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  • Secure Deduplication with Efficient and ReliableConvergent Key Management

    Jin Li, Xiaofeng Chen, Mingqiang Li, Jingwei Li, Patrick P.C. Lee, and Wenjing Lou

    AbstractData deduplication is a technique for eliminating duplicate copies of data, and has been widely used in cloud storageto reduce storage space and upload bandwidth. Promising as it is, an arising challenge is to perform secure deduplication in cloudstorage. Although convergent encryption has been extensively adopted for secure deduplication, a critical issue of makingconvergent encryption practical is to efficiently and reliably manage a huge number of convergent keys. This paper makes thefirst attempt to formally address the problem of achieving efficient and reliable key management in secure deduplication. We firstintroduce a baseline approach in which each user holds an independent master key for encrypting the convergent keys andoutsourcing them to the cloud. However, such a baseline key management scheme generates an enormous number of keys with theincreasing number of users and requires users to dedicatedly protect the master keys. To this end, we propose Dekey, a newconstruction in which users do not need to manage any keys on their own but instead securely distribute the convergent keyshares across multiple servers. Security analysis demonstrates that Dekey is secure in terms of the definitions specified in theproposed security model. As a proof of concept, we implement Dekey using the Ramp secret sharing scheme and demonstratethat Dekey incurs limited overhead in realistic environments.

    Index TermsDeduplication, proof of ownership, convergent encryption, key management


    THE advent of cloud storage motivates enterprises andorganizations to outsource data storage to third-partycloud providers, as evidenced by many real-life casestudies [3]. One critical challenge of todays cloud storageservices is the management of the ever-increasing volumeof data. According to the analysis report of IDC, the volumeof data in the wild is expected to reach 40 trillion gigabytesin 2020 [9]. To make data management scalable, deduplica-tion has been a well-known technique to reduce storagespace and upload bandwidth in cloud storage. Insteadof keeping multiple data copies with the same content,deduplication eliminates redundant data by keeping onlyone physical copy and referring other redundant data tothat copy. Each such copy can be defined based on differentgranularities: it may refer to either a whole file (i.e., file-level deduplication), or a more fine-grained fixed-size or

    variable-size data block (i.e., block-level deduplication).Todays commercial cloud storage services, such as Drop-box, Mozy, and Memopal, have been applying deduplica-tion to user data to save maintenance cost [12].

    From a users perspective, data outsourcing raisessecurity and privacy concerns. We must trust third-partycloud providers to properly enforce confidentiality, integ-rity checking, and access control mechanisms against anyinsider and outsider attacks. However, deduplication,while improving storage and bandwidth efficiency, isincompatible with traditional encryption. Specifically,traditional encryption requires different users to encrypttheir data with their own keys. Thus, identical data copiesof different users will lead to different ciphertexts, makingdeduplication impossible.

    Convergent encryption [8] provides a viable option toenforce data confidentiality while realizing deduplication.It encrypts/decrypts a data copy with a convergent key,which is derived by computing the cryptographic hashvalue of the content of the data copy itself [8]. After keygeneration and data encryption, users retain the keysand send the ciphertext to the cloud. Since encryption isdeterministic, identical data copies will generate the sameconvergent key and the same ciphertext. This allows thecloud to perform deduplication on the ciphertexts. Theciphertexts can only be decrypted by the correspondingdata owners with their convergent keys.

    To understand how convergent encryption can berealized, we consider a baseline approach that implementsconvergent encryption based on a layered approach. Thatis, the original data copy is first encrypted with aconvergent key derived by the data copy itself, and theconvergent key is then encrypted by a master key thatwill be kept locally and securely by each user. Theencrypted convergent keys are then stored, along with

    . J. Li is with the School of Computer Science, Guangzhou University,China, and also with the Department of Computer Science, VirginiaPolytechnic Institute and State University, USA. E-mail: [email protected].

    . X. Chen is with the State Key Laboratory of Integrated Service Networks(ISN), Xidian University, Xian, China, and also with the Department ofComputer Science, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University,USA. E-mail: [email protected].

    . M. Li and P.P.C. Lee are with the Department of Computer Science andEngineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. E-mail: {mqli,pclee}

    . J. Li is with the College of Information Technical Science, NankaiUniversity, China. E-mail: [email protected].

    . W. Lou is with the Department of Computer Science, Virginia PolytechnicInstitute and State University, USA. E-mail: [email protected].

    Manuscript received 7 July 2013; revised 21 Oct. 2013; accepted 30 Oct. 2013.Date of publication 7 Nov. 2013; date of current version 16 May 2014.Recommended for acceptance by D. Xuan.For information on obtaining reprints of this article, please send e-mail to:[email protected], and reference the Digital Object Identifier below.Digital Object Identifier no. 10.1109/TPDS.2013.284

    1045-9219 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See for more information.


  • the corresponding encrypted data copies, in cloud storage.The master key can be used to recover the encrypted keysand hence the encrypted files. In this way, each user onlyneeds to keep the master key and the metadata about theoutsourced data.

    However, the baseline approach suffers two criticaldeployment issues. First, it is inefficient, as it will generatean enormous number of keys with the increasing numberof users. Specifically, each user must associate an en-crypted convergent key with each block of its outsourcedencrypted data copies, so as to later restore the data copies.Although different users may share the same data copies,they must have their own set of convergent keys so that noother users can access their files. As a result, the number ofconvergent keys being introduced linearly scales with thenumber of blocks being stored and the number of users.This key management overhead becomes more prominentif we exploit fine-grained block-level deduplication. Forexample, suppose that a user stores 1 TB of data with allunique blocks of size 4 KB each, and that each convergentkey is the hash value of SHA-256, which is used byDropbox for deduplication [17]. Then the total size of keyswill be 8 GB. The number of keys is further multiplied bythe number of users. The resulting intensive key manage-ment overhead leads to the huge storage cost, as users mustbe billed for storing the large number of keys in the cloudunder the pay-as-you-go model.

    Second, the baseline approach is unreliable, as itrequires each user to dedicatedly protect his own masterkey. If the master key is accidentally lost, then the user datacannot be recovered; if it is compromised by attackers, thenthe user data will be leaked.

    This motivates us to explore how to efficiently andreliably manage enormous convergent keys, while stillachieving secure deduplication. To this end, we propose anew construction called Dekey, which provides efficiencyand reliability guarantees for convergent key managementon both user and cloud storage sides. Our idea is to applydeduplication to the convergent keys and leverage secretsharing techniques. Specifically, we construct secret sharesfor the convergent keys and distribute them acrossmultiple independent key servers. Only the first userwho uploads the data is required to compute anddistribute such secret shares, while all following userswho own the same data copy need not compute and storethese shares again. To recover data copies, a user mustaccess a minimum number of key servers throughauthentication and obtain the secret shares to reconstructthe convergent keys. In other words, the secret shares of aconvergent key will only be accessible by the authorizedusers who own the corresponding data copy. Thissignificantly reduces the storage overhead of the conver-gent keys and makes the key management reliable againstfailures and attacks. To our knowledge, none of existingstudies formally address the problem of convergent keymanagement.

    This paper makes the following contributions.

    . A new construction Dekey is proposed to provideefficient and reliable convergent key managementthrough convergent key deduplication and secret

    sharing. Dekey supports both file-level and block-level deduplications.

    . Security analysis demonstrates that Dekey is securein terms of the definitions specified in the proposedsecurity model. In particular, Dekey remains secureeven the adversary controls a limited number ofkey servers.

    . We implement Dekey using the Ramp secret sharingscheme that enables the key management to adapt todifferent reliability and confidentiality levels. Ourevaluation demonstrates that Dekey incurs limitedoverhead in normal upload/download operationsin realistic cloud environments.

    This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, wedescribe some preliminaries. In Section 3, we present thesystem model and security requirements of deduplication.Our construction and its security and efficiency analysisare presented in Section 4. The implementation andevaluation have been given in Sections 5 and 6, respective-ly. Finally, we draw conclusions in Section 7.

    2 PRELIMINARIESIn this section, we formally define the cryptographicprimitives used in our secure deduplication.

    2.1 Symmetric EncryptionSymmetric encryption uses a common secret key toencrypt and decrypt information. A symmetric encryptionscheme consists of three primitive functions:

    . KeyGenSE1 ! is the key generation algorithmthat generates using security parameter 1;

    . EncryptSE;M ! C is the symmetric encryptionalgorithm that takes the secret and message M andthen outputs the ciphertext C;

    . DecryptSE; C ! M is the symmetric decryptionalgorithm that takes the secret and ciphertext Cand then outputs the original message M.

    2.2 Convergent EncryptionConvergent encryption [5], [8] provides data confidential-ity in deduplication. A user (or data owner) derives aconvergent key from each original data copy and encryptsthe data copy with the convergent key. In addition, the userderives a tag for the data copy, such that the tag will beused to detect duplicates. Here, we assume that the tagcorrectness property [5] holds, i.e., if two data copies arethe same, then their tags are the same. To detect duplicates,the user first sends the tag to the server side to check if theidentical copy has been already stored. Note that both theconvergent key and the tag are independently derived, andthe tag cannot be used to deduce the convergent key andcompromise data confidentiality. Both the encrypted datacopy and its corresponding tag will be stored on the serverside. Formally, a convergent encryption scheme can bedefined with four primitive functions:

    . KeyGenCEM ! K is the key generation algorithmthat maps a data copy M to a convergent key K;


  • . EncryptCEK;M ! C is the symmetric encryptionalgorithm that takes both the convergent key K andthe data copy M as inputs and then outputs aciphertext C;

    . DecryptCEK;C ! M is the decryption algorithmthat takes both the ciphertext C and the convergentkey K as inputs and then outputs the original datacopy M; and

    . TagGenCEM ! T M is the tag generation algo-rithm that maps the original data copy M and outputsa tag T M. We allow TagGenCE to generate a tagfrom the corresponding ciphertext as in [5], by usingT MTagGenCEC, where CEncryptCEK;M.

    2.3 Proof of OwnershipThe notion of proof of ownership (PoW) is to solve theproblem of using a small hash value as a proxy forthe entire file in client-side deduplication [11], where theadversary could use the storage service as a contentdistribution network. This proof mechanism in PoWprovides a solution to protect the security in client-sidededuplication. In this way, a client can prove to the serverthat it indeed has the file. Dekey supports client-sidededuplication with PoW to enable users to prove theirownership of data copies to the storage server. Specifically,PoW is implemented as an interactive algorithm (denotedby PoW) run by a prover (i.e., user) and a verifier (i.e.,storage server). The verifier derives a short value Mfrom a data copy M. To prove the ownership of the datacopy M, the prover needs to send 0 and run a proofalgorithm with the verifier. It is passed if and only if0 M and the proof is correct. In our paper, we use thenotations of PoWF and PoWB to denote PoW for a file F andblock B, respectively. Specifically, the notation of PoWF;jwill be used to denote a PoW protocol with respect toTjF TagGenCEF; j. These notations will be furtherexplained in Section 4.

    2.4 Ramp Secret SharingDekey uses the Ramp secret sharing scheme (RSSS) [6], [25]to store convergent keys. Specifically, the n; k; r-RSSS(where n9 k9 r 0) generates n shares from a secret suchthat 1) the secret can be recovered from any k shares butcannot be recovered from fewer than k shares, and 2) noinformation about the secret can be deduced from any rshares. It is known that when r 0, the n; k; 0-RSSSbecomes the n; k Rabins Information Dispersal Algo-rithm (IDA) [23]; when r k 1, the n; k; k 1-RSSSbecomes the n; k Shamirs Secret Sharing Scheme (SSSS)[26]. The n; k; r-RSSS builds on two primitive functions:

    . Share divides a secret S into k r pieces of equalsize, generates r random pieces of the same size, andencodes the k pieces using a non-systematic k-of-nerasure code1 into n shares of the same size;

    . Recover takes any k out of n shares as inputs andthen outputs the original secret S.

    To make the generated shares appropriate for deduplica-tion, we replace the above random pieces with pseudoran-dom pieces in the implementation of Dekey. The details ofhow to generate such pseudorandom pieces are elaboratedin Section 5.

    Dekey uses RSSS to provide a tunable key managementmechanism to balance among confidentiality, reliability,storage overhead, and performance. We study the effects ofdifferent parameters in Section 6.

    3 PROBLEM FORMULATION3.1 System ModelWe first formulate a data outsourcing model used byDekey. There are three entities, namely: the user, thestorage cloud service provider (S-CSP), and the key-management cloud service provider (KM-CSP), as elabo-rated below.

    . User. A user is an entity that wants to outsource datastorage to the S-CSP and access the data later. Tosave the upload bandwidth, the user only uploadsunique data but does not upload any duplicate data,which may be owned by the same user or differentusers.

    . S-CSP. The S-CSP provides the data outsourcingservice and stores data on behalf of the users. Toreduce the storage cost, the S-CSP eliminates thestorage of redundant data via deduplication andkeeps only unique data.

    . KM-CSP. A KM-CSP maintains convergent keys forusers, and provides users with minimal storage andcomputation services to facilitate key management.For fault tolerance of key management, we considera quorum of KM-CSPs, each being an independententity. Each convergent key is distributed acrossmultiple KM-CSPs using RSSS (see Section 2).

    In this work, we refer a data copy to be either a whole fileor a smaller-size block, and this leads to two types ofdeduplication: 1) file-level deduplication, which eliminatesthe storage of any redundant files, and 2) block-leveldeduplication, which divides a file into smaller fixed-sizeor variable-size blocks and eliminates the storage of anyredundant blocks. Using fixed-size blocks simplifies thecomputations of block boundaries, while using variable-size blocks (e.g., based on Rabin fingerprinting [22])provides better deduplication efficiency. We deploy ourdeduplication mechanism in both file and block levels.Specifically, to upload a file, a user first performs the file-level duplicate check. If the file is a duplicate, then all itsblocks must be duplicates as well; otherwise, the userfurther performs the block-level duplicate check andidentifies the unique blocks to be uploaded. Each datacopy (i.e., a file or a block) is associated with a tag for theduplicate check (see Section 2). All data copies and tagswill be stored in the S-CSP.

    1. As discussed in [14], not all non-systematic k-of-n erasure codescan be used here. To provide the confidentiality that an n; k; r-RSSSpromises, we choose the erasure code whose generator matrix is aCauchy matrix.


  • 3.2 Threat Model and Security GoalsOur threat model considers two types of attackers: 1) Anoutside attacker may obtain some knowledge (e.g., a hashvalue) of the data copy of interest via public channels. Itplays a role of a user that interacts with the S-CSP. Thiskind of attacker includes the adversary who uses the S-CSPas an content distribution network; 2) An inside attacker ishonest-but-curious, and it could refer to the S-CSP or any ofthe KM-CSPs. Its goal is to extract useful informationof user data or convergent keys. We require the insideattacker to follow the protocol correctly.

    Here, we allow the collusion between the S-CSP andKM-CSPs. However, we require that the number ofcolluded KM-CSPs is not more than a predefined thresh-old r if the n; k; r-RSSS is used (see Section 2), such thata convergent key cannot be guessed for an unpredict-able message by a brute-force attack from the colludedKM-CSPs.

    We aim to achieve the following security goals:

    . Semantic security of convergent keys. We require thatthe convergent keys distributed stored among theKM-CSPs remain semantically secure, even if theadversary controls a predefined number of KM-CSPs. Furthermore, these KM-CSPs are also allowedto collude with S-CSP and users. The goal of theadversary is to retrieve and recover the convergentkeys for files that do not belong to them.

    . Data confidentiality. We require that the encrypteddata copies be semantically secure when they areunpredictable (i.e., have high min-entropy). Actu-ally, this requirement has recently been formalizedin [5] and called the privacy against chosendistribution attack. This also implies that the datais secure against the adversary who does not ownthe data. That is, the user cannot get the ownershipof the data from the S-CSP and KM-CSPs byrunning the PoW protocol if the user does nothave the file.

    4 CONSTRUCTIONSIn this section, we present a baseline approach that realizesconvergent encryption in deduplication, and discuss thelimitations of the baseline approach in key management.To this end, we present our construction Dekey, which aimsto mitigate the key management overhead and providefault tolerance guarantees for key management, whilepreserving the required security properties of securededuplication.

    4.1 Baseline ApproachThe baseline approach involves only the user and theS-CSP (i.e., no KM-CSPs are required). Its idea is that eachuser has all his data copies encrypted by the corres-ponding convergent keys, which are then further en-crypted by an independent master key. The encryptedconvergent keys are outsourced to the S-CSP, while themaster key is securely maintained by the user. The detailsof the baseline approach are elaborated as follows.

    4.1.1 System SetupThe system setup phase initializes the necessary para-meters in the following two steps:

    S1: The following entities are initialized: 1) a symmetricencryption scheme with the primitive functions KeyGenSE;EncryptSE;DecryptSE and the users master key KeyGenSE1 for some security parameter 1; 2) aconvergent encryption scheme with the primitive functionsKeyGenCE;EncryptCE;DecryptCE;TagGenCE; and 3) a PoWalgorithm PoWF for the file and a PoW algorithm for theblock, which is denoted by PoWB.

    S2: The S-CSP initializes two types of storage systems: arapid storage system for storing the tags for efficientduplicate checks, and a file storage system for storing bothencrypted data copies and encrypted convergent keys.Both storage systems are initialized to be ?.

    4.1.2 File UploadSuppose that a user uploads a file F . First, it performs file-level deduplication as follows.

    S1: On input file F , the user computes and sends the filetag T F TagGenCEF to the S-CSP.

    S2: Upon receiving T F , the S-CSP checks whether thereexists the same tag on the S-CSP. If so, the S-CSP replies theuser with a response file duplicate, or no file duplicateotherwise.

    S3: If the user receives the response no file duplicate,then it jumps to S5 to proceed with block-level deduplica-tion. If the response is file duplicate, then the user runsPoWF on F with the S-CSP to prove that it actually ownsthe same file F that is stored on the S-CSP.

    S4: If PoWF is passed, the S-CSP simply returns a filepointer of F to the user, and no further information willbe uploaded. If PoWF fails, the S-CSP aborts the uploadoperation.

    The user then performs block-level deduplication tofurther eliminate any redundant blocks, as describedbelow.

    S5: On input file F and the master key , the userperforms the following computations: 1) Divide F intoa set of blocks fBig (where i 1; 2; . . .); 2) for each blockBi, compute block tag T Bi TagGenCEBi; and 3) Sendthe set of block tags fT Big to the S-CSP for duplicatechecks.

    S6: Upon receiving block tags fT Big, the S-CSP com-putes a block signal vector B in the following manner: foreach i, if there exists some stored block tag that matchesT Bi, the S-CSP sets Bi 1 to indicate block dupli-cate; otherwise it sets Bi 0 to indicate no blockduplicate and also stores T Bi in its rapid storage. Then,the S-CSP returns B to the user.

    S7: Upon receiving the signal B, the user performs thefollowing operations: for each i, if Bi 1, the user runsPoWB on Bi with the S-CSP to prove that it owns the blockBi. If it is passed, the S-CSP simply returns a block poiner ofBi to the user. Then, the user keeps the block pointer of Biand does not need to upload Bi; otherwise it computes the


  • encrypted block Ci EncryptCEKi;Bi with the conver-gent key Ki KeyGenCEBi.

    S8:For allblocksfBig, theuser alsocomputes the encryptedconvergent keys fCKig, where CKi EncryptSE;Ki withthe master key and convergent key Ki.

    S9: The user uploads the unique blocksBis withBi 0,all encrypted convergent keys fCKig and T F to theS-CSP, which then stores them in the file storage system.

    4.1.3 File DownloadSuppose a user wants to download a file F . It first sendsa request and the file name to the S-CSP and performs thefollowing steps.

    S1: Upon receiving the request and file name, the S-CSPwill check whether the user is eligible to download F . Iffailed, the S-CSP sends back an abort signal to the user toindicate the download failure. Otherwise, the S-CSPreturns the corresponding ciphertexts fCig and the en-crypted convergent keys fCKig to the user.

    S2: Upon receiving the encrypted data from the S-CSP,the user first uses his master key to recover each convergentkey Ki DecryptSE; CKi. Then it uses Ki to recover theoriginal block Bi DecryptCEKi; Ci. Finally, the user canobtain the original file F fBig.

    4.1.4 LimitationsThe baseline approach suffers two major problems. Thefirst problem is the enormous storage overhead in keymanagement. In particular, each user must associate aconvergent key with each data copy that he owns andencrypts all convergent keys with his own master key. Theencrypted convergent keys (i.e., CKis) are different acrossusers due to the different master keys. Thus, the numberof convergent keys increases linearly with the number ofunique data copies being stored and the number of users,thereby imposing heavy storage overhead. Another prob-lem is that the master key presents the single-point-of-failure and needs to be securely and reliably maintained bythe user.

    4.2 DekeyDekey is designed to efficiently and reliably maintainconvergent keys. Its idea is to enable deduplication inconvergent keys and distribute the convergent keys acrossmultiple KM-CSPs. Instead of encrypting the convergentkeys on a per-user basis, Dekey constructs secret shares onthe original convergent keys (that are in plain) anddistributes the shares across multiple KM-CSPs. If multipleusers share the same block, they can access the samecorresponding convergent key. This significantly reducesthe storage overhead for convergent keys. In addition, thisapproach provides fault tolerance and allows the conver-gent keys to remain accessible even if any subset of KM-CSPs fails. We now elaborate the details of Dekey as follows.

    4.2.1 System SetupThe system setup phase in Dekey is similar to that in thebaseline approach, but involves an additional step for

    initializing the key storage in KM-CSPs. In Dekey, weassume that the number of KM-CSPs is n.

    S1: On input security parameter 1, the user initializes aconvergent encryption scheme, and two PoW protocolsPOWF and POWB for the file ownership proof and blockownership proof, respectively.

    S2: The S-CSP initializes both the rapid storage systemand the file storage system and set them to be ?.

    S3: Each KM-CSP initializes a rapid storage system forblock tags and a lightweight storage system for holdingconvergent key shares, and sets them to be ?.

    4.2.2 File UploadTo upload file F , the user and the S-CSP perform both file-level and block-level deduplications. The file-level dedu-plication operation is identical to that in the baselineapproach. More precisely, the user sends the file tag T F to the S-CSP for the file duplicate check. If a file duplicate isfound, the user will run the PoW protocol POWF with theS-CSP to prove the file ownership. It skips the block-levelduplicate check and jumps to the key distribution stage. Ifno duplicate exists, then block-level deduplication will beperformed as the same as S5-S7 of the baseline scheme.Finally, the S-CSP stores the ciphertext Ci with Bi 0and returns the corresponding pointers back to user forlocal storage.

    After both file-level and block-level duplicate checks, anadditional stage called key distribution is performed. Asopposed to the baseline approach, this stage enables Dekeyto not rely on keeping a master secret key for each user,but instead share each convergent key among multipleKM-CSPs. If a file duplicate is found on S-CSP, the userwill run the PoW protocol POWF;j for the tag TjF TagGenCEF; j with the j-th KM-CSP to prove the fileownership. All the pointers for the key shares of F storedon the j-the KM-CSP will be returned to the user if theproof is passed. If no file duplicate is found, the followingsteps will be taken.

    S1: On input file F fBig, for each block Bi, the usercomputes and sends the block tag T Bi TagGenCEBito each KM-CSP. Furthermore, a file tag TjF TagGenCEF; j will be computed and sent to the j-thKM-CSP, 1 j n.

    S2: For each received T Bi, the j-th KM-CSP checkswhether another same tag has been stored: if so, a PoWfor block POWB;j will be performed between the user andj-th KM-CSP with respect to TjBi TagGenCEBi; j. If itis passed, the j-th KM-CSP will return a pointer for thesecret share stored for the convergent key Ki to the user;otherwise it keeps T Bi and sends back a signal to ask forthe secret share on the convergent key.

    S3: Upon receiving results for a block Bi returned fromKM-CSPs, if it is a valid pointer, the user stores it locally;otherwise the user computes the secret shares Ki1; Ki2;. . . ; Kik by running ShareKi using the n; k; r-RSSS.It then sends the share Kij and TjBi TagGenCEBi; jto the j-th KM-CSP for j 1; 2; . . . ; n via a securechannel.


  • S4: Upon receiving Kij and TjBi, the j-th KM-CSPstores them and sends back the pointer for Kij to the userfor future access.

    4.2.3 File DownloadTo download file F , the user first downloads the encryptedblocks fCig from the S-CSP as described in the baselinescheme. It needs to decrypt these encrypted blocks byrecovering the convergent keys. Specifically, the user sendsall the pointers for F to k out of n KM-CSPs and fetches thecorresponding shares Kij for each block Bi. After gatheringall the shares, the user continues to reconstruct theconvergent key Ki RecoverfKijg for Bi. Finally, theencrypted blocks fCig can be decrypted with fKig to obtainthe original file F .

    Remarks. Note that the reason of introducing an index j inStep S2 in the file upload phase is to prevent one serverfrom getting the key shares of the other KM-CSPs for thesame block. For example, we can implementTjBi HjBi with a cryptographic hash functionand use it as a proof of POWB;j. In this way, a server withTjBi could not compute and send a valid proof Tj0 Bito the j0-th KM-CSP. To further save the communicationcost, the user could perform the duplicate check withonly one of KM-CSPs at first. Then he processes theproof with the other servers depends on the resultreturned from this KM-CSP, which could save hiscommunication cost.

    4.3 Security AnalysisDekey is designed to solve the key management problem insecure deduplication where the files have been encryptedby utilizing convergent encryption. Some basic tools havebeen used to construct the secure deduplication and keymanagement protocols. Thus, we assume that the under-lying building blocks are secure, which include the con-vergent encryption scheme, symmetric encryption scheme,and the PoW scheme. Based on this assumption, we showthat Dekey is secure with respect to the security of keys anddata, as detailed below.

    4.3.1 Confidentiality of Outsourced Data at S-CSPThe files have been encoded by the convergent encryptionscheme before being outsourced to the S-CSP. Thus, theconfidentiality of data can be achieved if the adversarycannot get the secret keys in convergent encryption orbreak the security of convergent encryption. Severalsecurity notions, for example, privacy against chosendistribution attack, have been defined for the confidenti-ality. Thus, our construction can also achieve the securityfor data based on a secure convergent encryption schemeif the encryption key is securely kept by the user.

    4.3.2 Security of Convergent Encryption KeyIn our construction, the convergent encryption keys aresecurely stored at the KM-CSPs in a distributed manner.Thus, the semantic security of convergent keys could beguaranteed even if any r KM-CSPs collude. This could beeasily achieved because RSSS is a semantically secure

    secret sharing scheme even if any r of n shares have beenleaked. Recall that it requires the user to perform a PoWprotocol for the corresponding shares stored at differentKM-CSPs. We require that the values used in PoW withdifferent KM-CSPs are independent and the adversarycannot compute the other short value even if he has theknowledge of r values TjBi. Actually, in our implemen-tation, TjBi is implemented with a cryptographic hashfunction Hj and the above assumption will be heldobviously. In this way, if the adversary wants to get the j-thkey share that it does not have, then he has to convincethe j-th KM-CSP by running a PoW protocol. However,the values used to perform PoW with different KM-CSPsare different and the adversary cannot derive the otherkey shares even if he could get r shares from dishonestKM-CSPs controlled by him.

    5 IMPLEMENTATIONIn this section, we discuss the implementation details ofDekey. Dekey builds on the Ramp secret sharing scheme(RSSS) [6], [25] to distribute the shares of convergent keysacross multiple key servers (see Section 2).

    5.1 RSSS with PseudorandomnessIn Dekey, the RSSS secret is the hash key H0 of a data blockB, where H0 hashB. Recall from Section 2 that theShare function of the n; k; r-RSSS embeds r randompieces to achieve a confidentiality level of r. One challengeis that randomization conflicts with deduplication, sincethe random pieces cannot be deduplicated with each other.Instead of directly adopting RSSS, we here replace theserandom pieces with pseudorandom pieces in our Dekeyimplementation.

    We generate the r pseudorandom pieces as follows. Letm d rkre. We first generate m additional hash values asH1 hashB 1; H2 hashB 2; . . . ; HmhashB m.We then fill in the r pieces with the generated m additionalhash values H1; H2; . . . ; Hm. These r pieces are pseudoran-dom because

    1. H1; H2; . . . ; Hm cannot be guessed by attackers aslong as the corresponding data block B is unknown;and

    2. H1; H2; . . . ; Hm together with H0 cannot be deducedfrom each other as long as the corresponding datablock B is unknown.

    The parameters n, k, and r determine the following fourfactors, whose effects are evaluated in Section 6:

    . Confidentiality level: It is decided by the parameter r.

    . Reliability level: It depends on the parameters n andk, and can be defined by n k.

    . Storage blowup: It determines the key managementoverhead and depends on the parameters n, k, and r.It can be theoretically calculated by nkr.

    . Performance: It refers to the encoding performanceand decoding performance when using the k-of-nerasure code in the Share and Recover functions,respectively.


  • 5.2 Implementation DetailsFig. 1 presents the flow block diagrams of core modules inthe baseline approach and Dekey that we implement. Inthis figure, we omit the ordinary file transfer anddeduplication modules for simplification. To make fulluse of the multi-core feature of contemporary processors,we assume that these modules running in parallel ondifferent cores in a pipeline style. In the baseline approach,we simply encrypt each hash key H0 with the users masterkey, while in Dekey, we generate n shares of H0.

    We choose 4 KB as the default data block size. A largerdata block size (e.g., 8 KB instead of 4 KB) results in betterencoding/decoding performance due to fewer chunksbeing managed, but has less storage reduction offered bydeduplication [7], [15], [16], [29]. For each data block, ahash key of size 32 bytes is generated using the hashfunction SHA-256, which belongs to the family of SHA-2that is now recommended by the US National Institute ofStandards and Technology (NIST) [2]. In addition, weadopt the symmetric-key encryption algorithm AES-256in Cipher-Block Chaining (CBC) mode as the defaultencryption algorithm. Both SHA-256 and AES-256 areimplemented using the EVP library of OpenSSL Version1.0.1e [1].

    We implement the RSSS based on Jerasure Version 1.2[20]. Regarding to the encoding and decoding modules inFig. 1b, the choice of code symbol size w (in bits) deservesour discussion here. For an erasure code, a code symbol ofsize w bits refers to a basic unit of encoding and decoding

    operations, both of which are performed in a finite fieldGF 2w. In the n; k; r-RSSS, we choose the erasure codewhose generator matrix is a Cauchy matrix, and thus, wshould meet the condition 2w n k [21]. However, wheneach hash key is divided into k r pieces with a size ofmultiple w, its size (i.e., 32 bytes) is often not a multiple ofw k r. We thus often need to pad additional zeros tofill in the k r pieces, resulting in different storageblowup ratios. Fig. 2a shows the storage blowup ratiosversus different values of w for (6, 4, 2)-RSSS. We see thatfor some w, the storage blowup ratio can be much higherthan the theoretical value calculated by nkr. However, wefind that if the minimum w is chosen, the practical storageblowup can often be closely matched to the theoreticalvalue. In addition, we evaluate the corresponding encod-ing and decoding times on an Intel Xeon E5530 (2.40 GHz)server with Linux 3.2.0-23-generic OS, and the resultsare shown in Fig. 2b. We find that the encoding anddecoding times increase with w. Therefore, our Dekey im-plementation always chooses the minimum w that meets2w n k.

    6 EVALUATIONIn this section, we evaluate the encoding and decodingperformance of Dekey on generating and recovering keyshares, respectively. All our experiments were performedon an Intel Xeon E5530 (2.40 GHz) server with Linux 3.2.0-23-generic OS.

    Fig. 1. Flow block diagrams of core modules in two different approaches. (a) Baseline approach (keeping the hash key with an encryption scheme).(b) Dekey (keeping the hash key with n; k; r-RSSS).


  • 6.1 Overall ResultsWith n; k; r-RSSS being used, we test all the followingcases: 3 n 8, 2 k n 1, and 1 r k 1, as shownin Fig. 3. We can see that the encoding and decoding timesof Dekey for each hash key (per 4 KB data block) are alwayson the order of microseconds, and hence are negligiblecompared to the data transfer performance in the Internetsetting. Note that the encoding time in general is higherthan the decoding time, mainly because the encodingoperation involves all n shares, while the decodingoperation only involves a subset of kGn shares.

    We first evaluate several basic modules that appearin both the baseline approach and Dekey:

    . Average time for generating a 32-byte hash from a4 KB data block: 25.196 usec;

    . Average time for encrypting a 4 KB data block withits 32-byte hash: 23.518 usec;

    . Average time for decrypting a 4 KB data block withits 32-byte hash: 22.683 usec.

    Comparing the above results and those in Fig. 3, we can seethat the encoding/decoding overhead of Dekey can bemasked by that of the basic modules via parallelization (seeSection 5.2). Specifically, during the file upload, theencoding time of Dekey is less than 20 usec in most cases,and is less than that of encrypting a data block. If we parallelizeboth the encoding and encryption modules, then the bottle-neck lies in the encryption part. During the file download, thedecoding time is less than the time of decrypting a data block.We can pipeline both the decoding and decryption modules,making the decryption part become the bottleneck. We havealso tested the cases with other data block sizes (like 2 KB and8 KB) and made similar observations.

    In the following, we highlight some evaluation resultswith respect to some specific factors, including the numberof KM-CSPs n, the confidentiality level r, and the reliabilitylevel n k.

    6.2 Number of KM-CSPs nFig. 4 shows the encoding/decoding times versus thenumber of KM-CSPs n, where we fix the confidentialitylevel r 2 and the reliability level n k 2. As expected,the encoding/decoding times increase with n since moreshares are involved.

    6.3 Confidentiality Level rFig. 5 shows the encoding/decoding times versus theconfidentiality level r, where we fix the number of KM-CSPs n 6 and the reliability level n k 2. The encod-ing/decoding times increase with r. Recall that the Sharefunction of RSSS divides a secret into k r equal-sizepieces (see Section 2). With a larger r, the size of each pieceincreases, and this increases the encoding/decoding over-head as well.

    6.4 Reliability Level n kFig. 6 shows the encoding/decoding times versus thereliability level n k, where we fix n 6 and the

    Fig. 3. Encoding and decoding times for Dekey.

    Fig. 2. Impact of code symbol size w on storage blowup andperformance in the case of (6, 4, 2)-RSSS. (a) Storage blowup. (b)Encoding/decoding time.


  • confidentiality level r 2. With the increase of n k,the encoding/decoding times decrease since fewer pieces(i.e., k) are being erasure-coded.

    7 RELATED WORK7.1 Traditional EncryptionTo protect the confidentiality of outsourced data, variouscryptographic solutions have been proposed in the litera-ture (e.g., [13], [30], [31], [33]). Their idea builds ontraditional (symmetric) encryption, in which each userencrypts data with an independent secret key. Somestudies [10], [28] propose to use threshold secret sharing[26] to maintain the robustness of key management.However, the above studies do not consider deduplication.Using traditional encryption, different users will simplyencrypt identical data copies with their own keys, but thiswill lead to different ciphertexts and hence make dedupli-cation impossible.

    7.2 Convergent EncryptionConvergent encryption [8] ensures data privacy in de-duplication. Bellare et al. [5] formalize this primitive asmessage-locked encryption, and explore its application inspace-efficient secure outsourced storage. There are alsoseveral implementations of convergent implementations ofdifferent convergent encryption variants for secure dedu-plication (e.g., [4], [24], [27], [32]). It is known that somecommercial cloud storage providers, such as Bitcasa, alsodeploy convergent encryption [5]. However, as statedbefore, convergent encryption leads to a significant num-ber of convergent keys.

    7.3 Proof of OwnershipHalevi et al. [11] propose proofs of ownership (PoW) fordeduplication systems, such that a client can efficientlyprove to the cloud storage server that he/she owns a filewithout uploading the file itself. Several PoW constructionsbased on the Merkle Hash Tree are proposed [11] to enableclient-side deduplication, which include the boundedleakage setting. Pietro and Sorniotti [19] propose anotherefficient PoW scheme by choosing the projection of a fileonto some randomly selected bit-positions as the file proof.Note that all the above schemes do not consider data

    privacy. Recently, Ng et al. [18] extend PoW for encryptedfiles, but they do not address how to minimize the keymanagement overhead.

    8 CONCLUSIONWe propose Dekey, an efficient and reliable convergent keymanagement scheme for secure deduplication. Dekeyapplies deduplication among convergent keys and dis-tributes convergent key shares across multiple key servers,while preserving semantic security of convergent keys andconfidentiality of outsourced data. We implement Dekeyusing the Ramp secret sharing scheme and demonstratethat it incurs small encoding/decoding overhead com-pared to the network transmission overhead in the regularupload/download operations.

    ACKNOWLEDGMENTThis work was supported in part by National NaturalScience Foundation of China (61100224 and 61272455), theFundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(K50511010001 and JY10000901034), China 111 Project(B08038), GRF CUHK 413813 from the Research GrantCouncil of Hong Kong, and seed grants from the CUHKMoE-Microsoft Key Laboratory of Human-centric Com-puting and Interface Technologies. Besides, Lous work issupported by U.S. National Science Foundation underGrant (CNS-1217889).

    Fig. 5. Impact of confidentiality level r on the encoding/decoding timeswhere n 6 and n k 2.

    Fig. 6. Impact of reliability level n k on encoding/decoding times,where n 6 and r 2.

    Fig. 4. Impact of number of KM-CSPs n on encoding/decoding times,where r 2 and n k 2.


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    Jin Li received his BS degree in mathematicsfrom Southwest University, in 2002. He got hisPhD degree in information security from SunYat-sen University, in 2007. Currently, he worksat Guangzhou University as a professor. He hasbeen selected as one of science and technologynew star in Guangdong province. His researchinterests include Applied Cryptography andSecurity in Cloud Computing. He has publishedover 50 research papers in refereed internation-al conferences and journals and has served as

    the program chair or program committee member in many internationalconferences.

    Xiaofeng Chen received his BS and MSdegrees in mathematics from Northwest Univer-sity, China. He got his PhD degree in cryptog-raphy from Xidian University, in 2003. Currently,he works at Xidian University as a professor. Hisresearch interests include applied cryptographyand cloud computing security. He has publishedover 80 research papers in refereed internationalconferences and journals. His work has beencited more than 1,000 times at Google Scholar.He has served as the program/general chair or

    program committee member in over 20 international conferences.

    Mingqiang Li received the PhD degree (withhonors) in computer science from TsinghuaUniversity, in June 2011. He also received theBS degree in mathematics from the University ofElectronic Science and Technology of China, inJuly 2006. He worked as a Staff Researcher atthe IBM China Research Laboratory from July2011 to February 2013. He is now a PostdoctoralFellow at the Department of Computer Scienceand Engineering, The Chinese University ofHong Kong. His current research interests

    include storage systems, data reliability, data security, data compres-sion, virtual machines, distributed systems, and wireless networking.


  • Jingwei Li received his BS degree in mathe-matics, in 2005 from the Hebei University of Tech-nology, China. He is currently a visiting student(sponsored by The State Scholarship Fund ofChina) in Penn State University, USA. Besides,he is a PhD candidate in computer technology inNankai University. His research interests includeapplied cryptography, cloud security.

    Patrick P.C. Lee received the BEng degree (first-class honors) in information engineering from theChinese University of Hong Kong, in 2001, theMPhil degree in computer science and engineer-ing from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, in2003, and the PhD degree in computer sciencefrom Columbia University, USA, in 2008. He isnow an Assistant Professor of the Departmentof Computer Science and Engineering at theChinese University of Hong Kong. His researchinterests are in cloud storage, distributed systems

    and networks, and security/resilience.

    Wenjing Lou received the BS and MS degreesin computer science and engineering from theXian Jiaotong University, China, the MASc degreein computer communications from the NanyangTechnological University, Singapore, and the PhDdegree in electrical and computer engineeringfrom the University of Florida, USA. She is now anAssociate Professor in the Computer ScienceDepartment at Virginia Polytechnic Institute andState University, USA.

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