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Welcome עליכשל  "The Book of Reincarnations"

Sefer Gilgulim !יל#$לי$%ritten &' (onathan Wa)man &ase* on the &ook &'

Re& +haim ,ital 


30.יל.#5003/י:430.יל  ל3על.#/1#/4יל.23עלי1#י0י/.!#-ע#ל


The Talmu* relates a true stor' %here Ra&&i ;ose<h son of Ra&&i ;ehoshua fainte*an* %ent into the S<iritual Worl* of Souls= he %as allo%e* to take a glim<se at the

>ternal ?i@ine S<iritual Worl*A When he a%oke= the' aske* him "%hat *i* 'ou see"Ce sai* he sa% a %orl* that %as totall' "u<si*eD*o%n" as the great an* famous

 <eo<le are consi*ere* unim<ortant in S<irit Worl*A Whereas some of the <oorest an*most unim<ortant <eo<le in this <h'sical %orl* are consi*ere* to &e the greatest soulsin S<irit Worl*A

Ce a%oke confuse*= &ut %as assure* &' Re&i ;ehoshua Ben Ee@i that in fact he ha*seen the truth an* the true realit' of this %orl* an* the truth of the >ternal ?i@ineS<irit Worl*A Fuote* from the 7#3ל/ל55/כ3י4!6717#3ע0 Talmu* HesachimHage IJaKA

L<<earances are ?ece<ti@e in this Hh'sicalWorl*

Without s<iritual un*erstan*ing there are man' things that occur in this %orl* thatseem unMust= unfair an* sim<l' "not right"A Belief in the >ternal ?i@ine +reator of theNni@erse D The #1#5של#ע  GO? an* &elief in an >ternal S<iritual Worl* instills in a

 <erson an acce<tance that %hate@er ha<<ens= ha<<ens for a s<ecific reason= nothingha<<ens &' acci*ent nor chanceA

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Therefore %hen something seemingl' unfair an* unMust ha<<ens= one instincti@el'acce<ts an* kno%s that the <er<etrators %ill not go un<unishe*= either in this <h'sical%orl* or eternall' in s<irit %orl* or their souls %ill &e force* to reincarnate to come*o%n to earth again to correct the mistakes of their <ast li@esP if one is the @ictim then

ma'&e it is 'ou %ho has nee*e* to e)<erience something unfair in this life to cleanse'our soul from a <re@ious life= therefore making it necessar' for one to e)<erience the <ain= learn the lesson= an* then learn to forgi@e %hich %ill &reak the c'cle ofreincarnationA

The Books are Balance* O@er Qan'Eifetimes

The >ternal ?i@ine recor*s kno%n as 4. For kno%n as Lkashic recor*sK areיי!יrecor*s of e@er'thing that has ha<<ene* in <ast li@es an* ha<<ens in this lifeA n mostcircumstances the "&ooks are &alance*" *ail' or *uring a single lifetimeP ho%e@ersome situations are sim<l' &e'on* re<air in one lifetime= an* therefore a +re*it or?e&t is issue* o@er a <ersons soulA

Such a +re*it or ?e&t= Re%ar* or Hain can onl' &e collecte* %hen the <ersonreincarnates to li@e life in this <h'sical %orl*A This is the <ur<ose of .4יי$ל$ל"Reincarnation of Souls" D the &alancing of the s<iritual &ooksA

 othing ha<<ens &' "chance" nor "acci*ent" in this %orl*= e@er'thing has reason=therefore if someone has cause* 'ou <ain an* anguish= *on8t &e u<set= trust an* kno%that the' %ill feel that <ain an* anguish or kno% that ma'&e in a <re@ious life 'oucause* them <ain= so no% is time to forgi@e= heal an* close that <art of 'our soul thatnee*s healing from the inMustice an* <ainA

Sefer Gilgulim !יל#$לי$

The Sefer Gilgulim !יל#$לי$ The Book of Reincarnations an* the Shaar Gilgulimעשיל#$לי$ The Gate of Reincarnations are <ro&a&l' the &est (e%ish S<iritual &ooks

e@er %ritten on reincarnation F%hich %e highl' recommen* 'ou &u' an* rea* in theoriginal he&re% te)tK these &ooks ha@e &een acce<te* &' all sections of the (e%ishcommunitiesP &oth %ere %ritten &' B' Re& +haim ,ital from the teachings of hisRe&&e D the Lri al= &oth &ooks e)<lain in *e<th the s<iritual un*erstan*ings of theSoul U ReincarnationA

The cha<ters in %%%AgilgulimAcom ha@e &een chosen &ecause of their fun*amental

im<ortance in the stu*' of Gilgulim "Reincarnation" inten*e* to &e a <ractical gui*eto li@ing a s<irituall' enlightene* an* successful life= ena&ling one to heal <ast li@es=

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forgi@e <eo<le as one e)<ects to &e forgi@en= there&' mo@ingDon to higher le@els ofs<iritualit' an* most im<ortantl' to &e a&le to mo@eDon to the futureA

Qan' <eo<le of our generation feel stuck an* una&le to mo@eDon %ith life= %e

sincerel' &elie@e the s<iritual e)<lanations of "Sefer Gilgulim" %ill hel< e@er'one8ssoul lea@e the <ast in the <ast an* mo@e onto a s<irituall' enlightene* &righter futureA

We sincerel' %ish= ho<e an* <ra' that each an* e@er' <erson %ho gleans thekno%le*ge of Gilgulim D Reincarnation from Re& +haim ,ital8s %is*om %ill in*ee*fin* com<lete success in this <h'sical life= <erfecting an* cleansing ones s<iritualsoul there&' ele@ating ones soul to highest attaina&le le@el in this %orl* %hich %illlast for eternit' in ?i@ine S<iritual Worl* Lmen 930 A

This ne% %e&site %%%AgilgulimAcom has the follo%ing cha<ters VD

Re& +haim ,ital = a histor' of Re& +haim ,ital

S<iritual Writings of Re& +haim ,ital

ntro*uction to our %e&site an* &rief e)<lanation of Sefer Gilgulim

S<iritual Ea%s an* Nn*erstan*ing of the Soul VD

The Soul = an e)<lanation to the I le@els containe* %ithin each an* e@er' <ersons

soulA= efesh = Ruach = eshoma= +ha'a an* ;echi*a A

The Stages of Eife= e)<lains the stage of life %hen each of the I elements of onessoul enters ones <h'sical e)istenceA

Qeaning of Gilgulim= e)<lains the he&re% meaning of the %or* $= GilgulimAיל$#לי

Birth U ?eath = the c'cle of life an* the Mourne' of the soul A

Guar*ian Lngels = un*erstan*ing that e@er' <erson has at least X guar*ian angelsthroughout their Mourne' in this life A

?estin'= e)<lains the s<iritual fact that one came to earth to e)<erience life an*nothing ha<<ens &' acci*ent or chance in this life= e@er'thing has a reason an*


Soulmates U Soulgrou<8se)<lains that in reincarnation= it is @ital that ones connects%ith souls of ones soulgrou< an* one soulmate to &e a&le to accom<lish ones *estine*

 <ur<ose in lifeA

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Y ke's of reincarnation e)<lain the Y ke's that ena&les one to o<en *oors in ones lifeto unlock the &lockage that ones soul came to earth to o@ercome in reincarnationA

;our Soulmate= un*erstan*ing that 'ou came to earth to &e %ith 'our soulmate=

e@er'one has a *estine* soulmate= 'our Mo& is to fin* 'our soulmate A >@er' li@ingcreature on earth is onl' a half of one %hole A >@er' man has his *estine* %oman=an* con@ersel' e@er' %oman has her *estine* man A O O> is to remain single= thisis OT natural an* therefore of utmost im<ortance for each <erson to com<lete thetasks the' nee* to com<lete as a single <erson for a TZN haGEGNE F means toclear the <ast life8s situations that nee* correctingK = an* then fin* one8s TRN>soulmate = an* OT someone else8s GO? for&i* A

;our home= e@er'one on earth as a s<ecific <lace %here there soul &elongs = &' &eingin that <lace on recei@es ones soul an* hence <h'sical nourishment one nee*s to li@e A

Ls a reincarnate* soul = one is not al%a's &orn in the <lace of one8s true <lace A t is'our Mo& to fin* that <lace= &' clearing the o&stacles out of 'our life = healing 'oursoul an* succee*ing to arri@e in 'our true home %here one recei@es the ma)imum";>>>ZL QEQLE>" .[י1י.לע3ל3 soul sustenance from s<irit %orl* A Other%isethe onl' other time one can connect %ith this <lace is %hilst slee<ing an* tra@elingthere in "slee< state" to recharge 'our *e<lete* energiesA

;our <ur<ose = the moment 'ou are &orn = e@er' reincarnate* soul has Y <ur<oses inlife in or*er to &reak the c'cle of reincarnationP this cha<ter hel<s one un*erstan* that

the Mourne' of life in terms of a "&igger <icture" = this %orl* is sim<l' a learningschool an* transition for our soul A

Test U Hro&lems = un*erstan*ing e@ents that ha<<en in our life for a s<ecific reason=once %e ha@e foun* the reason the <ro&lems an* tests are no longer nee*e*P LEEreincarnate* souls are gi@en test an* <ro&lems for one reasonA

Sefer Gilgulim D Nn*erstan*ing

ReincarnationS<iritual Rules of Reincarnation = un*erstan*ing that Reincarnation is a gift an*o<<ortunit' to our souls to refine= correct an* ele@ate oursel@es an* our soulgrou< inGilgulA Nn*erstan*ing that the gift of sensiti@it' is a gift gi@en to reincarnate* soulsto ena&le one to ha@e success in this lifeA

T%o Hath%a's= an e)<lanation of acce<ting that %e ha@e a free%ill choice in life = an*sometimes there are t%o correct <ath%a's to the same result A

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Si*eDtracke* = an e)<lanation to un*erstan*ing the *ifference of &eing on a *estine* <ath%a' an* &eing com<letel' si*eDtracke* = kno%n as our soul in e)ile /#ל$.3ש1. A

Transference= un*erstan*ing the s<iritual conce<t of losing ones eshoma &'

transference an* ho% to cancel this out an* regain ones o%n *estine* life &ack againan* return ones o%n soul to ones &o*'A

Who are 'ou = %hen a <erson is reall' lost along the <ath%a' of life= it is anemergenc' to un*erstan* e)actl' %hom 'ou are to &e a&le to li@e life <ro<erl'= SeferGilgulim gui*es a <erson at this moment of crisis in i*entit'A

Success = i*entif'ing %hen 'ou ha@e reall' succee*e* in learning 'our lessons in life =an* %hen 'ou ha@e risen to higher le@els s<irituall' an* &roken the c'cle ofreincarnation Tikun CaGilgulA

The Ze' of Eife= an un*erstan*ing that once one has correcte* ones <ur<ose ofreincarnation ones soul is then gifte* %ith the Ze's of Eife= that is the <o%er of

 <ra'er %hich %ill unlock all the close* *oors in ones lifeA

Hre<are for the ne)t life = un*erstan*ing the c'cle of life = an* refining oneself in thislife is a <re<aration for s<irit %orl* an* the ne)t c'cle of life A

Qa' GO? Bless an* Gui*e ;ON \

These are the initial an* most im<ortant cha<ters of Sefer Gilgulim <ages for theinternetP We ho<e to a** more cha<ters ne)t 'ear in XJJ]= ho%e@er %e strongl'

recommen* 'ou to rea* the original Books of Re& +haim ,italA We sincerel' %ishe@er' rea*er success in &reaking the c'cle of reincarnation an* fin* a life %ith

meaning an* <ur<ose D Lmen \

Cistor' of Re& +haim ,ital

##י02י 4956יי.5#5י 3^1י1^

_I`Y D _XJ F 'arbheit YJth issan IY]J K Burie* in ?amascus D S'ria = he li@e* insrael sefa* an* in S'ria A L <u<il of the Lri= he %as res<ecte* %orl*%i*e &othashkanabic an* sefar*ic Me%s alike A Re& +haim ,ital %as the author of man'

Za&&alist= Talmu*ic an* Bi&lical %orks inclu*ing Etz Chaim FTree of EifeK onZa&&ala= an* Lekutai Torah FGleanings of TorahK A Ce ha* sole <ossession of the Lri8s

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%ritings= an* most of our kno%le*ge of the Lri8s life an* teachings are from Re&+haim ,italA

The Disciple

Ra&&i +haim ,ital Fsometimes referre* to as Ra&&i +haim ,ital +ala&rese= since hisfamil' %as from +ala&ria= tal'K %as &orn _st +hesh@an in the Me%ish 'ear IYJY F thatis _I`Y +> KA Ra&&i +haim is reno%ne* <rimaril' as the recor*er an* e*itor of theteachings of Ra&&i ;itbchak Euria= although he himself %as also an accom<lishe*ka&&alist an* %riterA

Ra&&i +haim8s father= Ra&&i ;osef %as fame* as an e)<ert scri&e %hose tefillin %eremuch sought after= ha@ing &een %ritten in holiness an* <urit'= an* %ith s<ecialka&&alistic intentionsA Ra&&i ;osef +aro sai* in the name of his maggi* Fan angelicteacherK that half the %orl* e)iste* &' @irtue of Ra&&i ;osef ,ital8s tefillinA Ra&&i;osef %as &orn an* li@e* in +ala&ria until he %as gi@en a &lessing &' the amousRa&&i +haim Lshkanabi an* a*@ise* to go an* li@e in efas D Sefa* in orthernsrael= a @illage famous for s<iritual great lea*ers %hom ha@e li@e* there F such asRa&&i ;onosson D ;onatan D Ben Nbiel KA Ce %as &lesse* that &' mo@ing to srael he%oul* ha@e a son %ho %ill &ecome a @er' great s<iritual Ra&&i = an* therefore t%o'ear later Re& +haim ,ital %as &orn = name* after Re& +haim Lshkanabi A

Ra&&i +haim stu*ie* the re@eale* as<ects of Torah un*er Ra&&i Qoshe Llshich= one

of the foremost ra&&is in Safe*A Ra&&i ;osef +aro= at the &ehest of his maggi*=a*@ise* Ra&&i Llshich to in@est as much effort in his 'oung stu*ent as <ossi&le= forhe %oul* &e Ra&&i +aro8s successorA Ra&&i +haim stu*ie* Za&&ala un*er the lea*ingka&&alistic luminar' in the %orl* at that time= Ra&&i Qoshe +or*o@ero FRamakKA Oneof the senior ka&&alists li@ing in Safe*= Ra&&i Sha&tai Ea<i*ot= recognibing thatRa&&i +haim %as *estine* for greatness= urge* the 'oung man to e)tract himselffrom all %orl*l' matters an* *e@ote himself to the stu*' of Za&&ala= <romising himthat he %oul* reach unimagina&l' loft' le@elsA

n*ee*= in the 'ear IYXd F_Id +>K= at the relati@el' 'oung age of X= Ra&&i +haim &egan %riting a commentar' on ohar= the <rimar' te)t of Za&&ala= accor*ing to theteachings of RamakA Co%e@er= &' the follo%ing 'ear Ra&&i +haim8s life took acom<letel' *ifferent *irectionA

n the 'ear IYYJ F_IJ +>K Ra&&i ;itbchak Euria Fthe LribalK came to Safe* from>g'<tA nitiall' Ra&&i +haim %as not attracte* to the Lribal= &ut after the <assing ofhis teacher= Ra&&i Qoshe +or*o@ero= he &ecame attache* to the Lribal= uickl'

 &ecoming his chief *isci<leA Ce tells that Ramak a<<eare* to him in a *ream a fe%months after his <assing= an* %hen Ra&&i +haim a*Mure* him to tell him the truth D

%hether the' stu*ie* Za&&ala accor*ing to his s'stem or accor*ing to the Lribal8s in

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the Cea@enl' Lca*em' D his former teacher re<lie*A "Both a<<roaches are trueACo%e@er= m' a<<roach is the sim<le one= suita&le for &eginners in the %is*om ofZa&&ala= %hereas the teachings of 'our teacher the Lribal are *ee<er an* are the

 <rimar' a<<roachA = too= in the Cea@enl' Lca*em'= stu*' onl' accor*ing to the

a<<roach of 'our masterA"

Ra&&i +haim *escri&es his initiation into the Lribal8s ne% a<<roach to Za&&ala asfollo%sV "When first came to m' teacher of saintl' memor' the Lribal to stu*'this %is*om un*er him= he %as a&out to lea@e for Ti&eriasA Ce took me %ith himA We

 &oar*e* a &oat= an* as %e %ere sailing across the Zinneret at a <oint o<<osite thearches of the Ol* S'nagogue of Ti&erius= m' teacher *i<<e* a cu< into the %ater an*ga@e it to me to *rinkA Ce tol* me that no% %oul* &e a&le to gras< this %is*om theteachings of Za&&ala for ha* Must *runk %ater from the %ell of Qiriam %hich is

 &urie* in the ZinneretA rom that time on &egan to enter the *e<th of this %is*omA"

Ra&&i +haim remarke* that the %orks of earlier ka&&alists= from after the Ram&anachmani*es= `dIIDIJYJ F__dID_XJ +>K until the Lribal= %ere &uilt on mortalintellect= %hereas the teachings of his master= the Lribal= %ere re@elations recei@e* &'the Lribal through ?i@ine ins<iration Fruach CaZo*eshKA

Within a 'ear of his initiation into the Lribal8s teachings= Ra&&i +haim ha* &ecomefamous throughout srael an* the ?ias<ora as one of the great ka&&alistsA When theLribal <asse* on in IYYX F_IX +>K= a mere t%o 'ears after Ra&&i +haim ha* &egun

stu*'ing %ith him= Ra&&i +haim %as almost uni@ersall' regar*e* as his successorA

The Lribal %as not accustome* to recor* his teachings in %ritingA Qan' of his*isci<les= ho%e@er= recor*e* his oral teachings= *es<ite the Lribal8s e)<licit

 <rohi&ition to *o soA Ce ha* gi@en onl' Ra&&i +haim <ermission to recor* histeachingsA Lfter the Lribal8s <assing= Ra&&i +haim gathere* all their manuscri<ts an*

 &egan e*iting an* organibing themA To*a' these are kno%n as Zis@ei Lribal D theWritings of the Col' LriA

Ce &egan teaching the ka&&alistic insights he ha* recei@e* from his master to hisman' *isci<les an* thus he &ecame the re@ere* lea*er of a significant grou< ofka&&alistsA Ce also gaine* a re<utation as a miracle %orker= a healer an* a master of

 <ractical ka&&alaA Ce %as a&le to *iscern the nature an* histor' of the souls of menALs he %as a&le to *iscern the "root" SCOR>SC CL >SCLQL D .1ש.3ש ש = an*there&' a&le to fi) the soul from a&o@e %hich heale* an* correcte* an'thing %rong

 <h'sicall' A

n IY` F_I] +>K Ra&&i +haim %as a<<ointe* a lea*ing Mu*ge in the ra&&inicalcourts in (erusalem &' his teacher= Ra&&i Qoshe LlshichA Ce remaine* there for

se@eral 'ears an* then returne* to Safe*A Ce mo@e* to ?amascus in IYI` F_Id`K%here he <asse* a%a' in IY]J F_XJ +>K at the age of se@ent'Dse@enA

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Cis Gra@estone from ?amascus= S'ria

Re& +haim ,ital *ie* an* %as &urie* in ?amascus S'ria= his entire gra@e %as mo@e*from the ol* cemeter' in ?amascus to Ziriat Qalachi in srael A

Cistor' of Re& +haim ,ital

##י02י 4956יי.5#5י 3^1י1^

_I`Y D _XJ F 'arbheit YJth issan IY]J K Burie* in ?amascus D S'ria = he li@e* insrael sefa* an* in S'ria A L <u<il of the Lri= he %as res<ecte* %orl*%i*e &oth

ashkanabic an* sefar*ic Me%s alike A Re& +haim ,ital %as the author of man'Za&&alist= Talmu*ic an* Bi&lical %orks inclu*ing Etz Chaim FTree of EifeK onZa&&ala= an* Lekutai Torah FGleanings of TorahK A Ce ha* sole <ossession of the Lri8s%ritings= an* most of our kno%le*ge of the Lri8s life an* teachings are from Re&+haim ,italA

The Disciple

Ra&&i +haim ,ital Fsometimes referre* to as Ra&&i +haim ,ital +ala&rese= since his

famil' %as from +ala&ria= tal'K %as &orn _st +hesh@an in the Me%ish 'ear IYJY F thatis _I`Y +> KA Ra&&i +haim is reno%ne* <rimaril' as the recor*er an* e*itor of theteachings of Ra&&i ;itbchak Euria= although he himself %as also an accom<lishe*ka&&alist an* %riterA

Ra&&i +haim8s father= Ra&&i ;osef %as fame* as an e)<ert scri&e %hose tefillin %eremuch sought after= ha@ing &een %ritten in holiness an* <urit'= an* %ith s<ecialka&&alistic intentionsA Ra&&i ;osef +aro sai* in the name of his maggi* Fan angelicteacherK that half the %orl* e)iste* &' @irtue of Ra&&i ;osef ,ital8s tefillinA Ra&&i;osef %as &orn an* li@e* in +ala&ria until he %as gi@en a &lessing &' the amous

Ra&&i +haim Lshkanabi an* a*@ise* to go an* li@e in efas D Sefa* in orthernsrael= a @illage famous for s<iritual great lea*ers %hom ha@e li@e* there F such asRa&&i ;onosson D ;onatan D Ben Nbiel KA Ce %as &lesse* that &' mo@ing to srael he%oul* ha@e a son %ho %ill &ecome a @er' great s<iritual Ra&&i = an* therefore t%o'ear later Re& +haim ,ital %as &orn = name* after Re& +haim Lshkanabi A

Ra&&i +haim stu*ie* the re@eale* as<ects of Torah un*er Ra&&i Qoshe Llshich= oneof the foremost ra&&is in Safe*A Ra&&i ;osef +aro= at the &ehest of his maggi*=a*@ise* Ra&&i Llshich to in@est as much effort in his 'oung stu*ent as <ossi&le= for

he %oul* &e Ra&&i +aro8s successorA Ra&&i +haim stu*ie* Za&&ala un*er the lea*ingka&&alistic luminar' in the %orl* at that time= Ra&&i Qoshe +or*o@ero FRamakKA One

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of the senior ka&&alists li@ing in Safe*= Ra&&i Sha&tai Ea<i*ot= recognibing thatRa&&i +haim %as *estine* for greatness= urge* the 'oung man to e)tract himselffrom all %orl*l' matters an* *e@ote himself to the stu*' of Za&&ala= <romising himthat he %oul* reach unimagina&l' loft' le@elsA

n*ee*= in the 'ear IYXd F_Id +>K= at the relati@el' 'oung age of X= Ra&&i +haim &egan %riting a commentar' on ohar= the <rimar' te)t of Za&&ala= accor*ing to theteachings of RamakA Co%e@er= &' the follo%ing 'ear Ra&&i +haim8s life took acom<letel' *ifferent *irectionA

n the 'ear IYYJ F_IJ +>K Ra&&i ;itbchak Euria Fthe LribalK came to Safe* from>g'<tA nitiall' Ra&&i +haim %as not attracte* to the Lribal= &ut after the <assing ofhis teacher= Ra&&i Qoshe +or*o@ero= he &ecame attache* to the Lribal= uickl'

 &ecoming his chief *isci<leA Ce tells that Ramak a<<eare* to him in a *ream a fe%

months after his <assing= an* %hen Ra&&i +haim a*Mure* him to tell him the truth D%hether the' stu*ie* Za&&ala accor*ing to his s'stem or accor*ing to the Lribal8s inthe Cea@enl' Lca*em' D his former teacher re<lie*A "Both a<<roaches are trueACo%e@er= m' a<<roach is the sim<le one= suita&le for &eginners in the %is*om ofZa&&ala= %hereas the teachings of 'our teacher the Lribal are *ee<er an* are the

 <rimar' a<<roachA = too= in the Cea@enl' Lca*em'= stu*' onl' accor*ing to thea<<roach of 'our masterA"

Ra&&i +haim *escri&es his initiation into the Lribal8s ne% a<<roach to Za&&ala as

follo%sV "When first came to m' teacher of saintl' memor' the Lribal to stu*'this %is*om un*er him= he %as a&out to lea@e for Ti&eriasA Ce took me %ith himA We

 &oar*e* a &oat= an* as %e %ere sailing across the Zinneret at a <oint o<<osite thearches of the Ol* S'nagogue of Ti&erius= m' teacher *i<<e* a cu< into the %ater an*ga@e it to me to *rinkA Ce tol* me that no% %oul* &e a&le to gras< this %is*om theteachings of Za&&ala for ha* Must *runk %ater from the %ell of Qiriam %hich is

 &urie* in the ZinneretA rom that time on &egan to enter the *e<th of this %is*omA"

Ra&&i +haim remarke* that the %orks of earlier ka&&alists= from after the Ram&anachmani*es= `dIIDIJYJ F__dID_XJ +>K until the Lribal= %ere &uilt on mortalintellect= %hereas the teachings of his master= the Lribal= %ere re@elations recei@e* &'the Lribal through ?i@ine ins<iration Fruach CaZo*eshKA

Within a 'ear of his initiation into the Lribal8s teachings= Ra&&i +haim ha* &ecomefamous throughout srael an* the ?ias<ora as one of the great ka&&alistsA When theLribal <asse* on in IYYX F_IX +>K= a mere t%o 'ears after Ra&&i +haim ha* &egunstu*'ing %ith him= Ra&&i +haim %as almost uni@ersall' regar*e* as his successorA

The Lribal %as not accustome* to recor* his teachings in %ritingA Qan' of his

*isci<les= ho%e@er= recor*e* his oral teachings= *es<ite the Lribal8s e)<licit <rohi&ition to *o soA Ce ha* gi@en onl' Ra&&i +haim <ermission to recor* his

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teachingsA Lfter the Lribal8s <assing= Ra&&i +haim gathere* all their manuscri<ts an* &egan e*iting an* organibing themA To*a' these are kno%n as Zis@ei Lribal D theWritings of the Col' LriA

Ce &egan teaching the ka&&alistic insights he ha* recei@e* from his master to hisman' *isci<les an* thus he &ecame the re@ere* lea*er of a significant grou< ofka&&alistsA Ce also gaine* a re<utation as a miracle %orker= a healer an* a master of

 <ractical ka&&alaA Ce %as a&le to *iscern the nature an* histor' of the souls of menALs he %as a&le to *iscern the "root" SCOR>SC CL >SCLQL D




1. = an*there&' a&le to fi) the soul from a&o@e %hich heale* an* correcte* an'thing %rong

 <h'sicall' A

n IY` F_I] +>K Ra&&i +haim %as a<<ointe* a lea*ing Mu*ge in the ra&&inicalcourts in (erusalem &' his teacher= Ra&&i Qoshe LlshichA Ce remaine* there for

se@eral 'ears an* then returne* to Safe*A Ce mo@e* to ?amascus in IYI` F_Id`K%here he <asse* a%a' in IY]J F_XJ +>K at the age of se@ent'Dse@enA

Cis Gra@estone from ?amascus= S'ria

Re& +haim ,ital *ie* an* %as &urie* in ?amascus S'ria= his entire gra@e %as mo@e*from the ol* cemeter' in ?amascus to Ziriat Qalachi in srael A

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Re& +haim ,ital D Cis ke@er Ftom&K %as mo@e* to Ziriat Qalachki= <hoto on the rightis of his gra@e %ith thanks to %%%Athir*tem<leAcom

The &lue strings are "Ze*ushaD Ze@er" strings %ra<<e* aroun* the site

These "Ze*usha +onnection +or*s" segments of _JJ <ure %ool F on Re& +haim8sGra@e the light &lue color %as *esignate* K %ere %ra<<e* aroun* times each of theke@ers of our s<ecial hol' <eo<le= the tba*ikimA

Ls the tra*ition is to %alk aroun* in a counter clock %ise *irection encircling thegra@e times %hen @isiting gra@es of Col' Heo<le A This is *one to hel< to remin*oneself of the <erson an* %hat the' stoo* for= an* to reflect on this <h'sical %orl* isin*ee* a Mourne' to take us further s<irituall' for%ar* to the hea@ens a&o@e A The

colour is usuall' the colour of their LNRL D . 0= the s<iritual light colour that the'sa% in their lifetime = an* %hich en@elo<e* them s<irituall' A

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Lsking GO? to gui*e us %ith all the inner an* outer strength to &e a true to GO? an*re@eal to us our true <ur<ose in this life D in a real material sense Must like the s<iritualcolours of the rain&o% %hich are constantl' re@eale* to s<ecial <eo<le into eternit'A D

 0:^1$.י[י7jל  A Which accor*ing to RLSC FGenesis _K= the righteous are a&le to

see e@en in this <h'sical %orl* %ith their "Yr* >'e" A F see more on this %ith res<ectto ;osef D (ose<h an* his coat of man' colours A K

Torah +o*es ל



The IYY letter of the Torah is a Gimmel= then e@er' Yr* letter s<ells the he&re%%or* GEGNE $ A The @erse is in Genesis +ha<ter ` the Xn* to last %or* in ,erseיל$#לXIP The @erse e)<lains that after +ain mur*ere* L&el= &ecause he %as (ealous thatL&el8s offering to GO? %as acce<te*P L*am an* >@e ha* another chil* calle*


Za&&alah FSefer Shinu'imK teaches that this "chil*" Sheis= %as the Reincarnate* soulof L&el= hence this soul &ecame the @er' _st GilGul in the %orl*A ,erse X continuesto e)<lain that Sheis <ra'e* to GO?= this teaches that e@en if a <erson %as mur*ere*their soul has the gift of reincarnation to li@e life again to fulfill their true *estin' an*

 <ur<ose in lifeA

L*am U >@e kne% the' nee*e* to ha@e their *estine* chil* %ho %oul* to start the

generations of mankin* follo%ing a correct an* goo* s<iritual <ath%a'A




The Yr* letter in the large font in the mi**le sentence a&o@e starts to s<ell the %or*

*$P then take e@er' Yr* letter 'ou get the %orיל$#ל $ A The fact that IYY letter ofיל$#לthe Torah starts the %or* GEGE $ is no fluke nor acci*ent as Re& +haim ,italיל$#ל

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ha* collecte* all his %ritings an* com<ile* the &ook Shaar Gilgulim in the (e%ish;ear IYY %hich %as 'ears &efore he *ie*A L&solutel' Lmabing \ Ofcourse it is \ tmakes us recognibe the enormit' an* <recision of e@er' letter of the Torah an* ho%e@er'thing is %ritten in the Torah= e@er' moment of life on earth D this is trul'

?>ST; \

Sefer Gilgulim לי


$ !

But %ithout *ou&t the most famous an* <rofoun* &ook he %rote %as Sefer Gilgulimthe Book of reDincarnation AAAA !יל^$לי$ A

Lccor*ing to (e%ish tra*ition= it has &een acce<te* that onl'= the most learne* an*kno%le*ga&le Ra&&is can un*erstan* the %ritings of his &ooks at the age of `J A

Co%e@er= %ith a s<ecial "Bracha"D &lessing= %e ha@e un*ertaken to e)<lain SeferGilgulim in sim<le terms= as the lea*ing Ra&&is of our generation feel that &' makingthis kno%le*ge a@aila&le = <eo<le %ill com<lete their role an* fulfil their <ur<ose inlife A With the sincere o&Mecti@e of the ultimate <erfection on earth= <eace an* lo@eamongst all of humanit' %ith no more %ars an* hatre*= an* there&' &ringing closerthe time of QOSCL+C ..35^1י3י5930 A

Ls Re& +haim ,ital e)<lains = in the times close to QOSCL+C = all the souls onearth %ill in*ee* &e reincarnate* souls = %ith the ultimate task of com<letion an*

%holeness of mankin* through <eace SCLEOQ Dשל

= an* lo@e of our neigh&ours =/5.0/ י 5. A

Belo% is a <hotogra<hs of his han* %ritten scri<t from Sha8ar Ruach CaZo*esh

Belo% the Hhotogra<h Fon the leftK of one of the front co@er = first <rinte* Sefer Gilgulimin rankfort German' in the (e%ish 'ear I``` = that is the ;ear _]` ceA On the right are

 <hotos of front co@ers of some of the other &ooks Re& +haim ,ital %rote

The Sefer Shaar Za@onus D עש/#1##כ

This full Sefer is a@aila&le free online at %ith thanks to the Tba**ik= Ra&&i SimchaCale@i Lshlag 02ילש %hose father Re& ;ehu*a Lshlag j:= %hom %rote anלe)traor*inar' e)<lanation = click on the &ook to *o%nloa* in <*f format= Fit ma' takea fe% minutes as it is _Y QB of _J <agesK or click here if the link *oes not %ork *5 an* <lease &e <atient for it to *o%nloa* as it takes a fe% minutes to *o%nloaל1^/

this %hole SeferA

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The Talmu* relates a true stor' %here Ra&&i ;ose<h son of Ra&&i ;ehoshua fainte*an* %ent into the S<iritual Worl* of Souls= he %as allo%e* to take a glim<se at the>ternal ?i@ine S<iritual Worl*A When he a%oke= the' aske* him "%hat *i* 'ou see"Ce sai* he sa% a %orl* that %as totall' "u<si*eD*o%n" as the great an* famous

 <eo<le are consi*ere* unim<ortant in S<irit Worl*A Whereas some of the <oorest an*most unim<ortant <eo<le in this <h'sical %orl* are consi*ere* to &e the greatest souls

in S<irit Worl*A

Ce a%oke confuse*= &ut %as assure* &' Re&i ;ehoshua Ben Ee@i that in fact he ha*seen the truth an* the true realit' of this %orl* an* the truth of the >ternal ?i@ineS<irit Worl*A Fuote* from the 7#3ל/ל55/כ3י4!6717#3ע0 Talmu* HesachimHage IJaKA

L<<earances are ?ece<ti@e in this Hh'sical

Worl*Without s<iritual un*erstan*ing there are man' things that occur in this %orl* thatseem unMust= unfair an* sim<l' "not right"A Belief in the >ternal ?i@ine +reator of theNni@erse D The #1#5של#ע  GO? an* &elief in an >ternal S<iritual Worl* instills in a

 <erson an acce<tance that %hate@er ha<<ens= ha<<ens for a s<ecific reason= nothingha<<ens &' acci*ent nor chanceA

Therefore %hen something seemingl' unfair an* unMust ha<<ens= one instincti@el'

acce<ts an* kno%s that the <er<etrators %ill not go un<unishe*= either in this <h'sical%orl* or eternall' in s<irit %orl* or their souls %ill &e force* to reincarnate to come*o%n to earth again to correct the mistakes of their <ast li@esP if one is the @ictim thenma'&e it is 'ou %ho has nee*e* to e)<erience something unfair in this life to cleanse'our soul from a <re@ious life= therefore making it necessar' for one to e)<erience the

 <ain= learn the lesson= an* then learn to forgi@e %hich %ill &reak the c'cle ofreincarnationA

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The Books are Balance* O@er Qan'Eifetimes

The >ternal ?i@ine recor*s kno%n as 4. For kno%n as Lkashic recor*sK areיי!יrecor*s of e@er'thing that has ha<<ene* in <ast li@es an* ha<<ens in this lifeA n mostcircumstances the "&ooks are &alance*" *ail' or *uring a single lifetimeP ho%e@ersome situations are sim<l' &e'on* re<air in one lifetime= an* therefore a +re*it or?e&t is issue* o@er a <ersons soulA

Such a +re*it or ?e&t= Re%ar* or Hain can onl' &e collecte* %hen the <ersonreincarnates to li@e life in this <h'sical %orl*A This is the <ur<ose of .4יי$ל$ל"Reincarnation of Souls" D the &alancing of the s<iritual &ooksA

 othing ha<<ens &' "chance" nor "acci*ent" in this %orl*= e@er'thing has reason=therefore if someone has cause* 'ou <ain an* anguish= *on8t &e u<set= trust an* kno%that the' %ill feel that <ain an* anguish or kno% that ma'&e in a <re@ious life 'oucause* them <ain= so no% is time to forgi@e= heal an* close that <art of 'our soul thatnee*s healing from the inMustice an* <ainA

"Hra'er of Re& +haim ,ital

n the ntro*uction of Sefer Gilgulim"

"Qa' %hoe@er sees= touches= rea*s= remem&ers= talks or thinks a&out the s<iritualkno%le*ge of Reincarnation of Souls ma' the' ne@er &e re&orn in unfortunatecircumstances= ma' the' recei@e onl' re&irths in situations con*uci@e to the <erfect

 <ractice of reincarnation= meet onl' enlightene* s<iritual gui*es= uickl' ha@e ahealing= clearance of <ast li@es corrections D Tikun Cagilgul D an* imme*iatel' attainenlightenment for the sake of all humanit'"

ntro*uction to Gilgulim D Reincarnation

There are onl' three reasons %h' a <erson reincarnates VD

_A To correct the <ast life

XA To ele@ate the soul to a higher s<iritual le@el

YA To &e a lea*er= a gui*e an* a teacher for other <eo<le

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Ln* e@er' reincarnate* soul is gi@en a s<ecial gift of "sensiti@it'" an* "intuition"A

The Gift of Sensiti@it' for "Reincarnate*

Souls"The as<ects to un*erstan* "sensiti@it'" from the cha<ter of "Sensiti@e Souls"= fromSefer Shinu'im "The &ook of changes" an* Sefer Gilgulim "The Book ofReincarnations" teaches the im<ortance of kno%ing %hat "&eing sensiti@e" means an*ho% to han*le this s<ecial "s<iritual gift" VD

_A >@er'one8s soul has chosen the s<ecific le@el of "sensiti@it'" one nee*s *uring lifean* for each stage of change *uring ones lifeA

XA Sensiti@e souls are "OE?" souls reincarnating= the gift of "sensiti@it'" is a"s<iritual gift" that one has earne* in <re@ious lifetimes= an* <ro@i*es a <erson %ith"s<ecial" <rotection *uring this lifeA

YA Sensiti@e souls feel "unsettle*" in this <h'sical %orl*A

`A Sensiti@e souls feel isolate* an* lonel'A

IA Sensiti@e souls take time to a*Must to life on earth= once the' learn the s<iritual

rules of controlling their "sensiti@it'" the' then ha@e %on*erfull' <ro*ucti@efulfilling an* ha<<' li@esA

A Success for sensiti@e souls comes as soon as the' make the right connectionss<irituall'= an* kee< "close*" to lo%er souls %ho are *angerous "freeloa*ers an*

 <arasites" tr'ing to steal goo* life energ'= &' &ringing them *o%n to their le@el an*ruin their souls \

A Sensiti@e souls nee* to kee< connecte* to "E>" an* "EO,>" an* *isconnect

from "?>LTC" an* "CLT>"= one nee*s to learn %hen to &e "o<en" an* "close*"= sothe' can control the energ' flo% in ones soul through the gift of sensiti@it' of onesmin* an* thoughtsA


Lll humans more or less ha@e the same <h'sical characteristics= ho%e@er thein*i@i*ualit' of each <erson is i*entifie* &' the %a' one TCZSA Ones thoughts an*in <articular the gift of S>ST,T; gi@es a <erson the "e)tra s<ecial" ?i@ine hel<=

to accom<lish ones <ur<ose an* achie@e success in lifeA

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The more "sensiti@e" a <erson is= the greater ones <otential an* a&ilit' to succee*AThis is <ro@i*e* one un*erstan*s the gift of &eing "sensiti@e"= learning an* kno%ing%hen to "o<en" an* "close" the sensiti@it'= controlling the flo% of energ' that is gi@ento a sensiti@e <erson &' learning to use ones Q? <o%er= an* using ones uniue

gifts that are containe* %ithin the &lessing of "sensiti@it'" correctl'= this <age %ille)<lain this "gift" of sensiti@it'A

_A >@er' <erson has chosen the s<ecificle@el of "Sensiti@it'" one nee*s *uring lifean* for each stage of change *uring ones

lifeAOur soul chooses to &e "sensiti@e" &efore %e are &orn *uring our chil*hoo*= in or*erto ma)imibe our <otential in this life= an* to make _JJ certain that %e succee* in"getting it right" &' listening to our sensiti@e feelings= there&' correcting all themistakes %e ha@e ma*e in <re@ious lifetimes an* learn the lessons %e %ante* to learnin this lifeA

The ?i@ine <ur<ose in making a <erson "sensiti@e" is in or*er to ensure that %e

follo% the correct <ath%a' in lifeA f a chil* is tol* OT to touch a hot o@en an* thentouches the o@en an* gets a "&urn"= this chil*8s sensiti@it' is teaching the chil* D >,>R touch &urning hot o@ens\ ?uring chil*hoo* our <h'sical senses= <arents an*teachers teach us an* gui*e us along a safe <ath%a' for our sur@i@al in lifeA

Ls %e *e@elo< *uring chil*hoo* an* a*ulthoo*= there are uniue e)<eriencesa<<lica&le to each in*i@i*ual= the OE; gui*e %e ha@e is the gift of "sensiti@it'"AWhen a <erson uses an* "listens" to the sensiti@it' correctl'= an* GOR>S all the

 <eo<le %ho are gi@ing them &a* a*@ice then one can ha@e great successA

Qan' refer to the "sensiti@it'" as a strong s<iritual connection %ith ones guar*ianangels %ho are <rotecting an* gui*ing the in*i@i*ualA Co%e@er a <erson <ercei@es"sensiti@it'" D it is a gift that is gi@en to each in*i@i*ual in *ifferent measures= to hel<one make the right *ecisions an* follo% the right <ath%a' for each <ersonsin*i@i*ualistic lifeA

>@er'one is "sensiti@e" %hilst

one is "gro%ing u<" or "changing"

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>@er' humanD&eing an* animal has a &asic sensiti@it'= that ena&les them to gro%Du<an* sur@i@e in this %orl*A ?uring lifeDchanging moments in ones life= es<eciall'"mi*DlifeDcrisis" moments= *i@orce or *eath of a lo@e* one= or an' kin* of "loss"= a

 <ersons soul an* min* is ma*e to &e "o<en" an* more "sensiti@e"= this is in or*er that

a <erson learns an* listens to their "sensiti@it'" in or*er to make the necessar' goo*changes in their li@esA

Often changes occur Must after someone %ho lo@es 'ou *ies= s<irituall' this is &ecausetheir soul in s<irit %orl* WLTS to hel< 'ou an* is tr'ing to gui*e 'ou along thecorrect <ath%a' in life= hence the e)traDsensiti@it' is a GT from their soul to 'ou Dto hel< ;ONA

Qan' <eo<le misconstrue su<erDsensiti@e as "&a* feelings" that are "attacking" a <erson= this is incorrect= there is something that nee*s changing an* these sensiti@e

feelings are there to hel< a <erson to change= so "%ork" %ith an* *on8t fight againstthese feelingsA

Qan' a*ults= tr' to su<<ress their "uncomforta&le" feelings= &ut in fact these sensiti@eemotions are tr'ing to teach a <erson to +CLG>= an* gui*e a <erson LWL; fromtheir current life to a >W <ath%a'A f the <erson chooses to ignore an* su<<ressthese feelings= then it often gets %orse= until the <h'sical &o*' an* soul *eci*es it isan emergenc' an* a "&ig sign" is nee*e* to change a <ersonA

Once a <erson has learnt the lesson

there is no nee* for "sensiti@it'"

Once a <erson has learnt the lesson that the' are &eing gui*e* &' their "sensiti@it'"=then there is no nee* for the "uncomforta&le feelings"A f= ho%e@er a <erson *oes notlisten an* change= then the uncomforta&le feelings <ersist until a <erson changesA nthe section of our %e&site calle* "The Hath%a' to >nlightenment"= outlines the X

*ifferent as<ects that a <erson ma' nee* to change to un&lock ones life an* feel%holesomeA

XA Lll "sensiti@e souls" are

%ise "OE?" souls reincarnatingA

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Lll "Sensiti@e souls" are "OE?" souls reincarnating= the gift of "sensiti@it'" is a"s<iritual gift" that one has earne* in <re@ious lifetimes= an* <ro@i*es a <erson %ith"s<ecial" <rotection *uring this lifeA

Sensiti@it' is an in*ication that a <erson is an OE? soul= the more sensiti@e a <ersonis in*icati@e that their soul is @er' OE?A

n a**ition to the usual gift of sensiti@it' of a chil*= an "ol*" soul that is returning toearth to li@e life again is &lesse* %ith the gift of e)tra s<ecial "sensiti@it'"A

"Su<er Sensiti@it'"

Qost <eo<le come to earth to learn the &asic lessons of "   יי 41#:3י15 "= that isVD to ha@e

chil*ren= learn to create a life of lo@e= an* sur@i@alA "OE?" souls ha@e li@e* an*fulfille* these &asic lessons in a <re@ious life= these souls ha@e come to earth for as<ecific <ur<oseA L uniue role a<<lica&le to them= an* %ith a collecti@e <ur<ose tohumanit'A

These "ol* souls" also kno%n as "teachers"= are &lesse* %ith a "su<er sensiti@it'" inor*er that the' ma' succee*= this sensiti@it' gi@es them s<ecial "Hrotection" to kee<a%a' from "freeloa*ers"= Mealous= hateful an* "nuisance" <eo<leA This gift"sensiti@it'" kee<s one focuse*= not &eing *i@erte* &' materialism or mun*ane

 <h'sical <leasuresA This makes sensiti@e <eo<le feel @er' uneas' an* uncomforta&le*oing an'thing their soul consi*ers "useless" to the <ur<ose the' came to earth tofulfillA

YA Sensiti@e souls feel "unsettle*"

in this <h'sical %orl*

Sensiti@e souls feel the' *o not &elong in this <h'sical %orl*= the' feeluncomforta&le= unsettle* an* fin* it *ifficult to a*Must to this <h'sical %orl*A This is &ecause the' still ha@e *ee< emotions an* memories of <re@ious lifetimes em&e**e*in their soulA The "ol*er" the soul an* further &ack in histor' %ere the' ha@eoriginate* from the more unsettle* the' %ill feel in this lifeA

n the un*erstan*ing that "sensiti@e souls" are reincarnate* souls= this means that the'ha@e li@e* man' 'ears ago in a *ifferent <lace an* certainl' @er' much "*ifferentl'"than our mo*ern generationA f 'ou imagine ho% an african %ho li@es %ithoutelectricit' %oul* co<e if the' su**enl' %oke u< in Qanhattan e% ;ork *uring "rushhour" \\\ +on@ersel' if %e %oke u< in a %orl* %ithout com<uters= electricit' or

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running %ater \\\ o% think ho% a %ise ol* soul %ho li@e* XJJJ 'ears ago %oul*manage if the' %oul* &e &orn in our generation \

t %oul* take a lot of time to "acclimatibe" to this <h'sical %orl*= %hilst still tr'ing to

remain focuse* on the s<ecific <ur<ose of their reincarnate* life= %ithout &eing si*etracke*= *istracte* or *i@erte* &' "mo*ern life8s tem<tations" or &a* a*@ice from nonDs<iritual *istractionsA

Lll sensiti@e souls feel "unsettle*" in this <h'sical %orl*= as their souls ha@e s<entmore time in the truthful o<en "s<iritual" %orl*= than the' ha@e *one in this <h'sical%orl* %hich contains a lot of "*eceit"A aturall' these "ol* sensiti@e souls" feel moreat home in the s<iritual %orl*= ho%e@er once an* OE; %hen these souls start toconnect %ith other "ol* souls" an* start to accom<lish the <ur<ose the' came to earthto fulfill= then the' %ill feel at <eace %ith themsel@esA

Nntil that time comes= these "sensiti@e souls" sim<l' nee* to learn ho% to &e"+lose*" F&oth <h'sicall' an* s<irituall' in ones min* an* thoughtsK to e)ternal*raining influences that cause the soul a loss &' "Transference" %ith interaction %ith"freeloa*ers" %ho gi@e them "&a* feelings"A

FWhat are "freeloa*ers" D Ls %e e)<laine* on the R>S+N> souls <age= "freeloa*ers"are earth&oun* souls after the' ha@e *ie*= ho%e@er= as %e in the ne)t <aragra<hs=there are &a* <eo<le %ho still ali@e an* are calle* "freeloa*ers"= freeloa*ers look as

though the' are <h'sicall' ali@e D &ut their souls insi*e are "?>L?"= the' ha@e noconnection %ith creati@e lo@ing life energ'= as the' are full of hatre*= fear an**estruction= such <eo<le are anno'ing as the' ha@e ruine* their o%n li@es an* theiraim an* *esire is to *estro' an* ruin other <eo<les li@esAK

`A Sensiti@e souls feel isolate* an* lonel'

"Sensiti@e souls" as the' are "ol* souls" usuall' feel isolate* an* alienate* from most <eo<le of their generationA >@en in large cro%*s of <eo<le= the' fin* @er' fe% <eo<le

%ith %hom the' can reall' "connect" %ithA This is es<eciall' im<ortant for <arentsan* "sensiti@e" chil*ren to realibe= that if a sensiti@e chil* *oesn8t integrate %ell atschool= %ith chil*ren of their o%n age= it is OT a sign that there is something"%rong" %ith the chil*= to the contrar' D it is sim<l' the chil* has the soul of ol*reincarnate* %ise <erson %ho has nothing in common %ith other chil*renA

Once such a sensiti@e chil* realibes= the <o%er of hisher soul= then this chil* shoul* &e channele* to learn to use their sensiti@it' at a 'oung age to tr' an* i*entif' %hattheir skills are from <re@ious lifetimesA This is the reason %h' religious Me%ish

chil*ren learn he&re% at a 'oung age of I= "he&re%" is the reconnection %ith themotherDtongue of Me%ish souls= %hich reconnects the chil*8s soul an* &rings them

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"ali@e"A Lll "Me%ish" souls ha@e an imme*iate a&ilit' to the he&re% language= itcomes @er' easil' to true Me%ish souls= as it is em&e**e* %ithin the souls memor'AOnce this *oor to the soul is o<ene*= this easil' allo%s the min* to &e o<ene* to allkno%le*ge an* s<iritual energ'A

Lll "sensiti@e chil*ren" ha@e a gift

Eike%ise= all "sensiti@e chil*ren" %ill fin* something that the' are @er' gifte* an*learn @er' uickl'= it ma'&e a language like he&re% or french= a science such asastronom'= astrolog' or maths= kno%le*ge of the &i&le= histor'= Fol* &ooks %hichremin* them of the <ast li@esK= or artistic *ra%ing or creati@e %riting a&ilities or

 <la'ing a musical instrument etcA=

t is the *ut' of goo* res<onsi&le <arents to tr' an* hel< their sensiti@e chil*ren"unlock" their <ast= an* fin* these giftsA This %ill instantaneousl' &ring their soul"ali@e" an* hel< gui*e their soul to their correct <ath%a'A Once the' are connecte*%ith their <ur<ose the feelings of isolation an* alienation *issi<ate= as the *oor%a' intheir soul is o<ene* an* no% the' %ill start to connect %ith goo* <eo<le= %ho are all

 <art of their *estin'A

IA Sensiti@e souls take time to a*Must

Sensiti@e souls take time to a*Must to life on earth= once one learns the s<iritual rulesof controlling "sensiti@it'" one %ill ha@e %on*erfull' <ro*ucti@e fulfilling an* ha<<'li@esA

These sim<le rules are F_K to &e a%are an* un*erstan* the conce<t of the soul= FXKun*erstan* that there is a "&igger" <icture of life in this <h'sical %orl* an* s<iritual%orl* than %e see %ith our e'es= FYK un*erstan* that e@er'thing that ha<<ens in a

 <ersons life is controlle* &' ones min* an* thoughts= learn to use ones min*effecti@el' an* think for oneself= F`K learn ho% to kee< "+lose*" to freeloa*ers an*

not allo% oneself to &e si*eDtracke* or easil' influence* &' the %rong <eo<le= FIKun*erstan* that ones moo* is susce<ti&le to "change" &' e)ternal influences= soensure that one *oes not lose ones energ' in a loss &' "transference"= FK kee<focuse* that one has &een &lesse* an* one has a s<ecific role in life to accom<lish%ith ones giftsA

Once a <erson recognibes these facts an* li@es %ith the un*erstan*ing that the' ha@ea s<ecific an* uniue <ur<ose= %hich is <art of a *i@inel' <lanne* an* *estine*

 <ath%a'= then "sensiti@e" souls gain a self confi*ence F%ithout &eing "<rou* an*

arrogant"K= then al%a's ha@e %on*erful <ur<oseful enlightene* li@es= in s<ite of

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ha@ing "set&acks" in earl' life= that are usuall' cause* &' freeloa*ers takinga*@antage an* a&using the goo*ness of sensiti@e <eo<leA

Sensiti@e souls take longer than most <eo<le to a*Must to this <h'sical %orl*= the'

ma' mature later than most <eo<le= an* "late *e@elo<ing" is <erfectl' normalALccor*ing to the Talmu*= sensiti@e souls usuall' onl' marr' an* "fin* lo@ingsoulmate" after the age of YJ or e@en `J like the famous Ra&&i Lki@a %ho marrie* at`JA Nntil this age the' nee* the free*om to use their min*s to learn an* *e@elo< theirs<iritual gifts= &eing marrie* %ith chil*ren %oul* "*istur&" their souls <ath%a'= soinherentl' the' are "lateD*e@elo<ers"A This is <erfectl' normal= hence it is @ital that"sensiti@e souls" >,>R to com<are themsel@es to other <eo<le \

A Success for sensiti@e souls as soon as onemakes the right connections s<irituall'

Ls %ith all reincarnate* souls success an* a sense of "life energ'" an* @italit' OE;comes %hen one makes the right connections %ith the right *estine* <eo<le an*

 <lacesA The gift of su<er sensiti@it' gi@es a <erson the intuiti@e "feeling" that a <articular <lace= <eo<le an* e@ents in ones life are _JJ correct= e@en if "other" <eo<le think 'ou are %rongA t is u< to 'ou to trust 'our s<iritual gui*ance an* ha@econfi*ence in 'our feelings of sensiti@it' instea* of listening to other <eo<leA

This s<iritual guarantee for "sensiti@e souls" is this Z>; to life= once the correctconnections are ma*e= then "magicall'" goo* things ha<<en for the <erson= as signsthat this is the correct course in life= cou<le* %ith a sense of kno%ing that this ne%

 <ath%a' is the right *estine* <ath%a'A Nntil the correct <ath%a' is taken D then there%ill &e &lockages= *e<ression an* failures= all these are signs of gui*ance to ensurethat one feels unsettle* an* "not at <eace" until one is one the right <ath%a'A

Ofcourse one has the free%ill choice to "Block Success" or e@en if one tells the%rong <eo<le= these "*estructi@e <eo<le" can cancel out the <otential= until one learns

+losure from these <eo<le an* STOH &eing *raine* in an' loss &' "Transference"A Onl' ;ON can feel %hat 'ou are feeling= an* instincti@el' an* s<irituall' 'our soul%ill kno% %hat to *o \ >@en if one resists changes= life %ill stagnate or "go roun*" incircles until one gets it right \

A Zee<ing connecte* to E>

an* *isconnect from ?>LTC

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Sensiti@e souls nee* to kee< connecte* to "E>" an* "EO,>" an* *isconnect from"?>LTC" an* "CLT>"= the' nee* to learn %hen to &e "o<en" an* "close*"= so the'can control the energ' flo% in their soul through their sensiti@it'A

Who is "Lli@e" U Who is "?ea*" 4יי0[1י/3יכש.7jי]י

"Goo* souls %hen the' *ie are in fact ali@e"


"Ba* souls %hen the' are ali@e are in fact *ea*"

?efining an* categoribing e@er'thing into "life" an* "*eath"= is intrinsicall' @ital sothat %e can remain energibe* %ith the goo* lifeDgi@ing creati@e energ' of GO?%hich is EO,>A We e)<lain this further on the <age of Hrotection A This is the reason%h' s<irituall' sensiti@e <eo<le @isit the gra@esites of goo* <eo<le an* <eacefuls<iritual cemeteries an* famous ra&&is %hose souls are LE,> an* continue to hel<from s<irit %orl*A

>@er'one an* es<eciall' sensiti@e souls are constantl' interacting an* sensinge@er'thing aroun* them= it is @ital that %e connect onl' "life" an* "lo@e" energ'A f a

 <erson senses or feels *raine* this is a sign that the <erson= <lace or energ' of onesacti@it' is "*ea*" energ'A Z>>H +EOS>? an* G>T LWL; from such ?>L? energ'A


We ha@e e)<laine* the im<ortance of the gift of sensiti@it' in the intro*uction <age of this %e&site %%%AgilgulimAcom as this is going to &e 'our fun*amental inner tool tohel< gui*e 'ou to un*erstan* %h' 'ou %ere &orn an* %hat it is 'our soul came to this

earth to accom<lishA

The "Gift of Sensiti@it'" to all reincarnate* souls is the greatest gift one can ha@e an*it %ill hel< 'ou to sol@e the m'ster' of 'our lifeP 'our o%n inner feelings %ill hel<'ou ans%er the reason %h' things ha@e ha<<ene* in 'our life an* %hat it is that 'ounee* to *o to make 'our life a successA

With this intro*uction no% %e shall no% e)<lain the I elements an* le@els of oneSONE an* the  stages of life A


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S<ecial ote Zisle@ I D ?ecem&er XJJ

Hlease note that in the interest of u<loa*ing this %e&site D %e shall continue a**ing tothis %e&<age once %e ha@e com<letel' u<loa*e* all our s<iritual %e&sites es<eciall'Sefer Shinu'im D the Book of +hanges U Sefer Tikunim D the &ook of +orrectionsA

Nn*erstan*ing the Ee@els of the Soulfrom "The Book of Reincarnations" &' Re& +haim ,ital

0^.0#5ש3י/-5ש.0#5של303.1^305.3י109ילכ#יעש.#ע ש.עש.ל0^5.0^.#75ילכ^.13י$

עשי  3.

The Soul an* Belief in GO?Belie@ing or not &elie@ing in GO? D Thankfull' in our generation more than in an'

other generation %e ha@e the free%ill choice as to &elie@e or not &elie@eP in the <astgenerations religious lea*ers &rain%ashe* the <o<ulation= an* in man' cases <unishe*@iolentl' the nonD&elie@ersA Cence these irres<onsi&le lea*ers cause* a &acklash ofre&ellion against tra*itional manDma*e religious la%s an* the manDma*e "religions"At is inconcei@a&le to un*erstan* that an'one can force someone to &elie@e in GO?A

This free%ill choice ena&les a <erson to think for themsel@es an* use the <o%er%ithin ones o%n min*= thoughts an* soul to come to the same conclusions as man'other s<irituall' enlightene* soulsA The Mourne' an* <ath%a' to "fin*ing GO?" an*

"fin*ing oursel@es s<irituall'" in that %e all contain a <o%erful s<iritual soul %ithinour <h'sical e)istence is as amabing as the num&er of souls that li@e on this <lanetA

Belief in #1#5של#ע  an >ternal ?i@ine S<iritual +reator of the uni@erse an* &elief ina SHRT %orl* is an inner <ersonal e)<erienceA >ach an* e@er' in*i@i*ual has theiro%n uniue feelings= e)<eriences an* &eliefsA

There are Y &asic gui*elines= gi@en &' the goo* s<iritual lea*ers to hel< eachin*i@i*ual e)<lore their o%n &eliefs &' themsel@es as %e e)<laine* in the <age on"Soul U Belief" from Cea@ensRegister %e&siteA

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_A L%akening 'our s<irit %ithin 'ou D &' looking at the Stars in the sk' at night an*looking at the &eaut' of nature= the trees= <lants an* flo%ers A

XA L%akening ones &elief in a soul an* s<iritual %orl* A This occurs %hen someone

'ou lo@e *ies an* <asses o@er to s<irit %orl* A >@er' single <erson in the %orl* kno%san* lo@es someone= at some stage of their life %ho *ies A This connection an*continual <rocess of life connects all the generations an* s<irit soulsA

Y L%akening the *e<ths of lo@e e@er'one has hi**en an* su<<resse* %ell s<rings ofEO,> an* creati@e lo@ing energ' *ee< insi*e A The o<ening u< of true uncon*itional%ells<rings of EO,> %ithin ones soul= connects each <erson *irectl' %ith thecreati@e energ' of this %orl* D GO? A eeling an* e)<ressing EO,>= connects one%ith life energ' of GO? A Where there is lo@e there is GO?= an* %here GO? is thereis life= @italit'= ha<<iness= faith= ho<e an* <eace A

Onl' When a Herson has oun* the

nner S<iritual eeling U Belief in S<iritWorl*

t is onl' %hen a <erson reall' an* trul' &elie@es in an >ternal ?i@ine S<iritual Worl*an* sim<l' "kno%s" of the e)istence of a s<iritual soul from %ithin ones min*=thoughts an* soul that one can start the Mourne' to un*erstan* "Reincarnation"D the

 Mourne' of ones soul= from %here one has come an* to %here one is goingA

The L%akene* Soul

../0./05י5. .20ש1//1ש0.3ל.י

The first uestions one %ill &e <ubble* &' %hen tr'ing to un*erstan* the conce<ts an*e)istence of soul Fcommonl' referre* to in (e%ish teachings as a eshoma .3ש1K= is%hat is a soul Where is it Co% can %e uantif' it Lll of these uestions <ubblee@er'oneA The soul= Must like &elief in GO?= is a feeling an* a%areness that eachin*i@i*ual *e@elo<s for themsel@es at a *estine* an* s<ecific timeA

Re& +haim ,ital in the Book of Reincarnations e)<lains that our <h'sical an*s<iritual as<ects coe)ists togetherA t is clear to e@er'one e)actl' %here our <h'sical

 &o*' is locate*= ho%e@er our soul can e)ist in an* out of our <h'sical &o*'P it8s

energ' ascen*s an* transcen*s into our <h'sical <resence &ut can also &e in t%o orman' <laces at the same time= *e<en*ing one %here our thoughts are focuse*A

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Or re<hrase* more accuratel' the "efesh Soul" as<ect of our soul can &e in our <h'sical &o*' %hilst the ";echi*ah D Oneness" as<ect is together at One %ith GO?an* s<irit %orl*= mean%hile all the other as<ects in &et%een can &e almost an'%hereelseP the most centere* of s<irituall' enlightene* <eo<le ha@e all the as<ects in

control in the <lace %here the' %ant them= %hether it &e in this <h'sical e)istence orin the s<iritual realmsA

>@er' Ei@ing an* on Ei@ing >ntit' in thisNni@erse has a Soul

>@er' li@ing an* non li@ing entit' in this Nni@erse has a soul= OTCG <h'sicalcan e)ist %ithout a s<iritual soul energibing an* connecting it %ith the >ternal ?i@ine

S<iritual realmsA This inclu*es a&solutel' >,>R;TCGP mountains= clou*s= rocks=trees= flo%ers e@en a &la*e of grass= an* the minutest of ants etcA=

This is one of the s<iritual reasons that the Torah D Bi&le for&i*s *estro'ing fruit trees=as in*ee* the <erson %ho cuts *o%n a fruit tree is mur*ering a s<irit soul= that %as*esignate* &' GO? to <ro@i*e its fruits to mankin*A The le@els of s<iritual soule)istence %ill @ar' in each grou< as follo%sVD

The I Ee@els of +reate* >)istence .0י


_A 3 7 nanimate o&Mects like a stone or cr'stal rocks= mountains= the seas= an* thesk'= in fact e@er'thing that %as create* on ?a' _ U ?a' X of the +reation of theNni@erse as %ritten in Genesis +ha<ter _A

XA 43 j ,egetation= <lants= trees an* e@er'thing that gro%s= e@er'thing create* on ?a'Y of +reation .שע3/יש05 of the Nni@erse as %ritten in Genesis +ha<ter _A

YA '4 Ei@ing creatures= animals= &ir*s= insects an* e@er'thing li@ing as create* on ?aי

I of +reation .שע3/יש05 of the Nni@erse as %ritten in Genesis +ha<ter _A

This le@el of e)istence the animal king*om that &reathes= mo@es on the earth an*nee*s to mo@e in or*er to sur@i@e on this <lanetA The aim of this grou< is sur@i@al an*is constantl' searching for %a's to fee* each *a'A t has the occu<ation in <o<ulatingan* re<ro*ucing itself ^41 :3י15יי A

`A 573 Lll humans &eings in the %orl* that ha@e the gift of s<eechA

The &asic human <o<ulation has the same earthl' animal le@el= %hich is here to learn

lessons of sur@i@al an* re<o<ulating itself ^41 :3י15יי = &ut *oes ha@e the intrinsic <otential to ele@ate the soul to ha@ing a <ur<oseful life of the ne)t categor' VD

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IA  S<irituall' enlightene* an* &lesse* humans that ha@e use* an* *o use theי.^7י <o%er of s<eech %isel' Fthe <o%er of 4# RuachK are then &lesse* %ith the e)istenceof a higher le@el of .3ש1 eshoma Soul to &e a&le to ha@e higher <ur<oseful life forsake of the e)istence of the %orl* an* of mankin*A

The highest le@el in this <h'sical %orl* attaina&le is calle*  = this is attri&ute* toי.^7יsomeone %ho has higher goals in lifeA L <erson %hose life has a higher <ur<ose otherthat sur@i@al an* re<o<ulation= %ho li@es in ser@ice of GO? or ser@ice to mankin*AWith the o&Mecti@e to making this %orl* a &etter <laceA

Such <eo<le are selfless an* are constantl' fin*ing *ifferent %a's to &e of ser@ice toGO? an* to humanit'A This grou< kno% an* &elie@e in GO? an* an eternal ?i@ines<iritual %orl*P the' li@e in this %orl* %ith inner <eacefulness an* glo% of s<iritualra*iance kno%ing that this <h'sical %orl* is merel' a short Mourne' for ones soulA

The le@els Y= ` U I of create* e)istence are reflecte* in the as<ects an* facets of theS<iritual Soul as follo%s VD

I Ls<ects of the S<iritual Soul %ithin eachHerson

_A '!1 efesh is the ">arthl' Soul"P e@erש 4 Ei@ing creature FEe@el Y a&o@eK containsיa efeshA

>@er' li@ing creature= animal an* human has a "efesh !1 >arthl' Soul"= this gi@esשthe &o*' the natural instincts to eat slee< an* the se)ual *esire to re<ro*uce= the"efesh *!1 >arthl' Soul" is the ke' for sur@i@al an* continuit' of li@ing life anשhumanit'A

L <ersons "efesh !1 >arthl' Soul" arri@es in this <h'sical %orl* %ith onesשconce<tion= *uring the act of lo@e of ones <arentsP "efesh "!1 >arthl' Soulש

transcen*s *o%n from s<irit %orl* through the fathers soul into the mothers &o*'A

Sefer Rabiel at %%%ArabielAinfo e)<lains in astrological terms that the astrologicalenerg' %ithin ones "efesh !1 >arthl' Soul" is influence* &' the time of conce<tionשFan* OT the time of &irth as nonDMe%ish s<iritual astrologers &elie@eKA

XA 4# Ruach is the "S<irit Soul" in &reathing humans an* animals= FEe@el YU`a&o@eK= this e)<lains the <rinci<le that humans can reincarnate as animals= es<eciall'%here the' nee* to correct the facet of 4# Ruach as e)<laine* Y ke's ofReincarnation <ageA

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YA .3ש1 eshoma is the Soul that is in the &reathe of life for humansP this as<ect ofthe soul is full' a%akene* s<irituall'P a%are of all the <rofoun* conseuences of onesactions= %or*s an* thoughtsA One %ho thinks %ith ones ".3ש1 eshoma Soul" isli@ing life %ith a <ur<ose= goal= am&ition an* has an inner *ri@ing moti@ation of

'earning for something s<ecialA This inner 'earning is the 'earning of ones Soul .3ש

1 eshoma for a stronger an* closer connection %ith GO? an* a *esire for s<iritualenlightenmentA

`A .י4 +ha'a is the Souls EifeDGi@ing energ'= the s<iritual ualit' of the `th Ee@el ofones Soul ".י4 +ha'a" is %here one acts as a channel to &ring *o%n s<iritual "EifeDGi@ing" energ' from the realms of the s<irit %orl* to his <h'sical %orl*= this le@el iscalle* ".י4 +ha'a" %hich means Eife= as %ithout this flo% of s<iritual energ' there%oul* &e no life on earthA

The sources an* <eo<le %ith this as<ect of s<iritual soulful energ' of "Eife . 4י+ha'a" are throughout the %hole %orl* an* act in <ure i*ealistic selfless ser@ice tothe ?i@ine +reator of the %hole infinite Nni@erse for the &enefit of mankin* an* inser@ice of GO?A

IA .7י

 ;echi*a Oneness is the Souls *esire to &e at O> %ith GO?= this is the soulse)istence of Oneness an* %holesomeness %ith the >ternal ?i@ine Nni@ersal GO?A

We e)<lain on the <age of S<iritual Ea%s an* Rules of Reincarnation the

un*erstan*ing an* a&ilit' to mo@e &et%een theses I le@els of ones Soul F%ith sourcesan* e)<lanations inclu*ing the original he&re% te)t from Shaar Gilgulim עשיל#$לי$.37[.5 KA

L<<earances Lre ?ece<ti@e

There +oul* &e a Great Soul in Ln'thing or Ln'one

Ls e)<laine* on the home an* intro*uction <age of this %e&site= this %orl* is full of*ece<ti@e a<<earancesP %e ma' ne@er kno% ho% great a soul there ma'&e in an'oneor an'thing %e see aroun* us through our <h'sical e'esP that is %h' the greatests<irituall' min*e* <eo<le such as the Lri al an* Re& +haim ,ital taught theim<ortance of res<ecting e@er'thing an* e@er'one= e@en <lants= flo%ers= trees= &ir*san* animals= as there coul* &e a @er' great soul insi*eA

We e)<lain on S<iritual Ea%s an* Rules of Reincarnation a great soul ma' onl' nee*to reincarnate as a tree or animal to make a correction for their soulP hence the sa'ingthat fish contain the souls of righteous <eo<le /#3ש1י[י7j A

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When a <erson in*ee* thinks carefull' that there coul* &e a great soul in an'thing oran'one= one %ill ne@er e@er make the foolish mistake or &eing arrogant= snu&&inglesser <eo<le or Mu*ging an'one= Re& +haim ,ital em<hasibes man' times in his

 &ooks that it is OT for us to Mu*ge an'oneA

Re& +haim ,ital e)<lains this further that one shoul*n8t e@en Mu*ge an'one e@enthose %ho seemingl' *on8t &elie@e in GO?= in a soul or in s<iritual afterlifeA Lfter all%e *on8t Mu*ge cats or *ogs %ho can8t sa' %hether the' &elie@e in GO? or notP it issim<l' the facet of their souls e)istence in this %orl* %hich *oesn8t gi@e them theelement of e)<ression nor s<iritual un*erstan*ingA

B' thinking an* res<ecting e@er'thing in the %orl*= one %ill come closer to GO?Precognibing %ith lo@e an* com<assion that %e are all creations of GO? %ith as<iritual soul %ithinA

The Stages of Eife

The ne)t stage of un*erstan*ing life an* the Soul &efore %e come to un*erstan*ingGilgulim "Reincarnation" is to un*erstan* the stages of life P all the segments an*

 <erio*s of life %e ha@e as humansA

The Soul an* Belief in GO?

Belie@ing or not &elie@ing in GO? DThankfull' in our generation more than inan' other generation %e ha@e the free%illchoice as to &elie@e or not &elie@eP in the

 <ast generations religious lea*ers &rain%ashe* the <o<ulation= an* in man'cases <unishe* @iolentl' the nonD&elie@ersA

Cence these irres<onsi&le lea*ers cause* a

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Eift N< ;our >'es To%ar*s the Cea@ens=

an* Eook "Who +reate* These Stars"

Throughout the &i&le D "Torah"= it issuggeste* for e@er'one to look at the Qoon

an* the Stars in the hea@ens a&o@e atnighttime A There is something

e)traor*inar' a&out looking at the &eautifulsk' on a clear night D es<eciall' the

 &eautiful moonA

;ou %ill feel some s<iritual energ' %hen'ou look at the stars an* the moon in thesk'A ;our soul %ill &e a%akene*A (ust tr' it

an* see= it is trul' a%e ins<iring an*amabing= noDone can tell 'ou ho% or %hat

'ou %ill feel= as each <erson is as uniue as

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a star in the hea@ens a&o@e= &ut it isguarantee* that 'ou %ill start to feel

something s<ecial an* uniue A or thousan*s of 'ears= millions of <eo<le ha@elooke* at the stars at night= an* ha@e al%a's

felt an ine)<lica&le s<iritual feeling Arom the first time note* in the Torah= of L&raham until the last generation of Ra&&is=

like Ra&&i L@ig*or Qiller of Ocean Hark%a'= e% ;ork = ha@e al%a's em<hasibe* theim<ortance of looking at the stars at night A

Eooking at %e&sites like the LSL %e&site= taking a tour of our solar s'stem on their %e&site= ma' also gi@e 'ou a similar feelingA But there is nothing that com<ares to

looking at the stars in the sk' at night %ith 'our o%n e'esA

Ls 'our e'es are the <h'sical %in*o%s of 'our soul= &' looking an* connecting theenerg' that is emitte* from the moon an* stars= a s<iritual energ' of %is*om an*

un*erstan*ing arri@es in 'our soul A

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mage re<ro*uce* &' +ourtes' of LSL

Similarl' looking at <hotos of <lanet earth from one of the man' satellites is as a%eins<iring A This <hoto is of >uro<e at sunset D its amabing to think that 'ou are looking atan area %ith o@er _JJJ million <eo<le= an* %ith so much acti@it'= as the sun is setting for 

another *a'A

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Ls 'our e'es are the <h'sical %in*o%s of 'our soul= &' looking an* connecting %ith theenerg' that is emitte* from the moon an* stars in the sk' at night= a s<iritual energ' of 

%is*om an* un*erstan*ing arri@es in 'our soul A

XA L%akening a Belief in a Soul U S<iritualWorl*

../0./05י5. .20ש1//1ש0.3ל.י

Our soul D the eshoma F .3ש1 K= %hat is it

%here is it ho% can %e uantif' it all of these uestions= onl' ;ON can ans%er 

'ourselfA The soul= Must like &elief in GO?=is a feeling an* a%areness that each

in*i@i*ual *e@elo<s for themsel@es at a

*estine* an* s<ecific timeA

TC> QOQ>T of ?>LTC

"The Ze'" an* the moment one reall' &ecomes a%are= starting to un*erstan* thee)istence of a soul= is %hen someone 'oulo@e an* someone %ho lo@es 'ou= *iesA

Ca@e 'ou e@er &een %ith someone at the moment the' *ie

Lt the moment of *eath= the <erson usuall'

gi@es a fe% *ee< gas<s of &reath an* their 

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e'es o<en %i*e= like the' su**enl' ha@ecome ali@e %ith ne% @italit'= the' see

something %ith their e'es o<ene* %i*e= an*then the' *ieA rom e@er'one %hom has

 &een %ith someone at the moment of *eath=the' %ill tell 'ou the e)<erience is the sameAThis is "the moment of *eath e)<erience"A

Eooking at the &o*' after *eath= an*kno%ing the <erson %hen the' %here ali@e=

is one of "life8s e)<eriences"= it makese@er'one think an* feel that the &o*' is not

 Must a <h'sical &o*'= &ut a home tosomething more D like a soulA Then it arri@esD at that moment D an intrinsic &elief in some

t'<e of lifeDafterD*eath s<irit %orl*A

?uring a normal <ersons life= one %ill ha@ethis o<<ortunit' of s<iritual a%akeningse@eral timesA We all ha@e an* kno%

someone ol*er than us %hom %e lo@e D %ho*iesA Qan' <eo<le %ill tell man' stories of 

ho% the' came to &e %ith their lo@e* one at

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the hos<ital Must moments &efore the' *ieAThis is no coinci*ence= it is s<iritual *estin'

for 'our soulA

This is the connection of continuit' of lifeAThe' ha@e <asse* to s<irit %orl* an* %ith

the &on* of lo@e= one is connecte* eternall'=

the stronger the lo@e the more s<irituale)<erienceA or those <eo<le %hom ha@efelt a <anic feeling after someone the' lo@ehas *ie*= then <lease see the <age on s<iritual rescue %ork =

to com<rehen* those feelingsA

The S<irit Worl* is all Lroun*

Cence clair@o'ants= astrologers= <almistsan* me*iums ha@e al%a's &een <o<ular= asthe' hel< us to tr' to un*erstan* oursel@es

an* reDaffirm our &elief that there is lifeDafterD*eathA

Ls for the (e%ish &elief= ma' %e suggest'ou rea* the article on reDincarnation of 

souls= taken from the Book of reincarnation &' Ra&&i +haim

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,ital= one %ill learn to un*erstan* that a <ersons soul contains man' le@els= some of 

%hich e)ist in the <h'sical &o*'= someho@er aroun* the <erson8s &o*' in one8sLNRL= an* some @i&rate on a higher 

freuenc' in SHRT %orl*A

The S<irit %orl* is sim<l' a %orl* of s<iritsouls that surroun*s us in harmon' %ith this <h'sical %orl*= &ut on a *ifferent @i&rationA

n a similar %a' that %e kno% theatmos<here aroun* us is full of 

electromagnetic freuencies of air%a@es=an'thing from tele@ision air%a@es an* ra*io%a@es to mo&ile <hones all those signals aretransmitte* in the air aroun* us on *ifferent


Similarl' s<irit souls an* ?i@ine energ' isall aroun* us @i&rating of higher energies

an* freuenciesA S<irituall' sensiti@e <eo<le%ill in fact see the <ure s<iritual souls an*

energ' %ith their Yr* e'e in the form of 

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colours= usuall' <ur<le= <ink= green or as a%holesome gol*en colourA

Which &rings us to our ne)t <age SHRT U

GN?L+> communicating an* interacting %iths<iritual energ' an* our guar*ian angels that

are close to us an* surroun*ing us A

Onl' When a Herson has oun* the

nner S<iritual eeling U Belief in S<iritWorl*

t is onl' %hen a <erson reall' an* trul' &elie@es in an >ternal ?i@ine S<iritual Worl*an* sim<l' "kno%s" of the e)istence of a s<iritual soul from %ithin ones min*= thoughts

an* soul that one can start the Mourne' to un*erstan* "Reincarnation"D the Mourne' of ones soul= from %here one has come an* to %here one is goingA

The L%akene* Soul

../0./05י5. .20ש1//1ש0.3ל.יThe first uestions one %ill &e <ubble* &' %hen tr'ing to un*erstan* the conce<ts an*

e)istence of soul Fcommonl' referre* to in (e%ish teachings as a eshoma .3ש1K= is %hatis a soul Where is it Co% can %e uantif' it Lll of these uestions <ubble e@er'oneA

The soul= Must like &elief in GO?= is a feeling an* a%areness that each in*i@i*ual*e@elo<s for themsel@es at a *estine* an* s<ecific timeA

Re& +haim ,ital in the Book of Reincarnations e)<lains that our <h'sical

an* s<iritual as<ects coe)ists togetherA t is

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clear to e@er'one e)actl' %here our  <h'sical &o*' is locate*= ho%e@er our soul

can e)ist in an* out of our <h'sical &o*'Pit8s energ' ascen*s an* transcen*s into our 

 <h'sical <resence &ut can also &e in t%o or man' <laces at the same time= *e<en*ing

one %here our thoughts are focuse*AOr re<hrase* more accuratel' the "efesh Soul" as<ect of our soul can &e in our <h'sical

 &o*' %hilst the ";echi*ah D Oneness" as<ect is together at One %ith GO? an* s<irit%orl*= mean%hile all the other as<ects in &et%een can &e almost an'%here elseP the most

centere* of s<irituall' enlightene* <eo<le ha@e all the as<ects in control in the <lace%here the' %ant them= %hether it &e in this <h'sical e)istence or in the s<iritual realmsA

>@er' Ei@ing an* on Ei@ing >ntit' in this

Nni@erse has a Soul>@er' li@ing an* non li@ing entit' in this Nni@erse has a soul= OTCG <h'sical can

e)ist %ithout a s<iritual soul energibing an* connecting it %ith the >ternal ?i@ineS<iritual realmsA This inclu*es a&solutel' >,>R;TCGP mountains= clou*s= rocks=

trees= flo%ers e@en a &la*e of grass= an* the minutest of ants etcA=

This is one of the s<iritual reasons that the Torah D Bi&le for&i*s *estro'ing fruit trees= asin*ee* the <erson %ho cuts *o%n a fruit tree is mur*ering a s<irit soul= that %as*esignate* &' GO? to <ro@i*e its fruits to mankin*A The le@els of s<iritual soul

e)istence %ill @ar' in each grou< as e)<laine* in the Book of Reincarnation Sefer Gilgulim= in the section I le@els of e)istenceA

YA L%akening The ?e<ths of Eo@e

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rom conce<tion= &irth an* earl' chil*hoo*=all e)istence is &ase* on constant EO,>

an* life energ' of lo@eA ?e<en*ing on theconcentration of creati@e EO,> energ'= %ill

gi@e the <h'sical an* s<iritual soul theenerg' an* strength to gro%A Ls a <erson

matures= the natural transition of an' normal

 <erson is to re@erse the role of recei@inglo@e into one of gi@ing lo@e an* creating a

lo@ing energ'A

Sa*l' some <eo<le ne@er "mature"= an*

e)<ect to kee< on recei@ing an* stealingenerg' from others instea* of gi@ing an*

creating lo@elife energ'A

The a%akening of ones soul &egins %hen

one learns to trul' lo@eA >@er'one has%ithin ones soul an infinite %ells<ring of lo@eA The o<ening u< of true uncon*itional

%ells<rings of lo@e %ithin ones soulconnects each <erson *irectl' to the <urest

of creati@e energ' of this %orl*= a strong

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connection that makes one fall in lo@e %ithlife an* fall in lo@e %ith lo@e energ' %ith

s<iritual lo@e an* a<<reciation for GO?A

eeling an* e)<ressing lo@e= connects one%ith life energ' of GO?A Where there is

lo@e there is GO?= an* %here GO? is there

is life= @italit'= ha<<iness= faith= ho<e an* <eaceA

rom conce<tion= &irth an* earl' chil*hoo*=all e)istence is &ase* on lo@e an* the

creati@e life energ' of lo@eA Thisconcentration of lo@e= gi@es the <h'sical

an* s<iritual soul the energ' an* strength togro%A Ls a <erson matures= the natural

transition of an' normal <erson is to re@erse

the role of recei@ing lo@e into one of gi@ingan* creating lo@e energ' %ith ones <arents=si&lings= frien*s an* famil'= %ith genuinel'nice <eo<le one meets e@er' single *a' an*ofcourse the greatest lo@e of all is %ith ones

true soulmateA

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The moment one &egins to generate anenerg' of lo@e is the moment ones soul is

a%akene*A Onl' an a%akene* soul can trul'lo@eA The %ells<rings of lo@e are *ee<

%ithin e@er'one8s soul= once a <erson hasmature* an* learnt ho% to lo@e one has thentrul' mastere* the ke' of life an* unlocke*

a *oor fore@erA

When %e li@e %ith uncon*itional lo@e= %eare fille* %ith life energ' an* @italit'= this

feeling of ali@eness is like a flo%ing ri@er of 

continuous lo@ing Go*l' life energ'A n thesame %a' %e %ere concei@e* %ith the

EO,> energ' of our <arents= thenthroughout all our li@es= our @italit' an*energ' is onl' maintaine* through the

creati@e EO,> energ' %e generate eachan* e@er' *a'A Without thoughts of lo@e inour li@es %e are slee<ing= onl' thoughts of lo@e ha@e the <o%er to a%aken our soulA

Gi@ing an* +reating EO,> >nerg'

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This transition an* transformation of ones <ersonalit' an* of ones thoughts= comes

%ith age an* maturit'A When one matures=one recognibes that EO,> energ' is not

something that is in short su<<l'= &ut in*ee*is an energ' that can &e create* a&un*antl'A

Ones lo@ing thoughts create a strength an*energ' for ones soulA The more lo@ingthoughts one has= the more life energ' an*

@italit' is create*A Heo<le %ho are sa*=*e<resse*= Mealous an* hateful are sim<l'

 &locking their o%n <otential= &' su<<ressingtheir true <otential of lo@ing creati@e energ'A

The %ells<rings of lo@e are *ee< %ithine@er'one8s soul= once a <erson has mature*

an* learnt ho% to gi@e lo@e an* create alo@ing energ'= one has then trul' mastere*the ke' of life an* unlocke* a *oor fore@er 

Funless one foolishl' closes this lo@ingenerg' &' &ecoming sa* an* *e<resse*KA

Throughout life= there is a natural urge to

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 &uil* on this lo@ing creati@e energ'= &ecoming e@en more kin*= generous an*

lo@ing= %ith a selfless *esire to marr' an*ha@e chil*ren= an* hel<ing as man' <eo<le

as one can in all kin*s of situationsA

E> of EO,>

The aim of this Go*Dgi@en gift calle* E>=is to use an* *e@elo< our in*i@i*ual an*collecti@e s<iritual energ' to%ar*s a trues<iritual selfless ser@ice an* unit' %ith

GO?= then there %ill &e onl' <eace EO,>an* harmon' on earthA oDone %ill e@er 

%ant= an* all our nee*s %ill &e <ro@i*e* for= &' nature an* earthA Gree*= hatre* an*

 Mealous' are *estructi@e forces that corru<t

our souls an* cause *eathAWhen %e li@e %ith uncon*itional lo@e= %eare fille* %ith life energ' an* @italit'= this

feeling of ali@eness is like a flo%ing ri@er of continuous lo@ing Go*l' life energ'A n the

same %a' %e %ere concei@e* %ith the

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EO,> energ' of our <arents= throughout allour li@es= our @italit' an* energ' is OE;

generate* an* moti@ate* through the creati@eEO,> energ' %e generate= through lo@e of 

life= lo@e of our soulmates= <arents=chil*ren= frien*s= an* the lo@e of our 

 <ur<oseful life in selflessl' hel<ing other 

 <eo<leA Without EO,> in our li@es %e are?>L? A

E> @ersus ?>LTC P EO,> @ersusCLT> P /45^יי45

There are man' reincarnate* souls of "com<laining" <eo<le %ho ha@e ha* e)<eriences in life= &ut

instea* of learning an* changing their attitu*e= the' chose to +OQHEL=

 &laming others= %ith hateful an* &itterl'negati@e thoughtsA The' <oison an* fillthemsel@es %ith Mealous' an* hatre*= instea*

of using nice lo@ing constructi@e %or*sAThe' are the t'<e of <eo<le %ho criticibe

an* *estro' others %ith their gossi< an*

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slan*erA Cence= the' cause their o%n *eathan* create e@en more <ro&lems= as the' are

su<<ressing their lo@e energ' an* &lockingtheir o%n life @italit'= such <eo<le get

further "si*eDtracke*" &ecause of their &a*attitu*e an* com<lainingA

f onl' D the' %oul* change their attitu*e=sto< com<laining an* start TCLZGGO? for the gift of life an* all the

%on*erful e)<eriences a@aila&le to each an*e@er'one of us= like %atching a &eautiful

sunrise or sunset= looking at the &eaut' of the stars an* moon at night= or seeing the

natural &eaut' in green trees= <lants=flo%ers= fruit an* @egeta&lesA






45WakeDN< \

n the &ook +ho@os hale@o@os Shaar Bechina D !/5 4/ 55ל.עש.1י45 = kno%n

in >nglish as the &ook "?uties of the Ceart"

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 &' Ra&einu ;osef &n Haui*a= teaches thatto a%aken oneself s<irituall' es<eciall' if 

one feels tire*= lethargic an* slee<' *uringthe *a'= one shoul* imme*iatel' focus ones

thoughts on lo@eA The greatest an* <urestlo@e is the lo@e of GO? an* lo@e of lifeA

Thank GO? %ith lo@e for this o<<ortunit'to e)<erience this amabing Mourne' of lifeon <lanet earth= %ith es<ecial thanks for thera*iant @ariet' of &eautiful colours of thefruits= <lants= flo%ers an* treesA or the

 &eaut' of the sea= the clou*s an* rain=sunshine= the stars an* the moon in the sk'at night= all thoughts of the &eaut' of nature

%ill generate a real lo@e of life energ'%ithin ones soul= an* ones soul %ill trul'

a%aken each an* e@er' moment of e@er'*a' %ith the energ' of lo@eA

Lt that moment in 'our life %hen 'ou feello@e in 'our heart= softening 'ou to &ecome

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full of lo@e an* com<assion is the feeling of true s<iritual a%akening of ones soulA

Once a <erson has a%akene* s<irituall'%ith lo@e= ones life %ill ne@er &e the same

an* transformation has Must &egunA Su**enl'ones aims an* am&itions changeA Eife has

ne% meaning %ith a sense of <ur<ose=ena&ling a <erson to e)<lore the meaning of ones lifeA

Eo@e of GO? an* Eo@e of all +reations of GO?




5.Ei@ing a life of EO,> D is a continuous life of @italit'=

that %ill al%a's ra*iate a sense of ha<<inessA Nsing the <o%er of s<eech to

com<liment others constructi@el'= fin*ing%a's to &e hel<ful an* lo@ing to othersAThen one %ill continue to lo@e an* &e

lo@e*= enMo'ing life %ith EO,> = ha<<inessan* @italit' e@en until the *a' of transition

out of the <h'sical &o*' to s<irit %orl*A

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n ra*iating EO,>= that is the true EO,> OGO? an* SHRT %orl*= an* EO,> of 

mankin*= this= in turn creates 'ou as ame*ium of the s<iritual energ' of GO?=

%hich %ill raise ones soul le@el to +CL;L an* thenho<efull' ele@ating to a Oneness %ith GO? D ;echi*aA

This sense of strength of <ure s<iritual EO,>= one %ill feel ali@e an* &e a&le to sen*

EO,> an* healing energ' hel< to those %ho ma' nee* it in this %orl*A The c'cle of lifean* lo@e al%a's continues an* ne@er *ies= &eing <art of the creati@e life c'cle means life

energ' %ill al%a's continue to flo% to 'ou an* through 'ou for the &enefit of othersA

Where there is EO,>= there is GO?A

Ln* Where there is GO? there is

Eife= Co<e= aith an* True Ca<<inessAWe all arri@e* on this <lanet through se)ual lo@e of our <arents= e@er'thing that is gro%nan* <ro*uce* in this %orl* is *one through EO,>A Eo@e is the creati@e energ' of <lanetearthA So make the *ecision to choose a life of EO,> an* kin*ness= an* 'ou %ill al%a's

feel the EO,> of GO?= %hich %ill attract EO,> an* ha<<iness into 'our lifeA

Lt that moment in 'our life %hen 'ou feel

the EO,> of GO? %ork on 'our heart=softening 'ou to &ecome full of EO,> an*com<assion then nothing else matters= an*all 'our <ro&lems *issi<ate A eeling theenerg' of true EO,> is trul' a gift from


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;our life %ill ne@er &e the same an*transformation has Must &egun A Su**enl'

'our aims an* am&itions changeA Eife hasne% meaning %ith a sense of <ur<ose an* a

true lo@e of life fills 'our heart %ith inner faith=ho<e an* <eaceA

Ls a <reface to the "Qeaning of Gilgulim DReincarnation" %e first nee* to un*erstan*the stages of life that e)ist *uring the course of ones <h'sical lifeA f one has ma*emistakes an* not li@e* a <articular stage of life correctl' ones soul nee*s to reli@e thee)<eriences in or*er to learn the necessar' lessons of that stage of lifeA

The ?i@ine recor*s kno%n as *4. For kno%n as Lkashic recor*sK as e)<laineיי!יin the "intro*uction"= nee* to &e &alance* either *ail'= <erio*icall' or at the @er'%orst *uring the %hole single lifetimeP ho%e@er some situations are sim<l' &e'on*re<air in one lifetime= an* therefore a +re*it or ?e&t is issue* o@er a <ersons soulA

Such a +re*it or ?e&t= Re%ar* or Hain can onl' &e collecte* %hen the <ersonreincarnates to li@e life in this <h'sical %orl*A This is the <ur<ose of .4יי$ל$ל"Reincarnation of Souls" D the &alancing of the s<iritual &ooksA

>ach of "the stages of life" i*entifies the natural nee* for a facet of our soul to*e@elo<= refine= mature= ele@ate an* changeP once %e un*erstan* these stages of life%e can then un*erstan* "Reincarnation" much easier= as a sim<le metho* for our soulto <rogress in continuit' of our <ast life= es<eciall' for lessons an* stages of life that

%e faile* or %ere &e'on* re<air in the <re@ious lifetimeA

"The Stages of Eife"

The <h'sical gro%th *uring our li@es is sim<l' a reflection of the s<iritual gro%th asthe le@els of ones soul enters the <h'sical &o*'A Ls %e gro% an* mature throughthese stages of life= %e transform an* changeA n each <erio* of our li@es a *ifferentset of <arameters U rules a<<l'A t %oul* &e inconcei@a&le that a YJ 'ear ol* shoul*

 &eha@e in the same %a' as a 'ear ol* &eha@es= although %e all kno% some <eo<le

%ho ne@er seem to gro% u< \

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n un*erstan*ing each of the stages of life= %e can then un*erstan* the infusion ofthe I le@els an* as<ect of the soul e)istence in life VD

_A nfanc' U >arl' +hil*hoo* J to 'earsol*

Eearning to sur@i@e= rel'ing totall' on the <eo<le aroun*= co<'ing an* emulatinge@er'oneA The sur@i@al of the first 'ears is &ase* totall'= in recei@ing energ' fromothers &' an' means <ossi&le= cr'ing= *eman*ing= e@en cheating an* *ece<tion= ormore su&tl' through lo@ing an* "&eing s%eet"A Whate@er techniue is a<<lie* torecei@ing from the a*ult %orl*= this lea@es a lasting im<ression on ones soul an* iscarrie* for%ar* into a*ult life= unless change* &' re<rogramming this &eha@ioral


n this "infanc' stage" a &a&' reacts naturall'= %hen something hurts an* <ains theimme*iate reaction is to +R;A +r'ing clears the negati@e energ' so much that theinfant %ill almost imme*iatel' forget the <ain after a goo* cr'A +r'ing is not onl' a%a' of attracting attention= &ut an inner s<iritual reaction to *issol@ing the negati@ehurtA The chil* %ill also imme*iatel' forgi@e the hurt or *amage an* %ill ne@erhar&our an' resentmentA

Ls a*ults= %e forget this "normal" reaction of cr'ing to cleanse our soul that %e %eresu<<ose* to ha@e learnt at this stageP instea* a*ults fight the <ain &' su<<ressing thehurt feelingsA Nntil the hurt &ecomes too much to co<e %ith an* affects the health ofthe a*ultA

t %oul* therefore &e an e)cellent i*ea if %e %oul* learn from this infant stage= an*cr' %hene@er there is hurt instea* of "su<<ressing" the negati@e emotions an* forgi@ean* forget imme*iatel'= instea* of har&ouring resentment Mealous' &itterness= an* allthe negati@e emotions that <re@ent us li@ing as com<lete an* %holesome a*ults %ithlo@el' <ur<oseful li@esA

XA +hil*hoo* D _Y 'ears ol*

This stage of life starts the emergence of the <ersonalit' an* a @er' much "co<ie*"i*entit'P *uring these 'ears a <erson= still im<resse* an* sensiti@e to emulate the

 <eo<le= the mannerisms an* character of those the' come into contact %ith= co<'ingthe &eha@iour of others es<eciall' si&lings an* of ones <arentsA

This character is &ase* entirel' on the influences that the chil* comes into contact%ithA f the chil* is &rought u< &' a nann' an* the tele@ision= the <arents must e)<ect

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to see a confuse* chil* of our mo*ern societ'A f the chil* is &rought u< &' kin*intelligent e*ucate*= thoughtful an* lo@ing <arents= %hom allo% the chil* to &eim<resse* &' their etiuette an* *ecenc'A The chil* %ill in*ee* co<' the i*entit' ofthose <arentsA

These 'ears of e*ucation an* transformation of character are the &asis of the a*ultlifeA f in a*ult 'ears the a*ult makes errors an* mistakes= it is &ecause the foun*ationof ones character in these 'ears %as <oorA Cence in reforming an* changing onesnature in later 'ears= im<erati@el' one nee*s to look at the influences of thesechil*hoo* 'earsA ?e&rain%ashing an* re<rogramming all the false co<ie*characteristics that one %as im<resse* *uring chil*hoo*A

nherentl' no <erson is &a* or e@il= it is sim<l' their soul an* character has &eentainte* &' &a* influencesA >@er'one is intrinsicall' goo*= an* has the <otential to

accom<lish greatness an* goo*ness %ith lo@e= kin*ness an* sincerit'P if a <erson*oesn8t ha@e these goo* ualities this is in*icati@e that the <erio* of life from JD_Y'ears ol* %as fla%e* an* the *amage nee*s to &e un*oneA

5 .37[. שע$ יל$#לי

Re& +haim ,ital e)<lains in the section a&o@e in he&re% from עשיל#$לי$.37[.5that a <erson is gi@en the !1 efesh the ">arthl' Soul" from the moment of one isשcreate*= the efesh is %ithin one from +once<tion to ?eath= an* onl' %hen a <ersonhas a character the Ruach Breath of s<irit can enter ones <h'sical e)istenceA

YA L*olescence= _Y until XJ 'ears ol*

?uring these 'ears the element of ones soul kno%n as the "Ruach Breath of S<irit4#"= enters ones <h'sical life an* s<iritual soulA The RNL+C is the <o%er of s<eech=learning to use this facet <ro<erl'= constructi@el'= lo@ingl' an* thoughtfull' is thefocus on this stage of lifeA

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The <o%er of s<eech allo%s a <erson to communicate ones inner thoughts to another <ersonA There&' creating energ' %hether it has constructi@e= through intelligent= kin*an* lo@ing %or*s= or *estructi@e= through lies= *eceit an* slan*erA

This <erio* of ones life allo%s the a*olescent to e)<lore these energies through the <o%er of communication for &oth constructi@e an* *estructi@e= goo* an* &a*A

?uring this stage of life a <erson soli*ifies their i*entit' an* manner ofcommunicatingP if a <erson lacks confi*ence *uring these 'ears from _YDXJ then inlater 'ears a <erson %ill ha@e to re<eat this stage of lifeP an* learn or teach oneselfho% to communicate constructi@el'= creati@el' an* lo@ingl'A

The main reason for most failures at an' age in ones life is the ina&ilit' tocommunicate <ro<erl'= in*icati@e that the <o%er of Ruach Breath of S<irit 4# from

ones soul nee*s refining an* correctingA

Re& +haim ,ital in the a&o@e he&re% te)t from עשיל#$לי$.37[.5 e)<lains that oneis gi@en 4# Ruach the "S<irit Soul" in &reathing humansP the <rofoun* a&ilit' tos<eak an* communicate from the age of _Y on%ar*s= ho%e@er if one mishan*les the

 <o%er of s<eech the <o%er of 4# Ruach is taken a%a' an* one li@es life as a earthl' &asic humanA

Eosing the <o%er an* energ' of s<eech is consi*ere* to &e a "li@ing *eath"P Re&+haim e)<lains that %hat is meant &' losing the Ruach S<irit &reathe of life= is that

e@en though <eo<le s<eak their %or*s ha@e no energ' nor <o%erA The correction onemust make is one of the "Y Ze's of Reincarnation"A

`A L*ulthoo*= from XJ until YJD`I 'ears ol*

L*ulthoo* is the creati@e <erio* of ones lifeA This stage allo%s all the lessons an*foun*ations of ones character that one has *e@elo<e* to then assume a res<onsi&lerole in lifeA

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Ls a 'oung an* res<onsi&le a*ult one is gi@en ones full soul .3ש1 eshoma this is thefull character of %hom 'ou areP this as<ect of the soul is the full' a%akene* s<iritualsoul= %here&' one is creating a <ur<oseful life an* is gi@en accor*ing to Re& +haim,ital at the age of XJA

This starts the <erio* of marriage an* se)ual intimac' for the <ur<ose of creatinglo@ing energ' an* ha@ing chil*renA One has transforme* ones nature from a "taker" of energ'= to a "creator" an* "gi@er" of lo@ing an* su<<orti@e energ'A Ones career an*

 <ur<ose in life are forme* in this <erio*= an* an i*entit' la&el of %hom 'ou are isforme*A This i*entit' is &ase* on 'our foun*ations of the earlier stages an* gui*e* &''our @alues 'our set 'ourself *uring a*olescence that is &ase* on the efesh an*RuachA

The achie@ements in ones life *uring this <erio* i*entif' %hom the <erson is an* are

sim<l' a reflection of the inner soul eshomaA f %e com<are to a &u**ing flo%ersome ra*iate &eaut'= colour scent an* aroma %hilst some sim<l' gro% lea@es an*see*sA onetheless e@er'one has a <ur<ose an* an i*entit'= this <erio* i*entifies thefruits of ones earlier stages of lifeA

Lt this stage one is using all ones thoughts 9י4 3/^12[79י4 3^/^ל7$7 = that is LEE ofones min*= thoughts an* soul to create e@ents that ha@e conseuences for 'ourselfan* for other <eo<leA With the essence of ones eshoma Soul one takes <ersonalres<onsi&ilit' for all of one8s thoughts %or*s an* actionsA

?uring this transition from chil*hoo* to a*ulthoo*= man' immature a*ults feel*isorientate*= 'earning to go &ack to a <la'ful irres<onsi&le chil*hoo*= %ell for those%ho refuse to "gro% u<" the element of the soul kno%n as "eshoma" is %ith*ra%nfrom them= there&' lea@ing their life in lim&o until the' are rea*' to WLZ>DNHs<irituall'A Cence the conce<t of lateD*e@elo<ers D <eo<le %hose s<irit of Ruach ma'enter their <h'sical e)istence at the age of YJ instea* of _Y an* <eo<le %hose soul

 eshoma enters at `J instea* of XJA This is kno%n as the "%aking u<" stage of"mi*lifecrisis"A

IA The S<iritual "WakeDu<" Stage of Eife

rom X D `I 'ears ol* until the en* of life

This <erio* is e)cee*ingl' im<ortant= an* ha<<ens to e@er'oneA Re& +haim ,ital callsthis stage the "s<iritual %akeDu< call" in our mo*ern *a' time man' call this the"mi*DlifeDcrisis" stageA

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 <erson= the mi*Dlife crisis <erson feels that the' %ent %rong some%here= an* %illin@estigate honestl' %here that <oint in life occurre*= &' "going &ack" in time A

The root cause for not ha@ing a <erfect an* %holesome life is that the foun*ations

lai* %ere of <oor ualit'A B' u<rooting those &a* foun*ations an* la'ing ne% ones= &ase* on s<iritual= <ur<oseful= lo@ing an* creati@e @alues= the <erson transforms theinherent "chil*hoo*" >>SC soul an* "a*olescent" RNL+C soul stages that %ereengraine*= Fan* in some cases &rain%ashe*K &' misinforme* an* misgui*e* <arentsAOne then learns to &e ones o%n <arent= la'ing goo* foun*ationsA

When a mo@ie *irector makes a film = the *irector has a @er' clear en* @ision fi)e* intheir hea* A The *irector %ill use hisher e)<erience insights an* kno%le*ge to kee<going o@er the same scene until its _JJ correct A Similarl' the honest a*ult in mi*Dlife crisis %ill kee< on making the corrections until the <erfect "en* @ision" is

fulfille*A Co%e@er= <ainful an* &oring it ma'&e to kee< going o@er the same scene=the <erson realibes that unless it is <erfect= the' %ill OT &e a&le to li@e %ith theuncomforta&le feelings of "uselessness of life"A

This intuiti@e in&uilt feeling of %anting to getDitDright is a *eman* from %ithin onessoul an* is in*icati@e that one soul is reincarnate*= one has come &ack to life to getDitDright in this lifeA Onl' %hen a <erson has &roken the c'cle of Reincarnation an*succee*e* is their a relief of inner tension= this is a sign of s<iritual success= until thatmoment of &reaking the <attern of reincarnation one %ill feel unsettle* insi*eA

A The Gol*en Lge=

rom Qi*DEife +risis ;ears for >ternit'

This <erio* is OE; a<<lica&le to those <eo<le %hom ha@e %orke* on themsel@es*uring the mi*Dlife crisis 'ears= refining their character %ith s<iritual meaning of lifeAThis <erson no% has a life of creati@e <ur<ose &ase* on kin*ness= lo@e an* s<iritual

un*erstan*ing A

This stage of life is %here one acuires the s<iritual le@el of the Soul kno%n as . 4י+ha'a the Souls EifeDGi@ing energ'P this s<iritual ualit' of the `th Ee@el of ones Soul ".


4+ha'a" is %here one acts as a channel to &ring *o%n s<iritual "EifeDGi@ing" energ' from the realmsof the s<irit %orl* to this <h'sical %orl*= this le@el is calle* ".


4 +ha'a" %hich means Eife= as%ithout this flo% of s<iritual energ' there %oul* &e no life on earthA

Such a s<irituall' enlightene* an* refine* <erson ra*iates an* e)u*es life an* @italit'At is sai* that man' s<irituall' successful `JDJ 'ear ol*s look an* feel 'ounger that

some "Ol* age*" XJDYJ 'ear ol*s ha@ing attaine* the s<iritual le@el of Soulful ".י



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n this Gol*en Stage of life= comes a maturit'= %is*om an* kno%le*ge that all of lifeis interrelate* in a c'cle of ?i@ine life an* lo@ing energ'A There is no shortage norscarcit' of lo@e= as lo@e is create* &' ones soul= thoughts an* actions= a&un*ance runsfreel' in ones life an* nothing is im<ossi&leA One e)u*es a <eace= calmness an*

contentment %ith lifeA

The ne)t stage of s<iritual <rogression %ithin the "Gol*en Lge" stage is the ultimatee)istence FIK.7י4י ;echi*a Oneness the Souls *esire to &e at O> %ith GO?= this isthe souls e)istence of Oneness an* %holesomeness %ith the >ternal ?i@ine Nni@ersalGO? can come at an'time= &ut *ue to the constraints of this <h'sical %orl* one canonl' es<ire to li@e this le@el of s<iritual e)istence for se@eral hours each *a'P one%oul* &e <racticall' &e angelic if one coul* li@e at this le@el all *a' e@er'*a'=nonetheless <h'sical *eath for all the enlightene* souls= means a <rogression to a

 <ermanents state of com<lete Oneness %ith GO? in the >ternal ?i@ine S<iritualWorl*A

A Ol* age= <ossi&l' from YJ 'ears ol* on

This <erio* of "ol* age" is the acce<tance that ones <ro*ucti@e creati@e 'ears ha@een*e*A That the <erson no longer has an'thing to offer of an' <ur<ose to other <eo<leAThis stage of life is %here one loses 4#לש# ones eshoma an* Ruach an* returns tothe stage of a chil* ha@ing Must a efesh soul insi*eA

The ine@ita&ilit' of such a <ersons life is going to reuire another life an* the <erson%ill surel' &e reincarnating to li@e life again in the futureA This inner confrontation ofacce<ting e@entual *eath= together %ith the fact that the <erson kno%s that the' ha@emesse* u< their life &e'on* re<air in this life= &rings u<on them "ol* age"A

But this attitu*e is a false one as if a <erson reall' %ishes the' can restore life @italit'at an' ageP the free%ill choice is in e@er'one8s han*sP ho%e@er the ol*er a <erson isthe more *ifficult changes can &e= nonetheless for so long as a <erson is ali@e it is

 >,>R too late to changeA

Reincarnation is OE; necessar'

When a Soul is Be'on* Re<air in OneEifetime

 o% that %e ha@e e)<laine* the stages of life that e)ist *uring the course of ones <h'sical life= %e can no% un*erstan* the "Qeaning of Gilgulim DReincarnation" D

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%hich is in fact the <ur<ose of li@ing in this life as a correction U continuit' of oursouls e)<erience from our <re@ious life= es<eciall' %hen an* if a soul an* situationare &e'on* re<air in one lifetime= an* therefore a +re*it or ?e&t is issue* o@er a

 <ersons soulA

Such a +re*it or ?e&t= Re%ar* or Hain can onl' &e collecte* %hen the <ersonreincarnates to li@e life in this <h'sical %orl*A This is the <ur<ose of .4יי$ל$ל"Reincarnation of Souls" D the &alancing of the s<iritual &ooks as %e e)<lain in thene)t cha<ter "Qeaning of Gilgulim DReincarnationsA

Qeaning of "GilGulim"לי




!1-/#/3ל50#/#0י.2עי$1ל"Nn@eil Q' >'es that ma' See the Won*ers of the Torah"

Hsalms __d @erse _]

The Ce&re% %or* Gilgulim $ means ReincarnationP it *eri@es its meaning fromיל$#ליthe he&re% %or* GLE $ %hich means to re@eal or unhi*eP the *ou&ling u< of theל%or* *$ im<lies in the %or* Gilgulim Reincarnations that %e nee* to un@eil anל$לre@eal the hi**en meanings of life in this <h'sical %orl*= in s<iritual %orl* an* froma <re@ious lifetimeA

The he&re% %or* Gilgulim %$ means Reincarnation an* is use* as the he&reיל$#לי%or* for a c'cle= %heel an* air%a@esA Lll of %hich are im<lie* from the s<iritualmeaning of Gilgulim ReincarnationP as a c'cle of life an* *eath= %heel of fortune inlife an* the s<iritual energ' in air%a@es that are totall' in@isi&le to ones e'es an* 'etair%a@es can &e hear* &ut not tangi&l' seenA

Gilgulim D Reincarnation D +'cle of Eife U

?eathOur <h'sical e)istence on earth is sim<l' a 4. GalGalיי$ל$ל Ca+haim D "+'cle ofEife U ?eath" &irth an* *eath= re&irth an* *eath until %e succee* in getting it rightAThis continual c'cle is intrinsic to the s<iritual &elief that %e are all s<iritual souls ona <h'sical Mourne' %e call "life" an* that %e are all chil*ren of GO? as %e are alls<iritual souls that are interconnecte* %ith each other an* %e all connecte* %ith the

#1#5של#ע = >ternal ?i@ine creator of the Nni@erse an* %ith s<iritual %orl* of soulsA

There are three reasons %h' a <erson8s soul reincarnates VD

_A To correct the <ast life

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life %ithout the *raining "hea@iness"= recurring <ro&lematic situations or &aggagefrom a <re@ious lifeA

L reincarnate* life is like a Migsa% <ubble= all the <ieces of information= e)<eriences

an* feelings are there in ones life= it is no% u< to the <erson to get the right <ieces inthe right <laceP %hich inclu*es getting the right soulmate= li@ing in the right <lace an*fulfilling ones true <ur<ose in lifeA

There is no *ou&t that %hen one &ecomes a%are that ones soul is on a mission of"Reincarnation" as a s<iritual <ubble that one nee*s to get right= in or*er to mo@eDonin life it then &ecomes im<erati@e to focus ones <ra'ers an* %ith the hel< of onesGuar*ian Lngels succee* in gettingDitDright in making a com<lete "Tikun CaGilgul

.$יל$#/]9# +orrection of Reincarnation"= so that ones soul can mo@eDon in lifeA

The S<iritual Qeaning of the $$#The he&re% %or*  $ means c'cle= accor*ing to Sefer Shinu'im the %or* Gilgul forל$#לreincarnation has a *ee<er s<iritual meaningP as all he&re% %or*s are kno%n to &eenco*e*= the' ha@e a numerical @alue or gematriaA The numerical gematria of $ isל$#לX= this is the e)act same num&er as the gematria for "kin*ness D Cese* D 74" VD



74 0י23$X Zin*nessSefer Shinu'im e)<lains that this teaches that it is a ?,> Z?>SS to oursouls that %e are gi@en the o<<ortunit' to reincarnate in or*er to rectif' our <astDlifemistakesA Ls %e shall e)<lain on "S<iritual Rules of Reincarnation" the GT ofZin*ness to reincarnate teaches that X ) I YJ= %here YJ *egrees re<resents acom<lete U %hole c'cle of lifeP (e%ish Reincarnation &elie@es a <erson8s soul hasma)imum of I Reincarnations= an* is learnt from Sefer Shinu'im on Genesis cha<ter

`I @erse XXVD

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ש3ל#/4לי!#/34#כ/#036של#9/1#ל15י3י9Genesis `I @erse XX (ose<h gi@es I changes of garments to BenMamin

in*icati@e that a reincarnate* soul has I incarnations accor*ing to Za&&alah 

>ach Reincarnation is a Z?>SS fromGO?

Nn*erstan*ing Birth U ?eathU &&ur eshoma #5יע.3ש1

n consi*ering the c'cle of life= %e nee* to un*erstan* the meaning of &irth U *eathin s<iritual termsA >@er'one8s <h'sical Mourne' of life &egins at the moment ofconce<tion %hen the <ersons father is making lo@e %ith ones motherP at this momentof conce<tion a soul transcen*s from the s<iritual realms through the fathers soul an*hence through his <h'sical &o*' an* into the mothers <h'sical &o*' hence the soul of the soonDtoD&eD&orn &a&' &ecomes attache* to the motherA

The im<ortant <oint to kno% is that the soul of the chil* a&out to &e &orn has thes<iritualit' *etermine* on the &asis of the fatherA The ualit' of soul .3ש1 that can &e

 &rought *o%n or attache* from s<iritual realms is &ase* on the fathers s<iritualstrengthA

L father %ho is not "thinking" %hat he is *oing %hen making lo@e coul* &ring in an'soul e@en one that has no connection to his soul from lo%er s<iritual realms= this isthe reason %h' some men like animals <rocreate an* then lea@e their s<ouses= as the'ha@e no s<iritual attachment to the soul of their chil*A

Whereas a s<irituall'Dmin*e* father %ho is full' a%are that e@er' time he makes lo@eis connecting %ith the s<iritual realms has the <o%er to &ring *o%n a @er' s<irituall'

enlightene* goo* soul into this %orl*= %hom is an* %ill al%a's &e connecte* %ith hisfatherA

1 eshoma Soul from atherש3.

!1 efesh Soul from Qotherש

>ach an* e@er' <erson is create* %ith the energ' of ones father an* the energ' of

ones motherP in the same %a' <h'sicall' one has some characteristics of ones father

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an* some of ones mother= like%ise s<irituall' one has a s<iritual facet that is fromones father an* a facet that is from ones motherA

Re& +haim ,ital un*erstoo* that the .3ש1 eshoma Soul is from ones "ather" an*


!1 efesh Soul is from ones "Qother"P like%ise if one follo%s &ack onesgenerations one can see that ones o%n father has as<ects of his father an* as<ects ofhis motherA Ls e)<laine* on the <age of "The Soul"= these t%o elements of ones soulare @er' *ifferent= hence as a chil* gro%s into an a*ult ones character changes from

 &eing like ones s<iritual essence of ones mother to incor<orating an* &ecoming likethe s<iritual essence of ones fatherA

f one has @er' *ifferent t'<es of <arents= then *uring ones life one %ill &e oscillatingones s<iritual character in a state of confusion &et%een ones father an* ones motherss<iritual energiesA f for e)am<le ones <arents %ere totall' incom<ati&le s<irituall'

an* the' *i@orce* then one %ill feel "unsettle*" %ithin oneself s<irituall' until oneun*erstan*s ho% to &alance these energies= retain the goo* si*e an* negate the &a*influenceA

Cence the e)<lanation for *ifficulties for chil*ren of interfaith marriages= or %ithun&alance* <arents of *ifferent s<iritual &eliefs= an* %ill &e <ro&lematic for thematuring a*ult until one fin*s ones true inner s<iritual i*entit' an* source of onessoulA

Qen Qust Hra' to Bring ?o%n a Goo* SoulRe& +haim ,ital e)<lains that it is the *ut' of the QL to &ring the s<iritual soul*o%n from s<iritual %orl* into this <h'sical %orl*P it is therefore the *ut' of the manto <ra'= refine his character an* attract the &est <ossi&le ualit' of soul from s<irit%orl*P this is es<eciall' true for single men or men %ho &elie@e the' are li@ing %iththe %rong soulmate or men li@ing %ith a %oman %ho *oesn8t %ant chil*ren using%a's to &lock chil*ren &eing concei@e*A t is u<on Q> to <ra' for goo* chil*ren \

Sefer Tikunim e)<lains that Q> shoul* <ra' an* light a single can*le for the soul of ones chil* in s<irit %orl* %hom is %aiting for 'ou= %hether it &e to get out of the%rong marriagerelationshi<= or to fin* the right soulmate an* then to concei@e thischil* %hom is %aiting in S<irit %orl* to &e &orn %ith 'ou an* 'our true soulmateA

When a <erson thinks carefull' that the souls of ones chil*ren in the S<iritual %orl*are %aiting to &e &orn an* the onl' reason the' are not &eing &orn is &ecause one is inthe %rong relationshi< marriage then one shoul* recognibe this as a@er' significant

 &lockage in ones lifeA

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n the same %a' one is &locking life &eing &orn= ones life %ill &e &locke* until onemakes this correctionP thus the reason %h' so man' <eo<le ha@e unsettle* innerfeelings %hen the' are %ith the %rong <artnerP it is sim<l' a sign that s<iritual soulsare %aiting for 'ou to change 'our lifeA

Before going to &e* an* making lo@eP Re& +haim ,ital e)<lains that one shoul* rea*one @erse from the Torah= or s<iritual %ritings of ins<iration= or <ra'ers from Hsalms=an'thing s<irituall' enlightening that connects a <ersons soul %ith "Oneness to GO?"an* to s<irit %orl*= hence the reason for sa'ing the "Shema ;isroel" יש0ש3ע  atnight A

or %omen it is slightl' *ifferent as the' are the nurturing &asis of the !1 efeshשas<ect of the chil*8s soul= all a %oman nee*s to *o is &e the soli* goo* s<iritualfoun*ation for a %on*erful as<ect of =*!1 efesh to encom<ass an* <rotect the chilש

 &eing in tune s<irituall' %ith her s<irituall' min*e* hus&an* %ill ensure that the chil*matures into a refine*= %ell &alance* an* harmonious a*ultA

.4יי$ל$ל GalGal Ca+haim"+'cle of Eife U ?eath"

The %a' of the %orl* is a continuous c'cle of life an* *eath= #7-ל#.#7#05 means as

one generation lea@es this %orl* another generation enters this %orl*A This is thec'cle of souls an* c'cle of lifeA

Re& +haim ,ital e)<lains that if a soul nee*s to reincarnate there is O QQNQtime nee*e* in s<irit %orl* &efore a soul can reincarnate Fthis is &ecause the as<ect of time is a <h'sical constraint for a <h'sical %orl*KP therefore as soon as someone *iestheir soul can infact &e imme*iatel' concei@e* in this <h'sical %orl*A Ls is often thecase that as someone in the famil' *ies= someone in a famil' has a chil* %ithin the'ear= this is in*icati@e that the soulgrou< of the famil' still nee*s to %ork togetherA

Eo@e of GO? an* Eo@e of all of GO?+reations

י //5.0#י/.-5ש5.0/ 5.

Ei@ing a life of EO,> is the true source of continuous @italit' of life energ' an* one%ill al%a's ra*iate a sense of ha<<iness %hen li@ing a "life of lo@e" &ecause one istrul' connecte* to GO? an* to s<irit %orl*A

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The true connection to GO? is through /5.0ש.-5/י/5.0#/ י 5. that is trueEO,> O GO? an* EO,> of mankin*= the inner strength of <ure s<iritual EO,>= islife energ'= it encom<asses the souls as<ect of +ha'a .י4 an* ;echi*a .7י4י A Once a

 <erson li@es %ith a continuous strong an* true connection %ith s<irit %orl* then the

moment of *eath is Must a continuit' of life= an* the transition out of this <h'sical%orl* is like taking a %on*erful Mourne'A There is no nee* to fear *eathA

The feelings of "ear" is *eath itself= an'one %hom has an' thoughts of fear in an'as<ect of their li@es is li@ing %ith a *ark thoughts "*eath" energ'P the more one learnsto li@e a life of EO,> the more life energ' one %ill ha@e an* the closer one comes toGO?A Where there is EO,>= there is GO?= an* %here there is GO?s8 energ' there islife= ho<e= faith an* true ha<<inessA

.ש3י93י /0jע.0.73י9 othing "&a*" comes from GO?

Go* is lo@e= the kin* creati@e energ' of this %orl* that gi@es life to e@er'thing an*e@er'oneA f something is consi*ere* &a* it is sim<l' an i*entit' of lack of Go*linessan* a lack of lo@eA Therefore %hat <eo<le usuall' term as "&a*" isn8t reall' "&a*"P itssim<l' <eo<les %rong <erce<tionA

?eath is a normal stage of Eife

Hh'sical *eath is something that is guarantee* to ha<<en to each an* e@er'one of uson this <lanetA We are all e@entuall' going to *ie an* the sooner %e <ercei@e that*eath is ine@ita&le an* recognibe that *eath is a s<iritual transition for our soul tolea@e this <h'sical %orl* to continue its Mourne' in s<iritual %orl* then the %or*"*eath" looses its fearful meaningA

The +once<t of Birth >@er' ?a' on Ln' ?a'There is a conce<t of &irth an* *eath e@er' *a'= this means that 'ou ha@e the <otentialfor +CLG> e@er' single *a'A Therefore one has the <otential for a c'cle to &ere&orn each an* e@er' *a'= <ro@i*e* one reall' changes ones character an* literall'

 &ecome someone ne%A This is the &asis to un*erstan* that <eo<le %ho con@ert aregi@en a ne% soul= as the *a' the' con@ert a ne% s<iritual soul is attache* to their soul=an* the' are &orn ane%A

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Similarl' e@er' single <erson in the %orl* has the chance an* o<<ortunit' to &emagnetic to attract into their soul an e)tra soul= that %ill %ork to hel< them throughlifeA This e)tra soul is kno%n as BBNR eshoma D ^5יע.3ש1 A

Re& +hain %rites that e@er' single <erson is gi@en a s<iritual gift e@er' ri*a'e@ening at sunset for Sha&&os D The (e%ish Sa&&ath= e@er'one is gi@en an e)tra soul=י/י1.ש3.  angel gui*e D an e)tra soul that %ill %ork to assist a <erson gro%


The conce<t of BBNR eshoma ^5יע.3ש1

One of the most im<ortant s<iritual la%s an* teachings Re& +haim ,ital teaches in SeferGilgulim is the conce<t an* s<iritual la% of "BBNR eshoma ^5יע.3ש1 " that isha@ing an a**itional soul of the eshoma le@el attach itself to 'our soul to %ork %ith'ou to ensure a <h'sical an* s<iritual success in 'our lifeA

#5יע/3ש1[י7j &&ur of a Goo* Soul

n the he&re% e)cer<t re<ro*uce* a&o@e from Sefer Shaar GilGulim Cak*oma X עשלי  $.37[.5יל$# = e)<lains that a righteous an* goo* soul eshoma can attach itself to

%ork %ith a <erson= to hel< one correct ones life= an* fin* a goo* <ath%a'P such as<iritual assistance can e@en ele@ate a <erson a&o@e their original *estine* <ath%a' toa higher s<iritualit'A

The <erson has merite* to &ecome <art of a ne% an* higher soulgrou< &' the hel< an*

assistance of this e)tra soul through "BBNR eshoma"P in fact %hen a goo* soulattaches itself to 'ou in life to im<ro@e 'our s<iritualit'= their soul too &enefits= as

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together 'our souls are achie@ing far more than a single soul coul* e@er achie@eACence the sa'ing "t%o is &etter than one" 5#2י1ש93/40 of Zing Solomon8s <ro@er&sis referring to t%o souls %orking together one is this <h'sical %orl* an* the otherhel<ing from s<irit %orl* is &etter than Must one soul alone in this <h'sical %orl*A

The conce<t of BBNR eshoma ^5יע.3ש1

L soul attaching itself to %ork %ith another  <erson A

The conce<t of BBNR >SCOQL D ^5יע.3ש1 = is the conce<t that a soul has

unfinishe* %ork to *o in this lifeA Therefore the soul of that <erson %ill attach itself toa goo* s<irituall' sensiti@e soul %ith %hom the' can %ork together to accom<lish the%ork that nee*s to &e com<lete* &efore the soul is then free to enter s<irit %orl*A

These SONES that attach themsel@es= can &e of <eo<le %hom *ie* <rematurel'= &'acci*ent= or <eo<le %ho %ere mur*ere* or *ie* tragicall' or a&solutel' an'oneABBNR >SCOQL ^5יע.3ש1 are al%a's of goo* souls= %ho ha@e &een <ermitte*

 &' GO? an* s<irit %orl*= to %ork %ith a someone %hom can an* %ill %ork togetherA

This is allo%e* s<irituall'= as it is easier for a soul to connect itself to a goo* <ersonstill li@ing= instea* of reincarnating an* &eing re&orn to go through a %hole c'cle ofconce<tion= chil*hoo* an* a*ulthoo*A t is a kin*ness of GO? to the &oth souls toallo% BBNR >SCOQL ^5יע.3ש1 A

BBNR eshoma ^5יע.3ש1 of a Soulmate

f a <erson has *ie* &' acci*ent or tragicall' &efore marr'ing their soulmate= thentheir soulmate %hom is ali@e is em<t' an* @oi*= is searching for their true soulmate

an* not fin*ing= as their soulmate is in s<irit %orl*A

The soul that has *ie* an* is in s<irit %orl* can search an* fin* someone sensiti@es<irituall'= as a <otential soul to attach their soul to in ^5יע.3ש1 D i&&ur neshamaA Thisne% <erson ma' also ha@e lost their true soulmate or ma' ha@e ma*e mistakes intheir life that has meant the' ha@e misse* their original *estine* soulmate an* hence

 &' BBNR >SCOQL ^5יע.3ש1 = the' ha@e no% ha@e a true soulmate unionA

Such a &lessing of BBNR eshoma ^5יע.3ש1 of a Soulmate usuall' creates a muchstronger union= lo@e an* connection that coul* e@er &e in an' relationshi< as theenerg' of the man an* the %oman is &oun* strongl' s<irituall' as %ell as <h'sicall'A

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The <erson %hom the soul attaches itself to= can e@en &e nonDMe%ish= or someone%hom %as nonD s<irituall' min*e* as the onl' <rereuisite is the <erson &e sensiti@ean* o<en to allo% in a s<iritual soul to %ork %ith their soulA

The attachment of this soul %ill transform the <erson com<letel' an* in the case ofnonD(e%ish <erson &eing attache* %ith a (e%ish soul can create a *esire of nonD(e%to to &ecome (e%ish or a s<irituall' @oi* selfish <erson %ill &ecome selfless kin* an*s<irituall' min*e*A

BBNR eshoma ^5יע.3ש1 is like a com<lete re&irth for the <erson an* %ill &ring ane% lifeDenerg'= if ho%e@er a <erson reMects the gift of a soul the BBNR >SCOQL

^5יע.3ש1 then it can unsettle the <erson for a short %hile= &ut there is ne@er aconce<t of a force* BBNR eshoma ^5יע.3ש1 D this is the gift of free%ill choice

f ho%e@er= the attachment is goo* an* %orks %ell s<irituall'= the collecti@eachie@ements are amabingl' goo* an* &lesse*= it is kno%n in histor' that all thegreatest s<iritual lea*ers ha@e %orke* %ith souls attaching themsel@es &' BBNR

 eshoma ^5יע.3ש1 A

.1ש$.3ל#/ D "Si*e Tracke*"

When a <erson has &een "Si*e Tracke*" in life= that is to sa' a <erson has lost theirsense of *irection in life= an* has follo%e* a <ath%a' that is not reall' goo* norcorrect for ones soul= then this is kno%n as s<irituall' as losing ones eshoma ine)ile an* &eing si*eDtracke*= this is a form of *eath as a <erson feels em<t' insi*eA

Re& +haim ,ital e)<lains the fact that a <erson feels *raine* or lacks moti@ation inlife is a sign that a <erson is not connecte* s<irituall'= this is &ecause the as<ect ofones soul .3ש1 has left ones &o*'P ones .3ש1 is li@ing the life %here it shoul* &e &utones <h'sical &o*' is some%here else= hence one is feeling *isMointe* an**isconnecte*A We e)<lain /#ל$.3ש1. D "Si*e Tracke*" ho% to fin* oneself an* &ringa&out a re&irth in ones lifeA Where as /#[ל/..3ש1. ones soul lea@ing com<letel' this

 <h'sical %orl* is a form of *eath as ones action ha@e cause* one to loose the s<iritualgift of eshoma SoulA Onl' &' changing ones %a's an* "coming &ack" to ones*estin' %ill ensure ones soul returnsA

Guar*ian Lngels " "Shomrimש3#י

7כי-5כלש-3ל-י3.#jל0כי#כי"or Ce %ill comman* Cis angels to Guar* 'ou in all 'ou %a's" A FHsalms d_ @erse __K

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The S<iritual Worl* is a %orl* of s<irit souls that surroun*s us in harmon' %ith this <h'sical %orl*= &ut on a *ifferent @i&rationA n a similar %a' that %e kno% theatmos<here aroun* us is full of electromagnetic freuencies of air%a@es= an'thingfrom tele@ision air%a@es= ra*io %a@es to mo&ile <hone con@ersations= all those

signals are transmitte* in the air aroun* us on *ifferent le@els of freuenciesA

Lll these energies e)ist an* 'et %e cannot see them %ith our <h'sical e'es= if one hasa suita&le recei@er like a mo&ile cell <hone then one can tuneDin to the energies in theair aroun* usA Similarl' s<irit souls an* S<iritual ?i@ine energ' is all aroun* us@i&rating on higher energies an* freuencies= if onl' %e kne% ho% to "tuneDin" tothese s<iritual energies then %e %oul* reall' &e s<ecial= nonetheless %e are all a&le to"tune in" to our <ersonal s<iritual gui*es an* hel<ers kno%n as our Guar*ian LngelsA

TWO GNLR?L LG>ES>ach an* e@er' <erson has at least t%o guar*ian angels %ith himher all the timeA Thefirst mention of Guar*ian angels accom<an'ing a <erson in the Bi&le is in Genesis X]@erse _X= %hen (aco& rests for the night an* sees a transfer of his angels= somelea@ing him an* some Moining him= at that moment %hen he %as lea@ing srael on as<ecial Mourne' on his o%n in nee* of an e)tra an* *ifferent kin* of <rotectionA+ontinuall' in the TORLC D &i&le= mention is ma*e of Lngels accom<an'ing

 <ro<hets= ra&&is an* lea*ers on a missionA

The <rinci<le of Guar*ian Lngels is e)<laine* more clearl' in the Col' Book Tana?e@ei >li'ahu= %ritten XJJJ 'ears ago &' Ra@ Onan= %ho learnt %ith the <ro<het>liMah D >li'ahu Fe)<lanation of this &ook KA

B' +ourtes' of >shkol <rinters (erusalem A Belo% is the section in original Ce&re%from Tana ?e@ei >li'ahu uta +ha<ter Y <aragra<h A 002^:[!$ Aלי.^01/57

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To translateVD f a <erson makes himself to &e a righteous <erson an* s<eak the truth=he is gi@en an Lngel %ho gui*es him along the <ath of righteous <eo<le an* truth isal%a's s<oken to him A f a <erson makes himself to &e %icke*= to corru<t an* s<eakslies= then an angel %ill &e attache* to him %ho %ill corru<t himher an* mislea* themin life A f a <erson makes himself a "chossi*" D an es<eciall' kin* an* thoughtful

 <erson= acce<ting e@er'thing <ainful= then a s<ecial angel is gi@en to the <erson%hich can gui*e along the <ath%a' of the e)cee*ingl' righteous= gi@ing themstrength to sustain an' <ain AAA

To e)<lain sim<l'VD each of us has t%o guar*ian angels= similarl' to ha@ing frien*sA f 'ou treat 'our frien*s nicel' then the' sta' %ith 'ou= if 'ou lie an* cheat 'ourfrien*s= the' %ill go a%a'= an* other t'<es of frien*s %ill &efrien* 'ou= <ro&a&l' lo%life D cheats an* liarsA f 'ou ignore 'our frien*s %ho are tr'ing to &e kin* an* hel<fulto 'ou= then the' %ill ignore 'ouA

f ho%e@er= 'ou mo@e u< the social la**er &' *ressing smartl'= talking elouentl'=honestl'= res<ectfull' an* &eha@ing morall' then 'ou %ill automaticall' attract a

much &etter class of frien*= an* if 'ou <a' attention to an* a<<reciate 'our frien*sgoo* a*@ice then the' %ill gi@e 'ou more goo* a*@ice an* gui*anceA

Similarl' an* e@en more so %ith Lngels= our thoughts= %or*s an* actions ha@e a <rofoun* affectA Re& +haim ,ital e)<lains the maMor gift %e ha@e o@er the animalking*om is our a&ilit' to s<eak= hence= this is the Mu*ging factor &' %hich ourGuar*ian Lngels are monitore* an* gi@en to gui*e us= *e<en*ing on the %a' %e usethe <o%er of s<eechA Eies an* *eceit are so a&horrent an* unacce<ta&le that it in*ucesfrom s<irit %orl* the %orst conseuencesA

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Be +areful %ith ones <o%er of SH>>+C

.05לע ל4ל]ל0י.AAAA9לש !3.9כל

"One %ho s<eaks gossi< Fe@en if its trueK against another loses their right to hisher*estine* <lace in s<irit %orl*" Fn Talmu* Sanhe*rin <age dJaKA Ln* so the Tana?e@ei >li'ahu teaches us that gossi<ing= telling lies= ruins an* corru<ts a <erson soul=so much that angels are gi@en to the <erson= to corru<t their li@es e@en moreA Ls a*irect conseuence that the <erson has a&use* the <o%er of hisher s<eech throughtheir lies= *eceit slan*er an* gossi<ing= that the <ersons <ra'ers are not ans%ere*AFThese are the main focus of the teachings of the +hofetb +haim an* Ra&&i SegalK

+on@ersel'= it makes the a&ilit' to change for the &etter D sosim<leA

(ust tell the truth= &e _JJ careful %ith e@er' %or* one sa's=

then goo* gui*es an* angels %ill gui*e an* <rotect 'ou A

The a&ilit' to refine ones soul through refining ones s<eech= attracting ne% guar*ianangels of higher s<iritual le@els is therefore the ke' to changing ones futureA This

su&Mect is the essence of " Sefer Shinu'im " an* "Sefer Tikunim"A

Re& +haim ,ital e)<lains that this Hh'sical

Worl* is a Worl* of HLRS / $^:

>@er'thing that e)ists in this Hh'sical Eife e)ists in <airs / $^:

The s<ecific energ' of <lanet earth is the num&er X= e@er'thing on earth arri@es an*comes in HLRSA Our <h'sical &o*' contains TWO of e@er'thing= %e &elong in <airs=a male an* female e)ists in e@er' li@ing entit' on <lanet earthA The creati@e energ' ofour <lanet is EO,>= an* this EO,> energ' can onl' &e create* %ith at least oneother entit' or <ersonA ;ou ha@e to ha@e something to EO,>= in or*er to create an*

 <erform an action in this <h'sical %orl*A

Similarl' %e are gi@en t%o guar*ian angels to hel< &alance our soulA These t%oangels %ork together to create the energ' an* o<<ortunities in our life= to gui*e us to

ha@e a <ur<oseful an* fulfilling lifeA

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The TLL ?>,> >E;LCN e)<lains that throughout our li@es= e@er'thing ha<<ensin <airsA "f it ha<<ens once D it %ill ha<<en t%ice" A The first letter of the TORLC isa Beis D Bet= the secon* letter of the al<ha&et= to in*icate as a sign to mankin* thatthis %orl* is &ase* on <airs an* the num&er TWO A Ls %e e)<lain on the <age of

"?estin'"= a mature <erson recognibes that the' are one half of a %hole= the transitionfrom chil*hoo* into a*ulthoo* starts a <hase of life= searching for their soulmate= Mustone an* 'et the most im<ortant one of the "Y ke's" to lifeA

There are T%o T'<es of Heo<le in thisWorl*A

The first an* most %on*erful categor' is the CO>ST grou<= %hich &asicall' means

%hen 'ou are nice to them the' are nice in return= %hen 'ou are horri&le to them the'are horri&le in returnA When 'ou ask them a uestion= 'ou are gi@en the honestans%er in returnA The intrinsic goo*ness of this grou<= %ill al%a's make 'ou feelali@e an* ha<<'A When 'ou hear something goo* has ha<<ene* to an'one of thisgrou<= 'ou too D feel the ha<<inessA +on@ersel' %hen something &a* ha<<ens 'oufeel their sorro% an* <ainA The honest grou< <erson= %ill al%a's fin* %a's to &e nicean* com<liment= sa'ing nice constructi@e %or*s= looking for the goo*ness in <eo<le=an* the' %ill al%a's e)u*e= ra*iate lo@e an* ha<<iness= e@en in the face of a*@ersit' AThe' %ill al%a's fin* %a's to create lo@ing energ' an* >,>R "steal" energ' from

others &' hateful= negati@e or *estructi@e thoughts= %or*s or actionsA

The other grou< of <eo<le in this %orl* are the ?>+>TNE FliarsK <eo<le= %hich &asicall' means %hen 'ou are nice to them the' are horri&le in return= %hen 'ou arehorri&le to them the' are nice in return A When 'ou ask them a uestion= 'ou aregi@en lies an* *eceit in returnA The intrinsic *eceit an* t%iste*ness of this grou<= %illal%a's make 'ou feel *raine* an* sa* Funless 'ou are of the same t'<e D in %hichcase 'ou feel reDassure* an* ha<<' mi)ing %ith them= as 'ou %ill al%a's en* u<gossi<ing an* slan*ering goo* <eo<le= an* reDassuring 'oursel@es that 'our lifest'leis the correct one KA When 'ou hear something goo* has ha<<ene* to an'one of thisgrou< D 'ou feel a sa*ness or in*ifferent A When something &a* ha<<ens to this grou<='ou either feel ha<<' or in*ifferent A That is to sa'= the soulful energ' is not e)u*e* or ra*iate* from this t'<e of <erson= the' are usuall' @er' close* an* selfish %ith theirenergiesA

The goo* thing a&out &eing in the honest grou<= is that in a short time of s<eaking tothe other *eceitful grou<= 'ou "instincti@el' kno%" %ho the' are= 'our gui*es an*angelic hel<ers= gi@e 'ou the feelingA Ln* in the con@ersation %ith them= the' lie orcontra*ict themsel@es an* 'ou catch them out A This is the <rotection gi@en to 'ou &'

GO? A L *eceitful <erson %ill al%a's lie= the' cannot hel< themsel@es= it is naturalfor themA The' are al%a's caught out &' the honest grou< of <eo<le A There %ill

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al%a's &e signs along the %a'= the' ma' cheat of their hus&an*s%i@es= at %ork the'%ill &e lab'= slee<ing on the Mo& or time %asting etcAAor as &osses the' %ill a&use their staff an* ne@er sho% a<<reciation= continue cheating an* fi**ling their staff out ofmone' AAA &asicall' the' ha@e no morals or ethical stan*ar*s= an* the' *on8t trust

an'one &ecause the' themsel@es are not to &e truste* A

Lttracting Goo* Guar*ian Lngels

This a&ilit' to categoribe the t%o grou<s= is *irectl' relate* to this cha<ter onGuar*ian Lngels= as it is intrinsicall' im<ortant an* esta&lishes the foun*ations of theS<iritual energ' in ones life that ena&les Goo* Guar*ian Lngels to attach themsel@esto ones soul for goo* s<iritual gro%th= an* there&' releasing the *eceitful an*mislea*ing angels Fsee rescue <age %ith res<ect to s<irits in astral <lane D Olam


Re& +haim ,ital e)<lains the &asis of this s<iritual la% is "as it is <h'sicall' so it iss<irituall'"= if a <erson feels &locke* <h'sicall' in life then a <erson is &locke*s<irituall'= if a <erson has &a* frien*s then one ma' ha@e mislea*ing Lngels= %hereasif one has goo* trust%orth' an* sincerel' lo@ing frien*s then like%ise s<irituall' onehas goo* Guar*ian Lngels %hich %ill ensure one is al%a's gui*e* along the correct

 <ath%a' an* ne@er making mistakesA

Therefore= &e careful %ith e@er' %or* 'ou s<eak= kno%ing that the %or*s 'ou use%ill ha@e an affect on 'our s<iritual Guar*ian LngelsA B' using the correct %or*s in'our life 'ou %ill im<ro@e 'ourself s<irituall' an* there&' &e %orth' of e)ce<tionall'goo* Guar*ian Lngels= %hom %ill come close to 'ou to enhance 'our life on a

 <ath%a' of s<iritual gro%thA The free%ill choice is 'oursA

L %arning %ith this= is to &e a%are that if 'ou use %or*s that ha@e irre<ara&l'*amage* someone8s life= then unless one corrects the *amage one has *one %ith thea&use of s<eech A This situation one has cause* %ith the a&use of the <o%er of s<eech=this %ill affect ones soul an* life fore@erA FNntil one changes an* corrects the *amage

*one as e)<laine* in Sefer TikunimD Book of +orrectionsKA >s<eciall' if this hascause* irre<ara&le *amage to another <ersons life A

"n the Wa' ;ou Wish to go in Eife=

So ;ou %ill &e Ee* &' ;our Guar*ian

Lngels" A

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This <rinte* <assage is from the famous Ra&&i >i*els kno%n as the QLCLRSCL0ש.3= %ho li@e* at the same <erio* of time as Re& +haim ,ital FQaharsha li@e*from _IIID_Y_K uote* from the Talmu* Qakkos <age _J&= this <assage e)<lainsthat = in the %a' 'ou %ish to go in life= so 'ou %ill &e le* &' 'our Guar*ian LngelsA

The Qaharsha Ra&&i Shlomo >*els e)<lains= that e@er' action= %or* an* thought that'ou *o in this %orl* creates an angel= so if 'ou reall' %ant something goo* to ha<<enin 'our life= create enough angelic goo* angels %ith kin*ness= lo@ing thoughts an*honest %or*s A Then these angels 'ou ha@e attracte* to 'ou &' 'our goo* thoughts=%or*s an* actions %ill in*ee* lea* 'ou to 'our goal A


Re& +haim ,ital in "Otbrus ha+haim" D / j 0יי4. ="Shaar Za@onus"D עש/ 1##כ Acontinues to e)<lain the <rinci<le that e@er'thing in this %orl* occurs in <airs= statesthat e@er'one is gi@en t%o Guar*ian LngelsA

>@er' <erson is &orn %ith t%o angels %ho are a<<ointe* to gui*e the <erson along

their %a' in life= to ensure the' follo% a life <ath%a' of their *estin'= to make surethe' fin* their *estine* soulmate <artner= ha@e their success in their Mo& to <ro@i*emone' to su<<ort their life an* fulfill their <ur<ose of life to their ma)imum

 <otentialA The t%o angels ma'&e consi*ere* to &e male an* female energies= morecorrectl' terme* an* reflecting "emotional" an* "intelligenceDlogic" energies A

There are certain *estine* maMor goal<osts= or "meetings %ith *estin'" that are set outin our life= it *e<en*s on us if %e meet them= or get si*eDtracke*A Or if one has*etache* oneself from ones original gui*es an* Guar*ian Lngels= an* ha@e ne% onesD %hom &ecause of ones lies= are there to *istract e@en more from the life <ath%a' DNTE D the <erson %akes u< an* recognibes that one is in a <lace so far from %here

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one feels comforta&le an* from %here one trul' &elongs= that the <erson then kno%sit is an emergenc' an* must change D reconnecting %ith GO? an* %ith ones originalGuar*ian Lngels %ho %ill al%a's &e there for 'ou= an* there&' fin*ing the true

 <ath%a' F this is *etaile* more on the <age of "T%o Hath%a's"A The <ersons original

Guar*ian Lngels %ill al%a's &e there %aiting to gui*e the <erson on the correct <ath%a' for ones soulA

L&o@e 'our t%o Guar*ian Lngels there is a "gate kee<er" angel= 3 שי4/! "shomer <esachim" %ho monitors the energ' aroun* 'ou= allo%ing in an* out= the goo* an*not goo* angels to hel< 'ou or *istract 'ou accor*ing to 'our efforts A

mme*iatel' %e must %rite D to sa' that a "not goo* " angel *oes not e)ist= it is in factan angel that is create* &' ones mis*ee*s= lies an* *ishonest'= an* is their to corru<tan* make a <ersons life unsuccessful an* unha<<' until one WLZ>S u<= to change

an* return to the true *estine* <ath%a'= much like a strict *isci<line* teacher A

+ommunicating %ith ;our Guar*ian Lngels

Lccor*ing to the <rinci<le that OTCG in this %orl* ha<<ens &' acci*ent= e@er'single e@ent in 'our life ha<<ens for a s<ecific reason gui*e* from s<irit %orl* .4$ש.2! Aי/

Re& +haim ,ital e)<lains the fact that a <erson is attracte* to rea* his &ooks=es<eciall' S>>R GEGNEQ D the stu*' of Reincarnation of souls= then this meansthat 'our soul is thirst'= rea*' an* <re<are* to learnA

;ou are no% rea*' to communicate %ith 'our s<iritual Guar*ian Lngels= an* Must asim<ortantl' the' are <re<are* to communicate %ith 'ouA F We ha@e recei@e* man'emails from <eo<le %ho ha@e &' "*estin'" arri@e* at this %e&site an* rea* this= %hichsim<l' reaffirms that there is in*ee* a higher s<iritual gui*ance gui*ing them to learnan* *e@elo< s<irituall' at the a<<ro<riate timeKA

Re& +haim ,ital e)<lains that there is O >>? to e)ert an' effort to connect %iththem= it %ill ha<<en at the correct time for 'our soulA Ln'one %ho <ushes or forces toconnect= %hen the' are sim<l' not %orth' or not of the correct s<iritual le@el= %illconnect %ith earth&oun* s<irits %ho are in OELQ CLSOCN D ./ .^ע ל = an* %ill*ecei@e the <erson as e)<laine* in S<iritual Rescue Work of earth&oun* soul forun*erstan*ing of earth&oun* souls in OELQ CLSOCNA

S<irit +ommunication from Eo@e* Ones

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One o<<ortune moment is normall' %hen someone 'ou lo@e= an* in*ee* someone%ho lo@es 'ou D *iesA This coul* &e famil'= frien* or a teacher someone %ho sees'our s<iritual <otential once the' arri@e in s<irit %orl* an* choose to sta' close to 'outo %ork %ith 'ou s<irituall'A This can ha<<en at an' time in one8s life= noDone is too

'oung or too ol* to start to a%aken to communicating %ith their Guar*ian LngelsA t*e<en*s on 'our s<iritual le@el an* not on 'our <h'sical ageA

The lo@e connection 'ou &oth ha@e for each other %ill instill in 'ou a strong &on* ofcommunication= an* after a <erio* from _ month u< to one 'ear of them *'ing= theirsoul %ill &e rea*' to come &ack as a gui*e for 'ouA

L%akening ;our S<iritual Soul

The a%akening in 'our s<iritual life an* the start of communication %ith 'ourGuar*ian Lngels %ill ha<<en in a *ream or a strange coinci*ence= %here 'ou %ill feela s<ecial ine)<lica&le s<iritual feeling= that there is more to life= other than %hata<<ears to the <h'sical e'e an* to logicA ;ou ma' still ha@e free choice to ignorethese signs an* &e close*A Co%e@er= the more the' lo@e 'ou= an* the more urgenc'there is to get 'our life &ack on the correct <ath%a'= the more the' %ill tr' an*a%aken 'our soul s<irituall'A

Ls 'ou think a&out them= an* e@en talk to them as if the' are "reall'" %ith 'ou= 'ou

%ill feel the s<ecial <eaceful lo@ing an* reDassuring energ'= it is ine)<lica&le= as each <erson senses this *ifferentl'= &ut i assure 'ou D 'ou %ill feel itA

Once 'ou ha@e ackno%le*ge* the e)istence of 'our Guar*ian Lngels an* starte* totalk to them in <ra'er= 'ou %ill fin* it much easier to <ra' an* ask for hel< fromGO? an* the eternal ?i@ine %orl* of goo* s<iritual gui*es an* angels %hom %illcome into 'our aura= gi@e 'ou the kno%le*ge= hel< an* s<iritual feelings 'ou nee* as'ou are <rogressing along 'our Mourne' of lifeA


Talk to them regularl'= tell them ho% 'ou feel= the more 'ou *e@elo< the more 'ou%ill un*erstan* 'ourself %hat to sa'= the intuiti@e thoughts come in automaticall' into'our min*= thoughts an* soulA

Ll%a's start 'our con@ersation &' TCLZG 'our Guar*ian Lngels for the hel<

the' ha@e gi@en 'ou in looking after 'ouA Then 'ou are in*ee* rea*' to ask them for asign= an* intuition as to %hom 'our guar*ian angels are= 'ou ma' recei@e 'our

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ans%ers as thoughts or in a *ream= or someone ne% %ill come in 'our life "QCLSCOQL;Q" D "Cea@en sent "D %ho %ill hel< 'ou along 'our s<iritual Mourne'A

;ou ma' fin* at this moment that 'our frien*s an* famil' %ill not un*erstan* or

com<rehen* the changes 'ou are e)<eriencing= an* e@ents ma' ha<<en in 'our life toclose *oors on those su<erficial <eo<le %hom ha@e no rele@ance in 'our ne%foun*s<irituall' enlightene* lifeA

Co%e@er= a &etter life is &eing <re<are* for 'ou= an* Re& +haim ,ital em<hasibes theim<ortance of honest'= kin*ness= an* &eing _JJ careful %ith the <o%er of 'ours<eech= an* %ith com<lete honest' in <ra'er %ith 'our Guar*ian Lngels= e@en if 'outell noDone else the truth= LEWL;S tell the truth to 'our Guar*ian Lngels e)actl'ho% 'ou feelA This %ill in*ee* assure 'ou of continuous su<<ort of goo* Lngels%hom %ill instruct 'ou along the correct s<iritual <ath%a'A

>)tra S<ecial S<iritual Times

Lccor*ing to tra*ition from the times of L&raham %ho ke<t Sarah8s anni@ersar' of*eathP there are in*ee* more o<<ortune moments to connect s<irituall'P AOn the'arbheit= that is the anni@ersar' of *eath= of a lo@e* one= amous S<iritual teacher orRa&&i or an' S<iritual lea*ers anni@ersar' of <assing to S<irit %orl*= these aree)cee*ingl' strong *a's s<irituall' to <ra' an* connect %ith them an* their souls=

accor*ing to (e%ish tra*ition %e light at least t%o can*les= one for their soul an* onefor 'oursA

Lnother es<eciall' goo* time is ri*a' e@ening= lighting can*les at sunset tocommence the Sa&&ath Sha&&os= *a' of restA This time a<<lies to all of humanit'=fri*a' e@ening= is in*ee* a s<iritual e@ening in the %hole %orl* for e@er'one Fan* ia** for &oth Quslems %ho go to Qosue on fri*a'8s an* +hristians %ho eat fish an*not meat on fri*a'8sKA

The reason is that ri*a' has al%a's &een the en* of the <h'sical %orking %eek=

therefore a transference of <h'sical energ' at the en* of the %orking %eek on ri*a' &ecomes <otentiall' <ure S<iritual energ' on Sha&&os D at sunset on ri*a' e@ening Dan* &ecoming more s<iritual is automatic= each an* e@er' single %eekA

Those <eo<le %ho "go out" to get *runk= *iscos or <arties= or e@en those <eo<le %ho%aste time an* %atch T, or go to &e* earl' on ri*a' e@ening are missing a greato<<ortunit' to gro% s<irituall' e@er' single %eek on the Sha&&os D ri*a' e@eningA

Tr' an* change Must one ri*a' e@ening= light can*les an* think s<irituall'= 'ou %ill

 &e amabe* at the affect it %ill ha@e on the %hole of the follo%ing %eek \ F must a**that this s<iritual energ' is in the %orl* for e@er'one= not Must for Me%ish <eo<le \K

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This s<iritual gift to all of humanit' is that on the ri*a' e@ening at sunset each <erson is gi@en an e)tra soul= .3ש1.י/י  angel gui*e= accor*ing to %hat he *eser@es &' hisher actions *uring that %eek A

Qaking ;our O%n S<iritual TimeThe &est %a' to connect to S<irit Worl* is to @isit the gra@es of amous S<iritualRa&&is or gra@es of goo* righteous <eo<le 'ou ha@e kno%n in 'our lifeA The gra@esiteis the last <h'sical connection the' ha* on earth an* therefore the &eginning of theirs<iritual s<iritD%orl* Mourne'A The essence an* <resence of their s<irit at theirgra@esite can &e attracte* there %hen 'ou @isitA

The' %ill then &e a&le to infuse a s<iritual energ' of 4# Ruach %ithin 'ou= of

kno%le*ge an* un*erstan*ing= an* the' %ill gui*e 'ouA The' %ill OT force 'ou to*o an'thing= 'ou ha@e free%ill choice= &ut the' %ill gi@e 'ou the intuition= strength of character to kno% the *ifference &et%een right an* %rongA

Re& +haim ,ital recommen*s an'one searching the enlightene* s<iritual <ath%a' tostart &' connecting %ith goo* <eo<le an* Ra&&is %hom ha@e <asse* o@er to s<irit%orl*= connecting %ith them in thoughts an* learning their &ooks an* @isiting theirgra@esitesA Similarl' &' rea*ing goo* s<iritual &ooks of the TORLC = QSC> =G>QORL an* TLL ?>,> >E;LCN an* the OCLR ka&&ala %ill attract the

goo* s<iritual gui*esA

Hlease see article &' Ra&&i Hinchas Giller  for full historical an* s<iritual im<ortanceof the tra*ition of @isiting gra@esites throughout the generationsA The s<iritual energ'=enlightenment an* gui*ance ones soul recei@es= has &een the fun*amental reason %h'generations of (e%ish <eo<le al%a's connect s<irituall' &' @isiting the gra@esites ofCol' Ra&&is= Re&&es an* s<iritual lea*ersA

Z>>H T S>+R>T \

Re& +haim ,ital makes an im<ortant <oint= an* this is e)cee*ingl' im<ortant= an*that is ?O OT T>EE L;O> a&out 'our s<iritual e)<eriences e@en if 'oue)tremel' confi*ent an* strong that the' %ill not &lock or *estro' 'our goo* energies%ith their t%iste* *ishonest negati@e corru<t energ'= sim<l' &' telling someone %illcreate a &lockA

Re& +haim ,ital uotes from his teacher the LR LE= that the least one talks a&outthese s<iritual matters to other <eo<le the &etter= as one is starting on a sensiti@e

s<iritual <ath%a' for ones soul it is sill' to tell an'oneA

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Qan' <eo<le %ho ha* the s<iritual <otential get setD&ack in time &' telling theirc'nicall' *ishonest nonD&elie@ing <arents= famil' or soDcalle* frien*sP energies ofnonD&elie@ers are strong enough to &lock this sensiti@e s<iritual linkA The Mourne' tos<iritual success can take a longer more <ainful *etour= es<eciall' if one has to

o@ercome the negati@e thoughts an* %or*s of nonD&elie@ing *estructi@e <eo<leA onetheless that is *estin' as some <eo<le lo@e to learn the har*est an* most <ainful%a' <ossi&leA ;our Guar*ian Lngel %ill tell 'ou %hen it is time an* %ith %hom it issafe to talk a&out these s<iritual matters= 'ou %ill instincti@el' kno% %ho 'ou cantrust

nstantaneous Qagnetic Lttraction is a

S<iritual >nerg' of ones "Guar*ian Lngels"Soulmates ha@e an instantaneous magnetic attraction to each other= as theirrelationshi< is "*estine*" an* im<ortant for their li@es on earthA >@en <eo<le %ho tr'an* fight this magnetic lo@e *esire for each other= %ill fin* their efforts to &lock futilean* the' %ill e@entuall' &e togetherA Ls "soulmates" %ill ne@er fin* true <ur<osefulfulfillment of their souls until the' are together= that is either <h'sicall' or %ith theirmin*= thoughts an* soul eternall' s<irituall' togetherA

The reason for this ine)<lica&le magnetic attraction &et%een X <eo<le is that theirGuar*ian Lngels are gui*ing them an* &ringing energ' to &oth <eo<le in or*er to"force" situations to &e togetherA Ofcourse ones stu&&ornness an* free%ill choice can

 &lock this= &ut e@entuall' "soulmates" al%a's come togetherA >ach <ersons Guar*ianLngels %ill ensure this ha<<ens= ho%e@er illogicalA

Wrong Relationshi<s Ll%a's ail

Similarl' the reason %h' "%rong" relationshi<s= lo@ers an* marriages fail is that each

of the in*i@i*uals Guar*ian Lngels are conflicting %ith the other <ersons Guar*ianLngels= &oth in*i@i*uals are incom<ati&le on a s<iritual le@el an* hence e@entuall'the' en* u< conflicting on a <h'sical le@elA

L "sign" for this is that there are conflicts= *isharmon' an* im&alances in therelationshi< an* @er' often a <erson enMo's ha@ing "SHL+>" a%a' from the otherP inthe "s<ace" a <erson feels enli@ene* an* ha<<' for this free*om \

True soulmates al%a's nee* an* enMo' &eing together all the timeA Once the %rong

 <erson is out of ones life= some goo* fortune al%a's ha<<ens in a <ersons life= as a

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s<iritual sign that one is no% on the correct <ath%a' an* free from that "negati@e" <ersonA

>@er'one &elie@es in "SGS" %hich gi@e e@er'one an in*ication of goo* energ'= a

goo* omen to ones soul %hich is li@ing in this real <h'sical %orl* that one is %ith theright <erson *oing the right thing at the right timeA f one feels "uncomforta&le" ormisfortune ha<<ens %here it has not ha<<ene* &efore= then take this as a sign an*ha@e "closure" an* <lease run a%a' from them \

Once one has "closure" from "*raining" <eo<le= a <ositi@e energ' of e)citement an*"ali@eness" is gi@en &' ones Guar*ian Lngels= this is &ecause ones soul is "&lockingsuccess" %hen one is %ith &a* <eo<leA The more s<iritual an* sensiti@e a <erson is thestronger the "&locking energ'" cause* &' other <eo<les transference energ'= throughones Guar*ian LngelsA

L sign a man nee*s from a %oman

or men %hen the' get in@ol@e* %ith %omen the' al%a's nee* a sign that this%oman is luck' or not for themA The connection %ith the right %oman makes a manluck' in &usiness an* in life= %ith an ali@eness of moti@ational energ' that OE; aman can feelA

Qan' %omen *on8t un*erstan* this conce<t or energ' that men nee* to feel thisenerg' from a %oman= %hich is generate* from a <ure sincere U s<iritual lo@e %hichis intrinsic in a mans soul an* from his guar*ian angelsA The reason is that a man onl'lo@es to gi@e to a %oman %ho a<<reciates him %ith a su<<orting selfless lo@e= if the%oman is selfish U materialistic= an* is not looking to &e <art of her man= then this

 &locks the flo% of success that a man nee*s to feel from a %omanA Qen onl' lo@e%omen %ho a<<reciate them= like%ise %omen onl' lo@e men %ho *esire to create alo@ing flo% of energ' an* successA

This "mabel" an* goo* fortune is gi@en as a "sign"= this s<ecial feeling a man feels is

from his Guar*ian LngelsA When a man or a %oman has closure from such a %rong <erson= ones Guar*ian Lngels un&lock an energ' an* ones goo* fortune is restore*AThis %e e)<lain more in the section of Soulmate of the <age "Eife of Eo@e"A

n +O+ENSO D "Guar*ian Lngels"

Ls 'ou are &eginning 'our s<iritual Mourne' the &asic fun*amental ke' 'ou nee*= is'our connection %ith 'our Guar*ian Lngels= it must &e honest= trust%orth' an*

strong A With a focus an* <ur<ose of selfless ser@ice to GO? an* to s<irit %orl* A

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Zno% an* &elie@e that 'our Guar*ian Lngels are al%a's %ith 'ou an* %ill al%a'sEO,> 'ouA The' are on 'our si*e an* %ill al%a's %ant to hel< 'ou= no matter ho%man' o<<onents or *ifficulties 'ou ma' ha@e in lifeA ;our Guar*ian Lngels %ill tr'an* hel< ;ON as much as the' <ossi&l' can= the' *o this out of EO,> for 'ou an*

*esire to hel< 'ou ma)imibe 'our s<iritual <otential in lifeA

One Guar*ian Lngels are %orking together %ith 'ou an* all the souls of 'oursoulgrou< to ensure 'our life succee*sA

Ll%a's remem&er to TCLZ GO?= s<irit %orl* an* 'our guar*ian angels for thehel< 'ou recei@e e@er' moment of e@er' *a' of 'our life as im<lie* from thisfollo%ing anec*oteA

OOTHRTSOne night a man ha* a *reamA Ce *reame* he %as %alking along the &each %ith isGuar*ian LngelA Lcross the sk' flashe* scenes from his lifeA or each scene= henotice* t%o sets of foot<rints in the san*P one &elonging to him an* the other to theGuar*ian LngelA

When the last scene of his life flashe* &efore him= he looke* &ack at the foot<rints inthe san*A Ce notice* that man' times along the <ath of his life there %as onl' one setof foot<rintsA Ce also notice* that it ha<<ene* at the @er' lo%est an* sa**est times inhis lifeA

This reall' &othere* him an* he uestione* his Guar*ian Lngel a&outA "Guar*ianLngel= 'ou sai* that once *eci*e* to listen to 'ou for gui*ance= 'ou8* %alk %ith meall the %a'A But ha@e notice* that *uring the most trou&lesome times in m' life=there is onl' one set of foot<rintsA *on8t un*erstan* %h' %hen nee*e* 'ou most'ou %oul* lea@e meA"

The Guar*ian Lngel re<lie*= "Q' <recious chil*= Eo@e 'ou an* %oul* ne@er lea@e

'ouA ?uring 'our times of trial an* suffering= %hen 'ou see onl' one set of foot<rints=it %as then that carrie* 'ouA"

?estin' ש3י5י.7כל  

/3 0#י #./5 [/0jל7יjי7 [/י 50עיל 51/ ל 1! ל 51י/ל! ל 1! ל .71ל! ל 1! ל!

"ort' *a's &efore a <erson is concei@e* into this %orl*= it is announce* in Cea@en Dthe ?i@ine S<irit Worl*= that the *aughter of this man is *estine* to marr' this man=

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the house in this <lace D is *estine* for their home= an* this fiel* Fli@elihoo*  &usiness <rofessionK is *estine* for this <erson"A Talmu* Sota XaA >@er'thing is*ecree* in our "?estin' כל


3ש " as a ?i@ine <lan for each an* e@er' <erson in the

?i@ine Cea@enl' recor*sA

This is the original te)t in Ce&re% D Lramaic from the Ba&'lonian Talmu* Sotah Xa

oun*ation of Belie@ing in "?estin' 5י.7כלי  "Aש3

The fun*amental &asis of un*erstan*ing an* &elie@ing in this fact that e@er'thing isreall' is *ecree* in our "?estin' ש3י5י.7כל " in the ?i@ine Cea@enl' recor*s is tofirst &elie@e in GO?A

Nntil a <erson starts to "think s<irituall'"= ha@ing the innate feeling that there must aGO? an* there must e)ist a s<iritual %orl* from %here our souls came from an* to%here are souls go to after this <h'sical life has en*e* then a <erson %ill continuee)isting a su<erficial life like a %an*ering shee< &elie@ing that e@er'thing that occursis sim<l' a ha<habar* misfit of e@ents= situations an* circumstances= create* &'themsel@es an* others D %hich is sim<l' ri*iculous as this %orl* %oul* trul' *escen*

into chaos an* selfD*estruction if that %ere so \

t is OE; the fact that e@er'thing is *ecree* in our "?estin' ש3י5י.7כל " in theCea@enl' recor*s that ena&les each an* e@er'one to e)ist an* li@e as in*i@i*uals an*collecti@el' as a societ' in a %holeA

?estin' ש3י5י.7כל  D othing is Waste*

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Eife Onl' Gi@es ;our Soul the >)<eriencesit ee*s

n the i*ealistic s<iritual realms D "nothing is %aste*" D >,>R;TCG that occurs inS<irit %orl* an* in this <h'sical %orl* ha<<ens for a <ur<oseA There is no e)<erience=coinci*ence= e@ent or ha<<ening that is allo%e* to occur in this <h'sical %orl* unlessit is a necessit' for our soul to learn an* changeA

This <rinci<le of "nonD%aste" hel<s us un*erstan* that *uring our <h'sical e)istence%hich %e call "life"= our soul 'earns an* nee*s lessons= situations= tests an*e)<eriences in or*er to learn= transform= change= correct <astDlife mistakes an*ele@ate oneself s<irituall'A

The s<iritual la% of ?estin'כל


 ensures that %e all get e@er' e)<erience %enee* in or*er for our soul to fulfill its ma)imum <otentialA f one *oesn8t listen to thesigns an* gui*ance one is &eing sho%n in life= *iscar*ing e@er'thing that ha<<ens inlife as mere ha<habar* occurrence= then one %ill not learn nor change= an* certainl'one %ill &e una&le to &reak the c'cle of reincarnation successfull' A

Being a&le to &reak the c'cle of ones life an* the c'cle of reincarnation successfull'one first nee*s to STOH an* think carefull' at >,>R;TCG that occurs in ones

life= concentrating on the fact that e@er'thing ha<<ens for a s<ecific reasonARemem&er OTCG ha<<ens &' "chance"= e@er' coinci*ence is a <iece of a?>ST>? ?,> <lan for ones soulA

>@er'thing that occurs in 'our life is talking to 'ou an* teaching 'ou a lessonA t is u<to 'ou to un*erstan* %hat the lesson is an* %hat is &eing tol* to 'ou &' S<irit %orl*ALcce<t the fact that OTCG ha<<ens &' chance nor acci*ent D so continuall' ask'ourself D "What *o i nee* to learn from the e)<erience i am going through Wh' isthis ha<<ening to me U What shoul* i &e *oing %ith m' life U What am i &einggui*e* to *o %ith m' life"

Eonel' D eelings of solation an*Llienation

There is no nee* for an'one in this %orl* to feel isolate* or alienate*P e@er' single <erson is <art of a %hole unit D that is ones "soulmate"= e@er'thing an* e@er'one inthis %orl* is sim<l' a half of a %holeA

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>ach <erson e)ists a <art of a SoulQate unit an* also e)ists as <art of a SoulGrou<P if one feels isolate*= alienate* an* lonel'= this im<lies that one is not connecte* norfeeling connecte* %ith ones SoulQate or SoulGrou<A

Ones Guar*ian Lngels an* inner instincti@e feelings gi@e a <erson feelings of"solation= Eoneliness an* Llienation" an* hence feelings of "?e<ression" as a sign of  &eing *etache* from ones true *estine* <ath%a'= either one is %ith the %rong <erson<eo<le= in the %rong <lace *oing the %rong things for ones soulA

Qost <eo<le ignore these signs until it &ecomes o@er%helmingl' intolera&le then it &ecomes an ">Q>RG>+;" to &reak a%a' %ith man' su**en changesA

f one feels lonel'= the first ste< is to HRL; an* ask for gui*ance from GO? an* onesGuar*ian LngelsP then eliminate the &a* an* *raining connections from ones life= &ut

most im<ortantl' focus on the GOO? connections= %hich <erson= <lace or acti@it' in'our life reall' &rings 'ou strong energ' of feeling LE,>

The search must start in 'our min* an* thoughts for all the goo* an* <ositi@econnections %ith souls an* <eo<le in ones SoulGrou<= then one %ill &e gui*e* toautomaticall' fin* an* &e %ith ones SoulQateA an* li@e in the correct <lace for onessoul= fulfilling ones true <ur<ose in lifeA

?estin' is an ne)<lica&le nner eeling Unstinct

"?estin'" is an ine)<lica&le feeling that O O> else can feel or e)<lain other than;ONA n our generation= man' of us ha@e hear* amabing stories of soulmate8smeeting on the internet= o@ercoming &arriers of each others cultures= countries an*societies= %ith a feeling of kno%ing this is their *estin' an* soulmateA or the <ast `J'ears since Lir tra@el= has ma*e the %hole Worl* a more accessi&le <lace= there areman' more <eo<le mo@ing to li@e in the <lace that the' "feel" is right for their souls

to li@eA

These feelings uniue to each an* e@er' <ersonalP one thing is for _JJ certain %hena <erson is a%a' from the %rong <lace an* li@ing in the right <lace for ones soul %iththe right soulmate an* connecting %ith <eo<le of ones Soulgrou< one trul' feels thes<iritual strength= inner reassurance of "&eing connecte*" to GO?= an* full ofali@eness an* ha<<inessA

Signs of ?estin'כל


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Lccor*ing to the Tana ?e@ei >li'ahu= there is a S<iritual Ea% is that e@er' situationan* e@ent in this life comes in <airsP this is meant to act as a SG Of ?>ST;A

Lt the same time one is connecting %ith ones SoulGrou<P ones Soulmate an* fin*ing

the right <lace to li@e for ones soul= simultaneousl' something goo* %ill &eha<<ening in 'our lifeA t coul* &e a ne% Mo&= ne% &usiness or ne% homeA Be assure*that there %ill &e a sign= this is sim<l' s<iritual la% of *ualit' an* <airsA

?estin' is a Ze' to O<en the ?oor

To o<en an enormous *oor= 'ou onl' nee* a tin' ke'A To sol@e a &affling m'ster'= 'ouonl' nee* a small clueA in*ing 'our true *estine* *estin' is fin*ing one of the Z>;Sof EifeA

To o<en the enormous *oor of 'our *estin'= all 'ou reall' reuire is a little <iece ofinformationA L %or* or t%o from the right <ersonA Ln i*ea from the right <art of 'ouro%n imaginationA Ln insight from the right section of the li&rar'A L seemingl' tri@ial*isco@er' is a&out to make a @er' &ig *ifferenceA

Lll this starts %ith a sincere <ra'er an* man' tears= as %e kno% in "ka&&ala" cr'ingo<ens u< a *irect link to GO?= to the >ternal ?i@ine S<irit Worl* of Souls= as all

 <ra'ers are ans%ere* %ith tears= &' cr'ing man' tears one can actuall' make miracles\

This is es<eciall' true if one feels that one has gone a%a' from ones *estin'= &' <ra'ing an* cr'ingP this is al%a's an instincti@e feeling for e@er'one %ho feelslonel'= isolate* an* *e<resse* to +R;A L tear is the Z>; to OH> TC> ?OOR an*%ill start 'our Mourne' to fin* 'our true *estin'A

"?estin' is Written in the Cea@enl'

Recor*s"The stu*' of astrolog' an* <almistr'= teaches an* reassures that e@er'one8s?>ST; is ma<<e* out for 'ou= an* there is no nee* to &e sa*= *e<resse* or gi@eDu<on lifeA

Eet the <ast remain in the <ast an* consi*er that TO?L; is the _st *a' of the rest of'our life \ Smile an* &e Ca<<' \ Ls soon as one has foun* ones true *estine*

 <ath%a' there %ill ne@er &e a nee* to e@er &e sa* or *e<resse* e@er again in ones lifeA


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The uture is alrea*' Written \

The Talmu* Sotah `d& e)<lains man' signs that %ill occur *uring the last generationAThis is reference to the times kno%n as "Qoshiach" %hich is the time %hen the @eil

 &et%een this Hh'sical Worl* an* S<iritual %orl* %ill &e remo@e* an* e@er'one %illsee e@er'thing clearl'A

The onl' thing that isn8t %ritten is our attitu*e an* the %a' %e han*le e@er'thing thatoccursP the free%ill choice is ours to acce<t e@er'thing that ha<<ens %ith calmnessan* reassurance or to get u<setA f %e trul' trust in GO? then %e %ill ne@er getflustere* nor u<set &' an'thing that ha<<ens in lifeA

Hro<hets U The uture

">@er'thing is %ritten" in *estin'P as e)<laine* on "seeing the future" from Sefer

+hochmas ;a*= the onl' reason %e are gi@en signs= scri<tures= <ro<hets an* s<iritual%ritings is to inform us of the future in or*er to reassure e@er'one that ?>ST; is%ritten in the ?i@ine Cea@enl' recor*sA

t is %ritten an* gi@en &' <ro<hets to gi@e e@er'one a <roof that there is a GO?P aneternal ?,> +reator of the %hole Nni@erse an* an >ternal ?i@ine S<iritual Worl*of SoulsA >@er'thing has a <ur<ose an* <lan in accor*ance %ith the %ill of GO?A

Qa' it &e the %ill of GO? that %e see e@er'thing that ha<<ens in our li@es for goo*

an* &e a&le to see the signs in our life to fin* our true *estine* <ath%a'A

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SoulGrou< is the _st Ze'

in*ing an* connecting %ith ones SoulGrou< is the first Ze' to o<en the *oor to

'our ?estin'A 

Success in Breaking the +'cle of Reincarnation


Re& +haim ,ital e)<lains that the OE; <ur<ose for e@er' reincarnate* soul is to

BR>LZ the c'cle of reincarnationA Ca@ing to come &ack to earthDschool again an*again is a s<iritual &lessing an* gift= &ut it %oul* &e far &etter for our souls to eitherchoose to come &ack to earth or to com<letel' ele@ate our soul an* ne@er nee* tocome &ack to recorrect our <astDlife mistakesA

Nntil %e make the necessar' corrections for our soul= each an* e@er'one of us %illkee< coming &ack as reincarnate* soulsA Ls e)<laine* on "The Hur<ose of Eife" = %emust learn to <erfect the Y as<ects that are @itall' im<ortant for all reincarnate* soulsA

F_K The nee* to learn to ORG,>A

FXK The nee* to learn to &e +OQHLSSOLT> to e@er'oneA

FYK The nee* to learn to EO,>A

Onl' &e focusing on these as<ects %ill one &e a&le to &reak the c'cle of reincarnationA

Re& +haim ,ital e)<lains that together %ith the Y ke's of reincarnation es<eciall' the_st Ze' of al%a's &eing grateful an* ha<<' %ith e@er'thing in one8s life= one %ill

ha@e true s<iritual success in &reaking the *eath c'cle of reincarnationA

The challenge to LEE reincarnate* souls is to >,>R think hateful= angr'= &itter= Mealous or negati@e thoughtsA >ach time a <erson thinks a negati@e thought it createsan energ' of ?>LTC= %hereas e@er'time a <erson thinks of a <ositi@e lo@ing ha<<'thought one creates energ' of E>A

The <ain of reincarnation means that there are going to &e situations an* <eo<le%hom one %ill &e incline* to &e hateful= angr'= &itter or negati@e to%ar*s= this is

 &ecause ones soul has carrie* o@er from a <rior lifetime this negati@e ?>LTC energ'=that8s %h' a <erson has reincarnate*= if one ha* in*ee* succee*e* in a <re@ious

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lifetime to ha@e onl' EO,G an* E> energ' then ones soul %oul* not ha@enee*e* to reincarnate in this lifetimeA

Success in Nn&locking the Blockagescause* &' Reincarnation $ל$#עיכ5#י

$ Blockages create* &' ones soul in or*er to *eal %ith issues ofל$#עיכ5#י"reincarnation"= these &lockages are nee*e* to ensure one learns lessons of change=lo@e an* forgi@enessA Herfecting ones life from sill' mistakes one has ma*e in

 <re@ious lifetimes= is the reason %h' ine)<lica&le "&lockages" occur at an'time inones lifeA

Our souls ha@e come to earth to learn s<ecific lessons= &lockages in our life arecreate* to force an* channel our soul to <erfecting itself &' un*erstan*ing the signsan* there&' making corrections an* changing= each is s<ecific to each uniuein*i@i*ualA The first ste< is to recognibe that nothing ha<<ens &' "chance" an*e@er'thing= ho%e@er ine)<lica&le an* <ainful it has a reason %h' it ha<<ens in oneslifeA

Ls our soul learns its uniue an* s<ecific lessons then the "&lockage" is taken a%a'=an* our soul %ill feel enlightene*A

The Reci<e for Success is >as'

Nnlock the *oors using the Y ke's of reincarnation an* then focus on the s<iritual <ur<ose of reincarnate* souls= it seems so sim<le an* eas' D an* it is \

Once the ?oor is O<ene*AAA

Once a <erson has correcte* the reason for reincarnation then the s<iritual *oor%a' isno% o<ene* for one to li@e ones futureP the <ast is no% close* an* finishe*A

3AAA-33ל3על.7.3ע"One Zno%s nstincti@el'"

The s<iritual sa'ing that "one kno%s ones o%n le@el of s<iritualit' from %ithinoneself" is so true= as one feels the inner glo% of s<iritual success from %ithinA o

one can tell 'ou ho% 'ou feel= it8s a s<iritual feeling from %ithin ones o%n soulA One%ill instincti@el' kno% %hen one has &roken ones o%n c'cle of reincarnationA

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Ll%a's Be +areful \

>@en though one has &roken the c'cle of reincarnation from <ast li@es= al%a's &ecareful not to create an' ne% situation in this life that %ill cause one to make an'more sill' mistakes an* cause reincarnationA

>ach an* e@er'*a' al%a's &e careful to kee< an* follo% Y ke's of reincarnation an*focus on the s<iritual <ur<ose of reincarnate* souls= al%a's LSZ GO? forforgi@eness for an' mistakes one has ma*e= for so long as %e are ali@e as humans %eare al%a's tem<te* to make sill' mistakes \

"Hlease GO? orgi@e Qe or >@er'thing Ca@e ?one Wrong n Q' Eife U n Hrior Eifetimes= Ca@e Qa*e Qan' Sill' Qistakes Which Trul' Regret= Hlease orgi@e


Then one %ill &e guarantee* to &e at O> %ith GO? in the >ternal ?i@ine S<iritualRealms= this in*ee* is the &est <re<aration %e can gi@e our soul in this lifeA This is theZe' to &reaking the c'cle of *eath an* the c'cle of reincarnation an* remaining as<iritual successA


The <ra'er kno%n as Tikun CaGilGul "The Hra'er for +orrection of Reincarnation"=is in fact the Book of Song of Songs= Shir CaShirimP this &ook is an e)<ression oflo@e from Zing Solomon for his sincere lo@e of GO?A The highest success incorrection for ones soul is to reall' EO,> GO?A

The True Hur<ose of Eife

Re& +haim ,ital e)<lains that each in*i@i*ual has their o%n uniue an* in*i@i*ual <ur<ose in life= ho%e@er LEE reincarnate* souls ha@e Y s<ecific <ur<oses in lifeA

n this cha<ter %e shall e)<lain the <ur<ose of reincarnation for LEE reincarnate*soulsA

F_K Lll reincarnate* souls nee* to learn to ORG,>A

FXK Lll reincarnate* souls nee* to learn to &e +OQHLSSOLT> to e@er'oneA

FYK Lll reincarnate* souls nee* to learn to EO,>A

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>>EGS to%ar*s them at allA The' mean OTCG at all= not to 'ou or 'our lifean'more as 'ou ha@e *isconnecte* 'ourself from their soul through 'our forgi@enessto them 'ou ha@e set 'ourself free from themA

f 'ou still feel some element of hatre* or an' emotions to%ar*s them= this is a signthat 'ou ha@e OT *isconnecte* from them an* their e@il %a's= an* TCS WEECNRT= HOSO L? ?>STRO; ;ONR E> L? SONEA

So sim<l' forgi@e them in 'our min* thoughts= forget a&out them= *on8t e@en mentiontheir name= an* *etach 'ourself from them com<letel'A

The (e%ish <ra'er sai* e@er' night &efore going to slee<= is the same <ra'er sai* on a <erson8s *eath &e* in the final <re<aration as the soul lea@es this <h'sical %orl* an*accor*ing to Re& +haim ,ital is the <ra'er one shoul* sa' e@er' time someone u<sets


Re& +haim ,ital states that one shoul* sa' this se@eral times e@er' *a' *uring the*a' to cleanse ones soul= es<eciall' at an' moment %hen someone has u<set 'ou orma*e 'ou feel angr' an* hurt= as these are <eo<le that for some reason ha@e comeinto 'our life to u<set 'ou for a s<ecific reason to heal the negati@e energ' in 'oursoul = so learn to ORG,> them an* ORG,> e@er'one %ho has *one 'ou harmin this lifetime an* <rior lifetimesA

Translate* VD "Ri&&ono Shel Olam D Qaster of the Nni@erse D forgi@e e@er'one %hohas angere* an* u<set me= or sinne* against me= %hether the' *i* this <h'sicall'=materialisticall' or *isres<ectfull'A Ln* %hether the' *i* this &' acci*ent orintentionall'= %ith horri&le e@il thoughts or %ithout thinking= %hether the' sai* the%or*s or %ith actions= %hether in this life or in <re@ious lifetimes AAAAAA i forgi@ethemAAA an* <lease GO? *o not <unish or hurt them= *o not &ring an' illness oran'thing &a* against them as i forgi@e them com<letel' AAAAAAA ORG,>

>,>R;O> through the <o%er of m' <ra'er an* m' s<eech"A

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See the "Bigger Hicture" an* orgi@e them \

t is so eas' in life to hol* resentment against <eo<le %ho ha@e *one 'ou unMustl'%rong in life= there ma'&e man' legitimate reasons %h' one shoul* logicall'continue "fighting" them= %ith all the negati@e hateful an* *estructi@e energ' that onecan create= ho%e@er= this Must continues a c'cle of *estruction an* negati@it'A

Tr' &reaking the c'cle an* sim<l' ORG,> themP e@en if one is in the mi**le of acourt case= in the mi**le of a @er' *estructi@e argument %ith them= sim<l' listen tothe s<iritual teachings of Re& +haim ,ital an* Sefer Gilgulim an* ORG,>e@er'oneA

Sa' the "forgi@eness" <ra'er an* re<eat that 'ou ORG,> them= an* 'ou %ill &e

sur<rise at the changes that %ill occurA

Re& +haim ,ital e)<lains that e@er'thing that ha<<ens in this <h'sical %orl* has it8ssource in the s<iritual %orl*= therefore one can heal an* change the <h'sical situationof ones life &' changing the s<iritual situationA Eearning to genuinel' ORG,>an'one an* e@er'one %ill actuall' R>> 'our soul from them= an* %ill 'ou life an*soul %ill gro% an* rise to higher le@els of s<iritual enlightenmentA

Re& +haim ,ital e)<lains that one *oesn8t ha@e to ha@e contact %ith these <eo<le inor*er to forgi@e them= sim<l' forgi@e them in 'our heart= thoughts= min* an* soulA

>@er'time one genuinel' ORG,>S someone one is healing ones soul an*rectif'ing the reason one8s soul reincarnate* into this lifeA


Re& +haim ,ital e)<lains the he&re% %or* for forgi@eness is .4יל SelichaP the firstletter is close* letter teaching that %ithout forgi@eness one %ill Must go aroun*Dan*D

aroun* in circles in life= accom<lishing nothing an* *'ing misera&le= &itter an*resentfulA

ORG,>>SS has the <o%er to &reak all reincarnations setting a <ersons soulR>> an* ena&ling one to li@e a life of ha<<iness an* lo@e in this %orl* an* foreternit' for ones soulA This is the most im<ortant <ur<ose ones soul has reincarnate*to ORG,> an* &ecome R>> from that negati@e connectionA

" ORG,> >,>R;O>"\

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Zee< Sa'ing the Wor*s orgi@e AAA

Re& +haim ,ital e)<lains that if one has an' uncomforta&le feelings a&out an'one=an' *islikes or an'one that one feels an' kin* of hatre* from= then one shoul* sa' the%or* " forgi@e AAAFthe name of the <ersonKAAA for the hurt the' ha@e *one me"A

Zee< re<eating this man' times until one feels that there is com<lete forgi@enessfrom 'ou in 'our min* an* 'ou actuall' feel goo*= relie@e*= *isconnecte* an*release* from themA This is the <ur<ose 'ou are ali@e in or*er to ORG,> e@er'onean* e@er'thing that ha<<ens in 'our life= <ast <resent an* future= ORG,> e@er'one\

Onl' %hen one has forgi@en then one can start to cancel out an' "loss &'

transference" that has occurre* in ones lifeA

Then LSZ GO? for orgi@eness

Once a <erson has &roken all the negati@e as<ects of reincarnation= &' forgi@ing allthe <eo<le %hom ha@e hurt= angere*= *estro'e* or *amage* ones life= one is no% a&leto LSZ GO? to &e forgi@enA Sim<l' sa'VD

"Hlease GO? orgi@e Qe or >@er'thing Ca@e ?one Wrong n Q' Eife U n Hrior 

Eifetimes= Ca@e Qa*e Qan' Sill'Qistakes Which Trul' Regret= Hlease

orgi@e Qe"A

The s<iritual la% a<<lies that since one has forgi@en all those <eo<le %hom ha@e *one%rong an* hurt against 'ou= so too 'ou %ill &e forgi@enA This is the Ze' to &reakingthe c'cle of *eath an* the c'cle of reincarnationA

FXK The ee* to Eearn to &e+OQHLSSOLT>

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Lll reincarnate* souls nee* to learn to &e +OQHLSSOLT> to e@er'one= %hichmeans >,>R hurt an'one an* ne@er gossi< nor slan*er an'oneA Nse the <o%er ofs<eech %isel'A

Re& +haim ,ital e)<lains that ha@ing com<assion for other <eo<le is ha@ing res<ectfor them= the S<iritual Ea% of +om<assion e)<lains that all humans are create* %ith auniue soul &' GO?= e@er'one has a uniue <ur<ose= an* e@er'one *eser@es res<ectfor their s<ecific role the' ha@e in life= e@en if %e ha@e *iffering o<inions= *ifferent%a's of *oing things an* *ifferent &eliefs U <erce<tions of lifeA

+om<assion means un*erstan*ing that anger is a result of arguments an**isagreements %hen <eo<le are intolerant to%ar*s others an* lack com<assion forother human &eings= the meaning of "humilit'" an* the %a's of a hum&le <erson isthe ke' to ha@ing com<assion for e@er'one an* the ke' for "s<iritual" ele@ation of

ones soul= as e)<laine* full' on "Eife of +om<assion" A

When a <erson has com<assion for another <erson= one %ill instincti@el' ha@e res<ectfor them an* %ill OT gossi< nor slan*er themA


Whoe@er is a <erson that lo@es life= lo@ing each *a' to see goo*nessP Will guar* onestongue from &a*ness an* ones li<s from s<eaking *eceitfull'A Hsalms Y`V_YU_`


What is a <ersons <ur<ose in this life To kee< uiet as much as <ossi&le \

The Talmu* e)<lains that the reason %h' most <eo<le fail to ele@ate their souls an*fin* themsel@es reincarnating again an* again is &ecause the' ha@e faile* to use the

 <o%er of s<eech correctl'A The onl' reason %h' a <erson slan*ers an* gossi<s againstanother <erson is &ecause a <erson is resentful= &itter an* uncom<assionateA Lll these

factors are negati@e an* %ill cause a <erson to &e reincarnate*= these are ?>LTCenergiesA

Therefore one shoul* learn to &e e)tremel' careful %ith the <o%er of ones s<eech= theonl' %a' one %ill ha@e life is &' using ones s<eech that creates E> energ'A >,>R criticibe an'one= >,>R shout or *estro' an'one8s life through the <o%er of s<eechother%ise one %ill &e locke* into a c'cle of reincarnationA f someone asks 'ouro<inion of someone then "teach 'ourself to sa' D i *on8t kno%" 73ל-1#של3#לAAA1י0A Res<ect an* &e com<assionate to others as 'ou e)<ect others to res<ect an* &eי7#ע

com<assionate to 'ouA

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FYK The ee* to Eearn to EO,>A

Lll reincarnate* souls nee* to learn to EO,>= the most im<ortant <ur<ose of life is toEO,>A The famous Ra&&i Cillel sai* that the essence of the %hole Torah is "Eo@e th'neigh&or" an* e@er'thing else is sim<l' an e)<lanation of ho% to EO,>A Eearning toEO,> is the ke' of life= %hen one chooses to EO,> one chooses life= %hen onehates one chooses *eathA

Re& +haim ,ital e)<lains that once a <erson has correcte* the Y ke's of reincarnationes<eciall' the _st Ze' of al%a's &eing grateful an* ha<<' %ith e@er'thing in one8slife= the ne)t stage to ensuring a correcte* an* <erfect reincarnation is to EO,>e@er'thing an* e@er'oneA Eearn to continuall' think lo@ing thoughts an* li@e a%holesome "E> O EO,>"A

 aturall'= this can &e challenge &ecause there ma'&e situations or <eo<le that ma'"make 'ou" feel that 'ou *on8t %ant to &e lo@ing to%ar*s themA Co%e@er= thechallenge to LEE reincarnate* souls is to >,>R think hateful= angr'= &itter= Mealousor negati@e thoughtsA >ach time a <erson thinks a negati@e thought it creates anenerg' of ?>LTC= %hereas e@er'time a <erson thinks of a <ositi@e lo@ing ha<<'thought one creates energ' of E>A

The <ain of reincarnation means that there are going to &e situations an* <eo<le

%hom one %ill &e incline* to &e hateful= angr'= &itter or negati@e to%ar*s= this is &ecause ones soul has carrie* o@er from a <rior lifetime this negati@e ?>LTC energ'=that8s %h' a <erson has reincarnate*= if one ha* in*ee* succee*e* in a <re@iouslifetime to ha@e onl' EO,G an* E> energ' then ones soul %oul* not ha@enee*e* to reincarnate in this lifetimeA

Therefore one must C>LE ones soul an* correct all of ones thoughts to OE; &e <ositi@e an* EO,G thoughtsA

Y Ls<ects ,itall' m<ortantHur<oses of Eife for Lll Reincarnate* Souls

F_K The nee* to learn to ORG,>A

FXK The nee* to learn to &e +OQHLSSOLT> to e@er'oneA

FYK The nee* to learn to EO,>A

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Re& +haim ,ital guarantees that if one focuses on these Y as<ects each an* e@er'*a'one %ill fin* ones soul &ecoming heale* an* correcte* from all the mistakes from

 <rior lifetimesA This is the %hole <ur<ose of ones life= e@er'thing else is to "kee<oneself &us'" %hilst correcting these Y as<ectsA t can take a %hole lifetime &ut that

in*ee* is the <ur<ose of lifeA ORG,>= EO,> an* &e +OQHLSSOLT>A

Onl' %hen one has forgi@en= com<assionate an* is full of lo@e then one can start tocancel out an' "loss &' transference" that has occurre* in ones life= %hich is the finalste< in li@ing the *estine* life one has &een *estine* to li@eA

"Soul Grou<s U Soulmates"

Lre ;ou Eonel' ?o ;ou Ca@e eelings of solation an* Llienation

The truth is that O O> is this %orl* shoul* feel lonel'= isolate*= alienate* or*e<resse*P ha@ing these feelings are a sign that some facet of ones life is not correctan* nee*s to &e change*A

>ach <erson e)ists a <art of a SoulQate= an* each SoulQate unit e)ists as <art of aSoulGrou<P if one feels isolate*= alienate* an* lonel'= this im<lies that one is notconnecte* nor feeling connecte* %ith ones SoulGrou<A

Ones Guar*ian Lngels an* inner instincti@e feelings gi@e a <erson feelings of"solation= Eoneliness an* Llienation" an* hence feelings of "?e<ression" as a sign of 

 &eing *etache* from ones true *estine* <ath%a'= either one is %ith the %rong <erson<eo<le= in the %rong <lace *oing the %rong things for ones soulA

Qost <eo<le ignore these signs until it &ecomes o@er%helmingl' intolera&le then it &ecomes an ">Q>RG>+;" to &reak a%a' %ith man' su**en changesA

The SoulGrou<?uring our Mourne' of life= %e tra@el on this earth in "SoulGrou<s"= that is a grou<=culture an* i*entit' %here all the mem&ers of the SoulGrou< un*erstan* each otheran* li@e on the same <h'sical an* s<iritual %a@elengthA

The mem&ers of ones SoulGrou< %ill not all &e ali@e on earth at the same time= Mustas man' Fif not moreK %ill &e in s<irit %orl* hel<ing an* gui*ing 'ou from the realmsof the ?i@ine S<iritual %orl*A Lll the souls in ones SoulGrou< %hom ha@e <asse* into

to S<irit %orl* maintain contact %ith 'ou as the' are <art of ones SoulGrou< in much

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the same %a' as "Guar*ian Lngels"= the' >,>R e@er *etach themsel@es as 'ou areall mem&ers of the same SoulGrou<A

The remain*er of the mem&ers in ones Soulgrou< %ill &e ali@e in this <h'sical %orl*

an* %ill &e searching to connect %ith 'ou Must like 'ou are searching to connect %iththemA

One %ill al%a's &e a&le to rel' u<on LEE the Souls an* mem&ers of ones SoulGrou<to hel<= gui*e an* assist 'ouP Eike%ise the' can rel' on 'ou %ith the utmost oflo'alt' to hel< themP the souls in each SoulGrou< are all collecti@el' %orkingtogether to ensure the %hole Soulgrou< succee*s to fulfill LEE of the goals=o&Mecti@es= challenges an* <ur<oses of ones SoulGrou<A

The Hur<ose of Ones Soul Grou<The <ur<ose of the "SONEGRONH" is to make a <erson feel %holesome %ith EO,>an* ena&le one to accom<lish the mission an* <ur<ose of life through <h'sical an*s<iritual EO,> energ'A >@er'thing constructi@e an* goo* in this life is onl' create*through EO,>A Onl' through the lo@ing s<iritual energ' create* together %ithin onesSoulGrou< an* from ones Soulmate creates the <erfect energ' to li@e= &ringingmeaning to e@er'thing in ones lifeA

>@er' <erson an* e@er' soul in ones Soulgrou< is _JJ hel<ful an* %ill ne@er let'ou *o%n= the' are on the same "team" an* %ork %ith 'our soul %ith _JJ lo'alt'A

?isconnecte* from Ones SoulGrou<

Once a <erson has learnt the lessons of ones life= it is <ossi&le to ele@ate ones soulinto a higher soulgrou<= an* like%ise if one makes a &a* *ecision one can mo@e outof ones soulgrou< into a lo%er grou<A

f one has ma*e sill' mistakes an* &a* choices in ones life= an* one no% feels lonel'=isolate*= alienate* an* *e<resse* this means that one has *isconnecte* from onesSoulGrou<= it is im<erati@el' im<ortant that one reconnects as soon as <ossi&leA t is'our lifeline to ena&le 'ou to li@e lifeP %ithout this s<iritual connection to 'ourSoulGrou< one %ill feel so *e<resse* that one actuall' %ants to *ie= %ith emotionsan* feelings that there is nothing to li@e forP these feelings are sim<l' inner s<iritualfeelings letting a <erson kno% that the' are *isconnecte* from their Soulgrou<A

The ?i@ine S<iritual guarantee is that one %ill al%a's &e a&le to reconnect %ith onesSoulGrou<P through the hel< of ones "Guar*ian Lngels" an* all the hel<ful soulsfrom ones soulgrou<= together %ith the "Three Ze's of Reincarnation" that one ma'

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nee* to unlock an' close* *oors in ones life that ha@e cause* a <erson to &e*isconnecte* from ones SoulGrou<A


"Shoresh eshoma" The Root of Ones Soul

Re& +haim ,ital e)<lains that this connection of ones soul is com<are* to a leaf on atree fin*ing its rootP accor*ing to the science of <lants an* trees FUZa&&ala\K e@er'

 &ranch on a tree has a *irect link through the tree trunk to a source of life energ' inthe roots of the tree %here is a&sor&s minerals an* %ater from the groun* to gi@eitself "Eife"A

Our Souls are similar= %e all ha@e a connection calle* .1ש.3ש#ש "Shoresh eshomaDThe Root of Ones Soul"P this is the *irect connection of ;ON in thisHh'sical %orl* to the root of ;ONR soul in the eternal ?i@ine S<iritual %orl* an*

therefore a *irect connection of 'our soul to GO?A

1. "Shoresh eshoma" The Root of Ones Soul D is the connecting root ofש.3ש#ש;ONR soul that is connecte* to the >ternal ?,> source of all life= to the sourceof all <h'sical an* s<iritual life= to GO?A

When a <erson is connecte* %ith ones SoulGrou< one %ill feel atD<eace= full of lifeenerg' %ith an inner s<iritual feeling that one is li@ing ones true *estine* life an* thatone is trul' connecte* to S<iritual %orl*A Co%e@er if one feels lonel'= isolate* or

*e<resse* or one is not feeling "at <eace" %ith oneself= this im<lies that something inones life is %rong an* that one is *isconnecte* from the root of ones soulA

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Therefore the first ste< is to reconnect %ith ones SoulGrou<P %hich %ill inDturnena&le one to com<letel' reconnect strongl' to the "   ש #ש.3ש1. Shoresh eshoma Dthe Source U Root of Ones Soul" to get ones true lifeDenerg'= ones true *estin'= an*ones true SoulmateA

Hra' U Lsk for Gui*ance to in* onesSoulGrou<

f one feels lonel'= the first ste< is to HRL;= ask for gui*ance from GO? an* fromones Guar*ian LngelsP then eliminate the &a* an* *raining connections from ones life

 &' ha@ing "closure" from them= &ut most im<ortantl' focus on all the GOO?connectionsP %hich <eo<le= <laces or acti@ities in 'our life ha@e reall' &rought 'ou

strong energies an* feelings of ali@eness

The search must start in 'our min* an* thoughts for LEE the goo* an* <ositi@econnections %ith souls an* <eo<le in ones SoulGrou<P start &' thinking of the mosts<ecial memora&le goo* moments in ones life %hen one ha* real "life" energ'P %ithgoo* fortuneP then think of all the <eo<le one has kno%n in ones life %ho ha@eC>EH>? 'ouA

>@er'one has ha* <eo<le in ones life %hom ha@e OE; hel<e*= these <eo<le ne@er

took from 'ou= ne@er hurt 'ou= &ut OE; hel<e* ;ON an* *i* GOO? for 'ou=unless something %ent %rong or someone interfere* in the energ' flo% &et%een 'ouan* that <erson that &locke* the connection or cause* that connection to turn &a*=ho%e@er that <erson remains a source to 'our soul of a s<iritual connection that has*one goo* for 'ou= an* can *o goo* for 'ouA

These <eo<le an* souls are from 'our SoulGrou<= in the same %a' the' hel<e* 'ou=the' %ill LEWL;S hel< 'ou= %hether or not the' are li@ing in this %orl* an* %hether or not 'ou are still in contact %ith them or %hether or not the &lockage cause* &'other <eo<les energies Fsuch as "transference" &lockageK still e)ists= the fact is their

souls e)ist for eternit' an* the' %ill LEWL;S &e there to hel< 'ou= as the' are <artof 'our SoulGrou<A

Therefore the _st ste< in connecting %ith ones SoulGrou< is to connect in ones min*an* thoughts to all the hel<ful <eo<le in ones life= <ast an* <resentA TCZ a&outthem= use 'our min* an* thoughts to connect 'our soul to them= then 'ou %ill feel a*oor o<ening in 'our min* an* soul that connects 'ou e@en further to e@en more

 <ositi@e connections of 'our SoulGrou<A

Then one %ill &e gui*e* to automaticall' fin* an* &e %ith ones SoulQate an* li@e inthe correct <lace for ones soul= fulfilling ones true <ur<ose in lifeA

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?isconnecte* an* Broken .1ש.3ש#ש

?isconnection from ones source of s<iritual life energ' is often the reason %h' a <erson is not li@ing the *estine* life the' %ere meant to li@eP this &reak an**isconnection can &e cause* &' other <eo<les o@er%helming an* interfering energies=or &' &a* free%ill choices in ones life= %here one ma*e a &a* *ecision an* chose the%rong <ath%a'= *isconnecting from ones "   ש #ש.3ש1. Shoresh eshoma D Source URoot of Ones Soul"A

Re& +haim ,ital e)<lains in X <ath%a's U si*eDtracke* the ease at %hich it is to"come &ack" to ones *estine* <erfect <ath%a'= &' "returning" from the &a* <ath%a'one has takenA

orgi@enessWe e)<lain on the <age of "Three Ze's" of Reincarnation= that %hen one has*isconnecte* %ith mem&ers of ones SoulGrou< &ecause of arguments= hatre*=

 Mealous' or other <eo<les energies interfering in 'our life= then &' forgi@ing thee@ents an* <eo<le that cause* the *isconnection one can easil' reconnect %ith onesSoulGrou<A

Once a <erson has reconnecte* %ith the ones SoulGrou<= ones Soul %illautomaticall' start to strengthen its 1. "Shoresh eshoma" The Root ofש.3ש#שOnes Soul %ith the >ternal ?i@ine S<iritual %orl* an* one %ill start to li@e the lifeone %as originall' *estine* to li@eA

t is im<erati@el' @ital that one is connecte* s<irituall' %ith ones SoulGrou< &eforeone can com<letel' heal ones soul an* correct <astDlife mistakes= an* o<en the *oorsto &reak the c'cle of Reincarnation an* ha@e com<lete %holesomeness in ones soulA

The e)tent of "true forgi@eness" is seen %hen e@er'one that has cause* 'ou <ain=

e@en though the' shoul* ha@e &een hel<ful in 'our life= is in a list of <eo<le 'ou arereall' thankful for in 'our life= these are mem&ers of 'our SoulGrou< an* are theclosest souls to 'our soulA

Whether 'ou or the' like it or not= the' are all mem&ers of 'our SoulGrou<= an*%hen 'ou get to S<irit %orl* 'ou an* the' %ill see the truth an* 'ou %ill see ho%successful 'ou %ere in cleansing 'our souls an* forgi@ing each other= so %h' %aituntil then orgi@e them an* cleanse 'our soul no% so that 'ou can connect to the

1. "Shoresh eshoma" The Root of Ones Soul an* to ones s<iritualש.3ש#ש

SoulGrou<= %e e)<lain more on forgi@eness in "Success in &reaking the c'cle ofReincarnation"A

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The amil' Tree of the Worl*

>@er'one in the %hole %orl* is connecte*= %e all originate from the same L*am U>@e

Re& +haim ,ital makes an im<ortant note that in correcting the c'cle of reincarnation%e nee* to un*o the *amage of the @er' first reincarnate* soul Sheis= %ho %as thesoul of L&el %hom %as innocentl' mur*ere* &' his hateful an* Mealous &rother +ain=as e)<laine* on the "meaning of reincarnation" <ageA

Re& +haim ,ital e)<lains that this is more significant to s<irituall' enlightene* souls=to sho% lo@e= com<assion an* selflessness= there is no nee* to hate= &e *estructi@e= &egree*' nor &e Mealous of an'one= %e all ha@e our *estine* *estin' an* %e are all <artof the same ?,> s<iritual %orl* of souls כל


.:.:ל A

Y Ze's to O<en the ?oor

To o<en an enormous *oor= 'ou onl' nee* a tin' ke'A To sol@e a &affling m'ster'= 'ouonl' nee* a small clueA Lll one nee*s to clear the <ath%a' to fin* ones true *estine**estin' are the Y Ze's of ReincarnationA

To o<en the enormous *oor of 'our *estin' an* to &reak the c'cle an* &lockages

cause* &' reincarnating is the s<iritual kno%le*ge to unlock the *oors kno%n as the YZe's of ReincarnationA

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>)ercises to *oVD

_A Write *o%n all the names of e@er'one 'ou ha@e met in 'our %hole lifeThank GO? an* think thoughts of gratitu*e that all these <eo<le came into 'our 


XA Write *o%n all the names of the <eo<le %ho ha@e e@er hel<e* 'ou in 'our lifeThink EO,G thoughts of gratitu*e that all these <eo<le came into 'our life

YA Write *o%n all the names of the <eo<le %ho ha@e hel<e* 'ou &ut something%ent %rong

Then ORG,> them for the situation that occurre* then think EO,Gthoughts of themA

 `AWrite *o%n a list of all the <eo<le %hom ha@e hel<e* 'ou in 'our life that ha@e

since *ie*Think EO,G thoughts of gratitu*e for all these <eo<le an* if 'ou sense themcoming close to 'ou as 'ou think of them s<irituall'= ask them if the' can hel<

'ou in 'our lifeA

"3 "Where is ;our True Comeל3על.י1י].This cha<ter in Sefer Gilgulim e)<lains the <rinci<le of .[י1י.לע3ל3 ";eneekaQilmaala" %hich literall' means "sustenance from a&o@e"P in real terms .[י1י.לע3ל3";eneeka Qilmaala" is the s<iritual un*erstan*ing that a <erson nee*s to &e in thecorrect <lace for ones soul to recei@e the *estine* fullness of <h'sical an* s<iritualenerg' for ones soul= in or*er that one can ma)imibe ones true <otential in ones lifeA

f one is not in the correct <lace nor connecte* %ith the correct <lace for ones soulthen one %ill feel *raine*= em<t'= *isconnecte* an* %ithout goo*ness in ones lifeAThere is no *ou&t that there are *ifferent <laces for each an* e@er' <erson that gi@e agoo* energ' an* other <laces that make a <erson feel *raine*= %hich are in*icati@ethat the' are unsuita&le <laces for ones soul an* hence for ones <h'sical e)istenceA

Re& +haim ,ital e)<lains the im<ortance of un*erstan*ing .[י1י.לע3ל3 ";eneekaQilmaala" to &e a&le to correct an' <astDlife reincarnate* as<ects= hence ena&ling oneto li@e a fulfilling <ur<oseful life in this life in the correct <lace for ones soulA

n this cha<ter Re& +haim ,ital e)<lains the follo%ing <oints VD

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F_K The im<ortance of un*erstan*ing a&out ones "Birth Hlace" an* the <lace of onesconce<tion in this lifetime as a source of energ' an* sustenance for ones soulA

FXK The im<ortance of feeling "connecte*" %ith the source of energ' for ones soul



1. "Shoresh eshomaDThe Root of Ones Soul" the nee* to &e connecte*to the right <laceP %ithout a .[י1י.לע3ל3 ";eneeka Qilmaala" sustenance for onessoul= one %ill feel *raine* an* one8s life %ill &e &locke*A

FYK The im<ortance of un*erstan*ing that reincarnate* souls ma' ha@e se@eral*ifferent <laces in this <h'sical %orl* that the' nee* to com<lete "unfinishe*

 &usiness" from <rior lifetimes &efore the' can fin* the real <eace of min* in the <erfect correct <lace for this lifetimeA

Once a <erson has heale* an* correcte* a <articular lifetime %ithin a section of this

lifetime then the' must lea@e the <lace an* mo@e onto the ne)t <hase of lifeAOther%ise the' %ill feel *raine* an* &locke* as there is no longer an' more .[י1י3 ";eneeka Qilmaala" sustenance in that <lace= Re& +haim ,ital e)<lains theל3על."signs" for %hen one has com<lete* each <hase of reincarnation an* %hen is thecorrect time to lea@e that <laceA

F`K The e)<lanation of the famous (e%ish s<iritual rule of .1ש3#[3.1ש3:3 ="+hange ones Hh'sical Hlace D Will +hange ones ortune"= an* ho% %e can reall'change our *estin' an* our life &' "mo@ing" ones <h'sical homeA

Re& +haim ,ital e)<lains the &asis that *ifferent <laces offer *ifferent energies ofsustenance for our soul= some <laces are _JJ s<irituall' energibing %hereas other

 <laces are _JJ materialistic an* ho% to "&alance" the energies from se<arate <lacesin ones lifeA

The m<ortance of Nn*erstan*ing

"Where is ;our True Come"Re& +haim ,ital e)<lains the im<ortance of un*erstan*ing "Where is ;our TrueCome" is @itall' im<ortant to fin*ing 'our true soulmate as it %ill &e im<ossi&le tofin* 'our Soulmate an* li@e the life 'ou are trul' *estine* to li@e if 'ou are in the%rong <lace \

Qan' <eo<le uestion= %h' nothing is ha<<ening in their li@es= an* surel' the' areuite correct to uestion the "stagnation" an* ask for reasons %h' the' ha@e "nogoo*Dluck" in their li@esA f one has a "stagnate*"= *ullDan*D&oring life %ith "nothing"ha<<ening then in*ee* this is a sign that one has *isconnecte* from the source of life

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energ' for ones soul an* one nee*s to make changes NRG>TE; to connect %ithan* recei@e ones "sustenance from L&o@e .[י1י.לע3ל3 ";eneeka Qilmaala"A

The first change nee*e* is to connect %ith the source of s<iritual energ' for ones soul

from ones SoulGrou<P then one nee*s to uestion oneself truthfull' that Must "ma'&e"one is li@ing in the %rong <lace for ones soul= hence ones goo* fortune is actuall' &eing sent *o%n from hea@en= &ut &ecause one is in the %rong <lace one isn8trecei@ing the <arcel of hea@enl' goo* fortuneA

Therefore use the kno%le*ge of this cha<ter= then stu*' an* consi*er for 'ourself%here 'ou reall' &elong Where is 'our soul "<ulling" 'ou to go to or to li@e Lre'ou feeling that 'ou *on8t reall' &elong %here 'ou are li@ing Lll these uestionsOE; 'ou can ans%er= &ut %ith the s<iritual kno%le*ge of Re& +haim ,ital %hoassures e@er'one that e@er'one has a <erfect <lace in this <h'sical %orl* for ones

soul an* &o*'= e@er'one %ill fin* ones TRN> COQ> <ro@i*e* one first recognibesthe truth that one is in the %rong <laceA

The first ste< in un*erstan*ing .[י1י.לע3ל3 ";eneeka Qilmaala D Sustenance forOnes Soul" is to un*erstan* all a&out ones "BirthHlace"= an* the i*entit' of energ' ofthe <lace at the time one %as &ornA

F_KThe m<ortance of Ones "Birth Hlace"

Ones "Birth Hlace" is the actual an* real <h'sical <lace in this %orl* that ones &o*'ha* its initial free*om= in*e<en*ence an* in*i@i*ualit'P this is the start of theemergence of ones <ersonalit' an* *e@elo<ment in this %orl* in this lifetime at themoment of BirthA

Re& +haim ,ital e)<lains that s<irituall' the original <lace of ones arri@al on this <lanet occurre* at the moment of conce<tion= the moment %hen ones soultranscen*e* through ones fathers soul an* <h'sical &o*' into ones mothers <h'sical

 &o*' an* attaches itself to ones mother *uring the d months of <regnanc'A

?uring the d months of <regnanc' all the <h'sical an* s<iritual energ' one recei@es ischannele* through ones mothers soul ">>SC"P then from the moment of &irth onehas ones o%n uniue in*i@i*ualit' an* has a *irect source of <h'sical an* s<iritualenerg' channele* to ones soulA

>@er' chil* that recei@es lo@e an* energ' from its <arents an* lo@e from e@er'onethat it connects %ith *uring chil*hoo* %ill *e@elo< a goo* sense of securit' an* inner strength to gro% <h'sicall' an* s<irituall'A Eike%ise a %ellDnurture* chil* %ill &e

o<en to recei@e s<iritual strength for ones soul to gro% an* to fin* ones o%n s<irituali*entit' an* in*i@i*ualit' of ones soulA

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Qan' chil*ren that are reincarnate* souls %ill often fin* themsel@es &eing &orn intoan unsettle* en@ironment %hich creates situations that %ill unsettle an* challengethem from an earl' ageP these are lessons an* sign<osts that create &lockages in theirgro%th= therefore forcing them to instincti@el' "lea@e" home at an earl' ageA

 onetheless e@er'one8s "Birth Hlace" is e)tremel' im<ortant in i*entif'ing the energ'of ones soulP in or*er to *o this %e nee* an historical kno%le*ge of the <lace of ones

 &irth together %ith an honest "outsi*ers" o<inion of the <lace of ones &irthA

or e)am<le= for an'one an* e@er'one &orn is s<irituall' Col' +ities es<eciall' &i&licall' name* cities= such as (erusalem= Ce&ron= Zir'at Lr&a= Shechem= Ti&eriasPall these cities ha@e energ' *ate* from histor' that the %hole %orl* rea*s a&out in theTorah Bi&leA or all of eternit' the' ha@e a s<ecific s<iritual energ'A

Whereas "mo*ern *a'" cities that ha@e onl' e)iste* in the <ast fe% hun*re* 'earsha@e a *ifferent meaning= e@en cities such as e% ;ork= Qiami= +hicago= EosLngeles= an* Toronto ha@e a *ifferent energ' to >uro<ean cities such as Eon*on=Haris= urich= Qa*ri*= %hereas Rome an* Berlin in@oke another t'<e of energ'A

>ach cit' is as uniue as e@er' countr' of the %orl*= an* to sa@e an' *iscrimination ishall sim<l' sa' that >L+C cit' has its o%n s<ecific energ' an* feeling to e@er'onein a *ifferent mannerA (ust like some <eo<le %ill not feel %elcome or safe in somecities *ue to their racial &ackgroun*= like%ise s<irituall' there are "un %elcoming"

 <laces for our soulA

Time an* Hlace of Birth

Whilst consi*ering the energ' of ones "Birth Hlace" an* <lace of ones conce<tion asthe originating source of .[י1י.לע3ל3 ";eneeka Qilmaala D Sustenance from L&o@e"for ones soul= one QNST also consi*er the TQ> of conce<tion an* TQ> of &irthAWhat energies goo* or &a* %here transcen*ing into the %orl* at that time

Re& +haim ,ital e)<lains this is in*ee* the im<ortance of "astrolog'" an* hence the*ee<Droote* s<iritual astrological teachings of Sefer Rabiel CaQalach in (e%ishS<iritual kno%le*geA

n consi*ering the <lace of &irth= one nee*s to un*erstan* the energ' that to%ncit' isfamous for an* at the time of 'our conce<tion an* &irth= the energ' that %asassociate* %ith that <laceA

gi@e an e)am<le for our "mo*ern *a'" rea*ers D Ei@er<ool NZ= e@er'one in the

%hole %orl* has hear* of Ei@er<ool &ut most <eo<le ha@e OE; hear* of Ei@er<oolafter _dY %hen the Beatles re@olutionibe* the music %orl*= &efore then Ei@er<ool

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*i*n8t ha@e the fame or fortune as it *i* after thenA The creati@e lo@ing transformationthe' ma*e= catal'be* a %hole generation to change= %ith their music %hich re&elle*against the <ast= encouraging free*om of e)<ression of life &' li@ing freel' an*lo@ingl'A Ln'one &orn in Ei@er<ool in those 'ears of _dY an* _d` %ill &e

associate* %ith that <otential energ' to catal'be a +CLG> in the %orl* like theBeatles *i* for the music %orl*= culture an* societ'A

This %oul* &e calle* a >W .[י1י.לע3ל3 ";eneeka Qilmaala D Sustenance fromL&o@e" that came at that s<ecific time to that <laceA Whereas someone &orn insome%here like Eon*on or Haris at an'time in an' 'ear %ill al%a's ha@e the"Eon*on" or "Harisian" i*entit'A

Other thoughts an* e)am<les such as e% ;ork= consi*ere* &e man' to &e thenum&er _ cit' of the %orl*= %ith the tallest of sk' scra<ers on Qanhattan= is the

centre of ca<italist &usiness an* materialism in the %hole %orl*A Haris= cit' of lo@ean* romanceA Rome= thoughts of the Roman >m<ire an* of religion of christianit'A

>@er' moment of e@er'*a'= constantl' in the %hole %orl* there are energiestranscen*ing= <laces &eing gi@en the gift of EO,> an* life @italit'= an* those <lacesthat are a focus of negati@e emotions hatre* @iolence an* *eathA

(ust think of the follo%ing <laces as <otential holi*a' *estinations= %hich of thesea<<eal to 'ou an* %hich *on8t= then ask 'ourself %h' an* %h' not Haris= Rome=

Brussels= (erusalem= Bag*a*= stan&ul= +herno&'l= L**is L&a&a= ?amascus= Qosco%=Warsa%= Hrague= e% ;orkP o% *o 'ou un*erstan* that each <lace has an energ'calle* "L ;>>>ZL QilQa8ala" Sustenance energ' from hea@ens a&o@e= therefore VD

The Birth Hlace of Re& +haim ,ital

Ls an anec*ote = in the <ersonal histor' of Re& +haim ,ital = his father Re& ;osef,ital %as gi@en a &lessing %hen he li@e* in tal' &' Ra&&i +haim Lshkanabi= an* %asa*@ise* to mo@e to Sefa* in orthern sraelA Ce %as tol* that "f he mo@es then he

%ill &e &lesse* %ith a s<eciall' gifte* son= %ho %ill %rite man' s<iritual &ooksteaching for man' generations all of Zlal ;isroel"P Thank GO? his father listene*an* mo@e*= there&' Re& +haim ,ital %as &orn an* %e ha@e &een &lesse* %ith hiskno%le*ge from his &ooksA

Re@isiting Ones Birth Hlace

>@er'one8s Birth Hlace is the s<ecific uniue source of .[י1י.לע3ל3 ";eneeka

Qilmaala D Sustenance from L&o@e" for ones soul= there is something s<ecial a&outthat <laceA t is %ritten then %hene@er a <erson has ha* a traumatic u<set a <erson has

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a feeling to go "&ack home" to ones &irth<lace= e@en for a @isit one is reconnecting%ith the original strength of .[י1י.לע3ל3 ";eneeka Qilmaala D Sustenance fromL&o@e" for ones soulA

FXK .1ש.3ש#ש "Shoresh Caeshoma"

The +onnection to the Root of Ones Soul

U Recei@ing _JJ Sustenance for OnesSoul

3ל3על.י1י]. ";eneeka Qilmaala"

The im<ortance of feeling "connecte*" %ith the source of energ' for ones soul an**1. "Shoresh eshomaDThe Root of Ones Soul" an* the nee* to &e connecteש.3ש#ש

to the right <lace is @ital for e@er'one in or*er to li@e lifeP %ithout a .[י1י.לע3ל3";eneeka Qilmaala" sustenance for ones soul= one %ill feel *raine* an* one8s life %ill

 &e &locke*A


"Shoresh eshoma" The Root of Ones Soul

The im<ortance of connecting %ith the right source of energ' for ones soul isim<erati@e to connecting to the Source an* root of ones Soul .1ש.3ש#ש "Shoresh

 eshoma D The Root of Ones Soul"A n the +ha<ter of SoulGrou<s %e e)<lain themeaning= ho%e@er= if one consi*ers that from the moment one is &orn= throughoutchil*hoo* into earl' a*ulthoo* one is like a nurturing tree= a&sor&ing energ' from

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ones surroun*ings an* circumstances= onl' %hen one has inner strength an*confi*ence then one can "tra@el" an* e)<lore the %orl* as one is connecte* to reflecta continuit' of inner <h'sical an* s<iritual strengthA

f= ho%e@er= one8s soul is not "connecte*" to the source of sustenance for ones soul=ena&ling a continuit' of energ' flo% then one %ill &e una&le to "tra@el" %ithout &eing*raine* an* %eakene*A

This is the reason %h' so man' <eo<le feel %eakene* or <ro&lems occur %hen the'go a%a' on "holi*a'"P as their souls aren8t strong enough to remain connecte* to thesource of sustenance= an* therefore the' &ecome %eakene* <h'sicall'A

Ll%a's Seeking to Return Come

nherent in our human nature is the instincti@e feeling of al%a's %anting to "go &ackhome"P %here@er %e are in our li@es an* at %hate@er age= our s<iritual soul %illinstincti@el' &e reconnecting from timeDtoDtime %ith memories of "home" in or*er toconnect an* re energibe ones lifeDgi@ing energ'P Our &irth<lace is the <lace of ourinitial .[י1י.לע3ל3 ";eneeka Qilmaala Soul8s Sustenance"= it <ro@i*e* us %ith theenerg' to gro% an* %ill al%a's ha@e the <otential to create re&irth an* gro%thA

Nn&locking Ones Eife

Re& +haim ,ital e)<lains that for <eo<le %ho are searching to "fin*" themsel@es=es<eciall' if one is feeling *raine*= ones life is stagnate*= li@ing %ithout an' "goo*Dluck" in ones life= then one nee*s to reconnect &' "returning" home to the energ' an*source of ones lifeDenerg'= to ones Birth HlaceA

Co%e@er= one cannot <h'sicall' tra@el there= then one shoul* use the <o%er of onesmin* an* thoughts to energibe ones life %ith feelings of "home" of ones BirthHlace=the safet'= securit' an* inner sustenance of that <lace %ith in@igorate ones soul as a

3 ";eneeka Qilmaala" sustenance for ones soul" starts to flo% into onesל3על.י1י].soulA

rom that moment in ones life of reconnecting %ith one &irth<lace an* it8s energ'=one must continue to remain connecte* in or*er to allo% a continual flo% of goo*energ' into ones lifeA Which %ill <ro@i*e one %ith a goo* inner strength of character=

 <ositi@e energ' an* goo* fortune U a goo* "Qabal"A

Re@isit >@er' Goo* Hlace

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Similarl'= %ith e@er' <lace one has &een to that one OE; has goo* memories= hasachie@e* goo* fortune an* has OE; ha* ha<<iness an* success= these are im<ortant

 <laces for ones soulP an* at a time of *e<ression= &lockage= *ullDan*D&oring stagnate*moments in ones life= one shoul* go to these <laces of goo* fortune an* ha<<iness for 

ones soul as the' ha@e an inherent <h'sical an* s<iritual sustenance for 'our soul=.[י1י.לע3ל3 ";eneeka Qilmaala"A

+on@ersel' L; <lace %hich has &een *raining= <ainful an* <ro&lematic in ones life=one shoul* Z>>H LWL; fromA These are signs that there is no energ' in that <lacefor ones soul= therefore if there is no s<iritual .[י1י.לע3ל3 ";eneeka Qilmaala"sustenance for ones soul= it is onl' a matter of time &efore there is no energ' for ones

 <h'sical e)istence an* one must lea@e that <lace= it is a *anger for ones soul toremain there= if there is no goo*ness= as %e e)<lain this &elo%A

FYK Reincarnate* Souls Ca@e ?ifferentHlaces in This Hh'sical Worl* Where The' ee* to +om<lete "Nnfinishe* Business"rom Hrior Eifetimes &efore Qo@ingDOn

With EifeRe& +haim ,ital e)<lains that if %e fin* oursel@es in a <lace or situation in our li@es=%e must assume that OTCG ha<<ens &' acci*ent an* that e@er'thing is *estine*Pthis *oesn8t mean that its _JJ <erfect for us to remain in that *ifficult'= situation or

 <lace= &ut it is a sign that %e nee* to correct a facet of our soul or learn a s<ecificlesson in that situationA

Reincarnate* Souls

t is necessar' for reincarnate* souls to tra@el an* li@e in *ifferent <laces in the %orl*%here one has li@e* in <re@ious lifetimes in or*er to "correct" the <ast lifeli@ese)<eriences an* failings %hen a <erson li@e* in that <laceA f one has a strong affinit'to a <lace it is <ro&a&le that one li@e* there in a <rior lifetime an* one8s soul is'earning to go there to com<lete its "unfinishe* &usiness"A

When a <erson has com<lete* the <astDlife rectification of those e)<eriences that onehas nee*e* to correct then one is a&le to lea@e that <lace= "fate U *estin'" release the

 <erson from li@ing thereA Onl' %hen %e ha@e learnt the lesson= correcte* the mistake

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%e ha@e ma*e from a <rior lifetime= then %e %ill &e release* from the *ifficult' or <laceA

n most case the easiest %a' to release oneself from a situation= es<eciall' one that is

*ue to <rior life mistake= is to follo% the s<iritual rules of reincarnation an*successfull' &reak the c'cle of reincarnationA

,er' often the ke' to releasing oneself from a <lace is to STOH fighting the nee* to"run a%a'" from the <lace or situationP learn to &e ha<<' an* &e grateful for the giftof life an* learn to see all the goo* <oints of a <laceP this is the &asic "_st Ze' ofReincarnation" that is to STOH com<laining &' learning to sa' "TCLZ ;ON" %ithsincere gratitu*e to the <lace %here one is li@ingA

Secon*l'= &' follo%ing the s<iritual rules of reincarnation= one %ill learn to fin* the

reason %h' one is li@ing in that <lace an* %hat "corrections" one reall' nee*s tocom<lete in or*er to mo@eDon %ith lifeA Once a <erson has com<lete* the "unfinishe*

 &usiness" from <rior lifetimes= ones life %ill &e heale*= ena&ling one to mo@eDontothe ne)t <hase of lifeA

L true mo@e that is a sign of com<leting "unfinishe* &usiness" from <rior lifetimes isthat the "mo@e" %ill ha<<en magicall'A >@ents %ill occur in ones life that sim<l'o<ens *oors to ones futureP one %ill easil' an* finall' &e a&le to let go of all the <astDlife &aggage that one carrie* for%ar* into this life= in or*er to learn= refine an* correct

ones soulA

Ls %e e)<lain on s<iritual rules of reincarnation the "Ze's" of letting go of the <astlife are forgi@eness an* lo@eA Whereas hatre*= Mealous'= resentment an* &itternesskee< one attache* to the <ast life= so learn to forgi@e an* lo@e e@er'one= it8s theeasiest %a' to get the <astDlife e)<eriences remo@e*= heale* an* out of 'our life foreternit' \

F`K .1ש3#[3.1ש3:3

"+hange ones Hh'sical Hlace D Will +hange ones ortune"

The e)<lanation of the famous (e%ish s<iritual rule of .1ש3#[3.1ש3:3 D "+hangeones Hh'sical Hlace D Will +hange ones ortune"A

Re& +haim ,ital e)<lains the &asis of this s<iritual rule is that >,>R; <lace in the%orl* has a *ifferent energ' that transcen*s an* energibes itP if one feels that one lifeis &locke*= *ullDan* &oring %ith no @italit' then it is a sign to QO,>A

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 aturall' an* innatel' sensi&le one shoul* consi*er %here one is li@ing an* %hat oneis *oing %ith ones lifeP this is es<eciall' a<<lica&le to all "single" <eo<le %ho ha@e nofamil' nor chil*renP the' shoul* honestl' consi*er that the truth that ma'&e the' areli@ing in the %rong <lace for their soulA

Re& +haim ,ital e)<lains that *ifferent <laces offer *ifferent energies of sustenancefor our soul= some <laces are _JJ s<irituall' energibing %hereas other <laces are_JJ materialistic= an* one must learn to "&alance" the energies from se<arate <lacesin ones lifeA onetheless there are moments in ones life %hen it &ecomes a <h'sicalan* s<iritual emergenc' to lea@e %here@er one is li@ingA

The s<iritual la% of .1ש3#[3.1ש3:3 D "+hange ones Hh'sical Hlace D Will +hangeones ortune" has a<<lie* for centuries of generations= ho%e@er it takes a strongcharacter to actuall' QO,>P man' <eo<le <refer to suffer in <ain an* sta' in the life

that the' ha@e than listen to the realit' an* rise to the s<iritual challenge an* mo@eA

L <erson %ill LEWL;S &e gi@en inner feelings an* a sign that the' shoul* mo@eP it8snot a ha<habar* nor a sill' mo@e that one makes %hen one mo@es in or*er to changeones fortune= Re& +haim ,ital %rites that at e@er' stage of mo@ing home one %ill see"signs"= if it goes smoothl' or if there are <ro&lems an* *ela'sA

>@er'one shoul* kno% that if a <erson has &een <lace* in the "%rong <lace" thenthere is a goo* reasonA The >ternal ?i@ine +reator of the Nni@erse in the ?i@ine

*estine* <lan for 'our life an* soul

has <lace* e@er'one in the right <lace for ones soul to learn lessons= once the lessonsha@e &een learnt the situation an* the nee* to ha@e the <ro&lem *isa<<earsA This is*one %hen one makes a com<lete success in correcting the reasons for onesreincarnation= making a TZN CLGEGNEA

The conclusion of Re& +haim ,ital is that %e are all li@ing in the *estine* <lace for as<ecific <ur<ose in our life for the &enefit of our soul= &oth for the clearance of <astDlife e)<eriences an* for a correction of our soul in this lifetimeA Nntil %e are gui*e*

to &e in the <erfect <lace of s<iritual an* <h'sical sustenance for our soul D the i*eal <lace .[י1י.לע3ל3 ";eneeka Qilmaala" for our soul= %e %ill 'earn to &e there an*feel "unsettle*" %here e@er %e are li@ingA

The Ze' is to li@e life %ith true s<iritual <ur<ose in our life there&' ena&ling s<iritualsuccess for our soulA

The +hallenge of the *eal "Tra@eler"

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Re& +haim ,ital %rites that a trul' ele@ate* an* enlightene* s<iritual <erson cantra@el e@er'%here an* an'%here as their thoughts are al%a's kee<ing them groun*e*an* connecte* to the source of sustenance for their soul .[י1י.לע3ל3 ";eneekaQilmaala" %here@er the' ma'&e <h'sicall'= s<irituall' their souls are al%a's

connecte* to the source of all energ' D to GO?A

 onetheless for e@er'one else there is no *ou&t that e@er' <lace has a s<ecific energ'to each an* e@er'one %hich gi@es our soul sustenance or takes from our soul anenerg'A Our *ut' to our soul is to fin* the <lace that energibes our soul an* kee< a%a'from the <lace that *rains our soul= ena&ling each an* e@er'one of us to li@e a trues<iritual <ur<oseful life in this reincarnate* life %e came to li@eA

L "Eife of Eo@e"


"One moment of lo@e gi@es more life an* is %orth more than a _JJJ 'ears of hate"A

The >ssence of !י#1יש  D Sefer Shinu'im Book of +hanges

The as<ects of "EO,>" from Sefer Shinu'im "The &ook of changes" that e)<lainsthat the a&ilit' to change is onl' %hen one un*erstan*s the true meaning of "L Eife

Of Eo@e" D .5.0 are VD

_ Nn*erstan*ing the meaning of "EO,>"= e)<laining that e@er'thing that ha<<ens inour li@es= originates from the emotions an* energies of EO,> %ithin our "Ceart an*Soul"A Nn*erstan*ing that the onl' moti@ation to li@e an* a true *esire for life in this%orl* is through EO,>A

X Nn*erstan*ing the *ifference &et%een <h'sical lo@e an* s<iritual lo@eANn*erstan*ing the *ifference of EO,> that is con*itional an* uncon*itional= an*

hence un*erstan*ing %h' lo@e either lasts fore@er or is tem<orar'A

Y Nn*erstan*ing that LEE emotions are *egrees an* le@els of EO,> energ'= an*ho% to i*entif' U con@ert hatre*= Mealous'= &itterness an* anger into EO,> energ'ANn*erstan*ing %h' "o<<osites attract" in lo@e an* %h' <eo<le *ecei@e themsel@eses<eciall' o@er their true lo@e emotions of the heartA

` Nn*erstan*ing the conce<t of "TRN> EO,>" that connects ones soul to S<irit%orl*= %hich energibes ones soul %ith the .[י1י.לע3ל3 ?,> source of all <urecreati@e <h'sical an* s<iritual energ' of EO,>A

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I Nn*erstan*ing ho% to fin* ones true SONEQLT>= an* the conce<t that theine)<lica&le energ' of EO,> from ones soulmate is a %on*erful gift gi@en to onessoul from the S<iritual %orl*A n contrast to the tem<orar' an* su<erficial lo@egenerate* from the e)ternal <h'sical e)istence an* &eaut'= %hich ne@er lastsA

 Nn*erstan*ing that a "life of lo@e" &rings energ'= lo@e an* healing to man' <eo<les li@esA This <ure s<iritual "EO,>" energ' flo%s through an enlightene* soulhel<s <eo<le all o@er the %orl*= an* connects this <h'sical %orl* to souls in thes<iritual %orl*A >@er'thing %e ha@e an* e@er'thing %e are= is i*entifie* in our soul

 &' the amount of sincere EO,> %e glo% an* ra*iate= in this life= from <re@ious li@esan* in the future eternal s<iritual %orl*A

 Nn*erstan*ing the eternal s<iritual la% of lo@eP that EO,> can ne@er &e*estro'e*A The ?,> source of energ' for e@er' single soul= e@er'thing in this

 <h'sical uni@erse an* in the ?,> S<irit %orl* is the >T>RLE ?,> EO,>=%hich can ne@er &e *estro'e*A o one or nothing can e@er *estro' this true lo@eenerg' D this is the eternal s<iritual la% of lo@eA

>@er'thing create* &' GO? e)ists for eternit'= &ut it can &e *estro'e* in this <h'sical%orl* &' the e@il of manA The onl' %a' to <rotect our souls from *estruction is &'connecting to the ?,> source of EO,>= %hich guarentees eternal s<iritual lifeA

Nn*erstan*ing the most im<ortant <rinci<le an* s<iritual la% of +hange= .!י.עש/40

ש.01שש1י03ל6י#/.5.0של  D "One moment of lo@e gi@es more life an* is %orthmore than a _JJJ 'ears of hate"A

The foun*ational essence of !י#1יש  D Sefer Shinu'im Book of +hanges= is thatthrough one thought of EO,>= connecting ones soul to the ?,> source ofs<iritual energ' of EO,> one can change an* ha@e <o%er more than _JJJ 'ears ofhate an* *estructionA

We shall e)<lain each of the im<ortant as<ects of "EO,>" as e)<laine* from SeferShinu'im "The Book of +hanges"= %hich gui*e an* teach a <erson e)actl' ho% to

change ones life through the <o%er of "EO,>"= an* ho% to change ones attitu*e inor*er to fin* true "EO,>" %ith a constant feeling of the amabing ra*iant glo% of"EO,>"= "EO,> of GO?"= "EO,> of S<irit %orl*" an* "EO,> of e@er'one ofcreations of GO?"= %hoe@er an* %hate@er the' are or ha@e *oneA


_A ntro*uction "What is EO,>"

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"Eo@e" is the most amabing ine)<lica&le feeling an* emotion that %e can e@er sense%ith our <h'sical &o*'A "Eo@e" energ' &rings life @italit'= strength= courage an* a*esire to %ant to li@e life to the fullest <otentialA

"Eo@e" is the collecti@e an* common energ' that connects each <erson to each otherin the %hole %orl*A t connects our <h'sical &o*' %ith the s<iritual soul= to the S<irit%orl* an* to GO?A

"Eo@e" is the emotion that is sense* through the senses of sight= smell= soun*= taste=touchA The highest form of "Eo@e" is sense* *irectl' %ithin our soul from other soulsan* from s<irit %orl*A

"Eo@e" is an energ' that can onl' &e full' felt %hen it is share* %ith other <eo<leA tis im<ossi&le to contain "Eo@e" energ' selfishl' for oneself= Fthat is %h' selfish

 <eo<le cannot fin* true lo@eK= the onl' %a' to feel "lo@e" energ' in ones life is %henone connects %ith other <eo<le= %ith s<irit %orl* an* %ith GO?= %ith lo@eA

"Eo@e" gi@es life an* is the "meaning of life"A When one has "EO,>"D one hase@er'thing= %ithout EO,> one has nothingA Hure "Eo@e" is a s<iritual energ' an*therefore is al%a's com<letel' R>>= no one can &u' "true lo@e"= s'nthetic an*su<erficial lo@e al%a's costs mone'\

"The Ceart Beats for Eo@e"

The heart is <h'sical centre of ones emotions es<eciall' of "EO,>" energ'AWhene@er one feels the energ' of "EO,>" ones heart starts to &eat fasterA The fasterones heart &eats the more emotional energ' one senses= until one feels theo@er%helming lo@ing energ' that takes ones &reath a%a'A

Whene@er a <ersons fin*s there heart &eating faster this is a sign that one is recei@ingenerg' of EO,>A Whether it is a <h'sical attraction of lo@e or a s<iritual energ' oflo@e or someones lo@ing thoughts %ho are thinking of 'ou= this is in*icate* &' a

 <ersons heart &eating faster in e)citementA

The sense of antici<ation in most <eo<les life is felt &' ones heart &eating faster= thesecret is to recognise that this energ' is OT tr'ing to o@er%helm or make a <erson"<anic" &ut it is a gift of EO,> energ' into ones soul= an* one shoul* a<<reciate thisenerg' an* use it %isel' sharing it selflessl' to EO,> <eo<leA (ust remem&er to takea *ee< &reathe= *ont feel an)ious an* enMo' %hate@er is going to ha<<en in ones life=no% that one has this energ' of "lo@e"A

Remem&er the <ur<ose of this o@er%helming e)cita&le "EO,>" energ' in*icate* &'faster heartD&eat is in or*er for one to *esire to gi@e EO,> an* share this "EO,>"

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selflessl' %ith someone elseA Hure "EO,>" energ' is onl' trul' felt %hen sharing%ith other <eo<le= "EO,>" can ne@er &e hoar*e* an* ke<t for ones self= as this

 &locks the flo% of more "lo@e" energ' coming into ones lifeA

Sa*l'= man' <eo<le fin* "lo@e" energ' too o@er%helming an* tr' to fin* %a's tosu<<ress such "lo@e" emotions= &' *rinking alcohol= smoking cigarettes etc = &ut oncea <erson learns to han*le this energ' one can ha@e an amabingl' energibe* life ofEO,>A So >,>R &lock or su<<ress such lo@el' emotions %hen one fin*s onesheart &eating faster= sim<l' take a fe% *ee< &reathes an* learn to EO,> \

The Beginning of Eife is EO,>

>@er' single <h'sical li@ing entit' in the %hole %orl* is create* from "EO,>"A >@en

hateful an* *e<resse* <arents ha@e a moment e)cita&le o@er%helming "EO,>"energ'= %hen the' "make lo@e"= %hen there hearts &eat fast full of EO,>= that isnee*e* in or*er to create a chil*A

Qoti@ation for "Ei@ing Eife" is EO,>

Ls e)<laine* in the cha<ter of "moti@ation" in or*er to moti@ate oneself to "%akeDu<"an* li@e life %ith a true *esire for life is through EO,>A t is therefore im<erati@e fore@er'one to learn to *esire EO,> in or*er to *ri@e an* moti@ate a <erson into

 <ur<oseful actionsA

" .!י








"One moment of lo@e gi@es more life an* is %orth more than a _JJJ 'ears of hate"

Eife is a&out the moments of e)citement %hen 'ou are trul' lo@ing= those lo@ingmoments are the true energ' of creati@e life energ'A The more moments of trueselfless lo@e one has then= the more e)citing an* enMo'a&le a <ersons life is an* the

more energ' of "ali@eness" a <erson feels %ithin their soulA True "EO,>" energ' isactuall' connecting ones soul %ith the eternal ?,> energ' of life from S<irit%orl* an* &ringing *o%n a .[י1י.לע3ל3 = a life sustaining energ' from the realms ofS<irit %orl*A

Eife is not a&out the num&er of "&reathes" 'ou take *uring 'our life= &ut a&out theamount of moments that take 'our &reath a%a' \

Heo<le %ho ne@er "%ant" to lo@e are *ea*= the onl' emotion that connects our <h'sical e)istence to our s<iritual soul an* connects to the ?,> source of all

energ' is EO,>= that is the EO,> emotions from the heart D all the "fast heart&eats"of EO,>A

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Eo@e &lockage an* *e<ression

When <eo<le &lock an* refuse to allo% "lo@e" energ' into their li@es the' are &locking their o%n lifeDenerg' F 3ל3על.י1י]. K an* committing "s<iritual suici*e"= e@enif &' some "goo* fortune" of ?i@ine inter@ention the' su**enl' are gi@en a chance to"lo@e"= the' fin* that the o@er%helming sense of "lo@e" is too much for their*e<resse* soul to han*leA

?e<resse* <eo<le <refer to th%art an* &lock their o%n li@es through their &a* attitu*ean* <refer to &e *e<resse* %ithout "lo@e"= than o@er%helme* %ith an ali@eness of"lo@e" energ'= so the' act to "selfD*estro'" an' o<<ortunities of "lo@e" in their li@es=%hich ma' e@en cause them to miss their o%n soulmate \ So remem&er >,>R

 &lock an' emotions of the heart \

XA Nn*erstan*ing the *ifference &et%een

Hh'sical Eo@e an* S<iritual [email protected]ל.=/5752557ל#י.ש.י.5.00כל

לע#ל25יל.0י/575=.1ל#י.#ש0י1. A#//575=#:/5.09#1303ל#י.ש.י..5.00י00י:# P

#י.#79/1#י/575=#:/5.07ל#י.#ש0י1.Hirkei L@os +ha<ter I Qishne _

"Whene@er EO,> *e<en*s u<on something <h'sical an* it <asses a%a'= then theEO,> <asses a%a' tooA When EO,> *oes not *e<en* u<on something <h'sical thenthe EO,> %ill ne@er <ass a%a'A Ln e)am<le of lo@e *e<en*ing u<on something

 <h'sical is se)ual attraction of &eaut' such as <h'sical *esire of Lmnon for TamarA

Ln* an e)am<le of the lo@e that is not *e<en*ant on an'thing <h'sical is the s<iritualfrien*shi< an* lo@e of ?a@i* an* (onathan"A Hirkei L@os +ha<ter I Qishne _

Hh'sical Eo@e

>@er' <erson= e@er' <lace an* in fact e@er' single o&Mect in this <h'sical %orl*contains an energ' of EO,>A >@er' single entit' in this %orl* has &een create* %ithan energ' of EO,>A

The strength of each <erson= <lace or o&Mect is *e<en*ant on the amount of EO,>energ' that %as use* to create it an* the amount of EO,> energ' that %e attach in

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our min* an* soul to it= togther %ith the continual emotional "EO,>" energ' thatflo%s to that entit'= con@ersel' %eakness is *efine* &' the " &lockage" of EO,>energ' %hich is reflecte* in negati@e emotions of hate= Mealous' or &itternessA

Before %e *efine the *ifference &et%een Hh'sical EO,> an* S<iritual EO,>= %enee* to e)<lain the I categories of all entities in this uni@erse= %ith their <otential toaffect our emotions of the heart= each %ith *ifferent le@el of creati@e EO,> energ'A

This e)<lanation is the essence of [!.יש  "Herek Shira"= %hich em<hasibes that the%a' to come to a<<reciate the gift of life= an* fin*ing a true EO,> of GO? is toreflect on LEE of the %on*erous creations in the Nni@erseA

The I +ategories of Hh'sical >ntities

in this Hh'sical Worl*

irstl' let us e)<lain the I categoriesle@els of %hich e@er' entit' in this uni@erse can &e classifie* into= %hich *efines the amount of energ' it has= an* therefore theamount of "EO,>" energ' that flo%s inout an* that can <otentiall' flo% through as

 <art of the continual creati@e lifeDc'cle of this %on*erful uni@erse of EO,>A

_A 3 7 nanimate o&Mects create* at the creation of the Nni@erse= such as the Sun=Qoon= Stars an* Hlanets= earth= san*= stones= mountains= the sea etcA= F%hich inclu*esall the elements of the " <erio*ic ta&le"\KA >@er'thing that %as here &efore %e %ere

 &orn an* after %e *ie \ This categor' ne@er change their energ' or state= an* remain

the same as the *a' the' %ere create* &' GO? at the creationA

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t is &ecause the' %ere create* &' GO? D the ?,> creator of this %hole uni@ersean* ha@e &een unchange* since the creation for almost JJJ 'ears that the' contain a"magical" <ure &eaut'= of amabing energ'A >@er'one lo@es to see the inate an*uns<oilt &eaut' of the sno%Dto<<e* mountains= it has an energ' to fill ones min* an*soul %ith a real "EO,>" of the &eaut' of "nature"A

Eooking at an amabing sunset &' the sea an* allo%ing our souls to sense= feel an*connect %ith "EO,>" to the ?,> creator %ho ma*e this %on*erful %orl*= allo%sour souls to &e energibe* %ith EO,>A

Sim<l' looking at nature= Fe@en %ithout "thinking"K energibes U enli@ens e@er'onessoul= hence the reason %h' <eo<le lo@e "the sea"= "the mountains" an* thecountr'si*e= seeing an* a<<reciating the amabing natural &eaut' in this %orl* create*

 &' GO?A

This categor' of 3 7 D "nanimate o&Mects" ha@e the inherent &enefit that the' %erecreate* %ith <urest ?,> creati@e energ'= an* ha@e ne@er change* since the

"+R>LTO"= millions of <eo<le from hun*re*s of generations ha@e &een seeingthese <laces of natural &eaut'= an* ha@e engra@e* on their memories an* souls= a

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s<ecific energ' of EO,> for these <laces an* o&MectsA The s<ecific <h'sical EO,>for such natural &eaut' is actuall' a S<iritual energ' of EO,> that our soul sensesan* recei@esA

XA 43 j D >@er' kin* of tree= <lant= flo%er= fruit= @egata&le an* grain that gro%s fromsee*sA This categor' has &een im<lante* from creation= &ut continues in a c'cle of lifean* *eath= nee*ing sustenance from the sun= rain an* %in* in or*er to gro%A Thiscategor' is a constant an* *ail' gift of sustenance from GO? %hich <ro@i*es eachli@ing entit' on earth %ith foo* to li@eA

The <h'sical lo@e %e feel to%ar*s @ine'ar*s= gro%ing fruit an* all kin*s of <ro*uce

is a feeling that %e are EO,>? &' GO? an* that %e ha@e &een gi@en foo*A The <h'sical lo@e %e ha@e for gro%ing flo%ers is a sense of a%e an* amabment that fromnothing such &eaut' is create* from see*sA

The colours of the foo* %e eat such as re* stra%&erries instills in our heart an* soul asense of EO,>A When %e think of the amabing colours of the creation %e feel ali@e%ith an e)citement an* a instinti@e EO,> for lifeA >s<eciall' the colours an*aromatic scent of flo%ers instincti@el' instills emotions of EO,> into e@er'ones


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YA 4 = >@er' li@ing animal= &ir*= fish= insect= etcA= all life that mo@es an* re<ro*ucesי%ith its <airA This categor' of E,G animals= li@e an* *ie %ith the same c'cle of ashumans= the' ha@e senses that gui*e them in or*er to sustain their o%n sur@i@alA The'

ha@e a soul %hich has emotions %ith their uniue characterA The' li@e= re<ro*uce an*sur@i@e out of an instincti@e EO,> energ'A

Their instincti@e EO,> energ' of the animal king*om= gi@es them an energ' toE,>A The' sur@i@e &' kee<ing to their o%n grou< of animals %hich i*entifies theirs<ecific <ur<ose in lifeA ,er' fe% animals interact %ith other grou<s %ith EO,>A Ln'interaction %ith other kin*s of animals is L,O?>?= an* in some cases is consi*ere*a threat to their sur@i@al= so anger an* hatre*= e@en @iolence until one animal killsanother animal is <ossi&le in or*er to *efen* their o%n sur@i@alA

This is an im<ortant *efinition of the li@ing animal king*om= as the Book ofReincarnation Sefer Gilgulim e)<lains that some human souls are force* toreincarnate as animals in or*er to learn the lesson of com<assion= lo@e an* selflessser@iceA Ls man' humans fail in life= &ecause of their selfish arroganceA Cence theirsoul %ill nee* to learn the lesson in another lifetime as an animalA

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The lo@e from the "Lnimal Zing*om"= teaches that all li@ing <eo<le shoul* &ecom<assionate an* lo@ingA The interaction of goo* energ' &et%een all the creationsof GO? is through EO,>A Some animals instincti@el' sho% res<ect an* lo@e for

e@er'one= an* li@e a life %hose <ur<ose is to ra*iate lo@eA +ats %hich &ur' theirfaeces= kee< themsel@es clean= get ri* of filth' ratsmice= an* continuall' R>E>+Tan energ' of selfless EO,> are %on*erful e)am<les of EO,>

The %or* "reflect" is im<ortant as= cats U all animals are sensiti@eP in the same %a'%e treat them the' reflect our emotions= if %e are lo@ing then the' are lo@ing inreturnA +ats teach that animals an* humans can interact onl' %ith a common energ'of EO,>A This is im<ortant to note= as humans "reflect" each others energ'= hateful

 <eo<le reflect hate= lo@ing <eo<le reflect lo@eA

This is the reason %h' all the great s<iritual lea*ers lo@e* to look after animals fromthe times of Qoshe= Zing ?a@i* an* like%ise the reason %h' "single" <eo<le in ourgeneration shoul* ha@e a cat as a <et= to learn ho% to sho% selfless lo@e an*com<assion as in our generation "single" materialistic col*Dhearte* <eo<le cannotfin* true lo@e as the' ha@e sim<l' close* their emotions of "EO,>"A

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`A 573 = Cuman &eings that are gi@en the <o%er of s<eechA n e)actl' the same %a'animals li@e= sur@i@e= re<ro*uce= nations an* <eo<les of the %orl* kee< to their o%n

grou<nation as an i*entit' of their soulA Cumans use the <o%er of s<eech tocommunicate an* connect %ith <eo<le of their same grou< an* categor'A

Llthough <eo<le are attracte* to <h'sical &eaut'= nontheless %ithout the a&ilit' to talk an* communicate= the' cannot connect %ith each otherA The <o%er of s<eechconnects human &eings= hence the reason %h' relationshi<s either succee* or fail

 &ase* on the a&ilit' to TLEZ to each otherA When *ialogue of communication sto<s=the relationshi< *iesA

Cuman &eings that can8t &e &othere* talking to other <eo<le are "committing suici*e"=as the' are &locking energ' coming into an* out of their soul= the Cuman soul nee*sto talk in or*er to energibe oneself <h'sicall' an* s<irituall'A

Remem&er that the <rinci<le *ifference &et%een the E,G an* ?>L? is the a&ilit'to s<eak an* communicateA This is %h' "GOO? souls" %hen the' are <h'sicall' *ea*are in fact LE,> as the' are a&le to communicate from S<irit %orl* to otherrighteous <eo<le in this %orl*A

Eo@ing an* selfless kin* <eo<le= lo@e to talk an* communicate %ith e@er'one %ith a%armth lo@ing affectionate= frien*l' an* ha<<' natureA Whereas selfish an*"emotionall' *ea*" humans refuse to communicate %ith other <eo<le= hence the'

 &lock a life energ'A

Such "li@ing *ea*" %oul* ne@er think of re<l'ing to emails or making an effort to callan'one= the' e)<ect other <eo<le to communicate %ith them an* gi@e them lifeenerg'= hence &' isolating an* alienating themsel@es an* refusing to"+OQQN+LT>"= the' *isconnect %ith "life energ'" an* are consi*ere* "*ea*"A

The inherent "lifeDgi@ing" ualit' of human &eings is the a&ilit' to communicate=%hich ena&les other <eo<le to un*erstan*= listen an* connect themsel@es to each

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otherA Without this a&ilit' to transfer our to thoughts an* i*eas from our min* U soul=%e are the same as animalsA f %e %ish to &e classifie* as "humans" then %e mustlearn to use the <o%er of s<eech %isel' an* freuentl'A

IA  >le@ate* s<iritual souls that act as ser@ants of s<irit %orl* an* hel< to energibeי.^7יother <eo<les li@es through their souls energ' an* s<iritual connection %ith theeternal an* ?i@ine %ells<ring of EO,>A

This categor' of "Cuman Beings"= %ho are the s<irituall'Dmin*e* <erson= com<letel'connecte* to SHRT %orl*= constantl' %orking in "Selfless Ser@ice"= %ho li@e achosen s<irituall' moti@ate* <ath%a'= focusing on the higher <ur<ose in lifeA The'un*erstan* that this <h'sical life is Must a transitor' short Mourne' %ithin the muchlarger conte)t of the infinate s<iritual %orl* an* N,>RS> create* &' a ?,>GO?A

When a <erson recognises that %e are all chil*ren of GO?= an* merel' a s<ec of *ustof insignificance in the great scheme of life= an* 'et on a s<ecific mission in life %itha s<iritual <ur<ose= then automaticall' a <erson has a *esire to EO,> all <eo<le %ithcom<assion an* uncon*itional EO,>= in the same %a' the ?,> creator lo@ese@er' single soulA

The +once<t of ?ualit'

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The +once<t of "?ualit'" means that e@er'thing in this <h'sical %orl* has TWOenergies= a <h'sical energ' an* a s<iritual energ'A Qost <eo<le %ho li@e a <h'sicalan* materialistic e)istence %ill onl' consi*er the <h'sical energ'A Souls in S<irit%orl* %ill onl' see the s<iritual energ'A

Our <ur<ose %hilst %e are li@ing in this %orl*= is to learn to see an* sense BOTC the <h'sical an* s<iritual energ' %ithin e@er'thingA Lllo%ing our <h'sical e'es to seean* enMo' the images= instilling in our soul an energ' of "Heace of Qin*" an* anenerg' of EO,> out of a<<reciation for the s<iritual creati@e energ' of GO?A

S<iritual Eo@e U Hh'sical Eo@e

Hh'sical energ' is tem<orar' an* last for onl' a short time= hence <h'sical lo@e

energ' ne@er lastsA n the same %a' %e are onl' <h'sicall' ali@e for a short <erio* oftime= similarl' <h'sical lo@e is tem<orar'= for e)am<le= the <h'sical "skin *ee<"

 &eaut' of most %oman onl' lasts &et%een _I to YI 'ears from %hen a %omanmatures= unlike the s<iritual &eaut'= %hich is ra*iate* from a goo*= s%eet= kin*=s<irituall'Dmin*e* %oman %ith a lo@e that lasts for eternit' \

S<iritual energ' lasts fore@er an* for eternit'= as it communicates an* em&e*s itself%ithin our soul= such eternal emotional EO,> energ' is carrie* o@er from <re@iousliftimes an* carrie* on%ar*s to future reincarnationsA We shall e)<lain this further in

I Soulmates &elo%= the ine)<lica&le EO,> connection of soulmates %hich lastsfore@erA

"Co% to Qake Eo@e East ore@er"

n or*er to make an'thing last fore@er= it must &e SHRTNLE= an* its energ' nee*sto ha@e ma*e an in*eli&le mark on ones min*= thoughts an* soulA Ln'thing that onl'has a <h'sical energ' %ill fa*e a%a' an* *ieA

n or*er to instill an energ' of EO,> that %ill last fore@er= it must &' energibe* %itha s<iritual emotional EO,> energ'A

>@er'ones heart onl' &eats for EO,>= OE; those moments in %hich are our heart &eats fast %ith an o@er%helming energ' of emotional e)citement= are those moments%hich our SONE %ill remem&er OR>,>RA When a <erson is l'ing on the *eath &e*an* reflecting on all the moments of their life= the' onl' remem&er the moments ofe)treme emotions %hen their heart "&eats fast"A

Sefer Shinu'im in the cha<ter of "ha<<iness" e)<lains that >,>R; <erson has at least] e)cee*ingl' ha<<' moments in life= %hich are s<iritual gifts gi@en &' GO? to

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e@er'one= in or*er that a <erson shoul* kno% the sense of s<iritual eternal EO,>energ'A Nnfortunatel'= man' *e<resse* <eo<le cannot co<e %ith this gift ofo@er%helming lo@e energ'= an* fin* %a's to &lock an* su<<ress their emotionsA

Whereas the "s<irituall' enlightene*" <erson uses this amabing energ' to learn to*e@elo<e their soul to &e LE,> all the time %ith a continual eternal emotionalEO,> energ'A L <erson %ho is trul' s<iritual= remem&ers e@er'thing of e@er'*a'%ith Mo' an* ha<<iness= as each *a' &rings a %on*erful ne% energ' of EO,> an*emotions that is unforgetta&le lasts fore@erA

n each of the I classifications of e@er'thing in the uni@erse D as a&o@e= tr' an* learnto energibe ones soul %ith a lo@ing e)citementA or e)am<le= imagine that 'ou onl'ha@e _J secon*s left in 'our life to see= %hate@er 'ou see in these _J secon*s %illsta' %ith 'our soul fore@er= &' a<<reciating the %on*erful colours in nature= flo%ers=

fruit= sunshine= stars an* the sk' %ill make a <erson learn to "WLZ> NH" s<irituall'=instea* of li@ing life like a *ormant ro&ot forgetting to a<<reciate the gift of @ision \

When a <erson "%akes u<" emotionall'= ones heart %ill start to &eat faster %ith ane)citement an* a *esire to li@e a lo@ing life= %hich gi@es such energ' that makes itirre@ersa&l' im<ossi&le for a <erson to e@er feel *e<resse* an* unlo@e* againA

L <ure S<iritual >ternal Eo@e energ' %ill energibe a <ersons soul= e)u*ing an*ra*iating a creati@e life lo@e energ' %hich &ecomes <art of the creati@e life c'cle an*

energibes man' <eo<les li@es= such a EO,> energ' %ill last for >T>RT;= e@enafter a <erson <asses from this <h'sical %orl*A

Cence the fun*amental conce<t that I SONEQLT>S ha@e an ine)<lica&le eternal*ee< EO,> energ' for each other= an* as %e e)<lain in ` True S<iritual Eo@e is alo@e energ' that lasts fore@er an* connects <eo<le in this <h'sical %orl* %ith thosegoo* lo@ing souls in s<irit %orl*A

YA Nn*erstan*ing that LEE >motions

are Ee@els of EO,> energ'#/0##34"305י#.50[#55#54ישכ.:" Vע1יי9עע!.1#73ש.05.5שי/73ש


The Qe*rash in Genesis= e)<lains that EO,> makes a <erson &reak all the rules an*normal rational &eha@iour of lifeA Out of sincere EO,> to ser@e GO?= L&raham

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cleane* an* sa**le* his o%n *onke'= e@en though he ha* man' ser@ants to *o this for himA Cis EO,> to ser@e GO?= ga@e him the energ' an* e)citement to %ake u< earl'in the morning %ith a life @italit'= &reaking all ettiuetteA













י7ש7V/#3כ/י.5ש#[3/0.ל]ל/ש.A.01ש#[3/0.ל]ל/0.5.0ל0ע75יכ.3לי#.6י."#0י#/0#5כ"0ל#.י.#ל.3כי75ע0ל0.01ש/ל[ל[3.#ש. A

Similarl' (ose<h= in e)citement an* out of EO,> to meet his father= got u< earl' an* <re<are* his o%n horseA n*icating that EO,> &reaks LEE &arriers an* ettiuetteA

כ.3ל#.י.#ל#/0#1#/0"0י5[#55#54לע#י]"כV57355ש.301ש#[3/0.ל]ל/#ש01.י  .ש#[3/0.ל]ל/ש0.01ל0ע75

+on@ersel' CLTR>? an* negati@e emotions cause a <erson to react irrationall'=Bilaam %ho %as <ai* to curse the Me%ish <eo<le &' king of Qoa@= &eha@e* %il*l'an* out of character= as his emotions of hatre* *estro'e* his o%n normal rational



>motions of the heart "EO,> an*CLTR>?" &reak all normal rules an*

ettiuette of life

Lll emotions of the heart %hether "EO,>" or "CLT>"= <ositi@e or negati@e= e@er'single emotion %e feel an* sense %ith our C>LRT an* soul= has the <o%er to makean in*eli&le mark on our SONE= to the e)tent that it gi@es our soul the <o%er to+CLG>A

>@er' single emotion from our heart has the <o%er to change our li@es an* soulirre@ersa&l'= hence it is @itall' im<ortant for e@er'one to un*erstan* an* use thisemotional <o%er of our hearts %isel'= to make changes out <ositi@e EO,> an* notout of negati@e fear or Mealous'A

n or*er to com<rehen* "EO,>" %e nee* to un*erstan* the X categories of inherent>QOTOS that e@er' human sensesA This is signifie* &' the X t'<es of <eo<le inthe %orl*= the "Conest" grou< an* the "?eceitful" grou<A

The "Conest" grou< fun*amentall' li@e %ith EO,> energ'= %hilst the "?eceitful"grou< fun*amentall' li@e %ith negati@e emotions of hate= Mealous'= &itterness an*

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anger as this their %a' to steal energ' from= intimi*ate an* control the "Conest"grou<A f a sensiti@e <erson from the "Conest grou<" has acuire* an' negati@eemotions then the' ha@e *one this &' "transference" from a <erson of the "?eceitful"grou<= the sim<le reme*' is to cancel out an' Eoss &' "Transference"= %hich %ill

restore the <eaceful lo@ing energ' an* *issol@e the *estructi@e hateful energ' *um<e*on them &' other <eo<les negati@e emotionsA

This e)<lains the reason an* <ur<ose %h' "o<<osites attract" in lo@e= an* %h' <eo<le*ecei@e themsel@es es<eciall' o@er their true lo@e emotions in the heart= as a <ersonli@es in this <h'sical %orl* to learn lessons from *ifficult <eo<le %ho "o<<ose" theirsoul= &efore the' are rea*' to fin* true an* <erfect lo@e from their soulmate= %hich isin <erfect <eace an* harmon' %ith themA

We shall then e)<lain ho% to con@ert oneself from the "?eceitful" to the "Conest"

grou<= there&' ha@ing <h'sical an* s<iritual closure on the <ast= lea@ing &ehin* the &a* emotions an* continuing a life of onl' _JJ <ure EO,G emotions= a life of%holesome creati@e EO,>A

irstl' let us un*erstan* the t%o categories of emotions &' un*erstan*ing the t%ocategories of <eo<le in this %orl*VD

X T'<es of Heo<le in the Worl*

Ls %e e)<laine* on the <age of "S<irit U Gui*ance" there are X t'<es of <eo<le in the%orl* VD

The first an* most %on*erful categor' is the "CO>ST" grou<= %hich &asicall'means %hen 'ou are nice to them the' are nice in return= %hen 'ou are horri&le tothem the' are horri&le in returnA When 'ou ask them a uestion= 'ou are gi@en thehonest ans%er in returnA The intrinsic goo*ness of this grou<= %ill al%a's make 'oufeel ali@e an* ha<<'A

The honest grou< <erson= %ill al%a's fin* %a's to &e nice an* com<liment= sa'ingnice constructi@e %or*s= looking for the goo*ness in <eo<le= an* the' %ill al%a'se)u*e= ra*iate lo@e an* ha<<iness= e@en in the face of a*@ersit'A The' %ill al%a'sfin* %a's to create lo@ing energ' an* >,>R "steal" energ' from others &' hateful=negati@e or *estructi@e thoughts= %or*s or actionsA

Whereas the other grou< of <eo<le in this %orl* are the "?>+>TNE" FliarsK grou<of <eo<le= %hich &asicall' means %hen 'ou are nice to them the' are horri&le inreturn= %hen 'ou are horri&le to them the' are nice in returnA When 'ou ask them a

uestion= 'ou are gi@en lies an* *eceit in returnA The intrinsic *eceit an* t%iste*nessof this grou<= %ill al%a's make 'ou feel *raine* an* sa*A

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Such <eo<le *o not e)u*e or ra*iate an' kin* of selfless EO,> an* are usuall' @er'close* an* selfish %ith their energies of emotions= the' are calle* the "Ei@ing *ea*"as the' &lock an* close their o%n emotions of life an* EO,>= an* continuall' tr' to

 &lock an* *rain the "Conest" grou< of an' kin* of lifeD gi@ing lo@ing emotions= the'

make e@er'one aroun* them feel sa* an* *e<resse*=

We call this grou< of *estructi@e souls "suici*e &om&ers"= as the' ha@e ruine* theiro%n li@es an* *esire to ruin other <eo<les tooA The conce<t of <eo<le ha@e messe* u<their o%n *estructi@e an* hateful life= %ho then choose to *estro' other <eo<les li@esis e)<laine* full' on original ;alkut Shimoni regar*ing Samson %hen he took hiso%n life in or*er to take the li@es of the <hilistines D &ook of (u*ges cha<ter _Y D _A

X T'<es of >motions in the Worl*

The X intrinsic emotions in this %orl* are <ositi@e an* negati@e= creati@e an**estructi@e= lo@e an* hate= goo*ness an* &a*nessA

Positive Negative

Hositi@e emotions +R>LT> goo*thoughts an* create a moti@ational life

energ' out of a *esire %ithing the heartto li@e a life of EO,>AEo@e= <eace= tranuilit'= harmon'=creati@it'= a *esire to &uil*= gi@e= share=teach= all come from <ositi@e emotionsof EO,>A

 egati@e emotions act to BEO+Z lifeenerg' an* therefore *estro' lifeenerg'A

 egati@e emotions create &lockages of life energ'= ;>>>ZL D .[י1י.לע3ל3 =is &locke* an* there&' <re@enting a

 <erson to feel "ali@e"A

Lnger= hatre*= &itterness= Mealous'= allact as *estructi@e &lockages of lifeenerg'

The "Conest" grou< li@e %ith the *esire to &e HOST,> an* creati@el' lo@ing= it isintrinsic in their character that the' cannot &e horri&le to other <eo<le= the' *esire tohel< others= from a <rofoun* an* *ee< EO,> for life= a lo@e for GO? an* a lo@e ofe@er' one of the creations in this Nni@erseA

The "?eceitful" grou< sur@i@e *uring their <h'sical life &' ST>LEG life energ'from the "Conest" grou<A The' steal life energ' &' *estro'ing other <eo<les li@es= or

 &locking other <eo<les <rogress &' controlling their li@esA

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Whene@er a goo* "Conest" <erson suggests an' i*ea= a *estructi@e <erson %illal%a's &lock this i*ea= either %ith a *estructi@e criticism or *emeaning negati@e*is&elie@ing laughter that steals the "confi*ence" energ' from the goo* <ersonA

L strong ten*enc' of the use of Mealous'= guilt or other negati@e emotions is to controlother <eo<les actionsA This can lea* onl' to negati@e reactions that %ill automaticall'%eaken the relationshi< until it is *estro'e*A

Lll negati@e emotions &lock life energ' of this "Conest" <ersons soul= %hilst the"?eceitful" <erson feels em<o%ere* %ith energ' the' ha@e stolenA




Zee< a%a' from the "?eceitful"Once a <erson has learnt to recognise these X categories of <eo<le= then it &ecomessim<le to ha@e closure from the *estructi@e "*eceitful" t'<e of <eo<le %ho are full ofhatre*= hea@' "*eath" energ' an* al%a's tr'ing to &lock ones lifeA

Once a goo* <erson realises that so much <otential in ones life has &een &locke* &'*raining an* "?eceitful" t'<es of <eo<le= it then &ecomes an >Q>RG>+; to ha@e_JJ closure from such *estructi@el' %icke* <eo<leA

Transforming Ones Eife from Cate toEO,>

The first ste< is to recognise the nee* for change= an* un*erstan* that goo* <eo<leha@e &a* things ha<<ening to them in or*er to teach them to com<letel' era*icate allnegati@it' from their life an* cleanse their soul &' forgi@ing an* ha@ing closure those

 <eo<le %ho ha@e cause* *estruction= in or*er to &ecome _JJ lo@ing an*


";ou <lanne* an* thought to *o e@il againstme= Go* <lanne* an* thought to &ring onl'

goo*ness to me"

The Stor' of (ose<h in the Bi&le= teaches us that e@en though the _J &rothers *i* a

%icke* act an* sol* (ose<h into sla@er' for mone'= (ose<h forga@e them= as he coul*see that there %as a QLST>R ?,> HELA

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Translate* VD " Qaster of the Nni@erse D forgi@e e@er'one %ho has angere* an* u<setme= or sinne* against me= %hether the' *i* this <h'sicall'= materialisticall' or*isres<ectfull'A Whether the' *i* this &' acci*ent or intentionall'= %ith horri&le e@ilthoughts or %ithout thinking= %hether the' sai* the %or*s or %ith actions= %hether inthis life or in <re@ious li@es AAAAAA i forgi@e themAAA an* <lease GO? *o not <unish orhurt them= *o not &ring an' illness or an'thing &a* against them as i forgi@e themcom<letel' AAAAAAA <lease GO? "

"orgi@eness" has the Ho%er to +on@ert

LEE ?estructi@e Catre* >nerg'

nto +reati@e EO,> >nerg'

Eearn to orgi@e U orget +om<letel' \

The sign that 'ou ha@e successfull' forgi@en another <erson= is that %hen 'ou think

of them= 'ou no longer ha@e an' hatre* feelingsA n fact 'ou shoul* ha@e O>>EGS to%ar*s them at allA The' mean OTCG at all= not to 'ou= 'our life or'our soulA

f 'ou still feel some element of hatre* or an' emotions to%ar*s them= this is a signthat 'ou ha@e OT *isconnecte* from them an* their e@il %a's= an* TCS WEECNRT= HOSO L? ?>STRO; ;ONR E> L? SONEA So sa' the <ra'er an*ORG,> them in 'our min*= thoughts an* soul= forget a&out them= *on8t e@enmention their name= an* *etach 'ourself from them an* their %a's com<letel'A

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n forgi@ing these "?eceitful" <eo<le an* trou&le* souls %e are actuall' freeing ouro%n soul from an' connection from such hea@' *e<resse* an* sa* <eo<leA

The higher le@el of forgi@eness is that 'ou actuall' feel sorr' for their soul %ith a

com<assion an* <ra' for them that the' %ill also fin* GO? an* a lo@ing s<iritual <ath%a' in this <h'sical lifeA

Wh' then *o "?eceitful" <eo<le e)ist

Eessons nee* to &e taught to goo* <eo<le= an* @er' often one can onl' learn from &a* <eo<le= from their e@il an* *eceitful %a's the' teach us @alua&le lessonsA othingfrom the ?,> s<irit %orl* is &a*= therefore *estructi@e an* e@il <eo<le are use* togi@e goo* <eo<le "&a* e)<eriences" in or*er to teach them lessonsA

GO? allo%s BL? <eo<le to gi@e

"Ba* >)<eriences"


"Goo* things come a&out through goo* <eo<le an* &a* things %ill ha<<en through &a* <eo<le"

Qeaning that if something *estructi@e has to ha<<en in a <ersons life= then the ?i@ineS<irit %orl* orchestrate that this *estruction is <er<etrate* through &a* <eo<leA+on@ersel' %hen something constructi@e an* goo* is to ha<<en in a <ersons life= thenthe ?i@ine S<irit %orl* orchestrate that this shoul* &e create* an* come a&outthrough the creati@e lo@ing actions of a goo* <ersonA

When Bilaam %as going to curse the (e%ish <eo<le= he realise* he %as &eing use* &'s<irit %orl* as an intrument of e@il to curse = so he change* his curse to a &lessing .3יש30שכ-/#1יע].05לי-#52  = %hich is <ra'er no% use* e@er'*a' in Me%ish

s'nagogues= to teach us that %e can LEE +CLG> an* &ecome instruments ofgoo*ness an* not instruments of e@il an* &a*nessA

Someone has to gi@e <eo<le "Ba* >)<eriences" D *ont let it &e ;ON \

?eceitful Heo<le %ho gi@e us "Ba* >)<eriences" actuall' EO,> us \


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"Eo@e ;our eigh&our Eike ;ourself"

"Eo@e ;our >@il >nem' \"

Eiterall' translate* from the he&re% means "lo@e 'our enem'= that is EO,> those%ho hate 'ou an* %ant to *o e@il to 'ou" as the %or* = e@il A Those %ho hate usע*ee< *o%n reall' ha@e a tremen*ous amount of lo@e for us= &ecause the' are of the"?eceitful" grou< of <eo<le= the' *o OHHOST>S= so instea* of sho%ing lo@e the'sho% hateA

The secret in this life is see &e'on* the <h'sical situation= un*erstan*ing the "&igger <icture" of life %hich then cancels the c'cle of hate= *eath an* *estruction an* one

can onl' li@e %ith a life of forgi@eness to others an* life of EO,> an* +om<assionA

Lnger &egets angerA When the &i&le sa's= 8Eo@e 'our enem'8= that8s <recisel' %hat hemeantA f %e %ant to sto< a c'cle of @iolence an* e@il= %e ha@e to ste< outsi*e it= nomatter ho% shocke* %e ma' feel or ho% much harm it has *one to usA We ha@e to &egui*e* &' ho<e an* ins<iration= not fear or fur'A

Nn*erstan*ing these emotions of the heart= an* continiuall' con@erting them intoEO,> energ' is the task an* challenge of almost e@er' s<irituall' min*e* <erson inthis lifeA

The ?,> <lan

B' un*erstan*ing an* acce<ting that there is a ?,> <lan for each an* e@er'one of us= then there is no reason or <oint to getting u<set= anno'e* or angr'= these are &a*emotions that &elong to &a* <eo<leA

Goo* <eo<le onl' ha@e EO,>= com<assion an* forgi@enessA Eife teaches us to learn

to ORG>T= ORG,> an* QO,> O to a &etter future of %holesome EO,>A

Ls a <erson "gro%sDu<" s<irituall' then one learns that there is no nee* to feel an'negati@e emotions in lifeA Time is often the &est healer= as in hin*sight %e all see the"&igger <icture" of life= %hether %e see this a fe% *a's later = a fe% 'ears later or*uring this life or in S<irit %orl*= the same <rinci<le a<<lies VD

.30ל pש. qשעpכ qש.AAAA. pשע93:.

or e@er'thing that the intellect cannot accom<lish AAAA then time %ill succee* toaccom<lishA The Hhiloso<h' of Eife uote* from Sefer Shinu'im

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"O<<osites Lttract" to Teach ?ifficultEessons

"O<<osites attract" for the single <ur<ose to T>L+C a <erson *ifficult lessonA Qost <eo<le OE; learn &' &eing gi@ing *ifficult situations %ith *ifficult <eo<leA Theseare "o<<osites"= the' are OT <ermanenet in a <ersons life = an* onl' tem<orar'situations %hilst a <erson nee*s to learnA

Ls e)<laine* in I Soulmates &elo%= ones true SONEQLT> *oes not nee* to conflictof argue= as the' are on the "same si*e"A Ln'one %ho &rings conflict into ones life= is*oing so to teach one a *ifficult lessonA Once the lesson is learnt the <erson %ill lea@eones life fore@er \

`A Nn*erstan*ing The +once<t of

"True Eo@e" .5.0/30

+onnects Ones Soul to S<irit Worl*A"True Eo@e" energ' is s<iritual lo@e energ'= hence it is uncon*itional u<on an'thing

 <h'sicalA "True Eo@e" is attaine* through the connection on a le@el of the soul to theSHRT %orl*A "True S<iritual Eo@e" is the onl' %a' one can energibe ones soul %ith

 <ure life energ'= through connecting ones soul to the >ternal ?,> %ells<ring an*source of all <ure creati@e <h'sical an* s<iritual energ' of the %hole Nni@erse DEO,>A

"True Eo@e" is the creati@e lifeDgi@ing energ' that connects ones soul to S<irit %orl*=this EO,> connection energibes our soul %ith the .[י1י.לע3ל3 from the ?,>source of all <ure creati@e <h'sical an* s<iritual energ'A

What is "True Eo@e" .5.0/30  

"True Eo@e" is a lifeDgi@ing source of energ' of N+O?TOLE lo@eP it is notgi@en nor taken &ut it is a GT of energ' that energibes a <ersons soul %ith "E>"energ'A

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The s<iritual la% of EO,> is that EO,> has a <o%er to +R>LT> energ'A When a <erson energibes ones heart %ith emotions of EO,> one is gi@en moti@ational energ'to accom<lish actions= tasks an* "make life ha<<en"A

"Gi@ing U Taking" OR "+reating"Heo<le %ho onl' &elie@e in the <h'sical %orl*= ha@e &eliefs of limitations= an* *o not

 &elie@e in the infinite <o%er of creati@e energ' of EO,>A Therefore the' li@e a"limite*Dlife" &ase* on "Gi@ing U Taking"= %herefore the' li@e selfishl'= &' amassingenerg' for themsel@es &' taking as much as <ossi&le from others an* not gi@ingA Thislea@es e@er'one the' connect %ith D feeling *raine*= &locke* an* unlo@e*A

The S<iritual Ea% of EO,>= an* the &asis of all the creations in the entire Nni@erse is

that EO,> is +R>LT>? energ'A >@er' EO,> emotion of e@er' secon* of e@er' *a'creates an energ' an* @italit' that energibes a <erson min*= &o*' U soul %ith an"ali@eness"A

Therefore a s<irituall' enlightene* <erson kno%s the OE; %a' to generate a lifeenerg' is &' +R>LTG EO,> energ'A

+reating Eo@e >nerg'

F_K The first %a' to create EO,> energ' is to connect to the ?i@ine source of EO,>%hich is through EO,> of GO?A

FXK Secon*l'= one can create EO,> energ' &' thinking of an* connecting %ith goo*lo@ing s<iritual souls in the S<irit %orl*A Heo<le 'ou kne% %hen the' %ere ali@e= an*through the &on* of <ure uncon*itional EO,> that e)ists eternall'= connects our soul%ith their souls in the S<iritual %orl*A

FYK Thir*l'= learning to a<<reciate an* gi@e thanks for all the %on*erful things %e

ha@e in life= makes a <ersons heart fill %ith EO,> energ' out of gratitu*e for the giftan* o<<ortunities of lifeA

F_K EO,> of GO? /5.0ש.-5/י


Eearning to see the truth in life &rings a <erson to &e in a%e of GO?A

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When %e contem<late the %on*ers of this Nni@erse an* the millions of <eo<le on this <lanets earth= an* the %on*ers of creations on the <lanet that sustain us %ith <h'sicallifeA We start to see the %on*erful magnitu*e of the ?,> creator of the Nni@erseA

Ls %e gro%Du< an* &ecome a*ults learning to create life %ith the <o%er of emotionsof &oth <h'sical an* s<iritual EO,> %e learn that %e are in*ee* a <art of GO?A Lsmall s<ark of Go*liness that is containe* in e@er'ones soul= that sustains our

 <h'sical an* s<iritual lifeA

FXK +onnecting to S<irit Worl* With Eo@e

?uring e@er'ones life %e are all gi@en Y o<<ortunities of "lifeDe)<eriences" toconnect %ith the ?,> S<irit Worl* %ith EO,> VD

"Su**en Shocks" = acci*ents U lifeDthreatening inci*ents act as catal'sts for changethat "%akesDu<" a <ersons min* U soul to a<<reciate the gift of life %ith a sinceregratitu*e an* EO,> of GO? for the gift of lifeA

"Su**en Shocks" such as acci*ents or lifeDthreatening inci*ents ha<<en in or*er to"%akeDu<" a <ersons min* an* soul to a<<reciate the gift of lifeA These "Su**enShocks" frighten a <erson into the <erce<tion that the' coul* *ie at an' momentho%e@er 'oung an* tragic= making a <erson realise that one is mortal an* that e@er'moment of life is @alua&leA

,er' often <eo<le li@e like "unemotional ro&ots"= <refering a materialistic careerD*ri@en life more than a s<irituall'Dins<ire* lo@ing an* <ur<oseful lifeA

Such "Su**en Shocks" are sent to e@er'ones life as a "gift" to <ro@i*e a <erson %ithan o<<ortunit' to "%akeDu<" an* +CLG> their total <ers<ecti@e of lifeA Nsuall'such "su**en shocks" are @er' *ramatic %ith a s<iritual "&oost" of amabingcouragous energ' to hel< a <erson transform su**enl'A

Such "Su**en Shocks"= an* su**en transformations instill in ones soul an enormousEO,> of GO? an* a<<reciation for the ?,> inter@ention in ones life= to thee)tent that one feels ones life has &een sa@e* &' uniue ?i@ine inter@ention D .4$ש.\ 2! D an* one reall' has &eenי/

Such a <erson %ho reacts to such "su**en shocks" of ?i@ine inter@ention .4$ש./י2!generates an enormous gratitu*e an* sincere EO,> of GO?= EO,> of E>= an*EO,> of S<irit %orl*A rom this moment on%ar*s the lifeDchanging situation %illha@e instille* an irre@ersa&le change of attitu*e= that %ill kee< one energibe* %ith a

 <ure EO,> of GO? an* EO,> of E> for eternit'A

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This EO,> is "TRN> EO,>" .5.0/30 = as it is OT con*itional on an'thing <h'sical= it is <ure as the >ternal ?,> GO?= as this True EO,> of E> energ'has no% connecte* ones soul %ith the ?,> S<iritual source of all energ' in theuni@erseA

When Someone ;ou Eo@e or Someone WhoEo@es 'ou D ?ies an* HassesDO@er to S<irit


L%akening ones s<iritual soul= min* an* thoughts occurs e@er'time someone 'oulo@e *iesA This ha<<ens in e@er'ones lifeA >@er'one has someone @er' s<ecial in their

life %hom the' lo@e %ho *iesA

The &on* of uncon*itional lo@e one has= is in*ee* a s<iritual connection &et%een thet%o of 'our soulsA This &on* of lo@e &et%een 'our souls %ill kee< 'ou connecte* foreternit'A The tremen*ous lo@e energ' is classifie* &' man' as lo@e of soulmates= asthis is no longer *e<en*ant on an'thing <h'sical= it is <urel' s<iritual lo@e %ithinones min* an* soulA

?e@elo<ing this energ' of soulmate lo@e for the <erson 'ou lo@e* %hom is no% inS<irit %orl* no% ena&les a <erson to connect stronger to GO?A

nstincti@el' e@er'one *e@elo<es a change* attitu*e at the meaning of life an* themeaning of "true lo@e"= %hen a <erson is naturall' thinking %ith uncon*itional lo@ea&out someone s<ecial in their life %hom has *ie* an* is no% in S<irit %orl*A

The EO,> of GO? an* EO,> of E> *e@elo<e* %ith this s<iritual connection <otentiall' can ha<<en in e@er'ones life at an' time an* is <art of the continual <rocess of life U *eath that connects all the generations an* s<irit souls= ena&linge@er'one to &ecome more s<irituall' min*e*A

FYK "Su**en nstincti@e Qoments"

"Su**en nstincti@e Qoments" D are s<iritual gifts of energ' that o<en our soul to thes<iritual %orl* an* the inherent *ee< lo@e of GO? %ithin our soulsA These are kno%nas "moments of clarit'"A ne)<lica&le moments in ones life= %here su**enl' a <ersonfeels clear hea*e* an* clear thinkingA This is a gift from the ?i@ine GO? an* s<irit%orl*A

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Lt that moment in 'our life %hen 'ou feel the EO,> of GO? %ork on 'our heart=softening 'ou to &ecome full of true EO,> an* com<assion= then nothing elsematters= an* all 'our <h'sical <ro&lems *issa<ateA eeling this energ' of true EO,>is trul' a gift from GO? A

Eife %ill ne@er &e the same an* the ?i@ine s<iritual transformation has Must &egunASu**enl' ones aims an* am&itions changeA Eife has ne% meaning an* a sense of

 <ur<ose an* most im<ortantlt a true lo@e of life fills ones heartA

Where there is TRN> EO,>= there is GO?A Where there is GO? D there is life= ho<e=faith an* true ha<<iness A Which inatel' creates a life c'cle of a&un*antl' goo*energ' as one %ill al%a's sho% a<<reciation an* gi@e thanks for all the %on*erfulthings %e ha@e in life= making a <ersons heart fill %ith e@en more a&un*ant EO,>energ' out of gratitu*e for the gift an* o<<ortunities of lifeA


IA Nn*erstan*ing Co% To in* Ones


n this section %e shall e)<lain the meaning of "soulmates" an* ho% to fin* an*

i*entif' ones true soulmate= taken from Sefer Shinu'im D the "Book of +hanges"A

We shall e)<lain the s<iritual la% of "T%o t'<es of "SONEQLT>S" one t'<e thatgi@es one *ifficult an* challenging e)<eriences in or*er to teach one im<ortantlessons in life an* the other <erfect harmonious soulmate that is e)catl' i*entical to'ou as heshe is 'our "other half"= the e)act <iece one has &een searching for sinceone %as &orn to com<lete ones soulA

Lfter rea*ing this section %e kno% an* ho<e 'ou %ill &e <lace* on the right <ath%a'

to fin* ones true soulmate an* sto< %asting 'our @ital souls energ' on the "%rongones" \

This section on "Soulmates" is e)<laine* in stagesVD

_A>)<laining the <ur<ose an* meaning of "soulmates" an* "soul grou<s"A

XA>)<laining that one actuall' has X Soulmates :ע#7$1כ = one is a hel< :ע= the other isa challenging o<<osition #7$1כA

YA>)<laining ho% to fin* ones true "soulmate"A

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`A>)<laining the reason for the amabing ine)<lica&le magnetic attraction ofsoulmates= an* %h' one feels= senses an* kno%s ones soulmates thoughts an*feelingsA

>)<laining that onl' the t%o <eo<le "kno%" the' are each others soulmate= %hilst inother <eo<les "sensi&le e'es" the' a<<ear to &e unsuita&le an* e@en uneualA

IA>)<laining %h' there are *ifficulties %hilst "soulmates" are tr'ing to cometogether= through &lockages of /#!יל[ "shells of negati@e energ' co@ering ones soul"=create* from other <eo<les negati@e thoughts that en@elo<e a <erson to &e &locke*A

Co% soulmates themsel@es generate their o%n /#!יל[ "shells of negati@e energ'co@ering ones soul"= negati@e energies %hich challenge= test an* *ou&t themsel@esuntil the' are _JJ a&solutel' certain to kno% that this <erson is ones soulmateA

Then e)<laining ho% to negate an' /#!יל[= negati@e= challenging an* o<<osingenergies in making X soulmates coming an* &eing togetherA

A >)<laining that e@er' soulmate cou<le is a 92[ "small %orl*"A The <rinci<le ofע#לsoulmates nee*ing to <rotect themsel@es an* li@e in their "o%n %orl*" refusing to"allo%Din" an' *estructi@e or negati@e energies into their relationshi< an* ha@ing their o%n uniue <ur<ose an* mission in their li@esA

A >)<laining the s<iritual lo@ing energ' that is create* &' soulmates e@er'time the'

"make lo@e"= %hich creates a s<iritual <rotecting energ' to strengthen their &on*=energibe their li@es an* gro% s<irituall'A

_A >)<laining The Hur<ose Ln* Qeaning Of "Soulmates" Ln* "Soul Grou<s"A

The true <ur<ose of the gift of life on earth is inor*er for our souls to learn an*e)<erience life= through all kin*s of e@ents= o<<ortunities an* challenges throughout

our li@esA

Thankfull' %e are not alone *uring our Mourne' of life= unless ofcourse a <erson &elie@es themsel@es to &e selfish egocentrical "in*i@i*uals"= then e@en amongst largegrou<s of <eo<le the' are lonel' an* *isconnecte*A

"The Soulgrou<"

?uring our Mourne' of life= %e tra@el on this earth in "soul grou<s"= that is a grou<=

culture an* i*entit' %here all the mem&ers of the soul grou< un*erstan* each otheran* li@e on the same <h'sical an* s<iritual %a@elengthA The mem&ers of ones soul

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grou< ma' not all &e ali@e on earth= the' ma' &e s<iritual souls %ho ha@e <asse* ontoto S<irit %orl* &ut mantain contact %ith 'ou as the' are <art of ones soul grou< inmuch the same %a' as "Guar*ian angels" A

One %ill al%a's &e a&le to rel' u<on ones soul grou< to hel<= gui*e= assist= the soulsin ones soul grou< %ill make _JJ certain that one succee*s to fulfill LEE of oneslifes goals= o&Mecti@es= challenges an* <ur<ose ones soul came to earth to learnA

Once a <erson has learnt the lessons of ones life= it is <ossi&le to ele@ate ones soulinto a higher soulgrou<= an* like%ise if one makes a &a* *ecision one can mo@e outof ones soulgrou< into a lo%er grou<A ontheless one al%a's has the intrinsiccontinual o<<ortunit' an* chance to return to ones *estine* soulgrou< an* like%iseon is al%a's guarentee* to &e a&le to fin* their <erfect soulmate= through the hel< ofones "Guar*ian angels" an* hel<ful souls from ones soulgrou<A

"The Soulmate"

Talmu* FSotah XaK teaches that "*estin'" has *esignate* each an* e@er' in*i@i*ual%ith a soulmateA The "soulmate" is actuall' the other half of a <ersonA With onessoulmate one is %holesome= %ithout it one is @oi* an* em<t'A With ones "soulmate"comes a "<ackage" of a home to li@e an* <rofessionMo& an* <ur<ose in lifeA

The s<iritual an* <h'sical energ' of <lanet earth resonates to the num&er TWO=e@er'thing on our <lanet comes in <airsA The >arth itself is <aire* %ith the Qoon= thei*entit' of the >arth nee*s the Qoon to e)ist &oth <h'sicall' an* s<irituall'= in therene%al of energies monthl' an* *ail' ti*al flo%s= as the magnetic <ull of the Qoonsenerg' causes high an* lo% ti*es D the >arth nee*s +CLG> to e)istA

The em<hasis an* im<ortance of fin*ing ones true soulmate is the ke' to success inlifeA The t%o hal@es that make the %hole= once together one can lea* a fulfilling an*

 <ur<oseful life of "*estin'"A Ca@ing the "%rong half" means one *oes not ha@e onessoulmate hence one *oes not ha@e "the ke' of life" to fulfill ones true *estine*

 <ur<ose in lifeA Without the right "ke'"= ones life %ill seem frustrating an* unluck' Dlike stuck in a locke* room full of close* *oors A t ma'&e nice fe% hours= &ut %oul*

 &e frustratingl' <ainful to remain there for the rest of ones life \

The <ur<ose of the "soulmate" is to make a <erson feel %holesome %ith EO,> an*ena&le one to accom<lish the mission an* <ur<ose of life through <h'sical= se)ualan* s<iritual EO,> energ'A >@er'thing constructi@e an* goo* in this life is onl'create* through EO,>A Onl' through the lo@ing energ' create* together %ith onessoulmate creates the <erfect energ' to li@e= &ringing meaning to e@er'thing in ones


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XA >)<laining that e@er'one has XSoulmates= :ע#7$1כ  = one is a hel< :ע= the

other is a challenging o<<osition #7$1כA>@er'one has free%ill choice in life= e@en %hen %e think %e are making a choice= itis either categorise* into a goo* *ecision or a &a* *ecisionA Both *ecisions arechoices that are <otentiall' *estine* for our soul= the &a* *ecisions %e make %illchallenge us an* make life *ifficult for us in or*er to gui*e us to change= making thecorrecti@e *ecision an* fin*ing the correct goo* <ath%a'= our soul instincti@el' onl'fin*s "inner <eace of min*"= %hen %e are on the correct <ath%a'A

Qost <eo<le onl' learn from &a* an* challenging relationshi<sA Such connections%ill ha@e a similar instantaneous magnetic attraction as goo* relationshi<s= as the'too= are *estine* in or*er to teach a <erson im<ortant lessons= &ut the' %ill continueto re<eat <ast <atterns if &a* relationshi<s as there is a lesson a <erson nee*s to learn=an* until one learns the lesson one %ill kee< on &eing magnetic to the &a* an*"challenging" t'<e of relationshi<sA

The X T'<es of Soulmates

":ע D The Cel<"

":ע D The Cel<" soulmates are al%a's _JJ on 'our si*e %ith continual su<<ort=hel<= lo@e= <assion an* an eternal uncon*itional EO,>= an* %hom %oul* >,>R>,>R hurt 'ouA

Whene@er one <lans= talks an* thinks i*eas %ith ones true hel<ful soulmate= the'constructi@el' hel< to energibe ones life %ith lo@ing energ'= ena&ling one to

o@ercome an' negati@it'= mo@ing all o&stacles an* fin*ing the correct <ath%a' tosuccessA Ls ones true hel<ful soulmate al%a's kno%s that the' are ones "Other Calf"=%hen something goo* ha<<ens to the other half of them= the' too &enefit from thisgoo* energ'A

" D The O<<ositionכ#7$1"

 D The O<<osition" soulmates teach a <erson &' constantl' challenging= throughכ#7$1"emotionall' &itter lessons %ith <ain an* *ifficultiesA The "o<<osition" &a*

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relationshi<s al%a's cause a sensi&le <erson to "go close*" on themself emotionall'in or*er to <rotect their soulA

Hrefering to li@e alone in ones min* an* thoughts than communicate %ith such a

*estructi@e <erson in a *'sfunctional relationshi<A L feeling of "li@ing %ith theenem'" ensues= an* e@er'thing one <lans or tells such a <erson gets &locke* an*th%arte* &' their *estructi@e an* negati@e thought energies= critical %or*s an*horri&le actionsA

Nntil it comes a <oint in ones life= %here one sa's ">ONGC" \ Lt such a "&reaking <oint" a <erson ma' loose faith in lo@e= loose faith in relationshi<s= loose faith lifean* %orst of all D loose faith in GO?A

But %hen a <erson realises that such a relationshi< is a *'sfuntional "#7$1כ D

O<<osition" soulmate= then this makes a <erson fin* an inner strength= a*mitting tooneself the truth of the &a* relationshi< an* then learning ho% to fin* ones true _JJlo@ing soulmate the soulmate of ":ע D Cel<"A


 D The Cel<" can sometimes &e a


 D The O<<osition"

There are times that %e all make mistakes in our li@es= an* e@en though %e are li@ing%ith an* ha@e foun* our _JJ lo@ing soulmate= heshe ma' challenge us an* &ea&solutel' right to challenge %ith the strength of "o<<osition"A

The' act in this %a' of challenging "o<<osition" as the' are %ishing to *efen* theiro%n soul= through lo@e of their "Other Calf" of their soul= the' are tr'ing to <rotectthe relationshi< &' an' *estructi@e e)ternal o<<osing energies an* an' negati@einfluence or &a* *ecision the other <erson has ma*eA The' are "challenging an*o<<osing" out of a *ee< sincere lo@e= in or*er to <rotect the %holesomeness of their

 <erfect soulmate unionA


 D The O<<osition" can sometimes

turn into ":ע

 D The Cel<"

' D The O<<osition" soulmates al%a's ha@e the <otential to &ecome <erfectlכ#7$1"_JJ lo@ing soulmates= %ith no more nee* for &itter e)<eriences= <ain or *ifficulties

OE; %hen the' ha@e ha@e refine* an* ele@ate* their soul after learning thenecessar' lessons their souls nee* to learnA

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Soulmates ma' choose to start their relationshi< through a "challenging" an*o<<osing energ'= ho%e@er= &' %orking together an* challenging each othersin*i@i*ualism the' are a&le to transform themsel@es into a single NT>? soulmate=through negating an' o<<osing energies that e)ist &' learning to com<letel' lo@e each

other= an* there&' transform their relationshi< into a _JJ lo@ing hel<ful soulmateunionA

YA >)<laining Co% To in* Ones

True "Soulmate"

When meeting ne% <eo<le in life= connections an* &on*s are ma*e either &ecause the <eo<le share a "common interest" or &ecause one <erson has something the other <erson %antsA

"Hh'sical +hemistr'"

n the case of lo@e an* relationshi<s= men an* %omen are magneticall' arouse* an*attracte* to each otherA ontheless not all men are attracte* to all %omen an* @ice

@ersa= there nee*s to &e a certain "chemistr'" that makes a man an* a %oman "fall inlo@e" %ith each otherA

This "chemistr'" is the energ' of the thoughts in the min*= that is a man an* a %omanonl' reall' feel a connection to each other %hen the' are in harmon' %ith each otherin their min* U thoughtsA This "common factor" ena&les a %holesomeness an*fullness in the relationshi<= other%ise the lo@e is merel' a su<erficial animal D instinctse)ual lo@e= %hich usuall' fa*es %ithin a fe% %eeksA

Cuman &eings %ho are connecte* %ith each other= nee* to ha@e an a&ilit' to think thesame %a' as each other= the' nee* to ha@e a "common factor" in or*er to feel therelationshi< is %holesomeA Cence the reason %h' single <eo<le Moin clu&s an*organisations= or ha@e ho&&ies an* interests as a sense of i*entit' of their <ersonalit'AThere&' ena&ling themsel@es to meet "likeDmin*e*" <eo<le an* ho<efull' fin* asuita&le man%oman %ith %hom the' can ha@e a meaningful relationshi< %ith= astheir inner min*s an* thoughts %ill &e sharing similar i*entities= emotions an*feelingsA

f either &ecome *isintereste* in the "common factor" that originall' unite* them=then their relationshi< %ill ha@e communication <ro&lems lea*ing to an automatic

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"falling out of lo@e"= as their thoughts an* energ' of their min*s no longer ha@ean'thing "in common"A

When a cou<le are not gro%ing together= then the' are gro%ing a<art in their

*i@erging lifest'les an* interestsA Such a relationshi< %ill e@entuall' fail com<letel'=unless one of them changes to &ecome like the otherA

"S<iritual +hemistr'"

The ne)t le@el of relationshi<s is that <eo<le feel a "magnetic" attraction= a "t%inklein the e'e" or @er' lo@el' inner feeling= e@en %ithout talkingA Relationshi<s that are

 <rom<te* &' "Must a thought" of them= seeing them or seeing an'thing that remin*s'ou of them= that is 'our min* an* soul is connecting 'ourself %ith their min* an*


Such thought energies are ones min* an* soul communicating %ith 'ou an* like%ise%ith the other <ersons min* an* soul is feeling the same inner feeling for 'ou= 'oursouls are communicating %ith each other= this gi@es 'ou the "inner s<iritual feeling"that 'ou are ma*e for each other= an ine)<lica&le inner "s<iritual chemistr'"A

Such a "s<iritual chemistr'" is *efinatel' a sign that this is someone im<ortant in'our life an* *efinatel' from ones "soulgrou<" as e)<laine* a&o@eA The im<ortantuestion "ho% *o 'ou i*entif' if the' are 'our true soulmate" This nee*s 'ou toun*erstan* the "soulmate chemistr'"VD

"Soulmate +hemistr'"

Soulmates= an* all mem&ers of ones soulgrou< ha@e a uniue tele<athiccommunication of thought energies in the min*s an* souls of the %hole soulgrou<ALll the souls of ones soulgrou< kno% an* sense e)actl' %hat the other mem&ers arefeelingA The' all ha@e the same thoughts= feelings an* emotions at the same timeA

The' feel <ain= %hen <eo<le in their soulgrou< are in <ain= an* like%ise the' feel theha<<iness= lo@e an* strength from the other souls in their soulgrou<A

The "soulmate chemistr'" means that all the souls of the soulgrou< are constantl'connecte* e@en if the' are <h'sicall' far a%a' from each other= the' are @er' closes<irituall'= as their soul= min* an* thoughts are constantl' connecte*A

This "soulmate chemistr'" is the reason %h' ones "guar*ian angels" an* lo@e* onesin s<irit %orl*= are in constant contact %ith ones soul= as the' are mem&ers of oness<iritual soul grou<A The onl' reason a <erson feels alone an* not in contact %ith

 <eo<le of their same soulgrou< is &ecause one ma' &lock or *en' the e)istence of

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;our Soulmate to &e oun* an* Bring ;ouTogether 

>@er' <ra'er hel<s to connect ones soul to S<irit %orl* an* &rings a <erson closer tothe ?,> GO? that creates an* sustains this Nni@erseA

Lll connections to "S<irit Worl*" %ill increase an* strengthen 'our s<iritual strength=this inclu*es <ra'ing at the gra@esites of s<irituall' strong an* goo* souls= es<eciall'

 <ra'ing at the gra@esites of goo* <eo<le one kne% an* lo@e*= an*or <ra'ing atamous Ra&&is U Re&&es hol' gra@sites= sen*ing <ra'er reuests into the amousRa&&i ;onatan Ben Nbiel an* ofcourse continuall' gi@ing thanks for the gift of life%hilst asking for hel< an* gui*ance to fin* ones true soulmateA

One can use the Hra'ers for Soulmate from Sefer Tikunim= &ut e@en stronger oneshoul* use ones o%n language to <ra' from ones heart for ones soulmate %ith a fe%heartfelt emotions an* tearsA

t *oes not matter %hat time of the *a' or night= %hene@er one intuiti@el' an*s<irituall' feels the right moment to <ra' an* ask for s<iritual hel<= then light acan*le an* <ra' in %hate@er language 'ou un*erstan*A The stronger ones inners<iritual connection the sooner ones true soulmate %ill &e foun* &' s<irit %orl* an*

'ou %ill come togetherA

Eighting +an*les or ;our Soulmate

Eight X +an*les V

One or ;ou an* One or ;our Soulmate

n <re<aring for 'our soulmate to come into 'our life= 'ou %ill *e@elo<e a selflessan* s<iritual character= &' lighting a can*le for the soul of 'our soulmate e@en though'ou ha@e not met himher 'et= 'ou are sho%ing a lo@e= com<assion an* *esire to <ra'an* hel< someone else= %ho is actuall' ;ONR other halfA

Eearning to sho% lo@e= *esiring to gi@e selflessl' an* uncon*itionall' to another <erson is all <art of "gro%ingDu<" from &eing a *eman*ing selfish chil* to lo@inguncon*itionall'= an* there&' &ecome a <erfect <otential <arentA

Lsk 'ourself= "%oul* 'ou gi@e >,>R;TCG of %hat 'ou ha@e to 'our soulmate"if the ans%er is ";>S"= then 'ou ha@e un*erstoo* that gi@ing to 'our soulmate is

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infact Must gi@ing to 'ourself= a c'cle of life energ'A The conce<t of sharing an* gi@inglo@e in a soulmate lo@ing relationshi< is the s<iritual &asis of life= as in the c'cle oflife in the %hole Nni@erse= the ?,> GO? constantl' gi@es e@er'thing toe@er'oneA

When <ra'ing for ones soulmate= ne@er focus 'our thoughts on an' <articular <erson=as the' ma' not &e 'ours= an* an e@en &etter <erson %ill &e 'our *estine* <erfectsoulmate= an* then &e "o<en" to listen to 'our inner @oice of gui*ance an* L+T= thereis no <oint in <ra'ing an* then ?OG OTCG %hen one has a feeling to gosome%here or s<eak to someone \

"Within _X Qonths"

The S<iritual guarentee from Sefer Shinu'im D Book of +hanges an* from amousRa&&i ;onatan Ben Nbiel= is that %ithin _X months of <ra'ers of asking GO? an*S<irit %orl* to fin* ones true soulmate then one %ill fin* himher= ?,>coince*ences= e)<eriences an* feelings %ill occur to gui*e 'ou to 'our soulmate an*gui*e 'our soulmate to 'ouA

n section I &elo% %e e)<lain %h' there are *ifficulties %hilst "soulmates" are tr'ingto come together= through &lockages of /#!יל[ of other <eo<les negati@e thoughts thaten@elo<e a <erson to &e &locke*= an* e)<lain ho% to negate U eliminate these


"+om<are to Qo*ern ?a' nternet"

f one is searching for someone on the internet than one first nee*s to get a com<uteran* &e online= then a <erson nee*s to search &' using a search engine like google or'ahooA

Similarl' s<irituall'= in searching for ones true soulmate= one first nee*s to &elie@e in

GO? an* S<irit %orl*= connecting &' %a' of <ra'ers an* lighting can*les for GO?an* S<irit %orl* for ?,> hel< to fin* ones soulmate= an* then "&e o<en"= listenan* allo% one to &e gui*e* to meet ones soulmateA

>@er'one has a <erfect soulmate an* %hen 'ou fin* himher 'our soul %illinstincti@el' kno%= 'our life %ill "magicall'" o<en u< %ith an amabing life @italit' oflo@e an* lifeDgi@ing energ'A

With 'our true soulmate 'ou %ill feel an eternal EO,> energ'= as soulmates e)iste*in s<irit %orl* &efore %e %ere &orn %hen our souls arri@e* on earth an* %ill e)isteunifie* together once %e *ie an* lea@e this earthA The interme*iar' 'ears of life on

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earth is the challenge that %e must ensure %e %aste no time in fin*ing our truesoulmate to li@e a %holesome <ur<oseful lo@ing life togetherA

The True Soulmate

"One %ho looks for mone'= &eaut'= status or an'thing <h'sical in a relationshi<

%ill >,>R fin* their true soulmate" uote* from Tana ?e@ei >li'ahu

n seeking 'our true Soulmate ask 'ourself the follo%ing uestionsVD

When contem<lating ones emotions %ith res<ect to ones true soulmate= one nee*s toask "?o 'ou %ant to &e so *ifferent from that <erson" OR "?o 'ou %ish to actuall'

 &e i*entical to that <erson= an* &e a <art of that <erson= in e@er' single %a' "

n the *esire to &e that <erson= an* &ecome a com<lete <art of that <ersons life &ecause in*ee* a true soulmate is the "other half"= one is moti@ate* an* <re<are* tochange ones min*= thoughts an* e@en <h'sical e)istence to &e %ith himher=energibe* &' a magnetic lo@e from the soulA

This <o%er from ones soul is an i*entit' that in*icates ones "true soulmate"= the*esire to reunite 'our souls together as O> in this %orl* as 'ou ha@e &een &efore'ou came into this %orl* an* %ill &e unite* eternall' in s<irit %orl* after lea@ing this

 <h'sical life for eternit'= an* refusing to allo% an'thing <h'sical or material *istractor &lock 'our souls from &eing togetherA One %ill not fin* true inner "<eace of min*"%ithing ones min* an* soul until one is %ith ones true soulmateA


`A >)<laining The Reason or The Lmabing

ne)<lica&le Qagnetic Lttraction Of SoulmatesA

n this section %e e)<lain the s<iritual reason for the amabing ine)<lica&le magneticattraction of soulmates= an* %h' one feels= senses an* kno%s e@er'thing onessoulmate is thinking an* feelingA

nstantaneous Qagnetic Lttraction

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Soulmates ha@e an instantanous magnetic attraction to each other= as theirrelationshi< is &lesse* &' ?,> GO?= &lesse* &' S<irit %orl* an* "*estine*" as a"ke' of life" for their li@es together on earthA

>@en <eo<le %ho tr' an* fight this magnetic soulmate lo@e *esire for each other= %illfin* their efforts to &lock themsel@es futile an* %ill e@entuall' &e togetherA Lssoulmates %ill ne@er fin* "<eace of min*" an* true <ur<oseful fulfillment of theirsouls until the' are together= &oth <h'sicall' an* s<irituall' togetherA True soulmatesal%a's nee* an* lo@ingl' enMo' &eing together all the timeA

The reason for this ine)<lica&le magnetic attraction &et%een soulmates is that theirGuar*ian Lngels are gui*ing them an* &ringing energ' to &oth <eo<lesimultaneousl'= in or*er to "force"= gui*e an* &ring this soulmate cou<le togetherAOfcourse selfish ego= stu&&orness an* free%ill choice can &lock this= &ut e@entuall'

"soulmates" al%a's come togetherA >ach <ersons Guar*ian Lngels %ill ensure thisha<<ens= ho%e@er illogical \

Wrong Relationshi<s Ll%a's ail

Similarl'= the reason %h' "%rong" relationshi<s= lo@ers an* marriages fail is that eachof the in*i@i*uals Guar*ian Lngels are conflicting %ith the other <ersons Guar*ianLngels= &oth in*i@i*uals are incom<ata&le on a s<iritual le@el an* hence e@entuall'

the' en* u< conflicting on a <h'sical le@elA

L "sign" for this is that there are conflicts= *isharmon' an* in&alances in therelationshi< an* @er' often a <erson enMo's ha@ing "SHL+>" a%a' from the other=an* in the "s<ace" a <erson feels enli@ene* an* ha<<' for this free*om \ Thisreuirement for "s<ace" is an energ' from ones Guar*ian Lngels to <ull one a%a'from a &a* an* %rong relationshi<A

Once the %rong <erson is out of ones life= "goo* fortune" al%a's ha<<ens in a <ersons life= as a s<iritual sign from ones Guar*ian Lngels that one is no% on the

correct <ath%a' an* free from that "negati@e" <erson A

>@er'one &elie@es in "SGS" as these gi@e e@er'one an in*ication of goo* energ'= agoo* omen to ones soul %hich is li@ing in this real <h'sical %orl* that one is %ith theright <erson *oing the right thing at the right timeA f one feels "uncomforta&le" ormisfortune ha<<ens %here it has not ha<<en* &efore= then take this as a sign an* ha@e"closure" an* <lease run a%a' from them \\\

Once one has "closure" from "*raining" <eo<le= a <ositi@e energ' of e)citement an*

"ali@eness" is gi@en &' ones Guar*ian Lngels= this is &ecause ones soul is "&lockingsuccess" %hen one is %ith &a* <eo<leA The more s<iritual an* sensiti@e a <erson is=

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the stronger the "&locking energ'" cause* &' other <eo<les transference energ'=through ones Guar*ian Lngels as sign to <rotect 'ouA

Soulmates +ommunicate &' ">'e +ontact"#070ל7[ל/0.ש0.7ע.10יש  


The Talmu* Zi*ushin `_a e)<lains that a <erson is for&i**en to marr' unless the' seeeach other %ith their e'esA The Talmu* *oes not sa' "talk to each other" or kiss etcA=

 &ut the talmu* sa's a <erson nee*s to "to see" %ith ones e'esA

This is &ecause ones e'es are the %in*o%s to ones soul= an* "e'e contact" means that

'our souls are communicating %ith each otherA Onl' &' "e'e contact" %ill 'ou kno%that this <erson is 'our soulmate an* onl' through 'our continual "e'e contact" 'oursouls are communicating %ith each otherA

IA Wh' There Lre ?ifficulties Whilst"Soulmates" Lre +oming Together +reate*

B' Blockages Of /#!יל[ Other Heo<les egati@e Thoughts That >n@elo<e L Herson

Ln* BlockA

Sometimes there are *ifficulties %hilst "soulmates" are tr'ing to come together=through &lockages of /#!יל[ of other <eo<les negati@e thoughts that en@elo<e a <erson

to &e &locke*= the reason is that the union of "soulmates" is ,>R; HOW>RNE an*man' <eo<le are Mealous= hateful an* s<iteful %ith en@' that one has *e@elo<e*s<irituall' %ith a %on*erful soulmate union of lo@e= e@en *estructi@e an* controlling"%ell meaning" <arents can &e Mealous an* create negati@e &lockages\

 egati@e Blockages D /#!יל[

*[ D"klee<es" literall' translate* are "la'ers of har* shells"A S<irituall' the %orלי!#/[ D "klee<es" is use* in reference to shells of negati@e energ' that attachלי!#/

themsel@es to ones soul an* <re@ent "life energ'" from ?,> GO? an* fromS<irit %orl* coming into ones soul= these /#!יל[ D "klee<es" are create* &' negati@e

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emotions an* thoughts such has hate= Mealous'= *eceit an* liesA These negati@e &lockages are create* &' a <erson or &' other <eo<le %ho %ish to &lock ones lifeA

"Blockages" are create* &' negati@e thought energ' hence the' are easil' cancelle*D

out through the <o%er of <ra'er an* s<eech= as e)<laine* in the cha<ter Eoss &'"Transference"A

Resisting "+hange" +reates Blockages

When a <erson finall' meets their soulmate= the' %ill &oth &e in a transition <erio* of inner change= until the' come together as one in <h'sical se)ual lo@eA This is &ecause

 &oth ha@e &een li@ing a "half life" %ithout their soulmate an* a*a<te* to a*'sfunctional life %hilst li@ing aloneA Therefore= some changes %ill &e necessar'A

f either one resist these changes in their li@es= through their in*e<en*ant= selfishchil*ish %a's of thinking= or their stu&&orn ego then this creates /#!יל[ D "klee<es"negati@e &lockagesA Onl' %hen the' realise that each other is the "other half" of theother an* then *eci*e* to gro%Du< into mature selfless a*ultsA

Lt that moment of inner *ecision the' %ill &oth resist the nee* to create &lockages ofmo@ing for%ar* &' "hol*ing onto" their <ast= an* then the' %ill come together for aunite* %on*erful future for their soul %hich is O>= an* then there is no longer suchthing as X <eo<le in a soulmate= the' are sim<l' O> unitA

Other Heo<le Who Wish to "+ontrol" Ln*"O%n" ;our Soul +reates Blockages

The other &lockage of /#!יל[ is create* from other <eo<les negati@e thoughts thaten@elo<e a <erson to &e &locke*= the reason is that the union of "soulmates" is ,>R;HOW>RNE an* man' <eo<le are Mealous= hateful an* s<iteful %ith en@' that one

has *e@elo<e* s<irituall' an* has a %on*erful soulmate union of lo@e= e@en*estructi@e an* controlling <arents can &e Mealous an* create negati@e &lockages\

Single <eo<le %ho feel that the' are "into their career" or "committe*" to their Mo&= <rofession or &usiness an* ha@e no time for lo@ing relationshi<s= ma' think the' aremaking a goo* *ecision themsel@es= ho%e@er in realit' the' *o not OW their o%nsoulsA The' ha@e "sol* their souls to the *e@il"= to their career or to the lo@e of"making mone'"= as the' are not in control of their o%n li@es an* ha@e gi@en theirsoulful <o%er a%a'= this %ill create the same &lockage in their li@es= an* th%art their

o%n s<iritual success in fin*ing their true soulmateA

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These negati@e &lockages are *issol@e* &' cancelling out through <ra'er= <o%er ofs<eech an* inner change= as e)<laine* in Eoss &' "Transference"= then the cou<lemust learn to &e _JJ close* an* &e s<irituall' <rotecte* to such negati@it' %hich istr'ing to challenge an* &lock their soulmate unionA

?issol@e Lll egati@e Blockages D /#!יל[

Eight L Single +an*le

A >@er' Soulmate +ou<le s L

]92ע#ל "Small Worl*"A>@er' soulmate cou<le is a 92[ "small %orl*"A The <rinci<le of soulmatesע#לnee*ing to <rotect themsel@es an* li@e in their "o%n %orl*" refusing to "allo%Din"an' *estructi@e or negati@e energies into their relationshi< an* ha@ing their o%nuniue <ur<ose an* mission in their li@es is @ital to the e)istence an* sur@i@al of their soulmate %orl*A

Therefore= %hene@er a soulmate cou<le feels an' form of negati@it' in their lo@ing

relationshi< D light a single can*le= an* em&race each other %ith lo@e= as the' areO>= this unit' s'm&olibe* in O> can*le an* connecting %ith the ?,> S<irit%orl* %ill <rotect them an* negate an' negati@it' from %home@er an* %here@er ithas come fromA

When a soulmate cou<le are together the' are <rotecting each other from an' e)ternalnegati@e influences= in fact the' are li@ing in their o%n ]92ע#ל "small %orl*" an*almost o&li@ious to an' negati@it' that e)ists or an' negati@it' that the' %oul* ha@esense* %hen the' %ere singleA Being together an* li@ing in their o%n %orl*=

es<eciall' %hen unifie* as one unit in making se)ual lo@e= creates s<iritual an* <h'sical lo@e energ' %hich <rotects from all negati@it'A

A >@er'time "Soulmates" Qake Se)ualEo@e The' +reate S<iritual >nerg' That

Hrotects Their Souls

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There is a s<iritual lo@ing energ' create* &' soulmates e@er'time the' "make lo@e"=%hich creates a s<iritual <rotecting energ' to strengthen their &on*= energibe theirli@es an* gro% s<irituall'A

The act of making se)ual lo@e %ith ones soulmate unites the t%o se<erate <h'sical &o*ies in the most natural %a'= the %omans &o*' is lacking an* the mans <h'sical &o*' has the missing <iece that unites the t%o &o*iesA Onl' through their lo@ingarousal for each other= through <assion an* lo@e the' unite in the act of se)ual lo@eA

>@er'time one makes se)ual lo@e this creates s<iritual energ' for ones unite* soul=the same %a' that "making se)ual lo@e" &rings the <otential for a chil* to &econcei@e*= that is to sa' that "se)ual lo@e" has the <otential to &ring a s<irit soul*o%n from s<irit %orl* of souls into this <h'sical %orl*A Eike%ise e@er'time onemakes se)ual lo@e %ith ones soulmate this unites the <h'sical an* s<iritual union of

their soul an* creates a <o%erful s<iritual energ'A

"Qake L Wish"

Sefer Shinu'im e)<lains that at the s<ecific moment a man orgasms= eMaculates s<erminsi*e a %oman= he has &rought an angelic an* s<iritual energ' into this %orl*A

The s<iritual tra*ition at this s<ecific moment is for a man to then sa' "make a %ish"=although once the' &oth &ecome accustome* to each other the' he no longer nee*s tosa' it as the %oman kno%s= e@en so if a man feels a @er' s<ecial energ' D he shoul*sa' "make a %ish"A

The s<iritual energ' of the angel create* &' the se)ual lo@e in the soulmate union hasthe energ' to hel<= gui*e= <rotect an* &ring goo* fortune into their li@es= &ut it nee*sthe %oman to recei@e the &lessing an* for her to "make the %ish"A

t is a re%ar* an* thanks to the %oman for her <assion an* lo@e that the man has theenerg' an* *esire to lo@e= this is her uniue re%ar* for her kin*ness= su<<ort an* lo@e

for her soulmate manA

This is s<iritual reason that use of con*om or "coming outsi*e"= mastur&ating= or an'other act other than a mans <enis insi*e a %omans @agina making se)ual lo@e= createsa negati@e &lockage of energ' u<on the soul /#!יל[ = as e)<laine* a&o@e an* on the

 <age "Cealth U ?iet"A

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We un*erstan* that this section on "Soulmates" is long an* the %e&<age Eife of Eo@e is@er' long= %e %ishe* to kee< the original from Sefer Shinu'im D Book of +hanges an*not s<lit the <ure kno%le*ge in *ifferent <agesA

 ontheless %e shall &e inserting link to a se<arate %e&<age Se)ual Eo@e an* ha@e ma*ea se<arate %e&<age on "Hra'ers an* Co% to fin* ones soulmate" %ith kno%le*ge from

 &oth Sefer Shinu'im an* Sefer TikunimA


A Nn*erstan*ing That L "Eife Of Eo@e"

Brings >nerg'= Eo@e Ln* Cealing To Qan'Heo<les Ei@esA

The <ure ?,> s<iritual creati@e an* lifeDgi@ing energ' of "EO,>" that flo%sfrom the ?,> S<iritual realms is channele* into this %orl* through enlightene*souls an* through LEE lo@ing <eo<le= this lifeDgi@ing energ' is ra*iate* from the soulan* acts to gi@e life energ' an* enlighten <eo<le all o@er the %orl*A

The enlightene* lo@ing com<assionate an* s<irituall'Dmin*e* <erson acts to channelan* &ring to the %orl* a "lifeDgi@ing" energ'= through the constant connection to thes<iritual %orl* such souls &ring to this <h'sical %orl* the energ' for others to li@eA

>@er'thing %e ha@e an* e@er'thing %e are= is i*entifie* in our soul &' the amount ofsincere EO,> %e &ring into this %orl*= the lo@ing energ' %e glo% an* ra*iate= in thislife= from <re@ious li@es an* in the future eternal s<iritual %orl*A This measure of lo@ethat %e e)u*e each moment of e@er' *a' i*entifies the s<iritual le@el of our soulA Themore com<assion an* lo@e the more energ' %ithin our soul= the more hatre*=

 Mealous'= sa*ness an* anger the less energ' %ithin our soulA

Eo@e @ersus Cate= Eife @ersus ?eath

+hoose Eife U Eo@e AAA /45יי


t is im<ossi&le to ha@e X emotions at the same time= one can either ha@e emotions ofEo@e or emotions of Cate= one can either &e ha<<' or sa*A t is im<ossi&le to &e

 <ositi@e an* negati@e at the same time= the s<irit soul is naturall' either <ositi@e ornegati@e= this is the free%ill choice of li@ing lifeA

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When a <erson is <ositi@e= ha<<' an* lo@ing a <erson is connecte* to the ?,> lifecreati@e energ' of GO?= %hereas %hen a <erson is negati@e= *estructi@e hateful an**e<resse* one has *isconnecte* from the ?,> source of life= an* ofcourse it isim<ossi&le to &e connecte* to GO? an* *isconnecte* to GO?= hence a <erson is

either <ositi@e or negati@e= lo@ing or hateful= ali@e or *ea*= creati@e or *estructi@e=selfless or selfish= o<timistic or <essimistic= s<iritual or materialisticA

t is im<ossi&le to &e lo@ing an* hateful at the same time= as all emotions of EO,>connect one to life= %hereas all emotions of hate *isconnect one from life= e@en themost hateful an* *estructi@e <eo<le %hen "making lo@e" %ith their s<ouses &ecomelo@ing an* connect %ith life energ' \

This is the free%ill challenge of life an* the constant internal struggle in life toal%a's &e @igilant of ones moo*s an* emotions= ensuring one is al%a's <ositi@e=

constructi@e= com<assionate= kin* an* lo@ing to make the free%ill choice tocontinuall' think of emotions of EO,> %hich create an* &ring E>= refusing to &enegati@el' influence* &' &a* <eo<le an* al%a's &locking an' negati@e emotions ofhate= sa*ness *e<ression an* "selfD*estruction"A

ocus On Eo@ing Thoughts

>@er' moment %e ha@e emotions an* thoughts of EO,>= %e are connecting

oursel@es to GO? D the ?,> source of all E>= there&' gi@ing our soul energ'an* sustainanceA

or e@er' emotion of hate= Mealous'= en@' an* sa*ness= one is *isconnecting ones soulfrom the ?,> life energ'= an* hence &ringing *eath= sa*ness= *e<ression an* selfD*estruction into ones lifeA

The Strength an* Ho%er Of Ones Soul

s Qeasure* B' The lo% Of Eo@e

Through Ones Soul

L <ersons souls is i*entifie* &' the amount of energ' flo%ing through itA Thestrongest <eo<le in the %orl* channel more thoughtDenerg' into their min*= soul an*

 &o*'= an* share this energ' %ith other <eo<le &' gi@ingDout an energ' that energibesother <eo<les li@es= through their thoughts or <o%er of s<eechA

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The eternal ?,> energ' of life is EO,>= therefore a strong an* <o%erful soulallo%s more EO,> energ' to channel through it than a %eaker soulA The more a

 <erson gi@es to others the more a <erson &rings into ones life= like a flo%ing ri@er oflife energ'A EO,> energ' is selfless an* the OE; %a' to &ring more lo@e into ones

life is &' gi@ing out EO,> energ' to other <eo<leA

The amount of flo%ing "EO,>" energ' one has in ones life= in*icates the amount of"life energ'"= the more flo%ing lo@ing energ' in ones life the greater the <o%er%ithin ones soulA

Heo<le %ho feel their life is stagnant= &locke*= frustatingl' *ull an* nothing ne% isha<<ening in their life= feel this &ecause there is O >W lo@ing life energ' flo%inginto their li@esA The' are li@ing from "lo@ing energ'" create* in the <ast instea* of

creating ne% lo@e energ' in the <resentA Nn&locking starts &' allo%ing a ne% flo% ofEO,> energ' into ones life imme*iatel' OW D in the <resent momentA

Eearning to sa' TCLZ ;ON an* &eing grateful to GO? for the gift of life=recognising ho% luck' %e are for e@er' secon* of lifeA Think of the fact that on this

 <lanet there are <eo<le %ho are in far %orse situations than %e are= there are <eo<le%ho are *'ing of star@ation an* *isease on this <lanet= <eo<le %ho ha@e no frien*s=noDone to lo@e in their life= or noDone that lo@es themA

f in*ee*= 'ou feel that 'ou ha@e noDone to lo@e in their life= or noDone that lo@es 'ou=then 'ou +L &reakDout of such a life= &' learning to EO,>A

Eearning to EO,>

The first ste< in starting the flo% of life energ' of EO,> is learning to EO,>= fin*someone that 'ou can EO,>= e@en gi@ing EO,> an* affection for a cat or <et animalhel<s to start the flo% of EO,> energ'A

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ocus ones thoughts of thinking lo@e for that <erson= it is much easier to thinkuncon*itional lo@ing thoughts for <eo<le %hom ha@e *ie* an* <asse* o@er to s<irit%orl*= es<eciall' lo@ing gran*<arents or @er' goo* frien*sA

This is es<eciall' true D %hene@er a <erson feels sa*= lonel' an* *e<resse*=imme*iatel' TCZ EO,G TCONGCTSA Then continue to fin* more an* morereasons to lo@e more an* more <eo<leA f one looks carefull' one %ill al%a's fin*reasons to EO,>A Whereas a *e<resse* an* *estructi@e <erson %ill al%a's fin*reasons to com<lain an* hateA

Eight L +an*le or Eo@e

Sa' L Hra'er or Other Heo<leEearn to sho% lo@e an* com<assion &' <ra'ing sincerel' for other <eo<le= sto<%orr'ing a&out ones o%n life an* start to learn ho% to <ra' sincerel' for other <eo<le%ith com<assion= <it' an* lo@eA Eight a can*le an* sa' a <ra'erA

The more one <ra's %ith EO,> for other <eo<le= the more one &ecomes a s<iritualchannel of EO,>= a channeling source of life energ' from s<irit %orl* to this

 <h'sical %orl* to hel< other <eo<leA Then the channel of life energ' through onessoul %ill gro%= ra*iating a lo@ing energ' that is magnetic for true ha<<iness an* lo@eA

This channel of life energ' of lo@e %ill kee< one connecte* to s<iritual life energ' ofGO?A Once a <erson has connecte* an* feels the ?,> lifeDgi@ing energ' ofEO,> it is im<ossi&le to go &ack to a *e<ressing life= an* a ne% <ath%a' of s<iritualenlightenement is foun*A

The <ur<ose of life is to "fin* GO?" an* fin*ing the source of eternal life energ' ofEO,> in this <h'sical %orl*= %here so much seems to &e o&scure* to ones <h'sicale'es= ho%e@er once a <erson o<ens ones s<iritual senses an* s<iritual e'es one %ill

see= feel the truth= fin*ing EO,> of GO?= EO,> of Eife an* EO,> of all creationsof GO?= lea*ing to a stronger faith an* trust in GO? D the ?,> creator of thismagnificent Nni@erseA

Ra*iating "Eo@e" D Ceals

Once a <erson learns to transform ones o&Mecti@es from a life of selfish materialisminto one of "selfless s<iritualism"= then a <erson %ill &e acting as a channel of lifeenerg' of EO,> an* com<assion from the ?,> s<iritual realmsA The <ersons

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soul %ill ra*iate an* glo% %ith an aura of life an* lo@e= e@er'one %ho connects= seesan* senses such a <erson %ill &e ra*iate* &' the s<iritual glo% of their soulA

This glo%ing s<iritual energ' of <ure life energ' is channele* &' this soul= an* acts to

 <ro@i*e e@er'one= Fe@en the non &elie@ers= %ho connect %ith such a goo* soulK= %itha source of life energ'A

The ?,> life energ' of EO,> creates life= sustains life an* heals life= such aconnection %ith a channel of s<iritual life energ' gi@es a <ersons soul the confi*ence=faith an* inner <o%er to li@e life to their fullest <otentialA

The transformation an* o<<ortunit' for change %ill come in e@er'ones life after tooman' e)<eriences %hen one feels continuall' *raine*= tire* an* *e<resse*A Realisingthat onl' thoughts of lo@e an* connections %ith channels of life energ' to goo* souls=

are instantaneousl' energibing ones lifeA Then su**enl'= like an internal light &eings%itche*Don= one learns= realises an* *eci*es to change ones futile *raining <ath%a'an* &ecome a s<iritual channel in the selfless ser@ice of GO? an* learning to ha@efaith in a "Eife of Trust in GO?"A

A Nn*erstan*ing The >ternal S<iritual Ea%Of Eo@eP Eo@e +an e@er Be ?estro'e*A

The ?,> source of energ' for e@er' single soul= e@er'thing in this <h'sicaluni@erse an* in the ?,> S<irit %orl* is the >T>RLE ?,> EO,>= %hichcan ne@er &e *estro'e*A o one or nothing can e@er *estro' this true lo@e energ' Dthis is the eternal s<iritual la% of lo@eA

"+reate* &' GO?"

>@er'thing create* &' GO? e)ists eternall'P e@er'thing create* in this <h'sical

Nni@erse e)ists for eternit'A >@er'thing has &een create* %ith eternal ?,>EO,>A When %e emulate our +R>LTOR an* create %ith EO,> this infuses a?,> life energ' into that <h'sical entit'= hence chil*ren are concei@e* throughlo@e of the <arentsP <lants= flo%ers an* animals continue the c'cle of life through lo@eenerg'A

"+reate* &' GO? D ?estro'e* B' Qan"

>@er'thing create* &' GO? e)ists for eternit'= &ut it can &e *estro'e* in this <h'sical%orl* &' the e@il of manA

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The nature of mankin* is to *estro'A >@er' *a' our <h'sical &o*ies eats %holesomefoo*= fruit an* @egeta&les turning this goo* foo* into *isgusting <oisonous smell'faecesDe)crementA >@er' *a' our &o*ies con@ert goo* foo* into e)crement= the more

 <h'sical an* gree*ier a <erson is= the more a <erson eats hence the more *estruction a

 <erson is causing &' creating more faecesDe)crementA

Our challenge in life is to &e more like the ?,> creator of the Nni@erse an* createlife energ' more than %e *estro'A This is es<eciall' true in our generation= %ith theconcern that %e are *estro'ing the air ualit' an* <rotecti@e obone la'er of the earthin the en@ironment %ith e@er' Mourne' %e make in gasDgubbling cars= causing *amageto this <lanet earth an* causing *estructi@e climate changeA

The Eess nfluence of Qan D The Qore?i@ine

The more mankin* messes %ith creations of GO?= the more *estruction cause*=hence the most LTNRLE <laces on earth that ha@e &een create* from the &eginningof time at the creation of this Nni@erse &' GO? that are the most uns<oilt &' manha@e the most ?,> energ'A

This is the reason %h' e@er'one feels an* a<<reciates the natural ?,> energ' of

mountains= hills= green countr'si*e= natural %aterfalls= the seas= &eaches an* the sk'AThe less mankin*s8 *estructi@e influence the more inherent GO?E; energ' infuse*%ithin an* u<on itA

The ?i@ine >nerg' +an e@er Be?estro'e*

When %e consi*er an* look at the magnificence of the %hole uni@erse= %e see that

continuit' of the ?,> energ' in the stars an* <lanets that can ne@er &e touche* or*estro'e* &' mankin*A >@er'thing GO?E; can ne@er &e *estro'e* &' mankin*=e@er'thing S<iritual can ne@er &e *estro'e* &' mankin*= the reason is that the eternalenerg' of creation %hich is EO,> can >,>R &e *estro'e*A EO,> lasts eternal'fore@erA

"Hrotection from ?estruction"

The onl' %a' to <rotect our souls from *estruction is &' connecting to the ?,>source of EO,>= %hich guarentees eternal s<iritual lifeA The more EO,G %e

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 &ecome= the more s<irituall' enlightene* an* the closer %e come to the ?,>creator of the Nni@erseA

Nn*erstan*ing that the e)istence of our soul *e<en*s on the closer %e come to our

?,> creator= the more com<assionate an* lo@ing %e &ecome= an* the less selfishan* *estructi@eA

+hanging U Nn*oing The Hast ?estruction

Nn*erstan*ing that the most im<ortant <rinci<le an* s<iritual la% of +hange= .!י.עשש.01שש1י03ל6י#/.5.0ש40/  D "One moment of lo@e gi@es more life an* is

%orth more than a _JJJ 'ears of hate"A

The foun*ational essence of !י#1יש  D Sefer Shinu'im Book of +hanges= is thatthrough one thought of EO,>= connecting ones soul to the ?,> source ofs<iritual energ' of EO,> one can change an* ha@e <o%er more than _JJJ 'ears ofhate an* *estructionA

>ach an* e@er' thought %e ha@e creates an energ'= a lo@ing thought has the <o%er ofGO?E; eternal life energ'= %hereas a *estructi@e thought onl' has the <o%er of thatmoment= hence one focuse* thought of lo@e can era*icate _JJJ8s of 'ears of hateenerg'A

"Cate Ll%a's ?ies"

When %e think in hin*sight of the histor' of the %orl*= looking an* laughing at the*estruction of all the hateful= mur*erous an* *ea*l' em<ires such as the >g'<tian= theBa&'lonians= the Greeks= the Romans= e@en the Turkish an* abi German >m<ires=%e see that O> of these em<ires e)ist to*a'A Fremem&er the funn' rh'me %e use*to sa' in school= at the useless learning of Eatin= "Eatin is a language as *ea* as can

 &e D first it kille* the romans D no% its killing me"\K

Lll the hateful *estructi@e regimes an* enemies of goo* s<irituall' lo@ing <eo<le כלל

=" are all as "*ea*= &urie*= forgotten an* insignificantיש0ל יש0כלל  %ith itsfoun*ation an* <rinci<les of EO,> an* +OQHLSSO sur@i@es an* outli@es allhateful regimesA Cate al%a's *ies= Eo@e al%a's sur@i@es li@es eternall'A

"Eo@e Ll%a's >)ists >ternall'"

This is the eternal ?,> *ecree an* s<iritual la% of life= that EO,> %ill al%a's

e)ist an* outli@e hateA Eo@e is the energ' of <h'sical an* s<iritual lifeA When a <ersonhas a glim<se an* reflects on the most %on*erful moments of life= one onl'

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remem&ers the e)citing moments of EO,>A Our soul hol*s an* retains the energ' ofEO,> eternall'A The OE; goo*ness in the %hole uni@erse is EO,>A The OE;goo*ness in the %hole uni@erse is GO? D The ?,> GO? is EO,>A

"The ?,> GO? is EO,>"


The Ce&re% %or* 5#2 means GOO? D Gematria umerical ,alue _

The onl' true goo*ness comes %hen one is %holesome %ith lo@e of ones soulmate

+ha<ter _ of Sefer Shinu'im is "Eife of Eo@e" is the most im<ortant cha<ter as it isthe Z>; to li@ing life in this %orl*= connecting this <h'sical %orl* to the eternals<iritual %orl* %ith EO,> of GO?= EO,> of Eife an* true EO,> of ones SoulmateA

The >ssence an* source of LEE goo*ness in the %orl* is EO,>A The Ho%er an*>nerg' of EO,> eliminates all negati@it'= &lockages= *eath= sa*ness an* e@ilA TheHo%er an* >nerg' of EO,> creates energ' from >ternal S<iritual %orl* %hich healsour souls an* &o*ies in this <h'sical %orl*A Eo@e is the ke' to e@er'thing in thisWorl* an* Mourne' %e call "Eife"A

L "Eife ull of Wholesome Se)ual Eo@e"" .!









"One moment of lo@e gi@es more life an* is %orth more than a _JJJ 'ears of hate"A

The >ssence of !י#1יש  D Sefer Shinu'im Book of +hanges

+oming soon *uring XJJ] =

L +om<lete >)<lanation of Wholesome "Se)ual Eo@e" in accor*ance %ith

"Eife of Eo@e" from Sefer Shinu'im

+oming soon in Lutumn XJJ D "Work in Hrogress" \\\

an* ho<e to com<lete in the Lutumn of XJJ \

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n the meantime <lease rea* " E> O EO,> "

of %hich the im<ortant notes <ertaining to this %e&<age are VD

>@er'time "Soulmates" Qake Se)ual Eo@e The' +reate S<iritual >nerg' That HrotectsTheir Souls

There is a s<iritual lo@ing energ' create* &' soulmates e@er'time the' "make lo@e"=%hich creates a s<iritual <rotecting energ' to strengthen their &on*= energibe their li@es

an* gro% s<irituall'A

The act of making se)ual lo@e %ith ones soulmate unites the t%o se<erate <h'sical &o*ies in the most natural %a'= the %omans &o*' is lacking an* the mans <h'sical &o*'

has the missing <iece that unites the t%o &o*iesA Onl' through their lo@ing arousal for 

each other= through <assion an* lo@e the' unite in the act of se)ual lo@eA

>@er'time one makes se)ual lo@e this creates s<iritual energ' for ones unite* soul= thesame %a' that "making se)ual lo@e" &rings the <otential for a chil* to &e concei@e*= thatis to sa' that "se)ual lo@e" has the <otential to &ring a s<irit soul *o%n from s<irit %orl*of souls into this <h'sical %orl*A Eike%ise e@er'time one makes se)ual lo@e %ith onessoulmate this unites the <h'sical an* s<iritual union of their soul an* creates a <o%erful

s<iritual energ'A

"Qake L Wish"

Sefer Shinu'im e)<lains that at the s<ecific moment a man orgasms= eMaculates s<erminsi*e a %oman= he has &rought an angelic an* s<iritual energ' into this %orl*A

The s<iritual tra*ition at this s<ecific moment is for a man to then sa' "make a %ish"=although once the' &oth &ecome accustome* to each other the' he no longer nee*s to

sa' it as the %oman kno%s= e@en so if a man feels a @er' s<ecial energ' D he shoul* sa'"make a %ish"A

The s<iritual energ' of the angel create* &' the se)ual lo@e in the soulmate union has the

energ' to hel<= gui*e= <rotect an* &ring goo* fortune into their li@es= &ut it nee*s the%oman to recei@e the &lessing an* for her to "make the %ish"A

t is a re%ar* an* thanks to the %oman for her <assion an* lo@e that the man has theenerg' an* *esire to lo@e= this is her uniue re%ar* for her kin*ness= su<<ort an* lo@e for 

her soulmate manA

FThis is s<iritual reason that use of con*om or "coming outsi*e"= mastur&ating= or an'other act other than a mans <enis insi*e a %omans @agina making se)ual lo@e= creates anegati@e &lockage of energ' u<on the soul /#!יל[ = as e)<laine* a&o@e an* on the <age

"Cealth U ?iet"AK

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Belo% %e ha@e co<ie* the "Cealth U ?iet" <age regar*ing goo* se)ual ettiuetteA

S<iritual la%s on health for our generation>)<laining an* un*erstan*ing s<iritual la%s regar*ing health an* *iet <ertaina&le

es<eciall' in "our generation" A nclu*ing a section on "Womens health" D the sanctit'an* <urit' of kee<ing the "menstrual <erio*"= an* &enefit &oth <h'sicall' an* s<irituall'to goo* se)ual &eha@iour A n this section %e shall in*icate areas that our generation is

neglecting com<are* %ith <re@ious generations A

#5י4[#שי1# D "QLZG EO,>"

The tra*itional he&re% term for making lo@e is #5י4[#שי1# = meaning "connection an*kissing" A This is to stress that im<ortance of se)ual goo* &eha@iour follo%ing a s<iritual

%a' of life= is connecting the ">>SC" <art of ones &o*' U soul an* the "RNL+C" <art of ones &o*' U soul F see "TC> SONE" <age for e)<lanationK A Qan' <eo<le sa'=%hat one *oes in &e* is ones o%n choice A Co%e@er= the %rong se)ual &eha@iour has an

affect on ones soul= con@ersel' follo%ing the correct se)ual %a' enhances a lo@ingrelationshi<= making it long lasting an* sta&le %ith a <h'sical an* s<iritual @italit' A

n this section %e shall e)<lain the follo%ing VD

_A The s<irituall' correct %a' for "making lo@e" A

XA The s<iritual reasons for the "correct %a'"= e)<laining the le@els of ones soul thatconnects %ith each other A

YA The *amage an* "shortD circuiting" to ones soul= for %rong &eha@iour = an* ho% torectif' an' *amage A

`A The sanctit' of %omens "menstrual <erio*"


ntro*uction D The le@els of the soul containe* in the <h'sical &o*'

_A efesh F earthl' soul K !1 = the most <h'sical of s<iritual energ'= o<ens an* connectsשthrough the se)ual organs F a mans <enis an* %omen @aginaK A

XA Ruach F S<irit in &reathing animal human K 4^ = the s<iritual energ' containe* in the

 &reathe of life A Our s<eech is a reflection of our S<irit "RNL+C" A Zissing %ith onesli<s an* mouth connects the t%o s<irits of <eo<le A

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YA eshama F Soul K .3ש1 = all our min*s higher thoughts an* energies %e use %ithconcentration A The heightene* energise* state of se)ual orgasm connects ones

 >SCLQL D soul at the highest le@el A

_A The s<irituall' correct %a' for "makinglo@e"

Sim<le \ L man on to< of a %oman facing each other= l'ing *o%n in a &e*= %ith his erect <enis insi*e a %oman8s @agina OE; A

XA +onnecting all the le@els of the souls AWhilst making lo@e= the man an* the %oman= kiss each other to connect the &reath of life

the "RNL+C D SHRT" of the souls %ith their mouths= %hilst their se)ual organs areconnecting their &o*ies as a %holesome ">>SC D BO?;" A Ls &oth come to

heightene* energ' of orgasm then their souls ">SCOQL" unite on the highest le@el <ossi&le A Which is the reci<e for making lo@e an* for &ringing *o%n a ne% s<irit soul of 

a chil* A

Lccor*ing to the LR an* Re& +haim ,ital= e@er' time one makes lo@e correctl' anangel is create* F e@en if a chil* is not concei@e* K= to enhance their li@es s<irituall' an*

successfull' A

Qan' <eo<le %ill tell= that the' ha@e amabing goo* mabel U success= es<eciall' %henthe' "make lo@e" <ro<erl' the night &efore A L sign that a <erson is not acting correctl' is

that the' ha@e failure in their life= as a sign the' are "%asting" or *estro'ing a creati@eenerg' from their acts of se)ual &eha@iour A

Sta'ing insi*e a %oman an* connecting se)uall' for as long as <ossi&le= &oth <h'sicall'an* s<irituall' is the <ur<ose of the act of making lo@e ASta'ing insi*e an* mo@ing

slo%l' %ith EO,>= an* OT in a hurrie* state of aggression an* <anic= &ut %ith goo*

thoughts an* selfD control Will connect the t%o souls together %ith a *i@ine creati@e lo@eenerg' A

YA The Wrong %a' D Short circuits all the le@els of the soul

Before %e *o e)<lain= %e shoul* sa' that %a' to correct an' %rong &eha@iour is toSTOH the %rong= sim<l' &' imme*iatel' sto<<ing the %rong acts cleanses an* heals the


n our generation their ha@e &een man' instances of %rong &eha@iour= %hich all the

Ra&&onim an* Re&&es fin* un&elie@a&leA Therefore= %e make mention of these %rongsan* e)<lain s<irituall' the *amage to the soulA

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or a %oman to touch the mans <enis= %ith her han* or %ith her mouth %ill *amageBOTC their soulsA Ls s<irituall' this act connects the SHRT "&reath" of one <erson

%ith the >>SC of another= this lo%ers the le@el of the SHRT D RNL+C to a >>SC A

or an'one to ha@e "anal se)" like homose)uals= %hich the Talmu* in Zi**ushin ]XaFthe te)t is re<ro*uce* a&o@eK e)<lains that trul' ele@ate* s<iritual souls an* (>WSC

souls %ill ne@er ha@e= im<l'ing that an'one %ho acts homose)uall' is OT a "s<iritual"(e%ish soulA The @er' ne)t section of the talmu* talks a&out success in life= connecting

the fact that %hen one &eha@es morall' correct one has true an* lasting successA

Their act of "anal se)" means= that the mans <h'sical se)ual organ re<resenting the soulsenerg' of creation an* life is connecting %ith the most *estructi@e energ' a human can

create D e)crement= *isgusting an* @ile *ea*l' energ'A

The act of "anal" acti@it' connects the soul ">>SC" *irectl' %ith ?>LTC A Once a <erson has &een in *irect contact %ith this *eath energ'= their soul le@el of >>SC is

*ea*= an* an'one the' connect %ith= the' %ill kill %ith their "*eath" energ'A This isaccor*ing to the Qe*rash ;LEZNT SCQO on the stor' of "So*om an* Gemorra"in the Torah D &i&le= hence the %hole cit' of SO?OQ %as *estro'e* as it lacke* an'

E> energ' A This also e)<lains the *isAAAease of hi@ s<irituall' A

"+oming outsi*e" to a@oi* <regnanc' etc AAAor %earing a con*om or an' other <er@ersionof %omen touching the mans genitals AAAAWEE +ORRNHT an* short circuit TC> SONEA

This is &ecause at the moment of heightene* state of orgasm the soul ">SCOQL" isconnecting= if there is a &lockage &' %a' of con*omA or the <enis is remo@e* to

*isconnect= the s<iritual energ' of their souls ha@e no %a' of connecting= so it actuall'

creates a *estructi@e energ' A

Similarl' %asting "see*" in mastur&ation= this act &rings ones soul to heightene* le@el of s<iritual consciousness an* orgasm= &ut has no one to connect the se)ual s<iritual energ'=

an* is %aste* A The LR an* Re& +haim ,ital= uotes the OCLR that the *estructi@eenerg' create* in mastur&ation= causes a *estructi@e energ' that hangs aroun* a <erson

for a %hole *a' until sunset the follo%ing *a'A

f a single <erson feels o@er%helmingl' se)ual energ'= then the' shoul* learn self controlan* focus this energ' into <ra'ers for fin*ing their true soulmate F see the "*estin'"

 <age K instea* of %asting this <otentiall' strong goo* energ' in a self D *estructi@e act A

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The RLQBLQ is uote* as <ermitting mastur&ation O+> e@er' t%o %eeks= to letflo% the "see*" that the &o*' has <ro*uce*= in or*er to kee< the &o*' health'= in

continual flo% re<lacing ol* %ith ne%= &ut ne@er using ones han*sA FThe Sefer Reishis+hachma sa's one %ho uses ones han*s in this *estructi@e act %ill ha@e the creati@e useof their han*s lo%ere* into tasks of manual la&our instea* of refine* intellectual tasks

such as %riting or the gift of healing= etcA=KA Co%e@er= in a marrie* relationshi< it8sfor&i**en D as there is no nee* as the ma)imum se<aration time of "menstrual &lee*ing"is _X *a's A rom "mo*ern *a'" *octors inform us that a*ults %ho eat e)cessi@el' 'east <ro*ucts= eggs= meat an* fish %ill nee* "once a %eek" as the &o*' <ro*uces e)cessi@e

see* from these foo*s= F%e onl' uote the me*ical a*@ice as a referenceKA

The Sefer Za@ ,e;osher D e)<lains that a %omans &o*' a certain times= &ecomes hot an*se)uall' arouse*= an* can e@en "let themsel@es go" D mastur&ate in <u&lic <lacesA

Lccor*ing to Za@ @e;osher= this releases an energ' &ut it also affects sensiti@e <eo<le in

the @icinit'A The &ook asks an* <lea*s %ith %omen to control themsel@es es<eciall' in <u&lic <lacesA Ce un*erstan*s that %omen ha@e se)ual nee*s an* *esires= more than

men= as their se)ual *esires are gi@en &' GO? in or*er to hel< continue the human race=*esiring chil*ren is a GO?Dgi@en natural gift for all normal %omenA This is the %a' thatGO? ma*e an* has &lesse* the %omans &o*'= &ut asks %omen to restrain themsel@es in

 <u&lic <laces= an* use this e)cita&le energ' to either focus in <ra'ing= lo@ing an**esiring their true soulmate or if %omen reall' nee* to "let themsel@es go"D mastur&ate=

then onl' in <ri@ate an* ne@er in <u&lic amongst <eo<le A

We are a%are that man' "mo*ern D thinking" <eo<le ma' criticise our comments for 

 &eing intolerant= the' ma' %ish to continue to &eha@e the %a' their *esires %ant themto A Co%e@er all s<iritual teachers= e@en in our generation = such as ?iana +oo<er = Ein*a

Goo*man author of Lstrolog' "STLR signs" = (ames Re*fiel* an* +arol L*rienneauthors of +>E>ST> <ro<hec' &ooks all agree that s<irituall' it is @itall' necessar' to

 &eha@e se)uall' correct A

S<irituall'= %e nee*e* to e)<lain the *amage *one to the soul= once one has lo%ere* thesoul= es<eciall' if the %oman has use* her mouth to touch the man= then the man losesres<ect for the %oman= he kno%s on his s<iritual le@el that she is &ringing him *o%n A

The relationshi<= e@en if it is a *estine* soulmate can &e ruine*= &' one act of se)ual*egra*ation A ?isease AAAthe name itself means ?SAAAA >LS> = a <erson is not at ease %ith

themsel@es= their souls are not at <eace an* %ill ne@er &e a <eace AAA if it is *isease* AWhen the act of making lo@e is *one correctl' it &rings <leasure an* life energ' to &oth

the man an* the %oman A

Ls e@er'one is a%are there are t%o %a's of *oing e@er'thing in life= the correct %a' an*incorrect %a'= making lo@e %ith agression an* %ith a "mars" energ' to satisf' an animal

instinct is OT the correct %a' A Qaking lo@e= out of a *esire of <eace= lo@e= *ignit'=

serenit' an* a *esire to connect ones souls together in unit' is the a&solute correct %a'A

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>>RG; A

`A +orrecting ones mistakesor those <eo<le %ho ma' rea* this an* %on*er= "s there no ho<e if one has &eha@e*%rongl' " the ans%er is sim<le AAAA Once a <erson recognises the error of their %a's=

re<ents from the %rongD*oing an* recognises the <o%er of s<iritual healing= through therecognition that the SONE e)ists %ithin a human &eing A Then &' healing the soul an*connecting %ith creati@e E> energ'= one then re@i@es ones soul %ith E> A This is

learn from the Qe*rash on the Book of (OLC in the &i&le= %here s<irituall' the to%nof >,LC %as ?>L?= an* e@en though it %as *ecree* for it to &e *estro'e*=

e@er'one re<ente* an* returne* to GO? s<irituall' A

B' reconnecting %ith the life energ' of s<irit = healing an* re@i@al is &rought to the soul=%hich in turn re@i@es the &o*' A t has &een seen in our generation that man' cases of 

cancer= after there<' an* a com<lete change of attitu*e to life= the <erson is heale* an*

can ha@e a <ur<oseful creati@e lo@ing life A F %oul* suggest an' &ooks of the s<iritual%riter Eouise E Ca'= on healing %ith res<ect to cancer A She %as *iagnose* %ith cancer an* heale* herself naturall' &' healing her soul through constucti@e lo@ing thoughts an*energ' &' herself= i ha@e kno%n man' <eo<le %hom ha@e use* her techniues to change

their thoughts= attitu*e of life an* &een com<letel' cure* from cancerK A

The first ste< is to recognise that hatre*= Mealous' an* negati@e emotions OE; act to*estro' an* "to &urn insi*e" the cells of the &o*' an* soul A The <o%er to heal is to

connect %ith EO,> emotions = the <o%er of EO,> is the creati@e energ' of GO? an*SHRT in this %orl* A

The Womens &o*' is a sacre* s'm&ol of the "c'cle of life"

The <h'sical &o*' of a %oman is the s'm&ol of creati@e life on earth A Together %ith theman= a %omans &o*' &ecomes the home of a gro%ing &a&' chil* *uring <regnanc' A

The mar@elous miracle of creation of a ne% &orn life= takes <lace in the %omans &o*' AThe lo@ing life energ' an* s<iritual energ' gro%ing attache* an* %ithin the energ'= soul

an* &o*' of the %oman herself A

Qenstruation D Womens Herio*

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The c'cle of life on earth = &irth an* *eath = occurs monthl' %ithin a %omens &o*' A The <otential to create life is a monthl' <otential A Once the o<<ortunit' is misse*= then a

form of "*eath" occurs= in the form &lee*ing A t is kno%n throughout the %orl*= that the Must &efore the time of &lee*ing a %oman &ecomes e)cee*ingl' sensiti@e an* emotional AThis is her soul sensing this le@el of "*eath" %hich is a&out to arri@e A ?e<en*ing on the

attitu*e of min* of the %oman = she %ill han*le the <erio* in much the same %a' ashan*ling a "*eath" A

Therefore accor*ing to &oth (e%ish tra*ition an* sacre* Za&&alistic kno%le*ge an*un*erstan*ing A t is for&i**en for men an* %omen to ha@e se)ual relations %hilst a

%oman is "&lee*ing" *uring the monthl' menstural c'cle = %hich normall' lasts at leastI *a's A

The reason is sim<le = a %oman re<resents E> = the reason for se)ual relations is to

create E> = %hilst the Qenstruation D &lee*ing is occuring = this is s'm&olic of ?>LTCA Therefore E> an* ?>LTC must &e ke<t se<arate* A t is a fact of life= that LEEmarriage <ro&lems= arguments an* &reakD*o%ns in communication= occur *uring this

sensiti@e <erio* of Qenstruation A

Therefore s<irituall' an* common sense *ecenc'= it is so im<ortant that &oth men an*%omen realise the "<erio*" time must &e treate* %ith mutual res<ect for the c'cle of life A This is the reason %h' all Me%ish s<iritual la%s an* ka&&alistic tra*itions reuiremen an* %omen to a&stain from se)ual relations *uring this "&lee*ing <erio*" A This

normall' last I *a's= thereafter a Me%ish %oman is reuire to %ait for clean *a's A Then

immerse herself in a "Qik@eh" D that is a small s%imming <ool of rain%ater= &eforerecommencing se)ual lo@e D relations %ith her hus&an* A F <lease see %%%Amik@ahAorg

for full e)<lanations of Me%ish la%s KA

The ualit' of ones lo@ing relationshi<= ualit' of ones life &oth <h'sicall' an*s<irituall' is enhance* %hen one kee<s the sanctit' an* <urit' of a&stainance of se)ualrelations *uring the <erio* A Lccor*ing to Re& +haim ,ital = the famous ka&&alist = it isalso a &lessing that ones chil*ren= es<eciall' the ualit' of the SONE of ones chil*ren isso much more <urer an* &lesse* %ith an intrinsic <urit'= %hen the <arents kee< "famil' <urit' " A t is acce<te* that ones e'e colour is a reflection of the ualit' an* <urit' of 

ones soul = an* influence* &' the <urit' of se)ual relationshi< of ones <arents A

The Zalash Heo<le

Eight coloure* an* clear e'es re<resent <urit'= es<eciall' light green A F %hilst *ark coloure* is the o<<ositeK A B' an amabing "*i@ine" coince*ence Must to*a' D a goo* frien*has Must gi@en me an amabing ?,? from the BB+ &' Qichael Halin on "CQLEL;L"

on <rogramme _ cha<ter I= %here he meets a tri&e of YIJJ <eo<le= calle* the Zalash <eo<le A Who kee< famil' <urit' %ith e)ce<tionall' amabing etiuette A

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Women %ho ha@e gi@en &irth an* %omen %hom are menstruating= are se<arate* into as<ecial home D a t'<e of hotel= %here the' can rela) an* rest *uring the <erio* A Qen arefor&i**en to enter this hotel D area A Onl' %hen the' are "<ure" again an* ha@e sto<<e*

 &lee*ing = the' return home to their families A

This e)<lanation gi@en on the BB+ ?,? to Qichael Halin is that %omen aree)cee*ingl' *raine*= sensiti@e an* fragile *uring this <erio*= an* therefore their &o*iesnee* a rest from the usual stresses of life A Ce also comments that LEE the <eo<le ha@ee)ce<tionall' clear an* &eautifull' light coloure* green e'es A F here is a link i foun* onthe %e& of a <hoto = note the green e'es K Ca@ing searche* the %e& i foun* on an israeli%e&site= a reference that the Zalash <eo<le ma'&e *escen*ants of the tri&e of BenMamin DBin'omin= %hom like the remain*er of the _J lost tri&es of SRL>E= *issa<<eare* after 

the *estruction of the tem<le A

+ertainl' the fact that the' kee< famil' <urit' D Teharos Qis<ocha %ith such strictness=coul* im<l' their Me%ish origins A FOn the BB+ ?,?= the lea*er comments that all the'kno% of their origins is coming from "sion" D %hich coul* &e O D 9 י j = the &i&licalname of sraelK A So far as i kno% onl' Me%ish la%s ha@e the "famil' <urit'" se<aration

la% of a&stainance of se)ual relations *uring the &lee*ing "<erio*" time A

+ertainl' the Zalash <eo<le in +hitral= far orth >astern corner of Hakistan are OTmuslem= &elie@e in O> GO? %ho create* the %orl*A The' are remarka&l' U

e)cee*ingl' s<eciall' s<iritual for kee<ing the sanctit' an* <urit' of their <h'sical &o*'an* s<iritual soul A Which <ro@es that the light coloure* e'es is a reflection of <urit' of 

their soul an* their <arents famil' <urit' of se)ual a&stainance *uring the <erio* A

Ls a s<iritual note for all the nonDMe%ish an* for nonDreligious Me%ish s<irituall'min*e* <eo<le %ho rea* this %e&site= take an e)am<le from the Zalash <eo<le an* seethe BB+ ?,? on Cimala'a= tr' an* refrain from se)ual relations *uring the &lee*ing

 <erio*= learn to res<ect the <h'sical &o*' of %omen= %ho nee* comfort= lo@ing su<<ortan* rest *uring the <erio* A Co<efull' 'ou %ill feel the *ifference to the ualit' of 'our 

lo@ing relationshi<= an* feel the rene%e* lo@ing an* se)ual energ' after a <erio* of refraining A This a*@ice i gi@e as goo* s<iritual a*@ice= i am certainl' OT tr'ing to

influence an'one to &ecome Me%ish or religious= Must to im<ro@e s<irituall' \ A

Eearning to lo@e %ithout connecting

?uring the mensturation <erio*= in a&staining from se)ual intimac' A One can learn tolo@e on a *ifferent le@el A +onnecting %ith each other= out of res<ect= kin*ness an*

consi*eration A Lll men shoul* kno% that a %oman nee*s su<<ort an* care *uring her  <erio* A t is almost a feeling= that <art of a %oman *ies insi*e e@er' month= a sensiti@etime nee*s a sensiti@e caring man A F So learn ho% to cook an* care for 'our %ife *uring

the <erio* \ gi@e her all the su<<ort she *eser@es \ K

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+oming soon *uring XJJ] 

"The Hath%a' to >nlightenment"

This <age is <art of our ne% secon* section calle* "TC> HLTCWL;" taken from Sefer Shinu'im D Book of +hange an* Sefer Tikunim D The &ook of +orrections = this

section e)<lains %ith a small ke' of kno%le*ge= one %ill ha@e the a&ilit' to transforman* change ones thoughts an* heal ones soulA This is the reason e@er' <erson came to

this earth D to +CLG>A

Sefer Canesh &' Re& Shem To@ Ben ;osef ala8ira

Sefer Caefesh D !!1. is a &ook &' Re& Shem To@ &n ;osef ala8ira F li@e* in thearea of rench S<anish &or*er in _Yth centur'= <lease see here for full histor' an*

e)<lanation of alll his %ritings in >nglish K A One of the most <rofilic Sefar*ic s<iritual%riters A The &ook e)<lains clearl' the relationshi< &et%een the soul= the le@els of energ'

%ithin the soul = an* the *irect relationshi< %ith e@er' <art of our &o*' A >s<eciall'focusing on the &o*il' senses of sight= soun*= touch= taste= smell an* ho% these *irectl'affect the le@el of soul kno%n as "efesh" A The &ook continues to e)<lain the le@el of 

"RNL+C" D "the &reathe of life" D s<irit through the <o%er of s<eech= relating the <o%er of s<eech an* <h'sical &o*il' senses together to &ring healing to the SONE A

Hra'ers to fin* ones Soulmate

Sefer Tikunim D !י1^[י/>@er' <erson %hom is &orn on earth is a half of a %hole= e@er' single <erson has a

soulmate= an* until one fin*s ones soulmate= one feels em<t'= an ine)<lica&le lackingACence the im<ortance to fin* ones "*estine*" soulmateA

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f a <erson is single an* *oes not ha@e ones soulmate= nor *oes one ha@e an' ho<e of meeting an'one suita&le= then ones soul nee*s NRG>T attention an* corrections nee*to &e ma*e= as it ma'&e a <erson has taken the %rong <ath%a' = an* nee*s correcting to

 &e gui*e* to the right <ath%a' A The Sefer Tikunim D !י1^[י/ = the "Book of  

+orrections" <ro@i*es our souls %ith the s<iritual reci<e to make the necessar'correctionsA

>ach <erson nee*s to recognise that the onl' %a' for%ar* in life is through atransformation of ones character from &eing a selfish taker of energ' into &ecoming acreator of life energ' through the <o%er of "EO,>"= Sefer Shinu'im in the cha<ter 

"Eife of EO,>" e)<lains the transformation of thoughts nee*e* in a <ersons min* toconnect ones soul to s<irit %orl* an* fin* ones true soulmate %ith true lo@eA

Sefer Tikunim D !י1^[י/ = the "Book of +orrections" e)<lains that a <erson shoul*

make the follo%ing TZN D correction so that one can OH> the QL>E an* ena&leone to fin* ones soulmateA

?eclaration of ?estine* SoulmateThe first stage is to ackno%le*ge an* reall' &elie@e that one has a *estine* soulmateA

This comes from the Talmu* %ritten almost XJJJ 'ears agoA

/3 0#י #./5 [/0jל7יjי7 [/י 50עיל 51/ ל 1! ל 51י/ל! ל 1! ל .71ל! ל 1! ל!

"ort' *a's &efore a <erson is concei@e* into this %orl*= it isannounce* in hea@en D s<irit %orl*= the *aughter of this man is

*estine* to marr' this man= the house in this <lace D is *estine* for their home= an* this fiel* Fli@elihoo* &usiness <rofessionK is

*estine* for this <erson"A Talmu* Sota XaA

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The Hra'er to fin* ones Soulmate/3 0#י #./5 [/0jל7יjי7 [/י 50עי

ל 51/ ל 1! ל 51י/ל! ל 1! ל .71ל! ל 1! ל!

"ort' *a's &efore a <erson is concei@e* into this %orl*= it is announce* in hea@en Ds<irit %orl*= the *aughter of this man is *estine* to marr' this man= the house in this

 <lace D is *estine* for their home= an* this fiel* Fli@elihoo* &usiness <rofessionK is*estine* for this <erson"A

"Ri&&one Shel Olam= Qaster of the Nni@erse= this is the s<iritual la% of *estin'= the*eclaration %as ma*e &efore m' soul came to earth= <lease gui*e me an* hel< me fin*

the right <ath%a' for m' life= the right home to li@e in an* i reall' %ant to fin* m'soulmate= <lease hel< me fin* m' *estine* soulmate that %as *eclare* for me in hea@en

`J *a's &efore i %as concei@e* "A

"Hlease Ri&&one Shel Olam= Qaster of the Nni@erse fin* a %a' for me %here thereseems to &e no %a'= gui*e an* <lace me on the right <ath%a' for m' souls *estin'= so

that i can fulfill m' life %ith m' soulmate= %ho is nee*ing me as much as i nee* himherA

or the sake of m' soulmate %ho nee*s me= <lease hel< me fin* himher so that %e can &e one together "A

The custom is to sa' this e@er' *a' Y times a *a'= the essence of the <ra'er is that oneaffirms the s<iritual la% of the *eclaration ma*e in hea@en `J *a's &efore conce<tion=

an* then asks GO? to gui*e one to fin* ones *estin' an* fulfill this s<iritual la%A

One can use an' language one feels comforta&le %ith= i kno% man' <eo<le %ho use theCe&re% @ersion or the ;i**ish @ersion= the most im<ortant as<ect is that one OH>S u<

in <ra'er an* asks for ?,> s<iritual hel< to fin* ones *estin'A The <ra'er shoul*come from ones emotions an* heart= out of sincere *esire to fin* ones soulmateA

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or those <eo<le %ho <ra' the tra*itional morning <ra'ers then the' sa' this <ra'er e@er' *a'A Single <eo<le looking for their soulmate shoul* ha@e in their thoughts that

the' are asking for ?,> gui*ance to fin* their soulmate= Must like the (e%ish <eo<lenee*e* ?i@ine gui*ance %hen the' %ere sa@e* from >g'<tian sla@er'A The essence of 

the "shira" <ra'er is the Me%ish <eo<le aske* GO? D Cashem to make a %a' %here thereis no %a' A

Similarl'= %hen a <erson is single an* lost= %e ask GO? to make a "%a'" %here thereseems to &e "no %a'"A

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The "Shira" is from  [!#2ש#3/

Then Sa' Hsalm _X_ ]כ./[!0ילי

Hsalms _X_

1 L Song of LscentsP %ill lift u< m' e'es to the mountainsV from %here shall m' hel<come 2 Q' hel< comes from the EOR?= %ho ma*e hea@en an* earthA 3 Ce %ill not

suffer a foot to &e mo@e*P Ce that guar*s 'ou %ill not slum&erA 4 Behol*= Ce that guar*ssrael *oes neither slum&er nor slee<A 5 The EOR? is 'our kee<erP the EOR? is 'our sha*o% u<on 'our right han*A 6 The sun shall not hurt 'ou &' *a'= nor the moon &'

nightA 7 The EOR? shall guar* 'ou from all e@ilP Ce shall guar* 'our soulA 8 The EOR?

shall guar* 'our going out an* 'our coming in= from this time no% an* for e@erA

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Single men shoul* then sa' the <ra'er ">shes +ha'il" at leastonce a %eekA F Ls is customar' to sing this <ra'er e@er' fri*a'

e@ening &efore Zi**ushK

! [ל0 3שלי

vכw3 w1xw3 [y4# P0j3wיw1י w3י / w4ל pq04p 0y

לל ל # Pvלעz 5qל vz 42z





# 5 

2 ^./ל

3}.יpx| p!q4z ~ע•# P י w• w!^ p3pj . €v34ל 0יw5• [4pw3 Pq4  / {w1‚0| ./.

.יp/yƒע1ל [y4# v/יq5ל 6pp2 9q•w•# .לל 7 ע z [•#  p| .ע21 .יpxכ יwxw3 P^.q4„w•# .p7 ~ .33:

.יp/yע : q…•# P.י1/3 : ע 5 .$4

vq1 .ל†5 .pzכw 0y Pv4 5 2ל 2עw| =.3ƒי

-pל! ^כ3• .יpxכ# P יw|5 .4† w .יp7י 9 5p0ל .4† w .יp7# Pיw1עpל . ~x vx|

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י  w1 ‡5ל =v/יqz לw| V$pי כל w3 v/יq5ל 0יw/ 0yל

v ^5ל 93}…# q Pv† ./ ~ע  w€53יp‰ :q1[wי wע = •5 wz Pvלעz עwי z 7 1ע

/ .1/1  $ƒ4# Py|3w•# .ל1|עw1ƒי ~ע 9יw79 ƒ4…  [4לי ~w•# Pv ^5ל 7.# :yעv1 ל לע 7pp4 / /# P.3כ45 .4/x .יwx

0y/ 0yכqל עjל^/ ל p4pל# Pv/יqz / כי wלƒ. .{w! j

vלל.# vלעz P.^ …# .יp15 ^3[.1†‡|  / 1z / zעw4 ^~ל •…# Pעלwי/ על

. w. .#. /…wי†./w/ 0ל w0 Vיw!y{. ]p5p.# 9q4. pל p


5 .^ל


w# P.י


wxw3 =vל

 ^1•Hro@er&s +ha<ter Y_ @erse _J to Y_

10 L %oman of @alour %ho can fin* for her <rice is far a&o@e ru&iesA 11 The heart of her hus&an* *oth safel' trust in her= an* he hath no lack of gainA 12 She *oeth him goo*an* not e@il all the *a's of her lifeA 13 She seeketh %ool an* fla)= an* %orketh %illingl'

%ith her han*sA 14 She is like the merchantDshi<sP she &ringeth her foo* from afarA 15

She riseth also %hile it is 'et night= an* gi@eth foo* to her househol*= an* a <ortion toher mai*ensA 16 She consi*ereth a fiel*= an* &u'eth itP %ith the fruit of her han*s she

 <lanteth a @ine'ar*A 17 She gir*eth her loins %ith strength= an* maketh strong her armsA18 She <ercei@eth that her merchan*ise is goo*P her lam< goeth not out &' nightA 19 Shela'eth her han*s to the *istaff= an* her han*s hol* the s<in*leA 20 She stretcheth out her han* to the <oorP 'ea= she reacheth forth her han*s to the nee*'A 21 She is not afrai* of 

the sno% for her househol*P for all her househol* are clothe* %ith scarletA 22 Shemaketh for herself co@erletsP her clothing is fine linen an* <ur<leA 23 Cer hus&an* is

kno%n in the gates= %hen he sitteth among the el*ers of the lan*A 24 She maketh linengarments an* selleth themP an* *eli@ereth gir*les unto the merchantA 25 Strength an*

*ignit' are her clothingP an* she laugheth at the time to comeA 26 She o<eneth her mouth%ith %is*omP an* the la% of kin*ness is on her tongueA 27 She looketh %ell to the %a's

of her househol*= an* eateth not the &rea* of i*lenessA 28 Cer chil*ren rise u<= an* callher &lesse*P her hus&an* also= an* he <raiseth herV 29 8Qan' *aughters ha@e *one

@aliantl'= &ut thou e)cellest them allA8 30 Grace is *eceitful= an* &eaut' is @ainP &ut a%oman that feareth the EOR?= she shall &e <raise*A 31 Gi@e her of the fruit of her han*sP

an* let her %orks <raise her in the gatesA

Harnosa an* Soulmate are connecte*

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in*ing ones soulmate is fin*ing the ke' to ones *estin'= similarl' unlocking the *oor of Harnosa D li@elihoo* runs concurrentl' for most single <eo<le to fin*ing ones soulmate=therefore Sefer Tikunim e)<lains single <eo<le shoul* also unlock an* <ra' for HarnosaA

B' unlocking ones <arnosa &lockage one %ill simultaneousl' un&lock ones *estine*soulmateA

!93. D The ?ail' Cea@enl' Brea* "Qanna" in %il*erness Harnosa Dש/.1! = the s<ecific <ra'ers to ask for 

o<ening u< from s<irit %orl* of mone' an*li@lihoo*= the im<ortance of the <o%er of 

 <ra'er in earning mone' in ones life=cou<le* together %ith <h'sical action=allo%s the flo% of energ' in our li@esA

The connection &et%een fin*ing ones soulmate an* li@elihoo* is the reason the Talmu**iscusses Mo&s an* earning mone' in the tractate of Zi*ushin= that *iscusses marriageATalmu* Zi*ushin ]Xe)<lains full' the section of the Talmu* the *iscusses career= Mo&s

an* <rofessionA The ethical an* s<iritual co*es of ho% to earn mone'A

>)<lanation ho% to fin* ones Soulmate

Sefer Shinu'im D The Book of +hanges

rom the full cha<ter of "Eife of Eo@e"

Nn*erstan*ing Co% To in* Ones


n this section %e shall e)<lain the meaning of "soulmates" an*ho% to fin* an* i*entif' ones true soulmate= taken from Sefer 

Shinu'im D the "Book of +hanges"A

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We shall e)<lain the s<iritual la% of "T%o t'<es of "SONEQLT>S" one t'<e that gi@es one

*ifficult an* challenging e)<eriences inor*er to teach one im<ortant lessons in lifean* the other <erfect harmonious soulmatethat is e)catl' i*entical to 'ou as heshe is'our "other half"= the e)act <iece one has

 &een searching for since one %as &orn tocom<lete ones soulA

Lfter rea*ing this section %e kno% an* ho<e 'ou %ill &e <lace* onthe right <ath%a' to fin* ones true soulmate an* sto< %asting 'our 

@ital souls energ' on the "%rong ones" \

This section on "Soulmates" is e)<laine* in stagesVD

_A>)<laining the <ur<ose an* meaning of "soulmates" an* "soulgrou<s"A

XA>)<laining that one actuall' has X Soulmates :ע#7$1כ = one is

a hel< :ע= the other is a challenging o<<osition #7$1כA

YA>)<laining ho% to fin* ones true "soulmate"A

`A>)<laining the reason for the amabing ine)<lica&le magneticattraction of soulmates= an* %h' one feels= senses an* kno%s ones

soulmates thoughts an* feelingsA

>)<laining that onl' the t%o <eo<le "kno%" the' are each others

soulmate= %hilst in other <eo<les "sensi&le e'es" the' a<<ear to &eunsuita&le an* e@en uneualA

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IA>)<laining %h' there are *ifficulties %hilst "soulmates" aretr'ing to come together= through &lockages of /#!יל[ "shells of 

negati@e energ' co@ering ones soul"= create* from other <eo<les

negati@e thoughts that en@elo<e a <erson to &e &locke*A

Co% soulmates themsel@es generate their o%n /#!יל[ "shells of negati@e energ' co@ering ones soul"= negati@e energies %hich

challenge= test an* *ou&t themsel@es until the' are _JJa&solutel' certain to kno% that this <erson is ones soulmateA Then

e)<laining ho% to negate an' /#!יל[= negati@e= challenging an*o<<osing energies in making X soulmates coming an* &eing


A >)<laining that e@er' soulmate cou<le is a ]92ע#ל "small%orl*"A The <rinci<le of soulmates nee*ing to <rotect themsel@es

an* li@e in their "o%n %orl*" refusing to "allo%Din" an'*estructi@e or negati@e energies into their relationshi< an* ha@ing

their o%n uniue <ur<ose an* mission in their li@esA

A >)<laining the s<iritual lo@ing energ' that is create* &'soulmates e@er'time the' "make lo@e"= %hich creates a s<iritual

 <rotecting energ' to strengthen their &on*= energibe their li@es an*gro% s<irituall'A

_A >)<laining The Hur<ose Ln* Qeaning Of "Soulmates" Ln* "Soul Grou<s"A

The true <ur<ose of the gift of life on earth is inor*er for our soulsto learn an* e)<erience life= through all kin*s of e@ents=

o<<ortunities an* challenges throughout our li@esA

Thankfull' %e are not alone *uring our Mourne' of life= unlessofcourse a <erson &elie@es themsel@es to &e selfish egocentrical"in*i@i*uals"= then e@en amongst large grou<s of <eo<le the' are

lonel' an* *isconnecte*A

"The Soulgrou<"

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?uring our Mourne' of life= %e tra@el on this earth in "soul grou<s"=that is a grou<= culture an* i*entit' %here all the mem&ers of thesoul grou< un*erstan* each other an* li@e on the same <h'sical

an* s<iritual %a@elengthA The mem&ers of ones soul grou< ma'not all &e ali@e on earth= the' ma' &e s<iritual souls %ho ha@e <asse* onto to S<irit %orl* &ut mantain contact %ith 'ou as the'

are <art of ones soul grou< in much the same %a' as "Guar*ian

angels" A

One %ill al%a's &e a&le to rel' u<on ones soul grou< to hel<=gui*e= assist= the souls in ones soul grou< %ill make _JJ certain

that one succee*s to fulfill LEE of ones lifes goals= o&Mecti@es=challenges an* <ur<ose ones soul came to earth to learnA

Once a <erson has learnt the lessons of ones life= it is <ossi&le toele@ate ones soul into a higher soulgrou<= an* like%ise if one

makes a &a* *ecision one can mo@e out of ones soulgrou< into alo%er grou<A ontheless one al%a's has the intrinsic continual

o<<ortunit' an* chance to return to ones *estine* soulgrou< an*like%ise on is al%a's guarentee* to &e a&le to fin* their <erfectsoulmate= through the hel< of ones "Guar*ian angels" an* hel<ful

souls from ones soulgrou<A

"The Soulmate"

Talmu* FSotah XaK teaches that "*estin'" has *esignate* each an*

e@er' in*i@i*ual %ith a soulmateA The "soulmate" is actuall' theother half of a <ersonA With ones soulmate one is %holesome=%ithout it one is @oi* an* em<t'A With ones "soulmate" comes a

"<ackage" of a home to li@e an* <rofessionMo& an* <ur<ose in lifeA

The s<iritual an* <h'sical energ' of <lanet earth resonates to thenum&er TWO= e@er'thing on our <lanet comes in <airsA The >arthitself is <aire* %ith the Qoon= the i*entit' of the >arth nee*s the

Qoon to e)ist &oth <h'sicall' an* s<irituall'= in the rene%al of 

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energies monthl' an* *ail' ti*al flo%s= as the magnetic <ull of theQoons energ' causes high an* lo% ti*es D the >arth nee*s

+CLG> to e)istA

The em<hasis an* im<ortance of fin*ing ones true soulmate is theke' to success in lifeA The t%o hal@es that make the %hole= oncetogether one can lea* a fulfilling an* <ur<oseful life of "*estin'"ACa@ing the "%rong half" means one *oes not ha@e ones soulmate

hence one *oes not ha@e "the ke' of life" to fulfill ones true*estine* <ur<ose in lifeA Without the right "ke'"= ones life %ill

seem frustrating an* unluck' D like stuck in a locke* room full of 

close* *oors A t ma'&e nice fe% hours= &ut %oul* &e frustratingl' <ainful to remain there for the rest of ones life \

The <ur<ose of the "soulmate" is to make a <erson feel %holesome%ith EO,> an* ena&le one to accom<lish the mission an* <ur<ose

of life through <h'sical= se)ual an* s<iritual EO,> energ'A>@er'thing constructi@e an* goo* in this life is onl' create*

through EO,>A Onl' through the lo@ing energ' create* together %ith ones soulmate creates the <erfect energ' to li@e= &ringingmeaning to e@er'thing in ones lifeA

XA >)<laining that e@er'one has X Soulmates= :ע#7$1כ  = one is a hel< :ע= the other is achallenging o<<osition #7$1כA

>@er'one has free%ill choice in life= e@en %hen %e think %e aremaking a choice= it is either categorise* into a goo* *ecision or a

 &a* *ecisionA Both *ecisions are choices that are <otentiall'*estine* for our soul= the &a* *ecisions %e make %ill challenge us

an* make life *ifficult for us in or*er to gui*e us to change=making the correcti@e *ecision an* fin*ing the correct goo*

 <ath%a'= our soul instincti@el' onl' fin*s "inner <eace of min*"=%hen %e are on the correct <ath%a'A

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Qost <eo<le onl' learn from &a* an* challenging relationshi<sASuch connections %ill ha@e a similar instantaneous magnetic

attraction as goo* relationshi<s= as the' too= are *estine* in or*er 

to teach a <erson im<ortant lessons= &ut the' %ill continue tore<eat <ast <atterns if &a* relationshi<s as there is a lesson a <erson nee*s to learn= an* until one learns the lesson one %ill kee<

on &eing magnetic to the &a* an* "challenging" t'<e of relationshi<sA

The X T'<es of Soulmates

":ע D The Cel<"

":ע D The Cel<" soulmates are al%a's _JJ on 'our si*e

%ith continual su<<ort= hel<= lo@e= <assion an* an eternaluncon*itional EO,>= an* %hom %oul* >,>R >,>R hurt 'ouA

Whene@er one <lans= talks an* thinks i*eas %ith ones true hel<fulsoulmate= the' constructi@el' hel< to energibe ones life %ith

lo@ing energ'= ena&ling one to o@ercome an' negati@it'= mo@ingall o&stacles an* fin*ing the correct <ath%a' to successA Ls ones

true hel<ful soulmate al%a's kno%s that the' are ones "Other Calf"= %hen something goo* ha<<ens to the other half of them=

the' too &enefit from this goo* energ'A

" D The O<<ositionכ#7$1"

 D The O<<osition" soulmates teach aכ#7$1" <erson &' constantl' challenging= through

emotionall' &itter lessons %ith <ain an**ifficultiesA The "o<<osition" &a*

relationshi<s al%a's cause a sensi&le <erson

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to "go close*" on themself emotionall' inor*er to <rotect their soulA

Hrefering to li@e alone in ones min* an*thoughts than communicate %ith such a

*estructi@e <erson in a *'sfunctionalrelationshi<A L feeling of "li@ing %ith the

enem'" ensues= an* e@er'thing one <lans or tells such a <erson gets &locke* an*th%arte* &' their *estructi@e an* negati@e

thought energies= critical %or*s an* horri&leactionsA

Nntil it comes a <oint in ones life= %hereone sa's ">ONGC" \ Lt such a "&reaking

 <oint" a <erson ma' loose faith in lo@e=loose faith in relationshi<s= loose faith life

an* %orst of all D loose faith in GO?ABut %hen a <erson realises that such arelationshi< is a *'sfuntional "#7$1כ D

O<<osition" soulmate= then this makes a <erson fin* an inner strength= a*mitting to

oneself the truth of the &a* relationshi< an*

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then learning ho% to fin* ones true _JJlo@ing soulmate the soulmate of ":ע D Cel<"A

":ע D The Cel<" can sometimes &e a

" D The O<<ositionכ#7$1"

There are times that %e all make mistakes in

our li@es= an* e@en though %e are li@ing%ith an* ha@e foun* our _JJ lo@ingsoulmate= heshe ma' challenge us an* &e

a&solutel' right to challenge %ith thestrength of "o<<osition"A

The' act in this %a' of challenging"o<<osition" as the' are %ishing to *efen*their o%n soul= through lo@e of their "Other Calf" of their soul= the' are tr'ing to <rotectthe relationshi< &' an' *estructi@e e)ternal

o<<osing energies an* an' negati@einfluence or &a* *ecision the other <erson

has ma*eA The' are "challenging an*o<<osing" out of a *ee< sincere lo@e= in

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or*er to <rotect the %holesomeness of their  <erfect soulmate unionA

 D The O<<osition" can sometimesכ#7$1"

turn into ":ע D The Cel<"

 D The O<<osition" soulmates al%a'sכ#7$1"

ha@e the <otential to &ecome <erfectl'_JJ lo@ing soulmates= %ith no more nee*for &itter e)<eriences= <ain or *ifficultiesOE; %hen the' ha@e ha@e refine* an*

ele@ate* their soul after learning the

necessar' lessons their souls nee* to learnASoulmates ma' choose to start their 

relationshi< through a "challenging" an*o<<osing energ'= ho%e@er= &' %orkingtogether an* challenging each others

in*i@i*ualism the' are a&le to transformthemsel@es into a single NT>? soulmate=through negating an' o<<osing energies that

e)ist &' learning to com<letel' lo@e each

other= an* there&' transform their 

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relationshi< into a _JJ lo@ing hel<fulsoulmate unionA

YA >)<laining Co% To in* Ones

True "Soulmate"

When meeting ne% <eo<le in life= connections an* &on*s arema*e either &ecause the <eo<le share a "common interest" or 

 &ecause one <erson has something the other <erson %antsA

"Hh'sical +hemistr'"

n the case of lo@e an* relationshi<s= men an* %omen aremagneticall' arouse* an* attracte* to each otherA ontheless notall men are attracte* to all %omen an* @ice @ersa= there nee*s to &e a certain "chemistr'" that makes a man an* a %oman "fall in

lo@e" %ith each otherA

This "chemistr'" is the energ' of the thoughts in the min*= that isa man an* a %oman onl' reall' feel a connection to each other 

%hen the' are in harmon' %ith each other in their min* UthoughtsA This "common factor" ena&les a %holesomeness an*

fullness in the relationshi<= other%ise the lo@e is merel' a

su<erficial animal D instinct se)ual lo@e= %hich usuall' fa*es%ithin a fe% %eeksA

Cuman &eings %ho are connecte* %ith each other= nee* to ha@e ana&ilit' to think the same %a' as each other= the' nee* to ha@e a"common factor" in or*er to feel the relationshi< is %holesomeA

Cence the reason %h' single <eo<le Moin clu&s an* organisations=or ha@e ho&&ies an* interests as a sense of i*entit' of their 

 <ersonalit'A There&' ena&ling themsel@es to meet "likeDmin*e*"

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 <eo<le an* ho<efull' fin* a suita&le man%oman %ith %hom the'can ha@e a meaningful relationshi< %ith= as their inner min*s an*thoughts %ill &e sharing similar i*entities= emotions an* feelingsA

f either &ecome *isintereste* in the "common factor" thatoriginall' unite* them= then their relationshi< %ill ha@e

communication <ro&lems lea*ing to an automatic "falling out of lo@e"= as their thoughts an* energ' of their min*s no longer ha@e

an'thing "in common"A

When a cou<le are not gro%ing together= then the' are gro%ing

a<art in their *i@erging lifest'les an* interestsA Such a relationshi<%ill e@entuall' fail com<letel'= unless one of them changes to

 &ecome like the otherA

"S<iritual +hemistr'"

The ne)t le@el of relationshi<s is that <eo<le feel a "magnetic"

attraction= a "t%inkle in the e'e" or @er' lo@el' inner feeling= e@en%ithout talkingA Relationshi<s that are <rom<te* &' "Must athought" of them= seeing them or seeing an'thing that remin*s 'ou

of them= that is 'our min* an* soul is connecting 'ourself %iththeir min* an* thoughtsA

Such thought energies are ones min* an* soul communicating%ith 'ou an* like%ise %ith the other <ersons min* an* soul is

feeling the same inner feeling for 'ou= 'our souls arecommunicating %ith each other= this gi@es 'ou the "inner s<iritual

feeling" that 'ou are ma*e for each other= an ine)<lica&le inner "s<iritual chemistr'"A

Such a "s<iritual chemistr'" is *efinatel' a sign that this issomeone im<ortant in 'our life an* *efinatel' from ones

"soulgrou<" as e)<laine* a&o@eA The im<ortant uestion "ho% *o

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'ou i*entif' if the' are 'our true soulmate" This nee*s 'ou toun*erstan* the "soulmate chemistr'"VD

"Soulmate +hemistr'"Soulmates= an* all mem&ers of ones soulgrou< ha@e a uniue

tele<athic communication of thought energies in the min*s an*souls of the %hole soulgrou<A Lll the souls of ones soulgrou<

kno% an* sense e)actl' %hat the other mem&ers are feelingA The'all ha@e the same thoughts= feelings an* emotions at the same

timeA The' feel <ain= %hen <eo<le in their soulgrou< are in <ain=an* like%ise the' feel the ha<<iness= lo@e an* strength from the

other souls in their soulgrou<A

The "soulmate chemistr'" means that all the souls of thesoulgrou< are constantl' connecte* e@en if the' are <h'sicall' far a%a' from each other= the' are @er' close s<irituall'= as their soul=

min* an* thoughts are constantl' connecte*A

This "soulmate chemistr'" is the reason %h' ones "guar*ian angels"an* lo@e* ones in s<irit %orl*= are in constant contact %ith ones soul= asthe' are mem&ers of ones s<iritual soul grou<A The onl' reason a <erson feels alone an* not in contact %ith <eo<le of their same

soulgrou< is &ecause one ma' &lock or *en' the e)istence of "s<irit" %orl*= &elie@ing that one nee*s to "get on %ith normal

 <h'sical life" instea* of inclu*ing a "s<iritual enlightene* <ath%a'" %ithin ones <h'sical e)istence in this life on earthA

Onl' %hen a <erson is connecte* s<irituall' an* "o<en" to &egui*e* s<irituall'= then through "soulmate chemistr'" of 'ou an*'our soulgrou<= through ones "guar*ian angels" an* lo@e* ones in s<irit

%orl* %hom are %aiting to hel< 'ou fin* a s<iritual <ath%a'= one isassure* to &e gui*e* to connect %ith an* fin* ones true soulmateA

Co% To in* ;our True Soulmate

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The first ste< in fin*ing 'our true soulmate is to &elie@e in GO?=S<irit %orl*= Guar*ian Lngels an* that through 'our connection to

goo* souls in S<irit %orl* from 'our soulgrou<= 'ou %ill &e

gui*e* to fin* 'our soulmate or that 'our soulmate %ill fin* 'ouA"Lsking for Gui*ance or Ones Soul"

Tikun eshoma D 9#[י/.3ש1

Sefer Tikunim in Tikun eshoma D 9#[י/.3ש1 e)<lains %hen a <erson hasli@e* a life @oi* of an' &elief in GO?= &elief in s<iritual afterlife

or in a "S<irit Worl* of Souls"= then a <erson shoul* light Y

can*les to connect "s<irituall'"VD

One can*le for GO?= one can*le for ones guar*ian angel an* onecan*le for ones soul= an* then <ra' that one shoul* &e gui*e*

s<irituall' to correct an' mistakes one has ma*e %hilst li@ing alife ,O? of an' &elief in GO?= an* ask to &e gui*e* along the

right <ath%a' *estine* for ones soulA

Whilst <ra'ing one %ill feel s<irituall' enlightene*= %ith feelingsof a%areness an* &elief in GO? an* &elief in the e)istence of a

s<iritual soulA Such feelings an* un*erstan*ings %ill &ring a <erson to see a "&igger <icture"= that life on earth is <art of a

s<iritual Mourne' for ones soul= %ith a uniue an* *estine* <ath%a' for each an* e@er' soul to e)<erience emotions= e@ents

an* changesA

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+onnecting to S<irit Worl* With Hra'er Will Cel< to Strengthen ;our Soul an* >na&le;our Soulmate to &e oun* an* Bring ;ou Together 

>@er' <ra'er hel<s to connect ones soul to S<irit %orl* an* &rings

a <erson closer to the ?,> GO? that creates an* sustains thisNni@erseA

Lll connections to "S<irit Worl*" %ill increase an* strengthen'our s<iritual strength= this inclu*es <ra'ing at the gra@esites of 

s<irituall' strong an* goo* souls= es<eciall' <ra'ing at the gra@esites of 

goo* <eo<le one kne% an* lo@e*= an*or <ra'ing at amous Ra&&is U

Re&&es hol' gra@sites= sen*ing <ra'er reuests into the amous Ra&&i

;onatan Ben Nbiel an* ofcourse continuall' gi@ing thanks for the gift of life %hilst asking for hel< an* gui*ance to fin* ones true soulmateA

One can use the Hra'ers for Soulmate from Sefer Tikunim= &ut e@enstronger one shoul* use ones o%n languageto <ra' from ones heart for ones soulmate%ith a fe% heartfelt emotions an* tearsA

t *oes not matter %hat time of the *a' or night= %hene@er oneintuiti@el' an* s<irituall' feels the right moment to <ra' an* ask 

for s<iritual hel<= then light a can*le an* <ra' in %hate@er language 'ou un*erstan*A The stronger ones inner s<iritual

connection the sooner ones true soulmate %ill &e foun* &' s<irit%orl* an* 'ou %ill come togetherA

Eighting +an*les or ;our Soulmate

Eight X +an*les V

One or ;ou an* One or ;our Soulmate

n <re<aring for 'our soulmate to come into 'our life= 'ou %ill

*e@elo<e a selfless an* s<iritual character= &' lighting a can*le for 

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the soul of 'our soulmate e@en though 'ou ha@e not met himher 'et= 'ou are sho%ing a lo@e= com<assion an* *esire to <ra' an*

hel< someone else= %ho is actuall' ;ONR other halfA

Eearning to sho% lo@e= *esiring to gi@e selflessl' an*uncon*itionall' to another <erson is all <art of "gro%ingDu<" from &eing a *eman*ing selfish chil* to lo@ing uncon*itionall'= an*

there&' &ecome a <erfect <otential <arentA

Lsk 'ourself= "%oul* 'ou gi@e >,>R;TCG of %hat 'ou ha@eto 'our soulmate" if the ans%er is ";>S"= then 'ou ha@e

un*erstoo* that gi@ing to 'our soulmate is infact Must gi@ing to'ourself= a c'cle of life energ'A The conce<t of sharing an* gi@inglo@e in a soulmate lo@ing relationshi< is the s<iritual &asis of life=as in the c'cle of life in the %hole Nni@erse= the ?,> GO?

constantl' gi@es e@er'thing to e@er'oneA

When <ra'ing for ones soulmate= ne@er focus 'our thoughts onan' <articular <erson= as the' ma' not &e 'ours= an* an e@en &etter 

 <erson %ill &e 'our *estine* <erfect soulmate= an* then &e "o<en"to listen to 'our inner @oice of gui*ance an* L+T= there is no <ointin <ra'ing an* then ?OG OTCG %hen one has a feeling to

go some%here or s<eak to someone \

"Within _X Qonths"

The S<iritual guarentee from Sefer Shinu'im D Book of +hangesan* from amous Ra&&i ;onatan Ben Nbiel= is that %ithin _X months of 

 <ra'ers of asking GO? an* S<irit %orl* to fin* ones true soulmatethen one %ill fin* himher= ?,> coince*ences= e)<eriencesan* feelings %ill occur to gui*e 'ou to 'our soulmate an* gui*e

'our soulmate to 'ouA

n section I &elo% %e e)<lain %h' there are *ifficulties %hilst

"soulmates" are tr'ing to come together= through &lockages of [ of other <eo<les negati@e thoughts that en@elo<e a <erson toלי!#/

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 &e &locke*= an* e)<lain ho% to negate U eliminate these &lockagesA

"+om<are to Qo*ern ?a' nternet"

f one is searching for someone on the internet than one first nee*sto get a com<uter an* &e online= then a <erson nee*s to search &'

using a search engine like google or 'ahooA

Similarl' s<irituall'= in searching for ones true soulmate= one firstnee*s to &elie@e in GO? an* S<irit %orl*= connecting &' %a' of 

 <ra'ers an* lighting can*les for GO? an* S<irit %orl* for ?,> hel< to fin* ones soulmate= an* then "&e o<en"= listen an*

allo% one to &e gui*e* to meet ones soulmateA

>@er'one has a <erfect soulmate an* %hen 'ou fin* himher 'our soul %ill instincti@el' kno%= 'our life %ill "magicall'" o<en u<

%ith an amabing life @italit' of lo@e an* lifeDgi@ing energ'A

With 'our true soulmate 'ou %ill feel an eternal EO,> energ'= assoulmates e)iste* in s<irit %orl* &efore %e %ere &orn %hen our souls arri@e* on earth an* %ill e)iste unifie* together once %e *iean* lea@e this earthA The interme*iar' 'ears of life on earth is the

challenge that %e must ensure %e %aste no time in fin*ing our true soulmate to li@e a %holesome <ur<oseful lo@ing life togetherA

The True Soulmate

"One %ho looks for mone'= &eaut'= status or an'thing <h'sical ina relationshi<

%ill >,>R fin* their true soulmate" uote* from Tana ?e@ei >li'ahu

n seeking 'our true Soulmate ask 'ourself the follo%inguestionsVD

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When contem<lating ones emotions %ith res<ect to ones truesoulmate= one nee*s to ask "?o 'ou %ant to &e so *ifferent fromthat <erson" OR "?o 'ou %ish to actuall' &e i*entical to that

 <erson= an* &e a <art of that <erson= in e@er' single %a' "

n the *esire to &e that <erson= an* &ecome a com<lete <art of that <ersons life &ecause in*ee* a true soulmate is the "other half"= oneis moti@ate* an* <re<are* to change ones min*= thoughts an* e@en

 <h'sical e)istence to &e %ith himher= energibe* &' a magneticlo@e from the soulA

This <o%er from ones soul is an i*entit' that in*icates ones "truesoulmate"= the *esire to reunite 'our souls together as O> in this%orl* as 'ou ha@e &een &efore 'ou came into this %orl* an* %ill &e unite* eternall' in s<irit %orl* after lea@ing this <h'sical lifefor eternit'= an* refusing to allo% an'thing <h'sical or material

*istract or &lock 'our souls from &eing togetherA One %ill not fin*true inner "<eace of min*" %ithing ones min* an* soul until one is

%ith ones true soulmateA


`A >)<laining The Reason or The Lmabing ne)<lica&le Qagnetic Lttraction Of SoulmatesA

n this section %e e)<lain the s<iritual reason for the amabingine)<lica&le magnetic attraction of soulmates= an* %h' one feels=

senses an* kno%s e@er'thing ones soulmate is thinking an*feelingA

nstantaneous Qagnetic Lttraction

Soulmates ha@e an instantanous magnetic attraction to each other=as their relationshi< is &lesse* &' ?,> GO?= &lesse* &' S<irit

%orl* an* "*estine*" as a "ke' of life" for their li@es together onearthA

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>@en <eo<le %ho tr' an* fight this magnetic soulmate lo@e *esirefor each other= %ill fin* their efforts to &lock themsel@es futile an*%ill e@entuall' &e togetherA Ls soulmates %ill ne@er fin* "<eace of 

min*" an* true <ur<oseful fulfillment of their souls until the' aretogether= &oth <h'sicall' an* s<irituall' togetherA True soulmatesal%a's nee* an* lo@ingl' enMo' &eing together all the timeA

The reason for this ine)<lica&le magnetic attraction &et%eensoulmates is that their Guar*ian Lngels are gui*ing them an* &ringing

energ' to &oth <eo<le simultaneousl'= in or*er to "force"= gui*ean* &ring this soulmate cou<le togetherA Ofcourse selfish ego=

stu&&orness an* free%ill choice can &lock this= &ut e@entuall'"soulmates" al%a's come togetherA >ach <ersons Guar*ian Lngels

%ill ensure this ha<<ens= ho%e@er illogical \

Wrong Relationshi<s Ll%a's ail

Similarl'= the reason %h' "%rong" relationshi<s= lo@ers an*

marriages fail is that each of the in*i@i*uals Guar*ian Lngels areconflicting %ith the other <ersons Guar*ian Lngels= &oth

in*i@i*uals are incom<ata&le on a s<iritual le@el an* hencee@entuall' the' en* u< conflicting on a <h'sical le@elA

L "sign" for this is that there are conflicts= *isharmon' an*in&alances in the relationshi< an* @er' often a <erson enMo's

ha@ing "SHL+>" a%a' from the other= an* in the "s<ace" a <ersonfeels enli@ene* an* ha<<' for this free*om \ This reuirement for 

"s<ace" is an energ' from ones Guar*ian Lngels to <ull one a%a'from a &a* an* %rong relationshi<A

Once the %rong <erson is out of ones life= "goo* fortune" al%a'sha<<ens in a <ersons life= as a s<iritual sign from ones Guar*ian

Lngels that one is no% on the correct <ath%a' an* free from that

"negati@e" <erson A

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>@er'one &elie@es in "SGS" as these gi@e e@er'one anin*ication of goo* energ'= a goo* omen to ones soul %hich is

li@ing in this real <h'sical %orl* that one is %ith the right <erson

*oing the right thing at the right timeA f one feels "uncomforta&le"or misfortune ha<<ens %here it has not ha<<en* &efore= then takethis as a sign an* ha@e "closure" an* <lease run a%a' from them \\\

Once one has "closure" from "*raining" <eo<le= a <ositi@e energ' of e)citement an* "ali@eness" is gi@en &' ones Guar*ian Lngels= this

is &ecause ones soul is "&locking success" %hen one is %ith &a* <eo<leA The more s<iritual an* sensiti@e a <erson is= the stronger the

"&locking energ'" cause* &' other <eo<les transference energ'=through ones Guar*ian Lngels as sign to <rotect 'ouA

Soulmates +ommunicate &' ">'e +ontact"

#070ל7[ל/0.ש0.7ע.10יש  301ש/5.0#-על-#3כ

The Talmu* Zi*ushin `_a e)<lains that a <erson isfor&i**en to marr' unless the' see each

other %ith their e'esA The Talmu* *oes notsa' "talk to each other" or kiss etcA= &ut the

talmu* sa's a <erson nee*s to "to see" %ithones e'esA

This is &ecause ones e'es are the %in*o%sto ones soul= an* "e'e contact" means that

'our souls are communicating %ith each

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otherA Onl' &' "e'e contact" %ill 'ou kno%that this <erson is 'our soulmate an* onl'

through 'our continual "e'e contact" 'our souls are communicating %ith each otherA

IA Wh' There Lre ?ifficulties Whilst "Soulmates" Lre +oming Together +reate* B'Blockages Of /#!יל[ Other Heo<les egati@e Thoughts That >n@elo<e L Herson Ln*


Sometimes there are *ifficulties %hilst "soulmates" are tr'ing tocome together= through &lockages of /#!יל[ of other <eo<les

negati@e thoughts that en@elo<e a <erson to &e &locke*= the reasonis that the union of "soulmates" is ,>R; HOW>RNE an* man' <eo<le are Mealous= hateful an* s<iteful %ith en@' that one has*e@elo<e* s<irituall' %ith a %on*erful soulmate union of lo@e=

e@en *estructi@e an* controlling "%ell meaning" <arents can &e Mealous an* create negati@e &lockages\

 egati@e Blockages D /#!יל[

[ D"klee<es" literall' translate* are "la'ers of har* shells"Aלי!#/S<irituall' the %or* /#!יל[ D "klee<es" is use* in reference to

shells of negati@e energ' that attach themsel@es to ones soul an*

 <re@ent "life energ'" from ?,> GO? an* from S<irit %orl*coming into ones soul= these /#!יל[ D "klee<es" are create* &'

negati@e emotions an* thoughts such has hate= Mealous'= *eceit an*liesA These negati@e &lockages are create* &' a <erson or &' other 

 <eo<le %ho %ish to &lock ones lifeA

"Blockages" are create* &' negati@e thought energ' hence the' are

easil' cancelle*Dout through the <o%er of <ra'er an* s<eech= ase)<laine* in the cha<ter Eoss &' "Transference"A

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Resisting "+hange" +reates Blockages

When a <erson finall' meets their soulmate= the' %ill &oth &e in atransition <erio* of inner change= until the' come together as one

in <h'sical se)ual lo@eA This is &ecause &oth ha@e &een li@ing a"half life" %ithout their soulmate an* a*a<te* to a *'sfunctional

life %hilst li@ing aloneA Therefore= some changes %ill &enecessar'A

f either one resist these changes in their li@es= through their in*e<en*ant= selfish chil*ish %a's of thinking= or their stu&&orn

ego then this creates /#!לי

[ D "klee<es" negati@e &lockagesA Onl'%hen the' realise that each other is the "other half" of the other an* then *eci*e* to gro%Du< into mature selfless a*ultsA

Lt that moment of inner *ecision the' %ill &oth resist the nee* tocreate &lockages of mo@ing for%ar* &' "hol*ing onto" their <ast=an* then the' %ill come together for a unite* %on*erful future for their soul %hich is O>= an* then there is no longer such thing as

X <eo<le in a soulmate= the' are sim<l' O> unitA

Other Heo<le Who Wish to "+ontrol" Ln* "O%n" ;our Soul +reates Blockages

The other &lockage of /#!יל[ is create* from other <eo<les negati@e thoughts thaten@elo<e a <erson to &e &locke*= the reason is that the union of "soulmates" is ,>R;HOW>RNE an* man' <eo<le are Mealous= hateful an* s<iteful %ith en@' that one has*e@elo<e* s<irituall' an* has a %on*erful soulmate union of lo@e= e@en *estructi@e an*

controlling <arents can &e Mealous an* create negati@e &lockages\

Single <eo<le %ho feel that the' are "into their career" or "committe*" to their Mo&= <rofession or &usiness an* ha@e no time

for lo@ing relationshi<s= ma' think the' are making a goo**ecision themsel@es= ho%e@er in realit' the' *o not OW their 

o%n soulsA The' ha@e "sol* their souls to the *e@il"= to their career or to the lo@e of "making mone'"= as the' are not in control of 

their o%n li@es an* ha@e gi@en their soulful <o%er a%a'= this %ill

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create the same &lockage in their li@es= an* th%art their o%ns<iritual success in fin*ing their true soulmateA

These negati@e &lockages are *issol@e* &' cancelling out through <ra'er= <o%er of s<eech an* inner change= as e)<laine* in Eoss &'

"Transference"= then the cou<le must learn to &e _JJ close* an* &es<irituall' <rotecte* to such negati@it' %hich is tr'ing to challenge an*

 &lock their soulmate unionA

?issol@e Lll egati@e Blockages D /#!יל[

Eight L Single +an*le

A >@er' Soulmate +ou<le s L

]92ע#ל "Small Worl*"A

>@er' soulmate cou<le is a 92[ "small %orl*"A The <rinci<leע#לof soulmates nee*ing to <rotect themsel@es an* li@e in their "o%n

%orl*" refusing to "allo%Din" an' *estructi@e or negati@e energiesinto their relationshi< an* ha@ing their o%n uniue <ur<ose an*

mission in their li@es is @ital to the e)istence an* sur@i@al of their soulmate %orl*A

Therefore= %hene@er a soulmate cou<le feels an' form of negati@it' in their lo@ing relationshi< D light a single can*le= an*

em&race each other %ith lo@e= as the' are O>= this unit's'm&olibe* in O> can*le an* connecting %ith the ?,>S<irit %orl* %ill <rotect them an* negate an' negati@it' from

%home@er an* %here@er it has come fromA

When a soulmate cou<le are together the' are <rotecting eachother from an' e)ternal negati@e influences= in fact the' are li@ing

in their o%n '92[ "small %orl*" an* almost o&li@ious to anע#ל

negati@it' that e)ists or an' negati@it' that the' %oul* ha@e

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sense* %hen the' %ere singleA Being together an* li@ing in their o%n %orl*= es<eciall' %hen unifie* as one unit in making se)ual

lo@e= creates s<iritual an* <h'sical lo@e energ' %hich <rotects

from all negati@it'AA >@er'time "Soulmates" Qake Se)ual Eo@e The' +reate S<iritual >nerg' That Hrotects

Their Souls

There is a s<iritual lo@ing energ' create* &' soulmates e@er'timethe' "make lo@e"= %hich creates a s<iritual <rotecting energ' tostrengthen their &on*= energibe their li@es an* gro% s<irituall'A

The act of making se)ual lo@e %ith ones soulmate unites the t%ose<erate <h'sical &o*ies in the most natural %a'= the %omans

 &o*' is lacking an* the mans <h'sical &o*' has the missing <iecethat unites the t%o &o*iesA Onl' through their lo@ing arousal for 

each other= through <assion an* lo@e the' unite in the act of se)uallo@eA

>@er'time one makes se)ual lo@e this creates s<iritual energ' for ones unite* soul= the same %a' that "making se)ual lo@e" &ringsthe <otential for a chil* to &e concei@e*= that is to sa' that "se)ual

lo@e" has the <otential to &ring a s<irit soul *o%n from s<irit%orl* of souls into this <h'sical %orl*A Eike%ise e@er'time one

makes se)ual lo@e %ith ones soulmate this unites the <h'sical an*s<iritual union of their soul an* creates a <o%erful s<iritual


"Qake L Wish"

Sefer Shinu'im e)<lains that at the s<ecific moment a manorgasms= eMaculates s<erm insi*e a %oman= he has &rought an

angelic an* s<iritual energ' into this %orl*A

The s<iritual tra*ition at this s<ecific moment is for a man to then

sa' "make a %ish"= although once the' &oth &ecome accustome*

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to each other the' he no longer nee*s to sa' it as the %omankno%s= e@en so if a man feels a @er' s<ecial energ' D he shoul*

sa' "make a %ish"A

The s<iritual energ' of the angel create* &' the se)ual lo@e in thesoulmate union has the energ' to hel<= gui*e= <rotect an* &ring

goo* fortune into their li@es= &ut it nee*s the %oman to recei@e the &lessing an* for her to "make the %ish"A

t is a re%ar* an* thanks to the %oman for her <assion an* lo@ethat the man has the energ' an* *esire to lo@e= this is her uniue

re%ar* for her kin*ness= su<<ort an* lo@e for her soulmate manA

FThis is s<iritual reason that use of con*om or "coming outsi*e"=mastur&ating= or an' other act other than a mans <enis insi*e a

%omans @agina making se)ual lo@e= creates a negati@e &lockageof energ' u<on the soul /#!יל[ = as e)<laine* a&o@e an* on the

 <age "Cealth U ?iet"AK

We un*erstan* that this section on "Soulmates" is long an* the%e&<age Eife of Eo@e is @er' long= %e %ishe* to kee< the originalfrom Sefer Shinu'im D Book of +hanges an* not s<lit the <ure

kno%le*ge in *ifferent <agesA

 ontheless %e shall &e inserting link to a se<arate %e&<age Se)ual

Eo@e an* ha@e ma*e this se<arate %e&<age on "Hra'ers an* Co% to fin*

ones soulmate" %ith kno%le*ge from &oth Sefer Shinu'im an* Sefer 



The Ce&re% %or* 5#2 means GOO? D Gematria umerical ,alue _

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The onl' true goo*ness comes %hen one is %holesome %ith lo@eof ones soulmate

+ha<ter _ of Sefer Shinu'im is "Eife of Eo@e" is the most im<ortant cha<ter as it is the Z>; to li@ing life in this %orl*= connecting this

 <h'sical %orl* to the eternal s<iritual %orl* %ith EO,> of GO?=EO,> of Eife an* true EO,> of ones SoulmateA

The >ssence an* source of LEE goo*ness in the %orl* is EO,>AThe Ho%er an* >nerg' of EO,> eliminates all negati@it'=

 &lockages= *eath= sa*ness an* e@ilA The Ho%er an* >nerg' of 

EO,> creates energ' from >ternal S<iritual %orl* %hich healsour souls an* &o*ies in this <h'sical %orl*A Eo@e is the ke' to

e@er'thing in this Worl* an* Mourne' %e call "Eife"A

The Hur<ose of Tests U Hro&lems in Eifeis to %ake a <erson u< <h'sicall' an* s<irituall'A


##ע##עי1שיכ/1יש3"Wake' Wake' ;ou Slee<ers from ;our 


Re& +haim ,ital e)<lains the reason %h' the @erse re<eats itself "%akeDu< %akeDu<"t%ice an* that is to in*icate that a <erson nee*s to %ake u< <h'sical an* %ake u<s<irituall'A

The first ste< is to ackno%le*ge the truth that one is going aroun* in circles an* onehas &een ha@ing <ro&lems in ones life= then *eci*e that it must sto<A t reall' is thateas' \

The %hole reason for all tests an* <ro&lems in life is to gui*e a <erson along thecorrect <ath%a' in life an* to WLZ> NH s<irituall'A

Re& +haim ,ital e)<lains that e@en <ain= illness an* anguish that is *estine* for a <erson= for e)am<le if one cause* <ain to someone in a <rior lifetime then <a'ment of 

 <ain is *ue in this lifetime= e@en this can &e sto<<e* &' sim<l' &reaking the c'cle ofreincarnationA B' using the Y ke's of reincarnation to &reak the c'cle= then focus on

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the Y <ur<oses a reincarnate* soul came into this %orl* an* then &reak the c'cle foreternit'A

Then &reak= annul an* sto< all <ain an* <ro&lems in ones life through li@ing the

s<irituall' enlightene* life of ORG,>>SS= +OQHLSSO an* EO,>A

Ca@ing Hro&lems in Eife is a Sign \

Ls %e e)<laine* in the _st Ze' of Reincarnation D The +om<lainers= man' souls ha@e &een reincarnate* to o@ercome the lesson of "+OQHELG" against GO A Theseare referre* to as souls from the "%il*erness" #7573. = com<lainers ע 11י /3 = %homGO? <unishe* &' forcing them to %an*er aroun* in circles in the %il*erness for `J'ears as a <unishment for com<lainingA Nntil that %hole generation of "com<lainers"

*ie*= then the Me%ish <eo<le %ere allo%e* to enter the "<romise* lan*" of srael A

This is a lesson for e@er'one= the <unishment of feeling stagnate* an* %an*eringaroun* in circles in life= the feelings of ne@er reall' accom<lishing an'thing useful inlife= i*entifies to ones soul an urgent nee* to change D onl' one as<ect of ones life VD


This is the sim<le s<iritual la% for a successful U <ur<oseful life of inner ha<<iness U


Sim<l' Sto< +om<laining \

Ls %e ha@e e)<laine* of the <age of "Cealth U ?iet" from the Talmu* Bruchos ?afIa= "f something <ainful ha<<ens to 'ou AAA look an* in@estigate carefull' 'ouractions"A >@er'thing ha<<ens for a reason in lifeA f one has <ro&lems an* <ain= it isha<<ening for a reasonA The main lesson that most <eo<le nee* to learn is to change

the attitu*e of min*= an* STOH +OQHELG \ Eearning to &e grateful an* ha<<'for e@er'thing that ha<<ens in lifeA

Other%ise if one *oes OT change= as the Tana ?e@ei >li'ahu sa's = 01/57^.יל0=לכ !לי5AAA9י^י.53ע2" " D "one %ho hates <ain AAA<ain is *ou&le*"A This is sim<l'

un*erstoo*= as the %hole <ur<ose of <ain an* <ro&lems is to %ake a <erson u<SHRTNLEE;A f one has not %oken u<= then more <ain is sent to tr' a *ifferent %a'to %ake u< A

Sefer Shinu'im D "&ook of change" e)<lains this *ifferentl'= the reason a <erson has

failures in life= is &ecause of a *isconnection %ith GO?= the >ternal ?i@ine "lifeDgi@ing" lo@ing creati@e energ' of this %hole uni@erseA

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The <ain occurs in life uite sim<l' &ecause there is a *isconnection %ith GO?A Oncethe <erson has %oken u< to &ecome lo@ing instea* of hateful= constructi@e instea* of*estructi@e= s<irituall' a%akene* instea* of like the li@ing "*ea*" s<irituall'= then the

 <ur<ose of <ain is fulfille* A

The Reason for ?e<ression

The onl' reason for a "*e<ression"= is it that a <erson is using their min* an* thoughtsto think *ark= negati@e= fear an* hatre* thoughts= an* there&' &locking an**isconnecting their souls s<iritual essence of life energ' from GO? D the >T>RLE?,> source of LEE energ' in the uni@erseA

The <ur<ose of "&lockages" in our li@es is to WLZ>DNH our souls to +CLG> from

the %rong <ath%a' to the correct <ath%a'A

Once %e ha@e "%oken u< " s<irituall' = an* %e are %orking on changing our min*=thoughts an* our soul= then automaticall' the &lockages are eliminate* from our li@esAThis is the S<iritual la% of un&locking "&lockages" A

The Hra'er

Re& +haim ,ital e)<lains in Sefer Gilgulim that the <ra'er to ask for tests an* <ro&lems to STOH in ones life is sim<leVD

"Ri&&ono Shel Olam #1#5של#ע  = Llmight' GO?= >ternal ?i@ine S<iritual +reatorof the %hole Nni@erse= i am sorr' that i ha@e ma*e mistakes in m' life= i recognibethat i ha@e &een slee<ing in m' life= that i ha@e continuall' &een ignoring all the signsthat i ha@e &een gi@en in m' life to %ake me u< s<irituall'A ignore* the signs an*

 <ro&lems an* so the <ro&lems &ecame &igger an* no% ha@e &ecome o@er%helming tothe <oint that i ha@e no% %oken u<A

 o% that i am a%ake s<irituall'= an* a%are of all m' foolish mistakes in this lifetimean* <re@ious lifetimes i &eg of 'ou= <lease GO? sto< the <ain an* anguish so that ican lea* a s<irituall' enlightene* life of ORG,>SS= +OQHLSSO U EO,>A

Hlease ORG,> Q> for all m' mistakes in this lifetime an* <rior lifetimesA LQ>"

Cealth U ?iet

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On this <age %e ha@e three sections %hich %ill gui*e a <erson to change ones life &'changing an as<ect of ones "health U *iet" there&' &ring a @italit'= strength an*

ha<<iness into ones lifeA

_A Nn*erstan*ing the Hh'sical &o*' as a reflection of ones soul

>)<laining the *irect relationshi< &et%een the <h'sical &o*' an* the s<iritual soul of a <erson A Nn*erstan*ing that the illness or <ain in a <ersons &o*' is a reflection of 

the <ain or *amage in the soul A

n healing the soul = the <h'sical &o*' is cure* A The reci<e to <erfect health is toacce<t the signs the &o*' is "gi@ing" in <ain= un*erstan* %hat the <ain means an*

there&' "%ork on" the rele@ant s<iritual <art of the souls attitu*e an* character D .73 D%ill in*ee* heal the &o*' A

n this section %e shall teach that e@er' <art of the <h'sical &o*' corres<on*s to as<iritual as<ect of ones soul A

XA Cealing the &o*' "naturall'"

>)<laining the natural an* tra*itional cures for healing the &o*' in accor*ance %iththe Qishne Torah of the Ram&am= an* Cilchos ?a'os D 7ע#/.לכ#/ F the RLQBLQ DRa&&i Qoshe Ben Qaimon %as the <ersonal <h'sician of Sala*in= the >g'<tian ruler 

D The Ram&am calle* the kno%le*ge of health "?LOS D /#ע7 " %hich means"attitu*es of min* an* soul"K an* in accor*ance %ith teachings of Re& +haim ,ital%ho %as also a s<iritual <h'sician= F a famous ka&alist an* *isci<le of the LR LE%ho taught <eo<le to i*entif' the root cause of illnesses is in a <ersons soul= an* &'

healing the soul D the &o*' automaticall' is heale* KA

The me*ical <rofession in our generation is starting to &ecome a%are that there is anee* for a <erson to change their attitu*es an* thoughts &efore the' can &e heale*

 <h'sicall' an* com<letel' A

n this section %e gi@e an in*e) of "natural" cures for goo* health= ho<efull' after rea*ing this section 'ou %ill no longer <oison 'our &o*' %ith me*icines= for 

e)am<le= a glass of Hrune (uice is natures &est an* fastest la)ati@e A

n our generation= man' s<iritual healers ha@e also i*entifie* the s<iritual causes of "cancer"= an* &' healing the soul this has heale* the cancerous cells A This section%ill teach the root causes of these illnesses= %e shall also e)<lain the meaning of 

"here*itar'" *iseases= s<iritual healing that nee*s to &e *one collecti@el' as a famil'unit A Ln* un*erstan*ing mental illnesses an* *e<ression as a s<iritual &lockage an*

*isconnection of the full energ' of the soul A

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YA S<iritual la%s on goo* health for our generation

>)<laining an* un*erstan*ing s<iritual la%s regar*ing health an* *iet <ertaina&lees<eciall' in "our generation" A nclu*ing a section on "Women8s health" D the sanctit'

an* <urit' of kee<ing the "menstrual <erio*"= an* &enefit &oth <h'sicall' an*s<irituall' to goo* se)ual &eha@iour A n this section %e shall in*icate areas that our generation is neglecting com<are* %ith <re@ious generations A

Llso %e shall e)<lain in this section the s<ecial relationshi< of the "<o%er of s<eech"to a <ersons goo* health A Nn*erstan*ing the affects an* ho% to use the ma)imum

 <otential of all the senses of the &o*' sight= smell an* touch as s<iritual e)<eriencesfor the soul A

_A Nn*erstan*ing the Hh'sical &o*' is a Reflection of Ones Soul

AAA 9י02^4ש243$ 1-53ל3על.עלי-:$1כ009ל0

 ot e@en a <in <rick can touch or harm a <erson= unless it is *ecree* u<on in s<irit%orl*A

The fun*amental &asis of un*erstan*ing an* a&ilit' to heal is to acce<t the <rinci<al &elief that a&solutel' OTCG ha<<ens in this life &' chance or acci*entA >@er'single e@ent that occurs in our li@es ha<<ens for a reason= an* in accor*ance %ith

s<iritual la%A

With this kno%le*ge that >,>R;TCG ha<<ens for a s<ecific <ur<ose an* our soulis on a Mourne' through this <h'sical life as a transition from the s<irit %orl* from

%here %e came to the s<irit %orl* %e are going to= %e start to li@e life a continuous Mourne' for our soul= an* therefore there is O SN+C thing as T>RQLE for s<irituall' a%akene*A The e)<ression Šterminal‹ onl' e)ists to <eo<le %ho *o not

 &elie@e in a soul hence *o not &elie@e there is a s<iritual e)istence after this <h'sicallifeA

This makes the <ossi&ilit' to heal an' illness= an intrinsic &elief for an'one an*e@er'one= e@en someone suffering from a so calle* "terminal" illness &' the me*ical

 <rofessionP s<irituall' a%akene* <eo<le throughout the %hole %orl* kno% that thereis no such thing as terminal\

Lsk an'one %ho has &een *iagnose* %ith cancer= after the initial <erio* of <anic an**e@astation= %hich is <erfectl' normal= Fso *on8t think one is an' less a <erson

 &ecause of these feelings of fear an* <anicKA The ne)t stage is to use ones strength of 

*etermination= character an* ones soul to EST> to ones inner s<iritual &elief that

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e@er' <ro&lem has a solution= an* life is continuous as the soul is e@erlastingl'continuous= hence if it *estin' one %ill &e heale*A

n our generation= %e ha@e all seen an* kno% of thousan*s of <eo<le %ho ha@e &een

cure* from cancer= &ecause the' &ecame s<irituall' a%are of their soul= recognibingthat the illness is Must a <h'sical sign to make them a%are that their soul nee*s healingA There&' changing ones Šattitu*e‹ to life= changing ones %hole <ersonalit' to

 &ecoming genuinel' lo@ing= kin*= calmer an* acce<ting of life= %ith not e@en a singlehateful= &itter= resentful or Mealous thought in ones &o*'A

When %e sa' s<iritual a%are D %e must stress that %e *o not mean the <erson has &ecome a religious fanatic\ Ls %e all kno% almost all religions are manDma*e la%s=an* ha@e &een the root cause of more *eath hatre* an* miser' in the %orl* than an'illnessA What is meant &' Šs<irituall' a%are‹= a<<lies to e@er' human on our <lanet D

it is that one has connecte* %ith true s<iritualit'= lo@e of our +R>LTOR= lo@e of mankin*= an* lo@e of e@er' moment of lifeA EO,> gi@es life an* @italit' to li@eA

The S<iritual Ea% of the Hh'sical Bo*' Reflects the Soul

>@er'thing that occurs in this %orl* occurs in <airs= for e)am<le= e@er' <art of our  &o*' comes in Št%os‹= an* similarl' e@er' li@ing entit' in this %orl* comes in a <air D

male an* femaleA Eike%ise e@er' action an* ha<<ening that occurs in this %orl* hasan e)act i*entit' in s<irit %orl*A f something ha<<ens here in our <h'sical %orl* then

there is a corres<on*ing energ' in the s<iritual %orl*A

This is the reason %h' earthuakes= floo*s= @olcano eru<tions on earth ha@e &eens'm&olic of actual energies in s<irit %orl*A These are catastro<hic signs that Štheearth‹ Œ Šs<irit %orl*‹ is not ha<<' %ith our &eha@iour= it is a sign from hea@en= a

time for each <erson an* societ' to changeA

Rea*ing the Signs from Ones Hh'sical &o*'

The right si*e reflects logic= the left si*e reflects emotions= for e)am<le= if one has an

earache in the right ear= it means that one is not listening to logic an* commonDsenseAf one has an earache in the left ear= then one is not listening to ones emotionsA

When a s<ecific <art of our &o*' is not %orking= this is a sign that %e are OT usingthat <art of &o*' <ro<erl'= as it is su<<ose* to &e use*A f one has &roken ones right

leg= this means that ones logic %as %rong an* lea*ing a <erson in the %rong*irectionA f it %as the left leg= then ones emotions are lea*ing one in the %rong


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The Book of Cealing U +orrections ŠSefer Tikunim‹ e)<lains e@er' <art of ones &o*' an* %ill &e translate* an* <u&lishe* in >nglish &' oursel@es *uring summer 

XJJ= on the %e&site %%%AtikunimAcomA

The QaMor +ause of ll Cealth

S<irituall'= the maMor cause of ill health is %hen a <erson li@es a life *isconnecte*s<irituall'P Šs<irituall' connecte*‹ means &eing fille* %ith a Go*l' s<iritual lo@ing

energ' all the time= an* recognibing the e)istences of a soul that is continuall'connecte* to the eternal ?i@ine s<iritual %orl*A Where@er there is Go*s8 lo@e an*

energ'= there is life= ho<e= faith an* true ha<<inessA

X Cealing the Bo*' "aturall'"

n recognibing that our &o*' is a reflection of our s<iritual soul= healing the &o*'Šnaturall'‹ means= fin*ing the root cause s<irituall' an* healing the SONEA

3 ש#י!1 של #AAA3 ש/ j3ש!1

ŠGuar*ing ones mouth an* ones s<eech %ill <rotect ones soul from <ain an*trou&les‹A The inherent <o%er of s<eech has the <otential to &ring life or *eath=

ha<<iness or sa*ness= goo* health or ill healthA The first stage of goo* health is to usethe <o%er of ones s<eech %isel'A


+hanging ones regular ha&its &egins the start of stomach D *igestion illnesses

Talmu* e*arim Y& in the name of Shmuel

oo* U ?igestion

ל.$^#46ל/4יל/ 3עיי45

The &eginning of all &o*il' illnesses &egins %ith illnesses in the stomach D *igestionThe famous (e%ish ra&&i kno%n as Ram&am in his &ook Cilchos ?aos /#כל./#ע7 of 

Qishne Torah a*@ises the &est %a' to remain health' is to make sure that onescom<lete *igesti@e s'stem is gi@en a Šclear out‹ once e@er' X to ` %eeks A

t is acce<te* in the kno%le*gea&le me*ical <rofession to*a'= that in e@er'one8s &o*'

contains cancerous cells= one of <ur<oses of the *igesti@e s'stem is to clear these

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cells out of the &o*'A The stomach D intestines= as foo* tra@els through the intestines=the &o*' a&sor&s the goo* energ' of the foo*= %hilst the cancerous cells all taken theo<<osite %a' an* out of the &o*' in the faeces D e)crementA f ones intestines are not

cleare* regularl' an* full' flushe* out= then these harmful cells remain tra<<e*A

?octors are no% <ro@ing ho% right the RLQBLQ is in a*@ising a thorough regular  &o*il' cleansing ŠclearDout‹\

Hrune (uice D atures Best atural Ea)ati@e

lushing ones s'stem out com<letel' using natures &est natural la)ati@e Hrune (uiceis %on*erfull' refreshing an* healing for e@er'oneA L glassDfull XJJml is normall'

a*euate= although for an a@erage sibe <erson an* for the first time ŠclearDout‹ shoul*take u< to `JJml of <rune Muice= an* &et%een Y an* hours it %ill rocket through

'our &o*'\

The feeling as this is ha<<ening is uite remarka&le an* almost magical= as in thesame %a' <h'sicall' *ea*l' cells are &eing cleare*Dout of the &o*'= so too one feels a

s<irituall' refreshe* an* cleanse*A

On the *a' of clearing ones s'stem= *rink %ater= no foo*= an* allo% ones *igesti@es'stem to ha@e a restA Tr' it an* see= one actuall' feels amabingl' refreshe*= almostlike a ne% &orn &a&'A Then one shoul* start foo* intake &' ha@ing a glass of milkA

Qilk D the Qost S<irituall' >nergibing ?rink 

Qilk is a <ro*uct connecte* %ith the life c'cle of re<ro*uctionP onl' after a co% hasgi@en &irth *o the hormones an* energ' of the co% <ro*uce milkA ?rinking milk 

throughout all generations has &een associate* %ith recei@ing the energ' of gro%thAn the same %a' it has energ' of <h'sical gro%th it contains the energ' of s<iritual

gro%thA Cence all the references in the &i&le to Ša lan* flo%ing of milk an* hone'‹P asign of <h'sical an* s<iritual= %ealth= goo* health= ha<<iness an* <ros<erit'A

Cone' ΠL Gift from Lll the +om&ine*Dorces of "ature"

ŠL lan* flo%ing of milk an* hone'‹P hone' is kno%n as an e)cee*ingl' s<iritualfoo*= this is &ecause e@er' <art of creation has %orke* together to <ro*uce Cone'A

irstl' the sun shines an* rain %aters the <lants an* flo%ers to gro%A Then in the lifec'cle of <lants= the' <ro*uce nectar= %hich attracts the &ees to <ollinate an*

re<ro*uce the <lant &' ru&&ing the <ollen it has <icke* u< from man' <lants it has@isite*A This <ollination <ro@i*es the <lant %ith the a&ilit' to re<ro*uce see*s an*continue the c'cle of life= %hilst the &ee takes the nectar an* <ro*uces hone'A The

making of CO>; &' the nectar in the <lants an* the &ees is consi*ere* a s<iritual

gift to humansA

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Tasting Cone' an* recognibing %here it has come from= that all the collecti@eenergies of *ifferent <arts of creation= %hich ha@e %orke* together to <ro*uce

CO>;= %ill gi@e a <erson a @er' s<iritual energ'A

There are man' other foo*s that shoul* &e eaten such as L<<lesP ŠLn a<<le a *a' Dkee<s the *octor a%a'‹= an* ofcourse there are man' goo* s<iritual &ooks %ithe)<lanations that shoul* &e rea* on this su&Mect such as Sefer Refuah Œ The Book of 

Cealing an* Sefer +hi*ushimA

+ooking an* <re<aring 'our foo* %ith EO,>

Better to eat foo* ma*e &' a automate* machine than &' a <erson %ith hateful energ'=foo* infecte* %ith hate is like a <oisonous cancer to the &o*' AThe *i@ine energ' in

this %orl* is EO,>= it is the creati@e energ'A >@er' <erson shoul* learn to cook %ith

lo@e an* enMo'mentA oo* an* eating are the %on*erful <leasures that %e can enMo'e@er' *a' of our li@es= so learn to EO,> cooking %ith lo@e an* fee*ing 'our soulA

The Strength U Ho%er of Hra'er to heal

The <o%er of s<eech in <ra'er is the most <o%erful %a' to heal ones s<iritual soulA>@er' human has the s<iritual <otential to <ra' an* ha@e their <ra'ers ans%ere*A

There is no *istinction in religion or &eliefs= in race or ageA >@er' human %ho has the <o%er of s<eech= has the <o%er to <ra'= an* *efinitel' ha@e ones <ra'ers ans%ere*

through the hel< of their o%n uniue Guar*ian Lngels %hose sole <ur<ose is to listento ones <ra'ers an* hel<A

Col*ing the Can* of a Sick Herson

Ls %e e)<laine* in the cha<ter on Halmistr'= the energ' of ones soul is containe* inthe <alms of ones han*A n shaking han*s or hol*ing han*s= this ena&les transferenceof energ' &et%een the soulsA Cence s<iritual healers al%a's ma*e a s<ecial <oint to

shake han*s %ith sick <eo<leA

Tr' an* see for 'ourself= %hen 'ou go to hos<ital= ol* age home or to @isit a frien* famil'= %ho are sick at home= sim<l' hol* han*sA The sick <erson %ill feel the

s<iritual an* <h'sical energ' transfer an* actuall' start to feel healthier= sim<l' &'hol*ing han*sA

The reason is sim<le= the health' <erson is %holesome &oth <h'sicall' an* s<irituall'=a sign that the soul is *irectl' linke* s<irituall' to s<irit %orl*A Whilst hol*ing han*sthe health' <erson acts as a me*ium to &ring *o%n an* channel s<iritual energ' to

heal the <ersons soulA

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The %ritten source for this s<iritual la% is the Talmu* Bruchos <age I& as uote* &'Re& +haim ,ital in the &ook "ma8amori rash&i" ש3035י

Y Se)ual Goo* Cealth for Our Generation

n this section %e shall in*icate areas that our generation is neglecting com<are* %ith <re@ious generations= %e &elie@e to &e <rimaril' *ue to lack of e*ucationA

#5י4[#שי1# D "Qaking Eo@e"

The tra*itional Ce&re% term for making lo@e is #5י4[#שי1# = meaning Šconnectionan* kissing‹A This is to stress that im<ortance of goo* se)ual &eha@iour follo%ing as<iritual %a' of life is to connect ones &o*' U soul togetherA Qan' <eo<le sa'= %hatone *oes in &e* is ones o%n choiceP ho%e@er= the %rong se)ual &eha@iour *oes ha@e

an affect on ones soul= con@ersel' follo%ing the correct se)ual %a' enhances a lo@ing

relationshi<= making it long lasting an* sta&le %ith a <h'sical an* s<iritual @italit'A

The le@els of the soul containe* in the <h'sical &o*'

_A efesh F>arthl' soulK *!1 = the most <h'sical of s<iritual energ'= o<ens anשconnects through the se)ual organs= a mans <enis insi*e a %omans @aginaA

XA Ruach FS<irit of Soul through &reatheK 4^ = the s<iritual energ' containe* in the &reathe of life A Our s<eech is a reflection of our S<irit of ŠRuach‹A Zissing %ith ones

li<s an* mouth connects the t%o s<irits of <eo<leA

YA eshama FHure S<iritual SoulK .3ש1 = all our min*s higher thoughts an* energies%e use %ith concentration A The heightene* energibe* state of se)ual orgasm connects

ones eshama D soul at the highest le@elA

The s<irituall' correct %a' for "making lo@e"

Sim<le \ L man on to< of a %oman facing each other= l'ing *o%n in a &e*= %ith hiserect <enis insi*e a %oman8s @agina OE; A

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+onnecting all le@els of the soulP Whilst making lo@e= mo@ing in an* out insi*e the@agina= the man an* the %oman= kiss each other to connect the &reath of life theŠRuach Œ S<irit‹ of the souls %ith their mouths= %hilst their se)ual organs are

connecting their &o*ies as a %holesome &o*'A Ls &oth come to heightene* energ' of 

orgasm then their souls Šeshoma‹ unites on the highest le@el <ossi&le <h'sicall'an* s<irituall'= %hich is the reci<e for making lo@e an* for &ringing *o%n a ne%s<irit soul of a chil*A

Lccor*ing to the LR an* Re& +haim ,ital= e@er' time one makes lo@e correctl' anangel is create*= e@en if a chil* is not concei@e*= to enhance their li@es s<irituall' an*

 <h'sicall' successfull' %ith goo* fortuneA

Qan' <eo<le %ill tell= that the' ha@e amabing goo* fortune Qabal U success=es<eciall' %hen the' Šmake lo@e‹ <ro<erl' the night &eforeA L sign that a <erson is

not acting correctl' is that the' ha@e failure in their life= as a sign the' are Š%asting‹or *estro'ing a creati@e energ' from their *estructi@e %asteful acts of se)ual


Sta'ing insi*e a %oman an* connecting se)uall' for as long as <ossi&le= &oth <h'sicall' an* s<irituall' is the <ur<ose of the act of making lo@eA Sta'ing insi*e an*mo@ing slo%l' %ith EO,>= an* OT in a hurrie* state of aggression an* <anic= &ut

%ith goo* thoughts an* selfD control %ill connect the t%o souls together %ith a *i@inecreati@e lo@e energ' A

The Wrong Wasteful Wa's ŠShort circuits‹ all the le@els of the soul

The sim<le %a' to correct an' %rong &eha@iour from the <ast is to STOH=imme*iatel' sto<<ing the %rong acts cleanses an* heals the soulA n our generation=there ha@e &een man' instances of %rong &eha@iour= %hich all the s<iritual teachers

fin* un&elie@a&leA Therefore= %e make mention of these %rongs an* e)<lains<irituall' the *amage to the soulA

or a %oman to touch a <enis= %ith her han* or %ith her mouth %ill *amage BOTC

their soulsA Ls s<irituall' this act connects the S<irit Š&reath‹ of one <erson %ith theLnimal efesh of another= this lo%ers the le@el of the S<irit Ruach to a Lnimal


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or an'one to ha@e "anal se)" like homose)uals= %hich the Talmu* in Zi**ushin ]XaFthe te)t is re<ro*uce* a&o@eK e)<lains that trul' human s<iritual souls %ill ne@er 

ha@e= im<l'ing that an'one %ho acts homose)uall' is OT a human soulA The @er'ne)t section of the Talmu* talks a&out success in life= connecting the fact that %hen

one &eha@es morall' an* se)uall' correct one has true an* lasting successA

The act of Šanal se)‹ means= that the mans <h'sical se)ual organ re<resenting thesouls energ' of creation an* life is connecting %ith the most *estructi@e energ' a

human can create D e)crement= *isgusting an* @ile *ea*l' energ'A

The act of "anal" acti@it' connects the soul Šefesh‹ *irectl' %ith ?>LTCA Once a <erson has &een in *irect contact %ith this *eath energ'= their soul le@el of >>SCis *ea* an* *isconnecte* s<irituall'= an* an'one the' connect %ith= %ill kill %ith their 

Š*eath‹ energ'A Lccor*ingl'= the &i&lical stor' of ŠSo*om an* Gomorra‹ e)<lains

that these cities %ere *estro'e* as it lacke* an' E> energ'A

Š+oming outsi*e‹ to a@oi* <regnanc' or %earing a con*om or an' other <er@ersionof %omen touching genitals of the man %ill corru<t an* short circuit the soulAThis is &ecause at the moment of heightene* state of orgasm the soul is tr'ing to make a

strong connection= if there is a &lockage &' %a' of con*om= or the <enis is remo@e*to *isconnect= the s<iritual energ' of their souls ha@e no %a' of connecting= so it

actuall' creates a *estructi@e energ'A

Similarl' %asting Šsee*‹ in mastur&ationP this act &rings ones soul to heightene*le@el of s<iritual consciousness an* orgasm= &ut has no one to connect the se)uals<iritual energ'= an* is %aste*A The LR an* Re& +haim ,ital= uote the OCLR thatthe *estructi@e energ' create* in mastur&ation= causes a *estructi@e energ' Factuall' a*estructi@e angel is create*K that hangs aroun* a <erson for a %hole *a' until sunset

the follo%ing *a'A

The !5[שי. Sefer Za@ Ca;osher  D e)<lains that a %oman8s &o*' a certain times= &ecomes hot an* se)uall' arouse*= an* can e@en Šlet themsel@es go‹ D mastur&ate in <u&lic <lacesA Lccor*ing to !5[שי. Sefer Za@ Ca;osher= this releases a s<iritual

energ' &ut it also affects sensiti@e <eo<le in the @icinit'A The &ook asks an* <lea*s%ith %omen to control themsel@es es<eciall' in <u&lic <lacesA

Nn*erstan*ing that %omen ha@e se)ual nee*s an* *esires= more than men= as their se)ual *esires are gi@en &' GO? in or*er to hel< continue the human race= *esiring

chil*ren is a GO?Dgi@en natural gift for all normal %omenA This is the %a' that GO?ma*e an* has &lesse* the %oman8s &o*'= &ut asks %omen to restrain themsel@es in <u&lic <laces= an* use this e)cita&le energ' to either focus in <ra'ing= lo@ing an*

*esiring their true soulmate or if %omen reall' nee* to Šlet themsel@es go‹ to release

their inner tension an* mastur&ate= then onl' in <ri@ate an* ne@er in <u&lic amongst <eo<le A

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The relationshi<= e@en if it is a *estine* soulmate can &e ruine*= &' one act of se)ual*egra*ationA ?isease AAAthe name itself means ?SAAAA >LS>= reflects that a <erson is

not at ease %ith themsel@es= their souls are not at <eace an* %ill ne@er &e a <eace AAA if it is *isease*A When the act of making lo@e is *one correctl' it &rings <leasure an*

life energ' to &oth the man an* the %omanA

Ls e@er'one is a%are there are t%o %a's of *oing e@er'thing in life= the correct %a'an* incorrect %a'= making lo@e %ith aggression an* %ith an energ' to satisf' an

animal instinct is OT the correct %a' A Qaking lo@e= out of a *esire of <eace= lo@e=*ignit'= serenit' an* a *esire to connect ones souls together in unit' is the a&solute

correct %a'A

The highest form of creati@e acti@it' of the human &eing is making lo@e &et%een aman an* a %oman= %hich creates a s<iritual energ' that &rings then closer to GO?

an* S<irit %orl*A The act of making lo@e %ill lea@e ones soul feeling ali@e %iths<iritual energ' ha@ing Must connecte* %ith GO?E; lo@ing energ'A

The Women8s &o*' is a sacre* tem<le of the Šc'cle of life‹

The <h'sical &o*' of a %oman is the s'm&ol of creati@e life on earthA Together %iththe man= a %oman8s &o*' &ecomes the home of a gro%ing &a&' chil* *uring

 <regnanc'A The mar@elous miracle of creation of a ne% &orn life= takes <lace in the%oman8s &o*'A

Qenstruation D Women8s Herio*

The c'cle of life on earth= &irth an* *eath= occurs monthl' %ithin a %omen8s &o*'AThe <otential to create life is a monthl' <otentialA Once the o<<ortunit' is misse*=

then a form of Š*eath‹ occurs= in the form &lee*ingA t is kno%n throughout the%orl*= that the Must &efore the time of &lee*ing a %oman &ecomes e)cee*ingl'

sensiti@e an* emotionalA This is her soul sensing this le@el of Š*eath‹ %hich is a&outto arri@eA ?e<en*ing on the attitu*e of min* of the %oman= she %ill han*le the <erio*

in much the same %a' as han*ling a Š*eath‹A

Therefore accor*ing to &oth (e%ish tra*ition an* sacre* Za&&alistic kno%le*ge an*un*erstan*ing= it is for&i**en for men an* %omen to ha@e se)ual relations %hilst a%oman is Š&lee*ing‹ *uring the monthl' menstrual c'cle= %hich normall' lasts at

least I *a's A

The reason is sim<le= a %oman re<resents E>= the reason for se)ual relations is tocreate life= %hilst the menstruation D &lee*ing is occurring= this is s'm&olic of 

?>LTCA Therefore E> an* ?>LTC must &e ke<t se<arate*A t is a fact of life= that

LEE marriage <ro&lems= arguments an* &reakD*o%ns in communication= occur *uring this sensiti@e <erio* of QenstruationA

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Therefore s<irituall' an* common sense *ecenc'= it is so im<ortant that &oth men an*%omen realibe the Š<erio*‹ time must &e treate* %ith mutual res<ect for the c'cle of lifeA This is the reason %h' all (e%ish s<iritual la%s an* Za&&alistic tra*itions reuire

men an* %omen to a&stain from se)ual relations *uring this Š&lee*ing <erio*‹

The ualit' of ones lo@ing relationshi<= ualit' of ones life &oth <h'sicall' an*s<irituall' is enhance* %hen one kee<s the sanctit' an* <urit' of a&stinence of se)ualrelations *uring the <erio*A Lccor*ing to Re& +haim ,ital= the famous ka&&alist= it isalso a &lessing that ones chil*ren= es<eciall' the ualit' of the SONE of ones chil*ren

is so much more <ure an* &lesse* %ith an intrinsic <urit'= %hen the <arents kee<Šfamil' <urit'‹A t is acce<te* that ones e'e colour is a reflection of the ualit' an*

 <urit' of ones soul= an* influence* &' the <urit' of se)ual relationshi< of ones <arentsA

Zee<ing ;our Can*s +lean

Ones han*s contain the energ' of 'our soul= &oth im<rinte* on it in the form of lines= &ut also in the energ' of 'our han*s is the energ' of 'our soulA So &e careful for 

 <h'sical an* s<iritual cleanliness an* goo* health to al%a's kee< ones han*s cleanA

Guar* ;our >'es

;our e'es are the %in*o%s of 'our soul= so in the interest an* goo* health of  <rotecting 'our soul B> +LR>NE WCLT ;ON EOOZ LTA Cea*aches are

"S<iritual Lttacks" that one has &een attacke* through seeing something through ones <h'sical an* s<iritual e'esA

Res<ecting ;our eet

The feet re<resent the foun*ations of 'our <h'sical &o*'P there is a tremen*ousl'strong s<iritual energ' in 'our feetA Lcu<uncturists an* alternati@e me*icine ha@e

recognibe* the <o%er of s<iritual an* ner@e energ' %ithin a <ersons footA There arealso s<iritual lines on ones feet D Must like the lines on ones han*A

The feet reflect the foun*ation of ones &o*' an* soul= take a look at 'our feet= %hatcon*ition are the' in

The reme*' is sim<leP %ash them at least TW+> a *a' in the morning an* e@eningAf one has *r' skin= then use natural cocoa &utter to ru& into 'our feetA Gi@e 'our feetfresh air D ne@er %ear socks in &e* Funless 'ou8re in reall' freebing con*itions in the

 orth Hole or cam<ing in Si&eria\KA

Qake sure that 'ou al%a's ha@e the most comforta&le <air of shoesA e@er %ear a

 <air of shoes &ecause the' "look goo*" to others= &ut hurt 'our feet\ Such a sill'attitu*e D reflects ones characterA

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ŠThe I minute rule‹ from Sefer Shinu'im

The Book of +hanges ŠSefer Shinu'im‹ e)<lains that if 'ou ha* Must I minutes left toli@e= %hat %oul* 'ou *o in the last I minutes of life= an* ho% %oul* 'ou like to &e

remem&ere*‹ Start &eha@ing an* treating ones &o*' %ith *ignit'= sanctit' as if 'ouha@e Must I minutes to li@e= this %ill then sto< a <erson from *oing sill' things an*li@ing a %asteful futile lifeA

Once a <erson starts to cherish the gift of life as if e@er' I mins are ones last I mins=then ones %hole &o*' %ill start to feel &etter as ones soul %ill &ecome at <eace %ithin

ones <h'sical &o*' %ith a <eace of min* an* goo* healthA

+onclusion U oototes

 O SN+C thing as T>RQLE for s<irituall' a%akene*

This makes the <ossi&ilit' to heal an' illness= an intrinsic &elief of e@er'one= e@ensomeone suffering from a so calle* "terminal" illness &' the me*ical <rofession AS<irituall' a%akene* <eo<le throughout the %hole %orl* ZOW that there is O

SN+C thing as T>RQLE \

Lsk an'one %ho has &een *iagnose* %ith cancer= after the initial <erio* of <anic an**e@astation= %hich is <erfectl' normal Fso *on8t think one is an' less a <erson &ecause

of these feelings of fear an* <anicK A The ne)t stage is to use ones strength of *etermination= character an* soul= an* EST> to ones inner &elief that e@er'

 <ro&lem has a solution= so one can &e heale* A

n our generation= %e ha@e all seen an* kno% of thousan*s of <eo<le %ho ha@e &eencure* from cancer= &ecause the' &ecame s<irituall' a%are of their soul= recognibing

that the illness is Must a <h'sical sign to make them a%are that their soul nee*s healingA There&' changing ones "attitu*e" to life= changing ones %hole <ersonalit' to

 &ecoming genuinel' lo@ing= kin*= %ith not a hateful= &itter= resentful or Mealousthought in ones &o*'A

un*amental +auses of ?eath

The >thics of the athers D Hirkei L@os has &asic teachings for reasons of "<remature*eath"= sim<l' &ase* on the fact that it is the <ersons materialistic= negati@e an* non

s<iritual attitu*es of min* that %ill cause a <erson to *isconnect from the lo@ingcreati@e energ' of this %orl* A


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_IA Ra&&i (oshua sai*V The e@il e'e= the e@il *esire an* hatre* of his fello% creatures=are the causes for a <erson to &e remo@e* from the %orl*

Hirkei a@os cha<ter X D mishne _I

.ע#לj#3/070.93י0י.#=9כ0![.3#0=.01[..##0/.#7#5ליע:5כ0 A

X_ARa&&i >leabar haDZa<<ar use* to sa'V (ealous'= lustful *esires for the %rong <erson F that is lust for someone %ho is OT ones soulmateK= an* selfish am&ition=

are the causes for a <erson to &e remo@e* from the %orl*A

Hirkei a@os cha<ter ` D mishne X_

Heo<le %hose %hole focus on life is to gain %ealth= materialism an* control o@er 

other <eo<le through intimi*ation an* fear= are causing their o%n *eath= as theseenergies are the antithesis D the com<lete o<<osite of life A >@entuall' the more <o%er 

these <eo<le gain through lo%er energies of hatre* an* fear = the further a%a' the'mo@e from GO? = there&' *isconnecting from the creati@e an* s<iritual EO,>

energ' that gi@es ones soul @italit' A

The &est %a' to STLRT E,G again an* to C>LE ones life is to learn to EO,>through unlocking *oors &' using the "Ze's of GilGul" of EO,>= ORG,>>SS


Re& +haim ,ital= the famous (e%ish ka&&alist %ho %rote the "Book of Reincarnation" D "Sefer Gilgulim" amongst man' &ooksA >)<lains that the four elements of nature come %ith its o%n s<ecific energ' an* s<iritual mission= to

o@ercome a certain as<ect of our soul that nee*s refiningA

>ach of the _X astrological Sun Signs comes into the categor' of the ` elements of natureVD

R>V Lries= Eeo= Sagittarius A

>LRTCV Taurus= ,irgo= +a<ricorn A

LRV Gemini= Ei&ra= Luarius

WLT>RV +ancer = Scor<io =Hisces

The R> signs ha@e a ten*enc' to &e e)cee*ingl' selfish an* <rou*= their lesson inlife is therefore to &ecome more consi*erate of others = kin* an* selfless A Llso to

 &ecome more hum&le in their &eha@iour &' learning consi*eration for other <eo<le

feelings an* emotions A

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The >LRTC signs ha@e a ten*enc' to &e lab' an* *e<resse*= their lesson in life is tocreate acti@it' an* kee< themsel@es &us' A L**itionall' e@en %hen the' are &us' the'must make sure the' ha@e the right attitu*e= an* think <ositi@e constructi@e thoughts =

a@oi*ing *e<ressi@e = sa* = negati@e or Mealous thoughts A

The LR signs ha@e a ten*enc' to talk too much an* to tell lies= sometimes %ith their shar< tongues can hurt an* *amage other <eo<le A The' must learn to tell the truth an*communicate <ositi@e lo@ing thoughts %ith other <eo<le = gi@ing <eo<le constructi@e

encouragement an* su<<ort %ith their %or*s A

The WLT>R signs ha@e a ten*enc' to follo% their animal instincts= instea* of thinking of the *ifference &et%een right an* %rong A The' ha@e a ten*enc' for toomuch an* e)cessi@eness in eating= *rinking an* se) A Therefore= the' must learn to

control themsel@es an* their animal instincts A

These are the foun*ations that nee* healing in ones soul A Once these fun*amentalcharacteristics ha@e &een heale* an* correcte* A

Rest U Slee<

SE>>HG ?R>+TO= it is @itall' im<ortant that a <erson gets a health' an* <eaceful slee<A The Ram&am suggests that a <erson shoul* ha@e ] hours slee<A

Co%e@er= ol*er <eo<le %ho naturall' slee< less at night= shoul* slee< for an hour in

the *a'time= es<eciall' after a meal= %hen their &o*' nee*s all its energ' to *igest thefoo* <ro<erl'A

Qental health U ?e<ression

n &rief= mental illness= usuall' means the >>SC <art of the soul *i* not transcen* <ro<erl' *uring conce<tionA The &asic a*@ice is actuall' to gi@e the <erson "natural

 Mo&s to *o = like gar*ening = farming = so%ing see*s = fee*ing animals = li@ing in naturean* connecting %ith "nature" D sa*l' societ' *oes the o<<osite an* locks man' of 

these <eo<le in*oors \

Co%e@er in our generation there are <rograms in the states in the countr'si*e %herethese mentall' ill chil*ren are connecting %ith farming an* hel<s to enli@enreconnect

 the >>SC <art of the their soul A

"?e<ression"= usuall' means the ruach an* neshoma= ha@e &een *etache* from the &o*' = su<<resse* *e<resse* to a <oint of *isconnection= this %e e)<laine* a little of ho% to reconnect in the "TCZG <ositi@e " <age= as this is e)cee*ingl' im<ortant

su&Mect %e shall make a se<arate <age linke* here A

" L single thought has the <o%er 

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to change the %hole %orl* "

Sefer Shinu'im  !י^1יש  

TCZG HOST,>On this <age %e shall *iscuss Y <oints VD

_A Nn*erstan*ing a "thought"= its energ' an* connection %ith s<eech an* action inc'cle of life an* "the <ra'er c'cle"A

XA Hositi@e thinking= using ones min* full'= e)<laining the *ifference &et%een 9י4 3

4 3/^12[7 ha&itual thoughts of a "chil*"Aי7$7 thoughts of a thinking "a*ult" an* 9ל#/

YA The most im<ortant as<ect in learning to li@e a successful life is al%a's to remainHOST,> a&out e@er'thing that ha<<ens A Nn*erstan*ing that "<ositi@e thinking" is

sim<l' ha@ing the correct attitu*e= a min* an* a life full of lo@ing thoughts thatcreates "life energ'" A n this section %e gi@e s<iritual rules from "Sefer Shinu'im Dthe &ook of change" to hel< e@er'one "get into" a <ositi@e successful c'cle of a ha<<'

an* lo@ing life A


>@er' li@ing <erson in this %orl* thinks of _JJJ8s of thoughts e@er' *a'A Qost of our thoughts *o not ha@e an' energ'= <ur<ose= strength= nor *o the' ha@e an' affects on

an'ones li@es %hatsoe@erA Co%e@er= %hen a <erson learns ho% to *e@elo< a focuse*thought energ'= then a <erson %ill &e a&le to use the <o%er of a single thought tochange ones life= an* rectif' an' *ifficult or <ro&lematic situations in ones lifeA

t is OE; the <o%er of our thoughts that can change our li@esA Once %e learn ho%to master an* control our thoughts then %e are a&le to &e in control of our li@es= an*

then %e are a&le to fin* our true successful an* <ur<oseful *estin' for our souls <h'sical Mourne' of life on earthA

_A What is a "thought" .5ש43

L thought is the most <ure of s<iritual energ' %e can create in this <h'sical %orl*%ith our <h'sical min*= &o*' an* s<iritual soulA >@er'thing in this %orl* that %e

accom<lish %ith our <h'sical &o*ies an* s<iritual souls can &e categoribe* into one of Y grou<s VD

Thoughts= S<oken Wor*s U Lctions

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L thought is the most s<iritual of energ' one can create %ith ones min* an* soulA Thethought then has the <otential to &ecome a s<oken %or*= if one *eci*es to gi@e the

thought <h'sical energ'A The thought also has the <otential to &ecome an action*irectl' or as a result of the s<oken %or*A

TCONGCTS are SHRTNLE= the' are messages 'ou sen* out an* create from%ithin 'our soul= an* messages that 'our soul recei@es from s<irit %orl* or from

other <eo<le that 'ou are sensiti@e an* intune %ith= thoughts are the s<iritualcommunication %ithin ones soul to other <eo<les soul an* to the eternal ?i@ine

s<iritual realmsA

WOR?S ha@e the ca<acit' to &e &oth SHRTNLE an* HC;S+LEA Wor*s start the <rocess of con@erting <ure s<iritual thought energ' into a <h'sical e)istence in this

%orl*A Wor*s e)<ress the <h'sical result of actions %ith either a<<ro@al or 

*isa<<ro@al= an* act to continue the c'cle of the thought <rocessA Wor*s are then use*to make changes if the action <ro@e* a failure or %or*s are use* <ositi@el' to confirm

that the action %as successfulA

L+TOS are HC;S+LEA The' are a result of thoughts &eing con@erte* into a <h'sical action= either *irectl' from the thought or &' %a' of s<oken %or*A

Thoughts +onnect Ones Qin* U Soul S<irituall'

Thoughts are the most s<iritual entit' that %e can create in this <h'sical %orl*=therefore= it is a thought from %ithin our min* an* soul that has the <o%er to connectour soul to the eternal ?,> s<iritual realmsA

L thought energ' is the s<iritual energ' that connects us %ith our Guar*ian Lngelsan* %ith an'one or an' soul %ith %hom our s<iritual thought energ' has the a&ilit' to

connect %ith= *e<en*ing on the energ' from %ithin our soul an* the energ' of thesoul in "S<irit %orl*" that %ishes to hel< usA

S<iritual Ea% of Thoughts= Wor*s U Lctions

43ש43253^.5ש/0.5י L thought cancels out a thought

43ש7253^.5י/0^5י L %or* cancels out a thought

7י43^5ש3253^.5ע/0.י Ln action cancels out a thought an* a %or* A

03$9יש^7י[6721 Talmu* Zi**ushin Id&

These s<iritual la%s are eas' an* sim<le to un*erstan*A L "thought" energ' D as it is

_JJ s<iritual= has the least <h'sical energ' in this %orl* therefore it can easil' &e*estro'e* an* cancelle* out A "Thoughts" nee* to &e guar*e* an* <rotecte* that no

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one shoul* ha@e access to ones thoughts= &lock or cancel them out= es<eciall' thegoo* intuiti@e i*eas so man' <eo<le ha@e all the timeA

The &est %a' to make sure one is successful in life= is to make sure that ones thoughts

are guar*e* an* <rotecte* from an'oneA One shoul* imme*iatel' D as soon as onegets a goo* thought to *o something D one shoul* STLRT the action QQ>?LT>E;A>@en sim<l' %riting *o%n on a <iece of <a<er ones thoughts is also consi*ere* thestart of an "action" in con@erting s<iritual "thought energ'" into "<h'sical energ'"

actions that ensure success an* <re@ent &lockagesA

Once the thought is con@erte* into action= the onl' %a' it can &e *estro'e* is &'another action to <h'sicall' *estro' it A Other%ise it is no% <rotecte* &' s<iritual

la%s A

The Hra'er +'cle

The "<ra'er c'cle" F %hich in realit' is the " creati@e life c'cle " of all e)istence of the highest le@el attaina&le &' humans on earth K e)<lains the conce<ts of thoughts=

%or*s an* actions interrelating %ith each otherA When actions or e@ents ha<<en in this%orl* that %e *o not like= %e imme*iatel' e)<ress oursel@es &' com<laining or 

 <ra'ingA f %e choose to com<lain then these %or*s are %aste*A

f %e choose to <ra' %ith <ositi@e thoughts an* sensi&le reasoning= acce<ting therealit' of life= an* *esiring to kno% %h' "things %ent %rong "= then these %or*s arechannele* to s<irit %orl*A >@er' <ra'er is hear* an* if %e focus our %or*s= thoughts

an* e@en our tears this creates a s<iritual energ' to ele@ate our thoughts to s<irit%orl*A

The s<iritual energ'= %hen the timing is right an* onl' %hen %e are rea*'P i a** theseim<ortant %or*s "%hen %e are rea*'" D as one might <ra' for something D &ut untilone changes ones attitu*e D it %ill &e &locke* to ha<<en A Ls %e e)<laine* on the

 <age of LBET; to +CLG> = there are s<iritual rules %e nee* to follo% to allo%changes an* <re@ent "&lockages"A

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When the time is right= the "s<iritual hel<" transcen*s into our thoughts in the form of intuiti@e "goo* i*eas" an* instincti@e gui*ance A f the transcen*ing of s<iritual

energ' is strong= it can transcen* into other <eo<les thoughts influencing them to hel<or e@en can actuall' cause e@ents D "*i@ine coinci*ences" D inter@ention to occur A

One can *eci*e to imme*iatel' create an action from the thought energ' D %hichsometimes has stronger energ' D as it con@erts the fullness of s<iritual thought energ'

straight into <h'sical energ' A Or it can take the route &' &eing "talke* a&out" firstan* then <ut into action A f one sus<ects that the <eo<le one talks to= ma' o&Mect or 

 &lock ones goo* i*eas then it is a*@isa&le to kee< uiet an* Must get on %ith the actionA

The <ra'er c'cle is Must an e)am<le of the interconnection of thoughts %or*s an*actionsA f one thinks carefull' D one can relate this to almost e@er' situation in this

%orl*A >g= "%hen one falls in lo@e"= firstl' one has a goo* feeling %ith intuiti@e goo*an* lo@ing thoughts in ones min* that something goo* is going to ha<<en in ones life=then one starts to e)<ress ones thoughts in %or*s of lo@e an* then actions of coming

together meeting <h'sicall' %ith lo@eA

t is im<ortant to note that onl' %hen one is in lo@e %ith life an* in lo@e %ith the%orl*= ha<<' an* content= then one attracts trul' goo*= ha<<' an* lo@ing e@entsA f one chooses to com<lain an* &e misera&le a&out life= then onl' sa*ness= *e<ression

an* loneliness ensueA

B' choosing to change ones attitu*e to life then a life of lo@e an* ha<<iness %illha<<enA Once one has chosen to li@e a life of lo@e an* ha<<iness this automaticall' <uts a <erson in the "creati@e life c'cle"A Then "magicall'" goo* life energ' an*

@italit' flo% through a <ersons lifeA

Section X Hositi@e Thinking

Hositi@e thinking= using ones min* full'= e)<laining the *ifference &et%een 9י4 34 3/^12[7 ha&itual thoughts of a "chil*"Aי7$7 thoughts of a thinking "a*ult" an* 9ל#/

>ach "thought" has a *ifferent le@el of energ'= the le@el of thought energ' an*concentration @aries *e<en*ing on the Mo& an* if this is a regular task or a ne%

challenge that nee*s s<ecial concentrationA

The t%o t'<es of thoughts D "chil*" U "a*ult"

?efinitions of 9י4 3/^12[7 an* 7$7ל#/4 3י9

The &asic le@el of thoughts are calle* 9י4 3/^12[7 "Qochin *eZatnus" literall'translate* as "&rain cells of a chil*" A These are thoughts that ha@e no intrinsic energ'

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to ele@ate themsel@es emotionall' or s<irituall'A These thoughts come an* go fromour min* %ithout an' feelings or "acti@e concentration"A

The higher le@el of thoughts are calle* 9י4 3/#ל7$7 "Qochin *eGa*lus" literall'

translate* as "&rain cells of an a*ult"A These thoughts em&o*' themsel@es %ith energ'from the soul an* therefore connect the <h'sical %ith the s<iritual %ithin the &o*'an* soulA

mages to "turnDon" the s<iritual soul

The "chil*"Dlike thoughts= are thoughts that %e ha@e all the time= for e)am<le= %e areseeing %ith our e'es thousan*s of images e@er'*a'= most of %hich %e forget fromour min* &ecause the image %e see has no s<iritual or soulful or emotional energ'

attache* to itA

This *oes not mean that the image has no energ'= this sim<l' means that %e ha@es%itche* off our "soul" emotion an* sensiti@it'= so that %e *o not allo% oursel@es torecei@e or connect s<irituall' %ith the imageA We e)<lain full' the <o%er of images

on the <age "Eife of Heace of Qin*"A

This <icture of sunset is in the sk' e@er'*a' of the 'ear= 'et ho% man' times *o %eactuall' STOH= look u< an* think for I mins at the amabingl' clear an* &eautiful stars

in the sk' at nightA f 'ou s<en* Must I mins Must O+> in 'our life looking at the

stars at night= enMo'ing a sunrise or sunset A Some <eo<le onl' reall' make the chanceto see an* enMo' an amabing sunset on holi*a' on a %arm &each %ithout an' of the

cit'lights \ But e@er'one in the %hole %orl* has the %on*erful o<<ortunit' an* <otential to a&sor& the energ' of a sunset e@er'*a' of the 'earA

assure 'ou= that 'our soul %ill &e touche* an* o<ene* &' the image= in that 'ou arerecei@ing energ' an* gi@ing an energ' of the highest le@el associate* %ith s<iritual

"thought" energ'A This is in*ee* the reason %h' the &est time to <ra' is at sunrise an*sunsetA

Ones feeling to Sunrise Sunset i*entifies ones intrinsic character

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Lccor*ing to +arl G (ung the S%iss <s'chologist= he *efines the intrinsic character of a <erson &ase* on %hether the <erson enMo's a sunrise F im<lies a o<timistic <erson

al%a's looking for ne% o<<ortunitiesK= a sunset F im<lies a @er' romantic lo@ingnature= a <erson %ho lo@es the Mourne' of lifeK= feels nothing at all F im<lies someone

%ho is emotionall' *ea*K= or actuall' hates sunrisesunset F im<lies has a hateful an*@iolentl' *estructi@e characterKA

Similarl' as %ith e@er' image that one sees= e@er' moment of e@er'*a'= there is a <ossi&ilit' an* <otential to allo% ones soul to &e touche* an* energibe* &' the imageor %e can choose to miss the o<<ortunit' to recei@e this *ail' goo* s<iritual energ' A

The intrinsic &eaut' of flo%ers is a gift from hea@enA Lll s<irituall' min*e* <eo<lean* most %omen8s souls are often much more sensiti@e an* o<en to recei@e the

energ' from flo%ersA Sa*l' some %omen an* man' men *on8t realibe that the %a' too<en ones heart of lo@e an* emotion is through the &eaut' of flo%ers \

There is a @er' s<ecial energ' in flo%ers in their colours an* scentA The more s<irituala <erson is an* the more ones soul is o<en s<irituall' D the more one a<<reciates thisAThis is the reason %h' %omen lo@e goo* scents of <erfume= as their heart emotions

an* soul is o<ene* %ith lo@ing energ' through the scentsA

Once one un*erstan*s the le@els of thought energ' an* uses ones higher le@el of "a*ult thought" energ'= to energibe ones soul from the images one sees= the more one

is learning to connect oneself s<irituall'A There&' gro%ing u< from a chil* to an a*ultan* connecting ones soul s<irituall' to ones life in a <h'sical &o*'A

+onnecting S<irituall'

+'cle of Eife8s S<iritual >nerg'

Hra'ers are LEWL;S Lns%ere*

n transforming ones thoughts to &ecoming s<irituall' rece<ti@e= emotionall' a%arean* sensiti@e to the images an* life8s e)<eriences= one has connecte* ones soul to the

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Source of all life energ' D GO?A Lt this stage in life= one %ill &e o@er%helme* %ith a@italit' of lo@ing energ'= e@er'thing &ecomes lo@el' an* &eautifulA

ts like arri@ing on another <lanet full of nice= kin*= lo@ing <eo<le= su**enl' ones ol*

frien*s *isconnect an* ne% ha<<' @i&rant an* sincerel' honest lo@ing <eo<le comeinto ones life A This is the stage of change %e calle* "mi* life" crisis to Gol*en Lgeon our <age of +CLG>A Qan' <eo<le often %on*er %h' the' *on8t ha@e

intrinsicall' goo*= sincere lo@ing frien*s D the ans%er is sim<le D one nee*s to changeones o%n s<iritualit' an* attitu*e= then one %ill glo% %ith ali@eness of true lo@e

%hich %ill ra*iate a signal to other goo* likeDmin*e* <eo<le A

Lt this moment one is rea*' to HRL; an* ha@e ones HRL;>RS ans%ere*= the"<ra'er c'cle" %orks as ones thoughts= actions an* %or*s are no% connecte*

coherentl' an* relating to each other in the c'cle of life8s s<iritual lo@ing creati@e


ocus U use the higher thought energies


n this section %e ha@e e)<laine* the a%akening an* conce<t of the "chil*" an*"a*ult" thought energies A t is %ell kno%n that if one is not careful then e@en actions

like <ra'ing an* religious actscustoms= that shoul* &e accom<anie* &' the higher 

thought energ'= can &e lo%ere* to &e useless acts= as the' are not *one %ith an's<iritual thought energ' A Cence it is @itall' im<ortant that one SWT+C>S on oness<iritual soul energ' &' learning to O+NS ones thoughts into e@er'thing one *oes=

s<eaks an* thinks A


The most im<ortant as<ect in learning to li@e a successful life is al%a's to remainHOST,> a&out e@er'thing that ha<<ens A Nn*erstan*ing that "<ositi@e thinking" is

sim<l' ha@ing the correct attitu*e= a min* an* a life full of lo@ing thoughts that

creates "life energ'" A

Hro&lems an* *ifficult situations %ill kee< on ha<<ening in our li@es = &ut the %a' %elook at life %ith our "attitu*e" can change the %hole <ers<ecti@e an* realit' of thee@ents that occur in our li@es A L seemingl' *ifficult <ro&lem coul* &e the &iggest

 &lessing in ones life A t is all a matter of the "right attitu*e"

ע.י 3שכ.5 24י L goo* *a' makes one forget a &a* *a'

.5 2י 3שכ4ע.י L &a* *a' makes one forget a goo* *a'

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+ha<ter _ 0לי.01/57# Tana ?e@ei >li'ahu

This <assage from "Tana ?e@ei >li'ahu" e)<lains that in the "<ra'er c'cle" an*"c'cle of life" = if one has a goo* <ositi@e ha<<' thought this cancels out an* hel<s

one forget com<letel' the <ast negati@e thoughts A

This is &ecause= the min* is critical an* shar<= %ith a ten*enc' to focus on %hat8s%rong= rather than a<<reciating %hat8s rightA F This is es<eciall' true for reincarnate*

souls from the "  7573. " the generation of souls of com<laining Me%s that %an*ere*the %il*erness an* %ere refuse* to &e allo%e* into the <romise* lan*= as the'

com<laine* against GO? for e@er'thing D See %%%AgilgulimAcom = the lesson the'%ere su<<ose* to learn %as to see the GOO? in e@er'thing that ha<<ens KA

The min* onl' co<es %ith one moo* D

either ha<<iness or sa*ness A

Lccor*ing to the famous scientist Ll&ert >instein in his theor' of relati@it' of s<aceVD


L <erson is either ha<<' or sa*= it is im<ossi&le for a <erson to &e ha<<' an* sa* atthe same time \ The free%ill choice gi@es us the o<<ortunit' to choose either to &e

ha<<' or sa* A

This is the great choice of life to &e creati@el' lo@ing an* constructi@e OR hatefull'=sa* an* *estructi@e A

So sim<l' choose a life of ha<<iness an* <ositi@e thoughts an* &' the s<iritual la% of TLL ?>,> >E;LCN an* scientific >instein= sa*ness cannot fin* an' room an*

gets forgotten from ones min* A

Once the focus is <ointe*= concentrating on an* constantl' a%are to think of <ositi@ean* ha<<' thoughts then all the negati@e thoughts are forgotten A

When one is in the <ositi@e creati@e ha<<' an* lo@ing <hase of li@ing life= thechallenge is to sta' HOST,>= not allo%ing in an' negati@e or *estructi@e emotions

or <eo<le %ith negati@e emotions A

The rules to hel< one sta' HOST,>taken from Sefer Shinu'im !י#1ש  VD

_A Hre<are for a <ositi@e *a' the e@ening &efore an* a ha@e goo* nights slee<A

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XA Think lo@ing an* ha<<' thoughts A Nse lo@ing= constructi@e an* <ositi@e %or*s ABe careful not to talk a&out or think a&out &a* <eo<le or &a* situationsA Eet go of the"&aggage" = *ifficulties an* &a*ness of the <ast A F %hich inclu*es *eD&rain%ashing K A

YA ocus on something 'ou reall' EO,> to *o= an* ha@e *one in the <ast A Then reDenergibe 'our soul from the ha<<' energ' of that time in 'our life A Remin* 'ourself of something that ha<<ene* to 'ou in 'our life that %as reall' funn'= ha<<'= amabing

an* goo* A

`A +ontem<late if 'ou ha* I mins to li@e A What %oul* 'ou *o +ontem<late if 'ou*ie* OW= ho% %oul* 'ou &e remem&ere* What ha@e 'ou *one %orth%hile tolea@e for the &enefit of others= that <eo<le %ill remem&er 'ou %ith gratitu*e an*


Realibe that 'ou ha@e more than I mins to li@e= thank GO? for the gift of life an* use'our time acti@el'= lo@ingl' an* constructi@el' A

IA ?o something creati@e= &ecome a <art of creation= eg <aint= %rite= *ra%= so% see*sfor <lants = gar*ening AAA

A Think of someone 'ou lo@e* an* someone %ho lo@e* 'ou %ho has *ie* A Bring &ack the ha<<' memories an* connect s<irituall' %ith lo@ing an* ha<<' feelingsA

Rule _VD 3 י.#jי.74.ליל5^.יש3ע

Talmu* L@o*a ora Y& 03$.7 5ע.:$

_A Hre<are for a <ositi@e *a' the e@ening &efore an* a ha@e goo* nights slee<A

n or*er to ha@e a %on*erful successful *a' it is @ital that one <re<ares the e@ening &eforeA The s<iritual la% is that the night is the &eginning of each *a'A Sunset of each

*a' is the &eginning of the ne)t *a'A Co% a <erson starts the *a' is ho% theremain*er of the *a' %ill &eA So if 'ou %ant a goo* *a'= make sure that 'ou start the

 <re<arations the <rece*ing sunsetA


"Lccor*ing to the &eginning AAA the remain*er of the @enture follo%s"

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"Lccor*ing to the thoughts in the hea* AAA the <h'sical &o*' follo%s"

n our "intro*uction" <age %e e)<laine* that the thoughts= %or*s an* actions at the &eginning sets the foun*ations= foretelling success *e<en*ing on &asis of truth an*

honest' A

Eike%ise= each *a' of our life= is foretol* &' the e@ents an* foun*ations %e set in the <rece*ing e@eningA t is %ell kno%n= that if one has a health' meal in the e@ening=

ones *igestion an* &o*' enMo's the nourishment from the foo*= allo%ing the &o*' toa&sor& the energ' from the foo* *uring the nightA Ls a *irect conseuence one feels

goo* the follo%ing morningA

 ormall' %e onl' recognibe this fact= %hen something goes %rong \ for e)am<le=eating an unhealth' or im<ro<erl' cooke* meal= our <h'sical &o*' reacts= either 

sicking u< or ha@ing the "runs\"= feeling a%ful the follo%ing *a'A

This rule a<<lies euall' an* more so= s<irituall'A >@er' thought= %or* an* action inthe e@ening has a *irect conseuence to the %a' %e feel an* success in our li@es thefollo%ing *a'A This is s<eciall' true if %astes time in the e@enings an* one %atches

T, in the e@ening= seeing a sa*= *e<ressing= @iolent T, sho% or an'thing hateful %illaffect a <erson the follo%ing *a'A

Therefore= &e careful %hat one *oes in the e@ening= onl' think an* talk lo@ing= ha<<'

an* funn' thingsA f one *oes %ant to %atch T, or use internet OE; %atchsomething funn'= come*ic an* <ositi@el' u<lifting or s<iritualA ?on8t %atch the ne%sD as most ne%s re<orte* is *e<ressing an* sa* \ Eisten to romantic or classical music

%ill <ut a <erson in a <leasant moo*A

Qost im<ortantl'= s<en* some ualit' time= either %riting a *iar' or talking to oneself a&out ones o&Mecti@es in lifeA S<en* XJ mins &efore going to slee< <ra'ingA Think 

a&out the <ast *a' an* the ne)t *a'= think <ositi@el'= that tomorro% %ill &e a lo@el'*a'A f one is stuck in an un<leasant situation then re<eat <ositi@el'VD

GO? %ill make a %a' for me %here there seems to &e no %a'

Hart of li@ing in this %orl* is to a*mit that a <erson cannot "%ork e@er'thing out" an*nee*s ?i@ine hel<A L*mitting this truth an* sa'ing " GO? %ill make a %a' for me

%here there seems to &e no %a' "= has an amabing affect on ones soul A Ln* it %orks \

Lfter <re<aring correctl' for the ne)t *a' an* ha@ing a goo* nights slee<= one %ill%ake u< refreshe* an* enli@ene*A We *iscuss on the <age of ">G SCN" the

im<ortance of slee<ing in the correct *irectionA

"Getting in the &ack seat to *ri@e a car"\

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The reci<e for a ha<<' lifeVD " turn a%a' from e@il an* *o goo* "

"close one *oor an* another *oor o<ens"

Before the future can &egin= one nee*s to ha@e closure on the <ast A assure 'ou thatas 'ou close the *oor on one <articular negati@e an* energ' *raining situation= then

imme*iatel' 'our soul has the life @italit' an* energ' to &ring something e)citing an*ne% in 'our life A F This is es<eciall' true %hen one has finall' *eD&rain%ashe* all the

ol* negati@e thoughts K A

Qost <eo<le i kno%= ha@e misse* o<<ortunities in their life OE; &ecause the' %erestill hol*ing onto their <ast A Once the' "let go" of out*ate* an* useless "&aggage"=

attitu*es of min* = controlDfreak <arents= &a* frien*s etc AAA then magicall' life o<ene*u< ne% *oors an* amabing o<<ortunities A The ke' is to "let go of the <ast" A

The ke' to o<en u< the future of ha<<iness= success an* <ur<oseful contentment inlife is to learn to EO,> life A Nse one thoughts to think lo@ing thoughts A This is noteas'= es<eciall' if one has li@e* a s<irituall' @oi* an* *estructi@e life until no% A The

solution is to talk to 'our min* %ith <ositi@e %or*s A

Nsing the correct %or*s

This means learning to talk *ifferentl'A Lll aggressi@e= *estructi@el' critical an*s<irituall' @oi* <eo<le talk %ithout thinkingA The' are also e)cee*ingl' lou*A

Whereas= <eo<le %hom are s<irituall' a%are al%a's think a&out e@er' single %or*the' sa'= the' talk elouentl'= calml' an* softl' s<okenA Their s<eech is al%a's

refine* an* softl' s<okenA

Goo* <eo<le al%a's see goo*ness in e@er'thing= an* al%a's ha@e a @oca&ular' of lo@el' %or*s A Nsing %or*s like "tranuilit'" = "lo@el'" = "*elightful" = "<eaceful" ="harmon'" = "e)cellent " etc etc AAA or e)am<le= all their lo@e* ones= frien*s an*

chil*ren %ill ha@e nicknames of affection like "S%eettie" = "Cone'" AAA f the' a*ore

cats= the' also gi@e them names of affection like "S%eettie" = "Cone'" AAA L goo* <erson al%a's e)u*es an energ' of lo@e an* kin*ness for e@er'one an* e@er'thing=

an* %ill al%a's see the <ositi@e an* goo*ness A

+hange ones @oca&ular' an* s<eech= to onl' use nice %or*s A e@er com<laining or using <oor language or %or*s that im<l' sa*ness or negati@it'= then after YJ *a's of 

constantl' &eing a%are to +CLG> ones s<eech= this %ill change ones life <ositi@el'for the &etter A

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Lutomaticall'= as one changes= all the <eo<le in ones life %ho are "negati@e an**e<ressing &aggage"= su**enl' *isa<<ear A e% hel<ful "<ositi@el' min*e*"=

trust%orth'= kin* an* lo@ing frien*s are attracte* into ones life A

Rule Y V ocus 'our thoughts on goo*ness an* ha<<iness

YA ocus on something 'ou reall' EO,> to *o= an* ha@e *one in the <astA Thenreenergise 'our soul from the ha<<' energ' of that time in 'our lifeA Remin* 'ourself of something that ha<<ene* to 'ou in 'our life that %as reall' funn'= ha<<'= amabing

an* goo* A

Nsing the <rinci<le ע.י 3שכ.5 24י L goo* *a' makes one forget a &a* *a' from+ha<ter _ 0לי.01/57# Tana ?e@ei >li'ahu = then one QNST use ones min* to

concentrate in onl' ha@ing a ha<<' *a' %ith ha<<' thoughtsA

The reall' ha<<' moments in life

>@er' single <erson has ha* some reall' ha<<' moments in their li@es A Think carefull'= tr' an* reli@e in ones memor' those reall' ha<<' occasions A There are afe% moments in e@er'one8s life= that one laughe* so much that one can ne@er forget

those momentsA Without these s<ecial moments= life %oul* ha@e &een reall'*e<ressingl' sa*A

+oncentrate ones thoughts on those reall' ha<<' moments= laugh an* giggle at thethoughts an* e@ents that ha<<ene*A Then kee< thinking a&out those times throughoutthe *a'= 'ou %ill see after a fe% *a's of "thinking" an* reli@ing the ha<<inessA Thenone %ill start to feel an ali@eness of ha<<iness an* laugha&le e@en lo@ing situations

%ill start to come into ones lifeA

>@er'one %ho is ha<<' %ith life e)u*es a lo@ing feeling= a s<ecial ra*iant glo% of ali@enessA Ln* %here there is lo@e an* ha<<iness= there is a <otential &asis of 

contentment in lifeA With this sincere lo@e of life comes a thanks an* a<<reciation of the gift of lifeA L ha<<iness that starts to make one more magnetic for e@en more

ha<<iness an* goo* fortuneA

t is a rule= that ha<<' things ha<<en to intrinsicall' ha<<' <eo<le= sa*ness ha<<ens tointrinsicall' sa* <eo<leA a** the %or* "intrinsicall'" as some <eo<le fool others= &' <reten*ing to &elie@e in GO? an* &e ha<<'= &ut "intrinsicall'" the' are *e<ressing=negati@e= com<laining an* certainl' *on8t reall' &elie@e in GO? an* a s<irit %orl* D

e@en if the' sa' the' *o \

Eaugh at the sa* moments

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There are some sa* u<setting moments on ones life= that in hin*sight= one cantransform themsel@es into e)cee*ingl' ha<<' momentsA or e)am<le= if one %as

heart&roken &' a *i@orce= an* 'ears later realibe* that ha* 'ou remaine* marrie* tothat %rong <erson= 'ou %oul* ha@e misse* out on an amabingl' goo* an* trul'

*estine* lo@e of 'our lifeA n hin*sight a sa* e@ent turns out to &e a ha<<inessA Thiscan a<<l' to man' seemingl' sa* e@ents in our li@es= in %hich in hin*sight one canreall' ha@e a goo* laugh a&out A thinking to oneself " thank GO? i %as sa@e*"A


>@er'thing that ha<<ens D ha<<ens for our goo*

Eearning to focus on these e@ents an* transforming ones sa* thoughts into ha<<'ones is a s<eciall' high le@el s<irituall'A Ls one has learnt to li@e on a "Go*l' le@el"

of acce<tance that e@er'thing that ha<<ens in life D is OE; for ones goo*A

Rule ` V "The I mins to li@e" rule

`A +ontem<late if 'ou ha* I mins to li@eA What %oul* 'ou *o +ontem<late if 'ou*ie* OW= ho% %oul* 'ou &e remem&ere* What ha@e 'ou *one %orth%hile tolea@e for the &enefit of others= that <eo<le %ill remem&er 'ou %ith gratitu*e an*


Realibe that 'ou ha@e more than I mins to li@e= thank GO? for the gift of life an* use'our time acti@el'= lo@ingl' an* constructi@el'A

f 'ou ha* X` hours to li@e AAAAA

%hat %oul* 'ou *o in the last X` hours

f 'ou are not *oing that OW D then 'ou are failing GO?= 'our soul= an* 'our lifeon earth \\\ Ofcourse &eing innatel' sensi&le A But it goes a ste< further AAA %hat if 'ouha* one %eek to li@e D %hat %oul* 'ou *o Or one 'ear to li@e D %hat %oul* 'ou *o

Or I 'ears to li@e Where is the time factor that means something to 'ou= that 'ou%oul* actuall' STOH %hat 'ou are *oing OW = an* change

OE; ;ON D can ans%er this uestion\

Ln euall' im<ortant uestion= if 'ou coul* turn &ack the clock of time = an* correcta mistake 'ou ha@e ma*e that 'ou "think" has &een irre@ersi&le A What %oul* 'ou

lo@e to *elete from 'our life an* ha@e a secon* chance

The &iggest regret <eo<le ha@e on their "*eathD&e*" is either not telling their lo@e*

ones the' lo@e* them= an* not a<ologibing makingDtheD<eace %ith <eo<le the' ha@eha* arguments %ith A The onl' thing hol*ing one &ack= is o@erDinflate* ego an*

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stu&&orn <ri*e A So think of the "I mins rule" = sort out the <ro&lem no%= a<ologibean* mo@e on constructi@el' %ith life= lea@e the &aggage &ehin* A Lccor*ing to Sefer 

Gilgulim D the &ook of reincarnation &' Re& +haim ,ital = the %hole reason some <eo<le reincarnate is to learn forgi@eness an* the lesson of uncon*itional EO,> \

The onl' reason %h' so man' <eo<le %aste so much of their li@es is &ecause the' arelab' an* &elie@e that %ill "take care" of life in the future A nstea*= the' e)ist infutilit'= %asting *a's= %eeks an* 'ears going roun* in c'cles of *e<ression an*

sa*ness A f one %oul* WLZ> NH \ Ntilibing e@er' moment of life as the last I minsof life= then ones li@es %oul* &ecome ins<iring= full of <ur<ose an* ha<<inessA

Thank GO? D %e ha@e more than I mins to li@e

n the I mins rule is a &lessing = that %e shoul* all a<<reciate that %e actuall' ha@e

the gift of lifeA Thank GO? %e all ha@e more than I mins to li@e= so let us all utilibethe time to our ma)imum <otential= an* make some goo* changes in our li@esA

Rule IV Become Hart of +reation

IA ?o something creati@e= &ecome a <art of creation= eg <aint= %rite= *ra%= so% see*sfor <lants = gar*ening etcA=

The main reason %h' <eo<le feel *e<resse*= sa* an* %orthless is &ecause the' areselfishA The' ha@e not change* from the chil*hoo* stage of life= %here a chil* "takes"

from life to gro%= into an a*ult %ho kno%s ho% to "gi@e" an* "create" &ecoming a <art of creationA

Qarriage an* se)ual intimac' is for the <ur<ose of creating lo@ing energ' an* ha@ingchil*renA Ln a*ult has transforme* ones nature from a "taker" of energ'= to a

"creator" an* "gi@er" of lo@ing an* su<<orti@e energ'A f= ho%e@er the so calle* a*ultchooses to &e selfish an* not %ant to ha@e chil*ren= in the <ursuit of a selfish

materialistic lifest'le this is a choice to *ieA

?e<ression is the first stage of *eath

?e<ression is a form of *eathP %ith such s'm<toms as hatre*= self a&use= sa*ness=selfishness= lies= *eceit an* Mealous'A The onl' %a' for such <eo<le to sur@i@e is to

"*rain" an* "steal" energ' from goo* <eo<le of the "honest grou<"Pho%e@er= the realreme*' is to choose to li@e an* &ecome <art of creationA

?oing an'thing creati@e makes one <art of lifeDc'cle

This means for most 'oungsters a change in the conce<t of lo@e relationshi<s= gettingmarrie* an* making lo@e for the <ur<ose of ha@ing chil*ren= instea* of li@ing a

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selfish life of %asteful se)ual energ'= %ho use <re@entati@e measure such a <ills an*con*oms that &lock life entering their &o*iesA Without no *ou&t= these <eo<le arecausing their o%n *eath an* *e<ressionA So changing for them= actuall' means

reflecting on their relationshi<s to make lo@e in or*er to ha@e chil*ren an* to create

lo@ing energ'A

"(oin the +'cle of Gi@ing U +reating""Gar*ening" D <lant see*s= nurture <lants

Sim<le D to &e a <art of creation means to <lant see*s= nurture gro%ing <lants= e@ene@en some sim<le action like %atering <lants is an act of creationA f 'ou li@e in a cit'a<artment= get a flo%ering %in*o% &o) = &u' a <lant for 'our %ork<lace D *esk etc etc

AAA an'thing that is a li@ing entit' has life energ'= &eing <art of sustaining the lifeenerg' makes 'ou a <art of creationA

L&solutel' Ln'thing +reati@e \

nclu*e* in "&eing <art of creation"= means an' action that gi@es constructi@e life is <art of creati@e c'cleA or e)am<le= think a&out the Mo& 'ou ha@e= the Mo& i*entifies

%hom 'ou are A f 'ou are %orking in a factor' <ro*ucing cars that <ollute theatmos<here= *estro'ing the obone la'er= an* stealing goo* i*eas from other car manufacturers D this is <ro&a&l' s'm&olic of the t'<e of life 'ou are li@ing A f 

ho%e@er= 'ou are %orking at the Ben Nbiel Science la&s in srael on the non <olluting

h'*rogen car= %orking on sa@ing the <lanet from <ollution= %ith ne% fresh inno@ati@ean* creati@e i*eas D this too i*entifies ones character A

The *escri<tion of ones Mo& is an i*entit' to ones souls character

f one %orks in a non <ro*ucti@e Mo&= li@ing off the har* %ork of other <eo<le= thenone cannot e)<ect the same soul fulfillment as someone %hom is %orking in creati@e

 <ro*uction in the life c'cle A

n our false materialistic societ'= <eo<le i*entif' mone' %ith success an* true

ha<<inessA ;et most %ealth' <eo<le suffer from *e<ression an* sa*ness %ith serious*rug or a**iction <ro&lemsA This is intrinsicall' &ecause their Mo&= is in the *estructi@e

lifec'cle instea* of the constructi@e creati@e life c'cleA

>@er'one kno%s goo* <eo<le= %hom %akeDu< *uring their mi*Dlife crises an* changetheir li@es *ramaticall'A The' sim<l' listen to the signs= recognibe the truth= that their 

li@es ha@e &een futile an* *ea*l' *estructi@e= changing to li@e a <ur<osefull'constructi@e lifeA

"+reati@it'" inclu*es *ra%ing= <ainting= calligra<h' D %riting= em&roi*er'= knitting=hel<ing fee* the homeless= an' action that <uts a <erson in the constructi@e creati@e

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life c'cle has the <o%er to change ones soulA Therefore start to change ones *ail'actions an* choose to inclu*e *oing something +R>LT,> in ones s<are time= an*

this %ill change ones %hole character A

Rule V S<iritual +reati@e Eo@e

A Think of someone 'ou lo@e* an* someone %ho lo@e* 'ou %ho has *ie*A Bring &ack the ha<<' memories an* connect s<irituall' %ith lo@ing an* ha<<' feelingsA

n the same %a' that the thought energ' is the most <ure of s<iritual energ' %e cancreate in this <h'sical %orl* %ith our <h'sical min*= &o*' an* s<iritual soulA Thehighest le@el of lo@e energ' is that of s<iritual lo@eA +onnecting the <h'sical &o*'

an* s<iritual soul %orl*A

The lo@e of GO?= an* our sincere thanks for the gift of life an* %ith the connectionof our lo@e* ones %hom ha@e <asse* o@er to s<irit %orl* an* oursel@es has animmense <o%er of lo@eA Ln* %here there is lo@e= there is life an* ha<<inessA

Thinking of the goo* times of a lo@e* one

Sim<l' think of the goo* memories= one has ha* %ith a lo@e* one %hom has *ie* D <asse* to s<irit %orl*A These memories %ill connect 'our soul to the energ' of lifean* of ha<<inessA This *oes not necessaril' mean that 'ou are communicating %ith

the s<irit souls= &ut the <ur<ose is to o<en u< the *ee< memories of ha<<iness %ithin;ONR soulA

Our souls i*entit' is ma*e of of our e)<eriences= &oth ha<<' an* sa*A L *e<resse* <erson= &' *efinition ?>HR>SS>S all the goo*ness an* ha<<inessA So that all life

energ' is *e<resse* *ee< *o%n an* forgottenA Therefore a %a' to unlock oneself from*e<ression= is to &ring to the surface of ones memor' all the ha<<iness of ones lifeA

B' thinking of the ha<<' memories of a lo@e* one %hom has <asse* to s<irit %orl*=one is healing ones o%n soulA Ls it is almost im<ossi&le to think &a* of someone

%hom has *ie*A This is &ecause the c'cle of hatre* is &roken &' their *eath ase)<laine* in GilGulimD ReincarnationA

The <ure lo@e an* ha<<iness of those memories %ill al%a's %ork to restore out of *e<ression = as if &ringing a <erson &ack to a starting <oint &efore &eing "si*eD

tracke*" into *e<ression an* negati@e thinking A

rom our e)<erience of hel<ing man' <eo<le D %e kno% these s<iritual rules from"Sefer Shinu'im" %ork A Tr' them an* see D 'ou %ill &e astonishingl' amabe* at the

transformation of 'our life A

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+onclu*ing <hiloso<h' of life8s Mourne'

from Sefer Shinu'im

Eet go of ones "ol* &aggage" attitu*es = mo@e %ith the harmonic flo% of life A

Eearn to ra*iate a lo@ing creati@e energ' of s<iritual ali@eness A

Eife is not a&out %hat has ha<<ene* in the <ast= although it ma'&e first necessar' toclear ones <ast= es<eciall' if one is a reincarnate* soul see %%%AgilgulimAcom= &ut

once the <ast is cleare* an* one has *one "teshu@a" D rectifie* an* a<ologibe* for an'mistakes= the <ast &elongs on a *ifferent <lanet A

Eife is not a&out one thinks ma' ha<<en in the future A

Eife is a&out enMo'ing the Mourne' of *ail' creati@e an* lo@ing e)<eriences A

There is no <oint in li@ing is 'ou cannot learn to enMo' the lo@el' Mourne' of life A

Eearn to enMo' e@er' moment of life A

Then %hen 'ou least e)<ect it= something great comes along to change 'our lifemaking it e@en more <ur<oseful= %ith an ali@eness= @italit' an* a higher sense of 

s<iritual <ur<ose in life A Something e@en greater %ill ha<<en for 'ou that 'ou ne@er 

e@en <lanne* A This is a *i@ine s<iritual &lessing that is gi@en to the trul' transforme*an* enlightene* <erson A

The start of a ne% change* life <ath%a' is= &' li@ing TCS moment in the <resent toones ma)imum <otential A Then automaticall' the ne)t moment %ill also &e li@e* to

fullest <otential= an* then the remain*er of ones life \

Will 'ou &e a&le to sa' in a fe% months time that this moment TO?L; change* 'our life= &ecause 'ou change* to TCZG HOST,>E; &' using 'our min* an* soul

to 'our ma)imum <otential

S<iritual Rules of Reincarnation 

Lccor*ing to Re& +haim ,ital in Sefer Gilgulim an* Shaar Gilgulim there are man'as<ects to reincarnation= ho%e@er there are onl' a fe% &asic rules of reincarnationthat a<<l' to all souls in all generationsA

F_K >@er' soul can ha@e a ma)imum of I reincarnations as a human &eing= once one

has use* u< one8s human lifetimes the onl' %a' to correct ones soul is reincarnatingas animals= fish= trees= or lea@esA

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FXK f one has cause* another <erson to reincarnate &ecause of argumentati@eentanglements= Mealous' or &eing an' *irect reason then one must reincarnate to allo%them to correct their soulA Cence the reincarnation %ill re<ro*uce similarcircumstances as in <rior lifetime= the onl' %a' to &reak the c'cle is &' com<lete

forgi@eness an* *isconnection %ith lo@eA

FYK >@er' soul %ill ultimatel' achie@e a rectification of all the "Y ke's ofreincarnation"= %hether in this life or in the ne)t reincarnate* life= the sooner onecorrects the sooner one8s soul can ele@ate &e'on* an earth&oun* <h'sicalDonl'stagnant c'clical state of "life an* *eath"A

F`K Lll reincarnate* souls are gi@en s<ecial "Guar*ian Lngels"= souls from onesSoulGrou<= an* e@en goo* souls that can attach themsel@es to hel< a <erson as muchas <ossi&le to correct ones soulA

FIK Lll reincarnate* souls %ill &e gui*e* to &e in the right <lace at the right time toensure the' face the reasons of reincarnation= no one can "run a%a'" from ones soulss<iritual res<onsi&ilitiesA

FK Onl' once a reincarnate* soul has com<lete* the tasks an* <ur<ose ofreincarnation can a <erson mo@eDon in lifeP if one is stagnant an* "stuck" in asituation or a <lace it is a sign that one has OT 'et com<lete* ones role in that <lacean* situationA One %ill kee< "coming &ack" until it8s resol@e*A

FK The Ith Reincarnation ma'&e the most <ainful= &ut it is the most re%ar*ing if onesuccee*s in &reaking the c'cle of reincarnationA

F_K >@er'one Cas Qa)imum of IReincarnations

>@er' soul can ha@e a ma)imum of I reincarnations as a human &eing= once one has

use* u< one8s I human lifetimes the onl' %a' to correct ones soul is reincarnating asan animal= fish= tree= or e@en a leaf on a treeA

Re& +haim ,ital e)<lains from the Torah= (e%ish Reincarnation teaches a <erson hasma)imum of I reincarnations as a humanA >ach reincarnation as a human is akin*ness from GO? to &e a&le to refine an* correct ones soulA

ש3ל#/4לי!#/34#כ/#036של#9/1#ל15י3י9Genesis `I @erse XX (ose<h gi@es I changes of garments to BenMamin

in*icati@e that a reincarnate* soul has I incarnations accor*ing to Za&&alah

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The S<iritual Qeaning of the $$#

The he&re% %or*  $ means c'cle= accor*ing to Sefer Shinu'im the %or* Gilgul forל$#לreincarnation has a *ee<er s<iritual meaningP as all he&re% %or*s are kno%n to &eenco*e*= the' ha@e a numerical @alue or gematriaA The numerical gematria of $ isל$#לX= this is the e)act same num&er as the gematria for "kin*ness D Cese* D 74" VD


23$74Xי0 Zin*ness

Teaching that it is a ?i@ine kin*ness to our souls that %e are gi@en the o<<ortunit' toreincarnate in or*er to rectif' our <astDlife mistakes= the GT of Reincarnation is aZin*ness as X ) I YJ= %here YJ *egrees re<resents a com<lete U %hole c'cle of lifeP (e%ish Reincarnation &elie@es a <erson8s soul has ma)imum of I Reincarnations=each &eing a kin*ness from GO? to correct our *amage* soulsA

Reincarnating into an Lnimal

Re& +haim ,ital e)<lains that if one has a&use* the <o%er of s<eech *uring oneslifetime then one %ill reincarnate as an animal= F*ifferent t'<es of animals *e<en*ingon ones other actions in lifeK or as a leaf on a treeA

. Gossi<= Slan*er an* Eies are all *estructi@e an* *ea*l'= an* as humans %eלש9#nee* to a<<reciate the gift of s<eechA or e@er'one %ho uses the <o%er of s<eech%isel' an* correctl' then the sacre* "ke's of life" are entruste* %ith that <erson8ssoul= %ho greater re%ar* can one %ish for %hen using the <o%er of s<eech=con@ersel' %hat a <ain an* <unishment for ones soul to reincarnate as an animal or aleaf on a treeA

The reason Re& +haim ,ital gi@es an e)am<le of reincarnating as a leaf on a tree is

that since a <erson a&use* the <o%er of "ruachDair" %hich is s<eech= a leaf is

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constantl' &eing &eaten &' the air in %in*A Eosing the <o%er an* energ' of s<eech isconsi*ere* to &e the %orst form of reincarnation an* it is tra<<e* "li@ing *eath"A

FXK f One Cas +ause* Someone toReincarnate

f one has cause* another <erson to reincarnate &ecause of argumentati@eentanglements= Mealous'= hatre* or in fact for &eing the reason causing someone elseto reincarnate then one must reincarnate to allo% them to correct their soul= an* for'ou to learn to *isconnect %ith them com<letel' through forgi@enessA

Such a force* reincarnation %ill re<ro*uce similar circumstances as in <rior lifetimes=

%ith the onl' %a' to &reak the c'cle through *isentanglement &' com<leteforgi@eness an* lo@eA

f one has cause* someone else to reincarnate then it is a sign that one has ma*emistakes too= %hether one transferre* or took energ' from them &' transference in a

 <rior lifetime causing them to &e full of hatre*= Mealous'= anger= &itterness or ha@ingan' negati@e thoughts to%ar*s 'ou is a sign that 'ou nee* to STOH the *eath an**estructi@e c'cleA The easiest %a' to *o this is to follo% a <ur<oseful s<iritual

 <ath%a' of Eo@e= +om<assion an* orgi@enessA

Re& +haim ,ital e)<lains this s<iritual rule of reincarnation from the @er' _streincarnate* soul FSeth or Sheis %ho %as reincarnate* soul of L&elKP from the stor'of +ain an* L&elA >@er'one %ill ask %hat *i* L&el *o so %rong GO? acce<te*L&el8s offering an* instea* of &eing hum&le= he &oaste* <rou*l' to +ain= goa*inghim= teasing him until +ain &ecame so angr' an* hateful that he kille* L&elA See"Torah +o*es $יל$#ל " for the source in he&re% an* english of +ain U L&el in GenesisA

FYK >@er' Soul %ill Lchie@e a Rectification

The s<iritual la% is <re*estine* an* <re*etermine* that e@er' soul %ill ultimatel'achie@e a rectification of all the "Y ke's of reincarnation"= %hether in this life or inthe ne)t reincarnate* life= therefore the sooner one corrects the sooner one8s soul canele@ate &e'on* an earth&oun* <h'sicalDonl' stagnant c'clical state of "life an**eath"A

>@entuall' e@er' soul %ill see e@er'thing clearl' an* rectifie* as %e are all <art of the@er' same Oneness of GO?= there are no fragments in >ternit'= %e are all O>A

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The souls of hateful= angr' an* "*eath" are souls that %ant to se<arate themsel@es as"s<ecial"= the onl' %a' the' can &e *ifferent is &' &eing &a*A Whereas s<irituall'enlightene* souls *on8t %ant to &e "s<ecial"= the' mo*estl' an* hum&l' seethemsel@es as an infinitel' small s<ark of GO?A

F`K Lll Reincarnate* Souls Lre Gi@en"Cel<"

Lll reincarnate* souls are gi@en s<ecial "Guar*ian Lngels"= inner s<iritual"sensiti@it'" an* souls from a SoulGrou< to hel< a <erson as much as <ossi&le tocorrect ones soulA Lll reincarnate* souls ha@e a s<ecial a*@antage in that the' are

 &lesse* %ith inner @oice an* s<iritual gifts to ensure success in &reaking the c'cle of

*eath an* reincarnationA

Together %ith this comes a res<onsi&ilit' to getDitDright= using these gifts to gets<iritual <erfection an* correct ones soul= eliminating all &a* energies= an* con@ertinge@er' as<ect of ones life to &e lo@ing= com<assionate an* forgi@ingA

FIK Lll Reincarnate* Souls Will &e Gui*e*

Lll reincarnate* souls %ill &e an* are al%a's gui*e* to &e in the right <lace at theright time to ensure the' face the reasons of reincarnation= no one can "run a%a'"from ones souls s<iritual res<onsi&ilitiesA

The Book of (onah in the &i&le narrates that (onah attem<te* to "Run L%a'" from his*estine* *estin'P e@ents then ha<<ene* to <ut him in the right <lace at the right timeA

Nntil one %akesDu< s<irituall' an* corrects successfull' ones <ur<ose inreincarnating one %ill &e face* %ith uncomforta&le situations an* <ro&lems in oneslifeA

FK One Will Zee< +oming Back Nntil it8sResol@e*

Onl' once a reincarnate* soul has com<lete* the tasks an* <ur<ose of reincarnationcan a <erson mo@eDon in lifeP if one is stagnant an* "stuck" in a situation or a <lace itis a sign that one has OT 'et com<lete* ones role in that <lace an* situationA One%ill kee< "coming &ack" until it8s resol@e*A

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The situations in ones life ma' not &e e)actl' the same %ith the same <eo<le= &utuntil one corrects the facet of ones soul that nee*s correcting= a c'cle of similare@ents %ill kee< ha<<ening until one BR>LZS the c'cle= that is until one &reaks thereason %h' these e@ents kee< re<eating themsel@es in ones lifeA

>@ents %hich are s<ecific to 'ou= an* onl' 'ou= 'our o%n intuition an* Guar*ianLngels %ill tell 'ou %hat nee*s to &e &roken to <re@ent an ongoing *estructi@e c'clesin lifeA

FK The Ith Reincarnation is Hro&a&l' theQost Hainful U the Qost Re%ar*ing

The Ith Reincarnation ma'&e the most <ainful= &ut it is the most re%ar*ing if onesuccee*s in &reaking the c'cle of reincarnationA

Re& +haim ,ital e)<lains that one kno%s that one has no choice to succee* or to failP%hich %ill mean either life or *eath= a <erson %ill <ush themsel@es to succee*ASimilarl' in the Ith Reincarnation e@er'one %ill en*ure <ain an* suffering to such ane)tent to "%ake oneself u< s<irituall'" P then one %ill <ush oneself to the limit ofones min* an* thoughts to succee* in &reaking the c'cle of reincarnation an* *eath=

 &ecoming lo@ing= com<assionate an* forgi@ing for e@er'thing an* e@er'one so that

one can no% *etach oneself from this <h'sical %orl* for eternit' an* &ecome at O>%ith GO? in the >ternal ?i@ine S<iritual RealmsA

This is the ultimate correction for ones soul to return to the s<irit %orl* %ith theoriginal souls of mankin* L*am U >@e 70.#4# in the >ternal S<iritual Gar*en of>*enA LQ>A

ree%ill +hoice .י45 "T%o Hath%a's in


Lccor*ing to Re& +haim ,ital in Sefer Gilgulim= there are al%a's t%o choices ine@er'thing %e *o e@er' moment of our li@es= that8s right= e@en though it seems thereare man' choices= there are in fact OE; t%o <ath%a's at each maMor Munction an*for e@er' *ecision one makes in lifeA

"The Right Wa' OR The Wrong Wa'"

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Qan' <eo<le often seek hel< at a time of trou&le &ecause the' are in a state ofconfusionA The' claim= that the' ha@e man' *ecisions an* man' choices to makeA nfact there are onl' t%o choicesA One choice is the correct <ath%a' an* all the "otherchoices" are the %rong <ath%a'A

f a <erson is honest %ith themsel@es %hen the' ha@e "man' choices" an* nee* tomake a *ecision= the' %ill fin* that all the o<tions e)ce<t O>= %ill ha@e somethingin commonA Lll "other o<tions" e)ce<t one are &asicall' the same choice= Must seemslightl' *ifferent= &ut intrinsicall' an* most im<ortantl' s<irituall' to ones soul D the'are all the "same choice" \

This is an im<ortant s<iritual fact as this no% teaches us that our %hole li@es aresim<l' categoribe* into one of t%o <ath%a'sVD "the right %a' an* the %rong %a'" Dor %e ma' sa' the' are BOTC right %a's as the' are &oth <otentiall' *estine* for

ones lifeA

"Qeetings %ith ?estin'"

Re& +haim ,ital %rites that e@en though accor*ing to the e@ents of one8s life an* thefree%ill choices one makes= one can in*ee* change ones life for the &etter or %orse=ho%e@er there are some *estine* e@ents an* "meetings %ith *estin'" that %ill occur%hate@er *ecisions one makes in ones lifeA Whether one chooses the right %a' or

%rong %a'= one %ill ha@e ?LT>SDWTCD?>ST;A

One is guarantee* &' s<iritual la%s of reincarnation to ha@e s<ecific meetings ats<ecific times= %hate@er one is *oing an* %here@er one is in ones life= certain e@entscannot &e a@oi*e*A

The' can &e *ela'e* or <ost<one*= ho%e@er LEE reincarnate* souls are guarantee*that the' %ill >,>R miss the o<<ortunities an* these s<ecific *atesD%ithD*estin'A

"?ates With ?estin'"The s<ecific <ur<ose of these *atesD%ithD*estin' is to ensure LEE reincarnate* soulsthat the' are continuall' gi@en "chances" to getDitDright in this reincarnate* lifetimeA

The feeling of tra@eling along the "Mourne' of life" then su**enl' ha@ing a *ateD%ithD*estin' makes the "Mourne' of life" @er' meaningful= <leasura&le an* enMo'a&leAReturning an* fin*ing ones correct <ath%a' is an amabing s<iritual gift that comfortseach an* e@er'one of us to feel that %e are ne@er alone in lifeA

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n reflection an* hin*sight it makes all the <ain %orth%hile= as it gi@es a <erson that"kno%ing" feeling that the <ath%a' one is on is in*ee* the correct <ath%a'A The <ast%as a *estine* mistake an* no% one has foun* oneselfA This e)<erience in itself is areason %h' our souls came to earth to correct ones soul an* s<iritual attitu*e to lifeA

ree%ill +hoice

There are certain as<ects of ones life that can an* *o change accor*ing to onesfree%ill choice in *ecision making= &ut the "%rong" *ecision can al%a's &e re@erse*an* one can an* %ill al%a's &e a&le to fin* ones true *estine* <ath%a' &' un*oingthe *ecision one ma*e %hen one got "si*eDtracke*" A

Re& +haim ,ital e)<lains "free%ill choice" from the Talmu* on soulmatesP "?estin'"

has <re*etermine* the <ossi&ilities for ones life= &ut it is *e<en*ant on the <ath%a'one has chosen to take an* accor*ing to ones actions an* &eha@iour the t'<e ofSoulmate one %ill getA

The Talmu* in Sota Xa e)<lains e@er'one gets the soulmate the' *eser@e= if 'ou feel'ou are %ith the %rong <erson then ma'&e ones shoul* look at ones o%n faultsinstea* of looking at ones soulmates faultsA ?on8t %aste 'our time tr'ing to changesomeone else= use the lesson in life to change oneselfA

 Lccor*ingl' %hen one reincarnates one ma' not necessaril' get ones true *estine*"soulmate" &ut someone %hom is there to teach 'ou lessons an* ena&le corrections to

 &e ma*e to 'our soulP 'our true Soulmate ma' not nee* to reincarnate an* %ill &e inS<irit %orl* gui*ing 'ou to ensure 'ou succee* in this life to correct the mistakes'our soul ma*e in <re@ious lifetimesA

Remem&erV>ach Reincarnation is a Z?>SS from


So *on8t &e *isgruntle* or unha<<' %ith 'our life= learn to see e@er'thing thatha<<ens in 'our life ha<<ens for a goo* reason= if 'ou ha@e ha* some &a*

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relationshi<s= e@en a &itter argumentati@e *i@orce then this too has &een necessar' toheal the <articular reincarnate* as<ect of ones soulA

Success in reincarnation isn8t Mu*ge* in the same %a' as materialistic success= &ut in

freeing ones min* an* soul from the hea@iness of negati@e energies an* &reaking thec'cle of *eath in reincarnationA

The easiest %a' to &reak the c'cle of reincarnation is to forgi@e an* e@en forgi@e U"lo@e" ones enemies= forgi@e an* "letDgo" of all the <eo<le %hom ha@e hurt 'ouA The'ha@e hurt 'ou for reason= this lifetime is no% the time to forgi@e them an* let them gofore@erA

;ou %ill free 'our o%n soul from the c'cle of reincarnation %hen 'ou forget an*forgi@e them= *on8t &e stu&&orn D Must let them go &' forgi@ing them= this %ill ena&le

one to let an' &a*ness go an* ena&le one to li@e the <resent life ha<<il'A

Col*ing onto arguments an* &eing hateful onl' kee<s a <erson locke* in a c'cle ofreincarnationA f 'ou are in a *ifficult situation then 'ou are in it to learn an* rectif''our soulA When 'ou ha@e rectifie* 'our soul 'ou %ill ha@e foun* free*om for 'oursoul in &reaking the c'cle of reincarnation that is 'our true <ur<ose in &eingreincarnate* into this lifeA

The ?a' of ?eath is Guarantee* for >@er'one \

One thing is guarantee* for e@er'one in the %hole %orl* is that %e are all going to*ie one *a'P one *a' %e are all going to enter the >ternal ?i@ine S<iritual realms=%hiche@er <ath%a' %e choose to take in lifeP e@er' single <ermutation %ill en* u<%ith the same resultP at that moment %e %ill either &e free an* ha<<' to ha@e ha* a%orth%hile life= rectif'ing all the reasons %e came into this life= or ha@e a life full ofa regrets of things %e shoul* ne@er ha@e *one an* mistakes %e shoul* ne@er ha@e


Eet us= learn from the Sefer Gilgulim an* teachings of Re& +haim ,ital to enter the>ternal ?i@ine S<iritual realms %ell <re<are* an* at O> %ith GO? in <eace an*lo@eA LQ> \

*1. Golus eshoma D Si*e Trackeש$.3ל#/

When a <erson is in a state of "Si*e Tracke*" in life= this means a <erson has losttheir sense of *irection in life= an* has follo%e* a <ath%a' that is not goo* nor

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correct for ones soul= then this is kno%n s<irituall' as losing ones Soul D " .1ש$.3ל#/Golus eshoma" %hich literall' means ones Soul FeshomaK has gone into e)ile= theresult is that one8s life has "gone off" ones *estine* course this is a form of *eath thatcreates feelings of em<tiness insi*eA

Re& +haim ,ital e)<lains that the state of " 1. Golus eshoma"D"Si*eש$.3ל#/Tracke*"= %ill gi@e a <erson feelings of "%eakness" an* em<tinessP the energ' ofali@eness that one is accustome* to ha@ing is taken a%a' from ones life %hen takesthe "si*eDtrack" in lifeA

This is a sign to in*icate that one is taking the %rong <ath%a' in ones lifeA t %ille@entuall' lea* to feelings of &eing tire*= *raine*= *e<resse* as ones "Soul D

 eshoma" has *e<arte* from ones <h'sical e)istenceA This actuall' reflects

 <h'sicall' too= as the <erson %ill loose their e)<ression of lo@e an* life= &ecomingresentful= hateful= &itter an* *ullA

The Qeaning of /#ל$.3ש1. Si*e Tracke*

Our s<iritual Soul FeshomaK is a s<iritual gift from GO? that *ifferentiatesoursel@es from animals= if a <erson a&uses or misuses the gift of ones SoulFeshomaK= then the gift is %ith*ra%n from our e)istenceA

The @italit' of ones lifeDenerg'= ones accom<lishments= ones moti@ational *ri@inglifeDgi@ing energ' is from the element of ones Soul FeshomaK this <ro@i*es a <erson%ith that s<ecific energ' to li@e a <ur<oseful lifeA

The Soul FeshomaK is e)tremel' sensiti@e an* <recious= to the e)tent that %hen a <erson makes a %rong mo@e for ones soul then the Soul cannot contain itself %ithinones <h'sical &o*'= an* ele@ates itself &ack into s<irit %orl*= Fthis is es<eciall' true%hen one creates sins of the flesh or gossi<s to ruin someone else8s life= ones

 eshoma cannot sta' in ones &o*'KA

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Re& +haim ,ital %rites that the Soul FeshomaK ho@ers o@er a <erson %aiting for a <erson to re<ent an* come &ack to the right <ath%a'A

The +orrection for /#ל$.3ש1. &eing Si*eTracke*

"/ +oming Backש5#."

Nnlike other s<iritual as<ects of correction for ones soul= the correction for &eing"si*eDtracke*" an* losing ones soul is to return .5#ש/ coming &ack to the e)act <oint%here one ma*e the %rong turningA

This is irres<ecti@e of time an* e@ents that ha@e occurre* in ones lifeP if it is a case ofones soul &eing e)ile* out of ones &o*' then time is irrele@antP ones soul is %aitingfor one to return to the <oint %here one got "si*eDtracke*"A

Reincarnate* Souls ee* to ".5#ש/ +omeBack"

Reincarnate* souls as e)<laine* in the "intro*uction" are more sensiti@e souls thanother <eo<le= this is &ecause the' nee* the in&uilt feelings an* emotions to succee* inthis reincarnate* lifetime to ensure s<iritual success for their soul in &reaking thec'cle of reincarnationA

Therefore it is im<erati@e that as soon as one senses an* feels that one has "lost onessoul" that one shoul* QQ>?LT>E; <ra' an* refocus ones attention to coming

 &ack along the correct <ath%a'A

*1. Golus eshoma D Si*e Trackeש$.3ל#/

U Being ?isconnecte* S<irituall'

Re& +haim ,ital e)<lains that there is an im<ortant *ifference &et%een /#ל$.3ש1.Golus eshoma D Si*e Tracke*= an* &et%een &eing *isconnecte* s<irituall' fromones SoulGrou< an* .[י1י.לע3ל3 ";eneeka Qilmaala" Sustenance for ones soul in thefact that one can &e _JJ attache* to ones SoulGrou< an* _JJ recei@ing

sustenance for ones soul as one is in the right <lace %ith O> >Ž+>HTO that onehas ma*e a WROG *ecisionA

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This %rong *ecision can ha@e the <otential to take one along a *ea*Den* <ath%a'= itis u< to the <erson to see an* sense this from ha<<ening or if one is along that

 <ath%a' to STOH an* return to ones correct <ath%a'A

?isMointe* EifeWhen a <erson is in a state of /#ל$.3ש1. Golus eshoma D Si*e Tracke*= it %ill feellike ones .3ש1 is li@ing the life %here it shoul* &e in some other <lace *oingsomething else &ut ones <h'sical &o*' is some%here else= hence one is feels*isMointe* an* *isconnecte* %ithout ones Soul D eshomaA

Wake N< &efore its Too Eate\

Re& +haim ,ital e)<lains that although the <rinci<le of "its ne@er too late to changeones %a's"P in certain circumstances in life= if ones eshoma Soul has left ones &o*'for such a long time then &ringing it &ack into ones e)istence can &e *ifficultA

" .1ש/..3ל]#/ Cistalkus eshoma"

The Soul Eea@ing This Hh'sical Worl*+om<letel'

The term "Cistalkus eshoma" means that ones "Soul eshoma" has *e<arte* ones <h'sical e)istence irre@ersi&l' an* fore@erP this occurs for <eo<le %ho ha@e ma*eirre@ersi&le actions that mean the' %ill *ie an* ha@e cause* their souls to ha@e toreincarnate for another lifetimeA Such <eo<le ma' continue li@ing to an ol* age= &utthere Soul eshoma is no longer %ith them= an* hence the' li@e a @oi* an* em<t'

 <ur<oseless e)istenceA

1. %hen ones soul lea@ing com<letel' this <h'sical %orl* is a form ofש/..3ל]#/*eath as ones action ha@e cause* one to loose the s<iritual gift of eshoma SoulAOnl' &' changing ones %a's an* "coming &ack" to ones true *estin' %ill ensure onessoul returnsA The longer a <erson lea@es the time of "coming &ack" .5#ש/ the more*ifficult it coul* &eA

The +ause of /#ל$.3ש1. &eing Si*e Tracke*

One of the &iggest causes8s for /#ל$.3ש1. &eing Si*e Tracke* is the loss of oness<iritual soul &' "transference" that is a <o%erful *raining interaction %ith someone

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%ho steals 'our life an* soulA We e)<lain the metho* of canceling out an' loss ofones soul &e "transference" in that im<ortant cha<ter A

There is Ll%a's Co<e \

Re& +haim ,ital reassures e@er' reincarnate* soul that <ro@i*e* one is still LE,> inthis <h'sical %orl* there is LEWL;S COH>A The gift of life <ro@i*es each an*e@er'one of us %ith the a&ilit' to change our %a's an* rectif' our souls e@er' secon*of e@er' moment of our li@esA

The S<iritual Nn*erstan*ing of 

"Transference"This cha<ter on "Transference 9י!יל4 +halee<in" is <ro&a&l' the most im<ortantcha<ter of Za&&alah s<iritual kno%le*ge %ritten an* e)<laine* in Sefer Gilgulim &'Re& +haim ,ital as it e)<lains ho% each an* e@er' <ersons soul is continuall' in astate of e)changing energ' &et%een e@er'thing an* e@er'one in this <h'sical %orl*A

The un*erstan*ing of the meaning of "Transference 9י!יל4" is fun*amental to e)<lainho% a <erson constantl' interacts= &' un*erstan*ing that S<iritual an* Hh'sicalTransference 9י!יל4 is an e)change of thought energ'A One can learn to control onesthought energ'= there&' em<o%ering one to &e a&le to cancelDout an' negati@eenergies an* attract into ones life OE; the <ositi@e an* goo*A

Nn*erstan*ing an* a<<l'ing Transference 9י!יל4 to one8s life %ill ena&le on to STOHli@ing other <eo<le8s li@es an* <ro&lems= an* %ill also sto< one from a&sor&ing an*

 <uttingDu< %ith someone else8s &aggage an* &a* attitu*e= there&' ena&ling one to li@eones o%n trul' *estine* lifeA

Nsing the gift of Transference 9י!יל4 one can <re@ent oneself from &eing attacke*

s<irituall' from an'thing or an'one negati@e there&' constantl' &eing a&le tomaintain a goo* inner s<iritual energ'= %ithout &eing negati@el' influence* &'an'thing or an'oneA Transference 9י!יל4 is the s<iritual secret ke' of kno%le*ge that%ill o<en u< the *oor to one8s future= li@ing one8s *estine* %holesome life %ithoutan' negati@e interference= it *efines the &oun*aries of ones life an* soulA

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The Biggest S<iritual Eoss of >nerg'Occurs >@er' Qoment of >@er' ?a'

Through a"Eoss &' Transference"

This e)<lanation an* un*erstan*ing of the meaning of Transference 9י!יל4 an*un*erstan*ing a&out other <eo<le8s a&ilities to control an* takeDo@er 'our life= an*ho% to cancel them out in or*er for ones to li@e ones o%n *estine* <ath%a' for oneso%n uniue soulA

f one8s <h'sical &o*' isn8t a&le to li@e one8s *estine* life &ecause one has allo%e*oneself to &e "occu<ie*" &' other <eo<les energies then one %ill ha@e to reincarnateagain in or*er to li@e ones *estine* lifeP therefore it is ,TLEE; im<ortant to learnan* sto< an' loss &' transference so that one can li@e ones *estine* life instea* ofli@ing someone else8s= an* there&' sa@e oneself from the c'cle of reincarnationA

"Eoss &' Transference" D Transference4לי!י9

n Hh'sical an* S<iritual la%s there is a <rinci<le calle* "transference" D " ]1י94"="Calee<in"= FThis term %as un*erstoo* full' an* intro*uce* into the mo*ernלי!י9*a' Qe*ical <rofession &' Hrofessor ?r +arl (ung in Hs'cholog'KA n sim<le terms=%hen 'ou go into a sho< an* &u' an a<<le 'ou gi@e the mone' in one han* an*recei@e an a<<leA ;ou ha@e ma*e a transfer= e)changing 'our mone' energ' for thesho<s <h'sical item "a<<le"A Which %hen 'ou eat the a<<le= its energ' %ill make 'oufeel goo*= ali@e an* ha<<' %ith 'ourself an* the %orl*A ;ou ma' then meet someonean* &ecause 'ou feel ha<<'= %ill also make them feel ha<<' an* take a%a' some of

their sa* feelingA The %hole of societ' an* mankin* is continuall' acting in a %e& oftransference an* interaction of energ'A

Ca@e 'ou e@er= su**enl'= foun* 'our moo* change from &eing all lo@ing an* <eaceful= an* outDofDcharacter 'ou &ecome angr' The e)<lanation is sim<le= &'"transference"= someone 'ou ha@e Must connecte* %ith= Fit coul* e@en &e the carinfront or &ehin* 'ou in a traffic Mam= or someone in the street %ho has so much inner frustration= anger or *e<ression etcK= has s%a<<e*= *um<e* an* transferre* theirnegati@e thoughts an* emotional energ' in an act of "transference" D e)change* for

'our lo@ing= energibing an* <ositi@e energ'A

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S<iritual an* Hh'sical Transference 9י!יל4

"Ln e)change of thought energ'"

On this <age %e shall teach 'ou the s<iritual la%s of "transference" an* ho% to <re@ent a "EOSS of 'our souls energ' &' transference"A This <age shoul* &e rea* inconMunction %ith "+losure"<age as this %ill teach a <erson ho% to ha@e s<iritualclosure from "freeloa*ers"= users an* a&users= es<eciall' rele@ant for Sensiti@e souls%ho are susce<ti&le to ha@ing energ' stolen from them &' "transference"A

The in*i@i*ual sections of "transference" %e shall teachVD

_A The &asic un*erstan*ing of "transference" D the conce<t of "e)change" of thoughtenerg' for <h'sical energ' as taught from the Talmu*A

XA The S<iritual la%s of "transference"D 4"Aלי!י9"

YA Nsing the s<iritual la%s to STOH a "loss &' transference"= un*erstan*ing that s<iritentities can occu<' a <ersons <h'sical &o*' an* ho% to <re@ent an' s<irit entit' fromoccu<'ing one8s <h'sical &o*' other than one8s o%n soulA

`A egating an* canceling an' "transference" energ' that has alrea*' occurre* in the

 <astA Sto<<ing the *raining c'cle of losing energ' &' transferenceA

IA   י 4 D Nn*erstan*ing "&locks" cause* from other <eo<le create* &' theלי!י9עיכ5#energ' of "transference"A

A Hrotecting oneself from losing "transference" energ' in the futureA

A The conce<t of " .עי9 " D "e@il e'e" un*erstan*ing an* <rotecting oneself from &eing "hurt" &' others e@il thoughtsA Ln* the conce<t of s<iritual <o%er of a <ersons

soul &' "transference" in <hotogra<hsA

_A 9י1[9י!יל4 D Transference

The &asic un*erstan*ing of "transference" D the conce<t of "e)change" of thoughtenerg' for <h'sical energ' as taught from the Talmu*AThe sources in the Talmu*Qesechta Zi**ushin 03$9יש^7י[ *af X]a an* Qesechta TemurahA

,ali* "Transactions"

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The Talmu* e)<lains the conce<t of @ali*it' of *ifferent t'<es of transactions= %hene)actl' a transaction takes <lace an* %hen a <erson actuall' acuires o%nershi< ofarticles one has &oughtA

When a <erson &u's an'thing in a sho<= e)changing mone' for the item= lifting theitem u< an* %alking out of the sho< constitutes a @ali* <urchaseA f a <erson takes theitem %ithout <a'ing then the o%nershi< of the item remains %ith the sho<kee<er an*that is theftA

The @ali*it' of an' transaction is final an* irre@ersi&le= the "*eal is *one" %hen an*this is the im<ortant <oint D that is to com<lete a sale= to make a final an* @ali*transaction is that >TC>R S?> can R>,>RS> or +L+>E the @ali*it' of thee)changeA

0173#0 D"Nm*ena"D"Lssum<tions"n e@er' t'<e of transaction= there are automatic assum<tions= that societ' makes intheir "min*s" regar*ing @ali*it' of transactionsA That is to sa'= e@en if one *oes OTha@e a %ritten agreement e@er'time one goes sho<<ing= there are assum<tionse@er'one makes in their min*s an* thoughtsA

or e)am<le= if one &u's something that is lacking or fault'= then one can return theitem to the sho<A Qan' goo*s ha@e %ritten guarantees or stores ha@e _` *a' or YJ *a'mone'D&ack offersA Co%e@er= e@en %ithout such %ritten "offers"= one can still returnitems if it8s assume* in e@er'one8s Q? that the item is not as e)<ecte*= %hichin@okes the collecti@e assum<tion of societ' an* in e@er'one8s min* to in@ali*atesuch a transactionA FThis a<<lies es<eciall' in our generation= %hen so man' items are

 <ackage* an* one *oesn8t al%a's see insi*e\KA

This im<ortant conce<t of 0173^0 D"Nm*ena"D"Lssum<tions"= is that it is an un%rittenagreement in e@er'one8s Q? an* TCONGCTS= can in@ali*ate the transactionA+on@ersel' this conce<t of assume* agreement in e@er'one8s min* can an* *oes

@ali*ate a transaction= %here&' one +LOT go &ack on the e)changeA Eike &u'inga house or car= clothes etcA= once com<letion of transaction is ma*e one cannot go

 &ack= Must &ecause one *oesn8t like the <urchase\

The e)change of "transference"

The talmu* e)<lains that the e)change of "transference"= is %here one si*e e)changessomething <h'sical for a "TCONGCT"A The Talmu* *iscusses this "transference"

thought an* "transference" s<eech transactions in the section *ealing %ith marriage=

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lo@e an* emotions of marriage= an* in the section of hol' s<iritual <riests makingofferings an* s%itching sanctifie* hol' o&Mects %ith their thoughtsA

The Talmu* teaches that e)changes an* transactions of TCONGCTS an*

>QOTOS is OT @ali*A This is &ecause in this <h'sical %orl* a transaction onl'has @ali*it' &et%een TWO <h'sical OB(>+TS that +LOT &e returne* orcancelle* outA

This is the s<iritual reason %h' it is for&i**en for an'one to charge mone' forkno%le*ge= information an* thoughtsA The Talmu* teaches that teachers ma' recei@ea nominal <a'ment as a com<ensation for their time s<ent teachingA But it is _JJclear that teachers must OT charge for s<iritual kno%le*ge as this is in the samecategor' as "transference" transactionsA

"Thought transactions" can &e in@ali*ate*

an* therefore "transference" energies

can &e easil' cancelle* out

n the transaction of "transference" one si*e has e)change* "TCONGCT" energies

an* as e)<laine* on our <age of "thinking <ositi@e"= a "thought" energ' can &ecancelle* out &' the <eo<le originall' in@ol@e* in the transaction L? also &esomeone else8s thoughts an* energies this in@ali*ates the transaction L? mostim<ortantl' can &e cancelle* out &' O> S?> %ithout the other <erson kno%ingA

S<iritual la% of thoughts= %or*s U actions see "thinking <ositi@e" <age

43ש43253^.5ש/0.5י L thought cancels out a thought




43 L %or* cancels out a thought

7י43^5ש3253^.5ע/0.י Ln action cancels out a thought an* a %or*

03$9יש^7י[6721 Talmu* Zi**ushin Id&

XA The S<iritual la%s of "transference"D4לי!י9

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FaK Ln'one an'%here in this <h'sical %orl* an* in s<iritual %orl* of souls= can ha@etransference energ' %ith an'one %ho is "o<en" to recei@e the transference energ'from that <ersons min* an* soulA The energ' of "transference" thought energ' is o<enan* a@aila&le to e@er'one e@er'%here %hom is "o<en" to recei@e this energ'A

F&K Ln'one can cancel out the "energ'" of transference that is in their min*A L <ersons min* an* soul is gi@en the <o%er to erase an* nullif' the energ' oftransference thought energ'A

Ls %e e)<laine* the "S<iritual la% of thoughts= %or*s U actions" see "Thinking <ositi@e" <ageA

43ש43253^.5ש/0.5י L thought cancels out a thought

43ש7253^.5י/0^5י L %or* cancels out a thought

7י43^5ש3253^.5ע/0.י Ln action cancels out a thought an* a %or* A

03$9יש^7י[6721 Talmu* Zi**ushin Id&

FcK L <erson is gi@en the <o%er to &e "o<en" an* "close*" to control the flo% ofthought transference energ' into their min* an* soulA

f a <erson *oes not kno% a&out or is una%are of the continual interaction of

transference energies %ith their min*= thoughts an* soul= then automaticall' the'lea@e themsel@es "o<en"= %hich allo%s an* "letsDin" negati@e thoughts= freeloa*ersan* trash %hich %ill *rain &' "transference" D stealing their souls goo* life energ'A

This *raining %ill cause a <ersons soul to &lock "life energ'" as the soul recognibesan* senses that it is &eing *raine*A This <h'sical an* s<iritual souls life energ' iskno%n as .[י1י.לע3ל3 D ;eneeka QilmaalaA Once a <erson learns selfDcontrol inselecting onl' the goo* transference energies then this &lockage %ill &e taken a%a'=then the life energ' an* @italit' are allo%e* to flo% into ones lifeA Hlease rea* the

 <age on +losure= as one nee*s to learn %hen to &e "o<en" an* "close*"A

YA Nsing the s<iritual la%s

to STOH a "loss &' transference"A

rom the s<iritual la%s of "transference" a&o@e an* from the "S<iritual la% ofthoughts= %or*s U actions" see "thinking <ositi@e" from 03$9יש^7י[6721 Talmu*

Zi**ushin Id& VD

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43ש43253^.5ש/0.5י L thought cancels out a thought

43ש7253^.5י/0^5י L %or* cancels out a thought

Since transference energ' is _JJ thoughts an* s<iritual = one can sim<l' cancel outthe loss of ones souls energ' &' using the <o%er of s<eechVD



" cancel out an' transference ma*e &' e@il <eo<le that has taken

energ' from m' soul= that takes energ' from m' soul or that %illtake energ' from m' soul"


" refuse to allo% an'one or an'thing e@il *rain m' soul &'transference= or take an' energ' from m' soul &' transference=

%hich inclu*es their negati@e or *estructi@e thoughts or %or*sagainst me"

" release the nee* for interaction %ith *raining <eo<le an* situations= m' soul has &een a%akene* &' these &a* e)<eriences= i am grateful for the *ifficulties as signs to%akeDu< m' soulA o% that i am s<irituall' a%akene*= <lease take a%a' these*raining situations out of m' life= the' no longer ha@e an' <ur<ose in m' life"

" cancel out an' transference of energ' out of m' soul %ith an'one %ho has nothing

to *o %ith m' life= m' *estin' or m' soul"

"Similarl'= i a<ologibe for ha@ing taken an'one8s souls energ' &' transference thathas nothing to *o %ith m' life= m' soul or m' *estin' an* %hich has use* to &lockm' *estin'= i no longer %ant this energ' an* %ant it returne* to the <ersons soul iha@e taken it from= it is OT mine\"

This is so sim<le= once a <erson realibes that one is constantl' losing energ' &'transference= Fan* this there&' is causing a &lockage in the flo% of life energ' in onessoul as e)<laine* a&o@eK= learnt ho% to &e control this loss &' &eing "+lose*" to

*raining an* "freeloa*ers"= then one can sim<l' LRQ an* sa' the a&o@e t%o <hrases an* this cancels out an' loss &' transferenceA

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This e@en hel<s for the highest form of transference %here&' some freeloa*erearth&oun* soul occu<ies ones &o*' F the conce<t of earth&oun* souls is e)<laine* onthe "R>S+N> WORZ " <ageKA

"+anceling out" %ith "%or*s" LEWL;S%orks \

f one *oes not feel an'thing after "canceling out" %ith the <o%er of 'our s<eech &'sa'ing the a&o@e e@en once= there are Y <ossi&le reasonsVD

F_K One is not using ones min* to focus ones thoughts an* coor*inate ones s<eech%ith ones thoughts= that means one must think honestl' a&out the strength of the

 <o%er of s<eechA Lfter all= if one has lost energ' from ones soul cause* &' otherstalking a&out 'ou= it is _JJ assure* that 'ou ha@e the <o%er of 'our s<eech tocontrol 'our life an* soul= through the <o%er of 'our s<eechA ;ON ha@e &een &lesse*%ith the gift of s<eech so use it to +L+>E out the loss &' transferenceA

FXK One *oes not &elie@e the s<iritual la% of canceling out &' the <o%er of s<eechAGoo* ne%s D e@en if one *oes "not &elie@e"= it still %orks \ Co%e@er small thechange= each time a <erson cancels out &' using the <o%er of s<eech= it has an effect=this is the reason %h' "shouting" an* "screaming" %orks so %ell= as it uses ones full

strength of the <o%er of ones s<eechA

FYK Then the last reason= it *oesn8t seem to %ork= after sa'ing the "canceling out" <hrase a&o@e= is &ecause one is still hol*ing onto &itterness an* resentment to that <erson %ho has hurt 'ouA One must E>T GO of them an* the thoughts of hurt= sim<l'recognibes the' %ere <art of 'our life in the <ast an* OW the' are O longer <artof 'our life for 'our future D Ca@e _JJ "closure" = an* thank GO? the' are no% outof 'our life fore@er \

?irectional "+anceling Out"When *eceitful an* rotten <eo<le ha@e tol* lies= gossi<e* an* slan*ere* a goo*

 <erson= it is so eas' to cancel out the energ' of their %or*sA Since the' are liars= their <ra'ers are OT ans%ere* &' the goo* angels in the <ure S<irit %orl*= therefore theinMure* honest <erson can cancel the <o%er of their *eceitful %or*s an'timeA

"?irectional canceling out" means that one uses the e)act %or*s an* false allegationsthat <eo<le ha@e an* are using against 'ou= affirm that these are lies an* then negate

an* cancelDout their <o%er an* *estructi@e energ'A

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or e)am<leP f a man%oman %as accuse* falsel' of cheating on hisher s<ouse %ithanother <erson= then one shoul* sa'= "<eo<le ha@e accuse* me of cheating on m'%ifehus&an* %ith another %omanman= as GO? is m' %itness= this is a lie= i ha@ene@er cheate* on m' %ifehus&an*= an* therefore i %ish to cancel out the energ' an*

 <o%er of these lies"A n*ee*= it seems such a <erson shoul* gla*l' *i@orce such a*eceitful s<ouse as heshe *oes not ha@e an' s<iritual goo* &eha@ior= es<eciall' ifheshe can tell such a%ful lies in <u&licA Once one has *isconnecte* an* ha* closureafter the *i@orce= there %ill still &e gossi<ers an* slan*erers= one can "cancel out" the

 <o%er an* energ' of these liars &' sim<l' kee< affirming that the' are liars= an* their%or*s ha@e no energ' or <o%erA

f a <erson *oes OT cancel out the negati@e energ' of these e@il <eo<le= then theirenerg' gets stronger creating &lockages in the goo* <ersons life= %hich %ill come to a

 <eak= at the <eak %here the energ' &ecomes un&eara&le= the goo* <erson eithercolla<ses un*er the <ressure OR learns the s<iritual la%s to cancel out "loss &'transference" an* actuall' starts to stan* u< for themsel@es &' canceling out all thelies tol* o@er so man' 'ears= as the' are goo* <eo<le %ith goo* s<iritual guar*ianangels= an* the' ha@e &een a @ictim of other <eo<les lies= the' %ill W= once all thenegati@e energ' is cleare* the' %ill start to ha@e all the goo*ness in their li@esrestore* to themA

The first ste< is to %rite *o%n all the sources of *amage of lies that ha@e occurre* inones life= an* cancel each of them out &' affirming the' are liars an* as GO? is 'our

%itness= 'ou are truthfulA

 ormall' those <eo<le %ho accuse others *o not &elie@e in GO? or s<irit %orl*= an*usuall' accuse other <eo<le of things the' ha@e *one %rong themsel@esA So sim<l'affirm their false allegations= a*mit these are lies an* then cancel their <o%erAEike%ise re<eating a fe% times actuall' hel<s to cancel out the energ' of all the othergossi<ers %ho ha@e re<eate* the liars lieA one of them ha@e an' <o%er to hurt 'ouan'moreA

Nse the <o%er of s<eech to cancel theenerg' of their %or*s= as Cashem D GO? is

'our %itnessA

_A Lffirm the %or*s of the lie= use the e)act %or*s that the liars ha@e *eceitfull' use*PX +onfirm that as GO? is 'our %itness that this is a lieP YA +ancel out the energ' ofthe lie= &' confirming that these %or*s are lies an* this is the truthA

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"+ancel Out" &ut ?O OT hol* onto an' &itterness or hatre* for the *eceitful liars

t is im<ortant that one *oes this= %ithout feeling an' hatre* or negati@e emotions forthem %hom ha@e lie*= in fact if one *oes this in a manner that one feels sorr' for theeternal <ain their souls %ill en*ure in s<irit %orl*= then %ithin the "canceling out"

 <rocess one is actuall' <ra'ing that their soul shoul* re<ent an* a<ologibe for the*estruction the' ha@e cause*A

This is e)actl' ho% (ose<h forga@e his _J &rothers %ho sol* him as a sla@e= an* ho%Zing ?a@i* cancelle* out the *eceit an* lies of Zing Saul= %ho trie* to kill himAFOnce ?a@i* ha* cancelle* out Zing Saul8s energ' of his lies= *estruction an* *eceit=

Saul actuall' committe* suici*e= an* ?a@i* &ecame Xn* Zing of sraelKA

The highest form of "transference" D

someone else8s soul occu<ies 'our &o*'

The commentators -^ע94ל^ש. an* ע-^ש^ל an* :2 The Shach an* Tab on the 94ש-  Shulchan Lruch D "The co*e of (e%ish la%s"= all ask the o&@ious uestionVD

n the *ail' &lessings in the morning <ra'ers %h' *o %e nee* to re<eat these three &lessings e@er'*a' of our life= surel' sa'ing them once in ones life is enough


These Y &lessings gi@e thanks to GO? that %e are "not a sla@e" = "not a %oman" ="not a #$ "A Surel' thanking GO? once in our li@es is enough an* surel' its o&@iousי

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that a man is not a %oman an* a Me%ish <erson is not a nonDMe% Wh' is it necessar'to state the o&@ious affirmation e@er' single *a' in the morning %hen one %akes u<

The amous S<iritual Ra&&is an* commentators -^ע94ל^ש. an*  an* :2 The Shachש-

an* Tab on the 94ל


 Shulchan Lruch= ans%er that %hilst a <erson is slee<ing=an* soul ele@ates itself to s<iritual <lane= an "earth&oun* soul" coul* occu<' ones &o*'= an* %hen one arri@es &ack in ones &o*'= there is a struggle for control o@er'our &o*'= as ones soul *i* not enter ones &o*' com<letel' <ro<erl' &ecause there isan occu<'ing soul in a <ersons &o*' in an act of transferenceA This act of transferencecan ha<<en in s<irituall' sensiti@e <eo<le %ho *on8t like or *on8t feel comforta&le

 &eing on earth

The solution D make a truthful affirmation

The solution is to make a truthful affirmations of %ho 'ou are an* %hom 'our &o*' &elongs to an* through the <o%er of s<eech 'ou can "thro% out" the freeloa*ing s<iritentit'A

Truthful Lffirmations

Sim<l' &' using the <o%er of truthful s<eech= %ill ensure that 'ou *o not loose an'energ' from 'our soul &' "transference"A Which in turn %ill ensure that 'our lifeenerg' an* @italit' remains "ali@e" %ith a continual flo% of .[י1י.לע3ל3 D ;eneekaQilmaalaA The ke' is to use the <o%er of s<eech %ith truthful statements an*affirmationsA

One shoul* &egin "truthful affirmations" &' sa'ing %hat a <erson is not= for e)am<lea Me%ish single %oman li@ing in NSL shoul* affirm= "i am not a man"= "i am not aQuslim"= " i am not marrie*"= "i ha@e not 'et foun* m' soulmate"= " i am not li@ingin israel"= i ha@e no chil*ren"= etc an* then continue to affirm "i am tr'ing to changee@er'*a'"= "i am canceling out= &' m' s<eech an' %or*s or thoughts that an'one

an'%here has against me= i %ant to cancel out an' negati@e energ' that is &lockingsuccess in m' life= so that i can fin* m' true *estine* lo@ing soulmate= to ha@e a

 <ur<oseful an* fulfilling life" etcA=

Once a <erson starts making truthful affirmations as the' "talk to themsel@es"= one%ill fin* each in*i@i*ual %ill flo% %ith their o%n s<ecific affirmations= of their o%n

 <ersonal i*entit' an* then affirm to cancel out an' &lockages in their li@es cause* &'other <eo<les negati@e thoughts an* %or*sA Once a <erson has *one this= one feelslightene* an* enli@ene* as each %or* a <erson s<eaks L+TNLEE; %orks to cancel

out an' negati@it' \

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Thankfull' there is a s<ecial s<iritual la% that <re@ents this &eing use* against goo* <eo<le= as those <eo<le %ho a&use the <o%er of s<eech= *ecei@e an* lie= ha@e nochance to *issol@e the energ' of transference= as this a&ilit' is onl' gi@en to those%ith truthful guar*ian angels= as *iscusse* in the <aragra<h of "t%o t'<es" of <eo<le

on the <age of S<irit U Gui*anceA

`A egating an* canceling an'"transference" energ' that has alrea*'

occurre* in the <astA Sto<<ing the *rainingc'cle of losing energ' &' transferenceA

Sim<l' follo% the same s<iritual la% as a&o@e= an* use the <o%er of s<eech to cancelout LEE the loses of "transference" that one has &een so o<en an* gi@en a%a' onesenerg' in the <ast= %hich once a <erson cancels out the <o%er gi@en a%a' &'transference thought energ'= then all the &lockages in ones life %ill &e taken a%a'ASQHE; SL; VD


" cancel out an' transference of energ' ma*e &' e@il <eo<le that has taken energ'from m' soul= that takes energ' from m' soul or that %ill take energ' from m' soul"


" refuse to allo% an'one or an'thing e@il *rain m' soul &' transference= or take an'energ' from m' soul &' transference= %hich inclu*es their negati@e or *estructi@ethoughts or %or*s against me"


"Lll &lockages in m' life shoul* no% go a%a' from m' soul"

"Eet the <ast go"D Col* no gru*ges

Remem&er it is im<ortant >,>R to hol* an' gru*ge or &lame to an'one for 'our

mistakesA t is ;ONR fault 'ou interacte* %ith the %rong an* *raining t'<e of <ersonAts not their fault= the' are sim<l' acting the onl' %a' the' kno%A Co%e@er= no% that

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'ou ha@e foun* the solution an* learnt the reason %h' 'ou ha@e &een so *raine* &'losing 'our souls goo* energ' in an act of "transference"A t is u< to ;ON to ha@e+losure from the <ast an* learn to Hrotect 'our min* an* soul= es<eciall' if 'ou are aSensiti@e soul A

IA 4לי!י9עיכ5#י D Nn*erstan*ing "&locks"cause* from other <eo<le create* &' the

energ' of "transference"A

Ls %e e)<laine* on the <age Blocking Success= once transference has occurre*= a <erson has gi@en a%a' <art of their souls energ' to someone elseA This other <erson

no% has the <o%er to Block Success as the' ha@e 'our energ' as %e sa% in the"Transference" *estructi@e c'cle as e)<laine* on the "?e&rain%ashing <age" VD

The solution is sim<le \

Nse the <o%er of s<eech to cancel out all the acts of transference= think &ack to all thetimes 'ou %ere o<en an* ga@e a%a' 'our souls energ' in an act of transferenceA

Remem&er the rule that there are t%o t'<e of <eo<le in this %orl*= the "honest an*

creati@e grou<" an* the "*eceitful *estructi@e grou<" as e)<laine* in the <age ofS<irit U Gui*anceA >@er' <erson interacts an* is connecte* in this %orl*= if the

 <erson 'ou are connecting %ith makes 'ou feel ali@e an* creati@el' constructi@e thenthis is a goo* connectionA f the connection is *raining an* *estructi@e one QNSTha@e +losureA The' ma'&e e@en &e goo* <eo<le &ut the' ha@e O HEL+> in 'ourlife= if one feels *raine* %hen interacting %ith themA

Ones soul energ' comes &ack from "the

ether"Once one has learnt +losure an* <ra'e* to ha@e ones life energ' that has &een lost &'transference returne* to 'our soulA One %ill start to feel ali@e %ith s<iritual @italit'an* enlightenment A Co%e@er= <art of the +losure <rocess is one QNST "letDgo" an*forgi@e those <eo<le %ho ha@e &een *raining 'ou= an* >,>R e)<ect them to returnenerg' to 'ou an* >,>R e)<ect them to a<ologibe to 'ouA Ca@e closure from theman* mo@e onA

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The "ether"= that is the ?,> uni@ersal energ' %ill gi@e 'ou the s<iritual energ' =re<lenish= enli@en 'ou an* more that com<ensate 'our lossesA Once an* onl' once'ou ha@e *ee<D*o%n ha* closure an* o<ene* the flo% of un&locke* life energ' .[י1י*3 D ;eneeka Qilmaala A ;our soul %ill onl' un&lock this once truthfull' anל3על.

intrinsicall' >,>R;TCG has &een *one &' 'ou to correct 'our <ast mistakes an*'our s<irit min* an* soul in _JJ sure 'ou %ill not make the mistakes againA

The >nglish sa'ing e)<ression <ertaining to life8s o<<ortunities "one *oor o<ensOE; %hen the other *oor is firml' close*"= an* "%hat goes aroun* D e@entuall'comes aroun*"= refers to the c'cle of uni@ersal ?,> energ'A

A Hrotecting oneself from losing

"transference" energ' in the futureAOnce a <erson has &een enlightene* to the conce<ts of "loss of ones souls energ' &'transference"= %ith this "ke'" of kno%le*ge from Sefer Gilgulim &' Re& +haim ,ital=one %ill automaticall' learn to &e a%are of e@er' interaction that one makes= sensingthe energibing actions an* *raining actionsA Qaking em<o%ere* an* correct free%ill*ecisions to onl' interact %ith constructi@e creati@e <eo<le an* situations= ne@erallo%ing oneself to &e "o<en" to &e *raine* &' freeloa*ers in an act of transferenceA

t8s @er' similar to learning to talk= once one has learnt ho% to talk it is @er' *ifficultto forget \ Lfter a %hile it &ecomes "secon*Dnature" to a chil* an* one s<eaks e@en%ithout thinkingA Similarl'= once one has learnt to control ones thoughts= cancelingDout "loss &' transference" &' using the <o%er of ones s<eech= it &ecomes eas' toretain ones uniue soul energ' an* un&lock the flo% of life @italit' to ones soul=%hich is nee*e* for 'ou an* the goo* <eo<le 'ou coDcreate %ith= so that 'our soul cansuccee* to its ma)imum <otential in this <h'sical life \

B' learning the lessons in the cha<ter on +losure an* Hrotection= once the <ast an* <resent is cleare* &' the use of s<eech in "cancelingDout" the *raining acts of

transference= ensures that ones soul has accom<lishe* a significant cleansing %hich itcame to earthDschool to learnA

A The conce<t of " .עי9 " D "e@il e'e"

The conce<t of " .עי9 " D "e@il e'e" is sim<l' un*erstoo* as a <erson has &een"o<en" s<irituall' to allo% another <erson steal energ' &' "transference" %hich is infact 'our souls energ' an* this is there&' a&le to BEO+Z 'our lifeA

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Sim<l' learn to sto< "losing 'our souls energ' &' transference"= &' &eing so "o<en"to *estructi@e energiesA learn +losure an* Hrotection an* then no one can affect 'ourlife %ith the energ' 'ou ha@e "gi@en them" to hurt 'ou %ith \

Those <eo<le %hom ha@e change* com<letel'= heale* the <ast an* &ecome lo@ingan* com<assionate souls connecte* in the committe* ser@ice of GO?= ha@e learnt tofocus an* continuall' cleanse their min* an* soul from an' negati@e an* *estructi@ethoughtsA

Once a <erson has arri@e* at this le@el " .עי9 " D "e@il e'e" create* &' other <eo<lesnegati@e thoughts can ne@er affect their soul A n the transition <erio* as a <erson islearning an* transforming one sim<l' nee*s to learn +losure an* continuall'cleansing an* canceling out other <eo<les acts of transference *raining thoughtenergiesA

L note for Qo*ern ?a' D Hhotogra<hs

When an'one looks at <hotogra<hs= each image makes an im<ression on a <ersonsmin* an* thoughts= if a <erson is emotionall' arouse* &' the image in the <hotogra<hthis has a stronger affect on a <ersons soulA f the <hotogra<h gi@es a <erson a @italit'an* ali@eness then an act of creati@e transference takes <laceA f ho%e@er the

 <hotogra<h lea@es a <erson feeling *raine* then a *estructi@e act of transference has


f the <hotogra<h is of a <erson= then the <ersons image an* soul is engra@e* on that <hoto an* if one is "o<en" an* una%are= then e@il <eo<le can use the <hotogra<h in anact of transference energ' an* "*rain" or "hurt" a <ersonA

Ls this "*amage" occurs as a thought energ'= sim<l' &' using the <o%er of s<eechcancels out an' "transference" loss energies an* sol@es the <ro&lemA Sim<l' sa'= "refuse to allo% an'one or an'thing e@il *rain m' soul &' transference %hich inclu*esnegati@e or *estructi@e thoughts or %or*s against me or an' <hotos that ha@e &een

taken of me &' an'one an'%here"A


Once a <erson has &een enlightene* to the conce<ts of "loss of ones souls energ' &'transference"= %ith this "ke'" of kno%le*ge from Sefer Gilgulim &' Re& +haim ,italone %ill automaticall' learn to &e a%are of e@er' interaction that one makes= sensingthe energibing actions an* *raining actions an* making %ise *ecisions to connect

onl' %ith creati@e life energ'A

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Ls an'one an'%here in this <h'sical %orl* an* in s<iritual %orl* of souls= can ha@etransference energ' %ith an'one %ho is "o<en" to recei@e the transference energ'from that <ersons min* an* soulA

This &asic conce<t of "transference" thoughtDenerg' makes it com<rehen*i&le ho% soman' Sensiti@e souls ha@e the gift of s<irit communication %ith the s<irit %orl*A Ls acontinual an* o<en channel of "transference an* thoughts" are connecting the souls inthis Hh'sical %orl* %ith S<irit %orl* of soulsA

"S<iritual Hrotection" D .י3ש A

The Sefer Shinu'im "The &ook of changes"= teaches the im<ortance of "S<iritualHrotection" .י3ש "Shmira" of ones soulA When a <erson un*erstan*s that ones min*an* thoughts control the flo% of energ' of life an* e@er' interaction that occurs in a

 <ersons life in the <h'sical an* s<iritual %orl* is controlle* &' each <ersons min*=thoughts an* soul= it is therefore im<erati@e %e un*erstan* the s<iritual la%s of 

"<rotection" in or*er to <rotect oursel@es &oth <h'sicall' an* s<irituall'A

Nn*erstan*ing that %hen a <erson is _JJ <rotecte* s<irituall'= then a <erson isautomaticall' <rotecte* <h'sicall'= as all energies &oth <ositi@e an* negati@e STLRT

%ith the TCONGCTS in ones min*A >@er'thing that ha<<ens to us in our li@es isallo%e* to ha<<en &' the thoughts %e <ro*uce in our min*= &' changing an*

controlling ones thoughts= this ena&les an* changes e@er'thing that ha<<ens in ones

life onesA

On this <age %e shall e)<lain all the follo%ing conce<tsVD

_A Nn*erstan*ing an* i*entif'ing the *ifference &et%een the X t'<es of <eo<le in this%orl*= the "?>L?" an* "LE,>"A

XA Eearning ho% to ha@e <h'sical an* s<iritual "closure" from the *rainingfreeloa*ers an* "*ea*" energies= there&' onl' connecting %ith lo@e an* "life"


YA Nn*erstan*ing ho% to "&lock" other <eo<les negati@e thoughts against 'ou= an*ho% to &e so close* that one actuall' "&ounces &ack" their negati@e thoughts an*

%or*s against 'ou to themsel@es like a "mirror"A

`A Eearning ho% to use the <o%er of <ra'er to ask an* recei@e <rotection from onesguar*ian angelsA

IA Eearning ho% to al%a's remain connecte* %ith life energ'= e@en %hen one is in &a* com<an' of "*ea*" <eo<le or in *ea*l' *raining <lacesA

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A Nn*erstan*ing the conce<t that this <h'sical %orl* is a challenge to a goo* <ersons soul= as "&a*" <eo<le= liars an* cheats seem to succee*= honest an* goo*

 <eo<le seem to &e "cheate*"= taken a*@antage of an* a&use*A

A Eearning ho% to eliminate all freeloa*ers= e@il <eo<le an* *raining situationsfrom ones life an* ho% to <rotect ones soul from an' interaction %ith e@il <eo<le &'learning to <rotect ones min* an* thoughts= un*erstan*ing that once a <erson hassuccee*e* s<irituall' in ones min* an* thoughts= then <h'sicall' the "freeloa*er 

nuisance" %ill *issa<<earA Nn*erstan*ing that "min* &attles"= are sim<l' someoneelses *esires an* thoughts ha@ing a <o%er o@er 'our thoughts an* forcing 'ou to

make actions= once a <erson learns to <rotect ones min* an* thoughts it &ecomes eas'to "%in min* &attles"A


_A Nn*erstan*ing an* i*entif'ing the *ifference &et%een the X t'<es of <eo<le in this%orl*VD

The "?>L?" an* "LE,>"A

Ls %e e)<laine* on the <age "S<iritual Gui*ance"= there are X t'<es of <eo<le in this%orl*VD

The Conest U The ?eceitful

The first an* most %on*erful categor' is the CO>ST grou<= %hich &asicall' means%hen 'ou are nice to them the' are nice in return = %hen 'ou are horri&le to them the'

are horri&le in return A When 'ou ask them a uestion= 'ou are gi@en the honestans%er in returnA The intrinsic goo*ness of this grou<= %ill al%a's make 'ou feelali@e an* ha<<'A When 'ou hear something goo* has ha<<en* to an'one of this

grou<= 'ou too D feel the ha<<inessA +on@ersel' %hen something &a* ha<<en*s 'oufeel their sorro% an* <ainA The honest grou< <erson= %ill al%a's fin* %a's to &e nicean* com<liment= sa'ing nice constructi@e %or*s= looking for the goo*ness in <eo<le=

an* the' %ill al%a's e)u*e= ra*iate lo@e an* ha<<iness= e@en in the face of a*@ersit' AThe' %ill al%a's fin* %a's to create lo@ing energ' an* >,>R "steal" energ' from

others &' hateful= negati@e or *estructi@e thoughts= %or*s or actionsA

The other grou< of <eo<le in this %orl* are the ?>+>TNE FliarsK <eo<le= %hich &asicall' means %hen 'ou are nice to them the' are horri&le in return = %hen 'ou are

horri&le to them the' are nice in return A When 'ou ask them a uestion= 'ou aregi@en lies an* *eceit in returnA The intrinsic *eceit an* t%iste*ness of this grou<= %ill

al%a's make 'ou feel *raine* an* sa*A

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These X grou<s of <eo<le= ha@e the inate ualities of either &eing <ositi@el'energising OR *e<ressingl' *rainingA When 'ou meet a <erson= if the' make 'ou feelali@e an* energise 'ou= this is in*icati@e the' are LE,>= if ho%e@er a <erson makes'ou feel "*raine*" an* *e<resse* then this is in*icati@e the' are ?>L?A Similarl'=

e@er' <lace an* action a <erson <erforms either makes them feel ali@e= as the' are*oing something creati@el' <ur<oseful %ith lo@e= or makes them feel tire*= *raine*an* *e<resse*= %hich is in*icati@e that the' are *oing something *estructi@e or 

hateful= the o<<osite to the <ur<ose of lifeA

?efining an* categorising e@er'thing into "life" an* "*eath"= is intrinsicall' @ital sothat %e can remain energise* %ith the goo* lifeDgi@ing creati@e energ' of GO?

%hich is EO,>A


Who is "Lli@e" U Who is "?ea*"


"Goo* souls %hen the' *ie are in fact ali@e"


"Ba* souls %hen the' are ali@e are in fact *ea*"

The Talmu* Sanhe*rin  [![ל4 = e)<lains that the Righteous an* goo* <eo<le %henthe' are <h'sicall' *ea* are in fact ali@e= F 4יי]#יי35י//7jי]י K= %hilst the

%icke* <eo<le %hen the' seem to &e ali@e are in fact *ea*= F /3י]#יי45יי.שעיKA

n this s<iritual un*erstan*ing= this e)<lains that there are in*ee* reall' *raining"freeloa*ers" an* horri&le <eo<le in this %orl*= %ho are so full of hatre*= *eath U

*estruction= %ho sim<l' steal energ' from goo* <eo<le &' intimi*ation= &ull'ing an*

@iolence= "Transference" or e@en &' se)ual arousalteasing %hich steals energ' in thesame *estructi@e %a' from a <ersons soul s<irituall'= as the se)ual arousal causes <eo<le to act= as logical "common sense" %oul* tell them not to act= &ut se)ualarousal "makes a <erson" *o things the' %oul* not *o= if the' %ere thinking %ith

their min* instea* of the "animalistic" <h'sical &o*' \

These <eo<le an* <laces that *rain a <erson= are in fact "?>L?"= the' ma' look asthough the' are ali@e= &ut in the e'es of GO? an* s<irit %orl*= the' are ?>L?A

Whene@er one has a "&a* feeling" a&out someone or some%here= this is in*icati@ethat one is Sensiti@e an* ones soul is in*icating a ?>L? energ'= so Z>>H a%a' \

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+on@ersel' %hen a <erson has goo* energising feelings= these are in*icati@e of E>energ'A Eearn to anal'se honestl' ho% one feels a&out e@er'one an* e@er'thing= then

contem<late %hat <eo<le= <laces an* actions make a <erson feel LE,>A Llmoste@er'one lo@es to see flo%ers= trees= green countr'si*e= fruit trees an* the <urit' of 

"ature" create* &' sunlight= fresh air= %ater an* GO? \

What is the meaning of "?>L?" souls

The conce<t of "?>L?" souls is e)<an*e* on in "Sefer Shinu'im"D the Book of +hange= an* %e shall e)<lain this soon on a se<arate <age linke* hereA n &rief= ase)<laine* in I le@els of the soul <age &' Re& +haim ,ital= the conce<t that e@er'o&Mect e@en a stone has a soul= so e@en the "*ea*" <erson has a soul= it sim<l' is a

"*ark" soul= %ith no "life" energ'A Ca@ing no energ' of EO,>= this "*ea*" an* "*ark"soul fee*s its soul %ith energ' &' stealing from goo* <eo<le an* from creating

hatre*= fear= Mealous' an* negati@e emotions= hence it is consi*ere* &' the enlightene*an* s<iritual %orl* to &e "*ea*"A

XA Eearning ho% to ha@e <h'sical an* s<iritual "closure" from the *rainingfreeloa*ers an* "*ea*" energies= there&' onl' connecting %ith lo@e an* "life"


B' categorising e@er'one an* e@er'thing in ones life to either E> or ?>LTCA Thisregisters on ones min* to onl' connect %ith E>= after all %hat t'<e of ungratefulstu<i* <erson %oul* "commit suici*e"

n the same %a'= if a <erson regar*s e@er' *estructi@e act of "%aste" as an act of ?>LTC= then a <erson automaticall' %ill RN LWL; from *eath an* such

*estructi@e actsA This is human instinct of sur@i@al= ho%e@er as com<le) in*i@i*uals%ith a min* more intricate than a com<uter= our min* nee*s to recei@e our 

instructions to &e +EOS>? to acts of *eath= &' our "selfD*efinitions" to each act=e@ent an* <erson in our li@esA Fi use the term "selfD*efinitions"= as a connection of life

for 'ou ma'&e a connection of *eath for someone else= as its 'our *esitin' an* nottheir *estin'KA

?efine e@er' act VD

s it an act E> or ?>LTC

?oes it make 'ou feel LE,> an* energise*

or ?>L?= *raine* an* *e<resse*

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Once *efine* &' ;ON an* OE; ;ON= then it &ecomes eas' to ha@e +losure= as %ekno% that this small "ke'" of s<iritual kno%le*ge has the <o%er to change a <ersonslife= in Must kno%ing that connections %ith the %rong <eo<le in ones life can &lock=

*rain an* cause *eath s<irituall' an* ultimatel' <h'sicall'A

Start %ith ones thoughts= *efine e@er'thing into E> an* ?>LTC= as human sur@i@al%ill al%a's connect %ith E>= %hich once in@oke* %ill reflect in ones actionsA This%ill automaticall' moti@ate a <erson into actions of E>= %hich in turn %ill un&lock 

ones stagnate* "*ea*" life= as one has *isconnecte* from all the ?>L? energies inones lifeA The more *isconnections one makes from ?>L? acti@ities the more

energise* an* LE,> one %ill feelA

YA Nn*erstan*ing ho% to "&lock" other <eo<les negati@e thoughts against 'ou= an*ho% to &e so close* that one actuall' "&ounces &ack" their negati@e thoughts an*

%or*s against 'ou to themsel@es like a "mirror"A

Whilst a <erson is changing an* *isconnecting from the *raining "freeloa*ers" thatha@e &een taking a*@antage of an* a&using ones life= one ma' feel "attacke*" &'

them= either &' their %or*s or negati@e thoughts= therefore it is im<erati@e that onelearns ho% to <rotect ones soul from such <eo<leA

The reason these "freeloa*ers" feel threatene* &' 'our action of "+losure" is that the'feel the %ith*ra%al of energ' from their li@esA The' ha@e continuall' &een using a <attern of taking goo* from 'ou an* gi@ing 'ou nothing in return= an* no% that the'

feel 'ou "closing" off to them= the' feel resentful= hateful= &itter an* %ill tr' e@enmore *estructi@e tactics to steal energ' from 'ouA

irstl' %e nee* to un*erstan* the interaction of goo* <eo<le %ith the "?>L?" t'<eof &a* <ersonA The fun*amental <rinci<le is that the' are full of o<<osites= %hen 'ouare GOO? to a &a* <erson= the' are horri&le in returnA Therefore= con@ersel' a<<lies=

%hen 'ou are BL? to a BL? <erson= the' res<ect 'ou an* are GOO? to 'ou in

return \

This is learnt from the greatest of s<iritual lea*ers like Qoses= an* (ose<h= %hose &rothers sol* him as a sla@e= an* from Zing ?a@i* %ho ha* to run a%a' an* hi*eamongst the <hilistines as Zing Saul an* the Me%ish arm' %ante* to kill him= as he

s<oke the truthA

"Wh' *o 'ou re<a' me %ith &a* for the goo* i ha@e *one"





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Genesis F'alkut shimoniK cha<ter `Y

/4/.5#2ע.^3של3י The' re<a' m' goo* %ith e@il

/4/!75#2יש112י an* Slan*er me %hen i <ursue %hat is goo*

Tehillim D Hsalms of Zing ?a@i*= cha<ter Y] @erse XJX_A

t is sim<l' a s<iritual fact of life that &a* <eo<le treat goo* <eo<le &a*l' \

"Being +EOS>?"

+reates a S<iritual Hrotecti@e Shiel* %hich acts as a "Qirror" to reflect their &a*ness &ack to them \

B' ha@ing closure from such *eceitful an* "t%iste*" <eo<le= automaticall' the c'cleof 'ou gi@ing them "life" energ' for them to *estro' into *eath energ'= %ill STOH \When one is _JJ close* to them= then the' %ill not &e a&le to interact %ith 'ou or 

'our soulA

The first thing that ha<<ens is the' accuse 'ou of all the things that is %rong %iththem= as 'ou are close*= 'our soul acts like a <rotecti@e shiel*= an* the' QRROR 

 &ack to themsel@es e)actl' %hat the' are \ This is al%a's the case es<eciall' in our mo*ern *a' societ' of "*i@orces"= %here the goo* si*e is often falsel' accuse* &' the

rotten si*eA

The &est a*@ice in such *i@orces or relationshi< &reakDu<s is to &e _JJ close* an*?OT interact %ith such a <erson= %hen a goo* <erson is _JJ +EOS>? an*

refuses to e@en comment on false allegations then the rotten <erson %ill actuall'accuse the goo* of e@er'thing that the' themsel@es ha@e *one %rong \ Ls s<irituall'the' are mirroring themsel@es\ To such a *egree that the' are so full of hatre* an**estruction= that the' en* u< selfD*estro'ing their o%n li@es= hence &lock an* can

ne@er fin* EO,>= E> or the S<iritual %a' of life %ith the energ'=  <eace of min*

an* &lessings of GO?A

Sim<l' get ri* of such ?>L? an* *eceitful <eo<le out of ones life= an* look for%ar*to ne% life %ith goo* kin* lo@ing an* honest <eo<le in ones lifeA This is sim<l' <artof the <ath%a' of life= to learn from the &a* in or*er to *isconnect %ith them= an*

onl' connect %ith the goo*A

`A Eearning ho% to use the <o%er of <ra'er to ask an* recei@e <rotection from ones

guar*ian angelsA

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Ls %e e)<laine* a&o@e= e@er'thing is classifie* as either life or *eath= the connectiona <erson has s<irituall' to the energ' of life D GO? D is lifeDgi@ingA Ls %e e)<laine*

full' on the "Guar*ian Lngels" <age= the stronger our connection %ith our "Guar*ianLngels" an* %ith ?i@ine S<iritual energ'= the more energise* an* LE,> our soul

%ill feelA When a <erson realises that ones <ra'ers an* &eing listene* to= this gi@es a <erson the <o%er of confi*ence in <ra'erA

Sim<l' HRL; an* ask for <rotection

U Eight a +an*le

S<irituall'= <ra'ing %hilst lighting a can*le has tremen*ous s<iritual energ'A >ach

 <erson %ill ha@e their o%n feeling as the' light a can*le= as one lights a can*le %hilst <ra'ing= the Guar*ian Lngels feel ones *esire for a nee* for <rotection an* gui*anceAThe reassuring feelings one gets at the moment of <ra'er= makes a <erson certain that

s<irituall' one %ill &e gui*e* an* <rotecte*A This %ill hel< 'ou to <ra' in kno%ingan* feeling reassure* &' the s<iritual <eaceful energ'A FLs %e e)<laine* full' on the

"L&ilit' to +hange" <ageK

Eight a can*le an'time

Whene@er 'ou feel the nee* for some e)tra s<ecial s<iritual hel< or for "thanks" for hel< that has &een gi@en= or e@en to <ra' for the future= for a %orl* of <eace= lo@e an*s<iritual gro%th D light a can*le \ F or 'our information= %hilst i am t'<ing these %e&

 <ages= i al%a's light a can*le for hel< an* gui*anceKA

,isiting cemetaries is actuall' energising\

Nn*erstan*ing the <rinci<le "   י 4יי0[1י/3יכש.7jי] " D "Goo* souls %hen the'*ie are in fact ali@e"= an* un*erstan*ing the conce<t of Guar*ian Lngels that

accom<an' a <erson al%a's= this is the reason %h' @isiting the gra@es of goo* <eo<le

is actuall' energising an* life gi@ing= as this connects a <erson s<irituall' to the soulof the righteous <erson= an* their continue* life gi@ing energ' is %anting to hel<=

gui*e an* <rotect %ith a E> G,G energ'A

.י3ש "Shmira" D "Hrotection"

for <eo<le %ho ha@e Must *ie*

Lccor*ing to Me%ish tra*ition= %hen the final transition of a <erson soul from this <h'sical %orl* into s<iritual %orl* at *eath has occure*= the soul nee*s <ra'ers of 

 <rotectionA The <o%er of our <ra'ers is so great that %e light can*les an* sa' <ra'ers

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from the moment of *eath until the <erson is &urie*= this is kno%n as .י3ש "Shmira"D "<rotection"A

Rea*ing an* re<eating the Hsalm _X_ Y times= is kno%n as the <ra'er for "<rotection"


IA Eearning ho% to al%a's remain connecte* %ith life energ'= e@en %hen one is in &a* com<an' of s<irituall' "*ea*" <eo<le or in *ea*l' *raining <lacesA

With the s<iritual un*erstan*ing= that e@er'thing that e)ists in our li@es= starts as aTCONGCT in our min* an* soulA t is therefore _JJ ,TLE to our <rotection that%e kee< our min* "a%ake"= a@oi*ing the "gre' sickness" D that "half ali@eDhalf *ea*"

feeling as *iscusse* on the Qoti@ation <ageA B' sta'ing mentall' alert an* controllingones thoughts= one actuall' can *e@elo<e the strength of min* <o%er to &e o<en an*

close* to an'thing an* e@er'thingA

The strength of an in*i@i*ual is al%a's Mu*ge* on the strength of the min*= thoughtsan* a&ilit' to sta' O+NS>? on ones o&Mecti@es an* goalsA

Hre<are ones min* an* thoughts %ith goo* energising images

Before an' @enture is un*ertaken in life= the success is al%a's <re*etermine* &' thegoo* <re<arations an* <lanningA Similarl'= &efore a <erson *oes an'thing= one nee*s

to <re<are ones min* an* thoughts <ro<erl'A

irstl' &e *etermine* to &e "close*" to an' *ea* or *raining energies= F remem&er from the +losure <age the &est %a' to &e _JJ close* s<irituall' is to ha@e a

clenche* fist= it al%a's %orks= from Halmistr' <age %e ha@e learnt that the <o%er of ones soul is reflecte* in the energ' of ones han*A Being a%are that ones han*s ha@esuch a strength an* <o%er= &e careful %here 'ou <lace 'our han*s an* kee< them

 <ure an* clean \ This is the reason %h' the &est communicators an* <u&lic s<eakersal%a's use their han*s to strengthen the <o%er of their s<oken %or*sA

Eearn to guar* 'our soul &' guar*ing 'our e'es


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The famous Re& Simcha issel F kno%n as the Llter of Zelm a *isci<le of Re&;isroel Salanter= the father of the Qussar mo@ement in _dth +entur' >uro<eK an*%ho then &ecame the teacher of the +hofetb +haim em<hasibe* the im<ortance of  &eing so careful of the images of %hat one sees %ith ones e'es= /י3שיי1יע = an*

starte* a <ractice of making <eo<le a%are of guar*ing their e'es= es<eciall' as he sa%that the generation &ecame @ulnera&le s<iritiuall' to "mo*ernisation"A Co% muchmore so D to*a' \\\

Therefore the onl' s<iritual la% %e nee* to recognise is the nee* is for a /י3שיי1יע  =to learn to guar* our soul &' guar*ing our e'es= an* <rotecting of e'es from seeing

the %rong imagesA The <o%er of @ision has the energ' to influence an* &ring a <ersona "Eife of Heace of Qin*"A

Secon*l' focus in ones min* ones life o&Mecti@es an* aims= thir*l' an* QOST

im<ortantl'= kee< Y images of life energ' in ones min*A

ocus on Y "lifeDenergising" images

 <ertaina&le to ;ON in 'our min*

Hre<are 'our min*= &' ha@ing at the forefront of 'our min*= Y goo* images that ;ONcan focus on= that al%a's &ring ;ON life energ'= the' can &e of &eautiful <laces 'ouha@e @isite*= the image of someone 'ou lo@e= or a lo@el' e)<erience 'ou ha* &een

luck' to ha@e ha* in 'our lifeA Ls e)<laine* on the "ha<<iness" <age= e@er'one has atleast ] e)cee*ingl' ha<<' moments in their li@es at least one e@er' 'ears= these are"gifts" in or*er to hel< e@er'one ha@e an energise* lifeA B' focusing on these

moments an* images of ha<<iness %ith laughter= e)citement an* goo* energ'= a <erson %ill ra*iate an energ' of ha<<iness an* ali@enessA

+on@ersel'= ha@e 'ou e@er notice* that "losers"= sa* an* *e<resse* <eo<le= al%a'sseem to think an* talk a&out *e<ressing su&MectsA f a <erson thinks *eath an* is*e<resse* then their life %ill continue to &e *eath an* *e<resse*A When a <erson

thinks an* focuses on E> an* CLHH>SS = then a <erson %ill attract E> an*


eeling LE,> e@en amongst the "?>L?"

When a <erson hol*s these ha<<' images of E>= EO,> an* creati@e constructi@ee)<eriences in ones min*= an* one is _JJ close* to an' negati@it'= then e@en

amongst ?>L? an* *e<resse* <eo<le= one %ill feel ali@eA Ls one is not interacting%ith their energies an* is li@ing connecte* %ith E> energ' in ones min*A When

ones min* an* thoughts are connecte* %ith E> D one has E> A

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The %iser a <erson &ecomes in life= one realises the <o%er of ones min* %hichcreates a %orl* of inner <eace lo@e an* ha<<iness= that then influences the <h'sical

%orl*= %hereas ignorant <eo<le in 'ounger 'ears allo% the outsi*e %orl* to affect thestate of their min*A The' are too o<en to negati@el' *raining influences \ B' learning

control of ones min* an* thoughts= one has recei@e* the "ke' of life" to inner "<eaceof min*"A

A Nn*erstan*ing the conce<t that this <h'sical %orl* is a challenge to a goo* <ersonssoulA

n this <h'sical %orl* it seems that this <h'sical %orl* is a challenge to a goo* <ersons soul= as "&a*" <eo<le= liars an* cheats seem to succee*= honest an* goo*

 <eo<le seem to &e "cheate*"= taken a*@antage of an* a&use*A

Ln'one %ho has li@e* an* seen man' <eo<le= %ill tell 'ou that the "&a*" <eo<lene@er succee* in the long term= the' look as though the' ha@e success in the short

term= &ut the' >,>R e@er ha@e the <eace of min*= lo@e an* com<assion= the goo*sincere character that comes %ith true kin*ness an* a coma<ssionate s<iritual %a' of 


Ls %e all kno% man' "%ealth'" <eo<le %ho ha@e a selfish materialistic life an* 'et

the' ha@e no ualit' of life= &eing on me*ications for ner@es an* heart con*itions \The' ha@e famil' trou&les cause* &' materialistic gree* an* MealousiesA

t is remarka&le that O O> is reall' Mealous of a financiall' <oor man or %oman%ho is %ise= com<assionate an* s<irituall' lo@ing <erson \ Co% to<s'Dtur@' our culture has &ecome \ Ls true %ealth an* ha<<iness shoul* &e measure* &' the

strength of ones goo* character an* s<iritual %ealth %ithin ones min* an* soul \ F as%e e)<lain on the Qone' <age= this is a &lessing that <eo<le cannot see the s<iritual

%ealth as the' %oul* reall' tr' an* steal this true %ealth \K

This %orl* %ill al%a's seem to &e a challenge to the goo*= an* some things in life%ill seem to &e "unfair" an* 'et e@er'thing that ha<<ens is for the goo* an* has a

 <erfect reason \ The Goo* %ill al%a's <re@ail an* succee* in the en* \

A "Hh'sical" @ersus "S<iritual"

This <age on "<rotection" has em<hasise* that ones thoughts an* min* controlse@er'thing that occurs in ones lifeA B' learning closure there&' eliminates all

freeloa*ers= e@il <eo<le an* *raining situations from ones lifeA Then categorising

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e@er'thing into E> or ?>LTC starts the thought <rocess to <rotect ones soul froman' interaction %ith e@il <eo<le &' learning to <rotect ones min* an* thoughts from"*eath" an* negati@e <eo<le an* negati@e emotions= then <h'sicall' the "freeloa*er 

nuisances" *issa<<earA

Once a <erson un*erstan*s that there is a continual "min* &attle" occuring to gaincontrol o@er ones min* an* thoughts= one &ecomes more *etermine* to %in D this is

the &attle of "Hh'sical" @ersus "S<iritual"A

Qost <eo<le %ho "*ont think" for themsel@es= &eing easil' &rain%ashe* an* li@ing alife like aimlessl' %an*ering shee<= are sim<l' li@ing %ith someone elses *esires an*thoughts= %ho ha@e a <o%er an* control o@er their thoughts to channel one to make


Eike the famous "<a@lo@ *og" e)<eriments= %here the scientist got the *ogs to act%hen he ga@e them a sign= like <eo<le %ho %atch T, at certain times= %hen the T,

com<anies <ut the <rograms on= to <re@ent <eo<le using the e@enings after %ork=usefull' an* <ro*ucti@el'= instea* the' create a false a**iction to get <eo<le to sit

*o%n an* %atch T, D %hat a %aste of a life \

Once a <erson learns to un*erstan* the inherent <o%er %ithin ones min* an*thoughts= it &ecomes eas' to "%in min* &attles" as one is O GNLR? to <rotect themost <recious gift %e ha@e all &een &lesse* %ith &' GO? D our min*= thoughts an*

soul \

The Secret "Ze'" of "Hrotection"

This "ke'" to <rotection is ;ON \ ;our control o@er 'our min* an* thoughtsAWhoe@er manages to <lace the images that affect 'our emotional res<onses in 'our 

min*= has the influence o@er 'our min* an* soulA

f ;ON are the one in control= an* 'ou are a&le to &e +EOS>? to negati@e influencesthen 'ou ha@e the <o%er to HROT>+T 'ourself %ith the <o%er of <ra'er= guar*ian

angels an* the s<iritual strength of 'our soulA

f one gi@es a%a' the <o%er to allo% other <eo<le an* influences ha@e control o@er 'our actions= then 'ou are "thro%ing" a%a' 'our life energ' an* o<<ortunities for 

success= an* losing so much life energ' &' TransferenceA

This e)ercise of "taking" control of ones min* takes time= &ut the first ste< is torecognise these s<iritual facts of life= then one can succee* %ith ones life= instea* of listening or &eing "&rain%ashe*" &' the T,= me*ia= an* other "*ea*l'" *estructi@e

an* hateful <eo<le such as religious fanatic grou<s \

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The sign for 'ou to kno% %ho is goo* or not is= L;O> %ho is hateful an**estructi@e +LOT &e lo@ing= com<assionate an* s<iritual \ Nse the <o%er of 'our min* an* soul to think <ositi@e= lo@ing an* constructi@e thoughts of lifeA ocus of the

ha<<' e@ents of ones life= learn to smile an* TCLZ GO? for the gift of lifeA

GO? has &lesse* 'ou %ith 'our uniue soul= using it %isel' %ill make ;ON feelfulfille* as one is fulfilling ones <ur<ose of ser@ice to GO? an* S<irit Worl*A

Co% to ha@e "closure" AAA " 3$ל"

The <ur<ose of learning ho% to ha@e "closure" from certain situations= is in or*er that%e learn ho% to take control of our thoughts an* actionsA Qost <eo<le for dJ of the

time are li@ing "other <eo<les" li@es A We are all *oing things that either other <eo<lee)<ect us to *o= force us to *o= or if %e are in a state of "neutral"= o<en to an' kin* of 

influence an* "&rain%ashing"= then %e are li@ing life like an aimlessl' %an*eringshee<A Qost <eo<le for onl' J mins e@er' *a' actuall' ha@e control of their min*

an* thoughtsA The most successful creati@e= in*i@i*ualistic= goo* <eo<le= retain focusof their min* an* thoughts for all the time the' are a%akeA

The lesson to learn "closure" is to take control of ones soul= that is to learn to ha@ecom<lete control o@er ones min* an* thoughtsA Onl' allo%ing in thoughts an*

influences that %ill hel< to create a <ur<oseful lo@ing life in com<leting the <ur<oseones soul came to earthA

Lll sensiti@e souls an* most <eo<le are continuall' losing focus of their li@es an*getting si*eDtracke* &' loss through "transference"= that is the' are continuall'

interacting %ith <eo<le %ho are "stealing" their energ'= <ulling on their souls to "getcarrie* along" %ith someone else8s %ishes an* *esires= hence this causes "&lockages"

an* &locks success &' transference in their li@esA

Nntil it comes D that moment in a <ersons life F usuall' "mi*Dlife crisis" as *iscusse*

on the "stages of change" <ageK %hen one %akes u< an* recognibes that one has &eenli@ing "other <eo<les" li@es an* fulfilling their %ishesA Lt this time one usuall' nee*s

to learn "+EOSNR>" from all the negati@el' *raining influences of their <ast= inor*er to take control an* sort out ones o%n life= to ena&le a successful transformation

of ones characterA

B' learning control of ones min*= learning the %a' ones &o*' an* soul is constantl'interacting= transferring an* "*raining" energ' from ones soul this %ill ena&le a <erson to ha@e closure an* clearance of the negati@e influences= "other <eo<les

 &aggage" an* e@en the <ast mistakes from this lifetime an* <re@ious lifetimesA

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Lfter ha@ing closure= a s<iritual release of negati@e emotions an* "other <eo<lestrash"= %ill ha<<en automaticall'A One %ill then start to E,> a @i&rant li@el'= lo@ing=creati@e life of ones o%n <ersonal *estin' of ones soulA nstea* of &eing *raine* &'collecti@e mistakes of other <eo<leA This <age of "+EOSNR>" is <ro&a&l' the most

im<ortant first ste< in clearing the <ast an* is taken entirel' from Sefer Caefesh D!!1. an* Sefer Shinu'im D Book of +hange A


On this <age %e shall e)<lain the follo%ing <ointsV

_A The Y t'<es of <eo<le V the goo*= &a* an* "inD&et%een" easil' influence*=

e)<laining %h' %e attract into our li@es *ifficult <eo<le an* a&usi@el' *rainingsituations= an* con@ersel' sho% ho% %e use this same metho* to attract in goo*


XA The <h'sical sensesV sight= smell= touch= taste= hear= s<eech an* ho% to ha@ecom<lete "closure" <h'sicall'A

YA The _` <h'sical entr' an* e)it <oints of "s<iritual energ'" into an* out of ones &o*' an* soul= &eing a%are of the s<ecific energies of each of these <laces in ones &o*' ena&les an* em<o%ers a <erson to control the "leakages" an* *raining= hence

using ones <h'sical &o*' to gain the first ste< in a s<iritual closureA

`A Eearning to coor*inate an* "TCZ" s<ecific thoughts of "closure" in ones min*=in or*er to com<lete the closure of emotional attachments to the *raining situation=

simultaneousl' to making the <h'sical gestures of "closure"A

IA The inal act of "closure" as taught from Zing Solomon in Hro@er&s an*e)<laine* in Sefer Shinu'im "the &ook of changes"A

_A The Y grou<s of <eo<le

"The Goo*"

This grou< of <eo<le ha@e learnt to &e in control of their min* an* thoughts= the'interact= transfer energ' an* create lo@ing energ' %ith other goo* <eo<leA The' ha@e

a moti@ation of selfless ser@ice an* *esire to make this %orl* a &etter <laceA

Their onl' *esire is to *o goo*= &e kin*= lo@ing= com<assionate an* the' e)u*e anenerg' that influences others to &e goo* &' e)am<leA The' >,>R force their 

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o<inions u<on an'oneA L true goo* s<iritual lea*er ra*iates a glo% of lo@ing kin*nessan* ha<<iness that im<resses other <eo<le to %ant to emulate their kin* an* soft

s<oken natureA

"The Ba*"

This grou< of <eo<le are rotten an* e@il= their souls ha@e &een corru<te* an* their intentions are focuse* to *estro' as man' <eo<les li@es as <ossi&leA The' use force=aggression= anger= mone'= se) an* other forms of intimi*ation to influence othersA

The' force themsel@es an* their attitu*es u<on others= the' coul* e@en &e "religious"ra&&is= "&rain%ashe*" fanatics= clics= cults an* grou<s of <eo<le that onl' look after "their o%n kin*"A S<irituall' noDone has the right to interfere %ith an'one else8s life=

es<eciall' %ith sill' manDma*e la%s %hich ha@e nothing to *o %ith the s<iritualit' of 

true ser@ice an* &elief in GO?A

This "&a*" grou< ma' use mone'= the lo@e of mone' an* %ealth to corru<t <eo<lesli@es= an* e@en think that the' "o%n" other <eo<les li@es forcing them to &ecomecorru<t too\ or e)am<le= in the legal <rofession to*a'= %hich is full of *eceit an*lies= in court the' lie regularl'= to <rotect their clientsA Ls e@er'one kno%s in e@er'legal *e&ate there are Y si*es to e@er' case= the X <eo<les si*es an* the truth\ Qan'

goo*= i*ealistic 'oung la%'ers are often corru<te* &' their <iers an* em<lo'ers to lie=falling into the tra< of legitimibing their lies an* *eceit\

n our generation= the "&a*" grou< regularl' use emotional fears of not &eing "goo*enough" an* use the "se)ual *esire" of lust to influence <eo<le= into *oing things or 

 &u'ing things the' *o not nee* to make their li@es an' &etter= or sim<l' encouraging%asteful acts of self *estructionA

nherentl' this grou< of "&a*" <eo<le focus their thoughts on stealing energ' from thene)t grou< of "non thinking" an* "inD&et%een" <eo<le= %ho are easil' influence*A

The "inD&et%een" U easil' influence*

The "inD&et%een" grou<= the "easil' influence*" %ho oscillate from &eing reall' goo*to &a*A ?e<en*ing on %here the' are an* %hat the' are *oing= an* %ith %hom the'are connecte* %ith= %ill influence their min* an* actions to either &e goo* or &a*AThe' are sim<l' not in control of %hat the' allo% into their min* an* soul= an* are

easil' le* astra' like aimlessl' %an*ering shee<A

This <age is %ritten for the "in &et%een" grou<A Once a <erson &ecomes a%are of ho% the' are losing so much of their souls energ' &' "transference"= in that the'

"allo% in" the "trash" into their min* in e)change for the goo* energ' of their soul=

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once the' recognibe the sources of *raining energ'= the' %ill fin* it eas' to ha@e"closure"A

Eearning control an* &eing careful of the min*s interactions of thought energ' %ill

ine@ita&l' transform the <erson into a reall' goo* in*i@i*ual <erson %ith a <ur<osefullo@ing= ha<<' an* creati@e constructi@e life= of ones o%n in*e<en*ent *estin'= hence%ill sto< one from &eing carrie* along %ith "other <eo<les" li@esA

Who are 'our frien*s


L mirror reflects a man8s face= &ut %hat he is reall' like is sho%n &' the kin* of frien*s he choosesA Hro@er&s XV_d

DON'T RUN !T" T"# RON$ %RODA Hro@er&s +ha<ter X ,erse _d "Lmirror reflects a man8s face= &ut %hat he is reall' like is sho%n &' the kin* of frien*s

he choosesA"

Ls in %ater Fthat means as in a mirrorK a face reflects a face F'ou see 'our o%n facein the %aterK so the heart of man to manA n other %or*s= Must as %e see oursel@es inthe %ater= %e associate %ith <eo<le %hose hearts an* attitu*es an* s<irits reflect our o%nA That8s Must another %a' of sa'ing= &ir*s of a feather flock togetherA Whoe@er is

in 'our life= is there as a reflection of 'ou an* 'our characterA

f one has untrust%orth' an* *ishonest frien*s or acuaintances= this reflectssomething a&out oneself \ The' are there as reflections of ones inner characterA Once

a <erson changes then those *ifficult <eo<le or a&usi@el' *raining situations %ill*isa<<earA

Whate@er "faults" 'ou fin* in others

are sim<l' a reflection of ;ONR faults \


"The thing one criticibes an* fin*s fault in others= is the e)act thing one nee*s tocorrect oneself" FTalmu* Zi**ushinK

Nsuall' those <eo<le %ho are al%a's com<laining a&out their li@es an* criticibingother <eo<le are the ones %ith the %orst charactersA Ls %e learnt on the "TCLZ 

;ON" <age= there are in*icati@e signs in*icating a "&a* <ersons" life an* a"com<laining character"= Must like the generation of com<laining Me%s force* to

%an*er in circles for `J 'ears in the %il*erness for &eing so ungrateful to GO? an*QosheA

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t is al%a's remarka&le that the most creati@e= sincere= kin*= goo* an* honest <eo<leal%a's get falsel' criticibe* an* accuse* &' "em<t'" noise making <eo<le \ Ln* 'et

these goo* <eo<le %ill ne@er re<l' to an' criticism= as the' kno% that the <eo<lecriticibing an* tr'ing to *estructi@el' negate their goo*ness are sim<l' reflecting all

the ualities %rong %ith themsel@esA

,er' often *uring *i@orces= scan*als or arguments o@er mone'= there %ill al%a's &eone si*e %ho lies an* the other si*e %ho kee<s uiet= an* *oes not stoo< to e@en

ans%er the false allegationsA Ls e@er'one kno%s the sa'ing from the Talmu* ">m<t'@essels makes most noise" an* "The thing one criticibes an* fin*s fault in others= is

the e)act thing one nee*s to correct oneself"A

The <eo<le making the false allegations are sim<l' reflecting their o%n &a* characterABut are tr'ing to accuse the other si*e in an attem<t to *i@ert the energ' from

themsel@es &' "gi@ing a%a'" their &a* character &' "transference" to the innocentan* goo*A The lesson in "closure" an* refusal to loose ones soul i*entit' an* energ' &' "transference"= %ill ensure one succee*s to retain ones integrit'= honest'= an*

goo*ness of ones soul e@en %hen falsel' accuse* &' rotten <eo<leA

Ls %e shall learn on this <age= an* on "Eife of +om<assion" one %ill *e@elo< acharacter= not to criticibe other <eo<leA There is no nee* to talk a&out= slan*er or 

criticibe an'one *estructi@el'= this is not the <ur<ose of 'our life or 'our soulA ;ou arehere in this %orl* to <erfect 'our soul an* 'our o%n characterA

B' "getting in@ol@e*" an* fin*ing faults in others= onl' %astes an* *i@erts ones soulsenerg'= %hich creates more sa*ness= &locks an* ?e<ressionA "Getting in@ol@e*"

causes &lockages in ones life= an* onl' lea*s to a &a* connections %ith the %rong sortof <eo<le= creating links %hich causes continual "loss &' transference"A

Wh' *o other <eo<le *istur& an* &other 'ou

There are Y reasons %h' a <erson is "*istur&e*"= anno'e* an* agitate* &' other  <eo<leVD

irstl'= these <eo<le are reflecting something that is %rong %ith 'ouA Therefore 'ouare seeing 'ourself in them an* this *istur&s 'ou \ The solution is sim<le= i*entif' to'ourself the real reason %h' the' *istur& 'ou an* ho% this reflects 'our character=then +CLG> ;ONRS>EA Once ;ON change= the' %ill sto< &othering 'ou an*

the situation %ill automaticall' go a%a' an* %ill sto< &othering 'ouA

Secon*l'= in acts of loss &' "transference" energ'= 'ou ma'&e li@ing someone else8slife= &ecause of 'our continual "o<en" interaction of 'our min* an* soul to their 

influences= this &others 'ou so much= &ecause 'ou feel someone else is continuall'

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li@ing 'our life an* e@en "stealing" 'our life an* *estin'= an* hence 'ou feel 'ou*on8t ha@e a "life of 'our o%n"A

The solution is sim<l' to learn to cancel out loss &' "transference"= <rotect oneself 

from &eing "o<en" to *raining influences an* sto< "getting in@ol@e*" in other <eo<les &usiness an* li@es that ha@e nothing to *o %ith 'ou= 'our *estin' or 'our lifeA FLn*then learn "closure" in ones min*= soul= an* sto< the leakages of 'our goo* s<iritualenerg' from the _` s<iritual sensiti@e <oints in 'our &o*'= as %e teach later on this


B' un*erstan*ing an* ackno%le*ging that "its their <ro&lem"= "its someone else8slife" an* has nothing to *o %ith 'ou= hel<s one *isconnect "mentall'" %ith these

%rong associations an* *raining links %hich are &locking 'our lifeA

Thir*l'= a <erson is *istur&e* an* irritate* &ecause someone has tol* them the truth of the fla%s in their characterA Nsuall'= %hen <eo<le see others %ho are arrogant an*"%rong" the' *on8t &other interacting or %asting an'time or effort on arguing %iththem= the' sim<l' ignore an* ha@e closure from such "*raining" t'<e of <eo<leA

 onetheless from time to time= it &ecomes necessar' to actuall' @er&alibe to thein*ignant an* arrogant <erson their "&a*" attitu*eA The' imme*iatel' resent this asnoDone has e@er stoo* u< to these "&ullies"= an* the' then <rocee* %ith a lifelong

cam<aign of hate= *estruction an* e@en @iolence to tr' an* *estro' the goo* <ersons


On this <age %e shall e)<lain the lessons of "closure"= that it is sim<l' not %orth the%aste* effort to "get in@ol@e*" %ith such horri&le <eo<leA On the <age of Hrotectionan* Sensiti@e souls %e e)<lain ho% to a@oi* these <eo<le an* ne@er to allo% them to

*istur& 'ou <eace of min*= 'our inner <eace in 'our soul or 'our EO,> of GO?%hich &rings 'ou <eace= tranuilit' an* ha<<iness in 'our life that these lesser "&a*"

 <eo<le ha@e &ecome Mealous of 'our goo* soul an* s<iritual goo* fortuneA

ע#ל.5ע ש/]0#.1שעיע//054ל

"?on8t +onnect %ith Wicke* Heo<le an* ?on8t &e (ealous of +heats an* Eiars"

One maMor reason %h' %e sta' attache* in our min* an* thoughts is &ecause of our negati@e emotions of hatre*= &itterness= resentment an* Mealous'A The i*eal "closure"is to learn to "let go" of the situation an* take the "i *on8t care attitu*e"= neither lo@e

nor hate= the sim<le " it *oesn8t &other me" attitu*e= %ith no emotional energ'%hatsoe@er= neither lo@e nor hate= al%a's %orks for closure \\\

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>@er' connection a <erson has in this life is a reflection of their o%n character= if onefeels uneas' insi*e an* not at <eace %ith oneself %ith the liaisons one has= then this is

a sign one nee*s to learn to +CLG> oneselfA

XA The <h'sical sensesV sight= smell= touch= taste= hear= s<eech= an* ho% to ha@ecom<lete "closure" <h'sicall'A

Ls %e e)<laine* on the "Cealth U ?iet" <age= the <h'sical &o*' is sim<l' areflection of ones soulA B' un*erstan*ing the <h'sical &o*' %e can e)<lain the min*an* soulA We intro*uce the conce<t of "closure" from a <urel' <h'sical un*erstan*ing

 &efore %e e)<lain in section Y the interaction an* conce<ts of <h'sical U s<iritualclosureA

Our <h'sical &o*' is constantl' interacting an* transferring energ' %ith e@er'thingan* e@er'oneA We ha@e senses that recei@e the energ' an* either feel energibe* or 


f %e like an* enMo' the energ' %e sen* a su&conscious message to our min* an* soulto sta' "OH>" to continue recei@ing such energiesA Co%e@er= if %e *islike or feel

*raine* &' such energies %e sen* a message to &e "+EOS>?" to such energiesA

TheSenses O<en +losure

Sight O<en e'es +lose e'es= turn 'our e'es a%a'= no e'e contact

Smellnhale through onesnose

Hinch ones nose an* *on8t &reath in \

Touch Touch ?on8t touch or connect= e@en run a%a' \

Taste O<en ones mouth +lose ones mouth

Cearing Eisten ?on8t listen= <lace 'our fingers in 'our ears an* ignore them \

S<eech Talk an*communicate

Zee< "Shtum"\ ?on8t talk= *on8t e@en %aste ones &reath of life an*energ' talking to someone *raining \

rom the sim<lifie* chart a&o@e= one %ill ha@e more energ' in gaining closure if one,>RBLESS>S *is<leasure an* a nee* for closureA or e)am<le= if *islikes a foo*one eats an* sa's "NGC D this is *isgusting\" a stronger message is recei@e* to ones

min* an* soul for closureA f one is <h'sicall' sick from that foo*= Fes<eciall'chil*renK= then one %ill ne@er eat that foo* again \

Similarl'= if one enters someone8s house %hich is smell'= e@en if one hol*s ones nosean* gets out uickl'= the im<ression ma*e on ones min* is >,>R to go &ack \

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Eike%ise if one *islikes the %a' someone looks= or sees something *isgusting= one%ill al%a's ne@er make e'eDcontact %ith that <erson or uglinessA This is human

nature= onl' to &e o<en to something that <leases the min*A FLs %e ha@e e)<laine* inthe " &rain%ashing c'cle" <ageKA These are all instincts %hich our <h'sical &o*'

learns at a 'oung age= ho%e@er= some emotions= situations that nee* to ha@e closure=es<eciall' if one has a&usi@e <arents= these remain engraine* in ones min*= until the'are *ealt %ith in a "min*s clearance" an* s<iritual closure= usuall' much later on in

life= *uring a contem<lati@e mi*Dlife crisis\


YA The <h'sical entr' an* e)it <oints of "S<iritual >nerg'" into an* out of ones &o*'an* soulA

Our <h'sical &o*' has _` s<ecific an* e)cee*ingl' sensiti@e <arts that nee* theutmost of care an* <rotection in or*er to ensure goo* <h'sical health an* s<iritualstrengthA These _` <oints are <oints of entr' an* e)it of &oth <h'sical an* s<iritual

energies from our &o*'A

 aturall' all <arts of our &o*' are o<en an* sensiti@e= all o@er our skin there aremillions of small holes<ores that allo% a flo% of interaction an* transference of 

energ' %ith the <h'sical an* s<iritual %orl*A The countr'= cit'= house an* room %hereour <h'sical &o*' is has an affect an* interacts energies %ith our soulA This *oes so

 &' recei@ing an* emitting energ' from our soul through these _` sensiti@e <ointsA

These main entr' an* e)it <oints are the _` "su<er sensiti@e" <oints that nee* our utmost attention A The' also continuall' nee* our min* an* thoughts to control the

energ' flo% at these crucial <oints= other%ise %e %ill fin* oursel@es &eing "o<en" an*"*raine*" ine)<lica&l'A B' focusing an* mastering the flo% of energ' at these _`

 <oints= %e %ill fin* oursel@es strengthene* an* consi*era&l' more in "control" of our min*= s<irit soul an* then a&le to follo% our o%n "*estine* <ath%a'" of s<iritual

fulfillment= instea* of &eing *raine* &' other freeloa*ers %ho are stealing our soulsenerg' from these <ointsA

The _` "su<er sensiti@e" s<iritual an* <h'sical "entr' an* e)it" <ointsA

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_A Right >'e

YA Right >ar 

IA Right ostril

A Qouth

]A "Bell' Button"

dA Se)ual Organ

__A Right Can*

_YA Right oot

XA Eeft >'e

`A Eeft >ar

A Eeft ostril


_JA Lnus

_XA Eeft Can*

_`A Eeft oot

n this section %e shall e)<lain ho% to &e o<en an* close* at each of these _`s<irituall' sensiti@e <ointsA n the &ook Sefer Caefesh "The &ook of the Soul" &'Re& Shem To@ &n ;osef ala8ira= he e)<lains that most <eo<le act instincti@el' toha@e "+losure" at these s<irituall' sensiti@e <oints Must like a chil*A Co%e@er= as a

 <erson gro%s an* *e@elo<s a higher le@el of s<iritual a%areness an* sensiti@it' it no% &ecomes necessar' to TCZ &efore <utting into action a "+EOSNR>" at these _`

s<ecific <ointsA

The Right an* the Eeft

The RGCT han* si*e of our <h'sical &o*' reflects EOG+= L+TS an* L+TNLEHC;S+LE R>LET;A

The E>T han* si*e of our <h'sical &o*' reflects >QOTOS= Q?= TCONGCT=?>SR>S an* the NTNR> %hich %e %oul* like to ha<<enA

These facts are im<ortant to kno% %hen un*erstan*ing the follo%ing _` s<irituall'sensiti@e <oints in our &o*'A We also suggest that as 'ou rea* the e)<lanations &elo%'ou tr' *oing some <h'sical e)ercises 'ourself= like stan*ing on 'our right foot an*

then stan* on 'our left foot= clenching 'our right fist an* then clenching 'our left fistan* then clench &oth fists= close the right nostril close the left nostril an* then close

 &oth nostrils = etcA= an* actuall' feel the *ifference 'ourselfA Ls %e shall e)<lain in these<arate <aragra<hs &elo%A The <ur<ose of e)<laining these @er' im<ortant "closure"

techniues is so that a <erson rises their s<iritual a%areness that ones &o*' is areflection of ones soul= an* must therefore &e treate* an* guar*e* %ith *ignit' an*


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_A Right >'e U XA Eeft >'e

The e'es are the %in*o%s into 'our soul= e@er'thing 'our e'es see makes anim<ression u<on 'our soulA Qost images carr' @er' little energ'= the images that

carr' the most energ' of those images that ha@e emotions an* emotional energ' of lo@e or hate attache* to themA

+EOSNR> VD Zee<ing ones e'es close* \ Co%e@er that is not al%a's <ractical \ The &est +EOSNR> techniue %ith ones e'es is to al%a's EOOZ ?OW = >,>R QLZ> >;> +OTL+T an* kee< ones e'eli*s as close* as <ossi&le so that one

@ie%s %ith as little e'e energ' as <ossi&leA

OH>VD O<ening ones e'es W?> an* making >;> +OTL+T %ithout &linkingan* %ith a smiling an* "o<en" face sen*s a ma)imum energ' of o<ennessA When one%ants to con@e' an o<en energ' %ith ones e'es= one *oes not e@en nee* to s<eak= if 

an* OE; one is TCZG ha<<'= <ositi@e an* lo@ing thoughtsA Ls one isha<<' %ithin ones soul this is emitte* in the energ' an* glo% in ones e'esA

t is ofcourse much easier for s<irituall' enlightene* <eo<le %ith light coloure* e'es Dthat is green an* &lue e'es to emit a strong soulful energ' %ith their e'es as the' areusuall' much more o<en characters than <eo<le %ith *ark &ro%n or &lack e'es D as

e)<laine* on our <age on Cealth U ?ietA

The strongest contact an* connection a <erson can make %ithout touching another  <erson is through >;> +OTL+TA So learn to control the images one sees an* theenerg' of ones soul that one emits &' learning to control one e'es an* e'eli*sA n theta&le &elo% %e gi@e a fe% e)am<les of the mo@ement of ones e'es an* the energ'

an* signal that it emits to other <eo<leA

Ln o<en %i*e stare= in*icates com<lete o<enness an* _JJ concentration omin* an* thoughtsA

L continual slo% &linking= in*icates a lack of interest an* almost a&out tofall aslee< \

L %ink %ith the right e'e= in*icates the <erson is closing the right e'e oflogic an* lea@ing o<en the left e'e of emotions A L romantic sign of lo@e=frien*shi< an* emotional attachmentA

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L @er' fast &linking e'e= in*icates either a sill' an* Mo@ial nature or someon%ho %ants to ha@e closure from a situation= *oesn8t like %hat the' see an*kee<s checking uickl' to see if the image has gone a%a'\

Onl' &linking occasionall' 'et a uick &link= in*icates full concentration ona su&Mect= the occasional uick &link in*icates a <ause in a&sor&ing an*thinking a&out the image= &ut not %anting to loose focusA

L stare %ith a long &link= in*icates a <erson %ho is in control %ith theirmin* an* thoughts= the' are &ore* an* unha<<' %ith %hat the' see= theire'es gi@e the im<ression the' are thinking of something else= some%hereelse in their min*= the long &link sho%s *isa<<ro@al at the image an* a %ishit %oul* go a%a'\

The &est %a' to TCZ an* connect s<irituall' D

+EOS> O>S >;>S

The <h'sical e'es connect our soul to the <h'sical %orl* through the images it seesAor e)am<le if %e look at the e%s items= es<eciall' tragic ne%s %hich makes us

feel o<en an* emotional= %e actuall' feel as if %e are thereA Cence the reason %h' so

man' <eo<le naturall' an* instincti@el' +EOS> TC>R >;>S= %hen the' nee* toconcentrate their thoughtsA

or <eo<le %ho suffer from lack of concentration it has an un&elie@a&le affect if the'+EOS> TC>R >;>S for Y QNT>SA Tr' it no% an* see= STOH e@er'thing 'ou

are *oing an* close 'our e'es e@en for _J secon*s %hilst sitting infront of thecom<uter \ %o% \ see an* feel the *ifference \ When one reo<ens ones e'es=

automaticall' one feels recharge*= more alert an* ali@eA

n the same %a' a <erson closes their e'es to go to slee< for a recharge or energ'=man' <eo<le fin* a similar recharge of their souls energ'= if the' close their e'es for Imins *uring the *a'timeA This hel<s to settle an* calm ones min*= thoughts an* soul=ensuring that one can think an* remain focuse* on ones <ur<ose in life an* not "get

in@ol@e*" %ith other <eo<les &usiness an* interaction of *raining energiesA

t is %ell acce<te* that %hen one <ra's %ith ones e'es close* it has a @er' strongaffect= as this closes out the <h'sical %orl* an* hel<s one to connect s<irituall'A

Eike%ise <u&lic s<eakers an* musicians often close their e'es to concentrate their fullsoulful energ'= hel<ing them to remain focuse* an* un*istur&e* &' other <eo<les

energies in the au*ienceA The reason %h' so man' chil*ren an* <eo<le are ner@ous

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infront of large au*iences is the' sense an* are "o<en" to some <eo<les critical an**estructi@e energies %ho are %illing them to fail= the solution is sim<le D no e'e

contact= an* &e as "close*" as <ossi&le= e@en close ones e'es if one canA

t is %ritten that on a sunn' *a'= a <erson feels stronger= this is &ecause the sunshineis &right an* one nee*s to close ones e'eli*s an* suint to see= this has the affect of limiting the energ' of ones soul &eing emitte* hence a <erson feels more "close*"A

Whereas in the *ark or at nighttime %hen a <erson nee*s to o<en ones e'es %i*er tosee= then a <erson is emitting more soulful energ' an* is more "o<en" s<irituall'A

YA Right >ar U `A Eeft >ar

Ones >LRS are al%a's o<enA t takes a s<ecial action %ith ones han*s an* fingers to+EOS> ones ears to sto< interacting= emitting an* recei@ing energ'A Eistening to @er'lou* noises *istur&s an* unsettles the <eace an* serenit' of ones soul= hearing a&use=

gossi<= slan*er= *eceit an* lies all ha@e an unsettling an* *istur&ing affect on onessoulA The onl' %a' to BEO+Z an* &e "close*" to noises= <eo<les a&usi@e %or*s an*

s<eech is to co@er ones ears %ith ones han*s= or use ones fingers to close the littlefla< in front of ones ear holeA

Llthough seemingl' the ear *oes not look like it emits an' energ'= it is continuall'recei@ing e@er' single noise %here@er %e are= it is constantl' connecte* %ith ones

soul %ith a s<ecial sensiti@it' to >,>R;TCG one hears an* occurs %here@er oneis situate*A t has the <o%er to change ones moo* from &a* to goo* an* con@ersel'

accor*ing to the soun*s one hears at each momentA

Cence the tra*ition of singing %hen <ra'ing Fthis %as s<eciall' true in the _st an*Xn* tem<les %hen the Ee@ites sung e@er' <salm an* <ra'erK as the melo*ic songs

ha@e a greater affect on ones soulA Similarl' as %e e)<lain on the cha<ter of Ca<<iness= the <o%er of singing an* e@en humming to oneself has a <ositi@e affect to

cancel out an' *e<ression an* negati@e emotionsA

When one nee*s _JJ "closure" from e)ternal influences al%a's co@er ones ears an*

hum a tune kee<ing ones mouth close*= F if one can8t co@er ones ears then at leasthum a tune\KA This has the effect of resonating ones o%n soul an* magnif'ing ones

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o%n goo* energ' o@er the negati@e outsi*e influences that one can hearA Qost 'oungchil*ren instincti@el' *o this= %hen the' *on8t %ant to listen to an'one D the' co@er 

their ears an* hum an* tune \ Tr' this an* 'ou %ill feel a self confi*ence an* strengthof ones soul o@er an* a&o@e the e)ternal noises\

This metho* of "closure" %as intro*uce* again in Me%ish life in the time of theS<anish <ersecution of Sefar*ic Me%s in _`dX an* in +hassi*ic communities of 

Holan* an* Russia *uring _]JJ8s U _dJJ8s= es<eciall' &' Eu&a@itch Re&&es an* themost amous Re&&e achman of Breslo@A ?uring the nois' <ogroms= he al%a's

co@ere* his ears an* humme* a song= this ena&le* him to remain s<irituall' close* toan' fears an* hatre*= hence <rotecting his soulA Fas %e e)<lain on the Hrotection


"+o@er ones ears an* let

the Lngels hear ones <ra'ers"

When one closes ones ears= the strength of ones soul is no% containe*= there are noleakages\ Tr' %his<ering= talking or humming a tune %hen one has ones fingersclosing ones ear holes= one feels the full strength of ones @oice an* e@en feels= as

though s<irituall' ones angels are listening \ This is &ecause= ones soul is "close*" tothe outsi*e <h'sical %orl*= an* therefore o<en s<irituall'A Tr' <ra'ing %hilst closing

an* co@ering ones ears= sa' a fe% %or*s in <ra'er an* feel the *ifferenceA

IA Right ostril U A Eeft ostril

The &reath of life an* air that %e nee* to sur@i@e in this %orl* enters an* e)its our  <h'sical &o*' through our nose= %hich is constantl' OH>A Onl' %hen the air is socontaminate*A <ollute* or smell' then %e take our fingers to "<inch" our nose closeA

Other%ise it remains o<enA

Lccor*ing to Za&&ala the RNL+C "S<irit of Eife"= our souls energ' an* that energ'of s<irit souls that attach themsel@es to our souls enters through the &reath of lifeATherefore= if one e@er feels o@er%helme* &' negati@e feelings or *iscomfort= e@en

s<iritual "<anic" attacks= then sim<l' TLZ> ?>>H BR>LTC>S through ones noseA

n fact a <erson shoul* *ail' take *ee< &reathes *uring the *a'= this hel<s to e)halean' negati@e or stressful emotions an* al%a's hel<s to return a state of "<eace of 

min*" an* calmness to ones soulA Tr' it no% take Y *ee< &reathes through ones nosean* feel the *ifference= &reathe in all the %a' an* then hol* the &reathe an* then let

go of all the negati@e feelingsA This *ee< &reathing acts to cleanse an* in@igorate the &o*'= e)haling the negati@e an* stale air from ones lungs an* &o*'A Tr' *ee<

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 &reathing &efore one goes to slee<= this %ill ai* a <eaceful nights slee< an* as one%akes u< in the morning to in@igorate the &o*'A

f one fin*s it *ifficult to take *ee< &reathes or one has &locke* nose= this is a

 <h'sical sign that one nee*s to learn to "un&lock" ones emotions %ithin ones s<iritsoulA The more stresse* a <erson is= the more *ifficult it is to take *ee< &reathes= sotake it slo%l' at first an* one %ill feel &etter the more one learns to &reathe *ee<l'=

restoring calmness to ones &o*' an* soulA Once a <erson can take *ee< &reaths easil'reflects the' ha@e reache* a state of <eace %ithin their soul= an* no longer hol* onto

an' stress or negati@e emotions \


A Qouth

n this section teaching s<iritual "closure"= the mouth is the most im<ortant <art of ones <h'sical &o*' that *istinguishes us from animalsA The <o%er of s<eech= the self 

e)<ression of our in*i@i*ualit' of each <ersons soulA Our a&ilit' to control our s<eech= the %or*s %e sa'= the %a' %e sa' them an* the lou*ness= uietness an* tone

of our s<eech i*entifies the moo* an* s<iritual energ' of our soulA

L @er' <o%erful <erson often feels no nee* to shout= in fact the more trul' <o%erfuls<iritual <erson often s<eaks softDs<oken an* @er' uietl'= %ith a tremen*ous *ignit'

an* res<ect of @alue of e@er' %or* the' sa'A Those <eo<le %ho shout an* are lou*often carr' no true energ'= so no one reall' listens to them as their %or*s ha@e noenerg' from their soul= as the' are %eak s<irituall'A FWe e)<laine* on the <age of 

s<irit U gui*ance the <o%er of ones soul an* s<eech reflects ones soul= ones a&ilit' toconnect to ones guar*ian angels an* ha@e ones <ra'ers ans%ere*KA

Sefer Shinu'im= "the Book of +hanges"= in the intro*uction e)<lains the he&re%%or* for T>>TC an* +CLG> comes from the same %or* 9ש= the im<ortance of this is to make a <erson a%are= if a <erson reall' %ants to change then the' shoul*


Since the energ' of ones soul enters an* e)its through ones mouth in the form of s<eech= if a <erson %ishes to &e _JJ close* %ith ones mouth then one shoul* kee<

ones mouth close*= an* clench ones mouth firml' close* &' clenching ones teethtogetherA The more firml' one hol*s= kee<s an* uses all the facial muscles to kee<ones mouth close*= in*icates to 'our &o*' an* soul that 'ou %ant "closure" an* no

s<iritual or <h'sical *raining %ill no% occur through 'our mouthA

n fact if 'ou are sitting in the <eace an* uiet on 'our o%n= tr' closing 'our mouth

an* using all 'our facial muscles to kee< 'our teeth firml' close*= one actuall' feelsthe strength of closureA t reall' %orks\

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]A Bell' Button

This is the knot in ones skin that %as originall' the um&ilical cor*= the connection &et%een an un&orn &a&' an* the mother in the %om&A This <oint is the source of 

nourishment of energ' that %e all recei@e* in our mothers %om&A Lt &irth the cor* iscut an* tie* to &ecome the "&ell' &utton"A This area is consi*ere* s<irituall' to

al%a's &e a source of energ' entering an* lea@ing ones &o*' an* soulA

+EOSNR>VD usuall' this area is clothe* an* co@ere*= if one <laces ones han* o@er ones "&ell' &utton" or fol*s ones arms then this sensiti@e <oint &ecomes close*= an*ones s<iritual soul is close* an* is not &eing *raine* at this <ointA F+hil*ren %henthe' feel ill= tire* or %eak instincti@el' co@er their "&ell' &utton"= ha@ing come

recentl' from the %om& the' remem&er an* recognibe that the source of their soulsenerg' e)its an* enters in this <laceKA

t shoul* &e note* that in to*a'8s"mo*ern fashion"= some %omen e)<ose their "&ell' &utton"= this is actuall' e)<osing their soul to &e *raine* of an' <ositi@e energ' &'

an' negati@e energ'= es<eciall' energ' of "se)ual *esire" from men %ho are notgi@ing them energ' &ut actuall' taking energ' from these %omen D no %on*er some

%omen feel so *raine*= tire* an* ha@e hea*aches D their souls energ' is &eing *raine*from them \ Sim<le solution is OE; e)<ose ones &ell' &utton to ones soulmate

%hen making EO,> an* no one else \

dA Se)ual Organ

 aturall' this is *ifferent for the male an* femaleA Co%e@er &oth ha@e the same@alues in common= in that the' are &oth "o<ene*" &' an emotional se)ual arousalA

This is <artl' *ue to the natural= normal an* &asic "animal instinct" of a male &eingattracte* to an* *esiring a female= an* a female *esiring to &e lo@e* an* ma*e

%holesome &' a maleA This is also *ue to a s<iritual connection of t%o <eo<le"connecting" an* "energibing" each other as the' &oth ha@e %hat the other is lackingAThe nee* to connect se)uall' in or*er to make each other %hole= as the' are in*ee* Xhal@es of a %hole is <erfectl' normal an* natural= as the' connect se)uall' &oth areo<ening themsel@es to each others soul= an* allo%ing a creati@e transfer of lo@ing

soulful energ'A

Co%e@er= if the' are not each others "soulmates"= then this se)ual union allo%s one totake from the other <ersons life= soul an* *estin'= this is es<eciall' common %ith

"loose" %omen %ho "slee< aroun*" taking energ' from *ifferent men= an* en* u< &eing totall' confuse* ha@ing lost their original i*entit'= as their soul is no% a

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mi)ture of se@eral com<eting souls energies= as the' ha@e taken a soulful "i*entit'"from the men the' ha@e &een %ithA This is also true %ith some men taking from%omen8s energ'= &ut usuall' men are much more o<en an* "gi@ing" in se)ual

relations than %omenA

We shall e)<lain the conce<t of se)ual moti@ational energ' at length on the <age of Qoti@ation= that the energ' of life on earth is moti@ate* &' lo@e an* a *esire to &e

 <art of creation= the "*ri@ing" energ' an* force of moti@ation for <eo<le to li@e in this%orl* is a *esire to EO,> an* &e EO,>= %hich creates a life gi@ing energ'A This

energ' is instille* in most <eo<le= through the emotions an* "se)ual" feelingsarousalof se)ual energ'A

The se)ual organ is *irectl' influence* &' the @isions one sees %ith ones e'es= hence <h'sical an* s<iritual "+EOSNR>" of ones "se)ual organ" means controlling ones

>;>S an* the images it sees= together %ith controlling ones TCONGCTS not to &earouse* se)uall' &' an'one other than ones soulmateA That is to sen* a clear messageto ones min* D that one onl' %ants to &e arouse* &e ones soulmate %hen making lo@e

an* O O> >ES>A

f a <erson has &ecome arouse* se)uall'= then the' ha@e allo%e* their soul to &einfluence* an* an e)change of energ' has taken <lace= as this arousal energ' is"thought energ'" it is in the same grou< as loss &' "Transference"A f a man or 

%oman has arouse* another <erson then <art of their souls energ' is taken &' that

 <erson the' ha@e arouse*A

f this "thought" energ' is transferre* into a le%* act of %aste* se)ual energ'= an* theo&Mect of "fantas'" %as not "close*" or a%are that the' %ere arousing other <eo<le

se)uall' then the' %ill fin* themsel@es ine)<lica&l' *raine* or s<irituall' "attacke*" &' such energiesA

We e)<lain the im<ortance of this full' on the Hrotection <age= as the main loss of energ' from a <ersons soul= es<eciall' a loss &' "Transference is ma*e %hen a <erson

is "o<en" through se)ual arousal of their se)ual organA

The sim<le solution is to remain as focuse* an* close* as <ossi&le= &eing _JJcareful of the images a <erson sees %hich %ill ensure that a <erson is not "o<ene*" u<

 &' se)ual *esiresA When a <erson realibes that the' "%aste" so much of their soulsenerg' through acts of "%aste*" se)ual arousal then a <erson guar*s this facet e@en

more <reciousl'= an* in turn one has the <ositi@e energ' to ha@e %holesome an*regular se)ual lo@eDmaking %ith ones hus&an*%ifeA

f one is not in a relationshi<= then ones soul &ecomes rea*' %hen one sto<s %asting

se)ual energ' from the soul through "acts" of %aste= its a sim<le formula= ones soulres<on*s to ones actions= %hen a <erson sto< %asting the souls life energ'= a &lock is

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taken a%a' an* the life energ' of ones *estin' that is containe* %ithin a <ersons soulhas the energ' an* focus to fin* ones lo@ing <erfect soulmateA


_JA Lnus

The Lnus is the <lace %here onl' faeces is e)crete*A The most @ile= *isgusting= smell'an* <oisonous e)crement the &o*' can <ro*uce e)its the &o*' hereA t is @ital to ones

health to kee< this "anus" clean &' %ashing regularl'A The anus is naturall' ke<t_JJ close* e)ce<t at this moment %hen %aste energ' e)itsA

There is a @er' im<ortant <oint that= Must after one has &een to the toilet= an* cleare*oneself of this negati@e %aste an* se%ageA Ones &o*' is actuall' at a state of its

 <urest an* holiest s<irituall'A

Lfter one has got ri* of this <oisonous %aste= usuall' in the morning after a goo*nights slee<= one feels @er' relie@e* an* @er' "clearD hea*e*"= this is &ecause

s<irituall' ones soul feels clear an* <ure= ha@ing ri* itself of this negati@e %asteA Thisis in*ee* the i*eal time to <ra' an* think s<irituall'= it is sai* in the talmu* Ba@a

Qetbia that the greater the <erson is s<irituall' the longer the' %ait to ha@e &reakfastin the morning= as their &o*' feels most s<iritual an* sensiti@e after an e@acuation of the &o%els= &efore starts eating in the morning an* one <uts foo* into the *igesti@e


__A Right Can* U _XA Eeft Can*

Hlease see our "Halmistr'" <age for an intro*uction an* e)<lanation of the s<iritualstrength= <o%er= kno%le*ge an* ho% the *estin' of our souls Mourne' in this <h'sical

life is containe* %ithin the lines on ones han*A

+EOSNR> of ones han*= an* a refusal to allo% an' energ' to &e %aste* or stolenfrom ones soul is sim<l' in kee<ing a firml' close* clenche* fistA Ls ones han*s arealso e)<ose* in touching= it is im<erati@e that one al%a's %ashes ones han*s to kee<them clean %ith a sense of res<ect an* <urit' for ones soulA When a <erson %ashes

an* cleanses ones han*s it is actuall' cleansing an* %ashing ones soulA

Hosition of Can*s to &e "ocuse* an* +lose*"

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This is the &est %a' for Hra'ers= S<iritual Eearning= &e a&le to focus ones thoughtsan* energies= an* &eing _JJ close* to outsi*e influencesA Ls this contains ones

energies of ones soul for oneself= not allo%ing an' s<ace for an' negati@e energ'A

Ls %e ha@e learnt that our han*s our the e)ternal connection &et%een the <h'sical%orl* an* our s<iritual soul= hence &' closing ones fists= closes ones soulA Or clas<ing

 &oth han*s together also closes ones soul to &a* influencesA For those %houn*erstan* the Lramaic Gemorra Talmu* = <lease see the source of the Segula of 

 &eing close* to &a* influences %ith ones han*s on this s<ecial %e& <age A K

Hra'ing Can*s

Hra'ing %ith han*s as in this <icture a&o@e %as sto<<e* in >uro<e in the _Ith+entur' after the christian crusa*ers ha* mur*ere* Me%ish communities on their %a'

to the Col' Ean* A The >uro<ean Ra&&is felt that <ra'ing %ith han*s as in <icturea&o@e %oul* &e co<'ing the acce<te* "christian" %a' of <ra'ersA onetheless the

oriental an* sefar*ic communities of the Qoslem ara& countries continue* to <ra'%ith their han*sA

"Talking %ith ones han*s"

When a <erson talks= the "&o*' language" as one s<eaks in*icates to the listening <erson= the *egree of sincerit' an* soulful <o%er of emotion of their %or*sA "Talking

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%ith ones han*s" in*icates to the listener that one is emotional= honest an* %ants tolet the other <erson "feel" the <o%er of the %or*s in their soulA

Tr' some e)ercise talking to 'ourself %hilst making mo@ements %ith 'our han*s=

sho%ing the <alms of 'our han*s= turning them si*e%a's= u<si*e *o%n= an* e@en tr'talking %ith a clenche* fistA ;ou %ill see for 'ourself that each mo@ement of oneshan*s cou<le* %ith ones s<eech has its o%n s<ecific meaningA Ls one &ecomes mores<irituall' a%are of the <o%er of ones soul %ithin ones han*s= one %ill learn that onecan communicate i*eas an* soulful thoughts to others using the mo@ement of ones


The &est %a' to con@e' that one is +EOS>? is to talk %ith a +E>+C>? +EOS>?STA The &est %a' to con@e' that one is OH> is to talk %ith an OH> han* =

SCOWG TC> HLEQS of ones han*A

_YA Right oot U _`A Eeft oot

The foun*ation an* connection of our <h'sical &o*' to the <h'sical earth is throughour feetA

"   י ע#1/0#3jש40 "

"L li@ing <erson carries itself" Talmu* Sha&&os d`a F see .ש70י$^ K

>@er'one is a%are that a *ea* <erson %eighs more than a li@e <ersonA The Talmu*=Rashi an* the Qaharsha= e)<lain that the soul of a <erson %ithin the <h'sical &o*'

lifts the &o*' from the earthA L *e<resse* <ersons &o*'= %ho has *isconnecte*themsel@es s<irituall' from an' emotions of EO,>= ha<<iness or &elief in GO?=

feels hea@ier than a ha<<' contente* an* s<irituall' enlightene* <ersonA

L sensiti@e <erson al%a's has an inner feeling %hen the' sim<l' "kno%" an* "feel"

that e@er'thing is going to &e fine= this feeling is &ase* on the fact that the' feel their soul %ithin their &o*' lifting an* energibing their &o*' into action %ith a "lightness"

that onl' comes %hen a <erson is connecte* s<irituall'A

This feeling is felt most significantl' in ones feet= the %a' an* manner a <erson %alksin*icates the energ' of ones soul in ones <h'sical &o*'A f one e@er ste<s carefull'o@er a fragile floor= one kno%s that one cannot <ut ones full %eight or connection

%ith the floor= an* 'et %hen one %alks or e@en runs in to countr'si*e in a fiel* or inthe gar*en one firml' an* soli*l' connects one feet %ith the groun* &elo%A The floor 

%e %alk on %ith our feet *irectl' relates to the energ' our feet connects %ith theearthA The more soli* %e are connecte* the stronger our <h'sical an* s<iritual

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connection our soul in making to this <lace= the lighter %e %alk the less connection%e are choosing to makeA

Qi**le >astern tra*itions of %ashing ones feet

rom creation through to the time of L&raham an* in e@er' generation= there has &eena s<iritual im<ortance of cleansing an* %ashing ones feet &efore <ra'er A n our generation es<eciall' in a "%estern culture*" societ'= the &asic s<iritual la%s are

forgotten an* man' <eo<les feet are in a%ful con*ition A +ertainl' OT a "<rett'"sight to look at= e@en %orse for the o*our \

The feet reflects the foun*ation of ones &o*' an* soul

an* ones a&ilit' to connect &oth s<irituall' an* <h'sicall' to this earthA

Take a look at 'our feet D %hat con*ition are the' in

The reme*' is sim<le= %ash them at least TW+> a *a' in the morning an* e@ening Af one has *r' skin= then use natural cocoa &utter to ru& into 'our feet A Gi@e 'our feetfresh air D ne@er %ear socks in &e* F unless 'ou8re in reall' freebing con*itions in the

north <ole or cam<ing in Si&eria \ K A

Qake sure that 'ou al%a's ha@e the most comforta&le <air of shoesA e@er %ear a <air of shoes &ecause the' "look goo*" to others= &ut hurt ones feet \ Such a sill'

attitu*e D reflects ones character A

"+EOSNR>" in or*er to not allo% an' s<iritual energ' to &e *raine* from ones feet=sim<l' kee< ones feet %ashe*= cleanse* an* co@ere*= %ear shoes %ith a soli* an*

firm soul= an* think on the %a' one %alks an* is connecting ones feet to the groun*an* "mother earth"A

There is a s<iritual "cleansing " to hel< <eo<le connect their <h'sical &o*' to their s<iritual soul an* to earth an* the <lace %here one is li@ing an* that is to (NQH u<

an* *o%n= %ith all ones %eightA Or e@en if one is sitting to stam< ones feet on thegroun* \ The feet is the furthest <art of ones &o*' from ones hea*= %hich contains

ones thoughts from ones soul= an* 'et &' connecting these t%o e)treme <arts of our  &o*' hel<s one to fin* %holesomeness an* continuous connection &et%een the

 <h'sical an* s<iritual %orl*sA

Summar' ta&le


Sensiti@eHoints Qetho* of "+losure" an* <re@ent *raining of s<iritual an* <h'sical energ'

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Right U Eeft>'es

+lose e'es= look *o%n= make no e'e contact= "suint"= o<ening the e'eli*s as littleas <ossi&le = use the multi facete* "e)<ressions" of ones e'es= e'e muscles an*e'eli*s mo@ements to e)<ress ones feelings an* o<inions of either ha<<iness or*is<leasureA +ommunicating ones thoughts through the energ' of ones e'es is

almost "tele<ath'"= the highest form of <h'sical communication a <erson can ha@ein this %orl*A Eearn to control an* guar* ones e'es from loosing energ' of onessoulA

Right U Eeft>ars

+o@ering ones ears = closes the outsi*e *raining noises= an* hel<s a <ersonconcentrate all ones souls energ' in%ar*sA Ones <ra'ers are hear* e@en moreintensel' %hen co@ering ones ears an* closing ones e'es A

Right U Eeft ostrils

Nsuall' left o<en unless one "<inches" ones nostrils close an* &reathes through onemouthA Taking *ee< &reathes through ones nostrils relie@es an' tension an* stress onegati@e emotions in s<irit of ones soul an* in ones &o*'A

QouthZee< ones mouth firml' "close*" = Nse LEE ones facial muscles to close as tightl'as <ossi&le ones mouth an* kee< ones teeth tight an* firml' locke* togetherA


Zee< co@ere* an* <lace ones han*s or fol*e* arms o@er the &ell' &utton areaA


L@oi* &eing arouse* for an'one other than ones s<ousesoulmate= channel onesthoughts of "se)ual" lo@e an* arousal for one soulmate an* O O> else= &'a@oi*ing e'e contact an* thoughts of "fantas'" an* *esiresA


Zee< health' an* allo% regular &o%el e@acuation= al%a's kee< %ashe* an*


Right U EeftCan*s

"+lenche*" fist or "clas<" han*s together ensure "closure" of ones souls energ'AEearn to "talk %ith ones han*s" to e)<ress the emotional intensit' of ones soulANsing the <o%er of ones soul in ones han*s to con@e' energ' an* thoughts *irectl'from ones soulA

Right U Eefteet

Zee< ones feet %ashe*A cleanse* an* free of "rotten" or *ea* skinA The feet are thefoun*ation an* connection of ones <h'sical &o*' to this earth= ho% one %alksreflects ones souls %illingness to &e on earth= an* fulfill ones mission of life onearthA

The <urel' s<iritual <oints in our &o*'

These <oints ha@e no <h'sical "o<ening" <oints= &ut the' are centers an* sources of  <h'sical an* s<iritual energ'A These are the <oints of significant acti@it'= %hichconnects our <h'sical &o*' an* s<iritual soul A FZno%n amongst "non Me%ish "

literature as chakras energ' <ointsK

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_A The +ro%n On To< of Ones Cea*

XA The Yr* >'e D The S<iritual >'e

YA The ,oice Bo) in ones Throat

`A The Ceart

IA The Solar Hle)us D the area Must &ehin*the &elle' &utton in the centre of ones*igesti@e stomachA

A The Root D Base of the S<ine

A The Se)ual Organ

We e)<lain these <oints full' on the <age of "S<iritual Hrotection"= %e shall &riefl'e)<lain ho% to ha@e "closure" an* &e "o<en" s<irituall' at these sensiti@e <oints in

the ta&le &elo%= an* e)<lain "closure" of the S<iritual Yr* >'eA

The s<iritualcentres of


Qetho* of &eing "o<en" s<irituall'Qetho* of "+losure" to <re@ent

*raining of s<iritual energ'

_A The +ro%nOn To< of OnesCea*

L%areness that the ?,> s<iritual <resence rests at the cro%n of oneshea*= an* is al%a's recei@ing s<iritualenerg' an* "thoughts"

+o@er ones hea*= or sim<l' <lace oneshan* onto< of ones hea* an* <ra' for

 <rotection an* closure that no*estructi@e or negati@e thoughts &eallo%e* to get into 'our min* an* soulHra' that ones goo* guar*ian angels

 <rotect ones "cro%n"A

XA The Yr* >'e DThe S<iritual>'e

Whene@er a <erson is ha<<' an* "o<en"%ith a sense of S<iritual ali@eness %itha TRNST an* EO,> of GO? an*EO,> of <eo<le= the s<iritual Yr* e'e isthen o<ene*= seeing an* sensinge@er'thingA >s<eciall' %hen a <ersongets @er' e)cite* or arouse*emotionall' the Yr* e'e o<ens e@enmore to allo% a flo% of s<iritual energ'into an* out of ones soulA

Hlace ones han* o@er the <lace of theS<iritual Yr* e'e= focus ones thoughtsin <ra'er to ask for the Yr* e'e to &eclose* an* <rotecte* es<eciall' fromearth&oun* s<irit souls= other <eo<lesnegati@e thoughts an* *estructi@eenergiesA Refusing in ones thoughts toallo% an' energ' to &e taken from onesoul through the Yr* e'eA

YA The ,oice S<eaking or singing %ith emotions= Zee< uiet= kee< ones mouth close*=

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Bo) in onesThroat

thoughts o<ens this <lace s<irituall'=men ha@e more <o%er in this area than%omen= hence the reason %h' their%or*s ha@e more force an* <o%erA

*ont hum or sing to oneself= sa'nothing= an* co@er %ith ones throat%ith ones han*s closes all energ' fromthis <oint

`A The Ceart

eeling emotional= %hether ha<<inessor sa*ness= anger or lo@e= se)ual arousalor hateful aggression o<ens the heartemotions= e@en health' e)ercise=%alking or running makes a <ersonsheart "&eat faster" an* "o<ens" onesheart to s<iritual energ'A

The "heart" is usuall' al%a's o<en= toeither goo* emotions or negati@eemotionsA When one has hateful an**estructi@e emotions= sim<l' +EOS>ones min* an* thoughts &'O+NSG ones thoughts on EO,>an* com<assionA

or those <eo<le %ho ha@e a "close*

heart" an* feel no emotions neithergoo* nor &a* are in fact calle* the"li@ing ?>L?"A >@er' li@ing &eing onearth %hom is connecte* s<irituall'=ha@ing a @italit' of life %ith a sense ofali@eness= al%a's ha@e their "heart"emotions o<enA

f a <erson is not emotional l' ali@e intheir heart then the' are in an"emergenc' state of *ee< *e<ression"or near *eath= an* lack an' moti@ationto li@eA Time to change a "%ake u<" Dget ones heart &eating fast an* start toe)<erience an* li@e life \

IA The SolarHle)us D the areaaroun* the &ell'

 &utton= thecentre of ones*igesti@es'stemA

eeling e)citement of antici<ation=o<ens this s<iritual senseA This is thefirst <lace to sense something >W

a&out to ha<<en= %hether goo* or &a*=if one has "goo* or &a* feelings" in thisarea fortells the feelings of antici<ationA

When feelings of antici<ation areuncomforta&le = sim<l' <lace ones

han*s o@er the "Bell' &utton an* fol*ones arms= refusing to allo% an'transference of energ' into ones soulA

A The Root DBase of theS<ine

The s<ine contains the flo% of energ'from ones &rain to the %hole of ones

 &o*'A The Root of the S<ine containsthe energ' connecting ones soul= min*to the ner@es of in ones feet= hence ones

foun*ations an* connections to this <h'sical earthA t also contains the

Being "close*" in this area an* <re@enting a life flo% can in*ee* &e*one &' &en*ing the cur@ature of ones

 &ackA Walking %ith ones e'es *o%n=hea* facing the groun* an* &ack

cur@e* in "humilit'" hel<s to kee< one

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energ' to connect as a flo% of creati@elife energ' to ones se)ual organsA

This is usuall' o<en= ho%e@er for

lethargicall' lab' <eo<le that arelacking "lifes energ'"= %ho sit"slouche*" in the %rong t'<e of chair=are in*ee* &locking the flo% of lifeenerg'A

Sim<l' learn to sit u< or stan* u<straight= so that one s<ine allo%s acomforta&le flo% of energ' from oneshea* to the &ase of ones s<ineA

When one feels "tire*" or *e<resse*= <lace ones han*s firml' at the &ase ofones &ack an* tr' STR>T+CG ones

 &ack an* s<ine= e@en lean &ack%ar*s Dthis %ill automaticall' &ring an o<enessan* flo% of life energ' to this areaA

This is the natural <osition of a man

%hen making lo@e= Fonto< of a %omanK=has his &ack stretche* %hich allo%s anatural life gi@ing energ' to flo%through his &o*'A


When <eo<le feel *ibb'= ?r8s a*@ise=sitting *o%n <lacing ones hea*

 &et%een ones knees= F%hich &en*s one &ackK an* rela)= after a fe% minutesone then feels "close*" an* sto<s

 <anicking or feeling *raine* as one ha &ecome "close*"

To &ecome close* one can also <lace

ones han*s firml' at the &ase of ones &ack an* STR>T+C ones &ack an*s<ine= e@en lean &ack%ar*s D this %illautomaticall' &ring an o<eness an*flo% of life energ' to this areaA TC>HRL;= @er&alise an* focus onesthoughts on ha@ing "closure" to an'*raining or negati@e feelings= %hilstremaining o<en an* connecte* to the

life flo%ing <h'sical an* s<iritualenerg'A

A The Se)ualOrgan

This area of energ' is o<ene*= %hen a <erson sees an* connects their thoughts%ith an o&Mect of natural lustful *esireAThis is <erfectl' normal for e@er' a*ultman an* %oman to &e attracte* to eachother se)uall'A The challenge of life isto channel this se)ual energ' to onessoulmate OE; at the a<<ro<riate timefor a *esire to create life an* flo% ofcreati@e lo@ing energ'A

f one is OT %ith ones soulmate thena <erson nee*s "closure" to uell ones*esireA

The se)ual organ is com<letel'

controlle* &' ones min* an* thoughtsA

To ha@e "closure" one must sim<l'rela' the message to ones min*= soulan* thoughts "that no% is OT thea<<ro<riate time or <erson"= an* thatone is sa@ing the energ' an* emotionsfor a trul' lo@ing creati@e relationshi<OE; %ith ones *estine* soulmateA

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The Yr* >'e D The S<iritual >'e

Hlease rea* our %e&<age %e calle* S<ace +leansing an* +learing D "eng Shui" = an*the <age "Rescue %ork " %hich e)<lains ho% the S<iritual Yr* e'e senses= recei@es

an* emits SHRTNLE energ'A

The conce<t of the S<iritual Yr* e'e A

mages of our TCR? e'e a<<ear e@er'%here= e@en on a ke'ring \ The S<iritual Yr*>'e is actuall' <ositione* &et%een ones <h'sical e'es an* slightl' a&o@e the

e'e&ro%s in the centreA

>@en on a one *ollar &ill from the NSL D a "Yr* e'e" on to< of the <'rami*=

%hilst there is a star of ?a@i* on the other si*e onto< of the eagle= interesting


TC> TCR? >;>

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;our e'es are the %in*o%s of 'our soul= %hate@er 'ou see through 'our <h'sical e'esmakes an im<ression u<on 'ou= it affects 'our Mu*gement an* <ro&a&l' all 'our 

*ecisions are ma*e on the &asis of %hat 'ou see A

Ls i e)<laine* in the article on reDincarnation from Re& +haim ,ital that our soultranscen*s into our <h'sical &o*' at @arious stages of our life A Once %e ha@e arri@e*at the le@el %here our Thir* >'e is o<ene*= although %e ma' not see an'thing

 <h'sicall' = %e nontheless are S>>G things s<irituall' A The Yr* e'e is kno%naccor*ing to ka&&ala to &e in &et%een ones normal e'es = as the <icture a&o@e A

;our Hh'sical e'es see &ut 'our Yr* e'e senses s<irit an* all the s<iritual energ'

>@er ha* the feeling %hen 'ou look at something= it feels great or a<<auling= thesesenses are from 'our s<iritual Yr* e'e on a s<iritual le@elA Cence= &eing careful %hat

'ou are facing an* looking at is e)cee*ingl' im<ortant= as 'our s<iritual soul islooking through 'our thir* e'e A That is %h' in (e%ish la% Fan* in man' religionssuch as muslem accor*ing to the ZoranK it is for&i**en to rea* an' hol' &ooks in a

 <lace %here o&scenities an* filth can &e seen= e@en if 'ou turn 'our e'es a%a' D this*oes not hel<= as 'our TCR? >;> sees an* senses e@er'thing A


+losure an* Hrotection of ones S<iritual Yr* >'e

To ha@e S<iritual "+losure" of ones Yr* >'e= sim<l' <lace ones han* o@er the <lace of the S<iritual Yr* e'e= focus ones thoughts in <ra'er to ask for the Yr* e'e to &e close*an* <rotecte* es<eciall' from earth&oun* s<irit souls= other <eo<les negati@e thoughtsan* *estructi@e energiesA Refusing in ones min* an* thoughts= to allo% an' energ' to &e taken from ones soul through the Yr* e'eA t is %ell kno%n that man' s<irituall'

sensti@e Ra&&is %hen in <u&lic= nee* to <rotect their Yr* e'e= as in the Hhoto a&o@e of the famous Bo&o@er Re&&eA

Cea*aches are "S<iritual Lttacks"

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Hlease see our Cealth <age regar*ing Qigraine attacks for sensiti@e souls 

`A Eearning to coor*inate an* "TCZ" s<ecific thoughts of "closure" in ones min*=simultaneousl' to making the <h'sical gestures of "closure"A

Simultaneousl' to making the <h'sical mo@ements to ha@e "closure" one nee*s tofocus ones thoughts to ha@e a mental "closure" on the situationA This is sim<l' *one

%ith Y thoughts= assess an* acce<t that the situation is no longer acce<ta&le= @er&alisea *esire to ha@e "closure" an* "*etach" oneself emotionall'A

FaK Lssess honestl' the situation= an* ?>+?> that the situation isNL++>HTLBE> an* no% has &ecome unneccessar' to remain in ones lifeA This

*ecision must &e taken honestl' to ascertain the fact %ith the un*erlining uestions VD"?O >>? TCS STNLTO OR TC> SHRTNLE GROWTC L??>,>EOH>Q>T O Q; SONE" D "O" D "TC>R>OR> LQ OW

E>TTG GO"= an* sa' to oneself " release the nee* for this situation to &e in m'life= it is *raining me s<irituall' an* therefore a&using m' soul= i am no% ha@ing

closure on this situation"

Be focuse* in ones min* that this "*raining" situation is no longer nee*e* in oneslife= as one has change*= learnt the lessonsA This situation %as <art of ones <ast an*

not going to &e <art of ones futureA

F&K ,er&aliseVD once a situation has &ecome "unacce<ta&le" an* one nee*s "closure"use the <o%er of s<eech to a*mit honestl' that one no longer %ants this situation in

ones lifeA B' @er&alising an* <ra'ing that there is no longer a nee* for this "*raining"situation= one is affirming that one is starting the <rocess of "releasing" an'


Lffirmations such as " am rea*' to %alk a%a' an* let go of an'thing to *o %ith this*raining situation"= "&eing connecte* to this situation is *angerous for m' soul= i am%ishing to sa@e m' life an* soul &' *etaching m'self from this a&usi@e situation" = "i

am &eing as close* as <ossi&le <h'sicall' an* s<irituall' to this *raining <erson or situation"= " this situation has nothing to *o %ith me "= "this situation is not m'

*estin'= m' soul *oes not &elong here "= etcA= %ithin a short time of affirming= onessoul starts to let go of all the energ' of attachment= an* as *oors close other *oors


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Therefore= %hen one <ra's an* sa' " i %ant closure from this *raining situation=%hich is %rong for m' soul" an* one sa's this %ith a clenche* close* fist an* close*

e'es= one %ill fin* a tremen*ousl' goo* energ' in successfull' ha@ing "closure"A

Often= %hen a <erson is in the "%rong" situation for their soul= one feels agitate* thatone has no <ersonal <o%er or control o@er ones lifeA This is &ecause there is ano@erla<<ing an* attachment one has ma*e to "connect" unnecessaril' to other <eo<leA

The easiest %a' to STOH this connection is to learn "closure"A

Lffirm to oneself D " no longer %ish to connect %ith other <eo<les li@es %ho ha@enothing to *o %ith me= i am therefore no longer going to interfere %ith their li@es or 

*estin'= therefore the' ha@e no right or <ermission to interfere %ith m' life an**estin'"A

When a <erson realises that one is reall' in control= an* &' ha@ing closure an*R>NSG TO T>R>R> an* G>T ,OE,>? %ith other <eo<les li@es= this

%ill STOH them from interfering an* getting in@ol@e* %ith ones lifeA The loss of onessouls energ' to other <eo<le &' "transference"=automaticall' sto<s an* one has

manage* to un&lock  ones *estin' &' "closure"A

Remem&er= that if someone is interfering unnecessaril' in 'our life= this is a sign that'ou are interfering in someone elses life unnecessaril'= learn "closure" &' *etachingoneself from other <eo<le= refuse to "get in@ol@e*"= take the "i *ont care attitu*e" =

"its nothing to *o %ith me= m' life an* m' *estin'" an* automaticall' theseunnecessar' irrita&le e@ents an* <eo<le *issa<<ear "magicall'" from ones lifeA The'sim<l' sto< &othering 'ou as 'ou ha@e succee*e* to *e@elo<e 'our s<iritualit' an*

change* \

FcK Eearn to *etach oneself mentall' an* emotionall' from the *raining an*unacce<ta&le situation= learn to take the "i *on8t care" attitu*e= learn forgi@eness an*"let go" %hich hel<s to se@er all linksA f one retains an' kin* of emotion= es<eciall'

hate= Mealous' an* an' negati@e emotions= these feelings +O>+T an* B? a <erson to the situation e@en strongerA

Qan' <eo<le make a mistake in "running a%a'" from *ifficult situations= in an esca<eof a@oi*ance to "confront an* *eal %ith" the un*erl'ing s<iritual lessons an*

 <ro&lems the situation has <resente* t ones soulA These <eo<le %ill <ro&a&l' continuesuch a <attern in life= until the STOH running a%a' an* *eal %ith the emotional issues

in their min* an* soulA Once one clears the negati@e emotions an* *etaches onesmin* an* thoughts com<letel' from the a&usi@el' *raining situation or <erson= one

%ill feel enlightene* in ones soul an* free to li@e %ith an' negati@e emotionsA

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Eearn to *etach oneself &' taking the "i *ont care" attitu*e= %ishing the other <eo<leone is tr'ing to *etach from all the goo* luck in the %orl*= &ut *esiring not to "get

in@ol@e*" in their li@es no longer= this means a <erson nee*s to *e@elo<e the "closure"an* a sense of "no emotions" at all to%ar*s the <erson or situationA

n our generation man' *i@orce* <eo<le %on*er %h' the' cannot fin* lo@e after ha@ing a faile* relationshi<= that is &ecause the' ha@e not "*i@orce*" themsel@es

emotionall' in their min*= the' still hol* hatre*= &itterness an* resentment to%ar*stheir e) Dlo@ers= e) Dhus&an*%ifeA

t is al%a's %ise to take the "i *ont care %hate@er ha<<ens to them\" D attitu*e of min*= acce<ting the faile* an* %rongful relationshi< %as sim<l' not ones *estin'A f one *oes not "let go" emotionall' one &ecomes rigi*= col*= unlo@ing= @er' &itter an*hateful in life= closing an' emotions of EO,>A f one closes emotions of EO,>= then

one is *etaching oneself from the creati@e life energ' of this %orl* GO? %hom isEO,>A

This <rinci<le a<<lies to e@er'one %hom is seeking a lo@ing life= as one cannot &e as<iritual <erson %ith a creati@e life energ' of EO,> an* attache* to GO?= if one has

an' hatre* emotions= hatre* is in*ee* ?>LTC A So learn to &e lo@ing an*com<assionate an* ones life %ill &e full of lo@e an* <eace of min*A

The Secret "Ze'" to Succee* in "+losure"

Lfter learning a&out "?estin'" an* loss &' "transference"= one then gets a firm &elief an* un*erstan*ing that one has ones o%n life an* *estin' to fulfill= instea* of &eing"carrie* along" like shee< in a flock= %ith "other <eo<les" li@esA Qost <eo<le onl'"%akeDu<" to this fact *uring the mi*lifecrisis= %hen the' honestl' anal'se "%here*i* the' go %rong"= "%hat signs in their life *i* the' not listen to" an* "ho% can

the' get themsel@es on their true life *estine* <ath%a'"A

Once a <erson un*erstan*s _JJ that it is %rong to interact or take someone elseslife an* *estin'= then one &ecomes more committe* to fin*ing ones o%n <ur<ose an*

*estin' in lifeA The secret "ke'" to succee* in gaining "closure" is sim<l' toackno%le*ge to GO? an* S<irit %orl* CO>STE;= that one is no longer %ishing toli@e "someone" elses lifeA Then automaticall'= the *oor%a' of kno%le*ge is o<ene*=s<iritual gui*ance is gi@en an* "magicall'" ?i@ine coince*ences o<en close* *oors=

once an* onl' once a <erson has ha* "closure" on the %rongful <ast \

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IA The inal Lct of "closure" as taught from Zing Solomon in Hro@er&s an* e)<laine*in Sefer Shinu'im F"the &ook of changes"KA

Ls %e e)<laine* in the <age Eoss &' "Transference" e@er'one is interacting an*

continuall' e)changing an* creating energ' through the connections %ith other  <eo<leA With goo* <eo<le %e associate %ith= %e create a life energ' through lo@e an*com<assion= through the "negati@e" connections our souls feel *raine*A

Whene@er t%o <eo<le interact= the' e)change energ'= in e@er' transaction their is anagree* transfer of energ'A The reason %h' thought energ' of "Transference" is not a

@ali* transaction is that one si*e can cancel out the energ' n' cancelling out thethought energ' that occure* in the <astA

There is a s<ecific transaction that also connects <eo<le s<irituall' an* that is in a

"gift"A Where one <erson gi@es a <h'sical o&Mect an* the reci<ient is gi@ing nothing <h'sical in return at that momentA This is either for X reasons= the gift is a "thank 'ou"

gift for something that has ha<<en* in the <ast= an* the gi@er felt o&lige* to gi@e agift out of a<<reciation an* %ishing to cancel out an' "*e&t" of energ'A Or a <erson isgi@ing a gift for a future fa@our the' are <lanning to makeA n either case= the energ'

of the gift either connects these t%o <eo<le for the future or *isconnects from the <astA

" י4י./#1/3ש01# " D "One of hates gifts D %ill li@e"

Hro@er&s +ha<ter _I @erse X

The reason Zing Solomon ma*e this s<iritual statement is to WLR e@er'one to &ecareful %ith %hom the' ha@e connections= an* to &e @er' cautious in acce<ting giftsA>s<eciall' if the' *ont kno% %hat is going to &e reueste* of them in the future= inacce<ting a gift no% in return for a fa@our that %ill &e har* to refuse in the futureA

The Secret "Ze'" to Succee* in

a inal Lct of "+losure"

Sefer Shinu'im D The &ook of +hanges teaches that %hen a <erson %ants to finalise a*i@orce or conclu*e a transaction of an' kin*= or a *isconnection of an' kin*= as a

final act D a <a'ment of mone' or a <h'sical o&Mect is gi@enA

"Ha'ing to *isconnect an* get someone out of 'our life"

n connecting *isconnecting %ith someone &' a <resent= this must &e a <resent thatthe' %ill *efinatel' %ant= as the' must &ecome imme*iatel' attache* an* not thro%the gift a%a'A Therefore a <resent of mone' is the &est gift to ena&le a *isconnection

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an* closure= as e@er' materialistic nonDs<iritual <erson lo@es mone' D cashA f thegi@er has thoughts that the' are gi@ing the mone' to the <erson in or*er to?S+O>+T com<letel' from them= then the' %ill actuall' succee* in

"+EOSNR>" com<letel'A

This is <ro@i*e* the <erson *oes not return the gift or mone'= &ut as %e kno% mostselfish or gree*' materialistic <eo<le %ill ne@er return mone' \

This is @er' significant in the act of "*i@orce" that the man gi@es the %oman mone'to get her out of his life= if the man resents gi@ing mone' or if the %oman has &eenmani<ulati@el' *eceitful in the *i@orce= then this "*isconnection" mone' %ill act tokee< them "connecte*"= until the' learn s<irituall' to "let go" an* ha@e "closure"A

Similarl' if a <erson has gi@en "<resents" to &o'frien*girlfrien*= this energ' of the

"<resents" %ill kee< them connecte*= so in or*er to "mo@e on" an* ha@e "closure" Dgi@e the <resents &ack= return the energ' or thro% the gifts a%a'A

>@en if the' mo@e onto ne% relationshi<s= so long as the' ha@e "mone'" thatconnects their <ast relationshi< then this energ' %ill connect the reci<ient to the ol*relationshi<A ull an* final "closure" means com<lete *isconnection %ith a gift of 

mone' %ith the s<iritual thoughts of final "closure" LEWL;S %orks in accor*ance%ith the s<iritual la%s of transference of energ'A

Hra' for their soul D The highest form of "*isconnection"an* forgi@enessA

L higher le@el of "closure" an* *isconnection as %e shall teach on the <age of Eife of +om<assion is to <ra' for those <eo<le %ho ha@e *one one "inMustice= *amage an*hurt"= &' <ra'ing sincerel' for their soul= that the' shoul* fin* a s<irituall' lo@ing

 <ath%a' in life= instea* of ha@ing a selfish *estructi@e life= %hich is onl' causing hurtto others an* to their o%n soul= is actuall' G,G them the &est gift of allA This

 <ra'er of com<assion together %ith forgi@eness for the hurt an* *amage of the <ast=hel<s ones soul to &e *isengage* from an' unnecessar' *raining attachment to their 


When all the *oors of the <ast are close* thenAAA

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The ?oor%a' of >nlightement O<ens

or a Eo@ing an* +om<assionate S<iritual EifeA

"The Hath%a' to enlightenment"

This <age is <art of our ne% secon* section calle* "TC> HLTCWL;" taken from

Sefer Shinu'im D Book of +hange an* Sefer Tikunim D The &ook of +orrections= thissection e)<lains %ith a small ke' of kno%le*ge= one %ill ha@e the a&ilit' to transforman* change ones thoughts an* heal ones soulA This is the reason e@er' <erson came to

this earth D to +CLG>A

Sefer Canesh &' Re& Shem To@ Ben ;osef ala8ira

The s<ecific kno%le*ge on this <age %ith res<ect to the "senses" an* closure has &eentaken from the famous _Yth centur' &ook Sefer Caefesh D !!1. D a Za&&ala

 &ook &' Re& Shem To@ &n ;osef ala8iraA

Sefer Caefesh D !!1. is a &ook &' Re& Shem To@ &n ;osef ala8ira F li@e* inthe area of rench S<anish &or*er in _Yth centur'= <lease see here for full histor' an*

e)<lanation of alll his %ritings in >nglish K A One of the most <rofilic Sefar*ics<iritual %riters= see here for more of his seforim a@aila&le online A The &ook e)<lainsclearl' the relationshi< &et%een the soul= the le@els of energ' %ithin the soul = an* the

*irect relationshi< %ith e@er' <art of our &o*' A >s<eciall' focusing on the &o*il'senses of sight= soun*= touch= taste= smell an* ho% these *irectl' affect the le@el of 

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soul kno%n as "efesh" A The &ook continues to e)<lain the le@el of "RNL+C" D "the &reathe of life" D s<irit through the <o%er of s<eech= relating the <o%er of s<eech an*

 <h'sical &o*il' senses together to &ring healing to the SONE A

"Who are ;ou ;our Hersonal *entit'"n un*erstan*ing %hom 'ou are an* the i*entit' of %hom 'ou ma' ha@e &een in <ast

li@es= Re& +haim ,ital e)<lains that one first nee*s to ins<ect %hether or not ones "SoulD eshoma" is actuall' %ithin 'our <h'sical e)istenceA Onl' if one has ones "SoulD

 eshoma" attache* to ones <h'sical e)istence then one has in*i@i*ualit' an* i*entit'A

Co%e@er= if one has &een so influence* &' e@er'thing an* e@er'one= then moreDthanDlikel' one is @oi* of ones eshoma Soul an* onl' has ones efesh SoulA f that is the

case then one is sim<l' a mi)e*Du< <ackage ma*e u< of the total sum of onese)<eriences in ones life= all the influences that ha@e o@erla<<e* an* smothere* onesinner true i*entit'= %hich act to <ush a%a' ones "SoulDeshoma" in*i@i*ualit'A

Lt this <oint or at an' <oint in ones life %hen one feels one has "lost" ones i*entit' a <erson nee*s to "%ake u<" an* sto< &eing influence* to &e someone else or li@e someone

else8s lifeA

Qost of the influences that ha@e &een allo%e* un%ittingl' into ones life occur through acontinual interaction %ith e@er'thing an* e@er'one in ones lifeA This negati@e an*

 <ositi@e interaction is kno%n as "Transference"A

We continue to &e ma*e u< of a total sum of all our e)<eriences an* influences fromothers until %e sa' O QOR> \ Onl' %hen %e STOH allo%ing e@er'thing an* an'thing

to affect our li@es= an* %hen %e cancel out all of "other <eo<les transference" of their o<inions an* *esires on our min* an* thoughts= then an* onl' then %ill %e &e a&le to

li@e the life %e %ere *estine* to li@e= an* our true i*entit' of our "SoulDeshoma" %illresi*e %ithin oursel@esA

in*ing Out Whom ;ou Reall' Lre n fin*ing out %hom 'ou reall' are= one nee*s to reflect honestl' on one8s lifeP Ca@e 'ou*one an'thing s<ecial an* uniue that OE; ;ON coul* ha@e *one Or ha@e 'ou Must"co<ie*" someone else8s i*entit' ?one something that others ha@e *one or coul* ha@e

*one Or ha@e 'ou *one "nothing" s<ecial %ith 'our life that has i*entifie* 'ou as &einguniue an* *ifferent from other <eo<le

t is OE; the uniue as<ects that OE; 'ou coul* ha@e *one %ith 'our life that noDoneelse can *o that i*entifies %hom 'ou reall' areA

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or e)am<le= if one %orks *uring the *a'= in a mun*ane Mo& that an'one coul* *o=%ithout an' <ersonalit' or making an' *ifference to an'one8s life &' 'our charisma or 

 <ersonalit'= an* then one sits an* %atches T, all e@ening then one is totall' missing outon lifeA

Co%e@er= if one %orks an* infuses an* ha<<' attitu*e into <eo<les li@es as 'ou connect%ith them in 'our %ork= that onl' 'ou can *o= to the e)tent that %hen 'ou take a *a' off %ork= <eo<le actuall' miss 'our <resence= an* in the e@enings one is hel<ing others in a%a' that onl' 'ou can hel<= then one is li@ing an in*i@i*ual lifeA One has inner i*entit'

of ones Soul D eshomaA

Re& +haim ,ital that %hen one starts to li@e in full s<iritual a%areness %ith the fullnessof ones min*= thoughts an* SoulDeshoma= an* as one corrects all the as<ects of 

reincarnation= then as one has <asse* the lessons of life= an* ele@ate* ones soul= it %ill &e

re@eale* to 'ou= 'our inner i*entit' of %hom 'ou %ere from a <ast lifeA Co%e@er= it %illOE; &e re@eale* %hen it is right for 'ou to kno%A

Nn@eiling the Truth of ;our *entit' of aHast Eife


י#0ל0#/0401!#0י/ AAA

י[#!4ל$![ש#3/  Shmos >)o*us +ha<ter YY ,erse _] U XY

The Torah e)<lains that Qoses aske* GO?= "Hlease GO? sho% me 'our %a's an*reasons %h' ;ou *o things" GO? ans%ere* that "'ou can see me an* m' %a's in

hin*sight= &ut ne@er %hen confronte* %ith a situation"A

Our souls are &orn into this <h'sical life in or*er to learn= *e@elo<e an* changeA Thelessons are nee*e* to learn a &elief in GO?= trust in GO? an* a &elief in a ?,>

s<iritual %orl* of souls an* a rectification of reincarnation are uniue for e@er' <ersonA

The lessons nee* to &e learnt through challenges of life= onl' through intense an*emotional challenges *o %e learn to *e@elo<e our min* an* soulA These lessons cannot

 &e taught from &ooks= the' are emotional "life e)<eriences" that %e all nee* to learn an*e)<erience %ithin our o%n uniue min*s an* soulsA

The S<iritual guarantee from GO?= is that %e %ill al%a's see the ?,> inter@ention

in our li@es= after the e@ent D in hin*sightA The lesson of life is D to TRNST in GO? Des<eciall' %hen %e go through *ifficulties an* remain reticent= Freticent means kee<

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"shtum" D uiet= *on8t use an' "com<laining" %or*s as the least sai* in *ifficult situationsthe &etter\K an* &elie@e that e@er'thing is going to &e alrightA "Trust in GO?= *o goo*

*ee*s an* e@er'thing %ill turn out for the goo*"A

Once a <erson has e)<erience* the lessons of life= ele@ate* oneself s<irituall' &ecomingenlightene* then one %ill &e gi@en the s<iritual kno%le*ge of the i*entit' of ones soulA

Our Hast life is >ngraine* On Our SoulRe& +haim ,ital %rites that e@er'thing from our <ast lifeli@es is *ee<l' engraine*

%ithin our soul= all the memories= names an* <laces= e@en the %or*s %e e)<resse* in <ast li@es are *ee<l' engraine* %ithin our soulA

B' cleansing ones soul from all negati@e influences= &' healing all the ke's of reincarnation then one is a&le to sense ones clearl'A

Re& +haim ,ital e)<lains that all reincarnate* souls from an earl' age ha@e s<ecificmemories of ke'%or*s an* <laces that are @er' strong %ithin ones soulA These %or*s= in%hate@er language= kee< surfacing until the moment %hen in this life one connects %ith

the <astDlife e)<erience or <laceA These references act as sign<osts along ones lifeA

 ontheless Re& +haim ,ital %arns that some <eo<le misun*erstan* some %or*s= for e)am<le if the' li@e* at the of Zing ?a@i* an* Bathshe@a or Zin* Solomon an* ueen

of Shee&a= then a <erson ma' ha@e these names @er' strongl' em&e**e* in their souls &ecause the' %ere the most famous an* talke* a&out characters of that generation= &ut it?O>S OT mean that the <erson %as one of these famous <eo<leA

Cence %hen <eo<le tr' to regress into <astDlife= Re& +haim ,ital e)<lains that all the%or*s the' come u< %ith are %or*s the' use* in that lifetimeP as it is to*a'= @er' fe%

 <eo<le actuall' sa' the %or*s of their o%n name e@er'*a'= hence one shoul* &e careful%hen unco@ering the <astDlife= an* &e careful not to &e *ecei@e* &' ones o%n


Nnco@ering the Secrets of Ones Hast EifeRe& +haim ,ital guarentees in his &ook Sefer Gilgulim= that once a <erson has

successfull' ele@ate* ones soul to &e s<irituall' enlightene* then one %ill &e informe* of all the secrets of ones <ast lifeA Cence= <eo<le like Re& +haim ,ital in Sefer Gilgulim

%as a&le to see an* kno% the i*entit' of e@er'ones soulA

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n un*erstan*ing %hom 'ou are an* 'our i*entit'= one nee*s to un*erstan* that all of usare ma*e u< of the total sum of our e)<eriences in our li@es= all the influences that ha@eo@erla<<e* our inner true i*entit'P most of %hich ha@e &een allo%e* un%ittingl' into

ones life through a continual interaction %ith e@er'thing an* e@er'one in ones lifeA Thisnegati@e an* <ositi@e interaction is kno%n as TRLS>R>+>= an* is @itall'

im<ortant to un*erstan* &efore one can ascertain to start to learn "%ho 'ou reall' are"A

The S<iritual Nn*erstan*ing of "Transference"

This cha<ter on "Transference 9י!יל4 +halee<in" is <ro&a&l' the most im<ortant cha<ter of Za&&alah s<iritual kno%le*ge %ritten an* e)<laine* in Sefer Gilgulim &' Re& +haim

,ital as it e)<lains ho% each an* e@er' <ersons soul is continuall' in a state of e)changing energ' &et%een e@er'thing an* e@er'one in this <h'sical %orl*A

The un*erstan*ing of the meaning of "Transference 9י!יל4" is fun*amental to e)<lainho% a <erson constantl' interacts= &' un*erstan*ing that S<iritual an* Hh'sical

Transference 9י!יל4 is an e)change of thought energ'A One can learn to control onesthought energ'= there&' em<o%ering one to &e a&le to cancelDout an' negati@e energies

an* attract into ones life OE; the <ositi@e an* goo*A

Nn*erstan*ing an* a<<l'ing Transference 9י!יל4 to one8s life %ill ena&le on to STOH

li@ing other <eo<le8s li@es an* <ro&lems= an* %ill also sto< one from a&sor&ing an* <uttingDu< %ith someone else8s &aggage an* &a* attitu*e= there&' ena&ling one to li@e

ones o%n trul' *estine* lifeA

Nsing the gift of Transference 9י!יל4 one can <re@ent oneself from &eing attacke*s<irituall' from an'thing or an'one negati@e there&' constantl' &eing a&le to maintain agoo* inner s<iritual energ'= %ithout &eing negati@el' influence* &' an'thing or an'oneATransference 9י!יל4 is the s<iritual secret ke' of kno%le*ge that %ill o<en u< the *oor toone8s future= li@ing one8s *estine* %holesome life %ithout an' negati@e interference= it

*efines the &oun*aries of ones life an* soulA

The Biggest S<iritual Eoss of >nerg'Occurs >@er' Qoment of >@er' ?a'

Through a"Eoss &' Transference"

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This e)<lanation an* un*erstan*ing of the meaning of Transference 9י!יל4 an*un*erstan*ing a&out other <eo<le8s a&ilities to control an* takeDo@er 'our life= an* ho%to cancel them out in or*er for ones to li@e ones o%n *estine* <ath%a' for ones o%n

uniue soulA

f one8s <h'sical &o*' isn8t a&le to li@e one8s *estine* life &ecause one has allo%e*oneself to &e "occu<ie*" &' other <eo<les energies then one %ill ha@e to reincarnate

again in or*er to li@e ones *estine* lifeP therefore it is ,TLEE; im<ortant to learn an*sto< an' loss &' transference so that one can li@e ones *estine* life instea* of li@ing

someone else8s= an* there&' sa@e oneself from the c'cle of reincarnationA

"Eoss &' Transference" D Transference 9י!יל4

n Hh'sical an* S<iritual la%s there is a <rinci<le calle* "transference" D "9י

'4"="Calee<in"= FThis term %as un*erstoo* full' an* intro*uce* into the mo*ern *aלי!י9]1Qe*ical <rofession &' Hrofessor ?r +arl (ung in Hs'cholog'KA n sim<le terms= %hen'ou go into a sho< an* &u' an a<<le 'ou gi@e the mone' in one han* an* recei@e an

a<<leA ;ou ha@e ma*e a transfer= e)changing 'our mone' energ' for the sho<s <h'sicalitem "a<<le"A Which %hen 'ou eat the a<<le= its energ' %ill make 'ou feel goo*= ali@ean* ha<<' %ith 'ourself an* the %orl*A ;ou ma' then meet someone an* &ecause 'ou

feel ha<<'= %ill also make them feel ha<<' an* take a%a' some of their sa* feelingA The%hole of societ' an* mankin* is continuall' acting in a %e& of transference an*

interaction of energ'A

Ca@e 'ou e@er= su**enl'= foun* 'our moo* change from &eing all lo@ing an* <eaceful=an* outDofDcharacter 'ou &ecome angr' The e)<lanation is sim<le= &' "transference"=

someone 'ou ha@e Must connecte* %ith= Fit coul* e@en &e the car infront or &ehin* 'ou ina traffic Mam= or someone in the street %ho has so much inner frustration= anger or *e<ression etcK= has s%a<<e*= *um<e* an* transferre* their negati@e thoughts an*

emotional energ' in an act of "transference" D e)change* for 'our lo@ing= energibing an* <ositi@e energ'A

S<iritual an* Hh'sical Transference 9י!יל4"Ln e)change of thought energ'"

On this <age %e shall teach 'ou the s<iritual la%s of "transference" an* ho% to <re@ent a"EOSS of 'our souls energ' &' transference"A This <age shoul* &e rea* in conMunction

%ith "+losure"<age as this %ill teach a <erson ho% to ha@e s<iritual closure from"freeloa*ers"= users an* a&users= es<eciall' rele@ant for Sensiti@e souls %ho are

susce<ti&le to ha@ing energ' stolen from them &' "transference"A

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The in*i@i*ual sections of "transference" %e shall teachVD

_A The &asic un*erstan*ing of "transference" D the conce<t of "e)change" of thoughtenerg' for <h'sical energ' as taught from the Talmu*A

XA The S<iritual la%s of "transference"D "9י!יל4"A

YA Nsing the s<iritual la%s to STOH a "loss &' transference"= un*erstan*ing that s<iritentities can occu<' a <ersons <h'sical &o*' an* ho% to <re@ent an' s<irit entit' from

occu<'ing one8s <h'sical &o*' other than one8s o%n soulA

`A egating an* canceling an' "transference" energ' that has alrea*' occurre* in the <astA Sto<<ing the *raining c'cle of losing energ' &' transferenceA

IA   י '4 D Nn*erstan*ing "&locks" cause* from other <eo<le create* &' the energלי!י9עיכ5#of "transference"A

A Hrotecting oneself from losing "transference" energ' in the futureA

A The conce<t of " .עי9 " D "e@il e'e" un*erstan*ing an* <rotecting oneself from &eing"hurt" &' others e@il thoughtsA Ln* the conce<t of s<iritual <o%er of a <ersons soul &'

"transference" in <hotogra<hsA

_A 9י



4 D TransferenceThe &asic un*erstan*ing of "transference" D the conce<t of "e)change" of thought energ'

for <h'sical energ' as taught from the Talmu*AThe sources in the Talmu* QesechtaZi**ushin 03$9יש^7י[ *af X]a an* Qesechta TemurahA

,ali* "Transactions"

The Talmu* e)<lains the conce<t of @ali*it' of *ifferent t'<es of transactions= %hen

e)actl' a transaction takes <lace an* %hen a <erson actuall' acuires o%nershi< of articles one has &oughtA

When a <erson &u's an'thing in a sho<= e)changing mone' for the item= lifting the itemu< an* %alking out of the sho< constitutes a @ali* <urchaseA f a <erson takes the item%ithout <a'ing then the o%nershi< of the item remains %ith the sho<kee<er an* that is


The @ali*it' of an' transaction is final an* irre@ersi&le= the "*eal is *one" %hen an* thisis the im<ortant <oint D that is to com<lete a sale= to make a final an* @ali* transaction is

that >TC>R S?> can R>,>RS> or +L+>E the @ali*it' of the e)changeA

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0173#0 D"Nm*ena"D"Lssum<tions"n e@er' t'<e of transaction= there are automatic assum<tions= that societ' makes in their "min*s" regar*ing @ali*it' of transactionsA That is to sa'= e@en if one *oes OT ha@e a%ritten agreement e@er'time one goes sho<<ing= there are assum<tions e@er'one makes

in their min*s an* thoughtsA

or e)am<le= if one &u's something that is lacking or fault'= then one can return the itemto the sho<A Qan' goo*s ha@e %ritten guarantees or stores ha@e _` *a' or YJ *a' mone'D &ack offersA Co%e@er= e@en %ithout such %ritten "offers"= one can still return items if its

assume* in e@er'one8s Q? that the item is not as e)<ecte*= %hich in@okes thecollecti@e assum<tion of societ' an* in e@er'one8s min* to in@ali*ate such a transactionA

FThis a<<lies es<eciall' in our generation= %hen so man' items are <ackage* an* one

*oesn8t al%a's see insi*e\KA

This im<ortant conce<t of 0173^0 D"Nm*ena"D"Lssum<tions"= is that it is an un%rittenagreement in e@er'one8s Q? an* TCONGCTS= can in@ali*ate the transactionA

+on@ersel' this conce<t of assume* agreement in e@er'one8s min* can an* *oes @ali*atea transaction= %here&' one +LOT go &ack on the e)changeA Eike &u'ing a house or 

car= clothes etcA= once com<letion of transaction is ma*e one cannot go &ack= Must &ecause one *oesn8t like the <urchase\

The e)change of "transference"The talmu* e)<lains that the e)change of "transference"= is %here one si*e e)changes

something <h'sical for a "TCONGCT"A The Talmu* *iscusses this "transference"thought an* "transference" s<eech transactions in the section *ealing %ith marriage= lo@e

an* emotions of marriage= an* in the section of hol' s<iritual <riests making offeringsan* s%itching sanctifie* hol' o&Mects %ith their thoughtsA

The Talmu* teaches that e)changes an* transactions of TCONGCTS an* >QOTOS is OT @ali*A This is &ecause in this <h'sical %orl* a transaction onl' has @ali*it' &et%een

TWO <h'sical OB(>+TS that +LOT &e returne* or cancelle* outA

This is the s<iritual reason %h' it is for&i**en for an'one to charge mone' for kno%le*ge= information an* thoughtsA The Talmu* teaches that teachers ma' recei@e anominal <a'ment as a com<ensation for their time s<ent teachingA But it is _JJ clear 

that teachers must OT charge for s<iritual kno%le*ge as this is in the same categor' as"transference" transactionsA

"Thought transactions" can &e in@ali*ate*

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an* therefore "transference" energies

can &e easil' cancelle* out

n the transaction of "transference" one si*e has e)change* "TCONGCT" energies an*as e)<laine* on our <age of "thinking <ositi@e"= a "thought" energ' can &e cancelle* out

 &' the <eo<le originall' in@ol@e* in the transaction L? also &e someone else8s thoughtsan* energies this in@ali*ates the transaction L? most im<ortantl' can &e cancelle* out

 &' O> S?> %ithout the other <erson kno%ingA

S<iritual la% of thoughts= %or*s U actions see "thinking <ositi@e" <age




43 L thought cancels out a thought

43ש7253^.5י/0^5י L %or* cancels out a thought

7י43^5ש3253^.5ע/0.י Ln action cancels out a thought an* a %or*

03$9יש^7י[6721 Talmu* Zi**ushin Id&

XA The S<iritual la%s of "transference"D

4לי!י9FaK Ln'one an'%here in this <h'sical %orl* an* in s<iritual %orl* of souls= can ha@e

transference energ' %ith an'one %ho is "o<en" to recei@e the transference energ' fromthat <ersons min* an* soulA The energ' of "transference" thought energ' is o<en an*

a@aila&le to e@er'one e@er'%here %hom is "o<en" to recei@e this energ'A

F&K Ln'one can cancel out the "energ'" of transference that is in their min*A L <ersonsmin* an* soul is gi@en the <o%er to erase an* nullif' the energ' of transference thought


Ls %e e)<laine* the "S<iritual la% of thoughts= %or*s U actions" see "Thinking <ositi@e" <ageA

43ש43253^.5ש/0.5י L thought cancels out a thought

43ש7253^.5י/0^5י L %or* cancels out a thought

7י43^5ש3253^.5ע/0.י Ln action cancels out a thought an* a %or* A

03$9יש^7י[6721 Talmu* Zi**ushin Id&

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FcK L <erson is gi@en the <o%er to &e "o<en" an* "close*" to control the flo% of thoughttransference energ' into their min* an* soulA

f a <erson *oes not kno% a&out or is una%are of the continual interaction of transference energies %ith their min*= thoughts an* soul= then automaticall' the' lea@ethemsel@es "o<en"= %hich allo%s an* "letsDin" negati@e thoughts= freeloa*ers an* trash

%hich %ill *rain &' "transference" D stealing their souls goo* life energ'A

This *raining %ill cause a <ersons soul to &lock "life energ'" as the soul recognises an*senses that it is &eing *raine*A This <h'sical an* s<iritual souls life energ' is kno%n as

3 D ;eneeka QilmaalaA Once a <erson learns selfDcontrol in selecting onl' theל3על.י1י].goo* transference energies then this &lockage %ill &e taken a%a'= then the life energ'an* @italit' are allo%e* to flo% into ones lifeA Hlease rea* the <age on +losure= as one

nee*s to learn %hen to &e "o<en" an* "close*"A

YA Nsing the s<iritual la%s

to STOH a "loss &' transference"Arom the s<iritual la%s of "transference" a&o@e an* from the "S<iritual la% of thoughts=

%or*s U actions" see "thinking <ositi@e" from 03$9יש^7י[6721 Talmu* Zi**ushinId& VD

43ש43253^.5ש/0.5י L thought cancels out a thought

43ש7253^.5י/0^5י L %or* cancels out a thought

Since transference energ' is _JJ thoughts an* s<iritual = one can sim<l' cancel out theloss of ones souls energ' &' using the <o%er of s<eechVD


1ש/3עשעיש4לי!י9כ.102534י" cancel out an' transference ma*e &' e@il <eo<le that has taken energ' from m' soul= that takes

energ' from m' soul or that %ill take energ' from m' soul"


" refuse to allo% an'one or an'thing e@il *rain m' soul &' transference= or take an' energ' fromm' soul &' transference= %hich inclu*es their negati@e or *estructi@e thoughts or %or*s against me"

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" release the nee* for interaction %ith *raining <eo<le an* situations= m' soul has &eena%akene* &' these &a* e)<eriences= i am grateful for the *ifficulties as signs to %akeDu<m' soulA o% that i am s<irituall' a%akene*= <lease take a%a' these *raining situations

out of m' life= the' no longer ha@e an' <ur<ose in m' life"

" cancel out an' transference of energ' out of m' soul %ith an'one %ho has nothing to*o %ith m' life= m' *estin' or m' soul"

"Similarl'= i a<ologibe for ha@ing taken an'one8s souls energ' &' transference that hasnothing to *o %ith m' life= m' soul or m' *estin' an* %hich has use* to &lock m'

*estin'= i no longer %ant this energ' an* %ant it returne* to the <ersons soul i ha@e takenit from= it is OT mine\"

This is so sim<le= once a <erson realibes that one is constantl' losing energ' &'

transference= Fan* this there&' is causing a &lockage in the flo% of life energ' in onessoul as e)<laine* a&o@eK= learnt ho% to &e control this loss &' &eing "+lose*" to *rainingan* "freeloa*ers"= then one can sim<l' LRQ an* sa' the a&o@e t%o <hrases an* this

cancels out an' loss &' transferenceA

This e@en hel<s for the highest form of transference %here&' some freeloa*er earth&oun* soul occu<ies ones &o*' F the conce<t of earth&oun* souls is e)<laine* on

the "R>S+N> WORZ " <ageKA

"+anceling out" %ith "%or*s" LEWL;S%orks \f one *oes not feel an'thing after "canceling out" %ith the <o%er of 'our s<eech &'

sa'ing the a&o@e e@en once= there are Y <ossi&le reasonsVD

F_K One is not using ones min* to focus ones thoughts an* coor*inate ones s<eech %ithones thoughts= that means one must think honestl' a&out the strength of the <o%er of s<eechA Lfter all= if one has lost energ' from ones soul cause* &' others talking a&out

'ou= it is _JJ assure* that 'ou ha@e the <o%er of 'our s<eech to control 'our life an*soul= through the <o%er of 'our s<eechA ;ON ha@e &een &lesse* %ith the gift of s<eech

so use it to +L+>E out the loss &' transferenceA

FXK One *oes not &elie@e the s<iritual la% of canceling out &' the <o%er of s<eechA Goo*ne%s D e@en if one *oes "not &elie@e"= it still %orks \ Co%e@er small the change= each

time a <erson cancels out &' using the <o%er of s<eech= it has an effect= this is the reason%h' "shouting" an* "screaming" %orks so %ell= as it uses ones full strength of the <o%er 

of ones s<eechA

FYK Then the last reason= it *oesn8t seem to %ork= after sa'ing the "canceling out" <hrasea&o@e= is &ecause one is still hol*ing onto &itterness an* resentment to that <erson %ho

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has hurt 'ouA One must E>T GO of them an* the thoughts of hurt= sim<l' recognisesthe' %ere <art of 'our life in the <ast an* OW the' are O longer <art of 'our life for 

'our future D Ca@e _JJ "closure" = an* thank GO? the' are no% out of 'our lifefore@er \

?irectional "+anceling Out"When *eceitful an* rotten <eo<le ha@e tol* lies= gossi<e* an* slan*ere* a goo* <erson= itis so eas' to cancel out the energ' of their %or*sA Since the' are liars= their <ra'ers are

 OT ans%ere* &' the goo* angels in the <ure S<irit %orl*= therefore the inMure* honest <erson can cancel the <o%er of their *eceitful %or*s an'timeA

?irectional canceling out means that one uses the e)act %or*s an* false allegations that

the' ha@e use* against 'ou= a*mit that these are lies an* cancel their <o%er an* negati@eenerg'A

for e)am<leP f a man%oman %as accuse* falsel' of cheating on hisher s<ouse %ithanother <erson= then one shoul* sa'= "<eo<le ha@e accuse* me of cheating on m'

%ifehus&an* %ith another %omanman= as GO? is m' %itness= this is a lie= i ha@e ne@er cheate* on m' %ifehus&an*= an* therefore i %ish to cancel out the energ' an* <o%er of these lies"A n*ee*= it seems such a <erson shoul* gla*l' *i@orce such a *eceitful s<ouse

as heshe *oes not ha@e an' s<iritual goo* &eha@ior= es<eciall' if heshe can tell sucha%ful lies in <u&licA Once one has *isconnecte* an* ha* closure after the *i@orce= there

%ill still &e gossi<ers an* slan*erers= one can "cancel out" the <o%er an* energ' of theseliars &' sim<l' kee< affirming that the' are liars= an* their %or*s ha@e no energ' or 


f a <erson *oes OT cancel out the negati@e energ' of these e@il <eo<le= then their energ' gets stronger creating &lockages in the goo* <ersons life= %hich %ill come to a

 <eak= at the <eak %here the energ' &ecomes un&eara&le= the goo* <erson either colla<sesun*er the <ressure OR learns the s<iritual la%s to cancel out "loss &' transference" an*actuall' starts to stan* u< for themsel@es &' canceling out all the lies tol* o@er so man''ears= as the' are goo* <eo<le %ith goo* s<iritual guar*ian angels= an* the' ha@e &een a

@ictim of other <eo<les lies= the' %ill W= once all the negati@e energ' is cleare* the'%ill start to ha@e all the goo*ness in their li@es restore* to themA

The first ste< is to %rite *o%n all the sources of *amage of lies that ha@e occurre* inones life= an* cancel each of them out &' affirming the' are liars an* as GO? is 'our 

%itness= 'ou are truthfulA

 ormall' those <eo<le %ho accuse others *o not &elie@e in GO? or s<irit %orl*= an*usuall' accuse other <eo<le of things the' ha@e *one %rong themsel@esA So sim<l'

affirm their false allegations= a*mit these are lies an* then cancel their <o%erA Eike%ise

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re<eating a fe% times actuall' hel<s to cancel out the energ' of all the other gossi<ers%ho ha@e re<eate* the liars lieA one of them ha@e an' <o%er to hurt 'ou an'moreA

Nse the <o%er of s<eech to cancel theenerg' of their %or*s= as Cashem D GO? is

'our %itnessA_A Lffirm the %or*s of the lie= use the e)act %or*s that the liars ha@e *eceitfull' use*P X

+onfirm that as GO? is 'our %itness that this is a lieP YA +ancel out the energ' of the lie= &' confirming that these %or*s are lies an* this is the truthA

"+ancel Out" &ut ?O OT hol* onto an' &itterness or hatre* for the *eceitful liarst is im<ortant that one *oes this= %ithout feeling an' hatre* or negati@e emotions for them %hom ha@e lie*= in fact if one *oes this in a manner that one feels sorr' for the

eternal <ain their souls %ill en*ure in s<irit %orl*= then %ithin the "canceling out" <rocess one is actuall' <ra'ing that their soul shoul* re<ent an* a<ologibe for the

*estruction the' ha@e cause*A

This is e)actl' ho% (ose<h forga@e his _J &rothers %ho sol* him as a sla@e= an* ho%Zing ?a@i* cancelle* out the *eceit an* lies of Zing Saul= %ho trie* to kill himA FOnce

?a@i* ha* cancelle* out Zing Saul8s energ' of his lies= *estruction an* *eceit= Saulactuall' committe* suici*e= an* ?a@i* &ecame Xn* Zing of sraelKA

The highest form of "transference" D

someone else8s soul occu<ies 'our &o*'The commentators -^ע94ל^ש. an* ע-^ש^ל an* :2 The Shach an* Tab on the 94ש-

Shulchan Lruch D "The co*e of (e%ish la%s"= all ask the o&@ious uestionVD

n the *ail' &lessings in the morning <ra'ers %h' *o %e nee* to re<eat these three &lessings e@er'*a' of our life= surel' sa'ing them once in ones life is enough


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These Y &lessings gi@e thanks to GO? that %e are "not a sla@e" = "not a %oman" = "not a#$ "A Surel' thanking GO? once in our li@es is enough an* surel' its o&@ious that a manי

is not a %oman an* a Me%ish <erson is not a nonDMe% Wh' is it necessar' to state theo&@ious affirmation e@er' single *a' in the morning %hen one %akes u<

The amous S<iritual Ra&&is an* commentators -^ע94ל^ש. an*  an* :2 The Shachש- an* Tab on the 94ל^ש-^ע  Shulchan Lruch= ans%er that %hilst a <erson is slee<ing= an*

soul ele@ates itself to s<iritual <lane= an "earth&oun* soul" coul* occu<' ones &o*'= an*%hen one arri@es &ack in ones &o*'= there is a struggle for control o@er 'our &o*'= asones soul *i* not enter ones &o*' com<letel' <ro<erl' &ecause there is an occu<'ing

soul in a <ersons &o*' in an act of transferenceA This act of transference can ha<<en ins<irituall' sensiti@e <eo<le %ho *on8t like or *on8t feel comforta&le &eing on earth

The solution D make a truthful affirmation

The solution is to make a truthful affirmations of %ho 'ou are an* %hom 'our &o*' &elongs to an* through the <o%er of s<eech 'ou can "thro% out" the freeloa*ing s<irit


Truthful LffirmationsSim<l' &' using the <o%er of truthful s<eech= %ill ensure that 'ou *o not loose an'

energ' from 'our soul &' "transference"A Which in turn %ill ensure that 'our life energ'an* @italit' remains "ali@e" %ith a continual flo% of .[י1י.לע3ל3 D ;eneeka QilmaalaA

The ke' is to use the <o%er of s<eech %ith truthful statements an* affirmationsA

One shoul* &egin "truthful affirmations" &' sa'ing %hat a <erson is not= for e)am<le a Me%ish single %oman li@ing in NSL shoul* affirm= "i am not a man"= "i am not a

Quslim"= " i am not marrie*"= "i ha@e not 'et foun* m' soulmate"= " i am not li@ing inisrael"= i ha@e no chil*ren"= etc an* then continue to affirm "i am tr'ing to changee@er'*a'"= "i am canceling out= &' m' s<eech an' %or*s or thoughts that an'one

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an'%here has against me= i %ant to cancel out an' negati@e energ' that is &lockingsuccess in m' life= so that i can fin* m' true *estine* lo@ing soulmate= to ha@e a

 <ur<oseful an* fulfilling life" etcA=

Once a <erson starts making truthful affirmations as the' "talk to themsel@es"= one %illfin* each in*i@i*ual %ill flo% %ith their o%n s<ecific affirmations= of their o%n <ersonal

i*entit' an* then affirm to cancel out an' &lockages in their li@es cause* &' other  <eo<les negati@e thoughts an* %or*sA Once a <erson has *one this= one feels lightene*

an* enli@ene* as each %or* a <erson s<eaks L+TNLEE; %orks to cancel out an'negati@it' \

Thankfull' there is a s<ecial s<iritual la% that <re@ents this &eing use* against goo* <eo<le= as those <eo<le %ho a&use the <o%er of s<eech= *ecei@e an* lie= ha@e no chanceto *issol@e the energ' of transference= as this a&ilit' is onl' gi@en to those %ith truthful

guar*ian angels= as *iscusse* in the <aragra<h of "t%o t'<es" of <eo<le on the <age of S<irit U Gui*anceA

`A egating an* canceling an'"transference" energ' that has alrea*'

occurre* in the <astA Sto<<ing the *raining

c'cle of losing energ' &' transferenceASim<l' follo% the same s<iritual la% as a&o@e= an* use the <o%er of s<eech to cancel outLEE the loses of "transference" that one has &een so o<en an* gi@en a%a' ones energ'

in the <ast= %hich once a <erson cancels out the <o%er gi@en a%a' &' transferencethought energ'= then all the &lockages in ones life %ill &e taken a%a'A SQHE; SL; VD


" cancel out an' transference of energ' ma*e &' e@il <eo<le that has taken energ' fromm' soul= that takes energ' from m' soul or that %ill take energ' from m' soul"


" refuse to allo% an'one or an'thing e@il *rain m' soul &' transference= or take an'energ' from m' soul &' transference= %hich inclu*es their negati@e or *estructi@e

thoughts or %or*s against me"


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"Lll &lockages in m' life shoul* no% go a%a' from m' soul"

"Eet the <ast go"D Col* no gru*ges

Remem&er it is im<ortant >,>R to hol* an' gru*ge or &lame to an'one for 'our mistakesA t is ;ONR fault 'ou interacte* %ith the %rong an* *raining t'<e of <ersonA ts

not their fault= the' are sim<l' acting the onl' %a' the' kno%A Co%e@er= no% that 'ouha@e foun* the solution an* learnt the reason %h' 'ou ha@e &een so *raine* &' losing

'our souls goo* energ' in an act of "transference"A t is u< to ;ON to ha@e +losure fromthe <ast an* learn to Hrotect 'our min* an* soul= es<eciall' if 'ou are a Sensiti@e soul A

IA 4לי!י9עיכ5#י D Nn*erstan*ing "&locks"

cause* from other <eo<le create* &' theenerg' of "transference"A

Ls %e e)<laine* on the <age Blocking Success= once transference has occurre*= a <ersonhas gi@en a%a' <art of their souls energ' to someone elseA This other <erson no% has the

 <o%er to Block Success as the' ha@e 'our energ' as %e sa% in the "Transference"*estructi@e c'cle as e)<laine* on the "?e&rain%ashing <age" VD

The solution is sim<le \Nse the <o%er of s<eech to cancel out all the acts of transference= think &ack to all the

times 'ou %ere o<en an* ga@e a%a' 'our souls energ' in an act of transferenceA

Remem&er the rule that there are t%o t'<e os <eo<le in this %orl*= the "honest an*creati@e grou<" an* the "*eceitful *estructi@e grou<" as e)<laine* in the <age of S<irit U

Gui*anceA >@er' <erson interacts an* is connecte* in this %orl*= if the <erson 'ou areconnecting %ith makes 'ou feel ali@e an* creati@el' constructi@e then this is a goo*

connectionA f the connection is *raining an* *estructi@e one QNST ha@e +losure A The'ma'&e e@en &e goo* <eo<le &ut the' ha@e O HEL+> in 'our life= if one feels *raine*

%hen interacting %ith themA

Ones soul energ' comes &ack from "theether"

Once one has learnt +losure an* <ra'e* to ha@e ones life energ' that has &een lost &'transference returne* to 'our soulA One %ill start to feel ali@e %ith s<iritual @italit' an*enlightenment A Co%e@er= <art of the +losure <rocess is one QNST "letDgo" an* forgi@e

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those <eo<le %ho ha@e &een *raining 'ou= an* >,>R e)<ect them to return energ' to'ou an* >,>R e)<ect them to a<ologibe to 'ouA Ca@e closure from them an* mo@e onA

The "ether"= that is the ?,> uni@ersal energ' %ill gi@e 'ou the s<iritual energ' =re<lenish= enli@en 'ou an* more that com<ensate 'our lossesA Once an* onl' once 'ou

ha@e *ee<D*o%n ha* closure an* o<ene* the flo% of un&locke* life energ' .[י1י.לע3ל3 D;eneeka Qilmaala A ;our soul %ill onl' un&lock this once truthfull' an* intrinsicall'

>,>R;TCG has &een *one &' 'ou to correct 'our <ast mistakes an* 'our s<irit min*an* soul in _JJ sure 'ou %ill not make the mistakes againA

The >nglish sa'ing e)<ression <ertaining to life8s o<<ortunities "one *oor o<ens OE;%hen the other *oor is firml' close*"= an* "%hat goes aroun* D e@entuall' comes

aroun*"= refers to the c'cle of uni@ersal ?,> energ'A

A Hrotecting oneself from losing"transference" energ' in the futureA

Once a <erson has &een enlightene* to the conce<ts of "loss of ones souls energ' &'transference"= %ith this "ke'" of kno%le*ge from Sefer Gilgulim &' Re& +haim ,ital=

one %ill automaticall' learn to &e a%are of e@er' interaction that one makes= sensing theenergibing actions an* *raining actionsA Qaking em<o%ere* an* correct free%ill

*ecisions to onl' interact %ith constructi@e creati@e <eo<le an* situationsA an* ne@er 

allo%ing oneself to &e "o<en" to &e *raine* &' freeloa*ers in an act of transferenceA

t8s @er' similar to learning to talk= once one has learnt ho% to talk it is @er' *ifficult toforget \ Lfter a %hile it &ecomes "secon*Dnature" to a chil* an* one s<eaks e@en %ithoutthinkingA Similarl'= once one has learnt to control ones thoughts= cancelingDout"loss &'transference" &' using the <o%er of ones s<eech= it &ecomes eas' to retain ones uniuesoul energ' an* un&lock the flo% of life @italit' to ones soul= %hich is nee*e* for 'ouan* the goo* <eo<le 'ou coDcreate %ith= so that 'our soul can succee* to its ma)imum

 <otential in this <h'sical life \

B' learning the lessons in the cha<ter on +losure an* Hrotection= once the <ast an* <resent is cleare* &' the use of s<eech in "cancelingDout" the *raining acts of 

transference= ensures that ones soul has accom<lishe* a significant cleansing %hich itcame to earthDschool to learnA

A The conce<t of " .עי9 " D "e@il e'e"The conce<t of " .עי9 " D "e@il e'e" is sim<l' un*erstoo* as a <erson has &een "o<en"s<irituall' to allo% another <erson steal energ' &' "transference" %hich is in fact 'our 

souls energ' an* this is there&' a&le to BEO+Z 'our lifeA

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Sim<l' learn to sto< "losing 'our souls energ' &' transference"= &' &eing so "o<en" to*estructi@e energiesA learn +losure an* Hrotection an* then no one can affect 'our life

%ith the energ' 'ou ha@e "gi@en them" to hurt 'ou %ith \

Those <eo<le %hom ha@e change* com<letel'= heale* the <ast an* &ecome lo@ing an*com<assionate souls connecte* in the committe* ser@ice of GO?= ha@e learnt to focus

an* continuall' cleanse their min* an* soul from an' negati@e an* *estructi@e thoughtsA

Once a <erson has arri@e* at this le@el " .עי9 " D "e@il e'e" create* &' other <eo<lesnegati@e thoughts can ne@er affect their soul A n the transition <erio* as a <erson is

learning an* transforming one sim<l' nee*s to learn +losure an* continuall' cleansingan* canceling out other <eo<les acts of transference *raining thought energiesA

L note for Qo*ern ?a' D Hhotogra<hsWhen an'one looks at <hotogra<hs= each image makes an im<ression on a <ersons min*an* thoughts= if a <erson is emotionall' arouse* &' the image in the <hotogra<h this has

a stronger affect on a <ersons soulA f the <hotogra<h gi@es a <erson a @italit' an*ali@eness then an act of creati@e transference takes <laceA f ho%e@er the <hotogra<hlea@es a <erson feeling *raine* then a *estructi@e act of transference has occurre*A

f the <hotogra<h is of a <erson= then the <ersons image an* soul is engra@e* on that <hoto an* if one is "o<en" an* una%are= then e@il <eo<le can use the <hotogra<h in an

act of transference energ' an* "*rain" or "hurt" a <ersonA

Ls this "*amage" occurs as a thought energ'= sim<l' &' using the <o%er of s<eechcancels out an' "transference" loss energies an* sol@es the <ro&lemA Sim<l' sa'= "

refuse to allo% an'one or an'thing e@il *rain m' soul &' transference %hich inclu*esnegati@e or *estructi@e thoughts or %or*s against me or an' <hotos that ha@e &een taken

of me &' an'one an'%here"A


Once a <erson has &een enlightene* to the conce<ts of "loss of ones souls energ' &'transference"= %ith this "ke'" of kno%le*ge from Sefer Gilgulim &' Re& +haim ,ital

one %ill automaticall' learn to &e a%are of e@er' interaction that one makes= sensing theenergibing actions an* *raining actions an* making %ise *ecisions to connect onl' %ith

creati@e life energ'A

Ls an'one an'%here in this <h'sical %orl* an* in s<iritual %orl* of souls= can ha@etransference energ' %ith an'one %ho is "o<en" to recei@e the transference energ' from

that <ersons min* an* soulA

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This &asic conce<t of "transference" thoughtDenerg' makes it com<rehen*i&le ho% soman' Sensiti@e souls ha@e the gift of s<irit communication %ith the s<irit %orl*A Ls acontinual an* o<en channel of "transference an* thoughts" are connecting the souls in

this Hh'sical %orl* %ith S<irit %orl* of soulsA

The Gift of Sensiti@it' for

"Sensiti@e Souls"

The as<ects to un*erstan* "sensiti@it'" from the cha<ter of "Sensiti@e Souls"= fromSefer Shinu'im "The &ook of changes"= teaches the im<ortance of kno%ing %hat

"&eing sensiti@e" means an* ho% to han*le this s<ecial "s<iritual gift" VD

_A >@er'ones soul has chosen the s<ecific le@el of "sensiti@it'" one nee*s *uring lifean* for each stage of change *uring ones lifeA

XA Sensiti@e souls are "OE?" souls reincarnating= the gift of "sensiti@it'" is a"s<iritual gift" that one has earne* in <re@ious lifetimes= an* <ro@i*es a <erson %ith

"s<ecial" <rotection *uring this lifeA

YA Sensiti@e souls feel "unsettle*" in this <h'sical %orl*A

`A Sensiti@e souls feel isolate* an* lonel'A

IA Sensiti@e souls take time to a*Must to life on earth= once the' learn the s<iritualrules of controlling their "sensiti@it'" the' then ha@e %on*erfull' <ro*ucti@e

fulfilling an* ha<<' li@esA

A Success for sensiti@e souls comes as soon as the' make the right connectionss<irituall'= an* kee< "close*" to lo%er souls %ho are *angerous "freeloa*ers an*

 <arasites" tr'ing to steal goo* life energ'= &' &ringing them *o%n to their le@el an*ruin their souls \

A Sensiti@e souls nee* to kee< connecte* to "E>" an* "EO,>" an* *isconnectfrom "?>LTC" an* "CLT>"= one nee*s to learn %hen to &e "o<en" an* "close*"= sothe' can control the energ' flo% in ones soul through the gift of sensiti@it' of ones

min* an* thoughtsA


Lll humans more or less ha@e the same <h'sical characteristics= ho%e@er thein*i@i*ualit' of each <erson is i*entifie* &' the %a' one TCZSA Ones thoughts an*

in <articular the gift of S>ST,T; gi@es a <erson the "e)tra s<ecial" ?i@ine hel<=to accom<lish ones <ur<ose an* achie@e success in lifeA

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The more "sensiti@e" a <erson is= the greater ones <otential an* a&ilit' to succee*AThis is <ro@i*e* one un*erstan*s the gift of &eing "sensiti@e"= learning an* kno%ing

%hen to "o<en" an* "close" the sensiti@it'= controlling the flo% of energ' that is gi@ento a sensiti@e <erson &' learning to use ones Q? <o%er= an* using ones uniue

gifts that are containe* %ithin the &lessing of "sensiti@it'" correctl'= this <age %ille)<lain this "gift" of sensiti@it'A


_A >@er' <erson has chosen the s<ecific le@el of "Sensiti@it'" one nee*s *uring lifean* for each stage of change *uring ones lifeA

Our soul chooses to &e "sensiti@e" &efore %e are &orn *uring our chil*hoo*= in or*er to ma)imise our <otential in this life= an* to make _JJ certain that %e succee* in

"getting it right" &' listening to our sensiti@e feelings= there&' correcting all themistakes %e ha@e ma*e in <re@ious lifetimes an* learn the lessons %e %ante* to learn

in this lifeA

The ?i@ine <ur<ose in making a <erson "sensiti@e" is in or*er to ensure that %efollo% the correct <ath%a' in lifeA f a chil* is tol* OT to touch a hot o@en an* then

touches the o@en an* gets a "&urn"= this chil*s sensiti@it' is teaching the chil* D >,>R touch &urning hot o@ens\ ?uring chil*hoo* our <h'sical senses= <arents an*

teachers teach us an* gui*e us along a safe <ath%a' for our sur@i@al in lifeA

Ls %e *e@elo<e *uring chil*hoo* an* a*ulthoo*= there are uniue e)<eriencesa<<lica&le to each in*i@i*ual= the OE; gui*e %e ha@e is the gift of "sensiti@it'"AWhen a <erson uses an* "listens" to the sensiti@it' correctl'= an* GOR>S all the

 <eo<le %ho are gi@ing them &a* a*@ice then one can ha@e great successA

Qan' refer to the "sensiti@it'" as a strong s<iritual connection %ith ones guar*ianangels %ho are <rotecting an* gui*ing the in*i@i*ualA Co%e@er a <erson <ercei@es

"sensiti@it'" D it is a gift that is gi@en to each in*i@i*ual in *ifferent measures= to hel<one make the right *ecisions an* follo% the right <ath%a' for each <ersons

in*i@i*ualistic lifeA

>@er'one is "sensiti@e" %hilst

one is "gro%ing u<" or "changing"

>@er' humanD&eing an* animal has a &asic sensiti@it'= that ena&les them to gro%Du<an* sur@i@e in this %orl*A ?uring lifeDchanging moments in ones life= es<eciall'

"mi*DlifeDcrisis" moments= *i@orce or *eath of a lo@e* one= or an' kin* of "loss"= a

 <ersons soul an* min* is ma*e to &e "o<en" an* more "sensiti@e"= this is in or*er that

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a <erson learns an* listens to their "sensiti@it'" in or*er to make the necessar' goo*changes in their li@esA

Often changes occur Must after someone %ho lo@es 'ou *ies= s<irituall' this is &ecause

their soul in s<irit %orl* WLTS to hel< 'ou an* is tr'ing to gui*e 'ou along thecorrect <ath%a' in life= hence the e)traDsensiti@it' is a GT from their soul to 'ou Dto hel< ;ONA

Qan' <eo<le misconstrue su<erDsenstiti@e as "&a* feelings" that are "attacking" a <erson= this is incorrect= there is something that nee*s changing an* these sensiti@efeelings are there to hel< a <erson to change= so "%ork" %ith an* *ont fight against

these feelingsA

Qan' a*ults= tr' to su<<ress their "uncomforta&le" feelings= &ut in fact these sensiti@e

emotions are tr'ing to teach a <erson to +CLG>= an* gui*e a <erson LWL; fromtheir current life to a >W <ath%a'A f the <erson chooses to ignore an* su<<ress

these feelings= then it often gets %orse= until the <h'sical &o*' an* soul *eci*es it isan emergenc' an* a "&ig sign" is nee*e* to change a <ersonA

Once a <erson has learnt the lesson

there is no nee* for "sensiti@it'"

Once a <erson has learnt the lesson that the' are &eing gui*e* &' their "sensiti@it'"=then there is no nee* for the "uncomforta&le feelings"A f= ho%e@er a <erson *oes notlisten an* change= then the uncomforta&le feelings <ersist until a <erson changesA nthe section of our %e&site calle* "The Hath%a' to >nlightenment"= outlines the X

*ifferent as<ects that a <erson ma' nee* to change to un&lock ones life an* feel%holesomeA

XA Lll "sensiti@e souls" are

%ise "OE?" souls reincarnatingA

Lll "Sensiti@e souls" are "OE?" souls reincarnating= the gift of "sensiti@it'" is a"s<iritual gift" that one has earne* in <re@ious lifetimes= an* <ro@i*es a <erson %ith

"s<ecial" <rotection *uring this lifeA

Sensiti@it' is an in*ication that a <erson is an OE? soul= the more sensiti@e a <ersonis in*icati@e that their soul is @er' OE?A

n a**ition to the usual gift of sensiti@it' of a chil*= an "ol*" soul that is returning toearth to li@e life again is &lesse* %ith the gift of e)tra s<ecial "sensiti@it'"A

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"Su<er Sensiti@it'"

Qost <eo<le come to earth to learn the &asic lessons of "   יי 41#:3י15 "= that isVD to ha@echil*ren= learn to create a life of lo@e= an* sur@i@alA "OE?" souls ha@e li@e* an*

fulfille* these &asic lessons in a <re@ious life= these souls ha@e come to earth for as<ecific <ur<oseA L uniue role a<<lica&le to them= an* %ith a collecti@e <ur<ose tohumanit'A

These "ol* souls" also kno%n as "teachers"= are &lesse* %ith a "su<er sensiti@it'" inor*er that the' ma' succee*= this sensiti@it' gi@es them s<ecial "Hrotection" to kee<

a%a' from "freeloa*ers"= Mealous= hateful an* "nuisance" <eo<leA This gift"sensiti@it'" kee<s one focuse*= not &eing *i@erte* &' materialism or mun*ane

 <h'sical <leasuresA This makes sensiti@e <eo<le feel @er' uneas' an* uncomforta&le*oing an'thing their soul consi*ers "useless" to the <ur<ose the' came to earth to


YA Sensiti@e souls feel "unsettle*"

in this <h'sical %orl*

Sensiti@e souls feel the' *o not &elong in this <h'sical %orl*= the' feeluncomforta&le= unsettle* an* fin* it *ifficult to a*Must to this <h'sical %orl*A This is

 &ecause the' still ha@e *ee< emotions an* memories of <re@ious lifetimes em&e**e*in their soulA The "ol*er" the soul an* further &ack in histor' %ere the' ha@e

originate* from the more unsettle* the' %ill feel in this lifeA

n the un*erstan*ing that "sensiti@e souls" are reincarnate* souls= this means that the'ha@e li@e* man' 'ears ago in a *ifferent <lace an* certainl' @er' much "*ifferentl'"

than our mo*ern generationA f 'ou imagine ho% an african %ho li@es %ithoutelectricit' %oul* co<e if the' su**enl' %oke u< in Qanhattan e% ;ork *uring "rush

hour" \\\ +on@ersel' if %e %oke u< in a %orl* %ithout com<uters= electricit' or 

running %ater \\\ o% think ho% a %ise ol* soul %ho li@e* XJJJ 'ears ago %oul*manage if the' %oul* &e &orn in our generation \

t %oul* take a lot of time to "climatibe" to this <h'sical %orl*= %hilst still tr'ing toremain focuse* on the s<ecific <ur<ose of their reincarnate* life= %ithout &eing si*etracke*= *istracte* or *i@erte* &' "mo*ern lifes tem<atations" or &a* a*@ice from

nonDs<iritual *istractionsA

Lll sensiti@e souls feel "unsettle*" in this <h'sical %orl*= as their souls ha@e s<ent

more time in the truthful o<en "s<iritual" %orl*= than the' ha@e *one in this <h'sical%orl* %hich contains a lot of "*eceit"A aturall' these "ol* senstiti@e souls" feel

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more at home in the s<iritual %orl*= ho%e@er once an* OE; %hen these souls startto connect %ith other "ol* souls" an* start to accom<lish the <ur<ose the' came to

earth to fulfill= then the' %ill feel at <eace %ith themsel@esA

Nntil that time comes= these "sensiti@e souls" sim<l' nee* to learn ho% to &e"+lose*" F&oth <h'sicall' an* s<irituall' in ones min* an* thoughtsK to e)ternal*raining influences that cause the soul a loss &' "Transference" %ith interaction %ith

"freeloa*ers" %ho gi@e them "&a* feelings"A

FWhat are "freeloa*ers" D Ls %e e)<laine* on the R>S+N> souls <age= "freeloa*ers"are earth&oun* souls after the' ha@e *ie*= ho%e@er= as %e in the ne)t <aragra<hs=

there are &a* <eo<le %ho still ali@e an* are calle* "freeloa*ers"= freeloa*ers look asthough the' are <h'sicall' ali@e D &ut their souls insi*e are "?>L?"= the' ha@e no

connection %ith creati@e lo@ing life energ'= as the' are full of hatre*= fear an*

*estruction= such <eo<le are anno'ing as the' ha@e ruine* their o%n li@es an* their aim an* *esire is to *estro' an* ruin other <eo<les li@esAK


`A Sensiti@e souls feel isolate* an* lonel'

"Sensiti@e souls" as the' are "ol* souls" usuall' feel isolate* an* alienate* from most <eo<le of their generationA >@en in large cro%*s of <eo<le= the' fin* @er' fe% <eo<le

%ith %hom the' can reall' "connect" %ithA This is es<eciall' im<ortant for <arentsan* "sensiti@e" chil*ren to realise= that if a sensiti@e chil* *oesn8t integrate %ell atschool= %ith chil*ren of their o%n age= it is OT a sign that there is something

"%rong" %ith the chil*= to the contrar' D it is sim<l' the chil* has the soul of ol*reincarnate* %ise <erson %ho has nothing in common %ith other chil*renA

Once such a sensiti@e chil* realises= the <o%er of hisher soul= then this chil* shoul* &e channele* to learn to use their sensiti@it' at a 'oung age to tr' an* i*entif' %hat

their skills are from <re@ious lifetimesA This is the reason %h' religious Me%ishchil*ren learn he&re% at a 'oung age of I= "he&re%" is the reconnection %ith the

motherDtongue of Me%ish souls= %hich reconnects the chil*s soul an* &rings them"ali@e"A Lll "Me%ish" souls ha@e an imme*iate a&ilit' to the he&re% language= it

comes @er' easil' to true Me%ish souls= as it is em&e**e* %ithin the souls memor'AOnce this *oor to the soul is o<ene*= this easil' allo%s the min* to &e o<ene* to all

kno%le*ge an* s<iritual energ'A

Lll "sensiti@e chil*ren" ha@e a gift

Eike%ise= all "sensiti@e chil*ren" %ill fin* something that the' are @er' gifte* an*

learn @er' uickl'= it ma'&e a language like he&re% or french= a science such asastronom'= astrolog' or maths= kno%le*ge of the &i&le= histor'= Fol* &ooks %hich

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remin* them of the <ast li@esK= or artistic *ra%ing or creati@e %riting a&ilities or  <la'ing a musical instrument etcA=

t is the *ut' of goo* res<onsi&le <arents to tr' an* hel< their sensiti@e chil*ren

"unlock" their <ast= an* fin* these giftsA This %ill instantaneousl' &ring their soul"ali@e" an* hel< gui*e their soul to their correct <ath%a'A Once the' are connecte*%ith their <ur<ose the feelings of isolation an* alienation *issa<ate= as the *oor%a' intheir soul is o<ene* an* no% the' %ill start to connect %ith goo* <eo<le= %ho are all

 <art of their *estin'A

IA Sensiti@e souls take time to a*Must

Sensiti@e souls take time to a*Must to life on earth= once one learns the s<iritual rulesof controlling "sensiti@it'" one %ill ha@e %on*erfull' <ro*ucti@e fulfilling an* ha<<'


These sim<le rules are F_K to &e a%are an* un*erstan* the conce<t of the soul= FXKun*erstan* that there is a "&igger" <icture of life in this <h'sical %orl* an* s<iritual%orl* than %e see %ith our e'es= FYK un*erstan* that e@er'thing that ha<<ens in a

 <ersons life is controlle* &' ones min* an* thoughts= learn to use ones min*effecti@el' an* think for oneself= F`K learn ho% to kee< "+lose*" to freeloa*ers an*

not allo% oneself to &e si*eDtracke* or easil' influence* &' the %rong <eo<le= FIKun*erstan* that ones moo* is susce<ta&le to "change" &' e)ternal influences= soensure that one *oes not lose ones energ' in a loss &' "transference"= FK kee<

focuse* that one has &een &lesse* an* one has a s<ecific role in life to accom<lish%ith ones giftsA

Once a <erson recognises these facts an* li@es %ith the un*erstan*ing that the' ha@ea s<ecific an* uniue <ur<ose= %hich is <art of a *i@inel' <lanne* an* *estine*

 <ath%a'= then "sensiti@e" souls gain a self confi*ence F%ithout &eing "<rou* an*arrogant"K= then al%a's ha@e %on*erful <ur<oseful enlightene* li@es= in s<ite of 

ha@ing "set&acks" in earl' life= that are usuall' cause* &' freeloa*ers takinga*@antage an* a&using the goo*ness of sensiti@e <eo<leA

Sensiti@e souls take longer than most <eo<le to a*Must to this <h'sical %orl*= the'ma' mature later than most <eo<le= an* "late *e@elo<ing" is <erfectl' normalALccor*ing to the Talmu*= sensiti@e souls usuall' onl' marr' an* "fin* lo@ing

soulmate" after the age of YJ or e@en `J like the famous Ra&&i Lki@a %ho marrie* at`JA Nntil this age the' nee* the free*om to use their min*s to learn an* *e@elo<e their 

s<iritual gifts= &eing marrie* %ith chil*ren %oul* "*istur&" their souls <ath%a'= so

inherentl' the' are "lateD*e@elo<ers"A This is <erfectl' normal= hence it is @ital that"sensiti@e souls" >,>R to com<are themsel@es to other <eo<le \

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A Success for sensiti@e souls as soon as one makes the right connections s<irituall'

Ls %ith all reincarnate* souls success an* a sense of "life energ'" an* @italit' OE;comes %hen one makes the right connections %ith the right *estine* <eo<le an* <lacesA The gift of su<er sensiti@it' gi@es a <erson the intuiti@e "feeling" that a

 <articular <lace= <eo<le an* e@ents in ones life are _JJ correct= e@en if "other" <eo<le think 'ou are %rongA t is u< to 'ou to trust 'our s<iritual gui*ance an* ha@e

confi*ence in 'our feelings of sensiti@it' instea* of listening to other <eo<leA

This s<iritual guarentee for "sensiti@e souls" is this Z>; to life= once the correctconnections are ma*e= then "magicall'" goo* things ha<<en for the <erson= as signsthat this is the correct course in life= cou<le* %ith a sense of kno%ing that this ne%

 <ath%a' is the right *estine* <ath%a'A Nntil the correct <ath%a' is taken D then there%ill &e &lockages= *e<ression an* failures= all these are signs of gui*ance to ensure

that one feels unsettle* an* "not at <eace" until one is one the right <ath%a'A

Ofcourse one has the free%ill choice to "Block Success" or e@en if one tells the%rong <eo<le= these "*estructi@e <eo<le" can cancel out the <otential= until one learns

+losure from these <eo<le an* STOH &eing *raine* in an' loss &' "Transference"AOnl' ;ON can feel %hat 'ou are feeling= an* instincti@el' an* s<irituall' 'our soul

%ill kno% %hat to *o \ >@en if one resists changes= life %ill stagnate or "go roun*" in

circles until one gets it right \

A Zee<ing connecte* to E>

an* *isconnect from ?>LTC

Sensiti@e souls nee* to kee< connecte* to "E>" an* "EO,>" an* *isconnect from"?>LTC" an* "CLT>"= the' nee* to learn %hen to &e "o<en" an* "close*"= so the'

can control the energ' flo% in their soul through their sensiti@it'A

Who is "Lli@e" U Who is "?ea*"

4יי0[1י/3יכש.7jי]י"Goo* souls %hen the' *ie are in fact ali@e"

/3י0[1י4ייכש.שעי"Ba* souls %hen the' are ali@e are in fact *ea*"

?efining an* categorising e@er'thing into "life" an* "*eath"= is intrinsicall' @ital sothat %e can remain energise* %ith the goo* lifeDgi@ing creati@e energ' of GO?

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%hich is EO,>A We e)<lain this further on the <age of Hrotection A This is the reason%h' s<irituall' sensiti@e <eo<le @isit the gra@esites of goo* <eo<le an* <eaceful

s<iritual cemetaries an* famous ra&&is %hose souls are LE,> an* continue to hel<from s<irit %orl*A

>@er'one an* es<eciall' sensiti@e souls are constantl' interacting an* sensinge@er'thing aroun* them= it is @ital that %e connect onl' "life" an* "lo@e" energ'A f a <erson senses or feels *raine* this is a sign that the <erson= <lace or energ' of ones

acti@it' is "*ea*" energ'A Z>>H +EOS>? an* G>T LWL; from such ?>L? energ'A

lo%ers= <lants an'thing that gro%s in nature is "life energ'"

or our mo*ern generation li@ing an* %orking in concrete Mungles of large cities= %eha@e *istance* oursel@es from "life energ'"= nontheless ha@ing flo%ers= <lants=

an'thing that gro%s on ones office *esk or in ones a<artment= %ill connect one %ithlife energ'A Cence the reason to gi@e sick <eo<le flo%ers to &ring a "life energ'" an*

energise their soulsA Similarl' e@er' fri*a' Me%ish <eo<le tra*itionall' &u' flo%ers for their homes to energise %ith a life energ'A

Think of something "ali@e" U &eautiful

The &est a*@ice for "sensiti@e souls" is to kee< connecte* %ith @isions of life energ'=fiel*s in the green countr'si*e= orchar*s of fruit an* @ine'ar*s= gar*ens of flo%ers= allimages of natures &eaut'= that one can hol* in ones min* an* thoughts that re<resentslife gi@ing energ'= %ill al%a's energise sensiti@e souls %ith "life energ'" e@en %hen

one is amongst s<irituall' "*ea*" <eo<leA

On the <age of "Hrotection" %e e)<lain ho% to use ones min* to generate energ' of "lifeDgi@ing" images to <rotect oneself e@en %hilst one is in the <h'sical com<an' of "*ea*" <eo<le an* <lacesA This is es<eciall' im<ortant for sensiti@e <eo<le= %ho feel

*raine* @er' uickl' amongst "*raining" <eo<le an* <lacesA This is the reason %h' soman' <eo<le listen to music %hilst %orking or *ri@ing in the cities to "com<ensate"

for the *raining energ' in cit' life\


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Ls %ith all the cha<ters from Sefer Shinu'im D Book of +hanges once a <erson isa%are of the <ro&lems an* e)<lanations= it makes it @er' eas' to change an* han*le

each of the as<ects in ones life an* soulA

Nn*erstan*ing the s<iritual gift of "&eing sensiti@e"= is a gift %hich man' <eo<le%oul* lo@e to ha@e such a gift= although for a sensiti@e <erson it feels like a "curse"sometimes\ Nntil one learns ho% to han*le this <recious gift= then it &ecomes a

 <leasure to ha@e such a goo* refine* gift of sensiti@it'A

"Sensiti@e souls" use thought energ' more than other <eo<le as the' are more"s<iritual" than "<h'sical"= this makes one feel like e@er'thing is al%a's intensel'

"magnifie*"= %hich can "&lo%" out of <ro<ortion an' negati@e emotionsA The secret isto learn to "control" ones min* an* channel the energ' creati@el' an* lo@ingl' %ith

one thoughts an* emotionsA

Ls %e note* on the "HLEQSTR;" <age= "sensiti@e" <eo<le ha@e man' lines on the <alms of the han*s= as an in*ication of the s<iritual energies that are <otentiall'

containe* %ithin their soul= Must another sign that e@er'thing ha<<ens for a reason of a?,> *estine* <lanA

R#&%U# OR irstl'= let me e)<lain the s<iritual term "rescue" D ./.#ע#ל A

Rescue %ork in s<iritual terms= is the name gi@en to the <rocess of transition of a <ersons soul o@er to s<irit %orl* once the soul has *e<arte* from the <h'sical &o*'A

Once a <erson has com<lete* their Mourne' in a <h'sical &o*'= *eath occurs= thissim<l' means the SONE lea@es the <h'sical &o*' D entering the realm of s<iritual


nitiall' the soul is *isorientate* an* ho@ers in an "earth&oun* state"= kno%n inhe&re% term is "*reibach arin" in Olam hasohu D = ./ .^ע ל kno%n as %an*ering theether= the ethereal <lane= or astral <lane= nee*ing an* searching for lo@ing energ'= or for someone s<irituall' sensiti@e to communicate %ith A Ln* %hom %ill gi@e them

uncon*itional lo@e to fee* their soul %ith @italit' A

Lfter the initial <erio* of a fe% hours after *eath= the soul then usuall' <anics=es<eciall' of those souls %hom ha* no i*ea a s<irit %orl* e)ists or of those @er'

religious <eo<le %hom &elie@e* the' %oul* &e %hiske* a%a' to hea@en A

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The <ur<ose of "rescuers" is to communicate %ith the earth&oun* soul an* ele@ate thesoul on%ar*s to the s<irit %orl* A >@er'thing creati@e an* e@er' transformation in this

%orl* is *one through lo@e an* lo@ing energ' A

L soul originall' enters this %orl* through the heightene* state of se)ual EO,>energ' of its <arents= an* similarl' nee*s a strong s<iritual EO,> energ' to take iton%ar* to%ar* the *i@ine light of s<irit %orl*= es<eciall' if the <erson *ie* in a state

of sa*ness= fear an* *e<ression that the' ha* a futile life \

L rescuer is usuall' a @er' refine*= strong an* sensiti@e soul %ho is intune %itheternal ?i@ine S<irit Worl* through their S<irit gui*es= hel<ers an* Guar*ian angels=an* is therefore a&le to sense the *ea* <ersons soul ho@ering in this earth&oun* state

through their refine* an* o<ene* Yr* s<iritual e'eA

L s<iritual rescuer %ill talk to the soul= calm the <anic feeling= an* ask their guar*ianangels= s<iritual gui*es an* hel<ers= to take the soul on to%ar*s the ?i@ine lightA Theearth&oun* souls= nee* our lo@e an* <ra'ers of lo@e to gi@e their soul enough energ'

to ele@ate their soul to the S<irit %orl*A

 ormall' there is someone %ho cries tears of lo@e for the <asse* one= an* there arethe <ersons o%n guar*ian angels %aiting to take the <erson o@er to s<irit %orl*A f 

ho%e@er there is noDone= for e)am<le *ue to acci*ental <remature *eath or the <ersonli@e* a @acant s<iritual life an* *isconnecte* e@en %ith their o%n guar*ian angels or 

sim<l' stu&&ornl' *oes not &elie@e in GO? or s<irit %orl* D in their confusion D the'are fighting their souls <rogression onto s<irit realms an* remain earth&oun* A

The soul %ill %an*er earth<lane until it fin*s a s<iritual <s'chicall' a%are <erson%hom the' %ill make contact %ith= some souls can remain static an* earth&oun* for 

man' 'earsA Ff 'ou ha@e seen the %ell researche* film "GCOST" a&out anearth&oun* soul an* a me*ium 'ou %ill un*erstan* this clearerKA

+ha<ter I of Sefer "ka@ha'osher" !5[שי. P our original han*%ritten &ook isre<ro*uce* in the <icture &elo% e)<lains that the %hole <h'sical %orl* is in*ee* full

of lost an* trou&le* earth&oun* souls= an* the greatest act of kin*ness is for s<irituall' sensiti@e <eo<le to "R>S+N>" these souls an* take them o@er to the S<irit

%orl* through the <o%er of <ra'erA

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Rescuers %ill sen* lo@ing thoughts out to the lost soul an* generate the lo@e to hel<the soul o@er to s<irit %orl*= through their o%n grou< of s<irit gui*es an* hel<ers A

Sometimes 'ou ma' e@en feel the nee* to light a single can*le as the soul is ele@ate*to s<irit %orl* A

Nsuall'= a rescuer closes their <h'sical e'es an* concentrates on their thir* e'e=seeing colours is acce<te* an* usual for rescuers A irstl' = 'ou %ill see a small an*intense circle of green colour usuall' %ith a &lack centre= if= ho%e@er 'ou see an'

other colour= 'ou %ill ha@e to <ra' U %ait for an* concentrate more lo@ing energ' toarri@e at the green colour A Once 'ou see this green colour= 'ou are rea*' to &less thissoul an* ask this earth&oun* s<irit to go %ith 'our guar*ian angels to%ar*s the *i@ine

%hite light of s<irit %orl* A

Then 'ou %ill see the tunnel of %hite light coming closer= to%ar*s 'ou= the greencolour an* an' other colours %ill *isa<<ear an* onl' HNR> WCT> light %ill &e

infront= 'ou %ill feel the <eace an* serenit'= an* nothing can harm 'ou= Falthough 'oushoul* &e *oing this is a uiet an* <eaceful <lace in 'our home %ithout *istractionsKA

Once the earth&oun* soul has *e<arte* then su**enl' all the %hite light %ill*isa<<ear= an* 'ou %ill feel the soul has left= there %ill &e no more <anic or hea@'

feeling aroun* 'ouA

Then usuall' 'ou %ill see the normal healing <ink &lue or <ur<le colours that 'ouusuall' seeA ;ou %ill then nee* a reDcharge time alone= as is kno%n "as a clearance*a'" %here 'our soul re<lenishes= an* the earth&oun*8s remnants of hea@iness are

*issi<ate*= usuall' o<ening the *oors an* %in*o%s= an* allo%ing in fresh air issufficientA

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or those <eo<le %ho suffer from migraine attacks the' shoul* rea* the Cealth <ageregar*ing Qigraine attacks for sensiti@e souls = %hich e)<lains the reason for some

 <eo<le getting migraine attacks %ith aura colours *uring rescue %ork of earth&oun*e@il s<irit soulsA

L *ifferent le@el of R>S+N> WORZ

t ma'&e that 'ou *o not see colours= &ut instea* 'ou Must ha@e a @er' strong feelingof someone8s earth&oun* s<irit <resence= in %hich case= in e)actl' the same %a' talk to the <erson= as if the' are reall' there= tell them to &elie@e in afterlife= ask them to

 &e calm= trusting that life has <ur<ose an* continuit'= an* in the <rocess of life= no%is the time the' must go to%ar*s the *i@ine %hite light of s<irit %orl*A

Eight a can*le for their soul= &less them an* %ish them %ell= if 'ou %ish D ask 'our 

s<irit gui*es an* hel<ers to take them along their %a' into s<irit %orl* to%ar*s thelightA Ll%a's light a can*le if 'ou sense an' <anicDt'<e feelings= most <eo<le fin*

that lighting a can*le al%a's hel<s to calm the earth&oun* soulA

"Tikun haGilgul"

%%%AtikunimAcom e)<lains the nee* to <ra' for the soul an* ele@ating the soulthrough <ra'ers &' lighting Y can*les an* reciting the "Tikun CaGilgul"A This is the

tra*itional Me%ish %a' of ele@ating souls to%ar*s the >ternal ?i@ine light of S<iritual

Worl* of Souls as taught &' Sefer TikunimA

S<iritual ?e@elo<ment

There are t%o schools of thought= one is that this %ork is left onl' for el*erl' an*learne* <eo<leA The other is the %a' i ha@e &een taught D an* that isVD GO? CLS

G,> ;ON TC> GT O ,SO O ;ONR TCR? >;> D TC> NS> TA

f 'ou ha@e &een &lesse* %ith these gifts= at %hate@er age an* situation 'ou are in=then there must &e &e a *i@inel' or*aine* reasonA t ma' not al%a's initiall' &e

o&@ious %h' 'ou ha@e &een chosen %ith such sensiti@e s<iritual gifts= &ut if 'ou ha@eD it8s a &lessing an* gift %hich 'ou continuall' nee* to %ork on= %ith the su<<ort of 

'our s<irit gui*esA So *o not close the flo% of life energ' through 'our soul &'closing 'ourself off to these giftsA Qa'&e the onl' reason 'ou are ali@e is to &e a

ser@ice to GO? an* s<irit %orl*A

L &lessing of seeing colours

Ofcourse= an* i certainl' ho<e that as 'ou ha@e &een &lesse* %ith the gift of seeingcolours= that 'ou are e)tremel' careful %hom 'ou talk to a&out these matters A Ls a

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%icke* an* horri&le lo%er @i&ration <erson in this %orl* can *amage an* hurt 'our soul D if 'ou are o<en to them A

R>Q>QB>R the stor' of (ose<h in the &i&le= %hen his o%n &rothers the _J sons of 

(aco&= trie* to kill him an* sol* him as a sla@e to >g'<t A Lccor*ing to Re& +haim,ital in his &ook "Shaar Za@anos" = it %as not Must Mealous' of the coat of man'colours= &ut it %as &ecause e@er'one kne% that (ose<h coul* see %ith his TCR?

>;> the colours of s<irit %orl*= an* the' %ere Mealous of this gift A The reference tohis TCR? e'e is in the @erseVD

95/ !6 י95/ !לע9יע

Ln* that %as %h' (aco& ga@e Mose<h the coat of man' colours as a sign that he coul*see the s<irit colours A

O<ening of the Thir* >'e

Lt the &eginning of 'our o<ening u< of 'our thir* e'e= 'ou ma' e@en &e *oing"s<iritual rescue %ork" D %ithout kno%ing itA onetheless as 'ou learn= an* in lifegenerall'= %hen 'our soul nee*s to learn it %ill fin* the right teachers= the fact that

'ou are rea*ing this article is in itself a sign D an* is <ro&a&l' Must clarif'ing %hat 'oualrea*' sense an* kno% A

The rescue %ork can &e e)tremel' *raining= an* sometimes o@er%helmingA Ln*sometimes 'ou ma' think 'ou are going out of 'our min*= &ut Must kee< stea*fast=

focuse* on this %ork an* the gift 'ou ha@e &een &lesse* %ithA Sta' le@elDhea*e* an*TRNST GO? L? SHRT WORE?A f 'ou nee* hel< Must ask GO?= 'our 

s<iritual gui*es an* hel<ers A

 ZLT;L U Nbielכ/י.

Lccor*ing to Rabiel CaQalach the soul grou< calle* "N>E" is al%a's a@aila&le tohel< rescue souls o@er to s<irit %orl*= sim<l' sa' the %or* "N>E" an* 'ou %ill feel

the s<iritual <resence an* energ'A There is a %or* of %arning= if 'ou call N>E tohel<= an* use the energ' selfishl' or *ishonestl' it %ill ha@e a*@erse affect on 'ouA

N>E is the grou< of s<irit souls *esignate* for hel<ing %ith s<iritual rescue %orkA

Lccor*ing to Sefer Shinu'im the soul grou< calle* "ZLT;L" is also al%a's a@aila&leto hel< rescue souls o@er to s<irit %orl*= sim<l' sa' the %or* "ZLT;L" Y times an*'ou %ill feel the s<iritual <resence of rescue %ork souls an* their energ' ele@ating'our auraA The %or* .י/כ ZLT;L means the "GRONH O GO?" is the grou< of 

s<irit souls *esignate* for hel<ing %ith the GO?E; s<iritual rescue %orkA

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L s<iritual rescue %orker= in essence is acting as a me*ium= as one has *e@elo<e*'our soul to <ro@i*e a transfer of lo@e an* life energ' from GO?A Co%e@er= if the

earth&oun* ha* no &elief in GO?= an* %as @acant of all EO,> energ'= then &'TRLS>R>+>= the' ma' ha@e taken a goo* *eal of 'our store* energ'A o% 'ou

sim<l' ask for the flo% of EO,> to continue to flo% through 'ou an* reDcharge theenerg' *e<lete* &' the earth&oun* soulA

n some %a's 'ou ma' e)<erience the *raining effect= as if someone has *ie*= from ali@ing <ersonA This might &e &ecause 'our TCR? >;>= is seeing their soul= an*

ma'&e a%are that the' are @oi* of an' life energ'A n %hich case &e close* to theman* a@oi* <eo<le like that at all costsA These are kno%n as "freeloa*ers" D li@ing life

at the e)<ense of othersA


n S<irit la% there is a <rinci<le calle* "transference"= this term %as intro*uce* &'Hrofessor ?r +arl (ung in Hs'cholog'A n sim<le terms= %hen 'ou go into a sho< an*

 &u' an a<<le 'ou gi@e the mone' in one han* an* recei@e an a<<le A ;ou ha@e ma*e atransfer= e)changing 'our mone' energ' for the sho<s a<<le energ' A Which %hen

'ou eat the a<<le energ' %ill make 'ou feel goo*= ali@e an* ha<<' %ith 'ourself an*the %orl* A ;ou ma' then meet someone an* &ecause 'ou feel ha<<'= %ill also makethem feel ha<<' an* take a%a' some of their sa* feelingA The %hole of societ' an*

mankin* is acting in a %e& of transference an* interaction of energ' A

Similarl'= ha@e 'ou e@er D su**enl' foun* 'our moo* change from &eing all lo@ingan* <eaceful= an* outDofDcharacter 'ou &ecome angr' The e)<lanation is sim<le= &'transference= someone 'ou ha@e Must connecte* %ith= Fit coul* e@en &e the car in frontor &ehin* 'ou in a traffic Mam= or someone in the street %ho has so much frustrationanger or *e<ressionK= has s%a<<e* an* transferre* their anger energ' for 'our lo@e

energ' A

This is es<eciall' true %hen 'ou %alk in the street in or a en@ironment %here 'ou *onot &elong= as the energ' conflicts %ith 'our soul8s le@el A There ma'&e lots of <eo<le

 Mealous of 'our goo* looks or 'our e)u*ing confi*ence= lo@e an* <eace that 'oure<resent A f 'ou are not close* s<irituall' %hen entering such areas= an* therefore in

the same %a' 'ou ma'&e mugge* &' thie@es in &a* neigh&ourhoo*s= in s<irituall'unsuita&le <laces for 'our soul= 'ou are similarl' stolen from A

The energ' of <lanet earth is EO,> energ'= so the *e<letion of energ' is to take from'our reser@oir of EO,>A Ofcourse= &ecause 'ou are <erson full of life an* lo@e= 'oukno% ho% to re<lenish 'our reser@oir of lo@e of life from life itselfA Nnfortunatel'

man' <eo<le *on8t kno%= an* go aroun* stealing others energ'= es<eciall' hea@' reD

incarnate* souls full of hate an* *eath energies %ho kee< getting it %rong \

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Similarl'= if 'ou ha@e &een *raine* &' a s<irituall' "@acant" <erson= ha@ing closurefrom them= %ill make 'ou feel great an* restore 'our @italit'A Whereas the' %ill

 &ecome @er' resentful an* hateful of 'ou as the' sa% 'ou as their source of energ'P*on8t %orr' D it8s "their <ro&lem"= the' %ill ha@e to learn to sto< a&using goo* <eo<le

an* stealing energ'A see full e)<lanation of <rinci<les of "transference"A

B>G +EOS>?

When 'ou *on8t %ant to look at someone= 'ou sim<l' close 'our e'es= or look *o%nASimilarl'= s<irituall' %hen 'ou choose to &e close*= 'ou are sim<l' s%itching off 'ouinner "ra*io" tuner= an* not allo%ing in an' @i&rations to enter 'our soulA This can &e*one sim<l' &' &eing occu<ie* %ith something that takes 'our full concentration or 

focusing on actuall' not allo%ing in an'one8s thoughts to affect 'ou A

?on8t forget s<irituall'= 'ou *on8t ha@e to &e in the same <lace= to%n= cit' or countr'to sense a s<iritual connectionA t is &ase* on the energ' le@el of 'our soulA

(ust focus on the fact that 'ou ha@e a <recious soul insi*e 'ou= an* 'our Mo& is to <rotect it from negati@e outsi*e influencesA n the same %a' 'ou %oul* not connect

%ith infectious <eo<le %ith a *ea*l' *isease= *on8t allo% 'ourself to connect 'our soul %ith theirsA

Olam Casohu D ./ .^ע ל

The >arth&oun* <lane D kno%n also as the LSTRLE <lane

s there a s<irit %orl* %here the *e<arte* "souls" resi*e

What ha<<ens %hen one *ies

Qaterialists= atheists an* ske<tics coul* argue that there is nothing left %hen %e *ieAThe' &elie@e erroneousl' that life is a <urel' &iological <rocessA or them= %hen the

 &o*' *ies= e@er'thing sto<s an* that is the en* of the <ersonalit'A

or some= there is a @ague uncertain something &e'on* the <h'sical *eathA Co%e@er=there are those %ho ha@e no *ou&t that there is a life after the <h'sical *eathA or 

them= there is a s<irit %orl*A D Olam Ca&a .05ע ל

When someone *ies= it &rings home the realit' that one *a' %e %ill all *ieA

Ones <h'sical &o*' houses the s<irit D soul A The &o*' is like a garment %e <ut on%hile %e are ali@e an* %e *iscar* it %hen %e *ie= Must like %e *iscar* our clothesA

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Our soul is attache* to life force of GO?= kno%n as the s<ark of GO? %ithin each of usA This life force <ermeates the <h'sical= the astral= the mental= the s<iritual an* all

le@els of our soulA

When *eath *ra%s close= the soul of a <erson gra*uall' %ith*ra%s itself from theHh'sical &o*' = an* enters the LSTRLE <lane D Olam CaSohu this is not OELQCLBL D the <ure s<irit %orl* = &ut rather an in &et%een %orl* A The %or*s


הותה OELQ CLSOCN D literall' mean Ša %orl* of nothingness‹= not &eing <h'sical or <urel' s<iritualA

The s<irits in the inD&et%eenD%orl* can remain there for a @er' long timeA Nntil the'learn an* acce<t %ithin their soul= a &elief in GO? an* in s<irit %orl*A

The התוהעו  Olam CaSohu D the astral %orl* is a Š<lace‹ %here &eings resi*e

%hen the' are not in the <h'sicalA The <h'sical %orl* is a <lace %here the same t'<esof &eings resi*e %hen the' are not in the astralA The astral %orl* is a com<le) <lacefull of su&tle entra<ments Must like the situations here in this <h'sical %orl*A n onesense it is far more *ece<ti@e than the <h'sical *imension= in much the same %a' as

our *reams are *ece<ti@eA

 o one is %iser Must &ecause the' are from the astral <lane of s<irit %orl*A So *o notlet those from this <lane of s<irit %orl* *ictate to 'ouA This is es<eciall' true %hen

@isiting me*iums or clair@o'ants %ho tell 'ou the' are contacting s<irit %orl*= %hen

in actual fact the' are recei@ing communication from s<irits in the Olam CaSohuastral <laneA

Cence the Torah D the &i&le telling us it is for&i**en to contact the ?>L? from the  התוהעו  Olam CaSohu D astral <lane= as the' can &e untruthful an* mislea*ing as

 <eo<le in this %orl* can &e\ There are mischie@ous entities Œ Must like in the <h'sical%orl*A Some %ill <ut on an air an* im<ersonate a %ise sage= e@en a learne* Ra&&i= a*ecease* relati@e or a goo* frien*= an* %ill tr' to fool 'ou or mani<ulate 'our lifeA

n the התוהעו  Olam CaSohu D astral <lane= one soon learns that e@er'thing is

 &ase* on thoughtsA Thus= the astral &eings can use their thoughts for goo* or e@ilAThe' can *elu*e themsel@es &' creating thought forms %hich a<<ear to &e real an*

continue to li@e in that illusion until the &u&&le &reaks or until the' &ecome &ore* an*restlessA Or the' can utilibe their thought forms to hel< <eo<le the' *amage* *uringtheir life= an* hence release themsel@es from <unishment an* mo@e on to the eternal

?i@ine S<iritual realms of Olam Ca&oA

Qan' of us kno% man' stories of <eo<le %ho *ie* an* %ithin a fe% *a's= %eeks or months of them *'ing their chil*ren= relati@es or frien*s= ha* a change in fortune= or 

foun* their true lo@ing soulmateA t ha* &een &locke* %hilst the' %ere ali@e &' their negati@e thoughts= ho%e@er in their transitional state of Olam CaSohu= in the astral

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 <lane the' recognibe the error of their li@es= an* rectif' an'thing the' can correct for the goo*A Once rectifie* their s<irit is at <eace an* can ele@ate itself out of the

earth&oun* astral <lane an* mo@e to the eternal ?i@ine s<iritual realmsA

"WOQ> an* the OELQ CLSOCN"

emales are more sensiti@e to illusionar' an* *eceitful energies from the OlamCasohu realms= far more than in malesP this is learnt from the %a' that >@e %as

*ecei@e* &' the snake an* cause* L*am to sinA

Ba* L*@ice from Self <roclaime* Qe*iums+lair@o'antsRa&&is

(ust like in this <h'sical %orl*= there are also cheats in the astral %orl* %ho gi@e falseinformation a&out religion an* s<iritualit'A These earth&oun* souls use the

materialistic an* selfish <'schics= me*iums an* clair@o'ants to fool <eo<le into afalse &eliefA This is the reason %h' man' <eo<le %ho go to clair@o'ants often fin*the' get a mi)ture of goo* a*@ice an* &a* a*@ice= &ut the' %ill al%a's ne@er get

_JJ truth from a "fortune teller" %ho takes mone' for a "rea*ing"= an* %ill al%a's &e left more confuse* an* messe*Du< that ha* the not gone for a "rea*ing"A This is

 &ecause these "me*iums" are using earth&oun* soulsA

">arth&oun* souls" faile* there mission in life %hilst the' %ere ali@e= an* henceremain earth&oun*= their soul intention is to cause other <eo<le to fail in their <ur<ose

in lifeA Such souls use &a* souls to cause the same t'<e of &a* resultA Cence there arethose in this <h'sical *imension %ho su<<ort an* s<rea* the same t'<e of falseinformation to lea* <eo<le astra' an* to si*etrack the true searchers of s<iritual truth A

There are e@il earth&oun* souls in the astral as %ell as in the <h'sical *imension arethere to tra< others %ith their liesA Thus= it is @er' *ifficult to &reak out of this tightl'

%o@en scam unless 'ou *o some serious thinking 'ourself instea* of s%allo%inge@er'thing 'ou are &eing tol*A This a<<lies to &rain%ashing religions= some Ra&&isan* Re&&es %ho ha@e &ecome corru<t= materialistic an* o@er fill themsel@es %ith

 <h'sical <leasuresA

Q' Re&&e al%a's taught me to trust a thin looking= <oorl' *resse* an* mo*est Ra&&iPmuch more than a fat %ellDfe* ra&&i %ho li@es in an e)<ensi@e house= *ri@inge)<ensi@e car an* taking a huge salar'= going on e)<ensi@e holi*a' etc etc AAA

"freeloa*ing" from the communit' he is su<<ose* to ser@e for no <ersonal materialgain \

The i*entif'ing uestion to see the sincerit' of me*iums= clair@o'ants an* e@enRa&&is= is to ask= %oul* the' still %ant to ser@e their communities TC>; ??

 OT G>T HL?= an* %oul* the' *o there %ork com<letel' incognito ha@e ne@er hear* of a me*ium %ho gi@es an'one a "rea*ing" for free ha@e 'ou

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?o the' *o S<iritual Rescue %ork %here there is no re%ar* nor <h'sical &enefit as%e all ha@e kno%n some &a* ra&&is ministers %ho refuse to %ork on their *a's8

offAAA ask 'ourself AA"is there a *a'Doff from ser@ing GO? "

Our Euck' Generation

The generations since Re& +haim ,ital Fa&out `JJ 'ears agoK %ho %rote sefer gilgulim ha@e &ecome more a%are= through the %riting an* <rinting of this s<iritual


Cence &eing %arne* a&out these entities foreDarms an* <rotects a <ersonA n our lifetime %e ho<e that enough <eo<le %ill &ecome enlightene* i*ealisticall'= an* hel< &ring a&out <urit' of all the s<iritual realms so that %hen %e *o lea@e this <h'sical%orl* there %ill &e no more "sto<o@ers" in Olam Casohu D Lstral <lane Œ an* %e can

all go straight COQ> to <ure OELQ CLBO D to GO? A

Qa' 'ou= %hen 'our a<<ointe* time comes= &e amongst the fortunate ones to lea@ethis %orl* at 'our *estine* time= ha@ing successfull' accom<lishe* 'our mission in

this life an* go straight o@er to OELQ CLBO D to the >ternal ?i@ine S<iritualRealms of GO?A

"The Three Ze's of Reincarnation" 

"The Ze's /#4/!3" U "The Gates "שעיRe& +haim ,ital e)<lains all the as<ects an* facets of Reincarnation in terms of "Ze's"U "Gates"= un*erstan*ing that unlocking the secrets to ones <ast life= an* un&locking the

s<iritual &locks to ones soul is like o<ening a locke* GLT>A The Z>; to unlock theGLT> is %is*om an* kno%le*ge= the Z>; is a single thought in ones min* an* soulA

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To o<en an enormous *oor= 'ou onl' nee* a tin' ke'A To sol@e a &affling m'ster'= 'ouonl' nee* a small clueA t ma' seem as if something @ast an* *aunting is <re@enting 'ou

from making <rogress= naturall' enough= 'ou are contem<lating &ig mo@esA

;et all 'ou reall' reuire is a little <iece of informationA L %or* or t%o from the right <ersonA Ln i*ea from the right <art of 'our o%n imaginationA Ln insight from the right

section of the li&rar'A L seemingl' tri@ial *isco@er' is a&out to make a @er' &ig*ifferenceA These <ieces of kno%le*ge are kno%n as the Z>;S of ReincarnationA

"The Three Ze's of Reincarnation"Re& +haim ,ital e)<lains that all of mankin*= that is >,>R;O> of us= e@er' single

reincarnate* soul in the %hole %orl*= are here to correct LEE Y Z>;S of ReincarnationA

or some %ho ha@e easil' o@ercome these as<ects in <re@ious li@es= the' %ill &e a&le toeasil' o@ercome them again in this lifeP for those %ho faile* in <re@ious lifetimes it %ill &e @itall' im<ortant that one succee*s in o@ercoming these Y as<ects in this lifetimeother%ise one %ill not &e a&le to li@e the life one8 soul is trul' *estine* to li@e %ith

ali@eness= ha<<iness an* <eace of min* %ith ones true lo@ing Soulmate %ith thes<iritualit' of L*am U >@e in the Gar*en of >*enA

Re& +haim ,ital e)<lains that these "Y Ze's of Reincarnation" affect e@er' <erson &ornin this <h'sical life an* ha@e al%a's &een affecting LEE of Cumanit' since L*am U >@e

sinne*= &' correcting these Y as<ects one is actuall' "going &ack" in time in the %orl*=

un*oing the mistakes of <ast generation an* returning to uto<ia to the time as far &ack asL*am U >@e 70.#4# in the Gar*en of >*en= the ultimate correction of ones soulA

>ach of these Y as<ects nee* to &e heale* in the re@erse or*er the' occurre* in the %orl*F%e e)<lain %hat "re@erse or*er " means &elo%K to make the <erfect s<iritual correction

for ones soul= then one %ill %ill &e <erfectl' rea*' to &e s<irituall' enlightene* %ithones true Soulmate to the le@el of L*am U >@e as the' %ere enlightene* in the Gar*en

of >*enA

_A #7573. The +om<lainersP these are <eo<le %ho are ne@er ha<<' nor satisfie* %ith

life= <eo<le %ho ne@er a<<reciate or sa' "thank 'ou"= nor sho% an' gratitu*e for an'thingA +om<lainers are naturall' "gree*'" an* al%a's *esire something that is not

theirs= &ecause the' are ne@er content %ith that %hich the' ha@e an* feel the nee* to takefrom other <eo<leA

XA #7.$ל!. The LtheistsP <eo<le %ho *en' the e)istence of GO?= *en' an e)istence a>ternal ?i@ine +reator of the Nni@erse= *en' the e)istence of an afterlife an* *en' the

e)istence of a s<iritual SoulA

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YA #7#53. The WastefulP <eo<le %hom are %asteful %ith the gift of life are in*ee* selfD*estro'ing themsel@es an* *estro'ing their o%n soulsA Such *estructi@e <eo<le are oftenso *raining= negati@e an* *estructi@e that the' *esire to *estro' other <eo<les li@es tooA

_st Ze' of Reincarnation D The +om<lainers_A #7573. The +om<lainersP a com<lainer is someone %ho is ne@er ha<<' nor satisfie*%ith life= <eo<le %ho ne@er a<<reciate nor sa' "thank 'ou"= nor sho% an' gratitu*e for an'thingA +om<lainers are naturall' "gree*'" an* al%a's *esire something that is not

theirs= &ecause the' are ne@er content %ith that %hich the' ha@e an* feel the nee* to takefrom other <eo<leA

"+om<lainers" usuall' reflect characters of gree*' an* selfish "takers" in a manner of 

chil*ren that are inca<a&le of looking after themsel@esA The' ha@e not learnt to "gro%Du<"= hence the' continue to take from others %ithout gi@ing or creatingA

./#7573י]9# The Wa' to +orrect

The _st Ze' of Reincarnation/#7573. The %a' to correct the _st Ze' of Reincarnation is of "+om<laining Uי]9#

ngratitu*e" is to sa' "TCLZ ;ON" to e@er'one an* for e@er'thing one has in oneslifeA

>@er'one in the %orl* has this inherent character= %e ha@e all com<laine* a&outsomething or someone in our lifeP the secret of the _st Ze' of Reincarnation is to STOH

+OQHELG= learn to see the goo*ness in e@er'one an* e@er'thingA

 aturall' some <eo<le mature earlier than others= to the e)tent that goo* chil*ren areless selfish than man' a*ults= that8s sim<l' &ecause this facet has alrea*' &een heale* in

 <re@ious lifetimes= an* the last remnant of "com<laining" in their soul is era*icate* at an

earl' ageA

Re& +haim ,ital %rites that unfortunatel' (e%ish souls that are reincarnate* from thegeneration of (e%ish <eo<le %ho %an*ere* the %il*erness ha@e the most *ifficult

reincarnationP an* for them this _st Ze' of Reincarnation is the OE; challenge an*correction of their %hole li@es= once the' STOH com<laining an* sincerel' sho%

gratitu*e for e@er'thing in their li@es= the' %ill &e &lesse* to enter the eui@alent to the"Hromise* Ean*" in their li@es to*a'= other%ise their li@es %ill kee< going aroun* an*

aroun* in circles until the' STOH +OQHELGA

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O@erla<<ing in this categor' is GOSSHG= as <eo<le %ho com<lain naturall' ten* toGOSSH= talk a&out= lie= slan*er an* a&use the <o%er of s<eech= therefore to rectif' this

_st Ze' of Reincarnation one shoul* learn to correct the <o%er of ones s<eechA

The Origins of the #7573. +om<lainers

Origins of The _st Ze' of Reincarnation

The origins of the name an* title of the _st Ze' of Reincarnation comes from #7573.the Generation of the (e%ish <eo<le %ho %an*ere* the %il*erness for `J 'earsA The

%hole generation that ha* &een sla@es in >g'<t= ha* &een free* &' GO? an* Qoses %ithmiracle after miracle= an* still ha* an inherent ingratitu*e an* una<<reciation for %hat

ha* ha<<ene* in their li@es that the' +OQHEL>? against GO?A

The e)tent of their ingratitu*e %as to attem<t to kill Qoses the one %hom le* them outof sla@er'= the' e@en %ante* to return to the sla@er' life the' ha* in >g'<tA

>ach time the' com<laine*= GO? *i* create miracles to kee< them uiet an* to see if the' %oul* e@entuall' learn to a<<reciate GO?= such as fee*ing them %ith "Qanna fromCea@en" e@er'*a'= ho%e@er %hen com<laine* a&out the "Hromise* Ean*" the' erre* inthe &iggest mistake of their li@es= together %ith ser@ing the Gol*en +alf F%hich %as like

a *eclaration that the Gol*en +alf ha* ma*e miracle for them an* OT GO?K= the

>ternal ?i@ine GO? sai* ">ONGC %as >ONGC"= an* their souls %ere con*emne*to learn the lesson of gratitu*e an* a<<reciation for eternit'A

OE; %hen ones soul has learnt the lesson of gratitu*e an* a<<reciation %ill one feelthe _st *oor of reincarnation o<enA

Re& +haim ,ital e)<lains that e@er'one shoul* TCLZ GO? for e@er'thing one hase@er' moment of e@er'*a' of ones life to al%a's kee< the GLT>WL; o<enA >@er'

morning %hen %e a%ake there are &lessings an* <ra'ers to TCLZ GO? for the gift of lifeA

The nee* to continuall' sa' TCLZ ;ON is @itall' im<ortant es<eciall' if one feelssa*= *e<resse* an* has a lack of @italit'= %hich are signs that the flo% of s<iritual lifeD

energ' into ones soul is th%arte* an* &locke*A The _st Ze' of Reincarnation nee*s to &euse*= uite sim<l' the %a' to OH> NH the gate of to sa' "TCLZ ;ON" an*

a<<reciate e@er'thing one hasA

We e)<lain the im<ortance an* necessit' of Sa'ing "TCLZ ;ON" on Cea@ensRegister %e&siteA

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uote* from Sefer Shaar Gilgulim Cak*oma XX 5כ .37[.  שע$ ל$#לי

Re& +haim ,ital e)<lains in the te)t a&o@e that if one *oesn8t &reak the _st Ze' of Reincarnation after I reincarnations then a <erson 4#לש# = %ill &e reincarnate* into an

animal that is una&le to s<eak or e@en %orse into an inanimate o&Mect= like a tree or aleafA

Therefore %e all nee* to &e a%are of the conseuences of a&using our <o%er of s<eech=%e all ha@e a res<onsi&ilit' to use the <o%er of s<eech %isel' using it to LEWL;S sa'

TCLZ ;ON GO? for e@er'thing %e ha@e in our li@esA

Xn* Ze' of Reincarnation D The onDBelie@ers

XA #7.$ל!. The LtheistsP <eo<le %ho *en' the e)istence of GO?= *en' an e)istence a>ternal ?i@ine +reator of the Nni@erse= *en' the e)istence of an afterlife an* *en' the

e)istence of a s<iritual SoulA

This Xn* Ze' of reincarnation to &elie@e in GO? a<<lies to e@er'one in the %hole%orl*A Ls %e gro% u<= it is onl' our in*i@i*ual <ersonal e)<eriences= inner feelings an*

 &elief s'stem that %ill gui*e us to either &elie@e or not &elie@e in GO?A

Re& +haim ,ital e)<lains that there are *ifferent un*erstan*ing an* le@els in "Belief of GO?" A The #1#5של#ע  FRi&&ono Shel OlamK= is the Qaster an* +reator of the %hole

Nni@erse an* of an infinite >ternal ?i@ine S<iritual %orl* of soulsA

Ls a <erson matures an* gro%s in %is*om an* e)<eriences ones <erce<tion of GO?comes closer to the truthP as a chil* %e imagine* GO? as a man %ith a long saintl'%hite &ear*= as %e mature %e kno% GO? has no image nor structure as %e coul*

 <ossi&l' <ercei@e %ith a limite* <h'sical ca<a&ilities= instea* %e all e@entuall' see thetruth that GO? is >,>R;TCGA

>,>R;TCG %e see in the %hole uni@erse is GO?= %e are all actuall' Must a <art of the Oneness of GO?A Lll the <lanets= stars in the sk'= the infinite s<ace in the Nni@erse

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an* to the smallest of cells in our &o*' are <art of the same Oneness of GO?A We are allconnecte* &ecause %e are all <art of GO?A GO? is >,>R;TCGA

.!ל$./#7י]9# The Wa' to +orrect

The Xn* Ze' of ReincarnationTime an* concentrate* s<iritual thinking ena&le us to correct the Xn* Ze' of 

ReincarnationP as %e e)<erience life an* mature %e o<en u< the locke* *oorP %e start to <ercei@e the >ternal nfinite ?i@ine +reator of the Nni@erse= %e o<en u< s<irituall' tosense our inner soul= %e sense our Guar*ian Lngels an* &elie@e in the eternal ?i@ine

s<iritual realms of soulsA

Nsuall' %hen someone %e lo@e *ies an* <asses to S<irit %orl* are <erce<tion of GO?an* of S<iritualit' changes= these emotions an* inner feelings are *e@elo<e* for 

e@er'one uniuel' as one senses that their s<iritual soul still continues its e)istenceA

The %a' to correct the Xn* Ze' of Reincarnation is to "think" s<irituall'= un*erstan*sincerel' the s<iritualit' of life= the e)istence of a soul= the e)istence of afterlife an*most im<ortantl' the e)istence of GO? D The #1#5של#ע  FRi&&ono Shel OlamK= theQaster an* +reator of the %hole Nni@erse an* of an infinite >ternal ?i@ine S<iritual

%orl* of soulsA

0 /0 05ל. ^3 ^0י  עי1יכ 3 ^0ש Eift u< 'our e'es to%ar*s the hea@ens= an* look D "Who create* these stars U Hlanets"

Take a moment to look at the Stars= the Qoon an* sk' at night= then think "%ho create*these" +ontem<late the @astness of infinite s<ace in our amabing Nni@erse= it is almost

im<ossi&le to think of the greatness of the #1#5של#ע  FRi&&ono Shel OlamK= the Qaster 

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an* +reator of the %hole Nni@erse= as it reall' is amabingl' infiniteA The @astness %e seeis Must a small as<ect of GO? D so ho% on earth can %e *en' the e)istence of GO?

The Origins of the #7.$ל!. on Belie@ers

The Xn* Ze' of ReincarnationLfter the generation of the floo* in the time of oah= %hen the %hole %orl* e)ce<t oahan* his famil' <erishe*= the <eo<le in the follo%ing generations Fsee Genesis cha<ter __K

 &egan to uestion the e)istence of GO?= the' *enie* the e)istence of GO? an**eman*e* "real" <roof that GO? e)iste*A Therefore the' &uilt a to%er so tall in the sk'

to tr' an* reach the hea@ens a&o@e= an* "fin*" GO?= as the' &uilt higher an* higher the'

sa% nothing an* starte* to con@ince themsel@es that there is O GO?= in their e'esGO? *oesn8t e)ist= s<irit %orl* *oesn8t e)ist an* nothing s<iritual e)istsA

The' &elie@e* that if one coul*n8t see something or ha@e <h'sical <roof then it *oesn8te)istA The' %ere com<letel' earthl' an* nonDs<iritualA The' %ere kno%n as 5עי]כ#!י

"*en'ing the e)istence of GO? an* of S<iritual Worl* of Souls"A

L++>HT there is a GO? \

Reincarnate* souls that fail to &reak the Xn* Ze' of Reincarnation %ill continue toreincarnate %ith the challenge an* inner struggle of &elief @ersus nonD&elief until the'L++>HT there is a GO?A Once the' acce<t %ithout an' arguments nor *e&ate nor 

uestioning= &ut sim<l' L++>HT the fact that there is a GO? an* an >ternal ?,>s<iritual realm of souls then the Xn* gate is o<ene*A

Re& +haim ,ital e)<lains that if one fails to use ones free%ill choice to B>E>,> inGO? after I reincarnations then ones soul %ill &e reincarnate* into a stone or a rock=

%hich e)ists fore@er= tra<<e* an* locke* %ith no life energ'A

Re& +haim ,ital e)<lains that %hen ,olcanoes eru<t an* the heat of hell s<e%s forth itsmolten la@a= such liui* la@a %hen it cools forms rocks= such rocks are of reincarnate*

souls of nonD&elie@ersA Ofcourse these e)<lanations shoul* i*eall' &e rea* in *e<th in theSefer Gilgulim U Shaar Gilgulim Cak*oma XX U XIA

Yr* Ze' of Reincarnation .3ש4י/י

The Wasteful U Self ?estructi@e .3ש4י/י

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YA #7#53. The WastefulP <eo<le %hom are %asteful %ith the gift of life are in*ee* selfD*estro'ing themsel@es an* *estro'ing their o%n soulsA Such *estructi@e <eo<le are oftenso *raining= negati@e an* *estructi@e that the' *esire to *estro' other <eo<les li@es tooA

This Yr* Ze' of Reincarnation is <ro&a&l' the most challenging an* *ifficult as<ect of reincarnation= an* 'et the most re%ar*ing as once one has o@ercome this Yr* Gate of 

Reincarnation= success means that ones soul has arri@e* at the le@el of L*am U >@e inthe Gar*en of >*enA

Lt this stage e@er'thing in ones life %ill &e <erfect= one %ill ha@e an inner <eace= one%ill &e %ith an* merit ones true hel<ful Soulmate= li@ing in the right <lace for ones soul=

fulfilling ones true <ur<ose in life an* li@ing %ith com<lete s<iritual enlightenmentA

The Qeaning of Yr* Ze' of Reincarnationי  .3ש4י/

The Wasteful U Self ?estructi@e .3ש4י/יRe& +haim ,ital e)<lains that the Yr* Ze' of Reincarnation 3.= the "Wasteful Uש4י/י

Self ?estructi@e 3." refers to the %aste of an'thing an* e@er'thingA Ce %rites thatש4י/יif one is a %asteful <erson in one as<ect of ones life then one is <ro&a&l' %asteful in

man' other as<ects= the challenge of the Yr* Ze' of Reincarnation is OT to %astean'thingA

Re& +haim ,ital e)<lains the %asteful an* selfD*estructi@e as<ect s<ecificall' refers tose)ual %aste= an'one %ho mastur&ates an* %astes se)ual energ' is &locking their o%n

lifeA The Yr* gate is ke<t close* to all those %ho %aste se)ual energ'A

The <ur<ose of se)ual energ' is to make lo@e %ith ones true lo@ing soulmate ones%ifehus&an*= it is OT <ermitte* to &e %aste*A The flo% of se)ual energ' an* see* is

%hen a man an* %oman are connecte* together in the OE; O> correct %a'= that is a

man on to< of a %oman facing each other= l'ing *o%n in a &e*= %ith his erect <enisinsi*e a %oman8s @aginaA We e)<lain the fullness an* reasons accor*ing to Re& +haim

,ital on correct se)ual &eha@iour in the section of "Se)ual Cealth"A

OE; %hen a <erson un*erstan*s the @alue of ones soul= an* refuses to %aste se)ualenerg'= hence refuses to %aste an'thing in life then one has o@ercome the Yr* Ze' of 

Reincarnation= an* has reache* the le@el of <ure s<iritual enlightenmentA

./#7#53י]9# The Wa' to +orrect theי  .3ש4י/

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Yr* Ze' of ReincarnationThe &iggest challenge for e@er'one is to o@ercome the senseless %asteful urges of life

energ' an* %aste of timeA Re& +haim ,ital %rites if one %ishes to o@ercome thischallenge one shoul* start %ith an' <art of ones lifeP %here@er one is either %asting time

or %asting energ'= recognibe this an* STOH WLSTGA

Wasting is S>E ?>STRN+T,> as it creates a &lockage in ones life= it takes a gift of life energ' that one is &lesse* %ith an* *estro's this energ'A When a <erson %astes

an'thing a <erson is *eclaring that the' *on8t %ant something to &e gi@en to them as the'%ill onl' suan*er an* %asteA

Re& +haim ,ital states that the &iggest %aste of all mankin* is the "%aste of time"P

 <eo<le are %asting the gift of lifeA Start &' using ones time %isel'= then use e@er'thingone has in ones life %isel'= there&' sen*ing one8s soul the message that one is O longer %asting lifeA Then magicall' one8s life %ill start to change= the Yr* Ze' of Reincarnation

is no% correcte*A

./#7#53י]9# The Wa' to +orrect the 3. = self *estructi@e an* %asteful nature isש4י/יto @alue the im<ortance of getting this Yr* as<ect of Reincarnation correcte* in ones lifeA

This is the secret to getting e@er'thing one trul' nee*s in ones life= it %ill &ring great &lessing= a feeling of <erfection= cleanliness= <urit' %ith a ra*iant s<iritual inner <eaceA

Then one %ill &e &lesse* to &e %ith an* merit ones true hel<ful Soulmate= li@ing in theright <lace for ones soul= fulfilling ones true <ur<ose in life an* li@ing %ith com<lete

s<iritual enlightenment D this is the Yr* Ze' of ReincarnationA

The Origins of the #7#53. the .3ש4י/י

The Yr* Ze' of Reincarnation

The generation of the floo* %ho %ere <romiscuous= %aste* their se)ual energ'= %aste*e@er'thing the' ha* in life= %aste* the gift of life an* suan*ere* the time the' ha* onearthA Ls uote* in Genesis +ha<ter A Their %astefulness lea* them to arrogance thatthere %as no <unishment for their attitu*e or &a* &eha@iourA The' ha* the arrogance to

 &elie@e the' coul* *o %hate@er the' %ante* an* %oul* ne@er get <unishe*A This instille*a sense of la%lessness= hence <eo<le felt threatene*= mur*er an* theft %as <re@alent in

their societ'A Cence the' selfD*estro'e* themsel@esA Our *ut' is to correct this fatalmistake= sto< %asting an* sto< selfD*estro'ing oursel@esA

The Y Ze's _= X an* Y

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We LEE ee* to +orrect these Y Ls<ects 

י#024ל5#20יעש.0ש7j05י]0י709כי>cclesiastes D Zohelles @erse XJ

Re& +haim ,ital e)<lains an* em<hasibes that e@er'one in e@er' generation= %e ha@e allsinne* in these Y as<ects that is %h' %e ha@e &een &orn an* reincarnate* in this <h'sicallife in or*er to correct our mistakes from <re@ious lifetimesP %e all nee* to regret %hat

%e ha@e *one in this lifetime an* <re@ious lifetimes in these Y as<ectsA

Then %e nee* to era*icate com<letel' these &a* as<ects= refine= ele@ate an* correct our souls for all of eternit' in all of these Y as<ects= to raise our s<iritualit' to the le@el of "L*am U >@e in the Gar*en of >*en" &efore the' sinne*= an* therefore ne@er nee* to

reincarnate to correct these Y fun*amental ke's of reincarnationA

The Re@erse Or*er

Re& +haim ,ital e)<lains that ach of these Y as<ects nee* to &e heale* in the re@erseor*er the' occurre* in the %orl*= as %e are tr'ing to rollD&ack time to the uto<ia an*

 <erfection of L*am U >@e in the Gar*en of >*enA This is the ultimate correction an*cleansing of our souls= the <ur<ose that our souls reincarnate* to earthA

The Re%ar* for +orrecting

The Y Ze's of Reincarnation

One %ill &e &lesse* to &e %ith an* merit ones true hel<ful Soulmate= li@ing in the right <lace for ones soul= fulfilling ones true <ur<ose in life an* li@ing %ith com<lete s<iritualenlightenment D this is the Yr* Ze' of ReincarnationA One %ill ha@e &roken the c'cle of 

Reincarnation an* <re<are* ones soul for a life in the s<iritual %orl*A

Qa' GO? D The #1#5של#ע  FRi&&ono Shel OlamK= the Qaster an* +reator of the %holeNni@erse an* of an infinite >ternal ?i@ine S<iritual %orl* of souls gi@e each an*

e@er'one on earth the strength an* a&ilit' to o<en the Y gates of Reincarnation %ith the Yke's of reincarnationA Lmen A

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"The Ze's of Eife"Re& +haim ,ital e)<lains that unlike the "Y ke's of reincarnation" %hich focus on

cleansing ones soul from <astDlife mistakes= "The Ze's of Eife" ena&le e@er'one to *oe@er'thing the' %ant to in this lifeA

"The Ze's of Eife" are entruste* %ith s<irituall' enlightene* souls %ho ha@e arri@e* atthe s<iritual soul le@el of "+ha'a" an* ";echi*a"P as the >ternal ?i@ine +reator of theNni@erse kno%s that these s<irituall' enlightene* <eo<le= referre* to as "Guar*ians of 

Qankin*" %ill use these ke's %isel' an* selflessl'A

"   י 407#$!. Behin* the ,eil"Re& +haim ,ital e)<lains that the state of s<iritualit' %hen one has full' correcte* ones

soul= an* that there is no longer a single thought of hatre*= anger or "*eath" energ' inones soul= then one has ele@ate* ones soul so high that one is a&o@e this <h'sical %orl*=

it8s *ece<tion an* materialistic @alues= that one onl' sees e@er'thing clearl' from as<iritual <ers<ecti@eA This ele@ation of ones soul is kno%n has &eing a&le to see "י40

7#$!. Behin* the ,eil"= like rising a&o@e the clou*s in a <lane= once the <lane has <asse*through the clou*s one can su**enl' see clearl'A

When a <erson can see clearl' from a s<iritual <ers<ecti@e= a <erson is a&le to

un*erstan* the meaning of life an* the reasons %h' things ha<<enA Nn*erstan*ing an*acce<ting that e@er'thing has a ?,> <lan in or*er to rectif' soulsA

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The Ze's of Eife means >@er' Hra'er isLns%ere*

Re& +haim ,ital e)<lains that e@er' <erson %hom has arri@e* at this s<iritual le@el isa&le to ha@e >,>R; <ra'er ans%ere*= this is the meaning of ha@ing the "Ze's of Eife"A

The <o%er of s<eech is the most s<ecial gift that humans are gi@enP sill' <eo<le %astethe <o%er of s<eech in talking nonsense= gossi<= lies an* fri@olous con@ersations= this is

a %aste of lifeP hence for such <eo<le the' fin* it @er' *ifficult to ha@e their <ra'ersans%ere* as the' kee< themsel@es stuckA

S<irituall' enlightene* souls are careful %ith e@er' %or* the' s<eak= as the' "kno%" that

the ke' to ha@ing ones <ra'ers ans%ere* is to &e careful %ith the <o%er of s<eechA

Ca@ing an* &eing in <ossession of the ke's of life is *e<en*ant on one8s s<eechA Nse it%isel'= <ro<erl'= constructi@el' an* s<irituall' then one %ill ha@e all of ones <ra'ers

ans%ere*A L&use the <o%er of s<eech an* one %ill fin* ones s<iritualit' *ro< &elo% "theclou*s of the @eil"= fin*ing it *ifficult to <ra'A

Be +areful %ith ones <o%er of SH>>+C

.05לע ל4ל]ל0י.AAAA9לש !3.9כל"One %ho s<eaks gossi< Fe@en if its trueK against another loses their right to hisher 

*estine* <lace in s<irit %orl*" Fn Talmu* Sanhe*rin <age dJaKA

The Hro<het >liMah in Tana ?e@ei >li'ahu teaches us that gossi<ing an* telling lies= ruinsan* corru<ts a <ersons soul= to the e)tent that *isru<ti@e an* &locking Lngels are gi@en

to the <erson= to &lock their li@esA This is a *irect conseuence that the <erson has a&use*the <o%er of hisher s<eech through lies= *eceit slan*er an* gossi<ing= then a <ersons

 <ra'ers are not ans%ere*A

Together %ith Re& +haim ,itals teachings in later generations this em<hasis on "<o%er of s<eech" &ecame are the main focus of the teachings of the +hofetb +haim an* Ra&&i


The reme*' is sim<l'= &e %ise an* careful %ith the <o%er of one8s s<eechA Then one %illrise to the s<iritual le@el to ha@e all of ones <ra'ers ans%ere*A

"The Ze's of Eife"

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>@er'one %hom has the "The Ze's of Eife" instincti@el' kno%s to %hen to use the <o%er of <ra'er= naturall' one %ill not interfere %ith or change certain as<ects of 

"*estin'"P ho%e@er if one feels that the lessons ha@e &een learnt &' the <erson= or that a <erson *oesn8t nee* to learn certain *ifficult lessons that one %ho has the "Ze's of Eife"

can make things ha<<en "magicall'" that can take a%a' <ain an* sufferingA

The un*ertaking &' the &eneficiar' must &e to ha@e the same en*Dresult as the' %oul*ha@e ha*= ha* the' gone through the <ain an* suffering= then one is not consi*ere* to &e

interferring %ith *estin'A

n certain circumstance one can change *estin'= <ro@i*e* this has an en* result of making this %orl* a more s<irituall' enlightene* <lace an* the souls in it ha@e &ecome

more ele@ate* s<irituall'A

This is trul' consi*ere* to &e using the "Ze's of Eife" %isel' %ith the &lessing of GO?A

"?,> Success"The secret for ?,> success an* goo* fortune is to li@e a <ur<oseful= selfless life in

ser@ice of GO? as e)<laine* in Book of Hsalms +ha<ter _ VD

ילי  ./[!0

שעי5ע./jל-ל00ש0.י0שי -75#י0240ל73ע5ש#35#יjל0ל5שי#ליל.י3#י.$.#j!4#/#/5#י.#.0/#/5כי


Qa' it &e the %ill of GO? that %e all ele@ate our souls to &e entruste* %ith the

Ze's of Eife 

Eearning to Sa' "Thank ;ou"

Nn&locking ones life &' sa'ing ŠThank ;ouGO?‹

The continuous flo% of lifes energ' is *e<en*ant on the recognition an* sa'ing thesim<le %or*s ŠTCLZ ;ON‹A B' sa'ing Šthank 'ou‹ for an'thing an* e@er'thing that

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is in ones life= is a sign of a<<reciation to the "&enefactor"= that one has recei@e* theenerg' of life an* %ishes to continue the flo%A

t is the &est %a' to release an' a%k%ar* situation an* *ifficulties one has= &' genuinel'coming to the le@el of a<<reciation for e@er'thing in ones life is the &est %a' to sho%one is no% rea*' to Šmo@e on‹ to the ne)t stage of lifeA Eike%ise the &est %a' to sta'

attache* to a situation= <erson or <lace is &' com<lainingA

B' gi@ing thanks for e@er' situation an* seeing the goo* in e@er'thing= this %ill reflects<irituall' in ones soul is no% learning an* <rogressing for%ar* in lifeA

The irst m<ression

What are the first %or*s an* uestions ne% acuaintance asks 'ou Co% *i* 'ou react to'our first encounter %ith that ne% <erson in 'our life These as<ects i*entifies thecharacter of the <erson an* of 'our relationshi< %ith themA >ither the' %ill &e a Šgi@er‹=

Štaker‹= user or a&user= honest or *eceitful= constructi@e or *estructi@e= ha<<' or sa*=goo* or &a* or someone 'our can create life energ' %ithA

When one meets someone ne%= the first %or*s the' e@er sa'= i*entifies their character to'ouA Whate@er the first im<ression is to 'ou= this is engraine* in 'our min* an* soulA

Eike%ise= 'our first im<ression to others has the same affectA

>ach <erson is i*entifie* &' the %or*s the' useA Heo<le %hom 'ou meet= if the firstuestion the' ask 'ou is %ork &usiness relate*= this is a reflection on their character thatis %hat TC>; are concerne* %ith D materialism A f a <erson asks 'ou a&out 'our health=

%elfare or something of im<ortance then the' are genuinel' concerne* for 'ou= thisreflects their kin*nessA f the' are using negati@e %or*s an* com<laining D then RN

LWL; from them= the' are &a*\ f the' are using <ositi@e constructi@e= lo@ing an* kin*%or*s D the' are goo*\

The irst ?ateP %hen *ating= the uestions <eo<le ask 'ou are more im<ortant than theans%ersA The uestions Šthe *ate‹ is asking are the <rimar' concerns the <erson hasA ?o

the' continuall' %ant to kno% 'our financial status= career= Mo& an* materialistic i*eals=or are the' concerne* %ith the charita&le@oluntar' %ork 'ou *o to hel< others

*entif' them D Lre the' +onstructi@e or ?estructi@e

The %orl* nee*s all kin*s of <eo<le= an* ma'&e a <erson feels goo* amongstmaterialistic an* the Šshallo% min*e* <eo<le‹ %hom li@e for the animalistic <leasures of 

to*a'= an* not thinking for a single moment in an'thing s<iritual= that is their <ro&lem

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an* their chosen stage of life= Must &e%are that the' *ont influence 'ou an* *ont 'ou Moin such a shallo% grou< of <eo<leA

or those <eo<le %ho are seeking an* searching for a <ur<osefull' enli@ene* life on anenlightene* <ath%a'= then it is of @ital im<ortance to i*entif' the characters of <eo<le

one meets as soon as <ossi&leP attaching %ith the goo* an* a<<reciati@e= running a%a' UŠha@ing closure‹ from the trou&le* an* com<laining t'<eA

Going Lroun* in Š+ircles‹ is a Hunishmentfor +om<laining

The S<iritual conce<t that going aroun* in circles in life is a <unishment for 

com<laining= as the rule if one *oesn8t sto< com<laining then life %ill gi@e a <ersonreasons to com<lain a<<liesA Eearning to &reak the c'cle &' STOH com<laining= learningto a<<reciate life an* gi@e TCLZS\

The Book of Reincarnation Sefer Gilgulim e)<lains that all souls that ha@e &eenreincarnate* are here to learn the lesson to a<<reciate the goo*ness of life= an* to

o@ercome the urge of Š+OQHELG‹ against GO? for the life one hasA The reason a <erson has the life one has= is in or*er to learn the lesson of a<<reciation= as it coul*

al%a's &e far %orse\

n Sefer Gilgulim= the Book of Reincarnation= these com<laining souls are referre* to assouls from the Š%il*erness #7573. ‹ D com<lainers ע 11י /3 = %hom GO? <unishe* &'letting them %an*er aroun* in circles in the %il*erness for `J 'ears as a <unishment for 

com<lainingA This is a lesson for e@er'one= the <unishment of feeling stagnate* an*%an*ering aroun* in circles in life= %ithout reall' accom<lishing an'thing= i*entifies to

ones soul an urgent nee* to change D onl' one as<ect of ones life VD


This is the sim<le s<iritual la% for a successful U <ur<oseful life of inner ha<<iness U <eace &' sim<l' ŠSto< com<laining‹A Eearning to &e grateful an* ha<<' for e@er'thing

that ha<<ens in life is one of the most im<ortant lessons in life for s<iritual <rogressA

ל  כ !לי9   AAA .53ע5 2י^י

ŠOne %ho com<lains a&out <ro&lems then

the <ro&lems are *ou&le*‹

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f one *oes OT change= the Book 01/57^.יל0 Tana ?e@ei >li'ahu sa's= Šone %hocom<lains a&out <ro&lems then the <ro&lems are *ou&le*‹A The %hole <ur<ose of <ain

an* <ro&lems is to %ake a <erson u< SHRTNLEE;A f one has not %oken u<= thenmore <ain is sent to tr' an* %ake u< the <erson in a *ifferent %a'A

The real reason a <erson has failures in life= is to make one a%are that one has a*isconnection %ith GO?= or one is *en'ing e)istence that a s<iritual afterlife= as the

eternal ?,> s<irit %orl* is the onl' source of ŠlifeDgi@ing‹ lo@ing creati@e energ' of this %orl*= if one is trul' connecte* one %ill feel at <eace %ith oneself an* %ith

e@er'thing in ones lifeA

The reason <ain occurs in life= is *ue to some le@el of a *isconnection %ith GO?A Oncethe <erson has %oken u< to &ecome lo@ing instea* of hateful= constructi@e instea* of 

*estructi@e= s<irituall' a%akene* instea* of like the li@ing Š*ea*‹ s<irituall'=

a<<reciati@e of life instea* of com<laining= then the <ur<ose of <ain is fulfille* an* the <ainful lesson %ill &e taken a%a'A

Start thinking in terms of seeing the goo* in <eo<le an* seeing the goo* in e@er'thingthat ha<<ens in ones lifeA Eook for reasons to gi@e com<liments= using kin* an* lo@ing

%or*s= then one %ill feel attache* to the unit' of the %orl* instea* of &eing lonel' selfishan* *etache*A

When a <erson starts to see the goo* in e@er'thing that ha<<ens in life= then onl' goo*can ha<<en= e@en if other <eo<le see it as Š&a* luck‹= a s<irituall' a%are <erson D al%a's

sees an* feels the goo*ness in e@er'thing that ha<<ensA

Eearning to &e L<<reciati@e an* Sa'ŠTCLZ ;ON GO?‹\

Go*8s a&un*ant life gi@ing energ' is a flo% D like a ri@erA n the uni@ersal s<irit la% of flo% of energ'= energ' QNST continue flo%ing= %here@er there is a stagnation or 

 &lockage= ine@ita&l' means *eathA

One of the greatest gifts gi@en to e@er' li@ing entit' on this <lanet is the inherent feeling*esire an* emotion to %ant to gi@e to othersA When <arents gi@e lo@e= hel<= su<<ort= foo*

an* clothing to their chil*ren the' are o@er%helme* &' a sense of <ur<ose in lifeA Themore generous= kin* an* lo@ing D the more energ' an* goo* fortune flo%s through an* is

attracte* into ones lifeA

n e)act <ro<ortion as 'ou gi@e thanks= Mo' an* lo@e D 'ou %ill recei@e Mo' an* sincerelo@e= this is a s<iritual la% of reci<rocit'A (o' an* true lo@e increase in ones life as 'ou

gi@e it= an* *iminishes as 'ou tr' to kee< it for the selfish selfA

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05לכ:^#.73כ9ל77 3י77 3.59ש73570.ע ל 

Šn the %a' a <erson &eha@es to others= so the <erson is treate* &' others‹= or as thefamous sa'ing Š%hat goes aroun* D comes aroun*‹= if 'ou are kin* an* generous to

others= then life %ill &e kin* an* generous to 'ou= if one cheats an* *ecei@es others thenone %ill &e *ecei@e*A

The S<iritual Ea% of +ontinuit' of lo%The s<iritual la% of continuit' of flo% of lo@e an* energ' means that %hate@er 'ou gi@e

to one <erson= ne@er e)<ect it &ack from them= the flo% of lo@e= energ' an* goo* fortune%ill come from some%here else= Must like a flo%ing ri@erA L flo% of nature means gi@ingin one <lace an* recei@ing from anotherA

(ust Eearn to sa' ŠTCLZ ;ON‹

Sa' ŠThank ;ou‹ for an'thing an* e@er'thing in 'our lifeA (ust sa' the %or*s ŠThank 'ou GO?‹ a hun*re* times no% an* see for 'ourself= thats right o<en 'our mouth an*

sa' the %or*s lou*l' ŠThank 'ou GO?‹P as 'ou hear 'ourself sa' the %or*s ŠThank 'ou

GO?‹ 'ou %ill imme*iatel' feel much &etter= like it has o<ene* u< a magical *oor insi*e 'our hea* an* *ont &e sur<rise* if something goo* ha<<ens @er' shortl'\

These %or*s ha@e an affect on ones soul= an* the' *o take a%a' negati@e &lockages fromones lifeA (ust sa' the %or*s ŠThank 'ou GO?‹ e@en if 'ou *ont mean it= as soon 'ou

%ill fin* reasons that 'ou reall' *o mean it\

Begin to a<<reciate %hat 'ou ha@e an* e@en %his<er the %or*s to 'ourself TCLZ ;ON \ TCLZ ;ON \ TCLZ ;ON \ TCLZ ;ON GO? \

Once a <erson has &roken the c'cle of com<laining an* &a* attitu*e of min*= learnt toa<<reciate an* gi@e thanks for e@en the smallest of thing in life= one %ill feel re&ornA

With this ne% attitu*e to life= one %ill fin* that there %ill &e so man' %on*erfulchanges= %hich %ill make ones life feel <ur<oseful %ith an inner s<iritual glo% of 

ha<<iness an* <eace of min*A

Šoot<rints‹ &' an Lnon'mous Luthor One night a man ha* a *reamA Ce *reame* he %as %alking along the &each %ith the

Eor*A Lcross the sk' flashe* scenes from his lifeA or each scene= he notice* t%o sets of foot<rints in the san*P one &elonging to him an* the other to the Eor*A

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When the last scene of his life flashe* &efore him= he looke* &ack at the foot<rints in thesan*A Ce notice* that man' times along the <ath of his life there %as onl' one set of 

foot<rintsA Ce also notice* that it ha<<ene* at the @er' lo%est an* sa**est times in hislifeA

This reall' &othere* him an* he uestione* the Eor* a&out itA "Eor*= 'ou sai* that once *eci*e* to follo% 'ou= 'ou8* %alk %ith me all the %a'A But ha@e notice* that *uring themost trou&lesome times in m' life= there is onl' one set of foot<rintsA *on8t un*erstan*

%h' %hen nee*e* 'ou most 'ou %oul* lea@e meA"The Eor* re<lie*= "Q' <recious chil*= Eo@e 'ou an* %oul* ne@er lea@e 'ouA ?uring

'our times of trial an* suffering= %hen 'ou see onl' one set of foot<rints= it %as then that carrie* 'ouA"

L<<reciating the ?i@ine Cel<

>@er'one has e)<erience* *ifficulties an* continues to face challenges e@er'*a'=ho%e@er= once one a*a<ts a s<iritual attitu*e to life= learning to acce<t *ifficulties as testsof ones character= learning the lessons of ones circumstances an* a<<reciating the gift of life= then an'thing else that is &e'on* a <ersons a&ilities to sol@e one can al%a's ask in

 <ra'er from GO? an* ones Guar*ian Lngels to hel<A

L +an*le D the S<iritual Eight of Co<e

Whene@er one nee*s to feel the energ' of the eternal ?i@ine s<iritual %orl*= sim<l' lighta can*le a <ra'= ask GO? to make a %a' %here there seems to &e no %a' an* al%a's

remem&er to thank GO? an* ones Guar*ian Lngles for e@er'thing that has ha<<ene*each an* e@er' *a'A Then miracle shall follo% miracle an* %on*ers shall ne@er cease=



ootnotes to "Thank ;ou GO?"

rom Sefer Shinu'im D The Book of +hanges= the Re&&e uotes from the "Caga*a of 

Hesach" D .7$.ש4! = Where the *ifferent sons are *iscusse* as *ifferent charactersof life A

4AAA.30#.3#0כ "a %ise manD%hat *oes he sa' "

AAA.30#.3#0שע "a %icke* manD%hat *oes he sa' "

>ach of the characters are i*entifie* &' the %or*s the' use A Heo<le %hom 'ou meet= if the first uestion the' ask 'ou is %ork &usiness relate*= this is a reflection on their character that is %hat TC>; are concerne* %ith D materialismA f a <erson asks 'our 

health %elfare an* are concerne* for 'ou= this reflects their kin*nessA f the' are using

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negati@e %or*s an* com<laining D then RN LWL; from the them \ the' are &a* \ f the' are using <ositi@e constructi@e= lo@ing an* kin* %or*s D the' are goo* \

SQHE; SL;T"(N )OU *******

T"(N )OU ******

T"(N )OU *******

TCLZ  ;ON GO? \\\ guarantee 'ou that= as 'ou start to a<<reciate an* sa' thank 'ou for %hat 'ou ha@e in

life= then &' la% of nature more goo* things %ill start to come 'our %a' AAA

Once a <erson has BROZ> com<letel' the c'cle of com<laining= learnt to a<<reciatean* gi@e TCLZS for e@en the smallest of thing in life= one8s life %ill feel re&ornA With

so man' %on*erful changes= making life <ur<oseful %ith an inner s<iritual glo% of ha<<iness an* <eace of min* A

"The %a' to ha@e <ra'ers ans%ere*"

Lccor*ing to Re& +haim ,ital an* his teacher the famous Lri al= if %e %ish to ha@e our  <ra'ers ans%ere* then %e shoul* s<en* our time in <ra'er TCLZG GO? for thegift of life= thanking GO? for e@er'thing that has ha<<ene* in our li@es= then all our 

 <ra'ers %ill &e ans%ere* as un*erstoo* from the follo%ing stor'VD

*reamt that %ent to Cea@en an* an angel %as sho%ing me aroun*A We %alke* si*eD &'Dsi*e insi*e a large %orkroom fille* %ith angelsA Q' angel gui*e sto<<e* in front of the first section an* sai*= "This is the Recei@ing SectionA Cere= all <etitions to GO? sai*

in <ra'er are recei@e*A"

looke* aroun* in this area= an* it %as terri&l' &us' %ith so man' angels sorting out <etitions %ritten on @oluminous <a<er sheets an* scra<s from <eo<le all o@er the %orl*A

Then %e mo@e* on *o%n a long corri*or until %e reache* the secon* sectionA

The angel then sai* to me= "This is the Hackaging an* ?eli@er' SectionA Cere= the gracesan* &lessings the <eo<le aske* for are <rocesse* an* *eli@ere* to the li@ing <ersons %ho

aske* for themA"

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notice* again ho% &us' it %as thereA There %ere man' angels %orking har* at thatstation= since so man' &lessings ha* &een reueste* an* %ere &eing <ackage* for 

*eli@er' to >arthA

inall' at the farthest en* of the long corri*or %e sto<<e* at the *oor of a @er' smallstationA To m' great sur<rise= onl' one angel %as seate* there= i*l' *oing nothingA "This

is the Lckno%le*gment Section=" m' angel frien* uietl' a*mitte* to meA Ce seeme*em&arrasse*A "Co% is it that There8s no %ork going on here" aske*A

"So sa*=" the angel sighe*A "Lfter <eo<le recei@e the &lessings that the' aske* for= @er'fe% sen* &ack ackno%le*gmentsP ho%e@er e@er'one %ho sen*s in a "TCLZ ;ON"their name is signe* in a s<ecial &ook that gets them <riorit' treatment ne)t time the'

 <ra' an* ask GO? for hel<"A

Eor*= make me an instrument of 'our <eace\

Where there is hatre*= let me &ring lo@ePWhere there is inMur'= let me &ring forgi@enessPWhere there is *iscor*= let me &ring harmon'PWhere there is falsehoo*= let me &ring truthP

Where there is *ou&t= let me &ring faithPWhere there is *es<air= let me &ring ho<eP

Where there is *arkness= let me &ring lightP

Where there is sa*ness= let me &ring Mo'A

EOR?= grant that ma' not seek so muchTo &e console* as to consoleP

To &e un*erstoo* as to un*erstan*PTo &e lo@e* as to lo@eA

Because it is in gi@ing that %e recei@e=t is in forgetting oursel@es that %e fin* others=

t is in forgi@ing that %e are forgi@en=Ln* it is in *'ing that %e are &orn to eternal lifeA

Then miracle shall follo% miracle an* %on*ers ne@er cease A Lmen 930

Hre<aring for the e)t Eife

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עי  #:..ע375.15#j[י"One %ho so%s %ith tears %ill rea< %ith ha<<iness"

Hsalms _X ]כ#/.ילי 

"f ;ou So% then ;ou Shall Rea<"Re& +haim ,ital e)<lains that the %hole <ur<ose of learning an* un*erstan*ing

reincarnation= is in or*er to correct ones soul= an* <re<are ones soul for the on%ar*s<iritual Mourne' into eternit'A

Re& +haim ,ital e)<lains that the @erse in Hsalms referring to so%ing %ith tears= isreferring tears of ha<<iness %hen one has &een forgi@en an* %hen one forgi@es others=

the ultimate correction of reincarnation= as there is no greater s<iritual ha<<iness than &reaking the negati@e c'cle of *eath= hatre*= anger an* reincarnationA

Breaking the c'cle of life an* *eath= sets ones soul free s<irituall'= hence ones soul canno% ele@ate from the <h'sical %orl* <eacefull' %ith s<iritual enlightenment= &ecoming

at O> %ith GO?A

The state of O>>SS can &e attaine* %hilst one is still li@ing an* hence *eath is amere small <ainless transition into the s<irit %orl*= as ones soul is alrea*' at O> %ithGO? in this <h'sical %orl*= one has no fears as one has accom<lishe* e@er'thing one

came to *o in this <h'sical %orl*A

The ?a' of ?eath is Guarentee* for >@er'one \

One thing is guarentee* for e@er'one in the %hole %orl* is that %e are all going to *ieone *a'= one *a' %e are all going to enter the >ternal ?i@ine S<iritual realms= %hiche@er  <ath%a' %e choose to take in lifeP e@er' single <ermutation %ill en* u< %ith the same


Lt that moment %e %ill either &e free an* ha<<' to ha@e ha* a %orth%ile life= rectif'ingall the reasons %e came into this life= or ha@e a <ain an* anguish %ith a life full of a

regrets of things %e shoul* ne@er ha@e *one an* mistakes %e shoul* ne@er ha@e ma*eA

Eet us= learn from the Sefer Gilgulim an* teachings of Re& +haim ,ital to enter the>ternal ?i@ine S<iritual realms %ell <re<are* an* at O> %ith GO? in <eace an* lo@e=to &e at O> %ith GO? kno%ing that %e ha@e successfull' &roken the c'cle of *eath

an* reincarnation fore@erA

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L Eife of Carmonious Oneness .7י4י %ithGO?

L Eife of Carmonious Oneness .7י4יThe Cighest Ee@el of S<iritual >nlightenment is this Hh'sical Worl* is in

The State of Oneness %ith the +reator of the Nni@erse #1#5של#ע

The highest s<iritual goal for our soul to attain in this <h'sical life is to arri@e at thehighest le@el <ossi&le= that is a harmonious state of Oneness .7י4י %ith GO?A

When one &ecomes so close to the source an* essence of the >ternal ?i@ine +reator of the Nni@erse one looses all <ersonal in*i@i*ualit'= ego= <h'sical *esires an* i*entit' D at

that moment one &ecomes at "One" %ith GO?A

t is instincti@el' natural for e@er' human &eing to stri@e for a goal in lifeP %hate@er an*%homsoe@er %e are in this <h'sical life %e are al%a's seeking to im<ro@e our li@es %ith

goals= aims an* am&itionsA The most s<irituall' min*e* <eo<le are often the mostam&itious as their souls are 'earning an* stri@ing to attain something so s<ecial that it is

"almost" im<ossi&le &ut not uite im<ossi&leA

The Herfect State of Nnit' %ith GO?This <erfect state of Oneness .7י4י= is com<lete Nnit' %ith GO? an* is onl' attaina&lefor short <erio*s of time each *a' in this <h'sical lifeP this state is not <ossi&le for X`

hours a *a'= e@er'*a'A

That is &ecause this state of Nnit' Oneness .7י4י= <racticall' means that one is no longer  <h'sicall' ali@e in this <h'sical %orl*= one loses all in*i@i*ualit'= <ersonal i*entit'= %ith

no nee* for an'thing <h'sical %hatsoe@er= one is com<letel' _JJ s<iritualA

This state of Oneness is ofcourse sa@oure* for the moment %hen a <erson8s soul lea@esthis <h'sical %orl* an* goes to the >ternal Eight of the S<irit Worl* at *eath= ho%e@er 

highl' enlightene* s<iritual souls can attain this feeling of "Oneness" an* le@el of s<iritualit' %hilst still ali@e in this %orl* each an* e@er' *a'A

ש3ע יש0ל י.#. 0ל.י #1י.#. 740

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"Shema ;isroel L*onai >loheinu L*onai>cha*"

>ach an* e@er'*a' t%ice a *a'= in the morning an* e@ening <ra'ers= %e co@er our e'es%ith our right han*= Fto &lock out this <h'sical %orl*K= an* sa' this <ra'er *eclaring our 

*esire to &e at "One %ith GO?"A Lt this moment %e are <ra'ing to &e ele@ate*s<irituall' to &e LT O> %ith GO?A

With Must one moment of "Oneness %ith GO?" in the morning an* e@ening ones soul%ill &e energibe* to li@e lifeA

>ntering the 7! S<iritual Gar*enSefer Shinu'im the Book of +hanges e)<lains that e@er'one can attain this le@el of 

Oneness %ith GO? %hich is referre* in Za&&alah to entering the Gar*en of Secrets D7! Har*esA

This le@el is attaine* %hen one has cleanse* ones soul= mastere* all the <ositi@e as<ectsof ones soul= &ecome a selfless ser@ant an* s<iritual ins<irational teacher=one has

 &rought *o%n from s<irit realms a surge of s<iritual energ' in creating significant changeor "miracles" an* &ringing healing an* changes to <eo<le %ho nee* hel<P at this le@el of 

s<iritualit' of one8s soul= one is at total <eace an* is rea*' to &e at "One %ith GO?"A

Ones soul is in@ite* an* *ra%n into the 7! s<iritual gar*en %here one attains Oneness= com<lete Nnit' %ith GO?Aי4י7.

Ls %ith e@er' s<iritual gift= this is a gift that ones soul is gi@en an* one is in@ite* to &e atOne .7י4י= com<lete Nnit' %ith GO?= this is not something that one <ushes oneself into

like a gateDcrasherA

Those <eo<le %ho tr' to <ush their %a' into the Gar*en of Secrets D 7! Har*es %ill

onl' fin* their Gar*en of Secrets D 7! Har*es is a false gar*en orchestrate* an*mani<ulate* &' the souls in the earth&oun* state of ./#.#ע#ל A

 onetheless there are certain signs that one is arri@ing at the state of Oneness in ones<iritual <ath%a' to enlightenment an* that is one is full of lo@e an* com<assion for all

of humanit'A

Hre<arations for Oneness .7י4י %ith GO?

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"To &e air in (ustice= Sho% Eo@ing Zin*ness an* ollo% the Ci**en Hath%a' %ithGO?" D Book of Qicah +ha<ter @erses U]A Qicah means to e)<lain that to &e "Lt

One %ith GO?" one must &e a&solutel' fair %ith e@er'one %ith an acce<tance an*un*erstan*ing that e@er'one is create* &' GO?P learn to sho% lo@ing an* com<assionate

kin*ness to e@er'one= an* follo% in the %a's of GO? &' &eing incognitoA

"Being ncognito /כל ע1j."

ollo%ing the %a's of GO? an* &eing incognito in this <h'sical %orl*= is <ro&a&l' thehar*est as<ect= as it means that one is <racticall' li@ing a *ou&le lifeP &eing one <ersonout%ar*l' on the surface &ut in%ar*l' &eing a @er' *ee< thinking= @er' s<iritual= @er'

 <ra'erful= *oing so much goo*ness an* kin*ness that no one %ill e@er kno% a&out %hatone has *one nor attri&ute it to 'ouP to the e)tent that no one %ill e@er thank or <raise'ou for an'thing= nor *o 'ou &enefit from nor %ant nor nee* to &enefit from an'thingone has *one as the onl' reason one *oes an'thing is for ones soul to come closer toGO?A That8s e)actl' %hat is meant &' the <ro<het in the &ook of Qicah in "Being

ncognito לכ/.1jע " A

Lll the natural &eaut' in this %orl* in the trees= flo%ers an* <lants is all create* &' GO?an* 'et none of the creations ha@e a la&el sa'ing "ma*e &' GO?"P the Sk'= Ean* an*

Seas= the Sun= Qoon= Hlanets an* Stars in this infinite Nni@erse are all create* &' GO?an* not onl' is GO? gi@en no thanks nor cre*it &' most <eo<le= &ut there e)ists amultitu*e of <eo<le %ho *en' the e)istence of GO? an* &elie@e e@er'thing in the

Nni@erse Must "ha<<ene*" to &e there \

>@en so= GO? an* all s<irituall' enlightene* souls *on8t argue= forsake nor *isconnect%ith such lost souls= one sim<l' learns to ha@e lo@e an* com<assion that their souls

shoul* fin* the s<iritual truth %hilst ali@e instea* of ha@ing to %ait until one lea@es this

 <h'sical life to see the truthA

There is no com<etition \

Hart of &ecoming s<irituall' enlightene* is to recognibe that their is no com<etition %itheach other in life= e@er'one can an* %ill succee* in attaining s<iritual enlightenementin*i@i*uall' an* collecti@el'= no grou< of <eo<le or organibation has the <erfect right%or*= all the %a's of all kin*s of <eo<le are correct for each %a' in life= %e are allconnecte* to each other an* %e all ha@e our o%n uniue <ath%a' for the s<ark of Go*liness calle* "a soul" %ithin us to &e a&le to achie@e s<iritual enlightenmentA

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Recognibing that each <erson has their o%n <ath%a' in life is <art of &ecoming at One%ith GO?= &eing tolerant an* acce<ting of e@er'one of the creations of GO? in this







Nltimate Heace in Oneness .7י4יThe state of Oneness .7י4י &rings an ultimate <eace an* tranuilit'= ones soul is

connecte* %ith the >ternal ?i@ine +reator of the Nni@erse= an* ones soul %ill feel theinner <eace an* calmnessA One can <h'sicall' &e in a <ainful situation or in nois'

surroun*ings= ho%e@er nothing can *istract ones min* an* thoughts as one is num& tothe outsi*e <h'sical %orl*= &' &eing _JJ connecte* to GO?A

This state means that nothing nor an'one can *istur& nor unsettle ones inner <eaceACence one has foun* as <romise* &' GO? in Genesis a uto<ia D GL >?> D a gar*en

of >?> in this <h'sical %orl*A

Qa' it &e the %ill of GO? that %e all fin* the true s<iritual <ath%a' of enlightenmentshining an* ra*iating like the stars in the hea@ens a&o@e %ith <erfect <eace an* harmon'

to *o the %ill of GO?= &ringing all our generation closer to the time %hen %e %ill allenMo' s<iritual Oneness %ith GO? eternall' in this <h'sical %orl* an* in the realms of 

s<iritual %orl*A Lmen 930 A


#ע7לע#לככ#כ5י.5י7j3#י]י"The %ise <eo<le shall shine as the &rightness of the sk'P an* the' shall turn the

multitu*es of man' <eo<le to righteousness= Must like each star in the sk' shines for e@er an* e@er"

$![#י17[!5י0ל Book of ?aniel _X @erse Y

Qiracles U Cealing !1#ל1/#0י

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L "Qiracle" is sim<l' an e)traor*inar' "change" in ones lifeP L Qiracle contains a @ast amount of s<iritual an* <h'sical energ' that creates a "change"A The changes that occur as a result of a

"Qiracle" are usuall' so incre*i&l' amabing that one al%a's associates "Qiracles" %ith S<iritual?i@ine nter@ention in ones lifeA

The cha<ter on "Qiracles U Cealing" from Sefer Shinu'im D the Book of +hanges= e)<lainsthe conce<ts an* realities of amabing an* magnificent changes calle* "Qiracles" in our li@esA

ntro*uction D The X +ategories of QiraclesL "miracle" is sim<l' an amabingl' large amount of energ'= that has the <o%er to change an'thing

an* e@er'thing= there are X categories of "miraculous" energ'VD

F_K The first categor' of "miraculous" energ' is one is create* &' a &lockage &eing taken a%a'P like

releasing the %alls of a *am that has &een &locking the flo% of %aterA

FXK The secon* categor' of "miraculous" energ' is create* through a surge of s<iritual energ' &' &eing in a certain <lace= or at a certain *estine* time in ones life= or &' &eing &lesse* %ith a surge of 

s<iritual energ' from a s<ecial <erson or s<iritual act= or sim<l' as a act of ?i@ine inter@ention inones life as gift to 'our soul &' GO?A

Both categories of "miracles" ha@e the <o%er to change a <ersons life an* circumstances far &e'on*%hat a <erson can *o &' themsel@esA Cence &oth are seen as energies of "?i@ine nter@ention" or 


F_K Qiracles +reate* &' Nn&locking >nerg'

F_K The first categor' of "miraculous" energ' is one that is create* &' a &lockage &eing taken a%a'an* <ermanentl' remo@e*P like releasing the %alls of a *am that has &een &locking the flo% of 


Lre ;ou Waiting for a QiracleLre 'ou %aiting for a miracle Qost <eo<le %ant to sit an* *o nothing until su**enl' something

from outsi*e creates a "miraculous" energ' of moti@ation= am&ition an* a *esire to &e courageous to

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make life changesA What *o %e call this strateg' We call it %aiting for a miracleA t is not the &est <lan for life D ;ou *ont %ait for a miracle D ;ou must make the miracle \

This first categor' of "miracle" OE; ha<<ens %hen a <erson makes an effort to WLT to remo@ea &lockage= %ithout reall' %anting or nee*ing D it %ill not ha<<enA

The miraculous surge of energ' in ones life %ill OE; occur %hen one %ants to remo@e the &lockage= then an amabingl' a&un*ant energ' that has al%a's &een *estine* for ones soul %ill

create a miracle to ha<<en in ones lifeA

Such a "miracle" is initiate* an* starte* &' a <erson in making the first mo@eA






Ls the Talmu* e)<lainsP "Start making a change &' o<ening an o<ening the sibe of anee*le an* GO? %ill make the o<ening the o<ening the sibe of a hall%a' entrance"=

meaning that a <erson must make some action= ho%e@er small to in*icate that the' %antthe &lockage to &e remo@e*= an* that one is "fe*Du<" %ith the situation an* %ants &lockage remo@e* %ith a *esire for <ermanent changeA

The onl' reason %h' "miracles" *on8t ha<<en in our li@es is &ecause %e *on8t reall' %antthemA f %e reall' %ante* a miracle D then a miracle %oul* ha<<enA Qan' <eo<le <refer 

to suffer in silence= inner <ain an* anguish that create a changeA Nntil ofcourse it &ecomes an emergenc' an* then one reall' nee*s a "miracle"P then too the miracle %ill

ha<<en an* one %ill ha@e the surge or energ'P &ut %h' %ait until then

f a "&locking" situation e)ists in ones life that one is unha<<' a&out= it is time to ask oneself the follo%ing I uestions to create a miracleVD

_A s this &lockage a sign if one is on the %rong <ath%a' *oing the %rong thing for ones soul then stagnation an* &lockages e)istA Ls e)<laine* in the cha<ters &locking

Success= no mone' an* %rong *esires of something that8s"not 'ours" creates &lockages in ones life that are there as "signs" to gui*e a <ersonA

XA s this &lockage a test or <unishment Sim<l' a<ologibe to GO? for making mistakes=sa' "GO? D am so so sorr' D i ha@e ma*e so man' sill' mistakes in m' life= <lease

forgi@e me an* take this <ro&lem an* &lockage a%a' from m' life"A

YA s the &lockage create* &' someone else8s"stealing a <art of 'our life an* soul"= such a"stealing" is the act of "transference" to cancel out a &lockage cause* &' someone else

sim<l' sa' " %ish to cancel out an' transference of energ' ma*e &' e@il <eo<le that hastaken energ' from m' soul= that takes energ' from m' soul or that %ill take energ' from

m' soul" Fas full' e)<laine* on Eoss &' "Transference"KA

`A s the &lockage create* &' ones o%n inner illness= sa*ness an* *e<ression Eearninner  ha<<iness=  <eace of min* an* sho% an eagerness to li@e life %ith a lo@e of lifeA

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IA s this &lockage a &lockage that has al%a's e)iste* in ones life Then this is a &lockage carrie* o@er from <re@ious lifetimesP sol@ing the m'ster' an* <ubble of this

 &lockage is kno%n as 9#[י/ <om<on Tikun CaGilgul D +orrection of ReincarnationA

This is the har*est &lockage to release= &ut once it is &roken then one is guarantee* %itha miraculous surge of energ' as one has &roken the *am hol*ing &ack an* &locking

energ' into ones soulA

The %a' to un&lock such a &lockage is to <ra' for ?i@ine gui*ance to remo@e the &lockage of life= an* tr' to un*erstan* oneself= %h' one has a &lockage in a <art of ones

lifeA t is usuall' &ecause one is continuing to &eha@e the same %a' as one *i* in a <re@ious life that nee*s changing \

Wake N< to Realit' ^^ע



3"WakeDu<=WakeDu< from 'our slee<" D Lll the a&o@e reasons for &lockages ha@e the same en* <ur<ose D that is to WLZ> a <erson u<P Qiracles can onl' ha<<en for <eo<le %hom are a%ake an*

li@ing in the realit' of the <resent momentA

Lll Hro&lems D One Hrescri<tion D WLZ>NH\

The _st ste< in creating "Qiracles" is to &e a%are an* LWLZ>P onl' %hen one sto<s *reamingthrough life= facing realit' then a miracle starts ha<<eningP man' things that 'ou use* to *o that

sim<l' %aste time= %aste energ' an* a@oi* trul' li@ing life D *isa<<earA ;our &o*' &ecomes morerela)e* an* more s<irituall' attune*A

When 'our &o*' an* min* are at <eace= there is a &ri*ge create*= the' are no longer running in t%o*ifferent *irections D there is harmon' an* accor*= no% one can &ecome a%are of ones true feelings=

emotions an* moo*sA Once one is a%akene* miracles start to ha<<en= this is not something one*oes= it is merel' a re%ar* an* gift for one %hom has create* inner an* e)terior harmon' an* is

a%akene* s<irituall'A

.י5ע the Ce&re% for "Sin" Qeans to "Qiss".י

 the original he&re% %or* to "sin" means to "miss"P it *oesn8t mean to commit something%rong= it sim<l' means to "miss"= to &e a&sent= to *o something %ithout &eing <resent D this is the

onl' sinAQissing life= thinking 'ou %ill catch u< %ith this @er' uniue <resent moment some%here in thefuture is a Moke D in fact 'ou are OT going to catch it at all 'ou ha@e misse* the o<<ortunities of this <resentP this creates a tension in 'our min* as 'ou *on8t reall' kno% %hat the time is no% nor 

%hat 'ou are actuall' *oing in this @er' <resent momentAOk ma'&e 'ou *o %hat 'ou are *oing D 'ou are sitting rea*ing this <age on the internet PDKK= &ut

generall' %e as humans kee< loosing time= missing the o<<ortunities of the <resent moment *uring

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the *a' as %e *ither our %a's through lifeA This constant tension &et%een oscillating &et%een <astan* future= is creating one to constantl' miss the <resent D this is inner ma'hem \

When 'ou feel 'ou ha@e misse* D sim<l' come &ack to realit' in the <resentP lea@e the <ast misse*chances an* o<<ortunitiesP an* start to make a change OW &' li@ing in the <resentA

We all "miss" man' times= it is taken for grante*P &ut the true ke' for creating change is to %akeDu<

an* li@e in the <resentA Onl' %hen a <erson is li@ing in the real realit' of the <resent can changesoccurA

Sto< *reaming = &ecome more alert \ When *reams *isa<<ear D all miseries *isa<<ear an* then onecan &e rea*' for &ig changes in ones life D QRL+E>S *o ha<<en \

Ls soon as one li@es in the <resent moment of time= one sto<s %orr'ing a&out the future= one sto<s <on*ering on the <ast an* one faces real realit' of ones <resentA f this is not one nee*s or %ants nor is it goo* for 'ou in 'our life= then sto< <reten*ing it %ill get &etter= sto< thinking of ho% it use* to

 &e in the <ast= an* L+T no% to make a change in the hereDan*Dno% <resent momentAf there is a &lockage then L+T OW to remo@e this &lockageA Co% much longer are 'ou going to <ut u< %ith feeling *e<resse* or sa* a&out life Ls soon as 'ou L+T OW D then magicall' &'

?,> inter@ention of the s<iritual la% of change= things %ill ha<<en to &ring miraculous energ'

into 'our life to ena&le 'ou to succee*A

Qiracles Ca<<en uickl'

עי9כ..6שיש#ע/"L ?i@ine Qiracle can come from GO? as uick as a &link of an e'eli*"

Ls soon as 'ou start to face realit' in the <resent= recognibing the nee* to remo@e a &lockage inones life an* change= then miracles reall' *o ha<<en @er' uickl'P &' remo@ing the &lockage allo%s

su**en changes *ue to an influ) surge of <h'sical an* s<iritual energ' that ena&les changes of  <h'sical circumstancesA

Co%e@er= such a miraculous energ' flo% can &e &locke*= if 'ou cling to the <ast an* 'ou think of itas a treasure then 'our min* %ill %ant to li@e it again an* againA ;our future cannot &e an'thing &ut'our mo*ifie* @ersion of the <ast Must ma'&e a little more refine* an* *ecorate*= so 'ou QNST let

go of the <ast in or*er to allo% changes to occur for 'our future an* trul' allo% miraculous changesto occurA

We ha@e all li@e* man' times= %e are all @er' ol* souls= &ut %e are re<eating the same <atternsagain an* again= like sta'ing &locke*= *e<resse*= %orr'ing a&out sill' things an* com<laining a&outlifeP the onl' changes comes %hen %e STOH li@ing in the <ast an* STOH li@ing in the <ast <atterns

of man' lifetimesA

Start &' li@ing in the <resent= li@e right here an* no%P the more 'ou li@e in the <resent= the more 'ou%ill accom<lish from this moment on%ar*s in 'our lifeA

Su**en +hanges

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One thing is for certain D %hen one takes a%a' an' &lockage from %ithin ones life an* soul achange occursP the &igger the &lockage an* the har*er it has &een to take a%a' %ill reflect in the

 &igger the surge of miraculous energ' in ones lifeA Once one has success in taking a%a' the &lockage for eternit' D the &igger the su**en change D the &igger the miracleA

This first t'<e of Qiraculous change is reall' a change that <uts a <erson &ack onto ones true*estine* <ath%a'P the &lockage in energ' in ones life has finall' &een taken a%a'= there&' creating

the flo% of all the energ' that one shoul* ha@e recei@e* o@er man' 'earsA

We ha@e all hear* of man' <eo<le %ho as soon as the' *i@orce= su**enl' ha@e goo* fortune= the &lockage %as create* &' &eing %ith the %rong <ersonA Eike%ise mi**le age* <eo<le %hose

*ominating an* *estructi@e <arents &lock their <ath%a'= @er' often as soon as the &locking <arent*ies the chil*ren start to li@e a fulfille* an* ha<<' lifeA Some chil*ren *on8t e@en get marrie* untiltheir <arents *ie= as their <arents energ' can create such a &lockage o@er their chil*ren8s li@esA The

un*oing of such hea@' &lockages trul' makes a miracle in their li@es= %hen the &lockage*isa<<earsA


FXK Qiracles D Real ?i@ine nter@entionThe secon* categor' of "miraculous" energ' is create* through a surge of s<iritual energ' &' &eingin a certain <lace= or &' connecting %ith someone s<irituall' im<ortant to 'ou at a certain *estine*time in ones life= or &' &eing &lesse* %ith a surge of s<iritual energ' from a s<ecial <erson or &' as<iritual act or e)<erience or s<iritual healing= or sim<l' as a act of ?i@ine inter@ention in ones life

as a gift to 'our soul &' GO?A

>@er'*a' can &e "L Trul' Qagical ?a' Ln* it %ill &e a Trul' Qagical ?a'\"

if OE; One Belie@es it %ill &e \

Ofcourse %e all kno% negati@e <eo<le %ho ne@er &elie@e in "Qagic or Qiracles"= thoset'<e of <eo<le %ho claim to &e *o%nDtoDearth an* logicall' min*e*= %ill in fact al%a's &e @er' much *o%nDtoDearth for eternit'A Their souls una&le to gro% s<irituall' as the'*on8t &elie@e in an'thing= continuall' reincarnating an* still refusing to &elie@e in GO?

an* a %orl* of s<iritual soulsA Hart an* <arcel of li@ing life is to change= learning to"&elie@e"P the highest energ' of "&elief" is "Belief in GO?"P ho%e@er for e@er'one to

li@e a %holesome life one must "&elie@e"P other%ise one %ill &ecome a @er' *e<resse*=sa* an* lonel' <ersonA

"ot &elie@ing" is *en'ing that an'thing is <ossi&leP in our li@es as s<iritual souls li@ingin a <h'sical &o*' %e must B>E,> that e@er'thing an* an'thing is <ossi&leA We aremere humans li@ing in a @er' small s<ace= %hereas the >ternal ?i@ine +reator of the

%hole Nni@erse li@es for eternit' an* is T>= an'thing can ha<<enA


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"L ?i@ine Qiracle can come from GO? as uick as a &link of an e'eli*"

The more s<irituall' enlightene* our souls &ecome D the more %e &elie@e thate@er'thing an* an'thing is <ossi&le= ho%e@er illogical this ma' seemP S<irituall'

>nlightene* <eo<le Must "kno%" %ith an instincti@e an* o<timistic <ositi@e thoughtenerg' that an'thing is <ossi&le= changes can occur in a &link of an e'eli*A "GO? %ill

al%a's make a %a' %here there seems to &e no %a'"A

The *ifference &et%een Hure S<iritual Qiracles an* ?ark Qagic

י  .שע/.י./3 Be Hure %ith GO?s a reference in the Torah %ith a %arning against using an' form of *ark magicP *ark 

magic means that one uses an* forces things to ha<<en that are not *estine* to ha<<en=for <ersonal <h'sical &enefit in this <h'sical %orl* or for *estructi@e e@il <ur<oseA

"Qiracles" from the <ure s<iritual %orl* are al%a's use* to <ut a <erson &ack on their true *estine* <ath%a' for their soul in this %orl*P or to heal or fi) a <ro&lematic situation

in ones life for the &enefit of ones soul= "miracles" are ne@er for the sake of <h'sicalcircumstances in this <h'sical %orl* onl'A Hure s<iritual %orl* creates miraculous surges

of tremen*ous energ' to heal an* change for the sake of s<iritual gro%th for eternit'A

Cence the !/#34ל3ש.  the Sefer Qilchemos Cashem e)<lains that <eo<le %ho use

"ka&&alah" to im<ro@e their selfish <h'sical an* materialistic li@es in this %orl* area&using a s<iritual gift from GO?= an* e@entuall' their souls %ill ha@e to <a' for the

misuse of mani<ulating magic an* miraclesA

The uestion one shoul* al%a's ask oneself %hen asking for a "miracle" an* "change" inones lifeVD "s this miracle that i am asking for of <h'sical %orl* &enefit or is it for the

s<iritual &enefit of m' soul an* man' other <eo<les souls" an* %oul* this reuest for amiracle &e something one %oul* genuinel' ask to ha<<en for someone else8s life or is it

something that onl' 'ou %ant to ha<<en for 'ourself

 o% that one kno%s the s<iritual rule for asking for a "Qiracle" that it is for the sake of ones soul= no% %e shall e)<lain ho% to fin* miraculous energ' an* make a miracle as

taught from Sefer Shinu'im the Book of +hangesA

Co% to in* this Qiraculous >nerg'

 o% that one is "o<en" to &elie@e in the <ossi&ilit' of "miracles" ha<<ening= ho% *oesone fin* this miraculous energ' %here *oes one go to fin* the tremen*ous surge of 

 <ositi@e energ' to ena&le amabing changes to occur in ones life What are the ke's to

o<en the *oors to make miracles

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Remem&er the ke' to un*erstan*ing ho% to make a "miracle" ha<<en is to kno% that a"miracle" is sim<l' a <o%erful surge of @er' strong s<iritual energ' that allo%s a large

flo% of <ositi@e energ' into ones life to ena&le an amabing "change" to ha<<enA

Therefore the ke's to making "miracles" are to kno% %here= ho% an* %hat to *o to &ringa "surge" of s<iritual energ' into ones life VD

_A The _st Ste< is to +r'


"Lll the hea@enl' gates are close* e)ce<t for the gates of tears"

That8s right D the first ste< to o<ening u< the hea@enl' gates for a miracle us to +R; \\\ t %orks D if 'ou reall' %ant a change= &e honest %ith 'ourself an* a*mit the regret in 'our life for the mistakes

'ou ha@e ma*e an* +R; for hel< \\

;our e'es are the %in*o%s of 'our soul

;our e'es are the %in*o%s of 'our soul= the' are 'our souls %in*o% to see in this <h'sical %orl*=e@er'thing 'our soul sees is seen through 'our <h'sical e'es= an* %hen 'ou cr' this touches= o<ensan* cleanses 'our soulA +r'ing in*icates to s<irit %orl* that 'ou are unha<<' an* nee* hel<A Qost

 <eo<le hol* themsel@es &ack from cr'ing an* hence their <ro&lems &ecome seemingl'insurmounta&le= e@en for those <eo<le +R;G %orks to o<en u< the s<iritual connection to ask for a miracle an* reuest a surge of s<iritual energ' to ena&le a change in ones lifeA

Once one has ha* a goo* cr'= one %ill feel a release of negati@e &locking energ'= in fact after a goo*cr'= one often has an instincti@e feeling to laugh an* giggleP this is a sign that s<irit %orl* of healing

angels is alrea*' coming close to strengthen 'ou= &' &ringing an inner calmness into 'our life= asthe &asis to start to make miracles is com<lete calmness= trust in GO? an* acce<tance that

e@er'thing is going to &e alright accor*ing to a >ternal ?,> *estine* <lanA

Co% Eong to +r'Qan' <eo<le ha@e aske*= ho% long shoul* one cr' for an* ho% long shoul* one <ra'

for The ans%er is sim<le= cr' an* <ra' for as long as it takes to ha@e ones <ra'ers

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ans%ere*A Houn* a%a'= knock on the Cea@enl' gates= re<eat ones <ra'ers a million timesan* cr' as man' tears as one has insi*eA

t ma' take a fe% minutes= a fe% hours= a fe% *a's or a fe% %eeks= &ut one thing is_JJ guarentee* that ones <ra'ers %ill &e ans%ere* an* goo* changes %ill start

occuring in ones life= the &igger ones <ro&lems an* the &igger the &lockage in ones life=the more hel< one nee*s then the longer the <ra'ers an* the more tears one %ill nee*AGO? *oesn8t %ant us to &e unha<<' or sa*P Must like a &a&' cries to get attention an*

hel<= so too %e cr' %hen %e nee* hel<= our tears an* <ra'ers are not from sa*ness nor *e<ression= &ut out of sincerit' to remo@e &lockages in our li@es that ha@e &een cause*

 &' oursel@es= our souls from a <re@ious life or sim<le ha<<en to &e in our life tochallenge us= testing us to see if %e %ill turn to GO? for ?i@ine s<iritual hel< to rescue

us from our trou&lesA

XA The Cealing Lngels U S<iritual CealingThe Xn* Stage in ena&ling a "miracle" to ha<<en= is to &e at <eace %ith oneselfA Lfter one has crie* "Cealing Lngels" %ill come close to &ring one a <eace of min* an* an

inner calmness to reassure 'ou that e@er'thing is going to &e alrightA Lt this stage oneshoul* take *ee< &reathes in an* outP as one &reathes out D feel the &a*ness an* <ain

lea@ing ones <h'sical &o*' an* soulA

The <ur<ose of "Cealing Lngels" an* "S<iritual Cealing" is to &ring a com<letecalmness to ones min*= &o*' an* soulP onl' %hen a <erson is com<letel' at <eace %ith

themsel@es can a <erson acce<t the realit' of ones life= &' acce<ting the realit' of %hat isha<<ening an* %hat has ha<<ene* in ones life then one FU OE; thenK is rea*' for a

change an* a miracleA

?uring this stage of <re<aration for a tremen*ous surge of energ' into ones life to createa change an* miracle= one shoul* recognibe that one has a s<iritual healing %ithin theenerg' of ones CL?SP &' un*erstan*ing the <o%er of ones soul in the <alms of oneshan*s as e)<laine* in %%%A'a*<almistr'Acom= one %ill feel @er' much reassure* that

e@er'thing reall' %ill &e alrightA Ca@e faith an* trust that e@er'thing is going to &ealrightA

Nsuall' most <eo<le %hen the' get to this stage of inner <eace an* calmness= feel sogoo* that the' forget the' reall' nee* a miracle or the' feel there is no longer an urgenc'

for an' *ramatic changes or a miracleA

f genuinel' that is the truth D then this is as far as most <eo<le go in creating a"miracle"P ho%e@er this coul* &e an illusion an* ma'&e one is fooling oneself until the

ne)t time %hen it ma' &ecome an "emergenc'" for a miracle to ha<<enA

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So think carefull' at this stage an* ask 'ourself honestl' D *o 'ou %ant to continue toreall' change 'our life or are 'ou no% at <eace %ith 'ourself an* acce<t 'our life the

%a' it is

YAThe Hath%a' to Reall' Big +hangesOnce one has *eci*e* %ith com<lete inner <eace an* calmness that one is rea*' an* onestill reall' nee*s &ig changes an* miracles in ones lifeP one shoul* &e a%are that one is

going to cross a line of "no return"A

The reason %h' most <eo<le *on8t make real changes %ith their li@es is &ecause the' arenot courageous nor trusting enough in lifeP <eo<le %ho li@e %ith inner fears of <ast

failures are <re@enting themsel@es from mo@ing for%ar*P these fears all &elong to the

 <ast= %hen a <erson takes a Mum< into the future one must not look &ack%ar*s nor %ishto li@e in the <ast D &e courageous an* Mum< into the futureP trust in GO? an* in S<iritual%orl* that 'ou %ill &e su<<orte*= gui*e* an* <rotecte*A

The &iggest encouragement for a <arachutist %hen heshe makes the Mum< is to see other  <eo<le are Mum<ing an* sur@i@ing= like%ise in life= the &iggest encouragement %e get is

%hen %e hear true stories from <eo<le %ho ha@e &een &ra@e an* ha* the miraculousstrength to make changes= e)<erience <henomenal miracles an* transform their li@es

magicall' %ith a s<ecial gift of "?i@ine nter@ention"A

The &iggest transformations an* changes that can occur in e@er'one8s life= onl' reall'ha<<en %hen one gets to a <oint of &eing totall' fe*Du< %ith ones e)isting lifeP to the

 <oint %here one feels one has nothingDtoDloose &' Mum<ing into a ne% life an* into a ne%futureA

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This Yr* stage of the Qiracle an* &ig change is the stage of "takeDoff"= getting to the <oint of noDreturnP Must like an aero<lane= once the thrust of energ' is generate* in theengines= the &rakes release*= the <lane is no% &e'on* the <oint of "noDreturn"P similarl'one must firml' &e at this stage of "noDreturn" %hen one is nee*ing a miracle or asking

for a &ig change to occur in ones lifeA

`A Starting the lo% of >nerg' of +hangean* Qiracles

This stage no% starts the irre@ersi&le stage of *ra%ing u<on the Nni@ersal ?i@ineS<iritual energ' to attract a tremen*ous strength of energ' into 'our soulA Remem&er=

one must from henceforth &e <ersistent= continue <ra'ing an* &uil*ing the s<iritual

energ' u< %ithin ones soulA?on8t go to slee< F%ell ofcourse one nee*s to go to slee< e@er' night= %hat i mean is*on8t take a slee< in the *a' or go to &e* earl'K= *on8t take a rest or a &reak= *on8t get*istracte* D this is an emergenc' in ones life to ha@e a miracle D so kee< focuse* an*

*on8t sto< until one feels the changes ha<<ening= until the moment of "takeDoff" in oneslifeA

Eight Y %hite can*les to start a flo% of s<iritual energ' to change ones lifeP accor*ing toSefer Tikunim this in@ites a strong <ure s<iritual connection %ith ones Guar*ian LngelsA

This is the reason %h' %e all light can*les %hen @isiting the gra@es of s<ecial s<iritualsouls= Ra&&is an* Re&&es= such as the Shotber Re&&e in his %ill %ho asks <eo<le to light

Y can*les %hen the' come to <ra' at his gra@e on fri*a' is to create a s<iritualconnection for a flo% of s<iritual energ' to hel< ones soul make the changes one nee*s

to makeA The stronger the connection the &igger the flo% of energ'A

Strengthen Oneself S<irituall' >@er'?a'Eight can*les an* kee< <ra'ing to ones "Guar*ian Lngels" for hel< e@er' single *a'

until one has ma*e a &reakDthrough an* changes start ha<<ening in 'our lifeA (ust &e <ersistent an* continue e@er' moment of e@er' *a' until a change ha<<ensA

Lccor*ing to Sefer Shinu'im D the Book of +hanges= it normall' takes *a's= <ossi&l'YJ *a's= in some cases %here there is a %eakness in ones soul create* from <re@iouslifetimes it can take _X months D &ut >,>R longer than _X months D <ro@i*e* one

kee<s focuse* an* <ra's <ersistentl' e@er'*a'A

+ollect a grou< of s<iritual souls to hel< 'ou

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Qaking the Right S<iritual +onnectionsLs soon as one sees an* feels the s<iritual energ' of "ali@eness" %ith a certain

connection it is no% 'our *ut' to strengthen the connection= &' making the strengtheningthe right connections that make 'ou feel "ali@e" this acts as an in*ication to 'ou to

follo% this <ath%a'= this %ill then gui*e 'ou to make the right *ecisions to &e in theright <lace at the right time %ith the right <eo<leA

This s<iritual strengthening of nutritional energ' from s<iritual %orl* is kno%n as .[י1י 3 ;eneeka QilQaalaA This energ' is the ke' to li@ing life in this %orl* an* for 'ourל3על.

s<iritual soul8s life for eternit'A The more one sta's connecte* the stronger one %ill &ecome an* there&' create the enormous flo% of a&un*ant energ' in 'our life that %ill

ena&le 'ou to make changes 'ou nee* in 'our lifeA

A Qiracles are <ossi&leP im<ossi&ilities arene@er <ossi&leP &ut ne@er gi@e u< onsomething sur<rising ha<<ening \

n e)<ecting an* <ro*ucing a miracle= there %ill &e moments %hen a <erson ma' feelthat nothing is %orking= nothing is going right an* nothing is ha<<eningP this ma'&e

 &ecause a <erson is asking for a miracle for one s<ecific reall' im<ossi&le thing toha<<enP %hen in fact GO? an* S<irit %orl* can see clearl' that 'ou nee* something far 

more im<ortantA

The Ze' is to TRNST in GO? an* TRNST that GO? an* the S<irit %orl* kno% %hat8sgoo* for 'ouP &e o<en to e@er'thing an* all kin*s of signsP *on8t &e a*amantl' focuse*on one s<ecific thing to ha<<enP im<ossi&ilities ma' ne@er ha<<en &ut one thing is for 

_JJ certain= the moment 'ou connect s<irituall' an* o<en u< the allo%Din ana&un*ance of s<iritual energ' then one %ill fin* *irection in ones lifeA

">)<ect the Nne)<ecte* Sur<rises"rom the moment one connects s<irituall' one can no% ">)<ect the Nne)<ecte*

Sur<rises" D life %ill &ecome more e)citing= enMo'a&le an* ha<<' as one feels GO? an*the eternal ?i@ine S<iritual Worl* of souls are looking after 'ou %ith sincerit' an* lo@eA

A e@er Gi@e N< D Ei@e in Co<e of a

Qiracle \

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Whate@er situation a <erson fin*s themsel@es inP ho%e@er *es<erate an* <ainful D e@en if one is &efore the moment of *eath as the talmu* sa's "e@en if a s%or* is a&out to cut

ones hea* off D ne@er gi@e u< ho<e\"


This means that one shoul* reflect on the &igger <icture of life= that our e)istence in this <h'sical %orl* is Must a short Mourne' for our soulP %hen the <ur<ose of our life is

com<lete then it is time for us to acce<t that %e must lea@e this %orl*A There is no <ointof &eing afrai* or fearfulP <h'sical *eath D <assing o@er to s<irit %orl* is something

guarentee* for e@er'oneP the *ifference is for us to learn not &e frightene*A

B' acce<ting this true essence of life one sees e@er'thing in a *ifferent <ers<ecti@eP oneis no longer afrai* of *eath or <ain as one kno% this <h'sical life is Must a Mourne'P %iththis feelings one magicall' starts to feel "ali@e" an* then remarka&l' one arri@es at theultimate s<iritual stage of "Oneness" %ith GO? D %ith a constant feelings of li@ing in


Hlease al%a's trust that "GO? %ill al%a's make a %a' %here there seems to &e no%a'"A >@er'thing %e go through in life has a <ur<ose for the &enefit for our soul an* for our s<iritual gro%thA Once %e ha@e learnt the lessons of o@ercoming fear an* li@ing in

ho<e then a flo% of s<iritiual energ' reall' *oes create changes an* miracles in our li@esA

Qa' each an* e@er'one ha@e an a&un*ance of s<iritual energ' in ones life to create allthe miracles one nee*s to im<ro@e ones s<iritual soul an* the s<iritual essensce of the

%hole %orl*A Lmen \

 י:.י #כ:#.[. יע .3שכילי


"The %ise <eo<le shall shine as the &rightness of the sk'P an* the' shall turn themultitu*es of man' <eo<le to righteousness=

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 Must like each star in the sk' shines for e@er an* e@er"

$![#י17[!5י0ל Book of ?aniel _X @erse Y

"ts OT 'ours\" 0ל7#34/

The cha<ter in Sefer Shinu'im calle* " /7#34ל0 " D "*on8t *esire that %hich &elongs tosomeone else"= e)<lains the s<iritual im<ortance of the _Jth +omman*ment from the

"Ten +omman*ments" that %ere inscri&e* on stone an* gi@en to Qoses FQoshe

Ra&einuK at Qount SinaiA

 ל0 734/D0ש/ ע-= #ע# #/30# #75ש## =#34# #כל= 0ש לע-

"Thou shalt not *esire th' neigh&ours house= thou shalt not *esire th' neigh&ours %ife=nor his manser@ant= nor his mai*ser@ant= nor his o)= nor his ass= nor an' thing that is th'

neigh&oursA" F Shmos >)o*us cha<ter XJ @erse _YK

The meaning of "?esire" D 0ל7#34/

The _Jth +omman*ment= teaches a <erson not to ?>SR> something that &elongs tosomeone elseA The s<iritual la% teaches that the %rong emotional thoughts of ?>SR>create energies %ithin ones soul= that can ha@e effects that mislea*= *i@ert an* &lock a

 <erson from their true "?>ST;"A

The essence of "?>SR>" is a <o%erful emotional an* thought energ' in %anting to li@esomeone else8s life= in other %or*s a <erson is tr'ing to steal &' " transference" someone

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else8s life an* *estin'A The "?>SR>" thoughts= not onl' &lock a <ersons soul &ut alsocause unhealth' *isru<tion in the other <ersons life one is tr'ing to steal= es<eciall' if 

the' are not close* or <rotecte* s<irituall'A

Strong emotional "?esires"in*icates a Strong Soul

>@er'thing %e *o in this life is moti@ate* &' our emotions an* *esiresA Before %e *oan'thing= the foun*ation of the *ecision of %hether or not %e *o it= is &ase* on our 

emotions an* *esiresA

The <o%er an* strength of "*esire" feelings an* emotions= *irectl' reflects the <o%er=strength of ones soul an* most im<ortantl' the a&ilit' to succee*A The reason most

 <eo<le fail in life is that the' take a nonDcommittal attitu*e of "halfDhearte*ness"= their "heart" is not committe* emotionall' to their actionsA

Onl' the @er' emotionall' committe* <erson %ill ha@e successA L commitment toan'thing comes from focusing ones thoughts= an* moti@ating oneself &' acti@ating ones

emotions to "feel" ali@e %ith a *esire for successA

Lll emotions carr' energ'= %hether the' &e *estructi@e emotions such as hatre*= Mealous'= selfish gree*= fears of <o@ert'= humiliation= em&arrassment= fight for sur@i@al

OR %hether the' &e constructi@e emotions such as com<assion= *esires to &e kin*=*esires to fulfill ones <ur<oseful soulful aims an* am&itions in selfless ser@ice to GO?

an* humanit'= creati@e= or the most <o%erful an* lifeDgi@ing creati@e emotion on this <lanet D EO,>A

The most <o%erful as<ect of a <ersons min*an* s<irit soul is the strength of "?>SR>"

The strength of ones emotions an* *esires %ill <ro@i*e one %ith the <o%er to connectan* achie@e ones *esiresA The first ste< in acuiring an'thing is a *esire= this thought of 

*esire is then translate* into s<eech an* action to acuire the o&Mect of ones "*esires"A

Ba* <eo<le use their emotions D "*esires" of gree* to steal or steal energ' &'"transference" from sensiti@e <eo<le %ho are "o<en" an* %hom allo% these &ullies an*intimi*ators to steal their souls energ'A FOur <age on +losure= Hrotection an* Sensiti@esouls %ill teach ho% to li@e in the real %orl* an* not allo% an'one to steal energ' from

ones soulKA

The <erson %ith the stronger "*esires" %ill al%a's succee*= e@en if those "*esires" arenot goo* an* *estructi@e\ n such a case if in the short term it seems that the hateful an**estructi@e energ' is %inning= this is &ecause the' sur@i@e &' stealing lifeDenerg' from

the goo* <eo<leA

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>@entuall' %hen all the goo* <eo<le ha@e closure an* i*entif' the source of negati@ean* *raining energ' as "&a*"= then the' %ill fail an* the goo*= lo@ing= kin* an*

com<assionate %ill al%a's %inA This is sim<l' s<iritual la% an* the reason is that thecreati@e Go*Dgi@en energ' of life an* @italit' on earth is EO,>= an* EO,> is life= hate

is *eathA

' D Souls life >nergי1י]. 3ל3על.The "*esire" of EO,> has the strongest strength on earthA This *esire is the ke'= the

moti@ational an* emotional energ' that <ro@i*es ones soul %ith @italit'A

Our s<iritual souls life energ' is kno%n as .[י1י.לע3ל3 D ;eneeka Qilmaala= this is asouls s<iritual nourishment of @italit' %hich energibes the <h'sical &o*'= %ith this

energ' one has life= %ithout it D *eathA Cence= if one is *e<resse*= on the %rong <ath%a'=or has &lockages= then the .[י1י.לע3ל3 D ;eneeka Qilmaala= is &locke*A

Blockages cause* &' %rong "?>SR>S"

.734 עיכ^5י

On the "?estin'" <age %e e)<laine* that e@er' <erson has a *estine* &usiness= home

an* lo@ing soulmateA f one *oes not ha@e an' of these as<ects then this is consi*ere* amaMor &lockage an* nee*s to &e un*erstoo*A F as %e e)<laine* on the <re@ious <ages

Blocking Success= ear of Success an* o Qone'KA

The other main reason for a maMor &lockage in ones life8s"*estin'" is the fact that one haseither lost ones soul energ' &' "transference" Fin %hich case D it is returne* uickl' ase)<laine* on the <age Eoss &' "transference"KA OR ones souls energ' is &locke* *ue to"WROG ?>SR>S" an* therefore is EOST or ?,>RT>? *ue the fact one is "gi@ing

a%a'" or %asting energ' on someone or something that is OT ones *estin'A

Where are 'our thoughts

;our soul is connecte* to the <lace an* <eo<le %here 'our thoughts are= %hich isconnecte*= moti@ate* an* energibe* &' 'our *ee<est emotions= es<eciall' to %hom 'ou

lo@e an* %here 'our *esires are arouse*A

Whether lo@e or hate= <ositi@e or negati@e emotions= this energ' an* connection of onesthoughts= makes a connection of attachmentA f that attachment is 'our *estin' D then thiscreates a life @italit' an* energibing s<iritual energ' of e@en more .[י1י.לע3ל3 D ;eneekaQilmaala= as ones soul on a higher le@el recognibes this as ones *estin'A f ho%e@er= this

is "OT ;ONR ?>ST;"= it %ill gi@e a <erson a thrill of e)citement like a <etulant

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chil* *oing something mischie@ousl' naught' BNT one %ill feel *raine* an* e@entuall' &locke*A

Rea*ing the Sign<osts

Eife al%a's offers sign<osts an* in*ications= if this is ones *estin' D a &lessing of successaccom<anies the connection= if one is stealing or taking from someone else then a loss=

*amage= acci*ents or <ain %ill &e incurre*A These &lockages are not <unishments nor arethe' cause* &' an'one &ut ;ONR o%n soulA ;our soul &locks 'our life8s energ' WC>

an* OE; WC> 'ou are on the %rong <ath%a'A

>@er'one has their o%n solution to their o%n <ro&lems= think honestl' an* carefull'= an*ask GO? an* s<irit %orl* an* 'our guar*ian angels for gui*ance = an* one %ill &e le*

to the correct <ath%a' for 'ouA

"+orrectional" school of life

n the same %a'= thie@es go to <rison or "correctional" facilities to learn the lesson thatthe' shoul* OT take an'thing that &elongs to someone else= life an* ones e)<eriences

are here to teach this lesson too \

f one has ha* a mi*Dlife crisis an* recognibes truthfull' that one has ma*e so man'mistakes &' li@ing a false lifest'le= this ma' e@en &e a s<ouse an* career that is sim<l'

not the true *estin' of ones soulA Then "life8s" e)<eriences %ill create the necessar'=

Fe@en if tremen*ousl' <ainfulK= e)<eriences of losing e@er'thing that is %rong in oneslife= in or*er to <ut a <erson on the correct <ath%a'A

Getting a ne% life

Once a <erson is truthful in recognibing the signs that their soul ha* no @italit' as it ha* &een &locke* *ue to the fact that the' ha* the "%rong" life an* the "%rong *estin'"AOnce a <erson releases an* lets go of the "%rong"= ones <ra'ers are ans%ere* an* one

can then recei@e the energ' an* @italit' for the correct <ath%a'A

The ne% life %ill come %hen an* OE; %hen *ee< *o%n in ones soul= one hastruthfull' change* an* let go of the <ast mistakes an* sto<s the %rong urges of "*esire"A

;our soul %ante* 'outo make mistakes to learn

n the Book of Reincarnation D Sefer Gilgulim &' Re& +haim ,ital teaches that our soulintentionall' <uts us in *ifficult an* "%rong" situations to teach us this lesson of the _Jth

+omman*ment D "OT to *esire that %hich &elongs to someone else"A

Once %e ha@e acce<te* this truth an* learnt the lesson= our soul %ill feel enlightene*=releasing an' *raining &lockages an* gi@ing us our TRN> *estin'= %ith our true

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