Download - Second Program 12-15-2015

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Welcome Speech

Prof. Dr. Ram Kantha Makaju Shrestha, the Vice Chancellor, Kathmandu University,

21st Convocation Ceremony for Kathmandu University

(December 15, 2015)

Respected Rt. Honorable Prime Minister and Chancellor Mr. KP Oli,

Honorable Minister for Education and Pro-chancellor Mr. Giriraj Mani Pokhrel,

The Chief Guest for today, Mr. Madan Mani Dixit

Members of the Senate,

Members of the Board of Trustees,

Members of the KU family,

Journalists, distinguished guests, community members, friends, well-wishers

And my dear graduates and parents,

I am very pleased and honored to welcome you all today. This day holds special meaning to us

all. This is a day to celebrate success. This is a day to thank all the supporters. This is a day to

renew our relationship and forge a bond that would last lifetime. But, most importantly, this is a

day to reflect our past and think about the long journey ahead.

It is also a very special day this year because Kathmandu University turns 25 this year. Twenty

five years ago, a small team of visionary people came to this graceful land and founded this

noble institution. Over the course of years they underwent countless adversities, yet they

managed to survive all of them. This is why you are all here today. That is why we are all here

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today. So, my dear graduates, colleagues, friends and guests, let us take this moment to give a

round of applause to the founders of this university, the local community here, KU family and all

well-wishers, whose vision, sacred mission, perseverance and tireless effort have led to this day.

Dear graduates,

You were fortunate enough to study in such University where more than 80% of the students

complete the programs in which they are enrolled and about 85% of the graduates are employed

almost immediately after their graduation. The University maintains its academic calendar

despite all difficult situations. The University’s success stories suffice for the country to design a

broad roadmap for higher education. This is why the society and the country take pride in your


Let us promise on this occasion that no matter what comes ahead, we will safeguard the values of

this institution and will take the name and fame of KU to greater heights. We will confront every

challenge that comes along this way. We will not give up.

My dear graduates,

Nepal stands at a critical juncture in history today. We have a thousand things to blame for this

state. We also have a thousand excuses to make. Yet, I am not used to making excuses, and I

urge you to do the same. Instead, let us first reflect upon ourselves, the academic community. Let

us ask ourselves: where did we err? My dear friends, it may sound harsh, bitter and very direct

but I think that a moment of truth is better than a lifetime of illusion. Let us spend a moment to

find out where we stumbled.

Dear friends,

First, I believe that as an academic community we have not lived up to the expectations. The

purpose of education is to bring us closer to the people who need us most. The purpose of

education is to help us understand better the people who are not as fortunate as us. The purpose

of education is to get into the heart of the problem and then take steps to change what is not

right. The purpose of education is to understand what is not understood, solve the riddles of

nature, decode the complexities of relationships, and then contribute something that would

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ultimately make lives of people little happier, better and more prosperous. The purpose of

education is NOT about setting ourselves apart from the rest and then get dissolved in our own

glory and pride. So, my dear graduates, if there is one thing that I would like to request you

today, I would say, find out a way to utilize your knowledge to bring you closer to the people

who have not been as fortunate as you.

Second, I believe that we have erred in our attitude of making excuses and always finding

someone to blame. For some reason, we have seen in recent years how much time we lose in

trying to find faults of others, and in making excuses for not doing things. This is the most

dangerous and harmful attitude, not just to us but to the whole community, to the whole nation.

Let us make a rule to ourselves not to consider ourselves worthy of commenting on others until

we are able to do at least half of what the other person has done. I like the quote by Billy

Eberhart that ‘Those who say it can’t be done, shouldn’t interfere with those who are doing

it.’ What makes me restless is to see people making absolute wastage of time, energy and

resources in criticizing others. What I believe is that if you want to criticize others, the best way

is to first demonstrate yourself what is it that you want to achieve. First accept the challenge

yourself, show others how you can do it better and then only say yes the other person was worse.

Those who do things make mistakes. Those who don’t do anything make no mistakes. So, tell

me, shall we choose action with the risk of mistakes or choose inaction without the risk of

mistakes? I would rather try and fail than not try at all. Remember, history is never created by the

critics. It is created by the people who have the courage to take up the challenge. History is never

created by those who make excuses. It is created by the people who would rather fight and die

than get lost weaving dreams in the cozy comfort of inaction.

Third, I believe that we erred in our culture of not being able to work collaboratively. Nepal is

too small a country to harbor rivalries. There are very limited number of professionals in any

discipline you name. It is unfortunate that in most cases, we have fostered unhealthy rivalries

rather than synergistic partnerships. This has harmed us all. We urgently need to get rid of this

culture. We cannot afford time and resources to fight against ourselves. There are enough

challenges to address for each of us to remain busy, and if we work together, there will emerge

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more opportunities than we can fully utilize. Let us all learn to come together and see how we

can help one another. Let us all rise together than fall separately.

Fourth, I believe that we erred in our tendency to follow and promote sensationalism and easy

popularity than wiser, consolidated achievements. This is an age of communication and media.

There are far more avenues for information than we can assimilate. Let us be careful to make

sure that we do not run after transient popularities and acclaim. Let us also not judge things just

by the extent they get disseminated. Let us use our clear conscience and wisdom to carefully

understand issues and then take steps that are slow but steady. Ultimately, history will judge us

not by how popular we are, not by how widely known we are, but rather by how many lives we

have touched and changed.

My dear graduates, yes, these are my four key messages for today. I thought I would rather speak

plain truth to you than utter flowery passages. I don’t need to repeat the fact that opportunities lie

all around you. Take one thing at a time. Create a model of success and the world will follow

you. The degrees and titles that you will get today will be great assets for your lifetime. But, trust

me the greatest asset lies in your heart and in your mind. It is the clarity of your thought, nobility

of your purpose, and the purity of your mission. Your paths ahead are challenging but, again, it is

precisely why we trust that you would be best suited for the purpose. Your shoulders need to

bear tremendous responsibilities. You have to correct the things that past generations messed up.

You have to build the things that past generations didn’t take care. You have to rise from the

ashes of the fires that past generations failed to extinguish.

And I am fully confident that you will be able to do these things because you are special. You are

a generation that has seen history in making. You are a generation that has seen the world

transform in front of your eyes.

When you reflect upon your responsibilities, you will see the crucial needs of the society. You

will see the lack of roads, of water supply and electricity, of the means of communication and

media. You will see the dearth of schools and colleges to educate our children, and of hospital to

treat the sick and the terminally ill. When you look around with a desire to help, you will see the

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people who need clothes that suit the climate, and those who want a house to live with their


Who will provide these facilities, then? Shall we look towards the government with hope, or

work ourselves to fulfill our needs? I know you have become capable enough to fulfill your own

necessities. But our country also has such youths on whom the society puts a lot of hopes and

expectations. I am talking about those who must look after their parents, bring up their younger

siblings, educate them and get them married. These are the youths who should remain active in

community works, and lend a strong hand in the country’s development.

But, who will help develop the personalities of these youths? Who will bestow life-skills in their

hands? Who has a role in building good conducts and instilling etiquettes in them?

I wish you would lend adequate thoughts over these questions. In such thoughts lies the

foundation of the country’s future. How long would it take for the country to see better days if

young people were guided to positive tracks and converted into economic workforce. Pundit

Jawaharlal Nehru said in his address to Patna University, “If things are well in the universities,

everything is well in the country.” So, if you continue to live with the character bestowed upon

you by Kathmandu University, your future will no doubt remain bright and successful.

The country anticipates hard work and dedication from you. The country also wants you to grow

into citizens who love to take pleasure in the fruits of their own hard works. Only your hard work

will change the face of your family, the society, the villages, the country and the world as a

whole. It is now your time to go and transform the world. Kathmandu University will always be

behind you. We will always be with you.

Thank you.

15 December 2015, Tuesday

Kathmandu University

Dhulikhel, Kavre, Nepal

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sf7df8f}+ ljZjljBfnosf] PSsfO;f}+ bLIffGt ;df/f]xsf] bf];|f] sfo{qmddf

pks'nklt k|f= 8f= /fds07 dfsh" >]i7af6 k|:t't :jfut dGtJo

;DdfggLo k|wfgdGqL tyf s'nklt >L s]kL zdf{ cf]nLHo",

dfggLo lzIffdGqL Pj+ ;xs'nklt >L lul//fhdl0f kf]v/]nHo",

cfhsf ljlzi6 cltly k"jL{o bz{gsf k|sf08 ljåfg\ >L dbgdl0f bLlIftHo",

ljZjljBfno ;efsf ;ef;b\Ho"x¿,

;+/If0f ;ldltsf ;b:oHo"x¿,

ljZjljBfno kl/jf/, Pj+

kqsf/ aGw'x¿,

cGo cfdlGqt dxfg'efjx¿,

cfh bLlIft x'g] xfd|f Kof/f ljBfyL{ tyf cleefjsHo"x¿ Û

cfh tkfO{+x¿nfO{ o; 7fpFdf :jfut ug{ kfpFbf d cfkm"nfO{ xlif{t / ;Ddflgt dx;';

ul//x]sf] 5' .

of] jif{ sf7df8f}F ljZjljBfnosf nflu ljz]if dxàjsf] 5 . lsgeg] of] jif{ o;

ljZjljBfnosf] /htjif{ xf] . kRrL; jif{cl3 d'n'ssf nflu s]xL u5'{ eGg] c7f]6sf

;fy Pp6f ;fgf] ;d"x w'lnv]nsf] o:tf] /d0fLo ufpFdf cfP/ of] k|ltli7t ;+:yfsf]

:yfkgf u/]sf] xf] . ;do laTb} hfFbf pxfFx¿n] cg]sf}F k|lts"n df]8x¿af6 u'lh|g'k¥of] .

t/ o; ;+:yfsf ;+:yfksx¿ ;a} k|sf/sf cK7\of/fx¿ vk]/ cl3 a9\g ;kmn x'g'eof] .

To;}sf/0f tkfO{+–xfdL cfh oxfF pkl:yt x'g ;s]sf xf}F .

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Kof/f ;xsdL{x¿, ;Dk"0f{ ldqhg tyf cltlyHo"x¿ Û

cfhsf] of] k'gLt cj;/df o; ljZjljBfnosf ;+:yfksHo"x¿, :yfgLo ;d'bfosf

;b:ox¿, ljZjljBfno kl/jf/ / ;d:t z'elrGtsx¿nfO{ ;Ddfg u/f}F . pxfFx¿sf]

kl/sNkgf, nIo, ;xgzlQm / cys k|of;sf sf/0f g} xfdL oxfF;Dd cfOk'u]sf xf}F .

o; If0fdf pxfFx¿k|lt s[t1tf JoQm ub}{ xfd|f :gftsx¿ / pgsf kl/jf/hgk|lt

Åbob]lv g} awfO{ ck{0f ub{5f}F .

Kof/f :gftsx¿ Û

tkfO{+x¿n] o:tf] ljZjljBfnodf cWoog ug]{ df}sf kfpg'ePsf] 5, hxfF egf{ ePsf

ljBfyL{dWo] *) k|ltzteGbf a9L ljBfyL{ pQL0f{ ePsf 5g\ . tL :gftsx¿dWo] tTsfn}

/f]huf/L kfpg]x¿sf] b/ klg emG8} *% k|ltzt 5 . h:tf];'s} k|lts"n cj:yfdf klg

o; ljZjljBfnon] z}lIfs Sofn]G8/ vnalng lbPsf] 5}g . o; ljZjljBfnosf

tYox¿ cWoog u/]/ pRrlzIffsf nflu b]zn] efjL dfu{lrq sf]g]{ a]nf eO;s]sf] 5 .

To;}n] tkfO{+x¿sf] Ifdtfdfly xfd|f] d'n'sn] uj{ ug]{ u/]sf] 5 . bLIffGt ;df/f]x

eO/x]sf] o; cj;/df tkfO{+x¿ of] ;ÍNk ug'{xf];\ —

• h:tf];'s} kl/l:ylt cfOk/] klg xfdL sf7df8f}F ljZjljBfnosf :yflkt d"No–

dfGotfx¿sf] hu]gf{ ug]{5f}F .

• sf7df8f}F ljZjljBfnosf] gfd / sLlt{nfO{ pRrtf lbg]5f}F .

• clg eljiodf cfOkg]{ x/]s r'gf}tLsf] 86]/ ;fdgf ug]{5f}F .

Kof/f :gftsx¿ Û

g]kfn clxn] Oltxf;sf] cToGt} sl7g df]8af6 u'lh|/x]sf] 5 . o:tf] cj:yfdf xfdL;Fu

b]zsf] gfpFdf nufpg ldNg] xhf/f}F cf/f]kx¿ 5g\, clg cfkm" plDsg] xhf/f}F axfgfx¿

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klg 5g\ . t/ d axfgfjfhLdf ljZjf; ulb{gF, / tkfO{+x¿ klg gug{'xf];\ eGg] cfu|x ug{

rfxG5' . a¿ xfdL cfˆg} zlQm, ;fdYo{ / Jojxf/sf af/]df lrGtg–dgg u/f}F . Pp6f

k|fl1s hdftsf ¿kdf xfdL sxfF r'ls/x]sf 5f}F < ;f]rf}F .

lk|o ;fyLx¿ Û

;'Gbf ?vf], tLtf] jf 7f8f] nfUg ;S5 . t/ d]/f] ljrf/df ;Totf dx;'; ePsf] If0f g}

hLjgel/sf] e|deGbf 7"nf] / uxg x'G5 . To;}n] s]xL a]/ ;f]rf}F M xfdL sxfF 7f]lSsof}F /

sxfF k5fl/of}F .

o; s'/fnfO{ d rf/j6f kIfaf6 k|:6 kfg{ rfxG5' .

klxnf] kIf M

xfd|f] k|fl1s ;d"xn] hgck]Iffcg';f/ sfd ug{ ;s]sf] 5}g .

• xfd|f] lzIffsf] p2]Zo xfdLnfO{ vf]lh/x]sf] / xfd|f] vfFrf] dx;'; ul//x]sf]

hg;d"xsf] cToGt glhs xfdLnfO{ k'¥ofpg' xf] .

• xfd|f] lzIffsf] p2]Zo xfdLnfO{ cfkm"eGbf sd cj;/ kfPsf dflg;x¿nfO{ lrGg

/ a'‰g ;Sg] agfpg' xf] .

• xfd|f] lzIffsf] p2]Zo ;d:ofnfO{ leq;Dd a'emL kl/jt{gtkm{ pGd'v x'g xfdLnfO{

;Ifd agfpg' xf] .

• xfd|f] lzIffsf] p2]Zo ga'em]sf] ljifoj:t'nfO{ a'‰g' / a'emfpg' xf], k|s[ltdf /x]sf

/x:ox¿sf] ;dfwfg ug{' xf], xfdLaLrsf ;DaGwdf x'g] hl6ntfsf] JofVof ug{' xf]

/ dflg;x¿sf] hLjg clnslt a9L v';L / ;'vL agfpgtkm{ of]ubfg k'¥ofpg' xf].

• cfd hg;d'bfoaf6 cnu /xL cfˆg} sLlt{ / uf}/jdf /dfpg] clg ;+;f/nfO{ e'Ng]

vfnsf lzlIft JolQmx¿ agfpg' xfd|f] lzIffsf] p2]Zo cjZo xf]Og .

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t;y{, lk|o :gftsx¿ Û

cfh tkfO{+x¿;Fu cg'/f]wsf ¿kdf d Pp6} s'/f eGg rfxG5' — o:tf] :ki6 af6f]

vf]Hg'xf];\ ls tkfO{+sf] 1fg / ;Lk tkfO{+eGbf sd cj;/ kfPsf dflg;x¿sf] kx'Fr /

k|of]udf cfcf];\ .

bf];|f] kIf M

d cfTdljZjf;sf ;fy eGg ;S5' M xfdL axfgfjfhL u/]/ cfkm" plDsg] / ;d:ofsf]

bf]if c¿nfO{ yf]kg]{ k|j[lQn] g/fd|/L r'ls;s]sf 5f}F . xfdLnfO{ yfxf 5 xfnsf jif{x¿df

c¿sf sdhf]/L cf}FNofpg] t/ cfkm"n] rflxF Pp6f l;Gsf] klg gefFrL OHht hf]ufpg]

axfgfjfhLdf xfd|f] w]/} ;do vr{ ePsf] 5 . of] xfd|f nflu dfq geP/ ;dfh / b]zs}

nflu Psbd vt/gfs clg xflgsf/s k|j[lQ xf] . ha;Dd c¿n] u/]sf sfdsf] cfwf

dfq sfd cfkm}Fn] u/]/ b]vfpg ;Qm}gf}F, ta;Dd xfdL c¿sf af/]df gsf/fTds l6Kk0fL

ug{ of]Uo x'Fb}gf}F .

Billy Eberhart gfds Ps cd]l/sLsf] egfO dnfO{ Hofb} dg k5{ . pgn] eg]sf 5g\

— æs'g} sfd ug{ ;lsFb}g eGg] h;nfO{ nfU5, To;n] ToxL sfd ul//x]sfx¿nfO{

x:tIf]k ug{ sbflk ldNb}g .Æ

c¿sf] abVjfOF ug{ dfq w]/} ;do, zlQm / ;|f]t vr{ ug]{ dflg;x¿ b]v]/ dnfO{ lbSs

nfU5 . dnfO{ nfU5 M c¿sf] cfnf]rgf ug{ rfxg]n] ;aeGbf klxn] cfkm"n] vf]h]sf] s'/f

cfkm}Fn] k|fKt ug]{ x}l;ot k|dfl0ft u/]/ b]vfpg ;Sg'k5{ . klxn] cfkm"n] ultnf] r'gf}tL

lng'k5{, c¿n] eGbf /fd|f] sfd u/]/ b]vfpg'k5{, clg dfq c¿nfO{ cfkm"eGbf v/fa

;fljt ug{ ;lsG5 .

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sfd ug]{n] uNtL u5{ . s]xL sfd gug]{n] uNtL klg ub}{g . xfdL cfkm" unt x'g ;Sg]

hf]lvd df]n]/ klg gjLg sfdx¿df lsg ;lqmo gaGg] < hf]lvd x'G5 eg]/ lsg

lgliqmo a:g] < sf]l;; g} gug{'eGbf sf]l;; u/]/ c;kmn x'g' /fd|f] xf] . olt a'‰g'xf];\ M

s'/f sf6\g]x¿n] Oltxf; /r]sf 5}gg\ . hf];Fu r'gf}tL lng] / ;fdgf ug]{ ;fx; 5,

ltgn] g} Oltxf; /r]sf 5g\ . axfgf u/]/ plDsg vf]Hg]x¿n] klg Oltxf; /r]sf 5}gg\ .

Oltxf; t tL dflg;x¿n] /r]sf 5g\ hf] lgliqmo ag]/ ;kgfsf] hfnf] a'Gb} x/fpg'sf]

;f6f] r'gf}tL lnP/ ;ª\3if{ ub}{ dg{ ?rfpF5g\ . d d]/f Kof/f :gftsx¿df o:t} JolQmTj

/ rl/q xf];\ eGg] rfxG5' .

t];|f] kIf M

xfdL ;xsfo{sf] ;+:sf/ :yflkt ug{ g;s]/ r's]sf 5f}F . dnfO{ xfd|f] g]kfn w]/}

em}emu8fx¿ c6fpg g;Sg] cToGt ;fgf] ;'Gb/ b]z xf] h:tf] nfU5 . oxfF x/]s ljwfdf

;Lldt ;ª\Vofdf dfq cg'ejL tyf Jofj;flos dflg;x¿ 5g\ . t/ b'ef{Uo, xfdLn] k|foM

;a} If]qdf ;xsfo{ / ;fem]bf/LeGbf c:j:y k|lt:k4f{ / l/;/funfO{ a9fjf lbPsf x'G5f}F.

To;n] ubf{ xfdL ;a}nfO{ xflg k'¥ofPsf] 5 . To;}n] xfdL hlt;Stf] rfF8f] of] ;+:sf/af6

d'Qm x'g ;Sg'k5{ . xfdL cfˆg} lj?4 ;do / ;|f]t vr{ ul//xg ;Qm}gf}F . xfd|f ;femf

r'gf}tLx¿ k|z:t 5g\ . ldn]/ sfd ug]{ xf] eg] xfdLn] xfd|} wtL{df ;b'kof]u ug{

;Sg]eGbf a9L cj;/x¿sf] 9f]sf v'n]sf] b]Vg]5f}F . t;y{ —

• Pstfa4 x'g l;sf}F .

• xfdL Ps–csf{sf] ;fy s;/L lbg ;S5f}F, Tof] x]/f}F .

• ca xfdL PSnfPSn} k5fl/g'sf] ;f6f] ;Fu;Fu} p7\g / lxF8\g l;sf}F .

rf}yf] kIf M

xfdL ;xL / ;fd"lxs pknlAweGbf ;g;gLk"0f{ / ;:tf] nf]slk|otf xfl;n ug]{ k|j[lQ

clËsf/ u/]/ r's]sf 5f}F . of] o'u ;"rgf / ;~rf/sf] o'u xf] . cfh xfdL;Fu cfˆgf]

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u|x0fzlQmn] Eofpg]eGbf w]/} ;"rgfsf ;|f]t / ;Dk|]if0fsf dfu{x¿ 5g\ . t/ xfdL

xf]l;of/ /xf}F —

• st} xfdL Ifl0fs Voflt / k|z+;fsf kl5 dfq lxFl8/x]sf t 5}gf}F <

• k|rf/ / k|;f/df b]lvPsf] kx'Frsf cfwf/df dfq s'g} ljifosf] d"NofÍg ul//x]sf

t 5}gf}F <

xfd|f] k|:6 ljj]s / a'l4n] ljifoj:t'sf] ;"Id cWoog u/L pknlAw l9n} k|fKt eP klg

lbuf] sfd ug]{ k|of;df lsg gnfUg] < cflv/, Oltxf;n] xfd|f] d"NofÍg ubf{ ;:tf]

nf]slk|otfsf] dfkb08af6 d"NofÍg ub}{g, slt hLjgx¿df xfdLn] kl/jt{g Nofpg

;Sof}F, eGg] tYosf cfwf/df d"NofÍg ug]{5 .

Kof/f :gftsx¿ Û

tkfO{+x¿nfO{ d}n] log} ;Gb]z lbg rfx]sf] lyPF, nfdf] cnÍf/o'Qm efif0f x'b}—xf]Og . xfd|f

nflu cj;/x¿ j/k/ g} 5g\ eGg] tYonfO{ oxfF bf]xf]¥ofP/ eGg cfjZos b]lVtgF . olQ

eG5', Ps k6sdf Pp6f sfd lng'xf];\ . ;kmntfsf] cfˆg} Pp6f gd'gf l;h{gf ug{'xf];\ .

b'lgofFn] tkfO{+sf] cg';/0f ug]{5 .

cfh u|x0f ug{'ePsf] pkflw tkfO{+sf] hLjgel/sf] ;DklQ xf] . t/ ljZjf; ug{'xf];\ —

• tkfO{+sf] ;a}eGbf 7"nf] ;DklQ tkfO{+sf] Åbo / dl:tisdf x'G5 .

• Tof] ;DklQ tkfO{+sf] ;f]rfOsf] :ki6tf, Tof] ;DklQ tkfO{+sf] p2]Zosf] pTs[i6tf /

Tof] ;DklQ tkfO{+sf] nIosf] z'4tfdf /xG5 .

tkfO{+sf] eljiosf af6fx¿ r'gf}tLk"0f{ 5g\ . tkfO{+ tL r'gf}tLx¿ ;fdgf ug{ ;Ifd /

of]Uo x'g'x'G5 eGg] xfdLnfO{ ljZjf; 5 .

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tkfO{+sf] sfFwdf uxg lhDd]jf/Lx¿ 5g\ .

• ljutsf k':tfn] ug{ g;s]sf sfdx¿ tkfO{+n] ;DxfNg'5 / ;kfg{'5 .

• k'/fgf] k':tfn] ug{ gEofPsf s'/fx¿sf] lgdf{0f tkfO{+n] g} ug{'5 .

• k'/fgf] k':tfn] lgefpg g;s]sf] cfuf]sf] v/fgLleqaf6 tkfO{+n] lemNsf ag]/

p7\g'5 .

d ljZj:t 5', tkfO{+ p7\g ;Sg'x'g]5 . lsgeg] tkfO{+df ljlzi6tf 5 . tkfO{+sf] k':tfn]

• aGb} u/]sf] Oltxf; b]v]sf] 5, ef]u]sf] 5 .

• ;+;f/df ePsf cg]sf}F kl/jt{gx¿ klg b]v]sf] 5, ef]u]sf] 5 .

cfˆgf] lhDd]jf/Lsf af/]df lrGtg ubf{ g} tkfO{+ ;a}eGbf klxn] cfˆg} jl/kl/ w]/}

cfjZostfx¿ b]Vg ;Sg'x'g]5 .

• af6f]3f6f]sf] cfjZostf,

• kfgL / lah'nLsf] cfjZostf,

• k|z:t ;~rf/–;fdu|Lsf] cfjZostf,

• 5f]/f5f]/LnfO{ k9fpg :s'n–sn]hsf] cfjZostf,

• la/fdL k/]sf] a]nfdf pkrf/ ug]{ c:ktfnsf] cfjZostf,

• df};dcg';f/ nufpg] nQf–sk8fsf] cfjZostf,

• ;kl/jf/ a:g ldNg] 3/sf] cfjZostf .

oL ;a} ;'ljwf s;n] lbg] < ;/sf/sf] d'v tfs]/ a:g] xf] ls cfkm}Fn] cfˆgf]

cfjZostfsf] k"lt{ ug]{ < dnfO{ yfxf 5 M tkfO{+x¿ cfˆgf cfjZostfx¿ k"/f ug{ ;Sg]

x}l;otsf] aGg'ePsf] 5 . t/ xfd|f] b]z g]kfnd} o:tf o'jfx¿ w]/} 5g\, h;dfly cfkm\g}

kl/jf/ / ;dfhn] 7"nf] cfzf /fv]sf] x'G5 .

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• pgLx¿n] afa'cfdfnfO{ kfNg'k5{,

• efOalxgLnfO{ x'sf{pg'k5{, k9fpg'k5{ / 3/hd u/fOlbg'k5{,

• ;dfhsf] sfddf ;lqmo /xg'k5{,

• ufpF / b]zsf] ljsf;df klg nfUg'k5{ .

ljZjljBfnodf egf{ eO{ k7gkf7g ug{ ;Sg' t k/} hfj;,

• To:tf o'jfx¿sf] JolQmTj s;n] ljsf; u/fOlbg] <

• pgLx¿sf] xftdf s;n] ;Lk el/lbg] <

• pgLx¿sf] rl/q–lgdf{0fdf s;n] e"ldsf v]Ng] <

d rfxG5' M tkfO{+x¿ oL s'/fdf klg ;f]Rgf];\ . d'n'ssf] eljiosf] lgdf{0f tkfO{+x¿sf]

o:t} ;f]rfOaf6 k|f/De x'G5 . s'g}klg o'jfnfO{ ;sf/fTds dfu{df 8f]xf]¥ofP/ cfly{s

zlQmdf ¿kfGt/0f ug{ ;lsof] eg] d'n'sn] sfFr'nL km]g{ slt a]/ nfU5 / Û ef/tsf

/fhg]tf hjfx/nfn g]x¿n] k6gf ljZjljBfnosf] o:t} Pp6f e]nfdf efif0f ubf{ eg]sf

lyP — “If things are well in the universities, everything is well in the


अथार् त, ljZjljBfnoleq ;a} s'/f l7s7fs 5 eg] b]z klg /fd|};Fu rln/x]sf] 5 eGg]

s'/f a'‰g'k5{ .

xf], sf7df8f}F ljZjljBfnon] tkfO{+x¿nfO{ h'g rl/q lbPsf] 5, To;nfO{ cg's/0f

ul//xg'eof] eg] tkfO{+x¿sf] pHHjn eljiodfly slxNo} k|ZglrXg nfUg] 5}g .

cGTodf eGg'kbf{ M

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xfd|f] d'n'sn] tkfO{+x¿af6 —

• sl7g kl/>d / Tofu vf]h]sf] 5 .

• cfˆg} kl/>daf6 ePsf] pGgltdf /dfpg] JolQmTj vf]h]sf] 5 .

tkfO{+x¿sf] To:tf] ldlxg]tn] dfq} kl/jf/sf], ;dfhsf], ufpFsf], ;du| /fi6«sf] / k"/}

ljZjsf] d'xf/ ablnG5 . ca of] ;+;f/sf] d'xf/df ;sf/fTds kl/jt{g Nofpg] kfnf]

tkfO{+x¿sf] xf] . tkfO{+x¿sf x/]s sbddf sf7df8f}F ljZjljBfno ;fy /xg]5 . xfdL

;w}F tkfO{+x¿;Fu} x'g]5f}F .

wGojfb Û

dËnaf/, @( dª\l;/ @)&@ -!% l8;]Da/ @)!%_

sf7df8f}F ljZjljBfno s]Gb|Lo kl/;/

w'lnv]n, sfe|], g]kfn