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March 17, 1860,

the Japanese Embassy ar-

rives to San Francisco. The

ship that brought these nice

fellows here was the U.S.S

Powhatan. There was a ru-

mor around that America

forced the Japanese to open

trade with us. This doesn't

seem very American of us,

but is a possibility that this

was the reason why they

would open their doors to

our foreign country. If none

you folks knew, the Japa-

nese closed its doors to the

outside world and only

traded with them Dutch and

Chinese. The Powhatan

wasn't the first boat from the

Japanese that came to our

San Francisco, it was an-

other boat called the Kanrin

Maru. The Powhatan came

twelve days later.


these good people came to

our San Francisco, we all

saw it. They wore dresses I

think, which might seem

weird. This could possibly

their thing, men in Japan

wear dresses. This tells all

of us that the Japanese are

different but we should re-

spect them all, because we

are America, our proud and

free country. And this is a

really big mark in history of

America; we will be able to

trade with the Japanese

now! Another ally to our

country! We give them our

goods and they give us their

goods. We learn their way

of life and we learn their

way of life. Some people

say that these Japanese are

savages and they call them

"dog - eaters". We shouldn't

say such insults to them; I

bet they are civil just like all

of us.

Arrival Of The Japanese Embassy

Feb 23 rd, 1860

New York times!!! By Jimmy Lin

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New York times!!! Page 2


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Some people have very differ-

ent opinions if Japanese should trade

with America. Jimmy here thinks that

Japanese are diseases. He said, “We

know that the Japanese were pretty

strong during that time, but still, the

Americans threaten the Japanese to

open their doors and trade with the

other countries. This shows how weak

they are to be threatened so easily. We

don’t know who they are, what they do,

what they think of us, and how come

they closed their doors on us. We know

nothing of them.”

Albert on the other hand says,

“I think America and Japanese should

trade. This will help us gain money

easier because we have another country

to trade with. I have never seen the

Japanese’s goods and having their

goods here in America; we might be

able to learn something from them and

help improve our society. We might

even learn some of their ways of life

and we can use it for our lives. If they

could live their lives closed out to other

countries, we might be able to learn

how they did it.”

Sandy also having the same opinion

said, “The American and Japanese should open

up trade because Japanese have good quality

items for daily life use. Japanese have very good

ideas in saving water, money, and items. Japa-

nese people’s houses are very clean and recycle

a lot, if we open trade with them, we might be

able to learn from them. If American open trade

with Japan we can be able to earn much more

money.” Currently a lot of people think that

opening trade with the Japanese is a good idea, it

is an obvious advantage for America to trade

with the Japanese, because we will opened up to

a whole new view that no one else have seen.

Page 3 Volume 1, Issue 1

Should America trade with Japan?

Page 3

Political Cartoons

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