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  • Scientific Research on the Aryans

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    New genetic, archeological, and linguistic research has demonstrated that the supposedly

    "discredited" Aryan Race Theorymay have been right after all.

    This theory argued that fair-haired, light-eyedNordic agriculturalists, having tamed the

    horseand invented the wheel, conquered most of Europe, much of the Middle East

    and Northern India thousands of years ago, bringing with them the family of languages that

    used to be known as Aryan, and are now known as Indo-European, spoken from Ireland to


    The Indo-European family of languages includes Modern English, German, French, Italian,

    Irish, Greek, Russian and indeed all European languages apart from Finnish, Hungarian

    and Basque, together with Iranian, Pashtu, Hindi, Gujarati, Bengali. Sinhalese and other

    Northern (or originally Northern) Indian languages. The kinship can still be seen in basic

    words like one, two, three--amhain (pronounced awan), dha, tri in Irish, une, deux, trois in

    French, unus, duo, tres in Latin, eins, zwei, drei in German, einn, tver, thrir in Icelandic, odin,

    dva, tri in Russian, ena, duo, tria in Greek. Compared to yksi, kaski, kolme in unrelated


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    In the ancestor of the Indian branch of this language family, Sanskrit, it's eka, dva, treya. The

    people who spoke that language swept into the plains of Northern India almost 4,000 years

    ago as chariot-riding conquerors, calling themselves Aryas, "lords." On the way they gave

    their name to Iran, derived from "Aryan."

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    Others swept eastward, where for a thousand years an Indo-European language, Tocharian,

    was spoken in what is now Chinese Turkestan. Suggestion that this ancient race of more-

    advanced conquerors were blonde-haired, blue-eyed Nordics were dismissed since 1945 as

    "discredited"--i.e., Politically Incorrect rather than proved wrong. Linking race and culture

    was a big academic career-ending no-no.

    But meanwhile archaeologists and historians of languages, avoding such explosive topics,

    managed to link the Proto-Indo-Europeans, the conquerors before they exploded from their

    homeland, to the Bronze Age Androvonovo Culture, based in western Siberia and what is

    now Kazakhstan.

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    The remains of the people themselves were buried in great mounds, like later Viking and

    Anglo-Saxon barrows and howes, known as kurgans. These are similar to the ancient native

    American mounds found scattered all over the Mississippi valley.

    Now geneticists have examined the DNA of these Proto-Indo-Europeans, or Aryans as they

    probably called themselves and were called until the PC shutters came down, extracted from

    their ancient tombs.

    The results are deeply Politically Incorrect, as revealed in three seminal papers:

    1. C. Bouakaze et al, First successful assay of Y-SNP typing by SNaPshot minisequencing on ancient DNA,International Journal of Legal Medicine, vol 121

    (2007), pp. 493-499.

    2. C. Keyser et al, Ancient DNA provides new insights into the history of South Siberian Kurgan people, Human Genetics, vol. 125, no. 3 (September 2009), pp. 395-


    3. C. Lalueza-Fox et al, 2004. Unraveling migrations in the steppe: mitochondrial DNA sequences from ancient central Asians, Unravelling migrations in the steppe:

    mitochondrial DNA sequences from ancient central Asians.

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    It turns out that genetically the Proto-Indo-Europeans buried in the steppe kurgan graves

    5,000 years ago were identicalwith modern Western and Northern Europeans belonging to

    the Nordic sub-race. The majority had light hair and blue and green eyes. It wasn't until much

    later that the gene complexes associated with other racial types appeared in the Central Asian

    steppe north of the deserts and irrigated farming zone.

    The typical steppe nomad horseman before the Turks and later the Mongols spread west, and

    the typical Aryan who brought what is now Hinduism to India and gave his speech to almost

    every nation from the Bay of Bengal to the Atlantic looked, it is now clear from the genetic

    evidence, like a modern northern European.

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    And indeed do the mummified remains of the Tocharian speakers in what is now Chinese

    Turkestan, who have blonde and red hair. So, incidentally, did many early Pharaohs of Egypt.

    It is also clear from the appearance of most speakers of Indo-Aryan languages today in

    Pakistan, Northern India, Blackburn, Leicester and a corner shop near you, that significant

    interbreeding has occurred between conquerors and conquered in the 4,000 years since.

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    Massive Megalithic Stone Ruins Discovered in Russia

    Massive Megalithic Ruins Discovered in Russia Containing the Largest Blocks of Stone Ever


    An incredible discovery that was recently made in Russia threatens to shatter conventional

    theories about the history of the planet. In southern Siberia, researchers have found an

    absolutely massive wall of granite stones. Some of these gigantic granite stones are

    estimated to weigh more than 3,000 tons, and as you will see below, many of them were cut

    with flat surfaces, right angles, and sharp corners. Nothing of this magnitude has ever been discovered before.

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    The largest stone found at the megalithic ruins at Baalbek, Lebanon is less than 1,500 tons.

    So how in the world did someone cut 3,000 ton granite stones with extreme precision,

    transport them up the side of a mountain and stack them 40 meters high? According to the

    commonly accepted version of history, it would be impossible for ancient humans with very

    limited technology to accomplish such a thing.

    Could it be possible that there is much more to the history of this planet than we are being


    For years, historians and archaeologists have absolutely marveled at the incredibly huge

    stones found at Baalbek.

    But some of these stones in Russia are reportedly more than twice the size. Needless to say, a

    lot of people are getting very excited about this discovery.

    The following comes from a recent article in the magazine, Mysterious Universe:

    "Alternate history buffs are about to be whipped into a frenzy! OK, maybe not, but they will

    find this interesting."

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    "An ancient super-megalithic site has been found in Gornaya Shoria (Mount Shoria) in southern Siberia.

    "This spectacular archeological site consists of massive blocks of stone, which appear to be

    granite, with flat surfaces, right angles, and sharp corners."

    "These huge blocks appear to be stacked up and fitted together, almost in the manner of

    cyclopean masonry, and welltheyre enormous!"

    "Russia is no stranger to ancient megalithic sites, like Arkaim (Russias Stonehenge), and the Manpupuner formation, just to name two."

    "But the site at Shoria is unique in that, if its man-made, the blocks used are undoubtedly the largest ever worked by human hands."

    Prior to this expedition, there were no known photographs of these megalithic stones.

    Archaeologist John Jensen is mystified by these ancient ruins, and the following is an excerpt

    from a post on his personal blog

    "There are no measurements given, but from the scale depicted by the human figures, these

    megaliths are much larger (as much as 2 to 3 times larger) than the largest known megaliths

    in the world.

    (Example: The Pregnant Woman Stone of Baalbek, the largest single known stone at the

    archeological site in Lebanon, weighs in at approximately 1,260 ton). Some of these

    megaliths could easily weigh upwards of 3,000 to 4,000 tons."

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    Of course much more research needs to be done on this site. Nobody knows who cut these

    stones or how old they are. Jensen believes that they come from a time well back into the

    mists of pre-history...

    "These megaliths reach well back into the mists of pre-history, so far in fact, that conjecture

    about their builders, methods, purpose and meaning is pure speculation, and as such, I would hesitate to offer any observation at all, other than to say our pre-historical past is

    richer than we ever dreamed."

    These stones are likely to remain an unsolved mystery for a very long time. But what is

    abundantly clear is that according to the commonly accepted version of history they should

    not be there. And of course this is far from the only site around the world that contains

    massive megalithic ruins.

    Evidence continues to mount that very sophisticated technology was used in the ancient

    world. These megalithic ruins are undeniable reminders of highly advanced ancient

    civilizations. So who were they and what happened to them? Could it be possible that they

    were wiped out by a massive global cataclysm such as a global flood?

    Megalithic Cyclopean Masonry

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    Cyclopean masonry is a type of stonework found in Mycenaean architecture, built with

    massive limestone boulders, roughly fitted together with minimal clearance between adjacent

    stones and no use of mortar.

    The term may have come from the belief of classical Greeks that only the mythical Cyclopes

    had the strength to move the enormous boulders that made up the walls of Mycenae and

    Tiryns. Pliny's Natural History reported the tradition attributed to Aristotle, that the Cyclopes

    were the inventors of masonry towers, giving rise to the designation Cyclopean.

    On many lonely and forgotten hilltops in the Peloponnese, massive walls of ancient structures

    can be found, for instance the paleo kastro (old castle) of Agios Adrianos, an example of

    well-fitting, interlocking walls of dressed stones. It may well be that many of these ancient

    Cyclopean walls belong to another forgotten period of the history of ancient Greece, instead

    of all of them belonging to the Mycenaeans.

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    In the 19th and early 20th centuries some scholars ascribed many of these walls and buildings

    to the ancient Pelasgians, but since their history was so hard to unravel most modern works

    make almost no reference to them. At most, modern textbooks consider them to be the

    earliest inhabitants of Greece before the invasion of the Mycenaeans. It could very well be

    that the term Mycenaeans was used to replace these hard to trace Pelasgians - as noted by

    Professor William Ridgeway in The Early Age of Greece.

    An interesting linguistic connection was put forth by English Orientalist Edward Pococke

    (1604-1691), from his India in Greece; or Truth in Mythology, in which he supposed that

    King Pelasgus was actually the son of Palaichthon, the "ancient fatherland" of the Greeks.

    The world's Cyclopean monuments beg us to ask many questions: Who built these strange

    landmarks? What purpose did they serve? Did a different type of humanity with an advanced global civilization exist in the distant past?

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    The Greek philosopher Plato described precisely a type of futuristic race of humans living on an island continent called Atlantis.

    He spoke of it as a sophisticated antediluvian empire that flourished for eons on a

    nowsubmerged continent in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, from which its name is taken.

    The ancient Egyptians, via Plato, maintained that the Atlanteans possessed a highly spiritual

    wisdom-religion, which enabled them to see their own divine and eternal soul inside the physical body. According to Plato's account of the ancient Egyptian legends, seeing the soul within allowed the Atlanteans to harness its higher powers.

    Plato indicated that a memory of these powers is preserved in the fantastic abilities attributed

    to the gods of ancient mythology; instead of being actual gods, they were endowed with amplified perceptions, amazing skills, and endowed with long lifespans due to their full use

    of their innate genetic potential, which lays mostly dormant in us, granting them higher states

    of consciousness and existence. In time, the Atlantean kingdom grew weak, genetically

    diluted and morally corrupt, enough so that they began to lose touch with the inner divinity

    that granted them such power.

    Plato wrote:

    For many generationsthey obeyed the laws and loved the divine to which they were akinthey reckoned that qualities of character were far more important than their present prosperity. So they bore the burden of their wealth and possessions lightly, and did not let

    their high standard of living intoxicate them or make them lose their self-control

    But when the divine element in them became weakenedand their human traits became predominant, they ceased to be able to carry their prosperity with moderation.

    Plato, Timaeus

    Plato goes on to explain that the end of Atlantis came some several thousand years ago, when

    a series of natural global disasters and rapidly rising sea levels "sank" their continent into the

    sea. A handful of survivors escaped the devastation, fleeing to, and settling in, different parts

    of the surface, and subterranean, world.

    China Finds Pyramid in Ancient Tomb

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    BEIJING - Chinese researchers say they have found a strange pyramid-shaped chamber while

    surveying the massive underground tomb of China's first emperor. Remote sensing

    equipment has revealed what appears to be a 100-foot-high room above Emperor Qin

    Shihuang's tomb near the ancient capital of Xi'an in Shaanxi province, the official Xinhua

    News Agency reported.

    The room has not been excavated. Diagrams of the chamber are based on data gathered over

    five years using radar and other remote sensing technologies, the news agency said.

    Archaeologist Liu Qingzhu of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences was quoted as saying

    the room is unlike any ever found in a Chinese tomb.

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    "Qin himself was very unusual, so it's not unexpected that his tomb should also be unique,"

    Liu told the news agency.

    Archaeologists theorize that because the room was built on top of Qin's mausoleum and

    seems to have ladder-like steps leading up, it was intended as a passageway for his spirit,

    Xinhua said.

    Qin is credited with starting construction of the Great Wall and commissioning an army of

    Terracotta soldiers to guard his tomb. Thousands of the Terracotta warriors were discovered

    more than 20 years ago by peasants from a local commune who were sinking wells.

    The new finds are forcing a re-examination of old Chinese books that describe historical or

    legendary figures of great height, with deep-set blue or green eyes, long noses, full beards,

    and red or blond hair. Scholars have traditionally scoffed at these accounts, but it now

    transpires that these accounts were correct.

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    The discoveries in the 1980s of the undisturbed 4,000-year-old Beauty of Loulan and the younger 3,000-year-old body of the Charchan Man are legendary in world archaeological circles for the fine state of their preservation and for the wealth of knowledge they bring to

    modern research.

    "From the evidence available, we have found that during the first 1,000 years after the Loulan

    Beauty, the only settlers in the Tarim Basin were Caucasoid. East Asian peoples only began showing up in the eastern portions of the Tarim Basin about 3,000 years ago, Mair said.

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    The Mongol leader Temujin (AD 1167-1227), better known by his title Genghis Khan

    (Universal Ruler), was a man of strongly Nordic racial ancestry. According to the Persian

    historian Ab ul Ghasi, the tribal clan to which Temujin belonged, were known as the

    Bourchikoun (Grey-Eyed Men).

    The ancestral mother and founder of this clan was known as Alan goa (beautiful Alan).

    According to the Mongol and Chinese legends on the subject, she was said to have been

    visited in her tent by a divine being, who possessed golden hair, a fair complexion and grey

    eyes. Shortly after this visitation, she gave birth to the first member of the Bourchikoun clan.

    Temujin himself was noted in Chinese descriptions of him, for his tall stature and heavy

    beard. We should also note the following depiction of Temujin's appearance, as given by

    Harold Lamb, in his biography of the great Khan:

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    "He must have been tall, with high shoulders, his skin a whitish tan. His eyes, set far apart

    under a sloping forehead, did not slant.

    And his eyes were green, or blue-grey in the iris, with black pupils. Long reddish-brown hair

    fell in braids to his back."

    Ab ul Ghasi also observed that the family of Yesugai, the father of Temujin, were known for

    the fact that their children often had fair complexions, and blue or grey eyes. Temujin's wife,

    Bourtai, bore a name which means "Grey-Eyed".

    Temujin's relatives and descendants also possessed fair features: Temujin's son and successor

    Ogadei, had gray eyes and red hair; Temujin's grandson Mangu, had reddish eyebrows and a

    red-brown beard; Subatei, who conquered China, had a long, reddish beard. Indeed, it was

    said that people were surprised Kubilai Khan had dark hair and eyes, because most of

    Genghis Khan's descendants had reddish hair and blue eyes.

    The Naga and Serpent Mythology

    Naga is the Sanskrit and Pali word for a deity or class of entity or being, taking the form of a

    very great snake - specifically the king cobra, a specific type of snake (hooded snake), found

    in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism.

    In the great epic Mahabharata, the depiction of nagas tends toward the negative. An epic calls

    them "persecutors of all creatures", and tells us "the snakes were of virulent poison, great

    prowess and excess of strength."

    The great epic frequently characterizes nagas as being able to change form, having a mixture

    of human and serpent-like traits.

    Stories involving the nagas are still very much a part of contemporary cultural traditions in

    predominantly Hindu regions of Asia (India, Nepal, and Bali). In southern India, nagas are

    considered nature spirits and the protectors of springs, wells and rivers. They bring rain, and

    thus fertility, but are also thought to bring disasters such as floods and drought.

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    Objects of great reverence, expensive and grand rituals are conducted in communities where

    the inhabitants consider themselves genetic descendants of Nagas. The Nairs of Kerala and

    the ethnically related Tulu Bunts of Karnataka are clans which are believed to have originated

    from the serpent dynasty.

    Vishnu is originally portrayed sheltered or reclining by a giant snake, but the iconography has

    been extended to other deities as well.

    The serpent is common in Ganesha iconography appearing: around the neck, as a belt, held in

    a hand, coiled at the ankles, or as a throne. Shiva is often shown with a snake.

    Traditions about nagas are also very common in all the Buddhist countries of Asia. In many

    countries, the naga concept has been merged with local traditions of great and wise serpents

    or dragons. In Tibet, the naga was said to dwell in lakes or underground streams and guard

    treasure. In China, the naga was equated with the dragon.

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    The Buddhist naga generally has the form of a great cobra-like snake, usually with a single

    head but sometimes with many. At least some of the nagas are capable of using magic powers

    to transform themselves into a human semblance, sometimes portrayed as a human being

    with a snake or dragon extending over his head in Buddhist paintings.

    They are believed to live in various parts of the human-inhabited earth, primarily dwelling in

    deep underground caverns.

    For Malay sailors, nagas are a type of dragon with many heads; in Thailand and Java, the

    naga is a wealthy underworld deity. In Laos they are usually considered sea-faring, or water

    serpents. In Javanese culture, a Naga is a crowned giant magical serpent, sometimes winged.

    In a Cambodian legend, the naga were a noble reptilian race of beings who possessed a large

    empire or kingdom in the Pacific Ocean region.

    The Naga King's daughter married an Aryan and from their union sprang the Cambodian

    people. Therefore still Cambodians say that they are "Born from Naga".

    The Seven-Headed Naga serpents depicted as statues on Cambodian temples, such as Angkor

    Wat, represent the seven races within Naga society, which has a mythological, or symbolic,

    association with "seven colors of the rainbow".

    The power of the serpent and this age-old battle is demonstrated below (right) in this ancient

    Greek sculpture, 'Laocon and His Sons'. Unfortunately, the epic poem that goes with it did

    not survive. To the left is a stone depiction of Quetzalcoatl, the venerated Mesoamerican

    (Aztec) feathered serpent deity of learning and knowledge.

    War of the Gods and the Titans

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    In Greek mythology the Titanomachy, or War of the Titans , was the ten-year series of battles

    which were fought in between the two camps of deities long before the existence of mankind:

    the Titans of Atlantis and the Olympians, who would come to reign on Mount Olympus. This

    Titanomachia is also known as the Battle of the Titans, Battle of Gods, or just The Titan

    War. It was fought to decide who would become the rulers.

    Greeks of the Classical age knew of several poems about the war between the gods andmany

    of the Titans. The dominant one, and the only one that has survived, is the Theogony

    attributed to Hesiod.

    The stage for this important battle was set after the youngest Titan, Cronus (Kronos),

    overthrew his own father, Uranus, with the help of his mother, Gaia. Cronus took his father's

    throne after dispatching Uranus. He then secured his power by re-imprisoning his siblings the

    Hecatonchires and Cyclopes, and his siblings the Gigantes, in Tartarus. After freeing his

    siblings, Zeus led them in rebellion against the Titans.

    Hesiod, Theogony (8th or 7th B.C.): "The Olympian Lightener [Zeus] called all the deathless

    gods to great Olympos, and said that whosoever of the gods would fight with him against the

    Titans, he would not cast him out from his rights, but each should have the office which he

    had before amongst the deathless gods."

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    Zeus then waged a war against his father with his disgorged brothers and sisters as allies:

    Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, and Poseidon. Zeus released the Hecatonchires and the

    Cyclopes from the earth (where they had been imprisoned by Cronus) and they allied with

    him as well. The Hecatonchires hurled stones, and the Cyclopes forged for Zeus his iconic

    thunder and lightning. Fighting on the other side allied with Cronus were the other Titans

    with the important exception of Themis and her son Prometheus who allied with Zeus.

    Atlas was an important leader on the side of Cronus.

    The war lasted ten years, but eventually Zeus and the other Olympians won, the Titans were

    imprisoned in Tartarus, and the Hecatonchires were made their guards. Atlas was given the

    special punishment of holding up the sky. In some accounts, when Zeus became secure in his

    power he relented and gave the Titans their freedom.

    According to Hyginus, the cause of the Titan War is as follows: "After Hera saw that

    Epaphus, born of a concubine, ruled such a great kingdom (Egypt), she saw to it that he

    should be killed while hunting, and encouraged the Titans to drive Zeus from the kingdom

    and restore it to Cronus, (Saturn). When they tried to mount heaven, Zeus with the help of

    Athena, Apollo, and Artemis, cast them headlong into Tartarus. On Atlas, who had been their

    leader, he put the vault of the sky."

    Following their final victory, the three brothers divided the world amongst themselves: Zeus

    was given domain over the sky and the air, and was recognized as overlord. Poseidon was

    given the sea and all the waters, whereas Hades was given the Underworld, the realm of the


    Each of the other gods was allotted powers according to the nature and proclivities of each.

    The earth was left common to all to do as they pleased, even to run counter to one another,

    unless the brothers were called to intervene.

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    These Greek stories of the Titan War fall into a class of similar myths throughout Europe and

    the Near East, where one generation of a race or group of gods by and large opposes the

    dominant one, often the parent civilization.

    Sometimes the Elder Gods are supplanted. Sometimes the rebels gods lose, and are either cast

    out of power entirely or incorporated into the existing pantheon.

    Other examples might include the ancientSumerian and Babylonian creation epic Enuma

    Elish, the Hittite "Kingship in Heaven" Kumarbi narrative, the struggle between the Tuatha

    D Danann and the Fomorians in Celtic mythology, The sirVanir War in Scandinavian Norse mythology, and the obscure generational conflict documented in Ugaritic fragments.

    In the Cretan tradition, the Titans were portrayed as agrarian gods who lived in the vicinity of

    Knossos in Crete where they ruled over mankind during the Golden Age. At this time the

    Earth produced an endless bounty, and presented the Titans with the first sickle for the

    harvest. The Sicilian myths also speak of the Titans harvesting the first grain.

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    In the Thrakian and Thessalian tradition, the Titans were portrayed as a barbarous tribe of

    giants who made war on the gods. They were almost indistinguishable from the Thrakian

    Gigantes of Pallene. These barbarian gods once snuck into Olympos, their faces smeared with

    with white chalk (titanos), and seized the child Zagreus who was seated on the throne.

    Certain local landmarks on the mountainous borders of Thessalia and Thrake were apparently

    identified with this Titan-story: including the river Titaressos whose murky waters were said

    to be drawn from the infernal Styx, and Mount Titanos or Titarios opposite Olympos whose

    deposits of white-chalk gypsum were the Titans' disguise.

    The individual Titans also turn up in the guise of obscure local gods with minor cults in the

    regions of central and southern Greece.

    Some of the Titans were also apparently gods of foreign import: Atlas and the fire-stealing

    Prometheus, for example, were frequently associated with the Anatolian kingdom of Lydia.

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    The cosmic story of five Titans - four holding the corners of heaven - may be Phoenician in

    origin. Late Greek writers also equated the Titans with Set, enemy of the god-king Osiris

    inEgyptian myth.

    "You remember only one deluge, though there have been many...

    You and your fellow citizens are descended from the few survivors that remained, but you

    know nothing about it because so many succeeding generations left no record in writing. The

    change in the rising and setting of the sun and the other heavenly bodies, how in those times

    they used to set in the quarter where they now rise, and used to rise where they now set...

    Of all the changes which take place in the heavens this reversal is the greatest and most

    complete ..There is at that time great destruction of animals in general, and only a small part

    of the human race survives." - Critias by Plato 360 B.C.E

    Where Did Blue Eyes Originate From?

    Studies carried out by scientists from the Institute of Forensic Genetics at the University of Copenhagen have concluded that all blue-eyed people share a common ancestor, someone who lived 6,000 to 10,000 years ago near the area by the Black sea. Researchers analyzed and compared the unique genetic make-up of the chromosomes in the iris from 155 blue-eyed individuals from diverse regions such as Denmark, Turkey and Jordan. All of the subjects that participated in the study had the exact same genetic "mutations" in specific chromosomes of the eye with very little variation on the genes, indicating that the "mutation" responsible for blue-eyes first arose and spread relatively recently. (Source: )

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    Scientists conclude that this blue-eyed family spread out from an area north of the Black Sea following the last ice age. These people were among the proto-Indo-European Aryans who subsequently spread agriculture into western Europe and later rode horses into Iran and India, explains Professor Hans Eiberg of the Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine at the University of Copenhagen.

    Blue eyes are a recessive trait, and the gene must be inherited from both parents. (Green eyes involve a related but different gene that is recessive to brown but dominant to blue.) Following the ending of the last Ice Age, many Europeans inherited this rare gene associated with blue-eyed people that differentiated them from the rest of the human races. Indeed, it appears that the elite and nobility that organized the earliest known agricultural civilizations all shared this trait, seemingly coming from the same bloodline.

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    When we look to ancient Egypt, arguably one of the world's oldest known civilizations, we find many blonde and fair-haired mummies. Since WW2, western academia backed and lobbied by politically motivated forces at the United Nations has pushed for a Marxist inspired multicultural view of history, which has ignored archeological evidence in favor of political correctness. However well intentioned, this false perspective has cast much confusion over human origins: Who we are and how we came to be.

    Another one of the oldest documented civilizations, credited with having the first writing, schools, courts, and many other "firsts" were the ancient Sumerians of Mesopotamia. The ancient Sumerians thought that blue eyes were a sign of the gods. The Sumerian nobility were blue eyed and fair haired, as most of their busts show. These blue eyed statues (pictured below) are of Sumerians from the early/mid 3rd millennium BC. ''...they (the Sumerians) certainly belong to the same racial division of mankind as the nations of Europe, they are scions of the Caucasian stock - Arthur Keith (quoted in Ur Excavations, 1927)

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    Gautama Buddha's physical body is traditionally regarded as having the "Thirty-two Characteristics of a Great Man". These 32 characteristics are described throughout the Pali Canon, and are also regarded as being present in Cakravartin kings as well. #29 on this ancient list is "Eyes deep blue".

    Two thousand years ago a mysterious and little known civilization, with a blue-eyed elite, ruled the northern coast of Peru. Its people were called the Moche. They built huge pyramids that still dominate the surrounding countryside; some well over a hundred feet tall. Archeologists working at Peru's Huaca Pucllana ruins recently pulled a blue-eyed mummy from an ancient tomb thought to be from the ancient Wari culture that flourished before the Incas. Piercing blue eyes undimmed by the passing of 1,300 years, this is the "Lady of the Mask" a mummy with striking blue eyes, whose discovery could reveal the secrets of a lost culture at the Huaca Pucllana Pyramid located in Lima, Peru. It is the first time a tomb from the regions Wari culture has been discovered intact and gives historians the chance to learn about the ancient pre-Incan civilizations.

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    The Lord of Sipn's tomb (pictured below) is held by some archaeologists to be one of the most important archaeological discoveries in this region of the world in the last 30 years, as the main tomb was found intact and untouched by thieves.

    He was called Viracocha by the Incas, Kukulkan by the Mayas, Quetzalcoatl by the Aztecs, Gucumatz in Central America, Votan in Palenque and Zamna in Izamal. He and in some cases his men were described as being tall, bearded, with white skin, and beautiful emerald blue eyes. Fray Juan Torquemada, the Franciscan missioner, who collected traditions about Quetzalcoatl from the natives of Old Mexico, says: Quetzalcoatl had blonde hair, and wore a black robe sewn with little crosses of red color. (Image below published by the Secretary of Education, Mexico)

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    Scientists stress that the genetic variation, as the press release puts it, is "neither a positive nor a negative mutation." That's a bit disingenuous, as the mutation also produces greater instance of blond hair (sexually selected for even today) and fair skin, which confers a survival advantage by stimulating greater production of vitamin D in sun-starved northern European countries near the arctic circle - where blue eyes are still most prevalent.

    Ninety-five percent of Europeans in Scandinavian countries have blue eyes. They are also found to have a greater range of hair and skin color. Comparatively, Europe has a wider variety of hair color and skin pigment than is found in any other continent in the world.

    These "mutations" are relatively recent as Europe was colonized only a few thousand years ago, say mainstream scientists. Through interbreeding, the brunette with blue eyes (Neanderthal-type) was evidenced about 35,000- 25,000 years ago by invading Cro magnon types from the Atlantic (Tall, RH negative blood type, Solutrean tool kit).

    The question really is, Why did we go from having nobody on Earth (known) with blue eyes 10,000 years ago to having 20 or 40 percent of Europeans having blue eyes now?

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    John Hawks of the University of Wisconsin-Madison said. This gene does something good for people. It makes them have more kids. In contrast, most mammals on earth share the "normal" form of the gene. The six-letter sequence is exactly the same among mice, horses, cows, rats, dogs, cats, monkeys, chimpanzees and humans with brown eyes. (No word on what gives Siberian huskies and Siamese cats blue eyes.)

    Mummy of Most Powerful Female Pharaoh Identified

    Archaeologists using DNA testing said they have identified a mummy as Queen Hatshepsut, Egypt's most powerful femalepharaoh. "We are 100 percent certain" that the mummy is that of Hatshepsut, Egypt's antiquities chief Zahi Hawass told The Associated Press. The mummy was discovered in 1903 in the Valley of the Kings, but it was left in place until being moved recently. Archaeologists then took the mummy to the Cairo Museum for testing, said Hawass, setting up a DNA lab in the basement of the Museum. The study was funded by The Discovery Channel, which is set to air an exclusive documentary on the find. The key clue turned out to be a molar. The royal tooth was found in a beautiful jar bearing the queen's insignia and containing some of her embalmed organs. The tooth was found to perfectly fit a gap in the mummy's jaw.

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    The Mortuary Temple of Queen Hatshepsut, Egypt

    The mummy identified as Hatshepsut died in her 50s, Hawass said. He said she probably had diabetes and may have also suffered from liver cancer. When the mummy was discovered, the left hand was positioned against her chest, which is a traditional sign of royalty in ancient Egypt. The archeological team is still conducting DNA testing that they hope will conclusively confirm the find.

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    The Mortuary Temple of Queen Hatshepsut, Egypt

    Molecular geneticist Yehia Zakaria Gad said DNA samples were taken from the mummy's pelvis and femur, so that more genetic tests can be run that compare the mummy to the queen's grandmother, Amos Nefreteri, who was previously identified. Gad said preliminary results are "very encouraging."

    Hatshepsut ruled Egypt in the 15th century B.C. and was known for dressing like a man and wearing a false beard. When her reign ended, all traces of her disappeared. Her 22-year rule ended in 1453 B.C. and was the longest among ancient Egyptian queens.

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    Banned Occult Secrets of the Vril Society After World War II and the subsequent occupation of Germany, Allied military commanders were stunned to discover the penetrating depth of the Nazi regimes closely guarded state secrets.

    The worlds best intelligence organization was not the least of these revelations. Also discovered were massive and meticulous research file on secret societies, metaphysics, genetics, alternative energy, and other scientific pursuits that boggled the imagination of the Allied command. Even more spectacular was an entire web of underground rocket and flying saucer factories with an accompanying free-energy technology that still defies ordinary beliefs. Missing U-boat fleets possessing the most advanced submarine technology in the world left many wondering if the Nazis had escaped with yet more secrets or even with Hitler himself.

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    Behind all of these mysteries was an even deeper element: a secret order known to initiates as the Order of the Black Sun, an organization so feared that it is now illegal to even print their symbols and insignia in modern Germany. It's roots stem from The Vril Society that began around the same time as the Thule Society, when Karl Haushofer founded the "Bruder des Lichts", which means Brothers of the Light, sometimes referred to as the Luminous Lodge. Whereas the Thule Society ended up focusing primarily upon materialistic and political agendas, the Vril Society put its attention on the "Other Side." This group was eventually renamed the Vril-Gesellschaft as it rose in prominence and united three major societies:

    - The Lords of the Black Stone, (Teutonic Order) - The Black Knights, of the Thule Society - The Black Sun, the elite branch of the SS When the German secret societies came into being after World War One, the worlds leading authorities on archeology and linguistics, especially regarding ancient Sumer and Babylon, were primarily German. A local medium named Maria Orisc began getting messages in an unknown language and couldnt transcribe them, so began meeting with key members of these societies, along with other mediums. The messages supposedly came from the star sytem of Aldebaran, an orange giant located about 65 light years away in the zodiac constellation of Taurus, which they believed has two planets which form the Sumeran Empire. In the Sumeran empire were said to exist two classes of people - the Aryan or original "pure" race, and a subservient race which had devolved, or developed in a negative fashion, as a result of mutation from climatic changes likely due to nuclear fallout. From Peter Moon's book The Black Sun: "A half billion years ago, the Aryans (known as the Elohim or Elder Race) began to colonize our solar system as Aldebarans became uninhabitable. Marduk, existing in what is today the asteroid belt , was the first to be colonized, then Mars. When they came to Earth, these Aryans were known as the Sumerians."

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    According to volkisch (folk) beliefs, Aryans had created a high civilization which existed eons ago and was destroyed by and here the mythology is hazy either the melting of the ice at the end of the last ice age (12,000 years ago), or the onset of the ice age. The original home of the Aryans was Thule, at the northernmost reaches of the Earth. That warm country was flooded and iced over, with the advanced race finding underground sanctuary in massive subterranean caverns. The melting occurred during the final years of the Pleistocene, from approximately 110,000 to 12,000 years ago. During this period, there were several changes between glacier advance and retreat. The maximum extent of glaciation within this last glacial period was approximately 22,000 years ago, when sea levels were 400 feet lower world-wide. The "weather branch" of the Nazi Ahnenerbe (archeological research) headed by Dr. Hans Scultetus, was concentrating on weather forecasts resting on the world-ice cosmology. The Ahnenerbes forecasts took place over many millenia.

    Scultetus was interested in the big picture, in knowing how the weather would change over the long term. He wanted to know how the weather on Earth would change when the Sun goddess, to use the volkisch analogy, shifted her attention and her golden rays from Earth to that other planet which deserved it more Mars.

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    The Nazis believed that the ice at the poles represents the Earths original state, not its wintry death. The Fire and Ice theory held that it was the Flood, not the ice, that signified the Earths Last Days. It was an age of evil, and the New Age to be brought in would restore the golden age. In the meantime, if the Nazis couldnt prevail, they would take their blood to Mars, which, according to volkisch belief, was the home of mankind before Earth. Mars was a kind of Thule taken to planetary extremes. The name Thule, or Ultima Thule, refers to the capital of the legendary polar country Hyperborea, which also reputedly stood at the portal of the Hollow Earth. Traditionally, the Hyperboreans were in contact with extraterrestrials or alien cultures, and participated in interbreeding. In common with the legendary inhabitants of Atlantis, the Hyperboreans engaged in war with neighboring civilizations. This escalated into the use of atomic weapons, resulting in a pyrrhic victory for the Hyperboreans, who, as well as defeating their enemies, virtually destroyed themselves in the process. The surviving Hyperboreans were soon faced with the prospect of mutated and otherwise radiation damaged offspring. Showing remarkable resolve, those who had not sustained any apparent genetic damage, banded together and effectively removed themselves from the gene pool by relocating underground, a variety of self imposed quarantine.

    On the surface, a branch of the descendants of this seminal Mother Aryan race were the proto-Indo-Europeans/Iranians who, like the ripples on a pond, spread out, colonizing various northern areas of the planet after the Deluge, spreading their agricultural civilization and universally

    recognized symbol () . Scots, (original) Basques, Scandinavians, (original) Guanches, (original) Berbers, Icelanders, (original) Ainu of Japan, (original)Iranian/Indian ruling class, (original) Chinese of the Gobi desert, (original) Tibetans, Caucasoid Pharaohs of Egypt, proto-Greeks, certain native American, Mesoamerican, and South American tribes; the nobility that established and governed all of these civilizations were of Aryan origin. These disparate nationalities share linguistic patterns, havemythological similarities, and poses at least one common genetic trait; a large percentage of RH-negative blood types. According to the beliefs of the Thule society, a blood characteristic of the Hyperboreans and their extraterrestrial associates. Other races and peoples who posses a rhesus monkey positive blood type (over 80% of the world population) were considered to have gradually become racially impure, as rhesus monkey positive blood (RH+) was thought to be contaminated by generations of contact with the simian-hybridized strands of human DNA.

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    Much like the Nazi party's use of race as a political tool to promote their right-wing ideology, so too does modern post-WW2 governments - through academia and media - use the issue of race as a political tool to further establish their globalist Marxist agenda. It is not socially acceptable to attempt to explain human anomalies that do not fit the prevailing "out-of-Africa" model, such as origins of RH negative blood-type. Many indoctrinated anthropologists, elected politicians, working celebrities, and other unqualified media "news" personalities unanimously insist that there is no such thing as race. The hostility and intolerance shown towards opposing theories backed by scientific evidence is truly ironic. Unfounded accusations of racism have become common as the prevailing Darwinian inspired theory is constantly being challenged by the growing mountain of conflicting scientific evidence, especially in the evolving field of genetics.

    It is now scientifically irrefutable fact that the "human species" has been found to contain a substantial quantity of DNA (at least 20%) from other hominid populations not classified as Homo sapien; such as Neanderthal, Denisovan, African archaic, Homo erectus, and now possibly even "Hobbit" (Homo floresiensis). If not given drugs to prevent infant death, the pregnant body of a rhesus negative mother will attack, try to reject, and even kill her own offspring if it is by a rhesus positive man. The Domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris) is a sub-species of the gray wolf (Canis lupus), and they produce hybrids. There are numerous other examples of where two separate species (for example with different numbers of chromosomes) can also produce viable offspring, yet are considered separate species. That said, humanity has been shown to be, genetically speaking, a hybrid species that did not all share the same hunter-gatherer ancestry in Africa.

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    Recent sequencing of ancient genomes suggests that interbreeding went on between the members of several ancient human-like groups more than 30,000 years ago, including an as-yet unknown human ancestor. "there were many hominid populations, says Mark Thomas, evolutionary geneticist at University College London. Recent genetic studies are touting shocking headlines about how ancient humans 'rampantly interbred' and indulged in inter-species interracial sex with multiple mystery sub-races in a "Lord Of The Rings"-style world of different creatures, including mystery DNA - neither human nor Neanderthal, not yet identified. After WW2, the Aryan utopia of a Thule paradise was completely abolished, replaced by an egalitarian utopia promoting a mythical sub-Saharan cradle of civilization, promoted globally with funding by the UN. The "out of Africa" hypothesis backed by the united nations was universally adopted, often times enthusiastically celebrated, and treated as religious dogma in Universities that currently enjoy public federal or state funding and tax exempt status. It is correctly said that history is always written by the winners, but history is not the only field to have been politically influenced by the victors of the second world war. Many 'conspiracy theorists' claim that there is ongoing technology suppression in the field of free-energy, and that much of the UFO phenomenon, specifically the area of propulsion, is not really as "unidentified" as it is made out to be. An example is the physics behind Die Glocke (German for The Bell), a top secret Nazi scientific technological device, secret weapon, or Wunderwaffe.

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    The NAZI Bell is described as being a device made out of a hard, heavy metal approximately nine feet wide and 12 to 15 feet high, having a shape similar to that of a large bell. This device ostensibly contained two counter-rotating cylinders which would be filled with a mercury-like substance, said to be violet in color, code-named Xerum 525 and cautiously stored in a thermos flask a meter high encased in lead. This Die Glocke was further described as emitting strong radiation when activated, an effect that supposedly led to the death of several unnamed NAZI scientists and various plant and animal test subjects. The ruins of a concrete framework, dubbed The Henge, in the vicinity of the Wenceslas mine (503743N 162940E) may have once served as a test rig for an experiment in anti-gravity propulsion generated with Die Glocke. Claims have been made by some that the device was considered so important to Hitler that he ordered 60 scientists killed that worked on the project just to guard the technology. Others have speculated that The Nazi Bell was moved, along with other advanced saucer-type craft, to the US as part of a deal made with SS General Hans Kammler, or possibly even ended up in Nazi-friendly South American country like Argentina. In the 1930's, Nazis exploring the southern extremities of the globe set up a base (called base-211) in Antarctica. You may have heard of Operation Highjump and how Admiral Byrd had an altercation with entrenched German forces that overpowered them with amazing flying craft. A map from the Third Reich (obtained by Russian forces during WW2) has recently surfaced detailing not only the direct passageway used by German U-boats to access this subterranean domain, but also a complete map of both hemispheres of the inner realm of Agartha!

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    After the Soviet collapse in 1991, the KGB released previously classified files that cast light on the mysterious US led Naval expedition to Antarctica in 1947. The intelligence report, gathered from Soviet KGB spies embedded in the US, revealed that the US Navy had sent the military expedition led by Admiral Byrd to find and destroy a hidden Nazi base. On the way, they encountered and were defeated by a German saucer force that destroyed several ships and planes, forcing the US to retreat and implement a media cover-up lasting up until today. Officially called The United States Navy Antarctic Development Program, the naval component of Operation Highjumpwas comprised of 4700 military personnel, an aircraft carrier (the USS Philippine Sea among the largest of all carriers of the time), and a number of naval support ships and aircraft.

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    The Naval expedition was headed by famed polar explore Admiral Richard Byrd, who had been ordered to: to consolidate and extend American sovereignty over the largest practical area of the Antarctic continent. To establish Little America Byrds expedition ended after only 8 weeks with many fatalities according to initial news reports based on interviews with crew members who spoke to the press while passing through Chilean ports. Rather than deny the heavy casualty reports, Admiral Byrd revealed in an interview that they had encountered a new enemy that could fly from pole to pole at incredible speeds. Admiral Byrds statements were published in the Chilean Press but never publicly confirmed by US authorities. Indeed Byrd did not speak again to the Press about Operation Highjump, leaving it for researchers to speculate for decades over what really happened, and why Byrd was silenced.

    Indeed, Operation Highjump had suffered many casualties as stated in initial press reports from Chile, which may have ended up exposing the first known historical incident involving a battle between US naval forces and an unknown UFO force stationed near Antarctica. It is a historical fact that Nazi Germany devoted significant resources to the exploration of Antarctica, and established a prewar presence there with its first mission in the Antarctic summer of 1938/1939. According to a statement by Grand Admiral Donitz in 1943, the German submarine fleet is proud of having built for the Fhrer, in another part of the world, a Shangri-La land, an impregnable fortress."

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    If the fortress was in Antarctica, was it built by the Nazis, or discovered there? After the defeat of Nazi Germany, according various sources, elite Nazi scientists and leaders escaped to this impregnable fortress by Uboats, two of which experienced difficulties and surrendered in Argentina.

    Secrets of Antarctica

    How I Found the Lost Atlantis, The Source of All Civilization by Dr. Paul Schliemann Grandson of Dr. Heinrich Schliemann, New York American, October 20, 1912 This article and the accompanying illustrations, produced from a photocopy provided by the New York Public Library, are republished for the first time in over ninety years.

    Dr. Paul Schliemann, the distinguished grandson of the late Dr. Heinrich Schliemann, finder of ancient Troy and one of the world's greatest archaeologists, presents here one of the most remarkable and

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    fascinating narratives of discovery every published.

    Atlantis is the legendary continent mentioned by the Greek philosopher Plato, who in one of his "conversations" told how the priests of the Egyptian Temple of Sais related to Solon, the great lawmaker the story of its destruction about 9,000 BC. Atlantis, according to this story, was the home of a great civilized race which had conquered and colonized the world. All civilization had come from it. What is known as the Dolphin Ridge, an enormous submarine plateau, stretching between 25 and 50 degrees north latitude and 20 to 50 degrees west longitude, is supposed to be its sunken remnants. The Azorean islands are believed to be the top of its lofty mountains - all that now remains above water of the lost continent. If Dr. Paul Schliemann can prove his points the greatest world mystery will have been untangled, the history of our racemust be reconstructed and many enigmas will be answered finally. It is a curious coincidence that at the time Dr. Schliemann is making known his discoveries an expedition is setting out from England to recover treasure from sunken cities in the Bay of Campeche, off Yucatan. These cities were located by Dr. Ernest Marjolies, after four years in Central America, and he also has evidence which he believes proves them to be part of a colony of Atlantis and sunk in the same convulsion which destroyed the mother country. Dr. Paul Schliemann's story follows:

    by Dr. Paul Schliemann Some days before my grandfather, Dr. Heinrich Schliemann, the real discoverer of the great Mycenaean civilization whose history is preserved in the books of Homer, died in Naples in 1890, he left a sealed envelope in care of his closest friends. The envelope bore the following inscription: "This can be opened only by a member of my family who solemnly vows to devote his life to the researches outlined therein." Just an hour before my grandfather died he asked for a piece of paper and asked for a pencil. He wrote with a trembling hand: "Confidential addition to the sealed envelope. Break the owl-headed vase. Pay attention to the contents. It concerns Atlantis. Investigate the east of the ruins of the temple of Sais and the cemetery in Chacuna Valley. Important. Night approaches - Lebewohl."

    Ancient Owl-Headed Vase Which

    Dr. Schliemann Found at Mycenae

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    He closed it in an envelope and directed the nurse to send it to the friend whom he had entrusted with the other package. This was done. Although every one was curious as to what the mysterious packets contained, not one of the children or friends dared to break the seals. No one desired to devote his life to something he could know nothing about until too late to recede. The envelopes were deposited in one of the banks of France. After I had studied for some years in Russia, Germany and the Orient, I decided to take up the work of my illustrious grandfather. I decided that what he had felt so important that he had so safeguarded it must be important enough to devote one's life to. In 1906 I took the vow and broke the seals. Within were a number of documents and photographs. The first paper said: "Whoever opens this must solemnly swear to carry out the work which I have left unfinished. I have come to the conclusion that Atlantis was not only a great territory between America and the west coast of Africa and Europe, but the cradle of all our civilization as well. There has been much dispute between scientists on this matter. According to one group the tradition of Atlantis is purely fictional, founded upon fragmentary accounts of a Deluge some thousands of years before the Christian era. Others declare the tradition wholly historical, but incapable of absolute proof. "In the included material records, notes and explanations are to be found, the proofs that exist in my mind of the matter. Whoever takes charge of this mission is solemnly obligated to continue my researches and to form a definite statement using as well the matter I leave with this and crediting me with my just dues in the discovery. A special fund is deposited in the Bank of France to be paid to the bearer of the enclosed receipt, and this should pay the expenses of the research. The Almighty be with this great effort. HEINRICH SCHLIEMANN. I cannot in this limited space give all the papers - nor do I care to. But one of the most important from the narrative's standpoint read: "When in 1873, I made the excavation of the ruins of Troy at Hissarlik and discovered in the Second City the famous 'Treasure of Priam,' I found among that treasure a peculiar bronze vase, of great size. Within it were several pieces of pottery, various small images of peculiar metal, coins of the same metal and objects made of fossilized bone. Some of these objects and the bronze vase were engraved with a sentence in Phoenician hieroglyphics. The sentence read 'From the King Chronos of Atlantis.' You who read can imagine my excitement! Here was the first, the very first material evidence of that great continent whose legend has lived for ages throughout the world. This material I kept secret, eager to make it the basis of investigations which I felt would prove of infinitely more importance than the discovery of a hundred Troys. But first I had to finish the work in which I was engaged, and I was the more eager to do this because I felt that I was sure to find other objects which would bear directly upon the lost continent. I was rewarded for my faith as you will see in the document marked B. "In 1883 I found the Louvre a collection of objects excavated from Tiahuanaco. And among, these I discovered pieces of pottery of exactly the same shape and material and objects of fossilized bone which reproduced line for line those which I had found in the bronze vase of the 'Treasure of Priam'! The similarity could not be a coincidence. The shapes and decorations were too complex for that. It is beyond the range of coincidence for two artists in such widely separated locations as Central America and Crete to make two vases - I mention only one of the objects - of exactly the same shape, the same size and with curious owls' heads arranged in just the same way on each. "The Central American vases had no Phoenician characters upon them nor writing of any sort. I hurried away to examine again my own objects and by tests and exhaustive examinations became convinced that the inscriptions had been made by other hands after the objects themselves had been manufactured. "I secured pieces of these simulacrums from Tiahuanaco and subjected them to chemical and microscopic analysis. These tests proved conclusively that both the Central American vases and those from Troy had been made from the same peculiar clay, and I learned later, further and definitively, that this clay does not exist, either in old Phoenicia nor in Central America!

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    "The metal objects I had analyzed, because I could not recognize what they were made of. The metal was unlike any I had ever seen. The chemical analysis showed the material to be platinum, aluminum and copper - a combination never before found in the remains of the ancients and unknown to-day! "Objects then, perfectly similar and having unquestionably a common source were found in such widely separated countries as these. The objects themselves are not Phoenician, Mycenaean nor Central American. What is the conclusion? That they came to both places from a common center. The inscription on my objects gave that center - It was Atlantis! "That the objects were held in great veneration is shown from their presence among the 'Treasure of Priam' and the special receptacle that held them. Their character left no doubt that they were objects of sacred ceremonies and from the same temple. Were they the remains of a worship which had existed on Atlantis and which that great land had impressed upon colonies and countries as far apart as ancient Crete and Central America? Were these things sent out by the mother land just as Bibles are sent out to-day from Christendom - and as statutes of Isis and her altar paraphernalia were sent by Egypt to her colonies? "This extraordinary discovery and my failing health induced me to push more rapidly my investigations. I found in the Museum at St. Petersburg one of the oldest papyrus rolls in existence. It was written in the reign of Pharaoh Sent, of the Second Dynasty, or 4,571 years B. C. It contains a description of how the Pharaoh sent out an expedition 'to the West' in search of traces of the 'Land of Atlantis,' whence '3,350 years ago the ancestors of the Egyptians arrived carrying with themselves all the wisdoms of their native lands.' The expedition returned after five years with the report that they had found neither people nor objects which could give them a clue as to the vanished land. Another papyrus, in the same museum, written by Manetho, the Egyptian historian, gives a reference of a period of '13,900 years as the reign of the sages of Atlantis.' The papyrus places this at the very beginning of Egyptian history; it approximates 16,000 years ago. "An inscription which I excavated at the Lion Gate at Mycenae in Crete recites that Misor, from whom, according to the inscription, the Egyptians were descended, was the child of Taaut or Thoth, the God of History, and that Taaut was the emigrated son of a 'priest of Atlantis, who having fallen in love with a daughter of King Chronos, escaped and landed after many wanderings in Egypt.' He built the first temple at Sais and there taught the wisdom of his native land. This full inscription is most important, and I have kept it secret. You will find it among the papers marked D." I cannot go further here into more than a small part of the enormous mass of evidence, and it is material evidence of this continent of Atlantis that my grandfather had collected. I must pass to the end of this remarkable document: "One of the tables of my Trojan excavation gives also a medical treatise of the Egyptian priests--for there was communication between Crete and Egypt for many centuries--for the removal of cataract from the eye and ulcer from the intestines by means of surgery. I have read almost a similar formula in a Spanish manuscript in Berlin whose writer took it from an Aztec priest in Mexico. That priest had gotten it from an ancient Mayan manuscript. "In coming to my conclusion I must say that neither the Egyptians nor the Mayan race that made the civilization of Central America before the Aztecs were great navigators. They had no ships to cross the Atlantic. Nor did they. We can dismiss the agency of the Phoenicians as a real link between the hemispheres. Yet the similarity of Egyptian and Mayan life and civilization is so perfect that it is impossible to think of it as an accident. We find no such accidents in nature or history. The only possibility is that there was, as the legend says, a great continent that connected what we now call the New World with what we call the old. Perhaps at this time what there was of Europe and America was populated with monsters. Africa possibly had a monkey-like negro race. Man in our sense had not overrun them. But there was a land where civilization as high as that we now know and perhaps higher was flourishing. Its outskirts were the edge of wilderness. It was Atlantis. From Atlantis came the colonies that settled Egypt and Central America. I realized that I faced a serious problem indeed, despite all the astonishing evidence, greater far than any one dreams, left me by my grandfather. There were other notes and allusions to the material proofs which were in the secret safe in Paris, and besides these was the strict injunction that I should keep the matter secret until I had followed up his instructions and had finished my research. For six years I have worked indefatigably in Egypt, in Central and South America and in all the

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    archeological museums on the globe. I have discovered Atlantis, I have verified the existence of this great continent and the fact that from it sprang all the civilizations of historic times without a doubt. In my research I have made a principle to retire to such a seclusion that no periodical could reach me, and no curiosity of the public could disturb me in this serious and important work. I shall pursue the same course until my book is finished. For these reasons I have avoided up to this time all notoriety, through the press and every association with any scientific expeditions. I am an individualist and will do the work in my individual way. However, I have been willing to follow the invitation of this newspaper and to reveal this secret of my illustrious grandfather and to give some of the facts which I have discovered and why I claim to be the discoverer of Atlantis. I proceed to what happened after I read Heinrich Schliemann's documents. I at once proceeded to investigate the hidden collection in Paris. The owl headed vase was unique, of obviously extraordinarily ancient origin and on it I read the inscription in Phoenician characters: "From the King Chronos of Atlantis." I hesitated for days to break it for I still thought that the last letter of my grandfather might have been the result of a mind weakened by the approach of death. I could not see why it should be broken. It may be that he had found other vases of the kind of Hissarlik and had broken thme. He may have saved this last vase because he felt that an absolute proof of the evidence should be the possession of the one who should take up his work. I hesitate to write this because it seems to savor of pure romance. Yet it is absolute truth. After all I broke it. I was not a little startled when out the bottom of the vase slipped a square of white, silver-like metal upon which were drawn strange figure and an inscription which were not like any hieroglyphs or writings I had ever seen. These were on the head side of the coin or medal. On the obverse side was engraved in ancient Phoenician, "Issued in the Temple of Transparent Walls." How did the metal get in the vase? I do not know. The neck was too small for its insertion, but there it was and it had been imbedded in the clay of the bottom and my grandfather had evidently known it was there. If the vase was from Atlantis the piece must have come from it too. And yet my examination showed me that the Phoenician letters had been cut in after the object had been under the die that made the face figures. This is a mystery to me even now. But there is the evidence. Besides this I found in the collection the other material objects which my grandfather had said came from Atlantis. One was a ring of the same peculiar metal as the coins or the medals. There was a strange looking elephant of fossilized bone, an extremely archaic vase and some other objects which I will not discuss now. The map by which the Egyptian captain had sought for Atlantis was there too. I prefer to save these other objects for my extended work--nor could I, under the instructions of my grandfather, tell of them. It is sufficient to say that no scientist can controvert them. The owl vase, the archaic vase, the bronze vase and the ring have the Phoenician inscription. The elephant and coins did not. My grandfather had written that I should first pay attention to the ruins of the Temple of Sais and the Chucuna Valley in America. I arrived first in Egypt and started to excavate around the ruins of Sais. I worked a long time in vain. I found interesting pieces of antique ceremonial and astronomical uses, but no traces of what I wanted. But one day, I made the acquaintance of an Egyptian hunter, who showed me a collection of old medals he had found in a sarcophagus in one of the tombs near by. Who can describe my surprise in finding among his collection two of the same design and size of the white medal I had found in the vase of Troy? The figures were not so lain of detail and the inscription was lacking, but they were undoubtedly of the same original as of mine. I procured them from the hunter and I investigated the sarcophagus. It proved to be that of a priest of the First Dynasty! One of the most ancient. But there was nothing else there of interest--to me. Yet was I not progressing? Here was the coin in the vase of Troy, which, if my grandfather was right, came from Atlantis. And here were two of the same kind in a sarcophagus of a priest of the First Dynasty of the Temple of Sais, the temple which held the records of Atlantis and whose priest had recited them to Solon - their temple which had been founded by a son of Atlantis who had run away with a "daughter of Chronos," the name of which was on the vase of Hissarlik that held the coin! How explain? I called to my aid two great French geological experts, and we examined the west coast of Africa at the points where my grandfather had indicated where he had believed the ancient Atlantis had

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    touched that land. We found the whole shore here covered with volcanic action. Some distance in from the shore those evidences stopped. For many miles it was as though the volcanic action had chopped away land from the coast. Here I found an object of inestimable value to my research. It was a head of a child done in the same metal as that which formed the ring and the medals. It was imbedded in an encrustation of volcanic rock of great age. The chemical analysis showed it to be of exactly the same strange alloy I have described. The full results of this survey I cannot go into here. They were immensely important, and they are supported by other testimony than my own. I went to Paris and sought the owner of the Central American collection which my grandfather had alluded to. He consented that I break his owl headed vase for the purpose of investigation. I broke the vase. And out of it slipped a medal exactly the same size and material as the three I had! The only difference was in the arrangement of the hieroglyphs! Here there were three links: The coins in my grandfather's secret collection. The coin in the Atlantis vase. The coins in the Egyptian sarcophagus. The coin in the vase from Central America. The head from the Moroccan Coast! I at once went to Central America, to Mexico and to Peru. I have dug up graveyards and excavated in the cities. The cemetery of the Chucuna Valley, where the ancient Chimus are buried, gave me immense material for other clues. I will say that although I found fragments of the owl-headed vases, I found no more medals there. But what I did find was just as important. These are inscriptions which will startle the world. And I found other medals at the Pyramid of Teotihuacan in Mexico of the same alloy, but with different script! I have reasons for saying that the strange medals were used as money in Atlantis forty thousand years ago. These reasons are based not only on my own researches, but upon those of my grandfather which I have not mentioned. The "Temple of Transparent Walls" was one of the National Treasuries of the Lost Continent. As the Atlanteans and after them the Egyptians, the Mayans and the Chimus were hieratic nations, it is natural that a temple was considered as the center and foundation of social, political life as well as the cradle of art, science, education and religion. Among the facts that I have to reveal in my book there are clear indications that of the City of the Golden Gates, as it was called, and two clear references to the Temple of Transparent Walls. The Atlantean Temple of Transparent Walls was usually a high public place. Its operations were open for the masses. Did the words "transparent" have a symbolic meaning or did there really exist a temple with transparent walls? I do not know. However, I can prove that the Phoenicians got there knowledge of glass making from the "people who lived beyond the pillars of Hercules." It is necessary to say that the country which used the ancient medals as an equivalent of labor had a more advanced currency system than we have at present. I pass, for lack of space, over the hieroglyphics and other evidences which I have discovered that show that the civilizations of Egypt, of Mycenae, of Central America, South America and the Mediterranean had a common origin. They will be incontrovertible". I pass on to the translation of a Maya manuscript which is part of the famous collection of Le Plongeon, the Troano manuscript. It can be seen in the British Museum. It reads: "In the year of 6 Kan, on the 11 Muluc, in the Month Zac, there occured terrific earthquakes which continued without interruption until the 13 Chuen. The country of the hills of mud, the Land of Mu, was sacrificed. Being twice upheaved it disappeared during the night, being continually shaken by the fires of the under earth. Being confined these caused the land to sink and rise several times and in various places. At last the surface gave way, and then ten countries were torn asunder and scattered. They sank with their 64,000,000 of inhabitants 8,000 years before the writing of this book." In the records of the old Buddhist Temple at Lhasa there is to be seen an ancient Chaldean inscription written about 2,000 years B.C. It reads: "When the star Bal fell on the place where is now only sea and sky the Seven Cities with their Golden Gates and Transparent Temples quivered and shook like the leaves of a tree in storm. And behold a

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    flood of fire and smoke arose from the palaces. Agony and cries of the multitude filled the air. They sought refuge in their temples and citadels. And the wise Mu, the hieratic of Ra-Mu, arose and said to them: 'Did not I predict all this?' And the women and the men in their precious stones and shining garments lamented: 'Mu, save us.' And Mu replied: 'You shall die together with your slaves and your riches and from your ashes will arise new nations. If they forget they are superior, not because of what they put on, but of what they put out, the same lot will befall them!' Flame and smoke choked the words of Mu. The land and its inhabitants were torn to pieces and swallowed by the depths in a few months." How account for these two stories - one from Tibet, the other from Central America, each mentioning the same cataclysm and each referring to the land of Mu? When I throw open all the facts that I have, there will be no mystery about it. Let me now go back for a moment to that document of my grandfather which I have quoted and which was the basis of my research. After telling of the inscription which he had found in the Dome Tombs of Mycenae, he continued: "The religion of Egypt was pre-eminently sun worship. Ra was the sun god of the Egyptians. The religion of the Mayas in Central America was the same. Ra-Na was the sun god of the ancient Peruvians. "My long archeological studies of various nations have proven that all of them show their earliest childhood and maturity. But I have failed to find any traces of a rude and savage Egypt or a rude, barbarous Maya race. I have found both these nations mature in their very earliest period, skilful, strong and learned. I have never found a time when they lacked in ability to organize their labor nor lacking in ability to dig canals, build highways, pyramids and temples, to irrigate fields nor a time when they did not know medicine, astronomy and the principles of highly organized government. Like the Mayas the Egyptians practiced monogamy, and they built their cities and temples in the same style, exhibiting a technical knowledge and skill that remains a puzzle to the engineers of this age. Neither Egyptians nor Mayans were a black race. Both nations had slaves and an intellectual caste, but the relations between the classes were cordial and humane. Their basic principles of government were the same. "Lepsius found the same sacred symbols in the ceremonials of the Egyptians as in the Peruvians. Le Plongeon, the great French archeologist, recovered at Chichen-Itza in Yucatan the figure of a god who was club-footed and bore in every way the attributes of the great god Thoth, of the Egyptians! "In the Egyptian and the American pyramids the outside was covered with a thick coating of smooth and shining cement of such strength as our builders are unable to get. Humboldt considered the Pyramid of Cholula of the same type as the Temple of Jupiter at Belus. "In both America and Egypt, the pyramids were built in the same style. I have found the pyramids on both sides of the Atlantic with their four sides pointing astronomically like the arms of the cross, in the same directions. In both the line through their centers is on the astronomical meridian. The construction in grades and steps is the same and in both cases the larger pyramids are dedicated to the sun."

    What the Lost Atlantis Is Supposed to Have Been

    A GREAT island in the Atlantic opposite the Mediterranean; the remnant of a mighty continent which once reached from the west coast of Africa and Europe to the shores of Central America. The ancient world had a clear tradition of it. It was utterly destroyed in a day and a nigh by cataclysmic volcanic outbursts and sank beneath the sea with all except a few of its millions of inhabitants. It was the region where mankind first rose from barbarism to a civilization more advanced than that of ours today. It became in the course of hundreds of thousands of years a world-conquering nation. It colonized Egypt, the west coast of Africa and Europe, Central America, the shores of the Gulf of Mexico, the Mississippi Valley, the Pacific Coast of South America, the Mediterranean, the Baltic, the Black Sea

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    and the Caspian. It was the cradle of civilization, and the civilization of the ancient world and our civilization today are direct shoots of the Atlantic culture. The racial memory of Atlantis is found in the legends of the Garden of Eden of the Bible, the Garden of the Hesperides of the Greeks, the Asgard of the Scandinavians, the Tir n'Og of the Celts and in all the legends of a wonderful, mysterious land in which dwelt gods or godlike mortals. The stories of the Deluge, versions of which are found in the traditions of almost every ancient and modern race, are simply the memory of the stupendous catastrophe which wiped out Atlantis, the tale of which was carried by those who escaped to all the lost land's colonies--and these represented all the civilization of the world at that time. In the same way the escape of some of the Atlanteans over a narrow land bridge, which connected Atlantis with what is now Brittany, survives in the legends of the Rainbow Bridge Perilous with the razor edge which the Scandinavians believed was the only road to Asgard, the dwelling place of the gods, in the famous Hell's Causeway of the religious books of the Middle Ages and in similar legends of the Hindoos, the Mayans and the Turanians. The gods and goddesses of the ancient Greeks, the Phoenicians, Hindus and Scandinavians were simply the Kings, Queens and heroes of Atlantis, and the acts attributed to them in mythology are a confused recollection of real historical events. The religions of Egypt, Peru and that of the Mayans, the vanished race that built the buried cities of Central America, and upon the wrecks of whose civilization the Aztecs built their empire, were the original religion of Atlantis. The oldest colony formed by Atlantis was Egypt, whose civilization was a provincial reproduction of that of the mother country. The next oldest were those of Peru and Central America. The Phoenician alphabet, parent of all the European alphabets, was derived from and Atlantis alphabet, which was also conveyed from Atlantis to the Mayans. The symbols and hieroglyphics of both Egypt and the Mayans came from the same source, and so is explained their similarity, to great to be accidental. Atlantis was the original site of the Indo-European family of nations, as well as the Semitic and possibly the Turanian. The Atlanteans had full knowledge of electricity, steam and other natural forces. They had also airplanes, power ships and explosives. They were prodigious engineers and the first workers of iron. They used gold and silver and a vanished precious metal known as orichalcum in enormous quantities for ornamentation.

    Who Dr. Heinrich Schliemann Was and the Treasures He Found

    Heinrich Schliemann whose work was to give a new impetus to the study of Greek origins and to be the beginning of the revelation of an unknown world of ancient days, was born at Neu-Bucknow, Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Germany, on January 6, 1822. He was the son of a country minister. When he was barely seven years old, he received a child's history of the world in which the picture of the destruction of Troy made a profound impression on him. At that age he vowed to search those sites when "he was rich." By the time he was ten he had produced a prize-winning essay on the Trojan War. But his father was poor, and Schliemann, for all his dreams, had to work prosaically. In St. Petersburg, during the Crimean War, he married secretly a Russian noblewoman. Through her he became a buying agent of the Russian army and made a fortune. In 1850 he was forced to leave Russia, came to America, went to California and became an American citizen. He made a second fortune in America, and in 1868 started to Greece to fulfil his ambitions. Brilliant beyond any other archaeologist of his time, and filled with curious intuitions that ran counter to current beliefs and which were uncanny in their accuracy, he met with instant success. One of his learned compeers has said of him that "If it did not seem so absurd, one might say that Schliemann is an incarnation of some ancient Mycenaean, and remembers just where to look." At any rate he began

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    to cut the soil from Hissarilk in 1870, and in 1873 he discovered the "Great Treasure of Priam." It has always been said that Schliemann did not reveal all of this treasure, and this wonderful story of his grandson confirms this. Schliemann started at the virgin soil, and of course, the first city he found was the oldest. It was in the second city that he fond the treasure. This city he though was ancient Troy. But above this were the remains of seven other cities. It was afterward proven that the sixth, city above the second was really ancient Troy! The second city was immensely more ancient, and very conservatively, its destruction may be placed at 20,000 B. C.! It had been a very great city, with Cyclopean architecture and a high grade of civilization. All this is immensely important in view of the announcement of the "Chronos of Atlantis" vase found there. The priests of Sais told Solon that Atlantis had been destroyed 9,000 years before their conversation. This would seem to prove that the second city of Schliemann was actually the metropolis of an Atlantean colony, and that the mother country was still existing at the time the Treasure was placed in the second city! A dispute with the Turkish Government over the Treasure stopped his Hissarlik work, and he turned his attention to Mycenae, on the Island of Crete, the historic capital of Agamemnon of the Iliad. He excavated the wonderful Lion Gate, the famous Shaft Tombs and Dome Tombs, but not till now has the news of the Atlantean inscription he found in the Dome Tombs been made public. He found, too, in the Shaft Tombs the most remarkable hoard of treasure that ever greeted the eye of a discoverer. In them was gold in profusion. It was beaten into face masks and wrought into hundreds of articles. It can be said that in this treasure were other vastly more precious objects having a direct bearing upon Atlantis, which Dr. Schliemann kept secret, as he had his discoveries in the second city. What these were will be told in due time by his grandson. The other extraordinary discoveries of Dr. Schliemann in Crete can be found in the records. In 1890 he died. This brief sketch is necessary to explain how great and authority and discoverer was the man whose grandson speaks in these pages, and to show upon what real foundations this article, whose astonishing claims are bound to raise some incredulity, is based.