Download - School of · 5 Laboratory SBT42201 Biochemistry Lab 0-0-3 2 6 Laboratory SBT42203 Microbiology Lab 0-0-3 2 7 Laboratory

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School of Biotechnology

4 Years B.Tech. Biotechnology Course Structure

Total Credits - 188

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No. Subject




Subject Name L-T-P Credit

1 Theory SMA41101 Engineering Mathematics-I 3-1-0 4

2 Theory SPH41109 Engineering Physics 3-0-0 3

3 Theory ECS41101 Programming and Data Structure 3-0-0 3

4 Theory HEN41117 HSS-I 3-0-0 3

5 Theory HEN41119 HSS-II 3-0-0 3

6 Laboratory SPH41209 Engineering Physics Lab 0-0-3 2

7 Laboratory ECS41201 Data Structure Lab 0-0-3 2

8 Laboratory ECE41201 Engineering Drawing and CAD 0-0-3 2

Total 15-1-9 22


No. Subject




Subject Name L-T-P Credit

1 Theory SMA41102 Engineering Mathematics-II 3-1-0 4

2 Theory HEN41112 HSS – III 3-0-0 3

3 Theory SCY41106 Engineering Chemistry 3-0-0 3

4 Theory EEE41102 Electrical and Electronics Technology 3-0-0 3

5 Theory SBT41108 Life Sciences 3-0-0 3

6 Theory EME41104 Engineering Mechanics 3-0-0 3

7 Laboratory SCY41206 Engineering Chemistry Lab 0-0-3 2

8 Laboratory EEE41202 Electrical and Electronics Technology Lab 0-0-3 2

9 Laboratory EME41204 Engineering Workshop 0-0-3 2

Total 18-1-9 25




Total Credits (First Year): 47

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No. Subject




Subject Name L-T-P Credit

1 Theory SBT42101 Biomolecules & Biomass 3-1-0 4

2 Theory SBT42103 Biochemistry, Bioenergetics & Reaction


3-1-0 4

3 Theory SBT42105 Microbiology 3-1-0 4

4 Theory SBT42107 Cell Biology 3-1-0 4

5 Laboratory SBT42201 Biochemistry Lab 0-0-3 2

6 Laboratory SBT42203 Microbiology Lab 0-0-3 2

7 Laboratory SBT42205 Cell Biology Lab 0-0-3 2

Total 12-4-9 22


No. Subject




Subject Name L-T-P Credit

1 Theory SBT42102 Genetics & Biostatistics 3-1-0 4

2 Theory SBT42104 Genomics, Proteomics & Metabolomics 3-1-0 4

3 Theory SBT42106 Biophysical Techniques & Instrumentation 3-1-0 4

4 Theory SBT42108 Bioprocess & Fermentation Technology 3-1-0 4

5 Theory SBT42110 Environmental Science & Energy Resources 3-0-0 3

6 Laboratory SBT42202 Genetics Lab 0-0-3 2

7 Laboratory SBT42204 Biophysical Techniques & Instrumentation


0-0-3 2

8 Laboratory SBT42206 Bioprocess & Fermentation Technology Lab 0-0-3 2

Total 15-4-9 25

Total Credits (Second Year): 47

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No. Subject




Subject Name L-T-P Credit

1 Theory SBT43101 Molecular Biology 3-1-0 4

2 Theory SBT43103 Enzyme Technology 3-1-0 4

3 Theory SBT43105 Bioinformatics 3-1-0 4

4 Theory SBT43107 Energy Engineering & Biofuel 3-1-0 4

5 Theory SBT43109 Nanobiotechnology 3-0-0 3

6 Laboratory SBT43201 Molecular Biology Lab 0-0-3 2

7 Laboratory SBT43203 Enzyme Technology & Clinical Biochemistry


0-0-3 2

8 Laboratory SBT43205 Bioinformatics Lab 0-0-3 2

Total 15-4-9 25


No. Subject




Subject Name L-T-P Credit

1 Theory SBT43102 Immunotechnology 3-1-0 4

2 Theory SBT43104 Plant & Forest Biotechnology 3-1-0 4

3 Theory SBT43106 Medical Biotechnology 3-1-0 4

4 Theory SBT43108 Animal & Insect Biotechnology 3-1-0 4

5 Theory SBT43110 Stem Cell Biotechnology 3-0-0 3

6 Laboratory SBT43202 Immunotechnology Lab 0-0-3 2

7 Laboratory SBT43204 Plant Biotechnology Lab 0-0-3 2

8 Laboratory SBT43206 Animal Biotechnology Lab 0-0-3 2

Total 15-4-9 25

Total Credits (Third Year): 50

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No. Subject


Subject Code Subject Name L-T-P Credit

1 Theory SBT44101 Food & Beverage Biotechnology 3-1-0 4

2 Theory SBT44103 Environmental Biotechnology 3-1-0 4

3 Theory SBT44105 Protein Engineering 3-0-0 3

4 Elective SBT44107/09/11/13/15 Elective Subject I (Choice Based) 3-0-0 3

5 Laboratory SBT44201 Food & Environmental

Biotechnology Lab

0-0-3 2

6 Laboratory SBT44401 Project Work I 0-0-6 4

7 Laboratory SBT44601 Industrial Training 0-0-0 2

Total 12-2-9 22


No. Subject Name L-T-P Credit

1 Biofertilizer (SBT44107) 3-0-0 3

2 Biopesticides (SBT44109) 3-0-0 3

3 Biocatalysis (SBT44111) 3-0-0 3

4 Molecular modeling and drug design (SBT44113) 3-0-0 3

5 Protein-DNA Interaction (SBT44115) 3-0-0 3


No. Subject


Subject Code Subject Name L-T-P Credit

1 Theory SBT44102 Bioethics, Biosafety & IPR 3-0-0 3

2 Theory SBT44104/06/08/10 Elective Subject II (Choice Based) 3-0-0 3

3 Laboratory SBT44402 Project Work II 0-0-12 8

4 Laboratory SBT44502 Report, Seminar & Comprehensive

Viva-Voce on Project Work

0-0-0 8

Total 6-0-12 22


No. Subject Name L-T-P Credit

1 Mushroom Culture (SBT44104) 3-0-0 3

2 Soil Profile, Horizon & Conditioning (SBT44106) 3-0-0 3

3 Bioterrorism (SBT44108) 3-0-0 3

4 Biomining (SBT44110) 3-0-0 3

Total Credits (Fourth Year): 44

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Bachelor of Technology


Module 1: Differential Calculus: Su essi e diffe e tiatio , Lei itz’s Theo e , Rolle’s theorem,

Mean value theo e s, Ta lo ’s a d Ma lau i ’s theo e s ith e ai de s, E pa sio s, indeterminate forms, infinite Series, curve tracing, functions of several variables, partial

Differentiation, total diffe e tiatio , Eule ’s theo e a d ge e alizatio , maxima and minima

of fu tio s of se e al a ia les t o a d th ee a ia les , Lag a ge’s ethod of ultiplie s, change of va ia les, Ja o ea ’s, asymptote, curvature.

Module 2: Integral Calculus: Fundamental theorem of integral calculus and mean value theorems;

Evaluation of plane areas, volume and surface area of a solid of revolution and lengths.

Convergence of Improper integrals, Beta and Gamma integrals, Elementary properties,

Differentiation under integral sign, Double and triple integrals, computation of surface areas and

volumes, change of variables in double and triple integrals.

Module 3: Ordinary differential equations of first order: Formation of differential equations;

Separable equations; equations reducible to separable form; exact equations, integrating factors,

linear first order equations; Be oulli’s equation; Orthogonal trajectories.

Module 4: Ordinary linear differential equations of higher order: Homogeneous linear equations of

arbitrary order with constant coefficients, Non-

homogeneous linear equations with constant oeffi ie ts, Eule a d Cau h ’s e uatio s, Method of variation of parameters, System of linear differential equations., modelling of electrical circuit.

Module 5: Se ies solutio of diffe e tial e uatio , po e se ies ethod, Lege d e’s e uatio a d Lege d e’s pol o ials, Bessel’s e uatio , Bessels fu tio a d its appli atio .

Module 1:

Engineering Mathematics -I SMA41101 3-1-0 4 Credits

Text Books:

1 Erwyn Kreyszig : Advanced Engineering Mathematics, John Wiley and Sons

2 Higher Engineering Mathematics by B.V. Ramana, Tata McGraw-Hill.

3 B.S.Grewal : Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publications

4 C B Gupta, S R Singh, Mukesh Kumar: Engineering Mathematics, Mc Graw Hill Publication.

Engineering Physics SPH41109 3-0-0 3 Credits

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Interference of Light: I te fe e e due to di isio of a ef o t a d di isio of a plitude, You g’s double slit expt., Interference, Principle of Superposition, Interference from parallel thin films,

wedge shaped films.

Diffraction: Single slit diffraction, Diffraction grating, dispersive power of Grating, resolving power

of prism and grating.

Polarization: Introduction, production of plane polarized light by different methods, Brewster and

Malus Laws. Double refraction, Nicol prism, specific rotation,

Module 2:

Laser: Introduction, temporal and spatial coherence, principle of Laser, stimulated and spontaneous

e issio , Ei stei ’s Coeffi ie ts, He-Ne Laser, Ruby Laser, Application of Lasers.

Fibre Optics: Introduction, numerical aperture, step index and graded index fibres, attenuation &

dispersion mechanism in optical fibers (Qualitative only), application of optical fibres, optical

communication (block diagram only)

Module 3: Electromagnetic Theory (EMT)

Motion of Charged Particles in crossed electric & magnetic fields, Velocity Selector & Magnetic

fo ussi g, Gauss la , o ti uit e uatio , i o siste i A pe e’s La , Ma ell’s e uatio s (differential and integral forms), poynting vector, Poynting Theorem (Statement only), propagation

of plane electromagnetic waves in conducting and non-conducting medium.

Module 4: Mechanics:

Central and non-central forces, Inverse square force, SHM, Damped, undamped and forced

Oscillations (no derivations).

Special theory of Relativity: Frame of reference, basic postulates of special relativity, Lorentz

transformations (space – time coordinates & velocity only), mass energy relation, length

contraction, time dilation.

Module 5: Quantum Mechanics & Statistical Physics:

De-Broglie Hypothesis, wave function and its properties, expectation value, Wave Packet,

Uncertainity principle. Schrodinger Equation for free Particle, Time Dependent Schrodinger

Equation, Particle in a box (1-D), Single step Barrier, Tunnelling effect.

Qualitative Features of Maxwell Bollzman, Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac statistics distribution,

functions & their comparison (no derivation)

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Module 6: Solid State Physics

Formation of energy bands in metals, semiconductors and insulators; intrinsic and extrinsic

semiconductors, Fermi energy levels for doped, undoped semiconductors and pn junction; Tunnel

diode, Zener diode.

Superconductivity: Meissner Effect, Type I and Type II Superconductors, BCS theory (Qualitative

only), properties of superconductors & applications.

Module7: X-Rays: p odu tio a d p ope ties, C stalli e a d A o phous solids B ief B agg’s La , Applications.

Ultrasonics: Introduction, Production of Ultrasonics (Magentostriction and piezoelectric methods),

engineering applications.

List of Laboratory Experiment of Btech Engineering Physics (Any Ten):

1. Determination of You g’s Modulus of a Bea t a elli g i os ope FLEXURE ethod. 2. Ca Foste ’s Method to Dete i e Resista e of a Gi e Coil. 3. Dete i atio of the Coeffi ie t of is osit of ate Poiseulle’s Capilla Flo ethod. 4. To determine the wavelength of sodiu light fo i g Ne to ’s Ri g. 5. Determination of Rigidity Modulus by dynamical method.

6. Determine the Plank’s constant using photocell.

7. To verify Stefan’s law by electrical method.

8. To study the temperature dependence of reverse saturation current in a junction diode and

hence to determine the Band gap.

9. Determination of specific charge (e/m) of ele t o J.J. Tho so ’s ethod. 10. Determination of the Rydberg constant by studying hydrogen or helium spectrum.

11. Determination of dielectric constant of a given dielectric material.

12. Determination of Hall coefficient of Semiconductor.

13. Study current – voltage characteristic load response of photovoltaic solar cells.

Module 1:

Basics of C Programming :Characters used in C, Identifiers, Keywords, Data type & sizes, Constants

&Variables, Various Operators used such as Arithmetic Operators, Relational & Logical Operators,

Increment & Decrement Operators, Assignment Operators, Conditional or Ternary Operators,

Bitwise Operators & Expressions; Standard Input & Output, formatted input scanf( ), formatted

output printf( ); Flow of Control, if-else, switch-case, Loop Control Statements, for loop, while loop,

do-while loop, nested loop, break, continue, goto, label and exit( ) function

Engineering Physics Lab SPH41209 0-0-3 2 Credits

Programming and Data Structure ECS41101 3-0-0 3 Credits

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Module 2:

Functions and Pointers: Definition of Function, Declaration or Prototype of Function, Various types

of Functions, Call by Value, Call by Reference, Recursion, Tail Recursion, Definition of Pointer,

Declaration of Pointer, Operators used in Pointer, Pointer Arithmetic, Functions with Pointer

Module 3:

Introduction to Data Structures: Basic Terminology, Elementary Data Organization, Algorithm,

Efficiency of an Algorithm, Time and Space Complexity, Asymptotic notations: Big-Oh, Time-Space

trade-off. Abstract Data Types (ADT)

Arrays and String: Definition, Single and Multidimensional Arrays, Representation of Arrays - Row

Major Order, and Column Major Order, Application of arrays – searching and sorting, Sparse

Matrices and their representations. Definition of a String, Declaration of a String, Initialization of a

String, Various String Handling Functions with example

Structures and Unions: Definition of a Structure, Declaration of a Structure & Structure Variable,

Initialization of a Structure, Operators used in Structure, Structure within Structures, Union,

Difference between a Structure and an Union

Files: Types of File, File Processing, Handling Characters, Handling Integers, Random File Accessing,

Errors During File Processing

Module 4:

Stacks and Queues: ADT Stack, Array Implementation Multiple Stacks, Applications of Stacks –

Conversion from Infix to Postfix, Evaluation of Postfix Expressions, Prefix Notation, etc. ADT queue,

Linear Queue, Circular Queue, Priority Queue, Array Implementations of Queues, Applications of

Queues Operations on Queue: Create, Add, Delete, Full and Empty, Circular queues, Array and

linked implementation of queues in C, Dequeue and Priority Queue.

Module 5:

Linked lists: Array Implementation and Dynamic Implementation of Singly Linked Lists, Doubly

Linked List, Circularly Linked List, Operations on a Linked List. Insertion, Deletion, Traversal,

Polynomial Representation and Addition, Generalized Linked List.

Trees: Basic terminology, Binary Trees, Binary Tree Representation: Array Representation and

Dynamic Representation, Complete Binary Tree, Algebraic Expressions, Extended Binary Trees,

Array and Linked Representation of Binary trees, Tree Traversal algorithms: Inorder, Pre-order and

Postorder, Threaded Binary trees, Traversing Threaded Binary trees, Huffman algorithm.

Module 6:

Graphs: Terminology, Sequential and linked Representations of Graphs: Adjacency Matrices,

Adjacency List, Adjacency Multi list, Graph Traversal : Depth First Search and Breadth First Search,

Connected Component, Spanning Trees, Minimum Cost Spanning Trees: Prims and Kruskal

algorithm. Transistive Closure and Shortest Path algorithm: Warshal Algorithm and Dijikstra

Algorithm, Introduction to Activity Networks.

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List of Experiments to be covered

1. Familiarization with LINUX commands and vi editor.

2. Programs to demonstrate Decision Making, Branching and Looping, Use of break and continue

statement etc.

3. Implementation involving the use of Arrays with subscript, String operations and pointers.

4. Implementation involving the use Functions and Recursion.

5. Implementation involving the use Structures and Files.

6. Implementation based on Stack Queues and Linked List for example Insertion and Deletion.

For the subject HSS-I (HEN41117) students have to choose from anyone of the offered courses

Level 2 A

Unit-I: Oral Skill I

Interactions in different situations- Formal dialogues- Group interactions

Unit-II: Oral Skill II

Inviting people to a programme- Apologizing and responding to apologies- Congratulations and

response-Showing appreciation- Expressing sympathy, regret or consolation-Asking for, granting and

refusing permission

Text Books:

1 The Co plete Refe e e , th Edition by Herbert Schildt, Tata Mcgraw Hill Education

2 Data St u tu es Usi g C , th Editio Aa o M. Te e au , Yedid ah La gsa a d Moshe J. Augenstein, PHI Learning Private Limited, Delhi India

Reference Books:

1 The C P og a i g La guage , nd Edition, Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie, PHI

2 S hau 's Outli e of P og a i g ith C , 2nd Edition, Byron S. Gottfried, Mcgraw Hill


3 Data St u tu es a d P og a Desig i C , nd Edition by Robert Kruse, C. L. Tondo, Bruce Leung,

Shashi Mogalla, Pearson Education

Data Structure Lab ECS41201 0-0-3 2 Credits

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Unit-III: Oral Skill III

Debates and Extempore

Unit-IV: Reading Skill

Newspaper Reading and Interpretation

Unit-V (Writing Skill I)

Importance of writing skills – Effective means of written communication –Report Writing – Memo

writing – Summary writing

Unit-VI (Writing Skill II)

Article, Paragraph, Applications, Emails and Drafts

Suggested Reading:

1. Spoken and Written Communication. Board of Editors. Orient Blackswan.

2. M. S Gupta. Current English Grammar and Usage. Prentice Hall India Learning Private Limited; 2016.

3. P. C. Das. Spoken English and Functional Grammar.

Level 2 B


Short Stories— She lo k Hol es: The Spe kled Ba d


Poetry— Wilf ed O e : St a ge Meeti g ; W H Aude : The U k o Citize


Drama— William Shakespeare: As You Like It


Newspaper Reading and Interpretation

Unit-V (Writing Skill I)

Importance of writing skills – Effective means of written communication – Letter Writing – Report

Writing – Memo writing – Summary writing

Unit-VI (Writing Skill II)

Article, Paragraph, Report, Applications, Emails and Drafts

Suggested Reading:

1. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: Sherlock Holmes and the Adventure of the Speckled Band. Lerner Books.

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2. W. H. Auden: Collected Poems, Vintage International.

3. The Poems of Wilfred Owen. Wordsworth Poetry Library

4. Spoken and Written Communication. Board of Editors. Orient Blackswan.

5. M. S Gupta. Current English Grammar and Usage. Prentice Hall India Learning Private Limited; 2016.

6. William Shakespeare: As You Like It. Arden Edition

Module 1: An attempt to define and identify the contours of Ethics and its relation with Religion,

Aesthetics and Professional Education Human Values including basic five human values (against Satya

(Truth), Dharam (Righteous conduct), Prem (Love), Shanti (Peace), Ahinsa (Non-violence), Ethics &

Morality in Law, General-Lectures by distinguished persons on this subject on regular basis.

Fundamental Duties of citizen. Basic values of the Constitution: Democracy, Republicanism, Rule of law,

Constitutionalism and Respect for Minority Rights.

Module 2: Human Rights – Jurisprudence of human rights nature and definition, Universal protection of

human rights, Regional protection of human rights, National level protection of human rights, Human

Rights and vulnerable groups.

Module 3: Theory and Nature of Political Institutions

Concept of State / Nation

Organs of Government – Legislative, Executive and Judiciary

Separation of Powers – Parliamentary Sovereignty and Judicial Independence

Constitutional Framework of India.

Module 4: Nature and Sources of Law

Legislation – Process, delegated and subordinate legislation

Case law- Stare decises, precedents within the hierarchy of courts

Authoritative Sources, Custom, Law reform

Module 5: Historical Evolution of Indian Legal System

Ancient Indian Law, English Law in India

Administration of Justice in British India

Charter of 1861 and subsequent Charters

Establishment of High Courts and the Federal Courts

Drafting of the Indian Constitution

Ancient Indian Law in Modern Legal Framework


DUTIES AND LEGAL STUDIES (HSS – II) HEN41119 3-0-0 3 credits

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Module 6: Civil and Criminal Courts And Process

The Civil Court Structure, The Criminal Court Structure

The Civil Process, The Criminal process- Investigation and Prosecution

Module 7: Miscellaneous Laws

Growing importance of intellectual property rights and related laws in India

Industrial relations laws

An overview of the Law of Contract

Human resource and related laws

Module 1: Introduction to Engineering Drawing covering, Principles of Engineering Graphics and

their significance, usage of Drawing instruments, lettering, Conic sections including the Rectangular

Hyperbola (General method only); Cycloid, Epicycloid, Hypocycloid and Involute; Scales – Plain,

Diagonal and Vernier Scales;

Module 2: Orthographic Projections covering, Principles of Orthographic Projections Conventions -

Projections of Points and lines inclined to both planes; Projections of planes inclined Planes -

Auxiliary Planes;

Module 3: Projections of Regular Solids covering, those inclined to both the Planes- Auxiliary Views;

Module 4:Sections and Sectional Views of Right Angular Solids covering, Prism, Cylinder, Pyramid,

Cone – Auxiliary Views; Development of surfaces of Right Regular Solids - Prism, Pyramid, Cylinder

and Cone;

Module 5: Isometric Projections covering, Principles of Isometric projection – Isometric Scale,

Isometric Views, Conventions; Isometric Views of lines, Planes, Simple and compound Solids;

Conversion of Isometric Views to Orthographic Views and Vice-versa, Conventions;

Engineering Drawing and CAD ECE41201 0-0-3 2 Credits

Text Books:

1 Bhat, N.D.& M. Panchal (2008), Engineering Drawing, Charotar Publishing House

2 Shah, M.B. & B.C. Rana (2008), Engineering Drawing and Computer Graphics, Pearson Education

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Module 1: Linear Algebra: Elementary row and column operations on a matrix; Rank of matrix ,

Normal form, Inverse of a matrix using elementary operations, Consistency and solutions of systems

of linear equations using elementary operations, Gauss Elimination method, Caley-

Hamillton theorem, eigen values and eigen vectors, Symmetric and skew-symmetric matrices,

orthogonal matrices, complex matrices, Hermitian and skew-Hermitian matrices, unitary matrices

and similarity of matrices, Unitary matrix, Normal matrix, Algebraic and geometric multiplicity,

Diagonalization, spectral theorem for Real symmetric matrices, Application of quadratic forms.

Module 2: Vector space and Linear transformations: Definition of vector space, subspaces, linear

combination, Linearly dependent and linearly independent vectors, Basis of vector space,

Dimension, Rank-Nullity theorem (statement and verification by examples), Definition of linear

transformation, types of linear transformations (Rotation, Reflection, Expansion, Contraction,

Projection), Matrix of Linear transformations, Change of basis and similarity.

Module 3: Functions Of Complex Variables: Reorientation, Analytic function, Cauchy – Riemann

equation (Cartesian and Polar forms), Harmonic functions, conformal mappings, complex

i teg atio , Cau h ’s theo e a d i teg al fo ula, Si gula ities, Ta lo ’s a d Lau e t’s Se ies theorem, evaluation of integrals using residues.

Module4 Partial Differential Equation: Introduction, classification, construction and geometrical

interpretation of first order partial differential equations (PDE), method of characteristic and

general solution of first order PDE, canonical form of first order PDE, equations solvable by direct

i teg atio , La g a ge’s ethod, solution of non-linear first order partial differential equation by

Cha pit’s ethod, spe ial t pes of fi st o de PDE, solutio satisf i g gi e o ditio s, Ja o i’s method.

3 Dhawan, R.K. (2007), A Text Book of Engineering Drawing, S. Chand Publications

4 Narayana, K.L. & P Kannaiah (2008), Text book on Engineering Drawing, Scitech Publishers

Engineering Mathematics -II SMA41102 3-1-0 4 Credits

Text Books:

1 Erwyn Kreyszig : Advanced Engineering Mathematics, John Wiley and Sons

2 Higher Engineering Mathematics by B.V. Ramana, Tata McGraw-Hill.

3 David C. Lay, Linear algebra and its application, (Latest edition), Pearson publication, New Delhi.

4 E. Kreyszig, Advanced engineering mathematics (Latest edition), John Wiley.

5 H. Anton, Elementary linear algebra with applications (Latest edition), John Wiley.

6 Erwyn Kreyszig : Advanced Engineering Mathematics, John Wiley and Sons

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Level 3 A/B


Introduction to Communication – Communication Model –Types of Communications – Barriers to

Communication – Effective means of communication


Reading Skills – Importance of Reading – Types of Reading – Effective reading skills


Listening Skills – Importance of Listening – Types of Listening – Barriers to Listening

Unit-IV (Oral Skill I)

Presentation Skills – Different types of Presentation skills – Non verbal Communications –– Use of Visual


Unit-V (Oral Skill II)

Group Discussion, Business Dialogues and Interaction

Unit-IV (Oral Skill III)

Mock Interviews

Suggested Reading:

1. Business Communication Today. Bovee, Thill, Schwatzman, Pearson Education.

2. Spoken and Written Communication. Board of Editors. Orient Blackswan.

3. M. S Gupta. Current English Grammar and Usage. Prentice Hall India Learning Private Limited; 2016.

4. P. C. Das. Spoken English and Functional Grammar.

5. Sangeeta Sharma and Binod Mishra. Communication skills for Engineers and Scientists. Prentice Hall

India Learning Private Limited, 2009.

Module 1:

Thermodynamics: Zeroth law, definition of temperature, 1st law, concept of enthalpy, specific heat

of gases, 2nd law and definition of entropy, free energy, chemical potential, spontaneity criteria of

chemical reaction

Module 2:

HSS - III HEN41112 3-0-0 3 Credits

Engineering Chemistry SCY41106 3-0-0 3 Credits

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Reaction Kinetics, Catalysis & Electrochemistry: Differential and integrated rate laws, order and

molecularity of reactions, rate determining step, zero order, 1st order & 2nd order reaction,

Arrhenius equation, theories of reaction rates, theories of catalysis, electrode potential, redox

reaction, Nernst Equation.

Module 3:

Solid State and Molecular Spectroscopy:. Unit cells, Bravias lattice, packing fraction of SCC, BCC and

FCC, Van der waals bonding, hydrogen bonding, band theory, conductors, semiconductors and

insulators. Basic concepts of spectroscopy, selection rule, fundamentals of IR, UV-Vis, NMR


Module 4:

Co-Ordination Chemistry: T a sitio ele e ts, o ept of o ple , Wa e ’s o-ordination theory,

structure of co-ordination compounds, co-ordination number, types of ligands, isomerism:

geometrical, optical, ionization, linkage & co-ordination isomerism, Theories of bonding in co-

ordination compounds :crystal field theory

Module 5:

Reactivity of Organic Molecules, Different Types of Organic Reactions and Stereochemistry:

Inductive effect, hyper conjugation, resonance, carbocation, carbanion & free radicals, substitution

reactions, addition reactions, elimination reactions, and their mechanisms. Introduction to

stereochemistry, stereochemical nomenclature & terminology (chiral carbons, allenes, biphenyls,

etc.) and nomenclature (R/S, E/Z, D/L, d/l). Identification of stereo chemical relationship

(enantiomers, diastereomers, epimers, etc.).

Module 6:

Polymers& Fuel Chemistry: Polymerization, addition and condensation polymerization, and their

mechanism, classification of plastics, synthesis, properties & industrial applications of PVC, teflon,

polyester and phenolic resin, conducting polymers & biopolymers. Solid Fuel: Coal, Different types

of coal, coal analysis. Liquid fuel: petroleum, classification of petroleum, Thermal cracking and

reforming, octane number, cetane number, bio-diesel, aviation Fuel. Gaseous fuels: natural,

producer, water and bio gas.

Text Books:

1 P. W. Atkins, Physical Chemistry, ELBS/Oxford, 7th Edition, 1995

2 G.W.Castellan, Physical Chemistry

3 D. A. McQuarrie and J.D. Simon, Physical Chemistry - a molecular approach, Viva Books Pvt. Ltd.


4 P. C. Rakshit, Physical Chemistry, Sarat Book House (7thEdition)

5 Cotton, F A,Wikinson G. and Gaus, P L,Basic Inorganic Chemistry

6 J. D. Lee, Concise Inorganic Chemistry, 4th Edition, ELBS, 1991

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List of experiments (Any 8 Experiments)

1. Determination of total hardness of water by complexometric titration method

2. Determination of carbonate and bicarbonate in water

3. Estimation of iron by permanganometry

4. Estimation of ferrous ion in Mohr salt

5. Dissolved oxygen by Winkler's method

6. Measurement of the coefficient of viscosity

7. Measurement of the surface tension

8. Kinetics of ester hydrolysis

9. pH metric titration

10. Conductometric titration

11. Determination of standard EMF of a Daniel Cell

12. Verification of Beer Lambert's law

13. Partition coefficient of iodine

14. Identification of organic Compounds using melting point

15. Solubility, functional group test of organic compounds

Module 1: Introduction to Electrical Engineering

Sources of energy; General structure of electrical power systems; Steam power generation; Hydel

power generation; Gas and Nuclear power generation; Power Transmission and Distribution;

overhead lines; underground cables; Transformers; Basic Principle and operation

Module 2: DC Networks

Ki hoff’s la s; ode oltage ethod; esh u e t ethod; Delta-star and star-delta conversion;

Net o k theo e s; Supe positio p i iple; The e i ’s theo e ; No to ’s theo e

Module 3: AC Circuits

Definitions: average and effective values of Sinusoids; Solution of R,L,C series circuits; Significance

7 I.L. Finar,Organic Chemistry,Vol – I & II, Pearson Education

8 Morrison & Boyd, Organic Chemistry

9 P. Sykes, Mechanism in Organic Chemistry, Orient Longman

10 Joel R. Fried, Polymer Science and Technology, Pearson Education (2ndEdition)

11 S. Sarkar, Fuels and Combustion, Taylor & Francis (3rdEdition), 2009

12 Kuriacose& Raja Ram ,Chemistry in Engineering and Technology, Vol.1 & 2 by, Tata McGraw Hill

& Co

Engineering Chemistry Lab SCY41206 0-0-3 2 Credits

Electrical and Electronics

Technology EEE41102 3-0-0 3 Credits

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of j operator; complex representation of impedances; Phasor diagram; power factor, power in

complex notation; solution of parallel and series – parallel Circuits; Three phase EMF generation;

delta and Y – connections; line and phase quantities

Module 4: Basics of Semi-Conductors and PN Junction

Introduction; Carrier Concentrations- the Fermi Level; Electron and Hole Concentration at

Equilibrium; Temperature Dependence of Carrier Concentration; Drift and diffusion current; The

Hall Effect; Optical Absorption, Luminescence; PN Junction Diode in Equilibrium Conditions; PN

Junction Diode in Forward Biased and Reverse Biased Condition; Breakdown in PN Junction Diodes.

Module 5: Bipolar Junction Transistors

I t odu tio , T pes: NPN a d PNP; Cu e t Co po e ts; Ea l Effe t E e ’s Moll Model; Different Configurations of a Transistor and its Characteristics; Transistor as an Amplifier (CE, CB,

CC); Transistor as a Switch

Module 6: Field Effect Transistors

Introduction; JFET and MOSFET; Realization of digital logic circuit using MOSFET (AND, OR, NOT

etc.); Realization of switching circuits using MOSFET

Module 7: Electronics Instruments & Digital Electronics Fundamental:

Signal generator, Mustimeter, operation of CRO and its application. Number systems, Conversions

and codes, Logic gates and truth tables.

List of experiments (Electronics Part):

1. Familiarization of bread board and electronics elements such as R, L, C, diode, and BJT etc.

Text Books:

1 Basic Electrical Engineering-Abhijit Chakrabarti, SudipNath, Chandan Kumar Chnada, Tata

McGraw-Hill publishing Limited, New Delhi

2 Principles of Electrical Engineering and Electronics- V K Mehta, Rohit Mehta , S Chand and

Company , New Delhi

3 Solid State Electronic Devices- Ben G. Streetman and Sanjay Kumar Banerjee, PHI.

Reference Books:

1 Basic Electrical Engineering-D P Kothari, I J Nagrath, Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, New


2 Integrated Electronics: Analog & Digital Circuit Systems – Jacob Millman & Halkias, TMH

3 Digital Principles & Applications, 8th Edition by Donald P Leach, Albert Paul Malvino, Goutam

Saha (Tata Mcgraw Hill Publishing Co Ltd, 2014)

Electrical and Electronics

Technology EEE41202 0-0-3 2 Credits

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2. Familiarization of Function generator and measuring instruments such as CRO and mustimeter.

3. Study the V-I characteristic of PN junction diode and find knee voltage.

4. Study the input and output characteristic of bipolar junction transistor (BJT):

(a) Common emitter (CE) configuration

5. Study the transfer and drain characteristic of junction field-effect transistor (JFET),hence

determine the drain resistance, transconductance factor, amplification factor.

6. Study the transfer and drain characteristic of MOSFET,hence determine the drain resistance,

transconductance factor, amplification factor.

7. Realization of digital logic circuit using MOSFET (AND, OR, NOT etc.).

THEORY SBT41108 Life Sciences L-T-P = 3-0-0 Credit 3


1 Cell biology & Communication: Structure, function, and synthesis of cellular membranes and

organelles; cell growth and cancer; cytoskeleton and extracellular matrix; cell cycle; transport,

receptors, and cell signaling; functions of specialized cell types.

2 Genetics & Systems Biology: Genetic switches and oscillators, cell-to-cell interactions, cellular

and genetic networks, and evolutionary dynamics.

3 Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics: Genomics- structural, functional and comparative

genomics; Human genome project. Proteomics- What is proteome, nature of proteome,

protein synthesis, overview of the tools to study proteome. Applications of Bioinformatics;

Database, tools and their uses; Types and classification of databases. Sequence alignment;

phylogeny; function prediction; modeling; protein-ligand docking; drug discovery.

4 Transport & Flow in Biological Systems: Diffusion, osmosis, facilitated, and active transport;

Heat Conduction and Radiation; Fluid Dynamics; Heat and Mass Transfer. Electromechanical

and physicochemical interactions in cells and biomaterials.

5 Human Physiology & Diseases: Anatomical, physiological and pathological features of the

cardiovascular, respiratory and renal systems. Identifications of deficiencies and diseases from

blood, urine and feces; genetic disorders and gene therapy.

6 Neurophysiology: Neuron structure and function; Regeneration of nerve; flow and transport

of signals from one neuron to other; Nervous system; Aging and its effect on brain; Behavioral

functions of the brain - emotion, memory, learning and consciousness; Disorders of the

nervous system and treatment.

7 Medical Biotechnology: Understanding the handling and usefulness of electrocardiograms,

ultrasound images, X-ray images, magnetic resonance images (MRI), computerized

tomography (CT) or computerized axial tomography (CAT) images, glucose sensors, and other



1 Biology for Engineers by Arthur T. Johnson. CRC Press, 1 edition, 2010.

2 New Biology for Engineers and Computer Scientists by Aydin Tozeren and Stephen W. Byers.

Pearson, 1 edition, 2003.

3 Applied Cell and Molecular Biology for Engineers by Gabi Nindl Waite and Lee R. Waite.

McGraw-Hill Education, 1 edition, 2007.

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Module 1 - Introduction to Statics

Concept of particle and Rigid body, Vector, Introduction to Vector Algebra, Addition and subtraction

of Vectors and diffe e t la s, La i’s theo e , F ee Ve to , Bou d Ve to , Rep ese tatio of Vectors in terms of I, j and k, Cross product and Dot product and their application, scalar.

Module 2 - Force System

Introduction, Force, Two-Dimensional Force system, Resolution of Force, Moment, Couple,

Va ig o ’s Theo e , Resulta t of Fo es.

Module 3 – Equilibrium

Introduction, Equilibrium in Two-Dimension, Free body Concept and Diagram, Equation of


Module 4 - Distributed Force

Introduction, Center of Mass and Centroid, Centroid of Mass, Centroid of Line and Area (Triangle,

Circular section, Quadrilateral, Composite Area etc.).

Module 5 – Friction

Introduction, Concept of Friction, Law of Coulomb Friction, Angle of Repose, Coefficient of Friction,

Application of Friction in Machines.

Module 6 - Moment of Inertia

Mass Moment of Inertia of Symmetrical bodies, Area Moment of Inertia, Introduction, M.I of Plane

figures w.r.t an axis on its plane, M.I of plane figures w.r.t an axis perpendicular to its plane, Parallel

axis theorem.

Module 7 – Virtual Work

Introduction of Virtual work, Principal of Virtual work, Application of Principal of Virtual work.

Text Book(s)

T1 Engineering Mechanics [Vol-I & II] by Meriam & Kraige, 5th ed. – Wiley India

T2 Engineering Mechanics by S.S. Bhavikatti and K.G. Rajashekarappa – New Age International

T3 Mechanics of Solids by Crandall,Dahl and Sivakumar-MC Graw Hill ,5th Edition 2015,New Delhi

T4 Manufacturing technology, Foundry, Forming & Welding-P.N Rao.

Engineering Mechanics EME41104 3-0-0 3 Credits

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T5 Manufacturing Science-A Ghosh & A Mullick

Reference Book(s) & other resources

R1 Engineering Mechanics: Statics & Dynamics by I.H.Shames, 4th ed. – PHI

R2 Engineering Mechanics by Timoshenko , Young and Rao, Revised 4th ed. – TMH

1. Pattern Making; pattern material, pattern allowances and types of patterns;

2. Mould making Practice:

3. Uses of moulding tools: green sand moulding, gating system, risering system, core making;

Making a product using sheet metal;

4. Basic Forging processes like upsetting, drawing down and forge welding; Practicing Resistance

Spot Welding, Arc Welding and Gas Welding;

5. Machining of products involving lathe (operations: Straight Turning, Taper Turning, Chamfering,

Grooving and Thread cutting), milling/shaping operations and finishing process(es).





SEM 3 THEORY 1 BBT42101 Biomolecules & Biomass L-T-P = 3-1-0 Credit 4


1 Water, pH & buffer: Cellular and chemical foundations of life. Unique properties, weak

interactions in aqueous systems, ionization of water, buffers; water as a reactant and fitness

of the aqueous environment. pH - definition, effect of pH in enzyme catalyzed reaction. Acids,

bases and buffers in biological system; Arrhenius, Bronsted-Lowry theories of acid and bases.

Polyprotic acids, ampholytes, dissociation of polyprotic acid. Surface tension, viscosity:

application to biomolecules.

2 Carbohydrates & glycobiology: Monosaccharides - structure of aldoses and ketoses, structure

and conformations of sugars, mutarotation, anomer, epimer and enantiomer; structure of

biologically important sugar derivatives, oxidation of sugars. Formation of disaccharides,

reducing and nonreducing disaccharides. Polysaccharides – homo- and heteropolysaccharides,

Engineering Workshop EME41204 0-0-3 2 Credits

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structural and storage polysaccharides. Structure and role of proteoglycans, glycoproteins,

glycolipids (gangliosides & lipopolysaccharides).

3 Amino acids: Structure and classification, physical, chemical and optical properties of amino


4 Nucleic acids: Nucleotides - structure and properties. Nucleic acid structure – Watson-Crick

model of DNA. Structure of major species of RNA - tRNA, mRNA and rRNA. Nucleic acid - UV

absorption, effect of acid and alkali on DNA. Other functions of nucleotides - source of energy,

component of coenzymes; second messengers.

5 Lipids & Vitamins: Building blocks of lipids - fatty acids, glycerol, ceramide. Storage lipids -

triacyl glycerol and waxes. Structural lipids in membranes – glycerophospholipids,

galactolipids, sulpholipids, sphingolipids & sterols; structure, distribution & role of membrane

lipids. Plant steroids; Lipids as signals, cofactors & pigments. Structure and active forms of

water soluble & fat soluble vitamins; lipid deficiency diseases and symptoms.

6 Biomass: Natural raw materials. Availability of by-products. Raw materials and the future of



1 Biochemistry by Jeremy M.Berg, John L.Tymozko, Lubert Stryer, Fifth edition, W.H.Freeman

and Company.

2 Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry Edition 4, Nelson, David L. Cox, Michael M. Lehninger,

Albert L. W H Freeman & Co.

3 Biotechnology by John E. Smith. Fifth Edition. Cambridge University Press.

SEM 3 THEORY 2 BBT42103 Biochemistry, Bioenergetics &

Reaction Kinetics

L-T-P = 3-1-0 Credit 4


1 Bioenergetics: !st and 2nd la s of The od a i s. Gi ’s F ee E e g , e thalp , Entropy

and mathematical relationship among them; Standard free energy change and equilibrium

constant. Coupled reactions & additive nature of standard free energy change; Energy rich

compounds: Phosphoenolpyruvate, 1,3- Bisphosphoglycerate, Thioesters, and ATP.

2 Introduction to Enzyme & Carbohydrate Metabolism: Basic concept of enzyme-substrate

reactions; classification and nomenclature; Enzyme active site; Regulation of enzyme activity -

allosteric regulation.

3 Metabolic pathways of carbohydrates & their regulation: Glycolysis, TCA cycle, pentose

phosphate pathway, Entner-Doudoroff pathway and Cori cycle; Oxidative phosphorylation:

electron transport chain and ATP synthesis, regulation of oxidative phosphorylation;

gluconeogenesis; Photosynthesis: Photophosrylation, Calvin cycle; Disorder / diseases of

carbohydrate metabolism.

4 Metabolism of Amino acid, Protein: Catabolism & Anabolism; Catabolism of amino acids;

general metabolism of amino acids. catabolism of Tyrosine, Leucine, Glutamic acid & Arginine;

Glucogenic amino acids, ketogenic amino acids. Urea cycle & its regulation, protein

degradation & turnover. Disorder / diseases of amino acids metabolism.

5 Metabolism of lipid, nucleic acid & vitamin: Oxidation of Fatty acid: Beta oxidation & omega

oxidation – saturated & unsaturated fatty acids. Catabolism of phospholipids. Biosynthesis of

fatty acids, phospholipids, cholesterol & steroid; Disorder / diseases of lipid metabolism.

Nucleotide metabolism, purine & pyrimidine degradation; De Novo and Salvage Pathways.

Disorders of purines & pyrimidines metabolism. Metabolism of Vitamins; Brief description of

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animal & plant hormones.

6 Kinetics: Rate of chemical reaction; Effect of Temperature on Rate Constant; Arrehnius

equation; Collision Theory; Transition State Theory; Order and Molecularity of a Chemical

reaction; Elementary Reactions, 1st, 2nd & 3rd order reactions; Non Elementary Reactions,

Pseudo-1st order reaction; Determination of rate constant and order of reaction; Half-life

method; Fractional order reactions.


1 Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry Edition 4, Nelson, David L. Cox, Michael M. Lehninger,

Albert L. W H Freeman & Co.

2 Enzymes by Robert A. Copeland, 2nd edition.

3 Biochemistry by Jeremy M.Berg, John L.Tymozko, Lubert Stryer, Fifth edition, W.H.Freeman

and Company.

SEM 3 THEORY 3 BBT42105 Microbiology L-T-P = 3-1-0 Credit 4


1 Fundamentals, History & Evolution of Microbiology: Classification of microorganisms;

Microbial taxonomy; Microbial phylogeny & current classification of bacteria. Microbial

Diversity - Distribution & characterization Prokaryotic & Eukaryotic cells; Morphology & cell

structure of major groups of microorganisms - Bacteria, Algae, Fungi, Protozoa & unique

features of viruses.

2 Cultivation & Maintenance of microorganisms: Nutritional groups of microorganisms;

methods of isolation; Purification & preservation.

3 Microbial growth: Growth curve, Generation time, synchronous batch & continuous culture;

measurement of growth & factors affecting growth of bacteria; Microbial Metabolism -

Metabolic pathways; amphi-catabolic & biosynthetic pathways; Bacterial Reproduction -

Transformation, Transduction & Conjugation; Endospore & sporulation in bacteria.

4 Control of Microorganisms: By physical, chemical & chemotherapeutic agents; Water

Microbiology - Bacterial pollutants of water, coliforms & non-coliforms; Sewage composition

& its disposal; Important microorganism in food Microbiology - Moulds, Yeasts, and bacteria;

Major food born infections & intoxications; Preservation of various types of foods; Fermented



1 Microbiology by Pelczar, JR E.C.S Chan and noel R.Krieg. Fifth edition Tata Mc GrawHill -2006.

SEM 3 THEORY 4 BBT42107 Cell Biology L-T-P = 3-1-0 Credit 4


1 Eukaryotic & prokaryotic cells: Membrane organization; cell organelles; cytoskeleton; cell

division. Transport across cell membranes; cytosolic , nuclear & membrane bound receptors;

autocrine, paracrine & endocrine models of actionsl; Entry of viruses & toxins into cells; cell

culture, and generation of cell lines.

2 Cell cycle: Components of cell cycle control system; Intracellular & Extracellular control of cell

division; Programmed cell death / Apoptosis; intrinsic and extrinsic pathways of cell death;

Apoptosis in relation with Cancer; Viral disease (AIDS) and Organ transplant.

3 Cell Signaling: Cell signaling & signal transduction pathways: Hormones & their receptors, cell

surface receptors; signaling through G-protein coupled receptors; second messengers;

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regulation of signaling pathways; principles of cell communications; cell adhesion & roles of

different adhesion molecules; gap junctions, extracellular matrix, and integrins.

4 Cancer: The Development & causes of cancer; tumour viruses, oncogenes, prevention &

treatment of cancer.


1 Molecular Biology of the Cell Edition 4, Roberts, Keith Alberts, Bruce Johnson, Alexander Raff,

Martin Walter, Peter Lewis, Julian, Garland.

2 Molecular Cell Biology, Lodish, Harvey Krieger, Monty Kaiser, Chris A. Berk, Arnold, W H

Freeman & Co.

SEM 3 LAB 1 BBT42201 Biochemistry Lab L-T-P = 0-0-3 Credit 2


1 Safety measures in laboratories.

2 Preparation of normal and molar solutions.

3 Preparation of buffers.

4 Determination of pKa of glycine.

5 Qualitative tests for carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids, proteins and nucleic acids.

6 Separation of amino acids/ sugars/ bases by thin layer chromatography.

SEM 3 LAB 2 BBT42203 Microbiology Lab L-T-P = 0-0-3 Credit 2


1 Sterilization techniques.

2 Media preparation.

3 Microscopy and Micrometry.

4 Isolation, culture, enumeration and purification of microbes from a given sample.

5 Staining Techniques (Simple, Gram staining, spore staining, flageller staining, capsule staining,

negative staining).

6 Antibiotic Assay - Antimicrobial Sensitivity Test (Disc Diffusion Method).

7 Growth Kinetics (Bacterial Growth Curve)

8 Isolation of antibiotics producing bacteria and determination of the number of colony forming


SEM 3 LAB 3 BBT42205 Cell Biology Lab L-T-P = 0-0-3 Credit 2


1 Study the effect of temperature and organic solvents on semi permeable membrane.

2 Demonstration of dialysis.

3 Study of plasmolysis and de-plasmolysis.

4 Cell fractionation and determination of enzyme activity in organelles using sprouted seed

or any other suitable source.

5 Study of structure of any Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cell.

6 Identification: Slides of animal tissues like liver, oesophagus, stomach, pancreas, intestine,

kidney, ovary, testes.

7 Cell division in onion root tip/ insect gonads.

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8 Preparation of Nuclear, Mitochondrial & cytoplasmic fractions.


SEM 4 THEORY 1 BBT42102 Genetics & Biostatistics L-T-P = 3-1-0 Credit 4


1 Classical Genetics: Mendelian inheritance; multiple alleles, pseudoallele; gene interaction,

complementation; Codominance, incomplete dominance; linkage, pleiotropy; recombination

& chromosome mapping, sex determination; extra-chromosomal inheritance; special types of

chromosomes; Alterations of chromosomes: euploidy & aneuploidy; deletion, duplication,

inversion & translocation & their genetic implications; pedigree analysis, lod score;

karyotypes, chromosomal abnormalities.

2 Gene Mutation & Cancer: Induced and spontaneous mutation; mutation Types, causes &

detection, mutant categories; basis of genetic diseases; applications of genetic disorders;

Cancer Genetics - Genetic rearrangements in progenitor cells, oncogenes; protooncogenes;

tumour suppressor genes - p53, RB & others; virus-induced cancer, cancer & cell cycle.

3 Microbial Genetics: Bacterial Genetics - plasmids, transposon; Gene transfer; recombination

& complementation analysis; gene mapping. Viral genetics - genetics of animal viruses - polio,

HIV & adenovirus; Bacteriophage - genetics of lambda, M13, T4 & phiX174.

4 Biostatistics: Mean, median and mode; standard deviation, variance, discrete & continuous

probability distributions; Poisson, normal & binomial distributions; mathematical expectancy;

Correlation & regression analysis; T-test, chi-square analysis; ANOVA. Population genetics -

Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium; changes in gene frequency; continuous variation; Polygenic

inheritance, heritability & its measurements; QTL mapping.


1 Principles of Genetics by Gardner, Simmons, Snustad, 8th edition – John Wiley and Sons, Inc.,


2 S.C. Gupta & V.K. Kapoor, Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, Sultan Chand and Sons,

New Delhi , 2003.

3 S.C. Gupta & V.K. Kapoor, Fundamentals of Applied Statistics, Sultan Chand and Sons, New

Delhi , 2003.

SEM 4 THEORY 2 BBT42104 Genomics, Proteomics &


L-T-P = 3-1-0 Credit 4


1 Introduction to Genomics: DNA sequencing methods – manual & automated: Maxam &

Gilbert and Sangers method. Pyrosequencing, Genome Sequencing: Shotgun & Hierarchical

(clone contig) methods, Computer tools for sequencing projects: Genome sequence assembly


2 Managing and Distributing Genome Data: Web based servers and softwares for genome

analysis: ENSEMBL, VISTA, UCSC Genome Browser, NCBI genome. Selected Model Organisms'

Genomes and Databases.

3 Introduction to protein structure & Proteomics: Chemical properties of proteins. Physical

interactions that determine the property of proteins; short-range interactions; electrostatic

forces, van der waal interactions, hydrogen bonds, Hydrophobic interactions. Determination

of sizes (Sedimentation analysis, gel filteration, SDS-PAGE); Native PAGE, Determination of

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covalent structures – Edman degradation. Analysis of proteomes. 2D-PAGE. Sample

preparation, solubilization, reduction, resolution. Reproducibility of 2D-PAGE. Mass

spectrometry based methods for protein identification. De novo sequencing using mass

spectrometric data.

4 Metabolomics: Metabolites - primary and secondary, Microbial secondary metabolites.

Concept of Metabolomics: definition and importance; environmental metabolomics,

exometabolomics, Metabonomics.


1 Introduction to Proteomics by Daniel. C. Liebler, Humana press, 2002

SEM 4 THEORY 3 BBT42106 Biophysical Techniques &


L-T-P = 3-1-0 Credit 4


1 Transport Phenomena: Transport across membrane - passive diffusion, facilitated diffusion &

active transport - (definition and examples); gradient of chemical potential as driving force in

transport, equilibrium & transport across membranes; diffusion, osmosis, sedimentation,

osmotic pressure. Donnan equilibrium, diffusion potential, membrane potential. Gel

Electrophoresis and its applications

2 Microscopy: General principles of optics in relation to microscopy; different components of

light wave (UV, IR, visible); principles and applications of Compound Microscope; Light-, Dark-,

Bright-field Microscopes; Phase Contrast Microscopy; Fluorescent Microscope; Electron

Microscope; Resolving power; Numerical aperture: Chromatic Aberration.

3 Centrifugation and Chromatography: Principles of different types of centrifugation and its

application. General principles of chromatography, adsorption chromatography, column,

affinity, TLC, partition, ion exchange, gel filtration and permeation chromatography.

4 Spectroscopic techniques: Principles and applications of spectroscopy: Electronic transition,

Fluorescence, FRET, Imaging Techniques, Rotational and Vibrational Spectroscopy and

application, Raman Spectroscopy in biomolecules. Light scattering : size and shape of

macromolecules. Mass spectrometry and its applications.

5 Radiactivity: Radioisotope technique: nature of radioactivity, principles of radioisotopes and

radiations, units, radioactive decay, detection and measurement of radioactivity.


1 Principles of Physical Biochemistry, by K.E. van Holde, W. C. Johnson, and P.S. Ho.

2 Molecular Biophysics by Igor N. Serdyuk , Nathan R. Zaccai , Joseph Zaccai.

SEM 4 THEORY 4 BBT42108 Bioprocess & Fermentation


L-T-P = 3-1-0 Credit 4


1 Microbial kinetics: Monod's equation, substrate inhibition, double substrate equations.

Structured and unstructured substrate & product inhibition and models related to that,

cybernetic models, segregated models.

2 Media and air sterilization: Sterilization kinetics, batch and continuous sterilization.

Agitation and aeration in bioreactor, different types of impellors, power requirements, kla

determination, mixing, multiphase reaction.

3 Bioreactors: Types of bioreactor operation, batch, fed-batch, continuous, cell recycle and

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cascade mode, calculation of productivity, yield and reactor sizing. Extractive fermentation,

high cell density culture, Scale-up and scale down of bioreactor. State and parameter

estimation techniques for biochemical processes; computers and interfaces, Computer-based

data acquisition, monitoring and control-LABVIEW Software.

4 Recombinant cell culture processes: Guidelines for choosing host-vector systems, plasmid

stability in recombinant cell culture; limits to over expression; Modeling of recombinant

bacterial cultures; Bioreactor strategies for maximizing product formation; Bioprocess design

considerations for plant and animal cell cultures.

5 General requirements of fermentation processes: Isolation, preservation and improvement

of industrially important micro- organisms, development of innocula for industrial

fermentations; types of fermentations, Basic design & construction of fermentors and

ancillaries, media design and sterilization for fermentation process. Overview of aerobic &

anaerobic fermentation processes & their application; solid-substrate fermentation & its


6 Large scale production, fermenters, economics, legislative and safety aspects: Introduction

Biotechnology as an interdisciplinary science . Energy and Biotechnology –Biofuels, sources of

biomass, ethanol and methane from biomass, Hydrogen production. Biotechnology and

Health care – Use of probes in disease diagnosis and use of monoclonal antibodies in disease

diagnosis and treatment. Bio fertilizer, Bio pesticide and Vermicomposting. Bioleaching,

Biosensors and biochips.


1 Al a S., Hu ph e E a d Milli N.R., Bio Che i al E gi ee i g A ade i P ess, . 2 S agg.A.H Bio ea to s i Biote h olog - A Practical approach.

3 Baile a d Ollis, Bio he i al E gi ee i g Fu da e tals , M G a Hill d Ed. . . 4 Pete F.Sta u , Alla Whitake , P i iples of Fe e tatio Te h olog .

SEM 4 THEORY 5 BBT42110 Environmental Science &

Energy Resources

L-T-P = 3-0-0 Credit 3


1 Environment & ecosystems: Environmental education: scope, objectives & importance;

ecosystem types -terrestrial & aquatic ecosystems; structure & function; ecological

succession; food chains; food-webs & ecological pyramids.

2 Biodiversity: Genetic, species & ecosystem diversity; value of biodiversity - consumptive &

productive use; social, ethical, aesthetic & option values; threats to biodiversity - habitat loss,

poaching of wildlife; endangered & endemic species of India; Conservation of biodiversity - in

situ & ex situ conservations.

3 Pollution & waste management: Air & water pollution; classification of pollutants & their

effects; control measures of air pollution; Waste water treatment - primary, secondary and

tertiary stages; Solid waste management; effects of municipal waste; hazardous waste; bio-

medical waste; process of waste management.

4 Current environmental issues: Environmental ethics; issues & solutions; population

explosion; climatic change; ozone layer depletion; global warming, acid rain & green house

effect; Sustainable development; environmental dimensions & audit of sustainable


5 Environmental protection: National & international concern for environment; important

environmental protection acts; water, air act, wild life conservation & forest act; functions of

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central & state pollution control boards; international efforts; Rio declaration; Vienna

convention; Kyoto protocol & Johannesburg summit.


1 De A.K., "Environmental Chemistry", New Age International (p) lt., New Delhi, 1996.

2 Kurian Joseph & R. Nagendran, "Essential of Environmental Studies", Pearson Education, 2004.

SEM 4 LAB 1 BBT42202 Genetics Lab L-T-P = 0-0-3 Credit 2


1 Permanent and temporary mount of mitosis.

2 Permanent and temporary mount of meiosis.

3 Culturing of leukocytes.

4 Determination of Mitotic Index.

5 Preparation of chromosome spreads.

6 Preparation of Karyogram.

7 Study of polytene chromosomes of Diptera.

8 Barr body preparation and staining.

SEM 4 LAB 2 BBT42204 Biophysical Techniques &

Instrumentation Lab

L-T-P = 0-0-3 Credit 2


1 Chemical cell disruption and assay for intracellular products.

2 Mechanical cell disruption and assay for intracellular products.

3 Separation of insolubles by filtration / sedimentation / centrifugation.

4 Ammonium sulphate precipitation and dialysis.

5 Gel analysis / assay for dialysed product.

6 Ion Exchange chromatography.

7 Gel filtration.



10 Gas chromatography.

SEM 4 LAB 3 BBT42206 Bioprocess & Fermentation

Technology Lab

L-T-P = 0-0-3 Credit 2


1 Isolation of proteolytic organisms from soil samples.

2 Glucose assay by dDNS method.

3 Evaluation of enzyme kinetic parameters

4 Enzyme activity calculation.

5 Determination of optimum pH for enzyme.

6 Determination of optimum temperature for an enzyme.

7 Effect of substrate concentration on biomass yield.

8 Solvent extraction techniques for product recovery.

9 Production of wine by yeast.

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10 Production of Amino acid.


SEM 5 THEORY 1 BBT43101 Molecular Biology L-T-P = 3-1-0 Credit 4


1 DNA Replication, Transcription & Translation: DNA replication in prokaryote & eukaryotes;

enzymes & accessory proteins; telomere replication. Transcription process in prokaryote and

eukaryotes; regulation of transcription. RNA processing, nuclear export & stability of mRNA.

Translation in prokaryote & eukaryotes; translational control, co- and post-translational

modification of proteins.

2 DNA damage, repair & homologous recombination: Causes & types of DNA damage,

mechanisms of DNA repair - Photoreactivation, base-excision & nucleotide-excision repairs;

mismatch repair, translesion synthesis, recombinational repair, non-homologous end joining;

Homologous recombination - models & mechanism; Mutations.

3 DNA cloning and Gene expression: Restriction & modifying enzymes; cloning vectors -

Plasmids, phage cosmids, phasmid, YAC, eukaryotic vectors; Gene expression in prokaryote

and eukaryotes; operon, genes silencing, transcription factors, antisense & ribozymes.

Techniques of molecular biology - PCR, DNA cloning, genome sequencing, cDNA & Genomic

libraries, hybridization-probe method, antibody screening.

4 GMO & bioethical concern: Genetically modified organisms; Risk assessment, biosafety

regulations & guidelines.


1 From Genes to Genomes by Jeremy W. Dale and Malcolm von Schantz, 2002, John Willey and

sons Publications.

2 Principles of Gene Manipulation, An Introduction to Genetic Engineering Old R.W.Primrose SB,

- Blackwell Scientific Publications.

SEM 5 THEORY 2 BBT43103 Enzyme Technology L-T-P = 3-1-0 Credit 4


1 Introduction: Classification, mechanism of enzyme action, active site determination,

identification of binding and catalytic sites, specificity of enzyme action, activation energy and

transition state theory, role of entropy in catalysis.

2 Kinetics: Kinetics of single substrate enzyme catalyzed reactions, Michaelis-Menten equation,

turnover number, enzyme inhibition- competitive, non-competitive, and uncompetitive,

allosteric enzymes and metabolic regulation.

3 The technology of enzyme production: Types of reactors used for enzyme catalysis for free

and immobilized enzymes, immobilized enzymes, preparation and properties.

4 Immobilized enzyme catalysis: Effects of external mass transfer resistance, analysis of Intra-

particle diffusion and reaction. Simultaneous film and intra-particle mass transfer resistances,

effects of inhibitors, temperature and pH on immobilized enzyme catalysis and deactivation.

5 Overview of applications of immobilized enzyme systems: Design of enzyme electrodes &

their applications as biosensors; health care & environment; Design of Immobilized Enzyme

Reactors; Packed-bed, Fluidized-bed Membrane reactors; Bioconversion calculations in free-

enzyme CSTRs & immobilized enzyme reactors.


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1 Enzymes by Trevor palmer.

2 Biochemistry by Jeremy M.Berg, John L.Tymozko, Lubert Styer, Fifth edition, W.H.Freeman

and Company.

SEM 5 THEORY 3 BBT43105 Bioinformatics L-T-P = 3-1-0 Credit 4


1 Introduction & NCBI: Internet basics; Connecting to internet; Email; FTP; www; NCBI;


2 Biological databases: Biological databases; primary sequence databases; Composite sequence

databases; Secondary databases; composite protein pattern databases; structure

classification databases; Genome Information Resources; DNA sequence databases;

specialized genomic resources.

3 Alignment techniques: Pairwise Alignment Technique; Database searching; algorithms &

programs; comparing two sequences; identity & similarity; global & local alignments; pairwise

database searching; Multiple sequence Alignment; computational Complexity; Manual

methods; Simultaneous methods; Progressive methods; Databases of multiple alignment;

Secondary database searching; Analysis packages.

4 Protein analysis: Protein identity based on composition, Motifs & patterns; secondary

structure prediction; specialized secondary structures;, tertiary structures.

5 Introduction to perl: Using PERL to facilitate biological analysis; Strings, numbers, variables;

Basic input and output; File handles; Conditional Blocks and loops; Pattern matching; Arrays-



1 A d eas D Ba e a is & B F F a is, Bioi fo ati s- A practical guide to analysis of Genes &

P otei s , Joh Wile , . 2 T K Attwood, D J Parry-S ith, I t odu tio to Bioi fo ati s , Pea so Edu atio , st Editio ,

11th Reprint 2005.

3 A.R Leach, Molecular Modeling Principles and Applications, Longman, 1996.

SEM 5 THEORY 4 BBT43107 Energy Engineering & Biofuel L-T-P = 3-1-0 Credit 4


1 Energy: Renewable & non-renewable resources - Water, Minerals, & Energy; Use &

overexploitation; Classification & Sources of Energy; Problems relating demand & supply of

various energy sources; Coal, Petroleum etc.

2 Conventional & non-conventional energy: Conventional fuels; firewood, plant & animal

wastes; coal, gas, animal oils & their environmental impact; Modern fuels - methanogenic

bacteria & biogas; microbial hydrogen production; conversion of sugars to ethanol, the

gasohol experiment; solar energy converters; photosynthetic pigments, plant based

petroleum industry, cellulose degradation for combustible fuels & their environmental


3 Biogas plant & its design: KVIC plants, process kinetics, digester design, sludge treatment,

energy from wastes; development in energy routes.

4 Clean coal technology: Biotechnology & Microbiology of Coal Degradation; Aerobic &

Anaerobic pathway of coal degradation; Characterization & identification of bioconversion

substrates & products; Biosolubilization & bioliquefaction of coal; Biodesulfurisation of coal &

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oil; Mechanisms of coal biosolubilization; Enzymes that depolymerise coal; Recent Advances

in Bioprocessing of coal.

5 Green technology – microbial fuel cell: From Microbes to Megawatts; Microbial Fuel Cells;

Types of Biological fuel cells; Applications of Biological Fuel cells.


1 S.B Pandya, "Conventional Energy Technology - Fuels and chemical Energy - TMH (1987).

2 S.P. Sharma and Chander Mohan, Fuels and Combustion, "TMH, 1984.

3 Kash Kori, C., Energy resources, demand and conservation with special reference to India,

TMH, 1975.

SEM 5 THEORY 5 BBT43109 Nanobiotechnology L-T-P = 3-0-0 Credit 3


1 Introduction: Introduction to Nano-Biotechnology; Nanotechnology definition and concepts.

Introduction to Nanostructures; Carbon Nanotubes (CNT), Fullerenes (C60, C300); Nano

Peapods Quantum Dots & Semiconductor Nanoparticles.

2 Nanostructures: Metal-based Nanostructures (Iron Oxide Nanoparticles), Polymer-based

Nanostructures (Dendrimers), Gold Nanostructures: (Nanorods, Nanocages, Nanoshells),

Protein-based Nanostructures: Nanomotors: Bacterial (E. coli) & Mammalian (Myosin family).

3 Nanobiosensors: Science of Self-assembly - From Natural to Artificial Structures.

4 Nanostructures for drug delivery: Concepts, targeting, routes of delivery & advantages;

Nanostructures for diagnostics & biosensors; Nanoparticles for diagnostics and imaging;

Nanodevices for sensor development, tissue engineering, cancer therapy.


1 Bionanotechnology by David S.Goodsell, 2004, Wiley Publications.

SEM 5 LAB 1 BBT43201 Molecular Biology Lab L-T-P = 0-0-3 Credit 2


1 Preparation of Agarose Gel.

2 Isolation of Genomic DNA from blood, plant cell and bacteria (any one). Estimation of DNA

content in the given sample.

3 Isolation of Plasmid DNA.

4 Gel electrophoresis of DNA.

5 Isolation of RNA. Estimation of RNA.

6 Purification of DNA through columns, Spectroscopic analysis of DNA/RNA, Determination of

Tm of DNA and RNA.

7 Induced mutation by: (a) Chemical (b) Ultraviolet light.

8 Phage Titration.

9 Restriction digestion of DNA.

10 Ligation of digested of DNA.

11 PCR amplification of DNA and visualization by gel electrophoresis.

SEM 5 LAB 2 BBT43203 Enzyme Technology & Clinical

Biochemistry Lab

L-T-P = 0-0-3 Credit 2


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1 To study activity of any enzyme under optimum conditions.

2 To study the effect of pH, temperature on the activity of an enzyme.

3 Determination of - pH optima, temperature optima, Km value, Vmax value, Effect of

inhibitor (Inorganic phosphate) on the enzyme activity.

4 Estimation of blood glucose by glucose oxidase method.

5 Principles of Colorimetry: (i) Verification of Beer's law, estimation of protein. (ii) To study

relation between absorbance and % transmission.

6 Estimation of cholesterol in blood.

7 Estimation of bilirubin in blood.

8 Estimation of urea & creatinine in blood.

9 Determination of SGPT, SGOT and alkaline phosphatase by colorimetric end point method in


10 Gel electrophoresis for detection of abnormal hemoglobin.

SEM 5 LAB 3 BBT43205 Bioinformatics Lab L-T-P = 0-0-3 Credit 2


1 Knowledge about nucleotide Databases.

2 Knowledge about Protein databases.

3 Literature survey through Pubmed.

4 Local similarity search.

5 Global similarity search.

6 Gene prediction and translation.

7 Protein sequence analysis.

8 Protein secondary structure prediction.

9 Homology Modelling.


SEM 6 THEORY 1 BBT43102 Immunotechnology L-T-P = 3-1-0 Credit 4


1 The immune system: Innate & adaptive immunity, comparative immunity; cells & organs;


2 Immunoglobulin structure & functions: Basic structures of Immunoglobulins; Ig classes &

biological activities; Antigenic determinants on Ig, B Cell receptor, Monoclonal, polyclonal

antibodies; cytokines; complement system.

3 Antigen – antibody interactions: Antibody Affinity & activity; Precipitation reactions;

agglutination reactions; Radio immunoassay; ELISA; Western blotting; Immunoprecipitation,

Immunofluroscence, immunoelectron microscopes; flow cytometry; MHC Antigen processing

and presentations.

4 T Cell and b cell maturation, activation and differentiation: T Cell receptor, T Cell maturation,

activation & differentiation; B Cell generation, activation & differentiation; cell mediated

effectors responses.

5 Immune system in health and disease: Leukocyte migration & inflammation; hypersensitive

reactions; immune response to infection diseases vaccines.


1 Kuby Immunology by Richard A. Golds by Tharmas J. kindt fourth edition 2000 and Barbara

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Osborne. W.H.freeman and company.

SEM 6 THEORY 2 BBT43104 Plant & Forest Biotechnology L-T-P = 3-1-0 Credit 4


1 Plant genomes & plant tissue culture: Gene structure & gene expression; regulation,

implication for plant transformation; Protein targeting, heterologous promoters, genome size

& organization; Arabidopsis & new technologies. Plant tissue culture; plasticity & totipotency,

culture environment, growth regulators, media regulators, culture types, plant regeneration.

2 Plant transformation techniques: Agrobacterium mediated gene transfer; Ti-plasmid; process

of T-DNA transfer & integration, transformation in plant; Direct gene transfer methods. Binary

vectors; basic features of vectors; optimization; clean gene technology.

3 Transgenic plants, herbicide & pest resistance: Herbicide resistance; use of herbicide in

modern agriculture; strategies for engineering herbicide; Resistance environment impact, pest

resistance; nature & scale of insect / pest damage to crop; GM strategies; approach to

insect resistance; copy nature strategy; insect resistant crops & food safety.

4 Plant disease resistance & stress tolerance: Plant-pathogen interactions; natural disease

resistance pathways; biotechnological approaches to disease resistance; Plant viruses, types,

entry & replication; transgenic approach; Stress tolerance; abiotic stress; water deficit stress

& various approaches for tolerance.

5 Molecular farming & gm crops future prospects: Carbohydrates & lipids production;

molecular farming; economic considerations for molecular farming; GM crops - current status;

concerns about GM crops; regulations of GM crops & products; Greener genetic engineering.

6 Forest Biotechnology: Industry demands; biotechnological challenges; Trees as energy crops.


1 Plant Biotechnology-The genetic manipulation of plants. Adrian Slater, NigelW.Scott and

MarkR.Fowler.Oxford university press.

SEM 6 THEORY 3 BBT43106 Medical Biotechnology L-T-P = 3-1-0 Credit 4


1 Immunodiagnostics & therapy: Hybridoma technology; Antibody markers, CD Markers, FACS,

HLA typing; Bioassays. Therapeutic Antibodies; types of ELISA, problems & prospects from

mouse. Vaccine - types; Vaccine technology, DNA vaccine, Vaccines for AIDS & cancer; DNA &

RNA based diagnostics & therapy; PCR, PCR/OLA procedures, RFLP, SSCP; Microarrays, FISH,

In-situ hybridization; Genotyping; Case studies related to bacterial, viral & parasitic infections.

2 Applications: Gene Therapy; Antisense RNA therapy, Ribozyme therapy; status, problems &

prospects; Use of proteomics in protein based biomarkers in disease diagnosis (eg. cancer);

development & future prospects.

3 Use of enzymes in clinical diagnosis & kit development: Principle of diagnostic enzymology,

determination and use of enzyme; enzyme activities for clinical diagnosis; Liver, cardiac &

Kidney enzymes, Digestive enzymes, Miscellaneous enzymes & their general function tests;

Biosensors - types & applications of biosensor.

4 Clinical Research: Milestones of regulations; FDA, US, Indian clinical research; global scenario

of clinical research; Designing clinical trials; principles, scheme for conducting clinical trials;

planning defining, objectives, variables, study populations, testable hypothesis, prediction of

errors & bioselection of appropriate study design, Execution steps. Ethical Issues in clinical

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research; codes, declaration & guidelines; Informed concent, special issues, Roles &

responsibilities of IRBS, issues with ethics review; ICH-GCP - History of ICH, Objectives, ICH

structure, Guidelines & Future of ICH.


1 Medical Biotechnology, Judit Pongracz, Mary Keen, Elsevier Health Sciences, 2009.

SEM 6 THEORY 4 BBT43108 Animal & Insect Biotechnology L-T-P = 3-1-0 Credit 4


1 Animal Cell Culture: Equipments & materials for animal cell culture technology. Various

systems of tissue culture; their distinguishing features, advantages & limitations. Culture

medium; natural media, synthetic media, sera. Introduction to balanced salt solutions &

simple growth medium. Brief discussion on the chemical, physical & metabolic functions of

different constituents of culture medium; role of carbon dioxide, & and supplements.

2 Characteristics of cells in culture: Contact inhibition, anchorage dependence, cell-cell

communication; Cell senescence; cell & tissue response to trophic factors.

3 IVF: In vitro fertilization & embryo transfer technology; Ethical issues.

4 Gene transfer, Gene therapy & Transgenics: Methods of gene transfer; Microinjection & viral

mediated gene transfer techniques; Production of transgenic animals & molecular farming.

Principles of Ex vivo and In vivo gene therapy; Stem cell and its application. Production of

Vaccines in animal Cells. Production & Applications of monoclonal antibodies; Transgenic



1 Animal cell culture by R.I. Freshney.

2 Animal Biotechnology by P.Ramadas.

3 In vitro cultivation of Animal cells by Dr.C.K.Leach,Butterworth and Heinnmamm Ltd.1994.

SEM 6 THEORY 5 BBT43110 Stem Cell Biotechnology L-T-P = 3-0-0 Credit 3


1 Stem cell basics: Unique properties of stem cells; embryonic & adult stem cells; umbilical cord

stem cells; similarities & differences between embryonic & adult stem cells; Properties of

stem cells; pluripotency & totipotency.

2 Embryonic stem cells: In vitro fertilization; culturing of embryos; isolation of human

embryonic stem cells; blastocyst; inner cell mass; growing ES cells; tests to identify ES cells;

stimulation of ES cells for differentiation; properties of ES cells.

3 Adult stem cells: Somatic stem cells; test for identification; adult-stem cell differentiation;

plasticity; different types of adult stem cells.

4 Stem cell in drug discovery & tissue engineering: Target identification; Manipulation of

differentiation pathways; stem cell therapy & cell protection; stem cell in cellular assays for

screening; stem cell based drug discovery; drug screening & toxicology.

5 Genetic engineering & therapeutic application of stem cells: Gene therapy; genetically

engineered stem cells; stem cells & Animal cloning; transgenic animals & stem cells;

Therapeutic applications; Parkinson disease; limb amputation; Neurological disorder; heart

disease; spinal cord injuries; diabetes; burns; HLA typing; Alzhei e ’s disease; tissue

engineering application; production of complete organ; kidney, eyes, heart, brain.


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1 Embryonic Stem cells by Kursad and Turksen. 2002.Humana Press.

2 Stem cell and future of regenerative medicine. By committee on the Biological and Biomedical

applications of Stem cell Research.2002.National Academic press.

SEM 6 LAB 1 BBT43202 Immunotechnology Lab L-T-P = 0-0-3 Credit 2


1 Staining of Blood film.

2 Blood grouping, Leukocyte count, To determine the Rh factor of given blood.

3 To perform immuno-electrophoresis.

4 To perform radial immuno-diffusion assay.

5 To stain a tissue by immuno-histochemical reaction.

6 To study quantitative precipitation assay.

7 To perform dot-ELISA.

8 To perform latex agglutination test.

9 To perform western blotting.

10 To study morphological & staining characteristics of lymphocytes - neutrophils, monocytes,

eosinophils, & basophils.

11 To perform differential count (DLC) of given sample.

SEM 6 LAB 2 BBT43204 Plant Biotechnology Lab L-T-P = 0-0-3 Credit 2


1 Organizing plant Tissue culture Laboratory.

2 Preparation of Tissue Culture Media.

3 Callus Induction.

4 Shoot tip culture.

5 Embry/Endosperm Culture.

6 Somatic Embryogenesis.

7 Hardening and Planting infield.

8 Isolation of protoplasts.

9 Cell suspension culture.

10 Economics of micropropagation project.

SEM 6 LAB 3 BBT43206 Animal Biotechnology Lab L-T-P = 0-0-3 Credit 2


1 Preparation of culture media & sterilization.

2 Organ & Fibroblast culture.

3 Adaptation of Animal virus in cell lines.

4 Study of effect of anti-cancer agent in cell culture.

5 MTT Assay.

6 Live cell counting.

7 Leukocyte culture.

8 Culture of spleen cells.

9 Myeloma cell culture.

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10 Fusion of cells by PEG.


SEM 7 THEORY 1 BBT44101 Food & Beverage


L-T-P = 3-1-0 Credit 4


1 Preservation Technology: Spoilage of food; Food poisoning; Microbiology of water, milk,

meat, & vegetables; preservation of food by canning, dehydration, irradiation, & sterilization;

Role of lactic acid in preservation in sauerkraut.

2 Food Production Technology: Fermented and semi-fermented food; Production of single cell

protein; Yeast, mushroom; SCP for cattle feed. Genetically modified crop; safety aspects of

genetically modified crops. Technology for Improved Process Enzymes in bakery & cereal

products; Enzymes in fruit juice production; Enzymes in fat & oil production. Enzymes in

cheese making & beverage production; Utilization of food wastes.

3 Analysis of major food ingredients: Analysis of preservative, natural & synthetic Food colour;

Food flavor enhancing agents. Chemical safety measurement; Heavy metal, fungal toxins,

bacterial toxins, herbicide, & Pesticide; detection & Quality control tests.


1 Jay JM, Loessner MJ and Golden DA. (2005). Modern Food Microbiology. 7thedition, CBS

Publishers and Distributors, Delhi, India.

SEM 7 THEORY 2 BBT44103 Environmental Biotechnology L-T-P = 3-1-0 Credit 4


1 Introduction to environmental pollutants: Water, Soil & Air; sources & effects. Removal of

Pollutants; Sources of Heavy Metal Pollution; Microbial Systems for Heavy Metal

Accumulation; Biosorption and detoxification mechanisms.

2 Microbiology & biochemistry of waste water treatment: Biological Treatment of anaerobic &

aerobic; methanogenesis, methanogenic, acetogenic, & fermentative bacteria; technical

process & conditions; Use of Genetically Engineered Organisms; emerging biotechnological

processes in waste-water treatment; Applications include treatment of municipal & industrial


3 Biodegradation of xenobiotic compounds: Xenobiotic compounds; Aliphatic, Aromatic,

Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons, Polycyclic aromatic compounds; Pesticides, Surfactants &

microbial treatment of oil pollution.

4 Biotransformations & biocatalysts: Basic organic reaction mechanisms; Common prejudices

against Enzymes; Advantages and Disadvantages of Biocatalysts; Isolated Enzymes vs whole

cell systems; Mechanistic Aspects & Enzyme Sources; Biocatalytic Applications; Catalytic

Antibodies; Stoichiometry, kinetics, & thermodynamics of microbial processes for the

transformation of environmental contaminants.

5 Biooxidation and microbial leaching: Biooxidation; Direct & Indirect Mechanisms;

Biooxidation Kinetics; Bacterial oxidation of Sphalerite, Chalcopyrite & Pyrite; Extraction of

metals from ores; Recovery of metals from solutions; Microbes in petroleum extraction;

Microbial desulfurization of coal.


1 Environmental Microbiology, W.D. Grant & P.E. Long, Blakie, Glassgow and London.

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2 Environmental Biotechnology by Bruce Rittmann and Perry McCarty.

SEM 7 THEORY 3 BBT44105 Protein Engineering L-T-P = 3-0-0 Credit 3


1 Protein engineering: Introduction to steps of Protein design & Engineering; protein splicing &

its application; Solid-phase peptide synthesis; Production of Novel Proteins; Random & site-

directed mutagenesis; Expressing Recombinant Proteins; classification of Proteins structures;

Crystallography & X-Ray Diffraction; Spectroscopy - UV-VIS, NMR & Fluorescence

Spectroscopy & Calorimetric Methods; Industrial applications of Protein Engineering; Design

of polymeric biomaterials; nicotinic acetylcholine receptors as a model for a super family of

ligand; gated ion channel proteins.

2 Protein stability & folding: Overview of protein structure; Higher level structure, Protein

stability; Mechanism of protein folding (types, level, thermodynamics, Anfinsen's dogma,

Levinthol paradox and kinetics); Ramchandran plot; Folding Rate; Molten globule; Techniques

for studying of protein folding; NMR, CD spectroscopy; Proteolysis, Optical tweezers;

Computational method; Location & functions of Molecular chaperones, chaperonin & co-

chaperons, HSP chaperone system in E. coli and Human; Proteasomes & proteosome

mediated protein degradation; Protein folding errors; Alzheimer's, prions & Mad Cow (BSE,

CJD); Cystic Fibrosis & cancer. Polyketides & non-ribosomal peptides; Combinational

manipulation of polyketides & non-ribosomal peptides; application of protein folding to

design new drug.


1 Protein engineering and design by Paul R. Carey, academic press, 1996.

SEM 7 ELECTIVE 1 BBT44107 Biofertilizer L-T-P = 3-0-0 Credit 3


1 Introduction: Concept & its need in organic farming. Types and its applications viz Rhizobium

Bio fertilizer, Azotobacter Bio fertilizer, Azospirillum Bio fertilizer, Azolla & BGA Bio fertilizers,

VAM Bio fertilizer, PSB Bio fertilizer.

2 Methodology: Brief methodology of manufacturing biofertilizers viz. bacterial fertilizer, fungal

fertilizer, green manure, organic manure, worm manure, vermiculture.

3 Applications: Difference between chemical fertilizers and biofertilizers / biomanures. Trading

some names of chemical fertilizers and organic manure / fertilizer. Why organic manures are

becoming popular in agricultural sectors. Name some agri-industries where chemical

fertilizers are used or restricted. Constrains of biofertilizers. Introduction to business

opportunities for biofertilizers.


1 Biotechnology of Biofertilizers edited by Sadasivam Kannaiyan.

2 Handbook of Microbial Biofertilizers edited by Mahendra Rai.

SEM 7 ELECTIVE 2 BBT44109 Biopesticides L-T-P = 3-0-0 Credit 3


1 Introduction: Definition and brief concept. Types of biopesticides. Integrated pest

management-concepts and components; host plant resistance-biological control of insect

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pests; What are biopesticides? Useful genes from microorganisms for agriculture (herbicide

resistant, Bt, viral). Biological Control – Use of Baculovirus, NPV virus, protozoa & fungi in

biological control. Neem as biopesticideRegulating biopesticides - Environmental Protection

Agency (EPA).

2 Applications: Biopesticides and organic database for IPM - IR-4 Project. Farmers shift towards

virtually non-toxic alternatives for pest-control. Pesticide registration manual: additional

considerations for biopesticide products. Biopesticide registration tools.

3 Advantages & disadvantages: Constrains of biopesticides production and commercial uses.

Advantages of biopesticides.


1 Microbial Biopesticides edited by Opender Koul, G. S. Dhaliwal.

2 Biopesticides for Sustainable Agriculture: prospects and constraints edited by Nutan Kaushik.

SEM 7 ELECTIVE 3 BBT44111 Biocatalysis L-T-P = 3-0-0 Credit 3


1 Characteristics of Biocatalysis: The use of modern genetic techniques, which are used in

biocatalysis - sequencing, various types of PCR, RDT for biocatalyst preparation, Enzyme

catalysis, sources and reasons for the activity of enzymes as catalysts; Chemoenzymatic

biocatalysis, combining chemical catalysts with enzyme, one-pot reaction Current penetration

of biocatalysis; Isolation and preparation of microorganism – Screening of enzyme activities,

strain development, extremophiles.

2 Kinetics: Kinetic modeling, Ideal kinetics and reactors, enzymes with unfavourable binding,

reactor engineering, influence of immobilization, deactivation kinetics, E-value and its

optimization; multienzymatic reactions.

3 Industrial Application of biocatalysts: Laundry detergents, textile industry, pulp and paper

industry, animal feed. Fine chemicals industry, food industry, towards crop protection

chemicals, large scale pharma intermediates.


1 Biocatalysis, A.s. Bommarius and B.R. Riebel, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co, 2004.

SEM 7 ELECTIVE 4 BBT44113 Molecular modeling & drug


L-T-P = 3-0-0 Credit 3


1 Quantum mechanics and concepts in molecular modeling: Introduction to quantum

mechanics; postulates; Schrodinger wave equation; Born-Oppenheimer approximation.

2 Empirical force fields molecular mechanism: Stretching of Bond; Bending of Angle; Torsional

terms; bonding motions; Electrostatic interactions; Van Der Waals interactions; Effective pair

Potentials; Hydrogen Bonding; Simulation of liquid water. derived & non-derived energy

minimization method; simplex, sequential univariate method; steepest descent method;

conjugate gradient method; Newton-Rapson method.

3 Computer simulation methods: Thermodynamic properties; Phase space; Practical aspects of

computer simulation; Boundaries monitoring Equilibrium; Long range Process; Analyzing

result of simulation & estimating errors.

4 Molecular dynamics simulation methods: Molecular Dynamics using simple modules;

Molecular Dynamics with continuous potentials; Running Molecular Dynamics simulation;

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Time dependent properties; Constant dynamics; Molecular Dynamics at constant temp &

pressure; Monte Carlo simulation methods; Analyzing the Results of a Simulation & Estimating


5 Metropolis methods: Monte Carlo simulation of molecules & polymers; chemical potentials;

Monte Carlo or Molecular Dynamics, Molecular modeling to discover & design new molecules.

6 Molecular modeling in drug discovery: Deriving & using 3D Pharma cores; Molecular docking;

De novo ligand design; structure based drug design; pharmacophores; Simple Thermodynamic

Properties & Phase Space.


1 A.R Leach, Molecular Modeling Principles and Applications, Longman, 1996.

2 J.M. Haile , Molecular Dynamics Simulation Elementary methods, , John Wiley and Sons ,1997.

SEM 7 ELECTIVE 5 BBT44115 Protein-DNA Interaction L-T-P = 3-0-0 Credit 3


1 Central dogma & bacterial gene expression: Prokaryotic gene expression; chemical &

physical structure of DNA, chemical & physical structure of proteins; Levels of structures in

proteins, internal rotation angles, Ramachandran plot, Forces stabilizing the structure of

proteins & DNA; Olson-Flory plot; base-pairing & stacking.

2 Thermodynamics & the lac repressor: Law of mass action; statistical mechanics & operator

occupancy; entropy, enthalpy; lac repressor complex; kinetics of repressor-DNA interaction &

reaction kinetics; Debye-Smoluchowski theory; BWH theory; indirect read-out & induced fit.

3 Eukaryotic gene expression: Chromatin condensation; White’s theorem; Worm-like chain,

circular DNA, persistence length, nucleosomes & the Marky-Manning transition; protein-DNA

interaction under tension; Force-extension curves; RST model; structural sequence sensitivity,

thermal fluctuations.

4 Macro-ions & aqueous electrostatistics: Primitive model; ion-free, DH regime; Oosawa

theory; Manning condensation; charge renormalization; free energy; Counter-ion release &

non-specific protein-DNA interaction; counter-ion release, nucleosome foration; isoelectric



1 Biophysical Chemistry, Cantor.R. Samuel.P.R., W.H.Freeman & Co.

2 Physics of Protein-DNA Interaction, R.F. Bruinsma, Elsevier.

SEM 7 LAB 1 BBT44201 Food & Environmental

Biotechnology Lab

L-T-P = 0-0-3 Credit 2


1 Qualitative analysis of the soil from different locations for pH & different water soluble

cations & anions.

2 Quantitative estimation of oxidisable organic matter in soil, carbonate and bicarbonates by

volumetry and calcium and magnesium by EDTA titration.

3 Hardness of water by EDTA titration.

4 Study of pH and conductivity of tap water and polluted water.

5 Methods of screening of microorganisms with amylolytic and proteolytic activity.

6 Construction and use of reporter gene fusions.

7 Isolation of amino acid and proteins: cystine, Egg albumin, globulin, milk casein.

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8 Starch preparation and characterization.

9 Alpha and Beta amylolysis.

10 Analysis of organic compounds from soils.

SEM 7 LAB 2 BBT44401 Project Work I L-T-P = 0-0-6 Credit 4


Every student will be required to undertake a research project based on any of the areas of animal,

plant or microbial biotechnology and bioinformatics. The project report will be submitted in the form

of dissertation duly certified by the supervisor of School of Biotechnology or at any national institutes

and Universities in India. The project work will be presented for evaluation at the end of semester by

external expert (Part 1).

SEM 7 LAB 3 BBT44601 Industrial Training L-T-P = 0-0-0 Credit 2


An industrial training of minimum two weeks has to be undergone by the student in the summer

vacation of the VI semester.


SEM 8 THEORY 1 BBT44102 Bioethics, Biosafety & IPR L-T-P = 3-0-0 Credit 3


1 Biosafety-regulatory framework for gmos in india: Regulatory structure in India governing

GMOs; recombinant DNA Advisory Committee, Institutional Biosafety Committee, Review

Committee on Genetic Manipulation; Genetic Engineering Approval Committee; State

Biosafety Coordination Committee, District Level Committee; Prevention Food Adulteration

Act (1955); Recombinant DNA Guidelines (1990); Rules for the manufacture, use / import /

export & storage of hazardous microorganisms / genetically engineered organisms or cells

(Ministry of Environment and Forests Notification, 1989); Revised Guidelines for Research in

Transgenic Plants (1998); Seed Policy (2002); Plant Quarantine Order (2003); The Food Safety

and Standards Bill (2005); Regulation for Import of GM Products Under Foreign Trade Policy

(2006-2007); National Environment Policy (2006).

2 Biosafety-regulatory framework for gmos at international level: Convention of Biological

Diversity (1992); Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety; Objectives & salient features of Cartagena

Protocol; Advanced Information Agreement (AIA) procedure; procedures for GMOs intended

for direct use; risk assessment; risk management-handling; transport, packaging &

identification of GMOs; Biosafety Clearing House; unintentional trans-boundary movement of

GMOs; Benefits of Cartagena Protocol; status of execution in India.

3 Bioethics: The legal & socioeconomic impacts of biotechnology; Public education of the

process of biotechnology; ethical concerns of biotechnology research & innovation.

4 Intellectual property rights: Intellectual property rights; TRIP, GATT, International

conventions patents & methods of application of patents; Legal implications; Biodiversity &

farmer rights.

5 Patents & patent laws: Objectives of the patent system; Basic principles & general

requirements of patent law; biotechnological inventions & patent law; Legal development;

Patentable subjects & protection in biotechnology; patenting living organisms.

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1 Beier, F.K., Crespi, R.S. and Straus, T. Biotechnology and Patent protection-Oxford and IBH

Publishing Co. New Delhi.

2 Singh K, Intellectual Property rights on Biotechnology, BCIL, New Delhi.

3 Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (2006) Ministry of Environment and Forest, Government of

India, New Delhi.

SEM 8 ELECTIVE 1 BBT44104 Mushroom Culture L-T-P = 3-0-0 Credit 3


1 Introduction: Definition and brief concept. Types of mushrooms.

2 Methods: What are the congenial weather of growing each type of mushroom. Cultivation

methods of each type of mushroom. Constrains of mushroom cultivation.

3 Use: Uses of mushrooms: domestic uses, medicinal uses and industrial uses of mushrooms.


1 Mushroom Culture By William Robinson.

2 The Mushroom Cultivator: A Practical Guide to Growing Mushrooms at Home. Paul Stamets,

Jeff S. Chilton. Agarikon Press, 1983.

SEM 8 ELECTIVE 2 BBT44106 Soil Profile, Horizon &


L-T-P = 3-0-0 Credit 3


1 Introduction: What is soil profile? Pedological and Edaphologicalconcept, :Soil formation:

Dockuchaiev, Jenny concept, soil forming factors: passive & active factors, age of soil,

Fundamental processes of soil formationDifferent process of soil formation like podzolization,

laterization etc. horizon and conditioning. Need of soil conditioning. Method of soil


2 Property: Physical and chemical property of soil. What is balanced soil for plant growth.

3 Applications: What is macro and micro-nutrients of soil. Need of soil testing. Remote Sensing

and Geographical Information System for Natural Resource Management and Land Use



1 Reclamative Soil Science. Plyusnin Biotech Books, 2004.

SEM 8 ELECTIVE 3 BBT44108 Bioterrorism L-T-P = 3-0-0 Credit 3


1 Definition: Traditional & new terrorists; Nuclear, chemical, & radiological weapons;

psychology of bioterrorism; Historical perspective; Primary classes of Microbes - bacteria,

virus, & other agents; Immune system; Interaction between microbes & the immune system.

2 Characteristics of microbes & the reasons for their use: Symptoms; Pathogenecity;

epidemiology; natural & targeted release; techniques of dispersal, & case studies of Anthrax;

Plague, Botulism, Small pox, Tularemia & VHF.

3 Surveillance & detection: Detection equipment & sensors; Diagnosis, Treatment,

Vaccinations; Supplies, Effectiveness, Liability; Public resistance, Response; First responders;

Infectious control; Hospital, Prevention, Protection, Decontamination; Notification; Role of

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Law enforcement; Economic impact.

4 Ethical issues: Personal, national; cost-benefit ratios; Information management; Government

control & industry support; Microbial forensics.


1 Bioterrorism: Guidelines for Medical and Public Health Management, Henderson, Donald,

American Medical Association, 1st Edition, 2002.

2 Biological Weapons: Limiting the Threat (BCSIA Studies in International Security), Lederberg,

Joshua (Editor), MIT Press, 1999.

3 Bioterrorism and Infectious Agents: A New Dilemma for the 21st Century (Emerging Infectious

Diseases of the 21st Century), I.W. Fong and Kenneth Alibek, Springer, 2005.

SEM 8 ELECTIVE 4 BBT44110 Biomining L-T-P = 3-0-0 Credit 3


1 Commercial applications of thermophile bioleaching: Copper processing technologies; in situ

leaching, smelting, concentrate leaching; Heap & dump leaching; Thermophilic Heap

bioleaching; Basic heap design & importance of heat generation; sulfur availability; microbial

activity, inoculation, pH, inhibitory factors, heat retention, air-flow rate & irrigation rate.

2 Geobiotics geocoat technology: GEOCOAT & GEOLEACH technologies; complementary

Geobiotics technologies; GEOCOAT process, advantages; the Agnes mine GEOCOAT project;

developing technologies.

3 Genetic adaptability of biomining microorganisms to industrial process: Biooxidation of

minerals; General chemistry of mineral biooxidation; advantages of biooxidation; types of

organisms, general physiology of mineral-degrading bacteria; autotrophy; nitrogen,

phosphate & trace elements; Energy production; iron, sulfur oxidation; adaptability of

biomining microorganisms; metal tolerance & resistance.

4 Detecting & identifying acidophilic microorganisms: Biodiversity of acidophilic

microorganisms; techniques for detecting & quantifying microbial life in mineral oxidizing

Environments; cultivation dependent approaches; PCR based microbial identification &

community analysis; PCR independent molecular detection & identification of acidophiles;

future perspectives on molecular techniques for detection & identification of acidophiles.

5 Downstream processing of plant derived recombinant therapeutic proteins: Relevant

biochemical & chemical reactions; Genetics of bioleaching microorganisms; Iron & sulfur

oxidation & reduction in Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans; sulfur oxidation; ferric iron & sulfur

reduction in Acidiothiobacillus ferrooxidans; Iron oxidation in other bioleaching

microorganisms; Ferroplasma sp., Leptospirillum sp, Metallosphaera sedula; sulfur oxidation

in other bioleaching microorganisms.



SEM 8 LAB 1 BBT44402 Project Work II L-T-P = 0-0-12 Credit 8


Every student will be required to undertake a research project based on any of the areas of animal,

plant or microbial biotechnology and bioinformatics. The project report will be submitted in the form

of dissertation duly certified by the supervisor of School of Biotechnology or at any national institutes

and Universities in India. The project work will be presented for evaluation at the end of semester by

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external expert (Part 2).

SEM 8 LAB 2 BBT44502 Report, Seminar &

Comprehensive Viva-Voce on

Project Work

L-T-P = 0-0-0 Credit 8


Each student will submit dissertation and deliver seminar on their project work under the supervision of

a faculty member. The comprehensive seminar on the project work will be evaluated by external expert.