Download - School Answers: Dyslexia




In simple terms,

DYSLEXIA is a developmental reading disorder.

When a person suffers from dyslexia, his or her brain does not process certain symbols

the way most of us do.

It occurs in the areas of the brain that interpret language,

and often runs in families.

WHAT DYSLEXIA ISN’T not caused by vision problems

...does not affect how a person thinks

...does not interfere with understanding complex ideas


There are a variety of warning signs depending on

the age of the chlid.

PRESCHOOL-Late speech-Mixing up sounds-Mixing up left & right-Can’t rhyme-Trouble memorizing-Trouble tying shoes

ELEMENTARY-Difficulty writing-Hard-to-read writing-Reversal of letters or numbers-Can’t sound out words-Slow, choppy reading-Can’t memorize-Difficulty telling time-Major spelling problems

Some children with dyslexia are able to

“fly under the radar.”

Many are very creative and develop clever ways of solving

their problems and figuring out words and sentences.

Some people make it all the way to adulthood without ever

understanding why they struggle.

With remediation, a dyslexic child can learn to read and

even come to enjoy it.

Discussing your suspicions with your child’s teacher and having your child tested will lead you on the path to help.

SCHOOL ANSWERSACADEMIC SUCCESS CENTERoffers what a dyslexic child needs.

Our New Jersey state approved programs offer individual tutoring

and homework help from fully accredited teachers.

We partner with your child’s school to make sure that he or she is receiving the best resources to

help them flourish.

We also offer social skills training and occupational and

speech therapy.

Contact us today to help your child become the

best student possible.