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Name .- _ Class _ Date _ Date _

Chapter 1 Science Skills

Section 1.4 Presenting Scientific Data(pages 22-25)This section describes how scientists organize and communicate data.

Reading Strategy (page 22)

Comparing and Contrasting After you read this section, compare thetypes of graphs by completing the table. For more information on thisReading Strategy, see the Reading and Study Skills in the Skills andReference Handbook at the end of your textbook.

Type of Description Used ForGraphLine graph

Bar graph

Circle graph

Organizing Data (pages 22-24)

1. Circle the letters of tools that scientists use to organize their data.a. the Internet b. newspapersc. tables d. graphs

2. The simplest way to organize data is to present them in a(n)

3. Circle the letter of the place on a line graph where the manipulatedvariable is generally plotted.a. the y-axis b. the risec. the x-axis d. the run

4. On a line graph, the ratio of the change in the y-variable to thecorresponding change in the x-variable is called the line's

5. Circle the letters of the relationships that are direct proportions.a. distance traveled versus time at a constant speedb. the mass of a substance versus its volumec. the time to travel a given distance versus average speedd. the number of fingers in your classroom versus the number

of people

Physical Science Guided Reading and Study Workbook • Chapter 1

Name _

Chapter 1 Science Skills

Class _

6. Is the following sentence true or false? An inverse proportion isone in which the product of the two variables is constant.

7. Identify each data organizing tool shown below.

Composition of Earth's Crust

Iron 5.0%

Calcium 3.6%

Sodium 2.8%Sf' -j. Potassium. 2.6%

Magnesium 2.1%

Other 1.5%


Average Annual Precipitationfor Selected U.S. Cities


Buffalo. N.Y. 98.0

Chicago. III. 91.0

Colorado Springs. Colo. 41.2

Houston. Tex. 117.0

SanDiego, Calif. 25.1






Mass VS. Volume of Water

Slope = Rise = 2J!. = 1 g1cm3Run 5 em3

'°1 1 i V9i Iii vi81 I 1 V' ;

_ 7 I I V! 1 : Rise = 5 9-:6l Vi!~!r l :/ R~n ~ 5 em,3~

~; V~I :;" f

/,' 1 i':/ i ill 100 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Volume (em')


a. b. --'- _c. d. _


Communicating Data (page 25)8. Name two ways that scientists can report results of their

experiments.a. _ b. _

9. Is the following statement true or false? Scientists always interpreta given set of data the same way. _

10. Why is peer review an important part of scientific research? _

8 Physical Science Guided Reading and Study Workbook • Chapter 1

Page 2: Section 1.4 Presenting Scientific Data


REINFORCEMENTGraphingUse the graphs below to answer the follotoing questions.

18Height of students In Sarah's class Graph of Temperature versus Tlme

for the Heating of Water

156 158 160 162 164 166 166 170 172 174 176

Graph A Height (em)

Elements maklng up living things

Phosphorus 1.4% Other elements 2.3%Sulfur 0.3% __ \ / )'litrogen 3%'


Graph C Time in Minutes

o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Carbon 18%

1. What type of graph is graph A? --.:. .,..- ---

2. What information is shown on graph A? _

3. What height do the greatest number of students in Sarah's class have in common?

4. WhattypeofgraphisgraphB? _

5. What information is shown in graph B? -...:...__ ~-------------

6. What element makes up the largest part ofliving things?

7. WhattypeofgraphisshowninC? _

8. WhatdoesgraphCshow? _

9. What is the dependent variable in graph C? ~--------------

10. What is the independent variable in graph C? __'-- _

11. On what axis is the independent variable plotted? _

12. On what axis is the dependent variable plotted?..:.· _

Copyright Glencoe Division of Macmillan/McGraw·HiIIu•••.•oIMetrin PIryskaI Science have the publisher. permi.sion 10 repn><luce"'is page.


Choose the term from the iaord list that best completes each statement. Write the terra in the blank at the left ofeach statement. .

graphhorizontalhatch marks

verticalindependentpie graph

dependentbar graph,-axis

line graphx-axispercentages

1. A visual display of data or information is a __ .

2. Information that is collected by counting can best be displayed ona

3. In a line graph, the __ axis is called the y-axis.

4. In a line graph, the dependent variable is plotted on the __ .

5. A ~ph that shows information as parts of a circle is a __ .

6. The type of graph that is usef~l for showing trends or continuouschange is a __ .

7. Information in a pie graph is often shown as __ .

8. Information that remains constant and does not depend onchanges in the value of another variable is called the __ variable.

9. In a line graph, the independent variable is plotted onthe' axis.

__________ 10. Numbers that are left off a graph to save space can be shown using ""lines called

11. A variable that changes as a result of the other variable is calleda variable.


12. In a line graph, the horizontal axis is also called the __ .

Copyright Glencoe Division of Macmillan/McGraw-HiRUsen of Merrill PIrysiw/ Science have the publisher'. permission 10 repn><luce"'is page. 11