Download - Sandi Kohrs, Multimodal Planning Director September 18, 2012.

Page 1: Sandi Kohrs, Multimodal Planning Director September 18, 2012.

Sandi Kohrs, Multimodal Planning DirectorSeptember 18, 2012

Performance Based Planning and Programming

FHWA/FTA Workshop

Page 2: Sandi Kohrs, Multimodal Planning Director September 18, 2012.

Performance Based Planning and Programming Workshop

» Approaches and Challenges˃ Past efforts provide a base˃ Current efforts to improve˃ Future with MAP-21

Page 3: Sandi Kohrs, Multimodal Planning Director September 18, 2012.

Performance Based Planning and Programming Workshop

» Past efforts provide a base

˃ Previous Plan

˃ Policy Directive with goals

˃ Annual Budget process and targets

˃ Asset Management systems

˃ Annual Performance Reports

Page 4: Sandi Kohrs, Multimodal Planning Director September 18, 2012.

Performance Based Planning and Programming Workshop

» Challenges˃ Aspirational Goals vs. revenue based ˃ Changes in funding˃ Politics and performance˃ Long term horizon˃ Separate program analysis

Page 5: Sandi Kohrs, Multimodal Planning Director September 18, 2012.

Performance Based Planning and Programming Workshop

» Current efforts to improve

˃ Multi-asset management

˃ Increased automation

˃ Mid term focus (10 year)

˃ Budget structure

˃ Financial scenarios

Page 6: Sandi Kohrs, Multimodal Planning Director September 18, 2012.

Performance Based Planning and Programming Workshop

» Challenges˃ Equal importance across assets?

˃ Data entry and quality

˃ Culture shift from formula to performance

˃ Multiple goals for a project

˃ Reporting dollars to targets

˃ Lag time – budget to results

Page 7: Sandi Kohrs, Multimodal Planning Director September 18, 2012.

Performance Based Planning and Programming Workshop

» Future with MAP-21

˃ Focus on Interstate/NHS

˃ National metrics and targets

˃ Rulemaking

˃ Future authorization

Page 8: Sandi Kohrs, Multimodal Planning Director September 18, 2012.

Performance Based Planning and Programming Workshop

» Challenges˃ Increased Federal attention to NHS – what about the rest?

˃ Condition metrics – what other than IRI?

˃ What if future revenue based targets are lower than present condition?

˃ What is meant by “performance” of the Interstate/NHS?

˃ How will we set performance measures for freight?

Page 9: Sandi Kohrs, Multimodal Planning Director September 18, 2012.

Performance Based Planning and Programming Workshop

Questions?Contact info:

[email protected]