Download - Sample Networking Telephone Script to a Referral

Page 1: Sample Networking Telephone Script to a Referral

Example 1: “Good morning, (name of person you are calling). My name is (your name)

and I’m currently an MBA candidate at the Smeal College of Business at Penn State

University. I met with (Referral Name) who suggested that I talk with you because your

advice would be a good resource during my current search for an internship. Am I

calling at a good time?”

“I am talking with people who have extensive knowledge about connections in financial

services organizations, which is why you were recommended to me. What I’d like to do is

set up an appointment to hear your reactions to what I’ve been doing and what I’m

thinking of doing in the future. Would your schedule allow us to meet for 30 minutes next


Example 2: “(Name of person you are calling), our mutual friend, (referral name),

suggested I call you. He thought you’d be a good person for me to contact to get advice

regarding my career objectives. He did not suggest that you had work for me or even

knew of any open positions.”

“I’ve developed a plan that is aimed at the consumer package goods industry, as I’m

pursuing an internship this summer. (Referral Name) said you could provide insight into

that field, and that you might be willing to give me your opinion on my marketing

strategy. Could we spend 20 to 30 minutes together sometime next week?”

The referral name is very important to your success. People enjoy giving advice and are

complimented when it is sought. Also, most people do not want to disappoint an associate

who has suggested them as a credible contact. Often they will try to help you as a favor to

their friend or associate – your referral. Be pleasant, brief, and focused – and be sure to

use the referral name to successfully achieve your goal of getting a face-to-face visit.

Prepare your own conversation guides. Write down what you will say, and time and

practice it until you sound unscripted and natural.

Write down your objective (e.g., get an appointment, advice, contacts, and information).

Mentally monitor your speaking time; and remember to balance the conversation by

asking the listener questions. Personalize your presentation by using the listener’s name

and insert jargon unique to his or her industry.

Sample Telephone Scripts

to a Referral