Download - SANT NIRANKARI PUBLIC SCHOOL NIRANKARI COLONY ......CO-ORDINATE GEOMETRY 6. Write the coordinates of the points marked below. 7. Tick the correct option : a. Point (-3,5 ) lies in

Page 1: SANT NIRANKARI PUBLIC SCHOOL NIRANKARI COLONY ......CO-ORDINATE GEOMETRY 6. Write the coordinates of the points marked below. 7. Tick the correct option : a. Point (-3,5 ) lies in





Q.1. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction. Incorrect Correct Newton had a little dog name Diamond. ___________ _________ One day when he is fifty years old, ___________ _________ he went out of his room, left the ___________ _________ dog asleep. On the table lie his ___________ _________ papers. They contained all the discovery __________ _________ which he has done for so many years. __________ _________ Soon, Diamond get up and on not seeing __________ _________ the master , become impatient. __________ _________ Q.2 Complete the following paragraph by filling in the blanks. In humans, the sense of balance (a) …………………… by a complicated set of relationships between the eyes, ears, skeletal and central nervous systems, and the brain, which (b) ……………… information from all these senses. Balance problems (c)…….. when the brain (d) ………………. conflicting information from the different sense organs, or when disease (e) ……………….. one or more of these organs. Of all the organs that (f) ………….. maintain the sense of balance, perhaps the most important is the ear. Let’s examine the ear’s anatomy to understand how the ear (g) ………………… us to maintain our sense of balance. The outer ear which (h) ……………… of the visible part of the ear and the ear canal primarily (i) …………………… the hearing system. It (j) ……………… as a type of preamplifier by collecting sounds from the environment and funneling them to the eardrum. (a) i) maintained; ii) maintains; iii) is maintained; iv) has maintained (b) i) is processing; ii) processes; iii) process; iv) processed (c) i) are occurring; ii) occurs; iii) can occur; iv) will be occurring (d) i) receive; ii) receives; iii) is receiving; iv) was receiving (e) i) affects; ii) is affecting; iii) affected; iv) affect (f) i) are helping; ii) helps; iii) help; iv) have helped (g) i) will help; ii) helps; iii) is helping; iv) will be helping (h) i) is consisting; ii) consist; iii) consists; iv) consisted (i) assisted; ii) assists; iii) is assisting; iv) has assisted (j) i) acts; ii) is acting; iii) acted; iv) has acted Q.3 Choose one suitable word from the given options to complete the paragraph.

Page 2: SANT NIRANKARI PUBLIC SCHOOL NIRANKARI COLONY ......CO-ORDINATE GEOMETRY 6. Write the coordinates of the points marked below. 7. Tick the correct option : a. Point (-3,5 ) lies in

Alcohol is taken (a) ………………… almost all cool and cold climates, and (b) …………….. a less extent in hot ones. Thus, it is (c) ………………….. by people who live in the Himalaya Mountains, but not nearly so much by (d) …………………. who live in the plains of India. Alcohol is not necessary in (e) …………….. way to anybody. Millions of people are beginning to do (f) ………………….. it entirely. The regular use of alcohol, even in small quantities, (g) ……………… to cause mischief in many ways (h) ……………….. various organs of the body. It affects the liver, (i) ……………… the mental powers and lessens the general energy of the body. (a) i) in; ii) on; iii) at; iv) for (b) i) with; ii) to; iii) for; iv) in (c) i) taking; ii) taken; iii) took; iv) take (d) i) they; ii) these; iii) those; iv) them (e) i) some; ii) any; iii) no; iv) all (f) i) with; ii) without; iii) within; iv) with out (g) i) is tending; ii) tend; iii) tends; iv) tended (h) i) for; ii) to; iii) with; iv) on (i) i) weaken; ii) weakens; iii) is weakening; iv) weakened Q.4 The following paragraph has not been edited. There is one mistake in each line. Underline each error and write your correction in the space provided. Incorrect Correct Mahatma Gandhi did not set out as evolve ________ _______ philosophy of life or formulate as system ________ ________ of beliefs or ideals. He had either the ________ ________ inclination nor the time for do so. ________ ________ He had however, firm faith about truth ________ ________ and ahimsa and its practical application ________ ________ to life. They are said to be the constitute of his ________ ________ teachings or philosophies. _______ _________


The Fun They Had A. Extract based questions: Read the extracts and answer the following questions:

1. “Today Tommy found a real book!” It was a very old book. Margie’s grandfather once said that when he was a little boy his grandfather told him that there was a time when all stories were printed on paper.

a. Who found the old book? b. Why was Margie surprised to see the book? c. Write the synonym of the word “Small’. d. Name the author of the lesson.

2. “Because it’s not our kind of school, stupid. This is the old kind of school that they had hundreds of years ago.” He said loftily. a. Who are “he” and “our” referred in these lines?

Page 3: SANT NIRANKARI PUBLIC SCHOOL NIRANKARI COLONY ......CO-ORDINATE GEOMETRY 6. Write the coordinates of the points marked below. 7. Tick the correct option : a. Point (-3,5 ) lies in

b. “Our kind of school”. What kind of school did they have? c. What does old kind of school refer to? d. Find the word from the extract that means the same as “in a superior way”

B. Answer the following questions in 30-40 words: 1. How was the book that Tommy found different from his own books? 2. Why did Margie hope that the County Inspector would take over the mechanical teacher? 3. Tommy thought that the old books were funny and a big waste. Why? 4. What did the County Inspector do to improve Margie’s performance? 5. How are the teachers of future schools different from the present teachers? C. Value Based Question: “Machines cannot replace human beings. Explain this statement in 80-100 words with reference to the lesson “The Fun They Had”.

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1.If the temperature of a place is increase then evaporation:

(a)decrease (b)increase (c)remain same (d)none of the above

2.Which of the following have least inter atomic spacing?

(a)solid (b)liquid (c)gases (d)plasma

3.If the humidity in the air increase then the rate of evaporation:

(a)decrease (b)increase (c)remain same (d)both(b)and(a)

4.Arrange the following substances in increasing order of forces of attraction between

the particles—water, sugar, oxygen.

5.Convert the following temperatures to the Kelvin scale.

(a)25°C (b)373°C.

6.Give reason for the following observations.

(a)Naphthalene balls disappear with time without leaving any solid.

(b)We can get the smell of perfume sitting several metres away.

7.What happen when we apply pressure to the particles of matter?

8.Why is it that on increasing the wind speed the rate of evaporation increases?



Q1. Explain the types of Plastids in brief.

Q2. Explain the functions and structure of Golgi bodies.

Q3. What is nucleoid?

Q4. What is the difference between plant cells and animal cells?

Q6. What are suicidal bags (lysosomes)?

Q7. What is the function of chromosomes?

Q8. Name the smallest cell in human body?

Q9. Which is the largest cell in human body?

Q10. Why Plant cells are are more rigid than animal cells?

Q11. Explain the process of osmosis in detail.

Page 7: SANT NIRANKARI PUBLIC SCHOOL NIRANKARI COLONY ......CO-ORDINATE GEOMETRY 6. Write the coordinates of the points marked below. 7. Tick the correct option : a. Point (-3,5 ) lies in

Q12. Draw and label diagrams of plant cell and animal cell.

Q13.What is cell theory? Who formulated it?

Q14. Write the full form of DNA and ATP.

Q15. What is the importance of nucleus?

Q16 Explain the process of osmosis through an example.

Q17. Draw and label a Plant cell neatly.

Q18 Why is Plasma Membrane a selectively permeable membrane?

Q19. What is the function of chromosome?

Q20. Name the cleansing organelle in the cell.



1. Find the degree of x4 ( 3 – x2 ) .

2. Find the coefficient of x4 in x2(2x – 3 )2.

3. Find p(-1) , if p(x) = x3 – 3x2 + 4

4. Factorise : 9x3 – 1


5. Simplify : (2x + p – c ) 2 – ( 2x – p + c ) 2

6. Factorize : ( x2 – 3x ) 2 – 8 ( x2 – 3x ) – 20 [ hint : take x2 – 3x = a ]

7. If x15 – 199 is divided by ( x – 1 ), then find the remainder.

8. Find the value of polynomial p(x) = 4x2 – 5x + 9

at x = 0 , +1 , –1

9. Find the remainder if a polynomial p(x) = 2x3 + 3x2 – 5x + 4 is divided by

a. ( x + 1 ) b. ( x – 2 ) c. ( 2x + 1 )

10. Find the zeroes of polynomials in each case :

a. p(x) = 5x + 13 b. p(x) = –8x – 9 c. p(x) = x + 4 / 5

11. Expand :

a. ( 3x + 4 )3 b. ( 5a – 2) 3 c. ( 3x + 4 )2

d. ( 3x – 7 )2 e. ( 2a + 3b + 4c)2 f. ( 2a – 5b – 7c)2

Page 8: SANT NIRANKARI PUBLIC SCHOOL NIRANKARI COLONY ......CO-ORDINATE GEOMETRY 6. Write the coordinates of the points marked below. 7. Tick the correct option : a. Point (-3,5 ) lies in



6. Write the coordinates of the points marked below.

Page 9: SANT NIRANKARI PUBLIC SCHOOL NIRANKARI COLONY ......CO-ORDINATE GEOMETRY 6. Write the coordinates of the points marked below. 7. Tick the correct option : a. Point (-3,5 ) lies in

7. Tick the correct option :

a. Point (-3,5 ) lies in ____________ quadrant.

b. The sign of abscissa is ________ and ordinate is __________ for a

point in third quadrant.

c. Point ( 0 , -7 ) lies in _________ axis.

d. Point ( 8 , 0 ) lies in _________ axis.

e. The abscissa of all the points in x-axis is ___________.

f. The ordinate of all the points in x-axis is ___________.

g. The ordinate of all the points in y-axis is ___________.

h. The abscissa of all the points in y-axis is ___________.


Subject: Civics

Chapter: What is Democracy? Why Democracy?

Answer the following questions:

1. Give definition of Democracy.

2. What are the major challenges of democracy?

3. Who led military coup in Pakistan in 1999? Why his rule in Pakistan was

not called a democracy?

4. Explain three difference between democratic and non-democratic country?

5. What are the drawbacks of democracy?

6. What are the merits of a democratic government?

7. How is democracy better than other form of government?

8. How can you say that China is not a democratic country? Name the

Chinese Parliament.

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9. Why did the Institutional Revolutionary Party in Mexico never lose any

election till 2000?

10. Media is not independent in Zimbabwe. How?



ASSIGNMENT – 6 (Week 3)

Chapter: India – Size and Location


Q1-Which is the largest state (area wise) of India?

Q2- Which is the smallest state of India?

Q3- From Gujarat to Arunachal Pradesh what is the time lag?

Q4 – What is a strait?

Q5 -Name two states of India which share International boundaries.


Q1 – Why do we need Standard Meridian? Where it is located?

Q2 -What is meant by Indian Standard Time?

Q3- Why is India called a Subcontinent?

Q4- What How have been mountain passes been helpful in India since historic times?

Q5 – How does India occupy an important strategic position in South Asia?

ASSIGNMENT – 5 (WEEK-3) SUBJECT: Information Technology

Topic: Computer Fundamental

Answer the following questions: 1. What are the application areas/uses of computer? 2. Explain the functioning of CPU? 3. Describe Operating System? 4. What is Internet? 5. How internet is different from Intranet? 6. Identify the input /output devices from the following list and write their usage


Page 11: SANT NIRANKARI PUBLIC SCHOOL NIRANKARI COLONY ......CO-ORDINATE GEOMETRY 6. Write the coordinates of the points marked below. 7. Tick the correct option : a. Point (-3,5 ) lies in

ASSIGNMENT - 6(WEEK-3) SUBJECT: Information Technology Topic: Computer Fundamental

Q-1 Answer the following questions: 1. Explain Different Parts of Computer System? 2. What are expansion cards. Explain its types? 3. What are Storage Devices? Explain some common storage devices? 4. What is BIOS? 5. Explain the different parts of CPU?

Q-2 Fill in the blanks: