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  • 8/8/2019 Science and Universe


    2. Science and the Universe

    Humans have always been curious about their envi-

    ronment and how they relate to and control it.

    Earthquakes, volcanoes, hurricanes, and drought are

    examples of natural phenomena that have affected lives

    in important ways. People have sought to control these

    phenomena, or at least their impact on human lives.

    Over the years people have built models or schema

    of how natural phenomena worked. In earlier times

    these models often claimed a supernatural relationship

    among humans, gods, and natural phenomena. Ourmodels of the physical world today have evolved

    significantly from those of our ancestors of just a few

    generations ago.

    Whatever the motivation, we now know more

    about the universe than our ancestors did. Their curios-

    ity and study helped unveil a structure and order that is

    more profound, yet simpler, than they could have ima-

    gined. We truly do live in the age of science. Our lives

    are partly controlled and greatly enriched by the fruits

    of our knowledge, and science gives us the power to

    continue improving the conditions under which we live.

    Those who have little control over their society

    might argue that they need not pay attention to theknowledge and ideas of science. However, in a free

    society, citizens are often able to make decisions about

    the interaction of science and their lives. Wrong choic-

    es might unleash a destructive mechanism or might

    deny them the use of a technology that could be the

    basis of future prosperity and peace. The freedom to

    choose implies the responsibility to understand. If we

    use our knowledge unwisely, we have the power to

    destroy our civilization.

    Our purposes in this book are to describe the uni-

    verse and the rules that govern it and to help you gain

    some experience with the scientific method of thinking.

    We will do this without using sophisticated mathemati-

    cal notation even though the description is more elegant

    in that form. We cannot describe every detail in a book

    of this size, so we have chosen those parts of the uni-

    verse that seem to us most interesting and important and

    those rules or laws that have the broadest range of appli-

    cation. Further, we will explain some of the evidence

    that leads us to believe that what we describe is valid.

    You will gain the most from your study if you make sure

    you understand the relationship between the evidence

    and the ideas it supports (or does not support). In doing

    so, you will gain experience in using the scientific

    method as you learn about our modern understanding of

    our surroundings.

    The task of physical science is to describe the entire

    universe, from its tiniest components to its largest col-

    lections of matter, living and nonliving, and to under-

    stand the rules governing its behavior. To begin, we

    will sketch a description of the universe and show how

    the universe is constructed from a few simple compo-nents. You may think of this description as a kind of

    map of the material we will discuss in this book. Each

    step in the description will be elaborated in subsequent

    chapters, where we will elaborate each level of descrip-

    tion, explain the rules governing the changes that occur,

    and present some of the relevant evidence.

    The World Around Us

    As we go through life we encounter a dazzling

    array of objects and materials. Bricks, rocks, sand,

    glass, soil, air, cans, footballs, rain, mountains, trees,

    dogs, and many other things are forms of matter thatenrich our lives. And there is motion all around. Rain

    falls, rivers flow, the wind blows, cars and people start

    and stop, waves move across a lake, objects fall to the

    ground, smoke rises, the sun and stars move through the

    heavens, and the grass grows. Matter also seems to

    change form in arbitrary ways. Wood burns and disap-

    pears, whereas water does not burn but may disappear

    all the same.

    This variety in motion and matter at first seems

    unfathomable. How can mere humans, so limited in

    senses and mobility, hope to comprehend it all? Can

    any order exist in such diversity? Are there rules which

    govern change?The answers have come through the centuries, little

    by little. Gifted and persistent people have learned to

    ask the right questions and how to induce nature to yield

    the answers. Each stands upon the shoulders of those

    who went before and thereby gains a more complete

    view. We together stand at the apex of a great pyramid

    of giants from which we view the truth more complete-

    ly than people in any other age.

    What we see is astounding. Much of the physical


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    world can be understood simply. Matter is made up of

    only a few kinds of pieces, which can be arranged in

    countless ways. The motion we see around us depends

    on just a few simple rules. Changes in form and sub-

    stance are also easy to understand in terms of a few

    comparatively simple ideas. When these rules and ideas

    are understood, chaos becomes order. Order and law

    really do govern our world. Even living things seem to

    operate on the same principles. The laws of force andmotion and chemical change govern the processes of

    life as well as the behavior of nonliving objects.

    But the view is not yet complete. As we consider

    our knowledge and observations, we encounter ques-

    tions for which the answers are not yet known. Perhaps

    we have not asked the right questions. Perhaps we are

    just not yet wise enough to understand the answers. At

    any rate, asking and trying to solve the puzzle is half the

    fun. We will try to let you share the mysteries as well

    as the answers as we proceed.

    A distinctive nomenclature is worth noting. When

    we speak of objects too small to be seen without a

    microscope, we refer to them as microscopic objects.

    Atoms, molecules, and their constituents are micro-

    scopic, as are most living cells. Objects large enough to

    be seen without the aid of a microscope are macro-

    scopic. Thus, one way to characterize this chapter is to

    say that we are describing the macroscopic parts of the

    universe in terms of its microscopic constituents (a

    strategy called reductionism). This, as you will see, is

    the key to understanding the structure and behavior of

    the universe in terms of a few simple ideas.

    It is often useful in the study of physical objects to

    categorize and compare them on the basis of their size

    and the forces that hold them together. The size of aphysical object may be given in terms of its spatial

    dimensions. People-sized objects have typical dimen-

    sions of a meter or a few meters or a fraction of a meter.

    Much smaller objects, such as cells in the human body,

    have typical dimensions of micrometers (millionths of a

    meter). The extremely small nuclei of atoms typically

    have dimensions of milli-micro-micrometers (thou-

    sandth-millionth-millionths of a meter). Buildings have

    dimensions of a few tens to a few hundreds of meters.

    The earth is approximately spherical in shape with a

    diameter of about 13,000 kilometers. The earth moves

    about the sun in an approximately circular orbit with a

    diameter of about 300 million kilometers. The MilkyWay has a diameter of about 100,000 light years. (A light

    year is approximately 10 million million kilometers.)

    There are four basic forces in nature: strong force,

    electromagnetic force, weak force, and gravity. In

    some structures these four forces may be at work simul-

    taneously and may even have opposite effects. The

    strong force is operative only over very short distances

    while the electromagnetic force and gravity, in contrast,

    reach much further, although they weaken with distance.

    Some objects have a characteristic called electric

    charge. Charge may be positive or negative and is a

    characteristic associated specifically with the electro-

    magnetic force. Objects with like charges are repelled

    by the electromagnetic force while objects with oppo-

    site charges attract one another. Objects may also have

    a characteristic called mass. Objects with mass are

    attracted (never repelled) by the force of gravity.

    Nuclear Matter

    All matter as we currently understand it is made up

    ofelementary particles, point-like objects without size

    or structure. Among these particles we number quarks

    and electrons. The electron carries a unit of negative

    electric charge. Quarks are charged particles, each car-

    rying a positive or negative charge equal to one-third or

    two-thirds the charge of a single electron.

    Structures called nucleons consist of three quarks

    bound together by the strong force. Positively charged

    nucleons (called protons) are made of two quarks with

    charge2/3 and one with charge 1/3. Neutral nucle-

    ons (called neutrons) have one quark with charge

    2/3 and two with charge 1/3, adding together to

    yield zero net charge.

    Nucleons are so small that it would take one mil-

    lion million (or 1012) lined up next to each other to reach

    across the head of a pin. (We will use the notation 1012

    [spoken ten to the twelfth], because it is an easy way

    to keep track of the zeros in large or small numbers. By

    1012 we mean that we start with 1.0 and move the deci-

    mal 12 spaces to the right, resulting in the number

    1,000,000,000,000. On the other hand, 1012 would

    mean that the decimal point is moved 12 spaces to the


    Figure 2.1. Models of atomic nuclei: (a) helium, (b)

    oxygen, (c) uranium.

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    left, resulting in the number 0.000,000,000,001.)

    Nucleons are so dense, however, that a pinhead-size ball

    made of nucleons packed next to each other would

    weigh about a million tons. No crane could lift it.

    Nucleons coalesce into incredibly small lumps con-

    taining from 1 to 238 nucleons, half or more of which are

    neutrons and the rest protons. Each of these tiny aggre-

    gates is the nucleus of an atom (Fig. 2.1). Larger col-

    lections of nucleons have been formed in laboratories,

    but these always break up quickly into smaller groups.

    The strong force also holds the protons and neu-

    trons in the nucleus of an atom together. Nucleons

    attract each other (that is, protons attract other protons

    as well as neutrons; neutrons do the same) by means of

    the strong force. This means the strong force must over-

    whelm the electromagnetic repulsion of the positively

    charged protons. (The electromagnetic force holds

    atoms, molecules, and people-sized objects together

    where the separations exceed the range of the strong

    force.) The strong force is responsible for the energy

    released by the sun, nuclear reactors, and nuclear ex-plosives. The weak force is also involved in the nucleus

    but does not control any of the common structures.

    Some of the nuclei found in nature are unstable.

    These spontaneously emit high-speed particles. Such

    nuclei are called radioactive.


    Each atomic nucleus carries a positive electric charge

    and attracts a certain number of negatively charged elec-

    trons. The nucleus and electrons together form an atom.

    There is normally one electron in the atom for each pro-

    ton in a nucleus, so that the atom is electrically neutral.

    Neutrons are in atomic nuclei as well, but the number may

    vary for atoms that are otherwise identical.

    Compared with its nucleus, an atom is enormous.

    If you imagine the nucleus to have a diameter the size

    of a ballpoint pen tip, the atom would have a diameter

    equal to the length of a football field (Fig. 2.2). An

    atom is mostly empty space. In some ways the nucleusis like a small gnat in the center of a large building. The

    walls and ceiling of the building and all the space inside

    are patrolled by the electrons, which move rapidly about

    like a swarm of bees protecting the atom from intruders.

    Atoms are 100,000 times as large as their nuclei,

    but they are still so small that 5 million are needed to

    form a line across the smallest dot. The electrons have

    little mass (about 1/1,836 that of nucleons), so atoms

    have about the same mass as their nuclei. A pinhead-

    size ball of atoms has about 1021 atoms and weighs

    about as much as a pinhead.

    Although individual atoms are much too small to see,

    you are undoubtedly familiar with objects composed of

    large groups of essentially identical atoms. For instance,

    a copper penny is made of approximately 30 billion tril-

    lion (3 1022) copper atoms. A material like copper

    composed of only one type of atom is called an element.

    Additional examples are iron, helium, and uranium.

    Molecules and Crystals

    Atoms, in a variety of combinations, make up mat-

    ter as we know it. The tiniest speck of dust visible to the

    unaided eye contains about 1018 atoms. A sample of air

    the size of a sugar cube has about the same number.

    Certain atoms join together in small groups by

    sharing electrons in a way that takes advantage of elec-

    tromagnetic interactions. Such a group of atoms is

    called a molecule. Molecules are the basis of many of

    the common materials you see around you. Sugar is

    composed of molecules, each containing 12 carbon

    atoms, 22 hydrogen atoms, and 11 oxygen atoms. Many

    molecules contain fewer than 50 atoms, although poly-

    mers like nylon are long chains that may contain a mil-

    lion or more. A molecule of the common fuel butane is

    shown in Figure 2.3.

    Figure 2.3. A butane molecule (carbon atoms are shown

    in black, hydrogen in white).


    Figure 2.2. An atom is mostly empty space. On this scale,

    the nucleus is still only the size of a ballpoint pen tip.

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    Molecules do not deteriorate easily, as your experi-

    ence with sugar will tell you. Sugar does not sponta-

    neously change into some other material. Yet many

    common processes can tear molecules apart and

    reassemble them in different ways. For instance, sugar

    can be burned. It can also be digested to release its

    stored energy for use in muscles. This stored chemical

    energy (based on electromagnetic forces) has been

    mankinds most common source of energy.Atoms attract each other, because the protons in

    each atom and the electrons in its neighbors are attract-

    ed to each other by the electromagnetic interaction.

    Adjacent atoms do not get too close, however, because

    the positively charged protons in each atom repel the

    protons in the other. The strong force is inoperative at

    these distances. Electrons also repel each other. The

    net result of these electrical attractions and repulsions is

    the force that holds atoms together. We feel this force

    when, for example, we tear a piece of paper (separating

    some of its atoms from each other), bend a piece of

    metal, strike our head against a solid object, or walk

    across a room. In fact, these interatomic electric forces

    are involved in almost everything we do and are respon-

    sible for almost all the forces we experience directly.

    Most common materials contain several kinds of

    molecules. Milk has over a hundred kinds of molecules

    and the human body has somewhere near 50,000. The

    task of identifying important molecules and studying

    their properties has been one of the great challenges of

    modern chemistry and biology.

    Some materials are just large numbers of identical

    atoms or molecules piled on top of one another. In liq-

    uids these slide around each other much like small ball

    bearings or buckshot in an open can. In solids the atomssometimes arrange themselves in an orderly array called

    a crystal. For example, common table salt is a collection

    of equal numbers of sodium and chlorine atoms in a cubi-

    cal arrangement. Many solid materials are collections of

    small crystals held together by the electrical force. The

    type of atomic organization in crystals generally deter-

    mines the properties of the bulk material. Carbon atoms,

    for example, can be arranged in two different waysone

    forms diamond; the other, graphite (the lead in a pen-

    cil). Diamond is clear, colorless, and hard; graphite is

    opaque, black, and soft. Yet both are composed of the

    same kind of atoms. Color Plate 1 (located in the color

    photo section near the end of the book) shows regularlyordered carbon atoms in graphite as imaged with a scan-

    ning tunneling microscope. Color Plate 2 shows regular-

    ly spaced sulfur atoms in molybdenum disulfide as

    imaged with a scanning tunneling microscope.

    Complexes of Molecules

    Some physical objects that we have firsthand

    experience with are composed of one or more complex-

    es of molecules. Our bodies are composed of various

    bony and tissue structures which are very large integrat-

    ed collections of complex molecules. The living plants

    and animals around us share similar molecular com-

    plexes in their structure.

    The fuel we burn may be composed of homoge-

    neous collections of molecules, as in natural gas, or het-

    erogeneous collections of molecules, as in wood.

    Buildings are made of steel and concrete and glass;vehicles of metal and plastic. Each in turn is composed

    of molecular complexes.

    The Earth

    The earth on which we live is a huge ball with a

    radius of almost 6400 kilometers (4000 miles). It is so

    large that we generally perceive it to be flat from our

    perch upon its surface. We do not generally notice that

    the surface of a lake curves downward so that it is about

    30 feet higher at our feet than it is 5 miles away.

    Nevertheless, pictures taken from space reveal the over-

    all spherical shape, a shape which has been known indi-

    rectly for centuries.

    The outer layer, or crust, is a comparatively thin

    skin composed of a variety of rocks and materials. The

    mountains, which seem so magnificent and overpower-

    ing to us, are no more than the smallest wrinkles when

    compared with the earth as a wholethinner, by com-

    parison, than the skin on an apple.

    We may think of the whole earth as being the same

    as the crust we experience. But the crust is not at all

    representative of the interior (Fig. 2.4). The core of the

    earth is thought to be a hot (3500 C or more) ball of

    iron and nickel under tremendous pressure. The coreseems to have two parts: a solid inner core and an outer

    core. The latter has many properties normally associ-

    ated with liquids. The core constitutes about 30 percent

    of the earths volume and one-half its mass.

    Figure 2.4. The internal structure of the earth.


    Inner Core


    Outer Core

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    Surrounding the core is the mantle, a 2900-kilo-

    meter-thick layer of solid rock that constitutes most of

    the earth. The mantle is composed almost entirely of

    rocks made of the elements silicon, oxygen, mag-

    nesium, and iron. Evidence indicates that its tempera-

    ture ranges from 2700 C just outside the core to 1000

    C just inside the crust.

    The rigid outer layer of the earth is divided into

    several sections, or plates, upon which the continentsrest. These plates move slowly over the surface of the

    earth, sometimes colliding with each other with enor-

    mous force and sometimes separating to leave a rift

    through which molten rock from lower levels may

    escape onto the ocean floor. Many of the phenomena

    we observe (e.g., earthquakes, volcanic activity, and

    mountain building) can be understood in terms of the

    motion of these plates. Their discovery and study, a

    field of inquiry known as plate tectonics, has been one

    of the major triumphs of modern geology.

    The gravitational and electromagnetic forces com-

    bine to govern the size of the earth. Each piece of theearth is attracted to every other piece by gravity, the

    result being a net force directed toward the center of the

    earth. As the atoms that make up the earth are pulled

    close together by gravity, their interatomic (electromag-

    netic) forces begin to resist. Otherwise, the earth would

    collapse into a much smaller ball. The nuclear force

    also plays an important role in the earths dynamics,

    releasing energy from radioactive nuclei that keeps the

    interior of the earth hot.

    The Solar System

    Circling the sun with the earth are eight other plan-

    ets (with their moons), several comets, and a variety of

    smaller objects called asteroids. Together these bodies

    form the solar system (Fig. 2.5). The nine planets are

    Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus,

    Neptune, and Pluto. Pluto, usually the outermost, trav-

    els in an elliptical orbit that varies from 4 to 5.5 billion

    kilometers from the sun and sometimes carries the plan-

    et inside the orbit of Neptune. Again, the scale is hard

    to comprehend. If we were to start today and travel with

    a constant speed of 40,000 kilometers/hour, about as

    fast as the fastest rocket, it would take about 14 years to

    reach Pluto.

    The planets differ in their speeds as they travelaround the sun. Mercury, the fastest at a speed of

    170,000 kilometers/hour (110,000 miles/hour), com-

    pletes its orbit in just 88 days. Pluto, the slowest, trav-

    els only one-tenth as fast and takes almost 250 years to

    complete its orbit. The earths orbital speed is a moder-

    ate 107,000 kilometers/hour (67,000 miles/hour).

    The sun governs these motions through the gravita-

    tional force that reaches out through the immensity of

    space to hold the planets in their orbits. The sun itself

    is a vast collection of atomic nuclei, mostly hydrogen,

    and electrons. These charged particles are free to move

    about independently of one another in a kind of gaseous

    state called a plasma. (Over 99 percent of all visible

    matter in the universe is in the plasma state.) The tem-

    perature of the sun is quite high, ranging from about 15

    million degrees Celsius at the center to about 5500 C

    near its surface. The nuclear furnaces of the sun provide

    the light that illuminates its satellites. This light is the

    principal source of terrestrial energy, providing the

    energy for atmospheric motion, for plant and animal

    growth, and for virtually every process that occurs on

    the planetary surface.

    The Milky Way Galaxy and Beyond

    The sun is just one of the billions of stars, a few of

    which can be seen on any clear night, particularly if

    interference from artificial lighting is not too great.

    Those closest to us form the Milky Way galaxy (Color

    Plate 3, see color photo section near the end of the

    book), an immense collection of 100 billion stars held

    together by their mutual gravitational attractions. The

    stars of the Milky Way are, on the average, about 30 tril-

    lion miles apart, a distance so great that it takes light six

    years to traverse it. The distance that light can travel in

    a year is called a light-year. The galaxy itself is

    600,000 trillion miles across; it requires 100,000 years

    for light to go from one side to the other, so the diame-ter of the galaxy is about 100,000 light-years. If the uni-

    verse were to shrink so that the sun was reduced to the

    size of an orange, the stars in the galaxy would be about

    1,000 miles from their nearest neighbors and the galaxy

    as a whole would be 20 million miles across.

    The picture is still not complete. Millions of galax-

    ies have been seen through our most powerful tele-

    scopes. Each contains billions of stars. Some galaxies

    are grouped together in clusters, with individual clusters


    Figure 2.5. The solar system.

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    containing as many as 10,000 galaxies. Our Milky Way

    is part of a smaller cluster, called the Local Group,

    which contains one other spiral galaxy and several

    fainter objects. The typical distance between galaxies

    in a cluster is a million light years.

    With all this, keep in mind that the universe is

    mostly empty space. The stars and galaxies, although

    immense from our perspective, are mere specks when

    compared to the immensity of the universe in whichthey move. The space between them is emptier than the

    most perfect vacuum attainable on the earth.


    By now you might feel a little unstable. Think of

    the range of things we have describedfrom nucleons

    so tiny that a quadrillion of them could fit in a line

    across a small pinhead, to clusters of galaxies so vast

    that even light takes many millions of years to go from

    one side to the other. As the structure is built up level

    by level, perhaps you can see that each level of organ-

    ization is a logical combination of simpler ones.

    Try not to be overwhelmed by all the numbers and

    names. The important names will recur in subsequent

    chapters so that you will become familiar with them as

    we proceed. The short exercises at the end of this chap-

    ter will help you to put things into proper perspective.

    The purpose of this chapter is to help you develop an

    accurate framework into which you can fit the more com-

    plete and precise information that follows (Fig. 2.6).

    Historical Perspectives

    Science as practiced today has evolved over five orso millennia. Some early roots of science may have

    appeared as early as 3000 B.C. in observations of the

    heavens. The Babylonians developed the art of astrol-

    ogy from their observations and charting of lunar cycles

    and the apparent motions of the sun and planets. The

    Egyptians had a rather sophisticated understanding of the

    seasonal cycles, probably motivated by their need to pre-

    dict the yearly overflow of the Nile. At Stonehenge in

    England stones were arranged so as to predict the

    eclipses. In these civilizations the apparent motion of the

    sun and the planets played an important role.

    The Greek civilization produced many philoso-

    phers who pondered nature and described its workings.As we have already noted, Pythagoras (ca. 550 B.C.)

    introduced the notion of a spherical earth and a spheri-

    cal universe. Democritus (ca. 450 B.C.) introduced the

    notion of the atom as the smallest particle into which

    matter could be divided. Aristotle (ca. 350 B.C.) envi-

    sioned a universe consisting of a spherical earth sur-

    rounded by spherical shells containing the planets and

    stars. Aristotle taught the young Alexander who

    became Alexander the Great and who established a city

























    Clusters of Galaxies


    Distance to nearest stars

    Solar System





    Plants, Animals, People

    One-celled organisms, bacteria





    Protons, Neutrons








    Figure 2.6. The sizes of things. How much larger than

    10n is 10n+1?

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    and center of learning at Alexandria, Egypt.

    Archimedes (ca. 250 B.C.) and Ptolemy (ca. A.D. 150)

    were two of many important pupils of the Alexandrian


    The Ptolemaic model of the universe had a spheri-

    cal earth at rest at its center. The planetary motions

    were explained in terms of epicyclesone circular

    motion about a point which in turn moved in a circular

    motion about some other point.When Islamic forces conquered Alexandria (ca.

    A.D. 500) there was a flow of scientific information to

    the East. Baghdad became a center for the exchange of

    knowledge, and many works were translated into

    Arabic. Much of the body of scientific knowledge was

    preserved and enlarged in nations under Islamic influ-

    ence. Many Greek ideas were preserved during this

    period at Constantinople, which was not conquered by

    Islamic forces until the 15th century.

    The Dark Ages encompassed Europe until about

    the 15th century, when the Renaissance developed. As

    the Greeks lost Constantinople they fled into Europe

    and carried with them their scientific and cultural trea-

    sures. At this time the Moorish influence in southern

    Spain also provided an infusion into Europe of the sci-

    ence preserved by the Islamic culture.

    In England, Francis Bacon (1561-1626) intro-

    duced the inductive method, in which observations of

    many specific cases are generalized as the laws of

    nature. In contrast, the deductive method employs gen-

    eral assumptions (which may or may not be true) from

    which specific conclusions are logically deduced.


    Chapter 2: Science and the Universe


    1. The Strong Interaction: The interaction between

    objects that gives rise to one of four fundamental

    forces in nature, called the strong force. The

    strong force is a short-range, nuclear force which is

    responsible for the binding of the nucleus together

    as a structure.

    2. The Electromagnetic Interaction: The interac-

    tion between objects that gives rise to the electrical

    (or, better, the electromagnetic) force. The electro-

    magnetic force is also fundamental and is responsi-

    ble for binding atoms and molecules as structures.3. The Gravitational Interaction: The interaction

    between objects that gives rise to the weakest of the

    fundamental forces, the gravitational force. The

    gravitational force is responsible for binding struc-

    tures such as the solar system and galaxies.





    1. Atom: A structure made up of a nucleus (contain-

    ing protons and neutrons) and surrounding elec-

    trons. The electrons are bound to the nucleus by the

    electromagnetic force.

    2. Core: The spherical center of the earth. The solid

    inner core consists of iron and nickel while the liq-

    uid outer core surrounds the inner core and consists

    of molten iron and nickel.3. Crust: The relatively thin outer layer of rock that

    forms the surface of the earth.

    4. Crystal: A form of solid in which atoms or mole-

    cules arrange themselves in orderly arrays to create

    distinctive geometric shapes. Common table salt

    exists as crystals.

    5. Electric Charge: A characteristic of objects that

    determines the strength of their electromagnetic

    interaction (force) with matter, specifically with

    other charged objects.

    6. Electron: A particular kind of elementary particle

    that carries a negative charge, has an electromag-

    netic interaction with matter, and is a constituent

    part of atoms. Electrons are best represented as a

    point without spatial extent.

    7. Element: A substance made up of atoms, all of

    which contain the same number of protons.

    Hydrogen, helium, silver and gold are elements.

    8. Light-Year: The distance light can travel in one

    year, i.e., about 6 trillion miles.

    9. Macroscopic: A descriptive adjective referring to

    the sizes of objects large enough to see with the

    unaided eye. Automobiles and basketballs are

    macroscopic objects.

    10. Mantle: The spherical shell of rock that lies underthe crust of the earth but overlies its core.

    11. Mass: A characteristic of objects that determines

    the degree to which they can be accelerated by

    applied forces. Mass is also a characteristic of

    objects that determines the strength of their gravita-

    tional interaction with matter, specifically with

    other objects with mass.

    12. Microscopic: A descriptive adjective referring to

    the sizes of objects at the limit of visibility with the

    unaided eye or smaller. Molecules and atoms are

    described as microscopic objects.

    13. Molecule:A microscopic structure usually made up

    of more than one atom.14. Neutrino: A particular kind of elementary particle

    that carries no electrical charge, is best represented

    by a point without spatial extent, and is particularly

    notable for having neither a strong nor an electro-

    magnetic interaction with matter. The neutrino

    interacts with matter through the fundamental force

    called the weak force.

    15. Neutron: A composite, strongly-interacting parti-

    cle made up of three quarks, but which carries no


  • 8/8/2019 Science and Universe


    net electrical charge. Neutrons are a constituent

    part of the nucleus of atoms.

    16. Nucleon: A generic name for either a proton or a


    17. Nucleus: The very small core structure at the cen-

    ter of an atom. The nucleus is a structure of protons

    and neutrons held together by the strong force.

    18. Plasma: A physical state of matter (such as solids,

    liquids, and gases) that is characterized by fluidproperties, but in which particles with positive and

    negative electric charges move independently.

    19. Plates: Pieces or sections of the fractured rigid

    outer layer of the earth on which the continents and

    ocean basins sit.

    20. Proton: A composite, strongly interacting particle

    made up of three quarks. The proton carries a posi-

    tive electrical charge and is a constituent part of the

    nucleus of atoms.

    21. Quarks: The elementary particles of which pro-

    tons and neutrons consist. A proton and a neutron

    each consist of three quarks.

    22. Reductionism: A strategy of science to understand

    complex structures by reducing them to their small-

    er and simpler parts.

    23. Solar System: A star with its associated revolving

    planets, moons, asteroids, comets, etc.

    24. Weak Force: One of four fundamental forces of

    nature (strong, electromagnetic, weak and gravity).

    Unlike the other three, the weak force is not direct-

    ly associated with binding together the common

    structures of the universe.


    1. Identify at least five levels of organization observedin the universe. Describe these levels of organization

    in order, beginning with the smallest, and explain

    how each structure is held together. Identify the fun-

    damental force which dominates in each structure.


    2.1. For each of the following structures, identify

    their primary constituent parts and their sizes and the

    fundamental force(s) which maintain the integrity of the


    cluster of galaxies


    solar systemstar









    2.2. By analogy or number, contrast the size of the

    nucleus and the size of the atom.

    2.3. By analogy or number, contrast the distances

    between stars, the size of the galaxy, and the distance

    between galaxies.

    2.4. Describe the organization of the universe.

    Show how clusters of galaxies are ultimately composedof the simplest entities we know about.

    2.5. Is it true that matter is mostly empty space?

    Explain what this statement means by describing the

    real structure of

    (a) an atom

    (b) a steel ball bearing

    (c) a galaxy

    2.6. Of the five levels of organization listed here,

    which is second in order of increasing size and com-


    (a) quark

    (b) apple

    (c) moon

    (d) gold nucleus

    (e) protein molecule

    2.7. Which of the following forces is electrical?

    (a) weight of a book

    (b) force exerted by book on table

    (c) gravitational force of earth

    (d) force keeping the moon in orbit

    (e) force keeping the solar system together
