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Scanning acoustic microscopy for materialevaluationHyunung Yu


Scanning acoustic microscopy (SAM) or Acoustic Micro Imaging (AMI) is a powerful, non-destructive technique thatcan detect hidden defects in elastic and biological samples as well as non-transparent hard materials. Bymonitoring the internal features of a sample in three-dimensional integration, this technique can efficiently findphysical defects such as cracks, voids, and delamination with high sensitivity. In recent years, advanced techniquessuch as ultrasound impedance microscopy, ultrasound speed microscopy, and scanning acoustic gigahertzmicroscopy have been developed for applications in industries and in the medical field to provide additionalinformation on the internal stress, viscoelastic, and anisotropic, or nonlinear properties. X-ray, magnetic resonance,and infrared techniques are the other competitive and widely used methods. However, they have their ownadvantages and limitations owing to their inherent properties such as different light sources and sensors.This paper provides an overview of the principle of SAM and presents a few results to demonstrate the applicationsof modern acoustic imaging technology. A variety of inspection modes, such as vertical, horizontal, and diagonalcross-sections have been presented by employing the focus pathway and image reconstruction algorithm. Imageshave been reconstructed from the reflected echoes resulting from the change in the acoustic impedance at theinterface of the material layers or defects. The results described in this paper indicate that the novel acoustictechnology can expand the scope of SAM as a versatile diagnostic tool requiring less time and having a highefficiency.

Keywords: Microscopy, Scanning, Acoustic, Defect, Delamination, Crack, Void, Non-destructive, Analysis

IntroductionUltrasound refers to a sound wave having a frequency(> 20 kHz) higher than the values a human being canhear. Wild animals such as bats and dolphins useacoustic waves to detect and locate objects and obsta-cles and catch prey in a dark environment. Acousticsare not only utilized in military, scientific, and indus-trial fields, and medical imaging but also in new andefficient evaluation techniques for quantitatively char-acterizaing the physical properties such as strain, dis-tance, and viscoelasticity of elastic and hard materials(Maev 2008; Maev 2013; Maev 2016; Saijo 2009;Schubert et al. 2018).

Interest in acoustics began very early in the sixth cen-tury BC when Pythagoras’ proposed the mathematicalproperties of the strings on instruments. The applicationof acoustic microscopy was initiated by Sokolov in 1949and a breakthrough was achieved in the early 1970s inhigh-resolution imaging for investigating the internalstructure of nontransparent solids (Maev 2016; Bertocciet al. 2019). Acoustic microscopy has been substantiallyimproved by Quate at Stanford University in 1985 forachieving an accurate damage or defect detection in mi-croelectronics and early diagnosis of mutations in the tis-sues or organs as a non-invasive analytical method (Saijoet al. 1997; Bilen et al., 2019a, b; Kubit et al., 2019).Optical microscopy, X-ray computer-aided tomog-

raphy, infrared thermography, and scanning acoustic mi-croscopy (SAM) are the commonly utilized techniquesowing to their short time consumption and low sample

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Correspondence: [email protected] Research Institute of Science and Standards, Daejeon 34113, SouthKorea

Applied MicroscopyYu Applied Microscopy (2020) 50:25

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pretreatment requirement as compared to electron mi-croscopy (Sheppard, 2020; Bertocci et al. 2019). Themost striking advantage of SAM is its ability to inspect thesample subsurfaces layer by layer simultaneously with anexcellent penetrating power of the ultrasonic waves whilescanning the material surface (Morokov and Levin, 2019;Brand et al. 2014). Thus, three-dimensional (3D) tomog-raphy is possible for inner structure integration by usingcomplex and sophisticated algorithms of signal processingwith a lateral two-dimensional scan (Maev 2008; Maev2016; Saijo 2009). At present, the ultrasonic technique hasbecome a robust method for non-invasive material evalu-ation and defect detection for conducting a quality assess-ment and metrology in a short time and with highefficiency (Kustov and Miguel, 2019; Bilen et al., 2019a, b;Kim et al. 2019; Zhu et al. 2020).In this paper, the basic principles and applications of

SAMs are described with a collection of results andtechniques.

Basic principles of SAMA SAM consists of an ultrasonic emitting transducer, amechanical scanner and an image processor. The trans-ducer plays an important role as a lens that delivers andfocuses the acoustic wave generated by the piezoelectricarray and as a detector that accepts the echo reflectedfrom the sample. The ultrasonic pulses (acoustic waves)are generated by a piezoelectric transducer comprisingof a magnet and a radiofrequency coil. The transducercrystals are made up of lithium niobate (LiNbO3) singlecrystals, lead magnesium niobate-lead titanate (PMN-PT) single crystals, quartz or piezoelectric ceramics forfrequencies below 100MHz. Above this limit, a zincoxide (ZnO) crystal is often used. The piezoelectrictransducer comprises a lens, a matching layer, and activepiezoelectric array elements that are connected to elec-trical lines. The acoustic signal oscillates at its own fre-quency when it receives an electronic intermittent pulseexcitation and is delivered via a sapphire cylinder(Al2O3) to the lens. The flat wavefront focuses along thez-axis after refraction at the lens/coupling medium inter-face. Refraction occurs at the interface because of thedifferent velocities of the sound waves within the twomaterials. Since most materials have a higher speed thana water coupling medium, the focal length is shortened.This phenomenon can be caused by refraction. Acousticcoupling via a water medium between the lens (trans-ducer) and the sample (object) is very important for anefficient delivery of the acoustic waves.Variations in the acoustic impedance at the interfaces

of the tested material lead to the reflection and scatter-ing of the ultrasonic waves. A signal is acquired after theinteraction of the acoustic pulse with the sample in thereverse order. The reflected signal (echo) is collected

with a diverging form, but is transformed into a flatwave after a lens and is then converted into an electricalsignal with a spatial coordinate. The electrical voltage isamplified and digitized using a image processor.Using a raster scanning motion of the transducer on

the sample surface, the acoustic echo signals are col-lected at each point and the depth information is re-corded in a histogram. 3D images can be reconstructedfrom all recorded histograms for the region of interest.Various scanning pathways are possible for handling thealgorithms of the transducer. More details of the scanmotions are explained later. A time duration must be re-corded when a series of acoustic excitations occursowing to the transit time (t) of the reflections or echoesin the sample. The repetition rate is limited by aprocessor-controlled process depending on the fre-quency used. The lower the frequency, the longer arethe pulses, but the attenuation decreases.

See-through inspection using SAMScheme 1 shows the schematic of a reflection modeSAM applied to a material that includes various defectssuch as grain boundaries, cracks, delamination, voids,bubbles, and contaminants. The SAM uses an ultrasonicpulse from the transducer to probe the sample and mon-itors the reflected echoes from a series of time delays ofthe pulses induced after interacting with the internalstructure. These delays depend on the acoustic proper-ties of the material, such as its density and attenuationthat is determined by the acoustic impedance of thematerial.The ultrasonic pulse generated from the transducer is

delivered to the sample via a water medium. During thisprocess, some fraction of the pulse bounces off the sur-face owing to the change in the acoustic impedance(Fig. 1). The ratio of the reflected waves to the transmit-ted waves is determined from the impedance mismatch.The acoustic impedance (Z) is defined as the amount ofresistance an ultrasound beam experiences as it passesthrough a material and is expressed as follows:

Z ¼ ρ� c ð1Þ

where ρ material density (in kg/m3), c is the velocity ofsound within the material (in m/s) and Z is related tothe acoustic hardness of the material. Therefore, if thedensity of the material increases, its impedance in-creases. Similarly, when the velocity of sound in the ma-terial increases, its impedance also increases. When anultrasound beam encounters an interface at normal inci-dence, some of the energy is reflected (reflection) off itssurface and some amount is transmitted (transmission)through the interface. The amplitude of the reflectedecho depends on the acoustic impedance at the interface

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or the boundary between the two materials. We can in-tuitively understand that most of the sound is reflectedwhen the difference in acoustic impedance is large. Theultrasound intensity or the amount of the reflected andtransmitted waves can be evaluated using the reflectioncoefficient, R, and the transmission coefficient, T, re-spectively as expressed by (Dukhin and Goetz, 2010),

R ¼ IRI0

¼ Z2 − Z1ð Þ2Z2 þ Z1ð Þ2 ð2Þ

T ¼ ITI0

¼ 1 − R ¼ 4Z2Z1

Z2 þ Z1ð Þ2 ð3Þ

Where Z1 and Z2 are the acoustic impedances of 1stand 2nd material.For example, the amount of energy or intensity that is

reflected at the water-to-polypropylene interface, usingthe acoustic impedance values of water and polypropyl-ene of 1.48 and 2.48, respectively, becomes R = 0.0638.

Thus, 6.38% intensity is reflected and 93.6% istransmitted.The higher the acoustic impedance mismatch at the

interface, the larger is the intensity of the reflection orbrighter is the reflected image. The energy loss is repre-sented as an attenuation while the ultrasound beam pro-gresses through a medium. In practice, we should alsoconsider three major attenuation factors other than re-flection and transmission, namely, diffraction, scattering,and absorption of the ultrasound beam.An acoustic pulse passes through three boundaries,

namely, the surface, defects, and the bottom, and thetime-of-flight (t) of the pulse reflected from each surfaceprovides the depth information of the sample. A seriesof reflected waveforms are recorded in real time with aphase histogram, called, the A-scan of the reflectionmode SAM. The ultrasonic wave experiences a phase in-version at the interface of the high and low acoustic im-pedance region, thus resulting in a minimum of threeconsecutive amplitudes of the signal. The (+)and (−)phase signals should cross the baseline (vertical dotted

Scheme 1 Schematic showing the probing pulse and the reflected echo detected from the internal structure of a sample consisting of a varietyof defects and inclusions.

Fig. 1 Schematic showing the incident and reflected ultrasonic pulse (left) and histogram (right) showing the amplitude of the reflected echo (A-scan) after an ultrasonic pulse interacts with a sample

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line in Fig. 1). The SAM instrument automatically de-tects a histogram with a phase often caused by irregular-ities inside the sample such as delamination, void, or ahole. The ultrasonic wave propagation in the acousticmicroscope results in the wave front snapshots calcu-lated along the time-of-flight of the echo.Figure 2 shows the results of the analysis conducted of

the tooth using different analytical imaging instruments.Optical microscopy is the most frequently used methodsfor easy and fast visual inspection, but is often limited tosurface investigations. Infrared imaging is useful forfunctional group analysis of the chemical bonding, con-tamination or defects. However, it provides a very lowimage resolution because of the limited range of infraredwavelengths, is costly, has a low sensitivity of the cam-era, and it is sometimes difficult to use this technique ina moist atmosphere. X-ray computed tomography (CT)is good for transmission imaging but is not highly effect-ive for imaging materials having a high Pb content ormaterials having small density differences, for example,adhesion or defect analysis between high-density mate-rials such as a metal-metal bonding (Bertocci et al. 2019)is difficult. The SAM image shows dentin clear domainstructures of underlayer surface.

The SAM analysis modesFigure 3 shows the different types of scanning analyticalmodes of SAM used for material characterization. Thebasic three modes are the A-scan, B-scan, and C-scan.An A-scan is a raw waveform which records the echoamplitude along the ultrasonic transit time. In thismode, the optimal conditions are controlled by tuning

the amplitude at the maximum so that the transducer isfocused on a point of interest. After the scanning in theA-scan mode is completed, acoustic images can be furtherprocessed by a B-scan or a C-scan. The B-scan representsa cross sectional view through the material that providesthe depth information, whereas a C-scan records a singleimage of the selected layer at a specific depth. In eitherscan modes, it is important to move the transducer alongeach vertical axis until the echo signal is reflected at amoderate intensity for the region of interest.When a rough or tilted surface is scanned, a sufficient

trigger level and trigger width must be set for activatingthe receiving trigger signal over the whole surface. Forfurther functions of the scan, a series of images at equi-distances is possible without any difficulty using a P-scan (cross-sectional) and an X-scan (multi co-planar)mode, respectively.In particular, the X scan is highly recommended for an

unknown sample to obtain an overview of the samplestructure after an A-scan. The number of image stacksdepends on the B scan gate width divided by the width ofthe data gate (depth resolution). The D scan is a diag-onal scan through the sample. The Z-scan is a useful in-tegration of several modes, but requires a very long time.The data obtained with Z-scan can be convenientlyloaded at a later time for detailed sample examination.The transmission through scan (TT-scan) looks throughthe entire sample in one single scan, and thus all defectsare visible in a single panfocal image (Takezaki et al.2019). In the TT-scan mode, the transmitted signal isacquired with the 2nd transducer instead of the reflectedecho which is appropriate for a thin material.

Fig. 2 Comparison of the analysis of the interior of the tooth using different imaging techniques.

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Resolution and penetration depthSimilar to the optical microscope, the main parametersof SAM are the resolution, penetration depth, and con-trast. The resolution, w, of a microscope used for im-aging is determined by the ultrasonic frequency, f, used

w ¼ λ2 NA


f � λ ¼ c ð5Þ

where λ is the wavelength of the ultrasound wave in theliquid, NA is the numerical aperture,and c is the velocity of sound in the material.Substituting λ from Eq. (5) into Eq. (4), we get

w ¼ c2 f �NA


Equation (6) indicates that the imaging resolution canbe reduced by increasing the frequency.

Since the aberrations in the SAM are negligible, itsresolution is determined by the wavelength used accord-ing to the diffraction limit, where

w ¼ λ2 NA


NA is the numerical aperture of the acoustic lens.NA = sin θ, where θ is the semi-angle of the lens aper-ture subtended at the focus. A well-designed lens canobtain a focal spot at 0.7 μm using a transducer of 2GHz frequency in water but the penetration depth islimited to only a few microns for surface investigations,such as probing a tooth enamel or examination of ca-rotid arterial plaques (Saijo et al. 2002). The advantageof SAM is that enables the visualization of the materialstructure below the surface of a non-transparent solidowing to favorable propagation property of acousticwaves. The penetration depth can be estimated primarilyusing the elastic parameters of the sample, the operating

Fig. 3 Different types of scanning analytical modes of SAM

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frequency of the acoustic lens, and the signal-to-noiseratio. By optimizing the opening angle of the lens, a sat-isfactory coupling between the sample and the liquidcan be obtained and this will increase the penetrationdepth of the incident ultrasound beam (Liang et al.2019; Song et al. 2013). The higher the acoustic mis-match due to the impedance difference between the ob-ject and the liquid, the lower is the penetration depth.For instance, compared to the high-impedance materials,the low-impedance objects shear and the longitudinalwaves can reach considerably into the interior while im-aging. In addition, a lower frequency results in a deeperpenetration because of its lower attenuation with fre-quency. Most available frequency ranges between 10 and150MHz are optimized for subsurface imaging analysis.An A-scan shows the amplitude along the time, t,

which provides the depth, d, of a defect in the materialaccording to the following relation (Liang et al. 2019;Song et al. 2013):

d ¼ t � c2


Here, c represents the velocity of sound within the ma-terial and the factor 2 accounts for the round trip of thesound wave. For example, the depth in water at 67.89 μsis 50.00 mm while that in epoxy resin is 88.26 mm, asfollows.

50:00 mm ¼ 1:473 mm=μs� 67:89 μs2


88:26 mm ¼ 2:600 mm=μs� 67:89 μs2


A variety of imaging instruments are available forsurface and interface analyses. Compared to the elec-tron microscope, non-invasive imaging instrumentsare less time-consuming in terms of sample prepar-ation and are beneficial for sample recycling depend-ing on the damage done during measurementexposure (Table 1). A scanning acoustic microscopeis one of the useful and a highly efficient method ofquality and safe assessment of sensitive and expensiveproducts (Kustov and Miguel, 2019; Bilen et al.,2019a, b; Kim et al. 2019; Zhu et al. 2020).

The measured focal length of a transducer depends onthe material on which it is being measured, since differ-ent materials have different sound velocities. As thesound velocity in most materials is higher than in water,the focal length of the transducer is effectively shortenedwhen specified with water and this effect is caused by re-fraction. The resolution and penetration depth of theacoustic microscope are summarized in Table 2 to showa trade-off behavior of the improved resolution at theexpense of the penetration depth with increasing trans-ducer frequency. Ultrasound waves of low frequenciessuch as 5MHz, penetrate up to 15.0 mm deeper into thematerials than the ultrasound of higher frequencies, butthe spatial resolution of the acoustic image decreases. Incontrast, ultrasound waves of very high frequencies leadto a very high resolution; however, they do not penetratedeeply.

Experimental detailsIn the experiment conducted in this study, a sample wasplaced in a pure water tank of the SAM (KSI V8, KramerScientific Instruments, Herborn, Germany). A trans-ducer was mounted on the z-axis and could be movedabove the sample center. Unlike the case of the opticalmicroscope, the air becomes a poor transmitter ofacoustic waves from the transducer in the SAM up tothe sample. Thus, the sample was completely immersedin deionized, degassed water approximately 15 mmbelow the transducer depending on its focal length (Ber-tocci et al. 2019). The sample was fixed tightly to avoidany disturbance to it by the wave turbulence while per-forming the scan using the transducer. In addition, thetransducer was positioned to be coplanar to the sampleas much as possible so that the reflection of the echosignal would be maximum and would provide the bestimage contrast.In addition to the abovementhioned points, it was also

important to remove the tiny air bubbles under thetransducer lens using a soft brush after dipping thetransducer into the water or after the degassing proced-ure. The transducer was then moved along the Z-direction, i.e. along the depth close to the sample, untilthe amplitude of the A-scan reached its maximum at aproper working distance of the transducer.

Table 1 Imaging methodology for interface analysisa

Technology Highest lateral resolution Highest depth resolution Scanning time

Infrared 250 μm 250 μm 3min

X-ray tomography 10 μm > 2 μm 30min

Scanning Acoustic Microscope < 1 μm 1 μm 2–8 min

Optical Microscope 0.3 μm 1 μm 5min

Transmission Electron Microscope 0.1 nm 50 nm 60minasome data courtesy of PVA TePla Analytical System

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Results of the SAM inspection of hard and elasticmaterialsFigure 4 demonstrates the adhesive composite structurebetween tungsten carbide and the shank with variationsin the adhesive layer thickness. The composite bitesbonded with epoxy are widely used in high performancecutting parts of automatic lathes and micromechanics(Yared et al. 2019). The performance characteristics ofthe carbide are determined by the hardness, transverserupture strength and fracture toughness. The surface ap-pears clean and flat without any flaws or cracks whereasthe epoxy-metal interface shows incomplete binding orbumps in the adhesive layer edge because of less adhe-sive curing and density variations. In this regard, thecharacteristic of robust adhesion is clearly revealed fromthe C-scan showing the homogeneity of the metal binderphase.Figure 5 shows the internal non-destructive inspec-

tion of the flat panel bonding. Shadows of the elec-trode arrays and the irregular patterns of bonding

(arrows) can be clearly seen at the electrode layer.The resin adhesion in the bottom row appears tooverflow because of the inappropriate heating andcuring conditions. Applying an appropriate amount ofresin to a pad is very important for ensuring the im-proved optical performance and durability achieved byremoving the airgaps (Bertocci et al. 2019). If thequantitity of resin applied is too small, it can resultin empty spaces or holes inside. Good adhesion be-tween the flat panel and the electrodes increases therobustness of the display (i.e., resistance to shock, vi-bration and moisture). Choosing a resin with an opti-mized refraction index is very crucial in the flat panelfor a satisfactory display contrast and visibility. Inaddition, an adequate bond strength allows a conduct-ive interconnection after the heat pressure process isperformed for adhesive curing (Cruz et al. 2017; Yanget al. 2020). In the manufacturing process, the bond-ing of the display affects the total assembly time andthe final display quality (Park and Lee, 2019).

Table 2 Resolution and penetration depth of an acoustic microscopea

Frequency (MHz) Penetration depth (mm) Theoretical lateral resolution (μm) Focal length (mm)

5 15.0 300 19.0

10 10.0 150 15.0

15 5.1 100 19.0

20 4.1 75 15.0

25 4.1 60 15.0

30 3.4 50 12.7

40 5.4 38 20.0

75 3.4 20 12.7

80 2.2 19 8.0

100 0.4 15 1.5

110 2.2 14 8.0

120 2.2 12 8.0

200 0.3 8 7

1000 0.025 1.5 0.08

2000 0.010 0.7 0.05asome data courtesy of Kramer Scientific Instruments System

Fig. 4 Images of tungsten carbide inserts obtained from a C-scan using SAM. Incomplete adhesion is indicated by arrows in the image of theinterface layer (right) (110 MHz transducer, lateral resolution ~ 15 μm, 512 px × 512 px)

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The depth C-scan images of an Ethylene-Propylene-Diene Monomer (EPDM) rubber are presented in Fig. 6.The EPDM rubber is a widely used elastomer that isused for sealing and insulation and provides resistanceto ultraviolet radiation, oxidation, aging, and moisture. Itis an alternative rubber to silicone and nitrile owing toits efficient resistance to abrasion and tearing. It alsoprovides high tensile strength and elasticity to providehigh heat resistance and exhibits a – versatiletemperature range from − 70 to 250 °C. In the figure,scratch and stains are observed in the left image at thetop layer of the used rubber indicating deterioration atthe surface. At the underlayer, inhomogeneous imagesare observed owing to delamination or elastic deform-ation which often occurs as a result of premature cross-linking or vulcanization at the contact layer (Wang andYan, 2018).Microelectronics within plastic packages can be

inspected with a confocal resolution provided by SAM(Wüst and Rupitsch, 2018; Wang et al. 2019; Zhu et al.2019; Shannon et al. 2019; Qiu and Zhang, 2017; Qiuet al. 2018). Figure 7 shows an image of a large area(45 × 60mm2) printed circuit board (PCB) obtained fromits C-scan and reveals the features of its discrete compo-nents, such as ICs, memory chips, resistors, capacitors

and inductors. The high depth resolution (ca. 2 μm)allows us to resolve the top and inner metallic layersof the assembly. The depth resolution is determinedby the gate width (2 ns) of the ultrasonic pulse andthe sound velocity within the material (Liang et al.2019; Song et al. 2013).A plastic quad flat pack on the PCB was imaged from

the top to the underlayer. The images of the underlayeron the right side in Fig. 7 reveals diagonal dark andwhite features whose boundaries are between the diesurface and the mold compound. This suggests an ex-tensive delamination at the die attach level. Gating a pla-nar C-SAM image at the underlayer level shows that thedelamination is extensive, where the layer in the sub-strate has gradually separated. The rectangular defectpattern at the bottom right indicates a popcorn crackresulting from the sudden expansion of trappedmoisture.A human subcutaneous tissue with 2 × 2mm2 dimen-

sions at ca. 400 μm depth of the scalp was scanned usingSAM to probe the texture of the arrector pili muscle, se-baceous gland, lymph, microvessels (open circle) andhair follicles (arrows). The resultant image is shown inFig. 8. The scalp hair follicles in Asian people are circu-lar in shape with a diameter of 80–100 μm. The hair

Fig. 5 Image showing the flat panel bonding between a glass and the electrodes, obtained from a C-scan (50 MHz transducer, lateral resolution~ 30 μm, 512 px × 128 px)

Fig. 6 Image of the EPDM flange obtained from its C-scan (50 MHz transducer, lateral resolution ~ 30 μm, 512 px × 512 px)

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follicles clearly show a several layers of the internal rootsheath - Henle’s layer, Huxley’s layer, and an internal cu-ticle that are continuous with the outermost layer of thehair fiber. It is important to understand and maintainscalp health since the scalp acts as a barrier to protectthe cranial vault from physical trauma or infectiousagents. High-contrast images of the subcutaneous tissueusing SAM can help in the clinical diagnosis of hairthinning or loss treatment by analysing the sebaceousglands, microvessels, nerves, and follicles of the detailedlayers of the scalp.In recent years, advanced techniques such as ultra-

sound impedance microscopy, ultrasound speed micros-copy, and scanning acoustic gigahertz microscopy have

been developed for industrial and medical applicationsto provide additional information on the viscoelastic,anisotropic, internal stress, and nonlinear properties(Anastasiadis and Zinin, 2018; Demirkana et al. 2019;Hozumia et al. 2019). In ultrasound impedance micros-copy, a plastic plate is inserted between the transducerand the biosample to be probed. The ultrasound propa-gates through the thin plastic plate which is consideredas a reference signal, and is reflected at the interface be-tween the plate and the sample. The reflected signal iscompared with the reference signal and is regarded asthe acoustic impedance (Saijo 2009). The impedancemode enables the analysis of the fine structures of thesurface for assessing the biomechanics of the cells andthe thinly sliced tissues.Saijo et al. have investigated the acoustic properties of

various organs and disease states by employing acoustic at-tenuation and sound speed images captured using a singlepulsed wave instead of continuous waves used in the con-ventional SAM systems (Saijo et al. 2005). In ultrasoundspeed microscopy, the reflected waveforms from the glasssubstrate, which are considered as a reference signal, andtissue are obtained. The intensity and phase spectra arenormalized with respect to the reference signal after apply-ing a Fourier transform (Saijo et al., 2007a, b) and the infor-mation on the thickness, attenuation and sound speed iscalculated (Saijo 2009; Saijo et al., 2007a, b). High-contrastimages are acquired according to different elastic parame-ters on the basis of the distribution of the speed of sound.SAM is becoming a diversified and favorite tool pro-

viding a unique microscopy modality for non-invasiveinspection of industrial and medical samples in a shorttime duration and providing high-quality analyses. Novelacoustic techniques such as a relavant lens design andfocus achieved using acoustic waves are highly prospect-ive and motivating for many applications to adopt SAMas a versatile and quantitative evaluation tool.

Fig. 7 Image of a large area PCB (45 × 60 mm2) obtained from its C-scan (50 MHz transducer, lateral resolution ~ 30 μm, 480 px × 640 px)

Fig. 8 A lateral scan parallel to the scalp surface showing themicrovessels (open circles) and hair follicles (arrows) (110 MHztransducer, lateral resolution ~ 15 μm, 1024 px × 1024 px)

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ConclusionThe basic concept, operation, and applications of acous-tic microscopy for analyzing nontransparent objects havebeen described in this paper. A reliable non-destructiveacoustic method provides an efficient inspection of de-fects, failure, delamination, and cracks at differentdepths. SAM is a useful technique for fast and conveni-ent measurement of large area samples to probe theirdetailed internal structures layer by layer. A large varietyof inspection modes such as vertical, horizontal, and di-agonal cross-sections are possible employing the focuspathway and image reconstruction algorithm determinedby the change in the acoustic impedance at the interfaceof material layers or defects. The use of these SAM is aunique imaging technique as it provides mechanicalstress and high-resolution depth information that cannotbe directly visualized by other techniques such as opticalmicroscopy, X-ray computer-aided tomography, infraredthermography, magnetic resonance imaging and opticalcoherence tomography imaging modalities.

AbbreviationsSAM: Scanning acoustic microscopy; AMI: Acoustic Micro Imaging;LiNbO3: Lithium niobate; PMN-PT: Lead magnesium niobate-lead titanate; TT-scan: Transmission through scan; EPDM: Ethylene-Propylene-Diene Monomer;PQFP: Plastic quad flat pack; PCB: Printed circuit board

AcknowledgementsThe author thanks Mr. Hoffmann Henrik at Kramer Scientific Instruments forhis kind advice.

Author’s contributionsHY conceived, conducted, and supervised the all the scanning acousticexperiment, analyzed and interpreted the data research and wrote themanuscript. The author is in agreement with the results obtained andapproved the final version of the manuscript.

FundingThis work is supported by a National Research Council of Science &Technology (NST) grant by the Korean Government (MSIT) (No. CAP-18-04-KRISS).

Availability of data and materialsThe datasets used and/or analyzed during the current study are availablefrom the corresponding author on reasonable request.

Competing interestsThe author declares that they have no competing interests in this section.

Received: 15 September 2020 Accepted: 28 October 2020

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