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System Control Application

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Getting started 4


Step by Step 5


Fabrication tabs 10

Main Menu Items 11

Oscillate tool 13

Laser Control tool 13

Disable/Enable drives 14

History 14

Galvo control 14

IOControl 14

Options 15

Fabrication preview 16

Adding and configuring fabrication algorithm commands 16

Changing the command execution priority 17

Fast Enable/Disable/Delete/Insert 18

Checking generated values 18

Status messages list 18

Main Buttons 18

PLT command window 20

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Bitmap command window (Bitmap properties) 22


Variables and Mathematical expressions 41


General options 44

Stage X/ Stage Y/ Stage Z 45

Rotation Stage 46

Pjezo 46

Galvo 47

Shutter 50

Thorlabs Shutter 50

Joystick 50

Stepper 51

AutoFocus 51

Laser Control 51

Laser 52

Attenuator 53

Power meter 54


Command line launch 55

Calibrate Measurer 55

Camera control 56

Camera focus 59

Sample tilting detection 59

Object position detection 60



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Getting started

The main SCA software idea is to provide the ability to control different technological

processes and their sequences. Main SCA software advantage is the ability to integrate and

control various hardware (different manufacturers) using unified technological parameter

systems. SCA software supports following hardware:

Linear stages from Aerotech Co. Ltd. (For example ALS130-150 XY with

NLdrive/Npaq controllers).

Rotary stages from Aerotech Co.Ltd.

Aerotech stages must be controlled by A3200 controller.

Galvo scanners (GSI Group, Inc.; ScanLab AG) controlled through RTC4 or

RTC ScanAlone (ScanLab AG) interface board via XY100 protocol.

Pjezo actuators from Physik Instrumente (PI) GmbH & Co. (For Ex.: P-725 with

E-750 controller).

Motorized attenuators (Altechna).

Polarization rotators (Altechna).

Other devices.

This paper describes SCA software fabrication algorithm, programming aspects, program

GUI (Graphical User Interface) and hardware configuration wizard. SCA software

requires different computer programming knowledge for particular operation:

1 level (highest knowledge) – creating, editing and updating fabrication ―letters‖ using

C++, Delphi, C#.

2 level – fabrication algorithm construction from ―letters‖, ―words‖ or ―sentences‖ created

earlier, simple fabrication algorithm creation and hardware configuration (requires

knowledge in hardware used).

3 level – load saved fabrication and hardware parameters - requires only basic PC


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Step by Step

1. Install Automation A3200 from Aerotech Inc. (if Aerotech stages will be used).


2. Start SCAsetup.msi. Press Next.

Setup requires .Net Framework version 3.5. Please install .Net Framework version 3.5

before running SCAsetup.msi. If .Net Framework is not installed on your computer, you

will see the following window:

Click No and go to:


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3. Browse installation folder (“C:\Program Files\SCA\” - default). Press Next.

It is recommended not to change installation folder.

4. Press Next to start the installation.

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5. Press Close to finalize SCA installation.

To run SCA®

go to Start => Programs => SCA.

SCA® software is compatible with Microsoft Windows XP and Windows 7. SCA requires

administrator privileges to run properly in Windows 7. Click right mouse button on

SCA.exe (or shortcut) go Properties => Compatibility and select ―Run this program as


When you run unregistered program – following message will


After pressing OK button another message will appear:

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You can register SCA program by pressing Register and taking following steps:

1. Contact Altechna by

[email protected] (e-mail subject ―SCA

registration‖) and send your ―Security key‖ to

get ―License key‖ (see Registration window).

2. Enter received license key to ―License key‖

field and press ―Save‖ button.

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SCA GUI consists of:

Main menu

Fabrication and Hardware tabs.

Fabrication Algorithm Table.

Selected algorithm command parameters and description table.

Editable parameter description table.

Hardware monitoring window.

Fabrication preview window.

Fabrication preview options panel.

Main menu

Fabrication tabs


algorithm table

Selected algorithm

command parameters and

description table.




―Up‖, ―Down‖, ―Add‖

and ―Del‖ buttons

Add new tab


Hardware tab

Fabrication preview

options panel



Fabrication preview window.

WYSIWYG – What you see

is what you get.

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Fabrication tabs

SCA supports multiple fabrication tabs. Number of tabs is limited to 6 (add new

tab button will not work after maximum is reached). Each tab contains its own fabrication

algorithm and does not depend on other open tabs. To add new use + button (shown on the

image below) or menu File => New fabrication (Ctrl+N). All user actions are applied to

currently active fabrication tab only (e.g. Validate button press will validate only active

fabrication tab data). When closing SCA, user is asked if he wishes to save changes to

open fabrication tabs.

Unsaved fabrication changes are

identified by ‗*‘ sign appearing on tab

header (and SCA window header if

unsaved tab is active) right after

fabrication name.

Tab specific actions:

New fabrication [Ctrl+N]

– starts new empty

fabrication in current tab

(if current tab fabrication

is unsaved prompts save


Open fabrication [Ctrl+O] – opens saved fabrication file in new tab.

Insert fabrication – Inserts fabrication

commands from *.fab file at the end of

current tab command list.

Save fabrication as… [Ctrl+Shift+S] – saves

current tab fabrication to fabrication file with user

given name.

Save fabrication [Ctrl+S] – saves current tab

fabrication to fabrication file.



Add new

tab button

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These actions can be reached at main menu item File or by right-clicking on fabrication

tab (not all actions are available by right clicking).

Main Menu Items

File [Alt+F]

To start a new fabrication press (opens a new tab):

File => New fabrication [Ctrl+N]

To open saved fabrication press:

File => Open fabrication [Ctrl+O]

To insert the fabrication in your algorithm press:

File => Insert fabrication

To save the Fabrication algorithm as new file press:

File => Save fabrication as … [Ctrl+Shift+S]

To save the Fabrication algorithm changes press:

File => Save fabrication [Ctrl+S]

To access recently used files press:

File => Recent files [Ctrl+S]

To load Hardware parameter set press:

File => Load parameter set

To save Hardware parameter set press:

File => Save parameter set

To exit the program press:

File => Exit.

Edit [Alt+E]

To copy fabrication algorithm command press:

Edit => Copy command [Ctrl+Shift+C]

To paste fabrication algorithm command press:

Edit => Paste command [Ctrl+Shift+V]

To delete fabrication algorithm command press:

Edit => Delete command [Del]

To move fabrication command up in the algorithm press:

Edit => Move up [Ctrl+U or q] or press ―Up‖ button in the main window

To move fabrication command down in the algorithm press:

Edit => Move down [Ctrl+D or a] or press ―Down‖ button in the main window

Undo/Redo: Edit=> Undo [Ctrl+Z]/Redo [Ctrl+Y]

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Control [Alt+C]

To invoke execution:

Control => Execute [Ctrl+Shift+E]

To open Joystick control (only after initialize is done):

Control => Joystick [Ctrl+Shift+J]

To invoke Validation:

Control => Validate [F5]

Tools [Alt+T]

Note: Some tools are available only when certain

hardware is enabled

To run Pjezo control tool press:

Tools => PZT control

To run Galvo control tool press:

Tools => Galvo Control

To run Oscillate tool press:

Tools => Oscillate [Alt+T+O]

To run Laser Control tool press:

Tools => Laser Control

To disable/enable Aerotech drives press:

Tools => Disable drives

To open IOControl tool:

Tools => IOControl

To open Pharos control tool:

Tools => Pharos

To set attenuator energy:

Tools => Attenuator => Set Energy

To run attenuator direct control:

Tools => Attenuator => Direct control

To see fabrication algorithm changes:

Tools => History

To set miscellaneous SCA application options:

Tools => Options

To enable/disable Virtual Joystick press:

Tools => Virtual Joystick [Ctrl+J]

To view fabrication preview in separate window:

Tools => Show fabrication display window

To enable\disable drawing algorithm in fabrication display:

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Tools => Draw algorithm

To view object rectangle in fabrication display:

Tools => Show object rectangle

Help [Alt+H]

To check for SCA updates press:

Help => Check for updates

To read SCA manual press:

Help => Manual [F1]

To see About box:

Help => About

Oscillate tool

Oscillate tool is designed for testing and calibration

purposes. You can make positioning stages to oscillate.

Oscillation parameters for XYZ axis:

Oscillation amplitude A [mm]

Oscillation center position z0 [mm]

Oscillation frequency f [Hz]

Press Start to start selected stage to oscillate. You can

oscillate only one axis at a time. For example – with

default parameters Z axis will start to oscillate at 1 Hz

frequency with 1 mm amplitude around center position: 0

mm ± 0,5 mm.

Laser Control tool

Laser control tool is designed for testing and

calibration purposes. You can force laser emission to

appear while not fabricating. Press Fire button to force

laser to emit irradiation. By changing frequency divider

(by default equal to 1) you will change laser triggering

frequency. Frequency divider must always be set

greater than ―1‖! To change laser frequency go to: Hardware => Laser Control => Laser

frequency (default).

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Disable/Enable drives

Disable/Enable drives tool is designed to enable/disable Aerotech stages drives

(amplifiers). When Initialize process (see Main buttons – Initialize) is finished

successfully – drives will be enabled automatically.

To disable Aerotech amplifiers go Tools => Disable drives, to enable: Tools => Enable



Here you can find

fabrication algorithm

changes made. To modify

Operations To Remember

(OTR) amount go to Tools

=> Options => History.

Undo/Redo functionality (memory deepness) depends on OTR.

Galvo control

Galvo control tool allows performing actions with Galvo. This tool

is available only if Galvo scanner is initialized in SCA software.

Jump to – input X and Y coordinates and press Jump button to

jump to specified position.

Show field – Shows whole Galvo scanning field.

Show object field – Shows field (size) of current algorithm object.

Reset – resets external start counter value.


IOControl tool allows predefining

settings for IOControl or Executable

command (or additional main window


Show in main window – enable\disable

showing control as button in main SCA


Text - name of the new control.

Tool tip – context information that should

appear when mouse is over control.

Executable – file path of executable e.g. ―D:\\note.txt‖.

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Program must restart, before new buttons appear in main window.

For information on other settings please refer to IOControl command description.


You can configure:


Enable/disable sounds on ―Operation

done‖ and ―press Space Bar‖ message

(WAIT command).


Enable/disable for homing equipment and

on multiple SCA instances.


SET Operations To Remember (OTR)



Set Display update rate at Fabrication

preview window during fabrication, max cycle count for CS command, max Aero

code size, max look ahead moves on Blending mode. Select if to Use AERO code

optimization and Auto calculate command parameters for default frequency.

Fabrication Display

Set Background image for Fabrication preview window. Set Bitmap pixel

rendering type (Square, Circle, Point, Original) for Fabrication preview window.

Set mouse position showing. Set axis options. Set mouse wheel sensitivity. Set

Main Display

Enable/disable : 1) G-Code line, 2) Math & Variables line in Fabrication

Algorithm Table 3) Set Maximized and Normal form sizes.


Set commands display order and enabling.


Set hardware settings enabling.

Virtual Joystick

Select whether to show frequency option.

To load default configuration, press Tools => Options => Load default button.

To save your configuration press Save.

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Fabrication preview

Fabrication preview window can work in two modes 2D and 3D. Navigation in preview

window is available with mouse and keyboard (keyboard arrows UP, DOWN, LEFT,

RIGHT). To view fabrication display in separate window: Tools Show fabrication

display window (window allows to view fabrication display in full screen mode).

Fabrication preview options:

- zoom in

- zoom out

- zoom reset

- zoom to object

- move view up

- move view down

- move view left

- move view right

- camera

- save display image

- track laser position

- full screen view

- toggle 2D/3D mode

- orbit view

- first person view

- view type (XY, YZ, XZ)

- view settings (show jumps, show grid)

Adding and configuring fabrication algorithm commands

Basically, fabrication algorithm consists of ―letters‖ (simplest fabrication algorithm elements),

from which ―words‖ and ―sentences‖ can be written for complex fabrication algorithm. System

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can be extended with additional commands (―letters‖) and devices support without rewriting

base program module (contact [email protected] for more info).

To add a command press button in the main program window and select the right

command from the drop box. The selected command line will appear in the algorithm window

(after the last selected command).

You can Delete, Copy, Paste, Paste below, Highlight, Enable or Show generated

values of selected fabrication algorithm command lines by pressing Right Mouse

Button (RMB).

Highlighted commands in fabrication preview window will be shown with different color.

Changing the command execution priority

To change fabrication algorithm command line place in the fabrication algorithm - select

the command line and press ‗Up‘ or ‗Down‘ buttons (alternatively press ‗q‘ or ‗a‘).

1. Press the

―ADD‖ button

3. Added command

will appear after the

last selected


Press right mouse

button to delete,

copy …

Selected (‗XYZ‘)

command parameters.

2. Select the



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Fast Enable/Disable/Delete/Insert

To Enable/Disable algorithm commands right-click on selected

command(s) and press on ‗Enabled‘ menu item or press ‗e‘ key.

Disabled commands will not be executed.

To delete algorithm command press ‗d‘ or ‗DEL‘(also available with right-click on

selected command => Delete).

Insert commands with ‗Insert‘ button (list of

fabrication commands will appear).

Checking generated values

For some commands preview of their cycle values

is available. Right click on selected command and

press ‗Show generated values‘ menu item or press

F3 key.

Status messages list

SCA logs status messages that

can be viewed by clicking

the icon at the bottom of SCA main

window. Validation\execution timer

appears here when performing


Main Buttons


To validate all fabrication algorithm commands parameters sets (apply changes made)

press Validate button in the main window. Press Validate every time you change

fabrication algorithm or algorithm command parameters to ensure that those changes are

correct. Fabrication preview window will be updated every time you validate fabrication


1. Select the


you want to


2. Press ‗Up‘ for

moving up and

‗Down‘ button for

moving the

command line

down. Fast Enable/Disable

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Validate applies only to currently active tab.


To initialize the connection between program and the various Hardware devices (e.g.

Aerotech stages) you need to press Initialize button. Note, that positioning stage drives,

executing algorithms, joystick (and some other functions) will be enabled only after

initialization. Initialization can be performed only once. If Hardware settings were

changed, devices are reinitialized at pressing ―Save & Validate‖ button.


When you have validated the fabrication algorithm and want to start the fabrication - press

Execute button in the main window. Note: Validation will be performed automatically

before Execution.

You can cancel the fabrication by pressing the Cancel button.


Joystick button enables joystick regime only if joystick is

presented and is enabled in the hardware configuration. To enable

joystick go to hardware tab and set parameter Joystick Enabled

to True.

There are two joystick types: hardware and virtual.

Press ‗Validate‘ to

apply changes made.

When mouse pointer

is over parameter

input box a short

description appears

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Virtual Joystick uses PC keyboard:

‗A‘ → Switch mode (Fast, Slow)

‗B‘ → Switch control axis (XY, ZY)

‗C‘ or ―ESC‖ → Turn off virtual joystick

‗UP‘ → Move Y++ or Z++

‗DOWN‘ → Move Y-- or Z—

‗LEFT‘ → Move X-- or Y—

‗RIGHT‘ → Move X++ or Y++

‗H‘ → Return to start position

‗E‘ → Execute

‗F‘ → Fire

‗M‘ → Free move

Attenuator power can be controlled from Virtual joystick.

Virtual joystick Ekspla laser options:

Power level (%) – power level (0-100%). Press Set button to send

this setting to Ekspla laser.

Frequency (kHz) – laser frequency. Must be lower than Hardware => Laser => Ekspla

=> Seed frequency.

Time (ms) – if Fire continuous is disabled then laser is firing only for specified amount

of time.


Press HOME button when you want to home all Aerotech linear/rotary stages to their

hardware zero reference point. You can change hardware zero position with Home offset

(go to Hardware => Stage X / Stage Y / Stage Z → Home offset).

You can use this button only when connection is initialized and fabrication is not in



Pause button appears when fabrication is in progress. Pressing Pause pauses the

fabrication that can be resumed by clicking Continue button. Execution can be continued:

from current point (not always available)

from next command

by repeating the command that was paused

PLT command window

PLT command allows stage movement by PLT format specified trajectory.

PLT command supports *.plt, *.hpgl, *.hpg file formats. Laser triggering pulses can have

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even distribution in travelled distance (laser pulses are generated using PSO function) or

can have even distribution in time.

In fabrication algorithm double click PLT command line to enter PLT window.

In PLT window you can change PLT drawing dimensions:

Width – PLT image width.

Height – PLT image height.

Original proportions – Check to force keeping original image proportions.

In Mark Type tab you can:

Set PLT picture Mark speed – object positioning speed.

Set Device (stage or galvo).

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Adjust (enable/disable) Laser triggering PSO signal output – number of pulses per


In Orientation tab you can select Initial position – point according to which PLT picture

will be fabricated. It is the position of the picture which will coincide with current beam


For example:

You can rotate loaded PLT drawing by entering Rotation

angle [degrees].

Flip vertically – flips PLT image vertically.

Flip horizontally – flips PLT image horizontally.

Bitmap command window (Bitmap properties)

Bitmap – linear stages and/or galvo scanners motion in trajectory specified by BMP, JPG

or GIF bitmap files. Ability to fabricate with galvo scanners and positioning stages

simultaneously in „on fly― mode.

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Bitmap Properties window is a tool for Bitmap command properties setup. To access

Bitmap Properties window double click Bitmap command in the fabrication algorithm


Bitmap Tab

To load a bitmap file press Browse button or go to File => Open Bitmap [Ctrl+O]. You

can load saved bitmap job: File => Open job file [Ctrl+F+P]. You can also save bitmap

(File => Save Bitmap [Ctrl+F+B]) or save prepared job file (File => Save job file


Orientation Tab

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Device selection. It is forbidden to select different devices if you do not have galvo

scanners synchronization with stages.

Select Scan direction. If fabricating with stages, it is recommended to scan with

upper axis (usually Y) – less mass moved.

Mark Type Tab

In the Mark Type Tab you can adjust bitmap marking properties, such as

Grayscale 2D mode – enable grayscale mode (described in grayscale mode section)

Optimization – scan algorithm optimization - skip empty pixels by executing fast jumps.

Mark on fly – fabricate with galvo mirrors and linear stages simultaneously in „on-fly―


Grayscale 1D Height mode

mm per color bit – describes height difference between pixels with different color bit. For

example if for some pixel color bit = 50 and ―mm per color bit‖ = 0,01 mm/bit , then Z

will move by 0,1 mm to fabricate current pixel.

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Speed – Bitmap fabrication speed [mm/s].

Pixel frequency – pixel mark frequency [steps per second] – speed dependent.

Steps per pixel – pixel multiplexing. Step per pixel number must have integer square root,

for example: 1, 4, 9, 16...

Pulses per step – pulses per pixel (step).

Repetition – bitmap fabrication repetition.

Line Jump Delay – delay after each bitmap line. Minimize vibrations occurring if axis is

still settling down.

Grayscale Mode

Allows to fabricate grayscale bitmaps, there each pixel is determined with different

amount of pulses or at different height according to the color depth (256 bit). Fabrication is

done step-by-step.

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Color bit range – 256 bit grey scale loaded bitmap color bit selection. For example if

range is from 100 to 256, then it will fabricate only pixels with color value >100:

Steps per pixel - pixel multiplexing. Step per pixel number must have integer square root,

for example: 1, 4, 9, 16...

Jump speed – jump speed between pixels and lines.

Line jump delay – delay after line jump for stages to settle down.

Pixel jump delay – delay after pixel jump for stages to settle down.

Pixel modes:

1. Pulse

a. Pulses per color bit – describes triggering pulses amount per bit color. Stages do not

start moving, until curtain pixel is done. If Pulses per color bit = 50, and if pixel color is =

256, then 50 x 256 = 12800 pulses per certain pixel. This value can be defined as linear or

using an expression (e.g. 2*per_color_bit, per_color_bit*per_color_bit).

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2. Height

a. mm per color bit – describes height difference between pixels with different color bit.

For example if for some pixel color bit = 50 and ―mm per color bit‖ = 0,01 mm/bit , then Z

will move by 0,1 mm to fabricate current pixel.

b. Pulses per pixel – describes triggering pulses amount per pixel.

3. Rotation

a. Pulses per pixel – describes triggering pulses amount per pixel.

b. Deg per color bit – pixel color depth dependent rotation (same as mm per color bit,

only in degrees).

c. Start angle – start angle in degrees.

Bitmap Hexagonal Mode (BHM)

To enable Hexagonal mode in the Bitmap properties window go to: Tools =>

HEX. Picture matrix will be converted 1:1 => 1:2 and stretch factor will be automatically

set to to fit to hex cell:

Hex mode works both with normal and grayscale mode.

PLT/DXF sorting

PLT and DXF commands allow user to sort file entities

(lines, polylines, arcs…) and therefore optimize

fabrication (time is saved by removing unnecessary

jumps). Sorting puts elements in order by comparing

distance between entities. Fabrication order options incline sorting with Top down or

Bottom up priorities (higher or lower layers are fabricated earlier).

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To change fabrication algorithm command parameters select it - depending on

the selected command, the different parameters you will be able to change in

the command parameters and description table.

Note: some commands are available only when certain hardware is enabled.

VAR – define variables. For Ex.: a = 5; b = a+5; radius = 12 … For

more information check Variables and Mathematical expressions


ZT – move only Z axis without firing.


o Jump – move XYZ linear stages asynchronously to a certain

specified point with laser turned off.

o Constant density – fabricate using XYZ linear stages with

fixed laser pulse density = jjstage movement in a specified line

by triggering laser pulses which have even distribution in SPACE. Program

automatically calculates margins* which are required for stages to

accelerate to a certain velocity. Laser

triggering signals are generated

synchronously with the stage position.

* To enable margins choose:

Setback or Leave Margin for

acceleration margin.

Return or Leave Margin for deceleration margin.

If margin is ‗None‘, stages accelerate/decelerate during fabrication/movement.

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o Constant frequency – fabricate using XYZ stages with fixed laser pulse

frequency = stage movement in a specified line with triggered laser pulses

which have even distribution in TIME. Program automatically calculates

margins which are required for stages to accelerate to a certain velocity.

ARCT – X and Y stages synchronous movement in an arc trajectory with laser

turned off.

ARCD – X and Y stages synchronous movement in an arc trajectory by triggering

laser control pulses which have even distribution in space. Laser triggering signals

are generated synchronously with the stage position.

ARCF – X and Y stages synchronous movement in an arc trajectory by triggering

laser control pulses which have even distribution in time.

Direction – Clockwise/ Counter Clockwise

R – arc radius [mm]

φ1 – start angle [deg]

φ2 – stop angle [deg]

If Acceleration SetBack and

Deceleration Return selected,


1) Sets back for acceleration

2) Accelerates

3) Move at constant velocity

4) Brakes

5) Returns

If Acceleration LeaveMargin

and Deceleration LeaveMargin

selected, then:

1) Accelerates

2) Moves at constant velocity

3) Decelerates

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Circle – Fabricate a CIRCLE at constant density or frequency mode = X and Y

stages synchronous movement in a circle trajectory by triggering control laser

pulses which have even distribution in space or time. In density mode laser

triggering signals are generated synchronously with the stage position.

Initial point – circle position in respect to initial

position: 1.Top 2. Centre 3. Left 4. Right 5. Bottom.

Note that if center point is selected, stages will firstly

move to point 4 and then will fabricate circle in CW


Radius (R) – circle radius [mm]

Repeat – Number of times to repeat circle fabrication.

Point – Shoot number of laser pulses to a point (Device – stage or galvo).

CS/CF – Cycle start/finish. Every CS command requires CF command.

Transform – Rotates vectorical images by X, Y, Z axes.

Bitmap – linear stage or galvo mirror motion in trajectory specified by BMP, JPG

or GIF bitmap files (recommended - 1 bit). Ability to fabricate with galvo mirrors

and linear stages simultaneously in „on-fly― mode.

Bitmap picture fabrication function features several operation options:

Black and white picture

Regular marking of black and white pictures is supported by devices controlled

through A3200 and RTC4 controllers.

Grayscale picture

(Grayscale 2D, Pixel mode: Pulse) Number of laser pulses is changed according to

pixel‘s grayscale level. This function is supported by devices controlled through


(Grayscale 2D, Pixel mode: Height) Z position of an object (or focal spot) is

changed according to pixel‘s grayscale level (pulses are deposited within different

Z altitude). This function is supported by devices controlled through A3200 on

systems having incorporated Z axis.

(Grayscale 2D, Pixel mode: Rotation) Beam polarization is changed according to

pixel‘s grayscale level (polarization is rotated using a rotational axis). This function

is supported by devices controlled through A3200 and systems having incorporated

rotational axis.

(Grayscale 1D Height mode) Z position of an object (or focal spot) is changed for

each individual line of the bitmap picture according to first pixel‘s grayscale level

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(pulses are deposited within different Z altitude). This function is supported by

devices controlled through A3200 on systems having incorporated Z axis.

GCode – Allows to import G-code from file (or from direct user input) to

fabrication algorithm. This command can alter jump and mark speeds in file. E.g.

G-code line: ‗G01 X1 F20‘ with ‗Alter mark speed‘ enabled and set to 50 will

change this line to ‗G01 X1 F50‘ (changing speed from 20 to 50). G-code

command in reading from file mode always returns to start position (in direct input

mode user can choose not to return to start position if SCA has recognized all typed



o Attenuator command with settings: Target power + ―One step mode‖.

This regime allows to control attenuator‘s position according to power

meter readings.

Attenuator and power meter must be connected to system.

o Attenuator command with settings: Target power

―Target power‖ [W] – power value to be reached;

―Range‖ [W] – after reaching power within this range, execution of

command is finished.

―Use calibration table‖ – when selected, attenuator will be regulated

according to values in calibration table.

LaserRunStop – Set Laser state and Fire trigger state. Laser state can be set to

Run or Stop. Fire trigger state has four states: Positive Pulse, Negative Pulse,

Positive Level, Negative Level.

Gas state – Turn Gas On or Off.

Drill – Drilling command. Drills at given

position and speed for specified amount of

time (in seconds). User can choose if head

should be stopped after drill is completed.

SetLaserPower – Set laser frequency (kHz) and power (%).

LASER – laser control command – Turn On/Off laser.

PAUSE – Pause program execution for prescribed time.

WAIT – Pauses program and waits for user interrupt. When using Galvo scanners

option ‗Wait and show‘ is also available (rectangle is shown around fabricated

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object). The ―Press SPACE to continue fabrication‖ message appears in the main

window. When SPACE BAR is pressed the program continues fabrication.

Note – Insert note in the fabrication algorithm to describe fabrication algorithm


DXF – AutoCAD DXF (Drawing Exchange Format) data file format (*.dxf files)

fabrication. Double click DXF command line to enter DXF configuration window.

DXF command configuration window is similar to PLT (check PLT WINDOW

section). DXF command has sorting feature (check PLT/DXF sorting section for

more information).

STL – Stereolitography CAD file

(*.stl) fabrication.

Scan device – device used for


Mode – When ‗Stage‘ is chosen as

scan device then mode can be set

to ‗PSO‘ or ‗Frequency‘. Galvo

scanners can only operate in

‗Frequency‘ mode.

Pulse burst – Number of pulses

per position trigger. Used only

with ‗PSO‘.

Flip – Flips STL object around

selected axis.

Return to start – Enable\disable

returning to start position (position

before STL object was fabricated)

after completing execution of this


Keep proportions –

Enable\disable keeping original

proportions when setting object


Slicing – STL file object can be


Slice DZ (mm) – gap between two slices.

Slice rotation (X,Y,Z) – rotation of slices around selected axis.

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Leave contour – Leaves\removes STL object contours.

Hatching – STL file object can be

hatched. Hatching is used to fill

slices of object with a lined

(hatching) pattern.

Fill spacing (mm) – spacing

between lines.

Use hatching – Enable\disable

hatching feature.

Double side – Enables\disables

fabricating every second hatching

line starting from opposite


Shell – additional shell of object can be generated.

Inner shell count – number of shells generated inside current contour.

Outer shell count – number of shells generated outside current contour.

Offset shell – gap between shells (mm).

If both ―Use slicing‖ and ―Use hatching‖ is selected, only every second gap between

shell contours will be hatched.

DataImport – Imports *.txt file data to SCA array that can be used in other

commands. Values in file have to be separated by TAB or SPACE. After entering

file name (by writing it or using Browse button) it is possible to preview values

imported from file by pressing Show data button in DataImport command


Usage: array(arrayIndex;column;line) or array(arrayIndex;column) where

arrayIndex is number that was assigned in DataImport command parameters,

column is column number and line is line number (this is used to localize the

value). E.g. array(3;4;8), array(1;4), array(1;n1;3). There are also two other

functions available:

o arraycolumn(arrayIndex) – returns file (array) columns count.

o arrayline(arrayIndex) – returns file (array) line count.

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Array1D – Fabricates line with given mark

points (points imported from .txt file). Line

will be parallel to one of axis (e.g. Y).

Reversed move option points line in opposite

direction. Reversed array option reverts

points in file (starts from last point). It is best

to write each point value in separate line in

.txt file.

Ekspla Atlantic – Present only if Hardware → Galvo is enabled and Hardware

→ Laser LaserType is Ekspla. Sets specified power level (0-100%) and turns

laser On/Off. When using ‗On gate‘ action Time (ms) and Frequency (kHz) can

be set. Time sets ‗On gate‘ duration. Frequency cannot be greater that Laser seed

frequency that is set in Hardware → Laser

→ EksplaLaser → Seed frequency. This

commands sets laser to ‗RUN‘ state (if it

was not already in that state) and waits a

specified amount of time (45s by default)

while laser initializes. Command fails if

laser state cannot be set to ‗RUN‘.

Execution failure messages:

"Failed to get current laser state!"

Communication with laser might be broken.

"Program can not set RUN state for laser!"

Command succeeded in checking laser state, but failed to set laser to ‗RUN‘.

"Laser is not in RUN state!"

Laser failed to initialize to ‗RUN‘ state after the specified amount of time has


―Unable to connect with Ekspla laser.‖

Timeout while trying to connect to laser.

Possible solutions:

Try checking USB connection, ensure that Hardware → Laser → LaserType is

Ekspla and press Save & Validate button in Hardware settings.

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GalvoDelays – Present only if Hardware

→ Galvo is enabled. Sets Galvo scanner

delays in microseconds (μs). Only enabled

delays are set when executing command.

If Set default delays is checked then

delay values will be taken from

Hardware → Galvo → Delays (likewise

if none of delays is enabled). Rules for

setting delays:

Laser On delays must be greater that Laser On delay (ignored if Optimization

off is enabled).

Mark delay must be greater that Laser Off and Laser On delays difference.

Polygon delay must be greater that Laser Off and Laser On delays difference.

Delays must be set within their limits.

GalvoDrill – Present only if Hardware → Galvo is enabled. This command

performs galvo movement at desired type: circle, x axis, y axis, angle. To enable

movement GalvoDrill command must be set to ―Active‖. To change galvo

movement type (for ex. movement degree) or stop movement, a Galvo drill must

be deactivated (add "Galvo drill" and uncheck "Active"). Next a new Galvo drill

command with required movement could be added.

Galvo and stages synchronization

During "Galvo drill" operation (till "Galvo drill"

deactivation) stages could perform movement.

This type of operation could produce thick laser

line made by stage movement trajectory. Laser

line thickness controlled by "Amplitude" parameter in "Galvo drill command". If

"Laser ON" is checked, the laser fire signal is emitted at a default laser frequency,

otherwise the galvo scanners will produce

only movement and the laser output should

be controlled by stage commands (ex.

XYZ, Circle, Arc).

PLT – HPGL (Hewlett-Packard Graphics

Language) format (.plt, .hpgl, .hpg) files

fabrication. Double click PLT command

line to enter PLT configuration window.

PLT command configuration window is

described in PLT WINDOW section.

Pulse density – laser pulses per millimeter.

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Scan device – device used for fabrication.

Mode – When ‗Stage‘ is chosen as scan device then mode can be set to ‗PSO‘ or

‗Frequency‘. Galvo scanners can only operate in ‗Frequency‘ mode.

Rotate – angle (in degrees) by which PLT file object should be rotated in XY


Repeat – times to repeat fabrication of PLT object (default = 1).

Flip – Flips PLT object ‗Horizontally‘ and\or ‗Vertically‘.

Sort figures – check PLT/DXF sorting section.

Fixed frequency – enable this option for fabrication with fixed frequency.

Additional parameter Frequency (Hz) will show up that can be set.

Return to start position – Enable\disable returning to start position (position

before PLT object was fabricated) after completing execution of this command.

Proportions – Enable\disable keeping original proportions when setting object


Hatching – PLT file object can be hatched. Hatching is used to fill the background

of object with a lined (hatching) pattern.

Fill spacing (mm) – spacing between lines.

Use hatching – Enable\disable hatching feature.

Angle (deg) – hatch lines direction angle.

Jump offset (mm) – Adds a jump of a specified length (mm) before and after each

hatching line. In some cases it can allow to achieve the desired speed before

marking starts.

Leave contour – Leaves\removes PLT object contours.

Double side – Enables\disables fabricating every second hatching line starting from

opposite direction.

Mark offsets (Start) – Extends hatching lines start positions.

Mark offsets (End) – Extends hatching

lines end positions.

IOControl – performs input\output


Control – configure control manually or

select preset settings from list. List settings

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can be added with Tools → IOControl.

Device – input/output device to use.

Port – port number to use.

Type – signal type (analog or digital).

Active level – high or low active level (for digital signals only).

Voltage (V) – voltage level (for analog signals only).

Hold value – if disabled then value is released after a specified amount of time.

Release time (ms) – time till value is released.

Action – action to perform (for input data only). Sample actions: Wait, Wait and


Wait – waits for user input (pressing SPACE BAR).

Wait and show – waits for user input and shows fabrication area.

RTC4 scanner control board:

Voltage values of analog output ‗ANALOG OUT1‘ vary in the range 0-2,56V or 0-

10V, depending on selected settings of RTC4 control board.

From list – preconfigured actions from Tools>IOControls can be selected.

TEXT – Fabricate text (numbers), cycle numbers using stages or galvo.

Text – text, number, variable, cycle number or

mathematical expression (with cycle numbers,

variables and numbers).

Text type – defines the way how text should be

generated. Options:

Text - input is treated like simple text. E.g.

variable ‗x‘ with value of ‗12.44‘ will be shown as

letter ‗x‘.

DecimalNumber – input is parsed as

positive decimal number. E.g. variable ‗x‘

with value of ‗12.44‘ will be shown as


RealNumber – input is parsed as real

number. E.g. variable ‗x‘ with value of

‗12.44‘ will be shown as ‘12.44‘.

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Mixed – input that is enclosed in quotes is parsed as text, otherwise it is threaded

like input in RealNumber type. E.g. ‖R= ‖ x * 2‖mm‖ will be shown as ‗R=


Pulse density – laser pulse density (pulses per millimeter).

Scan device – device to use for fabrication.

Font options (Font) – choose from different fonts. Some fonts may not support all

symbols. If at least one used symbol is unsupported then the whole input is not


Font options (Size) – sets symbols height in mm.

Font options (Spacing) – spacing between symbols factor.

Left to right – entered text symbols go from left to right.

Font options (Flip V) – flip symbols vertically.

Font options (Flip H) – flip symbols horizontally.

XYG – make a jump or mark to specified

position with using Galvo.

Coordinates – Use absolute or relative


Speed (mm/s) – Movement speed. Default

speed is taken from Hardware => Galvo =>

Speed => Default mark speed (or


Frequency (Hz) – Default frequency is set from Hardware => Laser Control =>

Laser frequency (default).

Offset (mm) – offset to reach defined mark speed (adds jump before and after


GFill – marking points' structure using

Galvo scan head.

OnFly – Enable\disable Galvo ‗OnFly‘


DX\DY - distance between points in x and y


Line offset – offset to shift odd lines.

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Double side – every second line is marked starting from opposite direction (faster


Left\Right – Run from right\left line offset for double side mode.

Empty points – empty points for Galvo to reach defined speed.

Round corners – Enable\disable using round radius.

Round radius - rounds rectangle corners with defined radius (remove points that

are outside circle).

Rotation – rotate fill structure.

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Variables and Mathematical expressions

Variables can be ‗described‘ inserting VAR command in fabrication algorithm (ADD =>


Variable names

Available name formats:

o a, b, c, A, B, C ...

o abc, a1b2c5, …

o radius, pulse_burst, …

Aren‘t case sensitive: A ≡ a.

Forbidden names: n1, n2, n3, …, pi, e, 1a, 2b, …

Variable values

Must be in the range (-4294967296; 4294967296).

Can be related with previously described variables (Example: b=a+5).

Can be updated. Ex: a=10 (variable name: "a", variable value: ‗10‘); in cycle (a = a

+ 1), (variable name: ‗a‘, variable value: ‗a+1‘). Variable a value in cycle : 10, 11,

12, 13 ....

Mathematical Operations and Functions

Operations: +, −, *, /, ^.



o Trigonometry: cos(...) ; sin(…); tan(…);

asin(…), acos(…), atan(…)

cos(pi)= -1 => cos (π) = -1

sin(180) = -0,801152636 tan(45*pi/180) = 1 =>

o Absolute value: abs(…) − returns the absolute value of a number. abs(-5) =

=5 => |-5|

o Square root: sqrt(…) − returns a positive square root. sqrt(9) = 3 =>

o Round a number: round(…) – rounds a number till whole number.

round(pi) = 3 => 3,1416 ≈ 3

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o Logarithm lg(…) – returns the base 10 logarithm of a number.

lg(100) = 2 =>

o Natural logarithm ln(…) – returns the natural logarithm of a number.

Natural logarithms are based on the constant e = 2.71828182845904. ln(e)

= 1

o Sign sign (…) – returns a value indicating the sign of a number.

o Maximum max(…) – returns the larger of two (or three) numbers. Numbers

must be separated by ‗; ‗.

max(10;13) = 13, max(1,11;pi;5) = 5

o Minimum min(…) – returns the smaller of two (or three) numbers.

Numbers must be separated by ‗; ‗.

min (10;13) = 10, min (1,11;pi;5) = 1,11

o Truncate trunc(…) – returns the integral part of a specified number.

trunc(10.123) = 10, trunc(-11,99) = -11

o inch_to_mm(…) – converts inches to milimeters.


pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795

e = 2.71828182846

Cycle numbers

Cycle numbers have the following names: n1, n2, n3... [n][1-999]. Cycle number

name depends on the cycle level:

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Cycle number can be used as a variable in fabrication algorithm:

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General options

Acceleration (max) –

maximum linear stage

acceleration in contoured

mode [mm/s2].

Acceleration mode –

acceleration mode for

contoured synchronous

motion mode.

AeroV – Aerotech drivers

version to use.

Bitmap constant velocity – if

enabled – bitmap will be

fabricated at constant sample positioning speed. Program will automatically add

accelerating/ braking commands at every bitmap line.

Default mark speed – default mark speed in XYCF, XYCD commands.

Delay after jump – Delay after jump for positioning stages to settle down [ms]

(―0‖ default).

Device for height – choose device for Z axis to be indicated in fabrication

algorithm table.

Disable drives on exit – disable Aerotech drives on program exit.

Fast contoured jumps – used in PLT command while fabricating with Aerotech

stages. If true, jump speed will be equal to ―default jump speed‖ (configurable for

each axis). If false, jump speed is equal to ―mark speed‖.

Max PSO Input Freq – Maximum PSO input frequency which controller can

handle. This is Npaq/NLDrive dependent parameter. Consult corresponding

controller manual.

PSO Options – Select PSO axis tracking type: SinglePSO, DualPSO, TriplePSO.

PSONLDrive – PSO NLDrive selection (―X‖ default).

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Show peripheral status – This parameter determines which hardware to monitor

in the status field of the main window (above ―preview window‖).

SystemID – parameters for specific system (e.g. FemtoLAB) can be selected.

Use stages for shifting – method for shifting the bitmap or PLT drawing center

when galvo scanners are used for fabrication. If set to true, stages are used to go to

the center position of the drawing.

Averaged values – averaged measurer values.

Calibration file – calibration file with structure: measured {tab or space} real

{new line}…

Rate reads/seconds – number of reads per second.

Use measurer – enable/disable measurer.

Stage X/ Stage Y/ Stage Z

Acceleration (max) – maximum

linear stage acceleration [mm/s2].

Acceleration mode –

Acceleration mode for

asynchronous motion

(―sinusoidal‖ default for Stage X /

Stage Y / Stage Z).

Coordinate (max) – maximum

coordinate (travel range) for linear stage [mm].

Coordinate (min) – minimum coordinate for linear stage [mm].

Default jump speed – XYZT command default speed [mm/s].

Enabled – disable/enable positioning stage drive.

Home offset – offset to the reference after axis HOME command [mm] (―0‖

default for Stage X / Stage Y / Stage Z).

If Home offset is modified, coordinate (max) and coordinate (min) must be


For Example:

If Home offset = 50, then coordinate (max) = 100, coordinate (min)=-50.

Invert direction – invert direction of motion for all commands.

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Default settings:

NLDrive – axis NLDrive/Npaq port (No configuration available).

PSO channel – PSO signal input channel for corresponding axis.

Speed (max) – maximum linear stage speed [μm/s].

Rotation Stage

Acceleration (max) – Maximum acceleration [degrees/s2].

Acceleration mode– Acceleration mode for asynchronous motion.

Axis index – Axis index [0-31]. E.g. 0-X axis, 1-Y, 2-Z…

Coordinate (max) – Maximum coordinate.

Coordinate (min) – Minimum


Delay – Delay after rotate [ms].

Enabled – Enable/disable

rotation stage.

Home offset – Offset to the

reference after axis HOME


Invert direction – Invert direction of motion [True/False].

Letter – Letter of axis.

Speed – Default speed [degrees/s].

Speed (max) – Maximum speed



Control pin – Pjezo controller

connection pin - Aerotech

controller analog output.

Error large timeout – time for

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primary error to achieve.

Error timeout – time for the small error to achieve.

Large error – primary P-725 pjezo actuator error.

NLdrive – Nldrive selection for P-725 drive (X default).

Small error – final P-725 pjezo actuator error.

Voltage (max) – maximum voltage for P-725 pjezo actuator drive (9 V default)

Voltage (min) – minimum voltage for P-725 pjezo actuator drive (-9 V default)

Channel – optical channel selection in E-751.PCI (1 default).

SCA® software manual Altechna - 3 7 -

ControlType – pjezo communication selection. Choose „Fiber‟ if pjezo controller

is connected through fiber. Select „Analog‟ if controller is connected through

analog output of the Aerotech controller.

Enabled – enables/disable pjezo presence [True/False].

InvertDir – invert pjezo motion direction.

MaxPos – maximum pjezo actuator coordinate.

MinPos – minimum pjezo actuator coordinate.



o DragDelay – signal

propagation delay to

the servo. Range: 0

... +65535 μs.

o JumpDelay – delay

after jump

command. Range: 0

... +327670 μs.

o JumpLenghtLimit

– jump length limit

below which jump

delay is linearly

reduced [bits].

Range: 0 ... +32767

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o JumpMinDelay – minimum jump delay for a zero length vector. Range: 0

... +325000 μs.

o LaserOFFDelay – Laser off delay. Range: +2 ... +8000 μs.

o LaserOnDelay - Laser on delay. Range: -8000 ... +8000 μs.

o MarkDelay – mark delay after last mark command. Range: 0 ... +327670


o Pixel delay – delay pulse at pixel in non-fly mode. Range: -8000 ... +8000


o PolygonDelay – maximum delay between two successive mark commands.

Actual delay value depends on the angle between mark vectors. Range: 0 ...

+327670 μs.


o BitsPerMilimiter – galvo scanner scanning field calibration coefficient


o Correction file – field correction file.

o FieldRotation – galvo scanner scanning field rotation in deg. Range: 0 ...

+360 deg.

o FieldSize – maximum field size supported by optical system [bits]. Range:

0 ... +65535 bit.

o LaserBitsPerMilimeter – bits per millimeter [bit/mm].

o MaxAngle – maximum galvo scanner deflection angle.

o MillimitersPerField – galvo scanner scanning field size in millimeter.


o Acceleration – galvo scanners acceleration [bits/ms2].

o Allow MPS On-Fly – allow multiple pulses per pixel selection in galvo

non-stop (on-fly) regime. Used for parameter validation only.

o Enabled – Enable/disable galvo scanner support.

o Reset digital IO – Reset digital IO to zero after execution is done.

o Reset digital IO LE – Reset digital IO laser extension to zero after

execution is done.

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o Use Galvo run-up – Use galvo run-up technique.


o AnalogVoltage – Analog output voltage (0V-2.56V) or (0V-10V).

Depends on jumper settings.

o Laser mode:

o Laser mode – laser work mode.


o PointerBitsPerMillimeter – pointer bits per millimeter.

o RTC:

o MonitorUSB – Monitor RTC scanner card USB connection when


If communication with RTC starts to fail during fabrication then this one of these

messages might appear:

"No connection with Galvo scanner! Check is USB connected."

"Lost connection with Galvo scanner. Execution canceled.

Possible solutions:

To reconnect check if galvo cable is properly connected to PC and Hardware => Galvo

=> Enabled is set to True (also Hardware => Galvo => RTC => ScanAlone should be

set to True if ScanAlone is used) , then press Hardware => Save & validate.

ScanAlone => Enable\disable using RTC SCAN Alone card.


RTC4_IO_N – Id of RTC4 card for IO control.

RTC4_SCANHEAD_N – Id of RTC4 card for scanhead control.


o Default mark speed – default mark speed parameter value for newly

created commands.

o JumpSpeed – speed used for galvo scanners jump commands [mm/s].

o JumpSpeedBPMS - speed used for galvo scanners jump commands [bit/s].

o MaxSpeed – maximum allowable galvo scanner speed.

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o varioSCAN – enable/disable varioSCAN.

o varioSCAN max – varioSCAN max coordinate.

o MaxSpeed min – varioSCAN min coordinate.



Control Mode – Digital output

state for shutter opening.

[OpenWhenHIGH /


Control pin – port in Nldrive for shutter control (TB304_O_0 default).

Enabled – enables/disable shutter presence [True/False].

NLDrive – NLdrive selection for shutter drive (X default).

Status Mode – Digital input state for shutter open [OpenWhenHIGH /


Status pin – port in Nldrive for shutter status (TB305_I_4 default).

Thorlabs Shutter

Enabled – enables/disable shutter

presence [True/False].

PostExec close – If ―True‖ shutter is

automatically closed after algorithm


PreExec open – If ―True‖ shutter is automatically opened before algorithm


SN – Serial number of controller to



Joystick Enabled – enable/disable

joystick presence.

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Joystick Type – Hardware/Virtual


Analog control:

o NLDrive – stepper control NLDrive selection.


o Direction pin – Aerotech

controller digital output pin

that controls direction of the

stepper motion direction.

o Step pin – Aerotech

controller digital output pin

for each stepper controller step.


o Enabled – enables/disable stepper presence [True/False].



o ComPort – AutoFocus

communication port.

o Enabled – enable/disable AutoFocus presence.

Laser Control


o Control Type – Determines

laser control type. Use

„GateOnly‟ when laser

requires gate type control signal. For direct laser triggering use

„EdgeOnly‟[default] or „PulsePicker‟.

o Default laser power (%) – Default laser power used at the start of the job

[%] [―100‖ default].

o Edge pulse width – Edge pulse width for „EdgeOnly‟ control type [2 ms


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o Laser frequency (default) – Default laser frequency used at the start of the

job [Hz].

o Laser frequency (max) – Maximum laser frequency [Hz].

o LC default device – Determines which device is used to output laser

control signal.

Update frequency – If selected laser allows, laser frequency will be acquired and

entered automatically (after pressing ‗Validate‘).


Laser Type – Set used laser type.


o COM port number – number

of COM port to use to

communicate with device.

o Connection type – type of connection to use. Direct – USB connection.

RS232 – COM port connection.

o Show data – Show laser data (e.g. in main SCA window).

o Show status – Show current laser status (e.g. in main SCA window).

o Monitor laser state – Monitor laser state when fabricating. If

communication with laser starts to fail during fabrication then one of these

messages might appear:

"Lost connection with Ekspla laser. Fabrication paused"

"Laser fault!"

– fabrication is paused and can be continued if user chooses so, but

connection with laser will not be monitored.

"Timeout waiting for Ekspla laser response. Device might be disconnected from PC.

Check is device connected and then "Save & Validate" Hardware settings."

– fabrication is canceled.

o Monitoring update rate – Time interval (ms) that sets how often

monitored laser data should be updated (e.g. in main SCA window).

o Seed frequency – Seed pulse repetition rate in kHz.

o Seed synchronization – Synchronization mode. Internal\External.

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o Maximum pulse energy[μJ] – Laser maximum pulse energy.

o Oscillator default current[mA] – Default oscillator current.

o Oscillator maximum current[mA] – Maximum oscillator current.

o Oscillator minimum current[mA] – Minimum oscillator current.

o Pharos auto PP enable – Pharos auto PP enable after ―Execute‖ press.

o RA default current [mA] –Default regenerative amplifier current.

o RA maximum current [mA] – Maximum regenerative current.

o RA minimum current [mA] – Minimum regenerative current.


ComPort – COM port

used by attenuator.

Enabled –



MaxEnergy –

Attenuator maximum


MinEnergy –

Attenuator minimum


StepsPerDegree –

Steps per degree.

PowerAdjustmentMaxPos – Attenuator maximum position %.

PowerAdjustmentMinPos – Attenuator minimum position %.

Attenuator controller can be connected to computer directly (Connection Type: Single) or

by Universal Stepper Controller hub (Connection Type: Hub). Universal Stepper

Controller hub allows connecting 4 attenuators, 4 polarization rotators and 2 linear stages.

To use attenuator connected through hub, select "Connection type" - "Hub" and enter

DeviceID in [1..8] range.

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Power meter

SCA supports two power

meters at a time (for ex. with

different accuracy and

measuring range). To enable

power meter functionality,

power meter must be enabled

in "Hardware".

To use Thorlabs PM100USB

power meter a drivers must be installed and serial number must be entered in "Serial

number" box. Serial number must have only numbers. If letters in number exist, skip

them. Name field specifies unique power meter name which will be used to identify power

meter. If power meter is mounted on stages, power meter could be automatically moved to

laser beam position. To enable this feature "Use measuring position" must be set to

"True" and measuring coordinates must be specified.

"Averaging time" allows specifying how much time (in seconds) is need for power meter

to settle.

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Command line launch

SCA can be launched and controlled through command line promt:

SCA.exe [.fab file] [device configuration file .sp] [other settings (I,E)]

Other settings include:

I – for "Initialize"

E – for "Execute"

L – for "Laser power ON"

L0 – for "Laser power OFF"


SCA.exe C:\algorithm.fab D:\hardwareParameters.sp ILE

This command will launch SCA software, will set the device configuration according to

the file content: D:\hardwareParameters.sp; will launch algorithm file: C:\algorithm.fab;

and will perform "Initialize", "LaserPowerOn" and "Execute" operations.

SCA.exe C:\algorithm.fab D:\hardwareParameters.sp IL0

This command will launch SCA software, will set the device configuration according to

the file content: D:\hardwareParameters.sp; will launch algorithm file: C:\algorithm.fab;

and will perform "Initialize" and "LaserPowerOFF" operations.

Calibrate Measurer

This calibration module is used to calibrate power meter (diode) according to real power


Calibration file is saved in Hardware=>General=>Calibration file.

Diode value is converted to real value according to calibration file.

―Calibration Measurer‖ parameters:

―Calibration file name‖ – name for a file, where calibration data will be stored.

―Laser power‖ – laser working power. If laser power can be controlled from software, it

will be set to value entered.

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―Attenuator step‖ – attenuator step in %. Attenuator is used to fill all table of laser power

and diode value correlation.

Calibration process:

User is asked to enter value shown by power meter, diode value is read, data is

stored and process is repeated until attenuator reaches 100%.

After calibration is finished, data can be stores in a file. If calibration file with the

same filename already exists, old file will be renamed to ―Date and time‖ +

―Filename‖ and new file will be saved with entered filename.

Camera control

Press camera control tool and list of available

functions will appear.

Save Image – Allows to save current camera image

to file

Start camera – connects (if not connected) and

starts capturing camera frames.

If camera is capturing video, ―Pause camera‖

button will appear. Pause button allows to stop

capturing video. To continue, press ―Start


Stop camera – stops capturing camera frames and disconnects from camera.

Record video - allows recording a video.

Find camera focus – shows camera focus find form.

Sample view – moves sample (current coordinates) to camera view window.

Set Area Of Interest (AOI) – AOI is used to set area where to search camera focus.

Settings – allows defining various camera parameters.

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Settings form

Settings form allows defining various camera parameters.

In General page a camera name and settings file location can be defined. If laser beam

position is outside camera view, a ―Camera view position fixed‖ must be checked.

In Camera settings page a camera parameters

can be defined.

Camera calibration

To run camera Field calibration tool press:

Tools => Machine vision => Field


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Firstly, to have a proper camera coordinates calibration with laser coordinates, camera x

and y axes must match with stages axes. To rotate camera image, check "Rotate" in

Camera settings page. Image also could be flipped vertically or horizontally by checking

"Flip horizontally" or "Flip vertically" in Camera settings page.

A sample must be put in fabrication position and laser focus must be found. Laser focus Z

must be entered in "Fabrication position" z coordinate manually or by "Set current

coordinates" click if current position is laser focus position. "Camera view position" is

used if camera view position is fixed in relation with the laser beam position. "Camera

view position" approximately allows specifying the distance between laser beam position

and camera view position. These coordinates can be found by any engraved structure in

(0;0) coordinates. The structure should be moved to the view center. The shift coordinates

should be entered as "Camera view position". Calibration is based on finding coordinantes

of two fabricated points. Point size is defined in "Laser spot size" field. Point size in

camera view must be at least fiew pixels to have a correct detection result. Detection of

point is based on background image, so firstly background image must be taken by

"Capture background" click. If an image is too dark or too bright, correct camera exposure

time. Next, first point can be fabricated by "Fabricate point 1" click. Finally, "Find point

1" can be clicked. If no point will be found, repeat "Fabricate point 1" and "Find point 1".

After first point will be found, set distance between two points in "Step size" field. Second

point must be in same view, but as far as posible from first point to get accurate

calibration. Do same steps "Capture background", "Fabricate point 2", "Find point 2" to

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get second point position. After all points will be found, press "Calculate calibration

settings" and "Set calibration settings". The image should appear in correct position.

Camera focus

To run camera Find focus tool press:

Tools => Machine vision => Find focus

Camera focus form is used to find camera focus position. Find position can be defined

with virtual joystick. Scan is started at

"Camera focus Z" minus "Object height" and

minus "Scan range". Scan is finished at

"Camera focus Z" minus "Object height" and

plus "Scan range". To scan only small area,

press "Set focus find area" and using left

mouse key press on top left area corner and

with left mouse key press on bottom right area

corner. Area which is out of range will apear

in different color. To reset find focus area,

press "Reset focus area". The focus Z position

is set to global variable gCAM1FZ (if camera

is first) or gCAM2FZ (if camera is second)

Sample tilting detection

To run Sample tilting detection tool press:

Tools => Machine vision => Sample tilting detection

Sample tilt detection is based on coordinate detection of three points on the sample. To get

accurate results, three points must be as far as possible from each other.

Sample tilt can be detected with auto focus device or camera. Both devices are used to

search best focus Z positions of

three points. Points can be

entered manually or by "Go to

point1", "Go to point2", "Go to

point3" buttons click. The

button click invokes the virtual

joystick, which can be used to

shift sample to required

position. "Find focus" buttons

runs a find camera focus or auto

focus find forms based on

selected device. After focus is

found and focus find form is

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closed best focus Z position is entered in searching point z coordinate.

―Refind‖ button allows automatically refind focus in all three points if focus find device is

camera. After all three points found, press "Calculate" button. Sample degrees in X and Y

axes are calculated from three points and values set to global variables: gtx, gty.

Object position detection

To run Sample position detection tool press:

Tools => Machine vision => Sample position detection

Object position detection is based on background subtraction, so first step is to take the

background. When the background is taken, object can be placed in camera view position.

Press ―Detect‖ button to detect object center and angle. ―Set global variables‖ button

allows to set detected values to global variables gCAM1OX, gCAM1OY, gCAM1OA (if

camera is first) or gCAM2OX, gCAM2OY, gCAM2OA (if camera is second)

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Steps to update SCA:

In SCA main menu press Help.

From drop down menu choose Check for updates.

If SCA is up to date then message ―Your version is up to

date‖ will appear. Click OK to continue.

If newer SCA version is available then message asking if

updates should be downloaded will appear.

Choose Yes to download updates.

Message ―The following application must be closed before

update can continue: SCA. Close application and click OK‖

may appear. User must close all SCA instances and press

OK before updates can be applied.

After successful update message ―Update completed!‖ will appear to inform about it.

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SCA Version 2.5.25

1. Add top bar button with executable command line

2. Add Thorlabs PM100USB power meter support

3. Add Thorlabs TSC001 shutter support

4. Add FemtoLAB USC hub support

a) 3 Lights control

b) 4 Attenuator support

c) 4 Polarization rotator support

d) 2 Linear stepper support

5. Add UEye camera automatic calibration support

6. Add Galvo and Stages sinchronization support

a) New devices status view

b) New positioning

c) Galvo drill command action during stage move

7. Add laser focus find feature with Auto Focus device

8. Add form for selecting Homing device

9. Add Polarization Rotate command

10. Updated galvo drill command with amplitude movement by specicied angle

11. Add special features for FemtoLAB system

a) Objective selection list

b) Wavelength selection list

c) Different accuracy power meter selection

d) Objective validation by specified wavelength

e) Add automatic polarization rotator and attenuator selection by specified


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f) Add automatic parameters adjustment for 'Auto Focus' and 'Power meter'

by specified wavelength

g) Add automatic parameters adjustment for 'Machine vision' and 'Auto

Focus' by specified objective

h) Lights control button

i) Add allowed wavelength selection by selected objective if wrong

wavelength selected

12. Add sample tilting detection with machine vision or auto focus device

13. Fixed Bitmap fabrication with RTC4

14. Add dashed mode for XYZ command

15. Add option for multi execute times

16. Add form sizes control

SCA Version 2.5.24

1. Add algorithm panel resize option

SCA Version 2.5.23

1. Add "Show generated values" for VAR command

2. Add Attenuator calibration with power meter (Nova, Analog port meter,


3. Add STL slice hatching

SCA Version 2.5.22

1. Add MRU (Most recently used) files list to MENU -> File -> Recent Files.

2. Transform command rotates also PLT and TEXT.

3. TEXT command has mixed mode (write text and expressions together, text must

be writen in-between quotes).

4. Fixed PLT, DXF and Text fabrication density mode

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SCA Version 2.5.21

1. Added STL command

2. Added GalvoDelays command

3. More hatching options in PLT

4. IOControl command has Wait_and_show (like Wait command)

SCA Version 2.5.19-2.5.20

1. Transform command to modify other commands added (e.g. Rotate)

2. Support for Ekspla laser PL20100 added.

3. Monitoring ScanAlone USB status added.

4. Copy TEXT command laser mode value bug fix

5. Machine vision:

a) UEye camera support

b) UEye camera settings control

c) Video recording with camera

d) Camera image save function

e) Camera Autofocus function with Aerotech stages

1) Setting focus find area with mouse in fabrication display

2) Focus find control parameters: start position, scan range, speed,

step size

f) Manual field calibration (Camera coordinates to real coordinates)

6. Auto A3200 service restart function

7. Added execution time clock

8. EksplaLaserGalvo command added

SCA Version 2.5.18

1. Added RTC ScanAlone support

2. Added Hatching for PLT. Features:

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a) Hatching angle

b) Skip-leave contour

c) Fill spacing

3. Added show object field for galvo

4. Added feature for adding iocontrols to main form as buttons

5. Added pause-continue fabrication support for RTC cards

6. Added mouse wheel sensitivity option for zoom in 3D fabrication preview

7. Added RTC IO reset option after execution is done

8. Added AeroBasic code splitting parameter in options form

9. Added "Wait and show" option in Wait command

SCA Version 2.5.17

1. Updated 3D navigation

a) Resolution to 1um

b) Better zoom

2. Added additional variable option for CS command

3. Added disable/enable fabrication preview

4. Improved 2D fabrication display resolution to 1um

5. Add Nova II measurer support and NovaValue command.

6. DXF support for polyline mesh and closed polylines

7. Add drag and drop .fab file to SCA

SCA Version 2.5.16

1. Updated IOControls form and IOControl command interfaces

2. Added Relative/Absolute Attenuator power selection

3. Added skip cycle feature. If cycle count = 0, cycle is skiped

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SCA Version 2.5.15

1. Added "Zoom to object" for 3D

2. Fixed 3D navigation issues

3. Fixed joystick with multiple attenuators

4. Fixed 2D Grayscale pulse mode for Aerotech stages

5. Added 1D Grayscale mode for Galvo RTC4

SCA Version 2.5.14

1. Added show/hide jumps opstion in fabrication window

2. Multiple attenuators support

3. ‗Draw object rectangle‘ option added to Tools menu

4. Add trajectory optimization feature for XYZ command. Feature optimizes trajectory by

connecting small movement distances to longer by defined distence.

SCA Version 2.5.13

1. Added XYZ blending mode

2. Added automatic Aerotech parameters detection

SCA Version 2.5.12

1. Rotation option for XYZ command added

2. Added "Show generated values" for commands: Pause, Rotate, XYZ

3. Arc support for .plt, .hpg, .hpgl files

4. Virtual joystick updated with attenuator control and fire continuously option

SCA Version 2.5.11

1. Added PLT from Autocad support

2. Added PHAROS HV monitoring

3. Update has now option to Retry\Cancel downloading files

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SCA Version 2.5.10

1. Added saving fabrication display image to file(2D and 3D)

2. Added window mode fabrication display view

a) Use in separate displays

b) Fullscreen mode

3. Added G-code command for executing g-code from file or from direct user input (two


4. GCodeLine can add XYZ command to command list if g-code for that command is


E.g. G90 G00 X1 Y3 XF10 will be recognized as XYZ absolute jump command with x

position = 1, y position = 3 and stageX speed set to 10.

SCA Version 2.5.09-08

1. Bug fix "Dll not found". Dinamic uEye library loading

2. Added auto calibration loading after "Save calibration" in Calibrate measurer tool

3. Added SCA status messages list

SCA Version 2.5.07

1. Added vertical and horizontal text letter flip

2. XYZT, XYZCD and XYZCF are integrated into one command XYZ

3. Add command line arguments for SCA.exe

4. Add new COM port range for Attenuator

5. Virtual Joystick "Execute" function fix

SCA Version 2.5.06

1. Added Nmark SSaM support for PLT, XYG, Text commands

2. Added SMC Reset method (Tools->Reset SMC)

3. Fixed Text fabrication bug (JumpSpeed = 0)

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4. Added even Laser frequency validation

5. Added Pharos PP auto disable option

SCA Version 2.5.05

1. Fixed layer preview for Bitmap, Array1D, GFill, GPoint, Point2

2. Added fast bitmap preview

3. Removed duplicate buffer creation in bitmap validation

4. Added checking if Aerotech task is running in initialize procedure

5. Fixed hardware joystick control for A3200 v3

SCA Version 2.5.04

Added Aerotech version check after first SCA run.

Added generated values preview for commands. On selected command press F3 or right-

click on command and click on "Show generated values".

SCA Version 2.5.03

Added diode calibration module to laser power meter with diode for measuring laser


Fixed BITMAP original view.

Added Pause-Continue fabrication feature.

Added command ordering and show-hide capability in command list. To change enabled

commands list and its order go Tools => Options => Commands.

Added fabrication algorithm tabs, to have few algorithms loaded at a time.

Added DataImport command for loading values to global arrays.

Example of using array values:

syntax: array(arrayId;column;row) arrayId=1..k; column=1..m; row=1..n

example: array(1, n1, n2) takes value from first array, where n1 and n2 cycle numbers

Fixed round() function bug.

Added PLT and DXF sorting capabilities.

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Added SCA error logging to file.

SCA Version 2.5.0

Added Aerotech v3.00.003 and v3.02.001 library support.

Added laser position tracking in fabrication display.

Added 3D fabrication display

a) View type: Perspective or Orthogonal.

b) Orbit(third person) or "First person" view.

Added flip and exchange axis function for 2D fabrication display.

Fixed Text command end position bug (not returned to start position).

Fixed Joystick control for user defined movement directions.

Added Joystick deactivation function. Joystick deactivates if Joystick form not active.

Added new expression solving. Able to solve functions with multiple arguments.


a) min(arg1,arg2), min(arg1,arg2,arg3)

b) max(arg1,arg2), max(arg1,arg2,arg3)

Added feature that allows updating variable value in Var command. ex: a=10 (variable

name: "a", variable value: "10"); in cycle (a = a + 1), (variable name: "a", variable value:

"a+1"). a value in cycle: 10, 11, 12, 13 ....

Added circle fabrication with polarization compensation.

Fixed GFill fabrication bug. Cause: RTC4 laser delays too high.

SCA Version 2.5.01

Added variable cposx, cposy, cposz, - current x,y,z position.

Updated GCode command.

Added GUI for all commands.

Added intuitive commands CTRL+C, CTRL+V, ALT+UP (move command up),

ALT+DOWN (move command down).

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Added fast current coordinate copy. Go to on X, Y or Z coordinate and double click. Value

will be copied to clipboard. Insert using CTRL+V.

SCA Version 2.4.7

Added Array1D command.

Bitmap fix. Window function in Aerotech causes error.

a) No constant velocity support

SCA Version 2.4.6

Added VarioSCAN defocus offset

a) GDefocus command

b) VarioSCAN defocus status

Added IODevice plug-in support

a) USB-1208LS 4-channel mode

b) USB-1208LS 8-channel mode

Added Measurer

a) Measurer able to read IODevice analog port

b) Convert measured value to real value using calibration file (Hardware settings =>

General => Measurer)

c) Display value in SCA status

Added ability to find Attenuator position where Measurer (Power meter) shows maximum,

minimum or defined value.

Added Attenuator auto adjustment for fixing power variation using Measurer.

Added new Attenuator command form

a) Go to defined position

b) Go to defined power using Measurer

c) Attenuator direct control tools

SCA Version 2.4.5

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PLT frequency and density mode fix.

New joystick

a) Add 'F'-'Fire' and 'E'-'Execute' commands

b) Add Jog distance field

SCA Version 2.4.2-2.4.4

Added GFill command for scanhead marking

DX, DY - distance between points in x and y direction

Line offset to shift odd lines

Double side marking (fast execution)

Round corners with defined radius (remove points that are outside circle)

Rotate fill structure

Added IOControls to control inputs/outputs from RTC4 Digital I/O port. (Tools-


New form to create GUI controlled ports

Various parameters to control button ON/OFF and their actions

IOControls from and to file (file name in: Hardware->Options->Startup IOControls)

Event logging bug fix (crash if Event Logging service is disabled).

Hardware->Hardware and physical parameters->Laser tab to set Laser type and laser


Pharos laser support. New GUI to control Pharos laser (Tools->Pharos).

New Pharos command to control Pulse Picker (PP), frequency, power.

Added new math functions asin, acos, atan.

Added '%' - modulo function, remainder of division of one number by another. E.g. 10%2

= 0, 10%3=1, 10%4=2, 10%5=0, 10%6=4, 10%7=3, 20%6=2, 20/6 = 3.33(3), 20-3*6=2

In .fab file SCA version, modified date and time, .sp file name.

Variable name supports "_" e.g..: speed_x_direction.

Bug fix Attenuator COM port was taken from Hardware->AutoFocus COM port.

Bug fix with Attenuator. Error: "Time out exception".

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Bug fix with RTC4 global rotation and scale.

Added rotate parameter to PLT command.

Added Arial_Fill font to Text command.

Added FreeRun mode in Virtual Joystick for Aerotech stages. (fast mode speed: v=s/t;

speed = virtual_joystick_fast_move_distance{X,Y,Z}[mm] / 0.1[s];) (slow mode speed:

v=s/t; speed = virtual_joystick_slow_move_distance{X,Y,Z}[mm] / 0.1[s];)

Updated PLT Form:

PLT display

ScaleX, ScaleY, Angle edit fields

PLT Width and Height edit fields

Added Rotate command for Aerotech Rotary table.

SCA Version 2.4.1

Added PointG for point marking with RTC4.

Show mouse pointer coordinates in fabrication field (Tools->Options->Fabrication

Display->Show mouse position).

Show PointG and POINT marking point in Fabrication Display.

New Bitmap image display in Fabrication Display

a) Bitmap pixel display types(Tools->Options->Fabrication Display->Bitmap pixel type)

b) Square, Circle, Point mode

Added scan head(RTC4) control with SCA Virtual Joystick.

SCA Version 2.4.0

Migrate to .NET 2.0.

New Text command

a) Write numbers, text, symbols...

b) Write letters from left to right or right to left

c) Spacing factor between letters

d) Fonts

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Added XYZG for galvo scanners and varioScan control.

Added SCA server for SCA program control from another program

a) Execute, Validate

b) Set parameter $gt1, $gt2, ... $gt100 for global text

c) Set parameter $gn1, $gn2, ... $gn100 for global numbers

d) Set parameter $gr1, $gr2, ... $gr100 for global real numbers

e) Set angle, offset, scaleX, scaleY (working only on rtc card)

SCA Version 2.3.7

Added Grayscale Bitmap fabrication mode.

XYZCD, XYZCF fix. Margin causes wrong (curved) movement.

Added SCA Virtual Joystick form.

Set XYZ, XY... command parameters to zero.

Added Bitmap conversion to Hexagon Bitmap.

Added SPI command for SPI laser control with RTC4 card.

Added XYG command functionality.

Fixed command copy function for XYZ.. commands.

Added keyboard Delete and Insert keys support for adding-deleting commands SCA


SCA Version 2.3.6

Added default hardware parameters file

a. Use if user defined parameter file not found

b. Use to load default settings

Fabrication file

a. Double clicked (Open operation) .FAB file opens with SCA

b. Added .FAB file in registered file types list

Added Zoom To Object button

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G-Code line (show-hide in options)

Fast math functions-operations entry box (show-hide in options)

SCA v2.3.5

Added error logging.

Added Virtual Joystick.

Bitmap fix (Initial bitmap position).

SCA v.2.3.4

Added "Line jump delay" in Bitmap.

New About form.

SCA v2.3.3

Bitmap size supports 10000x10000 pixel bitmaps.

Zoom in, zoom out with mouse wheel.

Added variables support.

Added mathematic expressions, functions, variables, constants, cycle numbers .

Fast fabrication algorithm command enabling or disabling.

User events history.

SCA v2.3.1

License keys and secured program interface.

Ruler update.

Alert sounds and messages.

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