Download - SEF and School Development Plan 2014/15 increase % of chn who achieve L6 at Key ... so all performance indicators are above ... Devise and implement system for leading the school’s


SEF and School Development Plan


Summary Self Evaluation

Context We are a slightly larger than average Primary school. Our numbers are due to continue shrinking over the next few years until we become one class in each year group across the school. Our

number of children claiming FSM is in line with national average, and shows an increasing trend. Due to Suffolk SOR our Year Six children in 2014 are the third cohort we have prepared for KS2

SATs. Due to a change of catchment area the nature of the intake has altered with children arriving at the school with fewer skills. Since Christmas 2012 new HT/DHT/Core subject leaders and four


Areas for whole school


To increase % of chn who achieve L6 at Key Stage 2.

To increase % chn who achieve 2b in Writing and Maths at KS1, so all performance indicators are above national average.

Progress since previous


Key Area (directly from Ofsted, Dec 2013) Actions Impact

The rate of progress children make in key subjects requires improvement. It varies

too much between different groups and years.

•All staff analysed own class data

•6 times yearly pupil progress meetings

• Key stage 2 Av Pts progress for last 2 years = 4.2pts

The quality of teaching requires improvement. Some lessons are not planned

effectively to ensure work meets the needs of all pupils.

•62 monitoring activities during 2013/14

•10 teachers visited Tollgate

• 75% of monitoring activities good or better.

• Increases in % lessons outstanding

Additional adults do not always provide the right support to ensure pupils fully

understand what they are learning.

•TA observations

•TA’s gone on relevant CPD

• HMI monitoring letter states, “more effective

deployment of teaching assistants. The training

provided for teaching assistants, the observations

made and feedback given to them, have helped to

intensify their support for pupils.”

Pupils generally behave well but their attitudes to learning are not always as good

as they should be. When the pace of teaching slows, or work is not sufficiently

stimulating, pupils lose interest.

•Implementation of ‘zoneboard’ • 90% KS2 chn aware of their levels in core subjects and

a target to help them attain next target.

Senior leaders and subject leaders have only recently started to check closely the

progress that all chn are making.

•ALL staff have had training in analysis of

own class data.

• Children better targeted for interventions and

support, facilitating better progress and attainment

The improvements made by leaders and governors to strengthen teaching have

not yet resulted in good teaching overall.

•Starlesson, observations, personal

feedback, coaching pairs, etc

• New guidance regarding typicality of teaching links

with consistently good/outstanding progress.

Achievement Strengths Areas for Development

• 91% Yr6 chn achieving L4 RWM in 2014 (2013 – 63%)

• 36% Yr6 chn achieving L5 RWM in 2014 (2013 – 14%)

• 3 Levels Progress Read 26%, Write 41%, Maths 32% (2013 – R 15%, W 21%, M


• 69% Reception chn – GLD (2013 – 26%)

• 77% Y1 chn – pass phonics check (2013 – 59%)

• KS1 Av Pts per child – 16.1 (2013 – 14.2pts)

1. Raise standards of writing and maths in KS1 so that by Summer 2015 we are reporting standards

above national expectations in all areas.

2. For more than 40% of children in Y6 to achieve L5 + in RWM in 2015 tests.1/2

Teaching • Typicality of teaching is outstanding. In the past two years av pts progress

across KS2 has been 4.2pts.

• 75% of all monitoring activities judged good or better, none inadequate.

3. Use STARlesson to produce internal CPD materials for use both with our own staff and further

audiences, particularly with regard higher order questioning.

4. Make sure level of challenge for more able chn in every lesson enables them to make progress

relevant to their ability1/2

Behaviour and safety • Consistent use of zoneboard throughout school.

• Safeguarding routines robust.

• Learning behaviours assembly cycle valued by chn

5. Embed the role of pastoral support worker, ensuring the launch of the ‘beach hut’ facilitates better

outcomes for families, as well as more focussed work on teaching and learning from teaching staff.

6. Devise and implement system for leading the school’s work on SMSC, ensuring that all children at

OBPS receive outstanding provision in this area.1/2

Leadership and


• Very strong appointments for Maths/Literacy leads

• SLT very focussed on improving standards

• Good communication/teamwork

• Shared vision for school successfully communicated to all stakeholders

7. Devise and implement system for leading the developments in curriculum, particularly in foundation


8. Continue development of leadership team, with all leadership team able to participate in focussed

visits to other successful settings 1/2

“Our children all deserve our best.”

Outstanding Good Requires



� Teaching is outstanding and, together with a rich and

relevant curriculum, contributes to outstanding

learning and achievement, significant growth in

students’ knowledge, and excellent attitudes to

learning. Exceptionally, achievement may be good and

rapidly improving.

� Pupils, and particular groups of pupils, have excellent

educational experiences at school and these ensure

that they are very well equipped for the next stage of

their education, training or employment.

� There is excellent practice which ensures that all pupils

have high levels of literacy appropriate to their age.

� The school’s practice consistently reflects the highest

expectations of staff and the highest aspirations for

pupils, including disabled pupils and those with special

educational needs.

� Best practice is spread effectively in a drive for

continuous improvement.

� Other principal aspects of the school’s work are good or


� The school’s thoughtful and wide-ranging promotion of

pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development

and their physical wellbeing enables them to thrive in a

supportive, highly cohesive learning community.

� Pupils benefit from teaching that is at least good and

some that is outstanding. This leads to growth in

students’ knowledge, promotes very positive attitudes

to learning and ensures that pupils are achieving well.

� Pupils and particular groups of pupils have highly

positive educational experiences at school that ensure

that they are well prepared for the next stage in their

education, training or employment.

� Pupils’ progress is not held back by an inability to read

accurately and fluently. Those pupils who have fallen

behind are being helped to make rapid progress in their


� The school takes effective action to enable most pupils,

including disabled pupils and those with special

educational needs, to reach their potential.

� Other principal aspects of the school’s work are likely to

be at least good.

� Deliberate and effective action is taken to create a

cohesive learning community through the promotion of

pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development,

and their physical wellbeing. There is a positive climate

for learning.

� The school requires improvement because one or more

of the four key judgements requires improvement

(grade 3) and/or there are weaknesses in the overall

provision for pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural


The school is likely to be inadequate if inspectors judge any of the

following to be inadequate:

� the achievement of pupils

� pupils’ progress in literacy

� the quality of teaching

� the behaviour and safety of pupils

� the quality of the leadership in, and management of,

the school


� there are serious weaknesses in the overall promotion

of pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural

development or their physical wellbeing.

Overall Effectiveness

Best fit – Good/Outstanding

Outstanding Good Requires



� From each different starting point, the proportions of pupils making expected progress and the proportions exceeding expected progress in English and in mathematics are high compared with national figures. For pupils for whom the pupil premium provides support, the proportions are similar to, or above, those for other pupils in the school or are rapidly approaching them.

� Pupils make rapid and sustained progress throughout year groups across many subjects, including English and mathematics, and learn exceptionally well.

� The achievement of pupils for whom the pupil premium provides support at least matches that of other pupils in the school or has risen rapidly, including in English and mathematics.

� Pupils read widely, and often across all subjects to a high standard.

� Pupils develop and apply a wide range of skills to great effect in reading, writing, communication and mathematics. They are exceptionally well prepared for the next stage in their education, training or employment.

� Pupils, including those in the sixth form and those in the Early Years Foundation Stage, acquire knowledge quickly and develop their understanding rapidly in a wide range of different subjects across the curriculum.

� The learning of groups of pupils, particularly those who are disabled, those who have special educational needs, those for whom the pupil premium provides support, and the most able is consistently good or better.

� The standards of attainment of almost all groups of pupils are likely to be at least in line with national averages with many pupils attaining above this. In exceptional circumstances, an outstanding grade can be awarded where standards of attainment of any group of pupils are below those of all pupils nationally, but the gap is closing rapidly, as shown by trends in a range of attainment indicators. This may include attainment in reading.

� From each different starting point, the proportions of pupils making expected progress, and the proportions exceeding expected progress, in English and in mathematics are close to or above national figures. For pupils for whom the pupil premium provides support, the proportions are similar to, or above, those for other pupils in the school or are improving.

� Progress across year groups in a wide range of subjects, including English and mathematics, is consistently strong and evidence in pupils’ work indicates that they achieve well.

� The achievement of pupils for whom the pupil premium provides support at least matches that of other pupils in the school or is rising, including in English and mathematics.

� Pupils read widely and often.� Pupils acquire knowledge and develop

understanding quickly and securely in a wide range of subjects. They develop and apply a wide range of skills, in reading, writing, communication and mathematics. This ensures that they are well prepared for the next stage in their education, training or employment.

� The learning of groups of pupils, particularly those who are disabled, those who have special educational needs, those for whom the pupil premium provides support and the most able, is generally good.

� Where attainment, including attainment in reading in primary schools, is low overall, it is improving at a faster rate than nationally, over a sustained period.

� Pupils’ achievement requires improvement as it is not good.

Achievement is likely to be inadequate if any of the following apply.

� From their different starting points, the proportions of pupils making expected progress, and the proportions exceeding expected progress, in English or in mathematics are consistently below national figures and show little or no improvement.

� For pupils for whom the pupil premium provides support, the proportions making and exceeding expected progress from the different starting points in English or in mathematics are consistently well below those of other pupils and show little or no improvement.

� Pupils’ learning and progress in any key subject or key stage, including the sixth form or the Early Years Foundation Stage, indicate they are underachieving.

� Groups of pupils, particularly disabled pupils and/or those who have special educational needs and/or those for whom the pupil premium provides support, and/or the most able, are underachieving.

� Pupils’ communication skills (including reading and/or writing) or proficiency in mathematics are not sufficiently strong for them to succeed in the next stage of education, training or employment.

� Attainment is consistently below floor standards or is in decline and shows little, fragile or inconsistent improvement.

� There are wide gaps in the attainment and/or the learning and progress of different groups.


Best fit – Good/Outstanding



Historical Context Now Commentary

Achievement • 2013 results

L4+ Read 86%, Write 91%, Maths 69%

L5+ Read 34%, Write 23%, Maths 34%

L6 Maths no pupils entered

• 2013

L4 RWM combined – 63% L5 – 14%

FSM L4+ Read/Write/Maths 66%

Gender L4+ R/W/M B- 73% G – 55%

• 2013 results

L2b+ Read 72%, Write 56%, Maths 59%

L3+ Read 13%, Write 6%, Maths 6%

2013 Group Analysis KS1

FSM Av Pts Read 11.8, Write 11.4, Maths 12.6

NFSM Read 15.1, Write 14.6, Maths 14.1

Gap 3.3 3.2 1.5

• 2013 Phonics results

59% chn working at expected level

2013 EYFS % chn GLD – 27%

• 2012/13 Yr 6 Chn at end of Yr 6

Av pts Read/Write/Maths – 27.6

• 2013/14 Yr6 Chn at end of Yr 5

Av pts Read/Write/Maths – 25.9

• 2014/15 Yr6 Chn at end of Yr 4

Av pts Read/Write/Maths – 22.1

• 2015/16 Yr6 Chn at end of Yr 3

Av pts Read/Write/Maths – 18.9pts

2014 results

L4+read 94% Write 93% Maths 93%

L5+read 56% Write 46% Maths 46%

L6 Maths – 15%


L4 RWM combined – 91% L5 – 36%

FSM L4+ read/write/maths 67%

Gender L4+ Read/write/Maths B- 90% G-92%

2014 results

L2b+ Read 84%, Write 61%, Maths 77%

L3+ Read 36%, Write 23%, Maths 32%

2014 Group Analysis KS1

FSM Av Pts Read 13.8, Write 11.8, Maths 14.3

NFSM Read 18.0, Write 16.0, Maths 17.6

Gap 4.2 4.2 3.3

• 2014 Phonics results

77% chn working at expected level

2014 EYFS % chn GLD – 69%

• 2013/14 Yr 6 Chn at end of Yr 6

Av pts Read/Write/Maths – 29.9

• 2014/15 Yr6 Chn at end of Yr 5

Av pts Read/Write/Maths – 26.3

• 2015/16 Yr6 Chn at end of Yr 4

Av pts Read/Write/Maths – 24.9

• 2016/17Yr6 Chn at end of Yr 3

Av pts Read/Write/Maths – 18.3pts

All measures in the Ks2 tests show a marked improvement on last year. Particularly

evident is the increase in L5 children, in each area.

We also had 15% chn L6 maths, double the national average for 2013.

There is a huge increase of 28% of children who have reached L4 in all areas. There is

also a sizable increase of 22% L5 in all areas.

Improvement is evident in each of these areas. The only two areas which remain below

the national figure for 2013 are L2b+ maths and writing. Both of these are improving

rapidly however from previous year.

The standards achieved by children who are eligible for FSM have risen. In reading this

represents a term’s extra achievement for this year’s cohort. Although it appears the

gap between FSM and NFSM is growing, this is as a result of improved performance by

all children.

An increase of 18% children achieving the pass mark in one year.

An increase of 42% in one year.

Our children starting Y6 Autumn 2014 are starting slightly above the 2013 cohort who

achieved the Ks2 results detailed above.

Overall judgement – Achievement is


“Our children all deserve our best.”

ACHIEVEMENT - Self Evaluation – Summer 2014

Key Areas for Improvement 1. Raise standards of writing and maths in KS1 so that by Summer 2015 we are reporting standards above national expectations in all areas.

2. For more than 40% of children in Y6 to achieve L5 + in RWM in 2015 tests.

Outstanding Good Requires



� Much of the teaching in all key stages and most subjects is outstanding and never less than consistently good. As a result, almost all pupils currently on roll in the school, including disabled pupils, those who have special educational needs, those for whom the pupil premium provides support and the most able, are making rapid and sustained progress.

� All teachers have consistently high expectations of all pupils. They plan and teach lessons that enable pupils to learn exceptionally well across the curriculum.

� Teachers systematically and effectively check pupils’ understanding throughout lessons, anticipating where they may need to intervene and doing so with notable impact on the quality of learning.

� The teaching of reading, writing, communication and mathematics is highly effective and cohesively planned and implemented across the curriculum.

� Teachers and other adults authoritatively impart knowledge to ensure students are engaged in learning, and generate high levels of commitment to learning across the school.

� Consistently high quality marking and constructive feedback from teachers ensure that pupils make rapid gains.

� Teachers use well-judged and often imaginative teaching strategies, including setting appropriate homework that, together with clearly directed and timely support and intervention, match individual needs accurately. Consequently, pupils learn exceptionally well across the curriculum.

� Teaching in most subjects, including English and mathematics, is usually good, with examples of some outstanding teaching. As a result, most pupils and groups of pupils on roll in the school, including disabled pupils, those who have special educational needs, those for whom the pupil premium provides support and the most able, make good progress and achieve well over time.

� Teachers have high expectations. They plan and teach lessons that deepen pupils’ knowledge and understanding and enable them to develop a range of skills across the curriculum.

� Teachers listen to, carefully observe and skilfully question pupils during lessons in order to reshape tasks and explanations to improve learning.

� Reading, writing, communication and mathematics are taught effectively.

� Teachers and other adults create a positive climate for learning in their lessons and pupils are interested and engaged.

� Teachers assess pupils’ learning and progress regularly and accurately at all key stages, including in the Early Years Foundation Stage. They ensure that pupils know how well they have done and what they need to do to improve.

� Effective teaching strategies, including setting appropriate homework, and appropriately targeted support and intervention are matched well to most pupils’ individual needs, including those most and least able, so that pupils learn well in lessons.

� Teaching requires improvement as it is not good.Teaching is likely to be inadequate where any of the following apply:

� As a result of weak teaching over time, pupils or particular groups of pupils, including disabled pupils, those who have special educational needs, those for whom the pupil premium provides support and the most able, are making inadequate progress.

� Pupils cannot communicate, read, write, or apply mathematics as well as they should.

� Teachers do not have sufficiently high expectations and teaching over time fails to engage or interest particular groups of pupils, including disabled pupils and those who have special educational needs.


Best fit – Good/Outstanding




Teaching Expectations of all chn in our school have risen. This is as a direct result of CPD opportunities provided to staff, combining opportunities to develop their personal practice and skills, and in

spending time in one of the highest achieving schools in the country in a very deprived area. This has directly impacted the standard expected of all chn at all stages in their schooling.

Teachers at the school build positive relationships with their pupils and use these to support learning in their classroom. Chn demonstrate good learning behaviours in lessons, and are

enjoying the chances their teachers now provide them to be active learners. They see this as a change from how their lessons used to be. There is evidence of the impact of the Whole School

Active Learning training in most lessons.

Teachers are growing in confidence at assessing accurately the abilities of their children, and using this knowledge to plan and deliver appropriate learning opportunities in lessons. There is

much improved practice in this area particularly in Mathematics. There is continuity in the planning of literacy activities to ensure that English lessons build on previous learning. Teachers

provide a variety of activities within lessons, although the use of ‘setting’ has meant differentiation has not been thorough enough historically, and 2013/14 has been the first year where we

have not set. The increases in progress made across the school demonstrate the positive impact this increased accountability for the whole child has created.

There is developing practice in involving chn more thoroughly in their personal learning, and chn are very familiar with using basic self-assessment techniques to make judgements regarding

their own learning. All KS2 chn are now able to talk with confidence about the levels they are attaining and about their goals for the next steps in their learning. They are now active

participants in their learning, rather than having learning ‘done to them’.

Teachers are growing more skilled at using questions to move learning forward. They use their knowledge of the children to target questioning appropriately most of the time. The more able

children would benefit from more open ended questioning being used appropriately requiring them to demonstrate higher order thinking skills. TA’s generally don’t use questions as skilfully

and can miss opportunities to move the learning forward of chn from all ability levels. TA’s have commented how useful they found their individual observations and feedback.

The use of assessment information is now much improved. A series of five pupil progress meetings and a target setting one are scheduled for the academic year, ensuring that teachers are

not only regularly assessing their children, but are using those assessments to make accurate judgements about how to continue to move learning forward. Teaching reflects this improved

knowledge of the abilities of the children.

Teaching Assistants support children well, particularly those who require more intensive support as a result of a statement for example. Opportunities are missed by teaching assistants

sometimes when working in the classroom in general to ensure that their questioning and support moves all learners forward.

Between September 2013 and July 2014 there have been a total of 62 monitoring activities. Of those judgements 23% were judged to be outstanding.

Overall Judgement – teaching is now OUTSTANDING.

“Our children all deserve our best.”

TEACHING – Self Evaluation - Summer 2014

Key Areas for Improvement.4. Use STARlesson to produce internal CPD materials for use both with our own staff and further audiences, particularly with regard higher order questioning.

5. Make sure level of challenge for more able chn in every lesson enables them to make progress relevant to their ability.

Outstanding Good Requires



� Pupils consistently display a thirst for knowledge and a love of learning, including in independent, group and whole class work, which have a very strong impact on their progress in lessons

� Pupils’ attitudes to learning are of an equally high standard across subjects, years, classes and with different staff.

� Parents, staff and pupils are unreservedly positive about both behaviour and safety. Pupils are keenly aware how good attitudes and behaviour contribute to school life, adult life and work.

� Pupils’ behaviour outside lessons is almost always impeccable. Pupils’ pride in the school is shown by their excellent conduct, manners and punctuality.

� Pupils are fully aware of different forms of bullying, including cyber-bullying and prejudice-based bullying, and actively try to prevent it from occurring. Bullying and derogatory or aggressive language in all their forms are rare and dealt with highly effectively.

� Skilled and highly consistent behaviour management by all staff makes a strong contribution to an exceptionally positive climate for learning. There are excellent improvements in behaviour over time for individuals or groups with particular behaviour needs.

� All groups of pupils are safe and feel safe at school and at alternative provision placements at all times. They understand very clearly what constitutes unsafe situations and are highly aware of how to keep themselves and others safe in different situations, including in relation to e-safety.

� Pupils’ attitudes to all aspects of learning, including in whole class work, group work, or when working on their own, are consistently positive, and have a good impact on the progress they make.

� Pupils are properly prepared for each lesson, bring the right equipment, and are ready and eager to learn.

� Pupils respond very quickly to staff’s instructions and requests allowing lessons to flow smoothly and without interruption. Low-level disruption in lessons is uncommon.

� Pupils’ attitudes to learning are positive across subjects, years, classes and with different staff.

� There are few well founded concerns expressed by parents, staff and pupils about behaviour and safety. Pupils understand the importance of good attitudes and behaviour in school life, adult life and work.

� There is a positive ethos in, and around, the school. Pupils conduct themselves well at all different times of day, including at lunch time, attend regularly, have good attitudes and are punctual to lessons.

� Pupils take pride in their work, their appearance and their school.

� Pupils have a good awareness of different forms of bullying. There are few instances of bullying and these are dealt with effectively by the school.

� Behaviour is managed consistently well. There are marked improvements in behaviour over time for individuals or groups with particular behavioural needs.

� Pupils are safe and feel safe at school and at alternative provision placements and understand how to keep themselves safe in different situations.

Behaviour and safety require improvement as these aspects are

not good.

Behaviour and safety are inadequate when any of the following


� Pupils’ lack of engagement and persistent low-level

disruption of learning contribute to reduced learning and/or

a disorderly classroom environment.

� A significant minority of pupils show a lack of respect and

intolerance for each other or staff and a lack of self-

discipline, resulting in poor behaviour around the school.

Pupils exhibit negative attitudes about the value of good

manners and behaviour as key factors in school life, adult

life and work.

� Incidents of bullying overall or specific types of bullying are

frequent, and/or pupils have little confidence in the school’s

ability to address bullying successfully.

� Pupils or particular groups of pupils are not safe or do not

feel safe at school and/or at alternative placements.

� Attendance is consistently low for all pupils or groups of

pupils and shows no or little sign of improvement.

Behaviour and Safety

Best fit – Good/Outstanding

Key Area Commentary


and safety

Although behaviour and safety are good overall, there are many clear examples of outstanding behaviour and attitudes towards learning in lessons. Pupils’ behaviour around the school is

good and many are extremely polite and thoughtful about others. Pupils speak positively about staff and one another.

The few children who struggle to control their own behaviour are well supported, and well managed. Alternative expertise and provision is well utilised to help these children.

Safeguarding procedures are robust, and thorough. All staff know what to do if they have safeguarding concerns. Links with local social care and Integrated teams are strong.

There is an annual drive around e-safety, which has resulted in all children being aware of the dangers of the internet, and how to use computers safely.

Attendance at the school has improved year on year; it is now slightly above average. The school continues to try different ways of incentivising good attendance. It has for example

adopted a local policy around holidays which has been communicated with all parents. We have also run a competition regarding attendance this year which has resulted in an increase

year on year of over 1%.

The introduction of the ‘zoneboard’ and the Mon/Fri assembly cycle highlighting desired learning behaviours has impacted very positively on chn’s approach to learning. Chn and parents

are aware of the learning behaviours required of the chn as these are regularly shared with staff, pupils, and are on our website and were sent out with this year’s reports.

Overall Judgement – Behaviour and Safety is GOOD/OUTSTANDING

“Our children all deserve our best.”

Key areas for Improvement.6. Embed the role of pastoral support worker, ensuring the launch of the ‘beach hut’ facilitates better outcomes for families, as well as more focussed work

on teaching and learning from teaching staff.

5. Devise and implement system for leading the school’s work on SMSC, ensuring that all children at OBPS receive outstanding provision in this area.

BEHAVIOUR AND SAFETY – Self Evaluation Summer 2014

Outstanding Good Requires Improvement Inadequate

� The pursuit of excellence in all of the school’s activities is demonstrated by an uncompromising and highly successful drive to strongly improve, or maintain, the highest levels of achievement and personal development for all pupils over a sustained period of time.

� All leaders and managers, including those responsible for governance, are highly ambitious for the pupils and lead by example. They base their actions on a deep and accurate understanding of the school’s performance, and of staff and pupils’ skills and attributes.

� Governors, or those with a similar responsibility, stringently hold senior leaders to account for all aspects of the school’s performance.

� There are excellent policies underpinning practice that ensures that pupils have high levels of literacy, or pupils are making excellent progress in literacy.

� Leaders focus relentlessly on improving teaching and learning and provide focused professional development for all staff, especially those that are newly qualified and at an early stage of their careers. This is underpinned by searching performance management that encourages, challenges and supports teachers’ improvement. As a result, teaching is outstanding, or at least consistently good and improving.

� The school’s curriculum promotes and sustains a thirst for knowledge and a love of learning. It covers a wide range of subjects and provides opportunities for academic, technical and sporting excellence. It has a very positive impact on all pupils’ behaviour and safety, and contributes very well to pupils’ academic achievement, their physical wellbeing, and their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.

� The school’s actions have secured improvement in achievement for those supported by the pupil premium, which is rising rapidly, including in English and mathematics.

� The school has highly successful strategies for engaging with parents to the benefit of pupils, including those who find working with the school difficult.

� Senior leaders in the school work to promote improvement across the wider system.

� The school’s arrangements for safeguarding pupils meet statutory requirements.

� Staff model professional standards in all of their work and demonstrate high levels of respect and courtesy for pupils and others.

� Through highly effective, rigorous planning and controls, governors ensure financial stability, including the effective and efficient management of financial resources such as the pupil premium funding. This leads to the excellent deployment of staff and resources to the benefit of all groups of pupils.

� Key leaders and managers, including those responsible for governance, consistently communicate high expectations and ambition.

� Teaching is good and/or improving strongly as a result of accurate monitoring, effective performance management and professional development, which are closely matched to the needs of the school and staff.

� Self-evaluation is thorough and accurate, and the school’s actions are carefully planned, concerted and effective.

� The well-thought-out policies ensure that pupils make at least good progress in literacy.

� Governors, or those in a similar position, systematically challenge senior leaders. As a result, the quality of teaching and pupils’ achievement have improved, or previous good performance in these areas has been consolidated.

� The school’s curriculum encourages a thirst for knowledge and a love of learning. It covers a range of subjects and provides opportunities for academic, technical and sporting excellence and contributes well to pupils’ academic achievement, their physical wellbeing and their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. It promotes good behaviour and a good understanding of safety matters.

� The school’s actions have secured improvement in achievement for those supported by the pupil premium, which is rising, including in English and mathematics.

� The culture of the school is characterised by high expectations and aspirations for all pupils.

� The school works well with parents, including those who might find working with the school difficult, to achieve positive benefits for pupils.

� The school’s arrangements for safeguarding pupils meet statutory requirements.

� Governors ensure the efficient management of financial resources. This leads to the effective deployment of staff and resources.

� Leadership and management require improvement because they are not good but are demonstrating the capacity to secure improvement in the school.

Leadership and management are likely to be inadequate if any of the following apply.

� Capacity for securing further improvement is limited because current leaders and managers have been ineffective in securing essential improvements.

� Improvements which have been made are unlikely to be sustainable, too slow or are dependent on external support.

� Self-evaluation lacks rigour and is inaccurate in its conclusions so that leadership and management do not have a realistic view of outcomes or provision.

� Leadership is not doing enough to ensure good teaching for all groups of pupils, including disabled pupils and those who have special educational needs.

� Leaders and managers are not taking sufficiently effective steps towards securing good behaviour from all pupils and a consistent approach to the management of challenging behaviour.

� The curriculum fails to meet the needs of pupils or particular groups of pupils, or pupils are entered for public examinations inappropriately early, and pupils’ achievement, physical wellbeing and enjoyment of learning are significantly impaired.

� The progress in English or in mathematics of pupils for whom the pupil premium provides support is falling further behind the progress of the other pupils with similar prior attainment in the school.

� Poor literacy is not being tackled urgently and this is impeding pupils’ progress.

� Governors are not sufficiently diligent in holding the school to account for pupils’ achievement, the quality of teaching and the effective and efficient deployment of resources.

� The school’s strategies for engaging with parents are weak and parents express little confidence in the school.

� The school’s arrangements for safeguarding pupils do not meet statutory requirements and give serious cause for concern, or insufficient action has been taken to remedy weaknesses following a serious incident.

Leadership and Management

Key Area Commentary




Since changes in leadership many changes in staffing. New headteacher, deputy headteacher, Core subjects Leaders, and four teachers. There has also been the appointment of three

HLTA’s , and a new staffing structure throughout.

Accountability for pupil progress established. Implementation of new performance management systems and policy; all teachers given performance based target; pupil progress

meetings established; consistent whole school timetable introduced; reliable tracking system purchased and embedded; clear monitoring timetable published and shared.

All the above has resulted in progress figures, based on Y6 SAT’s, of Reading 96%, Writing 91%, and Maths 98% chn making at least 2 levels progress.

Chn making 3 levels progress based on the above – read 26%, Write 41%, maths 32%

Governors regularly briefed on progress data. Governor training on Raiseonline.

Two members of staff completedleadership course. Both following through course with school based leadership project.(attendance and more able)

Working with cluster schools to establish training needs, and buy joint training. Eg, One member of staff led cluster training on moving on chn stuck at 2c in Y3 in writing.

Mental Maths and Guided Reading established across school to raise standards.

Internal monitoring last year included Scheduled Lesson obs, drop in lesson obs, book scrutinies, progress data analysis.

Overall Judgement – Leadership and Management is GOOD/OUTSTANDING

“Our children all deserve our best.”

Key Areas for Improvement.7. Devise and implement system for leading the developments in curriculum, particularly in foundation subjects.

8. Continue development of leadership team, with all leadership team able to participate in focussed visits to other successful settings

Leadership and Management – Self evaluation – Summer 2014

“Our children all deserve our best.”

School Improvement Plan – September 14/July 15

Priority Success Criteria

1. Raise standards of writing and maths in KS1 so that by Summer

2015 we are reporting standards above national expectations in all


OBPS reports standards above national averages in all measures for KS1. This

would reflect OUTSTANDING progress, as at the end of reception 27% of this

cohort achieved a GLD (National average for year group 56%)

2. For more than 40% of children in Y6 to achieve L5 + in RWM in

2015 tests.

40% children achieve L5 in RWM in Key Stage 2 SATs in the Summer of 2015

3. Use STARlesson to produce internal CPD materials for use both

with our own staff and further audiences, particularly with regard

higher order questioning.

Production of resources suitable for sharing internally and with a wider audience.

4. Make sure level of challenge for more able chn in every lesson

enables them to make progress relevant to their ability.

Outcomes in EYFS, KS1 and KS2 all show greater percentages of chn achieving

higher levels than 2014 (exceeding, L3 and L5)

5. Embed the role of pastoral support worker, ensuring the launch

of the ‘beach hut’ facilitates better outcomes for families, as well as

more focussed work on teaching and learning from teaching staff.

• More classes able to begin on time due to fewer parental consultations at

start of day

• Vulnerable pupils/families better supported due to specialised support

6. Devise and implement system for leading the school’s work on

SMSC, ensuring that all children at OBPS receive outstanding

provision in this area.

School follows coherent plan with regard SMSC provision, resulting in

outstanding opportunities for all our chn

7. Devise and implement system for leading the developments in

curriculum, particularly in foundation subjects.

Developments in curriculum are successful and result in improved assessments

for chn

8. Continue development of leadership team, with all leadership

team able to participate in focussed visits to other successful


All SLT able to identify how visit has successfully impacted on their professional


“Our children all deserve our best.”

Priority 1 - Raise standards of writing and maths in

KS1 so that by Summer 2015 we are reporting

standards above national expectations in all areas.

Tasks By whom Resources needed Completed by Success Criteria

Use Pupil Progress meetings to

monitor progress towards this


HT/ Y2 teachers Time for meetings Each PP meeting, see monitoring


Records of PPM’s over year

show movement towards the


Utilise specific interventions as


Y2 teachers/ TA’s Appropriate interventions Ongoing, specifically after PPM’s Records of PPM’s over year

show movement towards the


Use handwriting scheme to

enable chn to write at length

more comfortably.

Y2 teachers Handwriting scheme, font,

books, training for teachers and


Ongoing Comparing exercise books from

July 2014 to new ones to

monitor improvements in


Ensure every Y2 child writes for

a purpose daily.

Y2 teachers/ TA’s Timetable Ongoing Evidence in books of daily

writing activities

Overall Success Criteria

• OBPS reports standards above national averages in all measures for KS1. This would

reflect OUTSTANDING progress, as at the end of reception 27% of this cohort

achieved a GLD (National average for year group 56%)

“Our children all deserve our best.”

Priority 2 -For more than 40% of children in Y6 to

achieve L5+ in RWM in 2015 tests.

Tasks By whom Resources needed Completed by Success Criteria

Use Pupil Progress meetings to

monitor progress towards this


HT/ Y6 teachers Time for meetings Each PP meeting, see monitoring


Records of PPM’s over year

show movement towards the


Ensure teaching in Y6 includes

relevant level of stretch for chn

who have potential to reach L5

Y6 teachers None Ongoing throughout year % chn on target to achieve L5

RWM continues to rise during


Identify chn with potential to

achieve L5 during target setting


HT/Y6 teachers Meeting Sept 14 List of children with potential to

achieve L5 produced for

revisiting in subsequent PPM


Overall Success Criteria

40% children achieve L5 in RWM in Key Stage 2 SATs in the Summer of 2015

“Our children all deserve our best.”

Priority 3 - Use STARlesson to produce internal CPD

materials for use both with our own staff and further

audiences, particularly with regard higher order


Tasks By whom Resources needed Completed by Success Criteria

Every member of teaching staff

to have portfolio of at least 4

STAR recordings

All teaching staff Starlesson equipment Christmas 2014 Lessons available on Starlesson

Staff Meetings to begin with a

shared clip by host member of


All teaching staff Starlesson equipment September 2014- onwards Staff meeting meetings evidence

clips used

Use coaching pairs format to

encourage staff to share and

disseminate best practice

All teaching staff Starlesson and staff meeting


Autumn term Coaching pairs paperwork

Overall Success Criteria

Production of resources suitable for sharing internally and with a wider audience.

“Our children all deserve our best.”

Priority 4 - Make sure level of challenge for more able

chn in every lesson enables them to make progress

relevant to their ability.

Tasks By whom Resources needed Completed by Success Criteria

Every lesson observation to look

at provision for higher ability


HT/ DHT/ Core subject leaders

during observations

Space on the proforma used to

record details of lesson


Autumn 2014 Monitoring records contain

reference to this aspect

Use information gathered from

obs to inform next steps to

ensure maximum progress for

these children

SLT SLT meeting Spring 2015 half-term Plan to address this within usual


Implement plan created All school Unknown Summer 2015 At least 40% Y6 chn L5+ in KS2


L3 in KS1 SATs above national


Overall Success Criteria

Outcomes in EYFS, KS1 and KS2 all show greater percentages of chn achieving higher

levels than 2014 (exceeding, L3 and L5)

“Our children all deserve our best.”

Priority 5 - Embed the role of pastoral support worker,

ensuring the launch of the ‘beach hut’ facilitates

better outcomes for families, as well as more focussed

work on teaching and learning from teaching staff.

Tasks By whom Resources needed Completed by Success Criteria

Redecorate and refurnish

nursery office as pastoral office

– ‘the beach hut’

Caretaker Paint, sofa, sundries, pastoral


Autumn half-term Office completed and in use

Get HT/Pastoral support worker

SDP training

HT/Pastoral Support Worker Course fees Christmas 2014 Certification from course

Make sure pastoral support

worker has local supportive

professional network

HT/Pastoral Support Worker Local contacts Christmas 2014 Local network established and


Parents informed, and reminded

of availability of PSW in

mornings particularly

HT/Pastoral Support Worker/all


Newsletter/texts/website Autumn and ongoing Parents using PSW to improve

outcomes for child

Overall Success Criteria

• More classes able to begin on time due to fewer parental consultations at start of day

• Vulnerable pupils/families better supported due to specialised support

“Our children all deserve our best.”

Priority 6 - Devise and implement system for leading

the school’s work on SMSC, ensuring that all children

at OBPS receive outstanding provision in this area.

Tasks By whom Resources needed Completed by Success Criteria

Advertise, interview and appoint

to temporary role auditing

current provision

HT Staff meeting

Temporary TLR3 payment

SMSC lead in place by Autumn


In post

Audit current provision for

SMSC, use information to inform

action plan

SMSC lead Time/staff meeting time November 2014 – audit

Christmas 2014 – action plan

Audit and action plan available

Implement action plan All staff Staff meeting Spring 2015 to start Plan being followed throughout


Overall Success Criteria

School follows coherent plan with regard SMSC provision, resulting in outstanding

opportunities for all our chn

“Our children all deserve our best.”

Priority 7 - Devise and implement system for leading

the developments in curriculum, particularly in

foundation subjects.

Tasks By whom Resources needed Completed by Success Criteria

Use current SLT to discuss

current arrangements for

implementing developments to


SLT SLT Meeting September 2014 Minutes of SLT meeting

Devise system to lead

curriculum developments

SLT SLT Meeting October 2014 Plan in place

Implement and review plan All staff SLT/Staff Meeting November 2014 - onwards Plan in place

Overall Success Criteria

Developments in curriculum are successful and result in improved assessments for chn

“Our children all deserve our best.”

Priority 8 - Continue development of leadership team,

with all leadership team able to participate in

focussed visits to other successful settings.

Tasks By whom Resources needed Completed by Success Criteria

Identify examples of successful

practice we wish to visit

Individual members of SLT Time/cover October half-term Places to visit identified and

contact made.

All members of SLT able to visit

identified settings

SLT Cover Christmas 2014 Visits completed

Share good practice observed SLT Staff meeting Spring half-term Staff meeting minutes

Overall Success Criteria

All SLT able to identify how visit has successfully impacted on their professional practice.

























HT/DHT Review last

year’s SDP

Write new SDP Observations to

include looking

at higher ability



internally SMSC

lead role

Appoint lead

for SMSC

Pupil progress


SDP training

Pupil progress


Pupil progress


Pupil progress


Pupil progress


SLT Explore

methods for




Devise plan for






school to visit

Implement plan

for leading



Focussed visit

to successful


Focussed visit

to successful




Target setting


Use STAR to



Pupil progress


Pupil progress


Pupil progress


Pupil progress


Pupil progress



Promote PSW

and ‘beach hut’

Apply for role

as SMSC lead




Audit Current

SMSC provsion

SDP traing for


Write SMSC

Action Plan


SMSC Action


Parents Use PSW and

‘beach hut’ as




with teachers

and share views



with teachers

and share views

Governors Governors

meeting to

examine SDP


meeting to

review progress

towards SDP


meeting to

review progress

towards SDP


meeting to

review progress

towards SDP


meeting to

review progress

towards SDP


meeting to

review progress

towards SDP



w e











d r





xt s


s fo

r O



Key Moments and Stakeholders - SDP