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  • 8/14/2019 SCOTUS judgment of default in Sioux City


    Susan V The Republican, Democratic and Libertarian Parties now sitting within

    Sioux Citys federal courthouse. Upon John Roberts failing to respond thus the process

    is now exhausted I then filed the case as a judgment of default as that is what it is. An

    authority case must be heard in person before SCOTUS or SCOTUS is no longer the

    court of authority, get it? Obama and Roberts HAD to respond as its not a choice if its

    an authority case. If SCOTUS writes denied then it is denying the Constitution and

    denying the Justices have to obey the law. US V Nixon says different as did Marbury

    and so do I. Its also attached to the SCOTUS case 09-6777 as an intervening

    circumstance, a federal case already filed, as it is now pointless to petition to be reheard

    but Im doing it regardless thus I am already making an attempt to collect the default

    judgment that I won in the Sioux City court and not waiting upon any SCOTUS

    rehearing. Im going through the motion of being reheard only so they cant say I did not.

    I do not believe people who are women, black, Jewish or Sioux will be happy when they

    read it (for Scrbd I placed the letter sent to the Sioux and the JDL before the actual

    complaint re the default judgment; complaint begins on page 22):

    The letter to theJDL which includes the letter to the Sioux: I know this asabsolute fact without question as I witnessed it realized in the living flesh once

    already in the US at a political rally and it hasn't died yet as the federal court isn't

    letting me tell anyone. Apparently the Holocaust has been forgotten. Even by Jews. Iknow genocide began in the US quite a while ago as genocide is when any nation

    demands you die without constitutional reason and no just cause - when the state

    begins putting you to death in defense of the invention of the institution as all male, in

    defense of the dead paper itself such as a bad declaration of war or when the courts

    condone it and even make it legal thus allowing the guilty to put the innocent to

    death as an award of the court such as Schiavo, Carhart and Gonzales. What I

    witnessed was how that - the state doing it to the citizens - then comes to be

    accepted by the people as normal, legal and real. I witnessed the exact moment a

    nation of people realizes the big lie Hitler was telling. I saw that idea born into or

    inserted into our physical and emotional reality thus it is only a matter of time.

    I am a witness to the very thing Hitler was and what the Nazis then did being realized

    in the US. I knew what I was experiencing when it happened and I knew it was


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    related to Bush V Gore due to something unique about US law as until a lone citizen

    rose and wielded their vote as an Executive Order our law was 'incomplete' thus it

    allowed for a fascist or dictator to rise. Well, as SCOTUS may not make law then all

    they did with BVG, a case that was completely falsified and made up - there was no

    actual legal case or actual federal question - all SCOTUS then did was install a

    military dictator. It's why you then had things like the Patriot Act, an illegal war based

    upon bad evidence and the infamous John Woo memos suggesting the military could

    be used as a police power to then arrest citizens and place them in concentration like

    camps, military run prison camps.

    When I realized I was then witnessing exactly how Hitler and the Nazis managed to

    do what they did and why so-called 'good' people went along at a political rally I

    memorized it knowing I would be within federal court someday. I also knew that the

    person who fund the political parties were out to foreignize the office as once this

    thing is realized in any nation? It never, ever goes away or ends until the chain of

    causation is broken and so the criminals buying and selling the presidential election

    would want to enforce the conditions that make this real not end them as they can

    only operate and get away with what they do if the people believe it is 'justified' - such

    as elect a foreigner as he is black, as if black makes it just wholly ignoring the fact

    that foreigner makes it criminal. For instance, even if Obama was born here he wasautomatically disqualified when he signed Resolution 511 as he was resolving to

    violate the rights of all natural born Americans and all women and doing so in a way

    that rises to become a crime as he is a lawyer so he knows what he did is a violation

    of US law. He's not doing anything he is doing by mistake or accident. His true beliefs

    then, which he acts upon, are foreign to US law as he believes he is above it, as if he

    is an exception - as if when he does it it is not a crime. You then have a big problem

    on your hands if the conditions that allowed Hitler to rise are now real here in the US

    and your Chief Law Enforcement Officer is a person who was and is in open and

    direct violation of US law as that then allows corrupted and criminal lawyers and

    businessmen to run amok and do whatever they want as it is they who then control

    and abuse the Office of the Executive not Obama. It is exactly like Hitler as he was

    not running the show but was a front man.And Jews need to be afraid as the

    Republicans are now promoting Arnold Swarzeneggar for President, a German


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    Austrian. A person who justifies killing women and their children and anybody else

    who is in his way by lying and saying "This is a Christian nation" and citing God as a

    reason. THAT'S THE - HIS - PARTY LINE.

    So I went to SCOTUS with an authority case. The clerks told me they were going to

    sink it and did - I have zero evidence it was ever seen by the Justices as clerks have

    been allowed to abuse the process and so do have the ability to ruin cases - thus all I

    could do is attack the court over and over until I had incontrovertible proof: Their own

    docket as it matches nothing in our law except the federal criminal code. A

    constitutional authority case? The only place you can and may hear it is in SCOTUS

    as SCOTUS itself is the court of constitutional authority; in this type of case you

    cannot and may not refuse to respond or fail to hear it in person.

    December 2000 -The People default on the Declaration and Constitution by failing to


    April 2008 - SCOTUS violates Marbury w/o any hearing at all

    November 2008 - The US, the sitting officers, default by failing to respond at all

    December 2008 - SCOTUS acts upon my emergency application but refuses to file

    the document as then Americans will know; this violates everyones rights especially

    your right of safety and informed consent; you know as fact I made my case as

    SCOTUS can't act upon bad cases or cases that do not prove anything; the JDF

    needs to know this: I made my case against the US' sitting officers by citing

    Mermelstein V IHR.

    November 2009 - SCOTUS officially defaults as I sued John Roberts exactly and the

    Court and not one Justice responded. It does not matter if the clerks sank the case

    as SCOTUS defaulted when it lost control of the Court as no clerk should ever be

    able to do the things clerks are doing. Because this is an authority case and

    SCOTUS clerks did it? It rises to treason.


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    As I can now claim that the latest SCOTUS denial is a default judgment I enter it as

    such to the Sioux City Federal District Court. It is now a case whereby the

    withholding of the actual paper commission is itself the violation of a fully vested

    interest and right and as such Marbury V Madison says the commission must be

    adjudicated and delivery of the paper must occur.

    I attached some of the court documents. Below is a letter I sent to the Sioux as I was

    able to legally win their land back by claiming it falls under or is an actual allodial

    title. Although it is pointless I did mail in a petition to be reheard in SCOTUS. That's

    attached too.

    I cannot stress how very dangerous the current situation is as it can and may erupt

    and turn into mass violence at any time; you really truly can be rounded up as things

    are. People, mainly women and children, are being targeted. It's a conspiracy of the

    unethical versus the ethical. You must shut women out via foreignization to

    accomplish this as women not men have the vested interest and right in enforcing the

    law as their interest is their children. Think of Rome and Greece - they became

    corrupt but the final nail in their coffin was rendering women powerless so they then

    could and did begin sexually molesting children and installing men worshipped

    as gods thus any and all depravity was made legal and the injury became to severeto ever overcome and so they fell as nations. Sound familiar?It should as it is

    happening here: Atheists rule the day when they bring zero evidence and zero proof

    into court and when what they do enter is proof against them not for them and when

    our law names a Creator exactly, the recent naming of possible 'death panels' for the

    elderly and infirm, Congress installing and engendering socialism and using the

    House Judiciary Committee as a kangaroo court of constitutional authority so that it's

    actions seem to be legal when they aren't, pets treated as if they are actual children

    and so receive more protection of the law than actual human children and their

    mothers - in NY the animal cruelty codes are stricter than the codes for people and

    women are equated to animals and then made to be less than animals according to

    official policy of NY as even physical injury to women is excused, denied and ignored

    by the police and by judges in the family courts - while Obama has been portrayed

    as a crucified Christ figure and compared to King Jr. a sacrificed 'god-like' hero when


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    there is zero comparison to be made and sexual violence is now endemic; the sexual

    molestation of children and the rape of women is now normalized. And the leaders of

    this nation now chant "This is a Christian nation" over and over and when acting as

    officers and when it defies reality, as it violates the 1st amendment, as not all of the

    Founders were Christians, as the only 'free' or unrestricted Jewish synagogue in the

    west was located in colonial America at one time and as our Founders stated that we

    were not such a nation and even placed the fact that they did not use Christianity as

    a model in writing during the war with pirates at Tripoli. And I my own self witnessed

    it: Jews at a political rally cheering for their own extinction. We're making the

    exact same mistakes over again only as they are dressed up differently and words

    are being skewed in an insidious way to disguise the lies being told nobody but

    nobody is seeing, hearing or feeling it. As the people lost the human ability to feel

    liberty and unconditional love as an emotion they can't recognize hate when they feel

    it. They don't feel it; instead they feel unconditional pride.

    The most dangerous thing of all is the biggest lie Hitler told is now alive and well in

    America as that lie has to do with emotions and confusing pride with love thus

    'hardwiring' pride to id instead of ego and using politics and religion to justify it thus it

    seems as if it is righteous when it is the exact opposite. It is a nation of people willing

    to violate each and every law and then the spirit of the law only to get whatever theywant and no matter who it harms. It's a nation whereby victim has become a state of

    being and so the victims then act as the victimizers sinking into the morass instead of

    rising above it but telling themselves what they do is not 'wrong' as they had no other

    choice and as everybody else is doing it. An absolute lie under US law as you always

    have another choice as all of this is voluntary; if the citizens weren't willing to

    participate it could not happen as it wouldn't be possible.

    From the Sioux City complaint, entered as an attempt to collect a judgment of default

    on behalf of Jews:

    7. Both major parties are guilty. Ill deal with the Republicans first: In the fall of

    2004 I went to a political rally sponsored by the Republicans at which George Bush

    Jr. was to appear. Ultimately I received the shock of my life, as I am a witness to


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    genocide born in the US. For years sociologists have been looking for this answer as

    have I. Scientists could name the elements and which conditions did not seem to

    matter; they could not name the cycle or the pattern or if they had every element or

    how they came together. I can answer this question due to the Republican Party.

    8. Several elements do need to exist plus they do come together in a very

    specific way and scientists are wrong: I now know what comes before the eruption

    of mass violence so that I can state as fact what happened in Rwanda may have

    been longer in coming then anyone ever imagined. The best way I know how to say

    it to a federal judge: An event such BVG or 9/11 occurs; there seems to be an

    escalation of fear plus injustice. BVG is very, very important what it is and does to

    cause genocide is intrinsic but 9/11 is not very consequential because all it needs

    to be is anythingthe leaders can use as an excuse to act unjustly or create more

    irrational fear, what I named suspicious fear: be suspicious; be worried; your

    neighbor may be your enemy; you cant see your enemy. Its a rev up. Then all

    necessary elements are realized in one time and one place and so genocide ripens.

    I saw the event that no one ever saw before; when and how it ripens so that mass

    violence may erupt. At this point its possible as the machine is in place and the

    people did it once so it is then alive and what I witnessed and what I know tell me

    that IS how Nazi Germany was born and nobody realized it but not what Rwandasaw as Rwanda had no central cult personality surrounded by officers who actually

    did all the dirty work. However I can answer the questions about Rwanda, as now I

    know what no other person ever knew.

    9. This sounds awful; it is. Bush Jr. is not guilty; he had no idea what happened

    before he arrived and I saw him flinch when a person held up a sign reading Jews

    for Bush. Why? The hate speech, thats why. I saw Jews cheering for their own

    extinction, women cheering for their own extinction and enlisted service members

    cheering for their own extinction. The news is not all bad: As I was there the US can

    now own up to it and then take credit for giving the world an answer that can stop

    genocide forever. The whole event is on tape and I have a witness: A Vietnam

    Veteran as it seemed that only he and I and perhaps a few other Veterans knew


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    something had gone horribly wrong. I, Susan, knew the exact word - genocide -

    and so I became terrified and fled for my life.

    10. We know BVG and everything that happened up to fall 2004 a time before

    we knew it is a bad declaration of war. The Republicans said you had to arrive 5

    hours before the event or you couldnt get in. 5 hours in the baking sun in FL in a

    football stadium; it was an oven. To get in you had to pass through security guards

    members of the Republican Party or at least the guy who touched me was. They

    began roughing people up. They began confiscating silly things only to throw them

    out as if you had to leave it they were dumping it not leaving it for you to claim. So a

    mood developed.

    11. Now were in the stadium. As it heats up the concession stands are

    charging outrageous prices for drinks and food. You have five hours of this. Then

    the toilets overflow all over the stadium. It is getting worse and worse and worse. I

    can feel the mood shifting and I begin to realize what I might be witnessing but I

    keep telling myself its impossible. Im thinking this cant be but I know genocide so

    the only word I have is ripen, maybe this is how it ripens so then the possibility of

    mass violence exists at any time; maybe its not possible until it ripens. I now know

    thats it, it must ripen. Something is made physically real. Exacting thoughts,feelings, ideas and beliefs along with motivation and intent combined with issues

    regarding power, victimization, justification not justice and morals not ethics is

    made real. The otherwise good civilians doing it? They are the targeted victims

    and do not even know it; they are unaware they have been actively recruited to

    participate and so do not know they have been deliberately targeted. This is

    important, as coming into play in order to keep the recruited participants unaware is

    a cycle of blame, shame, anger and guilt.

    12. A Vietnam Veteran sits down. Everybody is talking and he begins talking

    about John Kerry; hes not here to ask you to vote for Bush as hes here to tell us:



    who hes voting for due to the candidates none of them are fit; none of them are


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    know.] From among the speakers she stood out as shes a woman and a mother

    and her words made my blood run cold. Certain words and slogans are repeated ad

    infinitum. Bloody, bloody, baby, women, Christian, bloody, murder, and on and on.

    Men get up. Jesus, bloody, baby, women, murder, drugs. THIS IS A CHRISTIAN

    NATION. Over and over and over. You think itll stop or somebody will react but

    they do not. Now its bloody, baby, women, WAR, JESUS, WAR, bloody, Christian,

    abortion, bloody. Im getting more and more concerned. Im watching it all, taking it

    all in as now I know: I am about to see how genocide is born; Im gonna know

    how did the Nazis do it, why good people did it and why the Jews didnt act. I want

    the court to note: I always knew Id have to give this answer to the Jews then the

    rest if the world. Once I knew I was actually seeing it? I captured it all in my minds

    eye paying special attention to: the emotions. Those I captured in my body; you can

    sort of internalize them to recall them later. Its a gift, as I have an instrument that is

    perfectly calibrated my ears as I listen different, with my entire person; I record

    or memorize things differently than other people do. Its related to how I process

    language so that I experience the actual whole truth while others experience only a

    part of it or miss it completely. I was experiencing the truth of the whole event in

    that stadium; others missed it entirely while that Veteran knew most of it. Thats

    because: If your person matches US law in letter and sprit, if you have those same

    beliefs and practice them, your emotional compass is very finely tuned. Minehappens to be perfectly calibrated the way a perfumer has a perfectly calibrated

    nose or a taste tester has a perfectly calibrated tongue. Its what makes me such a

    deadly constitutional attorney: If an argument or ruling or a belief- does not

    match the Constitution? Ill know it and Ill know exactly what it is and why. It will

    light up like a Christmas tree for me. Then I can read what the Justices wrote and

    know: This is what the lawyer needs or this is what they all missed or this is where

    the Justices erred. SometimesI will read one or two sentences and know; other

    times the caption alone will tell me. Often I can even identify what mistaken belief

    specific people involved in the case have as its all over the paper but they do not

    realize it, as they arent doing what Im doing. As people produce paper? I can

    listen to a piece of paper the same way I can listen to a person.


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    15. The stadium feels like it is filling up with water, as if well drown, and the

    crowd is cheering insanely and then suddenly on the jumbotron is a JEWS FOR

    BUSH sign. The crowd cheers; Bush flinches he knows something is wrong as it

    is the way they cheered only he says something like Were a Christian nation

    but theres room for Jews too. And there it was; it ripened: This crowd let up a roar

    EXACTLY like the People hearing Hitler let out. Its distinctive; I will never forget the

    sound and feeling of it. The extreme physical discomfort; the extreme heat and

    smell of the overflowing bathrooms; the anger; the nonstop hate speech; the

    imagery, very detailed ideas of graphic violence regarding women and babies but

    labeled Christianity, mixed with the emotions that were swirling around as if waves

    washing over the participants and the sound of that roar rising like an expectant

    release of joy, eagerness, but joy for violence and death; a religious fervor for a

    political agenda whether it is constitutional or not and no matter who it harms, so

    urgent even your own person is expendable for the good of the cause. The sound

    that the crowd made in that one incredible roar was deeper and more intense than

    any cheering I have ever heard but the intensity of the emotion is what frightened

    me the most, as if these people were made to be temporarily insane, actually

    insane, as they were feeling joy but expressing the idea of blood and death for no

    named reason, so that expressing this insane idea purposely This is a Christian

    nation - to then feel that emotion became their cause and became their reason. Ifthey expressed that idea those words in that order no matter how senseless they

    are in the context of America - they were rewarded with that emotion joy - so

    death and the idea of killing women and babies made them feel good as it cannot

    be murder if Christians do it. The emotion itself became their god; the emotion itself

    became their cause and they would say or do anything to get it. I do not like to use

    the word joy, perhaps joy infused with pride, youre proud to be killing women in the

    name of Jesus, as to feel this you need to have other people around you who

    engage in a sort of give and take. Its as if you need that outside approval to then

    feel the emotion, that to get that approval is to then be able to feel it. I witnessed

    what happens when individuals have had their sense of self annihilated to such an

    extent and degree that they then adopt a collective created sense of self, a sense

    of self that is located completely outside each person so that if the group promotes

    it you then identify with it you are it or so you truly believe thus you feel good


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    when you express it, even it is insensible like equating Christianity with death

    instead of life. You have traded your will for the will of the crowd; you have replaced

    I with us, not we. The people in that crowd could not tell you what they were

    cheering for if you asked them; all they could do is say exact words but not

    delineate any actual concept or any actual belief. Human emotion without any

    reason; unconditional pride. The Nazis had unconditional pride; it was their sense

    of self; it was directly wired to their id but that id only exists as a group. It doesnt

    exist if the group doesnt exist. Each individual had wholly conditional love, hate,

    directly wired to his or her ego. Its human emotion without reason as a group and

    human reason without emotion as an individual. Its how and why each individual

    could be so brutal they felt so good doing it. Its how and why they were such

    effective killing machines, as they could operate either in a group or alone.

    Compare it to what you know: How hard does a group have to work to get even

    one person to do what he or she would never do, such as convince a person to

    commit rape only as the others in the group pressure him? How hard does a group

    have to work to convince one person to do something smaller like rob? It used to

    be impossible in America; now it is common and nobody blinks. Kill reason first by

    battering them with words, render them powerless they must feel powerless both

    mentally and physically and then insert a new idea over a long period of time but

    do it in such a way you make them truly believe it as real, its America, as youcement it inside them with that one, massive, final blow: visual imagery, auditory

    imagery allof your senses being attacked - and with a wallop of emotion that

    feels unbelievably fantastic. But I felt terrified. I know now that a person could have

    held up a sign that read Kill The Jews and I would have heard that same roar as

    long as the person leading the crowd condoned it and so did the guy sitting next to

    you. Hitlers big lie only it is bigger and much more insidious than anyone ever


    1 16. At that exact moment it felt as if the water had risen over my head and I

    was going to drown; I was actually going to die. I was going to suffocate. Nobody

    was stopping it; I knew exactly what had to happen for mass violence to erupt. I

    knew I could do something exactly and wed have mass violence. And somebody

    might do that accidentally. I took one look at that Veterans face and fled for my life.


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    He was silent and he had a look of confusion and revulsion on his face; his silence

    was different as it was as if he couldnt move. He KNEW something had gone

    horribly wrong but he did not have the word genocide in his head or he would

    have had a different look on his face. The person I attended this event with? That

    person was cheering; he had no idea what had happened and when I fled he kept

    trying to tell me that I was crazy and making it up; he was absolutely clueless as to

    what he had just been deceived into doing. He absolutely, positively did not hear

    the lie he was just told, the lie of his life, the most lethal and deadliest lie of all:

    They will think for me; I dont have to think; I dont have to feel. I can't do anything; I

    don't have to act.

    17. I then went back over the record of genocide that we have. Nazi Germany and

    Rwanda are the same; its the same but it is realized a slightly different way. It has to

    do with power and control; a created fear; theres a rev up or a cycle; theres an

    event, a moment in time where it ripens; and if one thing happens after that point?

    Mass violence will erupt unless the chain set in motion is broken. Genocide is

    already, before mass violence erupts. You might slaughter people in one day or you

    do it a few at a time in an illegal war or at home killing women; it might take you five

    years to kill them all but its mass violence and is genocide. In person I can go over

    this in fine detail and reason it all for you. I have to do this for all citizens butespecially for all political parties so they never go here again. I also have to break or

    sever the chain set in motion with BVG as once it ripened? That chain was never

    broken; it is still in motion today and is being realized various ways like the John Woo

    memos discussing if they could invoke martial law to then use the military to lock up

    Americans w/o cause, w/o any hearing or trial and w/o any charges. Yes, in

    concentration like camps. Those memos are more serious than anyone knows. What

    has not yet happened is the sudden explosion of violence, which is not so sudden but

    only appears to be. If the American people want to know who the Hitler in their midst

    is I will tell them and trust me, if I could not prove this beyond any doubts not

    reasonable doubt but any doubt I would not say it: Dick Cheney. Cheney should be

    very afraid of me, as theres a whole lot of things that he did that he truly believes he

    has gotten away with; things he is certain no one will ever know or couldnt know,

    things I can prove. Im not figuring out who did what as I know as fact without any


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    question whatsoever as following a chain of people is easy for me. It's obvious and

    so self-evident to me. Cheney might believe he did something behind closed doors

    so you cant know but you can; if you have my unique skill you can follow that chain

    anywhere and know anything.

    This is all I want to say on paper as it's too important. But in 1947 logician Kurt Godel

    had something to say about it and a federal judge shut him up too: Godel realized US

    law had a flaw, a chink. He told Einstein. Upon Godel being naturalized? Godel told a

    federal judge!Godel knew it was about natural birth and the Executive. From A

    World Without Time: The Forgotten Legacy of Einstein and Godel Pages 98-99,

    Amid The Demigods: "...Godel told his friend Atle Selberg, however, that he

    volunteered after the war ended to serve as a civil defense aircraft spotter. He also

    proceeded to formalize his commitment to the United States, becoming a

    citizen of his adopted country in 1947. As witnesses for the ceremony he

    brought along Morgenstern and Einstein. He had already alarmed the former by

    confiding to him, in consternation, that he had discovered an "inconsistency"

    in the Constitution. Apprised by Morgenstern of the danger ahead, Einstein

    took it upon himself to distract his friend on the way to the swearing in,

    entertaining him with worn-out jokes and twice-told anecdotes. Einstein might

    have been even more concerned if he had known that for years the FBI hadbeen intercepting and reading parts of Godel's correspondence with his

    mother, who was living in Vienna.The strategy proved unsuccessful. When

    judge Philip Forman, who only a few years earlier had ushered Einstein himself

    into the land of liberty, asked Godel casually, "Do you think a dictatorship like

    that in Germany could ever arise in the United States?" he received a spirited

    reply in the affirmative. Godel launched into an account of how the United

    States Constitution formally permitted just such a regime to arise. Shrewdly,

    however, the judge cut off the great logician before he could hit full stride, and

    the ceremony came to a peaceful conclusion, leaving Godel's new homeland to

    fend for itself against the opening he had discerned in its founding principles.

    Years later, asked for a legal analogy for his incompleteness theorem, he

    would comment that a country that depended entirely upon the formal letter of

    its laws might well find itself defenseless against a crisis that had not, and


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    could not, have been foreseen in its legal code. The analogue of his

    incompleteness theorem, applied to the law, would guarantee that for any legal

    code, even if intended to be fully explicit and complete, there would always be

    judgments "undecided" by the letter of the law. " Exactly, as you must account



    ASSASSINATE A KING OR WAR AGAINST A KING. Like you can't remove a

    dictator or a bunch of dictators pretending to be advisers, party leaders, lawyers,

    lobbyists and friends once he is entrenched by those who are unjust and are already

    in power whose only interest is profit and the thrill of finding out how much they can

    get away with before they are caught IF they are ever caught. Godel could know it's

    possible; he just couldn't know exactly what or when.


    Letter to the Sioux:

    SCOTUS is keeping the knowledge from you as you can't act to claim what I won if

    you do not know it, can you? If you go to the SCOTUS website and look at the docket

    for Susan Herbert, petition 08-6622, you'll see something odd: the US was torespond by 11/05/08. But no response ever came. Then suddenly 15 days too late on

    11/20/08 action is taken. But it is nota response from the US; it's a response from

    the Supreme Court. That's because I won my case so they refused to file the paper!

    The action dated 11/20/08 is an emergency application addressing the US' failure to

    respond thus it is not the same as petition 08-6622 but a new action itself. By acting

    to address the default but not file the paper as a new, separate action SCOTUS

    meant to hide it from you as it seems as if it's all one action, as if it's all 08-6622.

    However this then is SCOTUS violating all of your rights and even committing what is

    a crime as it rises to a criminal action as it was intended to cause you harm.

    Employees of the Court meant to harm you in a permanent manner and then did.

    How can you be sure? In order for the Supreme Court to know the US failed to

    respond I had to inform it. When I did on 11/20/08 I said: "It's contract law: The US

    failed to respond in 30 days thus I win as the US may not rescind the contract only as


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    I fulfilled it. See Mermelstein V IHR ." I won; so SCOTUS never filed those papers to

    then make it seem as if nothing happened as they knew you might never notice the

    US failed to respond and even if you did notice? It wouldn't occur to you that the US

    not the Court had to respond; that the Court may not take action w/o the US'

    response as that is a denial of informed consent; SCOTUS banked upon the fact that

    you'd never realize SCOTUS itself denied you your right of informed consent and

    then every other right. The reason the SG responds on behalf of the US is to then

    protect you, as the SG answers for you. It is also so every person can then file their

    own response if they disagree (such as third party standing) or even enter their own

    brief if it harms them still. Ask yourself: What would motivate an employee of the

    Supreme Court to commit a crime? If I won the Ft. Laramie land back and then I won

    the rest of my claims would that be a big enough reason for CORP US, the sitting

    officers not The People, to then hide it? Would they risk committing a crime if they

    thought you would never act against them as you would never know? YES. If the

    stakes are high enough they would indeed and look - they forgot - they confessed in

    writing on their very own docket. My true belief is: When they did this they did not

    realize an astute observer could know what happened by using the docket only; they

    did not realize the docket itself then would be the proof a crime occurred!

    I'm deadly serious; if you look you will find my name, Susan Herbert, on theSupreme Court of the US docket under 07-9804, 08-6622 and 09-6777. I mounted a

    constitutional authority case of original jurisdiction and do not let appearances

    deceive you as I won. "DENIED" in my case means SCOTUS is denying the truth

    and so denying the Constitution, lol. SCOTUS is the court of constitutional authority;

    it may not deny hearing to an authority case as SCOTUS answers to The People.

    Once it denies an authority case a hearing in person? SCOTUS is a dead institution

    of government and is no longer abiding by its original intent. All any person had to do

    is use their one vote as an Executive Order and in so doing get around or out from

    under Article III as Article III is cited by the Supreme Court and the judiciary branch

    itself as a reason to then violate the spirit of the law. Use of Executive Order then

    forces the Judiciary to comply with the law in both letter and spirit thus preventing

    activist judges from making law and preventing racist and sexist judges from violating



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    I entered the Supreme Court on paper enough times to demonstrate justice is now

    made impossible. The People defaulted upon the governing contracts in 2000 by

    failing to vote. Then SCOTUS committed a coup by hearing and deciding Bush V

    Gore. As BVG is foreign to our Constitution as it has no constitutional basis or even

    any rationale this was legal foreignization, foreign paper containing thoughts,

    feelings, ideas and beliefs not within US law and not named by the Founders.

    Knowing this I began suing in February of 2007 as a billion dollar buyout of the Office

    of the Executive was announced and as actual foreignization - placing an actual

    foreigner in the Executive - was being promoted. First SCOTUS violated Marbury in

    07-9804 and that's great as the Ft. Laramie question was in this petition (SCOTUS

    cannot and may not violate Marbury as if they do they no longer exist; what kind of

    Justice reasons his own bench out of existence? Clerks pretending to be Justices,

    that's who) and then the US, the sitting officers, defaulted by failing to respond by

    11/05/09 (it was a choice: plead guilty or fail to respond as in 07-9804? The Solicitor

    General waived everyone's interest and right in the Constitution including his own

    right; he did this onApril Fool's Day!) and then SCOTUS acted upon an emergency

    application but refused to file it as then you would know I won the Ft. Laramie land

    back and why Obama is so dangerous (I entered directly both times but this was

    direct entry anddirect action - PROOF OF OUR VICTORY - as SCOTUS may actonly if you make the case as your argument forces or causes that action) and at last

    SCOTUS confessed: SCOTUS itself defaulted as I sued Barack Obama andJohn

    Roberts and neither responded; in all other cases you may fail to respond and you

    may deny the case without any named reason but not in an authority case, especially

    a constitutional authority case of original jurisdiction. So what did I do? Well, as

    SCOTUS has no office of judgment thus it is impossible to enter it in order to collect it

    I sent it to the Sioux City Iowa Federal Courthouse so they can enforce the award by

    adjudicating the commission so actual delivery can occur. I filed Susan V Obama,

    Susan V Roberts, Susan V The SCOTUS Clerks, Susan V Mike Mullen And The

    Joints Chiefs Of Staff and Susan V The Republican, Democratic and Libertarian

    Parties as default judgments and I'm hoping to enter a motion of discovery soon

    directing Barack Obama and John Roberts to discover the two governing documents

    and the ruling that created the Supreme Court, read them, find their own person


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    within them or not and then deliver them to me. Not any old copy either; I will accept

    nothing but the original paper documents signed in 1776, 1787 and 1803 held by the

    National Archives. I've seen The Declaration and The Constitution in person; they are

    already inside handy dandy see through glass cases - perfect for the trip from DC to

    the Sioux Nation. All they gotta do is load them on the back of a truck and head west.

    What's so special about my case? As it is a constitutional authority case of original

    jurisdiction I already reasoned and decided the award. The person who is the case

    decides it and then that person enters it. Instead of a petition containing thousands of

    names you enter a petition containing one name, the same name as both the victim

    and the counsel. As I'm my own client and then I'm my client's attorney I truly believe

    I know best as to what will make me whole. Hey: If you couldn't decide your own

    case then you wouldn't be the authority, would you? If I told SCOTUS once I told

    them a thousand times: Requiring me to askfor a Writ creates an impossible

    standard as the acting, legal authority does not ask you for what is already hers as

    she claims it.

    I know this is hard to believe. I did not seek publicity other than a few internet sites as

    I wanted to come forward with the SCOTUS docket, a docket that took three years to

    create. My legal argument is airtight because it is math and exact words based uponBush V Gore as nobody knew Justice Renhquist pulled a fast one, as BVG is actually

    a tie. ANY dissent made it a tie as it is about absolute versus whole numbers, per

    curiam is never used in SCOTUS as in the case of a Presidential election the math of

    per curiam will never be good and it will always conflict with the Constitution, the oath

    says "I will" not "my lawyer will" thus lawyers and dead paper were granted standing

    and so the legal power of the office as Bush and Gore failed to appear and: The case

    is Gore V FL. Since when does the 'winner' not named in the caption then appeal in

    hopes oflosingupon appeal? He doesn't; the people of FL won so Bush lawyers tried

    to pull one of the slickest, oilyest, nastiest tricks ever by changing the caption to then

    get inside SCOTUS as an "original" case. What case??? There is no case! Justice

    Stevens even said these men are lying; they have no case. Think: FL wins! Is FL

    going to then argue to lose in SCOTUS? Nope, so it should have ended there and

    never have been heard in SCOTUS as it has zero basis in our Constitution. Bush


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    never had any legal standing at all but you know who did? The People, the

    constitutionally set government of the US: I, Susan.

    Bush lawyers neededto get inside SCOTUS so they changed the caption to sneak it

    past you and it worked thus making a case that is devoid of any legal standing then

    "original". I'll say as now SCOTUS is hearing pretend court cases that don't exist and

    are lacking any actual legal issue. But boy, do they sound fantastic! You'd never

    know they were completely made up. Take Carhart, a case in which no women are

    present and men testify that they give birth to human babies. Or Schiavo, a case that

    states death can and may occur even if life is not and never was and that rights for

    women only exist after women are dead. Yes, as if you are not a life then no right

    ever came into being. Castlerock says women have no vested interest in the

    property, children, and that cops can renegotiate a contract, an order of protection,

    against a woman's will thus making cops the persons she needs to be protected

    from. BVG started this nonsense. What actual question are they asking in BVG? "As

    FL did not kick Al Gore's a** hard enough may I, George Bush Jr., give it a go?" I

    would have been FOR but they did not ask me anything. Nothing, as there is no

    question: FL already answered it, remember? Gore V FL?Plus SCOTUS has said

    over and over you cannot disguise a political question as an equal protection and due

    process issue which these clowns did and what is it but a disguise and a politicalprank if Bush won as FL won thus our vote was upheld but still appealed??? Is he

    asking FL to change their minds?No, he is stopping us from doing that: Gore V FL or

    Gore V Bush as FL was forBush. Now it's Bush v Gore??? Any female voter could

    sue with FL women having the greatest weight as this shut out any and all citizens

    but targeted women as these men were granted exceptions, privileges and special

    treatment when women are not granted what are fundamental rights.

    Whywould Bush lawyers do this? They're power hungry, immoral, criminal, ego

    maniacs that's whyand they wanted to make it seem as if they had been 'approved'

    as the authority, as if they possessed actual and legal constitutional authority, but it's

    math first as if FL had a recount because of the ballot we have enough people to

    sway the election. A new national election was possible too. However: If you get it

    before SCOTUS will 9 Justices be enough to sway the vote? 9 will never make up


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    the difference as it was around 500. I conducted my very own recount. Guess what

    the answer always is each and every time? ONE!As in one for the Constitution and

    one vote!!!A president is the living embodiment of the Constitution. 4 Justices are

    against the Constitution and 5 are for it? LOL! 9 as 5-4 as 1 is bad math. You do not

    subtract 4 from 5; that is a false appearance as by invoking per curiam it then is the

    majority but not 9 as 5-4 as 1. It will never, ever add up to be 9 as 5-4 as 1 as to be

    1, any form of 1 by itself, the court had to rule unanimously or Rehnquist had to

    stand down Clinton so I truly believe late Chief Justice Rehnquist did this on purpose

    to leave the door open as wide as he could for us as those are the Founders

    instructions within Madison's notes: If this ever happens open the doors as wide as

    you possibly can and so tip the pyramid on its pointy head. This then allowed one of

    us to rise, as hope floats but liberty rises!

    Throughout history man makes a mistake from which he cannot recover and so

    government falls, as if traveling past the point of no return. Our mistake? BVG. I said

    WHOA!!!This is huge; the largest single legal challenge ever in all of world history as

    Natives, blacks and women have never been accorded any actual legal power as it

    only seems as if their vote has actual legal power. It's a meaningless appearance as

    men always negate it, like they foreignize it to keep us from any actual legal power

    and they undermine our moral authority and strip it from us via use of physical force.I do not know about you but look around - do these animals have any moral authority

    over you? as they certainly don't have any over me. These people are either the most

    brazen crooks I've ever met or the most dangerous. You know what I told the

    SCOTUS clerks? You guys are geniuses, actual geniuses or criminal masterminds as

    now I possess something you can never, ever defeat in any court: the official docket

    of the Supreme Court which matches nothing but our federal criminal code thus

    either the clerks hid the case from the Justices - they "sunk" it exactly like they

    promised as they have motive, intent, means and opportunity - as I highly doubt

    John Roberts acted but did not file the application and then hid it in the court building

    for two or three weeks or we have a renegade, runaway court. Who cares what we

    have as default means an automatic win for us!!!


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    Follow along: Marbury sues to secure a vote as before that it was only a legal

    theory upon piece of paper; Thurgood Marshall sues to secure seat of Chief Justice

    and Susan Herbert sues to secure seat of Executive: vote, Chief Justice, Executive

    as each is equal in legal power and moral authority. In the US a persecuted group

    does not have any actual legal power until or unless a person from that group sits as

    Chief Justice or President as those two people stand alone and make law; they can

    make law all by their selves via Executive Order or via the Chief Justice standing

    down the President. As your one vote is equivalent to an Executive Order thanks to

    William Marbury I wielded my own vote as such, ordering the court to place me on

    the case conference list as that then constitutes service to all three hundred million of

    you so nobody can claim they did not know. I issued my very own Executive Order

    dissolving the lie and overturning BVG in favor of...MYSELF! You had to act pro se

    thus be both the victim and the counsel as it's about the spirit of the law or your

    conscience; a victim who is also the counsel enters first person sworn testimony; he

    or she is an eyewitness to history as you live the case as you are the case.

    I knew BVG was a violation of Art. 4 sec. 4 as the Constitutional Republic fell as if

    SCOTUS may not make law which installing a President is then SCOTUS installed a

    military dictator only. It's why we found ourselves in an illegal war declared upon bad

    evidence. It's why men are waging war against women here both physically andideologically. Being the courageous soul I am I then placed my knowledge on the

    record in a Philadelphia court in December of 2000 to preserve my standing as then

    came the difficult part: Making the case itself. And then most difficult of all: finding a

    way to tickle your brain as so beaten and battered are The People that they no longer

    feel liberty as an emotion and no longer possess true belief; they no longer possess

    inviolate faith that anything is possible and that no problem is ever too large for one

    person to solve if only you are willing.

    I will! I am!

    Hey kids, this is America; the power of one is intrinsic to America. It's one man one

    vote and one institution one vote for actual, constitutional reasoning.You are the just

    cause, that's why.


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    We do not have any writ to cover this type of authority case as writs are British and

    you can't remove a king via due process. You assassinate him or war against him or

    today, if you actually are British, you might tax him to death. Americans may not tax a

    President to death as that would be a Bill of Attainder. If you enter directly and force

    direct action thus you made the case, it is, but SCOTUS still refuses to grant you

    your living commission which is via the appearance in person? If SCOTUS refuses

    to grant you entry to the bar in person as you hold no law license and mopped the

    floor with the Justices? As you not only won all the Ft. Laramie land back but a whole

    bunch of other stuff? Like the entire nation lock, stock and barrel? And as you

    ousted every single solitary sitting officer in the corporate seat of Washington, DC

    and then the rest of the country?You ask to have the actual

    paper commission delivered to you as John Marshall said if that's you then you

    have proved it is your fundamental right to receive it. You ask the court to

    adjudicate the commission itself as the withholding of the actual paper

    commission is now the violation of the fundamental right.

    Will the mountain known as John Roberts come to the Sioux? I predict: YES!

    Especially if he wants his job back.

    Read the complaint against the political parties as it contains the means to secure

    the land, Sioux City case; the Ft. Laramie solution is near the end but I want you to

    read it all as it's very important; it's only 15 pages so no excuses! Then read the

    latest petition 09-6777 (you can skip every question except the very first one as

    there's a dozen pages of questions meant to fire up your reasoning skills), the brief

    "Judicial Review Is The Myth Of Fingerprints" , the motion "The truth has left The

    Building" and petition 07-9804 which is my first attempt and it's not so bad for a

    beginner; I figured if I entered SCOTUS first then all other courts would be a piece of

    cake. Then I figured the shortest distance between two points is a straight line so by

    all means go directly to SCOTUS. It worked. 07-9804 is on Scribed - look under

    Susan Herbert - and some documents are on a website constitutionalists in

    Rockford, IL set up for us; it is: . Everything is notin one

    place, lol, as it's filed in the federal courts across this nation. You may or may not


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    have difficulty understanding my points of law and reasoning at first as it's about how

    we process language but you'll be fine; I wrote it for the average American not a

    judge or lawyer. Think of yourself - a body of government and/or a body of belief - as

    the law; think I am as in "I am a well regulated militia of one, charged with the duty to

    defend myself against all enemies foreign and domestic" or "I am a constitution, a

    Republic of one". I used plain old English not lawyerese; as my first cases entered

    directly I had to cram as much as I could into the petitions as there's no lower court

    record so if you want to preserve it you have to write it down. I never knew if I would

    get in at all and if I did would I ever have a second chance? So I put everything I

    could think of within it often 'hiding' it so nobody would ever suspect what was about

    to come down the pike. If you do not write it down you can't argue it so if you wonder

    why is she talking about that?orthis is way too much extraneous and personal stuff

    nope, as I needed it all. People laughed when they read it at first, as it seems as if I

    do cover so much. Let's see them argue the entire universe in 40 pages.

    It's a legal joke: I owed you; now we're even.

    It's about actual allodial title, something that exists and is a real legal claim but is

    supposed to be 'impossible' to prove. Within "A Summary View" Jefferson said it is

    and you can but it will be extraordinarily difficult. I thought, Not if you're me and knoweverything I know a part of which is: Native America. I filed the whole case April 4th,

    2007 and claimed the Office of the Executive on June 4th, 2007 at 12:12:31 PM and

    yes - the dates are important.

    Susan, the acting, legal President and Commander of original jurisdiction as I am, as my

    will, my reasoning, my one vote, my ability to add and subtract, the equal protection and due

    process clauses, history such as the Revolution, Roberts prior action and Marbury make it so.

    You can and may and should take government into your own hands as you are the


    I, Susan Herbert, complain:


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    1. On 11/09/09 I, Susan, became the very first citizen ever to receive a default judgment

    from SCOTUS. This happened as I have always known Bush V Gore referred to here as

    BVG was and is a tie that served to uncheck all offices and strip all natural born citizens of

    their vote thus all of their rights. Its 5 as 1 versus 4 as 1, 1 v 1, as nothing else is legal nor

    is it good math. It especially harms women and enlisted service members and harmed me

    directly and grossly, until I suffered physical death but survived. Although this should be

    impossible this is what happens when SCOTUS rules wrongly and so installs a President

    thus makes law upon a case that has zero basis in our Constitution living or written and

    when it then awards the Office of the Executive to lawyers not on the ballot giving legal

    standing to pieces of paper not people so that SCOTUS has committed what constitutes a

    coup and has overthrown the Constitution but then refuses to admit to what it did only as I,

    Susan, the person who made the case happens to be a woman who is not a lawyer. See

    attachments C and 5, Herbert V Obama also in this court.

    2. There was a fire in my home so this is a few days late. It may take me a few more

    days to send in one or two other parts of this case as the fire ended up destroying some

    documents. The facts regarding the Libertarian, Democratic and Republican Parties begin

    at number 7.

    3. This complaint is brought under USC 1983 and USC Chapter 18 but firstly under theDeclaration and Constitution as acts of Congress, acts of SCOTUS with the other Judiciary

    and acts of the sitting Executive past and current conflict with the Constitution as does law

    the citizens made via a direct vote of The People as nothing within the Constitution, US

    case law or US code allows for the citizens to make law via a direct vote, to violate the

    natural birth, equal protection and due process clauses via a direct vote or to target women,

    enlisted serviced members or me and my sons exactly via a direct vote. And nothing

    provides for the violation of fully vested fundamental rights which go w/o redress and w/o

    any actual remedy and relief as nothing grants any citizen not even Presidents and Justices

    blanket immunity. See US V Nixon. I also have standing to sue to enforce a judgment of

    default entered by SCOTUS and am in the correct court as the very first violation of a

    fundamental right was perpetrated by the federal government while I and my children were

    Navy dependents and this violation is directly linked to a former Executive and

    unconstitutional policy he invoked as well as a crime he committed which Congress then


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    excused, as if it never happened. As its core this judgment of default occurred because

    every single sitting officer I came in contact with and every single citizen reasoned and

    decided they or other officers and/or lawyers were above the law while I and my sons were

    below it or less than human and as they insisted that US law provided for no remedy and

    relief. It is directly due to women never having been accorded actual equal protection and

    due process and as women have never been able to bring the case for equality before

    SCOTUS as it is either argued incorrectly, it is not heard w/o any reason or cause named,

    men not women bring it, no pro se litigants are allowed before SCOTUS and

    unconstitutionally so, and/or the person bringing it is unconstitutionally denied redress for

    the violation of her rights perpetrated by SCOTUS employees.

    4. Jurisdiction: 28 U.S.C. 1391 1412: I have read it and this venue then would be

    proper as prior court activity occurred in this district and as this may be the only venue left

    via process of elimination. Plus as this is an authority case ANY federal venue would be

    appropriate as one of the concerned parties, female voters, lives here.

    5. What began as a family case over custody escalated until I was challenging men

    inside SCOTUS and even SCOTUS itself as ultimately they and it caused the injury. The

    case spanned several states and was and is in court in three: NY, PA and FL. as the

    creation of impossible standards then created legal limbo; either no action is taken thus thecase sits and sits or the states harm me with impunity.

    6. The SCOTUS docket proves my claims it along with me constitutes incontrovertible

    proof - but in this unique case I must now sue those involved in order to address an intrinsic

    flaw in the process which now denies us our rights in order to force sitting officers, whole

    institutions and the voters to recognize the law and my person and so the equality of

    women, the legal and biological reality they deny, or, to enforce the judgment of default.

    7. Both major parties are guilty. Ill deal with the Republicans first: In the fall of 2004 I

    went to a political rally sponsored by the Republicans at which George Bush Jr. was to

    appear. Ultimately I received the shock of my life, as I am a witness to genocide born in the

    US. For years sociologists have been looking for this answer as have I. Scientists could

    name the elements and which conditions did not seem to matter; they could not name the


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  • 8/14/2019 SCOTUS judgment of default in Sioux City


    oven. To get in you had to pass through security guards members of the Republican

    Party or at least the guy who touched me was. They began roughing people up. They began

    confiscating silly things only to throw them out as if you had to leave it they were dumping it

    not leaving it for you to claim. So a mood developed.

    11. Now were in the stadium. As it heats up the concession stands are charging

    outrageous prices for drinks and food. You have five hours of this. Then the toilets overflow

    all over the stadium. It is getting worse and worse and worse. I can feel the mood shifting

    and I begin to realize what I might be witnessing but I keep telling myself its impossible. Im

    thinking this cant be but I know genocide so the only word I have is ripen, maybe this is

    how it ripens so then the possibility of mass violence exists at any time; maybe its not

    possible until it ripens. I now know thats it, it must ripen. Something is made physically real.

    Exacting thoughts, feelings, ideas and beliefs along with motivation and intent combined

    with issues regarding power, victimization, justification not justice and morals not ethics is

    made real. The otherwise good civilians doing it? They are the targeted victims and do not

    even know it; they are unaware they have been actively recruited to participate and so do

    not know they have been deliberately targeted. This is important, as coming into play in

    order to keep the recruited participants unaware is a cycle of blame, shame, anger and guilt.

    12. A Vietnam Veteran sits down. Everybody is talking and he begins talking about JohnKerry; hes not here to ask you to vote for Bush as hes here to tell us: WHATEVER YOU


    CAST YOUR VOTE FOR KERRY. He has no idea who hes voting for due to the candidates

    none of them are fit; none of them are safe. Youre either safe or not; safety is or not.

    Theres no such thing as a little safety or a little liberty. So people start asking him


    13. I listen to him talking and I stop him: I have a question: I know about the Swift boats;

    I hear Swift boat everything. Now you just said something unfit for command. I dont need

    to know about Swift Boats. Why did you, a person not here to vote for Bush and a veteran

    just say unfit for command like you did? Whats YOUR reasoning? So he said, He lied

    about the return of his medals. I reply, Okay now I know: Violation of a renegotiated honor

    bound contract. Hes unfit to command. This happens to be one of the most grievous


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    offenses you can commit. You give up your medals as it is your claims THE PEOPLE have

    violated the Declaration and Constitution wholly and absolutely in your case. You are no

    longer a party to the contract. If things change and the contract is renegotiated the

    President representing THE PEOPLE reawards your medals. At that point? You had better

    not look sideways if looking sideways is a violation. A lie? A violation. Cheating? A

    violation. Running for any office when not fit to serve? A violation. This nation needs to get

    right with itself: all the proof I ever wanted or needed was that Veteran saying he came here

    on his day off not to vote for Bush but to stop me from voting for Kerry. If he said or did

    nothing else that is the proof. I believe Vietnam Veterans: I do not believe one of them: John

    Kerry. How many veterans have to tell me if you elect that man you might be killed? 1. Not

    2, not 20, not 75 but 1.

    14. So all day long things worsen, its more heaped on top of what feels as if it is

    unbearable, its like a sewer, until the hate speech begins. Like nothing I have ever heard in

    my life. The speakers begin and it is insanity from the get go; it has been building up all day

    as there were acts like musicians every once in a while so a person would grab a mike and

    blurt something out or they would broadcast something to entertain us while we waited. It is

    a mixture of politicians and party leaders plus well known locals. An ex-Model named Kim

    Alexis gives a speech. [Kim Alexis is a person, a good person, who then participated. Why?

    I know why. This is my reasoning for naming her - not as shes guilty but as she has someof the most priceless living testimony ever as she was there and she did it but she did not

    know.] From among the speakers she stood out as shes a woman and a mother and her

    words made my blood run cold. Certain words and slogans are repeated ad infinitum.

    Bloody, bloody, baby, women, Christian, bloody, murder, and on and on. Men get up. Jesus,

    bloody, baby, women, murder, drugs. THIS IS A CHRISTIAN NATION. Over and over and

    over. You think itll stop or somebody will react but they do not. Now its bloody, baby,

    women, WAR, JESUS, WAR, bloody, Christian, abortion, bloody. Im getting more and more

    concerned. Im watching it all, taking it all in as now I know: I am about to see how genocide

    is born; Im gonna know how did the Nazis do it, why good people did it and why the Jews

    didnt act. I want the court to note: I always knew Id have to give this answer to the Jews

    then the rest if the world. Once I knew I was actually seeing it? I captured it all in my minds

    eye paying special attention to: the emotions. Those I captured in my body; you can sort of

    internalize them to recall them later. Its a gift, as I have an instrument that is perfectly


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    calibrated my ears as I listen different, with my entire person; I record or memorize

    things differently than other people do. Its related to how I process language so that I

    experience the actual whole truth while others experience only a part of it or miss it

    completely. I was experiencing the truth of the whole event in that stadium; others missed it

    entirely while that Veteran knew most of it. Thats because: If your person matches US law

    in letter and sprit, if you have those same beliefs and practice them, your emotional

    compass is very finely tuned. Mine happens to be perfectly calibrated the way a perfumer

    has a perfectly calibrated nose or a taste tester has a perfectly calibrated tongue. Its what

    makes me such a deadly constitutional attorney: If an argument or ruling or a belief- does

    not match the Constitution? Ill know it and Ill know exactly what it is and why. It will light up

    like a Christmas tree for me. Then I can read what the Justices wrote and know: This is

    what the lawyer needs or this is what they all missed or this is where the Justices erred.

    SometimesI will read one or two sentences and know; other times the caption alone will tell

    me. Often I can even identify what mistaken belief specific people involved in the case have

    as its all over the paper but they do not realize it, as they arent doing what Im doing. As

    people produce paper? I can listen to a piece of paper the same way I can listen to a


    15. The stadium feels like it is filling up with water, as if well drown, and the crowd is

    cheering insanely and then suddenly on the jumbotron is a JEWS FOR BUSH sign. Thecrowd cheers; Bush flinches he knows something is wrong as it is the way they cheered

    only he says something like Were a Christian nation but theres room for Jews too. And

    there it was; it ripened: This crowd let up a roar EXACTLY like the People hearing Hitler let

    out. Its distinctive; I will never forget the sound and feeling of it. The extreme physical

    discomfort; the extreme heat and smell of the overflowing bathrooms; the anger; the

    nonstop hate speech; the imagery, very detailed ideas of graphic violence regarding women

    and babies but labeled Christianity, mixed with the emotions that were swirling around as if

    waves washing over the participants and the sound of that roar rising like an expectant

    release of joy, eagerness, but joy for violence and death; a religious fervor for a political

    agenda whether it is constitutional or not and no matter who it harms, so urgent even your

    own person is expendable for the good of the cause. The sound that the crowd made in that

    one incredible roar was deeper and more intense than any cheering I have ever heard but

    the intensity of the emotion is what frightened me the most, as if these people were made to


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    be temporarily insane, actually insane, as they were feeling joy but expressing the idea of

    blood and death for no named reason, so that expressing this insane idea purposely This

    is a Christian nation - to then feel that emotion became their cause and became their

    reason. If they expressed that idea those words in that order no matter how senseless

    they are in the context of America - they were rewarded with that emotion joy - so death

    and the idea of killing women and babies made them feel good as it cannot be murder if

    Christians do it. The emotion itself became their god; the emotion itself became their cause

    and they would say or do anything to get it. I do not like to use the word joy, perhaps joy

    infused with pride, youre proud to be killing women in the name of Jesus , as to feel this you

    need to have other people around you who engage in a sort of give and take. Its as if you

    need that outside approval to then feel the emotion, that to get that approval is to then be

    able to feel it. I witnessed what happens when individuals have had their sense of self

    annihilated to such an extent and degree that they then adopt a collective created sense of

    self, a sense of self that is located completely outside each person so that if the group

    promotes it you then identify with it you are it or so you truly believe thus you feel good

    when you express it, even it is insensible like equating Christianity with death instead of life.

    You have traded your will for the will of the crowd; you have replaced I with us, not we. The

    people in that crowd could not tell you what they were cheering for if you asked them; all

    they could do is say exact words but not delineate any actual concept or any actual belief.

    Human emotion without any reason; unconditional pride. The Nazis had unconditional pride;it was their sense of self; it was directly wired to their id but that id only exists as a group. It

    doesnt exist if the group doesnt exist. Each individual had wholly conditional love,

    indifference, directly wired to his or her ego. Its human emotion without reason as a group

    and human reason without emotion as an individual. Its how and why each individual could

    be so brutal they felt so good doing it. Its how and why they were such effective killing

    machines, as they could operate either in a group or alone. Compare it to what you know:

    How hard does a group have to work to get even one person to do what he or she would

    never do, such as convince a person to commit rape only as the others in the group

    pressure him? How hard does a group have to work to convince one person to do

    something smaller like rob? It used to be impossible in America; now it is common and

    nobody blinks. Kill reason first by battering them with words, render them powerless they

    must feel powerless both mentally and physically and then insert a new idea over a long

    period of time but do it in such a way you make them truly believe it as real, its America, as


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    you cement it inside them with that one, massive, final blow: visual imagery, auditory

    imagery all of your senses being attacked - and with a wallop of emotion that feels

    unbelievably fantastic. But I felt terrified. I know now that a person could have held up a sign

    that read Kill The Jews and I would have heard that same roar as long as the person

    leading the crowd condoned it and so did the guy sitting next to you. Hitlers big lie only it is

    bigger and much more insidious than anyone ever suspected.

    16. At that exact moment it felt as if the water had risen over my head and I was going to

    drown; I was actually going to die. I was going to suffocate. Nobody was stopping it; I knew

    exactly what had to happen for mass violence to erupt. I knew I could do something exactly

    and wed have mass violence. And somebody might do that accidentally. I took one look at

    that Veterans face and fled for my life. He was silent and he had a look of confusion and

    revulsion on his face; his silence was different as it was as if he couldnt move. He KNEW

    something had gone horribly wrong but he did not have the word genocide in his head or

    he would have had a different look on his face. The person I attended this event with? That

    person was cheering; he had no idea what had happened and when I fled he kept trying to

    tell me that I was crazy and making it up; he was absolutely clueless as to what he had just

    been deceived into doing. He absolutely, positively did not hear the lie he was just told, the

    lie of his life, the most lethal and deadliest lie of all: They will think for me; I dont have to

    think; I dont have to feel.

    17. I then went back over the record of genocide that we have. Nazi Germany and

    Rwanda are the same; its the same but it is realized a slightly different way. It has to do

    with power and control; a created fear; theres a rev up or a cycle; theres an event, a

    moment in time where it ripens; and if one thing happens after that point? Mass violence will

    erupt unless the chain set in motion is broken. Genocide is already, before mass violence

    erupts. You might slaughter people in one day or you do it a few at a time in an illegal war or

    at home killing women; it might take you five years to kill them all but its mass violence and

    is genocide. In person I can go over this in fine detail and reason it all for you. I have to do

    this for all citizens but especially for all political parties so they never go here again. I also

    have to break or sever the chain set in motion with BVG as once it ripened? That chain was

    never broken; it is still in motion today and is being realized various ways like the John Woo

    memos discussing if they could invoke martial law to then use the military to lock up


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    intimately what torture is and does and what it feels like when you get to that point where

    youre gonna break or youre gonna survive. I too had to make a choice: Do I cut and run or

    remain a prisoner? For at least ten years? It would be ten years at the least. I remained.

    McCain said he did it as it wouldnt be fair to the other prisoners. I did it as I would not be

    able to live with myself afterwards and as nothing would change my children would be

    injured as adults; I did it as if Im the only hope these people have if I dont do this it will

    never be done and these people and this nation will die then: I have no other choice. I

    have never once used WAR VETERAN as a reason for anything let alone an excuse. I

    know: Im not above the law. Im like everyone else as we all have one vote. Susan Versus

    John McCain? McCain is nevergonna be my equal when it comes to moral authority.

    22. The Republican Party has manipulated and controlled the system and hogged the

    ballot for more than a hundred years. Its time for it to step aside. What happens? Thats up

    to the People who are the Party. I would like to see some of the Republican and Democratic

    Party leaders in jail but its not up to me; its up to the people who are the party and to The

    People, the constitutionally set government. Republicans can volunteer to jettison the

    leaders who did this, to begin obeying the law, to not assume one of the top two slots on all

    50 ballots for the next few elections and work to fix how we even manage campaigns as

    theres a problem and a big one with PACS and I have the case as I am the case, or they

    can volunteer to cease to exist.

    23. The Democrats: The Democratic Party is a vile animal these days. If Kerry were not

    enough they gave us Bill Clinton too. Do they HATE Americans or what? The Democrats

    told us: We will elect anybody at all, even crooks and foreigners, as long as we do not elect

    someone we actually victimized. You can appear to be black, you just cant actually be

    black. The Parties have both been engaging in propaganda and conditioning tactics. I dont

    know whos worse. Like this: A person who is black tells me Obama is one of us and will

    help us. One of us?Yeah, you know a victim. Victim?Obamas mother is white; she and

    her family were not victims of slavery. Obamas father is Kenyan. He and his family were

    not victims of slavery. Obama claims to have suffered from discrimination. Nope, as look

    he doesnt even qualify and he made it into the office. If it were discrimination he suffered

    from then he wouldnt be sitting. But you know how I know he is lying when he says he is a

    victim? He looks like the majority population of Hawaii. Most Hawaiians are not white as


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    Hawaii has an indigenous population. He also grew up in Indonesia; he looks like the

    majority population of Indonesia. He doesnt really look different thus he was not treated

    differently as in black versus white. This man is no victim; he only needs you to believe he

    is. Listen to how careful this constitutional lawyer is: you do realize he was careful to say My

    wifes family is related to slaves and were slaves as if by being married to her he is then a

    victim too?When I point this out to people they are stunned. They are not hearing it. And

    then the things they do hear: Everyone can name Hawaii. So nobody stops to reason what

    the Hawaiians who are Native look like? Yes as they are absoluting everything to death

    instead of connecting it. Discrimination causes a physical injury; it actually affects your

    brain. It causes your brain to sort of cross wires as its about annihilation of self. You

    confuse id with ego; you lose the human ability to feel liberty as an emotion and physical

    sensation. It truly does dumb you down. Nobody is hearing the truth due to the injury: Using

    words to make it seem as if, a thing lawyers do too well. Democrats took it to a new level as

    they used imagery too such as the Office of the President Elect, a make believe office with

    its own podium, own news conferences and own great seal. People truly believe its a

    named office. How severely have the people been injured? I found out: Incapacitation.

    Lawyers did it for politicians and then did it for businesses; it escalated and became the

    norm and went on for so long the people suffer a form of brainwashing named in the DSM. I

    can fix it, as I know how to heal this injury. But Ill give you an example of what this injury

    does to a person:

    24. I ask a person: I believe John Kerry is unfit for command. Is that a fact?The person

    hesitates and finally She: Yes, Kerry is unfit. Me: I know if Kerry is fit or unfit. I asked you

    about your belief not Kerry. You think there is a right or wrong answer, as if one is good or

    bad. You were hesitating as you were trying to figure out what answer I wanted you to say

    so instead you...answered a question I did not ask. I asked is this your belief? Is it a fact of

    you? So, somebody in your world has taught you that some beliefs are good and some are

    bad. Nope. They are. Now, did you even hear what I asked? Say that statement in your

    head like this: If you ask me that same thing Id answer this way: I, Susan, believe Kerry is

    unfit. I do. Okay, YES, it is a fact a fact of me; my fact is I do posses this belief. But you

    answered, Yes, Kerry is unfit. Can you answer my question the other way? Can you

    answer it No, Kerry is not unfit? You know what else? If I make that statement to you then

    ask you if it is a fact? You cant answer it at all unless you ask me what my belief is! When


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    this happens it is about self-awareness and sense of self. I believe: You dont see quotes

    when a person speaks!

    25. People cant believe what they did. Theyre stunned. And guess what? The

    Democrats exploited this very injury. How deep does this go? Deep as now it is everywhere.

    LAWYERS did it to America. So did speechwriters. People are hammered all day long with

    this, even on the news. Thus a person goes to a poll to vote and although they have been

    conditioned to vote for a certain candidate they dont know it so they truly believe they made

    a choice born of will and liberty when no, they are operating upon that conditioning on a

    subconscious level and then the carefully chosen words that serve to deliberately steer their

    choice so it is NOT their choice and is NOT voluntary. This is exactly how bad it is and how

    deep is it is:

    26. A commercial now running says this: Studies show 1 out of 4 women can misreada

    pregnancy test. CAN? As in ability? 1 out of 4 women have the human ability to....make a

    mistake! Who reads a pregnancy test incorrectly on purpose? Who deliberately reads it

    incorrectly? Or by accident? Oops! I accidentally looked at my own pregnancy test! No, it is

    1 out of 4 women have the human ability to make a mistake. Now, what studies? It says

    Studies show. Not even a recent study but a generic studies. You mean millions and

    billions of our tax dollars went into finding out if human beings can make mistakes? Is itpossible humans make mistakes? And if possible do humans then act with deliberation to

    make mistakes? Well, I gotta tell this court: I know what studies these are; I know every

    one of them. Since the dawn of man we have tested, studied and determined mistakes. I

    can even name the very first scientific study regarding mistakes ever made: Eve made a

    mistake and we were off. Government was born! Ever since then we have thought about

    mistakes, considered mistakes and examined mistakes. Man debates and argues and

    promotes his mistakes in study after study. Man and mistakes: Our own Founders studied

    mistakes. They went all over the world studying them. They read about them, watched them

    and collected the details of them. They then designed the largest, grandest most important

    study ever conducted to answer this question: Can man govern himself, or, is he doomed

    to always and forever make a mistake from which he cannot recover? It took over 200

    years for this study to be completed. In November of 2000 the study was finished. I was

    floored: Why, it seems the Founders never considered what if the conclusion of the


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    experiment itself IS the mistake man never recovers from every time? What if nobody

    knows the study has been concluded??? Or nobody knows the mistake??? Time to review

    our mistakes! Is this the most perfect form of government on Earth? I am! I could have

    saved that drug company billions. As it is they might owe me billions. Notice they arent

    telling us that 1 out of 4 men make mistakes. Its only women who have the human ability to

    make mistakes as if men can correctly read a pregnancy test 100% of the time and perfectly

    do everything 100% the time. Well, make no mistake: Every time I ask someone what that

    commercial is saying they tell me that 25% of the time pregnancy tests are wrong as in the

    test itself is defective but mostly, almost exclusively, I hear this: women cant read them as

    they are confused. As in cant understand directions. Not one person realizes he has just

    been told women can and do make mistakes 1 out of 4 times if a pregnancy test is

    involved. What? Do women make a mistake 1 out of 4 times when breathing? Opening a

    can of soda? Hmmm, in all I do all day long am I, Susan, making a mistake 25 % of the

    time? Will the Creator tell me upon death: Susan, 25% of everything you ever did was a

    mistake. Im not kidding: one woman said when she first heard it she thought dumb as in

    such a dumb woman would need to go back to schooland men have told me that they do

    truly believe women are less than men a SCOTUS clerk told me this and even said he did

    not believe the Constitution applied to women and some of that is because of crap like this

    as he does not even know he is absorbing it as fact and truth as its so subtle and feeds into

    the pre-existing injury - and when I asked men about this ad some did assume it wassomething women did like couldnt read the test or the instructions; as if it was about how

    women are: DUMB. Dumb is a state of being for women; it is a fact of men that women are

    dumb. I understand directions perfectly; I follow them perfectly. Watch me perfectly follow

    the directions in the Federalist Papers and so sue this company for LYING to the public thus

    harming women as it implies and infers WOMEN ARE CREATED DEFECTIVE thus it is

    their unchangeable nature and uses brain washing to do it. It says one of us makes

    mistakes while three of us are perfect and thats a lie, false advertising, as all women -

    100% - CAN misread a pregnancy test so 1 out of 300 million Americans WILL sue: You did

    not say 4 out of 4 women can misread a pregnancy test and I know why: The jig is up if you

    said that, isnt it? This drug company did notmake a mistake. It acted with deliberation.

    27. Exactly as everything these Parties did is deliberate. Dont believe me? Joe Trippi of

    the Democratic Party, the guy who worked for Dean, wrote a book; its called The


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    Revolution Will Not Be Televised. He told me to use the internet to steal this seat, to take
