Download - SAP MM Lec04 Cust Master Creation 19012015

  • 8/9/2019 SAP MM Lec04 Cust Master Creation 19012015


    1Customer Master


    The Customerhasto be created in the System

    SAPR/3menu Logistics SalesandDistribution MasterDataBusinessPartnersCustomer Create

    Transactioncode XD01

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    Clicking thistab will showallthe salesarea available fora

    customer. Mainly used inChange/Display Modes

    Clicking thistab will showall

    the possible salesareas.

    Click select icon and select

    the Account Group ex. ASK1

    EnterCustomernumber, Account

    Code -1800Group having external numberrange

    1810 forDomestic Sales1820 forexports

    10 Turning Center20 Machining Center

    30 Service

    40 Trading

    50 -Common

    10 Direct Sales20 Agent Sales30 Institutional Sales40 DistributorSales

    When creating a customerwithreference to other

    customerwith similar details, the referencecustomercan be entered here.

    ReferAppendix forAccount Group Details.

    We take an example ofcreating a Sold-To-Party forthe Domestic Customer. Account Group to be selected:

    ASK1 ASKAR MicronsSold-To-Party Company Code 1800, SalesOrganization 1810, DistributionChannel 10, Division 10.


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    Click Here

    The Subsequent screen will be:

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    External number


    (Note: The CustomerMasterhas3 broad sections:

    a) General Data: Addressand otherdetailswill be entered here.b) Company Code Data: Accounting related data will be entered here.

    c) SalesArea Data: SDrelated data will be entered here.)

    The Screen above showstheADDRESSTABofthe GeneralDataSectionand the detailslike Name,

    Addressshall be entered here. The Symbol showsthe required entry ie., without which you cannot

    proceed further.

    The Screen afterfilling up the detailswill be asfollows:

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    Clicking More

    FieldsIcon will

    showmore fieldsfor

    filling up detailed

    address, ifneeded

    Clicking thisicon will display thepossible input valuesfora field

    The Region field isvery important fordetermining the appropriate tax like CST, LST, VAT etc.

    Asall the required fieldsare filled up, we can proceed to the CONTROLTABofthe GENERALDATAsection by clicking the control tab asabove.

    The CONTROLTAB section will be asfollows:

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    There is1 important field to be filled up:

    VAT Reg. NO.: In VAT Scenario, thisfield isvery important. Ifthe concerned customerisVAT Registered

    dealer, then his11 digit TINNumber isentered here. Based on this, during invoicing VAT Invoice will be

    generated forthe customer. Otherwise Bill OfSale will be generated.

    Nowclick the tab shown by arrow. The Default screen underCompany Code Data

    will be AccountManagement.

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    2640000 Sundry DebtorsDomestic

    2640001 Sundry Debtors-Exports

    This Reconcilliation account isused forCustomerPayment Reconciliation. The following GL accountsare


    Next click thePaymentTransactionsTab.

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    Suitable payment terms shall be chosen from the drilldown list. This payment terms shall be changed

    manually in the salesorderand the payment due shall be based on the payment terms.

    Payment Methodsshall be: C Cheque E Cash Payment T-Bank Transfer. We can select eitherone orallthe methods.

    Nowclick the CorrespondenceTab

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    Enterthe Dunning Procedure asabove. Thisdunning procedure will generate the dunning lettersforthe

    overdue payments.

    Nowclick the Tab . The default screen will be Sales

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    Exchange rate type M

    hasto maintain forExport



    SalesOffice shall be selected from the input help by clicking the drill down button .

    All the above fieldshelp usa lot in analyses.

    EnterThe Currency. Usually it isINRforthe domestic customerand forthe export customer, appropriate

    Currency shall be maintained like USD. Furtherexchange rate type Mshall also be maintained fortheExport Customer.

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    CustomerPricingProcedureplaysan important role along with Document Pricing Procedure inarriving atspecific pricing procedure. For example Customer pricing Procedure 1 and the Document Pricing

    Procedure Aalong with salesArea 1810 10 10 will select the AMPL MTOPricing Procedure.

    CustomerStatisti csGroupalong with MaterialstatisticsGroupin Material Masterwill update the

    information systemsforall the Salestransactions. Alwaysfill 1in thisfield.

    NowClick the SHIPPINGTab

    ShippingConditionsalong with LoadingGroupin Material Masterand Plant shall determine the Shipping

    Point forDelivery in LogisticsExecution.

    Nowclock theBILLINGTab

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    The INCOTERMSand the PAYMENT TERMSalso to be appropriately picked afterdrilling down andchoosing from the Input Help.

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    ACCOUNT ASSIGNMENT GROUP in Customer Master along with Account Assignment Group in

    Material Masteralong with SalesOrganisation/AccountKey/ChartofAccountshelpsthe system in decidingthe correct GL Account.

    The Tax classification fieldsshall be filled with appropriate valuesfrom the INPUT Help. Forexample the

    customer is in Maharastra and is buying from Mysore plant where generally CST 3% is applicable onproductsbeing sold, then the option 4underVAT 4%shall be chosen and forall the othertax conditions,

    option 0hasto be chosen asthey are not applicable. When creating sale order/invoicing, the system based

    on the tax classification details in Customer master and material master and the region of the deliveringplant and the region of the customer shall calculate appropriate tax and the tax registers will be updated


    NowClick thePartnerFunctionsTab

    The PartnerFunctionsSP,SH,PYand BPwill be defaulted. The PartnerFunction CR -Forwarding Agentshall be manually entered.

    Nowsave the customermaster.

    The message asbelowisdisplayed.


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    Note: The Customer thus created, can be modified further using Transaction code: XD02. Example: TheCustomersDoorNo. is to be modified and the CustomerTax Classification has to be modified in Billing

    ViewofSalesAreadata. Thiscan be executed in change mode. The CustomerChange Screen isasfollows(selfexplanatory):

    Click here afterentering theCustomernumberand the

    company code and all the

    possible salesareaswill be


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    Click the button above. Enterthe DoorNo. and Select the button and then the Billing

    DocumentsTab. Modify the Tax Classification from 0(Nil Excise, Nil Tax)to 2(Full Excis,3%CST)

    asthe case may be.

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  • 8/9/2019 SAP MM Lec04 Cust Master Creation 19012015


    Then click the -save icon to save the changesmade. The message will be asfollows:

    Formere display ofdetailstransaction Code XD03can be used.





    The Customerhasto be created in the Systems

    SAPR/3menu Logistics SalesandDistribution Master

    DataBusinessPartnersContact Person

    Transactioncode VAP1

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    Continue to pressEnter, you will get newscreen asbellow:

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    Title and Last name is

    mandatory in thisscreen

    balance available data you

    can fill.

    Presssave icon, you will get bellowmessage:

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    PressEnteryou will get billowmessage: