

(l^eyislered Under Manipur Societies Registration Act., 1909)

R e g d N o . I 4 6 /M / S R / 2 0 0 0






M IS f ' . IO N A U I H O R U Y , M A M IP I i r ^

O t f i c n ■


UiRAHY a OUCWMIMIMKIN KtftKW'la tiaatl lristitu»e of Kdnc«tiuO«l

17-11, Hi Auiobmdo Mui,*N«w l)dht-Ut)©16 35^ ^ 7 9 :^OOC, N o ............Ottf—



^ !E rM O R A N D llM O FA SSO C T A ; ON

I’R E A M B IJ :

Universal elcmcutary etJucatwii i s a Conslitutional diteclis e ami ihc inlcipi clnlion of the I lon’bic Supreme Court luig already riiadc il a fundsn>cntal right Being n nmdnmciifn! lighl, ihcic has tobc a sense ofurgcticy, m 6cctiririgthccnlhleii>ail tp educjilion lo crvciy child uj) lo ihc nf>c of 14 ycnrs.

I *b) In pnisufince oftlic above, Govt, of India have launched the Knivn Ahhi)'/in (ni ndiicving UHLi in the coinilry. Sarv'i Shikilii AWityaii t s a conninuiily owned tniiintrv e lo uiii\'cis/ilisc cleinenlary education. It lias llie obj<!ctrvc ofprovkling quality elcninilniy educnlion to nil chihhcn up to the ngc of I-t year*. Education ofgirts aiid cliildfctj bcloiij^ing lo the scheduled cnslcs mid scheduled tiibes is identified for ^ccU J focus.

c) Cliuidclinefl of the C/ovt. of India rcUtrng to Sarva .ShiksJin Al»hi) nn tciiniic ii implcmi-iiiii* lion in the tnission mode through a rtate krvcJ aulonomoij*; socici)' The society will, iiiiei uli.i. tc- ceivc Funds riomlhc Central and Slate Govts. Fortlie progrmninc and ul'd'ise tl>ctu lo nJ»ic\c progianunc gtials

111 the light oftho above, an autonohious MKiety tobc called the Saivn Shik?Jia Abhiyan State Mission Aulhotity, Mnnipur li fietcby rstablbijctl with objects, t (unpo'.iiion ele a*; sel o\il in this Meiniunniluni.1. INnmc of the Society j

'Ihc nnmo of the Sodcty filiall be Sarva ShiksJia Abhiynn Su\tc Missiim Aulhoiiiy, Manip\n (hcre-in-ader rcf'etre<l to as iho Mi8siou) '1^ic stnte \v)W be fi ec to nuxliCy existing I )IM‘I* State Icv'cl Socldy or the Stale Ixv'd IJtaacy Mi'^sion A\ithon!y, if nny, foi cnn^Hiig out the activities envisaged under the Sarva ShiV. ia Abhiyan

2. IlcKi^fercd Office :'Ihc Kegistered Office of iho Mission fJiall be loc«ted at lu-i>hal

3. Aren of Operation s'Ihc area of operation ofthe Mission sJiall be the whole state of Manipur.

4 . 01)jcct3;'Ihe Sarva Shikslia Abhiyan State Mis-don Authority. Manijrur sliaH be nn autonomous and iinlcpeiidfnt bo<!y for achievtng Utiivcisalisntinn of I Jetner>lniy l-.duLntion in tiiis innccordnticc with guidelines of l!ie Sfirvfl Shiksha Ab!ii)nn I iiithf r guidf.line' j;hnll be dev ;l(»pt (I joirUly !>y Jhr NntfcnifJ :;ir!t«-1 evcl Mi';sions lor S/uva A))liiynn. Theivlissinn ha.ibccn t:stnidi\hc<l to r.chicvc the {'.onl of univeisnl eicin' ii!niy ( (hi( niinii, 'ilte iollowing S'pccilic ol)je<.:ls\VT)uid be pursue J by the Mission >


I ) U JE C n V ES O F T H E SA R V A S I l lK S U A A B IH Y A N

• Work towaixls cfTcctK'o dcocntimfirjrtioa dawn to tlic sclu ul lc\'cl;I

® Create coimiiinityowiia^iip forSm 'i SiiiLdfia Abhiyan Uimugh niAss cnnr])nign nppioncli;

" rncilitnte geiiuina deccntrali«^x! pl'innmg and in^lcinailoljon from llic villnge/linbilnlion/111 ban RlunVlmtiildl c\xl by biiBdln g flexibility m progianmic coinponciUs;

• 1 0 iiiole and support state Bpecifjckikiitives;* • r*

® IiKtnblisli a syslcinof RiMamible fkumciiig ofcducatioii progiRuunc*;;»

• l^iomolo cost ctFcctK o approaclicg wvofvingthe local coninniniiy ;

® liiicouingo (rans|)aitiicy md social audit thunjgl^j c<,)inintiiiity-bn?;ctl moniloiing ;

• Itncuuinge institiiliutial tcfor^iwb (ho state to tiuikc nwn«gemciit of cducniioii inoie linic- lioitnl;

• l^oinoto (cncbcrnvotlvatlon by better nxauageii>ctil of knclici cnilics nud cdcclivc .Minie- gics (br h niniiig;

• Puimic holistic and couvcigait approacfies with cciitralhy of ihe hicnl coinniuniiy ;

• Ihiihl pnitnefRlupBVvithprogiajiHiiefiof Ikaacy, lil)rafics, pie school cducnlioii, nuli ition, Kjjoits, vvotnai’scii4)a\w nical,eta

• Pi i01 ily 1 o fu ciissed Hiilvitivta fut gala’ educ*Vkn\;

• Suppoit for c^ntcxlKpcdficmccutrvca for cHildrai belonging to Scheduled Cn.Mc*;, Sched­uled I nbc8» ghU, and diildrco fromhouscbokla below the povcity lino ;

• Mainstream education ofdifl'acnlly able cliikljai,N ' ^

• Make education relevant to life by pronxjting l‘de skills.

I ME l A iu a o r

• All Childien in Rchool, Educilltm Guarantee Ccntjc, ‘Bnck to School’ cnnip by 200.1 ;

• All childien complete five ycari of icboollng by 2007 ,

• All childien complete eight yeari of icIiooHng by 2010.

• Quality e lem cn ljry education for »U by 2010.

5. G E N E IlA JL l iO D Y :

llie Mission bIiaH consist ofa Geticri-l Body wiucJi will have the fbllo\ving mcmbci s

Frcfiidcnt: Cliief Mml^rr of Manipur . .Virf* i lhilstCTa m ch trgc uf'

i) Sdioun^-duc.alJooI

i) Inbal Developii>eiit (TD.) DqinFtnicut niul

• m) MinotHics end (}thci Bsckwfiui CL' rv'iGs (Irt O B .L .)


IMctiiIjcr i

A. Ex'Urficio Meriiberi

1. Chief Scc(ctsf)', Inivt. ofMsiilpuf

2. Secrctancs(o 5>tate govt, hi cliargc vf llic fulloxsiiig !.)cpnf(mcii(K

I. lliiauc<sn. PbrrniigIII. Sclioo! EiJucalion.IV HeahliV. SodiilWcllhrcVI. f*ancIia)Tit A. Rural Dev elopiixnitV IL 'Tribal Do'cIopriKmt ( I D.)V III. M'morhks atul Other Diickwnril CInssc.*; (M .O .H.C.)IX. Fflfiiily uxlfare.X. hirorn\a(ion and I\iblic Rclntioi}.«;(l P.IL)XI. licoJiufiiicj A Sl«ti'4ica

3. Dir t g IV]

* * • No»u»ntcii Members

4. RcpresctitalKes ol the rollowiiig catcgoncs to be noiuiunlcil by ll>c Stale (ro\1. for (hctr slgiilficAnt contMl)VJlion ni llicir fcs])cctivc fichls :

I P i c ^ P i l m a t y a n d p r i n w i y s d t o o l

’ I c a c l i e r s a n d N i l : p e f ^ x j i m p l

3 ( n l I o n ' l l 1 t o h e n w o m n n )

i l l i l c t i K n i t a r ) ’ T c a c h c r ! : d \ i c - a t u r s 1

t i l t u l u c ^ i l i o n b ^ t s 2 . ( n l o n e t o b e n

« q ? c c i n l i s 1 i n P i o - P i i n i a i y /

l i l c u i c n l n i y I l d u w i t i o n )

r v . V ' o 1 u i i ( a r y A g c t 1 c i c s . 2 ( n l I c n s i o n e t o b e n

w o m n n )

V . P e r s o n s u i i o h a v e d i s J i n g i i i ^ i i c i !

i h c i t L S c t v c s i n t l i e a r e a o f e d u c n t i o n

f o r S C . ^ S 1 A D i s a b l e d c J i i l i l r c n 2

\ i

\ i l

v i f i .

\ S o f U C T i w o r k i n g i n t h e a r c : ^ o f

W o m e n ’ s r d i i c a t i o f i A i X n e l o p i m ' i i t 2

v S o c i n I V V o t k e r s - ■ 1 ...........................................................................................................

I i t c i n f y f i g u r e s A i t L ' i s 1

5. l l ir c c fq)rcscii(atr\cs of tlfc CDJl?al G i)\ l to !>e noiniiinicil by the Kbiiisii y o fin ilX Dcptt. orr.cfiicatiof)


Rej)icscii{nlivcs of llic foUtnsiiig c^tcguiies to be iioin’mntccl by the Cen­tral Govl.

i. I ’ducatjonlsts kiiouii for their cxpcriciRc aiid inletcsl rii Uasic Education 3

ii. Iversons fiom Voluntary Agencies \n1io have distingiiidictj tJietitsclvcs in tJie areas of Education ofSC, S I ' nnd t>isnblcd children (one from c,ich nren) 3

iii. Womcti vnIio have di5;tingui5J»cd thcmscK cs hi the area of Dasic Education 2

7. Director, M CER l, or liLs nominee

8 Oirector, N IE l’A, of his nominee

I'wo persons to be nominHied by the Chniminn, I’xcciilive Coininillcc, fiorii «iiK)ngst iJic Chaffincti and CIH)s of Distiicis

Member “ Sccrctnry : Stfllc Projcct l)if cctor.

^ II M l 0 r ^ :x - 0 rn c i0 M f :(M !iF :t^ ; ;

F.x-ollicio inciubcrs of tbc General Body belonging lo tntcgoiIcs (1) to (3) hbo\. c slinl! continue lo be MeiubcT3 oflhc Hody so long as they liold ibcir ollicc and sball ccasc to be Mem- bcis as soon ns they ccnsc to hold such ollkc. 'Ihc FucccF sor in Ollicc of the person censing lo be a MtMiibci, siiall beconic mctnber fioin tJicdntc of his Rssiuniijg chnige of the new Ollicc, subject to like conditions ns to the tciin of ti>cnibcTsliip

In the event o f any o H lcc held by sucli m em ber o f the O c tic i nl lU u ly be ing n\u>iis)ied or

d illcten lly designated or in the ca cut o f any doubt ss to \shrlhcr n paiticulnr person holds n pnilic\i-

inr odice or not, n duly nuthn iticated com im uiicfltion from the ( 7o\ c iu m n il to the Mi<;‘;ion co n ve y ­ing thedeci.sion o( t!ie ( Jo vc iiu n cn t as to t!ic siicccs.w r In O llic e or ns to the incum l)cn ( ho ld ing the

o llice shill! be final and conclusiv e.

6 A ce itK ic il co[»y o f the Ru le '; o ( the M iss io n Is cnc loscd he ie\silh , ns tc rp iiied u/s 6 of the

M niiip in Soc ie ties Rcg istrntion A ct, 1989.

\Vc, tiu' \miici Higncd, «i c dcsit ous of (o ionng n Sncict y nnoudy Sin vn S!\tk‘.hn At)l\iynu State Missiini A u tlio iil)', M nnipur in pu isufincc o ft lfK M em orniubim oi Associrilion , and have si{*ned the memoi andum in the pieseiicc o flh e \sitnesses mentioned below

D c i ig n n t io n A d i l r e«:s S ig n n tu icNnmc

1 Shti W, f'fipnmiicha Singh

2 Slui L, Tombn Singh

3 Sanun.'l^ciidni

Md Alinul|in

5 llakcsli

C h ie f M hu '^cr, M a iiipur, Im i’hnl /J< ^o^-r

r lniistCT { I ’dii/S), ImphnI

MniLStCT (1 D), liiTj'halM !ni?.!cr of S ta te ( M O H ( ' ' loTphn! jV\ f ' i A I it-'i ^

C h ie f S '^c)’ O M .hrph-'il

tt Cv c



6. V. Clihibcr

7. V M O . W a ijr i

8. O. Nabakisliorc Sirigli

9. Cli. Bireiulra Sing}i

10. Henry K. Ilcni

U . L.I*. Goiuiici

12, S. Jcrol

13. S. Hudliacliaiulra Sliigii

P ,G Lawmtiunga

15. A.K. Khan

16. L, (innglc

n . A. Slininungou Siiigli

18. M. Vnj«Uul fMcitri

D esignation Sc A d d re s s

Pr. Sccy/Financc, In)t)hal

Pr. Secy.(Pig), Iniplial

Comm. (Edij/S), Itnphal

Comm. (Ifcal(Ii), Implial

Comm. (SW ), Imphal

C o m m . ( U l V l - l l ) , l i n p l i n l

S ccy . ( [ • W ) , I m p l i n l

S e c ) . ( I l ’ I t ) , h u p l i a l

Comm. (M O BC ), Imj>hjil

Comm. (Eco. I’v Stnts.), lm()lial


( 'oinm. ( I I)), Imphal

Director (I'diicntion/S), Im[)hal

Dhft tur (SC I- lU ), Imphal c f

W c, the undersigned witness certify that >ve know above mentioned persons and that (hey have sigficd before us.

( tC. ( H \ n (' T h i l i )

M '” ' . . .1 M et"''*’'

< ■— ■ ,-n


, n E - L A W S / R U L E S O F T f l E S A I U A S I I I I C S H A A D I H V A N STAVE M I S S I O N

A U n i O i U I T . 5 U N i r U l t

5lLQLL.ljtl£i llicsc Rules niay b t callctl ‘Tlules of iJjc San'n Shikdin Abbiyna Stale Mission AuUioiity, Maiifpur/’

2. Scunc nnd nrmlication : llicsc rules shall exiaid to all die Units nml nctivitics of llic


3. Dntc o f ( .Q in tn cn ccftK n t : I b c s c rviles !djill co in c into foicd ficmi the tlnlc on which (he"Sflfvn Shikdifl Abhiynii Slate M ission AtjtJjoiity, M a n ip u r’ ’ is icg istcicil mulct tbi*. Mftuijnii

Societies llegistration Act, 1989.

‘I. Deritiitiom s 111 these rules, uiiless iJjc corilcxt olliet\visc retjuiics

i) “M issio n ” &liall nwR ’ ific S a n a SfiiKjiia Abhiynn State Mi.iston Authorily, Mnnipur

a) ’IJnsic Educaliou"&liafI f!Kan t!ie foltowng activities, \ iz :

a) Early ChiUIiiood Care aiid Education;

b) Elcii>€ntaiy Education of Cluldioi up to the age of 14 years, \s1iclhcr lhro\igh the foriiial school S)'Steni or thcnon*roniL' ‘ 'ducntion proginnnnes;

c) Adult literacyaiul Educjillon ;

d) I ’ost'lJtCTacy and contbutng education, including skill dcvclupinent ; nndI

c) Educational and oilier progianniKS aiiiKrd at womnrs e(|unllly nnd enipowei-ii»ait;

iii) ‘'Block Unit” sJiall tuean a Illock Ic el Unh of the Mission ;

iv) “CcTittnl ClovetTUiHml” sl»allnvcan GoveTiuivml of Indin (M in istiy o( I tumnn R c s o u ic c

Dcvclofuuciit, Dqiartiivcut orEleineiitary Education nnd L itcincy)

\) "C h n iin iiin ” siiall mean the Chalniwn of the Exei:uli\ e C'nnnniltce of the Mission.

vi) Satva Sfilk^lin Abiu) nn iiKsn r!I cfFoits at uni% ctsnti?;n{ii)n of clcnicntnt)' cchicn- tion.

vii) “ I )i'Slric1 Unit” sliall [1K3J1 a Distfivi'icv'cl Unit oflhe Mi' nion. - , .

\-iii) "Executive Coinmiltcc” s!iaIl mean the body \'.hich Is constituted under lUilc 2 I ofthese Rules as ilie Execulrvc Coiiiamtce of the Mission.

ix) “ (leneial Body” slinll rncnn tlscbody iOH? 'itulcd undci lUils 5 of these Unlcs.


x ) Altcinali\'c aiul lnm)vnlive Kducalion would mean any cducaliunal aiiangen»cnt lui diildicn up to the age of 1 I years, outside the foniial school cuniculuiii, funded under llie Kclieinc of Ahernativc and huu)vative Fjhjcation or as per its norms

xi) , ."Olliceis and Stad” idiall mean all vsljole-time aiul pait-time employees ol tJiC Mission appointedby the Govcmjuau, Executive Committee or by any authority or oflicer, duly empowered to do Ku, and would include consultants, fellows and researcli staff

?di) "Project" means the San'a Shikslia Abliiyaii ofwiiich all intciYciitioiis in the elementary educationscctor, including Dl’fil* shall be a pait.

xiii) "President" shall mean tJie Ih esident of the General Body of the Mission.

xiv) "iilementai7 Education" sliallmeaii education cotTes])onding to classes 1 to Vlll.

xv) "State Project Director" shall mean the Director of Educalion(Schools), Manipur.

xvi) "Stale Government" sliall mean the GovemiiK’nt of Manipur

X'/ii) "Technical Resource" shall mean (i) deveiopmcnit of cuiiiciilum and tcathing/lcamin[' matciials,(\'\) \us\\v\cUowa\ m cll\ods,(m ) \cathc\s ; ( iv ) dcvclo^nwcul ofcducaUotuil tctlm ology*(v) media atul communication; and (\ i) lean\cr e\ aluation.

xviii) "U[)per i^imary Education" shall mean education cories|)ontling to ( lasses VI to Vlll.

xix) "Vice-C'haiunan" .shall mean lire Vice-l^e^deiU ol ilic Mission.

xx) "Vice-Presidcnl" shall mean the \1ce-ChainiLin ofthe Mi. isioii,

x.\i) "\A.)luntary Ai',encies" shall mean Nmi-Cjo\ enimeni Oiganisnliims \s-orking in the area of ihe basiceducation or in other areas relevant to the piojcct* and 'voidd include legistefcd societies, public trusts and non-profit luiiking companies

xxii) a) Words convc}'ing the singular num!)cr also include plural number and \ ice-vcrs;i.

b) Words convcNing the masculine gender also include feminine gender.

5. The (Vlission

I1ic Mission shall consist of a Governing/Gencral Body^^hil!l will linve the following members:

Pie^ ident Cliicf Minister ofManipur

Yicc-Picsidcnt M in‘ '-f s in tharge rif

i) School Edtjrationi ) 'I 1)

n) M OnC


IM e n ih c r i i

>V, E l Officio rvicnibcn

I . Cliic f S ccr ti axy, Ciuvt, o f M a n ip u r

2. Sccrdarics to State Govt, m diargc oftljc fDlluwifig Dqiailiiicjits

L F m a n c c

5l f ’U iH i in g

51 S d i o o j I i d u c 4! l k m

K'. H e j ih h

V. S o c i a l W e l f a r e

\i f l u r a l D c v t . ^ F’ a n d i a y a t i H n j

v i l I D •

\ i i M o n c *

IK. I n n i i l y V S 'c lfn ic

-K. l l » K

x i L-co. A S t a t s

J . Direct of, SCl-JVI

II. Noniinat^il (Ntctubcrg

4. RcprcsaitalK'CS ofthe fullowTug catcgoiics to he nominalct! by ihc State G in l. for llicir sigiiificnut co !iln l)U liion m Uicir rcs|.)e<:lK e fie ltls ’

i. Pre-Piiniary and priiikiry school Tcachcr^ nnd Ni l: personnel 3 (nt Icn t one

to he n woinnn)ii. Cicineiitary rcacher l*diicjtors 1iii. llducationlsl? 2 (nt li’iist one

to he n f iccinlisl in Pro 1*1 itnnty/ lileinLiitMry I ’dnailion)

iv. Vuluntnf y Agnicics 7 { nt Icn'U one (0 l)e n wtnnau)

V. I ’ersotis \siio have dislingui5lic<l lhcuL';clvcs in llic niea of cducatiuu for SC< S Fife Disiddcd childicn 2

vi. Wouicii working iu the area ofWoiiKni's Education & Dcvelopnvait. 2

vii Social Workers 1viit. L Jt CT a r }• n gur A r t ist s 1 ’


5. I lucc jqi: <?ciiUtK"Cf; of the CaiUa! (n)\ I, to be nominntcil l»y the Miiiis1>yof IIRD , of l:ducatiuii.

6 RcprcscntatK'cs of rollowing categories to be fioniinntcd by the Cciitin!Cknt.

Educationists biowii for their ex})cncncc find iiileie«;t til Basic Education


Persons from VoIujitar)’Agciicics wbo ha\ cdi5t in guLslietJ tJictiisclvesni tl>e areas of Education ofSC, ST and Disabled cfiildrai (one fiom cnch nrcn)VVoniCTi who liavc distrngtiislicd theinsclv c.«; in tlic men of ilasic Education.

7. l) i(cctor, N C fU U '. or hi^ nominee

H. Uirrctor, N IE l 'A , or hi.*; noniiiice

9. I'wo persons lo be n o m in sled t>y ih c Chninnnn, 1‘ xecu tivc C o in in i l lc e .

fio in «riK)np,’4 the (lirtiini-^n «nd (T*O s of U is l i it is nnd Hhick \ inSlr. fiftbe


INIcnilicr - Scciclnry : State l^roject Director

6. I T A m O F E :X»0FF IC 10 M E fM n r jlS ;

i) E x - o f f k l o fM en ibers o f the [M ijs io ii b e lo n g in g lo c n t c g o r ic s (1) to ( 3 ) ofU u lc s 5 shnU c o n t in u e (o be rviem bcr s $o lo n g ns they h o ld ( h e ir o ft ic c n iu i

sh n ll c c f l ie to be m e m b e r* us lo o n m tliey cense to h o ld s u c h o ff lc c, I hc s u c c e s s o r in O f f l c c o f (he p e rs o n so c e n sin g (o be n M e T n b c i, s lu ill b c c o n ic

m e m b e r frotn (he date of b is s s s u m in g c h f irg c of the n ew O t f ic c , s u b jc c t to

c o n d it io n s ns (o tile (cr m of m e m l)e i sh ip .

ii) In the event of any office held by such member of the Mission being nliol-islieti or difTerently designated or in the event of nny iloubl ns to whether i\

pnrticulnr person lioldi n pnrticulflr office or not, n duly nuthenticrHcd com- municntion from the Govt, to the fMission conveying tht' dcclM(m of the (fOv(. ni to the luccessor in office or ns to the incumbent holding the ofltt c

• shnll be finnl nnd conclusive.

7, Term of Nomiuntcd fMetubersMie temi o( iiicnibcis fUHuln.itcd usuIct catcj*,ut ics (-1) to ( ‘ ) (»l Rule 5 .‘Ju ill be tsvo yeni *;

Snch members shall be eligible fur rc-iioniination: A member so nomtnotcd sUnil liccoiMC^urb., iiicmbLM ns bom the date ofissuc of duly RuthciUicflted communicntii'in by the nomiiuitiiip, nulbt>ii!y ct)!iveyiit|’ that .s\!ch person has been nominaletl a s i nicmber.


I'eniiinntion of (NlcniberihlpM c m b c i ‘1 tj( the M iaskiti c c t s c lo be sxjch m c iu b c is if tiicy icsig ii t)i b c c n m c o f

iiiisouiid mind, or me iiisolvctit or are cotiviUcd u fi cnnmml ofTciicc invoK ing moinl ttiipilude.

9. Ilcsi^'iindon from IMcttibcriblpRcsigiinliun I'idiu ilic iiicinbarJup oflho MU jjchi fJmll be Ictidcit^l lu Uic Slaic I'l (ijctt I )necloi mid shall not lake ellcct until it Ls acoqplcd by llic l^rsnJail.

10. 1*1 ciiuUui c \ ncniicica ill the Noruinjited Calfgory:Any vacancy in tlie iiiciiibasirfp of noirmialctl cAtcgory oflbc ML';aun occiuing j)ie-nin(utcly due to lesfgiiation or otherwise eJ ihII bo nilcil by noniiiialion by the aulhoiity competent (o ninkc raich nomliialion, nnd the petson so nouimatcd diall hoki ofBcc only for the iU)cx})irctJ pcjiotl of iJic teim oflhcpiemntufcly terminated iiicnibcrsh*q).

11. Ihe Mission slinll function not-whlisluKliiig tliat any person \ lo is ctiiillc<l to be a mcinlier by renson of lii;;1icr oflke, i?i not a nicrivl er of the Mission for lJ)c time l)cing nnd notwilbstnnding nnyotlier vacancy wlictJicr due lo not>-«j?poni(ii>cnt or olhcawisc, nnd no act of the Mis«;ioji fJirdl be Invalidated merely by reason of the happening r fany oflhe above events or any defect in the appointment ofany of the nieuibfrrs of the Mission.

VI. I VSN UnO N S o r 1 he m i s s i o n ;I'o achicvc tlie objectives Uid dowii m para *1 of the n^cmor andum of A'^socinlion, llu*

Mis sion fJiall pctfiHui the fullowuig fimctkn\a, viz.L - s u g g e s t i n g n o i i i L s f o r o p e n i n g a h e r r L a t c 9c b o o U 5? c h o o b ;

il - a j i p r o v i n g d i . s t r i c t p l a n s

til - c \ a b l a t i n g p e r f o i n i n n c c o f d l s t r k l s

tv. - m o n i t o r i n g p c r f o i i i w u c c o f c d u c ^ t l o n a l l y b a d ^ w a r d d i s t r i c t s

V. - c n s m i n g f u n i l ( l o w s

\ i - m o b i l i s i n g f i n a n c i a l l e s o u r c c s .

13. ruwrjus or n iE mission:In oitler to carry out its functions, the Mission will have tlie powerI l (j create duly ctii Jovvereii admhibtiative rj>ccJ!ani«uu!s thiough Buch pniticipntion

* ns may be deemed ntcc5;sary ofv'irious dq)aitn>cnls Riu! niitonomuus agencies of the Central and vStalc Go\t&, for ihc achicvcinqit ofthc objects ol the Mission.

il 'l o establisli, for the implementation of Sarva Shiksha Abhiynn, ndininistrativcnrTangemaits at Divlsioiial, District, S ub-Di via on ak Block and Village IcncIs, nnd to dclcgntc to them necessary possers to cnR!)lc them to dis(hnrp,e their r f s p o i i s ib i l h i c ^ ,

fo c r ra le ncajicm ic, tclhnic^^!, Rdm inklin tiv c, tunjinpcrinl, nnd olhcM if''po!K>>bin- lics in (lie M in fJo ti by ton% Cfging exi'^iiip, po'l'^ in shr r(h ii filion '.(M tor



K'. 'l o innkc lulcs for conduct of Uic nllairs of the Mission niul to nincml, vnty oitcscind ihciu fiomtisne to tinKt, hi consiillatioii with llic itnte niul Ccnlinl ( lovcin- llK'Jlt,

V. T o ficccpt g m n t o r i i K i n c r ) ' , t c a i i i t i c i o r p i o p c i l y (»( nn> k i n d n i u l t o u i u i c H n k o m u l

nccc|it l l i o o L « n * g c n > a i l o f a n y m d o w i i x n i t , tnj';*, f i n u l o i t i o n n l i o n n o t i n c o i i s i s f f i i t

w i t h f l i c u l > j c c t K ' C 3 o f t l i c M L ' i s i o t u

vi I'o purchase, hiic, lake an kas sr, exchange or oUiciAvisc nctjiiiic j)iopcity, nu)v- nblc or iniiixjvabk’, Ri id to coiistiiict, « H c t and niaintnin nny building or huildinp.s as iiLiy be necessary for carryrng out llie objVcts of tlic Mission.

vii 'lb delegate lo the Ex.ecutrvc Conmiittec or to any o( the oHiccrs nnd nuilioi ilics of the Missiou(asdcfitm! m Rules 19 &20) powers nnd inr|)osc such duties as it deciiis proper.

viii. lo consider tlio innui! report prrpiic<l l)y the I'xecutive Coni(ntllcc.

k 'lo undertake all btjcJ i ictrvilies ind to take suth ndions nsriiny npj)cnr ncccssaiyor incidental for ichicvcn»^it of the ohjccis of the Missi«ui

V n o C t E D I N d S O F l l U M IS .S IO N :

14. Meeiini;\Sol lUc NVissiuu ri\aUl>c hckl %{f^ich lime, dntc nnd plntc ns mny be dctci mined by the INcsidcnt. Mccttng*! fJirII be held It lc«5t once in a nuflncinl) cm

15. Bxccpt as olht!r^vi5C provKled m these Rules, all niectinps of the Mission shnll be cnllcd by the notice under signature of the Meinl>ei-Secretary.

16. Meetings oflhe Mission sliall be preside ! over by ihe Piestdcnt, niul in his nbscncc, by one oflhe Vicc'Piesidcnts-

17. One thiid of the uRMiibcrs of the Mission ptcsctit jJinll (oiui the (pumini nt evciy lucL-tinj', provided thnt no (juoiuin slinli be accessary in tcs 'ect ufan adjouincd ineciing

1B. All di,‘;putcd tjueslions at iiKClrngs of ihe Mission fiiall be dctcmiincd by v(,)lc nnd in case of equnlily o! voles, the person chairing the tDCcling jJiall ha\ e a casliiig vote.

U TFIC L ILS AND A ll I n o u n IF i ) 'o r IM E M IS S IO N :

19. O fliccrs : 'ih e Officers u f lh c Mission shnll be the rie.sidcnl, the Vicc-Picsidcnt, theChaiinian, the VUe-Cliaiiiinn, the State ["loject Director arid such other peisnns as m y he design nated as such by the I* xcaitl\ c ( ’onnnittee

20. A\itboi ilic.i : 1 he iullosv'-ig diall I'C autl, .)iilics of ihe Mi.v.itni.

i f ■ x'-< (ilK <■: ( MnfinlM cr

ii S 'li h ttfiici authorities n.s ony l»e con''*iHu'.c\1 by ihcMiS'ciort oi the i‘xein!l4\'o ( ouvniitlcc


Exccutivc Committee ;

21. I he nllhii h uf ihc Mis.sion Kiiall Ik; *(Jjiinilsicfe<i, jajbjcii to Rules niiil Rcjiuljilions nnd oh Icm s t)i llie MIssiun, by an Lxcctitivc Ci wlikui siiall conjdst oT iljc folluvsiup :

C l i n a i n n n C h ie f Sccjcliry, of Maiiiput\ it'fsClinlrmnii Secrt<t:>C81o Stale Gknl ii dinigc of llic fullo\si’ng lX-])nitinciil';

(i) Sdiool liducjiliwi (ii) I D (iii) M U IK 'IMcinhcia 1. Sccrrlir ics to Stale Govi in chnrgc ol the loliowiiig

Depatttneiils : -(i) I niaiKC(n) I’Uniiiig(ii) Social WrlfnIc(K)(v) Hx:oA.St«tsI ), 5>Cf'll. IItircc pcn?oiis fiom ainofigtit the I I nu:ml)ci sol ll»e Mis* Ron noiiikialcd uiuicT catcgoiy (<1) iiieiilit)ncd in Rule 5, to be nunmmtcil by llic CliRifHinii ibnt ■ ) it least one oflliein belongs to one of the Kub-cnl-

egor>cs(i)to(iii),b) ' •! least one of ibcin belongs to one of the Kul)-cn(-

egoric3 (iv) and (v). nnilc) Rl least Quc ofthc lliicc Is n womnn,'lluc« rqutsciilalKcs of the Ccntinl to be nonrmntcd by the Mb. o fllR D , L)q>lt. of Ilducntion ‘Iliree persons frorn ainongsl llie 8 nicnibeis i l ihc Mission nonrinaied \indei categoiy (6) n^etitioncd in Rule 5, to l)C nonirmitevl liy iho C'cuitnl (]<n t »,ui It tbnl niie r ai h belong*! to the ibfre nilv c fttcgoiies lunUiont.'*! thn eimiliM V>ne to be nominaled by tlic Clininu:ui fi oiu ninon '. tjnrtnbfTii ((if the Mic‘;inn belonging to i nlegot y { ‘ ) men- litMiCi! in Rule 3)

IML'nilici-- Sccrctnry j Slate Ptojecl Director.

22. 'I he term of mcinbcTS nuiiiiiiatcd under olcgoiies (*1) to (6) of Rule 2 I fJinll be two yeai s. Such nieniber.s sljnll be eligilile for retionun. liOT. A iikiuIkt ko noniinnted 5J\nll become such men)- her lioin the dnto ofissiie of duly sulhciillcjitcd communication by the Nominnting Authoi ity con­veying lhat such a {jers in lios been notninnled ns a iiicn\bcT tifLxctiilive Conniiittee.

23 Mcjnbcfs oflhe txcciilhc Comuuttec siiall cc.tbc to be such mcnibcis if they icsig?i, or be­come ufuii.sound niitid, or are insofvcjit or art cciiM’i1c<l ofciTinnial oflaice in\ ulving inoinl tui])iliule,

lA. Rcsifjinlion ftotii the tiieni!)crsiirp ofchc flxcotlis'c Conifniltec sliall be Icndeicd to ihc StnlcPiuject l )ilcc(ur niul sJudl ffot tnkecfiect mill) it i*; fl-ccq>Jed by ibe.C'liniin.ian. , \ ^

23. PieinaUne vncnncies hi the f U>fTinh«iled Cslegoiy : Any vacancy in the memt)eislii|) of ntnni-V ol ill r* ! • xr< utis c < 'onintitlec (>cciuing cly. due tn rc ‘.ig,n;tiion oi olbcixsi' c,

i>u I)!!<m! b huHHuafion by ibc nulJnuHy ctm^ictrni f (» owkc « tu b iu>niiiui»tmi. (nid the pt-i - nn ';u noniinntcti shnll iiol-! tifiicc o»ily for (he uncxpifcti period o( the fenn of the picv-mntm ely (emi!ini!c<!niCinbeishh'


26. 'Djc ILxccutivc Connnittec dull funuion not\siiJisiftuiliMg tljnl nny pci sun whu is cntillcd to l)Cfl ineinbcr by rcfiRun of li’n uflko bnot i ri>einbcr ofUic !:xciutiv c Ci)ininillcc (ui llic lime being millnolwilhslnndijigRiiyolliCTV'icJiicymllicConimhlccwlielJicr on nccount of noibnppoiiitincnl by ihc fliitbojily cnlidci! to ni- ko ihe uppoinltnciit or olhcns'ipc nnd no nt! oi pi ot ccding of lbo lixeculivc Comiiiittcc gIihII be bivalidfited merely by rc^soij of ihc hnpjiCTnng of nny ol'lhc nbovc events or dcfccls in the sppoblmait ofany ofrtsmaiiljeTS.

r ilO C E EO lN G S O F T I I E E^XXC IJI IV E C O M A !! I T E E :

27. Meetings pfthe E.xectitive CoimiHttcc slijJI be presadeii over the by tJie Cbniminn.

28. Onothiid ofthe tuciubcTSoflhc II.xcc\i l iv e Con* nil tec present in peison, f;Iinll con.' tilutc the quoiiini «t nny ificctiiig of tlic ELxectilivt Coamiittcc, pfuvide<l tJint no ijuofutn slinll be ncccssniy in respect of lui ndjourned rijecthig. •

29. Nut Icf g thnn Bcvai clear days' notkc ofevcty fi>celing of tbc lUetutive Conn nil tec <Judl be given to encli incTnber ofthe E,xcciilive CoimiDttee provided thnt :

n) Ihc Cliaimian tniy call an ciiK’f gnicy iivcetlng nt lltc fiolitc i>{ 2-t houinndb) Any hiadvcrtcail omUsicni to give noticc ofthe ineding or Its non-ieceipt l>y nny

ineniber sliall not tuvalklatc llic proceedings ofany meeting

30. fivery notice calling a fnecting of Che Executive Committee shnli Ktato the dnte, lime nnd place whicU such mcctiug will be held and fiiall, excqit othcT^visc piovided in these llidcK, be Issued under the.signnture ofthe rwejnl^rr-Secrrtary'.

31. 'Ihe nxcailivc Cotutiiiltcc Bliall i\yct\ as oflcn ns neccs?;aiy but nt least oncc in cach (juniter ofthe year.

32. Each nieinber oflhc ExcciitKe Coimnittrc iiichidingt : C hninnnn FJinll hnvc otic vote nnd 11 tiiere slinll be an eipinhty ofvotcs on atiy quc5tlon to be decidwl l)y the hxeculive C unnnittce, llie Chahinan shnll, in nddition, have a casting vote.

F U N C l lO N vS O F T U E E J C E C i n I V E C O M M r n E E

33. it ‘hall be the rcj^ionsbility oflhc r.xecoti\ e Coniniiitee to nulcnvoui to nthievc the objcct'; ofthe Mi.ssion nnd to discliarge all its functions Ribjcci to Ilnlc!; nnd flegnlntions of the Mission.

34. r O W E It S O I ' r U E E X E C U I lN E C O M M f r i E EI *

The Execnitive Coimnitic^ fJinil:t) exerctsc all nJiimii5tralive, f'miincifil «!ul acndcniiu ])uwcis inchuliitp, posvei s ti) in-

tionnlizx posts of sU dc<vcnplio{i hi llic cducatiun sctlui.aj con tro l the lunnngciTKnit o f a lH h c [unds of the M i'i'iion ,

iii) hnvc p'ovver*? nnd rcf^ron'oljilrties l iM c q ie it o f ihe fo llin v in f* :.

f i ) to frame Regulations m confadlaiion %sith the Stnte GovetnmciU ;b) to frnme B)-e-b\vs for tlie conduct of activities ofthe Mission iu fufthciiiig

it.Mobjccts. .i . ) havf puvvcF ty etitcr intp sgf ccnKiit^ witJi other public of }ui\ ntc oigaiufintit-ns ■ *

indtvid'jals for rmtheraiicc ofits of jcxts.


v) Ims'C puwciB to ficciuo nnti nccq)t nidowiuciilR, gf aiU-in-nid, ihiumions (ii giils to theMission on imitually agreed tenns and condilians, prov'idcd ihnl conditions of such gi nn(s-ifi-nid, donnlioiifi or gifls Flinll not be hicotiriFtctil or in conflict \ s i { h the ohjtxin of ihc M i‘;‘;ion ui with the provisions o( these Ilulc^ ‘ .

vi) have power to lake crv ct tnd •cqub’c by purcliase, pifl or oli»cnvi«;c lioni Ciovl. nnil other public bodies, froni piivnte bdivicluak, nKrvRble uid uiiimjvRblc j)iopciiic*» or other Tunds together with nny nttaidant obligntiooi and cngagODcnlg, not inconnslcjit with the objects ol thc Mission and the jitovifdons ofthcs? Ilidca

vii) have power to iindcitakc or give cotitrnU for CMni'.tfitction of buihJiuj'S i c(|\iiicd lui \i'c tjf llic Mission nnd to nctpiirc fitorr?? und Ecrviccs tc<iulfcd for the dischnige of the runclions (j T the Mis?don,

viii) have, rmbjccl f o fho j»f ovImIohs o f lltc Artkic i (»f t!ie Mnnoi nndtinud A f.r.uc in lion, po vvei to sell 0 ) lensc nny niovnblo snd hnii>oviblc prupeity of the Mission, provided, however, tlint !io nssets of the Mission crcated out of Govt grants filial I, without prior npprovnl of the Govt., be disjjoscil of, cnc»uiii{)ctc<l or uiniml for jnjiposars t><hct tiimi tho9C for \shit!i lJ)c ginnt wns snnctionetl.

ix) have povs'crs to coustilute pttuding/adhoc coiiiimttcesor task rorccs^groups etc. for vniious areas of Sarvn SliiksJia Abhi)'in and deckle iii regard to tlieir nKnnbership, power nnd functions.

x) Imva the powci, to appobt Advlwry Boardsor other Fj)cdn! Coniniittces for such pui])oscs nnd with .qidi posvcfSflSlhcExcajiK'cConiiiktcciiwy think fit, ajid to dissolve any ^ich Conmiitteeor Board.

xi) have the povvct to dclcgnlc to ihcQvalinv-^n, \4co ChBinmn, Slntc Projctt Ditcctor or nny ofits inenibeis and/or to n coiimwttec'group or sny oilier odiccr oflhc Mission such ndiuinisli ativc, finnncinl nnd ncadetnic powers *ud itnpose inich <!t!lics as it deems pioper niul niso pfescii!»e liinitfUion.s within wliich tlie poweis «ji1 duticfl fIijiII be cxcTciscd or dischniged.

R E ( ;U i A H O N S3 Subject to nny ppecilic tliiections of the Mls.sion nnd kcqnng in \ iew the o\ e«nil nd\ ice iv(tiie Centrnl nnd Stnte Govts,, the Ilxcctit’ive Comiuittce .‘.hnll hnve powcis to finnic and amendfU’[’u!ation.*i. iu)t hiconsiMciit vsitli ther/j flulcis for tJie «dininislintinn and mnnngcuK'nt of the fjllnif s oflhc Mission, niul \vilhout prejudice to llie gniriHllty ofthis piovision, such llegulilions may piovide for the fbllovsing iii^ttets: • .

i) Service in.Tttei ' [leitninsng. to oHiccrs and ‘Unff inchiding cj cation of posts,(juniidcations, Ectcction procedure, scrA icc coiulilions, pay nnti cmt)lunicn(s, discipiiiic and coi\liol \w\cs.

E) Ifiiportnul fiiiajicia.! arpccts tiitfudiiig fuiiinibiitHi of budget, purchase pi uccdurcs,delegnlion offiiifiiiclnl po\S‘njs tu 'estfixriit offunds, ninintciiancc uf nccountsand fUulit, l'A 1>A lulcs etc., «nd..........................................................................

iii) Such other nutttrr fls riiay-benecess^afy for li,< f'uither.'ujce of the ob jccts anti theproper admhu.strnllon of the Rfrfsir oftlie Mksion.

rrf)\ idtd that for the purpos e of this Rule. funu\srng guid^Hncs wmild tie ke])t in \ lew sNbi!;: cfcn!i;tg t!ie post and fotunil.nling the Scr\ice fifid r'tnnficinl Rcgulntioits :

n) Seales ofpfly and sUowr.nces in res]iect of the j>osis to be cjcntcil lr> tb./ f; xccTitrve Couinnltc-c sbrin cither to the C'entinl ( k)s { or to t!**:S { ' l i f t goVt. f C ! i 1 cs off]n v.


b) Mutic yftcciuhiiKMit ni rcrpcct of ihc posts to be (. icnlcti for (he Mission «JiaIl be either liy Ijsnsfer on ilqujlntion or ‘Jioit-leim coiilinLl. For wotk- icLitcd Kpccific flswgnniciits, persons \vould be dcplnycil on (Ixctl ctooKnitcnlfiwilh pfCA idon R>r lo kion c-nch )cni, ircouKidcial nppiopiintc.

c ) In jonnnpctocn! rd n K tu ir , Mnl! w liich niri)' ilr\ oKx* pcnnntH iil linb ilily (’u tfic S ta te C Jovl. fJ i s U not be flppoiuted

tl) 'Fill nich linK! (be Mkficxi fciinnibitcs ft*; own of ir|’,u!ntiour., ibc ilci:ision';taken by llic Hxcciitrvc CoiiTiiiittec in nil innttcr will be cnnied out,

c) 'I bc piinciplc o f rcscrvRtions as laid down by the Stntc G ovt, slinli befo llmvctl-

f) Con5ddcTfltinTi of fnsRncIal piopricly niid piudcncc Klinll be kcj)t in view.

J l E G U r A f

36. Subjcct to tiic tpccific directions of the Mis^yon nin! ibc pros isions in these lulcs nnd regulations to be finincd ihcrcundcr, the nxcaitrvc Coniuittcc shall hnve powers to frnnie ntid amend byo'lawn for the conduct of actmtic?? of the ML' sion for acJiievcnic’iil ofits objects nnd these hye>!n\vs nmy iticlude fiintteTfl rclftthig lo :

a) rsta\»Vi.4ui\nit of oflk'cn ul UUvcV nn\n)\'Ani\

b) Conduct of busmrs?! of the Mi«ision, llxecuttvc Connnitlec nnd olhci Convinittccsand Sub-Cotuuultc«s.

c) Cjtnnt-hi-ftid to \ oKintftry Ageticic i.

d) Invo lvciiKnt of'ntdi\Hhi«ls tnd c^iiilifictual RfTnngcnunl*; with il»e»n.

g) School mapping flrul cstablislinieiit of ticw schools, N il* O iitics mu! othercleiumtafy eclucslion ftcilhic i.

f) Tacilities and incentives to be [uovidcd (o itnpto\ c ncccss nnd pfutici()nlion of children in eleri)CTitary' eilucatimi.

g) All n5-j)ccts o f tecfniic-al resource siippoit.

Ii) Such other nctKilies ns m^y be iicccssary for ioT^deincntntion of the Snivn ShikshnAtjhlynn.


C IIA IIH M AN !37. 'ihe Chief Sectclfify to thcirtn t. of .tiLnfl be (liniitniin of the l'xix:uti\e C'oiiinmtcc

3B. Ih e (.h iu i m a n -i) Shall ensure tlint the <if the Mi'.^'jon ntc !\m cdic ieully nnd in /u conhmce \vi(h

tlic pfovisions of tlje Snivn S h iU h n Abirf)nn. niu! M v iiiin nniltiin of A'.<-.nciati(»n, IIu !c 5:, p.ORulnUons and H )X ''b w s of the M ission,

fi) Shall preside over the nKctinp.s o f tfie f-xcojti\ e Conninltee;


lii) May hiuKclfc-al!, or by a ra}irisiikrLi in wikhig a'giKx! by him iiiay twjuii c Uie MemberScactRfyv to call i rtKrcting oflhe BxccutKc Commhtcc nl nny time;

rv) In cnso, the votes for and ignlnirt ■ ptrticulsr Usuc nic c(jun), mny cxcielse liir.cAitiiig vutc;

v) Sliflll bo ill© solo Knd ibsoliito sutlioiHy lo judf^c ♦’ ' vnflility oflhc vole enRt byiiicinbcrs at nil tho iiicctkigi oflhc E.xccijihr'c Committee;

\i) Simll be aitilJcd to hrv'^o iny other person to attend the meeting of lhc HxecutivcCommrttco pravwJcd that Fuch pefsorjs shall hnve no power ofvotiug:

vii) Mfly difcct tlio Member Sccrdaiy to cull a K|)ccial ineelin^ of tlic Ilxcciitivc Committee at a riioit noticc in cast; ofcn>cTgcncy, and;

viii) Mny delegate to any one of the Vkc C1iflifii>cij snch of bis runctions and powers aslie mny dectii fit. ;

I U N C U U N S S c P O W E R S O F l l l E S r iA T E r K O JF .C r D IU EC n O R :

39. 'I he State Projcct Director sfiafl bo the Cliicf Executive Officer oflhc Mission S c rJinll be ic5q)oiisihIe for proper adiiibil^ratkHi oftiioiJralrsand funds oftlie Miiision nnd int|)lemcntnlion of its vniious nctivities In a mission rbode imder the direction and gindnnce ofthe Choinnnn oflhc ILxcciitivc commhtcc. For liie cfrectrvcdLstkirgeor his functionshe slinl! hftvc powcis to

In) constitute Steertng Gtoupa, vvilh the approval of iheChaiimnn, fbrench oflhc

prograimiTc conijioTicMts A. flinctkmal arras;

b) Cofiptitute i V n n k Force, coniprifrng bead? of the Sircjing Choup*?, which wouh! function a s a cohcsK'c tc^m for a c h i r v T t n c n t oflhe objccts oflhe Mission.

c) Appoint with ihe ipptoviil ofthe C1inlnii*n, Con'^ultnnls nntl Rcsouice I’cMSons ;

d) l^ieiciibe tfio duties ofiU ofTlceis pnd riF*fforilie Mission ;

e) Fxeicisc Kiich RiptivTsioti A (1i5*:ip!rTtify conltu! as nvny be neccssniy ;

I) Co-ordinate Sl cxcidse general FopeT%'i5aun over nctivltics oflhe Mission inuUidiiigits branches & unit.'? cct up in the di?liiclsl)locks ;

g) Aftango nvcetingg oflhe htbsion ^ il9 Oxccutivc Connnilteo Sc keep n lecotd of proceedings oftliese mcclii^gs m accoulince wilIi lhcs€ ndes ; and

h) ‘ Dlscfiarge such other functions as lU'iy be assigned to him by ihc ILxccutivcConiiiiiUc€ In futtliCTHncc oflhc objcci s of die MisF^on,

l> IS I Iu e r .^ lH J)e K F J:A T a .5 IA N A G F fS | l> N ’rS ’ l R r C t l U U : S j ; ;

lU. A IJinliict Unit oftlie Missian sliall be up for c%’cry district, nnd a Bk)ck Unit shnl! be setu|j for cveiy Bh)ck in which tJic projcct will be IrnpIf-nKrntcd.11. J he {)i ,'liict Unit \sill be a body at the distfict }e\ cl to which wcll-dcntsed puwets w:H beileb'j’nU'd.‘f heJ)is1|icl CoIJ'^to.r beOic Cb. .frTt’’in (>rthe !>istficl IJnit.


‘12. Conslilulluii, funttionn and powrtn of ihc IK'inVi mul IMolK U iu(«; Ouill be ns Inid down by (he lixecullvc Comniittcc Uiroiigli B)T-la\s-s.

'13. A nU (rlct IVoJcct CoordlriJBtor bo ■ jipohilrd by the I ’xr< uli\ r ( ‘(Uiiinilirf (in rs (;iy Disti ict Unit. I lo fill nil l\avo iho giuM) posvrti and icKj)on5ibilllics in iclnlion lo llic I’j District level ns the Stntc I^ojcct Director w-ould h«\T at the Slntc I.c\ cl

FUN D S o r I H E M IS S IO N ;

d4. 'Ilic funds ofllic Mi^sioii duiu cotisist of the funuvsifig :

ij Giaiits-iii-»id from tlic CcriLiiI Govi. i.nd the State Govt, fur furllicrnncc uf llic objcx'ts oftJic MLs^on;

i) Couttibuliona from olbcr souxces ;iii) Incoriw fromtJie isscts oftheMksioci;K) Rcccipts ofllie Mlsskm frotii other soiifccs ; anav) Grniits, Donatjonaor t8si.?tjiiico oftiiy ktiidftoin any cxlciunl flgeiicics with piior

a[)provfil of the Cciiln l Gcrvt,<15, Ihc UniikciB of the Mission tlii.Il deckJcxl by the l*xccutive Cotniniitce All funds shnll be paid into tho Mission’s iccount vvilh the bunk ind F»h«!I not be wiihdrnuTi exccpt through n ciicquc signcil by siich oHk or $ s nwy bo fkdy enpawTrc^ hi th*'; Ixdinlf by the Hxccudvc Coiinnfltec.

A C C O U N rS A N D A U D II 1

'16. (1) 'Ihc Mb^xiou luamlain prupcr icc'vuntsand olhci rclc\ant iccoidsand prqinicnnnuni wccnvuitfl connuknig of ibo RecciptF;, nnd PnyinnU uKouiUn. r.tritrmnit ol liabililics in such I'orin is iniy bf? ptesciil»ed by the Rcgl5;ti nr of Societies of theStnte Govt, in sccordince \Nith the rules in force under the Mnnipur Societiesllep,i.strntion Act, 1989 subject tu tlie cotulition that in ie :])cct of ginnts fion\ the Cenliril Govt., diicctic«i3 oftbe C«Uml Gtrvt. tJiall be ndheied to.

(2) I he accounts of tho Missioii fiiall l>c luditcd annually by a ('battered Accountant njipointed by tlie Exccxrtivc Coniniittre., ind m accordance with the ))rovisions of the Manipur Societki Fleglslf ■ lion Ad , 1989.

(3) llie auditeti accounts shall be communicated to the Mission which will submit n copy of Audit Rqiort »k)hg wHh hs obsctvalio'" to the State (jovt.

(•1) Ihe accounts oflhoMksa 00 diall abob^sulrjcct to lIicpioviaunsofLficConij)lit)Ilcrand Auditor CmieTal(lXities, ro\‘rTrsRnd Condrtionsoflhe ScrM’cc)Act, 1971, ns amended from timo to triiic.

A N N U A !. lU I ’O I l I S;

‘17. '1 he Aiuuinl Rcpoit on the working oflhc Mi5.^un ntul ihc WDik undcitnkcn b)'it duiing they e a r togclhcr vsidi [ l a l n n c e Sheet, Audhci! Account, be prq>nie<l b) the I'xecutive (/oiumiUec andplnccl' .'l'oie ihc Annunl Goinal Body Mediig oflhc togiihci with the A\idit(u’sRquiit After aj’ptovni b)' the Mis’ km, thrice 5ii*n l>e .QilMuillcd to the Stntr < Io\’t , wiitth will fuini'Ji oiiesct Iheieoi to (he CaKral Guv t. not Istrr ihftn dx iikhu Iis fiom the e--piiy of the fii»nncinl ycnr,



48. AincnclmciUs to these Rules sliall be cflcctcd by llic Mission by a riuijority ofiiol less than 3/5 of the total members.

49. With the approval of Central and the State Gov1 , tljc ML'k'don may alter, extend or abridge thepurpose for wiiich it is establislied, or aiiLilgaiiiate tlie Mission eillier \siiolly or partly with any oilier Society in accordance with the provisions of die Manipur Societies Registration Act, 1989.

50. As and when tlictc is any change in the nomenclature ofMinisteis, iJrpailmcnts, t>r Institution(s) and Designation(s) mentioned in tlic Rules, s\ich changcs shall automatically stand nicoiporated in these Rulea

51. li'the Mission needs to be dissoK'cd, it sliall be dissoK ed as per provision bid dovMi in Section 25 of the Manipur Societies Registration Act., 1989.

52. If on tlie winding up or dissolution of die Mission Ujere sliall remain, after tlie settJcment of all debts and liabilities, any property whatsoever, the same sliall not be paid to, or distributed amongst tlie members of the Mission or any one of diem but sliall accrue to the Stale Govt wiiich will decide about its utilisation or otherwise in consultation with die Central Go\l.

P O W E R S o r S l A T E A N D C llN V K A L G O V I I R H M F N 1S .

53. The State Government and the Central Government may jointly appoint one or more persons to review the work and progress of die Mission, and to hold inquiiies into the alTairs thereof and to report hereon in such manner as the Governments may stipulate; and upon receipt of any such report, the Stale Govenimcnt may, in consultation with the Central Government, issue such direction as it may consider necessaiy, in respect of any ofthe matters dealt with in die report, and tlie Mission sliall be bound to comply with such diiections. In addition, die State CJovenimcnt nny, in consuhation widi the Central Govenmient, at anytime, issue directives on matters of policy to die Mission and the latter sliall be bound to promptly comply with such directives. Where there is any divergence of views between the Stale (jovenimenl and Ceuttal Govenuuent, the\ lews ufthc ('cntral Goveinmnit woidd previil,

M IS C n i lA N l ’O U S :

54. A list oiinembeLS of die i ’xeculive Conmtiltee sliall be filed witii die Registrar of SocieUes within 30 days of the Annual General Body Meetitig ofthe NUssion as required under Section 17 ofthe Manipur Societies Regiaralion Act, 1989.

55. All die piovisiuiis of Manipur Societies Registration Act, sliall appl 'to the Mission.

Certified that diis is the coiiect copy ofthe Ri ’es o n i IE M ISSION.Bi Uu ‘


D11778""..... , ' ' ■ ■ ' ' ■ ' ■ ^

S ta te rru icct.u r l ) lr e c to r C hair tiinn, F . i ic u i is c C o m m iitc c i* rcs id cn t. G e n e ra l B o d y