Download - Seeds : nux vomica , linseed & castor

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By:Mahmoud Sallam

Faculty of pharmacy, Azhar University

(Nux vomica , Linseed &


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A plant part derived from a fertilized ovule , so it is mature fertilized ovule.


-To insure the continuation and distribution of the plant.


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Coats or protective integuments: composed of either

one (testa) or two coats (outer testa and inner tegmen).

Micropyle (pore): present at the apex, from which the pollen tubes begin their way to embryo sac.

Nucellus: central mass composed of collapsed parenchyma, it is bigger in size in some mature seeds forming the perisperm e.g., cardamom.

Embryo sac: is a large cell in the nucellus containing the ovum.

Structure of the ovule

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des ovum

1ry endosperm nucleus

Antipodal cells

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1. Hilum: A scar left by the removal of funiculus (stalk) from


2. Chalaza: Position at base of the nucellus where the vascular strand of the stalk branches.

3. Micropyle: A small hole in the seed coat, serving to transport water during germination.

4. Raphe: Vascular strand in anatropous and amphitropous seeds where the stalk grows on one side of the ovule .

Markings on the testa:

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es o

f o






(inverted 180º)


(inverted 90º)Campylotropous

(curved nucellus)

Types of ovules

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The ovule is erect or straight.

The funicule, nucellus and micropyle are on a straight line.

The micropyle is at the opposite side of the hilum.

No raphe.

Not common.

e.g. Nux vomica.




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The ovule is completely inverted on its stalk (180º).

The micropyle close to the hilum with the chalaza

at the opposite end.

The raphe extends along the whole length of the


Most common.

e.g. linseed.



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The ovule is partly inverted on its stalk (90º).

The hilum , chalaza and micropyle are widely

separated with hilum between chalaza and


The raphe runs only from hilum to chalaza (1/2 raphe).

e.g. colchicum.



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The nucellus and coats of one side develop very rapidly while the development of other side is almost arrested resulting in a curved nucellus.

The hilum, chalaza and micropyle are together at one end.

No raphe.

e.g. solanaceous seeds.


(curved nucellus)

hilum chalazamicropyle

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It is the dried ripe seeds of Strychnos nux-vomica Linn.

Family: Loganiaceae.

Nux Vomicaالجوز املقيئ

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Shape: disc or button-shaped.

20-25 mm in diameter and 4 mm in thickness.

Surface: covered with numerous short hairs radiating from the center (satiny sheen appearance).

Seed: albuminous.

ovule: atropous.

Hilum: appears as raised circular scar at the center of either surfaces.

Micropyle: appears as a small prominence at the apex of the seed.

In the dry seed the hilum & micropyle are connected by a raised ridge ,mainly due to crossed hairs (frequently been mistaken for the raphe).


Characters: h.


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Endosperm: horny and greyish, followed by a lens shaped

cavity enclosing the embryo.

Embryo: - small and white, present at the micropyle.

- Consisting of 2 cordate-like cotyledons.

odourless when dry and very bitter in taste.

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1. Seed coat: is formed of one coat: - Epidermis: The cells extend to form trichomes, each with 10 lignified thickened longitudinal internal ribs. - Hyaline layer (hypoderm): a layer of collapsed cells.

2. Endosperm: composed of thick-walled cellulosic parenchyma. The walls are mainly hemicellulosic, the protoplasm of adjacent cells is joined with very fine protoplasmic threads (plasmodesma ). The cells contain fixed oil and aleurone grains (only globoids).

3. Embryo: The cells are small and contain fixed oil and aleurone grains.



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1. Thick-walled, lignified epidermal cells

(showing pits in S. V.).

2. Numerous lignified ribs of hairs.

3. Thick-walled endosperm cells containing aleurone grains and fixed oil globules.

4. No starch or calcium oxalate.

Powder (M.D.E):

(S.V.) (T.V.)

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Epidermal cells

Lignified ribs

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Alkaloids (2.5 %) mainly strychnine and brucine.

Glycosides (loganin).

Active Constituents:

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1. A transverse section or powder mounted with Mandalin's

reagent, a pink-violet colour is produced in the innermost part of endosperm (indicating the presence of strychnine).

2. A mount of transverse section or powder in nitric acid shows an orange-red colour especially in the outermost part of the endosperm (indicating the presence of brucine).

Tests of identity:

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Has been used as a bitter tonic, improving appetite and


Increases blood pressure and may be used as a circulatory stimulant.

May be used as a respiratory stimulant in certain cases of poisoning.

Spinal cord stimulant (only used in experimental research) .


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It is the dried ripe seeds of Linum usitatissimum.

Family: Linaceae.

Linseedبذر الكتان

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Shape: elongated , ovoid , flattened , acute at one

end and rounded at the other.

Surface: smooth, finely pitted.

Seed: albuminous.

Ovule: anatropous.

Hilum & micropyle: present in small depression at the acute end . The raphe is a yellowish ridge extending from the acute end to the rounded end.



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Endosperm: thin.

Embryo: - straight, consisting of two large cotyledons & a radicle directed towards the micropyle.


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1. Testa: - Epidermis: polygonal tabular cells with thin

anticlinal walls filled with stratified mucilage.

- Hypodermis: 1-2 layers of collenchyma.

2. Tegmen:- Sclereid layer: single layer of small lignified

elongated sclereids.

- Hyaline layer: a layer of collapsed parenchyma (outer cells are elongated and perpendicular to the sclereid layer).

- Pigment layer: polygonal flattened cells, containing dark brown mass of pigments.


Characters: I- Seed coats:

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Thin-walled parenchyma cells filled with oil globules and aleurone grains (globoids & crystalloids).

II- Endosperm & Embryo:

Aleurone grains are protein reserve food in the form of grains, they vary generally in size,

shape and complexityfrom a plant to another.

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1. Mat-like structure: sclereid cells

crossed with the elongated parenchyma of the hyaline later.

2. Thick-walled, elongated cells of sclerenchyma layer.

3. Dark brown fragments of pigment cells.

4. Epidermal cell containing mucilage.

5. Fragments of endosperm and embryo cells.

Powder (M.D.E):

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Pigment layer

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Fixed oil (30-40% consisting mainly of linoleic and linolenic acids).

Proteins (25%).

Mucilage (6%).

Cyanogenic glycoside Linamarin.

Active Constituents:

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1. Guignard paper test:- The freshly crushed seeds are moistened with water, hang a strip of

filter paper moistened with Guignard’s reagent (Na picrate, yellow) over the flask , stopper.

Brick-red colour (due to ↑ HCN)

- Na picrate is reduced by Hydrocyanic acid into Na picramate.

Tests of identity:

Water bath37ºC, 30 min.

2. Ruthenium Red: Red color (acidic mucilage)

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Guignard paper test:

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1) Demulcent (in cough mixtures).

2) Bulk Laxative.

3) Anti-inflammatory as a poultice (crushed seeds).

4) Linseed oil is a drying oil used in paintings (easily oxidized and dried → thin film on the walls).

5) Linseed cake is a valuable cattle food.


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Castor seedبذر الخروع

It is the dried ripe seeds of Ricinus communis.

Family: Euphorbiaceae.

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A fleshy outgrowth arising from the micropyle of the seed.



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about 50 %fixed oil and about 26 %proteins.

The cake left after the expression of the oil contains about 0-2 % ricinine , ricin ( highly toxic).

Active Constituents:

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