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1. How would you classify the genre of the film?As you can see we were able indicate the right genre to out main target audience as 94% of them were able to recognise it was of the thriller genre, which is positive feedback as that was one of our main objectives making sure they knew it was of the thriller genre , however 6 % were unable to do this and stated this it was a horror. This may be because of the story line as it has a bit of a sinister feel, maybe causing part of the audience ( not a lot) to think it is of the horror genre. However to make this clearer in the future maybe we could make our opening a lot more simple (cutting out any violence) so the viewers are still left with enigma questioning what is going on ? But ensuring they don’t get confused with the horror genre , which is easy to get mixed up.

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2.What age group do you feel this film would appeal to?

By 100% of the sample say that the age of 15 would appeal to this film the most, which is exactly what we thought when we rate it 15, therefore shows that we were extremely accurate with our rating. Also showing that we have anticipated all risks accurately when giving rating but also that we have analysed our target audience very successfully too

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3.What role do you think the male character plays in the film?

the male lead was meant to be the antagonist, as you can see most of our sample did recognise this (80%) however the rest had a confusion with him being the protagonist ( the person saving her) or the victim. We thought we made it clear by using the non diegetic music that was eary to reflect his personality and the close up and diegetic sound of the knife banging on the cutting board to portray his dangerous side to the audience. To make this more clearer next time I will include more shots like this in order to really emphasise to all the audience that he is the antagonist not the victim or protagonist.

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4. How effective do you feel the music is in conveying the genre?

We had great difficulty finding the right music to fit in with our opening, as we didn’t want anything to heavy as it would create and unrealistic amount of suspense for a opening. So eventually we came you with this piece that was slow but eary creating the perfect amount of suspense without it being to much. Our sample obvious agree with us as 100% of them believe that the music is effective in conveying the genre. Meaning that the music was successful as a element of attracting the audience overall. I personally feel that the music reflected the mans personality giving the audience a dangerous and sinister feel of him and creates them to sympathise with the girl more

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5. Do you think this is an effective opening title sequence? Overall 100% of the

sample of our target audience said that our thriller opening was effective meaning that we achieved our main aim , as we didn’t receive one negative piece of bad feed back therefore must enjoyed our opening a lot .

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6. Would you go and see this film in the cinema?The next question we asked our target audience is if they would watch this in the cinema. We got vey positive feedback as 100% of the sample said they would, meaning that we were 100% in attracting and addressing out target audience. Showing us that our research into our target audience was accurate, but also reflects on how much they truly enjoyed our opening and want to pay to watch on in the cinema.

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7)What kind of films do you usually watch at the cinema?

We asked what do they usually watch in the cinema. By doing this we are able to get an idea of what genre is the most popular. In this case it shows that comedy and thriller is in the lead. This is good as we stated before that in feel that teens and young adults ( out target audience would enjoy these films that most . This bar chart reflects on this. As well as this seeing that comedy is on par with thrillers can help us to see which genre is our biggest competition within attracting our target audience