Download - science... · Web viewDefine vascular plant. Vascular plants (tracheophytes) have conductive tissues (a vascular

Page 1: science... · Web viewDefine vascular plant. Vascular plants (tracheophytes) have conductive tissues (a vascular

1. Define vascular plant. Vascular plants (tracheophytes) have conductive tissues (a vascular system) for transporting water, minerals and nutrients throughout the plant. (1)

2. Distinguish between angiospermophytes and gymnospermophytes.

3. Complete the table below to distinguish between monocotyledons and dicotyledons. You may use labeled diagrams if you wish.

Monocotyledon Dicotyledon


Number of cotyledons

(first leaves)


Stem tissue distribution



For much of the remainder of the unit we focus on dicotyledons (dicots), which are examples of angiosperms. Be sure to use dicot examples in any research you carry out.

4. In the space below, draw and label a tissue plan (low power) diagram of a dicot stem.


Plant ScienceThe whole thing

Page 2: science... · Web viewDefine vascular plant. Vascular plants (tracheophytes) have conductive tissues (a vascular

5. Draw and label a tissue plan diagram of a dicot leaf.

6. Outline the functions of the following leaf structures. How does their position/ distribution in the leaf relate to their function?

Structure Function Distribution/ function relationshipWaxy cuticle

Palisade mesophyll

Spongy mesophyll

Vascular bundle i. xylem

ii. phloem

Guard cells and stomata

Page 3: science... · Web viewDefine vascular plant. Vascular plants (tracheophytes) have conductive tissues (a vascular

7. Give named examples of the following modified leaf, root and stem structures:

Example: How is it modified? Image: Leaf: tendrile.g. Bignonia

Leaf: bulb

Stem tuber

Root tuber

8. Define meristem.

9. Explain why meristem cells are more likely to be in mitosis than cells found in other parts of the plant.

10. Distinguish between apical and lateral meristems in terms of location and function in the stem.

Apical LateralLocation


Page 4: science... · Web viewDefine vascular plant. Vascular plants (tracheophytes) have conductive tissues (a vascular

11. Describe the function of the axillary bud. What is the trigger to growth of a new shoot or branch?

12. Define tropism.

13. Compare these types of tropism:

Response to: Positive or negative?


Geotropism (radicle)

Geotropism (plumule)


14. Define auxin.

15. Explain, with the aid of a diagram, the role of auxins in phototropism.

16. Outline how the following structures of the roots are beneficial to the plant:

Page 5: science... · Web viewDefine vascular plant. Vascular plants (tracheophytes) have conductive tissues (a vascular

a. Branching roots

b. Root hairs

c. Tap roots

d. Wide-reaching roots

17. Match up the following mineral ions with their functions in plants:

Nitrates (NO3−) Stimulate root growth and flowering

Phosphates (HPO4−) Regulation of water use/ loss

Potassium (K+) Amino acid/ protein production

18. Describe these three methods of mineral ion movement through the soil to the roots:

a. Diffusion

b. Mass flow

c. Via fungal hyphae (how is this relationship mutualistic?)

Page 6: science... · Web viewDefine vascular plant. Vascular plants (tracheophytes) have conductive tissues (a vascular

19. Explain why mineral ions need to be taken up by active transport in the roots. (Go all the way back to membrane transport!)

20. Distinguish between anions and cations.

21. State the source of energy used in active transport at the root hairs.

22. Annotate the diagram below to explain the uptake of cations by mineral exchange.

Page 7: science... · Web viewDefine vascular plant. Vascular plants (tracheophytes) have conductive tissues (a vascular

23. Annotate the diagram below to explain the uptake of anions by symport.

24. Identify one step in ion uptake which is common to both symport and ion exchange.

25. Describe how the following methods help support a plant:

a. Thickened cellulose

b. Lignified xylem

c. Cell turgor

Page 8: science... · Web viewDefine vascular plant. Vascular plants (tracheophytes) have conductive tissues (a vascular

26. Define transpiration.

27. Annotate the diagram to explain how the structure of primary xylem facilitates transpiration.

28. Outline how water leaves the leaves of a plant.

29. State one property of water which allows a transpiration pull to be generated.

30. Explain how the action of guard cells allows the plant to balance CO2 uptake with control over

water loss.

31. Outline factors which cause the opening of the stoma.

Page 9: science... · Web viewDefine vascular plant. Vascular plants (tracheophytes) have conductive tissues (a vascular

32. Outline the hormonal control of opening and closing of the stoma.

33. Draw and label a simple diagram to show the open and closed stomata. Include cell turgor, water pressure.

34. Define boundary layer.

35. Explain how the presence of a boundary layer decreases the rate of evaporation of water from the leaf.

36. Complete the table to explain how the following abiotic factors affect the rate of transpiration:

Effect Reason





37. Define xerophyte.

Page 10: science... · Web viewDefine vascular plant. Vascular plants (tracheophytes) have conductive tissues (a vascular

38. Define hydrophyte.

39. Describe three physical adaptations of xerophytes to minimise water loss.

40. Describe two life cycle adaptations of xerophytes to minimize water loss.

41. Describe how CAM plant metabolism is an adaptation to preventing water loss.

42. List three types of macromolecule transported by active translocation.

43. State the function of phloem.

44. Distinguish between source and sink in terms of molecules in plants.

45. Complete the table below to show the sources and sinks of sugars and amino acids in plants.

Sugars Amino Acids



46. Draw and label a simple line drawing of an animal-pollinated dicot. (Include all reproductive structures. )

Page 11: science... · Web viewDefine vascular plant. Vascular plants (tracheophytes) have conductive tissues (a vascular

47. Outline the steps involved in insect-pollination of a flower. Begin with attraction of the insect to the flower.

48. Describe the process of fertilization in a flowering plant. Begin with the pollen grain on the stigma.

49. Identify the site of seed development in a fertilized dicot.

50. State two advantages of dispersing seeds over a wide area.

Page 12: science... · Web viewDefine vascular plant. Vascular plants (tracheophytes) have conductive tissues (a vascular

51. Outline some examples of these methods of seed dispersal:

a. By wind

b. By water

c. By animal vector

52. In the space below, draw a simple line drawing to show the structure of a green bean seed. Label and include functions of: testa, micropyle, scar, radical and plumule

53. Define germination.

54. State the functions of the following in the germination of a seed?

a. Water

b. Ideal temperature/ pH

c. Oxygen

Page 13: science... · Web viewDefine vascular plant. Vascular plants (tracheophytes) have conductive tissues (a vascular

55. Annotate the diagram below to outline the metabolic processes during the germination of a starchy seed:

56. Distinguish between long-day and short-day plants in terms of conditions needed for flowering.

57. Define phytochrome.

58. Distinguish between red light and far-red light.







Page 14: science... · Web viewDefine vascular plant. Vascular plants (tracheophytes) have conductive tissues (a vascular

59. Use the diagram below to help explain the interconversion of phytochromes during daylight and darkness.

60. Explain how phytochrome levels control flowering:

a. In short-day plants.

b. In long-day plants.

61. Describe the results of one experiment to show that it is in fact night-length that is critical in triggering flowering and not day-length.