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seminar on shlokaPARPATI PATANI…..(R.R.S.11/25)


Dr.Amit mane

Tuesday, April 11, 2023 1Dept of Rasashastra

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Page 3: sapta kanchuka dosha1

• There are seven types of kanchuka doshas or oupadika doshas –

1. Parpati2. Patani3. Bhedi4. Dravi5. Malakari6. Andhakari7. Dhwankshi

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• Parpati-causing roughness of skin• Patani-Causing rupture in flesh• Bhedi-Causing holes in to body• Dravi-causing decomposition of body• Malakari-causing vitiation of three doshas• Andhakari-causing blindness• Dhwankshi-causing darkness of the skin

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Kanchuka dosha utpatti


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Three doshas of Parada

• Naisargika dosha( natural Impurities)• Yougika dosha/ vyaparika dosha( Artificial

impurities)• Kanchuka dosha/oupadika dosha(Covering

/chemical impurities)

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Naisargika dosha• It means doshas those which comes from

natural sources. Parada is a khanija. It is found in sahaja, swatantra, mukta and mishrita form. Parada have swabhavika guna ie. Mixes with other khanijas in bhugarbha, this is called naisargika dosha.

• There are three in no-1.Visha2.Vanhi3.Mala

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Yougika dosha• Yougika doshas are those which have been

mixed in mercury from out side the mines by the traders for commercial point of veiw. They commonly use lead & tin. They use this to increase weight of parada.

• These are two in no1.Naga2.Vanga

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Kanchuka dosha• What is kanchuka means? - Covering or outer layer.

- Acc to literature -pÉÉåÌaÉlÉÈ MülcÉÑMü ÌuɹÈ

There is covering on snake skin. This is called as kanchuka. Ancient authors observed these and given kanchuka name to doshas which are externally occurs on parada. These are seven parpati,patini….etc

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• Kanchuka dosha means these form a covering on parada like a layer. These doshas comes in mercury either from bhumi(earth), giri(mountain), or from the metallic ores which are found associated with mines. The lead & tin ores are commonest to form kanchuka like impurities in parada.

• As per RPS, copper & iron ores are also contribute such impurities

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Yougika (2)

Naga Vanga


Parpati Patani Bhedi Dravi Malakari Andhakari Dhwakshi

Bhumija Girija Varija Nagaja Vangaja

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• So mercury posseses 12 doshas which either come from nature, mixed artificially or produced due to some chemical reactions taking place either inside earth or outside atmosphere. These impurities likely to produce some toxic effects or diseases in body-

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Toxic effectsSl.No. Dosha Sources Toxic Effects

01 Parpati Bhumija (Earth) Kushta

02 Patani Girija (Mountains) Jadyata

03 Bhedi Jalaja (Water) Khalithya, palitya

04 Dravi Nagaja (Kapali) Dadru

05 Malakari Nagaja (Kalika) Sweat kusta, udara, pandu, kamala

06 Andhakari Vangaja (Shyama) Veeryahani

07 Dhwankshi Vangaja (Kapalika) Marmacheda, bastivedana

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Opinion of diff authors • Number of kanchuka doshas are 7• All authors accepted it, but there is difference

in naming.• In some texts like RPS, two doshas are added

ie, Shulbaja (copper) & Ayas (iron) apart from naga & vanga.

• Acc to Anandakanda & Rasakamadhenu indicates diff colours like Rakta, Pingala, Kapota, Shyama etc.

• These colours indicates diff films of oxidation forms on surface of mercury.

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• Acc to Pandit Shrimadashubod vidyabhushan and Shrimannityaboda vidyaratna in RRS BODHINI TEEKA –

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Kanchuka doshaGrantha Sankhya Kanchuka Vikruti

R.Ra. , A.P. 1234567


KustaJadyataVatarogaDoshavrudh ,, ,, ,,

Anandakand 1234567


KrishnavarnataJadyataVamanaVispotaMalasangrahaNetra rupaghnaSwarasada

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R.Chu. 1234567


KustaJadyaVatadoshaDahaAvruta kanthataUnmadaMahashula

RPS 1234567

Mrita ShailaJalajaShulbamAyasNagaVanga

Same like R.Chu.

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RKD 1234567


KustaJadyataKhalitya, PalityaDadru, GajacharmaKamala, panduUdara, pramehabastivedana

RRS 1234567

ParpatiPataniBhediDraviMalakariAndhakari Dhwankshi

Shoshini, grahiniVidarakatwaMalabhedanaDehadhatunam dravatwa sampadanaDoshavardhakaAndhatwaSwara parusha

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Modern view Why these doshas form layer externally??

• Specific gravity of Parada is 13.59. It is 14 times more than water and other dhatus. Hence the impurities which are mixes with Parad they floats only external layer.

• Due to oxidation of diff dhatus it forms diff layaers of various shape, nature, colour etc.

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• Kanchuka doshas of Parada are the result of chemical reaction taking place in between mercury & other associated metallic ores inside or outside the earth.

• Even trace element present in mercury are sufficient to produce chemical reaction.

• Hence it is seen that if mercury is kept open for some time in atmosphere a thin blackish layer formed over its surface. It is due to slow oxidation reaction

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• Acc to Chemistry of H.E.Roscoe & Scholemmer-• Impure mercury when shaken with air yields a

black powder caused by the oxidation of the metallic impurities and the film of oxide incloses a small globule of the liquid metal.

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• 1) Why these doshas are only 7 in number or it consider as a Saptakanchuka

• 2) In R.R.S. text there is explation about Bhumija,Girija,Varija,2 Nagaja & 2 Vangaja like 7 doshas. But it is unclear that why again R.R.S. different 7 kanchukas hav been described ?

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• Rasaratna samucchaya• R.R.S. Pratham bhag-Dattatraya Kulakarni• Parada Samhita• Parada vignan• Rasendra sara sangraha- Dr.Gopalkrishna• Alchemy and metallic medicine in ayurveda-

Dr.Bhagwan dash• Text book of Rasashastra- 1)Dr.Himasagar Chandramurthy 2)Dr.Joshi/Dr.Zaa/Nishteshwar/Dr.Reddy Tuesday, April 11, 2023 23

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Thank you…