Download - SE Michigan PowerShell Users Group - Regex Part1

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Matt JohnsonSE Michigan PowerShell Script Club

[email protected]

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Introduction Simple Pattern Searches Simple Pattern Examples Introduction to Regular Expressions Closing

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Used with both operating system commands and PowerShell commands.

Using cmd.exe we used “*” and “?”. With PowerShell we get a few more options.

Also work with -like and –notlike

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Simple Pattern Wildcards

Turns out this is a basic form of regular expressions

Wildcard Description

* Any number of characters

? Exactly one character

[xyz] One of the specified characters

[x-z] One of the characters in the specified area

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Dir *.txt

Dir [li]*

$ip = ($ip –like “*.*.*.*”) {“Valid”} Else {“Invalid”}

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From Wikipedia: “Regular expressions provide a concise and flexible means for identifying strings of text of interest, such as particular characters, words, or patterns of characters.”

Found in some programming / scripting languages, editors and utilities.

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Programming Languages: PowerShell, Perl, .NET languages, C++

Editors: Visual Studio, emacs

Utilities: grep, Power Grep

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Websites:◦ MSDN Regex Class

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Books◦ Mastering Regular Expressions by Jeffrey Friedl◦ Regular Expressions Cookbook by Jan Goyvaerts,

Steven Levithan

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Applications◦ Rad Software Regular Expression Designer◦

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Applications◦ Ultrapico Expresso 3.0◦

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Applications◦ The Regex Coach◦

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PowerShell and Regular expressions PowerShell and .NET’s Regex class Regular Expression Examples

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Contact Me:Matt Johnson, GSEC, MCSEEmail: [email protected]: Sites: mwjcomputing

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