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    HARLEQUIN: Horizon

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    Executive Summary

    What serenity in this gentle autumn morning! Posing a moment

    her needle, Jessica contemplates the window the peaceful garden of his little


    Is not the life she's always dreamed of? While strung them

    hours at the old clock, spin wool and weave colors ... So, why

    what, gods, why this nightmare he continues to haunt her? Not

    if he so never erase the terrible memory of that distant day?

    Page 4


    On hearing 11:00, Jessica looked up from her drawing, her con-

    centration broken. She had bought this fun grandfather clock to

    antiques barter session, as it still exists in this corner tran-

    Keel Avon.

    At first she had no regret to separate, in exchange,

    one of its biggest tapestries. Her joy was still intact when,

  • delivery of his acquisition, it took almost disassemble

    to install in the small vestibule of his cottage. She had not DAV

    antage complaint when it had to use the services of a watchmaker

    specialized in the restoration of these ancient mechanisms. No, none of

    it had tarnished his joy.

    However, when she became aware of the frequency with which

    the clock was going to break his dear silence, she began to doubt sat-

    gesse its "buy". Of course, the downside was not always one. To The-

    today, for example, the cumbersome chime had not disturbed,

    Perhaps she would have forgotten that the mail was closing early ... She

    could not send her tapestry completed as promised to the shop

    Bath decoration who undertook to sell its models.

    From an early age, Jessica had a passion for

    embroidery. She still remembered the ironic indulgence, and the irritation

    increasing tion that inspired his parents, in its infancy. She had in-

    tresse to tapestry later, once perfected in this first

    art. In this context, she spent a summer rewarding to attend classes

    of the Royal School of Needlework. These few weeks had

    Page 5

    strengthened his conviction that his passion for the tapestry does not satisfy

    to be regarded as a mere hobby.

    Today, five years later, she worked occasionally for

    on behalf of the National Trust, restoration and conservation of carpet-

    old series, while drawing and creating their own models. It com-

    mercialisait these in a Bath Shop, or again, she

  • selling to friends and relations.

    His attic workshop had a window she had done and expand

    leaving freely enter the necessary light to his occupation. It Don-

    born of the surrounding countryside, and this view had inspired many

    his creations. Every day, the view changed, sometimes to

    hardly noticeable, sometimes beyond recognition, and she never tired of the

    to admire.

    She loved the province of England and his quiet peace, as

    she loved solitude and the lifestyle she had chosen. At the heart of

    nature, she felt safe, which she desperately needed.

    She shuddered at the thought. How much longer she would bring the

    Remember the burden? How much longer before waking up the mat-

    in without it sinking of the heart, this paralyzing fear? His nightmares him

    brought back to life every night the details of this horrific day ...

    It began with the usual routine: get up early,

    leave the cozy London flat of his parents to get to

    his work. His father ran a commercial bank founded by one of his

    ancestors hundred and fifty years ago. Since his childhood, Jes-

    sica suffered from being the only child of parents who have long desired a son.

    Oh! Certainly they would never openly complained. But throughout

    his schooling, they encouraged him to improve in math,

    physical sport. To comply with their wishes, it applied with a

    hard commendable. They had one fear: it does not work

    in the footsteps of his father, the bank would pass into other hands, the tradition

    Family tion is interrupted ...

    And every time his father pretended to be confident, saying no

    no belief that women today were as competent

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    than men, there was no reason why it should succeed him

    no, his speech was false. And for good reason ... She heard given a

    evening to his mother, with fatalistic accents, it was not the end of

    world that Jessica would marry one day, and that his son would then take

    succession ...

    His future was nevertheless mapped out: she would go to college, and from

    the graduation, would join his father at the bank where she would receive

    the necessary education to qualify succeed him.

    Things happened differently ...

    At the end of her studies, she graduates, she knew that her career

    the bank would be short-lived. Whenever she entered

    the imposing building, she felt a terrible weight fall on his shoulders,

    with the feeling that each passing hour, something in it

    choked a little, would die soon even if it does not react very


    His father was determined to teach him the trade from the most level

    down to the supreme seat, that of management. At the bank, all the

    world showed him great kindness. She did not feel less

    suffocating under the weight of responsibility for present and future.

    As soon as his schedule permitted, she escaped into

    Avon, with her godmother, a childhood friend of his mother. She was con-

    scious of the growing disappointment of his parents. But how do they explain

    cate his discomfort?

    So was the incident that caused a real cata-

  • cataclysm in his life ...


    * *

    The clock input fingering the three-quarter shots reminded Jessica

    the order. If she did not hurry, the position was closed. With a sigh,

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    she stood up and cast a glance in the mirror she kept walking

    near the door. It was at times a little thin for his taste. In re-

    contrast, she did not complain of his gray eyes and full lips, nor

    the color of her hair, ash-blond very tender, cleared by

    frequent exposure to sunlight. With a mechanical gesture, she pushed a

    hair behind her ear, revealing a few seconds wrists fortify

    fied by the long hours to weave and sew.

    Tapestry she was working at the moment it was com-

    mended by a young married couple who had just moved into a

    house near Bath. It held an important position in a com-

    pany insurance. Arabella, his wife, was not unpleasant,

    though somewhat pretentious for the taste of Jessica: their two boys

    less than five years were intended to continue their studies in establishments

    the most prestigious ments of the country ...

    Modern Jessica tapestry destined them occupy a place

    choices in their spacious rectangular vestibule. It would be the first thing

    to catch the eye of visitors as they enter. Jessica was at length

    thought before embarking on a series of sketches. Arabella had seen

    some of her creations at the gallery of Bath, and after reading a

  • laudatory article in a magazine about her work, she decided

    Jessica left entirely free in the design of the model. With

    only instruction:

    - Whether fun, spiritual. That's all I ask of you!

    Jessica was only waiting for the approval of Arabella on the various

    sketches it plans to submit soon.

    As always it was developing a project, Jessica could not stand anything

    which in dtournt. It would hasten to fulfill this formality to

    post to go as fast as possible and get back to work.

    When she opened the door of his studio, an acute meow

    succeeded him out. With a grin, she wondered what trophy

    hunting Cluny, her cat, was still reported to him ... She had collected her

    faithful companion on a stormy night in November after finding

    curled up, soaked and shivering at the bottom of his garden. Since he had at-

    complexion adult size and behaved like the master of the house.

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    Casting a glance out the window, she heaved a sigh soulage-

    ment. This time, he came home empty-handed ... Like all animals of his

    race, Cluny was a hunter baby. In the first weeks, she had

    yet tried to get rid of this deplorable habit. Nothing

    had made, and it had gradually accustomed to bloody gifts he

    sometimes brought him. "Everyone deserves to live", she liked him

    to repeat. This deep conviction of the young woman was still davant-

    age rooted in her since she had realized that it was sufficient

    not much to go from life to death. For anything she

  • would have given up the security of his cottage and its existence without history.

    She had few friends, and introduced her home as the most intimate. And

    Yet she never was quite relieved of his anguish


    Summer which ended, she only keep good memories. TO

    This October shone behind the window, with its blue sky and the

    clarity of the autumn sun. The same purity of the atmosphere augured

    imminent cooling.

    She went down the narrow wooden staircase with oak stairs and

    ramp waxed regularly were his pride, like the stair carpet

    dark turquoise, bought at an auction. Only two of its customers

    had objected that synthetic carpet was both cleaner

    and warmer. Coincidentally, it was with them that she had the most

    difficulties ...

    On the ground floor, three small rooms she had one large

    space shooting down the walls. The corner where she enjoyed the most was the


    the living room, small and cozy, with two windows overlooking the small

    front garden and the road through the hamlet. She had filled AIN-

    if the kitchen-dining area, antique furniture bought at random

    his travels in villages and auction houses. Only three

    Kitchen cupboards with oak doors had been made by a

    carpenter corner. A round table sat in the center, surrounded by chairs

    heterogeneous; on the other side of the bottom wall, a comfortable sofa tense

    wool fabric by him and enlivened by some patchwork cushions.

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    On the ground, tommette hidden under a rug collection, but

    that struck most people who visited inside Jessica first

    both remained abundant colors: vibrant reds, greens and

    gold, light blue, all harmoniously married the visitor

    dazzled kept a souvenir delighted.

    For those who were met Jessica away from home

    her, beige and off white boilerplate his clothes were

    misleading. Many deduced that she was in a discrete nature, carried

    Facee and without much fantasy. They were wrong ... Child at a prom-

    ENADE in stores, she begged her mother to buy her a dress

    ruby velvet. She saw her again, his fingers still felt the

    softness of the fabric up her scent. Unable to hide his dismay,

    his mother had, gently but firmly driven to another,

    olive color, telling him that a future banker to let these frivolities


    Now, more out of habit than choice, Jessica continued to ha-

    biller in these hues erased. Besides, she cared little for these craftsmen

    profits. For her, the garment was primarily functional, serving to protect

    body heat or cold and, in his case, to preserve a certain an-

    onymat. Who would be interested in a young woman almost skinny without


    lage, dressed in these dull colors?

    His parents had never accepted his decision to come and live in

    Avon. They had begged her to think, but she held on, by ap-

    press- on the report from his doctor. It specified that she needed

  • of calm and tranquility, away. The permanent tension REG

    born in the bank had too strongly affected, she had recovered and

    regain strength before considering work again in the city.

    Since then, five years had elapsed. His parents eventually rsign-

    st. However, his mother had never quite given up one day re-

    come to London. Every three or four months, she relaunched the offensive,

    thinking probably the hypothetical son who, she said, would save

    situation. But, free for the first time in his life, Jessica abhorred

    obligations imposed by in her marriage. To him it meant

    Page 10

    responsibilities, duties, renunciation, all things she had leaked

    like the plague.

    In the small entrance, she seized the parcel and went out into the garden. The

    sun was still hot. She admired the way the autumn asters

    planted last year. Their colors purple, mauve and lilac delighted the,

    and she bent down to gently stroke the petals. Gardening was

    his second passion, and she cultivated her garden as carefully it

    sewed tapestries ...

    With garage located ten kilometers, the post office was the only

    public place in the village. It was the rallying point of Habit-

    ants around. Martha Gillingham, postmistress, urged the

    gossip. She was aware of what was happening in the region.

    Jessica intrigued. She had never known a young woman at a time

    as smart, pretty and wild it. She exposed her celibacy over

    account was disappointed loves and rumors that Jessica had taken refuge

  • the village soon after a breakup.

    She was wrong ...

    Jessica had never known love. To start, because his

    previous responsibilities had not given him time. A uni-

    versity, she had worked hard to win their diplomas,

    fear of causing too much disappointment to his parents. Later, its status

    privileged "daughter of the director" had isolated the young people of his in-

    layering. Subsequently, after the terrible event, she found herself percent

    leagues to think of love.

    Besides, his single condition pleased. Still, the question

    tions and the insistence of Mrs. Gillingham always successful in diverting

    and to awaken in her a certain anxiety. Yet there was nothing

    malicious in these good-interrogation with time, Jessica had

    learned to get around with tact and diplomacy.

    On his arrival at the post office, just before closing, the young

    woman realized with dismay that it was empty. She found herself in

    thank you inquisitors comments Martha Gillingham ... On the who-

    lively, she looked to weigh the parcel, when a breath of fresh air behind

    it notifies the entry of a second customer. Martha stopped instantly

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    what it was doing to gratify a newcomer-Heat

    them smile.

    - Mr. Hayward! Hello World! So there you are installed?

    - Not yet, unfortunately.

    The man had a deep voice, pleasant, and not even re-

  • keep, Jessica knew he was smiling. The dairy had told him about this new

    comer who had bought the old abandoned house on the edge of the village,

    but she met him for the first time today.

    - By the way, I was wondering if you could do me a favor,

    he said. But end up serving this lady.

    Why does dcela in these few innocent words a trace of re-

    akin? He had yet uttered with all the signs of a great

    education. Instinctively, Jessica turned around to come face to face

    with a young man, dressed in jeans and a thick wool sweater

    similar to his. In her hair jet black, she saw the

    paint splatters or plaster dust.

    She concludes this brief review that this man is surely left

    not tell, and that nothing was more annoying than the stupidity. Him, she

    only knew that he had bought his house at an auction and

    he intended to camp there for the duration of the work. He

    had arrived in town the last weekend and took most of its

    meal at the local pub, The Bell, waiting for the kitchen to be usable. He trav-

    aillait in London, it was said.

    Martha Gillingham finished to weigh the package before the now-

    ations. Jessica could not avoid shaking hands with the newcomer: a hand

    wide, the tanned skin.

    - Please, call me Daniel, he said with an engaging smile.

    - And I Jessica, she thought herself obliged to respond.

    When she explained her surname, he raised his eyebrows, while

    keeping the slightest comment.

    - This name fits you well, he said simply.

    Jessica felt that flattery was only a means to conceal his surprise

  • ment. Ms. Gillingham watched them for a moment, looking satisfied, before


    a tone heard:

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    - Jessica tapestry done, sir. You will have to go throw

    a look at his work. You might need one of his creations

    tions to decorate your home.

    Jessica clenched his fists, stunned by the Martha's ability to handle,

    a few sentences, those who were foolish enough to let her. Provided

    Daniel Hayward did not imagine she had commissioned this


    Apparently not, because it gave him a reassuring smile before saying:

    - Still would it have walls, to hang tapestries!

    This dust ...

    He brushed the hair.

    - ... Just a ceiling that collapsed on my head this morning.

    Seeing anger blazing in his eyes, Jessica shuddered. He

    should not do good to mess with him ...

    - I sent the contractor for negligence. I was just coming

    see you this: do you know someone who would agree to come

    on site and make me a quote?

    Ms. Gillingham swelled chest, he asks her proud and

    piece of advice.

    - There has Ron Todd ... He handles a lot of work in the re-

    region. There is also the one who took care of your kitchen, Jessica. How To

  • was it called again?

    - Alan Pierce.

    Lo and behold! Jessica was despite herself drawn into the conversation

    tion. If Daniel Hayward had not looked at her with such insistence,

    perhaps would she managed to slip away. Besides, if she did not take very

    quickly to their heels, she would soon be involved

    in a case that did not concern her.

    - An excellent worker, approved Ms. Gillingham. It would be enough

    you see the kitchen Jessica to convince you ...

    Jessica was frightened. So what was playing postmistress? She was neither more


    least trying to offer it up to the new arrival! No need to de-

    summon if Daniel Hayward was married or not. Ms. Gillingham was con-

    nude for his integrity and morality. And she plays the

    Page 13

    matchmakers, Jessica could be certain she had taken his


    Torn between anger and a strange and inexplicable pleasure, Jessica

    suddenly heard himself ask Daniel to come and see for himself how Alan

    Pierce was able to transform three little dark and cramped rooms into a

    large loft.

    Page 14


    That day, Jessica had left the apartment at 8:00, as every

  • morning since she worked at the bank. Present them after the rest of

    staff would have seemed inappropriate. His father, he came later de-

    posed by his driver.

    The day promised to be uneventful. Routine ... The March

    coming to an end, with as cold winds and sudden showers

    unforeseen. This year the spring was late in coming. Jessica shook

    shivering on it's navy blue cloth coat, uniform, young

    for women like her to high administrative careers. A

    bun disciplined her hair carefully maintained with a visit

    monthly in one of the most famous hairdressers in Knightsbridge. Under the

    coat she was wearing a light gray suit and a classic cotton blouse

    pink and white stripes; at his feet, moccasins navy blue leather.

    His father's bank was located in the heart of the "City", the quarti-

    er business in London, a few blocks from Threadneedle Street. His con-

    competitors envied him his advantageous position on the corner of a street, just

    opposite a small park.

    Every morning, the doorman greeted Jessica with respect. According to the


    his father, the bank's employees were supposed to treat it as their

    other co-workers. But in reality, not even his

    superiors did not forget that one day occupy the director's chair.

    Whatever may think some envious, Jessica would have loved

    to go unnoticed. He would sometimes surprise hostile thoughts

    him, she felt cut off from his colleagues, without allies, and suffered from

    its isolation. His relationship with the CEO were worth it

  • Page 15

    yet none of the privileges it was entitled to expect. Away from

    there. In the evening, while they were relaxing at home or went out with friends,

    she had to suffer the pontificating speeches of his father. And diplomas do

    absolve him continue to learn through reading carefully

    ment chosen by him.

    She felt physically these continual pressures. Some More

    he would lean only took, it did not have the bright tone and fees

    girls of her age. Even her hair looked sad and frail

    shoulder seemed to bend under the weight of a heavy burden.

    Jessica was intimately convinced that work at the bank would

    never a constraint for her. Despite this, she could not bring herself

    to disappoint his parents, especially his father, telling them that she did sen-

    was not living up to their ambitions.

    One consolation, a single ray of sun in the middle of all this

    gray: the weekly refresher courses in embroidery and work

    needle, which it was registered since the beginning of the year already.

    That morning, she could not find as usual at the porter

    entrance reserved for staff behind the bank. Even more surprising, the

    door was not locked. She entered the darkness of the narrow pas-

    Victorian sage leading to the offices at the back of the large open hall


    The first thing that struck her, approaching the hall of the secretariat

    Administrative, was the silence ... And the second, the group of masked men

    one of which advanced to meet him, while the others stood in plays

    other staff.

  • - Shut up and come over here.

    Trembling in every limb, she complied. It took him a few

    seconds before realizing they were victims of the most event

    dreaded of all banks: an armed robbery. The instructions

    Terms continually repeated to staff stipulated that it

    had to try anything that might put themselves or others in danger.

    Jessica saw the closest collaborator of his among employees

    father. His complexion, which was turning ordinary on the culvert had at this time


    Page 16

    glassy appearance. He shared with the accounting responsibility for key

    the vault. Every morning one or the other opened the doors to

    cashiers. When the need arose, about two or three times

    week, the Bank of England, their neighbor supplied the money

    liquid. In this case, the day after the closing of the doors to the public,

    they had received from her a considerable sum. Jessica realized with horror

    that burglars had got wind of this repository.

    She lived with anxiety the arrival of the unnamed members of persons

    nel, one by one, until the last. No one suspected, on entering the

    part, as it moments earlier, the fate that awaited him. In

    all minds, the same terrifying issue hovered "Will I go out or not

    living this adventure?

    By appointment with one of its largest customers, the father of Jessica

    was not expected at the bank before the start of the afternoon. Apparently

    ment, the perpetrators knew it too, as soon as they were certain that the

  • employees were there in full, they brought them under the threat of

    their weapons inside the vault they closed the wrench

    armored gates leaving them under surveillance.

    Always silenced and monitored by a guard, they felt that

    growing tension in the room until it becomes unbearable. Before long, they

    would be few to panic. They did not wait

    long time ...

    Suddenly a woman's voice, shrill, broke the silence. This was

    that of a secretary, a nervous wreck. She spoke, she pointed a finger Batteries-

    ator towards Jessica ...

    - This is from her that should be taken care! She is the daughter of the


    tor! It will make you more services than us!

    Jessica thought his heart would stop beating. His terror was brought to

    its height, tying him painfully stomach. One of the armed men

    turned to her. A mask covering his face entirely, except

    tion of the eyes, cold and calculating. He beckoned him to approach. Like her

    hesitated, John Knowles, the accounting courageously stepped forward.

    - She is young, let alone ...

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    When the man hit his temple with the butt of his gun,

    horrified murmur ran through the audience. Trembling in every limb,

    Jessica was a first, then a second. Slowly the man turned

    around her, stopped behind his back. The galvanized feel as close to the

    fear of the young woman.

  • The sound of the safe door, opening, attracted the attention of

    the man. He left there to join Jessica one of his companions. A

    moment she thought he was saved. But a second later, she heard that

    called. With difficulty, she turned and saw that it was a sign of belonging

    Procher. Soon after, she came out of the trunk, escorted by two men

    hidden. Hearing the heavy door close behind her, she thought she de-

    failing. Cut employees of the bank, they were safe, she

    felt lost.

    - We lead it to the boss, said one of the men.

    The "boss", a huge fellow, eyed her from head to toe. Never Before

    she had known more terrifying than his eyes.

    - Director of the girl? he repeated when his henchmen were developed


    - Yes I Am. We could get a good ransom.

    The "boss" motioned to his partner to be quiet. After considering

    Jessica for a few endless seconds, he nodded.

    - Let's take it with us. It will cover us until we SOY

    ons to safety.

    The events that followed were long haunt the nightmares

    Jessica. Gagged, blindfolded, she was unceremoniously dragged

    to the bank's exit and pushed inside the armored vehicle ser-

    Vant ordinarily transportation funds. There, she felt other presences,

    although all might keep silent.

    When starting up the truck, she heard someone say,

    - How long will they give the alarm, according to you?

    - The bank opens in five minutes normally. That leaves us at

    least half an hour before customers realize something.

  • After that, they will have to do to open the safe. Since the other

    keyring is in Kent, with the director ...

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    - In the meantime, we get to ...

    A curse cut over to him speaking. No doubt we reminded him

    the presence of Jessica. Silence fell. The young woman was sitting

    even the floor of the van, hands tied behind his back. It

    longer doubted that she would die. She had served as their hostage, and as

    many of these unfortunate, it would perish ...

    When the vehicle stopped, it is sent down. A hand slipped under

    his arm to lead him into a staircase. She counted four floors before

    to feel pushed into a room that smelled stale and musty. We

    forced him to sit on the floor. This time, she thought it was the end. With No

    daring to move, she heard the door close. Had they left a sen-

    tinelle? The silence lasted, intolerable, almost deafening.

    She quickly lost all sense of time. His arms and hands

    is numb quickly because she dared not always move, convinced

    to feel the presence of a security guard at his side. She had a dry throat,

    painful. But nothing in the world she would have dared to draw water.

    Throughout her body, she suffered from unbearable cramps.

    To see her and almost quiet, nobody would have guessed hell

    she was going through. Could it be that the inventor of these words

    famous, "A brave man dies but once; a coward, of milli

    ... ers "had lived in his flesh the torments of imagination? No he

    would not have shown much injustice ...

  • Jessica was soon sink into a semi-comatose state that it ap-

    finally brought some relief. She felt like numb, cut

    his aching body. He was still unable to move, and

    retained the position in which it had been abandoned there, in that place

    unheard of. But curiously, it seemed that its fine

    Hearing doubled, thereby watching a sound. A strength not perceive

    No, apart from that of his own breath, she ends up convincing

    cre, not without difficulty, she was alone.

    Instead of experiencing a very legitimate relief, she was then attacked

    by blind and frantic panic of a child who feels abandoned. It

    could not move, and tied up and stiff. Suddenly she heard a

    noise ... that a human being could have produced. She immediately felt in a

    Page 19

    so frightened that his hair stood on its head. The feeling of

    'Thing' current on her bare legs would have torn him a piercing cry if

    her gag had not muted.

    Overcome with terror, she tried desperately to free a

    hand and only managed to wear the skin to the blood. Then, the same state

    semi-comatose wrapped again doubled resignation: she was

    die here in this unknown place, forgotten by all ...

    How many hours does it remained so poor thing anxious and

    paralyzed? She could not say, because it no longer aspired to sink in

    the depths of oblivion ...

    When rescue finally arrived, they were all shocked by the spectrum

    pathetic challenge offered by Jessica and invaded by an immense pity.

  • An anonymous caller had warned the bank that any attempt to ret-

    ind hostage before the expiry of a period of five hours could settle

    by his death. However, if they met their commitments, they recev-

    would a telegram informing them of the place where she was kidnapped.

    The police had no evidence to guide their research, they

    were forced to bow to blackmail, with little hope for the life of .alpha.

    year old. Against all odds, they received the telegram at the agreed time.

    It contained an address, that of an abandoned building in the middle

    of a vacant lot on the outskirts of the city.

    For Jessica, the interrogation that followed the release was almost as

    demanding that imprisonment itself. This nightmare had so

    proven that he almost lead her straight to a nervous breakdown. It

    remained silent for hours on end, still in shock. And when she

    recovered the use of speech, it was to call his parents ... and their an-

    denounce it would never hand over the feet to the bank. Now

    she would live in the small cottage inherited from his maternal grandmother. There


    exercise the only activities which she now would do his business: bro-

    dery and upholstery ...

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    Since then, five years had passed. The memory of those hours inter-

    shabby haunted again. And now the horror happened again! Was

    so cursed?

    As the gunman pretended to approach, she began to scream.

  • Furious, he dealt him a mighty shoulder stock. A Ai pain

    then crossed the ford, feeling his legs out from under her, she realized

    she lost consciousness ...

    When she regained consciousness, the people pressed into the small office

    job position. Jessica was lying on the floor, a pillow under his head. A

    person kneeling next to her took her off.

    Suddenly her terrified eyes met Daniel Hayward-Heat

    them and compassionate. She clung to it like a drowning to buoy

    rescue. Embarrassed to be the focus of curious, she tried to

    straighten out. Hayward was the first to think of reassurance.

    - Calm down, it's gone.

    Ms. Gillingham hastened to explain:

    - If you saw the courage of Mr. Hayward! He did not hesitate one

    moment and jumped on the wrongdoer to disarm. I took the opportunity to

    run to the door and call for help.

    - Do not exaggerate. This is Jessica has diverted attention from our

    visitor screaming. So, I took the opportunity to throw myself at him and neutral-

    ize. Next time, be still more cautious, miss.

    You'll be lucky if your arm does not remain stiff today ...

    His arm ... She tried to lift it. Smarting crossed his

    aching muscles.

    Page 21

    - Do not panic. You have nothing broken, Daniel assured him.

    Still, you took a bad shot. I'll take you home

    home. My car is outside. Ms. Gillingham has sent for the attending

  • cin. You will feel much better lying on your bed than on what

    cold tiles ...

    With caring and gentle gestures, he helped her up. There were beautiful

    long time we had not treated with such kindness. Instinctively

    ment, she leaned against him and let himself be drawn towards the exit, while re-

    fusing politely aid that was offered to him by others


    - The police will want to question you, he said, installing it on

    passenger seat of a brand new white Mercedes sports.

    The same as that of his father ... This fortuitous coincidence him

    suddenly feel a deep nostalgia. The presence of its parents

    would have been a great comfort ... She had not seen them since several

    months. On the occasion of the holiday season, she had visited them, con-

    constraint and forced in the house of his childhood. During this stay in London,

    she had failed a moment to relax. In part because of its

    phobia of crowds and anonymity of London, of course ... But especially

    because of a sense of guilt that she had never quite de-

    made. She dreaded terror pressures that his parents lack

    queraient not exercise on it for the "back on track".

    Between them, the gap had widened. She felt a deep

    sadness, but for the world it has waived its new exist-

    in this. Thanks to her, she blossomed every day, and she had

    feel to know better, to live at last.

    - Where do you live? Daniel asked Hayward. According to Ms. Gilling-

    ham, somewhere in that direction ...

    Bringing together somehow her thoughts, she showed him the way. TO

    Upon arrival, she guessed that his close neighbors watched quietly

  • behind their curtains. She did not wish them. What is there left to old

    people to brighten their day? If they had known ...

    - I really want to carry you inside, Daniel said. You

    do not have looked good discount.

    Page 22

    She wanted to protest, but she quickly gave up when lifted from

    land gently and firmly. The distance was short. Jessica was, however,

    time to feel extraordinary strength and the beating of his heart.

    She had never experienced such intimacy with a member of the opposite sex.

    Yet beyond his emotion after the shock she had endured, and

    instinctive recoil that inspired him as a physical contact she perceived in

    itself another feeling ... a feeling close to that raises

    in all the vision of a cool river with fish warmed by

    hot sun. She held her breath, her fingers clenching unconsciously on

    Daniel's shoulder.

    As if he saw the crazy thoughts that crossed his mind, and

    its efforts to tame the conflicting emotions that jostled

    her, he plunged into his eyes. In his golden eyes, she thought reading

    a silent message: "I understand your fear, little girl ... But rassure-

    you, from me you fear nothing.

    As he turned the key in the lock and carrying Jessica to information

    interior, a strange thought took shape in the minds of the young woman. He

    seemed unbreakable bonds were to develop between them. In

    Within seconds, they were one and the other overcome the barriers of con-

    social conventions and innate distrust still surrounding the unknown. To The-

  • beyond any logical explanation, they communicated without speaking.

    What did this mystery? And what impact it would have on their


    The sound of the voice of Daniel Hayward brought her back to reality.

    - Do you want me to drop you in your room or ...

    Jessica shook his head, suddenly confused.

    - No, it's not worth it. The sofa will be as comfortable as my


    He put there with infinite care and offered to keep him com-

    pany until the arrival of the doctor. If he had not spoken to him at the same

    time as a benevolent smile, Jessica would probably be opposed to it.

    But how waive such kindness? In other circumstances,

    she could not see him, with a physique like his, that one of these young

    Page 23

    ambitious wolves whose parents dreamed for her, and they attended

    in social gatherings in the capital. The thought disconcerted.

    - What does he? Daniel asked perceiving the subtle change

    was taking place in it. I hurt you?

    She shook her head, surprised to feel as comfortable with him as with a

    dear friend. It was, however, still an unknown, barely met

    half hour before. And believed to have already abused its time ...

    But while she offered him to go home, he firmly took her hand

    between his.

    - No, stay, he asserted in a tone without reply.

    The warmth of his palms grew Jessica disorder. Yet with him

  • it seemed to be safe. Moreover, the idea of ending up

    alone, even a few moments, terrified. The comforting presence of

    Daniel Hayward stood in awe that she preferred to keep the memories en-

    grubbed in the depths of his memory. Explained his fear probably his

    strange urge to snuggle against him ...

    Pending the arrival of the doctor, Daniel proposed to prepare tea.

    Guess she thought he liked the varied choice of flavors that contained her

    closet grocery store. He chose a Russian mixing, a favorite of Jessica,

    he served him with a slice of lime.

    - I love this piece, he said suddenly. It is not only

    ment comfortable, but intimate and very original. It's that kind of atmosphere

    I would like to recreate at home.

    This comment laughed Jessica, from a man apparently

    as fortunate as him. No property in the village supported the com-

    comparison with the one he had just acquired.

    - With a house like yours, you should call for in-

    company decorators.

    To his surprise, he shook his head.

    - I do not share your opinion. I did not feel like my house

    like all those we show the magazines.

    Besides, I'm still far away. I've noticed this morning, he not remain

    lot of work before considering the actual decoration. At this moment

    ment, I camped in two pieces, he added with a grin. I hoped

    Page 24

    really the biggest repairs would be completed before Christmas. I

  • realize that still has a few months. That's why I want

    much to the contractor.

    - It might have been more reasonable to stay in London, at least

    until the house is habitable, Jessica noticed.

    - Reasonable, perhaps, he nodded. But there comes a time when

    live to the rhythm of the city denies begins to weigh. My profession ob- me

    liege to work in the capital, not living there, fortunately.

    - Your profession?

    As he did not answer right away, she resented his curiosity.

    It was the first time she wanted to know everything an unknown ... This

    man fascinated her, there was no other word. Its reluctance to answer

    made her blush. How to explain that by inexperience and because of its

    recluse life, she had a moment forget good manners?

    Fortunately, he finally spoke, in a strangely dark voice and pr-

    esque reluctantly.

    - I'm an economist. At the City.

    Economist ... He had to be in direct contact with the market finan-

    cial. Knowing the hate all forms of advertising inspires those

    changing every day in this area, she understood his reluctance to talk and

    quickly changed the subject.

    - The Avon well be off the beaten track, many people

    work at City become established here, recently. When you know

    that winter, snow blocks some villages several days, it is

    surprisingly enough, do not you think?

    He laughed, as if the idea of being stuck there by bad weather

    it was neither hot nor cold.

    - How about you? he asked, suddenly. I already know that you live your

  • tapestries and your embroidery, beautiful Penelope ... I wonder if the

    beautiful model I recently saw on the wall, a friend has

    been designed and created by you. I would have thought that an architect of your


    to make themselves known, would be close to a big city. Otherwise London,

    at least Bath, which is still paramount to everything that relates to

    interior decoration.

    Page 25

    - I hate cities ... and the crowd, she said, lowering her pov-

    Cobble. I am happy that in the quiet of the countryside.

    - Looking isolation, ie.

    Golden eyes of his interlocutor looked at her with curiosity and in-

    interest. Immediately, she was on the defensive.

    - That makes sense, he continued. A young woman as pretty and

    intelligent you living alone in a small village ... I do not think me

    deceive many by saying that you did not grow up here. Then

    what do you fly?

    Jessica's throat knotted. For a while, she would burst into tears.

    It was the first time we also asked directly about his past;

    the first time someone perceived his deep anguish beyond

    appearances. She wanted to tell him, but fear prevented him.

    Why? She feared his mockery, sarcasm? That the hausst

    shoulders with an indulgent smile, like his parents, and even some of

    his friends? Or she feared he understands nothing trauma

    she had suffered five years earlier, and the radical transformation that had

  • ensued?

    A feeling of panic washed over with the idea of giving him everything

    she had endured. A nameless terror ... Her doctor had explained to him

    cated behind this obstinate silence: talk about the ordeal meant,

    for her, relive those hours in all their horror. Instead, the silence

    gave him the impression to dominate. He told her that she would come to

    After his fears by allowing them to speak one last time,

    without reserve, with the same force as the day of the attack.

    Lump in his throat, she curled up on the couch, on the defensive. There

    part of his brain that reasoned still enjoined to recover. His

    companion would eventually find it curious silence panicked, wondering

    what he could have said to provoke him.

    Fortunately, a noise came from outside created a diversion. Daniel looked

    head, frowning.

    - It must be the doctor. I'll open it.

    He suggested tactfully leave them alone, but Jessica asked him

    to stay. His presence reassured her, despite her discomfort and importuning.

    Page 26

    As she was apologetic, he shook his head and took her hands

    between his.

    - Of course not ... Personally, I wanted to stay, but

    I was afraid to annoy you.

    In the heat of his gaze, she read a promise that the upset.

    He also seemed overwhelmed by an inexplicable emotion. Jessica had always

    days listened with a skeptical pout these lightning moment-stories

  • donkeys, unexpected romantic revelations. Today, she wondered

    if it had not been wrong to doubt ...

    Meanwhile, the love in his eyes remained a fleeting happiness, which does

    believed that impulsive and hotheads. Not recognizing in

    this category, it is concluded that the fear felt in the Post Office

    he just went up to the head. And yet ... the confused feelings

    she felt for Daniel had nothing superficial. To the contrary,

    it seemed to have been waiting for. And seemed com-

    take as anyone else: fears, apprehensions, his need

    reassurance, weaknesses and strength.

    As if he perceived his intense confusion, he attended to rid

    cups and empty the teapot in the kitchen area. Meanwhile, the

    doctor invited Jessica to take off her shirt to examine her shoulder and

    arm. They both had swollen, and one easily guessed a hematoma

    good size would soon appear.

    - Let's see ... there's nothing broken, but you'll feel a little

    steep for a few days. Wear your arm in a sling for at least

    forty-eight hours, I can highly recommend it.

    His right arm! What bad luck!

    - I'll leave you the stamps you will take if the pain in-

    lie too. In general, after a shock like this, people want

    as tablets taken in the evening before bed ...

    Jessica shuddered and shook his head vigorously. She had swallowed

    sleeping pills for several weeks after the heist. In fact the Aid-

    er sleeping, they had especially brutalized, and she was soon abandoned the


    dre, against the advice of his parents.

  • Page 27

    - You are reasonable, agreed with the doctor. I command these re-

    Median little as possible, especially as often herbal tea will do.

    The consultation finished, he closed his bag and prepared to leave.

    However, came to the door, he turned around, frowning.

    - You live alone, I believe?

    Jessica nodded, suddenly frightened.

    - Why do you ask? The man has still not

    fled? I thought ...

    - It's not that, once the doctor reassured her. Only, with

    your right arm in a sling, you may find yourself a little handicapped.

    I could feel two words to Mrs. Gillingham ...

    - No need, intervened Daniel. I will miss company,

    at least that night.

    Jessica turned toward him, prohibited. But the time it returns to

    his amazement, the doctor had already left. Stretched to the limit, she questioned

    Daniel look.

    - I know, he said with quiet assurance. I would at least have you con-

    sult before. I was sure that you would prefer that my presence Mrs.

    Gillingham but you dare not say. If I was wrong ...

    Jessica shook her head. That was not the question. They knew

    for just one hour! Not only she felt unusually at-

    drawn by him, but we did not get rid of overnight

    habits of a lifetime! When she finally consented to meet his eyes,

    she dcela mocking glow.

  • - So do not worry about the "what-will people say" ...

    Both mortified and irritated, she blushed a little.

    - It is not at all that! Although I hate to give rise

    gossip. In this case, I can hear Mrs. Gillingham is rubbing

    ter hands ...

    - So tell me what you are afraid, he said.

    He collapsed on the sofa, so close to Jessica that she panicked DAV

    antage again.

    - Not to me, anyway? he insisted.

    How to tell her that she feared above all his own reactions?

    Page 28

    - I just do not usually receive, she chose

    to answer.

    - I understand that, in a certain sense I bothering you, is it

    right? I totally understand, do not worry. Like you, I have always

    lived alone. But always comes a time when ...

    He left his sentence unfinished. Without her need to turn the head,

    the warmth of his breath against her temple, she guessed that it was still

    close. When she felt he was taking her hand, she did not think

    protest. This did not prevent him from being attacked by a sudden tremor

    ment unstoppable.

    - I trust my own feelings and my own reactions, but

    they blind me ... maybe, he began. If I am wrong, please

    tell me, Jessica, but I feel your surprise is not far

    to match mine.

  • Shyness paralyzed. With great difficulty, she nodded.

    - We have so much to learn from each other, continued

    Daniel. But there's no hurry, is not it? For now, we just

    having both want to take the road together ...

    Jessica nodded again in silence. Would not it implied

    he had no intention of hastening things? He seemed to guess

    how their strange encounter the baffling, even frightened, and collect

    his excitement at the thought that he shared his feelings.

    Looking up at him, she wondered what blindly ressem-

    bleraient his kisses. As if the thought had entered deep in her

    eyes, she saw those of Daniel darken.

    - Do not look at me like that, he protested gently. If I understand

    starts to kiss you, I shall not stop ...

    Jessica stiffened against the momentum that the projected toward him. For some

    second, she did not know if she can resist the desire blazing at the bottom of

    his eyes. Struggling with all his strength against temptation, she cleared

    the voice.

    - Tell me about your home. How have you found? And

    do you do? You are our first London emigrated. There

    Page 29

    others in the region, but especially on the side of Blanchester. The distance

    compared to the capital does not scare you?

    Provided he did not let the cruelty of his desperate attempt without

    answer! She saw him hesitate briefly and then recover.

    - I Do Not. It's been a while since I seek a de- property

  • outside London. On the contrary, I am delighted.

    Jessica looked at him, frowning.

    - And the real estate agent too, surely. Two years ago the Court

    is for sale. Besides he suffered repeatedly acts


    - No need to remember all that I could see, he replied

    bitterness. When you feel better, I would like you to me

    give some tips for the kitchen. My Architect lacks some

    imagination and I would prefer, as far as possible, avoid developments

    stereotyped presented by specialists.

    Gradually, Jessica ressaisissait, even faster than his interest

    future development of the property of Daniel was sincere. Where

    glanced at his watch and announced that he was close to 7:00, it

    could not believe his ears.

    - Does not it bother you that I leave you alone for half an hour in-

    approximately the time to get some business? I can ask

    Ms. Gillingham keep you company while waiting.

    Jessica shook her head.

    - No bother. Besides, do not feel you have to spend the night

    here. I ...

    - Do not go back on our decision, he cut firmly. And

    you dare to move from the sofa before my return.

    It was not difficult to obey, to go with the daydream

    in the fairytale world that had opened the implicit promises

    Daniel. She would never have thought I could one day be the prey of such gare-

    ment. So suddenly fall in love with a stranger - and so intensely

    - Did not resemble him. Yet it already imagining more live

  • without him. Saying he shared his wonder and surprise! Closing

    Page 30

    her eyes, she could not resist the temptation to imagine the flavor of its

    kisses and caresses ...

    Immediately, a shiver ran through her cheeks reddened. For the

    first time, she felt the desire in his flesh ... To this day, never

    it had not been affected by these uncontrolled emotions. Something, in this

    man had caused the miracle, but what? Reactions, as

    physical and emotional, they were genuine or only in-

    gendres by fear? Deep in her heart, she felt that Bon

    happiness brand new, which dared to come forward, was already tempered by

    prudence. But his exhaustion was too great for it-depth

    disse its analysis of this strange sensation.

    Upstairs, the phone ringing reached him of the workshop. This was

    So a professional call ... His first impulse was to go answer

    then she remembered his promise to Daniel not to move in his absence,

    and therefore better of it. It had been so good to her, without knowing! A

    such generosity, such a lack of interest were the sign of a direct nature, which

    not embarrassed of worldly artifices and went straight to the point. As of

    similar circumstances, it would probably not show the same

    spontaneous kindness, because it would have feared that his attitude arouses

    suspicion and even resentment.

    Daniel, no. Altruism was evidence of a deep respect for its

    fellow men. Because of this, she felt no fear to open his

    door and his heart. After the robbery, the bank, the psychologist had him

  • explained that she instinctively distrust felt for

    others went back much further than the terrible ordeal she had

    suffered. He reminded that during the years she had tried to

    live in accordance with the desire of her parents, and she rebelled au

    today against this blind submission.

    Looking back, she was ashamed of her panic, to the post. Even Ms.

    Gillingham showed more composure, despite his age. Exhaustion

    the earned gradually backlash from his fright, and she gave up to pursue

    reflection. She cast a glance at his watch. Time previously that

    Daniel was gone! Had he changed his mind?

    Page 31


    On his return, Daniel Jessica found her asleep. He woke slowly,

    and could not help smiling at the expression of surprise happiness

    immediately suffused his eyes.

    - It took forever to come back, but it was necessary that I go to the pub

    warn that I do not dine tonight. They already knew all of the attacks

    armed hand we suffered in the post. They asked me to

    you, and make you well know they think of you. Ms. Markham

    insisted that I take a cold chicken salad. If you need

    of anything, you can call without hesitation, she repeated to me

    several times.

    So kindly sent tears to Jessica's eyes. It con-

    born evil Mrs. Markham and had always thought it to him

    wanted to be as little sociable and communicative.

  • - Whether he arrives? Daniel was surprised by touching her cheek. I

    have not yet said anything that is worth me such a reaction!

    From his pocket, he pulled out a clean handkerchief he dabbed at her tenderly

    ing eyes, as if they already knew for ages. He Ig

    norait yet all of this melancholic state that sometimes melted in

    tears at the sight of a sad movie, or reading a tragic story.

    - By the way, I should have asked you this question earlier, but there he was

    someone you want to prevent? Your family, for example ...

    - My family? No, it's not worth it.

    Daniel frowned. Jessica felt compelled to provide a


    - My parents are in ...

    Page 32

    Say they have mocked mistranslated reality. But his mother

    mobilize immediately the driver to go down to see the village, too

    faster than the traffic would allow. Jessica did not want to

    coaxing his face and his attempts to, once again, make her "in-

    tender right. " In the eyes of his mother, all the pretexts were good for

    try to bring her daughter to the family cradle. And besides ... besides ...

    Dare to admit it? She had only one desire: to be alone with


    To ease her conscience, she finally replied:

    - My parents are always busy. No need to worry. After

    all, it is nothing serious happened!

    The look with which Daniel greeted these words made her blush.

  • She knew his eyes tinged with compassion and concern; she

    had seen dark with passion. For the first time, she read an ac-

    accusation. Passenger course, but she was certain not to have been mistaken.

    What he reproached him? She quickly changed the subject.

    - Because you're nice enough to keep me company tonight

    the least I can do is to serve you at dinner, she announced a

    your false light.

    She pretended to get up, but Daniel stopped him.

    - The doctor was nevertheless clear. It must be sure you rest. You

    have still not forgotten already?

    - I understand that he spoke only of my arm, she protested

    smiling. The rest works perfectly, as I know.

    Suddenly she caught in her eyes an all male admiration. There

    caress those golden eyes, slow and deliberate on his person, the

    disturbed. Then suddenly ...

    - I would have used other words ... he whispered with a smile

    heavy innuendo.

    With that, he stood up, as if he had already forgotten the incident.

    - By the way, what room do you make me sleep? I'll

    up my business.

    How could he speak so detachment? His body

    she still felt the detailed examination which he had to be.

    Page 33

    - There are only two bedrooms. Put your business in one that gives

    on the street, she replied absently tone.

  • - I propose that tonight we stick to the excellent salad

    Chicken Mrs. Markham. I almost forgot: I also reported two units

    apple pie. You tell me the news.

    Without losing any of his actions, Jessica saw him bending over to pick up a

    bag deposited on the floor. The soft leather was slightly shabby, but

    young woman immediately recognized a wealth of excellent quality. His

    father had similar and boasted of using still all

    travel bags and suitcases leather that an uncle had offered him, in time

    where he was still studying at Oxford.

    The evocation of familiar objects called forth the face of his parents

    before his eyes, and thought of the chasm that separated them squeezed her

    heart. While no direct conflict never arise between them. Every

    After his mother managed to convince her to spend a few days

    in the house of her childhood, Jessica was there welcomed with open arms. It

    knew that nothing would please his parents than to see return

    live at home. Nothing ... except the announcement of an upcoming wedding, or


    ue of a toddler son.

    On her last visit, she had shared with her cousin hospitality.

    Jessica had never heard well with Emma, the only daughter of the sister

    his mother. The father of Emma exercised province notaries.

    They lived comfortably, but Jessica Emma resentment and suspicion

    jealousy towards her. With only a few months apart, they

    both had attended the same school. In many re-

    taken, Emma had left spring animosity vis--vis his cousin.

    Now they no longer saw infrequently. Emma worked at

    a renowned designer of Kensington and announced long ago that

  • His only desire was to find a rich party as the father of Jessica,

    to satisfy his ambitions and address the frustrations of his childhood.

    - Too many marriages end in divorce. If you do not like

    first for himself, I do not see the point of marrying her, tried

    to object Jessica, shocked.

    Page 34

    - What you can be a prude! Emma had mocked. Divorce me

    not afraid. You can be sure I will not go in without a sum

    substantial money. You look great to take upper air! You do not

    know anything about life. Your father rolling in money ...

    - Money is not everything.

    That remark earned him a laugh.

    - There's really only you to say such nonsense. All the

    the world is not as romantic, little cousin ...

    They had little more than eighteen years, the day Emma had her

    Given this speech. After Jessica's ordeal at the bank, Emma was

    visited him at home. At the time, an ambitious trickier

    she had seduced the small wealthy baronet with which Emma was about

    point of getting engaged. She was foaming with rage. On learning that Jessica re-

    would never set foot in the bank, she unleashed her


    - You're wrong, Jessica! If I had your chance, I will not gcherais so!

    You do not even imagine yourself still not all your life seamstress! had she ex-

    proclaimed, disparaging to enjoy the artistic gifts of his cousin.

    Jessica had suffered his sarcasm without answering, but since then the gap

  • had widened even further between them. Emma had finally marry,

    then divorced, and now looking for an advantageous match.

    - Return on earth ...

    On hearing the sweet voice of Daniel, she realized with confusion

    sion she had once again lost in one of those long reveries

    which it was sometimes prone. She quickly looked up and saw that

    Daniel smiled. A long shudder ran through her whole body images

    troubling passed before his eyes. Her skin as she would have liked ...

    taste the flavor of his skin ...

    As he rode to settle in the guest room, she got up and

    went into the kitchen area. She was not still valid! After

    have filled the kettle with the left hand, she launched into the prparat-

    yew dinner. Cluny was soon manifest with mewing

    frantic and Jessica went for it a mash box. On Mach gesture

    inal, she was about to open it when a searing pain tore a

    Page 35

    little muffled cry. Surprise, she dropped the can for massage

    the shoulder.

    Alerted by the noise, the current Daniel joined in the kitchen. He

    found kneeling on the floor, looking for the pittance of lost


    - Leave it to me! he growled, furious that it has taken no

    account advice. Why the hell did not you wait for me?

    He addressed her as an insubordinate child. She was about to

    but replicate, advancing to help him recover, he did not give him

  • the time.

    - I have an invalid arms, not the rest, she protested. Moreover,

    Cluny was hungry.

    - Cluny?

    Looking down, he noticed the cat. He must love animals because its

    anger burst soon.

    - I understand why you gave it this name: in men

    mage of the famous French tapestry museum?

    - Exactly, Jessica replied, glad he made himself the


    The idea that this distinguished economist limitt not only its interests

    professional field like it. This quality denoted a broad mind and

    curious, with whom she felt an affinity.

    - Well, for tonight at least, we will have that cat is just

    my services. And you too.

    - Frankly, it bothers me a lot of abuse your kindness,

    Jessica protested vigorously.

    - I assure you that the kitchen has no secrets for me. My mother

    We were all raised in the same way, with no distinction of sex.

    - All Of Them?

    - We were four. I have two brothers and one sister.

    Jessica looked at him with envy.

    - You've been lucky! I was an only child.

    - Ouch! You had to feel good alone, all your childhood,

    noticed he leaned to file a full plate in front of Cluny.

  • Page 36

    - Oh, my mother took great pains to avoid I

    bored! She took me to the theater, or friends, or make

    races, but ...

    - But you do not like them, or you want to punish your parents

    to have stopped you.

    Jessica looked up at him in astonishment. How could he know? It-

    even included only today, by evoking before him, his

    determination to preserve his solitude.

    - I am the eldest in the family, explained Daniel, I assure you that

    Sometimes I blame against my parents! Especially at birth


    - Twins?

    - David and Jonathan. You understand now, my parents

    have a weakness for biblical names. At birth I was seven.

    Rachel has succeeded them a year later.

    - You no longer want them now?

    It was hard to imagine his new friend feuding well

    long time. He shrugged, laughing.

    - Sometimes all the same. When the twins landed in

    unexpectedly at home with a flock of friends, for example. Notice,

    Now they both work in the US, I miss them.

    - And your sister, Rachel?

    - Ah! She looks on course to surpass us all! She decided

    follow in the footsteps of my father and become a surgeon. David, he is

    biochemist, and Jonathan works in advertising.

  • - Your father might have preferred it to be a son to him

    succeeds, right?

    - Not in the least. What a strange idea ...

    How to explain that these words were inspired by him de-

    ception of his own parents? The time was perhaps not

    come. She trusted the judgment of Daniel, but something

    restrained, as if afraid of being poorly understood.

    - You look very thoughtful, suddenly remarked Daniel.

    Jessica shrugged, trying to smile.

    Page 37

    - I always look like that when I'm hungry, 'she said in a tone

    deliberately lightweight. It seems that Mrs. Markham pie apples

    is delicious.

    She saw that he was not fooled. For a moment she thought he was in-

    sister and wondered what she could respond. But he seemed to

    resign. She could not tell if she felt disappointment or

    relief ...

    In the early evening, they received a visit from a local policeman who wanted

    recording their evidence. A little embarrassed to have been the only one to give in


    panic, Jessica acquitted himself of this task with strength and mumblings hsit-

    ations. What a contrast with the clear statements and asked Daniel!

    As Jessica apologized to be as rough, man reassured her.

    - This is only natural, miss, after the impact you've had.

    Thanks to Mr. Hayward, we cased the wrongdoer.

  • It was nearly 10:00 when he took leave of them. Jessica was exhausted,

    with only one desire: to bed and sink into sleep oblivion.

    When Daniel came after the commissioner escorted to his car,

    Jessica took the lead.

    - I can not stand it. Would you mind if I gave you, main-

    taking? I like sleeping standing ...

    - Hold On. I go to prepare a herbal tea, as suggested by the

    medical doctor?

    Jessica refused. For a moment she thought Daniel was going to propose the

    carry up to his room ... But he did nothing, content to ensure

    she went up the stairs smoothly. Anyone but him

    would have tried to take advantage of their isolation. Seriousness confirmed the


    conclusions she had already learned about him. For the first time since

    she had moved into the cottage, she was happy not to be there

    on its own ...

    When it came time to undress, the movements of his arms ar-

    rachrent Jessica few grimaces in pain. His first

    movement was to call Daniel for help. God thank you, he still had enough

    reason not to put his plan into execution ...

    Page 38

    After much effort, finally undressed and nightgown, she

    slipped between the sheets. Head barely resting on the pillow, she closed


    She slept soundly for several hours. Even the gnashing

  • ment steps, when Daniel went to bed, did not disturb his summit

    meil. At his door, he paused a few seconds, listening. Then,

    reassured, he went to his own room.

    Jessica slept peacefully a good part of the night. When the

    nightmare came, faithful to the appointment, it escalated very quickly kalido-

    terrifying scope of fears and anxieties past. The darkness was suffocating,

    blinded. Still asleep, she began to stir in his

    reads like one possessed, reliving with poignant acute pain

    links piercing his skin and taste acid of fear in his mouth. Ar

    rachant his imaginary gag, she screamed his lungs, wild cry

    primitive that tore the silence of the house ...

    Page 39


    When Daniel burst into his room, he found Jessica drawn

    sitting up, wide awake. She held her arms tightened around her

    body shaking, and blindly staring a point in space. Daniel sat

    just behind and gently pulled her against him.

    - Jessica, there is nothing, he whispered in her ear. This is only a

    bad dream.

    He spoke as one speaks to a frightened child, thought confusedly

    Jessica when her voice penetrated the resulting spiral of terror to its


    - It's over now, 'he continued. You do not worry. Which

    happened only yesterday morning ...

    At these words, Jessica managed to say:

  • - No yesterday, no ...

    His throat hurt, she screamed as she was ... But the truth

    Daniel, would that not to lose face.

    - Not yesterday, she repeated in a hoarse voice. It has happened to me ...

    something similar.

    - Do you want to talk about?

    He had said these words almost reluctantly. Jessica wondered

    suddenly if she had not just assumed the generosity and

    disinterestedness of Daniel. After all, his confidence might hinder the

    more than they would interest.

    At that thought, she had immediately cringe. And as if he

    had felt, he tightened the embrace of his arms.

    - Do not make me confidence that you regret later ...

    Page 40

    Changing position to capture the look of Jessica, a finger

    he trembled slightly redrew the outline of her mouth. When he regained the pa-

    role, he voluntarily gave up the formal mode, as if he seemed

    suddenly incongruous against the sentiments already planned one

    towards each other.

    - This is crazy, he whispered. I've never felt anything

    so strong ... I'm so afraid to be demanding with you, scare you!

    Jessica smiled suddenly too shy to replicate she was already his

    prisoner. The caress of those long nervous fingers, so delicate, its

    lips, maddened. The beating of her heart, she guessed that the disorder

    his companion was at least equal to his.

  • - Nothing forces you to tell me anything, he whispered, laying the

    cheek against hers.

    A few brief seconds, she was tempted to turn his head and receiving

    his kiss. But the time was not right to think of it. She had

    First hunt intense fear that knotted his throat.

    - I would love to talk to you, she whispered. I need ...

    Daniel listened without interrupting once the story of the heist to

    his father's bank. She felt an indescribable emotion in the expression

    sion of his eyes, when she recounted her agonizing wait,

    for hours in the abandoned building.

    - It took a while before I realized that I was alone ...

    For a few seconds she relived the same anxieties insouten-

    reliable than in the past, despite the reassuring presence of Daniel and the embrace

    his arms. He, for his part, did not try to mitigate the cruelty of the event,

    as if he was convinced of the importance of this step backwards as

    if he felt the time came for her to be free forever from the past. And

    when Jessica got in touch with reality, the first thing she saw

    blaze at the back of Daniel's eyes was anger. Unfathomable anger

    for those who had caused him such a trauma.

    - All this seems so far away, she said, his voice hoarse.

    - And so close ... The memories are as vivid as the day.

    - Yes ... After, I have long been ill. Depression, shock,

    exhaustion, everything is put. When I surfaced, I decided not to

    Page 41

    never set foot in the bank. Finally, I realized that all my life,

  • to please my parents, I desperately tried to slip into

    character, habits, a role that was not mine. Ever Since

    my childhood, my destiny was mapped out. We kept saying that

    I was destined to succeed my father. Of course, I caused them both

    a huge disappointment.

    - Since you can not see that the rare occasions stepped cautiously

    ment Daniel.

    - I prefer to avoid them. They have not given up on me back in

    the right way.

    - You mean, they still hope to see you return to the


    - For sure. I think he never understood what was going on in me

    since my childhood. If they knew, they would fall from the clouds.

    - Because of this, they lost your trust.

    Jessica perceived these words as an accusation. She raised

    eyes without any discernible hostility in the clear light of

    Daniel. Anyway ... she shivered as if a cold wind had suddenly

    across the room.

    - They and everyone around them, she nodded. My father has an influence

    considerable on people. He tried to use my old friends

    for me to return to London.

    - To hear you, your parents are selfish beings and without heart.

    Guilt soon invaded Jessica.

    - I did not say that! They just know better than imagined

    me what I need to be happy.

    - It's through a lot of parents ... Meanwhile, if I understand

  • take good, it would suffice that I announce to you that I know them to be


    kicked, true or false?

    She gave him a dubious look. Would he teased? For a moment she held

    his breath, unable to utter a sound.

    - It's inevitable, of course, she finally said. Should I conclude that you

    know my father? After all, it would not surprising. You work

    in the same area, the same area ...

    Page 42

    This thought made him shudder, a very different thrill of those

    had traveled a few times before. A fear unmanned

    evokes read in his eyes. As Daniel did not answer, she shook

    head slowly.

    - I'd rather not talk about it. I spent enough time

    feel sorry for myself. Now I no longer doubt the affection of

    my parents. I know they never will force my hand. But I

    too afraid not bear the disappointment of my father, and eventually give

    blackmail. To understand, we must know that the bank was

    founded by one of my ancestors, and that managers follow one another from father


    son for generations. I would have to get married and I have a

    son to ...

    - Is that really what you intend to do? he asked


    The answer was immediate, categorical than immediate.

  • - Oh no! In any case, certainly not in this light.

    - What do you care? Your father will eventually find a partner

    to help him.

    He suddenly seemed so irrelevant that Jessica was afraid to annoy.

    - I feel better now, she said, pretending to depart from

    him. You must be tired. I abuse your kindness enough without, in addition, you

    sleep deprivation!

    - It's already done, he replied, with a look emphasizing that dev-

    inait of his chest, through the sheer fabric of the nightgown.

    He seemed to feel the caress her skin golden eyes ... Her cheeks

    reddened and desire springs in it, as unexpected intense. Lor

    squ'elle noticed that his breath precipitated betrayed his confusion grows

    over again.

    - Jessica ...

    He pronounced his name in a barely audible whisper. All the

    body of the young woman began to tremble. The message she read in

    Daniel eyes was unmistakable.

    - I want you, 'he whispered. But the time has not come yet ...

    for either of us.

    Page 43

    The wisdom of his speech ended to move him. Usually, such words

    were the preserve of women in similar situations ...

    - Excuse me, she whispered, mesmerized by the flame burning in the

    look so soft.

    - Sorry for what? he asked with a trace of harshness. Me

  • to desire?

    Fingertips, he brushed her breast the curve. The pleasure springs in-

    stantanment her, cutting her breath away. Feel his mouth on her skin,

    give him delve into abandoning ...

    - Daniel ...

    As if he sensed the intensity of his emotion, he prolonged his stealth

    pat on the belly, and the tapering thighs ... Could it be that

    ignorant do nothing dismay? He was assaulted by the same disorder?

    - Yes, I also really want you, 'he whispered suddenly, as

    if he read her like a book. I give a lot to drag me into this bed,

    at your side, kiss you to lose breath, collect your on your lips

    sighs of pleasure ...

    He leaned his declaration of a new caress, which drew to a Jessica


    - I could spend the rest of the night in worship thy delicate beauty, but

    let's not.

    With that, he stood up hastily, as if afraid to give in

    temptation. Arouse such desire was for Jessica a brand experience nou-

    velle. She almost beg him to stay, but he was right, the time was

    not yet come ...

    - How are you feeling this morning?

    - I shoulder all stiff and stiff arm.

    Jessica had risen early. As soon dressed, she had fallen

    in the kitchen. To her surprise, she had found Daniel, who pre-

    seems coffee. For the first time, she felt discomfort in his presence.

    She felt that the cold light and flood of October, it

    could not conceal his feelings and his trouble ... Doubt in-

  • sinuait already in his thoughts. That night, she had betrayed her. As for Daniel ...

    Page 44

    Should she believe sincere when he said he did not want to rush anything?

    Or his desire was it so quickly as it came off?

    In preparing breakfast, she carefully avoided his eyes and

    she would have continued as if he did not end his ride, taking her

    teapot hands.

    - Look at me, Jessica. All that I have said tonight, I thought

    oh really. Now, if thou hast any regrets, especially fear not

    to express aloud.

    The expression of Jessica reflected his disorder. Daniel spoke to him with

    so serious ...

    - You're right, I behave like a child.

    - This does not happen only to "little girls", as you say, to consider

    things differently in the harsh light of the morning.

    For the first time, she perceived a trace of cynicism in his voice.

    - I do not regret my past mentioned before thee, stammered-t

    it. And I assure you that I have no ulterior motive to ... for both of us.

    Simply, it is the first time that I sometimes ...

    - Me too, Daniel cut a fierce tone. No one other than

    you never inspired me feelings too strong and too sudden.

    He paused to reach into the hair visibly


    - I feel totally disarmed. Part of me said:

    "Be patient, do not wait anything. "The other:" Be careful it

  • escapes you!

    His admission disconcerted Jessica. How? So too would feel

    the same uncertainties? A man as balanced and responsible than he?

    Suddenly he made him less afraid. And when he approached her for him

    take the hand, she gave him without fear.

    - Look, he said softly, you need a little time to do it

    point, what I design altogether. The unknown always disconcerting. Thrown out

    lie by telling you that you're the first woman I will love.

    However, you must believe me when I say that I have never liked

    not as much as you, so intensely that I fear at any time to see you

    disappear like a mirage, a beautiful impossible dream.

    Page 45

    Jessica sat down, upset by this candid admission and straightforward.

    - How can you be sure as we now know

    penalty for twenty-four hours?

    - I'll have "recognized" from the first second, Daniel replied with a

    terrifying calm. You looked at me, and I knew it was you, as if my life

    was not quite complete before that day. I will provide you any

    rational explanation, you're in doubt. The reason has no hold on what

    you inspire me.

    As she remained banned, he smiled.

    - Tell yourself that if anyone came to me to keep me

    same speech, I would laugh in his face. And you would do the same, I'm sure ...


    Yet nothing of what I just told you really shock you. For I

  • am just describing what you feel yourself. I know you still taking

    all for a straying from your mind. It is not one, believe me.

    - I ... I think in fact that the particular circumstances in

    where we met ...

    - I point out to you that I had this revelation before the arrival of the perpetrator.

    Your argument does not hold.

    Jessica hesitated then gathered his courage.

    - I'm afraid, Daniel. Very afraid to leave me altogether.

    - You do not understand that for me it is exactly the same

    thing? All couples who have one day a deep desire to unite

    body and soul, do not they feel the same anxiety? I can not help you,

    Jessica. This would mean that I have a bit of objectivity Application- ...

    you what you fear most. To give up your sacred loneliness, en-

    chaining your life to mine, or being the victim of an illusion?

    - All at once, she admitted. But especially our relationship lasts

    that time.

    - In other words, you are not safe enough for your


    He held out a trap. How not to get it?

    - Or is it of mine you doubt? he continued. Again, I

    have no way to convince you. Only time will succeed. I expect

    everything about you, Jessica: marriage, family, children ...

    Page 46

    React to seeing her every word, he smiled.

    - Okay, I get it. You're not ready for a commitment

  • grand total.

    - Give me a little time, she whispered with a look supplication

    ant. You seem so sure of yourself ... For me, this is all so new, so inat-

    tense! I would like to know you better.

    He nodded a nod.

    - Start today. Accompany me among entrepreneurs

    Ms. Gillingham recommended me. I need someone who re-

    heifer home with much more care and consideration that imb-

    cult who managed to screw up the ceiling of a room.

    - Is the home listed?

    - No, but I want to respect the architecture and original style.

    I planned to go to Bath this afternoon. I have an appointment with a

    specialist in backup association of area attractions. He

    help me to find the materials I will research and advise me

    usefully. Come along with me. I promise not hasten anything, to let the

    time. Moreover, there is no question that you work, the doctor was

    formal. And I know enough to know that thou in thy prcipiteras

    workshop as soon as I turned back.

    He knew so much already! From her side, she could not tell

    as much. At times, it seemed, and then suddenly a reaction

    the unpredictability of him quite baffled. Spend the day with him ...

    Why not, in the background? She feared moping remaining single

    in his little cottage. And then she would benefit to go to the shop

    which distributed its tapestries.

    She quickly replied, before changing his mind.

    - All right, I'll go with you. At the same time, we will in

    the contractor which I told you about. He lives on the outskirts of Bath.

  • - You make me very happy, you know, Daniel said.

    He leaned like to kiss him. A shiver ran Jessica.

    But after a few seconds of hesitation, he seemed to change his mind.

    - No, it would not be reasonable. I just promise you to do nothing

    rush in.

    Page 47

    Jessica somehow hid his disappointment and announced that she had

    two or three loose ends before leaving. Far from protesting, as she

    had so often heard to fiancs or husbands of her friends, Daniel

    declared that he would benefit, with permission to make some calls


    - And do not worry about clearing the breakfast table, he added, t-

    it. It will take me less time than you, with your arm in a sling.

    Amazed by so much attention, Jessica did not know what to answer. In the re-

    keeping to it mentally addressed his congratulations to the mother of this

    man for his education. Feeling observed, Daniel was soon re-

    look up.

    - What do u Want! At the birth of the twins, it was necessary that I put

    the hands-on to help my poor mother overwhelmed. She who had so

    desired that his eldest is a girl ... There's only one thing I am

    have ever resigned: pushing the baby carriage in the street. I was too afraid to


    counter of school friends!

    - Your mother wanted a girl? Jessica repeated that does not believe his or-

    Eilles. But all parents want first ...

  • - Boys? Not all, precisely. The proof ...

    - You had to suffer, she remarked.

    - I said that my mother would have liked a girl, she loves me not

    no, Jess, he clarified in a soft voice. Nuance ...

    How could she doubt it? His parents had loved her,

    i dont no? Or ...

    The doubt in his heart, she went to prepare.

    Like all women in love, opening the door to his arm-

    ory she realized that she had "nothing to wear" ... Or rather than

    not seen in her wardrobe is cause admiration of Daniel. Yet

    What women they cared as m