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1 2014 ANASAC Meeting

Science Overview, Publication Rate, DiscussionAl Wootten, C. Brogan

Page 2: Science Overview, Publication Rate, Discussion

2 2014 ANASAC Meeting

ALMA Results PublishedAll Executives, All Cycles, (Sep 13 nos in parentheses)• All ALMA papers tracked by NRAO (and ESO)

libraries– 118 (68) refereed papers with 1091 (143)

citations– h-index: 19 (7)

• Components of interest: SV, Cycle 0, Cycle 1– SV results: 37 (28) published papers

• 14(9) from NA, 18(15) from Eu, 2(2) from EA,1(0) Chile, 2(2) from Other (Mx)

– Cycle 0 results: 118(41) published papers• NA: 26 (10) from 36 highest ranked projects and five

fillers– Cycle 1 results: 1 (0) published papers – Some papers contain multiple ALMA data


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Cycle 0 continuedNA authors and coauthors• 25 published NA papers from 41 Cycle 0 deliveries

– 529 paper authors– 15 projects provided the data for these papers (14

high ranked)• One project produced three papers, one two• One, in combination with a European project, produced

four• One NA paper published based on Chilean archival Cycle

0 data• Two papers come from the only NA filler project to

produce a paper so far.– No refereed papers from 26 Cycle 0 projects so far.

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4 2014 ANASAC Meeting

Funding Sources for NA ALMA papersFrom published cycle 0 acknowledgements• Governmental funding sources

– 25 individual NSF grants were cited (some multiply) for funding support of 17 of the papers

– 14 NASA funding sources (including facilities used) were cited

– 4 papers cited the Canadian Space Agency for support– 3 papers cite NSERC support– 3 papers cite DFG grants– 17 other sources of support of various flavors were

listed.• NRAO support

– 7 papers received $10,666.20 in page charge support– 3 papers cited three SOS grants totaling $75,885– NAASC personnel appeared as authors or co-authors

on 9papers, two specific NAASC individuals acknowledged.

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5 2014 ANASAC Meeting

Proposers to ALMA, Other NRAO telescopesCommunity Increase Attributable to ALMA• Gareth Hunt compared the ALMA and NRAO

userbases to determine the increase I to the NRAO userbase provided by access to ALMA.

• Conclusion is that ALMA has attracted many ‘new’ proposers to the NRAO community– ALMA increases the community of observers by

~6x– Similar numbers past 3 cycles

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6 2014 ANASAC Meeting

ALMA/NA PapersSummary• ALMA publications continue to multiply rapidly

– Number has about doubled since Sept 2013– Citations increased by 8x in that period– NRAO telescope user community has increased ~6x

• Cycle 0 papers are being produced by NA authors at a similar rate as in other Executives

• Funding for research comes from a variety of sources, primarily governmental with NSF, NASA and Canadian agencies cited most frequently

• NAASC and JAO authors are well-represented among authors on papers

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7 2014 ANASAC Meeting

The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is a facility of the National Science Foundation

operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.