels in.

    6.Photoshops Pen Tool: The Comprehensive Guide

    Photoshops Pen tool gives you the ability to draw objects in a vector-like fashion. This thorough

    tutorial even comes with a practice sheet that will help you master the concepts of working with

    the Pen tool.

    7.Photoshops Painting Tools
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    Photoshops Painting tools allow you to draw and fill in objects with colors and color gradients.

    This tutorial showcases Photoshops painting capabilities.

    8.Photoshop Color Replacement Tool

    Sometimes you want to replace certain colors in an image. With the Color Replacement tool

    you can specify which colors youd like to change and Photoshop will automatically replace

    them for you. This tutorial goes through the color replacement process and discusses all thethings you need to know about the Color Replacement tool.

    9.Understanding Layer Masks
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    One of the fundamental skills to learn in Photoshop is the art ofmasking(isolating certain parts

    of a composition). This comprehensive tutorial goes over the Layer Masking features of


    10.Photoshops Image Masking Tools

    There are different methods of masking objects in your Photoshop composition. This tutorial

    goes over the basic masking tools available to you.

    11.Layer Styles in Photoshop
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    Layer Styles are the effects and options you apply to a particular layer. This tutorial discusses the

    concept of Layer Styles and how to utilize them in your Photoshop documents.

    12.Understanding Bevel and Emboss

    Bevel and Emboss is a particular Layer Style. There are many options you can tweak and change

    (such as the shading and the angle of light); this tutorial goes over what each option does.

    13.Understanding Drop Shadows
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    Drop Shadow is another Photoshop Layer Style that applies a silhouette to the objects in a layer.

    In this tutorial, youll learn about the different options and settings of the Drop Shadow Layer


    14.Introduction to Blending Modes

    In this video tutorial, youll learn about the different Blending Modes available at your disposal.

    15.Photoshops Filters