Download - Sedgefield PE Leaders Developing Assessment Practice January 2016.


Sedgefield PE Leaders Developing Assessment Practice January 2016 Objectives To leave with an understanding/overview of pupil expectations for each class in PE Have an ability to inform parents of progress in the subject Develop a language that pupils can use to articulate their progress Ensure that standards are understood by all teachers and adults The problem with levels Level descriptors (as part of an attainment target) intended to be used at the end of KS. (not every unit/end of lesson etc) Teachers required to make a best fit judgement on what best described The problem with levels The physical problem The average problem The sublevels of progress problem (abc of consistency) The moral data entry problem The language of assessment problem The lack of clarity problem The assessment challenge A whole generations have gone through a system of labelling through levels. As part of the agenda, there is a need to develop an assessment system that is fair, valid, reliable, and continuously strives to improve learning and drive up standards. In other words, one which is fit for purpose The overview of effective assessment in PE DOING KS1THINKING KS1BEHAVIOUR KS1 Develop fundamental movement skills (specifically master basic movements including: running, jumping, throwing and catching) Develop competence Develop agility, balance and coordination Perform dances using simple movement patterns Apply skills Develop simple tactics for attacking and defending Develop competence Develop confidence Work individually and with others Develop competence and confidence How would you use these documents to monitor pupil progress? Contexts: Team games, dance, range of physical activities (individual and cooperative), competitive situations (against self and others), swimming (if not in KS1), increasingly challenging Fundamental Movement Skills Body ManagementLocomotorObject control Balance (KS2 Lower Y3/4)Continuous Leap (KS2 Upper Y5/6) Catch KS1) Climb (KS2 Lower)Dodge (KS1)Chest Pass (KS2 Lower) Forward Roll (KS2 Lower)Gallop (KS2 Upper)Foot Dribble (KS2 Upper) Line Walk (KS1)Hop (KS1)Hand Dribble (KS2 Upper) Jump for distance (KS1)Kick (KS2 Lower) Jump for Height (KS1)Overarm Throw (KS1) Side Gallop (KS2 Lower)Underarm Throw (KS1) Skip (KS2 Lower)Punt (KS2 Upper) Sprint Run (KS2 Lower)Two-handed strike (KS2 Upper) DOING KS2THINKING KS2BEHAVIOUR KS2 Develop a broader range of skills (specifically running, jumping, throwing and catching in isolation and in combination) Perform dances using a range of movement patterns Develop flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance Swim 25m competently and proficiently Perform safe self-rescue in different situations Apply a broader range of skills (specifically running, jumping, throwing and catching in isolation and in combination) Link skills to make actions and sequences of movement Learn how to evaluate and recognise their own success Apply basic principles suitable for attacking and defending Compare their performances with previous ones Enjoy communicating, collaborating and competing with each other Develop flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance Contexts: Competitive games, dance, OAA challenges, different physical activities and sports (individual and team), swimming (if not in KS1) Primary PE Transition information made simple: *denotes MAT Assessment without levels overview Assessment Focus from NC End KS Descriptor (Doing/Thinking/Behaving) Pupils below expected level of attainment for assessment task Pupils above expected level of attainment for assessment task Reason Intervention and planning notes Extension and planning notes Pupils attempt the diagnostic assessment task: Core Task Record Sheet Teaching Time Quality Formative Assessment Activities Pupil centred planning and teaching informed by assessment information Assessment Focus from NC End KS Descriptor (Doing/Thinking/Behaving) Pupils below expected level of attainment for assessment task Pupils above expected level of attainment for assessment task Reason Intervention and planning notes Extension and planning notes Summative assessment / Core Task Record Sheet Annotated Planning = Schools develop own standards expected for each year good schools moderate in clusters/partners End KS Descriptors mapped across SoL to enable pupils to experience and develop them % at or above expected attainment standards v floor % of 85% % =/+ Attainment Assessment standards: What should my Y7 pupil do, sound, think and behave like? LASTLY: Fitting a levelling system: eg If using 1-9. If Y7 child is expected to be a score 3, above =4, below=2. This is not shared with pupils or parents, just to track All parents and pupils wish to know is what is in this record sheet How are our pupils doing? What are your assessment tasks? Who designs assessment tasks & how? Use professional judgement & collaboration Use floor standards 90% are on track floor is 85% What is being done for those who arent ie Assessment informing planning- evidence Informing Teaching Getting started Using the National Curriculum documents, identify what you would like you pupils to look, sound and behave like by the end of Y2 and &6. Are there common themes to the discussion? Social / Behavioural / Physical / Cognitive / Participation PHYSICAL COGNITIVESOCIAL OTHER YEAR: Getting started Now complete this for the rest of the year groups. Identify/highlight the key words that would differentiate the year groups and would focus the discussion with pupils about performance Modified CTR sheet example (Cotherstone) Developing simple systems Now lets look at the Core Task Record Sheet. Using the examples provided and a blank sheet of paper: Modify the CTR sheet including new aspects you feel should be included following on from the discussions today How will you ensure all staff can use this effectively to inform planning? The curriculum design supports assessment well TERM1ATERM 1BTERM 2ATERM 2BTERM 3ATERM 3B YEAR 1: DESCRIPTOR ACTIVITY CORE TASK END KS EXPECTATION(S) FMS FOCUS ACTIVITY CORE TASK END KS EXPECTATION(S) FMS FOCUS ACTIVITY CORE TASK END KS EXPECTATION(S) FMS FOCUS ACTIVITY CORE TASK END KS EXPECTATION(S) FMS FOCUS ACTIVITY CORE TASK END KS EXPECTATION(S) FMS FOCUS ACTIVITY CORE TASK END KS EXPECTATION(S) FMS FOCUS YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6 Developing Quality Assurance Collaborative work with other schools using video sample performances of core tasks Over time have example students for below / at / above for the CTs What do we want to achieve from an assessment model? Reporting Evidencing Progress Informing Teaching Recording / Tracking Does it really matter what you measure with? Standardisation within learning communities of end of year expectations Informing Teaching Teaching tasks adjusted when planning through assessment information Recording / Tracking 6 weekly data entry points do not suit practical subjects, nor many others for that matter. What was the last thing you mastered in 6 weeks? Whereas I can or in many students eyes, I cant so whats the point statements have been the scourge of PE. Reporting Parents information should not be a discussion about a series of letters or numbers, but giving real clarity about what is expected by this age. Can the written report for each child make reference to the expectations in all PE domains by the end of the respective year?