Download - School-Wide Information System An Introduction Presented by: Patrick Johnson Secondary Behavior Specialist [email protected].


School-Wide Information System

An Introduction

Presented by:Patrick Johnson

Secondary Behavior [email protected]

SWISSchool-Wide Information System

Defined- SWIS is a web based information system for gathering, entering, summarizing, reporting, and using office referral information.

Purpose – improve the ability of school personnel to develop safe and effective educational environments.

Why Collect Office Referral Data Information?

• Decision making

• Professional Accountability

• Decisions made with data (information) are more likely to be (a) implemented, and (b) effective

Rob H. Horner, George Sugai, Teri Lewis-Palmer, & Anne W. Todd - 2005

Three Key Elements of SWIS

• Data Collection System• Coherent system for assigning referrals

• Computer Application• Web based continuously available and secure

• Decision Making• Use of data

– School-wide – Individual student

Features of SWIS

• Only reports discipline data

• Highly efficient – 30 seconds per referral

• Local control

• Formatted for decision making– Tables and Graphs

• Information is available continuously

• Confidential and secure

How SWIS can guide our decisions?

• Referrals by problem behavior

• Referrals by location

• Referrals by student

• Referrals by time of day

Improving Decision Making

Problem Solving

Problem Solution





SWIS Reports

• Reports– Average referrals per day/per month– Referrals by problem behavior– Referrals by location– Referrals by time– Referrals by student– Custom reports











Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun

School Month

Total Ref versus Ref/Day/MoNV High School

January 10

Referrals per day per month

Average Referrals per day per month

Referrals by Problem Behavior

Change Report OptionsChange Report Options38038247442321200

Referrals by Location

Change Report OptionsChange Report Options00125255213

Referrals by Time

Referral by Ethnicity

Referrals by Student

How does a school get SWIS?

• Meet the 10 requirements– Readiness Checklist

• Connect with a SWIS facilitator–

• Budgeting– $250 per year

Readiness Requirement 4• School uses an office discipline referral form that

are compatible with SWIS.

– Student Name– Date– Time of Incident– Student Grade Level– Referring Staff Member– Location of Incident– Problem Behavior– Possible Motivation– Others Involved– Administrative Decision– Other Comments– No More then 3 Extra Information

Readiness Requirement 5

• The school has a coherent office discipline referral process

1. Definitions for behaviors resulting in referrals

2. Predictability across faculty and administration

3. Single system for managing disruptive behavior

4. Using data for decision making5. Agreement on the system for entering

minor/major events

Observe problembehavior

Is the behavior major?

Ensure safety

Write referral & send student to the office

Problem solve

Determine consequence

Follow documented procedures

Follow through withconsequences

File necessarydocumentation

Find a place to talk withThe student(s)

Problem solve

Determine consequence

Follow proceduredocumented

File necessary documentation

Send referral to office

Does student have 3


Follow up withstudent within

a week

Let take a look at your schools referral!

You can have data without information,

but you cannot have information without data.

~ Daniel K. Moran