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SARLA Led by Gavin Varejes Supports Cutting-Edge Stem Cell



• Neuro-degeneration is a term that covers the systematic deterioration of neurons.

• Neuro-degenerative diseases include Alzheimer's, Huntington's, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and Parkinson's.

Motor Neuron Diseases

• Motor neuron diseases are neuro-degenerative diseases that specifically target motor neurons.

• ALS is one of the five most common motor neuron diseases and the only classified type that affects both the upper and lower motor neurons.

• ALS is often classified on its own.

Stem Cell Therapy as Potential Treatment

• It is surmised that stem cell therapy can be beneficial to sufferers of neuro-degenerative motor neuron diseases.

• Despite controversy, research in this field continues.

Stem Cell Research

What are stem cells?

• Stem cells are unique cells found in organisms with multiple cells. • Stem cells are capable of self regeneration. • Stem cells continuously multiply by division.

How are stem cells useful?

• Most diseases occur due to malfunction of cells, incorrect multiplication or cell death. • Stem cell research is a field of scientific discovery with the goal of using stem cells to repair damaged tissue and combat disease.

Joost van der Westhuizen

• Joost van der Westhuizen is a former scrum-half for the South African Springbok rugby team.

• He is known for his heroic defence in the 1995 Rugby World Cup and his impressive contribution to South African rugby over a period of ten years.

Stark Diagnosis

• Joost van der Westhuizen was diagnosed with ALS motor neuron disease in 2011 after his muscular health started declining.

• ALS is a neuro-degenerative condition with a fatality rate of 80% in a period of two to five years.

Stem Cell Therapy for ALS

• After being diagnosed with ALS and realising the bleak prognosis, Joost van der Westhuizen and his doctor, Specialist Neurologist Dr Jody Pearl, started researching potential treatments.

• With the support of his medical team, Gavin Varejes and the South African Rugby Legends Association (SARLA), van der Westhuizen opted for revolutionary stem cell treatment aimed at cell regeneration.

The Procedure

Joost Van der Westhuizen underwent the following procedure: • Fat tissue was collected through minor surgery.

• Mesenchymal stem cells were isolated by Netcells Cryogenics. • The therapeutic product was prepared with a patented technique. • The product was administered intravenously and intra-muscularly.

Pioneering Treatment

• Stem cell treatment like this is the first of its kind in South Africa and is only made possible for individuals like van der Westhuizen by the continued financial backing received from individuals and organisations like Gavin Varejes and SARLA.

South African Rugby Legends Association

• SARLA is a non-profit organisation formed by Gavin Varejes and former Springbok John Alan. The organisation comprises of a group of ex-Springbok players and has the objective of raising funds and providing developmental support to rugby players.

Gavin Varejes and SARLA's Commitment to Stem Cell Research

• Gavin Varejes and SARLA have undertaken to support Joost van der Westhuizen in his plight and to provide financial backing for the treatment derived from ground breaking stem cell research with the objective of alleviating van der Westhuizen's condition and bringing hope to other sufferers of the disease.