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Magic Chinese

學習目標 Learning Objectives

Lesson 8.1 今天是晴天又有風Be able to describe the weather

Lesson 8.2 春天暖和,秋天涼快 Be able to talk about climates of each season

Lesson 8.3 春夏秋冬都可以玩 Be able to talk about seasonal activities


一年四季的天气Y= ni2n s=j= de ti1nq=Weather


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Unit 8 Weather



It’s a breeze sunny Sunday afternoon. Tom is a little board sitting at home by the window watching the red leaves falling in the wind. He wonders what the others are doing. School has been so busy. They can’t find time to play that magic compass for quite a while. Suddenly, the phone rings. “Tom? Do you have time to come over? How about getting the others to my house? I have things to show you!” How wonderful! Soon they all squeeze into Peter’s room.


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彼得: 嘿! 你們看我有什麼。湯姆: 哇! 好漂亮的風箏!

彼得: 這是我爸爸在香港買的。要不要一起去放風箏?

麗莎: 對啊! 今天是晴天又有風,是放風箏的好天氣。

瑞奇: 可是,我喜歡先去游泳,再去吃冰淇淋。

琳達: 游泳? 夏天熱,游泳最好。春天暖和,秋天涼快,都是放風箏的好天氣。

湯姆: 我最喜歡冬天! 冬天很冷,不過下雪了可以打雪球,玩雪人,還可以滑冰和滑雪,都好玩極了。

瑞奇: 湯姆! 我們這裡冬天不下雪啊!


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Unit 8 Weather

琳達: 洛磯山上下雪! 我去玩過。真的很好玩。

麗莎: 我們快去放風箏吧! 等一下太陽下山了,就不好玩了。

湯姆: 好吧! 好吧! 不過我知道一個最好玩的玩具! 春夏秋冬都可以玩。

瑞奇: 對啊! 晴天和雨天也都可以玩。大家: 是魔術羅盤!彼得: 我們先去放風箏,再玩魔術羅盤吧!

PINYIN TEXTB-d6: H5i! N-men k4n w# y#u


T1ngm&: W1! H3o pi4oli4ng de f5ngzh5ng!

B-d6: Zh8 sh= w# b4ba z4i xi1ngg3ng m3i de. Y4ob^y4o y=q- q* f4ng f5ngzh5ng?

L=sh1: Du= a! J9nti1n sh= q0ngti1n y$u y#u f5ng, sh= f4ng f5ngzh5ng de h3o ti1nq=.

Ru=q0: K7sh=, w# x-hu1n xi1n q* y@uy#ng, z4i q* ch9 b9ngq0l0n.

L0nd2: Y@uy#ng? Xi4ti1n r8, y@uy#ng zu= h3o. Ch


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%nti1n nu3nhuo, qi%ti1n li2ngku4i, d!u sh= f4ng f5ngzh5ng de h3o ti1nq=.

T1ngm&: W# zu= x-hu1n d!ngti1n! D!ngti1n h7nl7ng, b^gu$ xi4xu7 le k7y- d3 xu7qi/, w2nxu7r6n, h2i k7y- hu2b9ng h6 hu2xu7, d!u h3o w2n j0 le.

Ru=q0: T1ngm&! W#men zh8li d!ngti1n b^ xi4xu7 a.

T1ngm&: Lu$j9sh1n sh4ng xi4xu7. W# q* w2ngu$.

Zh5nde h7n h3ow2n.

L=sh1: W#men ku4i q* f4ng f5ngzh5ng ba!

D7ngy0xi4 t4iy2ng xi4sh1n le, ji* b* h3ow2n le.

T1ngm&: H3o ba, h3o ba! B^gu$ w# zh9d4o y0ge zu= h3ow2n de w2nj*. Ch%n xi4 qi% d!ng d!u k7y- w2n.

Ru=q0: Du= a! Q9ngti1n h6 y&ti1n y7 d!u k7y- w2n.

Daji1: Sh= m@sh* lu@p2n.

B-d6: W#men xi1n q* f4ng f5ngzh5ng, z4i w2n m@sh* lu@p2n ba.

TRANSLATIONPeter: Hey! Look at what I have.

Tom: Wow! What a beautiful kite!

Peter: This is the one my Dad bought in

Hong Kong. Shall we go to fly the

kite together?

Melissa: All right! It is sunny and windy

today. The weather is good for

flying kites.

Reggie: But I would like to go swimming first, then have some

ice cream.

Linda: Swimming? The weather is hot during summer and it’s

the best time for swimming. The weather is warm in

spring and it is cool in autumn. They are all good for


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Unit 8 Weather

flying kites.

Tom: I like winter the most. It’s cold in winter. But after snowing, we can play snowball, make snowmen, go skating and skiing. They are all extremely funny.

Reggie: Tom! It doesn’t snow here in winter.

Linda: It snows on Rocky Mountain. I have been there before.

It’s really fuuny.

Melissa: Let’s go to fly the kite soon. The sun will descend

behind the hill after a while. It won’t be funny.

Tom: All right! But I know a most funny toy. We can play it

during spring, summer. Autumn and winter. (all the

four seasons).

Reggie: Correct! We can also play it whether it is sunny or rainy.

Everybody: It is the magic compass!

Peter Let’s go to fly the kite first, then play the magic




季 春 夏 秋 冬 暖熱 涼 冷 氣 風 雨


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雪 陰 陽 晴 打 放先 等


Vocabulary PinyinPart of Speech

Meaning in English

漂亮 pi4o

li4ng adj. beautiful

風箏 f5ng

zh5ng n. kite

香港 xi1ng

g3ng n. Hong Kong

放 f4ng v. to let go; to set free; to put; to place

晴 q0ng adj. sunny

風 f5ng n. wind

天 ti1n n. sky

氣 q= n. gas; air

天氣 ti1n q= n. weather

可是 k7 sh= adv.; conj. but; however

先 xi1n adv. first


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Unit 8 Weather

游泳 y@u

y#ng v. to swim

夏天 xi4 ti1n n. summer

春天 ch%n

ti1n n. sping

暖和 nu3n

h6 adj. warm

秋天 qi%

ti1n n. autumn

涼快 li2ng

ku4i adj. cool

冬天 d!ng

ti1n n. winter

不過 b^ gu$ conj. but; however

下 xi4 v. to go down; to descend

雪 xu7 n. snow

可以 k7 y- adv. sure

打 d3 v. to beat; to fight

球 qi^ n. ball

滑 hu2 v. to slide

滑冰 hu2

b9ng v. to skate

滑雪 hu2 xu7 v. to ski


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極 j0 adv. extremely

等一下 d7ng

y0 xi4 exp. wait a minute

太陽 t4i y2ng n. sun


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Unit 8 Weather

LESSON 8.1今天是晴天又有風


a.1. 一起 + Verb/VP (do something together)Examples: 一起回家 return home together

一起玩 play together

Please translate the following phrases into Chinese Pinyin or characters.

1. eat watermelon togetherChinese:


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2. celebrate New Year togetherChinese:

a.2. 天氣預報 (Weather Forecast):

Vocabulary used in Weather Forecast預報 y*b4o forecast

多雲 du!y/n cloudy

涼快 li2ngku4i cool

雷雨 l6iy& thunder storm

閃電 sh3ndi4n lightening

打雷 d3l6i thundering

晚上 w3nsh4ng evening

星星 x9ngx9ng stars

月亮 yu8li4ng moon

氣溫 q=w5n temperature

幾度 j-d* How many degrees?

華氏 hu2sh= Fahrenheit degree

攝氏 sh8sh= Celsius degree

Can you draw a picture to show each weather condition below? Don’t forget to draw something to indicate the time in your picture.

a. 早上是陰天。多雲, 可是沒有下雨。很涼快!


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Unit 8 Weather

b. 中午有雷雨。又閃電又打雷!

c. 下午天晴,有大太陽。很熱!

d. 晚上有星星和月亮。很美! 可是風很大。

e. 氣溫幾度? 只有華氏三十二度! 哇! 太冷了! (華氏三十二度是攝氏零度。中國人用攝氏報溫度。)




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b.1. How to say “But” 可是 (k7sh=)?A, 可是 B. A and B can be clauses.

Example: 我昨天打電話給你,可是你不在。W# zu@ti1n d3 di4nhu4 g7i n-, k7sh= n- b^ z4i.I called you yesterday, but you are not there.

媽媽要我回家,可是我還想玩。M1ma y4o w# hu0ji1, k7sh= w# h2i xi3ng w2n.Mother wants me to go home, but I still want to play.

b.2. 先(xi1n)…再(z4i)……first,then…

When talking about two actions, one precedes the other, use 先 in

front of the first action, then add 再 before the second action.

For example: 先吃飯,再回家。Xi1n ch9f4n, z4i hu0ji1.Eat lunch first, then go home.

我們先買新衣服,再買生日蛋糕。W#men xi1n m3i x9n y9f/, z4i m3i sh5ngr=

d4ng1o.We’ll buy new cloth first, then buy birthday cake.

Exercises:Please translate the following sentences into English.



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b.3. “是……的”revisit

这是我爸爸在香港买的。To emphasize the origin of the kite.

Zh8 sh= w# b4ba z4i xi1ngg3ng m3ide.This is the one my father bought in Hong Kong.


部首认字 Radical RecognizingCan you tell the identical part of the following words? There are two radicals in the following words. Please group them into the two categories. One of the radical is rain, 雨 (yǔ). The other one is sun,日 (rì).

雨 rain


明 bright 霜 frost 暖 warm

星 star 雪 snow 雷 thunder 時 time 電 electricity


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霧 fog 是 yes,

am, is, are

昨 yesterday

雲 cloud 晚 evening

Words with radical 雨 (yǔ):


Words with radical 日 (rì):



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Unit 8 Weather

LESSON 8.2春天暖和,秋天涼快


a.1 Q&A

1. Q: 一年有幾個季節? Y=ni2n y#u j-ge j= ji6? How many seasons are there in a year?

A: 四個季節 (春季、夏季、秋季、冬季)。 S=ge j=ji6 (ch%nj=, xi4j=, qi%j=, d!ngj=). Four seasons (spring, summer, autumn, and winter).

2. Q: 一年有幾個月? Y=ni2n y#u j-e yu8?


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How many months are there in a year? A: 十二個月 (一月、二月、三月、四月、五月、六月、七月、八月、九月、十月、十一月、十二月)。

Sh08rge yu8 (y9 yu8, 8r yu8, s1n yu8, s= yu8, w& yu8, li* yu8, q9 yu8, b1 yu8, ji& yu8, sh0 yu8, sh0 y9 yu8, sh0 8r yu8).Twelve months (January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December).

3. Q: 一個月有幾個星期? Y9ge yu8 y#u j-ge x9ngq9? How many weeks are there in a month?

A: 四個星期,五個星期。 S=ge x9ngq9, w&ge x9ngq9. Four weeks or five weeks.

4. Q: 一個星期有幾天? Y9ge x9ngq9 y#u j- ti1n? How many days are there in a week?

A: 七天 (星期一、星期二、星期三、星期四、星期五、星期六、星期日*)。 Q9 ti1n (x9ngq9 y9, x9ngq9 8r, x9ngq9 s1n, x9ngq9 s=, x9ngq9 w&, x9ngq9 li*, x9ngq9 r=). Seven days (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday).Note*: Also can be 星期天(x9ngq9 ti1n).

5. Q: 一天有幾個小時? Y= ti1n y#u j-ge xi3osh0? How many hours are there in a day?

A: 二十四個小時。 Ersh0s=ge xi3osh0. Twenty-four hours.

6. Q: 一小時有幾分鐘? Y= xi3osh0 y#u j- f5nzh!ng? How many minutes are there in an hour?

A: 六十分鐘。17

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Li*sh0 f5nzh!ng. Sixty minutes.

a.2 Use 可以 to ask for permission

Subject + 可以 + action verb + 嗎?

Example: 媽媽,我可以吃蛋糕嗎?M1ma, w# k7y- ch9 d4ng1o ma?Mom, can I eat the cake?

哥哥,我可以玩你的玩具嗎?G5ge, w# k7y- w2n n- de w2nj* ma?Brother, can I play your toy?

Please translate the following sentences into Chinese Pinyin 1. Xiao Mei, may I go to your house?


2. Teacher, may I go to the bathroom (厕所,c8su#)?




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b.1 不過(b^gu$,but)The meaning and usage of this conjunction is similar to 可是.

Example: 她要買水果,不過她沒有錢。T1 y4o m3i shu-gu#, b^gu$ t1 m6iy#u qi2n.She wants to buy fruits, but she doesn’t have money.

Please provide Pinyin and English meaning for the sentences below.我的家很大,不過不是很新(x9n, new)。Pinyin: ____________________________ _


b.2 Stative Verb + 極 了 (j0le, extremely)

(complement)Use this “Verb + Complement” structure to show extreme conditions.

Add action words or words that describing something in front of 極了.

Please fill in the blanks in the following chart.

好極了! 黑極了!

h5i j0le

Excellent! Extremely dark!

好吃極了! 好玩極了!


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Extremely delicious!

可爱極了! 快極了!

ku4i j0le!

Extremely fast!

有錢極了! 冷極了!

y#uqi2n j0le!

Extremely wealthy!

b.3 Verb + 過(gu$)

经验体For example: 我去玩过。



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c.1. Conversation Circle. (對話圈)

Divide students into two groups with equal numbers. Have them standing in two concentric circles facing each other. The students will ask each other the following questions. Then move the outside circle clockwise to switch to a new partner. The teacher may give them a card with questions printed on it to begin the activity. After a while students can remove all the cards and have them continue on the questioning without cards. This will help students to speak naturally. Students in the inner circle can ask those four questions in Group A. Students in the outer circle can ask those four questions in Group B. Students can also add any question of their own and switch the roles.

Group A: a.一年四季中,你最喜歡哪一季?Among the four seasons in a year, which one do you like the most?

b.哪一季最冷? In which season, the weather is the coldest?c.哪一季最熱? In which season, the weather is the hottest?d.哪一季最好玩? Which season is the funniest?

Group B: a.一年四季中,你最不喜歡哪一季?Among the four seasons in a year, which one do you like the most?

b.哪一季可以玩雪 ? In which season, people can play snow?c.哪一季可以打球 ? In which season, people can play balls?d.哪一季可以放風箏? In which season, people can fly kites??

c.2 Four Season Rhyme (四季歌 – 數來寶)


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Unit 8 Weather

春天暖呀! 冬天冷! Ch%nti1n nu3n ya! D!ngti1n l7ng!秋天涼呀! 夏天熱! Qi%ti1n li2ngya! Xi4ti1n r8!

春去秋來,年年過! Ch%n q* qi% l2i, ni2n ni2n gu$!風風雨雨,又一年! F5ngf5ngy&y&, y$u y= ni2n!

不同的季節, B*t@ng de j=ji6,

不同的天。 b*t@ng de ti1n.

不同的地方, B*t@ng de d=f1ng,

不同的人。 b*t@ng de r6n.

你要晴天,他要雨! N- y4o q0ngti1n, t1 y4o y&!

人想太陽,我想雪! R6n xi3ng t4iy2ng, w# xi3ng xu7!

陰晴雨雪都得有! y9n q0ng y& xu7 d!u d7i y#u,

一年四季才快樂! Y= ni2n s= j= c2i ku4il8!

才- 快樂! C2i -- ku4il8!


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LESSON 8.3春夏秋冬都可以玩


a. 1.


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a. 2.


b.1. The pattern of “verb + 一下(y9xi4)”:

一下 in Chinese means a very short time. Adding a verb or action word in front of 一下 is to ask someone to do such an act.


Take a look!看一下!看一下! 這對嗎?請看一下,這是誰的?

Wait a moment! 等一下!等一下! 我來了!我等一下打電話給你。

Try it on!穿一下!穿一下! 這夠大嗎?穿一下這件新衣服。

Have a taste!吃一下!吃一下,好吃嗎?吃一下,夠甜了嗎?


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Play a little bit…玩一下…媽媽,我玩一下,好嗎?給我玩一下小熊貓。

Talk about … 說一下…我們說一下明天要做什麼。你說一下哪個好玩。

Go…. for a short while!去一下…爸爸,我要去一下小學。老師叫你去一下。

Come over!來一下!你來我家一下,好嗎?弟弟,你來一下。

b.2. Verb/VP + “了(le, particle)”


For example:太好了!好玩极了!下雪了可以打球。等一下太阳下山了,就不好玩了。



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Unit 8 Weather

How do you know? 你怎麼知道?Read the paragraphs down below and match them with pictures in the box. Write a, b, c, or d in the space provided in each box.

春天來了嗎? ______

(Draw a picture according to c below)



(Draw a picture according to a below)

秋天來了嗎? ______

(Draw a picture according to d below)

冬天來了嗎? ______

(Draw a picture according to b below)

(Notes: Draw a picture in each box to match with the season. This gives clues to students make it easier to understand the short paragraphs down below.)

a. 天氣熱起來了。太陽又紅又熱! 我只想吃冰淇淋!

b. 天氣很冷了。樹葉都沒了,小動物也不見了。下大雪了,我們可以去玩雪人了。c. 天氣暖和了。小鳥(niǎo)叫了,小草(cǎo)也綠了。小兔子跳(ti4o)來跳去!

d. 天氣涼了。小草黃(huáng)了,樹葉(sh* y8)也紅了。這是孩子們放風箏的好天氣!


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The YinYan sign (陰陽) is well known to the western world. It is two interlocked curved shapes within a circle, one white, one black, with a spot of the contrasting color within the head of each. Most people relate it to a sign of peace. Do you know where it is from and what does it really mean?

This is an ancient sign from China. More than two thousand five hundred years ago, a very wise man, everybody called him Laozi (老子), started the philosophy of Daoism in China. By observing nature, he found that opposite forces are working harmoniously with each other to maintain a balanced world. For example, night and day always alternate so our Earth has milder climate good enough to have life.

The dark side of the yinyan sign, in Chinese is 陰, represents the passive nature, characterized as feminine, negative, soft or darkness of night. The white side in Chinese is 陽, represents the active nature, characterized as masculine, positive, hard or the brightness of day. These opposite nature in Chinese are called 太極 (very extreme). Their interaction is believed to maintain equilibrium and harmony in the universe. It is a good


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reminder for us to keep a balanced life.

The little white dot in the black part of Yinyan sign reminds us never to lose hope, because there is always a spot of light somewhere in the darkness. The little black dot in the white area also reminds us to be alert. Whenever we think our world is so perfect, something may go wrong. So keeps a balanced view will help us to have a better life. So you may say Yinyan is an art of balance!