Download - Santa Crawford Karen Markley Thank You... Dear Father Sanders and the Parishioners of Santa Catalina Parish, Arizona’s



Roman Catholic Church Santa Catalina

1 4 3 8 0 N O r a c l e R d . T u c s o n , A Z 8 5 7 3 9 - 9 5 9 9

P H O N E : 5 2 0 - 8 2 5 - 9 6 1 1 F A X : 5 2 0 - 8 2 5 - 9 8 6 6 E M A I L : o f f i c e @ s a n t a c a t a l i n a p a r i s h . o r g W E B S I T E : w w w . s a n t a c a t a l i n a p a r i s h . o r g

P A S T O R : Fr. Larry Sanders, C.Ss.R.

A S S I S T I N G : Fr. Paul Coury, C.Ss.R.

Fr. Charles Wehrley, C.Ss.R.

Fr. Greg Wiest, C.Ss.R.

Fr. Greg May, C.Ss.R.

D E A C O N S : Deacon Bill Krueger

Deacon Alfonso De La Riva Deacon Joe LaFleur

Deacon Scott Pickett


Monday—Thursday 9 AM—4 PM

Closed for Lunch 12—12:30 PM



7, 9, 11 AM 12:30 PM, Spanish 5 PM, Youth Mass

Tuesday—Friday, 8 AM

CHAPEL Monday - Friday

8 AM - 3 PM use side entrance


8:45-11 AM

The Rosary Offered every Tuesday - Friday

at 7:30am.


Offered every Tuesday - Friday at 7:30am and Saturdays at 3:30pm.

Anointing of the Sick

Offered every 3rd Thursday after 8am Mass.

The Rosary Offered every Tuesday - Friday

at 7:30am.


Offered every Tuesday - Friday at 7:30am and Saturdays at 3:30pm.

Anointing of the Sick

Offered every 3rd Thursday after 8am Mass.

The Rosary Offered every Tuesday - Friday

at 7:30am.


Offered every Tuesday - Friday at 7:30am and Saturdays at 3:30pm.

Anointing of the Sick

Offered every 3rd Thursday after 8am Mass.

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As members of God’s Faith Community at

Santa Catalina Catholic Parish, we commit our lives to being the voice,

hands, and spirit of Christ, as our way of continuing God’s call

to love and peace.

Parish Staff Can be reached at 520-825-9611 plus ext.

Pastor - Fr. Larry Sanders, C.Ss.R. (ext. 100) Deacon Alfonso De La Riva - (ext. 100) Deacon William Krueger - (ext. 100) Deacon Joe LaFleur - (ext. 100) Deacon Scott Pickett - (ext. 100) Receptionist/Parish Registration - Mary Darcy (ext. 100) Director of Finance - John Brell (ext. 102) Office Manager - Kim Seales (ext. 103) C.A.R.E. Ministry Director - Judy Rossman (ext. 104) Liturgy Director/R.C.I.A. - Stacy Pincus (ext. 105) Weekend Mass Coordinator - Gerry Dugan (ext. 105) Hispanic Ministry Dir. - Maria Luisa De La Riva (ext. 106) Religious Education - Carol Padilla (ext. 107) Youth Ministry Director - Lupita Parra (ext. 108)Bulletin Editor - Pilar Dougall (ext. 109) Human Concerns Director - Sr. Jean Mariani (ext. 110) Music Director - Alex Navas (ext. 100) Maintenance Supervisor - Tomas Nieves (ext. 100)

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]



Como miembros de Dios en la comunidad de fe de la Parroquia

Católica de Santa Catalina,

Comprometemos nuestras vidas para ser

la voz, manos, y el Espíritu de Cristo,

como una manera de continuar con el

llamado de Dios, por el amor y la paz.

Weekend June 28 & 29, 2014

Direct debit is available, please call 520-825-9611 (x103) to set up automatic donations.

Jenny Abendano Diana Alday

Kristein Armstrong Jean Azzarello Cara Barnes Robert Barr

Sammy Bosnic Larry Bosworth Richard Boyer James Boyer

Bill Brady Darren Campbell & Family

Shirley Chapin David Joseph Clark

Diane Clark Margaret Mary Collison

Mike De La Rosa Andrew Desautles

Fred Di Paolo

Chuck Dugas Debbi Presley Dymon

Les Edwards Pat Edwards

Alberto Fernandez Edna Fuller

Jeffrey Good Tina Good

Robin Graves Herbert Haynes

Justa Heredia Manuel Heredia Frances Heredia

Yolanda Hernandez Aaron Joseph Hilger

Michele Holman Henry Horton, Jr.

Bianca Isel Ochoa June Jaeger

Kenneth Kim, Jr. Sarah Loftus

Brian Loftus Olivia Marcoff Mike W. Martin Peggy Melville Helen Milne

Marie Monheim Joe Moreno Leo Nolte

Jose Olalde Claudia O'Sullivan Catherine Parisi

Shelsey Lynne Polito Christine Raynor

Matthew Robinson Josefina Robles Michael Sborov Lori Schenkel Audrey Serry

Andrea Marie Smith Robert Stenech

Brad Tillman Rick Van Egeren

Doris & Gregor Wack Katie Weis

Gloria Wheeler Bill Willis

Gerry Wolfgram Sara

The following parishioner has recently died... As we honor her memory, let us also remember her loved ones.

In Memory of

Jerome Small J u l y 6 , 2 0 1 4

Names on this prayer list are kept on for two months. If you wish to add or remove a name from the prayer list, please call the Pastoral Center office at 520-825-9611.

Weekly Month to Date Year to Date

Actual Offertory $12,415 $77,966 $952,292

Budgeted Offertory $14,583 $72,915 $961,973

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received a $50,000.00 donation from a deceased parishioner’s trust and an

$18,000.00 donation from a deceased parish-ioner’s life insurance policy in which the parish was designated as the beneficiary. Gifts such as these help the parish fund our various ministries and operations.

The decisions we make for the final distribu-tion of our estate is unique to each of us. If you have not finalized your decisions con-cerning this important matter, we ask that you consider your parish as a benefactor in your trust, will, IRA, life insurance policy or any other device you are using to manage your estate.

Thank you!


found. If you have lost one of the items listed below, please call the parish office at 825-9611 to redeem it.

• Black rosary beads

• A pair of pink child’s eye glasses

• A child’s silver heart ring with a pink stone

• A pair of ladies brown-rimmed sun-glasses

• Book by Scott & Kimberly Hahn — El Regreso a Casa El Regreso a Roma

• Mass Prayer and Response card sealed in plastic

• Seasonal Missalette, dated April 27 to August 9, 2014

• Gold & beige anchor button

Items will be kept for a period of 30 days. If not claimed, they will be given to the needy.



Sunday, July 27, 2014 2:00 – 3:30 P.M.

Join us in the Parish Hall

Your participation is important to our parish. At this meeting we will review and discuss questions, comments, and sugges-tions, submitted by parishioners, regarding the current and future life of the parish.

In order to cover as many topics as possible in the time allowed, please submit your items for discussion in advance, using the response cards available in the Narthex or the Parish Office. Receptacles are in the Narthex to collect the completed cards. The response cards should be returned no later than July 19-20.



Domingo, Julio 27, 2014 2:00 – 3:30 P.M.

En el Salón Parroquial

Su participación es importante para nuestra parroquia. En ésta reunión repasaremos y discutiremos preguntas, comentarios, y sugerencias sometidas por filigreses, en cuan-to al presente y el futuro de la vida de la parroquia.

En orden para cubrir bastantes temas como sea possible en el tiempo permitido, por favor someta su artículo para discución con anticipación, usando la carta disponible para su respueta, a la entrada de la Iglesia ó en la oficina de la Parroquia. Estarán unas cajitas a la entrada de la Iglesia para colectar sus cartas ya contestadas. Estas cartitas tienen que ser regresadas antes del 19 y 20 de Julio.

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SonTreasure Island VBS begins this week!

July 7-11, 2014 9 AM - 12:30 PM Join us at SonTreasure Island where Kids will Discover God's Love.

$30 per child, $75 per family. For students entering K-5.

(Limited Space) For more information,

please call Carol at 825-9611, x107.

JUST COFFEE UPDATE At the completion of the first year of Just Coffee sales(October, 2013-May, 2014) it has been agreed that there was income of $8,450.00 and expens-es of $7,756.00. The difference ($685.00) is being sent to Just Coffee to be dispersed to the members of the co-op.

Thank you to all who helped make this ministry's start up a huge success. Sales will resume on September 20-21, 2014. The next year should be even more successful since our start up costs are behind us.

Betty Crawford Karen Markley

Thank You... Dear Father Sanders and the Parishioners of Santa Catalina Parish,

Arizona’s Catholic Tuition Support Organization (CTSO) of the Diocese of Tucson thanks you and your parishioners for your commitment and generosity to Catholic Education.

This year, CTSO raised over $6. 5 million dollars in tax credit contributions from individuals. Santa Catalina was responsible for $194,463. You will help needy and deserving students receive a quality education. You are helping us keep Catholic Education available, accessible, and affordable to children who want the opportunity.

Thank you Santa Catalina Parish!

"Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest."

-- Matthew 11:28

LIFE TEEN GOSPEL REFLECTION - (MATT 11:25-30) This is a passage about Jesus' true passion for living life for his Heavenly Father. He hopes to pass on His love to those who come to him with burdens so that they may be happy. Jesus Christ is our savior and will continue to be forever. This is why I pray to Him for help when I have my own burdens. I am relieved when I read this Gospel because I know that I don't have to carry these burdens alone. I feel a lot of pressure from my parents, school, and coaches. I feel even more pressure now I'm starting to look at colleges. I also feel a lot of pressure from friends to drink or to party. I need to remember that giving my burdens to God will help me truly be happy and at peace.

Gracie, 16 Gospel Reflections are provided by Life Teen’s Liturgy Planning Guide,


We encourage all high school students, grades 9-12 to join

our Life Teen Kick Off on August 17. Our Life Nights begin with the

5 p.m. Teen Mass, and then we continue in the Parish Hall until

8 p.m.

Life Nights are where teens come together to learn about our

catholic faith and traditions. These nights are aimed to be both

fun and challenging for teens to go deeper in their relationship

with our Beloved Savior Jesus Christ.

We will cover catechetical, social, and other issues that teens can

relate to. We do this by incorporating interactive activities,

and socialization to make it more engaging for teens. Our goal is

to have a community of fellowship where teens know that they are

safe and accepted.

The following pics are from some of the events that our teens

participated in last year!

Lupita Parra, Youth Ministry Director

520-825-9611, x108

1 4 t h S u n d a y o f O r d i n a r y T i m e

Another Exciting Year is About to Begin

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SCCC Schedule of Events

= Mass Intention


VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL M-F, Ju ly 7-11, 9AM-12:30PM All children entering Kindergarten to fifth grade are invited to join us for our SonTreasure Island VBS program this summer.

Saturday, July 5 3:30-3:45 PM — Reconciliation, Church 4 PM Mass — Fr. Larry For Rose Lagomarsino — Chuck & Clancy Culp

Amos 9:11-15— Psalm 85:9-14 — Matthew 9:14-17


7 AM Mass — Fr. Charlie Wehrley For Pauline Rutkowski (d) — Dave & Diane Rutkowski 9 AM Mass — Fr. Charlie Wehrley For the intentions of the Parish 11 AM Mass — Fr. Larry For Susan Jacobsen (d) — Dennis & MaryAnn 12:30 PM Spanish Mass — Fr. Bob Brazaskas For Deacon Alfonso & Maria Luisa on their 35th wedding anniversary—Their kids 5 PM Teen Mass — Fr. Larry For Cindi Buckley (d) — Barbara & Farlow Davis

Zechariah 9:9-10 — Psalm 145:1-2,8-11,13-14 — Roman 8:9,11-13 — Matthew 11:25-30

Monday, July 7 10 AM-1 PM — St. Vincent de Paul, Marian Room 11AM-1PM — Arts & Crafts for Seniors, Cholla Room 5-6:30 PM — Spanish Choir Rehearsal, Church

Amos 2:6-10,13-16 — Psalms 50:16-23 — Matthew 8:18-22

Tuesday, July 8 8 AM Mass — Fr. Larry For Margaret Appel (d) — Larry & Joan Appel 9-10:30 AM — Divine Mercy Cenacle, Mesquite Room 9-11AM — Liturgy Committee Meeting, Cholla Room 9 AM-12:30PM — Vacation Bible School, Parish Hall 11AM-1PM — Arts & Crafts for Seniors, Cholla Room 2-3:30 PM — Knights of Columbus Pro Life Meeting, Mesquite Room

Amos 3:1-8; 4:11-12 — Psalm 5:4-8 — Matthew 8:23-27

Wednesday, July 9 8 AM Mass — Fr. Bob Brazaskas For Bab Azzarello (d) — Jean Azzarello 8:45-11 AM — Eucharistic Adoration, Church 9 AM-12:30PM — Vacation Bible School, Parish Hall 10 AM-12 PM — Arts & Crafts for Seniors, Cholla Room 12-1 PM — B.Y.O.L. Bible Study, Catalina Room 1-2 PM — Spanish Class, Cholla Room

Amos 5:14-15,21-24 — Psalm 50:7-13,16-17 — Matthew 8:28-34

Thursday, July 10 8 AM Mass — Fr. Larry For Grace Pavelski (d) — Bruce Pavelski

Living Stewardship Now Each time you do something for someone else you are “pulling” with them. Offer each good deed you do this day, however small or great, to Jesus.

La Corresponsabilidad Vivida Ahora Cada vez que haces algo por otra persona estás ayudándola a “tirar” de su pesada yunta. Ofrécele a Jesús cualquier obra buena que hagas hoy, ya sea grande o pequeña.

Copyright © 2010, World Library Publica-tions. All rights reserved.

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Every First/Third Tuesday, 1-3:30PM Cholla Room Learn new art skills. Art supplies are provided. Bring a friend.

Every Second Tuesday, 9AM Saguaro Room Prayer and study group promoting the Divine Mercy message.

Every Third Tuesday, 9-10:30AM Cholla Room Everyone is invited to attend.

Every Third Thursday 2 to 3 p.m. Marian Room On vacation during July & August.

Every First Thursday, 1-2:30PM Saguaro Room Everyone is invited to attend.

Thursday, July 10, con’t. 9 AM-12:30PM — Vacation Bible School, Parish Hall 10-11:30 AM — Casa de la Luz Bereavement Group, Mesquite Room 10 AM-12 PM — Arts & Crafts for Seniors, Cholla Room 4-4:45 PM — Children’s Choir Practice, Chruch 4-5:30 PM— Al Anon Meeting, Marian Room 6:30-8:30 PM — Spanish Baptism Class, Cholla Room 7-8:30 PM — AA Meeting, Marian Room

Ephesians 2:19-22 — Psalm 117:1-2 — John 20:24-29


8 AM Mass — Fr. Greg Wiest For Billy Lordon — Mary Robare 9 AM-12:30PM — Vacation Bible School, Parish Hall

Amos 8:4-6, 9-12 — Psalm 119:2,10,20,30,40,131 — Matthew 9:9-13

Saturday, July 12 11AM — Memorial Mass, Vinnie Integlia 3:30-3:45 PM — Reconciliation, Church 4 PM Mass — Fr. Charlie Wehrley For Eileen Rossman — John & Barb Feichtinger

Amos 9:11-15— Psalm 85:9-14 — Matthew 9:14-17

Sunday, July 13 7 AM Mass — Fr. Paul Coury For Ann Borucki (d) — her daughter, Sandy 9 AM Mass — Fr. Paul Coury For Bob & Joy Farmer — MaryAnn Roberts 11 AM Mass — Fr. Greg May For the intentions of the Parish 12:30 PM Spanish Mass — Fr. Greg May For Jose Robles, Jr (d) — Robles Family 5 PM Life Teen Mass — Fr. Larry For Rita Hoagland (d) — Audrey & Hank Serry

Zechariah 9:9-10 — Psalm 145:1-2,8-11,13-14 — Roman 8:9,11-13 — Matthew 11:25-30


Benedict was born in Italy, studied at Rome and early in life was drawn to the monastic

life. At first he became a hermit, leav-ing a depressing world—pagan armies on the march, the Church torn by schism, people suffering from war, morality at a low ebb.

He soon realized that he could not live a hidden life in a small town , he with-drew to a cave high in the mountains

for three years. He had an idea of gathering various families of monks into one “Grand Monastery” to give them the benefit of unity, fraternity, permanent worship in one house. Fi-nally he began to build what was to become one of the most famous mon-asteries in the world—Monte Cassino.

The Rule that gradually developed prescribed a life of liturgical prayer, study, manual labor and living togeth-er in community under a common father (abbot). Benedictine asceticism

is known for its moderation, and Benedictine charity has always shown concern for the people in the sur-rounding countryside. In the Middle Ages, all monasticism in the West was gradually brought under the Rule of St. Benedict.

Today the Benedictine family is repre-sented by two branches: the Benedic-tine Federation and the Cistercians.

Excerpted from Saint of the Day at

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compassion and support to individuals in need, regardless of race,

origin, or religion. Their office is in our Parish Hall.

Their office hours have changed for the summer and are as follows:

July —

Mondays & Wednesdays

10am - 1pm

For more info, please call 825-8288 during business hours.


have fun learning conversational


Spanish Classes will be offered during the sum-mer months on Wednesdays at 1pm. These classes are informal and based on the needs and interests of the class. Textbooks are not used, but a Spanish Dictionary is helpful. Drop in and learn to speak and understand Spanish in a fun, hands-on atmos-phere. For more information, call Maria Luisa at 825-9611, x106.


Would you like to enrich your faith life with outstanding presentations from the best Catholic speakers in the world? Do you want to reach out to others? Now you can with the CD of the Month Club! Every month, a NEW CD will be sent straight to your mailbox.

When you subscribe to the MP3 Download of the Month Club, every month you’ll receive the same brand new talk that is featured in our CD of the Month Club—delivered electronically to your inbox.

Truth Be Told reaches youth and young adults where they are. Instead of the latest pop song coming through their headphones, young people can listen to engaging speakers and be enriched in their faith. Each month we email our subscribers a brand new talk geared specifically for youth and young adults. With one click, the listener can download the MP3 into their media player.

For information on all of these clubs, please contact Stacy Pincus, 825-9611, x105 or pick up a subscription form in the Narthex of the church. This is a wonderful way to enrich your faith and the faith of others as well as support the kiosk ministry in our parish. The parish receives a percentage for each sub-scription submitted through our parish, this helps us continue the kiosk ministry already established in our parish.

Children’s Choir

We are rehearsing this summer.

Join us on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of July and August. We will meet in the church at 4 p.m.

If your child likes to sing, please come and check us out! It is lots of fun singing and praying together at Mass.


Dave Cathcart, Stan Lasota, Father Carrasco, John Halligan, Ken Larson.

Missing from photo is Jim Weston.

Our Knights of Columbus Council is proud to sponsor 7 Seminarians and one Nun in formation. Father Marco was ordained June 7, 2014 in St. Augustine Cathedral.

CONGRATULATIONS Father Marco Carrasco


This year’s scholarship was presented to Justine Mona who graduated from Immaculate Heart High School. Justina is one of 7 children being raised by a single father. Her Mom passed away four years ago. Justina was also award-ed the Pope John Paul II leadership award from her parish, St Mark Catholic Church.

Are you a Knight of Columbus who is unable to drive to meetings or events?

Contact Bob Mariani at 520-262-3447 or [email protected] for information.

Confirmation is complicated, at least in its history. It arose in response to real problems deep-ly felt, not the least of which was the desire of the bishop to minister to all who were bap-tized. But it also has to do with the early crisis of how to deal with persons baptized by con-gregations that had broken bonds with the greater church: heretics. People reasoned that no matter how wrong-headed the minister might be, Christ would always work in the wa-ters of baptism. No matter what, God would sweep aside all hu-man obstacles to claim the new life in the water. They were not so sure about the ability of someone who had broken with

the church to confer the Spirit. By the fifth century, already-baptized persons coming into the church were anointed with chrism but not rebaptized. This anointing with myron or chrism was seen as an act of reconcilia-tion by the church, and a seal upon the commitments vowed by the newcomer. Today, we preserve this ancient practice by never "rebaptizing" Christians who have been baptized in wa-ter in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We affirm the candidates' baptismal digni-ty, and we celebrate confirma-tion at their first reception of the Eucharist.

Rev. James Field


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SIDE BY SIDE “Come to me, all you who labor” (Matthew 11:28). When we are overburdened, weary, confused, or sick Jesus’ invitation is music to our ears, except for a small hitch. Jesus says, “Take my yoke upon you” (Matthew 11:29). How does this give rest to our souls? For generations, farmers have yoked young plough animals alongside experienced ones. The experienced animal trains the other by example. An older and weaker animal may likewise be yoked to one in its prime, so the stronger partner takes on the strain. Jesus invites us to take on his yoke so he can walk with us, help-ing us to do things his way. He promised never to leave us to “pull” alone. When it all gets too much or we lose our way, he will be there beside us—gentle, humble, but infinitely powerful and wise. At times when we are strong, we in turn can yoke ourselves to someone who needs that extra pull to get to firmer ground.

Copyright © 2010, World Library Publications. All rights reserved.

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all levels of marital dis-tress from mild disillusion-ment to deep misery. For confidential information about or to register for the program beginning with a weekend on August 1-3, 2014 call Kevin or Kathie at 520-722-2931.

El Estilo de la Vida de Casados Solteros - El Esti-lo de la Vida de Casados Solteros describe parejas que han perdido el sentido de cercanía que alguna vez tenian como compañeros de matrimonio y viven más como compañeros de cuarto. Retrouvaille ense-na a las parejas cómo so-brevivir tiempos como estos en sus matrimonios. Este programa ha ayudado a parejas que experi-mentan dificultades en todos los niveles del con-flicto matrimonial desde la desilusión hasta profunda miseria. Por informacion

Al-Anon and AA meetings are held at Santa Cat-

alina by the respective sponsoring organizations. If you or someone you know is interested in an Al-Anon meeting, join us every Thursday in the par-ish hall at 4 p.m. For de-tails, call Wanda at 825-7124. AA meetings are also held on Thursday in the parish hall at 7 p.m. For more information on AA meetings, call Art at 825-5218.

Catholic Cruise to the Caribbean - Come and sail away on a 7-night Catholic Caribbean Cruise with Father Donald Eder No-vember 29–December 6, 2014 on Norwegian’s Brand New Getaway out of Miami, Florida--Ports of Call: Philipsburg, Sint Maarten, Netherlands Antilles, St. Thomas,

USVI; Nassau, Bahamas, Miami, Florida. Prices begin at $1490 for two pas-sengers; this includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass offered. Deposits of only $250 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited for this sailing. For further info or to regis-ter, contact Doug or Eileen at 860-399-1785.

Married Singles Lifestyle –The Married Singles Lifestyle describes cou-ples that may have lost a sense of closeness they

once had as marriage part-ners and are living more like roommates. Retrouvaille (pronounced retro-vi with a long i) teaches couples how to survive times like these in their marriages. This pro-gram has helped couples experiencing difficulty at

confidencial o para regis-trarse en el programa comenzando con un fin de semana el de augusto 1-3 de 2014 póngase en contac-to con Alberto y Bertha en el 520-883-2747.

To advertise your business on our advertisement page, please

contact Claudia Borders at 520-298-1265. Your patronage to the businesses listed is beneficial to our parish. Please mention that you saw their ad in our bulletin.

Thank you!

We in Tucson acutely feel the suffering inflicted on immi-grants in our community and on the border, an hours drive away. We are particularly concerned for women and children who are transported from Texas and dropped off in Tucson by ICE (Immigration and Custom Enforcement) without any resources whatsoever.

Donations are being accepted at Catholic Community Services between 8:30 am 12:00 and 1:00 to 5 pm, Monday – Friday, 140 W Speedway, Suite 130, Tucson, 85705. They suggest that you donate the following:

Recyclable/reusable fabric grocery bags (for transporta-tion items), small travel blankets, juice boxes for children, blue jeans for children and small size blue jeans for wom-

en, small size sweaters/ sweatshirts preferably with hoods, diaper rash ointment, 1 gal. zip lock bags, instant ramen soup, socks for children, diapers size 3 and 4, Gatorade, flavored Pedialyte for infants and children, bottled water, toiletries.

Cash donations are also gratefully accepted for the unac-companied children and women immigrants. Checks maybe made out to Catholic Community Services, place on the For line of the check: children and women immi-grants.

Pope Francis, “We pray for a heart which will embrace immi-grants. God will judge us upon how we have treated the most needy.” 7/8/13



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Knights of ColumbusSanta Catalina Council 12345

For Info: www.kofc12345.orgPhone: 825-9069 (Bob Clark)

Custom Funerals & Memorial Services • Compassionate and Caring Professionals

Doug Harpold • [email protected]

Dr. Judy L. HuchAudiologist

2542 E. Vistoso Commerce Loop520-825-4770