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Screenshots for front cover.

By Mollie Harvey

Page 2: Screenshots for front cover

I was not 100 per cent sure which image I wanted to use for my front cover

do I used a black background until I was

sure. I started off with my logo as I thought this was

a good place to start.

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After I decided which cover lines etc. I wanted to use on my magazine I added them to my front cover. I used different font sizes for different parts having the most important information in the biggest font, making them very eye-catching. After looking at one of Q magazines I saw they used red lines to separate things on their front cover. I thought this was a good convention so used their idea but changed it slightly for my magazine.

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I thought my page was looking quite plank so I

thought I would add something on the right

hand side. This gave extra information to pull my

audience in. And I decided to use a flash, making it

stand out even more.

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I thought my front cover was still looking quite bare so I decided to add a cover line and pull quote. I decided to put ‘Lucy Morris’ is red to make the page really pop. And it really draws you in. The pull quote is used to give the my audience a hint of what's inside. The reason I put it below the cover line is because your eyes are drawn to the cover line and you would read this after.

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After I put the image in I thought my front cover really came together and looks very effective. The reason for my image to be in red is because I thought it made the writing really stand out. One of NME’s front covers had the writing in black and white and the image very bright. I decided to do mine the other way around and I think this really works.

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Original image

Edited image.