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School Magazines- Preliminary Task

By Andrew Thomas – Pemagbi 6F

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Get Ready! Magazine

The target audience is correct to the magazine as it shows a school child not wanting to get up; this central image relates the magazine name of ‘GET READY!’ as it is encouraging school children be up for school.

Mise en scene is used well here as it shows what the modern day school child get up to in the morning which is going on the phone. This is effective as the main prop used here is the phone.

Nice bright colours used here the repeated use of orange makes the magazine nice and simple, which is the same main colour used on the cover story.

Effective use of the cover stories as it relates to the target audience of the school children. This is shown as it often talks about stuff which goes on in the school for example “see the pictures”, “the final score” of the bowling match presumably. This would grab the reader as it is something which may ne of high interest of the school.

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FFH Magazine

A clear and bold abbreviations of the school name perhaps. As it is only an abbreviation perhaps it is already popular around the school and school students may already know of it.

A cover line perhaps the school slogan matching with the cover name in colour.

The magazine is short and sin -synced maybe highlighting the central image of it being probably a student who got scouted for Manchester united. Central image taking most of the cover showing the important. Mise en scene is used well in the cover story as it says “Shooting stars” again linking to the central image of a students perhaps on his way to becoming a star in football as he may have joined a big club.

This section should be enlarged as it hard to see, additionally more cover stories should have been added to the front cover which would have linked well to the target audience and attracted them more to the magazine.

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The masthead stands out as is big and bold and a different colour to the rest of the magazine and has a nice and stylish font.Short and sin-synced magazine. Its

target audience surely attracting the sporty crowd of the school. Mise en scene use well as the central image shows perhaps the main sports in the school. At the bottom of the magazine is possibly the cover line and is highlighted in the gold colour that is used main parts of the magazine as it says “and more” which would attract a sporty crowd as they may want to find out more about the sporting opportunities in the magazine. Furthermore the winter sports linking with the central image as their is a hockey player there.

Here are the names of the students in the central image. Perhaps they could have changed the colour of the text. I can deduce from the magazine that they are the name of the students who are probably influential sporting students of the school.

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Prep School Magazine

There is no barcode relating to it being a free school magazine.

Mise en scene is used well in this magazine as the cover story links with the central image. “A focus on IT”, is shown as the school children on the magazine cover as they all are happily playing with iPads.

Central image is used well as it shows children in school uniform where I would presume them being in their IT room as I can see in the background computer screens.

The cover line is of hard to see as it is of a small text however well linked with the masthead at is the same colour.

Mise en scene is used well in the magazine as there is a constant relation of IT. The words “The ‘flipped classroom’ model using tablets to transform learning” makes one want to purchase the magazine as it would make the target audience want to read more of what's inside .

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The masthead is used well as the colour is used in only that which draws attention to the masthead; also it being in a large text.

Nicola Adams being a sporting celebrity as the central image is used well as it would straight away attract the target audience. Presumably her being an inspirational figure for students interested in sport in that school.

Interesting cover stories “we star Manson Bennet”. Would automatically attract the target audience and would inspire a student to do well in sport in school.

Header done in a different colour to the rest of the magazine attracting the reader towards it. Showing the reader what is yet to come in the magazine which would encourage them to purchase it, especially if it is of their interest.

No barcode or price relating to it being a free school magazine for the students.

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Audience Research

• To find out what should be included into an ideal school magazine; I surveyed 10 students from my AS media class and 10 students from the GCSE media class on what would attract them in a school magazine. I told them to tick two of the surveyed options and here is a tally of my results. Audience research is important as it gives the produces a greater understanding on what to put in their magazine, as they are to produce something which attracts their target audience because that is what encourages sales. I can see from my results that Promotional offers/gifts is popular and took the majority votes. Something that I would consider when making my own magazine.

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AS Media Studies Preliminary Task – School Magazine Front Page Proposal Form

Target audience: (age range, interests)Although it is a school newsletter you still have to think about your audience and how to appeal to them. 

The target audience that I would be focusing on are those who are interested in sport in my school, mainly those who would want the sixth form a more enjoyable place to be in.

Possible title ideas: (masthead / title block)What is your magazine going to be called? 

I am going to have the bishop Douglass logo next to my masthead, I would probably call it D&S which would stand for Douglass and Sport.

Main image:What will be the focal point of your front page, remember, your work “must include a photograph of a student in a medium close-up” 

For my front page I would try to get a picture of the sixth form football team huddled in a circle on the football pitch.

Main cover line:What will be the main story? 

“Hardworking lads loosing a game to 12 players…isn’t that unfair?”

Additional key images:What other images will be on your front cover?Remember, it is a school magazine. 

Pictures of other sporting activities going on in the school perhaps basketball team, netball etc.

Additional cover lines:Other features, stories or selling points which will be inside the magazine, these need to be audience appropriate.  

“Free lunch past found at the last page of magazine”“Find out ways to support madam Grounds in her 10k marathon run this weekend!”Highlight when trials are for each sport.

Typography: (style, size, colour of copy)Think about the writing and the style of the writing on your front page. 

A ordinary font size nothing too fancy and not too many colours used perhaps 3 or 4 as the age range 11 to 18.

Background colour/image:What will be in the background, remember you don’t want to take the focus away from the main image.  

A football pitch perhaps.

Technical considerations:(equipment, setting, props, costume, lighting)Be realistic and creative, think about what you have access to and how you could use it. 

Sporting kits and equipment's, I will edit my pictures on my phone with an app called be funky.

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My school magazine cover

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My school magazine contents page