Download - Scribe 2019 October...Oct 10, 2019  · T E M P L E S I N A I O F G L E N D A L E 1212. N. Pacific Avenue Glendale, CA 91202-1697 Tel 818.246.8101 Rabbi Rick Schechter Cantor Steve

Page 1: Scribe 2019 October...Oct 10, 2019  · T E M P L E S I N A I O F G L E N D A L E 1212. N. Pacific Avenue Glendale, CA 91202-1697 Tel 818.246.8101 Rabbi Rick Schechter Cantor Steve

Vol. 32 no. 10 October 2019 Tishrei 5779/Cheshvan 5780

THIS MONTHFriday, October 4 @ 6pm Shabbat Dinner followed @ 7pm by Family Service

Tuesday, October 8 @ 8pm Kol Nidre Service

Wednesday, October 9 @ 10am Yom Kippur Services

Sunday, October 13 @ 6pm Sukkot BBQ Dinner followed @ 7pm by Sukkot Service in the sukkah Friday, October 18 @ 7pmSimchat Torah-Shabbat Service

Saturday, October 19 @ 10am Tot Shabbat with Cantor Steve and Rabbi Rick followed @ 10:30am by Monthly Minyan

Sunday, October 20 @ 10am Sisterhood Brunch

Lunch and Learn with the Rabbi is on hiatus, resuming on Thursday, November 14 @ 12pm

Save the Date: Glendale Gives Thanks Community Prayer Breakfast Thursday, November 7 @ 7am


Page 2: Scribe 2019 October...Oct 10, 2019  · T E M P L E S I N A I O F G L E N D A L E 1212. N. Pacific Avenue Glendale, CA 91202-1697 Tel 818.246.8101 Rabbi Rick Schechter Cantor Steve


O F G L E N D A L E1212. N. Pacif ic Avenue

Glendale, CA 91202-1697

Tel 818.246.8101

Rabbi Rick Schechter

Cantor Steve Hummel

President Maggie Freed


Have Something for

To submit an article, f lyer, or any other material for The Scribe:

1) All submissions must be received no later than midnight on the 12th of each month. Submissions by email are preferred, but if you do not have email access a hard copy (paper) will be accepted if received by the Temple off ice no later than 5:00 p.m. on the 12th of the month

2) The email must be addressed to [email protected]. Please identify the article in the email subject l ine (i.e. Sisterhood, Brotherhood, etc., and not simply Scribe Article). The article must have a tit le.

3) Be sure to include your name and a phone number at which you may be reached if there is a question about the article.

4) Please note that the deadline is f irm. Late articles cannot be accepted, as this would delay The Scribe being received by our members.

5) The editorial committee reserves the right to review, edit, and approve any and all material submitted for inclusion The Scribe.

6) For additional information about submitting an article, please contactthe editor at [email protected]

A monthly publication of


Editor in Chief

Eryn Seltzer

Editorial Commit tee

Maggie Freed * Phill ip Hain

Susan Hain * Flo Cohen


Roger Baar, Seth Chazanoff Layout

Ronen Lasry, Jason Marx

Advertisers are welcome as sponsors of our newsletter. Ads must be ?camera ready? and f it within the sizes below. Sizes shown are for the outside border. All ads must be accompanied by payment before they will run. The cost of ads listed is for three issues. Include a phone number where you may be reached if there are questions. Formats: pdf, t if , jpg, gif .


Business Card (horizontal only)

3 ½ ? W x 2? H? ? ? ? ? ? $30

Quarter Page

3 ½ ? W x 5? H? ? ? ? ? ? $65

Half Page

7 ½ ? W x 5 H

3 ½ ? W x 10? H? ? ? ? ? $100

Ful l Page

7 ½ ? W x 10? H? ? ? ? ? $175

Ads run for 3 issues.

LIBRARY HOURSThe Freedman Library is open after services on Fridays from 9:00 to 10:00 p.m. and Sunday mornings when there is Religious School.

Everyone is encouraged to use the library and check out a book

Date Hebrew Date Parashah Torah Haf tarah 10/5/19 6 Tishrei 5780 Vayeilech Deut. 31:1-30 Hos. 14:2?10, Mic.7:18?20, Joel 2:15?27


10/12/19 13 Tishrei 5780 Haazinu Deut. 32:1-52 II Sam. 22:1-51

10/19/19 20 Tishrei 5780 Chol Ex. 33:12?34:26 Eze. 38:18?39:7 (39:16)/Ecclesiastes

10/26/19 27 Tishrei 5780 B?reishit Gen. 1:1-6:8 Isa. 42:5-43:10

Page 3: Scribe 2019 October...Oct 10, 2019  · T E M P L E S I N A I O F G L E N D A L E 1212. N. Pacific Avenue Glendale, CA 91202-1697 Tel 818.246.8101 Rabbi Rick Schechter Cantor Steve

A Tree of Life

by Rabbi Rick Schechter

The Rabbi?s Reflections

Living in California we are fortunate to be surrounded by so many natural wonders? majestic mountains, the beautiful ocean and lakes, and just about every type of eye-catching landscape imaginable, including forest, desert, and farmland.

An interesting fact: California is the nation?s most productive agricultural state, according to the California Department of Food and Agriculture. It provides more than half of the fruits, nuts, and vegetables grown in this country.

I must admit that most days I don?t think a lot about agriculture? unless I?m shopping in the produce section of the grocery store. Perhaps you are like that too. Yet the Jewish festival season of Sukkot rolls around each year to remind us of our agricultural roots and the importance of the land?s nourishment and yield.

The temporary dwelling of the sukkah transports us back in time to when our ancestors were farmers. They lodged in the sukkah in their f ields during the busy fall and spring harvests. And when the harvest came in, what a time of great signif icance and celebration in ancient Israel it was! In fact, in the days of the Second Temple in Jerusalem, the rabbis tell us that Sukkot was celebrated with extraordinary fanfare? music, dancing, wine, torch ceremonies, juggling, elaborate rituals involving water and wine, and on and on it went. One hadn?t really been to a party until they had celebrated Sukkot at the ancient Temple, our rabbis say.

The festival of Sukkot, of course, has another important meaning and historical signif icance to us. The booths of Sukkot commemorate the ancient Israelites? journey in the wilderness after leaving the slavery of Egypt. Then and there, our ancestors had no permanent dwellings in which to live. Yet in that very crucible of physical insecurity, our ancestors forged a community, a legislation and judicial system, a religion, a moral and spiritual code? a way of l ife that stil l speaks to us today, inspiring us as we make our journey through life.

This month, as our celebration of Sukkot (on Sunday night, October 13) f lows into the holiday of Simchat Torah, we will rejoice in the very stories, wisdom and society that our people began to create in their journey through the wilderness. The Torah scroll with which we dance and rejoice on Simchat Torah forever records and relates that physical and spiritual journey? a journey that continues to this day with us.

Like our ancestors, at this season following the High Holy Days, may we go from dwelling in a sukkah to dancing around a Tree of Life? all the while appreciating, nurturing, and sustaining the trees, f ields, and natural resources that sustain us.

Chag sameach,

Page 4: Scribe 2019 October...Oct 10, 2019  · T E M P L E S I N A I O F G L E N D A L E 1212. N. Pacific Avenue Glendale, CA 91202-1697 Tel 818.246.8101 Rabbi Rick Schechter Cantor Steve
Page 5: Scribe 2019 October...Oct 10, 2019  · T E M P L E S I N A I O F G L E N D A L E 1212. N. Pacific Avenue Glendale, CA 91202-1697 Tel 818.246.8101 Rabbi Rick Schechter Cantor Steve

The President's Message

Shanah Tovah ? Publ ic Discourse ? Brit Olam

by Maggie Freed

The Temple Sinai Board is interested in hearing from the congregation regarding any issue that may concern you. Feel free to contact us as follows:

President: Maggie Freed - [email protected] Exec.VP: Steve Abrams - [email protected] First VP: Harley Haas - [email protected] Second VP: Phill ip Hain - [email protected] Treasurer: Dan Heller - [email protected] Recording Sec: Pat Smith - [email protected] Financial Sec: Larry Cohen - [email protected]

Shanah Tovah! By the time you see this message, Rosh HaShanah will have passed. I hope your celebration of the new year was meaningful. I was recently reminded by Rabbi Rick Jacobs, URJ President, that Shanah Tovah doesn?t actually mean happy new year: Shanah is Year but Tovah means Good. So we aren?t only hoping that the year will be happy, as we know all kinds of things may happen over the course of a year. But a good year can be one in which we learn, grow, and try to deal positively with the challenges we will face.

A recent statement from the Reform Movement focused on the coarseness of public discourse.

?We pray that all Americans, regardless of polit ical association, religious aff il iation, or support for certain policies, will loudly and unambiguously call for an end to a polit ics infused with bullying, hateful diatribes, and personal character assaults.

We pray that each of us becomes a model to others, demonstrating how to reject hate and celebrate the dignity and worth of every human being. As the Talmud teaches, ?Human dignity is so important that it overrides even a biblical prohibit ion.? (Babylonian Talmud, Brachot 19b)

May the new year be a year of healing, wholeness, justice, and compassion for all.?

I?d like to encourage all of us to keep these words in mind during the coming year.

Temple Sinai?s Board of Directors has recently approved our membership in the URJ Religious Action Center?s Brit Olam program--A covenant with the world, where we join over 35 California synagogues in working to make the world a better place.

It is ?? our covenant to create a world in which all people experience wholeness, justice, and compassion ? to support congregations working together, learning from one another, and effecting change on the local, state, ? and federal levels.

Our work on this activity at Temple Sinai will focus on environmental and climate justice, a crit ical issue for our planet, our children and their children. We had a start last month with the screening of the documentary Paris to Pittsburgh, followed by a lively discussion about what each of us can do individually and together to help reduce CO2 emissions. You?ll be hearing more about our activit ies as we ramp up the program. For more about the Brit Olam see https:/ /

Page 6: Scribe 2019 October...Oct 10, 2019  · T E M P L E S I N A I O F G L E N D A L E 1212. N. Pacific Avenue Glendale, CA 91202-1697 Tel 818.246.8101 Rabbi Rick Schechter Cantor Steve

Schedule of High Holy Day Services 5780 (2019)Led by Rabbi Rick Schechter and Cantor Steve Hummel

Yom KippurTuesday, October 8

8:00 pm Kol Nidre

Wednesday, October 9

10:00 am Morning Service

10:00 am Junior Congregation

2:00 pm Family Service

3:30 pm Afternoon Service

5:00 pm* Yizkor

6:00 pm* N'ilah

6:30 pm* Break Fast

* Times are approximate

Youth Programming:If your children will be attending any of our youth programs, please help us properly plan by RSVPing at

High Holy Day Child CareYounger than Kinder - 3rd Grade

Junior Congregat ion Services4th Grade through 7th Grade


Page 7: Scribe 2019 October...Oct 10, 2019  · T E M P L E S I N A I O F G L E N D A L E 1212. N. Pacific Avenue Glendale, CA 91202-1697 Tel 818.246.8101 Rabbi Rick Schechter Cantor Steve

TSG Social Action Committee


Maggie Freed [email protected]

Don't forget to bring

your food bags on Yom

Kippur morning (or before)!

You can also give onl ine at by cl icking on

the "Donate" l ink located at the

top of the homepage

Page 8: Scribe 2019 October...Oct 10, 2019  · T E M P L E S I N A I O F G L E N D A L E 1212. N. Pacific Avenue Glendale, CA 91202-1697 Tel 818.246.8101 Rabbi Rick Schechter Cantor Steve


by Laura Goldsmith

Sisterhood provides a sanctuary for our Jewish Lives.

Within the arms of Sisterhood we find:The sacredness of friendship;

The refuge of our history;The consecration of mission;And, the altar of leadership.

We are rich in history,righteous in principles,

rewarded in the quality of lifeWe are Women of Reform Judaism-

Women of Sisterhood.

As I ref lect on this writ ing from the Covenant of the Generations, I am forced to look upon my roles as a mother, wife, educator, daughter, sister, and Sisterhood member. What can I improve upon during this New Year? How can I be of service to those in my life who rely on me for support, love, and knowledge?

We want to be here for all Women of Reform Judaism? we are your TSG Sisterhood. Many of us met in late August to plan events, organize committees, and work on rewrit ing the TSG Sisterhood Bylaws. These are going to set the stage for the year to come. We want to plan Social Action programs to support the WRJ?s focus on Women?s Reproductive Rights. We also know that the homeless situation in Glendale and nearby cit ies is an important cause to donate time and money to. We will be providing programs on these timely issues.

As I have asked in prior articles, What can you do to support your Sisterhood? Please join a committee which touches you. Feel free to email me ([email protected]) to ask about committees or programs with which you want to assist. I also would like to highlight events and people in our Sisterhood who help their communities. I know that many of you are involved in our causes, but let?s see if we can join together in planning events for which we are all passionate about helping.

Have a healthy, peaceful, and wonderful New Year,

Laura Goldsmith

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Check your emai l

inbox for the

"Paper less Post"

e-vi te invi tat ion!

Page 10: Scribe 2019 October...Oct 10, 2019  · T E M P L E S I N A I O F G L E N D A L E 1212. N. Pacific Avenue Glendale, CA 91202-1697 Tel 818.246.8101 Rabbi Rick Schechter Cantor Steve

?Needlework is tactile prayer.? So said Cathy Perlmutter in a 2017 issue of Hadassh Magazine. Cathy will be the guest speaker at our Sisterhood Membership Brunch on Sunday, October 20th. She lives in nearby South Pasadena and is well-known in the f iber arts community as a gif ted quilter, teacher, author, and blogger. Her quilts have been seen in juried shows across the country including Quilt Con in 2018, The Road to California quilt show last January, and the International Quilt Association show in Houston.

Cathy is the past president of the 40-year-old Pomegranate Guild of Judaic Needlework,* a group of over 500 members belonging to chapters across the United States and Canada.

?Beautifying the mitzvot is a value woven into the fabric of Jewish observance,? she contends. Cathy has written the book on making kippot ? literally. Her book, The Uncommon Yarmulke: Easy Fun and Spiritually Loaded Little Jewish Hats was printed in 2009. She has maintained a website on Judaic quilt ing called since the 1990?s and in 2012 began blogging weekly about her quilt ing adventures at

Last spring Cathy took on a special commission ? making the two original and gorgeous quilted wall-hangings that were given to the honorees at our temple fundraiser.

So join your temple Sisters on Sunday, October 20th to see examples of Cathy?s work and hear about the wonderful things that are happening in the world of Judaic f iber arts.

* Pomegranate Guild members are craftspeople in a range of techniques including weaving, quilting, needlepoint, applique, cross-stitch, knitting, crocheting and other rare needle arts.

Introducing Fiber ArtistCathy Perlmutter

Guest Speaker for the Sisterhood Brunch

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Please w elcome the new est members

of our communi ty!

Rita and Michael Bl inchik Sarah, Mira


Ben Wilkes and Anna Wood-Yan Lui Julian Wilkes


Jul ie and David Holcomb Henry

Los Angeles

Shana and Andrew ArtzAidan, Jack, Hanna

La Cañada Flintridge

M embershipA nniversaries!

20 YearsHoward and Linda Spiel

10 YearsMichael and Randee Barak

Cate Roman

Page 12: Scribe 2019 October...Oct 10, 2019  · T E M P L E S I N A I O F G L E N D A L E 1212. N. Pacific Avenue Glendale, CA 91202-1697 Tel 818.246.8101 Rabbi Rick Schechter Cantor Steve


1Jul ia Johnson El i Kaufman Logan Mil lward Jordan Polon Todd Schl ichter


Robert FriedmanEiler Lorentzen

3Wendy Bennet tDebi BradshawValerie KameyaKyle Lerner

4Simon HammelApri l Schechter

5Evan Schechter

6Lisa DucoreMariel Mulet

8Zem Bashan

9Tal ia Shavit?WeinerAmy Wohl

10El l iot t Negrin

11Andrew HainEvan Kowal

12Arl ine Golden

13Emma West

14Avery GordonSamantha Weiss

16Rebecca Burten

17Jul ian Wilkes

19Scot t C. Silver

20Kathleen AbermanZev CambreTzipora DashNatasha Mertens

21Enzo Grappone

22Mart in HirschAsher Rosen

23Danny QuastHannah QuastKiera Quast

26Audrey BairstowNancy Rosen

27Diana Burnst ineSimon Katzberg

29Perry CharkatzAdam KeyAdam Rosen

30Scot t DixlerPavel LernerGino ThomasJul ia Wohl

31Michael DawsonSawyer KatzSusan Sabath

Page 13: Scribe 2019 October...Oct 10, 2019  · T E M P L E S I N A I O F G L E N D A L E 1212. N. Pacific Avenue Glendale, CA 91202-1697 Tel 818.246.8101 Rabbi Rick Schechter Cantor Steve

Time is running out for you to join fellow congregants on a 10-day journey to Israel January 7-17, 2020. While init ial publicity advertised the trip for Temple members 18 years and older and their immediate families, the trip has now been opened to close adult friends and extended family members. We've got a strong group going, but we?d love to add more individuals to our passenger list! On our adventure together we will...

*Experience the magic of Israel with yourtemple community

*Visit the Old City of Jerusalem, the WesternWal l , Jewish, Arab and Christ ian quarters

*Tour Yad Vashem, Israel?s memorial to the Holocaust

*Explore the ancient and myst ical city of Safed

*Ascend Masada for panoramic views and witness the remains of King Herod?s fort ress

*Experience an unsinkable swim in the sal ty waters of the Dead Sea

*Meet with a ret ired IDF Colonel to discuss the Israel i-Arab conf l ict

*Part icipate in a hands-on archeological dig

*Enjoy a winery tour and wine tast ing in the Golan

*Learn about the unique communal arrangements of l iving on a Kibbutz in the Gal i lee

*Tour the Tel Aviv Museum of Art

*And much more, including an opt ional Eilat /Petra Extension January 17-20, 2020

Join Temple Sinai of Glendale on a

10-day journey to ISRAEL

MustRegister by


Won?t you join us for the chance to visit this soulful land? The deadline to register is mid-October so don?t delay! If you would like to learn more about trip costs, it inerary, hotel accommodations or f l ight information, please contact Kim Selfon or Glenda Berman whose contact information is in your Temple Directory. Or simply book right away by visit ing the Ayelet Tours website at:

ht tps:/ / secure.ayelet .com/GlendaletoIsrael2020.aspx


Page 14: Scribe 2019 October...Oct 10, 2019  · T E M P L E S I N A I O F G L E N D A L E 1212. N. Pacific Avenue Glendale, CA 91202-1697 Tel 818.246.8101 Rabbi Rick Schechter Cantor Steve
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Temple Announcements


Family NightShabbat Dinner

Friday, October 4 at 6:00 pmin the Temple Social Hal l


Make reservat ions on our

or cal l Lorna Simon at (818) 357-0174

Chicken Teriyaki,

Rice, Stir Fry Vegetables

Salad, Challah, Wine

Page 16: Scribe 2019 October...Oct 10, 2019  · T E M P L E S I N A I O F G L E N D A L E 1212. N. Pacific Avenue Glendale, CA 91202-1697 Tel 818.246.8101 Rabbi Rick Schechter Cantor Steve
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Classes start in October!

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The Temple Sinai Book Club For Monday, October 14

Jacob's Fol ly by Rebecca Mil ler

In eighteenth-century Paris, Jacob Cerf is a Jewish street peddler burdened by a

disastrous young marriage but determined to raise himself up by whatever means he can.

His richly observed life in Paris' Jewish ghetto is radically altered when he gains entrance to

the opulent world of the aristocracy and the freedom to create his own identity. More than

two hundred years later, Jacob reappears in surprising form in the suburbs of Long Island.

He soon becomes obsessed by a young Orthodox Jewish woman with a secret

ambition. Determined to change her fate, Jacob takes it upon himself to entangle her

with a conflicted volunteer f ireman. As Jacob's plans unfold, the burdens of duty and the pull

of desire will twist the lives of all three.

Before We Were Yoursby Lisa Wingate

Before We Were Yours is based on the heartbreaking true scandal of Georgia Tann, a woman whose Memphis adoption center kidnapped and sold poor children to wealthy families. The book explores the lives of families generations apart that are connected by a heartbreaking thread of history and tragedy. In 1939, Rill Foss, only twelve years old, must fend for herself and her siblings after they are taken to an orphanage. At the mercy of a cruel director and the adults in her life, Rill attempts to keep her siblings together and safe. In the present day, privileged young woman, Avery Stafford, has a chance encounter that leaves her questioning her family?s history and the reality of her birth.

For Monday, November 11

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Page 21: Scribe 2019 October...Oct 10, 2019  · T E M P L E S I N A I O F G L E N D A L E 1212. N. Pacific Avenue Glendale, CA 91202-1697 Tel 818.246.8101 Rabbi Rick Schechter Cantor Steve

Shabbat Morning Minyan

A minyan is traditionally a quorum of ten or more adult (over the age of b?nai mitzvah) Jews for the purpose of communal prayer.

Al l are welcome at the Temple Sinai of Glendale monthly minyan for our Shabbat

morning service and discussion of the week?s Torah port ion or other related topic.

We meet at 10:30 am on the third Shabbat of each month and end with a del icious

vegetarian/dairy pot luck lunch where discussion can cont inue.

Quest ions? Contact Maggie Freed 323-527-7989 mwfreed@gmail .com

Mark your calendars for upcoming dates:

October 19Nov 16 - Dec 21- Jan 18

Page 22: Scribe 2019 October...Oct 10, 2019  · T E M P L E S I N A I O F G L E N D A L E 1212. N. Pacific Avenue Glendale, CA 91202-1697 Tel 818.246.8101 Rabbi Rick Schechter Cantor Steve

Thanks for the Delicious Oneg

Temple Announcements

September 6 by the Campership parents in honor of their children

September 13 by the Sisterhood of Temple Sinai of Glendale

September 20 by the Sisterhood of Temple Sinai of Glendale

September 27 by the Sisterhood of Temple Sinai of Glendale


Family Night

Shabbat DinnerFriday, November 1 at 6:00 pm

in the Temple Social Hal l


Make reservat ions on

or cal l Lorna Simon at (818) 357-0174

BBQ Chicken, Roasted Potatoes, Roasted Vegetables

Salad, Chal lah, Wine

Page 23: Scribe 2019 October...Oct 10, 2019  · T E M P L E S I N A I O F G L E N D A L E 1212. N. Pacific Avenue Glendale, CA 91202-1697 Tel 818.246.8101 Rabbi Rick Schechter Cantor Steve

TSG Social Action Committee

Maggie Freed [email protected]

This year, TSG?s Holiday gif t drive has selected Baby2Baby as our recipient.

Baby2Baby provides children living in poverty, 0-12 years, with diapers, clothing and all the basic necessities every child deserves. In the last eight years, Baby2Baby has distributed over 70 mill ion items to children in homeless shelters, domestic violence programs, foster care, hospitals and underserved schools as well as children who have lost everything in the wake of disaster.

Get ready now!

Collections will begin in November!

Page 24: Scribe 2019 October...Oct 10, 2019  · T E M P L E S I N A I O F G L E N D A L E 1212. N. Pacific Avenue Glendale, CA 91202-1697 Tel 818.246.8101 Rabbi Rick Schechter Cantor Steve
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Donations August/ September

General Fund Deborah Lennon

For the yahrzeit of her father Lawrence Finkel

Maggie and Jan FreedFlo and Larry CohenLorna and Mike Simon

For the Simon-Cohen-Freed Sump Pump

Sisterhood General Fund

M'liss Regent Cunha

Rabbi's Discret ionary Fund

Suzanne Roberts and Family In appreciation of Rabbi Schechter for his support during the passing of Suzanne's mother

Sisterhood Campership Fund

Leah Simon In memory of her friend Michael Lertzman

Flo and Larry Cohen In memory of Asher Fausett

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Bella Molho ? Agnes Lieberman Flower Fund

September 6, 2019 ? 7 Elul, 5779 Kathleen and Dean Aberman ? for the yahrzeit of Kathleen?s mother Catherine Biever

Donna and Roger Baar ? for the yahrzeit of Donna?s sister Linda Nann

Ruth and Richard Goldstein ? for the yahrzeit of Richard?s mother Dorothy Bloch

Heather and Arthur Ross ? for the yahrzeit of Arthur?s father Nimey Ross

Sheila Rhoads ? for the yahrzeit of her mother Martha Lubin

Campership Parents ? in honor of their children

September 13, 2019 ? 14 Elul, 5779Heather and Arthur Ross ? for the yahrzeit of Arthur?s mother Sylvia Ross

Martha Sensel ? for the yahrzeit of her mother Eleanor Sensel

Melissa Mertens - for the yahrzeit of her father Dick Deleisseques

September 20, 2019 ? 21 Elul, 5779Ruth and Richard Golstein - for the yahrzeit of Richard's father Samuel Goldstein Sr.

September 27, 2019 ? 28 Elul, 5779 Sisterhood of Temple Sinai of Glendale

September 29, 2019 ? 1 Tishrei, 5780 (Rosh HaShanah Flowers) Elaine, Kari and Dana Edelman ? for the yahrzeit of father and grandfather Harry Cohen and in memory of Marion Snyder

August 30, 2019 Asher Fausett

Son of Hilary and Bret Fausett, Brother of Ellie and Claire

September 11, 2019 Michael Lertzman

Camper and Counselor at Camp Alonim and friend of Leah Simon

September 22, 2019 Mike Mendel

Friend of Ruth Lambert


Page 28: Scribe 2019 October...Oct 10, 2019  · T E M P L E S I N A I O F G L E N D A L E 1212. N. Pacific Avenue Glendale, CA 91202-1697 Tel 818.246.8101 Rabbi Rick Schechter Cantor Steve

October 4, 2019 - 6 Tishri, 5780

Joseph Biever father of Kathleen Aberman Bertha Aberman mother of Dean Aberman Matt Margolin friend of Hilary Fausett Henry Golden father of Daniel Golden James Michael Carlson Jr. nephew of Leslie Gordon Arthur Greenbaum father of David Greenbaum Clif ford Raimist uncle of Robi Hellman Louis Krellenstein father of Rebecca Kaufman Irene Wax mother of Laurie Kleinberg Mary Rosenberg grandmother of Ruth Lambert Rose Kron grandmother of Lisa Martin Marvin Marx father of Michael Marx Rebecca Nichols daughter of Merle Stern and James Nichols

Yechezkel Dori uncle of April Schechter Steve Brenner friend of Ellen Senitt Barbara Sarilo grandmother of Ellen Senitt Raul Tinajero father of Roberta Tinajero Frankel Joseph Datlof father of Molly Wallschlaeger Joseph Lovi Irving Blair Sam Egherman Nahama Newman Will iam Newman Donald Barnett Mami Grossman Arthur Horwitz Fanny Vein Cecilia Rapoport

October 11, 2019 ? 13 Tishri, 5780

Martin Novek uncle of Randi Burton Annette Glaser mother of Carol Cornell Karl Amlauer father of Ruth Devine

Marvin Frankel uncle of Todd Frankel Myra Shaskan aunt of Robi Hellman Irving Klein father of Clif ford Klein Burt Polon brother of Edward Polon Delia Dreis mother of Ann Ransford Harold Ribnik father of Susie Ribnik Eleanor Sabath Udkoff aunt of Leonard Sabath Elizabeth Murphy sister of Martha Sensel Anita Coquia sister-in-law of Lorna Simon Sally Fields mother of Beverly Sutton Irving Weiner father of Nancy Weiner Eli Rock father of Amy Wohl Syd Green Bernice Green Samuel Brostoff Hessie Checansky Newton Gelbert Elie Molho Jacob Gelbert Morris Bagdanow Max Rudin

Yahrzeit We Remember

Page 29: Scribe 2019 October...Oct 10, 2019  · T E M P L E S I N A I O F G L E N D A L E 1212. N. Pacific Avenue Glendale, CA 91202-1697 Tel 818.246.8101 Rabbi Rick Schechter Cantor Steve

October 18, 2019 ? 20 Tishri, 5780

Samuel Chean father of Jennifer Barrios Howard Comras father of Cathi Comras Mimi Kaplan mother of Hilary Fausett Leonard Haas father of Harley Haas Anne Halley great aunt of Stephanie Hyland Rabbi Moses Krelenstein grandfather of Rebecca Kaufman Benjamin Marks grandfather of Jeff Kirschenbaum Karen Keeffer friend of Suzy Lenkowsky-Krikorian Arkady ?Alex? Kosoy uncle of Irina Mazor Melvin Parnes husband of Maryon Parnes Selma Polon mother of Edward Polon Mania Rosen mother of Asher Rosen Eva Friedman grandmother of Rick Schechter

Paul Schneider grandfather of Marilyn Silva L. Glen Seretan friend of Patricia Smith Bessie Mayer grandmother of Linda Speil Jack Spillman husband of Louise Mayeri Spillman Arthur Fields brother of Beverly Sutton Louis Cohen Maurice Greenberg Sam Leff Ely Levy Joseph Miller Adom Di Mundo Rose Okum Meyer Osoff Arthur Scheller Diana Wynhausen

October 25, 2019 ? 27 Tishri, 5780

Ferdinand Baar uncle of Roger Baar Cheryl Wiltrout cousin of Emily Bergman

Mark Allen husband of Emily Bergman Murray Howard uncle of Randi Burton Sherman Zaks father of Blanca Hadar Barbara Ross step-mother of Arthur Ross Bella Sang mother of Irene Sang Mitchell Senitt father of Ellen Senitt Rose Speil mother of Howard Speil Pamela Sommer sister of Linda Speil Phill ip Alexander Rose Lewis Samuel Cohen Aaron Hackel Irving Schneider Joan Uman Sarah Mastrow Lottie Soffa

Yahrzeit We Remember

Page 30: Scribe 2019 October...Oct 10, 2019  · T E M P L E S I N A I O F G L E N D A L E 1212. N. Pacific Avenue Glendale, CA 91202-1697 Tel 818.246.8101 Rabbi Rick Schechter Cantor Steve

Yahrzeit We Remember

Page 31: Scribe 2019 October...Oct 10, 2019  · T E M P L E S I N A I O F G L E N D A L E 1212. N. Pacific Avenue Glendale, CA 91202-1697 Tel 818.246.8101 Rabbi Rick Schechter Cantor Steve

Weizmann Alum Wins Prest igious Science Honor! by Lisa Feldman, M.A. Ed. Head of Weizmann Day School

Weizmann is proud to announce that last year's 8th grade student Maya Lurvey was honored as ?one of the top 300 young scientists, engineers, or innovators of the nation? in the Broadcom MASTERS middle school science competit ion!

Maya received this honor for the county and state award-winning science fair project that she completed last year with her partner and fellow 8th grade graduate, Sarai Golden-Krasner. Their project investigated the milkweed bug?s motion response to visual stimuli.

Broadcom MASTERS is the nation?s premier Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (?STEM?) competit ion for middle school students. The organization invites only the top 10 percent of middle school student science fair winners to apply for recognition in the top 300. This year's pool consisted of 2300 applicants from 47 states, D.C., and two U.S. territories. A panel of distinguished scientists, engineers, and educators evaluated the entrants based upon their creativity and originality, their ability to engage in analysis of data, and their understanding of STEM principles as they relate to the real world.

Broadcom MASTERS also recognized Weizmann science teacher Lori Snyder for her contribution to Maya?s success. Lori worked all year with Maya and Sarai to help them achieve their goal of making it to the California state science fair.

Weizmann is a small, community day school serving grades TK-8. We are thril led when our commitment to academic excellence results in achievements like these!

Weizmann?s Mission: to provide an enriching educat ion, rooted in Jewish t radit ions and values, which fosters crit ical thinking, creat ivity, col laborat ion, character and compassion.

To schedule a tour of our school , inquire about the school , or make a donat ion, please call the off ice at (626) 797-0204 or visit

Page 32: Scribe 2019 October...Oct 10, 2019  · T E M P L E S I N A I O F G L E N D A L E 1212. N. Pacific Avenue Glendale, CA 91202-1697 Tel 818.246.8101 Rabbi Rick Schechter Cantor Steve