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Scaling up genomic analysis with ADAM

Frank Austin Nothaft, UC Berkeley AMPLab [email protected], @fnothaft


What is ADAM?• An open source, high performance, distributed

platform for genomic analysis

• ADAM defines a:

1. Data schema and layout on disk*

2. A Scala API

3. A command line interface

* Via Avro and Parquet

What’s the big picture?ADAM:!

Core API + CLIs

bdg-formats:!Data schemas

RNAdam:!RNA analysis on


avocado:!Distributed local


xASSEMBLEx:!GraphX-based de novo assembler

bdg-services:!ADAM clusters

PacMin:!String graph assembler

Implementation Overview

• 34k LOC (96% Scala)

• Apache 2 licensed OSS

• 23 contributors across 10 institutions

• Pushing for production 1.0 release towards end of year

Key Observations• Current genomics pipelines are I/O limited

• Most genomics algorithms can be formulated as a data or graph parallel computation

• These algorithms are heavy on iteration/pipelining

• Data access pattern is write once, read many times

• High coverage, whole genome will become main sequencing target (for human genetics)

Principles for Scalable Design in ADAM

• Parallel FS and data representation (HDFS + Parquet) combined with in-memory computing eliminates disk bandwidth bottleneck

• Spark allows efficient implementation of iterative/pipelined Map-Reduce

• Minimize data movement: send code to data

• An in-memory data parallel computing framework

• Optimized for iterative jobs —> unlike Hadoop

• Data maintained in memory unless inter-node movement needed (e.g., on repartitioning)

• Presents a functional programing API, along with support for iterative programming via REPL

• Used at scale on clusters with >2k nodes, 4TB datasets

Why Spark?• Current leading map-reduce framework:

• First in-memory map-reduce platform

• Used at scale in industry, supported in major distros (Cloudera, HortonWorks, MapR)

• The API:

• Fully functional API

• Main API in Scala, also support Java, Python, R

• Manages node/job failures via lineage, data locality/job assignment

• Downstream tools (GraphX, MLLib)

Data Format• Avro schema encoded by


• Schema can be updated without breaking backwards compatibility

• Read schema looks a lot like BAM, but renormalized

• Actively removing tags

• Variant schema is strictly biallelic, a “cell in the matrix”

record AlignmentRecord { union { null, Contig } contig = null; union { null, long } start = null; union { null, long } end = null; union { null, int } mapq = null; union { null, string } readName = null; union { null, string } sequence = null; union { null, string } mateReference = null; union { null, long } mateAlignmentStart = null; union { null, string } cigar = null; union { null, string } qual = null; union { null, string } recordGroupName = null; union { int, null } basesTrimmedFromStart = 0; union { int, null } basesTrimmedFromEnd = 0; union { boolean, null } readPaired = false; union { boolean, null } properPair = false; union { boolean, null } readMapped = false; union { boolean, null } mateMapped = false; union { boolean, null } firstOfPair = false; union { boolean, null } secondOfPair = false; union { boolean, null } failedVendorQualityChecks = false; union { boolean, null } duplicateRead = false; union { boolean, null } readNegativeStrand = false; union { boolean, null } mateNegativeStrand = false; union { boolean, null } primaryAlignment = false; union { boolean, null } secondaryAlignment = false; union { boolean, null } supplementaryAlignment = false; union { null, string } mismatchingPositions = null; union { null, string } origQual = null; union { null, string } attributes = null; union { null, string } recordGroupSequencingCenter = null; union { null, string } recordGroupDescription = null; union { null, long } recordGroupRunDateEpoch = null; union { null, string } recordGroupFlowOrder = null; union { null, string } recordGroupKeySequence = null; union { null, string } recordGroupLibrary = null; union { null, int } recordGroupPredictedMedianInsertSize = null; union { null, string } recordGroupPlatform = null; union { null, string } recordGroupPlatformUnit = null; union { null, string } recordGroupSample = null; union { null, Contig} mateContig = null;}

Parquet• ASF Incubator project, based on

Google Dremel


• High performance columnar store with support for projections and push-down predicates

• 3 layers of parallelism:

• File/row group

• Column chunk

• Page

Image from Parquet format definition:


• Parquet provides pushdown predication

• Evaluate filter on a subset of columns

• Only read full set of projected columns for passing records

• Full primary/secondary indexing support in Parquet 2.0

• Very efficient if reading a small set of columns:

• On disk, contig ID/start/end consume < 2% of space

Image from Parquet format definition:

Compression• Parquet compresses

at the column level:

• RLE for repetitive columns

• Dictionary encoding for quantized columns

• ADAM uses a fully denormalized schema

• Repetitive columns are RLE’d out

• Delta encoding (Parquet 2.0) will aid with quality scores

• ADAM is 5-25% smaller than compressed BAM

Parquet/Spark Integration• 1 row group in Parquet maps

to 1 partition in Spark

• We interact with Parquet via input/output formats

• These apply projections and predicates, handle (de)compression

• Spark builds and executes a computation DAG, manages data locality, errors/retries, etc.

RG 1 RG 2 RG n…Parquet

RG 1 RG 2 RG n…Parquet

SparkParquet Input Format

Parquet Output Format

Partition 1

Partition 2

Partition n

Long-read assembly with PacMin

The State of Analysis• Conventional short-read alignment based pipelines

are really good at calling SNPs

• But, we’re still pretty bad at calling INDELs, and SVs

• And are slow: 2 weeks to sequence, 1 week to analyze. Not fast enough for clinical use.

• If we move away from short reads, do we have other options?


• New read technologies are available

• Provide much longer reads (250bp vs. >10kbp)

• Different error model… (15% INDEL errors, vs. 2% SNP errors)

• Generally, lower sequence specific biasLeft: PacBio homepage, Right: Wired,

If long reads are available…• We can use conventional methods:

Carneiro et al, Genome Biology 2012

But!• Why not make raw assemblies out of the reads?


Find overlapping reads Find consensus sequencefor all pairs of reads (i,j):

i j


• Problems:

1. Overlapping is O(n2) and single evaluation is expensive anyways

2. Typical algorithms find a single consensus sequence; what if we’ve got polymorphisms?

Fast Overlapping with MinHashing

• Wonderful realization by Berlin et al1: overlapping is similar to document similarity problem

• Use MinHashing to approximate similarity:

1: Berlin et al, bioRxiv 2014

Per document/read, compute signature:!!

1. Cut into shingles 2. Apply random

hashes to shingles 3. Take min over all

random hashes

Hash into buckets:!!Signatures of length l can be hashed into b buckets, so we expect

to compare all elements with similarity ≥ (1/b)^(b/l)

Compare:!!For two documents with signatures of length l, Jaccard similarity is

estimated by (# equal hashes) / l


• Easy to implement in Spark: map, groupBy, map, filter

Overlaps to Assemblies• Finding pairwise overlaps gives us a directed

graph between reads (lots of edges!)

Transitive Reduction• We can find a consensus between clique members

• Or, we can reduce down:

• Via two iterations of Pregel!

Actually Making Calls• From here, we need to call copy number per edge

• Probably via Newton-Raphson based on coverage; we’re not sure yet.

• Then, per position in each edge, call alleles:

Notes:!Equation is from Li, Bioinformatics 2011

g = genotype state m = ploidy

𝜖 = probability allele was erroneously observed k = number of reads observed

l = number of reads observed matching “reference” allele TBD: equation assumes biallelic observations at site and reference allele; we won’t have either of those conveniences…

An aside: Monoallelic Genotyping

• Traditional probabilistic models for variant calling assume independence at each site

• However, this throws away a lot of information

• Can consider a different formulation of the problem:

• Build a graph of the alleles

• Find the allelic copy numbers that maximize likelihood

Allelic Graph

Allelic Graph

• Edges of graph define conditional probabilities

• E.g., if ACACTCG is covered by 30 reads, and C is covered by 1 read, P(C | ACACTCG) is low

• Can efficiently marginalize probabilities over graph using Eliminate algorithm1, exactly solve for argmax





1. Jordan, “Probabilistic Graphical Models.”

Output• Current assemblers emit FASTA contigs

• In layperson’s speak: long strings

• We’ll emit “multigs”, which we’ll map back to reference graph

• Multig = multi-allelic (polymorphic) contig

• Working with UCSC, who’ve done some really neat work1 deriving formalisms & building software for mapping between sequence graphs, and GA4GH ref. variation team

1. Paten et al, “Mapping to a Reference Genome Structure”, arXiv 2014.

Acknowledgements• UC Berkeley: Matt Massie, André Schumacher,

Jey Kottalam, Christos Kozanitis, Adam Bloniarz!

• Mt. Sinai: Arun Ahuja, Neal Sidhwaney, Michael Linderman, Jeff Hammerbacher!

• GenomeBridge: Timothy Danford, Carl Yeksigian!

• Cloudera: Uri Laserson!

• Microsoft Research: Jeremy Elson, Ravi Pandya!

• And many other open source contributors: 23 contributors to ADAM/BDG from >10 institutions