Download -… · SAX FRANCISCO STOCKS. ga.. | i. Bj Tba o« lai eloatag qoo-ajv-neaa for aalalns atoelu

Page 1:… · SAX FRANCISCO STOCKS. ga.. | i. Bj Tba o« lai eloatag qoo-ajv-neaa for aalalns atoelu

SAX FRANCISCO | i. Bj Tba o« lai eloatag qoo-

ajv-neaa for aalalns atoelu U»-day w r" aa follows:

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Cm «'«I * Va.«Con lirperlal. "I "v".


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' ''" *4 r

SPIRI1 ,..,,. ,...-ii"-in «

¦'', *:¦ g· J.1 * £¦,,',-, ¿hi 178 ? |1 BS; M, 1280; N.

?G? "? ? »NI,.

.........81 9ßß bbli

IT ·¦


...¦ '-.,« ,..·. ·.

Al«, || 15; E 11 2? ? |1 80 «'.. Il 85; H 11 80

G$1« K, $170; M. >-" V 12 35; P, ¦'« 12 85 W

yr ;·"¦ 88WillDee. 28

' 4"··<

41 . |1 IO Iti 15 ri

Colpi« '. 18 *1 ''"'''' *'- 1>"

re 28 ll',l.?


Gal« »»ton. Di -· -"·· Cotimiddling 7 ? IO . ry, ·'¦'.· '.···

>¦..;«¦.ae. Sali

balee: aale». 1.057 bal« »17.271Hing, IS

low ml lllni 7 5 Id 811 I«r»:p·» 2.0O4 «porta to th» CYin

Cotton firm middling, 7'. low

ml» dllng. 7 l 1':.-. good n. 1 v·'·-'

halc·- exporta »twlae, 1.441 8,021 bat"«.

I 158 I«' bale«Menaphle. Dec 8rm; middling '¦'¦ «

f. 7 l-ir,¦ ;·.

ÍW balea· gross. 1.« 3,088 bale» ?

« lock, 185.313St. L st: ? Idling, 7 7 18c; »

nilddlln. 7«bal»»: j-i-o·». 6.853 bal»»; ahlpment» 5.3041(M.-IH nate«.New-« 'r.. ??», ?»«-. 28..Cotton firm; middling, 77 18?;

low middling, 7.1«. c -'.?? 18 ·«·

colpi», aIBS balee; «rot-s. 7 115 ha et export» t

Britain. 7,807 bale«: to the Ointlnent, 2.«?'·«· bn'.·««wise. 210 til»», hi!·». 4.000 bale» »tock, c rrected, 401.«K»lbale».


l.,verrooi. Peo. 2t>, 4 p. m -Cottoa «Spot, moderatebu»ines» dor.e. price» 1.led hleher. Am»ri-»n ?

fair. 4\d. pood middilna. 4 H-1IW mid ? ? «I. loatn'd ll!r«r. 4 11-32·!. good ordii ·«. 4 :.'.' I. ordinary.3 31 BM. The »ale» ol tha .lav were 8.000 bale» f »

6(Xi were for speculation an : export «uid Included G400bal»* American. Reoelpta 14,000 bale· In ludlr.g 2.800American. Futures opened Steady nn«I cloeed very »tea lyat th» advance; American middling I m e J4 90 84404 21-444 value; January and PYbruary 4 l« 84d*· ^r»; P« t.i mry aad Mir-h t IB «'4! buyer» March ar-.iApril. 4 13-A4d bin»·:-«· April ani May 4 ll-'«4

May ar.l June. 4 :? 14 i buyers; June mt July, 4 7 «tide4 8-*V4d eellera; July ani August, « A-4Vtd sellers; Augii«!and September. 41-84404 S-844 sellers; September andOctober. S »M-SidCS Bf 84d «aloe


7^«>erpooi. p«c. ??.Cloelnf: Wbeai S; at Bna; No ?«California. Sa2HdV0eSd; No 2 red Western srlnter, Be lOdNo 1 Noftaaara »prilla» o» md. ·~?»p?.Spot. Americanmixed »teady, SeBHd; futures, December nominal; Jantiary »teady. S».'« steady 8s 5Hd P.n»Canadian, Bead. Pi ur· «r Loula fancy winter Arm. 7«.Bop.« at Lt-mdon.Praclflc Coast Snn, (3 Kasfrtl 10a Beefsteady: extra Iti im meso, -2» ??·G; prime mess, ?«

J'ork steady: prime aseas «Testern 67» Od Hami.cut, 14 IO 10 Ib, »teady. 43» Ha» on steady; Cumcut. 2«· to **· rb. 31b: »h rt r:h. 1s · 22 ·? 88»middle» light, '¿n to SB tb. 33a «M; long cl ar middle»heavy, 35 ro to rb. SSs; short clear ba is, ;«. to ik lb32» fid; clear bellies, ? to ? G, 82

e, 10 to 14 lb, firm. SSsOd. l.nrd Srm; prims Westerr in tierce». 21»s. American reflneButter.P!n«-'»t Vn!:. Bl '¦- '·¦'- I i. 7G.» Chess OlAmerican flu«·»», white, 57»; Amcrl an fine»!Tallow Arm: prim? >..ty. 2·)?: Australian ¡n London, 2·?.« :« !

Oouon«eed oil.Hull -.r!··!. r ««¦ ¦«tr.'-e- April nrm, IBsTurpentine-Spiri·» steady, 88* I; «In.«-ommon firm.4» «vf. Petroleum Refined, 7'- Unse ! oll, 23s

ôrtrrogatc's Xotuco.

TN PURSUANCE of an order of Hun. Jam.·-}M. Varnum. a Surrosat» of ·;.» County of N>w York,

Notice 1» her»: y «.-!>'n to «G persol /« df 'h· <i.:· f ? ¦«. yorlt, d«:i» »um» »VU

sabet fibers, at th-'lr pia·· ' il nets. No, 8Broad».:«, Manhattan. Clly of New Vo.-k, on

or before the 1st day of Tua«Dated New York, ihe Ztth ,'-iv ! Novembei 1888


Hxe-ut-r« i»«t will and t»«tem<;n'. oí ?:t:.·.-? smith, de-r»ai" '

ABRAM KLING,Arty for Kxe-utors,«t Broadway.

Bor-«u(ih of Manhattan. <?lty of N< «r York.

JN PUB8DANCE of an onler of Hon. Varnum. ß Purr-gate taf the County of New York,

notice lj hereby given t" all persona having claim·· .

Andrew E, Burr, late (.f the County of N«w Y rk dsClassa, to pret»nt tht »arr.»· with voucher» thereof to th«subscriber», at their place of transacting but-lnee«. at theclTUe of Burr, Coomos snd Wtlsi a, No >-4 P.r-adwayBorough <«f Brooklyn. In the City of Ke«J Y« :k «in or l»¿for* tl.« 28th day of January i.ext.Dated New York, the 22nd day of July, 1S94).


i-»· ^tora

Burr. Coomha A Wilson, Attya. for Kx»-cut^r»

JN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDEB of Boa.Jam»» M. Varnum. a Snn Bata of th.« County of

New York, Notice 1« hereby given to havingclama against Margaret ? took, late of ths :nty ofNe«· York, doooaaea, to prteini .jci.erttheieof to the subscriber, ai .ts place of transacting Uu«l-ret». No. 177 MontsKue street Borough ««i Brooklyn, City.f New York, on or before tbo 3rd day of Kebruaiy. 11»??cexr.Dated New York -h» 23t>-. «!i> of July. 1888


Attoratjyt for Eaeeutor,ISO M.,r.ta»p.e St

I!r" k:>n. N. Y. Oty.

TN PÜB8ÜANCE of an order of Hon. James M.V-,rnum. a Suit·, pate o( the County of Neat York,

notice I» hereby piver. to ;·.'! pei ne hai Ina Ialini ?Edith O. OUI, lati¬to pr«_sfn: the »anv v.ith voucher» tlrereof f· 'h» suler. at his pla< e ot transacting bualneaa, at Ihe . '

Anderson A Anderson. ?a 89 Wall Btreet, In the City fN'T York, nn or before the 1st day of Jun«·Dated New York, the _Bth day of November, IM««.

KREDERir-K C. WAGNER.Administrator with the will ann'x.d.

ANDERSON A ANDERSONAttorneys for Administrator with the will<>1.

No. 8? Weil st.,"_rh of Manhattan. New Vo-k City.

TN PURSUANCE Of an onto of Hon. FrankT. Fltrgerald. a Burr-Vat« ' I. ' Sea

Teck, not:«e is hereby «riven to ill peiaarainst Frank E Win«, lata I the r ¦.r ?··?·, to present the san-,' «·"'. v< urher*su» sorltcrs «· tbe.1ofTle of Tliomae H Rarowek" ? ». 4' and 4.1 W:,i!

In the City ot Ne« ?·-' I', roufl ol Maion or before t1"" Both dnv n» June next» 2?1 dav of n_«-cn.¦ IBtrf» GRANImlnUtrator; LILIAN '.'.·IN·".. AdmlnlatiVrl*· ??????H. r\KO\Vi'KY Attorney for Admit So» llan.l <__ Well Mi at, "·' a G ¦'¦' Rormijrh of Manha'»»n

S/orccloenrc Gilles

VPI.EME COURT, COUXTI OF NEWYORK -?*·-t? ·. ?··«·'·'; Plaintiff, aaalna! ni«·.?

las D. K"ndall and .h'-r· Défendantela asir»ua»ce of ¦ lud_tmnl of foracloajre »nd - '··

-".ale and entered In th» ali-.v·· entlt',.· action, nndbearinc date u· 2041 day of I" .amber, 188·, I, lha uiderslgn···!. the G. terra In ».-.?? )ud_-ment tiam»«.by publie auction, a· the Ne-a Y rk llenl Eatat« Bale«rro_i No. Ill Ur nul-av, In th. P. « "

City of Net» York, on the llth day if January.that day I.y G· Pbcrat· Ina

Auctioneer, the premise» directed by »aid Judgment to beat.ll. snd therein d.sorlhed as'--»».

All that e-··.-<!n lt. picce or ?« ·' M land with e

building-« thereon erected, irittaeU Ijrlni la theYork Borouarb of ManhattaB and t»>unde_

and deaertbed as follo«·: Tïegli.ning at a r-lnt aa theweste-ly silo of I'atk Avenue distant tifi v »M») fee!, tl\eand» <·.*"-> Inches n.«rtherlv from the corn«

formed In- the mt.r».-t...n of ihe «eaterly -rida ot PerkAvnue »1th the northerly side <»f »One hundred aitertith sue.·., running then«- northerly aVon« aald westerly»Ide of I'ark Avnue seventy lUe f.3» fevt tl

inch«·», thenc» running westerly^ and parallel «l-h On»hundred hnd «TUte-nth atreal «nd for a part of th» dl»t«m, throagt» a ???? «»'¦ "'»"'"'?' "^.'M "·¦"",'.landing ninety IM) feet. runt.Ing t***oa SOMberly _ndparallel with Park Avenu- s-w-i.'y live (..»» '«ft. threeend or.e-quarter (S'i) tn h.e ther.¦¦«· »untiltig taaterly andparallel with One hundred and sixteenth »tie«·! nlntty<w., fe-t to the point oe place °f *'&<"£*

l)»t. A New York. l'eterni er '.'¦Jtr, It*-*».l>»t'<_ rsew i-r ¦i]a.,BES . INT,]-.itHILL Ref.-r.-e.EDWARD S. CIJNCTH, Attorney for Pl»lntlff.

No 115 H»-.__wey. llorough of Manhattan. N»-w York City.The foliowlni- I» a diagram of the t" I«e eold:

tt« «treat number» are No». 1044. 1ß4ß. and 1«>1S ParkÀ ? »rue.

\ 8 Houcej


ilieih Street.

The approximate amount of the 11»n or charge, to sat-|»fv which Ihe obov» descrtU-d property 1» ta le sol.i. Is$_*-_·>·> 1? wllh Inte-est thereon from the ¡Älth day oíDecemrrf·-. 1**90. su»'«ot to three mortgage» f»..- »it».onoajgch with lnter»»i fiom Pepteml-er 1st. 1HH». »t 8 per gent.together wllh cost« and allowance amounting to |3ß3.'»?.

·?»G with the expenses of the aale. The approximate. amount of the USB·, asset-tmenl» and water rent», or

fher Hens to he al>wed to the purchaser out of tha pur-. tr,»_e nT-rev, cr pf-U by the Referee, I» f1.207 80 and inV t.··¦'1 Dated New York .Dei-em»»»r 20th, 1««V *^ REUBEN H. l.NDERHH-L. Refer«».


force.oenre Galee.

(SUPREME COURT, t'ounty of New York..k All.m M«» end oth»r». a» »ub»tllut»d Tru»t»e». etc

. ir», sgslnst n·· y t MeOackln and others, r>«f»nd

antt ir. ? ur.uanc» f h judgment »t foreclosure aad sale

duly mad* an ? »ntered In tn» «bow- «mill »1 action, bearli.g

amber, ?ßßß, and sntsred in lbs

f the C uni] ta New V«.rk. a« the

.«» in »aid County, on 'lie Iti da) of

- amended nun« pro tune by an order

tared In ths abo»« entitled action, beai

lit·, ria) of December. 1*88, »nd enter·!

¦IM»-» of «he seid ' lerk OB iliat day. I

the referee In said ludgment named, will »"G.

ths New \r.rk R»-al Batate Bales

\·.. ¡i« Broadway, H r'n«h of Manhattan. The

Sea Vork C^ountl of New York, on «he 11th daj

lary, 1800, al twefra o'c'.och noon of -hat day. n>

Herheri \ Sherman, auctioneer, th»· premi»»«» directed

by ih- »aid judgment to be .-..Id, and deecribed therein a»

All thai certain lot. piece r parcel of land, with the

iae ihere« n. »Ituate, lvlna aad t.elnK In '.he

City of Sew York, snd bounded »n«l de«-eiii."«i a» fo:iows,

.?.· ·.>lnt on lbs northerly side-tree« d1«tant two hundr»·!

t five snd on» half inche« westerlyrner Of «-aid »tre«»! and i

ng thenee weetwardlj slong 'h» north»all «..reet (16' r.V'l »Ife.-n feet »Ix uni

northwardly parallel with saMand eleven Inches; rhence east

« ....... «. gteen feet ala ar ?southwardly parallel With »»1.1

I feet ani eleven Inches to th» ? in:

nnlngThi «atteri) nd westerly »id» wall» of »aid 4w»ll«na

party wall»ng now known by the Street num-

<.- :..". i: ..«¦¦· 12«.th Street. LAN81NO W. WALSB,Refere».

HF.Rr.P.RT PARSONSroe«, for Plaintiffs,

ill Broadway, New York City.Th» following Is » «liaarnm of th» property to b» ?ß?

1ß.ß·4 2P5HI2ÖI1 Street.

Tbe approximate smounl of the ll»n or chart« to »¡.tl»

fj wl re «?· -¦·.·.· propert) Is io he sold 1»

ind thlrt) two and 87 1··"

: ....... thereon from ihe lOth' ·. IH eche« with coets an·', all

. rjhtj t ur and it loo¦.re«t fron, «h» lei day of De¬

ri ritti the expenses of tt.» agi». Tie

,·-,. ml ¦¦'. lares, assessments snd other Hen»allowed to th» purchaser out of the

the referee I« Ove hundred and

« Kt« ? and OS 100 .1 »liar "-?? 08).1 «ted N<« \ cembri 20tl 1«W.

LASSISO W \V\T.-1I.R '· ree,

HKRRRRT PARSON?Alton ' ntltTs,in Broadway,

r ugh of Manti?· a Torti City, ? Y.

gUPREME COURT, COUNTY ?G SEWTOBK Richard H Hun· Henry Manuar.d and

Samuel M H ¡pin. a« u t»ea for Catherin* H wlaml11 in·. Plaintiffs, errali-·»! tv «.Mem J. D».lln and oth»rs

Defendant! \ ·¦ t? N. 1

In pursuance of a .tulsment of Pceecloeurs »r.d Bel»

6 ily mad» and »ntered Ir. Il ·¦ ab «re entitled action, b«ar-

ins d.-it» fifth day of December ??t?. |, iht undsr-Ihe Refere» In snld Ju lament ram»' «rill sail

al ·!,. Exrhang« Sales Rooms w

it ? ri Broadw .·.-

' New Tork, on the third .Jay of Januarja ;2 ,. no n, "i. thai day, by Peter F '·' I

tl ·.,»-. the premlpee dir···.i ly »ill '¦:'.·.· ent ?ß b»

ILL H «1 ·· pt» ·¦ r parcel of land with 'he bmidins»;a'»d In th» ' N.w V rk snd

·' tr. I deae'lbed .. follow» rvV.lNMN« ; I »

rlj line r ...» ? m red and I

ftl Btrset disi int one hundred and twenty-eight f«elBri m the corner formed -

Id ? rtheriv line r One hundred andtl ¦"¦ · with ih» westerly line of lh* PlftiAv»nue. running thence northwardly parallel tritìi 9 '

Avenue end fri portion of th» «Jistanc» thl cgh a par'v... eleven Inch*» to the c»n«re line r.f

e thenoa «»»iwardly parallel with One hundredani t: Street seventeen feat and »lghi

I wt'h Kifth Avenu. 'fra

G rtlon ..f th.ihn ugh a part] ¦* il - nety-nln»·· ? .rtherly Has of On«

?- ihlrtj fifth ?treet; Ihence easterly al ng said northerly;:ne of red ar.l thlrty-flflh Ktreel .

·.· ir ho» ·. ih« polni or pise«wn s» Number seven (·, \\ »a· .);,» hundred ani

Iftti Btreei whl ? »aid pi laee are aituatsd in>'. in Block 17S8 on tba I-an<i Map of tha City of

New V a*.New York. P»remher 11 l»pp

GENE ? POMEBOT Refer»»HOPPIN * RERARP. A" rneyt f r 1". ntlffl

V Nassau Street. IV-»r».ugh of Manhattan. New York

Knt-wn ai»

No. 7 West 13*:h Street.

11«. 4

|89th BtreetThe ap-proxlmate araoiani ol the it«*n or char*·«!

h the above . la lo » ?

114,1. _.·.. ·¦ :t!i ioti thereon I . di '

MOP. t..gethei.¦':-'-. ¦.:tí- interest from Decembe» ·'¦. I8t* together

f th« »ale. .

-.-.t- »· :. «re to 11se money, or

Is tdBB.8] «.·. ? Inter« «t

Dat<-d: New York, December 11. IBB.».Bl'OENE 11 POME-ROY, Referee.

SUPREME COURT, COUNTY OF SEWYORK Richard H. Hunt. Henry Mv ;.«M ¦__-

.-.n....-l 11. H'.'.pin. as Truste-s for »-alliante ll.'WlanlUntiff.·. a£a-nat William J. Devila »r. 1 ..ther».

Action Ñ 2.Ir. pursuance of a Judgment of Ki-r«sclosure tr.d Sal«,

dui) :. >¦: I:, tha al» ve entitled ·»

.' Decembei 1890, 1. the und'ralgn«Refera« ? said Judgment named, will pell at I

Auction at ichang» Balea Room·, ntpw l·-»ted a*.

No ill Br _dwa In tr.· Boi ugh ot Manhattan. City¦'. New Y r,i. on tha third day of Jadiar·-. IMO, at 12o'clock no n, ¦·. thai day, by Peter ¥ Meyer. AuctioneerIh« premise» directed hi aald ludgtrient to he ? id, andth'-.-'t. deacrlbed at t'A\ ws:

all that i"· pleca · parcel of land with the bulldlngaSituated tn the »'«.ty of New Y'otk and

¦ fell ws

BEOINNINQ at a ¡.-»inl In M.e no-r'herly line of Or»

fl -'· -lls'ant nee hundred a:.'.\ nine feet v.« en t_e einer r.'rme.J by

-¦»·. r ;«.:. ¡f sad northerly iln.' of fine Imnd.-eJ andtn the westerly line of the Elfi .'.¦e

rue running "eve northward!·, parallel w,th Fifth Av·-9 for a portion '.f th» distance through a pertv wa 1nln« feed eleven m-hes io ih« re..·-« lina f t·»

thence weatwardly parallel with One hundred. rtj fifth Stri ¦· and eig. ·; then·»sou'hw. ? ·.-. Fifth Avenue and (or a p«r-

' the distance through a party wall ninety nineeven ·. ¦-. t(-,e northart) lin«· ol One hundred

¦- Btreet; that e eaatarardly »irng ,?

·¦;>· line of une hundred and thirty tiftl» Street··¦ and e|g|,t lacha· to th* p».mt or place of

ng; leing known a« N'umter P.fteen (18) West.nlrel and t.'.'.rty fifth BMtreel wh.'li 'aid prem-

;..s _re situated In Bectlon ß In HI"·«« litt on th» l_»nd' New TorTr»

New York, De.-einher 11 ist*EUGENE ? POláEROT. Referee.

IHiPPlN A RPTRARD. Attorney« for Plaintiffs.7 Nassau Street, Rorough of Manhattan. New Tork

Known as No. IBW.-st 1".'.th Street.

1?,5th Street

The approximate amount of the lien or '.harge to

satisfy which the above desorlheri property Is ? be »old,?» »???«·«- 7.'.. with interest thereon from fifth day "fI" ember, 18B-», t .g'-ther with costs and allow»nressn 11. tit..- to 1327 42, with In'-rest from December 8,;-·' t'gether with the expense» ,.f »ne »nie. The ap

at·· amount G tuxes, assessments, or other lien»,vhlch are t" be «lh wed to the purehaser out of th»

>· money, or paid hy the Referee, 1» ffi'ifl 51 »ndli.-er»stDatei New York. Deremt e- 11. I«ft8

?G???? H PHMF.ROY. Refere».

l.cligioua noticesADAMS CHAPEL, I'NK'N THlXU/MJirAL BEH]

NARY No 7'»' Park ave Sunday a!"-r*.? .t.. o'clock PTeachar, Rev, CHARLE- (TthhkrtHALL, D. D. ah are _releo_a».

ALL Alii: WKl.i-OMK AT METKOPOUTAN TFMP1.E7th ave and 14th st »r CADMAN will pr'-arh »norn'ngand e\ening. Large eh'.ir win »ing. Evening, old-fash

Metl dial watch nigi.t --ervtea nnd »erni'.n MeetInga every nlghl. I "layer «nd coaference Wedneailay night.Oonoen to night, fn

ALI. SOULS' i'HPRí'I!. Mad1»on-a. ». and «Wlh-»t..le WALTER B. BENTUBT will prearh »? 11 a. m.

Even i"ng at h p. m., with »enii'.n \\ Bet;. R, M. W.BLACK

AUL BOCUr CHURCH, PNITARIAN. tth-ave. nnd20th »t. Sunday school, 1" a. m Th« Patta-, R»v.Tl!« »Mas H. BLICEB, will preach ai 11 a m. A ter

?·, ?, 1 t lhe new jear. The public .-ordlnllv Invilii.

ALL· WBLCOMB. The Wellington IS'iuar·· Methodistpel Church, 4th-»t , near »a«:»re, IU-v. I>r JOHN

.1 RBSBD, rasKS G? sal Slug. 10:3?. Watch night »er

p. m.

ARCH «NOEL, «'111 II« 11 OP THE, In Hi» CRYPT ofth- CATHEDRAL, ROY, «)» .ROB H. PRATT. Rector .

every «iundf»> morning at 11.


..t 11: »ubjrct. "Th· ..'«.uiiige uf Ufe." Sun!;.)tchuol. ?:|? ... m.

AT REPOBMBD CATHOLIC SBBVICB· In ci.rlefsHll ... No 142 We»t 21«l-»l- Evening, 7:46 Hev.JAMEM A O'i'uNNOH. Pativi, preache» In m.n.orv ofMr M.,.«l\, wh·« wat the n.«»unt of hi» conversion.

AT SOFT 11 CHTJBCH, Madlton-avs. ond 38th-sl.. nsv.RDUKR1CK Tivtltv. D, P., Paetor.- Services »t 11 a.,.l 4 p ni. Tne Paarur will presch.AT THE CHURCH OF THE DTT1NE PATERNITY.

Central Park \V»«i and 7«!h St., CHARLES II. EATON.D. P. Pa.tor. will preach at 11, "M-ual Inventories."and at 7:4s. "The Rlrth of e New Ootury

" Bpeotai¦na» niutlc. with enlarged choir ea»l»i»d by »trinsttd

In.irumeni», will be repeated.AT THE 'OLD FIRXT" PRESPTTERlAN CHUB 11.



AT TT1E SCOTCH PREBBTTER1AV CHUBCH. 88th-tr «r.d On.ral Park West, r%v. DAVID O. WTLJE.D. I».. Paner .Set-vice» st 11 end 8; Watch Sigh! strile«10:80 p. m. Prejer meeting Wedr.esl»} evening et a AUInvilii.

flcligiono Xoticce.

Bedford BTMCE1 HETHODIBT f.piscopalHiriim. earner M rt-n-st.. Rev 'HAS A. HOI.I.A.

I'ast'.r Morning. |0_M. the 1'fi'f ? 111 preach 2 ? IT..,

Bunday school; s p m Waieh Night »ervtce; I» p. m..

..· ? ? Paator.

BLOONINODALE PHITM7H. Bmadway, BBth-?.11,«""hrl'tma» musi, repeated. Quarte) and by f ur

hundred children. MADIbON G, PETERS -peaks ~n "The

r«· s and Abuse« -? ? hrtetrnaf Dr PKTERS »peaka In

the e\enin« t" ["· 'j»|e \» h _r« tempted to give up tlie bat-

He >f life Di PETERS prearhea <jverj evening next

week, ex.ept gaiui I

laughter In New Vork." WelcOBII

BRICK .·|?G?{ "11'.th hv· Bild ::7t> t

HENRY V \N DYKE, . ¦- r.

sen.'·» Bunda) December 81Dr VAN DTKE will ? · ac! at 11 « Bl.

Rev. JAMES M FARR, JR. at 4.:'?> e in

Speeiei Chr-Mmaa H.n ,. .· r th.· Butvday ·0_<·.?,· l'i

1 »ung Men'« mile riaaa, io a. m

'' »gai the <

Wedneaday, Januar- 8. ai S ?

Services preparatory t" «""nimuni'.nin the Church Ei lay. January I

at P m

RRDADWAT TABERNACLE CTH'RCHr 'rner Ur ¦ la i\ and 841

lî'fu; »ervlce ai il m. Th« Paator Re*

CHARLES 11 JBFPER* »N, I'. D.. wl

aong arrvtre. Cecilia Rradfnrd Tri

JOHN l· DEVINfl on Mr. M. l» dea.idAt :. p, in. Blbla cl._-s. conducted by WILLIAM II.

THOMBON, M. D.WATCH NK.HT SEl'Viri» from "- ? 13 p. nt.

hol\ welcome1Taver meeting Wednesday evening B1 I


preaches M rning. "The Immutabl« Christ livening.

"National and IteTlgtoua Acl svementa and Tenden of

the Dosing Ye:,r "

CALVART CHI'RCH, It and 21ai -t . Ret J

LEWIS PARKS, S. ? I'.. Rector Hoi:8 and 10 a. m.; rnornlng prayer and »rrm n U -? m

choral sendee and sermon, 8 p, Bl Hie Reel

preach In the morning.

CENTRAL ??G???? CHI'RCH. 4M tt., weal ' Iti

ave., m ink M. OOOD*"*IIILD Paator Preaching

JOHN IjOVE, D D p a to The .newer bj Fire"

1:48 ;. m "The Flt-t '. M I «a In Heaven

CENTRAL »t .1 I. 11 u ·¦ ? ¦ Bth-av«

and Rrnadwa). Addre»» I») Mr-, MFLtflNA l'\Y

PBIRCB, Bible student: "Th« II l» Bplrli ihr I

Ten .in." "f the Eternal Trinlt) " i a fi

Bpli it snd the Brida sh\

CENTRAL PRKEBYTKRIAN ill 1!'·? We·· S7th it.,

.»etwee:·. Broadwaj an·! Ith-ave., Rev. WILTON MERLE

SMITH. D P.. Past r PraacblBg ·¦ morro« a· n n m

bj the Paator. and s p. m Ri .t.TER l«OWRIKh sel -1 «»· 3 p. m iliiistlan Endear r Monda; .'

Devotional meeting Wedneadai a- -



3..V» ;». m Th» pattile are cordiali«/ Invited

CBCRCR OF THE ??4G??*??.\ Mh »va and mth *·

Rev, il le ? ? '.IIANT He

R»v. LESTER RRADNFH Jr., ' latlng.M r- ina servie« 11 .? m

Cbll Irei· r »eri -,"

Watrh Night servire, in un p, m. (In place >f mualcg] »er

v;-* a· s rl kl Muí full »hoir

Anthère. "Christma« Nichi" I DainroachOfTee',»r\, '*CI*riiatmaa (Trateiio*' ..Samt si.r»

Sittings free »t all srrvi »·


46th «.· Re· I «RK.I ': M< iROs a. r- .1 Coi in ml II a. ? ·

Pr»»· h»- ·' e ?:»-· .-?R»v. .'"Hv WILLIAM? Se» Vear*« I · 11

Wat·»·, nlgt.l Ml -i"'.«! a .Ire..»»

' Ml It'll ·!¦' G??MadIson ·. « ·

R»v. WII.tJAM \ OROSVESOR. |) P. "

Pert-ire«« » m Ihe Holy « Vttnn

lit to.. Horning prayei* p. i.i Evenir.? ; · t.

??'??? "? ??. '· ·¦ »ernsr Partt-,v» Services. 11 a. m Re, ROB1 RI « I,

; Subject r "Hslplni ? 10

in .«lei Entrance lai. ai e


Park ai · « .· », lhe Ret J1 [JAN K

SM" H Pot «S a' !1 ¦·

of ..,.

| a»; r ·. enes "f 11t»«-p-e'«.i and Pulfllled ? ral ' ih« li

Supper FHAPEL Or DIVINE PROVIDES44:1:-·· Serví M il 7:11 | SI

ir·» 1 .··

CHUBCH "F THE PURITANS '.'"·¦ »' neat Iave., Rev. CHARLES .t TOFNO, :¦ r !¦».:

ite»» 11 « m enl s] -i Cordial w. -

CHUB "H ' rp THP. M"";oTih et r.» u Ith-av. ' ICXRURN,

p-ea·¦! ..·.-¦1! a r. "Pure - «

T F ; m T! .· "¦'

Btr s«-r« sordlall) urei ma v.; ·» ,·· » ·.

CHUR H ?G THI RA! 10 1 East 381·····«··-iHsrtin « Mi»-· '¦'

.'Hoi ...? ? hdir ' ?

¦ \ «e

«ri G? e.«i ·?


lav. 8:80 ?- .¦ Ill»

i.e.»'." 1-· 15, 17. 1«.

LEO],TE S MPIRH .' «??'?.'?? 121«

.' ?.??? :· DOBP ;· '· and Be«t.»«. eiKJAR TILTOS. Ji it II a t

lai r 'i".··«··...·.. «.·

BVJi«t ISI> 'II ?"·? IS ., ·,- , - R«?\'? jl BTIN BARAI! ? ? ? l'stioiMI Ni« .RP, ;· D., près bes at U a nina ·


FIFTH AVF «·¦··!.!.?..;? .1 r REFORMED 'Ht.RCfl»'¦ ¦- || ··· a.e

Re« IV>\ALI« -,·;' '.· ·. ? «1 V -..

Mornln» worship at 11 «¦ k

Dr MA« KAl


Rev DAVID JAf· I'.' RRKLL U D.. ".M preach |1s. t-i

Morning -flut>l«*-t "\ r»«i»w of ".e War'''E·.»·..-g BubN · "And Thu» Ma M ¦-..« "


I».e· ·¦.,;., MM.·.··

M- r»"-r worahll '¦ 1 .····¦ p «

Mr PAOO ·>·" rai il rvirea

1*NIVERK1TY HEIGHTS COLLEGIATE REFORMED?1G?1?? Rev '"M .RL! 4 SHAW « preach at 11a. m.

WEST FMi ' «1 ·.» « 111' IRMI li .G ?'.'??.1?.? ? ri 1 ''· e ni 17" e·

P.ev HENRY KVZP. ??'.? l'i

Men ng worehlp. IlMr COBB arili preach «t both s. ? ·


VEST M« 2 80" li ad« ··. »·

RROTEL D 1' »'»¦· ? lei Ira il

»rho ¡, :»¦>·» -·

???? AVENTE BAPTIBT OHCROH 8 WealR»·. W. ? RICHARD««?at U a. a?. ard B p. an. 1gl ?\- I» D f '??? -ago will ?Harr»· G? -re She:|eV _, t 3fl ?

a. m. Prayer meeting ? , .

o rlock


rath -«I..Sendees Hundn·..· net a· Il a. m and 4

p. m. Bunday » h"0| and adult Bible ri...,.,, meet »·

t«rao. l/f.ture U'e.|nee:«· evening »· - Tha Re[ JAMES M I.' DLOW, D 1' la e*_p» "i. »te


| Rei 1 M HALDEMAN, l'ari 1er .· 11 m at

? |, n. Prayer me. »ing j · k. Pat-»r« public Blbl» ¡u»» Wednesday evening »· ? -

All wete me


Weal 4Mh st netmeen iltli and 7'»i a. e.

SVlenre f.-r: Ire Sundays at If» 4.'» a in ml 8 p m

*.\'edne«da> evening» at a o'clock He.? G ng room· ?

dally from !· a m t .'. ? ?

FIRST REFORMED ?????? G????? '???'???(Covenanter«! Hth-sl between a»h »? 7ih avea lie·.

Dr. JAME8 D BTEELE, Paal ? Bervlrea at 11 a tn.

and 4 ?. m. Stranger» always wel».!..·



I«.. Phator, preaches 11 a m and B p. m Uidweek p.a.eimeeting Wednesday, *< p m Htranger« cordially »?

comed.OosPEL TABBBNACLE «'IHHCII. Bth ave and 44th-

¦i Rev. ?. .«. simps·.?. Paator, will pr« ch »undaj10:80 a. in. Evangelistic services, T:.'c. ? m. Week night

CRA'T. CHURCH, BROADWAY. CORSER 10TB BT.Holy Communion, *· ». m.

Early moriiiiK prayer and sermon, u o'eleek.I^ter SVSnsoag, B "'«'l'.'-e

AU »ntlim- free.

ORAfE METHODIST (CHURCH, W»»t lOItli »t.. ne»r

Columbus-avs ke·. p M vYATTERS, Psstor, |.r»r.che»st U ano h. Spe«l»l »Ir.nln»; bv qtsarlel repantlngmaa niu»lc. Sul.lath Sohool. 2:80. lnl»«e«Hnr IVatchNtabl service, s t., li o'clock Everybody cordiali) In? lud

HAMILTON OBANOE REFORMED I'HIK'II. Weslltíu. »t uni COBveat-ave., lu«. C. H CHAPINi V. lì..At 11 «L m H hum·· mlasloiiary BOI IOoli by It··'.

w. w. C1.ARK Al h p m a Washington Uasonk est


p «.n d ponteo iSï«34 Ma«llM.n ave., near '.¡TH. si Buaday, Il a. m.

subji-i ? "«,o«nj Reeulutlons.


lUth-st-Dr. a.t 10:48, on "L -.

lag Heavenward," and al T*· on "Looking BacktWatchnlgbl .tm«.n b] Re· RICHARD HARTLEY 1" BRevival servir»» next \»»»-k

madison AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH, corn«» .list

at.-.Rev. HENRY M. BANDERS, D, !· Paeior, will

preach Morning ttervlc«, 11, aft«rn««.n, 4 u

MADISON AVBNl'R HBTHODIST EPISCOPALCHl'Ri'H. corner <*r.«h »t Ite-, ANDBBW LONOACRB.D. D., Pastor, li a m.. preaching by 11.« AaalataniPatter, He LINDSAY B. LONOACRB Subject: "le.mortali·.''; 4 p. m pteaeblng \ 'he pastoi Subject:"How ..Id \n Tboar' Sun,: iv »ch.M.I at W. ¦'!« ¦ a. BV Midweek social d«v.,tir.ii»i ssMko, «Tedneeeay, ..' ? ?ß p m


?ßt f.8.1 »t HOWARD AONBW JOHNSTON I». DJOHN ¦ BPSHNE1J.. p D., *la>toi» -Servl.s ?ai 11 ». m.. "A Stud. In l/lmensk,ns." Sernvn b| Dl"..? ? K.i.i. ? p. m, Pr JOHNSTON will preach BebJoel, "<""herart»r Weaving "

MADISON AVENTE REl-ORME ? CHURCH, r»m»r efh7lh-St .The Psstor. Dr APBOTT E. K1TTREPOE. will

presch st 11 a m. snd $ p m E» »nine »»rmon. "l'haClneing Teer" Waich meeilng. 11 p. ni

MADISON SQUARE PRBSRTTEr'iaN CHURCHMadI»cari-ave of Müt-ac.Hebbel b tenie» »! Ils ra end S p. m. Tbe Peator, Bev. C. H PARKHI'RST.D. D.. will preach. Sunday school, fl-tc a. ta.

Religions Sfatteci.MEMORIAL BAPTIST CHI'RCH, Washington Square,

I ??« Paator, EDWARD Jl'DSON. ""'·' preach,: ¦¦ 7 3n

MORAVIAN CHI'RCH. '.-\lng-.,r ..·. ··. and .?¬

?·' M \. OERDBEN, Paator, Services 11 ·¦ tn. Ser

p?. ? bj Ri v F. T. KI.l ??

EORNÎJIOSU'K »"?'·?;<?? D'Iti · -ir «th-ave..

D .·, MACMI'RRBY, Paate. Preaching, H a. m

1 g, presents tli-.r of Chrlstmj Be. In

_- · .«relees

MRS van ?-?tt ' ? ··· ? - Jurd-o* »morning

and evening, aleo at M

. Im tween A« »? ·.· «' and D. Ri · .. C MORE

E, Paator Watch NU ? - cea tunda avenln·;.


I-Siti st. Re. DI'NCAN J. M M ILLAN. ? 1».

? , nlng ?' lip.' Ni « Tear"· aern on

i.T« uni- m >pl< 'a «at h

Prayei meeting '.' svenine

NORTH PRESRTTEHIAN -11 It, II. corner of Bth

are. »nd 81at »· Preaching by the Paator. Rev S ?.

ROSSITER D D »¦ 1«' ¦¦¦" a. m. and "· p· m.

Watel nlghl · In any I tat after ? k

PARK PRE8BYTERIAN CHURCH.aetl st. nnd Amsterdam ive.

Tren-hing by Ih« Paal r, Rei .NI40N ? ATTERRCRT,?.. 11 1 p. tn,

REMEMBER TO-MORR« IV is ??·.- ITAL 8UNDAT."It la ihe laat da) of the yea.·-. blinda)¦..-..r. ?¦ ·¦ lesi day of th« Nineteenth Century, you '-an't

r Hake it a "Red Letter Dar" h' vour church


Rev BAMI.'EL M'COMB, M A. Paator, will ;

11 ¦ m ml 8 p. m Evening subjecl Baxtei ''Saint's? In a retirse entitled "Help. ?

II s High« '¦

BT ANDREW B CHI'RCH Ber 127th st..

Rev. OEI R V *_N DE W ».TER, D. D.. 1. ·! 11 .? :¦


m. and ? p. m.. and\\ a·, ti .? ahi .? f" m i" to 12 p n» Stranger» ? or


It D D 1!it. '. k _fl »ervlce,

II· »MAS F ? \??."G. D. D

Blahop ot.


Vari si ?. ?,1 Sen -

Th» twenty (IfI f the 1 PR '¦'¦'¦ \ "

iiI to-i r at 10 ?? ? m

: "

?? rill be th« I?·? Mai '.'»··

Offertori. \ ,


? .. .., ..

Le Jaune. I:.

[y Jeune A My Light." Le Jeun«

.»ciïgions Notices.ST JAMES CHFR'H.

Madison ave. at«i I2.ith «r.

Rev. E. S TIPPLE D D Paator. IOJ0, »ermon, What

Is i ui Ufe* ¡Von musical servie*, "Tb» Coming of

the King.' b] Cntd'sy Buck. will be ß-lt, Watch

Night nie»tins addresses b«. tbe Rev. Prs. HAVES and

M'DOWELL followed bv the Holj communion.

ST PAUL'S MF.THO'.IST EPISCOPAL G?????,ir,,! ave «n«l with .««.

R ¦¦ OEORoE ?· ?G????, Ph. P. Paator.Servi,,, at 11 ri. BB. and 10 p m.

Blahop ? O, ANDREWS. ? P. PI. ? "111 preach In

rie m rnlng .-md p..rr.rm th»· aervtce of Consecration of

u.n .. Sight services 1° t" 12 p- m. No 8 o'clock Ber¬

vi«Epworth League service, TAI p. m.

ST STEPHEN'S CHURCH (Traitarflgurattee chapon,12? I2S Went roth «t. Sunday, Holy «'«.mmunlon. « a. m

Service end »ernwn n » m. 4 p. p?., special mu.loai

servire s p. i" subject: "The Km«! Shall Relsjn In Zion."VII.NI'HIT SERVIATE

11:13 p m. H Communion 12:10 ? m. Rev, FRAN¬


?ECOSD CHURCH OF «'IIRI.'T iSclentlet). Msdlson-sve ard i»th-et.. »·,, LAURA LATHROP, C. S D..Flrsl Resd»r, Sunday ins:, n. in. nnd s p m.. 10

"Ond." Children's Sunday school, 12 m. «Vedg, ß ·.·.¦' k.

society FOR ETHICAL CULTURE, Sunday, IMeeaher .11, 1890, at 11:28 a. m., Bl '.'anieble Mute· Unii, cnr

??- .??' -? ??.·I Tf P. ,,v.. Lecture hy Prof. EDV. \l'l>".¡. ORI ¦.<;.-· mibjeri, "The Modem ReUdou»

All inter»«te<| are invlterl

spiritfai.Ism Sir»! Aasoclstlon, Tusedo, Madisonave.. ·''·"!. »? Sunday 3 nnd 8 p. m, Miai MAROARRTOAl LE, plieii.«menai psychic, will d»m«>n«traf» Inimor

rial music,

BTRANORRS aie ...rdtally ir.n'cd to attend SOrvtusi-, Avenue t'nlttd Presbyterian Church .above l"'h

SI.?, 111 ·. r ? p ? r». II; «·¦··¦.. ? All ««at» free. Coins io

UNIVERSITY PLACE ???ß???????? CHURCH.,.,,...,· ioti ¦' Publli worship to-morroa 11 a m andH m ?.· ¦· OEOROE ,· LKXANDEB. D D.. P

'· 18 m. Bible .-las» for men In ChurchIl m«» ..« 10 o'ctoch We.¡ne,,lav .¦»'nini' »ervlce at s

WEEK OP PRAYER, beginning Januar» 8, will be ob-

ei r -« !.. u I'nlon In dell) meeting» .·.· il

,,,],, ,. nroadwa) Tabernacle, 8411 si snd uih e\».


: ai 11 a m. ur. 1 ? ? m Sunday, I at a V P s ·' t: ar 7.


t Preaching ll » «"* end 7:48 ? ? All coi

??·??»·?WEST PRESBYTERIAN l'HURCH. 42d M l.etw»e:i

; r.'h and «ib aves Ths Pastor, Re« ANTHONY 1«

EVANS ? ? will preatl «til m and 8 ? ra Mid-.· on Wedneeday, ? p m You ??- mvi'ed

tt.ligione _\"s?_-ß.

A Review nt the World's History during ISO·. t_T

EDWARD .1. WESSELS,»Bitter Ot* "Th» <.r->at Round World."

Park Sisters Cornet Quartetwir. render *8ee«___ music. West Side Y. M. «" A. Audi·t· rlum BIB W, BTth st.. neur Bth ave.. Sunday, 4:18o'clork. For men escl__rtv«|y.

Fifth Avenue Coilej-iate Church,Cornet imi -·

Rev. Donald Sa_;e Maekay, D.D., Min¬ister. Special Services During

Week of PrayerCeatducted by th» Mtnleter.

Monday. Januar) htb, "A New Y.,r's Dedalea*.*"Tneaday, January '.'th. "\ New rear Pronta·."Wednesday. Janparj IBrh, "A !-«*w Years Privileg».**·Thurada>*. January nth. "A Ne« fea_r*i Duty"Friday, January 12th. ".\ Sow \mis n»n .??«-p?p."Service will hëgl-i eB<-h evening .-it 8:15, losing at ·


HENRY FRANK.CARNEOIE LTOEI'M, fitti !.. Ttl i«ra 11 2?. "Tn-


ST. JAMES «??G??'? 71.·* l( nnd Maillao· >.·.Rev. E. WALPOLE WARREN*. I» D. Rector.

II·.!·. C initi'irl .t.. 1» a. m.M'.rnlng prayer ,u ? -. mm ? Re« tor).11 a. m

_*vensong and addreea .4 p. m

Co-un-Battonal »ervl · .· iR< ? ri s p m.

MONDAY. NEW YEAR'S DAY.Holj Communloi. s ». m.

Morn! g prayer and adire»«.11 ». m.


- ihn»,.' ¦_· '." ??> k.

Mr W 11 DODO? »III presideReserved ira ?

ad Irees n. M l,:. ? r>.


Wühout Regard to



lo the Hospital. M i.iison-»ve «nd TOth st., r ¦¦ W. \ - G?????. TrMatliar,N" I ¦

HO Mil) Wl» ROOMS).

rt» «ndI. (HIS I

.M« OLD WATER.., Ol HEAT »SI I.I'll I.'

ss reiROLA S ? M EA '

me 1



«argo si-« \« ? ? »l.·· IM.


- nts. at ? ..·¦-» »

lent for

MIN. li::: ? ·

III ? ? ? «? « Il , ? I «.

« ?-

'. J



p??.1.1 mit «?) pool, TABLRS.

I'll.;.· IRD AM· p.H.y. TABL

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DRBMM » ?- ·.·,

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sverj ·- rlptl o

whl!« ? .· ,¦· HAR«? : Established 80 ,-tr»

I)I>KS IMI Olli« ¦ || hm ¦.«. |??

?_? ' "M. Top

w-m,_|) .£.y$ FPHNITtHE1«-··**.'r

In gr»at v»rtety Bf »tyl»? d pelee,

t asei.i.e'.V

in Pull St


| ' IMP».iI. Ml'I À)YMENT Hl'REAl Ml F.. *-'l' Si

:..»i cIh»« «1 in··.11 aervaata «¦¦ ·??» male

end female, »««ppiied Cooks, wsit-

«etic», laundr.·»»«». maids, «nltlei». OOaCb-n in ueeful men. mamiKlns boUBSkeepera,Invalide' atiéndanle. Be« retail»». etc.

Il.,u.-«t opened lor fenilll.-» returning W


? ? II M si ?, ???.p??«

LEX INOTOS »VnV 721. near MNloel) furnished noma; private house;

m ?., ni: .:ir». moderata ratea

aOTH T BETWEEN Mil AMD 8THave.- v> ·, atuaetlvs apartment ron-

alatltitc "f fi.ur el-Kontly furnished Urse., »nd bath, ei upylng sattrs parlor

,,: ,??,? ,-»t.n»l«.n. Addr··»» M H., 1.1112

Broadway_101 west MïH-s'i. Nicely furnished

rooms, »in«:« ««r in »ulte, aooi ad rt or.


,.«' ^CTÒ"r_:*Vl'.v'ir«E..!'^ UM&S'.iiar»_

? ? ¡1*4.

-nia ????????"· alternd and remade'«Vic.»" d«*.r ut KM West

l'Oli ? ALK.

ITIR SAI.K -Te· R l.l'.A.N.S toa»· druvelaur ..?.. _u.s r. ». f_

nine un -.7. Madison V|.»»re for

jM.'il.rsK ("«Vi MtJRRAT HILLK1NDD1N' cor..,...... .v. FACTORY.

..,h_.t ta» let-nve..TS B* experience8

w aìre t e,,.n.ctl.n with ihe largest

teemìn of ¿ndllne «·"*' «·*>·*¦ "»· ,0

íw'."r'.''i*'i'-'"> »· «0 B»»*ì"*» -ad qualityT''· hé lowest price». Mótala, fimliies...è'"»·»'·.- e,-' .«¦«££, In anspart «I

Manhatisn Uoroulh. Tele.»on Sonare.

ephone _T_ Madl-

._. ß^,,,.,-?-? PRICES...'.UO second-handAT ïl_-_i"r, * "king machines, fully

·«. ms -hin-ry b'Uiht and ea-



? \??hook : · t tha Unietng« InstItutl s mlsetna. v ?

,.. lo it Is herebj cal>l

.- m

,· ;,,.«·..«. '? !·!

oh So. 814." *bavins claim«


: ;· new one

«lisi im \m:ii| s

MR AP· ILPH ·· ie*t ' " -


c r·;·., front |||\ Irres ;-· »r ,1 De


PI \M)* 4M) «.P.«. « \«i.


attention:: r>« mo.t up ·-> u··rari« ' · fear and

."»t G «',·.·.·,:!¦ ,

«'a. 1, » »; laity Our "II ,

portel He« ife irer, 180 Par*

Row. New-York >i »n evenlnga

i)| II BOOK? um ?.? ? IMI sul m.


e II \ pl.i-s ? ?.\ ER? ?- ? si ·¦¦ ? .

1*1 ?(???·4? AM) ?1\( ????-1-

????? Lara» ci »mall librarle» [ .

-, I. HAINS ;?·1. :.?? -.e

1 . PBW Rl . » I rente... re-« In« sei pie..

... ·, _. ...

1ANOE :n E*way.

inni· ui\i ed.


HOT ww ?· " - «rerh «'-

salai-,M.l "\ e

MAN. 2* referred;r; qui.·li


\ ·?? ma

I....W-. ¦¦» the Inside; «e, :·

»..r <l" I\ ··"_:·>. Tribuna


Female«WANTED .« ter fsmllj of isro

» «11

run t? u»ed to neal ani re

tin»·! houaekeei na n< » is Ing it IronIng. must be ··« ind ha·, e

per»·.nal referen««*« Address ? ?' '

1 Office,

WOllK WAS G??.


A DECORATOR and flr.lahtr, with manysserleoce in an »ipor» furniture

and -hair lirm. wishes a position at r»a

sonabts «valar] «ddreet C B., 484 Kniok··· evs Brooklyn

?., ?. .'.? i- EEPER ».«h1*i snd practical ill round business

man 48; srejuaintsd with mmiufecu.rine? f··un.lis practice; ha» «¦«

tn org ml/.»

,. n,. employes ? live persistentand r»11»l.'e I Til«.M «8 ?? ? ave.

sioOKKF.EPI'TR, Ac. Toung n-,»n 2.?. egSSUSIUSn

referen« - 3 W WEt.l.M «N,118 Easl 81 ··

ROT IS, wii « position nt »nythtng ?DEON »? 888 «Vest 90th-et

BOT, |8 desires position In·-, h»»

reference «ddre»« F POTTHART, 88Elder) »i Brooklyn

?» »?G ».??< ''¦ An IntelHi ?·· .mi rica·,,,_·.¦! BO beai referen ·¦- aid like a

conAdentlil poeltlon EDWARD·, ???Oreen·¦ ava BrooklynCASHIER Ry I'OUni man, 18 In rafe ..r

reetauram r iti in· go .1 ptitilD idhooleducation; references fBB f.ti ?·? «t HoN.krn. ? f .? >¦ m ni

roLLMCTOR By ·.· iiiig man, _i"'; neat.¦rood référencer; i-sti furnlsii

WM EXOEBKER 7:1s East nth st.

COLLECTOR and BOOKKEEPER In'. (Rea i»> foextf

ex perlene« .·_¦ lober honda .Uni.R, -:'.:: Vm-te |«m ive

l*LI By rnuna man In m '»m.-e..1. \V I' 135 Mail'.n I'·' 'klyn

I'LRRK Y 'ins* muli. BO» re·!. "Id. na

stock or order «-1 --tu no) afraid of han!«.¦rk ..r img hour·; excellent référencée;».larj inoden.t« tddreai ?., li«» Wealuni «t

CARPENTER Foreman: ·.. ?-.ugh me

take ani li rl_arg* clt \ orcountry any«rh«re .ddreaa FOREMAN,r ?. ??» in»·.. Cbappaqua, ? y

CARPENTER -Steady, reliable, allla arlahea work. »tore.

I. l.!i:_ gond »e-erem-n. JBARWTfCK, 7. N'rth Portland ave.,lit" k'vn

COI___E«TTOR -By ln«eint.n» y.ntng nan.with aeveral **e*nr" rxp rtenea and ex.*l

lent referen»e». n* »gent andMOC EsNTER I*' I*"»-! llith -«

«II'MIHT.Young man with «jn»damitilian; 1 vaauna' spedai inMruotlon

In practical and theoretic«] chafflalatl") I...ars' experience In met .1 r-flnln. ??_«< E»«t l_d fl

DRIVER Rj rea·-, martte!. , ?, ak·'.»..urn - truci- ln-i r> (.I/ScKXIN.

IL'it 1>·· 14'1-at


Ag« 80; sober: «· >d ;.feren,-e». KD-"vTAKD, MO Greene-a·/».. Brooklyn.

work ?\ INTBD.


:" OOIST ReB|.;,.r»4 it, \ew rork aadSew J»r»ey; h jear »

leni re. »a Address Boi 280, Lara».? .1

PRi «30IST. registe »G ? irned 30 yes ?¦· inai

A.I.Ire«,,\s M. M HORSPAI.L,

V 1

- -e ROE 8 *72-


men of

: farming,. rllsen

tag» ·. uni ol leath of em|? feri is I......


M \N Tak» charge «e«ice, esperlenc« In 'arminic.

C.«· ?ß« .1-V C .-''eren e ,\·1

Irisa Bos

LEM »?, 4" th« rougnl)I re»]

r . ... . ·

1 : tritai -¦ "

mpenca¬ba lees · .,- uni weekly,

\ ?. ? ? 13


, er. ? e.-ha-.: WifeFR


»na, led 'u..?. pr r m -e fiar«. '

I iirins-, ·. ¦: 1

» .'s.,- .,., igln«c 1 »tea

en »» ISSEI.L Sil ·1 '- M

« ·-*.¦.·· re». «


?.·. G rei « ·I '

\ 79 Red f

«.? eitleis . -·. ?·;·-»?,-«

F '.v HILL, ? East H'l «t_^^\ -er wishes lo


at man. expe-l-

.. , (vii 111 ratti t »tesn r»

Une» BRI ¡HT Boi li Ttlbunt

SQ SALI MAN oj.en for er--,·.· Sea

t? t !

,!:«. 11 .'.'- ".? I' «'

TELEPH E HAT 182 Eaet·

Hallan ' ree en)meni private t»

l'est 4

.'·¦ a« anything;ping clerk reference

E PHGLAN l'i- V'e · i;i ·, .t

????? MAN 21 Osrman wishes r«· II« ,

LINO ? ?t·? Oates avs Bi kljn

TOI SO man io se ? ?

:»» In Sew-Torttows RORA« i: BFRNETT, r''^ H«rk1

Bn .kljrn

????? MAN. Willing to work at any»ring: honest. ?. LASDT, IS'·, I

Bn kljrn

wouiv WANTED.


Ti'-iOKKEFPER..Yuung woman. exp«rP»ri,*1 doubl« »ntrv bookkeeper. eotnpe*

.,ike fall ¦.«.-ge ..f «et «,f beoka;also ttanutrraphsr and typewriter; salary$15 per week Adir»»» AK R FPUPark r...

.AStTRESS «'»ennan American, willingto kl»» a« I Sloes f..r m,«m» u|«town. n«

· East Side preferred; hutiand- lutatdo smploymsat, Lit la band} tilth

? ola 884 F.««« PtOth «t

SALESLADY, IWO ve«r«' expert·· r. e Inbakery, «lenire» permanent i">* tl ? ?

PFEIFFER, 22 Sumner-ave., iir..«ki>:i

HTENOORAPHER, lypewrlter, foni»xperlsnce, «.u,:. \·.? legal,

lai or real astata arork; i«»we»t r»te» fur¬nished n applicati««?, refeienees. BTF.NO,Boa .'-'I Trll.une oftVe.

visitino TEACHER. Private IssaoneEngliah literature, rhetorlo, grammar.

met hematic»; f.'itner litu'i school teacher;host ty referen.·» Ml»» NYK. .114 U'.i

.Ad »I

????? woman would Ilk» BoaRtOB aamodel, bust M, «Klrt. 4.1 Al

dress Hit 1HS. Lynbrook, Long l»innd


MalasBUTLER. Th.T nighty .-otirpe'ent. Kl Ctl]

lObei .1. .¦« ? .1 .m.4». Atinen: m l'i»..?_. SI; »p» »k » ? od Knall »h

Fn ? ?. und« ratandi llrm« r, lun ? ? ¦ties; goooT silver cleaner; ri alleni it» ?s.r. u reference«; ».me» *.«<> *?;>.ad.Iree» llOSRÜl'll EDWARD, 137 HastSIM «t.

Oi.'Hir.R TRAVELLING SERVANT"educated Englishman, ii4. dealrea ?* *

g.'B'-tT»· ".' t" travel with ladle·, gentlemenfamily; 14 veer»' raparle nee In Bur p-*an

and North \G· ·? travel; hlghl) reeernmended bn tarn-iei employer«. AddreaaTRAVI· ?. 1 MB nroadwa)CAMCTAKER3. If ? family leavlai imiti

f r t«.» ????!thi r »non; de» ?« as OCCUi'siit.v »,f their houaehotd a gentleman i»nJwife who would take consclrntloui care oftheir .-C,·¦'s. in lieu of rent, please ad»lr..»njOIBLE. Boa a, Tribuna «»m..

ARETAKER of .'.un'»·, h. ?»·; Lest ref-araaws; last place five >e:ir. painting

»nd repelía W L H IB North (MB iv·.,Ml m t Vernon. N. Y.

IM G Ven- **>*"< reference»; -1.1 vear»with Vanderbllt family; privale family

I'ieferre.l MAOIN C_Ol*RVlTNTBAC, 1?0W"-;t ilUt-il.

.? WAiTi-it ?« ivo vu»»« coloredmen; n.e ». COOk; the other as vv_»trr.

a generali) uaeful WflODlB, 147 .·..·«·Mth at.

COACHMAN Dl-engaee.l through faml'.vgiving up hnrees. 12 year·' .".tv refer-

rorea. highest character; last empirercan be seen. M. H., 173 West aoin at


Ma··..??'??'.· in; good groom;

ible sober,'jrna«je.

. A BL.1.'. '.·· .?\·

irrltrO, smtli, place la <;oun

.. ee. VV, «V., »-,23 «U-

G??. : Nsw-·· .-«"ends


?a ? ?.: i: .jB.

COA«?MAN thor-·- r

r»f».·14 Rodi

«DA« ?MAN..Al; light olored. tt; te.·-·:.-; 12

1 1T.1 W«»t

'"?'???? V rt :.,»» .:. eve y :ee,e«rt.»

' s COACHM IN ·:... J

???? PM »? ?) ?· -' Prot¬ri lerai in '« his

··' r; re/? rtlfy.

M ·; -.'·¦-· " .:¦'¦ SI

G???'???? Mirri'd. nn faintly; trr^r-U ri his butinet»; fi: et

t«. W ? U W'stt

FOACHMAN Plrs' rtass hi artvata f«.m-' · ¦«neta,

??a????? '¡r· Lexlngton-av»).

''«>?«?'??? or QBOOB R; i*iv..1l«h: -ry - t

» horas».t em r ce n

.i pri.M. can ' b, :s2.

]' «RM HANI " -.,: 1 man en a« -a-» .,' »tivjt er.î Bu

kir,·'.« agS i'« Apply by let·«:·MAI : t nui« A'pätMc a·«,?

FARM K y ?.ti. n?e'- is :«'i«íne««<: r od per¬

es EDWARDS, 2G-. ;r»»n* avs

«.''.¦.«'M i.«. «.«¦·,· mart, 22; ««¡«er'-iv-ed«si es pera - a]

tBSNAN 142 w BStVet.

GROOM -r PSEPTT. MAM.- ''almi lilei-· «· «:. | sn-lBeT**

. lutlts r useful m»n In" «· ES, .¦.;·. Fast

GROOM er »» -?? ooaohmsn. by r.tvr »r-

Englii : isrfa ·. un ' rttandshi» dui «a t FINCH, til ITeet tttb-at

?EWORK By Jaran««» ir. BOUtr*or riti ? I 84 lv «. Brymiclyn.

Nl'K- j ile nures end mas¬hes* reference JOHNSON, l.*«o

Saasau rt ·· "¦ C

BFf-OND r THIRD MAN -By youn*ita fbatll). tall, age

IP r.'lrs' gi>«5dfer» «a F, care r VaotM, ioo West

.«..M »·

MAN Middle i«»d -nan tn prl-,·.. remi!« o- gentleman's piase; te»t

re'. F H BBFMMEB 45r> Fíast

MAN Thor tie-hly tind»rs'' ' raes, litm.u carri.i»:·«*, rn'.Dl.

sa genera Iv useful: Al refar>? ? SS W'.n BtB-tt.

? IEF1 I. MAN ¡?» V..U1S man, 18. f? «Tb in privets h :i»e, »»»ist w'th «v»lt-

htg lad attend fumee», wllpns and ob;'g-- ! years' reference LTONB, BOT ??.??

ALET b>- Qernsaa a»'·«« aaai 32. lasent>eiiian or invalid: «tilling to do

rt EMI I.E. IV»« 511 -rv'.-xrfie Of-

»»vi is ? m «in ATioia «orni

Fruíalo.AMERICAN w;d»w warn» gentleman'a

ni'-tidlng. or w. uld -lean lachal<jr»/apartment» Mrs he« "irr *M"> North IgI Bl è'.vn. flicht, fruit r^m. rtf-it.

»e'K Hv |he dav or week, good re**-*1"_ bearding houaa .r «.r.»titutiot_.

Addl-usa R tí -'- Eist i-th «a

COOK. Rv neat, irlUIn« Pr testaat _._,

.,¦,. eacellenl k rfpod la ?? '.re*e;i·"private family; t'io-oughlv >·»m^t«·*»«. tpm

|l W il KHI al *!'**· ??>· '·

.".«".'»K .··.: LAl'NDREBl -Y"'«"B "."ISivvil! «Is·· do dav. work. D. Km «">

¦.M Mth al thli ;i »¦-

COOK. Plisl class; In ****>t»Mn,'^i*ftl.! «tarer »nd nuti.-.-r. ?*""·

I m ,t ear« Mrs En y f^J^'COOK. ?G. kinds ssvur». D>ul,r>· l***/!'

bread blaeutta; Al referen.·.' Bai ?¬??. .1.1 bell._DAY'i WORK..?» etmUmn at» rarlr-Biai

oleanar; private ramili; [·*'.*· noBth av.·. Mrs G It'i-V« "*;'_|lli.rSKwTiRK. V.-rv competent yet»·

.mertcan m .man for ".'n,':íf.^1,_!'or?;»icellenl C A. '".',r*'T. -i_ ? ? i 4idobjection t.»ntrv Address D V. 1.4*"Iti ladwai

HOI 'SEW. iRK. -American, age SO; sober.understands all a rk; .furnace·, aajaa

¦¦«·..» EDWARD·. 23·) kljm_-

»y^^Y^^uJ&Sit RT und A T._,? irviiAi,-«.«; ? \ un.** w--m m w» HT·*

da) hlghl) compétent beet city reference.?: ? 1.212 Broadway. _

NIUSElñ")Vl'.RNESS Hetlncd North

!<?";f7^;:·"¦«·····;'¦ "¦1vV^ jS·- s ·" ·*·22£".VS-5ÄE.? -u t ani eiçkns ». ? ·" · ¡cf. ?.«.rms V« .'.?prient. 138 Itth-et- BrotmiT»;_.

-'-*" ?,.?? or gentle-KTTB0I Reltaed nur»« '¦''·' L\.tmr\' rot-man; Willing «r 1 -',',"rt,n* .',

,.,.·¦¦». S M. Ill «wl Md »'

sT'llrtK.- -Young cd.·red «firl « f"J·, en

M'USE lly «duT^i ^SSrllTowl!%... nurse ? growing ch"JTnTED. »1town preferred «.ddr-s» EDI C*.

- ", ,,,, M years, ssNYRRB. -TatfaRaia^·^ ,,.parea or ligi" «nr"

»·» t. ? ??t_

WA «IH I NO-Home or goou' I»» ^^comp»t«n« vung ¦"¦JisBaO floor, oor-

»r.ce». 240 West 33d-et.. asoona »>·-».
