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  • 7/24/2019 Second Submission Market Research Con Las Formulas Para Calcular Las Muestras FINAL



    Marketing Research

    Professor: Andrs Barrios

    Juan Sebastin Snchez Velandia Cd. 200914797

    Jean Michell Rodrguez Nez Cd. 201015917

    Santiago Macias Hernndez Cd. 201113721

    Jaime Alberto Amaris Peuela Cd. 200922652


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    According to our observation process and approach to the subject of the

    customer service and experience provided by restaurants in Bogot, we have

    come to the recognition that there is a business opportunity. We have found

    that eating in restaurants has a social component that the customers perceive

    as highly valuable. The cultural paradigms are shifting towards a fresh,

    innovative and fun way of dining. For that reason, next we have defined the

    Marketing Research process to evaluate the perception of the potential

    customers of our business model.

    Defining the Problem

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    Determine if Bogotas society is culturally ready to accept a totally

    different service model in traditional restaurants, which we call full dining

    social experience.

    As we have seen, Bogotas traditional restaurant model is characterized

    by direct service to the customers, where the order is taken and then it is

    delivered by the employees of the restaurant. Another way of service is the one

    characterized by turns, which have being implemented in Colombia with great

    success. Our purpose is to measure the degree to which people is able to

    accept the full dining social experience, with some feedback of similar

    experiences that some restaurants have had throughout time in the

    Colombian market.

    Symptoms (Related to the Problem)

    Absence of restaurants which actually implement this service

    model in the city.

    In places with a great affluence of consumers, often fails to

    deliver a good service due to the delay in the processes

    associated with traditional service in restaurants.

    Costs implied with the traditional service in restaurants tend to

    be high.

    The market of food chains and restaurants its actually

    oversaturated and lacking of innovative options.Bogotas society could not be ready for a new type of service in


    There is a big amount of competition in the restaurants market.

    Customers are always looking for new experiences in the process

    of consuming products and services.

    Managerial Decision

    As a manager the decision we have to face in this project is

    whether to invest or not ina new business model in the

    restaurants and food chain sector with the new full dining social

    experience, taking into account the chances of acceptance of the

    new model by the customers and the costs that this business

    would bring.

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    Research Objectives

    Identify the target market

    Information Needs: Psychographic and Demographic


    Locate and measure the target

    Information Needs:the places they use to hang out and the

    number of people that usually go out.

    Describe the Target Market preferences regarding food and eating

    Information Needs:Time, Type of food and Price

    Measure customer satisfaction within the current offering in the

    restaurant business model

    Information Needs:Where

    Ethics and Vulnerability Assessment of the Project

    Our marketing research project tries to be the less invasive as possible

    and will be guided by a sense of justice, respect and beneficence. By being

    beneficence we will avoid all unnecessary harm because our research

    methods will be under informant consent. We will respect the privacy and

    autonomy of the consumer and will not try to deceive them in any way. The

    benefits of our work will be the result of our group work through the semester

    and will be available as an academic article, which can be distributed fairly

    among all individuals involved in the investigation.

    Investigation method:

    Through exploratory investigation we expect to have enough information

    on the possible success of the business model. By means of a Focus Group, a

    descriptive technique, we try to discover perceptions, opinions, beliefs, and

    attitudes towards the currents restaurant business models. To further our

    investigation we will proceed to make a quantitative study through a series of

    sample surveys with people whom may be interested in the new type of servicewe are offering.

    Results formulation

    How do we present them?

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    The results that will be evaluated are primarily qualitative because our

    problem is about consumer perception, so the results will be highly

    interpretive (Testimonials, written fragments of the interviews, etc).

    Nonetheless, we will use a range of tools to analyze the quantitative

    information we can gather from different techniques as the surveys, forexample, some of the measure of satisfaction tools described above, which give

    us different outputs like comparative scales, charts, interval measures and

    statistical properties. According to this, we will collect all that information and

    present it in power point presentations, Prezi presentations or others modern

    ways of showing quickly and effectively the results.


    Exploratory Research

    During the Exploratory Research we consulted different

    secondary sources referred to the tendencies in the behavior of

    Colombian people.

    First, we found an interview made to Camilo Herrera, Raddar

    President- considered an expert in Colombian consumption

    behavior. According to Herrera, the consumption structure of theaverage Colombian is determined for five reasons: income level,

    buying opportunity - closeness, credit capacity, reason for buying

    and brand power. Food, housing, education, transport and

    communication and other expenses are some of the products,

    according to Raddar studies, the main motive for Colombians to

    consume is by the need, while articles of clothing and related

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    expenses with culture, fun and entertainment are attributed to


    "Over 70% of consumption in the country is a cost incurred by

    necessity due to many factors, including that we are a developing

    economy and we have great income limitations and needs and

    housing supply," says Herrera. As well, he explains that theaverage Colombian is willing to give cash, because he/she has

    the capital to invest in what he/she needs each day and doesnt

    spend beyond that.

    Taking about of the actual amount of the expenses, Herrera

    explains that monthly consumer income invests between $0 and

    $350.000, the average consumer, between $350.000 and

    $750.000 dollars and the high consumption one from $750.000.

    "These people are limited to purchasing products, for three main

    reasons: necessity, opportunity and ability to purchase. One

    example is that when I go to a place to buy a product that usedto cost $ 1000 and now costs $ 1,100, this small increase is for

    me a great inflation because I cannot acquire product fractions in

    most big chains country, while in other neighborhood stores I can

    negotiate the price with the shopkeeper, "says Herrera.

    In this situation, the seller or supplier of certain goods or

    services must contact the consumer's situation and understand

    how you make the decision to purchase and also give the user

    the need, opportunity and ability to do it .

    The statistics warn that frequent places acquisition of consumer

    goods in Colombia are convenience stores ( 46 % ) , department

    stores ( 22 % ) , market ( 10% ) , specialized sites (9 % ) , bakeries

    (5% ) , Hawker ( 3%) and others such as shopping centers ,

    drugstores and plazas.

    On the other hand, we found out about the different levels of

    measurement and scaling. A common feature of marketing

    research is the attempt to have respondents communicate their

    feelings, attitudes, opinions, and evaluations in some measurable

    form. To this end, marketing researchers have developed a range

    of scales. Each of these has unique properties. What is important

    for the marketing analyst to realize is that they have widely

    differing measurement properties. Some scales are at very best,

    limited in their mathematical properties to the extent that they

    can only establish an association between variables. Other scales

    have more extensive mathematical properties and some hold out

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    the possibility of establishing cause and effect relationships

    between variables.

    What we learned was that there are four levels of measurement:

    nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio. These constitute a hierarchy

    where the lowest scale of measurement, nominal, has far fewer

    mathematical properties than those further up this hierarchy ofscales. Nominal scales yield data on categories; ordinal scales

    give sequences; interval scales begin to reveal the magnitude

    between points on the scale and ratio scales explain both order

    and the absolute distance between any two points on the scale.

    The measurement scales, commonly used in marketing research,

    can be divided into two groups; comparative and non-comparative

    scales. Comparative scales involve the respondent in signaling

    where there is a difference between two or more producers,

    services, brands or other stimuli. Examples of such scales

    include; paired comparison, dollar metric, unity-sum-gain andline marking scales. Non-comparative scales, described in the

    textbook, are; continuous rating scales, itemized rating scales,

    semantic differential scales and Likert scales.

    References of the Exploratory Research

    - Agriculture and Consumer Protection (1997). Levels of

    measurement and scaling. Recovered the day 16 of August of

    2013, from

    - Castro, A. (n.d). Tendencias de Consumo en Colombia.

    Recovered the day 15 of August of 2013, from,

    A. (n.d).Tendencias de Consumo en Colombia. Recovered the

    day 15 of August of 2013, from

    Descriptive Research

    Qualitative Study

    - Focus Group

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    During our Marketing Research Process we realized that the best approach for

    the Descriptive Research was the Focus Group because we wanted to gain

    insight in the consumers perceptions of the service and understand why they

    use the current services. The focus group was used because the topic at hand

    is common to everyone, doesnt require previous specialized knowledge and isnot a sensitive topic that raises intimacy concerns.

    The Focus Group was held at one of the Gesell Chambers ofUniversidad de

    los Andeson October 2ndduring afternoon time, with the attendance of 7

    people plus the moderator who was a team member. Beforehand we design a

    series of guide questions (See Annex) so the moderator could remember the

    important aspects he had to ask during the Focus Group and keep track of it.

    While the other members were behind the glass recording and taking notes.

    Also to gather extra information we use some projective techniques likePicture This Picture ThatTM(See Annex) where we showed the participants a

    series of pictures and ask them about what the pictures make them feel or

    what come to their minds when they saw them, and Word-Association Test

    where we ask the contestants to tell us what do they think when we put

    together two different words like Food+Music. We find that these techniques

    are useful to get insights about the kind of service they are accustomed to,

    and what characteristics they wish that a different kind of service could


    - Hermeneutic Analysis

    Vanessa Daza

    Vanessa is interested in trying new things. She often demands be surprised

    by the chef with some exotic, new, and vary unique recipes. She specially

    highlights a ceviche prepared in a small restaurant in Taganga, Santa Marta,

    Colombia, prepared by a local chef. Vanessa puts a lot of importance in the

    menu of the restaurant. More than the appearance of the restaurant she

    searches for a unique menu that offers her delicious food. In the focus group

    she talked about Sushi Rail, a new business model that has opened in

    Bogota. She is a frequent customer in restaurants because she doesnt limit

    herself to special occasions; any excuse is good for her. She doesnt like to go

    alone to restaurants; she values greatly the social component of dinning in


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    Luis Amaris

    Luis often goes to El Tambor because its a different dining experience that

    offers a very high social component. He said its a different plan from other

    normal restaurants and that it is almost necessary to go in group. As he lives

    away from his family (they live in Barranquilla), he values so much the

    experience of sharing dining time with them, specially attempting to visit

    newfangled places where he and his companion can delight with those new

    offerings and enjoy unforgettable moments. On the other hand, he is quite

    extroverted, for that reason he likes to try different sort of restaurants with

    his peers.

    Luis Enrique Parada

    He likes the taste of Colombian food. He likes Colombian restaurants like LaBonga del Sin (a traditional coastal restaurant) which principally offers a

    wide range of steaks and other exotics food entries such as coastal serum,

    plantain chips, boiled cassava, etc. and it has many service points in the city

    of Bogota. Luis also talked about La Fragata, a local restaurant that has more

    than 40 years of tradition and it has established as a premium quality

    restaurant in the city. It specializes on sea food and its recognized by its

    elegance, exclusivity and also because its a rotating restaurant and this isnt

    common among the restaurants he has visited. As he expressed, family is a

    main priority in his life and he enjoys sharing with them through the week

    and specifically on weekends, so he remembers different places in which the

    spotlight for him was the possibility to interact with his family and even

    discuss some personal problems, that means the importance of a nice and

    comfortable place, beyond others factors like the menu, the price, among


    Andrs Hernndez

    Andres remembers a very pleasant evening with his family at the Decameronrestaurant in Santa Marta located in the Galleon Ship. He also expressed the

    importance of the atmosphere that the restaurant creates. He remembers

    visiting a restaurant in Usaqun that had a different atmosphere in each floor.

    He doesnt remember the name but he recalls it had four floors one of which

    was specially designed for sports watching. When the self-service idea was

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    mentioned he supported the idea and tough it could have success in the

    market as long as it tried to involve a social component. He thought it would

    not have success with families because they could do these activities at home.

    This idea was supported by virtually the rest of the participants.

    Paula Medina

    For Paula the best food is the traditional Colombian cuisine. She also likes

    staying at home to cook with friends or family. She likes restaurants with style

    with special themes that creates a good atmosphere. One of the restaurants

    that have marked his culinary experiences is a Buffet Restaurant in Boston,

    US, and the reason she loved it was because she could find the raw

    ingredients like the different kinds of meats, vegetables among others, and

    prepare them by herself and she could choose what she wanted, the preferred

    quantity and the way she want the food to be prepared. She supported the

    idea of Luiss idea that the social component of the restaurant experience is

    very important. She also visited the Decameron Galleon restaurant and

    remembered it had seats that resembled a roaster and a deck decorated with


    Julin Prez

    For Julian the important component of dinning in a restaurant is going with

    company because he lives alone and doing so gives him an opportunity tosocialize. He normally goes out to eat with family or friends. He talked about a

    restaurant in Bucaramanga which only opened the weekends. The added

    value of such restaurant is that the chef puts on a show where he explains

    how to prepare the dishes and tells some interesting culinary tips. The show

    is made on a very limited but very delicious variety of dishes. The chef goes

    from table to table maintaining constant contact with clients. He also

    mentioned another restaurant where people fish their own food and pays an

    establish price that is not determined by the weight of the specimen they

    catch. This type of restaurant actively involves clients in the creation of the

    plates. He mentioned that he thought blind restaurants were very interesting

    because it proposed a new experience.

    Jessica Ovalle

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    In general Jessica prefers to go out to restaurant in special occasions, with

    friends, or with her boyfriend. She talked about a pizza place behind Bulevar

    Niza that she liked because of the service, the menu and the atmosphere it

    created. Another restaurant that made an impression in her was a meat

    restaurant in Argentina located in Puerto Madero, just besides La Plata River.Even though she is not a fan of meat, she enjoyed it because of the quality of

    the food and the culinary reputation of the region. Fortunately, she has had

    the opportunity to travel to several places around the world and she has a

    well-defined description of what a good restaurant for her should and shouldn

    t have, among those things she believes that going out for dining is not an

    often activity, but a sporadic situation and she expects to be surprised by a

    blending of a good place, menu, service, from ingredients to the final dish and

    the intrinsic details the experience can offer her to make it unforgettable.

    Crossed Analysis

    Objective 1:Identify the target market taking into account the demographic

    and psychographic characteristics as the information needs.

    Objective 2: Locate and measure the target according the places they use to

    hang out, and the number of people that usually go out as the information


    Objective 3:Describe the Target Market preferences regarding food and eating

    according to time, type of food, price and social component as the information


    Objective 4:Measure customer satisfaction within the current offering in the

    restaurant business model.

    Objective 1 Objective 2 Objective 3 Objective 4

    Vanessa Demographic:

    She presentssome attractive


    that make us

    think of her as a

    potential client

    for our service.

    Vanessa stated

    that the locationof the restaurant

    was not

    important for

    her. But

    analyzing the

    locations of the


    commentedthat her

    favorite type of

    food is seafood,

    mainly shrimp.

    She also

    mentioned that

    From the

    projectivetechnique we

    shared images

    from different

    types of


    Vanessa expressed

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    She is part of our

    age target that

    goes from 18 to

    25 years of age.

    She is part of ahigh income

    family with


    purchasing power

    to have access to

    the type of

    service we are

    offering. She has

    already finished

    basic education

    and is in

    progress of

    obtaining her law

    degree. She lived

    in the north

    coast of Colombia

    in La Guajira

    until she

    graduated of

    Colegio Albania

    and went off to

    learn French and

    Portuguese. After

    spending a year

    out of the

    country she cameback to study in

    La Universidad

    de los Andes

    which is the

    reason she lives

    restaurant she

    mention we

    concluded that

    she preferred

    restaurantslocated in the

    Zona T and near

    the 100 street

    with 8 avenue.

    The restaurant

    she thought of

    when we were

    doing the


    technique was

    located in

    Taganga a

    famous beach

    near Santa

    Marta. She

    mentions that

    she normally

    goes eat with

    family or friends

    that come to visit

    from the coast or

    other countries.

    After taking into

    account all these

    aspects we

    concluded thatfor her the

    location of the

    restaurant does

    have a relative


    an important

    factor for her is

    the menu the


    offers. She saidthe menu

    needs to be

    original and



    example of


    mentioned by

    Vanessa was a

    new business



    near the 93

    park. The


    consisted of a

    rail that

    rotated across



    In the rail that

    rotated people

    could pick up

    the type of

    sushi they


    During the

    focus group we

    perceived that

    Vanessa is a

    a preference for

    image #1. The

    words that came

    into her mind

    when she saw theimage were




    and quality. In

    contras she

    thought image #3

    was common,

    noisy, dirty and


    Since the third

    image was a


    restaurant in

    Bogota we

    concluded that

    she likes high

    class restaurants;

    fact that should

    not be surprising

    given her social


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    in Bogota in this



    She likes toexperiment new

    and exotic

    cuisine. She is

    adventurous and

    likes to be

    exposed to



    Because of this

    hunger for exiting

    new experiences

    has taught her to

    adapt quickly to



    very social

    person; fact

    that was

    reflected in the


    she shared

    with us. She

    expressed that

    the social


    was a very


    factor when


    Luis Demographic:

    Luis is also part

    of the range of

    age we are

    targeting that

    goes from 18 to

    25 years of age.

    He has a high

    purchasing power

    because he

    comes from ahigh income

    family. He is


    obtaining his

    degree in

    His favorite

    restaurant in

    Bogota is called

    El Tambor

    which is located

    in La Calera

    just outside the

    suburbs of

    Bogota. He said

    that he liked

    the outdooratmosphere it

    created with

    lots of open

    spaces and

    green areas.

    The favorite

    food for him is

    also seafood,

    although he

    also likes



    food. It was

    interesting to

    see that for

    him roastedfood is one

    which has to

    be ordered in

    group with

    friends or

    For Luis the

    current offerings

    in the restaurant

    business are


    Although he

    prefers outdoor

    restaurants he

    also enjoys quality

    restaurants within

    the city.He thinks the

    current offerings

    of restaurants

    within the city are

    limited and are

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    economics and

    graduated 4 year

    ago from Colegio

    Albania. He was

    born in the city ofBarranquilla but

    lived almost all

    his life in La

    Guajira. He

    currently lives in

    the city of Bogota

    and studies in

    the Universidad

    de los Andes.


    He expressed his

    interest for

    quality in the

    food and

    atmosphere of

    the restaurant.

    He likes

    restaurants that

    manage high

    standards but

    that include a

    unique and




    them from the


    Taking into

    account his

    description we

    concluded that

    Luis will prefera restaurant

    located in the

    periphery of the

    city that offers

    him big open



    Following these

    idea he stated

    that going out

    to ear is anactivity that

    has a great


    component and

    that he often

    does it when

    his family

    comes from

    Barranquilla to

    visit him. For

    Luis price is

    not an issue,

    he likes

    enjoying high

    quality food

    with good

    service. For

    him reputation

    of the


    reflects the

    high standards

    it manages.

    reduce to a few

    concrete areas in

    Bogota like the

    Zona G, Zona T

    and the Parque dela 93.

    Paula Demographic: Paula said she Paula stated For her the

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    She is also part

    of a high income

    family which

    makes him a

    suitable target.Age wise he

    makes part of the

    target market

    because he is

    between 18 and

    25 years of age.


    She is a very

    reserved person

    who prefers quite


    situations that

    makes her


    often goes to


    located in the

    north of Bogota.

    She also enjoyseating at the

    suburbs where

    she can find


    with big opened

    spaces far away

    from the city

    noise. She

    often goes out

    with her family

    or alone with

    her boyfriend.

    she likes



    food although

    she also hasgreat

    admiration for

    Italian cuisine.

    Respect with


    she likes to eat

    in buffets.

    During the

    focus group

    she wasnt very

    proactive or


    but she did

    place great

    importance in

    the social

    component of

    going out to a


    creation of a

    unique style and

    its repercussions

    in different details

    of the restaurantis very important.

    She said the

    theme should be

    reflected in many

    different aspects,

    from the food to

    the way their

    present their

    menus. When

    Paula was asked

    to see image #1

    she thought all

    the aspects where

    well organized and

    matched her view

    of a good

    restaurant. When

    asked to comment

    on image #3 she

    told us that she

    liked it because it


    typical Colombian

    food but that she

    still preferred

    image #1.Jessica Demographic:

    Similar to the

    rest of the

    subjects she is

    within the age,

    She mentioned


    restaurants in


    locations which

    She didnt

    mention a


    towards a

    specific type of

    She thinks that a

    very important

    aspect for the

    success of a

    restaurant rests

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    education, and

    income range

    that we have

    established as

    the targetmarket.


    She is a very

    proactive subject

    with opinions in

    every aspect

    discussed in the

    focus group. She

    likes doing

    outdoor activities

    but does not hate

    doing her every

    day obligations.

    She likes to travel

    a lot and be

    exposed to



    suggest she

    doesnt have a

    preference for a

    specific location

    when it comesto choosing a

    restaurant. We

    concluded that

    location is an


    aspect for her

    as long as the


    offers great


    food but she

    did clarify she

    didnt like

    meat. Price is

    not animportant

    aspect for her

    as long as the

    quality and

    taste of the

    food are good.

    In respect with

    the social

    component of

    dinning she

    told us it is

    very important

    for her because

    she associates


    with special

    occasions like

    birthdays or


    She goes out to

    restaurants to

    socialize with

    friends that

    she doesnt see

    very often.

    on the quality of

    the service it

    offers. She

    mentioned a

    humble pizzaplace near Bulevar

    Niza which left a

    very good

    impression on her

    precisely because

    of the good

    customer service it


    When we showed

    her the images she

    thought #3 evoked

    words like noisy

    and dirty. When

    asked what words

    came into mind

    when she saw

    image #1 she said

    clean and


    We can conclude

    that within the

    current offers in

    Bogota there are

    restaurants that

    satisfy Jessicas

    expectations butare not always

    easy to find

    because of the

    high standards

    Jessica expects in

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    customer service.

    Julin Demographic:

    Similar to the

    rest of thesubjects he is

    within the age,

    education, and

    income range

    that we have

    established as

    the target



    During the focus


    development, he

    demonstrates to

    be a very quiet

    person, which

    only expresses

    his opinion when

    it was asked. He

    also expresses

    that he likes to

    practice sports.

    Julian is not

    from Bogota but

    is currentlyliving in a very

    central point of

    the city. Julian


    restaurants that

    are close to his

    home because

    of the variety of

    options that the

    central part of

    Bogota offers.

    On the


    Julian moves to

    the north part

    of Bogota to eat

    at restaurants

    with his family

    or friends.

    For Julian

    Price is a very

    importantfactor when

    choosing where

    to eat. Because

    he lives alone

    he needs to

    worry about


    expenses. To

    enjoy a meal in

    a restaurant he

    looks at


    that offer a

    good price

    without giving

    up on the

    quality of the

    food. Although

    of his


    view he


    great interest

    in a restaurant

    that offered a

    new type ofdining

    experience. He

    said he was


    because the

    Because Julian

    lives in a location

    where there aremany restaurant

    options with a

    great variety of

    foods and prices,

    he says he is

    satisfied with the

    current offers

    available to him.

    Despite of these

    when asked what

    experience he

    remembered the

    most he spoke

    about a very

    unique type of

    business model

    implemented in a

    restaurant located

    in Bucaramanga.

    He mentioned that

    these restaurant


    customers to be

    involved in the

    cooking process.

    He also spoke of arestaurant that

    required people to

    fish their own

    food. They paid a

    fixed price that did

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    offered him a

    chance to go

    out with

    friends andsocialize, one

    of the aspects

    that he doesnt

    get a chance to

    do very

    because of him

    living alone.

    not depend on the

    weight of the fish

    the client cached.

    Andrs Demographic:

    Similar to the

    rest of the

    subjects he is

    within the age,

    education, and

    income range

    that we have

    established as

    the target



    Andres is a very


    person, he was

    always trying to

    give his personal

    opinion about

    every topic asked.He like to make

    different types of

    activities like

    painting and also

    practice a lot of

    When Andres,

    from Bogota,

    was asked to


    restaurants that

    he liked he

    named many

    located in the

    Usaqun sector.

    He said

    restaurants in

    Usaqun had

    great service

    and the area

    offered a variety



    offers. He said

    he had visitedmany bars and

    cinema options



    When Andres

    Andres takes

    into account

    prices when

    choosing a

    restaurant, but

    if the service

    offered has

    great value he

    can overlook

    this factor. He

    says he will go

    to expensive

    restaurant if it

    had many


    and a high

    quality service.

    He mentioned

    a restaurantthat had


    atmospheres in

    each floor and

    was composed

    For Andres,

    Bogota has a big

    restaurant market

    but he clarified

    that it could still

    be expanded. He


    great interest in

    developing new

    restaurant models

    that involves

    customers in the

    preparation of

    their food.

    When asked to

    evaluate the

    images he found

    no interest for

    image #2. Whenhe saw this image

    he thought of

    eating at home

    instead of going

    out to eat.

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    sports. goes out to eat

    he often goes

    out with his

    family and


    of 4 different


    The last floor

    was specially

    designed forpeople who

    wanted to

    watch sport


    He said the

    business model

    proposed by us

    should be only for

    couples and notfor families

    because these last

    ones could do this

    at home.

    He also mentioned

    a restaurant that

    had the form of a

    Galen which

    had a very

    interesting theme.

    The deck was

    covered with

    shrimp and the

    inside with





    Similar to the

    rest of the

    subjects he is

    within the age,

    education, and

    income range

    that we have

    established as

    the targetmarket.

    Psychographic: Is

    a very kind

    person, always

    trying to give his

    personal opinion.

    Luis expressed

    that the

    location of the

    restaurants isnt

    of his concern

    as long as it is a

    safe place. He

    told us that he

    takes his car

    with him inmany

    occasions. The

    security issue is

    very important

    to him


    He also

    commented he



    food, specially

    meat. He says

    that he is

    neutral when it

    comes to top

    prices andlikes to try

    other types of

    foods. He

    argues that

    one restaurant

    cant have an

    He argues that he

    likes the current

    offering in Bogota

    because he is very

    interested in

    Colombian food.

    When he saw

    image #3 he

    described the


    restaurant as

    dangerous and


    Because of these

    we can conclude

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    He is talkative

    person, likes to

    express himself


    of the type of

    food he is going

    to have or the

    distance he has

    to travel to getto the

    restaurant. Luis

    says he often

    dines with his

    family since its

    a very

    important factor

    in his life.

    Although he

    assured that

    the location is

    not important

    for him he

    mentioned two

    restaurants, La

    Bonga del Sin

    and La Fragata,

    and they are

    both located in

    the north of the


    atmosphere for

    the different

    types of plan

    you can do. He

    told us that arestaurant that

    has a family

    atmosphere is

    not appropriate

    to go with

    friends. He

    highly value

    the social

    component of


    that the current

    offer could be

    upgraded with the

    new service we are


    Quantitative Study

    - Survey Design

    The survey is in the Excel Annex, for purposes of making easier to the people

    who are not so good at English to answer we developed the survey in Spanish.

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    To calculate the sample size (n) of every question we identify whether the

    variables were categorical or numerical in each one of them, then we identify

    which kind of data is requested in the question between Nominal, Ordinal,

    Interval and Ratio. Finally to adjust the number to the actual population we

    made a correction to (n) considering 16000 as the whole population of thestudents in the university (N). Finally we estimate an Error of five percent for

    every calculation.

    The Formulas we used to make the calculations were:



    Erro r2 For Numerical Variables

    n=z2p(1p )

    Erro r2 For Categorical Variables


    1+( nN) The Correction for the Population


    -Analysing the study we have confirmed that students from 18 to 25

    years old with high purchasing power can be considered our target

    market. According to the study we can conclude that these students

    attend the current fine dining offerings and would be interested in

    the type of service we are willing to offer.

    - From our study we have discovered that this target market usually

    hangs out in the T Zone, G Zone, and often go to restaurants that

    are located near their homes. They usually go in couples, with family

    or friends, usually in groups of five or six persons. Most of them live

    in the north side of the city.

    - Most of them didnt considered price a relevant aspect in their

    purchasing decision, provided the restaurant had a good quality

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    services. Our target market preferred a high quality restaurant with

    a stylish and elegant atmosphere. Regarding the food itself each one

    had different preferences but they all agreed on the necessity of wide

    range of choices.

    - Everyone was satisfied with the current dining offerings but said

    there is space for improvement. They seem to be quite open minded

    to new experiences and offerings; those came up to their minds

    mainly from what they had seen during their trips abroad.

    According to their descriptions and assessments of their

    experiences, it is possible to highlight that those qualities in which

    some restaurants are excellent at, others lack. For that reason, there

    is a big gap for improvement in the way it can be offered what we

    named The full dining social experience and integrate all thevalued aspects by the customers as a whole.


    Focus Group Question Guide


    Presentacin del moderador (juan), presentacin de los diferentes integrantes

    del focus group. Presentacin de los objetivos del focus group. (conocer su

    percepcin sobre los modelos de tipos de restaurantes. NO hay respuestas nibuenas ni malas).

    Contextualizacin del tema.

    2.Gua de preguntas.

    1-Que restaurantes conocen actualmente.

    2-En que ocasiones frecuenta estos restaurantes. (situaciones especiales,

    aniversarios, cumpleaos, etc.)(3)

    3-Generalmente con quien acostumbra a comer?(3) y (1)

    4-Cul restaurante le ha generado la mejor impresin? Describa brevemente la

    experiencia.(4) y (3)

    5-Qu tipo de comida es su preferida?(3)

    6-Les gustan los restaurantes temticos? Describa estos.(3) y (4)

    7-Que restaurantes alternativos a frecuentado? (nacional e internacional)(4)

    8-Que tanto valoran el componente social a la hora de comer?(3)

    9-Les gusta cocinar o les gustara aprender a cocinar su comida?(1) y (3)

    10- (3)

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    Comida + Tiempo =

    Comida + Msica =

    Comida + compaa=

    Research Objectives

    Identify the target market (demographic, psychographic)(1)

    Locate and measure the target (places, # of people)(2)

    Describe the Target Market preferences (time, type of food, price)(3)

    Measure satisfaction with current possibilities (Where, satisfaction)(4)

    Projective Techniques


