Download - SC Senate Hearings (2) for Heartbeat Incremental Child · 10.10.2019  · It is the Scriptures, the Bible ( 66 Books ), the

Page 1: SC Senate Hearings (2) for Heartbeat Incremental Child · 10.10.2019  · It is the Scriptures, the Bible ( 66 Books ), the

[ This Report posted on CCL/CLL website ( ) on ‘Personhood Act’ page. ]

Columbia Christians for Life ( CCL )

aka Christians for Life and Liberty ( CLL )

Columbia, South Carolina

October 10, 2019 / Revised October 12, 2019

[ Report ]

SC Senate Hearings (2) for Heartbeat Incremental

Child-Murder 'Regulation' Bill H3020 - Sept 10, 2019

The SC Heartbeat Bill does not Establish Justice ... Those who support legislation to incrementally 'regulate' child-murder

demonstrate a lack of understanding of the Nature and Purpose of Law;

such legislation which "allow[s] or injoin[s] us to commit" child-murder,

is an offense to "both the natural and the divine." How many persons

must a murderer murder to be a murderer? Answer. One. William Blackstone

Commentaries on the Laws of England (1765-1769)

Volume I, Books I & II



pp. title, 25, 28, 29 [ 1863 ]

“Upon these two foundations, the law of nature and the law revelation, depend all human laws;

That is to say, no human laws should be suffered to contradict these.” [ emphasis added ]



God's Requirement for Murder is JUSTICE, not "Regulation" !!! [ Micah 6:8, KJV ]

In the last 46 plus years since 1973, over 61 million reported children have been murdered inside the wombs

of their mothers in the United States of America, a now formerly majority "Protestant" country. In so-called

"Bible-belt" [sic] South Carolina, that figure is over 397,000. Incrementalism has failed, just as it failed in

the 19th Century against the national sin of American Slavery. It is flawed, faithless, and unbiblical. The

incrementalists like to cite the numbers of "babies saved". Meanwhile, God's cup of wrath is filling with

the innocent blood of all the babies still being exterminated. The goal is not just to spend multiple generations

"saving babies"! The goal is to glorify God by honoring His Holy Word, and laboring to Establish Justice,

END child-murder in the womb, and thereby save ALL the babies. Man's Duty is to Agree with God.

Heaven and History are recording and will, Lord willing, more fully reveal in time, the moral bankruptcy

of incrementally "regulating" the murder of children in the womb. Will it take 5, 10, 25, or more years

for Americans, even more, Christians, to see "regulating"the age and manner innocent children in the womb

can be exterminated is just as wicked and depraved as it would have been to "regulate" the age and manner

in which Jews and others were gassed with Zyklon B in the extermination camps in Germany and Poland

by the Nazis in the 1940's?

In America, the 1860 Republican Party Platform sought essentially to "regulate" American Slavery,

limiting and restricting where this abomination could be practiced, but not ENDING it. However, "regulation"

of this national sin was insufficient to prevent God's judgment in the form of national calamity 1861-1865,

in which an estimated 600,000 - 700,000 Americans died. Without repentance, and the Establishment of Justice

to END, not just "regulate" child-murder by "abortion", America may once again be on her way to receive

God’s calamitous judgment in the form of a national bloodbath. It has happened before.

Page 2: SC Senate Hearings (2) for Heartbeat Incremental Child · 10.10.2019  · It is the Scriptures, the Bible ( 66 Books ), the

Two Senate Medical Affairs Subcommittee Hearings were held

on Tuesday, September 10, 2019 for H3020 Heartbeat Bill in the

SC Senate Gressette Building, near State House, Columbia, SC

Note: H3020 already passed the SC House of Representatives on April 25, including

the adoption of the [ Rep. Nancy ] Mace Amendment to continue allowing the murder

of children conceived by rape or incest, even if a heartbeat is detected.

Senate Medical Affairs Subcommittee members present September 10: Senator Shane Martin (R-Spartanburg), Chairman

Senator Richard Cash (R-Anderson)

Senator Tom Corbin (R-Greenville)

Senator Kevin Johnson (D-Clarendon)

Senator Marlon Kimpson (D-Charleston)

Senator Margie Bright - Matthews (D-Colleton) [ late ]

Absent: Senator Mike Gambrell (R-Anderson)

Non-subcommittee member Senators present for part of the time September 10 included:

Senator Brad Hutto (D-Orangeburg) [ actually took part in subcommittee proceedings though not a member ]

Senator Mia McLeod (D-Richland) [ actually took part in subcommittee proceedings though not a member ]

Senator Wes Climer (R-York)

CCL Note: Some SC House members were also present for all or part of the time September 10, including four who testified

in support of the incremental, child-murder "regulation" Heartbeat Bill: Rep. John McCravy ( House Bill H3020 sponsor -

explained the bill and asserted "US Supreme Court, ... can change the viability standard to be measured by the heartbeat" ),

Rep. Josiah Magnuson (R), Rep Stewart Jones (R), and Rep. Garry Smith (R). ]

CCL Note: Subcommittee members Senators Kevin Johnson, Marlon Kimpson, and Margie Bright-Matthews,

and non-subcommittee members Senators Brad Hutto and Mia McLeod represent some of the most extremely

pro-child-murder by "abortion" members in the SC Senate. Other than the Biblical understanding of the human heart

being "deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked" [ Jeremiah 17:9, KJV ], it is hard to understand how educated

( three of these five Senators are lawyers, two [ improperly ] "educated" at the University of South Carolina Law School,

and one at JESUIT Georgetown University Law Center ), "civilized" men and women, can defend allowing the "choice"

to commit THIS. Senator Johnson notably emphasized in one of his public pronouncements while seated on the

Subcommittee rostrum, how "abortion" was the woman's "choice". As one pastor spontaneously responded

from the audience, "What about the baby's choice?" The wickedness of these and other pro-"abortion" members

of the SC Senate, is grievous, egregious, and abominably wicked beyond measure. No elected official who supports

allowing the shedding of innocent blood such as in the case of child-murder by "abortion" is fit for public office.

That certainly applies to Senators Johnson, Kimpson, Bright-Matthews, Hutto, and Mcleod above [ and others ].

Senators Johnson, Kimpson, and Mcleod have received campaign funding from mass-murderers Planned Parenthood.

Of course, there was also no shortage of members of the public who likewise supported the murder of children

inside the womb, and who testified at one of the two sessions of Hearings, 10 AM [ Video ] or 2PM [ Video ]

on September 10 before the Senate Medical Affairs Subcommittee.



In any case, nevertheless, ...

The SC Heartbeat Bill does not Establish Justice ...

The Heartbeat Bill does not establish justice for all human beings at fertilization.

Page 3: SC Senate Hearings (2) for Heartbeat Incremental Child · 10.10.2019  · It is the Scriptures, the Bible ( 66 Books ), the

( Audio / Transcript / Report )

'Heartbeat Bill does not establish justice for all human beings at fertilization':

Christian pro-life missionary testifies against incremental 'Heartbeat' Bill

at SC House Judiciary Subcommittee Hearing - March 21, 2019

[ Report ]

The SC Heartbeat Bill does not Establish Justice ...

Heartbeat Bill H3020 Hearings (2) Tuesday, September 10, 2019;

SC Senate Gressette Building, near State House, Columbia, SC

[ Report ]

Incremental Child-Murder 'Regulation' Bills like

the SC Heartbeat Bill do not Establish Justice ...

Heartbeat Bill H3020 Subcommittee Meeting (tentatively) Tuesday, October 22, 2019;

SC Senate Gressette Building, near State House, Columbia, SC



Many evangelical Christians in SC follow Roman Catholic false, unbiblical leadership

in supporting incremental child-murder "regulation" bills, such as the Heartbeat Bill,

which do not Establish Justice ( Amos 5:15, Isaiah 3:12, Isaiah 9:16, KJV ):

Sadly, many "pro-life" people, both Christians and Roman Catholics, testified in support of a bill

which on its face, rejects the authority of God's Word ( e.g., Exodus 20:13, Matthew 19:18, KJV )

vis-a-vis the Sanctity of Human Life. And we wonder why God does not honor our efforts more fully

to actually END, instead of incessantly, incrementally, "regulate", the murder of children in the womb !!!

While as a matter of doctrine [ Catechism of the [ Roman ] Catholic Church - #82 ], Roman Catholicism does not

uphold the Bible as the only final, supreme authority of revealed truth, it is shameful to see professing Bible-believing

Christians following the erroneous lead of Romish and ecumenical "pro-life" [sic] and "pro-family" [sic] organizations

by publicly advocating passage of legislation which does not honor God's Word, and does not Establish Justice

for all human beings, such as the Heartbeat Bill H3020.

This is what happens when God's people ( born-again Christians ) follow the misguided / false / errant leadership of those

who doctrinally do NOT hold the Word of God, the 66 books of the Bible, as their final, supreme authority of revealed truth

( such as is the case with obedient followers of the false religion of Roman Catholicism, which in any case uses a false "bible"

of 73 books, in accordance with the Vatican's official Pope-approved Catechism of the [ Roman ] Catholic Church - #138 ).

So why are born-again Christians following the false, misguided, errant leadership of Romish / ecumenical "pro-life"

organizations which advocate the failed, flawed, faithless, unbiblical legislative strategy of incrementally "regulating" child-murder !!!

Where there is no ( spiritual, prophetic ) vision, the people perish: ..." Proverb 29:18, KJV.

Without the supreme, final authority of the Bible ( Exodus 20:13, Matthew 19:18, Amos 5:15, Psalm 89:14, Proverb 21:3, KJV )

as Rome’s supreme, final authority, the Papacy has legitimized supporting legislation to incrementally “regulate” child-murder:

Papal Legitimization of Incremental Child-Murder “Regulation” Legislation: [ EV, #73. ]

EVANGELIUM VITAE ( “The Gospel of Life” [sic] ) 25 March 1995 [ Roman Catholic Pope John Paul II papal encyclical ]


Being "Pro-Life" Biblically means agreeing with God regarding the Sanctity of Human life

which He Created !!

Page 4: SC Senate Hearings (2) for Heartbeat Incremental Child · 10.10.2019  · It is the Scriptures, the Bible ( 66 Books ), the

It is the Scriptures, the Bible ( 66 Books ), the Word of God, which is the authoritative and rightful source of human law.

For the Bible-believing Christian that truth corresponds well with his or her own affirmation of the Bible

as his or her own supreme, final authority. The Bible is the supreme, final authority for the born-again Christian.

However, by definition, the Bible (66 books) is not the supreme, final authority for any other (false) religion, whether

that false religion is Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Mormonism, Roman Catholicism, etc., etc.

As regards Roman Catholicism, the false Roman Catholic “bible” [sic] has 73 books, not 66 books, despite

stern warnings in the Word of God not to add or subtract from God’s Word [ e.g., Revelation 22:18,19, KJV ].

Unlike as for Biblical Christianity, the Bible is not the supreme, final authority for Roman Catholicism. Rome

claims “Both Scripture and Tradition” as her authority, as interpreted by the Roman Catholic Church Hierarchy.

So how can professing Christians "yoke up" with followers of the false religion of Roman Catholicism when

Roman Catholicism is NOT Biblical Christianity, and does not have the same Biblical supreme, final authority ?

“Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” Amos 3:3, KJV.

Ans.: They cannot and be obedient to God and His Holy Word, e.g., 2 Corinthians 6:14-18; Ephesians 5:11-13, KJV.

Heartbeat Bill H3020: “Good” is the Enemy of God’s Best

ALL Heartbeat bills have a huge “EXCEPTION”

History of Personhood Legislation in South Carolina ( 1998 - 2018 )

Personhood Act of South Carolina - 2019 - H3920



Christians for Personhood newsletter

Steve Lefemine, Christian pro-life missionary

exec. dir., Christians for Personhood

December 31, 2018 / Revised January 2, 2019

'For the Murdered Unborn, Incrementalism is Not Justice'

'Incrementalism is Not Justice for the Murdered Unborn. Incrementalism Perverts Justice and the Law.

Incrementalism is the Regulation of Child-Murder-by-"Abortion". Incrementalism is Evil.'

'In the Sixth Commandment, God says, "Thou shalt not kill (murder)." Exodus 20:13, KJV. Jesus Christ says,

"If ye love Me, keep My commandments." John 14:15. Establishing Justice is obedience to God.'

Steve Lefemine, Christian pro-life missionary

dir., Columbia Christians for Life aka Christians for Life and Liberty

exec. dir., Christians for Personhood

April 10, 2017

Page 5: SC Senate Hearings (2) for Heartbeat Incremental Child · 10.10.2019  · It is the Scriptures, the Bible ( 66 Books ), the

Personhood is Abolition

- Personhood is abolition. Here in South Carolina, we have advocated passage

of State personhood legislation continuously for the last 19 years since 1998

[ History of Personhood Legislation in South Carolina ( 1998 - 2016 ) ].

The current 2017 legislation in the SC Legislature is called the Personhood Act

of South Carolina ( S .217 / H.3530).

- South Carolina Personhood legislation recognizes the Creator God-given,

unalienable right to life of every human being as a "person" beginning at fertilization,

in SC law.

Steve Lefemine

exec. dir., Christians for Personhood

March 15, 2017 [ Edited July 15, 2017 ]


____________________________________________________________________________________ Two Senate Medical Affairs Subcommittee Hearings were held on Tuesday,

September 10, 2019 for H3020 Heartbeat Bill in the SC Senate Gressette Building

Below are four of some of the key individuals providing misguided / false / errant "pro-life leadership"

in South Carolina, who publicly testified in support of the H3020 Heartbeat Bill which

incrementally "regulates" the murder of human beings in the womb of their mothers

( something mankind has no authority under God to do whatsoever ! ),

on September 10, 2019 before the SC Senate Medical Affairs Subcommittee:

Two of these four are Roman Catholics, and two are ecumenical "protestants" [ sic - consider where

the word "Protestant" came from, and what the Reformers of the 16th century were PROTESTING !!! ].

In addition, the name of one ecumenical "baptist" [sic] was also invoked, with his permission, by one

of the Roman Catholics, the two of whom co-signed an ecumenical Joint Letter, purportedly representing

the Roman Catholic Diocese of South Carolina and the South Carolina Baptist Convention.

[ CCL Note: One can only imagine how many of the pastors of the estimated 1,500 SC Baptist Convention churches in

South Carolina would object to "yoking up" with the Roman Catholic Diocese of South Carolina, if they knew about

this Joint Letter, purportedly representing the Roman Catholic Diocese of SC and the South Carolina Baptist Convention !

Who authorized Joe Mack to sign this Joint Letter on behalf of the SC Baptist Convention ? ]

Four key individuals providing misguided / false / errant "pro-life leadership" in South Carolina

by advocating passage of the incremental child-murder "regulation" Heartbeat Bill H3020:

Holly Gatling - Executive Director, SC Citizens for Life ( registered lobbyist )

Lisa van Riper - President, SC Citizens for Life

Joshua Putnam - President, Palmetto Family Council

Michael Acquilano, Esq. - Director, Catholic Conference ( public policy arm )

of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Charleston ( encompasses entire state of SC )

Note: Michael Acquilano publicly mentioned Joe Mack by name as the co-signer of a Joint Letter

from the Roman Catholic Diocese of Charleston ( SC ) and the South Carolina Baptist Convention.

Joe Mack is a registered lobbyist for SC Citizens for Life. Joe Mack, SC Baptist Convention, and

SC Citizens for Life registered lobbyist was in the Hearing room also, although he did not testify.

Page 6: SC Senate Hearings (2) for Heartbeat Incremental Child · 10.10.2019  · It is the Scriptures, the Bible ( 66 Books ), the

September 10, 2019: Audience prior to beginning of 10 AM Hearing for incremental, child-murder regulation Heartbeat Bill H3020,

in Room 105, Senate Gressette Building. Speakers in support of Heartbeat Bill included: Rep. Josiah Magnuson (front row, red tie);

two pastors in second row (facing camera, with light green and gray ties respectively), Michael Acquilano, Esq. (looking back over

his left shoulder); Alexia Newman (wearing glasses, tapping her smartphone, next to Acquilano to his right); and Joshua Putnam

(with bow tie, next to Newman to her right).



Key individuals providing misguided / false / errant "pro-life leadership" in South Carolina, who publicly testified

in support of the H3020 Heartbeat Bill to incrementally "regulate" the murder of human beings in the womb of

their mothers, on September 10, 2019 before the SC Senate Medical Affairs Subcommittee, in order of testifying:

1. Michael Acquilano, Esq. - Director, Catholic Conference ( public policy arm )

of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Charleston ( encompasses entire state of SC )

Note: Michael Acquilano publicly mentioned Joe Mack by name as the co-signer of a Joint Letter

from the Roman Catholic Diocese of Charleston ( SC ) and the South Carolina Baptist Convention.

Joe Mack is a registered lobbyist for SC Citizens for Life. Joe Mack, SC Baptist Convention, and

SC Citizens for Life registered lobbyist was in the Hearing room also, although he did not testify.

2. Joshua Putnam - President, Palmetto Family Council

3. Holly Gatling - Executive Director, SC Citizens for Life ( registered lobbyist )

4. Lisa van Riper - President, SC Citizens for Life



Page 7: SC Senate Hearings (2) for Heartbeat Incremental Child · 10.10.2019  · It is the Scriptures, the Bible ( 66 Books ), the

1. Michael Acquilano, Esq. - Director, Catholic Conference ( public policy arm )

of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Charleston ( encompasses entire state of SC )

Note: Michael Acquilano publicly mentioned Joe Mack by name as the co-signer of a Joint Letter

from the Roman Catholic Diocese of Charleston ( SC ) and the South Carolina Baptist Convention.

Joe Mack is a registered lobbyist for SC Citizens for Life. Joe Mack, SC Baptist Convention, and

SC Citizens for Life registered lobbyist was in the Hearing room also, although he did not testify.

September 10, 2019 at the SC Senate Medical Affairs Subcommittee Hearing for the H3020 Heartbeat Bill:

Senators seated (from L to R): Noncommittee members Senator Wes Climer (R), Senator Brad Hutto (D), Senator Mia McLeod (D),;

and Committee members Senator Marlon Kimpson (D), Senator Kevin Johnson (D), Senator Shane Martin (R), Staff person Gene Hogan,

Senator Tom Corbin (R), Senator Richard Cash (R) [ Absent: Senator Mike Gambrell (R), Senator Margie Bright-Matthews (D) ]

Testifying at podium:

Michael Acquilano, Esq., Roman Catholic Director of the Catholic Conference [ public policy arm ] of the

Roman Catholic Diocese of Charleston ( SC ) testified in support of the H3020 Heartbeat Bill, and referred to this

Joint Letter from the SC Roman Catholic Diocese and the SC Baptist Convention supporting the H3020 Heartbeat Bill.

Notice the wording in this blasphemous Joint Letter, "Together, in an act of Christian [sic] unity, we sign this joint letter ..."

between the Roman Catholic Diocese of Charleston ( SC ) and the South Carolina Baptist Convention. Joe Mack, signing

as "Director, South Carolina Baptist Convention" (?), should be removed immediately from whatever official position

he has with the SC Baptist Convention for this betrayal of Christ and Christianity. Roman Catholicism is NOT Biblical Christianity.

Is Joe Mack BOTH "Director, South Carolina Baptist Convention" AND a registered lobbyist with SC Citizens for Life ?

[CCL Note: Joe Mack also serves as Senior Policy Advisor to SC Citizens for Life, the SC chapter of Vatican - proxy

National Right to Life, and files his required financial disclosure lobbyist reports with the SC Ethics Commission as a lobbyist for

SC Citizens for Life. Joe Mack received $5,500 from his principal SC Citizens for Life for the January 1 - May 31, 2019 reporting period]

Michael Acquilano, Esq., Director of Catholic Conference of Roman Catholic Diocese of Charleston testimony

in support of incremental child-murder "regulation" Heartbeat Bill H3020:

Michael Acquilano testimony video time: 55:30 - 57:15

SC Legislature Video Archives

Tuesday, September 10, 2019 10:00 am

Senate Medical Affairs Subcommittee

[ Excerpts, emphasis, comment added ]

"My name is Michael Acquilano, and I am the Director of the South Carolina Catholic Conference, which is the public policy office

of the Diocese of Charleston, which is the [ Roman ] Catholic Church in South Carolina. And I was given permission today by

Joe Mack, who is the Baptist representative, to invoke his name. We stand here today as the [ Roman ] Catholic Diocese and

the Baptist Convention in favor of this bill, representing over a million faithful Cab ... South Carolinians across the Palmetto State.

Together in an act of Christian unity [ sic !!! - Roman Catholicism is NOT Biblical Christianity ], we sign this joint letter of support for House Bill 3020, the Heartbeat Bill as a challenge to the current legal precedent ... " [ continued ]

Page 8: SC Senate Hearings (2) for Heartbeat Incremental Child · 10.10.2019  · It is the Scriptures, the Bible ( 66 Books ), the

CCL Note: There was unity at the Tower of Babylon also, but it sure wasn't a "unity" pleasing to God.

God confounded their language and scattered them abroad ( Genesis 11:7,8, KJV ).

Is this not exactly what Rome is after, the ecumenical joining in spiritually adulterous "unity", of professing

protestants, baptists, evangelicals, with the Harlot false "church" of Rome ? The so-called "pro-life movement"

has been and continues to be a fruitful platform for incessant ecumenical activities ( e.g., LIFECHAIN, and

"40 Days for Life", aka 40 Days of Rosaries ) between Romanists and and ecumenical professing protestants,

baptists, and evangelicals. It is sin for Christians to "yoke up" with unbelievers ( 2 Corinthians 6:14-18, KJV ).

This unbiblical practice of "co-belligerency" between Roman Catholics and professing Christians has been

rightfully denounced by the American Council of Christian Churches:

American Council of Christian Churches

77th Annual Convention, October 23-25, 2018

Bible Presbyterian Church of Collingswood, NJ

Resolution on the [ False ] Doctrine of Co-belligerence

"We desire righteousness in our land, but the ecumenical compromise, which the [ false ] doctrine of co-belligerence

requires, ultimately undermines that righteousness by erasing fundamental doctrinal distinctives between believers

and unbelievers. By God's grace we determine to continue to have no part in that compromise."

And so, the perpetuation of child-murder by "abortion" in the United States is to Rome's satanic advantage in fulfilling

the Vatican's objective to nullify the Reformation, as per the Decree on Ecumenism in the Second Vatican Council ( 1962-1965 ).

Now does that help make more sense out of the OPPOSITION of the U.S. Conference of [ Roman ] Catholic Bishops

to ENDING "abortion" in multiple states by establishing "Personhood" !? [ See Personhood Report below ]

God says:

"As for My people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them.

O My people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths." Isaiah 3:12

"For the leaders of this people cause them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed." Isaiah 9:16, KJV

Christians, stop following misguided, false, errant Romish and ecumenical leadership which does not uphold the Word of God !!!

The Roman Catholic [ False ] "Church" Hierarchy is NOT Pro-Life !

Furthermore, if the Roman Catholic Church institutional Hierarchy ( Bishops, Archbishops, Cardinals, Pope ),

were really, truly, actually "Pro-Life", then why are the Pope - appointed Roman Catholic Bishops in the

United States of America in multiple States NOT supporting "Personhood" legislation ? Why is the

Roman Catholic Church Hierarchy in the United States against the ENDING of child-murder-by-"abortion"

by establishing justice through recognizing the God-given, unalienable right to life as "persons" of all

pre-birth human beings, at fertilization (conception), and that without "exception", because God says,

"Thou shalt not kill ( murder )." Exodus 20:13, KJV ?

Personhood Report:

Opposition of Pope-Appointed US Roman Catholic Bishops

to Multiple States' Personhood Legislation: 2006 - 2012

Michigan (2006)

Georgia (2008)

Colorado (2008, 2009/2010, 2012)

Montana (2008, 2009)

North Dakota (2009)

Florida (2009)

Missouri (2010)

Mississippi (2011)

Page 9: SC Senate Hearings (2) for Heartbeat Incremental Child · 10.10.2019  · It is the Scriptures, the Bible ( 66 Books ), the

History of Personhood Legislation in South Carolina ( 1998 - 2018 )

Personhood Act of South Carolina - 2019 - H3920



However, there is even more here beyond the public yoking of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Charleston (SC)

and the South Carolina Baptist Convention through the agency of Roman Catholic Michael Acquilano, Esq.

and professed SC Southern Baptist Joe Mack.

Ecumenical, child-murder "regulation" incrementalist Joe Mack is also a member of the SC Advisory Committee

to the globalist, pro-"abortion", pro-"sodomite", US Global Leadership Coalition ( USGLC - ):

USGLC in South Carolina

(click on: "View Full Advisory Committee" below co-chairs David Wilkins and Dick Riley)

Notice all the pro-aborts who are also members of the SC Advisory Committee to the US Global Leadership Coalition:

e.g., SC Senator Kimpson, SC Rep Todd Rutherford, SC Rep Beth Bernstein, former Columbia Mayor Bob Coble,

current Columbia Mayor Steve Benjamin, Sam Tenenbaum ( former Planned Parenthood Board Advisor, and husband of

former pro -"abortion " lobbyist Inez Tenenbaum ), and former SC Rep and former SC gubernatorial candidate, James Smith.

Senator Kimpson, and Representatives Rutherford, Bernstein, and former SC Rep and former SC gubernatorial candidate,

James Smith have all received campaign funding from mass-murderers Planned Parenthood.


And there's even more:

The General Membership of the national USGLC includes:

1) The Planned Parenthood Federation of America ( mass-murderers of over 300,000 human babies per year );

2) The pro-sodomite, so-called, Human Rights Campaign; and,

3) George Soros' Open Society organization. Open borders, anti-sovereignty, globalist George Soros

is a Bilderberger, and a member of Rome's Jesuit-Vatican New World Order, treasonous, Jesuit-controlled,

Council on Foreign Relations ( CFR ), the One-World Government advocating and enabling organization.

USGLC General Membership

Coalition of USGLC General Members

So Joe Mack is indirectly associated with Planned Parenthood, the Human Rights Campaign, and George Soros

by his membership in the SC Advisory Committee to the USGLC.


And there's even more still; however, briefly, the national US GLOBAL Leadership Coalition is basically another

front for Rome's Jesuit-Vatican New World Order. Just begin by looking at the prominent members of Rome's

Jesuit-Vatican New World Order, treasonous, Jesuit-controlled, Council on Foreign Relations ( CFR ),

the One-World Government advocating and enabling organization, who are shown here as "LEADING VOICES"

on the USGLC home page: Colin Powell, Madeleine Albright, Condoleezza Rice, Robert Gates, David Petraeus;

all prominent CFR-member globalist traitors to American sovereignty and the US Constitution.

Page 10: SC Senate Hearings (2) for Heartbeat Incremental Child · 10.10.2019  · It is the Scriptures, the Bible ( 66 Books ), the


Selected CFR Military Leadership Membership List

- America's Jesuit-ruled-CFR-led US Military

December 20, 2011



"The U.S. Global Leadership Coalition’s Advisory Councils are comprised of former Cabinet officials, U.S. Senators

and Representatives as well as three and four-star generals and admirals from all five branches of the Armed Forces."


Honorary Chairman:

Colin L. Powell, Secretary of State (2001-2005)

Colin Powell: member of Rome's Jesuit-Vatican New World Order, treasonous, Jesuit-controlled, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)



Admiral James G. Stavridis, U.S. Navy (Ret.)

General Anthony C. Zinni, U.S. Marine Corps (Ret.) James Stavridis: member of Rome's Jesuit-Vatican New World Order, treasonous, Jesuit-controlled, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)

Anthony Zinni: former member of Rome's Jesuit-Vatican New World Order, treasonous, Jesuit-controlled, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)

Our Board [ USGLC ]

Includes multiple members of Rome's Jesuit-Vatican New World Order, treasonous, Jesuit-controlled,

Council on Foreign Relations ( CFR ) ]

For example, Dan Glickman ( The Aspen Institute ), Andrew Tisch, and Norman Ornstein ( American Enterprise Institute )


God says:

"They that forsake the law praise the wicked: but such as keep the law contend with them." Proverb 28:4, KJV

"... ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints." Jude v. 3, KJV

A fundamental principle of warfare is "Know Your Enemy"

2 Corinthians 2:11, KJV:

"Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices."



Page 11: SC Senate Hearings (2) for Heartbeat Incremental Child · 10.10.2019  · It is the Scriptures, the Bible ( 66 Books ), the

2. Joshua Putnam - President, Palmetto Family

September 10, 2019 at the SC Senate Medical Affairs Subcommittee Hearing for the H3020 Heartbeat Bill:

Senators seated (from L to R): Noncommittee members Senator Wes Climer (R), Senator Brad Hutto (D), Senator Mia McLeod (D);

and Committee members Senator Marlon Kimpson (D), Senator Kevin Johnson (D), Senator Shane Martin (R), Staff person Gene Hogan,

Senator Tom Corbin (R), Senator Richard Cash (R) [ Absent: Senator Mike Gambrell (R), Senator Margie Bright-Matthews (D) ]

Testifying at podium:

Joshua Putnam, President, Palmetto Family testifying in support of incremental child-murder "regulation" Heartbeat Bill H3020.

Joshua Putnam testimony video time: 1:08:25 - 1:13:25

SC Legislature Video Archives

Tuesday, September 10, 2019 10:00 am

Senate Medical Affairs Subcommittee



3. Holly Gatling - Executive Director, SC Citizens for Life ( registered lobbyist )

September 10, 2019 at the SC Senate Medical Affairs Subcommittee Hearing for the H3020 Heartbeat Bill:

Legislators seated (from L to R): Noncommittee members Senator Wes Climer (R), Representative Garry Smith (R);

and Committee members Senator Marlon Kimpson (D), Senator Kevin Johnson (D), Senator Shane Martin (R), Staff person Gene Hogan,

Senator Tom Corbin (R), Senator Margie Bright-Matthews (D), Senator Richard Cash (R) [ Absent: Senator Mike Gambrell (R) ]

Page 12: SC Senate Hearings (2) for Heartbeat Incremental Child · 10.10.2019  · It is the Scriptures, the Bible ( 66 Books ), the

Testifying at podium:

Holly Gatling, Executive Director, SC Citizens for Life testifying in support of incremental child-murder "regulation"

Heartbeat Bill H3020:

Holly Gatling testimony video time: 6:20 - 9:50

SC Legislature Video Archives

Tuesday, September 10, 2019 2:00 pm

Senate Medical Affairs Subcommittee

SC Citizens for Life letter

Co-signed by Lisa van Riper ( SCCL President ), Joe Mack ( SCCL Senior Policy Advisor ), Holly Gatling ( SCCL Executive

Director )

[ Includes 8th Circuit Court of Appeals Opinion ]

[ Excerpts, emphasis, comments added ]

Holly Gatling:

"Since the beginning of the pro-life movement in 1973, the most popular motto has been "Abortion stops a beating heart."

CCL Note: This "motto" is eclipsed by the most frequent pro-life expression affirming the sanctity of human life

which is: "Life begins at conception."

Holly Gatling:

"In a civilized society, we should all agree that the human heartbeat is the objective scientific proof of life."

CCL Note: FALSE. Life begins at conception, not at detection of a heartbeat, which occurs approximately six weeks later.

Holly Gatling:

"South Carolina Citizens for Life, and many other pro-life and pro-family organizations support H3020 as a challenge to the

current legal precedent that permits abortion on demand in South Carolina until the child is capable of feeling pain, which

is scientifically documented at 20 weeks post-fertilization."

CCL Note: Not all pro-life organizations support incremental child-murder "regulation" bills such as H3020,

including Christians for Personhood and Columbia Christians for Life, as well as Christian pastors,

and individual Bible-believing Christians who affirm the supreme authority of God's Word, the Bible.

CCL Note: While SC Citizens for Life (SCCL) was successful once again in dumbing-down the moral and legal standard

for the sanctity of human life in the case of an earlier incremental child-murder regulation bill, the so-called 20 Weeks

Pain-Capable Bill in 2016 [ H3114 ], by arguing in favor of the bill's passage because the unborn baby feels pain at

20 weeks, it is worthy of note that over 30 years earlier ( 1984 ), a video which inspired many in an earlier generation

to become involved in pro-life efforts, called "The Silent Scream", narrated by a former abortionist who had become

pro-life, was called such because of the apparent cries of the unborn child as he/she was destroyed by suction during

an actual "abortion" recorded on ultrasound: "During the abortion process, the fetus is described as appearing to make

outcries of pain and discomfort." Although not "scientifically documented" [?], the graphic video in "The Silent Scream"

of an actual "abortion" is nevertheless real evidence pain is felt by the unborn at least as early as 12-weeks in the womb;

and we knew this over 30 years ago, the advocacy by SCCL of the 20 Weeks Pain-Capable Bill in 2016 notwithstanding.

Holly Gatling:

"We are encouraged that the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals in a decision called [MKB] Management Corp. v. Stenehjem, held that ...

in that decision the court questioned the validity of abortion precedent and laid out many reasons for the U.S. Supreme Court to

re-evaluate the current standard of abortion restrictions. I have a copy of the Opinion to submit to the Committee.

CCL Note: Note the mindset: "restrictions" on abortion, not the establishment of justice to END "abortion" ( child-murder ).

Page 13: SC Senate Hearings (2) for Heartbeat Incremental Child · 10.10.2019  · It is the Scriptures, the Bible ( 66 Books ), the

Holly Gatling:

"In addition to South Carolina Citizens for Life, other groups supporting H3020 include South Carolina Baptist Convention, ...

The [ Roman ] Catholic Diocese of Charleston [ SC ], Palmetto Family and Nehemiah Network, North Greenville University

Worldview Center, the South Carolina Association of Pregnancy Care Centers, Concerned Women for America, the Christian

Chamber of Commerce, and the Palmetto Conservative Alliance."

CCL Note: Once again, not all pro-life organizations support incremental child-murder "regulation" bills such as H3020,

including Christians for Personhood and Columbia Christians for Life, as well as Christian pastors,

and individual Bible-believing Christians who affirm the supreme authority of God's Word, the Bible.



4. Lisa van Riper - President, SC Citizens for Life

September 10, 2019 at the SC Senate Medical Affairs Subcommittee Hearing for the H3020 Heartbeat Bill:

Legislators seated (from L to R): Noncommittee members Representative John McCravy (R); Representative Garry Smith (R);

and Committee members Senator Marlon Kimpson (D), Senator Kevin Johnson (D), Senator Shane Martin (R), Staff person Gene Hogan,

Senator Tom Corbin (R), Senator Margie Bright-Matthews (D), Senator Richard Cash (R) [ Absent: Senator Mike Gambrell (R) ]

Testifying at podium:

Lisa van Riper, President, SC Citizens for Life testimony in support of incremental child-murder "regulation"

Heartbeat Bill H3020:

Lisa van Riper testimony video time: 14:10 - 25:15

SC Legislature Video Archives

Tuesday, September 10, 2019 2:00 pm

Senate Medical Affairs Subcommittee




America has fallen so far from her roots of 400 years ago in Christ and His Word; and has so embraced

Romish thinking ( 2 Corinthians 10:5, KJV ); even as to become captive to the unconstitutional plague of

judicial supremacy, foolishly submitting to the tyranny of accepting Supreme Court Opinions ( !!! ) as the

“supreme law of the land”, despite the fact any literate person can read Article VI, Cl 2 of the US Constitution

and see that is not the case !!!

Page 14: SC Senate Hearings (2) for Heartbeat Incremental Child · 10.10.2019  · It is the Scriptures, the Bible ( 66 Books ), the

The US Supreme Court has done to the US Constitution what the Roman Catholic Church Hierarchy

has for centuries done to God's Word, the Holy Bible: usurped, perverted, ignored, corrupted and

rejected the authority of the written text for its own pronouncements: The Christian Statesman - "For the Crown Rights of Jesus Christ"

"Court Tradition, or the Constitution Alone?" November-December 2005 Vol. 148., No. 6, pp. 15-19. Excerpts [ pp. 15-16 ]

'... the [ US ] Supreme Court became to the [ US ] Constitution what the Roman Catholic Church had become to the Bible.

Constitutionally speaking, there are few "Protestants" today. Few believe in the doctrine of the [ US ] Constitution alone.

Few even know it exists.'

We Are All Constitutional Romanists Now [FN 4]

'During the Reformation, Roman Catholics and Protestants were divided by a basic, theological question. On what did

authority rest? Did it rest on the Bible plus church tradition or on the Bible alone? The same theological question divides

Romanists and Protestants today. Rome holds to tradition. Protestants reject it.'

'In the constitutional realm, a similar question should divide Americans today. On what does the legal authority of the government

of the United States rest? On the Constitution plus Court precedents or on the Constitution alone? In the political establishment

there is no doubt. The Constitution plus Court precedent are the pillars of authority. This gives the men and women of the legal

establishment great power ... when it comes to the ultimate law of the United States, virtually all Americans today are "Romanists." '

'Of course, ignorance permits deception. Americans must become constitutionally literate. There must be a reformation

in the way citizens see the role of the [ Supreme ] Court. There must be a people who raise the banner of "The Constitution Alone."

Christians must be those people. They should be able to see the parallel between Scripture Alone and Constitution Alone.' ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


William Blackstone

Commentaries on the Laws of England (1765-1769) Volume I, Books I & II



pp. title, 25, 28, 29 [ 1863 ]

"The doctrines thus delivered we call the revealed or divine law, and they are to be found only in the holy scriptures."

"Upon these two foundations, the law of nature and the law of revelation, depend all human laws; that is to say, no human laws should be suffered to contradict these." [ Excerpts, emphasis added ]

_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Illinois State Supreme Court ( Richmond v. Moore, 1883 ) “… our laws and our institutions must necessarily be based upon and embody the teachings of the Redeemer of mankind. It is impossible that it should be otherwise. In this sense and to this extent, our civilizations and our institutions are emphatically Christian, …” [47 Am.Rep. 449] [ Emphasis added ]

_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

No King but King Jesus!

Declarations and Evidences of Christian Faith in America's Colonial Charters, State Constitutions,

and other Historical Documents during over 375 Years of American History: 1606 to 1982

The way back is the Lord Jesus Christ. He is THE WAY, THE TRUTH, and THE LIFE. (John 14:6, KJV)


In Christ, Steve Lefemine, Christian pro-life missionary

dir., Columbia Christians for Life, Columbia, SC