Download - Scriptwriting/ Concept Art/ Storyboarding

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Pages 1-6 . . . . . . Script

Pages 7-8 . . . . . . Concept Art

Pages 9-10 . . . . . Mood Boards

Pages 10-14 . . . . . Storyboards

Pages 15-19 . . . . . Sketch Work

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Sam Brown

20 Alderwood Close,





[email protected]

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The camera fades into a close up of a set of very tired and heavy

eyes, occasionally blinking slowly. The only audio at this point is

the sound of a strong, bustling wind. The camera then begins to pan

out to show the head and shoulders of the main character; a

University student. He looks extremely tired, possibly hung-over and

miserable. His neck is retracted slightly into his tense shoulders;

he is wearing a dark grey woollen hat with the hood, from his black

‘hoodie,’ pulled up over it. There is a faint musical beat coming

from his MP3 Player’s headphones.

The camera continues to pan out to show the main character stood at

a bus stop; the only background is a grey sky with a small amount of

dark green grass at the bottom of the screen. The main character is

yet to move apart from the occasional blink.

A thin whisper of cigarette smoke then begins to flow across the

screen, passing just underneath the nose of the Student. He looks

comically down at the smoke, looks contemptly back at the camera and

sighs, blowing the smoke away slightly before accidentally breathing

some in; this causes him to cough violently before quickly turning

his head to his left. The camera then pans to the right to show a

stereotypical old man smoking heavily. He occasionally removes the

cigarette from his mouth, only to cough, splutter and spit on the


The camera pans back to the student, just as a group of four young

school girls arrive. They are all laughing very loudly and playfully

pushing each other. One of them is drinking a can of pop, two are

eating packets of crisps and the other is eating a chocolate bar.

The main character looks over to them, turns his head back to the

camera, sighs and shivers; this indicates that it is cold.

Immediately after this a young ‘chavvy’ woman arrives to the bus

stop, holding a baby. She is wearing a pink, suede track suit which

appears to be too small for her, her face is bright orange from

make-up and yet her neck is pale white against her peroxide blonde


The woman’s baby then begins to cry, to which her only response is

‘sshhhh’, with no other attempt to silence the baby.

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The old man coughs, splutters and spits again. This silences the

baby as it looks over, completely bemused at the spectacle it has

just witnessed.


Bloody busses these days.

A close-up on the main character shows him rolling his eyes, sighing

and shivering again. The school girls then begin to laugh loudly

again and start pushing each other playfully. One of them bumps in

the main character. He turns his head to look at the girl that

bumped into him.


Sorry, Mister. It was her;

She pushed me, her there.


The main character turns his head back, sighing heavily at the same

time. He then looks left down the street. The camera switches to a

shot of the street to the character’s left. It is an empty and misty

street with street lights dotted down the pavement, none of which

are working. The camera changes back to the bus stop as the

character looks back to centre and then to his right. The camera

switches to that end of the street; much the same as the other side

but with one difference. There is a very old woman in the distance,

shuffling slowly along the pavement dragging her trolley with one

hand and walking her small, white dog with the other.

The baby begins to cry again.


Sshhhh, come on now. Sshhhh.

The main character sighs heavily; this time looking down to the

ground as he does so, shaking his head slightly. Before raising it


The street light next to the bus stop, illuminating the close area,

then begins to flicker and buzz. This annoys the main character more

as he looks up at it and looks back to centre, frowning.

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Just at that a crisp packet flies past the characters head, blown

across by the wind. Followed by another crisp packet and a chocolate

bar wrapper. The character follows the three wrappers with his eyes,

looking at them in a disgruntled fashion. A can then flies in from

the left of the screen, unknown to the main character, as if it had

been thrown by someone. It hits the main character on the side of

the head; his expression immediately changes to surprise before

anger as he sharply turns his head to his right. The camera moves to

the left to show the school girls and the main character on the

screen at once. Three of the girls are giggling in a mischievous

manor, whilst one is looking very apologetically at the main



I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean for it

to hit you. I was just throwing it away.

Sorry mister.

The main character continues to glare angrily at the girl before

turning his head back to centre very slowly.

He reaches into the back pocket of his jeans and pulls out a small

piece of crumpled up paper. The camera switches to an over the

shoulder shot of the character to show the writing on the piece of

paper. It reads:


BUS - NUMBER 9, 8.15”

There is then a spot of rain on the paper and as the character puts

it away the camera changes back to its normal position. The rain

then becomes much heavier.


Urgh, bloody rain. (Coughs,

splutters and spits).

The main character then nestles his head deeper into his hood;

heavily sighing, he becomes angrier with the overall situation.

There is then a very faint ‘chugging’ noise in the distance, similar

to that of a tug boat. Every character, including the baby, look to

the left optimistically; hoping that a bus is arriving. The camera

switches to show the end of the street where a small, dilapidated,

old bus has emerged from the mist and is just visible. It is barely

moving with a large cloud of black smoke trailing behind it.

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The camera zooms in on the bus driver; a short, fat, balding man is

behind the wheel. He has the soulless, empty eyes of a person whose

hopes and dreams are steadily becoming a faint and distant memory

due to his monotonous, spirit-crushing day job.

The camera switches back to a shot of the bus crawling along the

street; a shot of the bus stop follows as all of the bus stop

occupants’ expressions change from optimistic, back to how they


As the Old Man snorts, splutters and spits again; the entire bus

stop seems to be in a disgusting and annoying harmony. The Old Man

is chain smoking as well as spitting, the school girls and laughing

and pushing, the baby is crying and the young woman is repeatedly

saying ‘sshhhh’. This angers the main character more, his jaw

becomes tense and his head begins to shake slightly, overcome by


As the rain gets even heavier, another noise is heard by the

characters. As they all look optimistically over to the left again;

the camera switches to a shot of the end of the bus. The noise was

another bus appearing behind the old, dilapidated one. This bus is

much newer and in a lot better condition. As it overtakes the old

bus, the camera switches to a shot of the driver, a young, fresh

faced man with a large smile on his face.

The camera switches to a shot of the main character; he reaches for

his back pocket and takes out the small piece of paper again. The

camera shows the piece of paper by way of an over-the-shoulder

shot’. You have just enough time to read what it says on the paper…


BUS - NUMBER 9, 8.15”

…before it is completely disintegrated by the rain. The main

character checks his watch and sees that the time is 8:04. The

camera then shows a shot of the front of the bus, this bus is ‘the


University Student/Main Character:

Totally worth it

The main character is then shown by the camera as he pulls a devious

grin and rubs his hands together. As the bus is getting closer to

the bus stop, the Main character pulls his bag around so that it is

in front of him and begins to rummage through it. He seems to take

something out and put it in his pocket but you cannot see what it


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The bus then screeches to a halt at the bus stop and the automatic

doors open.


As the main character steps on the rest of the bus stop occupants

remain where they are. He then reaches into his pocket and pulls out

a green hand-grenade. There is a small sticker on it that reads:


The student takes another step into the bus and just as the doors

begin to close he pulls the pin out of the grenade and throws it

over his right shoulder. The grenade just makes it through the doors

before they close and lands on the floor in front of the bus stop.

The bus then speeds away to show the bus stop; all its occupants are

stood silently, like rabbits caught in headlights, staring at the


The camera then switches to a shot of the very old woman who is

still shuffling slowly along the street; trolley in one hand, dog

lead in the other. There is then an off screen explosion and the old

woman and her dog immediately stop in their tracks. They stand

perfectly still for a second before her jaw drops and her eyes open

as wide as they possibly can. The dog then does the same.

A few seconds later the camera cuts to a close up shot of the

students face; he is peacefully smiling. The only background noise

is quiet chatter from fellow bus passengers. The camera then zooms

out to show that the main character is sat next to a young, ‘chavvy’

woman, very similar to the one at the bus stop, holding a baby. The

baby begins to cry very loudly. The student then looks in annoyance

to the baby before he begins to furiously rummage around in his bag.

As he does so, the screen begins to fill, from the edge inwards,

with a blank black screen and it stops to leave a circle in which

the student’s head and shoulders are shown. He looks up with a very

sad expression and he begins to cry very loudly himself. The circle

is then filled by the black screen.


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