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Secure Point-of-Care Medical Diagnostics viaTrusted Sensing and Cyto-Coded Passwords

Tuan Le, Gabriel Salles-Loustau, Laleh Najafizadeh, Mehdi Javanmard, Saman ZonouzElectrical and Computer Engineering Department, Rutgers University

{tuananh.le, gabriel.sallesloustau, laleh.najafizadeh, mehdi.javanmard, saman.zonouz}

Abstract—Trustworthy and usable healthcare requires notonly effective disease diagnostic procedures to ensure delivery ofrapid and accurate outcomes, but also lightweight user privacy-preserving capabilities for resource-limited medical sensing de-vices. In this paper, we present MedSen, a portable, inexpensiveand secure smartphone-based biomarker1 detection sensor toprovide users with easy-to-use real-time disease diagnostic capa-bilities without the need for in-person clinical visits. To minimizethe deployment cost and size without sacrificing the diagnosticaccuracy, security and time requirement, MedSen operates as adongle to the user’s smartphone and leverages the smartphone’scomputational capabilities for its real-time data processing. Fromthe security viewpoint, MedSen introduces a new hardware-leveltrusted sensing framework, built in the sensor, to encrypt mea-sured analog signals related to cell counting in the patient’s bloodsample, at the data acquisition point. To protect the user privacy,MedSen’s in-sensor encryption scheme conceals the user’s privateinformation before sending them out for cloud-based medicaldiagnostics analysis. The analysis outcomes are sent back to Med-Sen for decryption and user notifications. Additionally, MedSenintroduces cyto-coded passwords to authenticate the user to thecloud server without the need for explicit screen password entry.Each user’s password constitutes a predetermined number ofsynthetic beads with different dielectric characteristics. MedSenmixes the password beads with the user’s blood before submittingthe data for diagnostics analysis. The cloud server authenticatesthe user based on the statistics and characteristics of the beadswith the blood sample, and links the user’s identity to theencrypted analysis outcomes. We have implemented a real-worldworking prototype of MedSen through bio-sensor fabricationand smartphone app (Android) implementations. Our resultsshow that MedSen can reliably classify different users basedon their cyto-coded passwords with high accuracy. MedSen’sbuilt-in analog signal encryption guarantees the user’s privacy byconsidering the smartphone and cloud server possibly untrusted(curious but honest). MedSen’s end-to-end time requirement fordisease diagnostics is approximately 0.2 seconds on average.


Healthcare management and delivery costs in developedcountries are skyrocketing. In response to this trend, federalagencies have supported diverse lines of applied research in theuse of technology for health monitoring and intervention [22],[30]. The intention is to take advantage of state-of-the-arttechnologies to compile information about medical healthsecurely and in real-time and thereby transition from reactive,hospital-centered to preventive and patient-centered, and cost-effective health care and management with greater focus onwell-being.

More specifically, the deployment of an ideal medical

1A biomarker, or biological marker, generally refers to a measurableindicator of some biological state or condition such as human disease. Forexample, the overabundance of certain blood cell types or biomolecular levelsmay indicate an infection.

diagnostics solution necessitates satisfaction of three corerequirements: i) portability and low-cost. Ease-of-use and userconvenience requires a portable solution so that the users, e.g.,elderly patients with regular diagnostic/testing prescriptions,can get themselves tested without having to make hospi-tal visits. Additionally, replacing legacy inexpensive (thoughsometimes tedious) clinical testing calls for a low-cost solutionthat can be purchased and used by ordinary civilians; ii)accuracy and performance. Due to their importance and poten-tial life-changing impact, the correctness of medical diagnosisoutcomes, e.g., HIV testing, is crucial. Furthermore, becauseof the same reasons, patients are often willing to pay higherrates for more accelerated testing procedures. Consequently,the proposed solution must satisfy both needs. iii) usablesecurity and privacy guarantees. Based on Gallup Poll for theInstitute for Health Freedom [12], 70% of the respondents wereconcerned about the confidentiality of their medical records[8]. Potentially sensitive information disclosure may result inundesired consequences such as insurance premium raises andnegative social affects.

Point-of-Care (POC) diagnostics by taking advantage ofminiaturized devices and mobile technology can dramaticallyincrease the role patients take in their own health care, andconsequently reduce health care costs. POC diagnostics referto in-vitro diagnostic tests that do not require the involvementof laboratory staff and facilities to make results available bothto the medical professional and the patient [10], [15], [19]. Thepossibility of integrating POC systems with mobile platformshave been very recently demonstrated through the diagnosisof a series of conditions including vitamin-D deficiency andKaposi’s Sarcoma disease [21], [23], [25]. At the same time,the recently increasing popularity of using information tech-nologies for healthcare has attracted cyber criminals to thisarea as well, giving birth to various types of malware andadversarial intrusions against medical critical infrastructures.The number of data breaches across healthcare sectors haveincreased by 30% during the last year [17]. As a result, whilethe availability of mobile-based POC diagnostics systems tothe public creates great opportunities in the health care domain,it will be associated with serious privacy and security concerns,due to vulnerabilities on the cyber side.

To address the requirements associated with portability, ac-curacy and security for smartphone-based POCs, in this paper,we present MedSen, an integrated trustworthy POC diagnosticssolution, as a portable device plugged into smartphones, thatprovides end-users with real-time local medical diagnostics,while maintaining privacy guarantees.

As a running example, in the proposed work we will focuson a POC system that utilizes impedance cytometry to provideblood cell counting for medical diagnostic and disease stag-ing information. Cytometry and particle quantification have

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been extensively used for the diagnosis of a wide range ofpathological conditions such as cancer and infectious (bothviral and bacterial) diseases [3], [14], [20], [24], [26], [32],[33]. Therefore, MedSen’s design is broadly applicable to alarge number of medical diagnostics devices, as they begin tobecome integrated with smartphones.

The development of MedSen’s proposed POC secure diag-nostics solution consisted of two major research tasks: First,we designed and implemented a microfluidic bio-sensor thatwould enable innovative hardware-based analog signal encod-ing for biomarker detection. MedSen makes use of hardware-level multi-electrode excitation to implement cryptographicone-time padding encryption to realize trustworthy analogsignal encryption.

Second, we designed and deployed a new medical cyto-coded password and authentication scheme for POC devices.Each password consists of a specific secret ratio of micron-sized synthetic beads, that will be mixed with individual’sblood sample. Feeding the mixture to the POC devices willconstitute the autonomous authentication mechanism withoutthe user’s explicit password entry that prevents the cyberintruders from accessing patient’s sensitive medical results.

The contributions of this paper are the following: i) Weintroduce a new portable medical diagnostics solution thatleverages smartphone and cloud computational capabilities forheavyweight data processing of bio-sensor measurements. ii)We present a domain-specific usable security and authenti-cation technique for POC medical devices via cyto-codedpasswords. The proposed scheme removes the need for tra-ditional explicit password entries by the users. iii) We proposea user privacy-preserving algorithm for medical healthcareplatforms through in-sensor built-in analog signal encryptionand decryption schemes. Similar to digital homomorphic cryp-tographic solutions, the proposed framework allows for cloud-based signal processing on encrypted measurements. iv) Wehave implemented a real-world integrated working prototype ofthe proposed algorithms and designs. Our empirical evaluationresults prove the deployability of MedSen in real practicalsettings.

MedSen’s sensor encrypts the analog signals using anembedded micro-controller. MedSen’s software-based diagnos-tics data processing runs on either Android v4.1 (for smallerdatasets) or a cloud server that runs Matlab framework.

This paper is organized as follows. Section II presentsMedSen’s components and how they are interconnected logi-cally. Sections III-V explain in details the design of MedSen’sindividual components and how they provide their correspond-ing functionality. Section VI describes fabrication proceduresand details of system integration to implement MedSen fordisease diagnostics. Section VII presents our empirical andintegrated evaluation of MedSen’s components in real-worldsettings including using real blood cells. Section VIII reviewsthe most related existing work and discusses how MedSenaddresses their shortcomings in terms of portability, security,and real-time diagnostics. Section IX concludes the paper.


MedSen provides a new portable privacy-preserving mi-crofluidic biomarker detection sensor for cost-effective humandisease diagnosis and management using smartphone computa-tional resources. MedSen leverages cytometry [27] to measure

Fig. 1. Capture Chamber for Cytometry-Based Disease Diagnosticsg pp y y g

Fig. 2. Blood sample (<0.01mL) is drawn from patient and injected into thebio-sensor, which detects the cells and encrypts the data. A powerful server,used to quantify data, will obtain a convoluted result. The microprocessorintegrated with the bio-sensor will obtain the convoluted results and use aunique key sequence to decrypt the encoded result.

the biomarkers in blood. Figure 1 shows a functional andlow cost implementation for a cytometry framework that usesa probe-molecule (antibodies) coated microfluidic channel topre-concentrate target biomolecules (cells, viruses, proteins,nucleic acids, etc..) of interest on the channel surface. Thesespecifically bound cells are then released from the surface andthen flow though an electrical impedance sensor, where theyare singly counted when passing through a set of electrodes.The total electrical cell count is proportional to the totalconcentration of target biomolecules that were present in thetest sample. The peak detection typically requires a software-based implementation of signal processing for denoising andremoval of baseline drift and peak detection.

Figure 2 shows MedSen’s high-level architecture. In addi-tion to biomolecular analysis and disease diagnosis, MedSenprotects user privacy, while enabling secure authentication toa remote healthcare database server. The patient collects ablood sample using a specifically crafted mini-pipette. MedSenfeeds the blood sample to the biomarker sensor device thatis attached to the smartphone. During data acquisition, thesensor dynamically changes its configuration (i.e., numberof active electrodes) to encrypt the outgoing analog signalto the smartphone. Each cell that passes through a pair ofactive electrodes causes a peak in the measured signal dueto the inter-electrode dielectric characteristic changes. Thesmartphone sends the encrypted measurements to a remotepowerful server for disease diagnosis analysis (Figure 2).

The server analyzes the signals and counts the numberof peaks, which does not necessarily correspond to the truenumber of cells/biomolecules/beads that were present, becausemore than one electrode pair may have been activated dur-ing data acquisition. The number of activated electrodes isconfidential to MedSen’s sensor device. The server sends thecounted number of peaks back to the MedSen sensor fordecoding. MedSen simply decodes the number and determinesthe user’s disease condition through a simple threshold com-parison, and notifies the user accordingly. MedSen’s in-sensoranalog signal encryption, as opposed to traditional crypto-graphic digital data point encryption, eliminates the need forcomplicated analog-digital conversion circuitry and powerfulcryptographic encrypting processors within the sensor.

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Fig. 3. Model of operation of planar electrode pair. The electrode-electrolyteinterface is modeled by the double layer capacitance. The electrical impedancein the channel fluctuates as the cell/bead passing between the measurementelectrodes.

For authentication, the user’s blood sample is mixed with auser-specific number of artificial beads before passing throughthe MedSen’s sensor (Figure 2). The peaks caused by theartificial beads differ in amplitude from the peaks caused bythe true biomarker cells and can be distinguished on the serverside. Based on the number of counted artificial beads, theserver authenticates the user (similar to password checking)without the need to explicitly screen password entry by theuser. Consequently, the diagnostic information can be returnedto a patient or stored in cloud for a later access by the patient’spractitioner.

Threat model. We have microfabricated a multi-electrodecytometer with the ability to obtain, modulate and obfus-cate peak number during data acquisition. A cryptographicalgorithm is imposed on the bio-sensor via electrode keymultiplexing, making the true number of peaks unattainableto potential eavesdroppers who do not have the appropriatesecurity key. The proposed method allows for elevated secu-rity in diagnostic devices against confidentiality attacks whentransmitting sensitive medical data over the network or theirprocessing in the cloud. Contrary to previous work that usesencryption or authentication as an independent componentin a system design, our encryption is embedded in the cy-tometry operations. This close coupling between the signalacquisition and the encryption process allows our setup tohave a very small trusted computing base (TCB). MedSen’strusted computing base is its sensor. Aside from the sensor,which physically manipulates the patient blood sample, and thecombination of a small controller and a multiplexer responsiblefor managing the diagnostic experiment settings (electrodesvoltage and current), no other component has access to the truecytometry information. MedSen neither trusts the smartphonenor the remote server, because they both see only the encryptedmeasurements and the analysis outcomes. Those parties areassumed to follow a curious but honest adversarial model.


A. Bio-sensor

MedSen bio-sensor is integrated in its microfluidic systemand acquires data by monitoring the electrical impedanceacross the channel. Figure 3 shows MedSen’s electricalimpedance measurement setup in the microfluidic channel thatconsists of co-planar electrodes. The electrical impedance of abead (micro-particle) passing through the microfluidic channelis detected by changes in measured impedance between theelectrode pair (capacitor). The input electrode is excited witha continuous AC signal at a fixed frequency. The output

electrodes are connected to a lock-in-amplifer that converts thecurrent to voltage, and locks into the AC excitation frequency.As the bead passes between the electrode pair, the electricalimpedance increases because of a partial occlusion of ionspassing between the two electrodes. Thus, changes in voltageat the output of the lock-in-amplifer correspond to the beadsbeing detected.

Figure 3 shows how the sensing electrode pair in themicrofluidic channel can be modeled as a series of capacitorsand resistors [9]. The resistor depicts the resistance of fluidand contents passing through MedSen’s microfluidic channel.The parasitic capacitance results from a double layer of ionsforming at the electrode, i.e., the electrolyte interface. Whenvoltage applied to the electrode, a layer of ions polarityaccumulates at the surface of electrode. The electric field fromthe electrodes is screened by the free ions in the double layer,similar to a parallel plate capacitor. The system of capacitorsand resistors in series will have a distinctive capacitancedominant region and resistance dominant region in response toa range of applied frequencies. At low frequencies (<10 kHz),the system response is dominated by the electrical charac-teristic of capacitance, and thus the measured impedance isrelatively high (MΩ range). At higher frequencies (>100 kHz),the capacitance is short circuited. This prompts the resistanceto dominate the impedance. We desire to operate in the regimewhere resistance is dominant since we are measuring changesin ionic resistance resulting from the presence of beads inbetween the electrodes. Each bead or cell passing by resultsin a single peak in the output voltage.

B. Multi-Electrode Signal Encryption

MedSen expands the simple impedance cytometer and usesmultiple electrodes with multiple inputs shorted together andmultiple independent outputs. This results in multiple peaks aseach cell or particle passes by. The individual outputs are usedas the key component in our biomedical microelectromechani-cal system (BioMEMS)-based signal encryption. The outputof the electrodes can be selected or discarded through themultiplexer by the (pseudo-)random selection of a micro-controller. The signals of the independent output electrodescan be randomly switched on or off through a multiplexer chip.The details of signal encryption using random keying of outputelectrodes are described in Section IV. The repeated readingsof cell impedance of a single cell when passing through theelectrode pairs in the bio-sensor can be manipulated to arandom sequence of peaks response by arbitrarily selectingthe outputs from the electrodes pairs. Figure 4 describes theoperation model of the integrated system. This results in arandomly varying number of peaks for each bead passingby. A potential eavesdropper, without access to the signalencryption key, will not be able to discern the true number ofbeads that have passed by. The number of beads is a crucialparameter for disease diagnostics analyses. For instance, thewhite blood CD-4 cell count is the strongest predictor ofhuman immunodeficiency virus (HIV) progression in lab testsnowadays.

We designed the microfluidic channel with integratedmulti-electrode pair configuration to mask the number of peakcount for passing cells in microfluidic channel to protect userprivacy and security in diagnostic devices against confiden-tiality attacks. Figure 5 shows the computed aided design(CAD) of the microfluidic bio-sensor. Figures 5a and 5b showthe designs of multiple bio-sensors embedded along a single

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Fig. 4. Operation model of the integrated system. Input electrodes connected to AC voltage source. Ouptut electrodes connected to analog switch controlledby microprocessor. Controller randomly activates different subsets of electrodes, resulting in multiple peaks for each cell detected.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig. 5. Design of the electrodes. (a) Bio-sensor design with 2 outputs (left)and 3 outputs (right). (b) Bio-sensor design with 5 outputs (left) and 9 outputs(right). (c) Details of the sensing regions of 2 and 3 output electrodes. (d)Details of the sensing regions of 5 and 9 output electrodes. The red outlineson the bio-sensors depict the microfluidic channels.

microfluidic channel. Figure 5a shows the designs of two setsof sensing electrodes. On the left side, the bio-sensor hastwo independent outputs; on the right side, the bio-sensorhas three independent outputs. Similarly, Figure 5b describesthe design of bio-sensors with five and nine independentoutputs on the left and right sides, respectively. The inputexcitation to all electrode pairs in each sensing region are tiedtogether to a common excitation source. The analog front-endcircuitry connected to the output electrodes captures the currentchange between the electrode pairs in microfluidic channelindependently as a cell passes through. Figures 5c and 5dshow the details of the active regions each sensor in Figures5a and 5b, respectively. The lead electrode in the array ofoutput electrodes, is defined as the lower left electrode in eachsensing region. The lead electrode is only complemented byone input electrode on its right side. Thus, it will respond witha single voltage drop per passing cell; whereas the remainingoutput electrodes are surrounding on both sides by commonexcitation electrodes. Each of the remaining electrodes in thesensing regions will respond with a signature of double peakper passing cell.

Fig. 6. Microfluidic channel design. The measurement pore (thinner channelat center) has width of 30 μm and length of 500 μm. The larger regions atboth ends of the measurement pore allow the beads/cells to disperse beforeentering the measurement pore. The two circles depict the inlet and outlet ofthe microfluidic channel after the PDMS is remove with biopsy punchers.

C. Microfluidic Channel

For evaluation and testing of the sensing platform, we an-alyze the impedance of different synthetic bead types (7.8 μmand 3.58 μm) and the blood cells passing though electrodepairs embedded in the microfluidic channel. These specificbead sizes are chosen as they approximate the dimension ofvarious cells found in human blood. The microfluidic channelis designed to accommodate the transport of blood cellsand beads passing through electrode pairs. In the interest ofcounting and modulating the number of cell counts passing inthe microfluidic channel, the channel dimension were designedto pass a single bead or cell through electrode pairs one at atime. Figure 6 describes the design of microfluidic channel.The measurement pore, which is the narrow channel at center,helps to single out and deliver synthetic beads and bloodcells in succession. The wide regions at both ends of themeasurement pore allow the beads or blood cells to dispersebefore entering the measurement pore of microfluidic channel.The two circles depict the inlet and outlet of the channel afterthe PDMS is removed using biopsy punchers.


We describe how MedSen encrypts cell signal measure-ments. It uses a symmetric analog encryption scheme that re-lies on the choice and secrecy of a key to protect the encryptedmeasurements. The encryption operations are embedded inthe sensor itself and infer no overhead for the encryptionoperation in terms of time overhead. To enable encryption,the sensor components have been specifically crafted usingmultiple electrodes to modulate peak counts generated by cells,such that no external entity can recover knowledge of thenumber of cells passing through the channel from a specific

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Fig. 7. Voltage drop when a cell is passing through the electrodes

number of peaks on a signal acquired. This encryption schemecan also alter the measured signal peaks’ amplitude and widthsuch that the resulting encrypted signal can be analyzed byan untrusted third party processing resource, like a cloudservice, without revealing any useful cytometry information.Eventually, only the bio-sensor in possession of the patient,can decipher the information carried in the analyzed signalsbased on the randomly generated key that it had generatedinitially.

A. Cipher Design and Security Analysis

The strength of MedSen’s signal encryption methodologyrelies on its bio-sensor’s reconfigurability to generate varioussignal measurements, possibly with different amplitudes andshapes for a single cell passing through the channel. The sensorconfiguration is determined dynamically by the randomly gen-erated key on MedSen’s bio-sensor micro-controller. MedSen’ssensor design hides the information carried by a signal fromthe external untrusted entities by generating multiple signalpeaks of different shapes.

A cell passing through electrodes consistently generatesa voltage drop between the electrodes. Figure 7 shows sucha variation in our empirical experiments. The peak used toinfer a diagnosis (Section II). Our cipher leverages a specificsensor design and a custom protocol to multiply and transforma signal acquired from a single cell into a random sequenceof signals unrelated to the cell properties. Only the randomsequence issued by the micro-controller, which defines thesensor configuration can decrypt the values behind the sensormeasurements. To randomly clone a single peak signal intomultiple peaks signal, the sensor activates and uses multipleelectrodes that are selectively powered on or off in suchway that the bio-sensor generates a random succession ofelectrode order. The response of such electrodes configurationwill precipitate signal with peak count number output largerthan the actual number of cells passing through the microchannel. The resulting multi-peak signal conceals the actualnumber of cells passing through the channel. For example,Figure 8 shows the resulting signal of a single blood celldetected by MedSen, resulting in a five-peak signature for asingle cell.

This resulting signal hides the number of cells, but stillcarries information about the cells. Specifically, the amplitudeor the width of a voltage drop can reveal information about thecomposition or shape of the cell. To protect both information,MedSen cipher design leverages two more parameters toprotect this information. First, randomly chosen voltage gainscan be applied by electrode such that none of the peakscarries the amplitude drop of the original signal. This gaininformation is incorporated as part of the encryption key.Similarly, a modification of the flow speed on the channel

would result in peaks of arbitrary widths for cells of identicaltype. By leveraging these three parameters, the number ofactive electrodes, the electrodes gain and the fluid flow speedon the channel, the controller can generate any number ofpeaks with any shape. These transformations allow the sensorto conceal the sensitive cell information and to later recoverthem thanks to the parameters embedded in the key.

The specific sequence of electrodes turned on or off, theset of output gains applied to electrodes and the fluid flowspeed in the micro channel constitute the encryption key of thebiomarker measurement signal. To preserve the initial signal’sconfidentiality, every peak p associated to a cell would have adifferent set of chosen parameters, or key Kp, such that:

Kp = (Ep, Gp, Sp) (1)

with Ep is the binary vector representing the sequence of on/offelectrodes, Gp is the sequence of electrodes gains, and Sp

represents flow speed on the channel. Such a design choicewould lead to a key size of length L = cKp for c number ofcells passing through the channel. Such a setup is comparableto the perfectly secret one-time pad encryption scheme [28];every signal peak is encrypted with its own randomly generatedkey. Accordingly, the key length varies linearly as functionof the number of cells. Such an encryption algorithm wouldensure a perfectly secret encryption since it can produceany resulting shape for a given original signal. In practice,applying a different set of parameters per cell measurementis challenging as it increases the key size, and would requireMedSen to be aware of every cell entering and leaving thechannel. Moreover, we observed that multiple cells can passthrough the channel with a distance interval inferior to thedistance between the first and last electrode. Thus, two or morecells may appear among the electrodes simultaneously; thiscomplicates the signal encryption and decryption procedures.Consequently, MedSen implements an alternative scheme thatperiodically changes the encryption parameters every time unit:K(t) = (E(t), G(t), S(t)).

This cipher has the key characteristic that the encryptedsignal can still be processed to detect voltage peaks. A peakdetection algorithm (Section VI-A) can be performed on theencrypted signal and returns encoded peak count, with associ-ated time-stamps, amplitudes and widths. Given a ciphertext, itis impossible for a domain knowledgeable attacker to infer thepatient diagnostic. Only the controller, which knows the inputvalues applied to each control parameter, is able to recoverthe real signal amplitude and cell count associated to theciphertext signal peaks. It is noteworthy that the presentedencryption scheme do not infer any noticeable encryptioncomputation overhead or delay since it is based only onhardware configuration, built in the sensor. The decryptionrequires light computation (multiplications and divisions) andcan be performed on MedSen’s resource-constrained controller.

MedSen hides the number of cells with the multipleelectrodes sensor deployment that generates multiple peaksper cell. So, the attacker cannot recover the number of cellscaptured in the chamber. A determined attacker would thentry to recover the number of electrodes turned on and off ina particular channel to recover the peak multiplication factorgenerated by the multiple electrodes. By dividing the numberof peaks observed in a data set by the multiplication factor,the attacker would recover the initial number of cell passingthrough the channel. Considering that each cell has a specificsignature in term of voltage drop when passing through a set of

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Fig. 8. Representative encrypted cytometry data for a single blood cell.Output electrodes 1-3 turned on by switch matrix results in five peaks due toone cell passing by the sensor.

electrodes, the attacker would try to detect consecutive peaksof the exact same amplitude and then infer the number ofelectrodes on. The cipher design protects this information byapplying random gains on each electrode output. This changesthe signal amplitude and thus conceals the initial signal charac-teristic. Similarly, an attacker could try to recognize peaks thatcorrespond to a single cell by observing the width of the curvethat would remain unchanged by modifying the amplitude. Bymodifying the fluid flow speed through the channel, MedSencan alter the width of the resulting signal and thus protect thisinformation as well. The slow fluid speed results in peaks withlarger widths.


Cloud-based medical services often require user authenti-cation for various reasons such as billing and/or data storagefor later remote access by the users’ doctors. For server-sidepatient authentication, existing solutions leverage traditionalmethods such as explicit on-screen password entry by theuser [29]. MedSen’s trusted computing base does not includethe user’s smartphone; hence, it cannot rely on phone-baseduser credential entry. On the other end, adding passwordentry screen and authentication data processing facilities wouldincrease MedSen’s complexity, size and cost. Instead, MedSeneliminates the need for explicit password entry completely, andmakes use of the user’s blood entry channel for automatedauthentication of the user. We introduce a new authenticationmechanism that rely on unique identifier based on a new typeof alphabet.

This alphabet is build by choosing unique combinationsof types and quantities of beads that are mixed with thepatient blood sample. These micro-beads generate peaks inthe ciphertext signal, similar to blood cells with different peakcharacteristics, that can be recovered by the controller afterthe decryption stage and used to associate a stored ciphertextin the cloud service to an unique bead-based identifier thatonly the patient possess. This cyto-coded identifier protectsthe patient privacy by default since it is embedded in thediagnostic protocol and carries no biometric information. It canbe associated either to a single diagnostic (different identifiersper pipette), several diagnostics (multiple pipettes carrying thesame identifier) or the entire set of diagnostics from a specificuser (all pipettes from a user) depending on the diagnosticprivacy requirements. Also, it is not linked with any patientrelated information or knowledge, relieving him or her fromthe task of ensuring the privacy of his or her data.

Also, this identifier permits to check the integrity of theciphertext. More precisely, it provides a verification code toensure that the integrity of the signal processing. The resultsreturned by the cloud-based server is preserved if the decodedsynthetic bead types numbers matches the ones submitted

initially. If the identifier recovered from the ciphertext differsfrom the the one used to fetch the data from the remoteservice, then the ciphertext is not the one corresponding tothe identifier. Section VI and Section VII describe how tochose the bead types and concentrations in order to generate adictionary of unique identifiers with limited risk of collisionsof passwords by different users.

Additionally, the abovementioned cyto-coded identifiercould also be used for server-side user authentication. Thebead sample (cyto-coded identifier) is fed to MedSen’s bio-sensor with the bio-sensor level encryption turned off suchthat the server-side can reconginize the actual number andtypes of the submitted beads for authentication purposes.Consequently, the proposed cyto-coded identifier could beleveraged differently based on the specific use-case, whereMedSen is being deployed for.


A. MedSen Bio-Sensor Fabrication

MedSen’s microfluidic channel master mold is fabricatedon a silicon (Si) substrate using standard process of soft-lithography [34]. The photomask for the photolithography pro-cess is design in AutoCAD and fabricated by Advance Repro-ductions Corp. (North Andover, MA). The silicon substrate iscleaned in acetone and methanol baths using ultrasonic cleanerbefore fabrication. To fabricate the mold, the Si wafer is coatedcoated with SU-8 photoresist (MicroChem Inc., Westborough,MA) and exposed to UV light under the photomask to createthe molding patterns. The coated wafer is then developed inMicroChem’s SU-8 developer and baked to harden the micro-patterns on the wafer.

Microfluidic channel. MedSen’s microfluidic channel is con-structed with polydimethylsiloxance (PDMS) using standardmolding techniques [34]. PDMS is an alternative material tosilicon micro-machining for fabricating microfluidic channelsenabling low-cost rapid prototyping. One of the most importantcharacteristics of PDMS is the optical transparency of thematerial. The PDMS elastomer is transparent under opticalfrequencies. Micro-fabricated channels are inspected both vi-sually or under a microscope. Additionally, PDMS can becovalently bonded to Si, glass substrates or to PDMS itselfby oxygen plasma treatment. This allows the fabrication ofmulti-layer structures in microfluidic systems [18]. The majoradvantages of PDMS in microfluidic system construction is theinexpensive process and rapid fabrication of devices. Microflu-idic channels can be cast repeatedly using a master mold. Theelasticity of PDMS allows casting of the devices to releasethe master mold without damaging it. Thus, a single mastermold can be used in mass production of microfluidic channels.Furthermore, the construction of simple microfluidic channelscan be done in one single casting stage of PDMS as opposed tomultiple steps required with silicon and glass micromachiningtechniques. This channel fabrication technique reduces the timeof microfluidic channel construction.

A microfluidic channel with dimension of 30 μm widthand 20 μm height is cast using master mold as designed.Sylgard R© 184 silicone elastomer base and curing agent (DowCorning) are mixed uniformly at 10:1 in weight ratio toproduce PDMS solution. To create the channel features, thesolution is slowly poured on top of the mold to establishconformal contact with the mold. The mixture is cured in 80 ◦Cbefore peeling off to make microfluidic channel. Due to the

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high viscosity of elastomer, microfluidic channels take on thedesigned configurations of the master mold. Biopsy punchesare used to create inlet and out outlet ports for the microfluidicchannel.

Micro-electrode fabrication. Micro-electrodes are fabricatedon the glass substrate using standard photolithography [34].Similar to previous fabrication of the mold, the glass substrateis coated with photoresist AZ5214 (MicroChem, Westborough,MA) and exposed to UV light under photomask for theelectrodes. The coated wafer is then developed in AZ5412developer to create the micro-patterns for the sensor. A thinlayer of chromium and gold (50 A and 100 nm respectively)are deposited on the micro-patterns using electron beamevaporation to create the sensor. In this design, MedSen’selectrodes have width of 20 μm, and 25 μm pitch. Figure 5shows the electrodes that are designed with one common rakeof electrodes. This common junction takes excitation inputsof multiple carrier frequencies from the lock-in amplifier. Theoutput electrodes are interpolated in between the electrodes ofthe common junction.

Microfluidic device. PDMS can be covalently bonded to glassor Si substrates by oxidizing the contact surfaces. Cross-linkedpolymer exposed to oxygen plasma generates a thin layer ofsilanol terminations (SiOH) on the surface. When brought incontact to the oxidized glass surface, the silanol terminatedlayers condense with each other. The reaction creates confor-mal Si-O-Si bonds between the polymer and glass [7]. Thesecovalent bonds create an irreversible, water tight seal betweenthe layers for microfluidic channels. Furthermore, Oxygenplasma treatment on PDMS changes its surface properties fromhydrophobic to hydrophilic [31]. Intrinsically, cross-linkedPDMS is hydrophobic. Hydrophobicity in microfluidic systemswould make it difficult to wet the channels. The introduction ofthe polar function silanol group by exposing the microfluidicchannel to Oxygen plasma renders the surface of the channelhydrophilic. The change from hydrophobicity to hydrophilicityof PDMS is observed by the relative change in the advancingcontact angle of deionized water and PDMS surface [16].

B. Sensor-Side Data Manipulation

We implemented MedSen’s peak count-based encryptionscheme using the multi-electrode sensor, a controller for ran-dom key generation, and a multiplexer for converting the keyto a specific sequence of electrodes.

We used a Raspberry Pi as a controller, which is incharge of generating the key that is later used to set aspecific sequence of electrodes on or off. For our proof-of-concept demonstrations, we used the controller’s Linuxoperating system /dev/random interface as the entropysource for the key sequence parameters. Based on the key, theelectrodes are turned on and off via the Raspberry Pi generalpurpose input-output (GPIO) interfaces that are connected toa multiplexer, which in turn is connected to the electrodes.The key generation and key renewal over time is handled bya python custom library that is embedded in the program. Theencryption keys always remain on the controller and never getsent out to the phone or cloud. This keeps the controller asMedSen’s minimal trusted computing base.

To ensure accurate sensor cell count repeatability anddevice fidelity, the blood sample evaluated should reach acertain size in terms of the number of cells counted. From

repeated experimentation, we empirically determined that sam-ples containing at least 20K cells can provide repeatable cellcount with minimal standard deviation from run to run usingMedSen sensor. For the ideal encryption design (Section IV),i.e. one different key for individual successive cells, this wouldresult in a key of length L bits:

L = Ncells × (Nelec +Nelec

2×Rgain +Rflow), (2)

where Ncells represents the number of cells in the bloodsample; Nelec is the number of activated electrodes; Rgain therepresentation bit-length (or resolution of the gain in bits) forsubsequent pairs of activated electrodes Nelec/2 each forminga capacitor; and Rflow the representation (or resolution) of theflow speed in the channel.

Considering a 20K-cell sample, with a 16 output electrodebio-sensor, with 16 different choices of gains (4-bit represen-tation) and 16 different flow speeds, that would lead us toa 20K ∗ (16 + 8 ∗ 4 + 4) = 1M -bits key (0.12MB). The16 different gain and flow speed resolution granularity areempirical choices and can be adjusted based on the security andsensor precision requirements. We made those choices basedon the following observations. The amplitude and width of apeak associated with a signal will typically be as much as fourtimes larger than the smallest peak observable. Specifically,let’s take the 3.58 μm synthetic beads as a reference. Humanblood cells will typically have peaks of approximately twicethe amplitude, and the 7.8 μm synthetic beads approximatelyhave four times the amplitude of the 3.58 μm beads. Choosinga 16-level granularity provides MedSen with (more than)sufficient entropy and flexibility to change peak characteristicsin order to conceal cell types and masquerade them to externaluntrusted entities such as the cloud. Needless to mention,higher granularity would help to improve the homogeneity ofthe signals in the ciphertext and thus provide better protectionat the cost of larger key size.

Cyto-coded authentication. MedSen’s cyto-coded identifiersand authentication alphabet relies on different types of beadsmixed together at different concentrations. These two featuresare used together to provide an alphabet large enough suchthat we can create large number of distinguishable identifiersfor different patients. To avoid an identifier collisions, i.e. twodifferent sets of beads types and concentrations that resultin the same measured/classified identifier, we carefully chosedifferent types of beads as well as specific bead concentra-tions that provide a measurement resolution good enough toavoid any undesired case. This is tightly linked to the sensorprecision. Section VII provides further empirical details onthis identifier construction and resolution. From the patientperspective, this approach provides a completely transparentand privacy preserving authentication mechanism. This featurecan be especially useful for patients that use this diagnosticframework multiple times such as daily medical tests by theelderly. A set of miniaturized micro-pipettes purchased by thesame user would embed the same identifier. Patients do notneed to enter any information such as their credentials on thephone or controller. MedSen considers the identifier as thepatient’s credential, and stores the analysis outcomes from thesame patient under the same class.

C. Cloud-Based Data Analysis

MedSen encrypts the acquisition signal by randomizing thenumber of electrodes (peaks) according to the generated key.

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For server-side encrypted signal analysis, MedSen implementsa peak counting method to extract the number of peaks andtheir characteristics in the encrypted signal. The outcomesare sent back to MedSen’s bio-sensor micro-controller fordecoding and diagnostic decisions. Peak detection is performedby thresholding the acquired signal and computing the numberof peaks whose amplitudes are above a predefined minimumvalue threshold. However, in the long succession of dataacquisition, the measured signal changes in the baseline mea-surement. These changes can be caused by many conditionssuch as the change in fluid concentration over long acquisitiontime and the temperature drift of the fluid.

In order to perform peak detection, the signal needs to bedetrended before thresholding the signal. Signal detrending isachieved by fitting the polynomial to the signal and detrendingthe signal according to the polynomial line. Strategically,higher order polynomial fitting is desired to match the baselinedrifting of the signal. However, for the large sequence ofdata, the high order of the polynomial fitting would causeadditional unwanted effects such as over-fitting. This wouldcause the peaks of the signal to deform to a larger degree. Forlower order of polynomial fitting, the fitted line might not beconformal to the baseline drifting of the signal. This would beunder-fitting and the signal cannot be detrended as desired.

According to our repeated experimentation, we empiricallyfound optimal a second order polynomial fitting line to detrendthe baseline drifting of the signal. For the large sequence ofthe signal, a second order polynomial line clearly under-fits thebaseline drift of the signal. However, by partitioning the signalsequence into a smaller train of data sub-sequences, the secondorder polynomial fitting line would be sufficient to conform thebaseline drifting of each section in the train set of the signal.The detrended sub-sequences will be concatenated to createthe original signal sequence with signal detrending applied.After fitting the sub-sequence with a second order polynomial,the data section is detrended and normalized by dividing thesubsection of data by the fitted polynomial. The sub-sequencesof the signal are detrended with overlap sections to minimizethe error of the fitted polynomial at both ends of the sub-sequences. The baseline of the detrended sub-sequences hasa mean value of one. Peak detection is achieved by settinga minimum threshold on the data section of one minus thedetrended subsequence.

D. System Integration

Figure 9 describes the implementation of the MedSen’sproof-of-concept apparatus. Figure 10 shows the details of themicrofluidic device and its interactions with the local micro-controller, smartphone, and the cloud server. Figure 10a showsMedSen withdrawing the fluid solution from the microfluidicchannel through the outlet of the microfluidic device. Themicrofluidic channel is video recorded under a microscope forobserving the ground truth (for our experiments) and validationof the recovered signals. Figure 10b shows the setup forhow the output electrodes of the bio-sensor are connectedto the input of the multiplexer. Figure 10c and Figure 10dshow the details of the fabricated micro-electrodes and theembedded micro-electrodes in the microfluidic channel (thetwo parallel lines run perpendicular to the set of electrodes).The microfluidic channel flow is driven by the external peri-staltic pump labeled D, i.e., Harvard Apparatus 11 Pico PlusElite (Figure 9). The Raspberry Pi microcontroller (label A) isused to generate the random selection sequence of the output

Fig. 9. Full Experiment Setup: A-microcontroller, B-multiplexer, C-microfluidic device, D-external peristaltic pump, E-lock-in amplifier. F-cloudinfrastructure, G-mobile platform.

electrodes in the microfluidic device (label C) through the 16:2multiplexer MAX14661 (labeled B; Maxim Integrated). Theselected output sequence of the signal is recovered by the lock-in amplifier (labeled E).

To upload the encrypted signal to the remote signal pro-cessing unit, the controller (Raspberry Pi A) is connected to amobile phone (labeled G) that shares its Internet connection.The mobile phone also acts as a user interface to displaythe progression of the test. In our implementation we used aGoogle Android mobile phone LG Nexus 5 with a 4G connec-tion. The Raspberry Pi and the Android device are connectedthrough a micro-USB to USB cable. We developed an Androidapplication that leverages the Android USB accessory API [6],which allows the phone to detect the Raspberry Pi as soon as itis connected and launches the corresponding app. This app hastwo purposes: it provides an interface for the user to start theblood test and provides a test progression feedback to the uservia information on the screen, and relays the measurementsto the cloud infrastructure, labeled F, in charge of performingthe heavy computation. It also receives the analysis outcomesand forwards them to MedSen device. The Raspberry Pi runsa daemon listening for events on the USB port. When thephone is connected, the daemon exchanges information withthe device using the Android Open Accessory Protocol [5].This first exchange invites the user to download the diagnosticapplication from the Google Play Store. The implementationof the daemon running on the Raspberry Pi relies on libusblibrary via the pyusb package in order to detect events,read and write data on the USB ports. No specific securityrequirements for the user privacy are addressed at this layer.The mobile device is not part of the trusted computing baseand the valuable information confidentiality is already ensuredthough the encryption mechanisms above mentioned.

In our implementations for data acquisition, a ZurichInstruments HF2IS impedance spectroscope coupled with aHF2TA trans-impedance amplifier are used to measure theelectrical impedance across the microfluidic channel. The bio-sensor in the microfluidic system is excited with the continualAC signals with a fixed discrete set of frequencies. TheHF2IS impedance spectroscope can operate simultaneously at

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(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig. 10. Microfluidic sensor. (a) Microfluidic device under test. (b) Mi-crofluidic device connected to multiplexer. (c) Image of fabricated biosensor.(d) Details of embedded electrodes in microfluidic channel (two parallel lines).

eight frequency carriers. The electrical impedance measure-ment between the electrode pairs in the microfluidic channelis modulated by the carrier frequencies. In recovering thesignal measurement, the signal is demodulated by the samecarrier frequencies. MedSen outputs the measurement fromeight channels corresponding to the carrier frequencies, permeasurement of electrical impedance. The choice of excitationvoltage, frequencies, and measurement bandwidth is basedon empirical test results of the system. The input electrodeof the microfluidic channel is excited with a combination of[500, 800, 1000, 1200, 1400, 2000, 3000, 4000]kHz carrier fre-quencies. Excitation voltage is at 1V per excitation signal.The recovered signal is sampled at 450Hz. The recoveringlow pass filter is set to have cut off frequency at 120Hz.


In our experiments, we evaluated the performance of theMedSen using micron-sized synthetic beads (synthetic beads7.8 μm and 3.58 μm - MicroChem) as well as blood cells,suspended in PBS 0.9%. The solution is pumped through themicrofluidic channel at a rate of 0.08 μL.

A. Sensor-Based Data Encryption

Figure 11 illustrates how we can duplicate data generatedfor one electrode into multiple signals preventing the disclosureof number of beads passing through the channel. The figureshows the response of the bio-sensor to the 7.8 μm syntheticbead solution at 2MHz. When selecting the random sequenceof output electrodes, the remaining unselected electrodes needto be grounded to prevent interference. Maxim IntegratedMAX14661 16 : 2 multiplexer provides a dual output channelthat can be utilized for this purpose. The encrypting algorithmwill select a random sequence of output electrodes and routeit to the first output channel of the multiplexer. The remainingunselected electrodes will be routed to the second outputchannel, which is proceeding to ground port. Figure 11a showsthe measured response of the bio-sensor when one output

electrode is selected and the remaining output electrodes arerouted to the ground port. Figure 11b shows the response wherethe lead electrode (or electrode 9) is selected along with thelast electrode (or electrode 1). Figure 11c shows the responseof the bio-sensor when lead electrode 9 and electrode 1, 2are selected. Figure 11d shows the outcomes when all theelectrodes are activated. These measurements are then sendfor cloud-based peak detection analyses.

In Figure 11, the response time for each peak is approx-imately 20ms. The distance each bead travels through a pairof electrodes, so a peak can be measured, is 45 μm (25 μmpitch, and 20 μm of two halves of electrode). The microfluidicchannel dimension is 30 μm width, and 20 μm height. Bydividing the volume of the solution passing through a pair ofelectrodes in the channel at the approximated time, the actualflow rate in the channel can be calculated to be 0.081 μL/min.

MedSen’s current deployment presents two limitations.First, the ninth electrode, for all signals (Figure 11), onlygenerates one peak while all other electrodes generate doublepeaks. This is a minor fabrication flaw of the sensor thatcan be solved by adding another input electrode after theninth electrode. Second, successive electrodes do not generatedistinct non-differentiable peaks. Instead, a passing bead has aninfluence on multiple adjacent electrodes. Figure 11b illustratethis effect where the double peak at time 41.42s is not a doubleclone of the signal at time 41.65s. Similarly, if we considermultiple beads passing through the channel, we can notice that,due to the small distance interval between electrodes by com-parison to the longer distance separating beads passing throughthe channel, there is a long delay between groups of peakscorresponding to a specific cell. This effect is illustrated inFigure 11d where all the electrodes are selected; the resultingsignature is a relatively flat periodic train of 17 peaks, whichis dissimilar from randomly passing cells. This informationcould be leveraged by a domain knowledgeable attacker torecover the true number of cells in the sample and thus the finaldiagnostic outcome. Both limitations can be solved by eitherputting more space between the electrodes or by selecting anelectrode key pattern that does not use successive electrodes.Both of these changes are minor design modifications thatincrease the ciphertext strength against adversarial informationdisclosure attempts.

B. Data Transfer and Cloud-Based Analysis

To validate the accuracy of MedSen platform, we per-formed runtime diagnosis analysis multiple times over severalblood samples. MedSen’s typical diagnostics procedure takes a0.01mL of blood sample and complete all the steps, includingsensor-side encryption, cloud processing, MedSen decodingand diagnostics, within 1 minute. However, to exercise andevaluate MedSen’s ability to handle large data sets, we raneach sample through our bio-sensor for 3 h which generatedapproximately 600MB of encrypted bio-sensor measurements,captured in csv files. To improve the network transfer ef-ficiency, MedSen implements zip data compression on thesmartphone. This reduced the sample size to 240MB. Thisprovides a more adaptable solution to smartphone data planswhen interacting with our cloud service. As discussed earlierin the paper, the key size turns out to be less than 1 MB,i.e., 0.12MB accurately, that stays on the MedSen controllerthrough the whole experiment. MedSen’s design also allows(not implemented) sharing of the generated keys with trusted

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(a) (b)( )


( )


Fig. 11. Representative encrypted cytometry data of a sensor with 9 input electrodes and 9 output electrodes detecting a single bead. Pseudo-random sequenceselection of output electrodes. Output activated electrode numbers are specified. True number of peaks can only be detected/decrypted using unique key sequence.

Estimated bead counts - 7.80 um-50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350E




d co







Fig. 12. Measured bead counts vs number of beads expected for differentconcentrations of 7.8 μm synthetic beads.

Estimated bead counts - 3.58 um-200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200E




d co







Fig. 13. Measured bead count vs number of beads expected for differentconcentrations of 3.58 μm synthetic beads.

parties, e.g., the patient’s practitioners, so that they could alsoaccess the cloud-based analysis outcomes remotely.

In peak-analysis, the accuracy of the bio-sensor is evaluatedby comparing the empirically detected peaks and the estimatedelements passing through the microfluidic channel. We dilutedthe 7.8 μm and 3.58 μm beads with PBS, which is a commonlyused biological buffer that mimicks physiological samples likeblood. We diluted at different concentrations to evaluate theempirical peak detection. The estimated number of elementsin the solution is calculated according to the concentrationinformation provided by the manufacturer, where we purchasethe sample from. Four samples of each concentration arecollected. The bead count data is taken from the first 5min










240607 481214 962428






Sample size

Computer - Intel i7-4710MQ (16GB RAM)

Nexus 5 - Qualcomm MSM8974 Snapdragon 800(2GB RAM)

Fig. 14. MedSen’s peak analysis performance on a computer and smartphone

from each sample. Figure 12 and 13 show the correlation of theempirical peak detection to the estimated peak counts in themicrofluidic channel for 7.8 μm and 3.58 μm synthetic beads.As expected, the empirical peak detection varies linearly to theestimated peaks at different concentrations. The difference inbead counts is due to several reasons. For synthetic beads, thelonger the experiments run, the more error would be expectedon the empirical bead counts as many beads sink to the bottomof the inlet well and never make it to the sensor downstreamin the micro-channel. The other reason for the bead count lossis due to the beads being adsorbed to microfluidic channelwalls. These are issues that can be ultimately resolved withoptimization of channel material and surface chemistry, whichwas beyond the scope of the current work.

Figure 14 shows a performance comparison of the peakdetection algorithm, when it runs on a standard computersystem (possibly a cloud virtual machine) and on a smartphonedevice. It is noteworthy that a standard system provides muchbetter performance than a mobile device, as the sample sizegrows larger. Aside from the storage capabilities, the enhancedcomputing power motivates the use of a cloud based service forhandling peak detection and post-processing rather than usingthe smartphone. For smaller samples, however, MedSen couldbe configured to perform the peak counting signal processingon the smartphone locally.

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time (s)55.65 55.7 55.75 55.8N



ed A











time (s)60.2 60.22 60.24 60.26 60.28 60.3 60.32N



ed A











time (s)52.58 52.6 52.62 52.64 52.66 52.68 52.7 52.72N



ed A











Fig. 15. Normalized impedance measurement of (a) blood cell, (b) 3.58 μmsynthetic beads, and (c) 7.8 μm synthetic beads at different frequencies.

C. Cyto-Coded Passwords and Patient Authentication

Section V described MedSen’s cyto-coded authenticationusing synthetic micro-beads mixed with the patient’s bloodsample. Every patient-specific unique identifier consists ofa particular number (concentrations) of beads from differ-ent types. In conceptual comparison to traditional passwordparadigms, the number of password characters would corre-spond to the number of bead types involved, and specificcharacter value within the password would correspond to thenumber (concentration) of beads of a particular type. There-fore, having larger number of bead types would increase thecyto-coded password space size and hence the overall security.The two crucial requirements, however, are i) MedSen’s designand peak counting analysis can distinguish the peaks causedby the different types of beads; and ii) MedSen can distinguishdifferent concentration levels of the same bead type within theblood samples for different patients. In other words, keepingconcentration levels of two patients too close to each other mayconfuse MedSen, possibly lead to false user identification.

We evaluated the difference between the measured electri-cal impedance of 3.58 μm, 7.8 μm synthetic beads and actualblood cells. Figure 15 shows the results. The normalizedelectrical impedance of synthetic beads and blood cells isevaluated at multiple frequencies. Figure 15a shows at thefrequency of 2MHz and higher, the blood cell has lowerelectrical impedance response comparing to the impedanceresponse of synthetic beads in Figure 15b and 15c. All thoseimpedance measurements for different bead types at differentfrequencies are considered as features. MedSen uses the fea-tures for its classification procedures to distinguish betweendifferent particles. Figure 16 shows the results. The proposedsolution is able to differentiate different types of synthetic

Amplitude (V) - 500kHz0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02



de (


- 25














3.58um Beads7.8um BeadsBlood Cells

Fig. 16. Cluster representing beads of multiple size for password generation

beads and actual blood cells with clear margins. Furthermore,as discussed above, MedSen is able to recover the concen-tration of different types of beads quite precisely (Figures 12and 13). Thus, MedSen can utilize both different bead typesand bead concentration levels to generate unique identifiersin the patient blood sample efficiently. We noticed that lowbead concentrations have less variance and improved resolutioncompared with higher concentrations (see the figures). Thismeans that lower bead concentrations allow MedSen to definedifferent concentration levels of the same bead types closeto each other. This increases the password space size andentropy, and hence improves the design’s overall securityagainst bruteforce intrusions.


Here, we review the most recent related past work that havebeen proposed in signal encryption, medical device security,and microfluidic biomarker detection.

General-purpose symmetric encryption [4] would requireto decipher the samples on the server side for analysis andwould reveal the clear dataset. Existing homomorphic encryp-tion algorithms [13] currently do not provide the calculusflexibility and performance required to deal with biomarkersensor measurements. Additionally, conventional cryptographywork on digital data points that would require addition of fairlycomplex analog-to-digital circuitry to MedSen’s design.

For analog signal protection, the past work has proposedsignal scrambling techniques [35] that implement a limited setof transformations using a key. In the medical field, INTRASproposes a key exchange and data encryption method based oninterpolation and random sampling as an alternative symmet-ric encryption technique for electrocardiogram physiologicalsignals [2]. These techniques are implemented in software,and require powerful processors to encrypt fine-grained analogsignals once original measurements are acquired by the sensorhardware. MedSen reconfigures the sensor hardware suchthat the acquired measurements are already encrypted. Thiseliminates the need for powerful computational and memoryresources as large trusted computing bases. Hence it bringsdown the size, complexity and cost of the device, whileimproving the overall security. To the best of our knowledge,

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MedSen is the first physical based encryption scheme forcytometry that do not rely on any software-based analog ordigital signal manipulation.

Flow cytometry has been studied extensively as alternativemethods to impedance cytometry for diagnosing and monitor-ing diseases such as HIV, malaria, and tuberculosis [1], [26].For instance, [1] has shown the high correlation of CD4+T-lymphocytes counts by flow cytometry and the standard ofCoulter cytosphere assay. White blood cell counts have alsobeen studied to characterize Plasmodium falciparum-infectedpatients, Plasmodium vivax-infected patients, and the unin-fected patients [26]. However, the technique is expensive andrequires highly trained technicians adhering to the strict proto-cols. These challenges call for the design and development ofcost-effective disposable testing solutions without sacrificingthe sensitivity [9]. Microfluidic protein quantification also hasbeen conducted using a mobile platform [11], [21], [25]. Theprotein is aggregated with gold nanoparticles and detected withLED light . The results from the experiment are stored in textfile and distributed over the network via Google Drive. How-ever, for sensitive medical information, such as HIV diagnosis,the results should be kept secured for patient’s privacy. Ourmethod now enables for higher diagnostic accuracy throughsingle-cell and single particle detection, but also for embeddingsecurity at the physical sensor level.


In this paper, we presented MedSen, a portable point-of-care disease diagnostics solutions that ensures low-cost andaccurate outcomes through use of the smartphone computa-tional resources. MedSen provides in-sensor hardware-basedanalog signal encryption along with cyto-coded authenticationservices. MedSen’s specific encryption design enables cloud-based analysis of encrypted analog signals without disclosingthe users’ privacy and confidential medical information. Ourreal-world implementation of MedSen’s bio-sensor circuitryand software stack proves its accurate and secure diagnosticscapabilities empirically.


We appreciate the National Science Foundations (NSF) fortheir support of our project under the project CNS 1453046.


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