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Search Me If You Can : Privacy Preserving Location Query Service

Search Me If You Can : Privacy Preserving Location Query ServiceGuidePresented ByDeepak Pawar Sir Pulkit Agarwal(02)(Assistant Professor)A certain service that is offered to the users based on their locations.

What is Location Based Services?LBS can be used from all the above devices.Where LBS is used?

We can exert only a group based access control on published location.For eg : Social photo sharing website Flickr only let users choose all users, neighbours, friends or family to allow the access to the locations and SNS websites Facebook and Google+ additionally support custom groups to specify the accessible user groups. Existing System users can only explicitly specify a group of users who can or cannot access the location information. access control policy supports binary choices only.Disadvatages we propose novel protocols such that the location publisher exerts a fine-grained access control on who can access what location information. For eg : a user can know which city I am in if s/he is in my friend list. a user can check whether the distance between him and me is less than 100 meters if s/he is my classmate. a user can compute the exact distance between us if we both went to the same university.

Proposed System Fine Grained Access Control Multi-leveled Access Control Privacy Preserving Protocol Euclideans Distance Modules This protocol allows users to specify a condition instead of a group and exert access control over the users who satisfy this condition. This is more user-friendly because users themselves do not clearly know which of their friends should or should not access the information most of time.Fine Grained Access Control The protocol also supports semi-functional encryption. That is, the protocol enables users to control to what extent (or level) others can learn his location. The lowest level corresponds to nothing, and the highest level corresponds to ones exact location.

Multi-leveled Access Control In this protocol, every location information is encrypted and queries are processed upon ciphertexts. The Location data stored on the server is safe.Privacy Preserving ProtocolEuclidians Distance Attribute Based Encryption Homomorphic Encryption Functional EncryptionCryptography Used Privacy Preserving Distance Computation Privacy Preserving Distance Comparison Initialize Level 4 Query Protocol Level 3 Query Protocol Level 2 Query Protocol Level 1 Query Protocol

Algorithms used to achieve privacy Large Number Arithmetic library for smartphone is unavailable currently, so we implemented our protocol in a computer with only one CPU under clocked to 900MHz, whose computation ability is similar to a smartphone. We used GMP library and CP-ABE toolkit to implement the protocol in Ubuntu 11.04.Performance EvaluationComputation Overheads

Communication Overheads

Hence, a ne-grained Privacy-preserving Location Query Protocol (PLQP), which successfully solves the privacy issues in existing LBS applications and provides various location based queries. We also conducted experiment evaluation to show that the performance of our protocol is applicable in a real mobile network.Conclusion IEEE TRANSACTIONS MOBILE COMPUTING YEAR 2013 Xiang-Yang Li and Taeho JungDepartment of Computer Science, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL

ReferencesThank you