








Message by the Headmistress

Dear Parents and students,

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

I hope you all are in the best of your health and spirit, Ameen.

The year 2020 – 2021 was a very challenging year for parents and the school but particularly

for our students. However with your support, our students’ motivation and the dedication of

our teachers, we managed to overcome all obstacles and limitations. Our teachers used

multiple strategies to make Distance Learning Program (DLP) meaningful and fun for all

learners via PPT’s, prerecorded lectures, online competitions and a range of e-learning tools.

I would like to thank you – the parents, for your continued cooperation and

support with The Froebel’s School. We believe that teaching, learning and

experience is only possible through the constant link between students,

teachers and parents.

We are proud to say that The Froebel’s School has gone beyond all boundaries to set

up their buildings in the most organized manner with all SOPs being followed, preference on

complete hygienic conditions and trained staff to follow day to day requirements. We have

also facilitated each child through study packs, art packs, written tasks and online teaching

as per government regulations throughout this year.

At The Froebel’s School we managed to cover most of the syllabus in major subjects at each

level, despite of the obstacles of online teaching. However we missed the physical presence

of our students during the lock downs.

Highlights of the academic year was the Universal children’s day celebration, Pakistan Day

assembly presentation and many such activities where our students had great fun and

showcased their talents.

Let us all hope and pray that 2021-2022 will be a better year. All staff at Froebel’s School is

now 100% vaccinated and the role being played in controlling the virus by the government

seems to be bearing fruit. Hopefully we will resume with a new normal in the coming academic

year. I am personally looking forward to welcoming each child At Lower Secondary Section in

his / her class, praying that tomorrow is brighter than yesterday for each passing day.

With love and respect for the past, we as a community face our new beginnings and journeys

with anticipation, optimism, enthusiasm and care for each other — creating our own New


- Brenda S. Levya-Gardne

Best wishes and prayers,

Maimona Fahim Zuberi


The COVID-19 pandemic has changed education forever: The COVID-19 has resulted in schools closure all across the world. Globally, over 1.2 billion

children are out of the classrooms. As a result, education has changed dramatically, with the

distinctive rise of e-learning.

Online learning is an educational process which takes place over the Internet as a form of

distance education. Distance education becomes ubiquitous as a result of the COVID-19

pandemic during 2020. The Froebel’s School tries its level best to reduce the communication

gap between the teacher and the student.

Online learning faces many challenges ranging from learners’ issues, educators’ issues, and

content issues. It is a challenge for us to engage students and make them participate in the

teaching–learning process. It is a challenge for teachers to move from on-site mode to online

mode, changing their teaching methodologies and managing their time. It is challenging to

develop content which not only covers the curriculum but also engages the students.

Practice makes a man perfect is a famous and very true proverb. Students and teachers

never really practiced e-learning. This unprecedented time has taught us that everything is

unpredictable and we need to be ready to embrace changes.

Virtual Orientation:

To start the new session 2020-2021 virtually, the Sectional Heads and teachers gave their

virtual introduction through short video clips uploaded in the respective group of students.

In these video clips the sectional heads and teachers gave a little glimpse of their

personality by sharing a couple of details about their educational background, subject,

teaching certificates, hobbies and other etc.

This introduction helped in transition from the classroom to teaching online by focusing on

the fundamentals of online teaching as learning is an ongoing process that never ends. The

main purpose of a good orientation session is to bridge the gap between the teachers and the

students, ensuring a smooth communication between the two.


Independence Day Virtual Celebrations: The Independence Day of Pakistan has always been celebrated with patriotic zeal at The

Froebel’s School. In the new normal of online schooling during the pandemic, school

celebrated the Independence Day virtually. Despite the unprecedented situation this year,

we painted the virtual world in green and white on August 14, 2020.

Details of the Independence Day program are as follows:

● Independence Day was celebrated live via face book for first time in the history of

The Froebel’s School.

● The school live-streamed the celebrations on face book in the presence of our

respected Principal, teachers and other staff members by following adequate safety

measures and following social distancing.

● After the flag hoisting ceremony everyone saluted the flag and then sang the National


● Teachers themselves represented a lively program by taking part in skits, national

songs, speeches and other competitions.

● Students along with their parents, thoroughly enjoyed the day by watching live

streaming of the program on face book.

● Students also took part in the celebrations by dressing up in green, displaying their

creativity through online poster making, singing, speeches and art activities. Art packs were

provided by the school for students to perform art work which was shared on Google Class.

● This program was the most memorable one for our children.


Islamic New Year greetings and pledges by the teachers:

The end of each year is actually the

beginning for a new one.

Muharram is the first month of the

Islamic lunar calendar. Every new

Hijri year is a time to review one’s

deeds and relationship with Allah

and with people. To mark the

beginning of the Hijri New Year,

teachers at The Froebel’s School

wished their students a peaceful and

successful Hijri New Year. They also

shared their pledges and new year

resolutions with the students

through recorded video clips uploaded on GCR. Google Classroom

Defence Day:

We at The Froebel’s School believe in educating our students about the important events

which shaped our country 6th September commemorates the day when the Pakistani armed

forces successfully defended the attack of the Indian

military in the Indo-

Pakistan War of

1965. We celebrate,

this day via DLP

session on 06th

September 2020 at

9:00 a.m.

Presentation on“

Youm-e-Difah” was

shared with the

students and a quiz

was held in this



Teacher’s Day celebraTion:

“In this crisis, teachers have shown, as

they have done so often, great leadership

and innovation in ensuring that

#LearningNeverStops, that no learner is

left behind. Around the world, they have

worked individually and collectively to find

solutions and create new learning

environments for their students to allow

education to continue. Their role advising

on school reopening plans and supporting

students with the return to school is just

as important.”

Teacher’s Day is celebrated annually on 5th

October all around the globe. This year we

celebrated Teacher’s Day with a theme

“Teachers: Leading in crisis, reimagining

the future” The COVID-19 pandemic has

significantly added to the challenges faced

by already over-extended education

systems throughout the world.

It is no exaggeration to say that the world

is at a crossroads and, now more than ever,

we must work with teachers to protect the

right to education and guide it into the

unfolding landscape brought about by the


Recalling the appreciative moments of this

day, School was decorated with buntings,

banners. The best part of the day was

when teachers received Teacher’s Day

cards from our adorable students it was

like cherry on top. We clicked pictures and

saved the day with beautiful memories for


Indeed being a teacher is not an easy task

at all, but with passion and enthusiasm we

proved that we teachers can face and

accomplish any kind of situation ☺


CHALLENGES OF VIRTUAL LEARNING AND POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS: As a result of the global closure of schools in order to curb rapid transmission of Covid-19,

the school once again switched instructional activities to remote learning platforms.

Some of the most common challenges that institutions faced in general during online learning

are as follows:

● Technical issues.

● Distractions and time management.

● Staying motivated.

● Understanding course expectations.


● Lack of in-person interaction.

Alhamdulillah, our team managed to overcome all of these complications by taking the

following measures:

● Schedule time for learning by sticking to a particular study plan.

● Setting up a good learning environment.

● Have a reliable internet connection.

● Teachers actively participating during online classes.

Getting ready for the new session: The school management ensured to take all the measures before the reopening. New

furniture was placed and all the necessary renovation was made. Following steps were taken

for the complete disinfection and reduction of risk of COVID infection:

● Installation of sanitizer dispensers.

● Sitting arrangement with proper distance

● Disinfection of the furniture and floor at regular intervals.

● Cards depicting the precautionary measures against COVID and Supplication for

protection were placed in every class.

● The whole building was renovated which included a new basketball court and wall art

for students.

1st Physical opening of the school:

The first physical

reopening of the school took place on 12 Oct 2020. The students were welcomed with a bars

of chocolate and badges on the entrance. As schools reopen, it’s important that precautions are taken both inside and outside the

classroom to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Following points were kept under


Physical distancing at school:

● Maintenance of distance of at least 1 metre between everyone present at school.

● Increased desk spacing.

● Encouraging students not to gather and socialize in big groups upon leaving school



Practicing health and hand hygiene :

Reinforcement of frequent handwashing and sanitation. Even with clean hands students were

discouraged to touch their eyes, nose and mouth.

IKMC 2020: The International Association “Kangourou Sans Frontières” is responsible for organizing the

world-wide event “International Kangaroo Mathematics Contest” (IKMC). The contest’s main

purpose is to promote mathematical thinking and stimulate an interest in math by providing

students with an opportunity to broaden their minds and compare their abilities against the

abilities of other students across the world. The 30th IKMC took place on 7-8 October and

Froebelians participated enthusiastically. Our student Eisha Mustafa of Grade VII secured a

Bronze Medal.

Seerah Week: The Froebel’s School arranged an exciting week of activities

and events in honour of Our Beloved Messenger Prophet

Muhammad (S.A.W). The aim of the Seerah week was to

encourage the students to appreciate the legacy the

Messenger of Allah has left behind and understand why he is

deserving of our utmost love and devotion. The teachers

prepared different soft boards and a Seerah Corner

depicting different Seerah was also set up. The Froebelians

participated in different hands on activities like Talbeena

making and Miswaak activity. The benefits of Sunnah food,

Sunnah’s of sleeping and Sunnah’s of drinking water

were shared in the assembly presentation.


Iqbal Day: سے ویراں کِشت اپنی اقبال ناامید ہے نہیں ساقی ہے زرخیز بڑی مٹی یہ تو ہو نم ذرا

Iqbal Day (Urdu: یوم اقبال; Yom-e Iqbal) is the birthday of Allama Muhammad Iqbal (R.A) on 9th.

November. The day was a public holiday in all provinces and federal administrative areas of

Pakistan until 2018. Iqbal, a poet and philosopher, was a great inspiration for the Pakistan

Movement. It has been celebrated on 9th. November every year with great efforts and

enthusiasm of both teachers and students. Even this time, Teachers made beautiful props of

different poetries written by Allama Iqbal so everyone can understand it easily. Teachers

prepared the students for the speeches, poetries and tableaus like:

د کی بچے “ اور ”ہمدردی“ ”عا ُFrom these poetries children came to know about moral values like humanity, sympathy and

respect. This program has been performed twice, first time for the girls and second time

for the boys with strict SOP’s and the reason to perform it twice was same reason i.e. to

keep social distancing. The expressive and energetic speakers told children about the

services of Iqbal and his expectations from his nation. As at The Froebel’s School we believe

such activities not only provide students a platform to express their freedom of speech but

they also come up with confident and responsible individuals of the society.

Universal chilDren’s Day:

World Children’s Day was first established in 1954 as Universal

Children's Day and is celebrated on 20 November each year to promote

international togetherness, awareness among children worldwide, and

improving children's welfare.

The Froebel’s School believe that, “All work and no play makes Jack a

dull boy”, so to make children refreshed and away from monotony of

life, we arranged a party in which they brought edibles items of their

own choices and sat together by following strict SOP’s and had party


with their class mates. The

children also took

participation in the Art

Competition in their

respective classes where

they made beautiful

paintings. The Froebel’s

School also organized a

Puppet Show in which

awareness about Social

Distancing and SOP’s was

given to the students in an interesting way.

Different game stalls were also there to recharge their

energies where they were supposed to stand in the queues wearing masks to wait for their

turns and enjoy games of their own choices and those who got highest scores in the

competition got beautiful gifts as well. It was a day full of excitement! Children also brought

stationery, books and clothes for the less privileged children. The school was beautifully

decorated by teachers with theme of World Children Day.

Parent teacher meetings:

We believe that, connecting

home and school makes us a

great community of learners,

to achieve this purpose two

Parent Teacher Meetings

have been organized this


Our first PTM was held after the

mid-year assessments, in order to

provide a decent chance to

the parents to share the

academic progress and

growth of the students

based on their strengths,

needs, behaviors, and

learning styles.

The second PTM was conducted to provide guidelines to

the parents by which the learning of their children can

become more effective. Different strategies to enhance

the learning were discussed to bring the best in student’s performance.


Learning is fun when you are appreciated:

We at The Froebel’s School integrate academics with project

learning to help students better understand and comprehend as well

as learn to design and manage projects. In the year 2020-2021

students of different grade levels were asked to make 3D projects on

specific topics. The project integrates specific competencies of the

course subjects with variety of innovation which not only gave them

the chance to picturize their concepts but also to present it and gain

the art of public speaking.

The topics on different grade levels were as follows:

6th Graders depicted the story of Hazrat Saleh (AS) and,

7th Graders depicted the concept of success mentioned at different

places in Quran.

Students of grade VII were assigned by the English teacher to write

a moral story of their own by using their imaginative and creative

writing skills. As we believe that when we learn with pleasure we never

forget. Students enjoyed a lot while doing this activity and some very

outstanding creative work with perfect grammar, appropriate use of

vocabulary and great ideas, theme and plot were presented by the


Winter Break: The holiday season is definitely the time all the students look forward to. We, at The

Froebel’s School believe that mental and physical health is very essential for a child’s

nourishment. Students were given winter break from 24th December, 2020 till 10th January,

2021 with some fun based activities so that they can enjoy holidays with some learning.

Teachers’ wishes for Their sTUDenTs: Faculty at The Froebel’s School has always stayed in touch with their students so that

children never miss the fun at school and their teachers. Teachers of all the grade levels


sent their warm greetings for their lovely students to make them feel the warmth and

affection of their teachers during their holidays.

Kashmir Solidarity Day:

Kashmir Day is a national holiday observed in Pakistan on 5th. February annually. It is

observed to show Pakistan's support and unity with the people of Indian-administered Jammu

and Kashmir and Kashmiri separatists' efforts to secede from India, and to pay homage to

the Kashmiris who have died in the conflict.

An assembly of the students and teachers was conducted in the break time following strict

SOP’s in which the girls gathered in the inner hall while boys in the outer hall, our Head of

Academics Ms. Maimona Zuberi (Lower Secondary) gave the children the background of the

day and importance of this day and what should we do to express our solidarity with our

Kashmiri sisters and brothers. At the end of this assembly the children held their hands

together and repeated the words of Ms. Maimona Zuberi to show their solidarity with

Kashmiris in Chorus.

Awareness session --- say no To valenTine’s Day: We live in a world with the concept of global village, where the acceptance of rituals has gone

way too far. This acceptance faded the concept of the actual festivals of the Muslims. As

Muslims, we have only two festivals Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Adha. But regretfully, we have

adopted the western culture and festivals and started celebrating their occasions which are

prohibited in Islam. Students at Froebel’s are always given the awareness regarding these

social events especially, the 14th of February. Special awareness session named as SAY NO

TO VALENTINE’S DAY is organized yearly which includes the presentations and some

activities to test the understanding of the students.

Revision Week: Education without the understanding never benefits a child and that is what the faculty at

The Froebel’s School believes. Every year before testing a child through formal assessments

a proper revision week is planned along with revision tests where the teachers give a

thorough review of the complete lectures taught throughout the sessions so the students

can revise and clear their concepts.

Mid-Year Assessments: During the pandemic this year, our school designed short cycle assessments for the first

time in which we examined the vital subjects only. The topics were revised thoroughly during

the online and face to face classes in order to facilitate students. Strict SOPs were followed

by the school management during these physical assessments, to avoid any unfortunate

consequences of COVID-19.


Sports Week:

Sports as co-curricular

activity are paramount for

physical health of the

students in their busy

schedule of studies. It is of

great importance as it

produces healthy minds,

provides the students opportunity

of healthy environment, and incorporates sense of

competition and sportsmanship in students.

Keeping this in view, Sports Week was organized for our young athletes. There were in

campus rehearsals for the whole week and the main event was held in NED ground which

included activities like taekwondo, archery and rollers skates. The outstanding performances

by Froebelians stole the show. The field events were highlights of the day.

Second Parent Teacher Meeting: PTM is a very effective and important way of communication between parents and the

teachers. They are scheduled to review the progress of the students. It is mandatory for

parents to attend these meetings as it is an effective and great platform for the teacher

and parents to share their insights The second PTM was conducted to provide guidelines to

the parents by which the learning of their children can become more effective. Different

strategies to enhance the learning were discussed to bring the best in student’s



Pakistan Day:

Pakistan Day was celebrated in high spirits

with special celebrations. The assembly held that day highlighted the vision of Pakistan

Resolution. The students enjoyed this day by participating in different quizzes and by coming

all dressed up for to perform the tableaus. Debate competition was organized to polish the

public speaking skills and the winners were awarded with the prizes. National days remain

incomplete without the national songs, so a group of students sang national songs. The event

ended on a motivational note by the head.

RAMADAN FAMILY FESTIVAL: According to Hadith, “All the believers are like a single man that if his eye is affected,

so all the body parts feel the pain, and if his head pains, then also his entire body

feels pain.”

This Ramadan, as millions of Muslims break their fast every day at sunset, some families

faced a never-ending fast. There was nothing for them to eat before or after sunset. In this

regard, this year, The Froebel’s School revived it’s tradition of steering the under privileged

society away from starvation by organizing a special event titled “The Ramadan Family

Festival”, for the fifth time Alhamdulillah by the grace of Almighty ALLAH (S.W.T) at the

high school campus (girls).

This festival eventuated after the strenuous and perpetual struggle of our school

management including our teachers as well as students. Students and teachers engaged

themselves in collecting funds and items including food stuff as sadqa. Rashan packs were


assorted by the school management team along with the senior campus boys and were

distributed among the destitutes.

Keeping in view the perception to “buy for a cause”, stalls were set up at the high school

campus (girls). exhibiting paintings, decoration pieces and similar stuff so that the funds

collected through these goods could be used as a charity for the needy people.

The school managed to amass clothes, toys, handbags, jewellery, and other stuff with the

help of parents, students and teachers to sell at a low cost for the underprivileged people.

The school managed to accomplish all of these goals by making certain that SOP’S were

heeded adequately.

CHALLENGES OF VIRTUAL LEARNING AND POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS: As a result of the global closure of schools in order to curb rapid transmission of Covid-19,

the school once again switched instructional activities to remote learning platforms.

Some of the most common challenges that institutions faced in general during online learning

are as follows:

● Technical issues.

● Distractions and time management. ● Staying motivated.

● Understanding course expectations.

● Lack of in-person interaction.

Alhamdulillah, our team managed to overcome all of

these complications by taking the following


● Schedule time for learning by sticking to a

particular study plan.

● Setting up a good learning environment.

● Have a reliable internet connection.

● Teachers actively participating during online classes.


We cannot ignore the fact that examinations

are a critical part of the education process

and a necessary step in providing students

with accurate grades. Therefore, this

year with the status of the coronavirus

pandemic constantly evolving, our school

opted to conduct online examination to avoid all

in-person contact.

However, in general, institutions faced several challenges along the way. Hence, the school

management came up with the latest high-tech expertise and the teachers ensured that the

set of rules designed by the institution were adequately abided by the students.


However, after experiencing the virtual examination process for the first time, we came to

the conclusion that during a period where in-person contact comes with many risks, online

exams are a great way of maintaining momentum in education and to ensure the learning

process doesn’t ground to a halt.

Annual Result Day (2020-2021) :

“Every single day you are the result of

what you did on the days prior.”

The Annual Result Day of The Froebel’s

School was beheld on the 7th of July’ 2021.

The school held a distinct aura that day. As

a result of the ceaseless engagement of

the Froebel’s team, the school was adorned

celestially. Various souvenirs were handed

over to both the parents and students as a

token of love and appreciation.

On the other hand, to cherish the endeavors of the teaching and administrative staff, the

school’s respected principal herself along with the management team, rendered souvenirs

to the staff and arranged lunch for the employees, hence valuing and showing gratitude

towards their diligent staff members.