Download - School Magazine Images

Page 1: School Magazine Images

Here, I am changing the size of my main image. In order to do this I held down the shift key and re sized my image larger by holding and dragging the squares in each corner of the photo. Doing this meant that my image could be re sized without becoming distorted and blury.

Page 2: School Magazine Images

I have made my image larger. And moved it towards the centre. Therefore it has now filled up the whole page.

Page 3: School Magazine Images

This is me now adding text onto my main image. To do this I selected the text tool and selected ‘Horizontal Type tool’ which allowed me to add text to my image.

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I have added text to my image, now this is me changing the size of the text to a ordinary size. I have changed the size from 12pt to 72pt. Which is larger and visible for the audience to read.

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I am now changing the colour of the text I am placing on my image. By highlighting the text and selecting the colour which is done in the top right hand corner of photo shop when the text is selected.

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Here, I am changing the place of the text. I have moved the text to the centre. And lastly I have decided on my font colour to be pink and purple.

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I am now adding a few different effects to my title to make it look more productive.

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Here, I am quickly making last changes to my text. I have selected an Inner Shadow and an Inner Glow which makes my title stand out a lot more than just an ordinary plain font.

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This is my end product of the changes I have made to my main image.