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Sample answer for novel (SPM 2014) – HOTS QUESTION

The following are the novels studies in the literature component in English Language.

The Curse – Lee Su Ann

Step by wicked step – Anne Fine

Catch us if you can – Catherine Mac Phail

Choose any one of the novels above and answer the question below.

“One has to struggle to improve one’s life.”With close reference to the text, how far is this true of the novel you have read?

The novel that I have studied is Step by wicked step by Anne Fine. In this novel, many messages are conveyed. The message ‘one has to struggle to improve one’s life rings true of this novel I have read.

In Richard’s story, ‘My story: Read and weep’, Richard struggles to improve his life. After his father passed away, his mother married Reverend Coldstone whom he hated so much. He remembered that his father asked him to be good to his mother and sister. His last words were –“Obey your mother’s wishes to the letter.’At the chapel during his father’s funeral, Mr. Coldstone consoled his mother. Richard heard him say -“When you are mine…” He hated the man after that and struggled with the fact that he had to face him every day (struggle). At home, his sister, Charlotte realized that Richard hated his stepfather. Richard accused Charlotte that she had forgotten about their father. Charlotte denied it and advised him not to accuse Mr Coldstone as the murderer when their father died of fever. Here, Richard was struggling with the hatred he felt towards his stepfather and the fact that his sister was also blaming him for not trying to adapt to the presence of their new father(struggle).

Due to Richard’s stubbornness, he was sent to Mordanger School, a boarding school for four long years that he did not like at all. He was being bullied in the school(struggle).. He wished to burn Mordanger to ‘ashes’ as to him, ‘there’s no meaner place on earth’ than this boarding school(struggle). When he returned to Old Harwick Hall, he could not get along with his wicked and loveless stepfather, Reverend Coldstone. Being ‘robbed of all his precious tokens’ from home (struggle), Richard made the decision to leave and become a cabin boy when ‘a great ship strains at the tide’. In the end, Richard decided to leave his mother, Charlotte and Mr. Coldstone.

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It was not easy for him to work as a child and finally made his way up to become the captain of the ship (struggle). This shows Richard’s struggle to improve his life and find happiness. Richard wrote in his diary that he worked in a ship. Whenever he wrote about Mr Coldstone, he referred to him as the ‘black bat’ and could not get over the hatred he felt towards him (struggle). Twice his ship stopped at his hometown and he visited his home only to stand like a trespasser. It had been a long time since Richard had been home. He did not return to see his mother or sister until he read a square print from Riddle & Flook which requested him to claim his ownership to Old Harwick Hall. He found out that his mother and stepfather had died. Charlotte wrote him a letter. In the letter, Charlotte wrote that things had been difficult as their mother spent a lot of money looking for him and they all suffered Mr Coldstone’s anger. Charlotte married Charles Devere at 15 although she did not love him because he had money and was willing to spend it to look for Richard. This would be the only letter from her.

In the story we can see that Richard’s struggles by running away proved to be fruitful in one way as he managed to become a ship captain ( good improvement), but in the end, he had caused the death of his beloved as they all died a tragic death – of a broken heart and childbirth. Other people had sacrificed their lives for Richard’s happiness in their struggle to find Richard. We can also conclude that Richard’s struggles did not improve his life for the better because after he knew of the tragic happenings during his absence, he felt so sad and was also broken hearted (no good improvement).


(In this novel, the character Colin also struggled to improve his life. For example, Colin was very miserable without the man he calls ‘dad’, Jack. Even though he loved his mother very much, he felt unhappy because his mother did not consult him before leaving Jack. In order to improve his life and regain his happiness, Colin decided search for Jack once he is old enough. In the past, he made many attempts such as posting a letter to their old flat. After that, Colin decided to save money to find Jack. He did three paper rounds and asked his mother to give him money instead of presents. He went to the skating rink to listen to Jack’s and his favourite song as well as talked to Jack for hours before he sleeps. Colin was truly struggling to regain his happiness, and by doing so, to improve his life.)