Download - Secure Our ClaimHowever, the Ben Ish Chai explains differently based on the previous thought. Chazal tell us many times that Hashem despises theft. As this is the case, Hashem would

Page 1: Secure Our ClaimHowever, the Ben Ish Chai explains differently based on the previous thought. Chazal tell us many times that Hashem despises theft. As this is the case, Hashem would

Secure Our Claim “…and you shall go to the place which

Hashem your G‐d will choose…that I

have come to the land that Hashem swore

to our forefathers to give us.” (Devarim


We are all aware that in

the past there was an

ongoing political tug‐of‐

war between Israel and

America as to where the USA embassy

should be located: Tel Aviv or Jerusalem. It is clear to all of us that no one was considering

which location was more convenient for the citizens

of America who reside in Israel. The central question

is the legitimacy of Israel’s claim to Jerusalem as its

capital. If America considers it the capital, then they

have, so to speak, legitimized the claim that

Jerusalem is part of the state of Israel. This is of

prominent importance to Israel, for America’s

legitimizing the actions of Israel makes Israel feel

more secure with their position in the world.

There is a question asked by the Ben Ish Chai

regarding bringing the bikurim – the first fruits – to

the Holy Temple in Jersusalem. First, the verse

discuses bringing the fruits to the place that Hashem

will show them (meaning the Holy Temple in

Jerusalem), and then it says “to the land which I

have given you”. The order here seems to be

reversed. Why is the “place” specified before the


I would answer that Hashem begins by is speaking

about the loftier ideal of the Holy Temple, and then

he speaks about the secondary holiness of the Land

of Israel. However, the Ben Ish Chai explains

differently based on the previous thought. Chazal

tell us many times that Hashem despises theft. As

this is the case, Hashem would not establish his

“headquarters” on property that was illicitly

acquired. The first Rashi in Bereishis tells us that the

Torah really should have started off in Parshas Bo,

but Hashem felt that it is necessary to make clear Klal (Continued on page 2)


Beis Medrash Ahavas Shalom HaRav Avrohom Baruch Zachariash, Sh’lita, Rav

September 21, 2019–כ״א אלול , התשע״ט

שבת פרשת

כי תבא

This issue is sponsored by the Brandt Family of Norfolk, VA

In honor of our esteemed Rav, Rav Zachariash shlita

ד׳-פרקי אבות פרק ג׳

Shabbos Schedule Parshas Ki Savo

לוח שבת פרשת כי תבאErev Shabbos ערב שבת

Mincha 1 13:30 מנחה א׳

“Early Mincha” 17:02 מוקדמת”מנחה“ Plag Hamincha 17:22 פלג המנחה Candle Lighting 18:02/18:22 הדלקת נרות Mincha 3 18:24 מנחה ג׳ Sunset 18:42 שקיעה

Shabbos Day יום השבת Brachos 08:15 ברכות Shochein Ad 08:45 שוכן עד Latest Shema – M. A. 08:45 סוף זמן ק"ש למג"א Latest Shema – G’ra 09:30 סוף זמן ק"ש לגר"א Mincha 1 13:30 מנחה א׳ Mincha 2 16:00* מנחה ב׳ Mincha 3 17:15 מנחה ג׳ Pirkei Avos 17:40 פרקי אבות

Sunset 18:41 שקיעה Ma’ariv 1 19:18 מעריב א׳ Ma’ariv 2 19:41 מעריב ב׳

Mincha 4 מנחה ד׳

You are invited to the

Gala 20th Anniversary Kiddush

Celebrating the 20th year of the kehilla founded on the Shabbos before Rosh Hashanah 1999.

In the hall immediately after Shabbos davening.

The Kiddush is partially sponsored by the Dissen Families to celebrate the birth of Naama Tzivia, born to parents Yonah and Devora Dissen, and grandparents Irwin & Miriam Gross and Peretz & Debbie Dissen.

Also thank you to the other sponsors including Benyamin Dudov and Ephraim Friedman.

Can you figure out which current member was also at the very first Shabbos at Ahavas Shalom?

Page 2: Secure Our ClaimHowever, the Ben Ish Chai explains differently based on the previous thought. Chazal tell us many times that Hashem despises theft. As this is the case, Hashem would

Now Here!


Sale of Seats for Yomim Noraim

To receive the member price:

You must be a full member (not associate).

Outstanding financial obligations must be paid

in full.

You must have a standing order to pay via

“horaat keva” or credit card, or must pay dues

(190₪ per month.) for September and October

2019 in full.

Buy your seats in person from Reb Aryeh Beer

After the 07:15 Shacharis

After the 21:00 Maariv

Phone: 992‐0578 or 0504 188 669

or write to

[email protected]

Pay online at

You can also pay via NedarimPlus

RH & YK RH or YK Only

First two (2) seats (price is per seat) 75₪ 65₪

Additional seats for dependent children 100₪ 90₪

Additional seats for extended family and personal guests

150₪ 140₪

Member Prices Per Seat

Yisrael’s entitlement to the Land of Israel. Therefore,

Hashem – who despises theft – established his “home” in

the Holy Temple in Jersusalem, sending a clear message to

all of humanity that Klal Yisrael has the true ownership of

the Land of Israel.

From this vantage point, when we come to the Holy Temple

in Jerusalem and emphasize our right to this land, we also

must show to the world that we have fulfilled our

obligation by fulfilling the commandments that are

dependent upon the land. It seems obvious to me (and has

also been said by many great Rabbis throughout the

generations), that which is clear in the tochacha ‐ that if we

comply with the commandments regarding the Land of

Israel, our claim to the land will be enhanced.

May we merit to shore up our claim by performing the

commandments properly. For example, did you ever think

that when you take terumos and maasros off of the fruit that

you buy, you are strengthening our ownership of Eretz

Yisrael? May Hashem bless us with His manifestation in the

rebuilt Jerusalem, may it be soon!

(Continued from page 1)

ם קיו די י על בארץ ו נ של הבעלות את לחזק שנזכה כשאתה חשבת אי פעם האם לדוגמה, המצוות כראוי. מפריש תרומות ומעשרות על הפירות שאתה קונה, שאתה מחזק את עמדתנו בארץ ישראל? שה' יתברך יברך אותנו

עם גילוי שכינתו בירושלים הבנויה, שיהיה בקרוב בימינו!

4המשך מעמוד

Congratulations to Rabbi Rob Charnoff on winning the vouchers to

Holy Bagels RBS!

Netziv Hayom Sponsorship is 120₪ for one day, and includes all the

learning and davening that take place in our shul dur‐

ing that day. To sponsor a day please contact

[email protected].

16 Elul sponsored by the Crow family

לע"נ חנה בת אביגדור ע"הRosh Hashanah & Kids

Many women daven all morning on Rosh Hashanah, but

several have told us that they have difficulty hearing the

Shofar due to the small children who are brought into the

room at 10am. We would like to remind everyone that

we will have a sec‐

ond shofar blowing

each day of Rosh

Hashanah. Women with small

children are asked to leave their

children home under the care of the fa‐

thers and come to hear the shofar in the

afternoon. Kesiva v’Chasima Tova!

Davening Changes NEXT week is the last time we will be splitting

up the Tzibbur’s welcoming of Shabbos by hav‐

ing an Early Shabbos. After Rosh Hashanah,

we invite you to join one unified minyon to

welcome both Shabbos and Yom Tov!

Selichos Selichos begin this Motza’ei Shabbos

00:00 Pre‐selichos shiur from Rav


00:33 Selichos

During the week, selichos will begin 25 minutes before Sha‐

charis (except for Sunday morning). Note that the 7:15

Minyon will say Selichos and daven Shacharis in

the HALL. The 6:20 and 8:05 minyonim will begin seli‐

chos and continue through Shacharis in the Beis Medrash.

Page 3: Secure Our ClaimHowever, the Ben Ish Chai explains differently based on the previous thought. Chazal tell us many times that Hashem despises theft. As this is the case, Hashem would

Q Lenny (the ʺlouseʺ) decided to get away from the

crowds (of Jews) and traveled to Thailand for Rosh

Hashanah. As his Israeli tour guide was taking him

around to various temples of idol worship, he noticed a

ramʹs horn on the altar in front of a large idol. Lenny asked

the tour guide why a shofar was there, and they both

learned from the priest that the shofar was blown during

the idol worship service. Lenny was feeling a bit guilty

about abandoning shul for Rosh Hashanah, so he asked the

tour guide to blow the shofar for him. ʺI am telling you it is

no problem for me as I am expert baal tokea,ʺ said the guide.

May Lenny (the ʺlouseʺ) fulfill the mitzvah of hearing sho‐

far on Rosh Hashanah from this shofar that was used for

idol worship?

A Yes. If there is no other option, and the shofar is

owned by a gentile, then it is permitted to use a

shofar that was used in the service of idols. Note

that, in a case where the shofar was owned by a Jew and

used in an idol service, it would not be permitted to use the

shofar for the mitzvah of shofar of Rosh Hashanah. This

might mean that it could be a potential problem for an Or‐

thodox congregation to borrow a shofar from a Reform or

Conservative congregation for use on Rosh Hashanah.

Source: Siman 586 M.B. 14

Q Murray Epstein handed his shofar to Aharon Deer in the Yorkville home for the Aged, and asked, ʺPlease, could you (cough cough) blow this shofar

(Achoo). It has been in my family for generations (cough).ʺ Aharon Deer was more than happy to oblige this elderly gentleman on Rosh Hashanah, but the thought of putting this particular shofar to his lips was not palatable. He found an antiseptic wipe at the nurseʹs station but, as he was about to wipe the shofar down, Murray yelled, ʺNO! Youʹll ruin great‐grandpaʹs shofar!ʺ Aharon then noticed a package of disposable ear thermometer sleeves, which could easily fit over the mouthpiece and let him blow — without any contact with the germs. If Aharon puts his lips on the plastic sleeve and blows in this fashion, will Murray fulfill his mitzvah of hearing shofar on Rosh Hashanah?

A No. The shofar must touch the lips of the person

blowing it. If anything separates the mouth of

the baal tokea from the surface of the shofar, that

would be considered a chatzitza and the shofar blowing

would not be considered valid. Murray would have to ei‐

ther permit Aharon Deer to use his own shofar or wipe

down his great‐grandfatherʹs shofar with the antiseptic

wipe. Source: Siman 586 M.B. 5

Mishneh Berurah Q&A Questions and answers culled from the Keter Hatorah Semicha Program in Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim with the Mishneh Beru‐

rah. For details on this program see Questions written by Lev Seltzer and used with permission.

Rabbi Zachariash’s Halacha Shiur moves on to the halachas of Rosh Hashanah Tuesday nights at 20:15. Test yourself on these questions to see if you are ready for the blowing of the Shofar.

All boys who learn for the full amount of time get a bag of chips!

אבות ובנים16:15-17:15 Shabbos Afternoon! Boys Ages 3-7 learn 30 min.; 7+ 1 hour

Chocolate Chase continues with an ongoing mivtzah: Come 4 times and receive one Chocolate BaR!

Be part of AuB like Akiva Solway

Don’t miss Out!

אתה קובע עיתים לתורה?Do you make time for learning Torah?

דף יומי קצר במשנה ברורה התחלנו הלכות חבורת "אהבת הלכה" שע"י אירגון "דירשו" כאן בביהכנ"ס שיעור ". זו ההזדמנות שלך לקפוץ על העגלה שהיא רק מתקדמת...ראש חודש"

בחן את עצמך:

19:20ימים: א', ב', ג', ה' בשעה 054-843-5983מג"ש הרב ידידיה כהן •השיעור בעברית

אלישע הוא חוקר טבע מפורסם, כולם מכירים כבר את המשקפת הקבועה המשתלשלת מעל צווארו, באחת מהסיורים הליליים שלו נזכר שעדיין הוא לא קידש את הלבנה, נטל את המשקפת הביט בלבנה ואח"כ בירך, אח"כ הוא שמע שצריך להביט בעיניים דווקא, האם הוא צריך לחזור ולקדש? (ראה שו"ע

)13ו־ 9, 6, 5תכו, א, משנ"ב ג, וביה"ל ד"ה ונהנין; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו,

Page 4: Secure Our ClaimHowever, the Ben Ish Chai explains differently based on the previous thought. Chazal tell us many times that Hashem despises theft. As this is the case, Hashem would

HaRav Avrohom Baruch Zachariash, Sh’lita, Rav 052‐763‐5938 Rabbi Lev Seltzer, Chairman [email protected] 02‐999‐8923

Administrative Secretary: Miriam Zakoo email: [email protected] tel: 053‐316‐6491 Main Ahavas Shalom list: see the form on the website to subscribe

Newsletter Contact: Send your lifecycle events, news, comments, etc. to [email protected]. Remember: If we don’t know about your event, we can’t publish it! Address: 33 Nachal Lachish, Ramat Beit Shemesh, Israel

Please do not read during Tefillah or Kriyas Hatorah Please respect the sanctity of this bulletin

נא לא לקרוא את העלון באמצע התפילה או בקריאת התורה נא לשמור על קדושת הדף

משולחנו של הרב אברהם ברוך זכריש

לחזק את הבעלות שלנו בארץ  ישראל

, אל ר יבחר ה' אלקיך" (דברים כו:ב)-"והלכת קום, אש המ

י ע ה' לאבתינו לתת לנו" (דברים -באתי אל -"כ ב ר נש הארץ, אש כו:ג)

אירעה משיכה לא מזמן שעד לכך ם כולנו מודעיבאשר לאמריקה ישראל ן בי מתמשכת פוליטית למיקומה של שגרירות ארה"ב: תל אביב או ירושלים. אזרחי עבור יותר הנוח ם שהמיקו לנו לכו ברור ן. בדיו היה גורם לא בישראל ם השוכני אמריקה השאלה המרכזית הייתה לגיטימציה לטענת ישראל שירושלים היא בירתה. כשאמריקה מחשיבה אותה כבירה, אז כביכול, יש לגיטימציה לטענה שירושלים היא חלק ממדינת ישראל. זה חשוב ביותר לישראל, שכן הלגיטימציה של אמריקה למעשיה של ישראל יותר עם מעמדה בטוחה להרגיש לישראל גורמת


על אלה ם פסוקי לגבי שאלה שאל חי איש הבן ם. ראשית, הבאת הביכורים לבית המקדש בירושלים שה' יראה להם דן בהבאת הפירות למקו הפסוק כתוב "אל ואז ם), בירושלי המקדש לבית נו דהיי )הארץ אשר נשבע ... לתת לנו". נראה שהסדר הפוך.

מדוע מוזכר "המקום" הספציפי לפני "הארץ"?

הייתי משיב לשאלה זו שה' מתחיל בקדושה הגבוהה של בית המקדש, ורק אחר כך הוא מדבר על קדושה של ארץ ישראל. אבל הבן איש חי מסביר משנית לנו ם חז"ל מספרי סמך הרעיון הקודם. אחרת על פעמים רבות שה' שונא את הגניבה. מכיוון שכך, ה' לא היה מקים את "המטה" שלו בארץ גנובה. הרש"י הראשון בבראשית אומר לנו שהתורה באמת הייתה צריכה להתחיל בפרשת בא ב"החודש הזה לכם", אך כלל של הזכאות את לקבוע צורך שיש דע י ה'

ה' לפיכך, ישראל. לארץ את -ישראל נא השוהקים את "ביתו", בית המקדש, בירושלים, -הגניבה

שלכלל ישראל יש לכל העולם שמשדר מסר ברור את הבעלות האמיתית על ארץ ישראל.

מנקודת תצפית זו, כאשר אנו מגיעים לבית המקדש בירושלים ומצהירים את זכותנו לארץ זו, עלינו גם ם בחובותינו, על להצהיר בפני העולם שאנו עומדיברור לי נראה התלויות בארץ. ם המצוות קיו די ימאליו (ואף נאמר על ידי רבנים גדולים רבים לאורך

בתוכחה שברור מה את -הדורות), ם נקיי שאם המצוות התלויות בארץ, תתחזק טענת זכותינו לארץ


2המשך בעמוד

זמנים לימי חול עד פרשת נצבים

׳ו(Fri) ׳ה(Thu) ׳ד(Wed) ׳ג(Tue) ׳ב(Mon) ׳א(Sun) יוםWeekday

times until



7:40 ,*6:50 ,5:55 7:40 ,*6:50 ,5:55 7:40 ,*6:50 ,5:55 5:55 ,00:33 סליחות 8:05 ,*7:15 ,6:20 8:05 ,*7:15 ,6:20 8:05 ,*7:15 ,6:20 8:05 ,*7:15 ,6:20 שחרית 15:15 ,13:15 15:15 ,13:15 15:15 ,13:15 15:15 ,13:15 מנחה 21:00 ,20:15 21:00 ,20:15 21:00 ,20:15 21:00 ,20:15 מעריב

5:55, 6:50*, 7:40 5:55, 6:50*, 7:40 6:20, 7:15*, 8:05 6:20, 7:15*, 8:15

13:15, 15:15 13:30, 16:55, 18:24 20:15, 21:00 * Hall אולם

M ’ S P K S

00:00 O R A B Z

00:33 S S W ’

33 N L . .

לשמוע אל הרינה

ואל התפילה