Download - Screen Printing Equipment-Silk Screening Supplies-Kits ... · Created Date: 11/1/2013 10:31:29 AM

Page 1: Screen Printing Equipment-Silk Screening Supplies-Kits ... · Created Date: 11/1/2013 10:31:29 AM

MlAhSAitFA@lrAi R0N0G e@-o ilhoc.Since 1972


+Re,ised8/6/20t3 E00-42fl-99110 WWW"IRANAI&COMI

Page 2: Screen Printing Equipment-Silk Screening Supplies-Kits ... · Created Date: 11/1/2013 10:31:29 AM

[email protected] 800-421-9910

R(D[rgm@PACKAG $r3.385.00

Vacll|d &Ao3u& Ulrit 23"x31" Scrcen Capacity - 12Ov-DAt6t6

l5xl6 Air Flrsh w/ qeat Contml - I lov or 22ov- DT 533

2{" wfule 12' long idra red & Jei Air conveyor dryer- tooxo w^ssour

Stecl Varbout Booth& I'(|Cf,ARGE KIT

Irt Frltrg sytram.pplie! Prckrgc

' (10 altrminud lcroctrs, I gBl €a. black & \rhile inh,I gal. cdukio!, I scoop coatar, I pk i[kjct film,sgr€€r opetrc., I pk. test pellons, 2 rolls of tape,

I qt. ea. red, greeq yellow, blue ink, 4 squeegees,Franmar ECO Slarter Kit, 1 catr spray adhesive, I cantempe itr$Luclional book and DVD set)

Upgnde options

L{rge Dipt6nk Add: $ ss0.00For quick screen cl€aning & reclarming

TLTI Fillr|tiotr Syslem Add: $1,398.00Trsp and fiher ink and emulsio!

\rttlir 6 Color 6 $rrior Pres6 w/ Micro R€gistration- xlo tlrr

. UpSrad€ Options

DT {22-3 J€t Air Dryer Add:ELITf, EE0O Manual Pr int€r Add:

IROWIBS2PACKA(E $14,910.00- 88400

Elite E Color 4 Station Rotary Prsss w/ Micro Registration- xPo 2331

Vacuum Exposure Unit 23"x31" Screen Capacity - l20v- sn233l

Screen Drying Cabinet, I lOv or 220v, 7 sc&en cepacity 23"x31"- D1820

18x20 Flash w/ Heat Control l10v or 220v- cs6000

8' Long 36' Wide Conveyor DrJ-e. - 220v- ECONO WASf,OUT

Galvanized Steel Washout Booth. JOB CANT

Holds 12 - 20" x 24" scrcgns and has tfiy on top forjob staging. SCREI]N RACK

Storcs 23 screeo!, adjustable for larger screens- EIIICKLINE LARGE DIP TANX- f,PSON-1430

Reftrbished Int Jet Printer w/ Rip Softwar€ *PC Veisiotr only- PRO-1-2 Supplig Prchge

(8 aluminum scr€ens, 6 gals of inlq 6 squ€egees, I gal emulsio4I scoop coater. Franmar ECO Starcr Kit, I pk inkjet orlaser fihA 2 cans spray adhesive, 2 cans screen opcner,6 ink scoops, I qt blockout, I pk test p€llons, digitallhermometet test pellons, insructional book and DVD set)

W.tcrba$d l.k - 150 shins/brPlasriEollnk - 100 shinvhr

s1,900.00$ 200.00

Ruildinq Scpen P nring Equipnent Since 1972

*Ptices do not inctade shipping and cruhng.

Page 3: Screen Printing Equipment-Silk Screening Supplies-Kits ... · Created Date: 11/1/2013 10:31:29 AM

[email protected]

4 Color4 St ion Plrss Micm Reg. (Upgndesble)- v6ig)

2 gal emulsioql scoop coaler,12 cans sp.ay adhesive, 12 cads

I Prcductio, R!Ls


lalcrba*d Ink - 200 shins/hrPla$islhk - 400 rhirrs/hr



,5 64.00

-- -6 C,abr 4 Sletiotr PrEss w/ Micm Reg.

- D1422fpI?9 Flash Drter w/o Hear Colltrol - tlo or 220v

- Dtst,tEitrf Flash Drter w/o Heat CoDlrcl - llov or 22Ov

- loo 28a8

Fren nar ECO Slarter Kit, I pk inkjet or laser film,scrcen optner, I qt blockoul, digital themoneter)

rrbqruln Expotur Utrit 28"x48" Screetr Capaci9 - l20v- sD2S{8

Scre€n Drying Cabircl, Mv or 220v. ? screen caFcitJ 28"x48"- Dr 63&r

36" wid€ 12' long irfra red & ,et Air conveyor dryer- xcollo xL wAsHouT

Erfia Large Backlit Galvadzed Sig€l Washout Booth..X}B CANT

llol& 12 - 20" x 24' scrcers atrd has t|ay on top forjob stagi. gcraEN tAcK

Slorls 23 !c!€€n!, a4iultable for larger sfieens- DPSON-f{3O(Retu6) d Rip Software +PC version odly. JANTEX I,A.NGE KIT

Lsrgo Wafqba5e Irk Mixing Systemi-lBtluruM srrPPlns

(I5 aluminum scree.s, l8 gBls of ink, 6 sqreegees,

t?I tn{EH

- FR{ED.M 6/8 $29'964 00

6 color 8 stalion Autornatic Press- D630-3

3 6" wide I 2' long itrfmred corwcyor dryer. SCRf,ENS

20 23"x31" Aluminum Screens (Assoried Mesh Couno- CRATING

Craring, Training & Installation Included

Uparade Op

FLASHBACK Flrrh Dt! ,cr

t ions


.Pices do not include shipptng and crutikA.sed 8/6/20I3 Building Scrcen Printing E$ipnent Since 1972

Page 4: Screen Printing Equipment-Silk Screening Supplies-Kits ... · Created Date: 11/1/2013 10:31:29 AM [email protected]

ANNTOPAffiA@' TUF 6A AUTO - 6 color 8 slation Autonatic Prcss

Inchdes Ctutirg, Truirikg & lnstauation- E6600 - Elite 6 Color 6 Station Rotary Pr€ss w/ Miffo Registalion- XPO 2t4E - Vacuum Exposure Unit 28"148" Scrcen CapacitJ l20v- D1820 - 18x20 Flalh Drver r/ Heat Control 1l0or220v- ECONOWASHOUT - Backlit Gahanized Sieel washout Booth- D630-3 - 36" wide 12' long iofrared conve) or dryer


s37,3 80.00

PRO-1-2 Supplier Prckag€(8 aluminum screens, 6 gals of ink, 6 squ€egccs. I gal emulsio\ I scoop coater,F anmar ECO Starter Kit, I pk inkjet or laser film, 2 cans spray adhesive, 2 cans scre€n

H]' - {

46-opener, 6 ink scoop6, I qt blockout, I pk tesl pellons. digilal thcmometer. inslructional book and DVD seo

Upgrade Options FLASHBACKFlrrhDryer Add:$3,600.00

A{'T@&TOPAEKA@ s64.023.{ i0-JAVELIN 8-10 - Autonatic Workhorse Javelir 8 color l0 slation Pltss

h.lnd.s Crdtur4. 7 ruisina & trstallan*- f,8800 - Elil€ 8 Color 8 Station Rotary Press w7 Micro R€gistraiion- D1820 - 18x20 FlashDnerw/Heat Control 1l0or220v- D630-{ - 48" {ide 12' long idrar€d conveyor dry-er- f,PSON-1130 - (Refu6) Prinler riy' Rip Software *PC version only- XPO 2331 - Vacuum Exposurc Unit 23"x31" Scrccn Capaci! 120v- HIX Presto 20 - HIX Hcat tmnsfer Pr€ss- 2 JOB CARTS - Holds 12 " 20" x 24" screens and has tlay for staging- 2 SCREf,N RACKS - Stores 23 screens, adjustable for la€cr screens- f,CONO WASHOUT - Backlit Galvanizcd Sl€el Washout Booth- PREMIUM SUPPLIES( 16 aluminun scrcens, I E gals of inh, 6 squeegecs, 2 gal emulsion, I scoopcoar€t Franmar ECO Sla(er Kit, I pk inkjel or laser hlm. 12 cans sprayadhcsive. 12 cans scrccn opener, I qt blockout, digital thermometer)


149 LOMITA STRBETEL SEGUNDO, CA 90245-4114, U.S.A(800) 421-9910 / FAX (310)4r4-4133s{ - [email protected]


BuildinA Screen Printing E.lttipntent Si ce 1972



rlDA$M@ WAtr]ER, IEASIE IPACKAG'IE $68.533.0(r

- E66(x) - Elite 8 Color 8 Station Rotary Press w/ Micro Registratior- XPO-2536M - Metal Halide Vacuum Exposure Unit - 220v- DA2020 - 20x20 Air Flash w/ Control 220v

TUF E/10 AIrTO - 8 color I 0 slation Automatic Press $/ Flash BackIn tu.let CftIing, Flasbhock, Iminins & ILstallanotDT 844-3 - 36" wide 16'long infmred &jet air conve.vor dryer2 JOB CARTS - Holds 12 - 20" x 24" screens and has tray for staging

- 2 SCREEN RACKS - Stor€s 23 scrc€ns, ad_iustablc for largcr screens- JANTnX LARGE KIT - LarEe Waterbase Ink Mixins Svst€m- PREMIUM SUPPLIES

(16 aluminum screens, 18 gals ofink, 6 squeege€s.2 gal emulsion, 1 scoop coatcr, Fmnmar ECO Startcr Kit,I pk inlrjet or laser film, 12 cans spmy adhesive. l2 cansBcreen op€ner, I qt blockout. digital thermometer)

*Prices.lo not tuclule shtpping and cruting.

-6 EF
