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Product Work Log

Name Samantha Urban Date: 09/28/11

Product: Dental Hygiene Newsletter


August 28, 2011

6:00 PM-6:30

October 04, 2011



I interviewed Dr. Carl Russell, and

asked him questions about dental



I learned that ear wax could be used to

whiten teeth.

Mechanical toothbrushes are the best

kind of toothbrushes for his patients-

people with braces.

He said that it was proven that kids

that do not brush their teeth like they

should while they have braces take

longer to get their teeth aligned. He

said this was because instead of

worrying about moving their teeth,

they have to worry about gum disease,

and if gums are swollen then the teeth

cannot move and it is very painful.

I had heard before that apples help

clean your teeth and it’s almost like

brushing your teeth. And, Dr. Russell

is like a walking encyclopedia so I

asked him if that was true. He said yes,

apples are good for your teeth, but not

enough to do much good at all.


I interviewed Dr. Loos and asked him

some questions. Like Dr. Carl Russell,


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October 15, 2011


he is an orthodontist, and a he is my

personal orthodontist.


I talked to him about teeth whitening,

and he told me about the Zoom; which

is a florescent light that is shone on

teeth to bleach them. He told me a

story about a woman he advised to not

get her teeth whiter than the white part

of her eye, because it doesn’t look

natural if it looks whiter that your eyes.

He explained that the complementary

look makes it all look as organic as


Like Dr. Russell, he also advises his

patients to use mechanical

toothbrushes because it is able to get

in-between brackets and wires better.


I met up with Dr. Bayne for lunch to

interview him about his job, and ask

him questions about the effects of

tobacco products


I knew he had a lot of information

about it because he was my dad’s

dentist while he was chewing tobacco.

Dr. Bayne told me some of the

common side effects of tobacco

products such as mouth sores, cancers,

teeth staining-tar residue it leaves, and

gum tissue damage.

Smoking mostly affects the teeth by

staining them yellow and causing

mouth, larynx, and throat cancers. It

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October 16, 2011


also gives you very bad breath, and

wears the enamel off your teeth.

Chewing tobacco mainly affects the

gums and causes mouth sores to form.

This could lead to cancers of the

tongue, throat, or gums.


I organized all of my research and

interviews and started to write on the

topics I chose were best.


The first article I wrote was: “Sammi’s

Corner: My Personal Experiences With

Whitening Enhancements.” I wrote

about the good and the bad about

whitening treatments. The different

kinds of whitening treatments, and my

personal experiences with them.

The second article I wrote was:

“Electric Vs. Manual Toothbrushes.” I

wrote about the negatives and the

positives of both, and clarified that

neither one is better than the other.

Each serves different benefits and

different disadvantages.

The third article I wrote was: “The

Effects of Smoking and Chewing

Tobacco.” Tobacco products cause

mouth scores, cancers, gum tissue

damage, hairy tongue, staining of the

teeth, bad breath.

The fourth article I wrote was: “Foods

and Drinks that Stain Your Teeth.”

Mainly strong pigmented foods and

drinks, acidic drinks, and dark sauces

cause most staining of the teeth.

The Fifth article I wrote was: “What

Page 4: Samantha Urban's Product Work Logs

December 01, 2011


January 12, 2012


Kind of Toothpaste is Best for You?”

With this article I also conducted a

survey to see what kind of toothpaste

my peers use. Then I wrote about how

for the most part it doesn’t matter what

kind of toothpaste you use, because

most toothpastes are have the

ingredients that ADA recommends.

The last article I wrote was “Fun

Facts!” All of the stuff included in this

article is just random stuff that you

have probably never heard of just

crazy statistics.


After writing all of my articles I turned

them in Mr. Bradford and he edited

them for me. During the time I spent

with him he just went over some of the

suggestions he made on my articles.


I realized on a lot of my articles after

looking over some of the changes he

suggested that I repeat myself a lot and

I’m too wordy at times. He taught me

that there is a much easier way to word

things if I just slow down and write

more clear so that the audience can



Before Christmas Break I turned in my

revised articles for him to edit again for

me. During this time we went back

over the articles and he made some

more suggestions.

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March 03, 2012



Bradford said that I did much better

the second time around. I just made

some grammatical errors that needed

to be corrected, but other than that I

was ready to start designing my



I made all of the little changes to my

articles and then I was ready to put

them into my newsletter.


First I used publisher to create the

newsletter and I selected the template I

wanted to use. It took me a long time

to get all of the artless and pictures to

fit nit just right, but in the end it all

worked out. The biggest problem I ran

into was making sure the font was big

enough for people to read, but still

keep my entire article on the page.

Then, I had some technical difficulties

and all of my articles got erased form

it. So I had to start completely over

with it. It didn’t take me as long the

second time because by then I got the

hang of it, but it was still difficult

embedding all of the pictures and

making the whole article look perfect.